Chapter 1B - Propositions and Truth Values A proposition is a set of statements that make a distinct assertion or denial (which may be true or false) and must be in the form of a complete sentence. Any proposition has two possible values True (T) or False (F). The negation of a proposition p is the proposition (denoted ∼ p) that makes the opposite of p. A Truth Table is a table with a row for each possible set of truth values for the proposition being considered. Negation, ∼ (Not) AND, ∧, (Conjunction) (only true if both p and q are true) OR, ∨, (Disjunction) (Inclusive either or both) (Exclusive one or the other but not both) In Logic assume Inclusive (always true unless both p and q are false) IF ... THEN , statements (Conditionals) (Conditional is true unless p is true and q is false) Name Form Conditional if p, then q Converse if q, then p Inverse if ∼ p, then ∼ q Contrapositive if ∼ q, then ∼ p p ∼p T F F T p q p and q T T F F T F T F T F F F p q p or q T T F F T F T F T T T F p q if p, then q T T F F T F T F T F T T Two statements are Logically Equivalent if the have the same truth values, i.e., one is true if and only if the other is true. The conditional and contrapositive are logically equivalent and the Converse and Inverse are logically equivalent.