Commonalities between The Chilterns and Love’s Farewell Both show romantic relationships o Both relationships are similar because they are both coming to an end and the man is ending the relationship in both poems. “And I shall find some girl perhaps and a better one than you” and “Come let us kiss and part” show this. Both poems use rhyme and rhythm. Both narrators use personification. o Both personify love “Even Love goes past” and “love’s latest breath” show this. Neither of the narrators are sure about the decisions they are making. o Drayton appears to be glad about the end of the relationship when he says “I am glad, yea, glad with all my heart” but he actually is not. At the end of the poem in the rhyming couplet there are hints of recovery for the relationship “From death to life tho might’st yet recover.” o Brooke thinks the countryside is more important to him but he uses negative words to describe it. “The slumbering midland plain.” Shows us that Brooke does not actually care about the countryside and he cares more about relationships. Main Similarity – Both writers find out that love means more to them than they actually made out o Drayton shows this in the rhyming couplet o Brooke shows this by using positive language when describing his lover.