See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Field Theory of Planar Helix Traveling-Wave Tube Article in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques · January 1983 DOI: 10.1109/TMTT.1983.1131432 CITATIONS READS 22 254 3 authors: Devi Chadha Sheel Aditya Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Nanyang Technological University 52 PUBLICATIONS 174 CITATIONS 235 PUBLICATIONS 1,721 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE R.K. Arora Florida State University 47 PUBLICATIONS 330 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: RF&Microwave Measurement View project Development of Microfabricated Travelling-wave Tube Amplifers (TWTAs) at Ka-band (Office for space technology and industry) View project All content following this page was uploaded by Sheel Aditya on 25 December 2014. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE 5) The feasibility when adipose large lateral radiators tioned, At dimensions the applicator 915 MHz with would frequency. of 433 MHz, These results from statements because with and pork than these values depth, thus losing the required system, like, for instance, affect blood only frequency by surface cooling and heat of the various to occur flow. for However, depth to the interior. systems should remain the in oioo of a living it is assumed that penetration effects of the blood conduction by experi- Fig. 1. The planar traveling-wave y“-directions of conduction 0 —helix angle. of the used stream and heat The principal Field theory presence is applied to anafyze of a flat electron indicate the presence attenuation are shown for current of three constant, [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] A W. Guy, J. F. Lehmarm, and J. B. Stonebndge “Therapeutic applications of electromagnetic power, Proc. IEEE, vol. 62, pp. 55-75, 1974. J. W. 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URSI Symp, (Electromagnetic Waoes and Bmkrgp) (Jouy-en-Josas), pp. 241-247, 1980. modes, a typicaf proposed Abstract —A as a slow-wave constitute Traveling-Wave structure conducting a planar helix. for application one mode having TWT. Also. a negative TWT. the effect Curves of beam The planar TWT considered of UC screens (Fig. tion. As shown, directions the y-axis. cally located beam the top An by a distance the beam screens of thickness extent the structure the wave in regions here will consists of a pair 2a in the x-direc- be applicable conduct make angles 0 and the two screens. Both to be of infinite not disturb bottom respectively, electron out in [5], limiting will and which, between are assumed here for analysis 1) separated y’ and y“ with CONFIGURATION in – O 2 b is symmetri- the screens and the in the y-direction. in the transverse remote from As direc- the ends, to a structure several wavelengths wide. A practicaf structure can be terminated in the y-direction by closing the “helix” by conducting wires. The beam Tube current density z-component. SHEEL ADITYA, MEMBER,IEEE,AND K. ARORA, SENIORMEMBER,IEEE pair of unirfirectiottafly directions, planar in the INTRODUCTION II. by means applied different with helix the two screens. Remdts The analysis of a helix-type traveling-wave tube (TWT) has been carried out by Pierce [1], Chu and Jackson [2], and others [3], [4]. In a TWT, a slow-wave structure such as a helix or coupled cavity is used to slow down the electromagnetic wave to the velocity of the electron beam so that a strong interaction between the two can take place. A slow-wave structure in planar geomet~, consisting of a pair of parallel unidirectionally conducting (UC) screens conducting in different directions and separated by some distance, has been studied by Arora [5], Aditya [6], and Aditya and Arora [7]. It appears that this planar slow-wave structure can be used in a TWT. In view of this, a planar helical TWT is analyzed in the present text, Field equations are derived and the modaf solution of the problem is obtained. The variation of the complex propagation constants of different modes with beam voltage is studied. tion DEVI CHADHA, RAJENDIb4 of the planar between as in the case of the usuaf helix-type and results obtained of Planar Helix .v’ and is indicated. pointed Field Theory of propagation; UC screens, resPectiveI~ unchanged. WFEfLf3NCES [2] the behavior beans present 1, [1] tube: z —duection of top and bottom tissue. Deviations of the dynamics the effective I are valid applicator fair accuracy adipose are likely of the presence this could features would of 14 cm The same remarks have been checked the above convection, depth smaller where men- be 30 cm. ments using muscle phantom situation, or three diameter to a penetration dimensions two 5 cm at 2450 MHz. decrease of penetration of the lower the frequency diameter only fat, the applicator the applicator result in a rapid realistic Because of the size. As already size is approximately and irradiating the benefits to be only is irradiated. reasonable 13 cm (corresponding [1]). Making would appears cancer) of the applicators, can be grouped be about for of a focaf point tissue (breast 73 AND TECHNIQUES, VOL. 31, NO. 1, JANUARY 1983 THEORY is constant In practice, of the focusing over the cross section this assumption action and has onlly a is very nearly of a strong realized dc magnetic field in the z-direction. screens, conducting in III. The planar helix is proposed in a traveling-wave tube (’ITVT). The boundary present. Manuscnpt recewed March 29, 1982; revised August 4, 1982. The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Technology, Harrz Khas, New Delhi, 1I 0016, India. Indian WAVE EQUATIONS AND ELECTRON DYNAMICS and are constant equations 0018-9480/83/0100-0073$01.00 conditions require both TE and TM modes to be If the fields are assumed to be varying in the y-direction, can be written 01983 IEEE as exp (jut – ~z), i.e., ~/ dy = O, then the field in the following form. 74 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, x 4 For the TE mode rEy + japoHX rHx+(dH:/dx)+ ,UC – ~ L__-- ____-----T___ \ (2) r = a + j/3 is the propagation and .TZis the z-component from the field presence equations that constant ilong of the current the TE mode the z-direc- density. For the transverse-symmetric nents in the different by the B1eu(x- H = b)~B2e-u(-’ x<b x>a { Nsinhux, u~=–rz–k; by the following 1) Tangential components 2) Tangential k; However, of current components changes into The With the help of the z L/ —Jz of electric and magnetic field are of electric field are continuous at (4) = O. field above acteristic components are continuous boundary equation are zero and the magnetic field along y’ at x = a. conditions result in the following for the transverse-symmetric char- modes: J(JC~ continuity and force equations for between .T2and E, can be obtained charges, the relationship components 3) Electric because of the presence of the and the wave equation #Ez —–UZE. 8.X2 These coefficients conditions: x=a; = U2/.Loco. the TM mode is affected z-component coefficients. boundary at x = b; continuous and (9) x<a where A, B,, B2, etc., are constant are related (8) b<x<a -b), Me-.(x-a) , (3) compo- in the form Csinhpx, and is given as where the longitudinal can be expressed x>a ( E, = for it remains 82H, –uzH=o p: modes, regions ~e-u(x-a) It is seen is unaffected of the beam and hence the wave equation unchanged U C Screen Fig. 2. Configuration considered for theoretical analysis, The structure is of infirute extent in .v- and z-directions. The top and bottom UC screens conduct in dmectlons making angles 8 and — @,respectively, with the v-axis. + jmpoHY=O tion, Screen (1) ~Hy– jwcOEX=O where 1983 jotoEy=o mode –~Ex 1, JANUARY = O 13EY — + jupOHz = O. ax For the TM 31, NO. VOL. ~cothpb+tanhu(a-b) k; the (l+tanhua)tan20=~ 1+ u. [1] as l+~cothpbtanh u(a-b) 1 I (10) (5) For In (5), C$ = pOe/m CO and i?,= U/OO, where PO is the average charge density, e/m is the charge-to-mass and on is the average value the wave equation f& of electron the TM ratio velocity. transverse-antisymmetric modes, of the electron, Thus using (5), the characteristic equation is 1+ u l+~tanhpbtanh u mode becomes 1 ‘tanhpb+tanhu(a-b) k; (l+cothua)tan20=7 [ u(a-b) (6) (11) Only where the transverse-antisymmetnc present P’=-(r’+ +(:)’(+)’” context axis. Solution (7) propagating BOUND.ARY CONDITIONS AND CHARACTERISTIC As EQUATION Fig. 2 shows the structure in cross section. The symmetry about the plane x = O suggests the generaf solution to be separable (even) and 2) trans- components dinal components the latter that only analysis. 1) transverse-symmetric (odd). In the former are symmetrical type, the transverse respect to x, while E, and H, are antisymmetrical. type of modes, one half with the opposite of the structure the interaction two types of modes: verse-antisymmetric in of (10) and (11) gives the various into field the longitu- need be considered electromagnetic normal imaginary in are plotted parameters. in the a circular those in the beam of electrons In forward of and in the E, along the possible In order helix, the When DRIFT TWT modes is close presence of In Figs. facilitate parameters the difference is a strong 3 breaks and for Fig. between 4, for beam, the the chosen phase the three real three different with 4 are when of the up into the two comparison in wave velocity an electron constant of beam voltage to there to the phase in the structure modes. VELOCITY [2], the electromagnetic of the propagation as functions [2]. the of propagation parts WITH a helix-type wave. mode independent VARIATION of velocity ensures Similarly, is true. Symmetry MODE case between the drift are of interest in the structure. V. IV. modes since only these modes have nonzero and modes sets of the case of similar to velocity of IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, ,req” .:075 75 31, NO. 1, JANUARY 1983 VOL. : ,0(3,, mm, b/. :os 0:5” 0 0s 006 /—/r- ‘/ .:/ /“,2 15000. ‘1, , “’”,& 0 OL 2600 002 3000 ~3400 / ‘\ / .00L ‘. I I 00 .=-’ I I 2500 2100 I 1 2703 2900 j 7 -008 -002 -012 I ! 230 21p : / .0 OL 1 -006 21 -008 I [ (a) 25t 19 I 13 11 L1l’ 1400 1800 2600 2200 3000 17 -L 3400 2s00 ,,s~ I 8EAM VOLTAGE(volts) — (b) 1700 Fig, 3. (a) Attenuation constant and (b) phase constant versus beam voltage for b/a = 0.5, a = 0.75 mm, frequency= 10.0 GHz, O = 5°, for three different vatues of beam density, .70= 350 A/mz, Jo = 3500 A/mz, and Jo = 35000 A/mz. have constants no velocity, electromagnetic tion constants constant when with amplification; (~,, &, it is close to the phase The mode with as it advances the increase amplification mum attainable the propagation ~3 ). Over a firrite range of along VI. resulting NUMERICAL cal structure for a structure the order the velocity for comparison, of a helix-type at the input. order modes to be equally In TWT general, TWT OF GAIN An attempt the propagation be other modes all of 31831 A/m2, the maximum attainable that the for TWT constant the structure electromagnetic for application microwave TWT. in TWT, integrated The char- as a function is capable wave. the circular-helix helix could be applications. The amplification The planar with circuits of of providing structure advantages and of ease of REFERENCES [8]. [3] For is 11.5 fabrication. [1] [2] wavelengths. set of parameters is is given as in of well with there in the three forward of tube compares show with gtin =‘9”54+54”575 ()E ‘dB N is the length depicting voltage compatibility power Fig. 4. It in the case , CONCLUSIONS acteristics of gain in a practi- and the input from has been made to show that a planar promise will as derived for a corresponding sthctnre amplification TWT calculation, long, that the gain obtained used as a slow-wave thus holds In the present are neglected distributed The gain of the planar density 1 2900 — dB [2]. range over mode in the planar of magnitude ten wavelengths may be noted, VII. and so does the maxi- FOR THE ORDER can be calculated. also present these higher EXAMPLE of the increasing has been established, where ] in amplification. Once the presence taken 2500 (volts (b) beam modes VOLTAGE Fig. 4, (a) Attenuation constant and (b) phase constant versus beam voltage for b/a = 0.2, a = 5 mm, frequency = 1.875 GHz, 8 = 5°, for three different vrdues of beam density, Jo = 318.3 A/mz, Jo = 3183 A/mz, and Jo = 31 830 A/mz. attenuation the structure, increases of the propaga- parts but equal the negative of beam current, cart occur velocity have complex the same value of imaginary real parts. increases gain. With or imaginary wave, two of the modes and opposite which attenuation are purely electron 2300 BEAM and the drift velocity of electrons is large, the three the wave modes I 2100 1’300 a current gain is 12 dB [4] [5] J. R. Pierce, Traoelling- Waoe Tube. New York: Van Nostrand, 1950. L. J. Chu and J. D. Jackson, “Field theory of traveling-wave tubes,” F’roc. IRE, VOI. 36, pp. 853-863, kdy 194$ “The traveting-wave-tube as amplifier at microwaves,” R. Kompfner, PrW, IRE, VO1. 35, pp. 124-128, Feb. 1947., M, Chodorow and N. J. Nalos, “The design of higt-power traveting-wave tubes,” Proc. IRE., vol. 44, pp. 649:659, May 1956. R. K. kora, “Surface wave &r a pair of parallel unidirectionally conduct- , 76 [6] [7] [8] IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE mg screens,” IEEE Trans Antennas Propagat., vol. AP- 14, pp. 795–797, NOV. 1966 S. Adltya, “Studies of a planar helrcal slow-wave structure,” Ph.D. dissertation, Indian Institute of Technology Dellu, India, 1979 S Aditya aud R K. Arora, “Guided waves on a plarmr helix,” IEEE pp 860-863, Ott 1979 Trans. MKrowuoe Theory Tech., vol MIT-27, R E Collin, Foundations for Mzcrowave Enemeermz. New York, McGraw-Hall, 1966. THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, 31, NO. 1, JANUARY VOL. 1983 (n w u ~ 0 +“ + ~ % Choosing Line Lengths for Calibrating Analyzers : < g Network I — OPERATING FREQUENCY RANGE —1 I f2 o CLETUS A. HOER, MEMBER.IEEE o f, f, - fz FREQUENCY ,Osfract —Equations, examples, best length for a precision for calibrating about a network and a table are given to help choose the transmission analyzer. line which is used in some methods One line will cover a frequency range of 10:1. Two lines will cover a range of about 65:1. I. INTRODUCTION Some techniques for calibrating a network analyzer use a length of precision transmission line as the standard. Examples of such techniques are the “thru-reflect-line” “thru-short-delay” length technique [2]–[5]. of line as the standard be too near multiples characterizing electrical length problem electrical One problem is that its electncaf analyzer of 90 °+1800nz length methods technique of 180”, or the solution the network Another Three Flg 1 Phase shift through a single transmission lme designed to cover the frequency range ~1 to j’l. The optimum length is that which gwes a phase skft of 180° at ~1 + ~:. is that becomes is ideal, the physical [1] and the with length using a must not for the constants ill-conditioned. where length An rn =0,1,2... of a line This is also the effective shift at broken f, into two intermediate ranges, frequency. fz /f, = f, /f I = ~. chosen as described calculated from isless’than 180° may be too short to be practical. of choosing the line lengths (3) for ~z. If ~,i~l electrical performance one or two longer length absolute phase shift difference between through ~1 + be the same at both ~1 and f2, provide range f2, as shown is defined phase shift effective be from ~1 to frequently operating the line the actual of 0° or 180°, then the minimum line will analyzer the whole is 180° at the frequency 1. If the effective to ~ and f, practicaf choice the smaller through if its is the of the coaxiaf an air-dielectric frequency in some that then all be equaf be extended to length Then 1 calculated one must from use either below. phase shifts the for coaxial frequencies be equally at is derived frequencies distance having from multi- spaced a distance changes in phase, Ar#J, from Af (1) will Aq=121Af, If the line length line operation to avoid associated spaced minimum The corresponding to use a longer although of 180°. In this section equally are a specified be 90° transmission range, must be excluded choosing Let the calibration apart. frequency too near multiples an expression ples of 180°. and the closer wide be (4) or the frequencies are chosen as shown in Fig. (1) For the phase shift (5) gigahertz and I is the length to be 180° at ~1 + f2, the in length ~= f,+f, from 0° and 180°, then the effective cies of measurement line must be the phase shifts 15 for cm’ (2) in (1), the phase shift fin ‘fl = 1 + (2) gigahertz. f2/f , from 180 °=2@m1n+n ?r=o, A@, A+ from (6) (5) and (6) leads to 90 +~,~ is restricted Eliminating Ar#I from (7) to values of 90°, 45°, 22.5°, 18°, etc. (4) and (5) gives (8) CO 80303 001 8-9480/83/0100-0076$01 1,2, . . . r#— mm=~+n. Thus Mamrscrlpt rccelved April 30, 1982; revmed August ’23.1982 The author N with the National Bureau of Standards, Boulder, at all frequen- than ~ml~. Adding 0° to 180° in Fig. 2(a) gives (3) deg. phase shifts will be equal to or greater where n = 4 in Fig. 2(a). Eliminating at ~1 is 180 View publication stats is 2(a) so that the phase skufts nearest to 0° and 180° are a distance centimeters. Using f, is such ONE LONG LINE bands of frequencies as the phase shift through and the phase will certain phase angles which @=12 fldeg f the physical to the above, it is possible an arbitrarily in Fig. line is [6] where phase to ~z may be where for f, ranges will to be practical. at the center of the band. The phase shift f2, to This idea can obviously lines as discussed As an alternative 10, one line will over f, toavoidtheseprob- SHORT LINES is less than about satisfactory f, III. range of the network the effective range A frequencies, (2) may be too small over Let the frequency f2. If more than two ranges. lems are given in this short paper. II. at the frequency If the line lengths for each range are above, the phase angles at f 1, f,, ~d fz and as large as possible. At the higher whose phase shift and f2 is too small, .00 Q1983 IEEE