Writing a Dialogue Things to remember: 1. There are two types of dialogues: a) FORMAL b) INFORMAL Exercise: Place the following words correctly in the blank spaces. SLANG FRIENDLY EVERYDAY POLITE GRAMMAR A FORMAL dialogue is a ____________________ conversation. This may occur between people who do not know each other. The use of language should have the correct __________________. Use of __________________ should be avoided. An INFORMAL dialogue is a ____________________ conversation. This can occur between friends and family. __________________ language can be used. FORMAT: 1. 2. 3. A dialogue looks similar (almost the same) to the text of a play. It includes the names or titles of the characters who are speaking to each other. First write the name of the character who is speaking followed by a colon. e.g. Sihle: The mood, emotions, body language and tone of voice can be included in brackets. e.g. Sihle: (Sad) Follow with the speech of the character using the correct grammar. e.g. 4. Sihle: (Sad) Hello Nomsa. I wanted to call you but my cell phone was stolen. Use a new line to indicate each speaker. e.g. Sihle: (Sad) Hello Nomsa. I wanted to call you but my cell phone was stolen. Nomsa: (Sympathetic) I’m so sorry to hear that Sihle. I hope you replace it soon. HINT: ‘I’m’ is a CONTRACTION. This means that two words are joined together to form one. This is an example of INFORMAL conversation or EVERYDAY language. In a FORMAL dialogue the use of contractions should be avoided. E.g., ‘I am’ should be used. 5. Plan the conversation in your imagination before you write it down. REMEMBER TO ALWAYS STICK TO THE TOPIC OF THE DIALOGUE. Always take note of: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. SETTING – Where is the conversation taking place? FORMAT – The name / title of the character speaking, followed by a colon, using a new line for each speaker. DIRECTIONS – In what manner are the words spoken? PUNCTUATION – Is the language meant to be FORMAL or INFORMAL? CONCLUSION – Always end the conversation in a manner that suits the theme or topic. FORMAL ASSESSMENT: Your parent/ guardian has been offered a new job in a different town. He/ she is uncertain whether to accept it or not. You decide to convince them to take up the challenge. Write a dialogue of 120 to 140 words of the conversation that takes place. [30 marks]