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Writing a Problem Statement

Writing a Problem Statement: 10 Effective
A problem statement is basically a statement that illustrates a clear vision and the overall
method that will be used to solve the problem at hand. Usually used when doing research, a
problem statement discusses any foreseeable tangible or intangible problems that the
researcher may face throughout the course of the project. These tips will help take the mystery
out of how to write a problem statement.
1. Clarify the Vision
Before you can decide how to solve a problem, you must first know what you are trying to
accomplish. That's why it's important to write out your vision statement. This statement
represents what you hope to accomplish by solving the problem. By writing out the vision,
you'll be able to verify if the steps you are taking will help you make progress toward the
vision and tell if your problem-solving efforts were successful. Be sure to include the benefit
of solving the problem. Take the time to write a clear and concise vision statement specific to
the problem you are seeking to solve. You may want to review some examples of strong
vision statements.
2. Define the Problem
Writing a vision statement is important, but it is more focused on what happens after the
problem is solved than the problem itself. That's why it's also important to clearly define the
problem itself by writing an issue statement. This should be a succinct statement that (a)
describes the problem and (b) specifies why solving the problem is important. After all, you
can't solve a problem if you're not sure what it really is. This brief statement simply describes
the problems that you are encountering and specific issues related to the problem. It should
only be a few sentences long.
3. Determine the Context
Consider and clearly define contextual concerns regarding the problem. For a business-related
problem, consider if it impacts multiple divisions or functions within the organization or only
certain product lines. For personal issues, does the problem impact day-to-day life, or does it
only occasionally present a challenge? Also consider if there are special circumstances under
which the problem seems to worsen or lessen, as well as what previous attempts have been
made to resolve the problem. This information will all play a role in deciding how to move
4. Identify the Impact
Consider how widespread or significant the problem is. Is the problem keeping you or the
company from generating revenue or competing effectively? Such problems likely have the
potential to cause greater impact than problems that don't directly impact income. But, money
is not the only consideration. The scope of impact is also important. Will only a few
customers or employees be impacted, or will the problem impact that affects multiple
stakeholder groups. The broader the impact, the more important it is to swiftly solve the
5. Make a Business Case
Every problem statement should be written in a persuasive manner, such that it would
convince decision-makers (even if you're the sole decision-maker!) of the need to address the
problem. Pulling together information about the context and impact of the problem will allow
you to build a rationale for taking action. This is often referred to as making a business case
for action. Depending on the topic, it may need to include facts, statistics, emotional appeals,
or other rhetorical tools. You'll want to focus on why action needs to be taken, as well as the
likely result of failing to take action.
6. Identify the Gap
Once you have a clearly defined the problem and vision and have made a business case for
why it's important to address the problem, it's time to move forward. The next step in crafting
a problem statement is to identify the gap between the current situation (the problem) and the
future that you seek (the vision). The ultimate goal of problem-solving is to close this gap.
When you know exactly what needs to be rectified in order to move from where you are now
to the desired vision, then you'll be ready to come up with meaningful strategies that can
make a difference.
7. Explain the Causes
Once you know what the gap is, you'll need to do some research to explain the causes for the
gap. This will provide insights into what factors need to be addressed in order to close the
gap. Are employees absent from work too much? You'll need to figure out what is causing
excessive absenteeism before you can propose a solution designed to help solve employee
absenteeism. At this stage, you may be speculating on causes, so you may want to include a
list of potential causes that need to be explored before deciding how to move forward with
solving the problem.
8. Select a Problem Solving Method
Writing out the method that you plan to use to solve the problem is a crucial part of writing
out your problem statement. It is through your method that you convey the steps that you will
take in solving the problem. This is very important, as the decision-makers will want to see
that you're just as concerned with solving the problem as you are with pointing out what's
wrong and how to fix it. So, a thorough problem statement includes some details on exactly
how you propose to solve the problem.
9. Describe Next Steps
At this point, all of the information has been pulled together, so the next step is to describe
how you plan to move forward toward solving the problem. Explain what comes next. Will
extensive primary or secondary research be required? Do you need to pull together a
committee to brainstorm for potential solutions? What resources will you need? Detail if
you'll need money, a location to work, software applications, personnel, or any other
resources. Include a timetable that includes when it would be feasible to begin and how long it
might take to active problem resolution.
10. Review the 5 Ws (and an H)
Next, review and verify your work. Think back to grade school and you will recall how your
English teacher probably taught you about the five Ws (who, what, where, when, and why).
These are questions that need to be answered when writing a problem statement. Before
finalizing your problem statement, be sure you have incorporated the five Ws in your work.
Then, make sure you've also included an important "h" as well (how). The problem statement
should appropriately address each of the following items.
Who does the problem affect?
What would the outcome be if the problem was not solved?
Where is the problem taking place?
When does the problem need to be fixed?
Why is it important for the problem to be fixed?
How many people are affected by this problem?
Once you verify that the problem statement addresses these questions, you should have a
pretty well-rounded problem statement. Make a few drafts until the problem statement is as
polished as possible, being sure to proofread your work very carefully.
Key Benefits of Writing a Problem Statement
Writing a statement of the problem can help you focus your research and create a more
cohesive and guided project. Knowing how to write a problem statement can help you remain
focused on the specific issue under consideration. This can help you ultimately achieve better
results and prevent you from wasting time pursuing unnecessary avenues or taking a detour
from your main goal. Applying these tips for writing a problem statement can help you not
just with the statement itself, but with the project as a whole. Take the time to review
these effective problem statement examples for inspiration. Then, you should be ready to
Mary Gormandy White
Staff Writer