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Consumer Behavior in Event Marketing: A Literature Review

This Literature Review analyses the effect of Consumer Behaviour on event marketing
planning, using theories from ‘’The Influence of Social Norms in Consumer Behavior: A
Meta-Analysis’’ and ’’Research frontiers on the dark side of consumer behaviour: The case
of materialism and compulsive buying’’
Consumer behaviour is the study that consumers display in searching for, purchasing, using,
evaluating, and disposing of products and services (Schiffman, 2007). It is learning the psychology,
economics, sociology. anthropology and neuroscience of a consumer (Blythe, 2013) to find out a
specific demographic to target. Furthermore through out this essay the importance of consumer
behaviour to event market planning will be reviewed and critiqued in addition to finding out if
identifying and researching the target audience is important and would it add as an asset or liability
when it comes to selling the event experience within the marketing plan. The effects of consumer
behaviour such as the social norms, materialism and celebrity influence amongst others will be
reviewed through out this essay as well as be
Blythe, J (2013) Consumer Behaviour 2nd Edition, LA, USA; Thomson
Schiffman, L., Hansen H. and Kanuk L. (2007) “Consumer Behaviour: A European Outlook”,
London: Pearson Education