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HD Creation - Part 9

A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation Part IX: On the True Nature of the Holographic
Programs of Reality
By Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D.
A brief account of consciousness or sentience, as it pertains to the
cosmos as the body of our Prime Creator, is presented. It is said that we
experience life as a way of pre-conceived programs of reality that
initially occurred in the divine mind of God. In this respect, this institutes
the ͚First Cause͛ of creation. It is further clarified that we pre-choose
from the menu of such provided programs of reality, which are
projected as frequencial waves of possibilities, prior to our incarnation
or ͚jacking in͛ within this Omni earth. And, the crux of the whole affairs,
what we refer to as ͚life,͛ is to obtain spiritual education via
experimenting in space-time, culminating in consciousness expansion.
Thus, we are co-creators performing our roles as consciousness
generators within the cosmos. And, this constitutes the ͚Second Cause͛
of creation. It is emphasized that entertaining any notion of ͞Darwinian
Theory of Natural Selection͟ in playing a role in our consciousness
evolution as beings of light is totally ludicrous, if not impious and
offensive. It is elucidated that, in essence, we are all actors on this play
of life, following a script that was initially pre-selected or devised by our
HIGHERSELVES residing in the higher dimensional consciousness for the
good of all, and that now we are privy to exercise the power of realtime improvisation. However, it is suggested that we should exercise
͚letting go͛ as a butterfly by ͚allowing͛ these programs of reality to take
their precedence as originally intended that would effect achieving our
optimal goal in this lifetime, which is achieving spiritual education.
Furthermore, it is clarified that we possess an inherent capability, call it
the 6th sense, which is the power of intuition that originates from
beyond this space-time, to guide or enlighten us, and serve as a means
for us to stay ͚attuned͛ with our HIGHERSELF. And, it is prudent that we
leave this line of communication open that operates via
hypercommunication to stay afloat of our mission in this life. In this
respect, it is explicated that physicality is actually what is illusory or not
real because as beings of light we mostly thrive beyond time and space
in higher dimensions, what is dubbed as our ͚ethereal͛ or ͚angelic͛ state.
Thus, futile fascination with physicality and ͚things͛ is absurd as they all
function as ͚props͛ or ͚back drops͛ in this play of life, enabling the
process of experimentation with space-time. It is also explicated that we
all come to incarnate in this timeline to play a role in each other͛s lives
facilitating the process our spiritual education. Thus, it is sensible to
abstain from ͚judging͛ one another as we are all fulfilling a role that,
although it may now be viewed as being a friend or a foe, yet is
purposeful and pre-designed upon mutual agreement prior to our
incarnation in this University of Duality. Therefore, Carpe Diem, ͚live and
let live.͛ Moreover, it is indicated that the question of pedigree, race,
heritage, history, and such is nothing but an illusion as we commonly
incarnate time after time irrespective of the timeline chosen for the sole
purpose of experimenting with the frequencies made available to us via
our programs of reality. In particular, it is wise that we remain
independent, refraining from gaining co-dependency, and exercise full
sovereignty, as all who we incarnate with have no ͚blood͛ relationship
to us or such, other than being fellow light siblings who we are
intimately entangled with in a quantum manner, and who are bound by
the same DIVINE ORDER originated by our Prime Creator.
God, Consciousness, Creation, and Sentience
Nothing exists but God [1].
God is the original omnipotent SOURCE of pure consciousness.
God thrives as light [2].
This light is o p ised of the ada a ti e o akash pa ti les of
o s ious ess that e efe to as the God particles.
God is the original giver of consciousness [3].
As sentient beings [4-5], we exist as companions of God, brought
into existence upon the self-implosion of God.
God thrives in each and every one of us, the constituent parts of
God, through the advent of God particles that gives us our
God is the Prime Creator.
As companions or constituents of God, we fulfil our role as cocreators.
ALL THAT EXISTS is conceived in the divine mind of God.
ALL THAT THERE IS transpires as the result of the pure consciousness
of God.
It all comes to be as a result of projection of light [6-7].
Light is stroboscopic in nature.
It fli ke s o a d off [8-9].
As a result, it has an oscillational (on-off) or a vibrational nature [1011].
Light projects as waves of conscious energy coded in the form of
signals that have a wide range of frequencies.
These frequencies epitomize the nature of all things.
Every object, every entity, has its own inherent natural frequency
 Events are projected as programs of reality in the form of signals
 Every event has a probability of occurrence described through
definition of a wave function.
 There are two aspects of light physics: space and time [15-16].
 Both are interrelated, one represents the inverse of the other.
 Space provides a means for separation, of God imploding upon itself
to form constituents as sentient beings of light.
 Space provides a venue for projection of light onto a surface for
 As the projection of light stems from a single concentrated point that
epitomizes the heart of God (the SOURCE), space is curved and
wraps around the SOURCE.
 Space may be envisioned as the surface of a sphere distributed
uniformly and isotropically and homogeneously about the SOURCE
 Thus, one can describe the position of a sentient being around the
SOURCE in terms of the definition of a rectilinear position vector
stretching from the SOURCE to the entity.
 As events, such as the movement of an entity, insinuate dynamism,
one has to define another closely related concept of light physics
that represents such vitality.
 This phe o e o is efe ed to as time, hi h is closely
interrelated with consciousness.
 Generally speaking, a higher conscious source exhibits more vitality
or has a higher degree of dynamism, giving rise to sensing a faster
progression of time.
 Note that this nature of time is totally distinct from what we have
come to identify as time in 3-D.
 Here, we refer to the phe o e o of linear ti e si pl as ti e.
 It has to do with the infinitesimal progression of time that gives the
illusional impression of the past, present and future.
 If we discretize time into units, this means that the perception of an
e e t t a spi i g depe ds o the le gth of the i te al of ti e
involved, giving rise to the extent of consciousness or awareness.
 In particular, this means the smaller is the length of such an interval
of time, the faster is the perception of the event occurring, giving
rise to a higher state of consciousness.
 So, ultimately, the extent of consciousness depends on how fast the
time progresses ithi a di e sio of consciousness [19].
 And, the speed by which an event transpires, is inversely
proportional to the aforementioned time interval in question.
 Thus, e a defi e a pa a ete efe ed to as the frequency,
which is equivalent to the inverse of the said time interval.
 And, in this respect, frequency characterizes the quality of the
projection of light or the nature of the wave signal in question as to
i stigate a e e t s o u e e [20].
 Thus, consciousness may be quantified through definition of this
parameter of frequency.
 Basically, the larger is frequency, the higher is the extent of
 Similarly, consciousness is inversely proportional to time or directly
proportion to the speed of progression of time.
 In this respect, it is clear that frequency defines the speed of time
 Thus, space and time are intimately interrelated, namely, the
propensity to one diminishes the extent of the other.
 In other words, a shorter interval of time (faster speed of time)
insinuates a vaster amount of space being covered.
 Due to the inevitable connection of space and time and the nature of
their interrelation, it makes sense to speak of a single overall
o ept, du ed as the spa e-ti e, to ha a te ize the light ph si s
 We defi e di e sio al spa e-time as to characterize the domicile
continuum of an entity with respect to its vicinity to the SOURCE,
and thus, its extent of consciousness.
 Thus, the smaller is the radius of the dimensional spherical surface
layer depicting its position with respect to the SOURCE, the higher is
its state of consciousness.
 Also, it follows that as we move away from the SOURCE (higher
radius), the extent of consciousness diminishes.
 Alternatively, the radius of a given spherical surface (space-time
la e o di e sio ) typifies time in these respects:
 1. The line of action of the radius and its magnitude characterizes
 Thus, time can be described by the rectilinear vector of radius at any
point describing the position of the entity with respect to the
 2. Overall, time may be described by a curvilinear vector that
changes direction with respect to the angle of position with respect
to the SOURCE.
 3. The curvilinear vector of time is always perpendicular to the
rectilinear position vector of space that is defined by a tangent to the
 It is obvious that by virtue of the fact that the path depicting space is
always normal to the radius (portraying time), space and time are
mutually perpendicular to one another.
 4. Changing the radius (moving in time) describes accessing different
dimensions of space-time layers.
 This is efe ed to as
ti e t a el.
o i gi
innerspace, that is s o
ous ith
We are Co-creators and the Projectors of the God’s Programs of
Mankind is, indeed, a co-creator.
Co-creation institutes the Second Cause.
Creation is the First Cause established by the SOURCE of our
consciousness, the Prime Creator.
Creation, refers to a certain venue by which EVERYTHING and EVERY
EVENT exists in the form of probabilities that may be mathematically
defi ed a wave function.
EVERYTHING that exists has a characteristic natural frequency of
vibration triggered and manifested by consciousness [21].
And, probabilities exist as waves of energies, as signals, which may
be communicated with when the natural frequency of consciousness
of a co-creator matches the frequency of the signal in question.
This is in concert with the Principle of Resonance that states that
when the frequency of two sources, being entities, two events, or
indeed, an entity and a dimensional continuum, becomes equal, the
two begin to vibrate harmoniously and synchronously with one
another [22].
Thus, consciousness may be described in terms of the frequency of
As co-creators, we begin manifesting the programs of reality when
e ho e i and match the frequency associated with an event or
In this respect, a co-creator behaves as a missile that ho es i , o
o es to a d a goal, o a sig al, the p og a of ealit that
depicts a target.
 And, as light beings we sort out and project the programs of reality
onto the space-time to be received and deciphered by our physical
being i a ated i a ph si al od .
 In this respect, our physical brain is the instrument that first
e ei es the signal associated with a program of reality (an object
or event), and then subsequently, se ses the p og a of ealit
through our 5-sensory perception.
 Therefore, as beings of light e fi st p oje t (through our soul or
HIGHERSELF) a d the se se ealit through our holographic
physical brain, and NOT vice versa [23].
 This is, indeed, in contrast or opposition to the now stale paradigm
of our reality that initially assumed that ALL firstly exists in space,
and only we, as travelers in time, come to serendipitously encounter
these realities.
 On the contrary, we are the creator of all our realities [24-25].
 They do NOT just pre-exist by themselves.
 We pre-choose from a menu, ALL THAT CAN BE, and then serve them
as p og a s of ealit to ou sel es he e i a ate i the
ph si al.
 We are simply NOT just some freaks of the nature having been
cropped up by an accident, perhaps through the serendipitous
biochemical events [26] that just miraculously happened to give rise
to some fortuitous, yet precise, biochemical combinations as to
create the bacteria in the so-called the primordial soup, leading to
the most opportune chains of developmental events that finally
culminated in our final evolution from the apes [27]!
 Things do not simply occur by accident.
 Everything, every event, is guided by a well-predefined DIVINE
ORDER [28] as a result of coherency, operating with utmost
precision, and like an exact laser that is spearheaded by the
omnipotent light of consciousness.
And, ultimately, it is the Prime Creator that is the SOURCE of this
omnipotent consciousness that has created the probability of ALL
THAT CAN BE as the First Cause.
In fact, recent research in neuroscience indicates that there is
approximately a six second delay between the times that we
p oje t a d the e se se ALL THAT CAN BE AVOWED outside of
us through our 5 sensory perception.
Thus, we are, ultimately, the creators of our reality.
Any reality is comprised of things that materialize and events that
manifest once they are projected.
Imagine yourself being an improvising actor on a theater stage.
There are things that constitute as the a k d op for the play in the
way of sceneries that also facilitate the process of the storytelling.
These are comprised of typically inanimate (non-sentient) objects.
There are also other actors on the scene, conscious beings who also
have the power of improvisation participating in the narration, or
the i stituti g of the s e a ios that t a spi e i this pla of life.
Prior to the eventual performance of the play, there are a series of
rehearsals in which the players become acclimated with the script of
the play through the direction of a higher power (director, or in this
case, our HIGHERSELVES) and by mutual participation and
This event occurs prior to our incarnation, in the Summerland [29].
We often choose a number of other sentient souls by mutual
agreement who would take part in the sagas of life within the next
lifetime with us, playing roles in life that also describe their programs
of reality in the next incarnation.
 Thus, people who interact with you in this lifetime are none other
than mutual performers in the stage of life.
 It is said that we often reincarnate with the same group of people
who represents members of a group study undergoing the programs
of reality (curriculums), lifetime after lifetime.
 In one life time, we may play the role of a husband and another the
wife, but in the next one we may switch roles as to experience the
full extent of possible masculine and feminine energies.
 In one lifetime, we may portray the role of the parent, exercising the
a t of gi i g o u o ditio al lo e by nurturing or taking care of
someone who plays the role of our offspring.
 In one lifetime, we may play the role of friends, and another foes, to
subject one another to experiment with the arts of love, mutual
support, and faithfulness, or conversely, familiarize one another to
the dark energies of anger, jealousy, completion, betrayal and such.
 Do ot e e judge a fellow man.
 Always learn to show perseverance and educate yourself to forgive
and move on.
 E ulate a utte fl , a d al a s let go.
 The things that you see before you, o l ep ese ts the p ops.
 You only utilize them while you are participating in the play of life.
 You cannot take them with you once the play is done.
 Thus, the voracious appetite of materialization, greed, and
accumulation is nothing but a futile attempt that only represent
dissipation of energy.
 I a tualit , hat ou e ou te as thi gs i ph si alit a e eall
what is not real.
 In contrast, the majority of your totality thrives in the ethereal and
not physical, and constitutes what is real, which is light.
 When you come to incarnate in physicality as a holographic entity,
you reside in the dimensional consciousness that also contain these
thi gs.
 A d, as ou also ha e a ph si al p ese e i the sa e di e sio ,
all resonating with the same range of frequencies, you perceive what
is efo e ou as eal a d ot illuso .
 In actuality, you reside outside this space time, and thus, you are
what is real, and not vice versa.
 It is like seeing the image of a holographic projection on screen or a
 It seems real because you have the same holographic presence in
where the stage resides [30].
 In contrast, if you were to think of the point of projection of a
holograph that is remote to your point of presence, you find that all
ou see efo e ou is a holog aphi i age, o e that ou a ot feel
or touch, but perceive as exist before you.
 Such is the state of your physical existence: your soul, the original
point of light has a presence beyond the space-time where your
body and all the objects you see before you reside.
 Thus, your soul, as a point of light, is real and your physical body is
only an illusion facilitated for the purpose of supplying you with
experiences in space-time that can be perceived by the real you
(your soul).
 Thus, ha i g atta h e t to thi gs i ph si alit is eall futile.
 Thi gs a e the p ops that o l fa ilitate the pe eptio of
experiences via the advent of sensations.
 And, even, greed is a phenomenon that is pre-designed to be
experimented with, and consequently, a lesson to be learned; but
aimlessly moving in a circle without the intent to exit, signifies being
lost ithi the o fi e e t of this ph si ality.
 If you do not find a way out of this frenzy, you would need to return
and repeat the lesson until it is adequately mastered.
 Repetitious reincarnation is the only endeavor that constitutes
failure [31-33].
 This is the o l t pe of failu e that ou a e ulti atel fa ed to o e
to judge afte ou p ese t jou e i the 3rd dimension of
consciousness is over.
 All other sojourns of life are initially a natural part of the trial and
error procedure to experiment with, to learn, and to master.
 These are the ultimate lessons to be learned in the 3rd dimension of
 Live and let live.
 Experiment, but ultimately choose correctly.
 The entire purpose of the physical life is to gain a spiritual education
that ultimately culminates in your conscious expansion.
 Everything that befalls on you is the result of communicating with
the frequencies of the programs of reality.
 They are received by all sentient souls that are identical in details
ega di g the a k d ops associated with our programs of reality.
 They are received and projected onto the space-time in the same
manner, but perceived slightly differently by the sentient beings
arising from the slight difference that exist in the nature of biological
shell that encases each and every sentient being.
 Thus, the inanimate objects that surround us, actually, have the
same frequency, possessing the same exact details, but they are
it essed slightl diffe e tly from one sentient being to another.
 This is the reason that there are often discrepancies in the
description of accounts in narration articulated by different
individuals regarding the exact details of things and events that are
witnessed by different people.
 For example, one person may see the color of a leaf as slightly
orange, and the other, with hues of red in it.
 Or, when witnessing a crime, one may describe the events transpired
one way, and the other, in a slightly or totally different manner.
 It all has to do with perception that is a function of equipment being
utilized (our physiognomy) and the state of o e s ph si al
 One who we describe as intelligent, sees thi gs and events one
way, and another, who may be dubbed as mentally or intellectually
challenged, in a different manner.
 It is the natural frequency of the individual that determines how one
discerns the pixels of reality.
 One with the higher natural frequency, sees the pixels of reality
more clearly and more in concert with its true nature of what is
projected and begins to resonate and synchronize with the
frequencies of reality harmoniously.
 In contrast, one with a natural frequency slightly lower than the
original reality projected, falls within the range of frequencies that is
detectable, and accordingly, projects an image of it from WITHIN to
without, which in essence, has a lo e defi itio asso iated ith
the detected number of the pixels of reality.
 Remember that our brain behaves like a radio, or more precisely, as
a holographic receiver and projector of reality that detects with the 5
sensory perception of sight, sound, small, touch and taste.
 If the frequencies of the source and our brain are slightly out of
synch, an image is nevertheless detected, but with a certain degree
of distortion.
 It is like trying to tune to a radio station or a TV channel where you
begin to receive the signal, but the picture-sound is not clear or
sha p.
 It requires a certain dead o f e ue
to land in the central range
of all the possible frequencies of transmission to get a fine tuned or a
high defi itio sound-picture.
 In terms of our physiognomy, our heart beats indicative of the fact
that we have reached the range or the continuum associated with a
particular dimensional consciousness or reality.
The transmission-reception as well as the projection of the signals of
reality is a process that occurs beyond the space-time that ensues
through communication of torsion waves that can travel billion times
faster than the speed of light in 3-D.
This is a p o ess that a e efe ed to as hypercommunication
On the other hand, our 5 sensory perception is a phenomenon that
has its root in physicality.
It is a process that cannot progress faster than the speed of light in
the medium of the 3rd dimension.
We are, however, equipped with a tool of extra-sensory perception
(ESP) in nature, or the proverbial 6th sense that operates beyond
time and space.
It is communicated through our most sophisticated neurological
organ, one that is privy to reach and communicate with the ethereal
o the a geli eal that e efe to as ou hea t, hi h is also
aided by the thymus endocrine gland.
As sentient beings, we are endowed with the gift of thoughts and
These are the instruments by which consciousness expansion is
 We come to experiment in space-time to gain spiritual education for
growth and consciousness evolution.
 This is why the author has efe ed to hu a s as consciousness
ge e ato s.
 We attain consciousness expansion through the utilization of
thoughts coupled with the gift of emotions as a way of appreciation.
University of Duality and the Significant Role of Intuition
The thought process functions through a trial and error procedure
via the employment of the binary logic that gives us the propensity
of a 50-50 ha e to e ight o
o g i e e de isio e ake.
Although e asso iate ei g ight ith the su ess of a out ome
that we perceive to be our immediate goal in physicality, a d
o g
with its failure for its immediate materialization, strictly speaking,
there are NO errors in achieving our overall goal, which is
consciousness expansion.
Events provide the means for experimentation in space-time, which
lead to the utilization of thoughts and emotional energies, and their
ultimate culmination in spiritual education.
Furthermore, emotions play another important role in our spiritual
When the emotional energies are correctly channeled, they provide
a way for discernment and refinement of our thought process that
can repudiate or validate the binary and logical decisional process
exercised by our thoughts [35].
This is the ultimate step in projecting our programs of reality onto
the space-time (what we commonly refer to as the universe).
While these processes are reviewed, deciphered, and categorized
through first the pineal and then the pituitary, it is ultimately the
heart and thymus that have the final judicial authority for validation
or dismissal through employment of our inherent emotional energies
that a e du ed as intuitions [36].
Once categorized as self-indulgent or selfish, they are automatically
rejected and not transmitted onto the space-time for
On the contrary, all decisions, or more appropriately, a ts,
ishes o e uests that fall u de the atego of the GOOD FOR
THE ALL, are candidates for validation, and their consequent
projection onto the space-time for manifestation.
And, provided the do ot o fli t ith the olle ti e ishes of a
unified consciousness matrix of reality participated by all of our
other sibling consciousness generators, they culminate in
In this respect, thymus also serves as an instrument of our
“i pl put, it de ides hat is ight a d hat is
o g ased upo
the cosmological doctrine of the DIVINE ORDER instituted by our
Prime Creator, the original SOURCE of our consciousness.
In effect, it is the instrument through which the God particle
instituted within us (alternatively called that Adamantine or Akash
particle) vibrates and comes to life within us.
Intuition also sig ifies the wireless ethod i hi h e
communicate with our ethereal counterpart, who is our parent soul
dubbed as the HIGHERSELF.
The te
i eless is utilized he ei to disti guish a ethodolog
that bypasses our physicality.
It does not function through any communicational network that has
its roots in matter, perhaps through a bioelectrical process that
operates based upon the principle of polarity.
 As such, it is not subject to an electronic-like logic circuit equipped
with a binary switch of yes-no, right-wrong, etc.
 Thus, the 50-50 p o a ilit dist i utio of su ess o lo ge
governs its functionality.
 It operates beyond time and space, and more precisely through
torsion waves, hypercommunicating with the SOURCE, or one of its
elements residing in the higher dimensions of consciousness that
are, in essence, more superior light beings than us or our
 Note that everything is connected with one another operating within
the network of light.
 Each light being of a light quotient lower than the SOURCE but
superior to a lower light entity oversees the spiritual affairs of all
that eside elo it.
 We a e all spi itual helpe s of the P i e C eato , th i i g a d
experimenting to expand our level of consciousness, meanwhile
p o idi g suppo t fo all that eside elo us.
 In terms of quantum mechanics, this interconnection is a
phenomenon that can be articulated through the principle of
quantum entanglement [38].
 It is all part of a spiritual career, striving to gain more light in order to
de iphe o see thi gs ette , th ough gai i g spi itual edu atio .
 It is through consciousness expansion that we ensure longevity and
ORDER within the cosmos.
The True Nature of Programs of Reality
 Currently, the greatest numbers of souls incarnated in 3-D and on
this Omni Earth [39] do not have any knowledge of the nature of
their existence, or their reality.
 Those who ha e p esu a l a ake ed [40] who have been
introduced to the phenomenon of quantum, discrete consciousness
and the concepts of matrix, programs of reality, parallel dimensions,
sequential jumping, and multidimensionality [41-43], still do not
appreciate that the programs of reality are all chosen completely
independent of another.
 In other words, all you have learned in the schools in your formal
education regarding history and such do not reflect the true nature
of our reality.
 In other words, the programs of reality do not necessarily have a
timeline that is continuous at either ends, that in their beginning and
where they are leading to.
 As far as we are concerned as souls, in one lifetime we may
incarnate into a timeline that portrays a sequential time that occurs
wa i the past ith efe e e to the o e e just e isted f o , o
alte ati el , o e that o u s a i its futu e.
 Furthermore, space-time is only a program server, a venue of
convenience within which we choose to experiment with certain
sojourns of life, acquire certain lessons leading to our spiritual
education, culminating in our consciousness expansion.
 Strictly speaking, where it happens (which galaxy or universe), who
we incarnate as (what species), what gender (if any), etc., is
immaterial and not contiguous with the one we just exited from.
 It is solely about gaining spiritual education and acquiring
consciousness expansion.
 We mutually choose to incarnate in one timeline or another.
 We may incarnate mutually as a male or a female, a husband or a
wife, a brother or a sister, a friend or a foe with respect to another
 We may decide to relive the life of a well-known character chosen
from the Akashic Records, such as Mozart, Einstein, Joan of Arc, etc.,
but this time adding our own improvisation to the storyline, thus
effecting a new timeline or parallel reality.
 Generally speaking, a mere 144,000 souls of the similar frequency
subscribing to the matrix of the same unity consciousness can create
a new timeline or a parallel line of reality, adding to the ever
increasing repertoire of the Akashic Records.
 So, in this case there may several similar Mozarts existing within the
expanded Akashic Records.
 In essence, every lifetime, every sojourns of life, constitute a play
with a script that is pre-decided among all the participants prior to a
course of incarnation.
 In this respect, the question of pedigree, race, heritage, history, and
such is nothing but an illusion.
 All it counts is the current level of your frequency of vibration-light
quotient that determines the extent of your present consciousness.
 By the same token, it seems futile, if not absurd, to get a sense of
attachment to things as thi gs ep ese t p ops on the stage of the
play of life where you come to experiment in space-time, learn
lessons of life, gain a spiritual education that hopefully culminates in
your consciousness expansion.
 Similarly, it is prudent that you do not develop a sense of
dependency on others; and conversely exercise sovereignty, as you
may not incarnate with the same souls soon.
 And, in case you do, they will no longer play the same role in your
life as the did this ti e a ou d.
 Thus, remain detached and independent, and live your life freely.
 Moreover, live and let live.
 It is silly to judge people as they only fulfil their soul contract playing
their roles in your life that were initially mutually agreed in order to
effect learning certain lessons that would be beneficial to your
spiritual education.
 Thus, what seems to be unpleasant or unfair to you in this lifetime
was carefully selected and agreed upon by you prior to your
 The sa
o pai o gai , a d that is the atu e of ou u i ulu
of spiritual education.
 Too much money, carnal pleasure, even utter comfort, ultimately,
does not amount to anything but boredom and futility [44].
 Is this not the reason that rich, famous, Hollywood stars and similar
people resort to alcohol or drugs to make life bearable, or even
commit suicide by over dosage of drugs and such?
 Why can they not cope with life adequately?
 Do they feel empty inside, possibly thinking that only money, fame,
and popularity are not everything in this life?
Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Who or What is God Multidimensional- Consciousness.tripod.com
Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part I: Light of
Consciousness Quantum Micro Mechanics of Cosmos, wordpress.com
Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Mechanics of [Discrete-Quantum-Multidimensional]
Consciousness Multidimensional Consciousness, wordpress.com
Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Essays on Humanity -Part II: Sentience Spiritual Science 101,
Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part VII: The
Mechanics of Sentience Quantum Micro Mechanics of Cosmos, wordpress.com
Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., The Electro-Crystalline Cosmos Quantum Micro Mechanics of
Cosmos, wordpress.com
Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Light-Time Acceleration and its Impact on Consciousness and
Ascension Multidimensional Consciousness, wordpress.com
Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Fundamentals of the Mechanics of Consciousness Multidimensional
Consciousness, wordpress.com
Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Further Insights into the Mechanics of Flashing
Consciousness Multidimensional Consciousness Multidimensional Consciousness, wordpress.com
Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi,, Ph.D., Soul-Body Vibration Quantum Micro Mechanics of Cosmos,
Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Life: A Vibrational Existence Spiritual Science 101, wordpress.com
Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., A Mathematical Model for the Quantification of Consciousness [Soul
Animation] Multidimensional Consciousness, wordpress.com
Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi,, Ph.D., A Mathematical Model for the Physical Vibration [Animation] of an
Ageing Sentient Body Quantum Micro Mechanics of Cosmos, wordpress.com
Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., A Higher Dimensional Exposition of the Phenomenon of Holographic
Universe – Part IV: The Space Time Programs of Reality Quantum Micro Mechanics of Cosmos,
Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., The Time-Space Continuum Quantum Micro Mechanics of Cosmos,
Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., A Higher Dimensional Exposition of the Phenomenon of ‘SpaceTime‘ Quantum Micro Mechanics of Cosmos, wordpress.com
Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Parallel and Alternate Dimensions, the NOW, and the Holographic
Nature of Time and Space Quantum Micro Mechanics of Cosmos, wordpress.com
Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., A Higher Dimensional Exposition of the Phenomenon of Holographic
Universe – Part I: ‘Dimensions’ and the ‘Parallels’ Quantum Micro Mechanics of Cosmos,
Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Dimensions of Consciousness Multidimensional Consciousness,
Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Further Insights into the Concepts of Time, Space, Innerspace, and
Frequency of Vibration Quantum Micro Mechanics of Cosmos, wordpress.com
Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., On Quantification of Consciousness Multidimensional
Consciousness, wordpress.com
Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Fundamental Laws of Cosmos Inter-relating Consciousness,
Constitution [Matter-Antimatter] and Energy Quantum Micro Mechanics of Cosmos,
Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Creation of Reality through Conscious Observation Quantum Micro
Mechanics of Cosmos, wordpress.com
Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., You Create Your Own Reality Spiritual Science 101, wordpress.com
Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Your True Reality Spiritual Science 101, wordpress.com
Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., “On the Watson-Crick Dogma of Proteinogenetics.” To appear in
The Human Physiology and Energetic System, wordpress.com
Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., On the Genetic Structure of Earth Humans: The Fable of “Junk
Genes” The Human Physiology and Energetic System, wordpress.com
28. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., We are ALL bound by a Divine Order The Human Physiology and
Energetic System, wordpress.com
29. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Physical Death and Afterlife: the Astral Plane, Summerland
[Purgatory], and the Onset of Reincarnation or Ascension Spiritual Science 101, wordpress.com.
30. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part VIII: The
Holographic Universe and the Nature of our Reality Quantum Micro Mechanics of Cosmos,
31. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Reincarnation Multidimensional- Consciousness.tripod.co
32. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Saying NO to Reincarnation is your only Ticket out of the 3-D Duality
Matrix Spiritual Science 101, wordpress.com
33. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., “The Reality of Reincarnation,” to appear in Spiritual Science 101,
34. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., “Hypercommunication,” to appear in The Human Physiology and
Energetic System, wordpress.com
35. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Fundamentals of the Mechanics of Conscious
Creation Multidimensional Consciousness, wordpress.com
36. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Analysis versus Discernment MultidimensionalConsciousness.tripod.com
37. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Void-Singularity-Vacuum, Generation of Torsion Fields in
Dimensional Continuums and its Relevance to the Spinning of the Cosmos Quantum Micro
Mechanics of Cosmos, wordpress.com
38. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Quantum Entanglement The Human Physiology and Energetic
System, wordpress.com
39. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., A Higher Dimensional Exposition of the Phenomenon of Holographic
Universe – Part II: ‘Omni Earths,’ ‘Grids,’ and ‘Time-Gate Vectors’ Quantum Micro Mechanics of
Cosmos, wordpress.com
40. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., The Several Stages of Awakening, and their Relations to the Different
Phases of the Universal Law of Attraction , Eden magazine, November 2016.
41. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, A Course in Multidimensionality, Institute of Spiritual Science Inc. Press,
42. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Multidimensional Vibration Quantum Micro Mechanics of Cosmos,
43. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., A Higher Dimensional Exposition of the Phenomenon of Holographic
Universe – Part V: Multidimensionality Quantum Micro Mechanics of Cosmos, wordpress.com
44. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Money: The Root of All Evils Spiritual Science 101, wordpress.com