A Higher Dimensional Perception of the Phenomenon of Time – Part III: Multidimensional (Quantum) Consciousness By Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D. Abstract An account of the true nature of our consciousness or reality is explicated that emphasizes the erroneous notion that we might be living in linear time with the propensity of events occurring in a linear se ue e of past-present-futu e. It is ela o ated that, i fa t, ti e is circular in nature, and thus, progresses in a highly non-linear fashion. However, due to the slow rate of progression of time in 3-D, we perceive it as being linear. While in fact, everything happens simultaneously in what may be referred to as the NOW o e t. I this espe t, e a e all multidimensional sentient beings that live simultaneous lives, experiencing distinct, yet, similar sojourns of life within myriads of space-time that occupy the same space, yet progress in different in times. This forms the basis for a cosmological law that the author has articulated as the Essential Law of Spatial Co-habitation. We a e i fact streamed upon different programs of reality within distinct spaceti e di e sio s of o s ious ess that a e efe ed to as the pa allel di e sio s. The efo e, e se ue tially ju p i to these parallel dimensions in a quantum manner within a particular interval that is commensurate with the Pla k s u e of -43 earthly seconds. Yet, due to our highly diminished frequency of physical consciousness, we are not privy to decipher such fast vibrational movements within distinct parallel dimensions, except during dream state and subo s ious sojou s he o ly a po tio of su h stopo e s leeds th ough ou o s ious ess. It is further explicated that such mechanism of quantum consciousness is the end result of periodic conversion of matter to antimatter and vice versa via the black and white holes within the cosmos. In this respect, we sequentially live in a world of matter (physical) and antimatter (ethereal), and our sojourns within the myriad worlds of antimatter are just as real and purposeful as the one we experience in physicality, which together potentially accentuate the overall process of our spiritual education and attaining consciousness expansion. And, when either matter converts to antimatter or vice versa, one dimensional space-time collapses to a foam before a consecutive opposite space-time is reborn, and the conversion process gi es ise to a ha o i flash of light of consciousness that illu i ates the latter dimension. It is explicated that the single most fu da e tal p ope ty of the t o opposite o i o ed o o jugate space-time dimensions is that they remain entangled with one another, with the fabric of one space-time revolving in the opposite direction about the SOURCE than the other. This phenomenon is elaborated in the statement of the Cosmological Law of Entanglement of the Conjugate or Mirrored Dimensional Space-Time. It is also suggested, herein, that the process of energetic conversion occurs in a purely conservative manner (without any dissipative energetic sink), and in a repetitive or cyclic manner, giving rise to the advent of sentient vibration. This latter phenomenon has been articulated by the author under the Cosmological Law of Conservative, Cyclic Constitutional Conversion. In fact, at the time of constitutional conversion, the space-time becomes highly non- li ea , a phe o e o that is efe ed to as the To us Effe t. Introduction: Time - The Program Server of Reality The fundamental reality and truth regarding the nature of our existence and consciousness is that time is not what we perceive it to be in the 3rd dimensional physicality [1]. While experiencing the sojourns of life within the U i e sit of Dualit o this Omni earth, we perceive time to progress in a linear fashio ith the e o eous delusio that past gi es a to p ese t to future [2]. In deeper reality, however, time is a curvilinear concept that progresses in a circular fashion [3]. In essence, there is no past, present, and future. Everything transpires at once, in what is referred to as the NOW moment [4]. And, once you are introduced to the concept of NOW, it is extremely difficult to understand the ramification of this truth, because of the deep conditioning and erroneous delusional perception that time is linear. To understand the concept of NOW consider yourself as being situated on a platform that constantly rotates about a central point. And, in deeper sense of truth, this point that is seemingly fi ed i time is none other than the original progenitor or the SOURCE of consciousness that is referred to as the heart of the Prime Creator. In deeper reality, everything is conceived in the Divine Mind of the Prime Creator which constitutes a Unified Field that is the original SOURCE or the fountain of consciousness that projects the pixels of reality on to you in the form of programs of reality [5]. And, the rotating platform that you are residing on is, in essence, a carousel of consciousness [6], which is referred to as the spa eti e [7] in which you have anchored the extent of your consciousness at [8]. In fact, the author has illustrated the point that overall there are a total of 356 such rotating (in reality torsionally oscillating back and forth) platforms or space-time operating within the cosmos [9]. These are found through discretization of the vector of time that connects each and every one of us to the incipient point of creation within the cosmos [10-11]. At this juncture, the progenitor SOURCE of all consciousness was a SINGULAR point, void of time or space (except the position of its point of SINGULARITY), that was so concentrated in particulates of o s ious ess, hi h the autho efe s to as the God Pa ti les. And, due to this SINGULARITY, it could no longer further expand in consciousness. As a result, it exploded as well as imploded on itself as to create consciousness generating companions that would serve in the capacity of further perpetual co-creating the cosmos. And, with this o te t, e plosio efe s to the a tio of ultipl i g and expanding the units of consciousness (God Particles) as to si ulta eousl eate spa e, hi h is easil pe epti le ou physical sense of consciousness. However, what is not readily understood by our physical mind with respect to the concept of space, is the reality that the incipient a tio of eatio also p o eeded i the fo of i plosio , eati g a fo of i e spa e that si ulta eousl a o panied the process of e plosio [12]. Thus, hile e plosio efe s to eatio of a ph si al o ld eadil decipherable by us through our endowed 5 sensory perception, i plosio eated a o jugate o i o ed o ld that a e efe ed to as the ethe eal o ld. And, the two worlds thus created are quite real, yet are stealth to one another, being independent of one another in terms of what we judge as physical or chemical interaction. The two simultaneous processes of explosion and implosion of the incipient creation gave rise to advent of opposite time vectors, or a bi-vector of time having the property of being quantitatively categorized as havi g oth positi e a d egati e di e tio s at once. And, recalling the fact that the carousel of consciousness epitomizing a space-time (referred to as a di e sio , is o sta tl i otatio al motion about the SOURCE, time is no doubt circular in nature that needs to be defined as a bi-vector that constantly rotates about its point of origin (the SOURCE). It means that it either sweeps clockwise or counterclockwise, subtending an angle of 1800 about the SOURCE. And, this gives rise to the advent of creation of the two contrasting o lds of o s ious ess that a e efe ed to as the ph si al, a d ethe eal. Thus, since the concept of time is intimately associated with rotation (about the SOURCE), the bi-vector of time may be discretized in terms of the unit vector of time that can be expressed in terms of units of an angle that is defi ed as the di e sio al a gle. Note that the process of explosion-implosion and its consequent dissemination of the consciousness units is facilitated through the phenomenon of light. Furthermore, light is a form of energy that propagates in a waveform. And, this waveform is composed of particulates void of any constitution that originally do not occupy neither space nor time. Furthermore, clearly, light becomes progressively congealed, carrying less intensity and frequency of vibration as it is propagated away from the SOURCE. Therefore, it is logical, if not intuitive, to say that the speed of rotation (frequency) of myriads of carousels of consciousness that may be defined as to occupy the domain of space or innerspace diminishes as one venture away from the SOURCE. If we associate a particular space-time dimension defining a particular carousel of consciousness with the congealment of the tip of the bi-vector of time, it is clear that such a continuum has two characteristic aspects: space related to the congealment of light of consciousness, and time describing its free-flow dynamics [13]. Furthermore, space is created as the bi-vector of time makes a full sweep about the SOURCE, which creates a spheroidal surface tracing the locus of the tips of the vector of time as it makes a full 3600 rotation about the SOURCE. With continual spiraling of the vector of time about the SOURCE while expanding incrementally, two types of continuum may be generated: (1) Space, which forms upon the congealment of its tips as the bi-vector of time completes a full sweep about the SOURCE, and (2) the interim built up of what may be referred to as the i e spa e et ee the dis ete i di idual spa e-time dimensions, which have more of a free-flowing nature in terms of the dynamics of the light energy [14]. The Phenomenon of discrete generation of space-time dimensions describe the p i a aspe t of ti e, hi h is efe ed to as the os ologi al o o -lo al effe t. By virtue of time being a quantifiable vector and through its dis etizatio , iad diffe e t ai o o -lo al os ologi al space-time dimensions of consciousness may be readily defined. These dimensions of consciousness characteristically differ from one another by virtue of their frequency or rotational speed that essentially defines the rate (speed) of progression of time within them. Moreover, each main or non-local dimension of consciousness represents a carousel of consciousness that provides a means for distinguishing among different timelines, each portraying a different program of reality. B the sa e toke as the ai di e sio s of o s ious ess, as the individual discrete space-time dimensions epitomizing the myriad a ousels of o s ious ess otate a out the “OU‘CE, a se o da o lo al aspe t of ti e a e ide tified that has its origin in the fact that infinite different number of space-time continuums or dimensions of consciousness may be defined that differ from one a othe i te s of thei phase a gles. And, the phase angle refers to the sequence by which each spacetime begins to rotate about the SOURCE. So, although all of these local space-time dimensions of consciousness are rotating at the same speed (or vibrating at the same frequency of vibration) about the SOURCE, one may be o side ed as laggi g o leadi g a othe . This is analogous to considering each space-time dimension having a gate of entry that is rotationally oriented or located at a different point with regard to the fixed location of the SOURCE. Thus, a secondary aspect of time may be defined that is, again, essentially a rotational phenomenon with a sequence of progression that is related to the phase angle (as opposed to dimensional angle in the former type of non-local time). I this espe t, the autho has i t odu ed the o ept of a lo al f e ue that is defined as the rate of change of the phase angle (with respect to time). Thus, in reality, an infinite number of space-time dimensions each defining a carousel of consciousness exist that are sequentially vibrating at the same non-local frequency (speed of rotation) about the “OU‘CE, et slightl diffe i lo al f e ue ith espe t to one another. Furthermore, these space-time dimensions, which are essentially the sub-di e sio s of a ai o o -lo al di e sio defi ed ith respect to the SOURCE, a e efe ed to as the pa allel di e sio s. Moreover, each parallel dimension represents a distinct carousel of consciousness onto which distinct programs of reality may be projected. Multidimensional Consciousness In reality, we live multiple lives at once. This is akin to having your primary soul being fragmented into myriad of soul aspects, each experiencing different sojourns of life within distinct parallel dimensions. However, the one that we are seemingly constantly aware of via our physical consciousness is the one that lives in this physicality. However, our sub-consciousness is aware of the overall truth, of our multiple existence in all realities. This is what is commonly referred to as our HIGHERSELF. We, in fact, constantly vibrate between the physical and the ethereal worlds, changing hat living our life within different lifetimes as individuals who by virtue of having experiences different sojourns of life have developed slightly different personality from one another. The mechanics of our multidimensional consciousness has been essentially articulated in terms of two laws by the author. First of all, it has been already explicated that various distinct spacetime dimensions can occupy the same space, yet differ in time. This forms the basis for a cosmological law that has been referred to the autho as the Essential Law of Spatial Cohabitation [15]. But, more fundamentally, the mechanics of multidimensional consciousness has its roots in yet another law proposed by the author. Dub ed as the Cosmological Law of Entanglement of the Conjugate or Mirrored Dimensional Space-Time, this law states that essentially there exist antiparallel worlds, one of matter and the other of antimatter, which simultaneously torsionally vibrate about the SOURCE in an antiphase manner (1800 out of phase with one another) [16]. This law is the result of the manifestation of the fact that time can equally and simultaneously run in two opposite directions, one corresponding to rotating clockwise and the other counterclockwise about the SOURCE. This defines time as being simultaneously positive and negative. As explicated before, the concept of positive and negative time gives rise to simultaneous creation or existence of two contrasting worlds that occupy the same space, yet run in opposite directions. In this respect, the fabric of space-time corresponding to each contrasting world spins simultaneously in a direction opposite to the other. This is what is referred to as entanglement [17]. It also gives rise to formation of particulate constituents that differ in electric charge but otherwise are identical to one another with the exception that from the prospective of either, one is congealed and the other appears as being free-flowing. This has to do with the nature of energy manifesting as plasmic within the cosmos in which the particulates of energy are either in the form of cation (positive charge) or anion (negative) charge [18]. And, while there is no polarity in the crystalline cosmos, the tendency of the attraction of the anion to cation and the different concentration that exist between the two forms a potential that leads to the crystalline-electric currents running through the fabric of the cosmos. In this respect, the fabric of space-time within the cosmos resembles a tightly knitted fiber-reinforced composite cloth with congealed space playing the role of the fibers and the time as the free-flowing matrix binding the fabric of space-time together [19]. In this respect, although the advent of the two contrasting worlds are stealth to one another in terms of what is commonly classified as physical or chemical composition, there is a constant interchange of energy in the form of matter and antimatter between the two contrasting worlds. In this respect, matter is perceived as highly congealed particulates of constitution held in a highly concentrated particulate form, while antimatter is of a more free-flowing format of energy [20]. Furthermore, matter constitutes the fabric of space-time that has the tendency to rotate counterclockwise, expanding away from the SOURCE, while antimatter epitomizes the clockwise gravitation of constitutive energy, being attracted towards the SOURCE. In this respect, each space-time may be envisioned as a curvilinear (spheroidal) surface [21] with an outer aspect that represents the world of matter the o ld a o e , and an inner aspect that epitomizes the world of antimatter the o ld elo [ ]. And, it is the units of consciousness that create the simultaneous world of matter and antimatter, while the two run in opposite direction, never meeting one another, being deemed as stealth to one another. However, the cosmos (and through its local space-time describing a universe) is constantly engaged in the process of conversion of matter to antimatter and vice versa. And, when matter converts to antimatter or vice versa, one spacetime collapses (e.g. the world of matter), giving rise to release of a colossal form of energ efe ed to as si pl the f ee e e g , followed by formation of another contrasting space-time (e.g. antimatter). The point of conversion of matter to antimatter and vice versa is when the flashes of consciousness energy comes to being. Here, the space in inverted upon itself, and time flows in the opposite direction. This is the o e t of a ifestatio of the ha o i flash of o s ious ess a d hat is efe ed to as the Torus Effect [23]. The process of interconversion of matter to antimatter and vice versa occurs in a fully repeatable and cyclic manner. Furthermore, the mechanism of energetic conversion is fully conservative, which occurs without any dissipative energetic sink. It also occurs quite spontaneously and without the need of any outside force or impetus. This property forms the basis for articulation of another law that the autho efe s to as the Conservative Law of Cyclic Constitutional Conversion, hi h esse tiall states the p o ess of atte to antimatter conversion occurs without any energetic dissipative sink (e.g. friction or damping), and proceeds in a repeatable cyclic manner [16]. Thus, cyclic, repeatable nature of the process represents a conservative oscillatory action. And, within the context of this oscillatory action, for a conscious sentient anchoring its consciousness within such a domain (matter or a ti atte , the pi els of o s ious ess e o e p og essi el ali e with the extent of consciousness-awareness increasing until it reaches a maximum value alled a plitude , and then, progressively fades out, reaching the point of zero energy. This constitutes half cycle of an oscillatory action, which is referred to as vibration [24]. Next, the sentient being effectively jumps to the new space-time (world of antimatter) generated and repeats the same process, first increasing its level of consciousness-awareness to the same maximum value (yet representing an opposite sign), before, again, reaching the zero-point energy, when this space-time collapses. Thus, consciousness is vibratory in nature, with the sentient being sequentially jumping between the worlds of matter and antimatter [8]. However, this occurs within an extremely infinitesimal interval of time and at colossal speed, which is of a quantum nature, closely app o i ati g the Pla k s u e of -43 earthly seconds [25]. At the same time, a sentient being anchoring its consciousness to a low dimension such as the 3rd dimension possess a natural frequency of vibration that is so low by comparison, masking its capability to decipher such events ever transpiring in its physical consciousness. So, while still experiencing multidimensional consciousness, it is not privy to actively sense what is happening. And, while, jumping to myriad of parallel dimensions experiencing or observing myriads of other life sojourns, it becomes oblivious to its state of multidimensionality [26-27]. This is what the author has referred to as the conditions of u o s ious ultidi e sio alit . However, should the natural frequency of vibration of the sentient being increases to the level that is commensurate with the 5th dimension of consciousness, the entity begins to decipher its other lifetime experiences [28]. This is hat the autho has efe ed to as the state of o s ious multidi e sio alit . This is the state that the subconscious mind overtakes the physical consciousness of a sentient being, and when the HIGHERSELF takes over piloting the vessel of consciousness. Summary and Conclusion: Mechanics of Quantum Consciousness In reality, both space and time are created though the harmonic flash of consciousness units, which occurs through the mechanisms of the pulse of matter to antimatter conversion (resembling the process of respiration) via the black and white holes. The inward -outward harmonic flash represents the zero point of free energy in which space and time merge into a homogenous foam. Moreover, the rate of consciousness unit perception that strobes our attention into each simultaneous lifetime occurs at a rate that closely corresponds to the Planck Number of 10-43 earthly seconds. At this point, time and space becomes nonlinear and the Torus Effect comes into play. Thus, space becomes inversed and time units float in a nonlinear discontinuous quantum pool of what we erroneously perceive as being past, present and future due to our very small natural frequency. The space-time continuum dissolves, and once again, become conscious energy units. Here, the conscious units are again reformed into matter and antimatter as matter is pulled inward and antimatter projected outward in the harmonic flash via black holes and white holes, respectively. And, the whole process occurs perpetually in a conservative and cyclic fashion void of any energetic dissipation such as damping or friction. References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 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