Assessment Brief - 1 Student Name/ID Number: Mairaj Poke (OB0719A15E) Unit Number and Title: Unit 9 Software Development Cycles Academic Year: 2019-2020 Unit Assessor: Assignment Title: Development of Registration Form for a Training Organization – Part 1 Issue Date: Submission Date: Internal Verifier Name: Date: 2-11-2109 Learner declaration I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged. Student signature: Mairaj Date: 2-11-2019 OB0719A15E Page |1 Contents Two iterative and two sequential software lifecycle models: ............................................ 3 All Model plan SDLC: ........................................................................................................................... 6 Risk managed (Spiral model): ............................................................................................... 8 Types of Model Explained: ......................................................................................................... 9 Merits Waterfall lifecycle model .......................................................................................... 10 Purpose of a feasibility report:............................................................................................. 11 Technical solutions can be compared: .............................................................................. 12 The components of a feasibility report: .............................................................................. 13 Impact of different feasibility criteria on software investigation: ..................................... 16 BIBLIOGRAPHY:................................................................................................................... 19 Mairaj OB0719A15E Page |2 Two iterative and two sequential software lifecycle models: Solution: The Spiral model: 1.In the spiral model, the planning of the report is used the many times in the application because for changing many Times the code the spiral model is been used. 2. The risk-driven feature of the spiral model allows it to accommodate any mixture of a specification-oriented, prototype-oriented, simulation-oriented, or another type of approach. 3. An essential element of the model is that each period of the spiral is completed by a review that includes all the products developed during that cycle, including plans for the next cycle. The spiral model works for development as well as enhancement projects. 4. The spiral model is been used and the remaining other model is not used that much becaue it runs. Mairaj OB0719A15E Page |3 Advantages Additional functionality or changes can be done at a later stage. Cost estimation becomes easy as the prototype building is done in small fragments. Continuous or repeated development helps in risk management. Development is fast and features are added systematically. Disadvantages Risk of not meeting the schedule or budget. It works best for large projects only also demands risk assessment expertise. For its smooth operation, the spiral model protocol needs to be followed strictly. Documentation is more as it has intermediate phases. (DSDM)Dynamic Systems Development Model: 1.(DSDM)Dynamic Systems Development Model is a software development methodology originally based on the Rapid Application Development methodology. 2.This is an iterative and incremental approach that emphasizes continuous user involvement. Its main aim is to deliver software systems on time and on the budget. 3.This model simply works on the philosophy that nothing is developed perfectly in the first attempt and considers as an ever-changing process. Mairaj OB0719A15E Page |4 Advantages Users are highly involved in the development of the system they are more likely to get a grip on the software development project. In this model, basic functionality is delivered quickly, with more functionality being delivered at frequent interval. This method provides an easy access by developers to end-users. Disadvantages The first thing is DSDM is costly to implement, as it requires users and developers both to be trained to employ it effectively. It may not be suitable for small organizations or one-time projects It is a relatively new model Therefore it is not very common and easy to understand. Sequential model: A. The Waterfall Model: 1.This model is not much used in this project because in this waterfall model when the programming is done it does not follow. 2.The lopping condition for repeat or for the execution of the code or to do any changes it cannot be done in this model because it names itself know waterfall. Advantages Simple and easy to understand and use. Phases are processed and completed one at a time. Easy to arrange tasks. Mairaj Disadvantages No working software is produced until late during the life cycle. High amounts of risk and uncertainty. It is difficult to measure progress within stages. OB0719A15E Page |5 Requirements: the first phase shows that the understanding of what needs to be design and what is the function, purpose, etc. V-model: In this model when we enhance the coding or the coding is been typed or been executed side by side it shows the output side by side such this is called a V model case. In this application, we have to been used. Requirements Analysis Design Coding Unit Testing and Acceptance Testing. All Model plan SDLC: Waterfall Model. Mairaj OB0719A15E Page |6 Spiral Model: V model: Mairaj OB0719A15E Page |7 Agile Model: Risk managed (Spiral model): Solution: System Design: once you have to clear the detail product requirement is used to design the system. The understanding and detailing of the complete hardware and communication setup for the product under development. RISK IN SPIRAL MODEL: For any project activity (e.g., requirements analysis, design, prototyping, testing) The project team must decide how much effort is enough. In-authentic spiral process cycles, these decisions are made by minimizing overall risk. The spiral model is a risk-driven software development process model. Based on the unique risk patterns of a given project, the spiral model guides a team to adopt elements of one or more process models, such as incremental, waterfall, or evolutionary prototyping. Documentation is more as it has intermediate phases. It is not advisable for smaller project it might cost them a lot. For its smooth operation spiral model protocol needs to be followed strictly. Mairaj OB0719A15E Page |8 It works best for large projects only also demands risk assessment expertise o o o o o Types of Risk: Strategic Risk. Compliance Risk. Operational Risk. Financial Risk. Reputational Risk Types of Model Explained: Solution: Sr no. waterfall Spiral 1 Continuous or repeated Due to its rigidity development it is very easy to helps in risk Manage. Management. Agile V-model Customer satisfaction by rapid, Progress goes in continuous very systematic delivery of useful software way. . 2 Mairaj This model is simple Additional Face-to-face and easy to functionality can conversation is use. OB0719A15E Simple and easy to Page |9 Understand. be done on large the best form of Scale. 3 4 Continues or In this model repeated phases are processed and development completed one at helps in risk a time. management . Communication. Even late changes in the requirement is welcomed. Avoids to download the flow of the defects. It is easy to manage There is always a Regular Proactive defect due to the rigidity of space for adaptation to Tracking. the model – each changing Feedback. Phase. Circumstance. Merits Waterfall lifecycle model Solution: All the Merits are given below: 1. Phases are processed and completed one at a time. 2. It has clearly Define stages. 3. Simple and easy to understand and use. 4.Works well for smaller projects where requirements are very well understood. 5. Project is completely dependent on project team with minimum client intervention. 6. Suited for smaller projects where requirements are well defined. 7. Any changes in software is made during the process of the development. Mairaj OB0719A15E P a g e | 10 8.Before the next phase of development, each phase must be completed. 9. It is also referred to as a linear-sequential life cycle model. Purpose of a feasibility report: Solution: 1.A feasibility study examines the practicability of a proposal, business venture or idea. 2. The principal function of this is determine, if the project will continue or not. 3. In business, feasibility studies work in a number of reasons. Facing the Challenges of a Project Feasibility Study: The biggest source of criticism will come from the person or the team that championed the idea in the first place. Strong leaders can develop the ability to conduct a project feasibility study on their own ideas. since they have learned how to make peace with the fact that not every idea deserves to be fully explored. Advantages Feasibility Study: Understanding Demand: always whether a real demand exists for a product or a service. Mairaj OB0719A15E P a g e | 11 This holds true for internal projects as well as for potential consumer offerings. For example, a project manager tasked with launching a customer relationship management system can examine the real demand for specific features, based on feedback from customers and from staff. Assessing Resources: Another of the advantages of feasibility studies is the opportunity to the current resources available for a project and to estimate the need for additional resources. Feasibility studies that recommend against projects often cite a lack of human resources or financial capital. Marketing Feasibility: Even for products and services with measurable demand, companies must examine their ability to spread the word about a new offering. During the project managers learn whether the market is already over saturated with stronger competitors. Marking a Timeline: One of the biggest advantages of a feasibility study is the validation of a prospective timeline. When moving into a formal project planning phase, a project manager can use data generated by the study to help set milestones and deadlines. A quality feasibility study examines the timetable suggested by project sponsors for potential delays or breakdowns Technical solutions can be compared: Solution: All solution will be given below table: Operating System MacOS Android Windows Framework 1.Java VM. 1. .Net 2. The App Builder. 3. PhoneGap 4. Native-Script 1.ASP.NET. 2.Java Frame Embedding. Mairaj OB0719A15E 2.Node.js. 3.Java. P a g e | 12 Technology 1. IntelliJ 1.C# 2.Java 3.Python 4.Swift 5.C++ 1. Python. 2. Eclipse. Merits and Demerits framework of java: Java Framework Windows 10 Technology java pros It is easy to use and it is an object oriented program language. Cons A lot of memory consuming, it specifically Separate software should be downloaded. IntelliJ Software used IOS Python Presence of the third party module, open source and community development, productivity and speed. For Mobile Development. Python is not Good language for mobile Development. Python (Anaconda) The components of a feasibility report: Solution: 1.Feasibility studies are usually carried out by major engineering firms who have the multi-disciplinary expertise on all the major project issues like project design, economics, environmental, logistics, stakeholder, regulatory requirements, and so forth. A. The contents of a project feasibility study are: Design Summary Economics Geopolitical Environmental Historical Design Summary Mairaj OB0719A15E P a g e | 13 The feasibility study must perform the project design to a minimum level that allows the executives or board to make a final decision to proceed with the project. The project cost must be a level that: Is sufficient to obtain project financing Is sufficient to make a final project go/no-go decision On the impact side, the design must be sufficiently complete to ensure that all of the project’s impacts are well known: Environmental Social Geopolitical In most industries, many studies are produced prior to the final feasibility study. In major industrial projects, for example, a scoping study or pre-feasibility study will assess the economics of one or two major factors that are driving the project’s viability. Economics Mairaj OB0719A15E P a g e | 14 The economic feasibility of a project is determined by: Estimating the project costs Because the design is mostly complete, each item is estimated using comparisons to previous projects or unit rate averages from various sources. Estimating revenue The revenue generated from the project is usually a lot less certain than the capital cost of the plant. For that reason, feasibility studies usually evaluate several different scenarios, for example high-medium-low or optimistic/pessimistic scenarios. applied to account for potential price volatility. Risk is an important component of this step, since there are usually many that could impact the project’s revenue stream. Estimating operations and maintenance costs The ongoing yearly costs of the facility once constructed are estimated and enter the analysis together with the capital (one-time) cost. Usually, but not always, this is known with a fairly strong degree of certainty and contingency factors are not necessary. Capital budgeting techniques The feasibility study considers all of the capital inflows and outflows accounting for the time value of money. Internal Rate of Return The percentage return generated by the project, which is comparable to a stock market return. Payback Period The length of time it takes to recover the initial investment. Environmental In this day and age, environmental regulations are integral to project feasibility. Mairaj OB0719A15E P a g e | 15 There are many environmental regulations that could derail a project if a project manager is not familiar with their project’s environmental footprint. In most jurisdictions, environmental reviews must be completed for any construction work that involves disturbing a site. These reviews require monitoring and establishing a baseline for a variety of ecosystem components, which include: Soils and erosion Vegetation (grasses, bushes, and trees) Wildlife Fish Water quality Air quality Historical You might be surprised how many projects are commissioned without a proper idea of who tried the same thing, how long ago, and whether or not they were successful. Success is often relative – maybe they succeeded partially and there are good lessons learned for the current project manager. Even if it doesn’t swing the project feasibility, the previous lessons learned could significantly reduce the cost or schedule of the project. Impact of different feasibility criteria on software investigation: Mairaj OB0719A15E P a g e | 16 Solution: Discuss the component of the feasibility report. Consider the following types of feasibility: Technical Feasibility Operational Time Legal Economical Social Management Feasibility Study: A feasibility study is an analysis that takes all of a project's relevant factors into account—including economic, technical, legal, and scheduling considerations—to ascertain the likelihood of completing the project successfully. Project managers use feasibility studies to discern the pros and cons of undertaking a project before they invest a lot of time and money into it. Types of Feasibility: These are the four main types of feasibility study: Technical: input device which can enter a large amount of data in the effective time. Output devices which can produce output in a bulk in an effective time. The choice of processing unit depends upon the type of processing required in the organization. Operational: This aspect defines the urgency of the problem and the acceptability of any solution. It shows if the system is developed, will it be used. The operational study includes people- oriented and social issues: internal issues, such as manpower problems Mairaj OB0719A15E P a g e | 17 Time Feasibility: Given his technical expertise, the analyst should determine if the project deadlines are reasonable whether constraints placed on the project schedule can be reasonably met. Some projects are initiated with specific deadlines. We may have the technology, but that doesn't mean we have the skills required to properly apply that technology. Legal Feasibility: Determines whether the proposed system conflicts with legal requirements e.g. a Data Processing system must comply with the local Data Protection Acts. When an organization has either internal or external legal counsel, such reviews are typically standard. However, a project may face legal issues after completion if this factor is not considered at this stage. Economic Feasibility: The bottom line in many projects is economic feasibility. During the early phases of the project, economic feasibility analysis amounts to little more than judging whether the possible benefits of solving the problem are worthwhile. As soon as specific requirements and solutions have been identified, the analyst can weigh the costs and benefits of each alternative. Security Requirements: Depending upon the category of user the access rights are decided. It means if the user is an administrator then he can be able to modify the data, delete, append etc., all other users other than library staff only have the rights to retrieve the information about database. Software Quality Attributes: The Quality of the database is maintained in such a way so that it can be very user friendly to all the users of the database. Hardware Constraints: The system requires a database in order to store persistent data. The database should have backup capabilities. Mairaj OB0719A15E P a g e | 18 Software Constraints: The development of the system will be constrained by the availability of required software such as database and development tools. the availability of these tools will be governed by. Server: Operating System: Windows Processor: Pentium 4.0 GHz RAM: 4GB or more Hard Drive: 1 TB or more. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Method, 2011. Purpose of Feasibility Study. [Online] Available at: [Accessed October 2019].Anon., 2009. [Online] Available at: ganges, 2014. [Online] Available at: gaus, d., 2019. [Online] Available at: guetta, 2017. [Online] Available at: Mairaj OB0719A15E P a g e | 19