Jugal Rural Municipality Baramchi, Sindhuplchowk Province-3 A Report On Detailed Engineering Survey, Design & Cost Estimation of “Bashsimley-Chyakhur Road” (Ch: 0+000.00-8+240) Vol I: Main Report Addon Engineering Solution Pvt. Ltd. Buddhanagar, Kathmandu June, 2019 i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This report is the result of detailed engineering survey, design and cost estimation conducted in Bashsimley- Chyakhur through agreement signed between by Jugal Rural Municipality and Addon Engineering Solution Pvt. Ltd. We would like to extend our special gratitude to the concerned government office Jugal Rural Municipality, Sindhupalchowk, for entrusting and providing us an opportunity to conduct Detailed Engineering Survey, Design, Cost Estimation and Preparation of Report BashSimley-Chyakhur motorable road. We are also thankful to Rural Municipality president Hom Narayan Shrestha and all other concerned staff of Jugal Rural Municipality and Selang ward president Kamal Thapa for providing valuable information and help in entire period of this project. We are grateful to our team, Transportation Engineer-Moha Raj Poudel, SurveyorPramod Bhattarai, Civil Engineer-Chet Nath Neupane and other supporting staff who are actively involved in the survey, design and preparation of report. At last but not least, we are very indebted to the local people for their kind cooperation during our survey works, including guidance and help during execution of the field survey work and providing us with required information. Addon Engineering Solution Pvt. Ltd. Buddhanagar, Kathmandu ii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and cost estimation and the preparation of the report for Bashsimley-Chyakhur road has been prepared for Jugal Rural Municipality, Sindhupalchowk. The road length is 8.24Km. The road alignment starts from BashSimley and ends at Chyakhur. Design of road was carried out by Smart Road developed by Smart Tech and SW_DTM computer software developed by Softwel (P) Ltd. Nepal Rural Road Standard (2055) with 2nd Revision, DoLIDAR is followed to design the road. The road falls under the category of Local Road Network as per NRRS as it connects Bashsimley to Chyakhur. And accordingly, the design parameters and standards are considered for the road design. A total right of way adopted is 20m (10 m on either side). Adopted Roadway width is 7m, which includes carriageway (5.5m) and its shoulder width (1.5m), and formation width is 8.2m including drain. Few slope failures were observed along the road alignment. Regarding construction materials, stone aggregates required for road works can be obtained from Balefi River. Other construction materials such as GI wire, cements, Hume pipes, etc. can be procured from Banepa market, which is in about 64Km periphery. The survey, design and estimate of the road are included for the standard improvement of the road to its District road standard. The whole length of the road passes through the cutting and filling section. In this situation, where excavation or filling has been purposed following the existing cut or fills, the existing track of the road is narrow to this District Road standard road so extra cut or fill is adopted for carriage width, shoulder and provision of earthen unlined-drains. In absence of compaction, plant a road formation in cut will be more trafficable than one in fill. So, where there is no stability problem, a balance cut and fill is adopted and avoiding the retaining structures. The road has designed to minimize the impacts on the environment. Cost estimates are based on the applicable DoLIDAR norms. In cases, where DoLIDAR norms are not available, DOR norms have been used. The unit item rates for each item have been concluded on the basis of approved district rate for fiscal year 2075/76. While calculating item rates, it is assumed that qualified contractor will undertake construction following mechanized approach for road works. The base cost of the civil works has been estimated to be NRs. 302,393,555.02. The total cost for road construction including the contingencies and VAT as per GON rules is calculated to be NRs. Thirty Five Crores Thirty Eight Lakhs and Four Hundred Fifty Nine only (NRs. 353,800,459.37). For budgetary purpose to take account of charge in scope in accordance with GON of financial norms a provision of 10% of the base cost estimate has been indicated in the budgetary cost estimate. So far, the construction concerns, labor-based participatory and environment–friendly approach of road construction adopted. To maximize the cheap unskilled labor in iii excavation emphasis in full cut with the excavated material side tipping along the length of the alignment .Furthermore, in absence of compaction plant a road formation in cut will be more trafficable than one in fill. Where there is no stability problem, a balance between cut and fill is adopted avoiding RT–Structures. The road has been designed to minimize the impacts on the environment. The Consultant has tried their best to make the report cover all aspects of road design in mountainous terrain to make it a complete design report. All essential working drawings have been produced as per the guidelines provided. The working drawings are self-explanatory and complete for easy and successful implementation of the construction plan of the project. Conducting the design in this way gives the Consultants flexibility to vary and refine the alignment in order to balance the sometimes-conflicting requirements of the design standard, environmental considerations and low cost. iv SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROJECT 1 Name of the Project 2 Project Location Province District Municipality Settlement Length Starting Point End Point Geographic Location Geographical Feature Terrain Climate Geology 3 Meteorology 4 5 6 a b 7 Altitude Range Design Standard Standard Classification Geometrics Right of Way Formation Width Carriageway Width Shoulder Width Maximum Gradient Minimum Gradient Lane Structure Drainage Structure Side Drains Pipe Culvert Causeways Retaining Structure Stone Masonry Gabion Earthwork Excavation/Cutting Embankment/Fill : Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Cost Estimation of Bashsimley – Chyakhur Motorable Road : : : : : : : : Province No.: 3 Sindhupalchowk Jugal Rural Municipality Bashsimley 8.24Km BashShimley Chyakhur 378965.35E, 3079848.19N , 884.449m : Hilly : Moderate : Sedimentary rocks, such as shale, limestone, and sandstone and common soil types include residual soils : Unevenly Distributed Precipitation controlled by Monsoon : 884.449m-1531.397m : NRRS 2071, NRS 2070 : Local Road : : : : : : : 10m on either side (Centre Line) 8.2m 5.5m 0.75m on either side 12% 0.50% Intermediate : Trapezoidal Type Drain : 10 no. : 2 no. : 4821.20 cu.m. : 16282 cu.m. : 178610.07 cu.m. : 37324.7 cu.m. v 8 Cost Estimates Base Cost(A) VAT @13% of Base Cost Contingency @ 4% of Base Cost Total Cost including VAT & Contingency Price adjustment Contingency @ 10% of Base Cost Physical Contingency @ 10% of Base cost Grand Total Cost COST PER KILOMETER : : : : NRs. 302,393.555.02 39,311,162.15 12,095,742.20 353,800,459.37 : 30,239,355.50 : 30,239,355.50 : 414,279,170.37 : 42,936,948.95 vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ....................................................................................................... ii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................ iii SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROJECT .................................................................................... v Abbreviations .......................................................................................................................... ix List of Tables ........................................................................................................................... ix List of Figures.......................................................................................................................... ix 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 1 1.1. General ........................................................................................................... 1 1.2. Project Background ...................................................................................... 1 1.3. Objectives ....................................................................................................... 2 1.4. Scope of Services............................................................................................ 2 1.5. Methodology .................................................................................................. 3 1.5.1. Group Involved for Survey Work .................................................................. 3 1.5.2. Equipment’s used for Surveying .................................................................... 4 1.5.3. Centre Line, Cross Section and Detailing ...................................................... 4 1.5.4. Office Works..................................................................................................... 4 2.THE PROJECT......................................................................................................................... 5 2.1 Description of Alignment Stretch ................................................................ 5 2.2 Project Location ................................................................................................. 5 3.DESIGN STANDARDS AND PARAMETERS .............................................................................. 6 3.1Geometric Design Standards ............................................................................. 6 1. ENGINEERING DESIGN...................................................................................................... 8 4.1 Road Classification ............................................................................................ 8 4.2 Design Speed .................................................................................................. 8 4.3 Right of way ................................................................................................... 8 4.4 Roadway width .............................................................................................. 8 4.5 Extra Widening ............................................................................................. 8 4.6 Sight Distance ................................................................................................ 8 4.7 Horizontal Curvature ................................................................................... 8 4.8 Vertical Curvature ........................................................................................ 9 4.9 Longitudinal Section ..................................................................................... 9 4.10 Pavement Surface ...................................................................................... 9 4.11 Cross Section .............................................................................................. 9 vii 5. 4.12 Passing Bays and Bus Lay Bys ................................................................. 9 4.13 Water Management Measures ................................................................. 9 4.14 Side Drains ................................................................................................. 9 4.15 Pavement Design ...................................................................................... 10 ENGINEERING SURVEY AND STUDY ............................................................................... 11 5.1 Desk Study ................................................................................................... 11 5.2 Field Survey ................................................................................................. 11 5.3 The Survey Team ........................................................................................ 11 5.4 Topographical Survey ................................................................................. 11 5.5 Geology and Geomorphology ..................................................................... 12 5.5.1 Regional Geology ........................................................................................... 12 5.5.2 Site Geology .................................................................................................... 13 5.5.3 Seismology ...................................................................................................... 14 5.5.4 Geological Hazards ........................................................................................ 15 5.6 Construction Material Survey.................................................................... 15 5.6.1 Naturally Available Materials....................................................................... 15 5.6.2 Factory Made Materials ................................................................................ 15 5.7 General Alignment Description ................................................................. 16 5.8 Land Use Pattern ......................................................................................... 16 5.9 Cross Drainage ............................................................................................ 16 5.10 Retaining Structures................................................................................ 17 5.11 Traffic Safety Measures .......................................................................... 17 5.12 Data Entry and Analysis ......................................................................... 17 6. ENGINEERING DESIGN AND DRAWINGS ........................................................................ 18 7. ENGINEERING ESTIMATES ............................................................................................. 19 8. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ..................................................................... 20 viii Abbreviations List of Tables Table 1: Design Standards.......................................................................................................... 6 Table 2: Widening Of Curve ....................................................................................................... 8 Table 3: Naturally Available Materials.................................................................................... 15 Table 4: List Of Cross Drainage( Hume Pipes) .......................................................................... 16 List of Figures Figure 1: Project Location .......................................................................................................... 5 Figure 2: DEM based physiographic map of Nepal (Ranjan Dahal and Hasegawa, 2008) ....... 13 Figure 3: Geological map of Nepal (Dahal 2006) ..................................................................... 13 Figure 4: Seismic Hazard Map Of Nepal................................................................................... 14 Figure 5: Sample Plan And Profile ............................................................................................ 18 Figure 6: Sample Cross Section ................................................................................................ 18 ix 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. General This report has been prepared as per the contract, between Jugal Rural Municipality as the Client and Addon Engineering Solution Pvt. Ltd. as the Consultant for the Detailed Engineering Survey, Engineering Design, Detailed Cost Estimate and Preparation of the Report in accordance with the given Terms of reference (TOR). This report is submitted as final after incorporating comments on it and editing as per the comments, suggestions and rectifications suggested by the Client. 1.2. Project Background Roads are vitally important to a country’s economic development. The construction of high quality road network directly increases a nation’s economic output by reducing journey time and costs, making a region attractive economically. Roads contributes to economic, industrial, social and cultural development of any country as it helps in production and supply of goods, consumption of human needs. Similarly development follows lines of transportation so, transportation aids in the advancement of the country as well as strategic movement in the case of emergencies. Development of roads can be linked closely with development of human civilization. In the very early phase of human civilization foot trail was the only means of transport. As commerce increased, the tracks were often flattened or widened to accommodate human and animal traffic. The simpler trails were replaced slowly by wider paths after people realized the use of animals as means of transportation. Some of these dirt tracks were developed into fairly extensive networks, allowing communications, trade and governance over wide areas. The scope of transportation has become more and more sophisticated with time. Advancements in transportation system is leading to effective alternatives, which are easy, safe and economical. Nepal is an agro-based country; the rise and fall of agricultural production directly affect the economic status of country. Nepal's lands are hilly and mountainous, where productivity is either less or there is no means of transportation to facilitate the linkage of farmlands to the market centers, or to nearby strategic road heads. As the Ninth Five Year Plan has the prime objective of poverty alleviation and is drawn up in a line with Agriculture Perspective Plan (APP), and anticipated to generate substantial opportunities for rural employment through diversification, commercialization and industrialization of the agriculture sector. To achieve this target it is necessary to make assurance of availability of means and resource for improved agricultural practice and easy access to market opportunities for agricultural products and basic human services. In connection with the agriculture development, two sectors have prime importance, viz. road and irrigation sector. Absence of proper irrigation facility, productivity will not reach the desired level, and without the connection of transportation of farmland to market center or to nearby strategic road head, the price of production will be high. Consequently, the development of agriculture remains only a dream, if this two-sub sector is sidelined. At present, the rural road network has not much significant economic impact on the development of agriculture sector as it has very low density, 6 km per 100 km square throughout the kingdom. To enhance the growth of agriculture sector, rural road network has given much preference and Ninth Five Year Plan and Agriculture Perspective Plan estimate it to increase the density up to 11 km per 100 km square. 1 Most of the area in Nepal is geologically fragile hill and mountain. The roads, therefore, are vulnerable to frequent landslide triggered by floods, earthquakes, land use systems and other man-made factors. Therefore proper planning should be taken into consideration for the development of the roads in rural area. In recent years, some private engineering firms have collaborated with international donor to experiment with a low-cost, environmentally friendly and self-help (LES) approach to building roads. The LES approach as used in various rural district of Nepal is claimed to be cost effective and environment friendly. Nepal Road Standards -2027(Second Revision 2070), in short called NRS-2070, shall apply to all Strategic Roads in rural areas being constructed within Nepal. The Department of Roads (DOR) under Ministry of Local Infrastructure Development and Transport administers national Highways and feeder roads. District Road, Agricultural and Rural Roads are administered by Department of Local Infrastructure Development and Agriculture Roads (DoLIDAR) and Nepal Rural Road Standard -2055(Second Revision 2071) applies to them. 1.3. Objectives Overall objective of the project is to design road from Bashimley to Chyakhur,. Besides, the goal of the project will be to conduct Detailed Engineering Survey, Design, Cost Estimation and Preparation of Report under the norms and specification of NRS and other relevant standards. The specific objectives, but not necessarily limited to the following are. 1.4. To analyse the existing situation on topographic map as well as on field. Review of existing study reports, standards and specification Conduct detail engineering survey of the alignment and its corridor Design the different components of road elements in co-operation with client Conduct studies for cross-drainage works and purpose the suitable cross drainage structures. Preparation of working drawings Prepare quantity and cost estimates with analysis of rates. Preparation of survey and design report Explore and recommend sources of basic road construction materials Scope of Services For the preparation of the detailed engineering design and cost estimate for the BashSimley– Chyakhur road the scope of work covers: a) Detailed engineering survey of the road including fixing of centreline, b) Detailed design of the road to DoLIDAR's NRRS 2055, 2nd Revision, December 2014, c) Preparation of engineering drawings including alignment plan, design profile, design cross section and typical drawings, 2 d) Preparation of detailed cost estimate, and e) Preparation of technical study reports f) Preparation of schedules of labours and materials. To fulfill the above scope of services under the assignment as part of the preparation of the Project Report the consultant carried out the following activities: 1.5. Discussions and meetings with the Client and stakeholders Collection and review of concerned documents, report, manual, guidelines, specifications, norms and others Preparation for field survey Reconnaissance survey, Traversing and Chainage Marking Detailed engineering survey of the proposed road alignment and its corridor (topographical survey, geological observation, hydrological study slope patterns, drainages patterns, Cross drainage and others) Material and labor availability survey Collection of district rates (labor, material and transportation) Detail designs as per the DoLIDAR’s Rural Road Design Standards. Drawings preparation Quantity estimation, rate analysis and cost estimates. Preparation of reports Methodology The Study team member organized a meeting with the client for the discussion of related matters of the project. Before departure to the field survey, desk study was done and fruitful discussion was held between the client and core team members. During desk study, information and materials required to the said road project such as topographic maps, references and survey equipment etc. were gathered. The literature review was briefly conducted and information was gathered. Before the commencement of the detail survey works, a core team comprising of team leader and other team member visited the project road section. A brief discussion was held with Concerned Committee and other stake holders. 1.5.1. Group Involved for Survey Work Group involvement for the survey work included followings: Traversing and Pegging IP fixing and baseline survey Detail survey Environment study team - 1 group - 1 group - 1 group - 1 group 3 1.5.2. Equipment’s used for Surveying Following equipment’s was used in addition to other accessories for surveying: Total Station GPS Abney Level 1.5.3. Centre Line, Cross Section and Detailing Centerline fixing and allocating works and alignment selection was done by IP fixing and base line survey group and these points are followed by detail survey group. Centerline, cross section and detailing was carried by Total Station. Centerline points were established by the method of chainage and pegging. In general, the centerline, road edge road side and drain detail is carried out. The surveying of centerline was regularly closed with already established Baseline Points. Levelling of Benchmarks and base line survey Leveling of Benchmarks and baseline survey was done with Total station instrument and was closed at the end of each day. The Baseline Points were taken as Permanent Benchmarks within permissible error. Desk Study The geological and topographical maps were studied. The relevant information regarding condition of existing road, existing structures, causes of most critical sections were discussed. The strategy for field study was made accordingly. 1.5.4. Office Works Following office works were carried out Preparation of maps, design (Plotting and designing) and preparation of Plan/Profile and cross sections of the road Quantity estimation. Analysis of rates. Cost estimation. Report preparation covering the scope of work . 4 2.THE PROJECT 2.1 Description of Alignment Stretch The Bashimley-Chyakhur road is located in Jugal Rural Municipality, Sindhupalchowk. The start point of the road is at BashSimley and ends at the Chyakhur. The existing road carriage way width is about 3.5±0.5 m. The existing road is in somewhat fair condition and need to be widened considering future traffic. It needs improvement for smooth traffic flow. Slight cutting of mass are seen on some stretch of the road alignment. Most of the alignment passes through forest. The section is consisting of earthen surface with ordinary gravel mixed soil. The geology of this sector mainly consists of ordinary soil gravel mixed soil. The road requires adequate water management structures especially side drains and cross drains. Some of the road section requires grade improvement and surface maintenance. 2.2 Project Location Detailed engineering Survey, Design and cost estimation of BashSimley-Chyakhur Motarable Road project lies in Jugal Rural Municipality,Sindhupalchowk District. The road starts at BashSimley with coordinates 378965.35E, 3079848.19N, 884.449m and ends at Chyakhur with coordinates 375843.55E, 3080123.29N, 1531.397m. Figure 1: Project Location (Source: Google earth image, June2. 2019, edited) 5 3.DESIGN STANDARDS AND PARAMETERS 3.1Geometric Design Standards The geometric design standards and parameter are strictly followed from NRRS published by DoLIDAR 2nd Revision December 2014, with the salient features, as outlined in the table below. The design standards adopted for the upgrading of the road are that of fair weather earthen road with low traffic volume. Table 1: Design Standards S.N. 1 2 3 Road Components Traffic < 100 VPD Traffic > 100 VPD < 400 VPD Traffic >400 VPD 3 3.75 5.5 Shoulder Width (m) Roadway Width (m) Traffic > 400 VPD 0.75 On both sides 7 Excludes width of drain, parapet and retaining wall Right of Way (m) 20 5 6 7 Ruling 25 Minimum 20 20 Stopping Sight Distance (m) Radius of Horizontal Curves (m) 9 10 m RoW on Either side from the road centre line Design Speed 8 Remarks Carriageway width (m) 4 Design Standards Hills 20 Ruling 12.5 Minimum Hairpin Bends Desirable Spacing (m) 100 100 m spacing is desirable but may be less as per site condition Minimum Radius (m) 12.5 Exceptional Case: 8.5 Minimum Roadway width at apex (m) 5.5 For curves with radius <12.5m provide 7.00 width Gradient (%) Ruling 7 Limiting 10 12 Exceptional Maximum for Bridge approach Minimum in Hill Roads 6 0.5 6 Up to 15% in hill roads for short stretch of 50m in unavoidable except in hairpin bends. Design Standards S.N. Road Components Remarks Hills 10 11 Extra Widening (m) For Curve Radius < 20m For Curve Radius 20-60m For Curve Radius > 60 m 1.5 0.6 Nil Camber Minimum (%) Earthen Roads 5 Gravel Roads Bituminous Roads Hills: Uniderctional camber sloping either towards hill side or valley side 4 Hills: Unilateral camber in carriageway sloping 3 Hills: Unilateral camber in carriageway sloping towards hill side 12 Passing Zone/Bus Lay Byes Passing Zones: width of carriageway width 5.5m and length about 12m along outside edge and 30m along inside i.e. Towards the carriageway side and each end tapered gradually towards the carriageway 13 Traffic Signs and Road Safety As Detailed in the NRRS 2013 14 Carriageway Width (Cross-drainage structures) Culvert 15 Road Side Drains 6.5 Distance between Parapet walls Hill Roads: Trapezoidal stone masonry drain (1:4) of size 1mX0.5m throughout the road length as required Built up areas: Drain s specified in DoLIDAR Technical Guideline with adequate cover slabs for crossings Surfacing Options 1 DBST Surface 150mm gravel sub-base,200mm course and DBST Surface 7 1. ENGINEERING DESIGN The design parameters adopted for BashSimley-Chyakhur Road follow DoLIDAR Nepal Rural Road Standard (2055), 2nd Revision December 2014. 4.1 Road Classification The proposed road has been classified as District Road Core Network (DRCN). 4.2Design Speed The design speed has a crucial role in geometric parameters of the roads. The design speed depends on various factors like; super elevation, sight distance, radius and length of horizontal curve, extra widening of pavement, and the length of vertical curve (summit and valley) etc. According to the design standards followed, the ruling design speed adopted 25km/hr in flat section. However at hairpin bends, horizontal curve and steep sections, the adopted design speed as per NRRS is 20km/hr. 4.3Right of way As per the design standard of DoLIDAR, right of way adopted for BashSimley – Chyakhur Road is 10 m either side. 4.4Roadway width Roadway width adopted for the proposed road is 7m. It includes 5.5 m width Carriageway width and 0.75m of shoulder on either side. 4.5 Extra Widening It is necessary to widen the carriage way at sharp horizontal curves for the free movement of vehicles. Only mechanical widening has been proposed to compensate the extra width occupied by the vehicle on the sharp curve. For this, the inner part of the curve is proposed for widening as per NRRS as listed below in table. Table 2: Widening Of Curve Radius (m) S.N. Extra Widening (m) From To 1 0 20 1.5 2 20 60 0.6 3 60 100 0 4.6Sight Distance Since, the road is located in hill area; stopping sight distance must be secured properly. In this project, a minimum of 20 m is secured for design speed 20 km/hr and 25 m is secured for the flat section having design speed of 25 km/hr. 4.7Horizontal Curvature In each intersection, points are provided. As per the DoLIDAR Standards, the minimum radius of horizontal curve is taken as 12.5m. 8 4.8Vertical Curvature Vertical curves are provided as per the NRRS of DoLIDAR standard. 4.9Longitudinal Section A general minimum gradient of 0.5% was adopted in very flat conditions. Maximum grade of 12% permissible as per the DoLIDAR Standard was adopted. The gradient at loop should be up to 4% but due to geography of the alignment at loops, this gradient of 4% is difficult to maintain. However, the grade permissible by the design guidelines is maintained. 4.10 Pavement Surface DBSD pavement surface has been proposed for the entire alignment of the road. Structure of pavement is as under: 150 mm thick gravel sub-base 150 mm base course 40mm Double Bituminous Surface Dressing 4.11 Cross Section The cross section at every 20m chainage point was considered to obtain the existing ground condition. The cross section design was carried out taking plan and profile under consideration. 4.12 Passing Bays and Bus Lay Bys For passing bays, width of carriage way width is 5.5m and length about 12 m along outside edge and 30 m along inside i.e. towards the carriageway side and each end tapered gradually towards the carriageway. For bus lay bys, minimum width is additional 3 m (i.e. total minimum carriageway width is 6m) and and length about 12 m along outside edge and 30 m along inside i.e. towards the carriageway side and each end tapered gradually towards the carriageway. The passing bay and bus lay bys has been proposed in such a way that no additional retaining structure is required. 4.13 Water Management Measures An utmost consideration is given to water management during design and their estimate. Depending upon the nature of existing natural channel and road profile, appropriate cross drainage types are proposed for water management. For this, pipe culverts, slab culverts, causeways and irrigation crossings are proposed in along the road as per need. For surface water management, side drainage towards hill side with varying sizes are proposed along the whole road stretches and the hill side camber principle is adopted for proper management of surface water. The minimum size of cross drainage adopted pipes of 900 mm except for irrigation channel. 4.14 Side Drains Side drains are required to prevent structural damage to the road. The water collected from surface runoff is required to be collected and drain off from nearby rivulet, culverts or cross drainage to protect the exiting road structures. For this, different kinds of side drains could be used as appropriate. In this project, stone masonry U 9 type side drainage is proposed along the whole stretches towards hill side since the road is designed with only one camber slope towards hillside. Both side cambers have been provided only at the settlement / market area. The total width of drainage proposed is 1m in width and depth 0.5m. In some stretches, the depth of drainage varies up to 1.0m as per site requirements. Also, Further, cascade type side drainage is proposed along the road stretches having its gradient greater than 5%. The typical drawing for side drains is included in Volume III drawings. 4.15 Pavement Design The detail parameters of the pavement should be determined after detailed survey of the vehicles that are supposed to carry the goods for the anticipated project. The thickness of the pavement for the present study is preliminary only and has to be checked conducting detail pavement investigation prior to construction work by the client. Depending upon the surface geomorphology and sub-soil conditions thickness could be varied depending on subgrade condition and the type of material chosen for different pavement layers during actual construction time. The consultant would like to recommend that client should conduct subgrade investigation in detail and conduct axle load survey prior to construction and adopt required pavement layer thickness as necessary. 10 5. ENGINEERING SURVEY AND STUDY 5.1 Desk Study Desk Studies are an essential part of the project performed prior to the site investigation and other processes. Desk studies are to assess the suitability of the selected route in respect to the topography, geology and so on. The suitability of the route is done using map study and previous relevant reports. All relevant guidelines, norms, specification were collected. Nepal Rural Road Standard (NRRS 2055) and DoLIDAR Norms & Specification has been studied and referred for adoption of design standard and specification. Desk study was carried out studying concerned topographical map sheets, documents, drawings, study reports, maps, and walkover survey report to acquire and extract key information to carry of the study. NRS was the main input document that was referred to maintain the standard of roads. 5.2 Field Survey After completion of the desk study, next task is to observe the site visiting directly. During this assignment, engineering team comprising of Highway Engineer, Surveyor and Supervisor had been mobilized in field. The team contacted municipality and with co-operation with staffs of municipality, the team mobilized to the site. 5.3 The Survey Team The key members of the project comprise of following: Highway/Transport Engineer Environmental Expert Social Specialist Civil Engineer Surveyor : : : : : Moha Raj Poudel Ujjwal Chapagain Prakash Poudel Chet Nath Neupane Pramod Bhattarai 5.4 Topographical Survey Detailed topographical survey was carried out for the design work of the selected road. Linear traverse method was adopted for the survey and topographical survey was conducted for the existing road and proposed road alignment. The method included fixing of the base stations and taking details 15m either side for the preparation of topographic map of the road. Topography survey was carried out in adequate details and accuracy to prepare DTM of the road alignment in 1:1000 scales. Detailed engineering survey was conducted using linear traverse methods. Total station, GPS and measuring tape were used as the tools for the surveying works. It was ensured the density of the survey points was adequate to prepare the detailed topography of the site. During the survey, all the major control points, like centerline, road edges of the existing road, location for the drainage structures, bridge axis points, location of the different protection structures are marked cautiously. 11 5.5 Geology and Geomorphology 5.5.1 Regional Geology Regional geology in the Nepal Himalaya is divided into five geo- tectonic zones. These zones, arranged latitudinal from north to south along the length of the country, are; Indo-Gangetic Plain or Terai Zone Sub-Himalayas or Siwaliks or Churia Zone Lesser Himalayan Zone Higher Himalayan Zone Tibetan-Tethys Zone These zones are boarded and separated by their specific tectonic structures called thrusts. The major tectonic setting of the Himalayas is briefly described here under. Main Central Thrust (MCT) This is the tectonic contact between the Higher Himalayas and Lesser Himalayas. It is a North dipping thrust fault, which at one time was a convergent plate boundary. The MCT was active during the early phases of Himalayan orogeny but is now considered to be less active than Main Boundary Thrust (MBT). Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) This is the active tectonic contact between the Lesser Himalayas and the Siwaliks. The MBT has been the source of very large earthquakes in the past. The maximum potential earthquake in this feature has a magnitude of 8.0. Himalayan Frontal Thrust or Main Frontal Thrust (HFT or MFT) This is a tectonic feature located at the boundary of the Siwalik and the Terai. This fault is also considered active. The maximum earthquake potential of this fault is 6.5 in magnitude. Tibetan-Tethys Zone This zone lies north from the Higher Himalaya zone. This zone is composed of fossiliferous sedimentary rocks like shale, limestone, sandstone etc. This wide valley is covered with thick glacial and fluvio-glacial deposits along with recent alluvium. These deposits are very loose and fragile. Steep slopes are also dominated at places. 12 Figure 2: DEM based physiographic map of Nepal (Ranjan Dahal and Hasegawa, 2008) Figure 3: Geological map of Nepal (Dahal 2006) 5.5.2 Site Geology The proposed road alignment site lies within the Tethyan Himalyan Sequence. Along the road alignment, it consists of residual soil, rocky geology consicting of sedimentary rocks, gravel mixed soil at different locations. The alignment passes through settlements and cultivated land at some places . So, to sum up, site geology 13 along the whole alignment; it comprises of rocky, residual soil, gravel mixed soil and some cultivated land. 5.5.3 Seismology Nepal is located at the boundary between Indian and Tibetan tectonic plates, therefore lies in seismically active region. The Himalayas are the product of continental collision of the sub-diction between the Indian plate and Eurasia plate. The collision was initiated in the early Tertiary period and the convergence between the two plates is estimated as 15-50 mm/yr. Nepal is located on the boundary between the Indian and Eurasia plate, along which the relative shear strain of about 2 cm per year has been estimated. The existence of Himalaya range with the world’s highest peak in evidence is the continued tectonic activities beneath the country. Therefore, Nepal is seismically very active. Figure 4: Seismic Hazard Map Of Nepal The development of longitudinal thrust faults and strike slip transverse faults are the results of continued sub-diction of Indian plate underneath the Eurasia plate. This process is continuing which is evidence by the lifting of Himalayas and occurrence of frequent earthquakes of various magnitudes. In Nepal earthquakes have occurred periodically and there have been several devastating earthquakes within this century. Therefore, the seismic parameters required as input in the design of bridge foundation structure, are very significant and should consider very carefully. The epicentre map of Nepal exhibits the majority of earthquakes occurrence in a zone that passes through the Midland Mountain Region of Nepal. This zone runs NW-SE 14 directions as a longitudinal trend of Nepal. The region beneath the high concentration of earthquake epicentre is considered to be high stress accumulation zone for the source of earthquake in Nepal. The information of historical and instrumentally recorded earthquakes in Nepal and India are available around project area. Major earthquake events occur with magnitude seven. 5.5.4 Geological Hazards The road does not consist severe weak geology along of the alignment. There is no such unstable slopes along the proposed road. So, no such vital mitigation and protection measures have been proposed along the road. 5.6 Construction Material Survey Construction material investigation was carried out around vicinity of the project sites along the road alignment. The investigation focused on locating prospective borrows areas of non-cohesive materials (colluvial and alluvial deposits). The prospective borrow sites were identified as sources of coarse aggregates. The construction material survey was carried out for the following purposes: Identification of location, estimation of quantity of sand, boulder, gravel and other possible construction material in and around the construction site. Site identification and determination of relevant materials available along river beds that can be used as concrete aggregates. 5.6.1 Naturally Available Materials Based on the construction material survey, different quarry sites are observed along the road alignment as well as river bank, possible quarry sites are shown below in table: Table 3: Naturally Available Materials Materials Sand Stone Gravel Aggregates Site Avg. Distance Balefi River 4 Km 5.6.2 Factory Made Materials Factory made materials are to be transported from the near commercial city which is Banepa which lies about 64 km. The factory made materials include: Cement Gabion wires Hume pipes(450 & 600mm) 15 5.7 General Alignment Description Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Cost Estimation of BashSimley- Chuakhur project lies in Sindhupalchowk district. The alignment is 8.24Km. The road alignment starts from BashSimley at an altitude of 884.449m and ends at Chyakhur at an altitude of 1531.397m. The alignment of the proposed road is shown in the location map. 5.8 Land Use Pattern The proposed road commutes from BashSimley- Chyakhur through forests, cultivable land, settlements. 5.9 Cross Drainage Depending upon the nature of road profile, type of natural drainage system, pipe culverts, causeways and slab culverts are proposed at different sections which are as under: Pipe culvert (600 mm dia.) = 9 no. Pipe culvert (450 mm dia.) = 1 no. Causeway = 2 no. Table 4: List Of Cross Drainage (Hume Pipes) S.N. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pipe Diameter (mm) Chainage 900 0+220.00 0+380.00 1+280.00 1+480.00 1+680.00 2+020.00 4+500.00 7+800.00 7+860.00 8+220.00 600 450 Table 5: List of Cross Drainage (Causeways) S. N. 1. 3+060 2 7+540 Chainage Length 12 10 16 Remarks 5.10 Retaining Structures Some potential slope failures were encountered during the survey at different places. Therefore, some retaining structures such as stone masonry walls and gabion walls are proposed to retain the slope according to their requirements. Based on the suitability of the kind of structures, gabion walls are proposed for high cut slopes and terraces, where higher walls are required. Also, the walls are proposed on the areas having poor foundation and seepage condition due to its flexibility for certain differential settlement and some slope movements. Besides, the wall is proposed on the hill sides to restrain against slope movement at landslide zones. The typical retaining structures adopted for the road are presented in Volume III: Drawing. The details of retaining structures proposed are given in Volume II: Cost Estimates. 5.11 Traffic Safety Measures Traffic safety measures are important component for roads. Traffic safety is important to reduce the chance of accident occurring. For prevention of serious accidents in hill roads, safety barriers are essential. The delineator posts at the loops and steep valley slopes are significant for traffic safety purpose. 5.12 Data Entry and Analysis After the completion of Topographical Survey, the survey data was extracted in the excel sheet from the total station. It is ensured that enough data points have been recorded so that realistic topographic map as well as realistic contour map of 1 m interval could be generated. Design of the road was carried out by Smart Road and SW_DTM computer software developed by SOFTWEL (P) Ltd., Nepal. The design works are based on the DTM created from the 3D points captured through the detailed survey. Centerline was generated using the design environment and accordingly the profile and cross-sections were generated. Then centerline (plan and profile) were optimized by adjusting the cross-sections. 17 6. ENGINEERING DESIGN AND DRAWINGS The engineering design is prepared based on Nepal Rural Road Standards published by DoLIDAR. Despite this at some locations, the design differed with the guidelines set by DoLIDAR due to the nature of topography, settlement and local issues. The engineering drawings are prepared with the use of Auto CAD as drafting tools. In drawings, plan, profile and cross-sections are published and presented for the whole length of road. However, for the road structures like retaining walls, side drains, traffic safety, etc. only typical standard drawing with necessary detailing are shown in drawings. All the required drawings with necessary detailing are placed in Volume: III some typical sample of plan profile and sections are placed below: Figure 5: Sample Plan And Profile Figure 6: Sample Cross Section 18 7. ENGINEERING ESTIMATES The quantity estimate of individual work items is derived from engineering design. The unit item rates of each work items are computed using appropriate and applicable DoLIDAR/DOR norms. The cost estimate makes provisions for general items e.g. cost of insurance, provision of site offices, cost of lab tests as well as provision for nominal quantities of the day works based on the experience from similar projects. The detailed cost estimate has been provided in Volume II: Cost Estimate of the technical report. 7.1. Quantity Estimate For estimating the cost of the project, detailed quantity estimation had been done for each item of works to be included in the project activities. The detail quantity estimates have been provided in Volume III. Cost Estimate and the sheets of quantity estimation. The quantities of earthwork, embankment filling, backfilling, stone masonry walls, gabion walls, drain and pavement are calculated by design software. Cross drainage structures and others are calculated separately. 7.2. Analysis of Rate For estimating the cost of each item of works, prevailing norms of DoLIDAR and DOR for rate analysis has been used throughout. Rate analysis of each of the items has been carried out according to the approved norms of DoLIDAR and approved district rates of Sindhupalchowk of fiscal year 2075/2076. Table 6: Summary of Cost S.N. Description of Works A General Item B Site Clearance & Earthworks C Earthwork D Pavement Works E Structural/ Side Drain/ Cross Drainage Works F Bio-Engineering G Road Furnishing and Miscellaneous Work H Day Works Base Cost (A+B+C+D+E+F+G+H) VAT (13% of Base Cost Contingency (4% of Base Cost) Total Cost including VAT & Contingency Price Adjusstment (10% of Base Cost) Physical Contingency (10% of Base Cost) Grand Total Cost per KM 19 Amount 1,040,004.00 463,527.07 66,548,246.11 94,585,312.19 138,975,144.6 420,184.13 158,559.87 202,577.00 302,393,555.02 39,311,162.15 12,095,742.2 353,800,459.37 30,239,355.50 30,239,355.50 414,279,170.37 42,936,948.95 8. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Cost Estimation of the Bashimley – Chyakhur Road section was completed successfully in time. 8.24km segment of the alignment was surveyed and designed. The road will serve as the main access to people of BashSimley and Chyakhur. Thus the road will facilitate to the local people and hence play a vital role in development of the agriculture etc. The settlements along the proposed road alignment and its neighborhood have immense potential of vegetables, cash crops production. People can generate income through agriculture and uplift their quality of life. Hence the road is recommended for construction. The detailed engineering survey, design and study revealed many facts of the alignment and based on close observations and analysis. It is recommended that: Alignment passes through plain terrains and agricultural area, So canal works are recommended on such location. Drain should be constructed along the road for the protection of road surface. All pavement should be DBST. 20 21