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Aed3701 Tutorial letter 201 UNISA

Tutorial Letter 201/0/2021
Year Module
Department: Curriculum and Instructional Studies
Marking guidelines for Assignment 01
Select the correct answer from the options given below each of the following questions.
1.1. This type of assessment takes place before learning commences.
A. formative assessment
B. summative assessment
C. baseline assessment
D. diagnostic assessment
1.2. ……… recognises experiential learning.
A. systematic assessment
B. summative assessment
1.3. This principle of assessment states that assessment is recent and relates to
what learners know or can do at the time of the assessment.
A. currency
B. fairness
C. appropriate
D. valid
1.4. Driver fatigue in teaching and learning means that
A. the teacher drives a long distance to school and when she arrives, is too tired
to teach.
B. the teacher has too many classes to teach in a day and is exhausted.
C. the teacher is overwhelmed by too much marking and has less teaching time.
D. the teacher drives learners to sporting activities, which is quite tiring.
1.5 The fact that instruction focuses on only what is assessed and neglects other
curriculum goals and content, is referred to as:
A. teach to pass
B. teach to the test
C. teach to progress’
D. spot teaching
Complete the statements below by filling in the correct answer. Write ONLY the answer next
to the number in your answer book.
2.1. According to the South African schooling system, Grade 7–9 is the ----------phase. (2)
▪ Senior
2.2. ---------------- is when a learner fails to meet all the promotional requirements for
a pass but is promoted to the next grade.
▪ Progression
2.3. In a school, matters pertaining to learners with learning difficulties are handled
by the ------------------------- (structure).
▪ SBST (School-based support team)
2.4. ---------------- is a compulsory component of formal assessment in FET and
is weighted at 25% of the total marks for the academic year for a subject.
▪ School-based Assessment (SBA)
2.5. The ------------------- is composed of all the formal assessments of each subject taught
in a school and must be made available to learners and their parents.
▪ School Annual Assessment Plan or, in short, School Assessment Plan
Read the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) and briefly describe, with
relevant examples, the meaning of the phrases below:
3.1 Assessment for learning
It is an assessment applied in teaching and learning to determine learners’ progress
in achieving the learning goals.
It is a daily assessment that monitors and enhances learners' learning through
teacher observation and teacher-learner interaction and provides the learner with
constructive feedback.
It is an ongoing process of gathering and interpreting evidence about student
learning to determine where students are in their learning, where they need to go,
and how best to get there.
It is also used to identify learners’ skills and knowledge gaps and to assist the
teacher in planning lessons and assessments.
3.2 Assessment of learning
• It is a classroom or field-based assessment at the end of a lesson, cycle or year to
determine the overall achievement of the learner.
It is a systematic way of evaluating learners’ progress in mastering the subject
content taught in a specific grade.
• Assessment of learning should cover all six levels of Bloom’s taxonomy and include
the three learning styles to embrace the concept of diversity.
• Learning assessment includes projects; oral presentations; performances; tests;
examinations; practical demonstrations; and so forth.
3.3 Continuous assessment
Continuous assessment is a constant process of assessment that spans the entire
learning process. The quality of a learner’s work is judged not by one final
examination, but by various tasks performed during teaching and learning.
Continuous assessment is a form of educational examination that evaluates learners’
progress in a prescribed subject. It is often an alternative to the final-examination
system if a learner fails to write an exam.
3.4 Authentic assessment
• It provides all learners with a variety of opportunities to demonstrate their
• It involves learners’ performance in a real-world situation.
• It makes provision for learners with barriers and for their aptitudes, learning styles,
and interests.
• It elicits high-order thinking and is not limited to classroom activities.
3.5 Systematic assessment or evaluation
• It is used to evaluate the appropriateness of the education system.
• It monitors the quality of learning and teaching at the critical transitional points of
Grades 3, 6 and 9 in the school system.
• Its purpose is to determine whether intentions and expectations are realised in
Read the scenario below and answer the questions that follow:
You have recently been appointed at a nearby school. In your first week, your Departmental
Head gave you the following information: “The 40 learners in your class have diverse
learning abilities. Tsharivhone is a progressed learner who does not cope with his
schoolwork. He always submits his work late and his writing is illegible. Thendo, on the other
hand, is a well-spoken and academically gifted girl who is always ahead of her class. She
submits her work on time and has a neat handwriting. Dan is an average learner who does
just enough to pass his assessments”.
4.1. Give a brief explanation of the term “diversity” in learning. Your explanation
should be based on the scenario above.
• A classroom of learners with different learning styles and academic abilities.
4.2. Which measures will you adopt to cater for Tsharivhone’s s educational needs in
terms of assessment?
• He must be given oral assessment activities, extra time to complete
assessments (apply for concessions), smaller sections of work at a time (for
research and projects), and expanded opportunities.
4.3. Which type of assessment will you, as Tsharivhone’s new teacher, give him? Explain
• Oral presentation (speech), dramatization and role-play. His writing is illegible,
but he can speak. The teaching and work he receives must include the work done
in the previous grade to bridge the gap.
4.4. Gifted learners such as Thendo, are mostly left out in our classes. What type of
assessment will you prepare for Thendo as part of the expanded opportunity?
Give assessment (informal) with higher-order questions. Give her a leading role
in group assessment tasks.
4.5. If you were to give pair work or assessment, would you consider paring Thendo
and Tsharivhone? Give reasons for it.
• Yes, they can be paired. Thendo might motivate Tsharivhone to work harder and
improve his writing. Some learners learn better from each other than from their
teacher. Because she is well-spoken, Thendo might encourage Tsharivhone to
come out of his shell and to be more active and participative in class.
Tsharivhone’ s vocabulary is likely to improve by being paired with Thendo.
4.6. According to Gardner’s theory of Multiple Intelligence (MI), in which
category does Thendo fall?
Verbal-linguistic or mathematical logical
Assessment guidelines are a compass that directs the teacher in setting an
Below are ten assessment guidelines. Use the CAPS assessment topic(s) for your
specific subject and grade to describe each of the guidelines below. NB: Do not give
a general description. Descriptions of guidelines with no subject, topic, and grade
WILL NOT be marked.
This is an example. Students are NOT expected to write precisely what is presented below.
Assessment Guideline
1.Subject, grade, and topic to be
2.What is the objective of this
3.What are learners expected to
do? (Describe activities.)
4.What would the expected
assessment product be?
5. What type and form of
assessment will be used? (4)
6.Where would the assessment
take place?
7.How would you ensure the
fairness of the assessment? (3)
Specific Description of Implementation of
Subject: Tourism, Grade: 11
Assessment topic: Railway industry in South Africa
It is for learners to be familiar with the railway
industry in South Africa including daily commuting
and tourism.
Conduct research on the railway industry in South
Information such as types of trains, the
advantages and disadvantages of using trains,
labelled pictures of different types of trains,
payment methods, train schedules, seating
configurations in trains, and so on.
Learners bring information per question in class.
Learners put the project together in class.
A well-researched and well-presented project on
the railway industry.
Summative assessment
Skills aassessment task (project)
The teacher mediates every stage of the project in
class. The researched material is put together in
The project is based on the content taught in class.
Resources such as photocopied and electronic
material, are made available to learners. A
8.Indicate how you would cater to
each of the three learning styles.
9.Which assessment instrument
would be used for this task?
Explain why. (4)
10.To whom and how would
feedback be given? (4)
reasonable time is given for the completion of the
Haptic learners: go out to look for information
regarding the project.
Visual: use illustrations and labelled pictures in the
Auditory: brainstorming ideas for the project.
Assessment grid.
Criteria to be assessed are clearly stated.
Mark allocation is also clear and gives guidance on
the volume of information required.
Marked projects are given back to learners.
Expectations are discussed with learners. Marks
are recorded and reflected in learners’ report
cards, which are made available to learners and
their parents.
Can technology make it easier to teach and assess a multigrade class? The questions below
require you to be innovative and apply your ICT knowledge and skills.
Assessment in a Multigrade class (more than one grade in one class) differs from
assessment in a normal class (single grade). Design an assessment activity in which you
will assess two different grades from the same phase in one class, using the same subject
and topic. Your assessment should indicate the following:
6.1.1 The two grades, subject, and topic
• Grades:
8 and 9
• Subject:
Economics and Management Sciences
• Topic:
Grade 8: term 4: Financial literacy: Cash receipts journal
Grade 9: term 4: Financial literacy: Credit transactions – debtors
6.1.2 The type and form of assessment used
• formative assessment
• case study (a design case study for Grade 8: Cash receipts journal, and for Grade
9: Credit transactions – debtors)
6.1.3 The purpose of assessment per grade according to the CAPS document
(Please note: even though the topic is the same, the purpose might not be the
same considering the different grades.)
Grade 8: To find out if learners can use columns in the Cash Receipt Journal to
enter cash transactions.
Grade 9: To find out if learners can record transactions in the debtors journal,
debtors allowances journal, cash receipts journal, and concerning
credit sales.
6.1.4 Explain how you will ensure that the assessment is credible and fair to
learners in both grades. Justify your answer.
Credibility in assessment:
Reliability: The assessment activities of both Grades 8 and 9 emanated from the
lesson plans based on financial literacy in the CAPS document of the senior phase
Practicability: Resources are made available to all learners. Adequate time has
been allocated to complete the assessment activity.
Validity: The assessment is relevant to the standards in the CAPS document for the
specific assessment activity.
Fairness in assessment:
The transaction, source document, subsidiary journal, general ledger, trial balance,
financial statements (income statement and balance sheet) will be provided during
the assessment to Grade-8 and -9 learners.
Financial-literacy language was used in designing the assessment activity (case
study). Assessment is not biased towards any race, gender, age, or social class and
all learners can easily understand it.
6.1.5 How will you consider the three learning styles (haptic, visual, and
auditory) when assessing the learners? Indicate the technology or devices that
you will use to enhance each learning style.
Haptic: Since the assessment activities require learners to work in pairs, they will
help each other to complete the cash receipts journal (Grade 8) or credit
transactions – debtors (Grade 9).
Visual: Learners will be encouraged to look at the samples of pasted cash receipts
journal and credit transactions – debtors to enhance their understanding when they
complete their activities.
Auditory: Learners will be working in pairs. Therefore, they are obliged to
communicate and exchange knowledge or ideas to complete the assessment
6.1.6 What is the expected end product of the assessment activity?
• Each pair is allowed to do a presentation about the task:
Cash receipts journal (Grade 8) and Credit transactions – debtors (Grade 9).
6.2. During the assessment activity, will you allow learners of the upper grade to
assist those of the lower grade? (e.g., Grade 5 learners are allowed to assist Grade 4
learners.) Motivate your answer.
(Depending on the type of the activity given, the answer may be yes or no.)
• No: Grade-8 learners are paired and should think independently when they
complete their task. However, during the presentation, Grade-9 learners may be
allowed to add and subtract to support Grade-8 learners.
6.3. Which technology or devices will you use to give feedback to your learners? Take into
account that you have learners from two grades in one class when you answer this
A split smartboard can be used for feedback. One side is reserved for each grade.
Feedback can also be sent to each grade (learners’ tablets) via Bluetooth.
The teacher can also form WhatsApp groups for each grade and send group
feedback to the relevant WhatsApp group.
Total: 100 Marks