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English Exam Paper - High School, Indonesia (2018/2019)

Kurikulum 2013
Kamis, 14 Maret 2019 (07.30 – 09.30)
Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA MIPA/ IPS
Mata Pelajaran
Program Studi
: Bahasa Inggris
: Kamis, 14 Maret 2019
: 07.30 – 09.30
Periksalah Naskah Soal yang Anda terima sebelum mengerjakan soal yang meliputi:
a. Kelengkapan jumlah halaman beserta urutannya.
b. Kelengkapan nomor soal beserta urutannya.
Laporkan kepada pengawas ruang ujian apabila terdapat lembar soal, nomor soal yang
tidak lengkap atau tidak urut, serta lembar jawaban yang rusak atau robek untuk
memperoleh gantinya.
Gunakan bolpoin/pulpen yang bertinta hitam atau biru untuk mengisi Lembar Jawaban
dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:
Tulislah Nomor Peserta Anda pada kotak yang disediakan.
Tulislah Nama Anda pada kotak yang disediakan.
Tulislah Nama Mata Pelajaran yang diujikan pada kotak yang disediakan.
Kode Mata Pelajaran dan Kode Peserta diisi oleh panitia USBN.
Berilah tanda silang (X) pada huruf jawaban yang Anda anggap benar.
Apabila ada jawaban yang Anda anggap salah dan Anda ingin memperbaiki,
coretlah dengan dua garis lurus mendatar pada jawaban Anda yang salah, kemudian
beri tanda silang (X) pada huruf jawaban yang Anda anggap benar.
Pilihan salah
Dibetulkan menjadi :
Mintalah kertas buram kepada pengawas, bila diperlukan.
Waktu yang tersedia untuk mengerjakan Naskah Soal adalah 120 menit.
Naskah terdiri dari 45 butir soal pilihan ganda yang masing-masing dengan 5 (lima)
pilihan jawaban dan 5 butir soal uraian.
Dilarang menggunakan kalkulator, HP atau alat bantu hitung lainnya.
Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ruang ujian.
Lembar soal boleh dicoret-coret, sedangkan lembar jawaban tidak boleh dicoret-coret.
Berdoalah sebelum mengerjakan soal.
Kerjakan dengan jujur, karena kejujuran adalah cermin kepribadian.
Kab. ………_USBN-2018/2019_K13_Utama
Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi SulSel
Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA MIPA/ IPS
Choose the correct answer (A, B, C, D or E)
1. Melkah : Hello Fatimah!
Fatimah : …………..
Melkah : Thank you very much. Yesterday I went to the salon and I decided to get a
Fatimah : It’s a good style for you. Which salon you visit yesterday?
Melkah : JohnyAndrean’s salon in Bintaro
The suitable response to complete the dialogue is ….
A. Hello Melkah! Oh my god! You hair is so cute
B. Hello Melkah! How are you?
C. Hello Melkah! How think about my new hair?
D. Hello Melkah! Let’s go to the Salon now
E. Hello Melkah! Your shirt is so cute
2. Dani : Ratih, this is my sister, Dina.
Ratih : Hi, nice to meet you.
Dina : .....
The suitable response to complete the dialogue is ….
A. I am fine. Thank you.
B. I hope you nice
C. Thanks you for you
D. Nice to meet you, too
E. See you
3. Anita : May I help you?
Dave : Hmmm. Don’t bother yourself, thanks.
The underlined sentence expresses ….
A. Asking help.
B. Giving help
C. Offering help
D. Refusing an offering help
E. Accepting an offering help
4. Shinta
: “I heard you won the first prize for your short stroy. ....”
Wulan : Thank you
: “As your freind I’m very proud of you.
Wulan : “Thank you.”
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is ….
A. Congratulations!
B. Thank you
C. Very proud of you
D. Really!
E. What are you doing?
5. Abi
: Hey, can you show me how to get to the post office?
: If you want to go to the post office, go straight, take a left turn at the second
intersection and the post office will be on your right.
: Thanks a lot!
What is the topic of the dialog above?
A. The intersection in the post office
B. Asking direction to the post office
C. The location of the post office
D. Showing a way
E. Post office
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Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi SulSel
Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA MIPA/ IPS
6. Anita
: I watched you scored many points yesterday afternoon. It seemed you were
the star.
: I just tried to do my best. What do you say about that?
: You dribbled the ball very well and passed the opponents. Finally you scored
the points. Awesome!
: Thanks.
What can we conclude from the dialogue?
A. Anita is a sport reporter
B. Andi played basketball very well
C. Playing football is Andi’s hobby
D. Andi plays football every day
E. Anita is fond of playing basketball
7. Reza
: Hmmm. It's almost 12 a.m now.
Anwar : ...?
: No, thanks. I dislike eating meat quite much.
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is ….
A. What would you like to have for lunch
B. Would you like some steak for lunch
C. Why don't we eat at the restaurant
D. Could you bring something to eat
E. Would you like some tea
8. X : Do you think Dicko can win the running race ?
Y : I don’t think so. His stamina and strength decrease significantly lately.
What does the underlined sentence express?
A. Inability
B. Disagreement
C. Uncertainty
D. Impossibility
E. Improbability
9. If you want to go to the post office, go straight, take a left turn at the second intersection
and the post office will be on your right.
What is the fact of the sentence?
A. You will find the post office if you go straight, take a left turn at the second intersection.
B. You would find the post office if went straight, took a left turn at the second
C. You found the post office if you went straight, took a left turn at the second intersection.
D. You had found the post office if you went straight, took a left turn at the second
E. You could find the post office if you went straight, took a left turn at the second
10. Rosa : Today is very busy
Agnes : I agree
Rosa : ………………of our new manager ?
Agnes : I think He is very good at managing the office
Do you think
Do you agree
Would you think
What do you think
What should you think
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Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi SulSel
Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA MIPA/ IPS
The following text is for questions 11 to 13
October, 30th 2018
PO BOX 1393
JKB 11013
To whom it may concern,
I’m applying for the Project Manager position advertised through Jakarta Post. As
shown in the enclosed resume, I have a strong academic background in Chemical Engineer
graduated from Universitas Indonesia on 2007.
My current work as Project Management in various multinational company has given
me firsthand experience in the challenge associated with the development of a successful
Petrochemical Company. In addition, I have excellent managerial and communication skills
both in Bahasa Indonesia as well as English.
This background, combined with over ten years of Ethylene Plant Operation as Project
Management, has given me a unique perspective that would be particularly valuable in
meeting the responsibilities of this position, as described in your position. I am and
independent individual who capable to work under pressure.
I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss my qualifications in more
detail and look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Dian Sastrowardoyo
11. Who wrote the application letter?
A. Project Manager
B. Jakarta Post
C. Dian Sastrowardoyo
D. Chemical Engineer
E. Project management
12. What is the job position that applicant applied for?
A. Project Manager
B. General Manager
C. Chemical Engineer
D. Academician
E. Owner
13. “I am and independent individual who capable to work under pressure”.
The underlined word has the same meaning to…
A. Irresponsible
B. Awkward
C. Competent
D. Professional
E. Disappointing
14. Where do people usually find out the caption?
It changes people into the person they said
they’d never become.
A. At station
B. At school
C. At hospital
D. At market
E. On the street
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Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi SulSel
Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA MIPA/ IPS
15. What can be learnt from the caption?
“Poverty is not a shameful thing, but laziness
and pessimism are exactly embarrassing.”
A. Successfulness can be reached if you never give up to do everything
B. Indolence makes you misfire
C. Joyful is not from wealthy but pure heart
D. Every successful person must have a failure
E. Patience is needed when you want to achieve a success
The following text is for questions 16and 17.
My Most Unforgettable Holiday
In 2015, I went to Derawan Island with my friends and that marks my most memorable
holiday ever!
In June, our school was having summer holiday, so we thought to ourselves that it
shouldn't go to waste. We quickly browsed the internet to find a good holiday destination
and after an hour of heated debate, the four of us agreed to give Derawan Island a try. It
was purely out of curiousity as none of us had been there before.
We arrived at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport at 05.30 a.m. as the flight was
at 07.00 a.m. First, we flew to Balikpapan and waited for about an hour to continue the
flight to Berau. As soon as we touched down in Berau, my friend called the tour agent that
we had contacted earlier in Jakarta. They had got a car ready to take us to Labuan Batu.
From Labuan Batu, we took a speedboat for about an hour to Derawan Island. It was such
a long trip to Derawan but it all paid off as soon as we saw how beautiful the island was.
My friends and I were quickly ushered to our rooms in the resort. It was fantastic!
The rooms were in a cottage that was situated right above the sea. So we only had to step
out the terrace to find ourselves out in the open sea! After unpacking our luggages and
washing up, we went to the dining hall to grab our dinner. The dinner was only simple
seafood dishes. The surrounding totally enhanced the dining experience, making the food
taste much better.
The following day, we took a speedboat tour, hopping from one island to another
Our first trip stop was Kakaban Island where we hiked to reach the lake and swam among
stingless jellyfish. The last time I heard, there were only three places in the world that
have stingless jellyfish; two of them in Indonesia! Isn't that great? The next stop was the
Sangalaki Island where we got to visit sea turtle conservation and took lots of pictures
with sea turtle babies. They were so cute!
Our last stop was the Maratua Island where we were able to feed fish and see a
three-legged sea turtle. The three-legged sea-turtle wasn't born that way. We were told
that it was swimming in the open sea when it was still a baby then its leg got caught in
plastic trash and couldn't grow even when the sea-turtle reached adulthood. One of the
island's guards saw the sea-turtle and saved it. He also untangled the plastic trash that
bound the sea-turtle's leg but it was too late. Since then, the sea-turtle is kept in a special
space next to the resort in Maratua Island and the guards take turns feeding it to ensure its
survival. This is why we should never litter and endanger other creatures! After Maratua
Island, we headed back to Derawan Island to catch a late dinner and turned in.
The following morning, we wake up early and ate our breakfast in the dining
room. Then, the driver drove us back to the airport so we could catch a flight back to
Jakarta. We arrived at Jakarta, exhausted but terribly happy! It was the most unforgettable
trip I have ever experienced so far!
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Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi SulSel
Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA MIPA/ IPS
16. What is the writer’s purpose in writing the text?
A. To share the readers the writer's most enjoyable experience.
B. To inform to the readers about the beauty of Derawan Island
C. To invite readers to visit the holiday destination mentioned.
D. To give readers some insights on how to have a great holiday.
E. To warn readers to be careful and mindful in order to have a great holiday.
17. What did the writer learn in the Maratua Island?
A. Littering can endanger sea creatures.
B. We should save three-legged turtles from extinction.
C. Sea creatures depend on human beings for their survival.
D. Maratua Island is the best habitat for three-legged turtles.
E. Save Maratua Island, and you will save the three-legged turtles.
This text is for questions 18 to 20
701-235 Sherbrooke St.
Montreal,QC H3C IL4
January 11,2015
Dear Dimas,
All the best for you in the New year! How are things going in your city? I must say, I am
jealous of you. You live in warm country while I am almost freezing here.
I heard from your aunt that you will work in Bali at the beginning of this year. Is that right? I
am happy for you. Your dream comes true. You’ve always wanted to work in Bali. It must be
nice to work in such a beautiful place. I hope everything will be running well. I wish I have a
chance to visit you someday.
Write to me whenever you can. I am really happy to receive your letters and to get the details
of your life in your country especially in Bali.
Your squash buddy,
18. What is Dimas’ dream according to the letter above?
A. To visit George
B. To work in Bali
C. To live in a warm country
D. To work in a beautiful place
E. To get the details of Bali
19. From the letter above, we know that....
A. The weather in George’s country is hot
B. George doesn’t know Dimas’ aunt
C. Dimas will start to work in March
D. George gets a job in Bali
E. George lives in Bali
20. “I wish I have a chance to visit you someday” (Paragraph 2 line 4)
The underlined word has closest meaning to ….
A. Occasion
B. Necessity
C. Infer
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Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi SulSel
Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA MIPA/ IPS
D. Extraordinary
E. Surprisingly
This text is for question 21 and 22
Simatupang and Partners Law Firm
is pleased to announce that they have opened their law practice on September 1, 2012 in 4
different cities
New clients are welcome
A law firm for all family matters:
Real estate, estate planning & administration, traffic, personal injury divorce/custody/support,
wills/trust, adoption, and home visits
Main Office : Jalan Kebayoran 5 Bandung
: Jalan Angsana Timur 456 Jakarta
Jalan Agiwiyata 688 Surabaya
Jalan Surabaya 343 Bogor
A new branch office in Semarang will open next month
21. According to the text, clients who live in Surabaya can go to branch office for
A. Jalan Kebayoran 5
B. Jalan Angsana Timur 456
C. Jalan Agiwiyata 688
D. Jalan Surabaya
E. Semarang
22. From the text, we know that ....
A. the law firm has six offices
B. the main office is in Surabaya
C. the office has four branch offices now
D. they recently opened a branch in Bandung
E. they will soon have five offices in Indonesia
This text is for questions 23 to 26.
Try the following tips
1. Stay out of the sun during peak hours. While these times may vary slightly depending
on the season and where you live. You should be indoors if all possible between 10:00
and 15:00.
2. Keep covered up. Floppy hats and large umbrellas work well and so do cover-ups.
Long-sleeved cotton shirts are excellent for hiking, cycling etc; see your sports store for
special brands that allow breathing as well as cover-up.
3. Use sunscreen on any exposed areas. An SPF of 45+ is recommended for it allows even
the fairest skinned folks to stay out in the sun for a few hours before reapplying. Try
chopstick on your lips. Follow the instructions on sunscreen carefully. Always reapply
after leaving the water, as it’ll have washed off.
4. Don’t forget hard-to-reach places. Don’t forget to cover the backs of your knees, back
of your neck, elbows and back of your ears (if you have short hair). Feet should also be
included if you are wearing sandals, flip-flops or going bare-foot. Even these places can
hurt a lot with sunburn.
5. Don’t lie in the sun purposefully seeking a tan. This is not only damaging to your skin
but might burn you the first few times you try it at the beginning of the season. If you
want to tan, do it gradually and sensibly, with short exposure and building up over time.
6. Put a small amount of oil or sunscreen in your hair so you will avoid burning your
scalp. Or cover it with a hat. Some shampoos and hair conditioners contain SPF
23. The text tells us about …
A. The steps to cure sunburn.
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B. The ways to catch the sunlight.
C. The tips how to prevent sunburn.
D. The information how to apply sunscreen.
E. The warning to avoid sunlight during the day time
24. What is the writer’s intention in writing the text?
A. To explain how to stay out during the day.
B. To discuss the information about sunburn.
C. To give some suggestion to avoid sunburn.
D. To tell the important ways to protect the sun.
E. To describe how to apply the sunscreen shampoo.
25. Whatshould we wear to avoid sunburn?
A. Long-sleeved cotton shirt.
B. Sleeved satin dress.
C. Wool sweater.
D. Backless shirt.
E. Plastic cover up.
26. Why should we spend indoors between 10,00 and 15.00?
A. It’s recommended to lie in the sun to find a tan.
B. It’s the moment to put a small amount of oil in our hair.
C. It’s the time to wear floppy hats and large umbrellas.
D. It’s the best time to avoid sun exposure from sunburn
E. It’s suggested to apply sunscreen with an SPF of 45+.
This text is for questions 27 to 30
Weird, peculiar, wonderful, strange, bizarre, fascinating, and of course, unique, are
the kind of words that are used to describe the Welwitschia. It is one of the few things on
Earth that can truly claim to be one of a kind. There really is nothing like it.
An adult Welwitschia consists of two leaves, a stem base and roots. That is all! Its
two permanent leaves are unique in the plant kingdom. They are the original leaves from
when the plant was a seedling, and they just continue to grow and are never shed. They are
leathery, broad, strap-shaped and they lie on the ground becoming torn to ribbons and tattered
with age. The stem is low, woody, hollowed-out, obconical in shape and sturdy. It grows to
about 500 mm in height. The largest recorded specimen is in the Messum Mountains and is
1,8 m high, and another on the Welwitschia Flats near the Swakop River is 1,2 m tall and 8,7
m wide. Carbon dating tells us that on average, Weilwitschias are 500-600 years old, although
some of the larger specimens are thought to be 2000 years old. Their estimated lifespan is 400
to 1500 years. Growth occurs annually during the summer months.
The seeds are 36 x 25 mm and have a large papery wing and are dispersed by wind,
in spring, when the female cone disintegrates. In their natural habitat, many seeds are lost to
fungal infection and to small desert animals that feed on them. The seeds are lost to fungal
infection and to remain viable for a number of years. They germinate only if fairly heavy rain
is spread over a period of several days. As these conditions rarely occur, it often happens that
many plants in some colonies are the same age, as they all germinated in the same good year.
The seedlings, once established, depend on the fog for survival until the next rains occur.
There are more remarkable features that make Welwitschia so difficult to categorise.
Unlike any other plant, the apical growth point of the stem stops growing from an early stage.
This causes the stem to grow upwards and outwards, away from the original apex (which
remains dead), resulting in the characteristic obconical shape. In order specimens, continued
growth habit is unique. Like other cone—bearer with naked seeds, but the male “flowers’ or
microstroboli are reminiscent of type flowering plants (angiosperms). The water-concluding
tissue (xylem) is also typical of the angioesperms.
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Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA MIPA/ IPS
(Taken from:Kurniawati, Cicik., et all., 2018. Detik Detik Ujian Nasional
Bahasa Inggris.Yogyakarta:PT Penerbit Intan Pariwara)
27. What is the main idea of paragraph four?
A. Welwitschia has remarkable features.
B. Welwitschia male flowers are angiosperms.
C. Welwitschia stem grows away from the original apex.
D. Welwitschia apical growth tops from an early stage.
E. Welwitschia xylems are reminiscent of angiosperms.
28. Why is Welwitschia unique?
A. It has two leaves
B. It has a short life span.
C. Its seeding depend on the insects.
D. Its apical stem grows upwards straightly.
E. Its apexes stop growing on its adults.
29. “The seeds remain viable for a number of years.” (paragraph 3)
What is the synonym of the underlined word?
A. Visible
B. Active
C. Original
D. Dormant
E. Reliable
30. What is the purpose of the text above?
A. To tell us about a past history
B. To explain about the process of growth up of welwitschia
C. To describe of welwitschia
D. To inform us about the uniqueness welwitschia
E. To promote the features of welwitschia
This text is for questions 31 to 34.
Recycling is important in today’s world if we want to leave this planet for our future
generations. It is good for the environment, since we are making new products from the old
products which are of no use to us. There are many reasons why it’s important to recycle as
much as possible.
Making new products out of recycled materials reduces the need to consume
precious resources. So recycling helps protect raw materials and protect natural habitats for
the future.
Using recycling materials in the manufacturing process uses considerably less
energy than that required for producing new products from raw materials.
Recycling reduces the need for extracting (mining, quarrying and logging), refining
and processing raw materials all of which create substantial air and water pollution. As
recycling saves energy, it also reduces greenhouse gas emissions, which helps to tackle
climate change.
There are over 1,500 landfill sites in the UK and, in 2001, these sites produced a
quarter of the UK’s emissions of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas that is released as the
biodegradable waste (such as food and paper) decomposes. Existing landfill sites are filling
up fast and there is very limited space for new ones.
A massive reduction in the amount of waste we send to landfill is required if we are
to avoid the heavy fines and the landfill taxes that are being imposed by Central
Government on councils that exceed their landfill allowances. Increases in your Council
Tax or service cuts in other areas would be the only way of paying these penalties.
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Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA MIPA/ IPS
31. What does the text highlight?
A. Reasons to recycle.
B. Conserving the energy.
C. Protecting the environment.
D. Environmental construction.
E. Saving money through recycling.
32. We know from the text that ... if we recycle.
A. landfill sites will decrease
B. climate change will continue
C. more new products will be reduced
D. natural habitats will never be affected
E. air and water pollution will be affected
33. ”Recycling reduces the need for extracting (mining, quarrying and logging), refining and
processing raw materials all of which create substantial air and water pollution.”
Based on this quote, we conclude that the writer is telling us that ….
A. recycling saves us money
B. recycling reduce landfill
C. recycling saves energy
D. recycling conserves raw materials
E. recycling helps protects the environment
34. Recycling reduces the need for extracting ... it reduces pollution.
A. because
B after
C. where
D. but
E. so
This text is for question 35 to 37
Far away
This ship has taken me far away
Far away from the memories
Of the people who care if I live or die
I will be chasing a starlight
Until the end of my life
I don't know if it's worth it anymore
Hold you in my arms
I just wanted to hold
You in my arms
My life
You electrify my life
Let's conspire to ignite
All the souls that would die just to feel alive
I'll never let you go
If you promise not to fade away
Never fade away
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Our hopes and expectations
Black holes and revelations
Our hopes and expectations
Black holes and revelations
Hold you in my arms
I just wanted to hold
You in my arms
Far away
This ship has taken me far away
Far away from the memories
Of the people who care if I live or die
I'll never let you go
If you promise not to fade away
Never fade away
Our hopes and expectations
Black holes and revelations
Our hopes and expectations
Black holes and revelations
Hold you in my arms
I just wanted to hold
You in my arms
I just wanted to hold
35. Which word best describes the singer’s condition at the first sentences of the song....
A. Happy
B. Hopeless
C. Discouraged
D. Lonely
E. Couraged
36. The word “hope” is closest meaning to....
A. Rise
B. Collapsed
C. Suffered
D. Live
E. Wishes
37. We can conclude the message from the song ....
A. This song is talking about how he lost the love of his life
B. The song talks about something you missed in your life
C. The song talks about places
D. The song talks about simple thing
E. The song talks about someone
This text is for questions 38 to 40
Wade withdraws from U.S. basketball team(Reuters) - Miami Heat guard Dwyane Wade
withdrew his name from the player pool for the U.S. Olympic basketball team on Thursday
because his injured left knee will require surgery, USA Basketball said.
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After receiving the diagnosis from the Heat team physician, the All-Star guard, who
helped Miami win the NBA title in five games over the Oklahoma City Thunder, informed
USA Basketball chairman Jerry Colangelo that he was having the surgery soon and would be
unable to compete in London.
"As many people may know, throughout the season, I struggled with a recurring knee
issue," Wade said in a statement. "After the championship game, I visited with my doctors for
a round of comprehensive medical tests, and the recent results dictate the need for surgery.
"While every part of me wants to be in London, I need to take this time to do what's best to
improve my health and allow me to continue to play the game I love."
Wade was the U.S. team's leading scorer in their run to 2008 Olympic gold in Beijing,
scoring a game-high 27 points as the Americans beat Spain 118-107 in the Olympic final.
Despite having his knee drained during the NBA playoffs, Wade averaged over 22
points a game during Miami's championship series triumph over the Thunder.
Wade's exit from the U.S. squad left 17 players in the mix for 12 spots on the Olympic
team following injuries that removed several players from consideration, including Derrick
Rose of the Chicago Bulls and Dwight Howard of the Orlando Magic.
38. Why can’t Wade play for us basketball team?
A. He is too old to play basketball
B. His injured left knee requires surgery
C. He doesn't want to complete in London
D. He wants to visit his doctor for a medical test
E. He was removed from the U.S. basketball team
39. Based on the text, Dwyane Wade…
A. will be a guard in the U.S. Olympic basketball team
B. will never play basketball again for the U.S. team
C. failed to play in Beijing Olympic games
D. is the most valuable player in the Olympic games
E. was the leading scorer for the U.S. team in Beijing Olympic games
40. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
A. People know that Dwyane Wade has a problem
B. Dwyane Wade visit his doctors for medical test
C. The doctors suggested Wade recovers his knee by surgery
D. Dwyane Wade wants to improve his health to continue the game
E. Dwyane Wade has struggled with his knee problem that he needs surgery
41. Rearrange the following sentences to form a correct manual!
1. Decide whether you want the phone photos to be erased.
2. Plug your phone into your PC. You can use the USB changing card that comes with
your mobile phone.
3. Click import. Your photos should now be your window photos gallery.
4. Select the folder where you want to store your phone photos.
5. Wait a few moment for the computer to recognize the device.
6. Click the option to “import pictures and video using windows in the auto play box.
Read the following text carefully to answer the questions below ( Number 42 to 44).
Human body is made up of countless million of cells. Food is needed to build up new
cells and replace the worn out. However, the food we take must be changed into
substances that can be carried in the blood to the places where they are needed. This
process is called digestion.
Kab. ………_USBN-2018/2019_K13_Utama
Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi SulSel
Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA MIPA/ IPS
The first digestive process takes place in the mouth. The food we eat is broken up into
small pieces by the action of teeth, mixed with saliva containing digestive juices which
moisten the food, so that it can be swallowed easily.
From the mouth, food passes through the esophagus-the food passage-into the
stomach. Here the food mixed with the juices secreted by the cells in the stomach for
several hours. The food enters the small intestine. All the time the muscular wall of
intestine are squeezing, mixing and moving the food onwards.
In a few hours, the food changes into acids. The acids are soon absorbed by the villi
(microscopic branch projection from the intestine walls) and passed into bloodstream.
42. What is the most suitable title for the text above?
43. Where does the first digestive process take place?
44. What is the purpose of the text?
45. Rearrange the following sentences to form a good paragraph!
1. We left our house at about 5 o'clock in the morning. We took a taxi to the railway
2. Finally our train came. All of us rushed to get on the train.
3. Last Lebaran, my family and I went to our hometown. We decided to take a train
because it is more comfortable.
4. It took about 5 to 7 hours to get to our hometown. We enjoyed our journey.
5. We took the carriage no 3 according to our tickets.
6. But our train was late for about fifteen minutes, so we had to wait a bit longer.
7. After finding our seats, we sat comfortably.
8. We arrived at the station at six. Our train would leave at 6.40
Kab. ………_USBN-2018/2019_K13_Utama
Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi SulSel