Uploaded by May Ann Montero

Grade 8 Math Assessment: Linear Inequalities

Name: Montero, May Ann
Te, Reinalynne
Subject and Section: EDM135 E14-3
Authentic Assessment in Grade 8 Mathematics Quarter 2
I. Objectives
A. Content Standards. The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of factors of
linear inequalities in two variables, systems of linear inequalities in two variables and linear functions.
B. Performance Standards. The learner is able to formulate and solve accurately real-life
problems involving linear inequalities in two variables, and linear functions.
C. Learning Competencies. Illustrates linear inequalities in two variables : (a) Identify linear
inequality from linear equation; (b) Translate verbal phrases to mathematical inequality; (c)concept of
linear inequality in two variables.
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Differentiate linear inequality from linear equation
2. Translate verbal phrases to mathematical inequality
3. Understand the concept of linear inequality in two variables
II. Content
Topic: Linear Inequalities in Two Variables
Instructions: Read the questions carefully. Solve the problem in the situation below and write
your answer inside the box.
Translate the following verbal sentences to mathematical inequalities.
1. Five is less than thrice a number b added to c
2. Twenty-four added by a certain number y is not less than a number z.
3. Twice a number w is greater than or equal to a number z.
4. A certain number g subtracted from 12 is less than or equal to four times a number h.
5. A certain number r is not equal to twice a number u added by 8.
Solve the following inequality if x = 2 and y = 3:
a. 2x + 3y = 7
b. 5x – 3y > 8
III. Rubrics
Rubrics for the Linear Inequalities in Two Variables
Holistic Rubric
Performance Descriptor
A fifteen-point score is complete and correct.
This response:
Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the mathematical concepts and/or
procedures embodied in the task.
Indicates that the student has completed the task correctly, using
mathematically sound procedures.
Contains clear, complete explanations and/or adequate work when required.
A ten-point score is partially correct.
This response:
Demonstrates partial understanding of the mathematical concepts/and or
procedures embodied in the task.
Addresses most aspects of the task, using mathematically sound procedures,
May contain an incorrect solution but applies a mathematically appropriate
process with valid reasoning and/or explanation
May contain a correct solution but provides incomplete procedures, reasoning,
and/or explanation
May reflect some misunderstanding of the underlying mathematical concepts
and/or procedures.
A five-point score is incomplete and exhibits many flaws but is not completely incorrect.
This response:
• Demonstrates only a limited understanding of the mathematical concepts/and
or procedures embodied in the task.
May address some elements of the task correctly but reaches an inadequate
solution and/or provides reasoning that is faulty or incomplete
Exhibits multiple flaws related to a misunderstanding of important aspects of
the task, misuse of mathematical procedures, or faulty mathematical reasoning
Reflects a lack of essential understanding of the underlying mathematical
• May contain a correct numerical answer but required work is not provided
A zero-point score is completely incorrect, irrelevant or incoherent, or a correct
response that was arrived at using an obviously incorrect procedure.
Analytic Rubric
Define the Problem
15 points
Demonstrates the
ability to construct a
clear and insightful
problem statement
with evidence of all
relevant contextual
Identify Appropriate
Identifies multiple
approaches for solving
the problem that apply
within a specific
Implement Solution
Implements the
solution in a manner
that addresses
thoroughly and deeply
multiple contextual
factors of the problem.
Working towards
10 points
Demonstrates the
ability to construct a
problem statement
with evidence of most
relevant contextual
factors, and problem
statement is
adequately detailed
Identifies multiple
approaches for solving
the problem, only
some of which apply
within a specific
Implements the
solution in a manner
that addresses multiple
contextual factors of
the problem in a
surface manner.
Needs Improvement
5 points
Begins to demonstrate
the ability to construct
a problem statement
with evidence of most
relevant contextual
factors, but problem
statement is superficial
Identifies only a single
approach for solving
the problem that does
apply within a specific
Implements the
solution in a manner
that addresses the
problem statement but
ignores relevant
contextual factors.