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Seerah 102 Lecture Notes: Modules 1-13

Seerah 102- Modules 1 to 13
Notes from the Video
Bibi and others
Notes taken from the Video Lectures of the Seerah 102 course of the BAIS program of the Islamic Online
University. Please forgive the errors and email me with any mistakes / corrections. Jazkalahukhairan
Module 1 - Seerah 102- Early Military Operations in Madeenah ......................................................................... 3
Module 2 – Battle of Badr ..................................................................................................................................... 9
Module 3 – Jewish tribes in Madinah and the conflict with Muslims ................................................................ 14
Module 4 - The Battle of Uhud
Sept 9, 2011 ................................................................................................ 21
Module 5 – Battle of Uhud ................................................................................................................................. 30
Module 6 - Between Uhud and the Confederates.............................................................................................. 40
Treachery .................................................................................................................................................... 41
Why not get rid of the Hypocrites? ............................................................................................................ 43
Exile of BanuNadhir – The Jews .................................................................................................................. 43
Module 7 (“lecture” notes) ................................................................................................................................. 46
Module 8 – The Battle of the Trench – The Confederates – Ahzab / Qandaq ................................................... 51
Module 9 – Invasion of Banu Quraiza – Expeditions and Delegations ............................................................... 59
Module 10 – Umrah and the Treaty of Hudaibeeya ........................................................................................... 64
Module 11 - The Conquest of Khayber ............................................................................................................... 70
Module 12 - Ja’afaribnAbiTalib and Emigrants Return from Abyssinia .............................................................. 75
Module 13 - The Battle of Mu’tah ...................................................................................................................... 81
Seerah 102
Islamic Online University
These notes are based on the lectures - Fall Semester 2011
Notes done by myself mostly and few other sisters
Those done by others were edited by me as I listened to the lectures.
Contact info – Bibi Hakh Ummhajer@gmail.com
Module 1 - Seerah 102- Early Military Operations in Madeenah
Review - Building of a new Muslim community in Madeenah
• Building of Masjid
• Creation of brotherhood between the ansars and mujahiroon
• Rights - Freedom to work, worship, to assemble
• Responsibilities – to protect the state if threaten, recognize the leadership of
the prophet
• These were the basic foundation for the emerging state.
Threat from Mecca / from Quraysh remains
• Quraysh were determined to reverse gains Muslim secure after Hijra
• Madinah - home of faith, Place where Muslims felt secure
• Mecca –Muslims were not in a position to respond to attacks
• Muslims - Constant state of alertness and preparedness
• Quraysh will try to dismantle the brotherhood created within the brothers,
create a sense of disunity, and confusion between the ranks
Muslims take measures to protect themselves and the gains they have secured in
• With help advise, encouragement of the Prophet
• Measures – were military – they had to guard self, the Prophet, the strategic
points in Madinah
• Aisha – recalls on one occasion Sad ibn abi Waqqas came and offered to protect
the house of the Prophet  level of commitment, and determination and
willingness to protect their prophet and ensure no harm nor danger befall the
Prophet and community in Madinah
• State of High Alert
• Gradually reduced after the Prophet was given the assurance that Allah will
protect him
• Surah Maida – Allah will protect you from the people – Prophet felt reassured
and confident
• Tell the people to go to their homes and sleep – Allah will be there to protect
Quraysh determine – contact certain people in Madinah
• Abdullah ibn Ubai ibn Salul – Head of the Hypocrites – Ruksan munafiqoon
• On surface – Muslim, proclaim love for Prophet
• Inwardly – nurture hatred and a deep sense of animosity and hostility towards
the Prophet and the Muslims
Quraysh to Abdullah ibn Ubayh ibn Saloom
• Either you fight the Muslims or you expel them
• If you don’t expel them then we will come and fight you and capture your
women folk
• Readily submit to the threat of the Quraysh
Muslim learns from the Mecccan period –
• Weaknesses open the door to trial, humiliation, to discomfort and suffering
• Strong, capable, able and prepared then more difficult for someone else to
subject you to suffering
• Lesson learnt – had to be strong, prepared, in a state of strength that will allow
them to repel, reverse any threats confronting them
Differences between Madina
• Mecca – enmity and hostility came from Quraysh
• Madinah – enmity came from other sources - mushrikoon, Jewish tribes
• This force of opposition did not exist in Mecca
Why did the Jewish tribes oppose the prophet?
Why did they show enmity and cooperate with the Quraysh to de-stabilizes the
community the Prophet establish?
• They had enjoyed before Islam certain influence in Madinah
• Control the economic affairs of the city
• Involve in Commerce, agriculture- production of dates – economic strength and
political power
• Decrease economic strength  decrease in political power decrease in social
• Influence of the Jewish tribe was link to their economic strength
• With the coming of the Muslims from Mecca - and the removal of hostility
between the tribes in Madinah (Aws and Kazraj) the Jews and the Mushrikoon
saw the Muslims as a threat to their interest
Hostility and enmity began to escalate
• More forceful, dark in its impact and devilish
• Sad ibn Mu’ad went to Mecca to perform Ummrah and was assisted by
Omayah ibn khalaf who showed him to perform the rights of Ummrah
• During Umrrah Abu Jahl said to Sad if you were not in the company of Omayah I
would have killed you.
• Shows the level of hatred the Quraysh had towards the Muslims
• They will go to any extent in order to bring pain, discomfort, suffering to the
Muslims arrive in Madinah – situation change – allowed to retaliate
• Muslims allowed retaliate and defend self
• Mecca – not allowed to fight, in a state of weakness, absorb all the attacks
• This change was due to the revelation - Fighting is permitted to those of you
whom have been oppressed, driven out of their homes for no other reason
except that they have said Allah is our Lord
• Revealed on occasion of the second covenant of Aqaba - one opinion
• 1st pledge of Aqaba – Prophet given hospitality
• 2nd pledge of Aqaba – Promised hospitality and to defend him. To make the
ultimate sacrifice – even if it meant to sacrifice their life and family
Fighting in Islam – was to defend self and for survival
• After the commitment of the ansars – Allah give the permission to retaliate to
fight / to defend self if a situation of wrongful attack (contrary to popular view
– that Islam spread through violence – the truth is that the Muslims were the
victims of aggression.
• The Quraysh left their home to attack the Muslims.
• The Muslim were forced to fight in order to preserve their existence – to
service as a people they had to defend themselves
• Nature of Islam is that one can only sacrifice for it if he believes in it and is
convinced in his heart
• Abdullah ibn Ubai ibn Salul could not make sacrifice because he did not believe
in Islam in his heart
• Muslims do not fight people to accept Islam – they have to come to it out of
their own love in their heart
• Fighting – not a pleasant affair – Prophet dislike it- even the word hardfwarfare – the Prophet disliked
• Warfare – reality – when ties break down and reason cannot unite nor resolve
issues between people
Muhajiroon and Ansars – as fighters
• Both were very good fighters
• Sacrilegious wars – Prophet still a boy but saw combat – carries arrow at a very
young age
• Aws and Kazraj – were fighters – fought each other for decades – Harb al
Buwat – war between Aws and Kazraj lasted for 100 years
• Fighting was a regular feature of their life – they were perfected in this
Army in Madinah – of the Prophet
• Prophet put together an army
• Army fight for different reasons – not for tribal reason or for women.
• Pre-Islamic time people fight for poetry, or if you insulted their fathers, went to
war for trivial things.
• Prophet put together an army whose belief, values, standard were different –
based on faith
• Attitudes of the fighters in the name of Allah – they knew if they die in the way
of establishment of Islam that their place will be in paradise, with the Prophets
• Quite different way of thinking from in Mecca when they fight for tribal reasons
Virtues of warfare
• Uqba bin Amr - Verily Allah bring into paradise 3 people on account of one
arrow – the maker of the arrow who expects a good reward, the one who
shoots it and the one who hands it to him - Hadeeth
• Raise the moral of his companions – although it was an unpleasant act – the
reward was supreme
• Do not wish to meet your enemy but if you meet them be steadfast and resist hadeeth
• Umar ibn Umar – Attached to the necks of horses is goodness until the day of
Judgment – reward and booty - (al ganeema wa aj…) – Hadeeth
Threat posed by the Quraysh to undermine the new community
• Prophet sent out regular missions to various parts of Madinah and other
• To survey the trade routes land and have an idea of the activities of the
• Called Sarayya - Prophet did not take part of these operations – 38 in number
• Called Gazawat – those which the Prophet participated in – 26 in number
• Benefit from these operation – give the Muslims an opportunity to find out
what the enemy is about – called reconnaissance (to go and find out of enemy
• Vital to know of the capability of enemies, positions – where they were
stationed, know of the various tribes – where they were located and give an
opportunity to form a relationship with these tribes
Sarraya – Operations which the Prophet did not take part in (attacks on caravans
• Took place 6 months after the Prophet arrived in Madinah
• Hamzah – leader - Intercepted a caravan led by Abu Jahl of 300 Quraysh in the
Month of Ramadan
• For the purpose of word exchanged and few arrows shot – no major military
confrontation – exchange of insults and threats –
• Ubaydah ibn Harith – leader – into an area near Mecca called Rabigth –
exchange of arrows between the Muslims and Quraysh led by Abu Sufyan. No
direct conflict fighting
• Sad ibn Abi Waqas – led a force of 20 men – in the month of Zulh Qada against another Qurayshi caravan
• Attacks on caravan – vital part of warfare of the Muslims – not only for the
booty but also because it undermines the economic strength of the Quraysh.
• Strengthens the Muslims and undermine the Quraysh
Expedition led by the Prophet
1. Led by the Prophet in the month of Safar
• Sad ibn Ubadah as his deputy in charge of Madinah
o Led a group to a place called Waddan – concluded an agreement with
the tribe called Damrarh
o Prophet was keen in neutralized the tribes – if they were not supportive
to the Muslims they should be neutral – not show enmity toward the
o They will not attack nor betray their secrets of their whereabouts
2. Place near Yambo called Al Ushairah – concluded another agreement with the
tribe called Madlaj (importance of tribal alliances - society based on friendship
and loyalty to groups)
• Neutralized these tribes, Damrah and Madlaj based on an agreement
Notable Sarraya
• Let by Abdullah ibn Jash
• 2nd year of Hijra in month of Rajab
• Prophet sent him out and give him a note and said to him do not open it until
you have gone 2 days into the journey.
• My instructions are there but do not execute them until after 2 days
• Set out got to a place called Nakhlah valley between Mecca and Taif
• Got the news that the Quraysh were in the area
• Confrontation ensue between the Muslims and Quraysh and the Muslims
captured 2 of the Quraysh
• Occurred on the last day of Rajab – Muslims had two choices - either they
confronted them or allowed them to escape back to Mecca.
• Went back to Madinah with 2 boys as captives – the prophet did not want to
received these two captives because they were taken in the sacred month of
• Zul Qada, Zul Hijj, Muharram and Rajab – 4 sacred months
• Warfare prohibited in these 4 sacred months even before Islam
• This is the reason why he told Abudullah ibn Jash – to open the letter 2 days
after they have travelled and the month of Rajab would have passed and they
would be allowed to be involved in warfare
• Allah resolved this issue
• Muslims – felt discomfort because they have done something wrong
• Quraysh – use this as a propaganda – the Muslims done something wrong,
broken the tradition, gone against something very sacred to the Arabs – to fight
in the sacred month
• They ask you concern fighting in the sacred month say Bakarah : 217
• Fighting is a great sin but to turn away people from the path of God and to
disbelieve in Him and to expel people from the sacred house all this is a much
graver sin in Allah’s view
• Allah convey to the Muslims do not worry – in fact what they have done is a
graver sin in the sight of Allah
Benefits of Sarraya
1. Sent out a message to the pagans in Mecca that the Muslims is no longer in the
state of weakness
• The Muslims were in a position where they can mount an offensive
• Message to idolaters in Medina and Jews who support the Quraysh
• Psychological warfare – modern terms e.g. military exercises close to border
of the country
• To intimidate, to make the enemy feel a sense of vulnerability, weakness
and inability to repel that threat
• Prophet sending out these sarraya – to have an effect on the minds of the
Qurayash and the idolaters
2. Preparation of the Muslims for what to come later (Battle of Badr)
• Warfare and battles – not only determine on the ground
• But also internally - feel defeated internally – then you have lost
• Feel strong inside – feel capable and believe strongly in your ability to
overcome – then you have won half of the battle
• Very important to be mentally prepare – have that strong sense of
confidence in your ability
Muslim were prepared mentally and internally from all these sarraya – for what was
to come later –the Battle of Badr
Module 2 – Battle of Badr
Other names:
• Battle of Qubrah
• Quran refers to it as Yumul Furqan,
• Yumul takal Jaman – when the two great forces met to do battle
Battle of Badr
• Significant event in Islam – major turning point
• Those who participated were honored – a mark of distention
• Number were small – between 300 and 333 – 61 from Aws and 170 Kazraj, 62
to 86 Muhajirron
• Not compulsory to go out – who ever wanted to go
• Had very few camel – 3 people to one camel
• Prophet shared camel with 2 companions and walk and ride alternatively.
Reason for Battle
• Muslims heard of caravan returning from Syria taking immense wealth back to
the Quraysh
• Muslims were in a state of war with the Quraysh
• Conscious of the fact that the wealth generated from the trade that the
Quraysh would use to buy horses, weapons, arrows etc.
• Had to disrupt this trade – so Quraysh not able to gain wealth to prosecute war
– war depends on wealth / resources which came from the trade
• Prophet decided to intercept/ambush the caravan take as much wealth from it
• Abu Sufyan – he was aware that the Muslims were about to attach – sent for
• He also changed his route and got his caravan to safety to Mecca
Quraysh preparing to go out to support caravan
• Quraysh immediately mobilize their forces to protect their caravan
• Before Muslims were able to attack the caravan – Abu Sufyan was able to get
the caravan safely with all its wealth to Mecca – Quraysh got this news but did
not turn back
• Abu Jahl was determine to go to Badr and stay for few days – go and drink and
have fun and taunt the Muslims – and to show their strength
• Abu Jahl did this also to raise the moral of the Quraysh – make them feel they
were on the high ground and Muslims weaker (show the Muslims their force)
Prophet wanted to get reassurance from the Ansars
• Prophet were concerned about the Ansars – whether they were willing to go
out of Madinah to participate in expedition
• Pledge given by Ansars – to protect the Prophet in the city in Madinah –
nothing in the pledge to say they will protect him outside of Madinah
• Sad ibn Muad – prominent Ansari spoke on behalf of the Ansars
• “Go where you wish, join whom you wish, and cut off whom you wish, take that
which you wish from our property and give us what you wish. What you take
from us is dearer to us than what you leave. Whatever you command we will
follow. By Allah if you were to cross the sea we will plunge into it with you” –
very explicit word  Prophet very please that he had the support of the Ansars
• Al-Miqdad bin ‘Amr - WE will not say to you as the people of Musa said to him –
We are with you go wherever you wish you will find us along side with you “Go
you and your Lord and fight and we will stay here;” Rather we shall say ‘Go you
and your Lord and fight and we will fight along with you.”
Night before the Battle - Friday night, Ramadan 17th., the year 2 A.H
• ‘Ali bin Abi Talib, Az-Zubair bin Al-‘Awwam and Sa‘d bin Abi Waqqas to scout
about for news about the enemy
• Encamped near well and destroy all the other wells – so Quraysh will have no
access to water
• Prophet ordered his companions to camp by the well. One companion, alHabbaab ibn al-Mundhir, asked him if this was from Allah or from his own
decision. The Prophet said it was his own the companion suggested that they
go closer to the wells and destroy all the other well so Quraysh don’t have
access to water – Prophet agreed and follow this suggestion of the companion
• Not everything from the prophet is legislative, not binding as a result of his own
thinking and Muslims not bound by this – so they move closer to the well.
• Rain fell – refreshing for the Muslims / not good for the polytheist
• Prophet spend the night in prayer
• Companions of Prophet had a good sound sleep – refreshing for them
Quraysh Army
• Muslim capture 2 boys the Quraysh sent for water – and got information from
them about the Quraysh
• About 1000 men and the most notable / best of the Quraysh
Prophet Army
• 300 men keen on fighting to the last man
• Divide into 2 battalion – Ali lead the Muhajiroon and Sad led the Ansar
• Prophet’s dua - “O Allâh! The conceited and haughty Quraishites are already
here defying You and belying Your Messenger. O Allâh! I am waiting for Your
victory which You have promised me. I beseech You Allâh to defeat them (the
• Gave strict orders that his men would not start fighting until he gave them his
final word.
• He recommends use their arrows sparingly and never resort to sword unless
the enemies came too close.
Battle begin
• First disbeliever to trigger the fire of the battle and be its first victim was AlAswad bin ‘Abdul Asad Al-Makhzumi, - killed by Hamzah bin ‘Abdul Muttalib – at
the basin of the well
Muslims conduct a defensive war plan that was successful enough to inflict heavy
losses on the attackers
• Prophet supplicated
• Allah responded by sent down angels from the heavens for the help and
assistance of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) and his companions.
• “I will help you with a thousand of the angels each behind the other (following
one another) in succession.” [8:9]
• The Prophet (Peace be upon him) took a handful of gravel, cast it at the enemy
and said: “Confusion seize their faces!” As he flung the dust, a violent
sandstorm blew like furnace blast into the eyes of the enemies.
• He give clear orders to launch a counter-attack - “And be quick for forgiveness
from your Lord, and for Paradise as wide as are the heavens and the earth.”
• Unique deeds of valor, deep devotion and full obedience to the Prophet (Peace
be upon him) were exhibited in the process of the battle.
• Allah fulfill His promise
• Two young boys ask Abdur Rahman ibn Awf to show them Abu Jahl – he did
and they pounced upon him and killed him
Meccans army
• Half-hearted warriors
• Large number of the polytheists was killed and the others began to waver.
• Ranks of Quraish began to give way and their numbers added nothing but
• Abu Jahl tried to stop them but to no avail – they fled – leaving everything that
burden them (extra animals, amour)
Outcome of the Battle
• Rout for the polytheists and a manifest victory for the Muslims.
• 14 Muslims were killed, - 6 Emigrants and 8 Ansars.
• Polytheists sustained heavy casualties, 70 were killed and 70 taken prisoners.
• 24 bodies of leaders of Quraish had been thrown into one of the wells
• Abu Jahl was also killed in this battle – The Prophet spoke to them the dead
• “Did you find what your Lord has promised you? We found what our Lord has
promised us” Omar said to the Prophet when their soul has left their body
• Prophet replied “You do not hear better what I am saying than they do”
Abu Lahab’s death – he did not go to Badr
• Umm Al-Fadl, another Muslim woman, greatly exasperated by Abu Lahab’s
thoughtless behaviour, struck him with a log and cracked his head.
• Seven days later, he died of an ominous ulcer and was left for three days
Great shame and grief for the Makkans
Silent tears for the dead and the captives in every house
Prisoners of War – from the Quraysh
• He accepted a ransom and set them free
• Those who cannot pay ransom – Prophet kept them and requested that they
teach reading and writing
• Zaid ibn Thabit benefitted from this – he later became one of the chief scribes of
the Prophet and one of the recorder of the Quran
Lessons from the Battle of Badr
1. Prisoners of War are human beings / people who should not be ill-treated or
2. Muslims in the minority – yet scored a resounding victory – number do not
necessary constitute the basis for success – victory is determine by the
Will of Allah – He determines who will be granted, and how it will be granted
and when.
• Muslims were granted help from the angels
• To get victory – have to have sincerity of heart – to serve and sacrifice for
Allah and then take all the necessary precautions to win – to train, acquire the
resources, learn how to use it, to perfect the art of war – called Ashaba Naja
• In Battle of Hunain – Muslims larger number but they were defeated –
3. Prayer is a pre- requisite for the success of the Muslims
• Quraysh feel that by drinking and celebrate, have women singing and have a
good time  bring victory they thought this is enough to drive fear in the
hearts of the Muslims
• Muslims turn to Allah in prayer, supplication, humility asking Allah to grant
them victory  difference in attitude in Muslims and Non- Muslims
• One group depends on trivial form of conduct another group depend on Allah
4. The Prophet did not obliged his companions to go to the battle field – everyone
go out of their own desire – out of their love, desire to sacrifice for the cause of
Allah, yearning for Allah’s reward, ultimate place in Jannah with the righteous
people – they went out voluntarily
5. Allah helps His servant – in times of adversity. In time of affliction, in time of
hardship. On accounts of sincerity, love for Him and His messenger, on accounts
of their desire to serve Islam.
• Surah Rum – Verily it was upon US to help the believers, to give them victory
to give them success
• Surah Hajj: Surely Allah defends, Allah supports, Allah grant success to those
who believe
• Muslims in the Battle of Badr earn this favor from Allah
• He grant them victory when they are sincere
Module 3 – Jewish tribes in Madinah and the conflict with Muslims
Prophet prepared to live in peace with others in Madinah
• Upon Prophet arrival – he was prepared to live in peace and harmony with his
• Religion, culture, tribal, whatever their affinity – he was prepared to live in
peace with them
• Made an agreement with Jewish tribes of Madinah and those who did not
accept Islam – called the Sahifa – First bill of rights known to mankind
Sahifa – First bill of rights to mankind
• Right to worship, assemble, trade, move freely
• Duties and responsibilities also outlined – to protect the state of Madinah
• Duty to respect the leadership of the Prophet and not to work to undermine his
• Sahifa preceded the Magna Carta bill of right in Europe
After Victory at Badr
• Prophet never intended to hurt or to cause pain and adversity to the Jewish
• He wanted their cooperation and hoped that if the Muslim becomes
threatened they would help to protect the young state
• Victory at Badr – aroused animosity – sent a wave of shiver down the spines
among the Jewish tribes of Madinah and the Mushrikoon
• Became apparent - they Quraysh was not the only opponents of the Prophet
• Others within the peninsula, in Madinah who want to harm the Muslims
Muslims after Badr and Non-Muslims in and around Madinah Response
Clear after Badr that the Muslims have assumed a moral high ground
Masters of the city of Madinah
They were strong
Some of the Arabs in Madinah and surrounding tribes – were fearful that the
Muslims will spread their dominance and control over the entire peninsula
• Non-Muslims heighten their resistance and strengthen their opposition against
the Prophet and the Muslims
• They did not want to see the Muslim assume mastery of the peninsula
Jews of Madinah
• Jews of Madinah had a large presence
• Claim that they had migrated to the city because their scripture foretold that
the final prophet will settled in that city
• Move to Madinah with the sense of awaiting the arrival of the Messenger
• Did they believe in him and accept him and welcome him? No they did not
• They wanted the final messenger to be from among themselves – not from the
• They wanted him to be from themselves to establish a kingdom in Madinah –
similar to the kingdom of David and Solomon
• Bany Nadir, Banu Qaynuka and Banu Quraizah – the 3 large tribes of the Jews
• Banu Mustalik – smaller tribe
• Some sources say they were 24 Jewish tribes
• They were spread out – some in city, others on the periphery and others on the
fringes of Madinah
Origin of Confrontation
Prophet’s expectation from the Jews:
• The prophet hoped that they would support him because they were people of
the book
• He hoped that they would follow Islam and accept it
• Good signs from some members of their community
Jews in Madinah who were pious or accepted Islam
Ibn Al Hayaban – Jewish man
• Immigrated from Syria
• Told his fellow Jews that the time for the final prophet was there
• Pious and respected
• People will ask him to pray for rain at times of drought – and before he finish
rain will fall
• He was a true believer
• Did not live long enough to see the prophet – died shortly before the coming
of the Prophet
• Years later when tension broken out into hostility – then some of the Jewish
members recall what Ibn Al Hayaban had said about the coming of the Prophet
• Some of the Jews of Banu Quraiza embraced Islam after recalling what was said
to them from Ibn Al Hayaban.
Al Mukharik – Jewish Rabi of High Respect
• Well known – told his people it was an obligation to follow the Prophet
• Battle of Uhud – he took up arms and join the Muslims against the Quraysh
• He was a very wealthy man
• Said should he died in the process of the battle – his wealth should be given to
the Prophet to do what he wants with it
• His wealth handed over to the Prophet who gave it in charity
Among the Jews were some who:
• Understood, knew and were convinced that This is the final Prophet
• Followed him
• Accepted Islam with their hearts
• Give of their wealth to the Prophet
Abdullah ibn Salaam – Jewish Rabi – very respected
• Went with the Muslims on the outskirts of Madinah waiting for the arrival of
the Prophet
• Stood on the house top on the day when the Prophet finally arrived
• He was among the crowds welcoming the Prophet
• He knew that his people tend to follow falsehood even though they knew the
• He accepted Islam – embraced it with his heart
• Went to the Prophet and told the prophet – My people follow falsehood even
when truth comes to them. He told the Prophet to hide him and then call the
Jews and ask them about him
• The Jews said the love, respect him and honour him
• He came out of the room and said He bear witness that Allah is one and
Muhammad is the messenger of Allah
• They changed – began to about him – said he is a liar, a traitor and all the worst
• By doing this – shows the approach / attitude of the Jews in Madinah towards
the Prophet
Majority of Jews in Madinah oppose Prophet
• The above examples of the Jews were exception
• The rule was there was opposition from most of the Jewish tribes despite of
their knowledge of the truth
• Had they remained disbeliever and accept the attitude of: To you your faith and
we go our way – you worship what you want and we worship what we want –
this would have been fine
• Their approach was that of hostility and enmity
• Tension lead to confrontation
• Not prepared to live in peace and respect the position the Muslims gained in
• Hostility of Jews became a great concern for the Muslims
• This threat – enmity should be resisted – it should not be allowed to gain
Examples of ways hostility was manifested
Shas bin Qais – an elderly Jew
• Passed by in Madina and saw Aws and Kazraj having a friendly conversation
• He reminded them of the wars that were fought between themselves
• The memory of these wars were re-awaken and an argument broke out
• Who killed whom in the past and got to the point where they were about to
fight each other – because of the instigation from this Jewish man
• Prophet heard this and became angry – Will you call with the call of Jahiliyah
and I am among you after I taught you the principles of brotherhood
• Don’t be like kufars – to strike at the neck of each other
• After he rebuked the Aws and Kazraj – they felt ashamed of themselves – and
put down the weapons and hugged each other
• Shas bin Qais – determine to sowed the seed of discord, conflict and disunity
among the Muslims
This incidence hurt the Prophet dearly
Battle of Azhab
• All the tribes surround the Muslims and they were threatened
• Allah described it – When they came to you from on top and below and from all
sides and your eyes turn and your hearts came out from your bosom and there
Allah tested you and shook you and they thought that Allah will leave them at
the time of hardship
• The prophet came out of his house and was smiling – showed no sign of anger
and went into the trench and help to break the bolder
Lesson – look how he reacted under threat and how he reacted when the Muslims
show disunity
• Not angered when threatened or when they were besieged
• Angered when Muslims show disunity – and they wanted to fight each other
• We should be very conscious of need for friendship and good relation and
brotherhood among the Muslims
Jews waiting for an opportune moment
• To subvert the young state in Madinah
• To revert to the state before Islam – when they enjoyed authority, influence,
and power in Madinah
Banu Qaynuqa
• First group to display open hostility - banu Qaynuqah
• Lived in close proximity to Madinah
• Main activity trade in the city center – money lenders, gold smith
• Lived in and among the Muslims – hostility more grave in consequences
• Knew Muslims whereabouts, their strength and weakness of Muslims
• Had an impact between relationship of Muslims and Jewish tribes
• A Muslim woman went to do business with gold smith – she sat down
• Jewish members ask her to uncover her face – she refused
• Goldsmith – pinned the hem of her dress to her back
When she stood up she was exposed
She cried out for help – because of this dishonor
This was an act of maliciousness
Muslim man came to her rescue and kills the Jewish man
The Jewish men came together and killed the Muslim man
• An act that was that was avoidable
• Bloody affair
• Result of an act of indecency and a demonstration and disrespect of a Muslim
• One of the first act which led to the escalation / worsening of relation between
the Muslims and Jews
• Took place in Shawaal in the 2nd year after the Hijra
The Prophet’s response
• The Prophet as well as the Muslims were outraged with this
• He called the notable and told them he wanted to live in peace with them
• They were unapologetic - Showed no remorse
• The Jews response: You are living in a state of euphoria – because you
succeeded at Badr you think you can succeed against everyone – they were not
soft target
• They were unrepentant no sign of regret
• Hostility grew
Banu Qanuqa now joined the ranks that opposed Islam
Kab bin Al Ashraf
• Left Madinah to go to Mecca to give condolences to the Quraysh for the death
in Badr
• Show of hostility - Demonstration of how much they hated the Prophet
• Met Abu Sufiyan in Mecca and exchange pledges of support and cooperation in
their hostility towards the Muslims
• Return from Mecca – he felt bold – because he had the Quraysh support
• Make songs – indecent song about the Muslim women
• Put their hatred into words – songs and poetry against the Muslims
• Gone a stage further having exposed a woman in the market place
 Became necessary for the Muslims to take a stand to this hostility, before it got
out of control
Prophet laid siege to the compound of Banu Qaynuqa
• Forces surrounded the fortress of Banu Qaynuqa
• No one could go in nor come out
• 15 days pass and no one get in or out
• Becoming fearful – days were numbered – supplies running low
• Banu Qaynuqa – had 2 allies in Madinah (tribal society – so tribal relationship
and alliances were necessary)
Ubad bin Sabiq – had good relations with Banu Qaynuqa
• Due to his influence the tension were contained between the Muslims and Jews
• After Kab bin al Ashraf went to give condolences to the people of Mecca Ubad
went to the Prophet and said:
• “I did had an agreement with them we were friends but it is now over” – he
absolved himself of that relationship
Abdullah ibn Ubai ibn Abi Salul – main irritants for Muslims
• Head of the Hypocrites
• Proclaim Islam outwardly but inwardly in his heart there was no love for Islam
• Very reluctant to put an end to his agreement with Banu Qaynuqa
• He called upon the Prophet to lift the siege on Banu Qaynuqa after some days
• Remain loyal to the Jew – rather than to the Muslims who were victims of
• Prophet ignored him and continued the siege
Banu Qaynuqa surrendered – they told the Prophet they will willingly leave Madinah
• The Prophet asked Ubad bin Sabiq to supervised their departure from Madinah
• An act of goodwill on the Prophet – after all that had happened – the betrayal,
the hostility, provocations, the treachery - still the Prophet did not show
hatred for them
• He knew Ubad will treat them kindly and allow them to leave safely
• End of the presence of Banu Qaynuqa among the Muslims in Madinah
• They brought this upon themselves – forced to leave after the siege
Abdullah ibn Ubai continued to show his hostility and to work towards the
destabilization of the new state founded in Madinah
• Prophet conscious that Abdullah ibn Ubai had significant followers
• Historian asked why the Prophet didn’t stop him earlier. Why didn’t he put an
end to his plots early?
• If the Prophet hastens to have confrontation with him  would lead to wider
conflict with other tribes in the peninsula at a time when he did not want it. He
wanted to choose when and how he wanted to enter into these encounters.
• Given the support Abdullah ibn Ubai had in Madinah – it was not the right time
to have a confrontation with him
Two groups – Muslims and Jews – could have lived in peace in Madinah
• Prophet was prepared to live in peace
• Jews did not want this – their decision
• Islam accommodated non-arabs – Bilal, Salman, Shuyab – universality of Islam
• Jewish tribes still considered themselves as the chosen people
• Unwilling and were determine to reject and resist the final Prophet (saw)
• Hence the opposition, hostility and their continued effort to destabilized and
put an end to the state he has founded in Madinah
Module 4 - The Battle of Uhud
Sept 9, 2011
Background issues behind the battle of Uhud
Preparation for the battle
Lessons taken from it
Battle of Badr – 2nd year after Hijra
Battle of Uhud – 3rd year of Hijra
What caused the Meccan to want to do Battle so quick after their defeat at Badr?
1. Religious implication
• This represent the foundation of struggle between truth and falsehood
• Externally it may look different - Economic nature but behind all of it is a
religious concern
• Forces of evil will seek to stop and halt the spread of truth – Islam
• Meccan no different – pagans, they were the religious center
• Islam was a direct threat to the religious state of affairs – which they were
head of
• Need to put a stop to Islam – they knew Islam will spread
• Surah Anfal vs 36 – Indeed those who disbelieve spend their wealth to block
people from the path of Islam. (This was satan main goal – the disbelieving
forces are extension of Satan activities)
• Badr victory – had religious implications
• Jews feel the victory of Muslims as a heavy blow to their claim (They know
that a Prophet will come and their text indicated that this is the prophet but
they were not prepared to accept an Arab – they wanted the Prophet to
come from among them)
i. Some Jews accepted the Prophet and Islam
ii. Other rejected him and changed their books
iii. They are the closest to the Muslims in religious belief
iv. Surah Maida 5:82 – You will find the Jews and the Pagans the
strongest enemies against the Islam
2. Social issues
• Quraysh felt shame and humiliation
• Felt they had to avenge the death for their tribes men
• Immediately after their return from Badr they purchase supplies needed to
fight another battle against the Muslims – to avenge the death of their clans
men and to remove shame and defeat / humiliation of Badr
• Quraysh – keen to show their strength and bring themselves back up on the
eyes of the rest of Arabia
• 2 months after loss of Badr – they made an attack on Madinah (Battle of
• Abu Sufyan – tribal leaders – demonstrate their strength by raiding Madinah
• Abu Sufyan oath - Swore that he would not bath from najasa until he has
avenged himself from the Prophet and his followers
Battle of Sawik
• 200 horse men - Led them in a raid
• At night – not in daylight
• Through the fortress of Nadeer clan – Jewish tribe
• Met with Jewish chief – Salam bin Mashkam
• Got info about Muslim and their situation – areas where there were
more Muslims than other areas
• Went to area called Al-Uraid – burnt the fences of date palm grove, burnt
trees, caught servants and murder them
• Muslims learn about this – Prophet gather some men and pursuit them
• Meccans Drop off their provision as they were riding – dump provision so
horse would be light – to go back to Mecca faster – the reached Mecca
without being overtaken
• The provision the threw off was called Sawik – mush made with wheat
and barley and sugar and dates – porridge – refer to the battle of Sawik –
there was no battle
 Meccans wanted to lash out at the Muslims to raise their honour
3. Economic
• Mecca survive on the basis of trade between the North and South
• North - Sham, Syria Jordan and Iraq
• South to Yemen
• Summer – Caravans to Syria – purchase goods
• Winter – Caravan to Yemen in the South (weather pleasant during this time)
– take goods they purchase from Syria to sell in Yemen
• Prophet involve in a deliberate economic blockade of Mecca – caravans
have to pass by close to Madinah
• Prophet would send groups out to intercept these caravans – this became
painful to Quraysh (Mecca produces nothing) Took product from one place
and sell in the other
• If any part of their trade route is blocked – trade fell apart
• Attacks on their caravans – hurt the Quraysh economically
• Those who were opposed to the Prophet and ended up joining forces with
the Quraysh were the Bedouins – they were raiding caravans for their own
means / living – Muslims put a stop to this – they were not in favor of the
Prophet success and growth in Madinah
Dhi Amr Invasion – Muharram – 3 AH
• Thalabah and Mubarib clans gather in troops to make a raid on Madinah
• Prophet gather 450 horsemen and foot soldiers (Uthman left in Madinah)
• Captured an individual and he embraced Islam and he acted as a guide for
the Muslims
• When the clans heard of army they dispersed and Muslims camp in a water
place for the month of Safar
• To impress the Bedouin tribes on the outskirts of Madinah – not to attack
caravan but to engage in trade
Meccans attempt to find new trade route unsuccessful – Campaign lead by
Zaid bin haritha
• Al Aswad ibn Abdil Mutallib Suggested to Meccan to take another route –
instead of going near the coast line to go inland close to Iraq – avoid Madina
• Put together a major caravan and sent it headed by a guide named Furat ibn
Haiyan (Bakr ibn Wahil clan) under the leader ship of Safwan ibn Omaiyah (a
• Major caravan – trade to south
• When they set off words were sent to the Prophet – the Prophet had spies
in Mecca who would give him information – Al Abbass – leader of the
Hashimite clan had accepted Islam and the Prophet told him to hide his
Islam and stay in Mecca and give him info
• Prophet sent about 100 cavalry under the leadership of Zaid bin Haritha to
intercept caravan
• Zaid’s group caught the Meccans at the well of Al Qardah and capture the
entire caravan
• Muslims got trade goods plus 100 thousand dirham worth in silver
• Meccans fled only person captured was Furat who was taken back to
Madinah and he accepted Islam
 Meccans effort to find successful trade route foiled
4. Various political concerns
• Military defeat of the Quraysh in Badr - leadership fell into decline
• Status as a religious, economical and political center given them a sense of
security in their journeys – others caravan used to be attack
• Meccan used to be safe from attack – Surah Lail
• Loss at Badr – political status fell – their caravan were now open to attack
• Bedouins and others also attack their caravan – they were now vulnerable
• They had to regroup to show their leadership and strength
• Political status
Major issues that form the background to the Battle of Uhud
1. Religious – fundamental to all struggle between Islam and non Islamic elements
2. Social – honor of tribe – regaining honor and avenge deaths
3. Economic – critical – their daily bread was threatened
4. Political position in Arabia
 Became necessary for the Meccans to do battle with the Muslims
Meccans army for Battle of Uhud
• Shawaal in 3rd AH
• Gather material to fund war
• 3000 warriors to launch an attack on the city of Madinah – go in Madina and
end challenge
• Meccan army lead by Abu Sufyan ibn Harb
• 700 solider in full armour
• 200 horsemen headed by Khalid al Walid
• 3000 camels carrying supplies and for riding
• 15 women – chair leaders – urge fighters on, speak ill of fighters / humiliate
them so they will go back and fight
• Abu Sufyan – brought his wife – Hind
• Other clan leaders also brought their wife
Prophet received info of Meccans and his consultation with companions
• Al Abbass ibn Abi Mutallib – acting as a spy in Mecca for the Muslims sent
• Sent an urgent message to the Prophet that the Meccans are preparing to set
• Prophet received message while he was at Masjid Quba and hurried back to
• Had meeting with the leaders of Ansars (Aws and Kazraj) and Muhajiroon
(didn’t want the masses of people to know – to scare them)
• Put city under military alert – people take their weapon to salaah – pray with
their weapon
• Inform them of the size of the Meccan army and seek their consultation on
confront army
• Should they fight it out in Madinah if Meccans enter city or should they meet
them on the battle field
• Companions favor fighting on the battle field.
• Prophet felt fighting in city would be better – Meccans coming into an area
they don’t know and will set up ambush. Everyone could be involved in the
battle as well – fighting from roof top etc.
• Majority of companions favor battle field – they feel this was honor
• Abdullah ibn Ubay ibn Salol – head of hypocrite – chief of Kazraj was also in the
meeting – favor fighting in Madinah – he did not want to go out and fight
• Surah Al Imran vs 59 – By the Mercy of Allah you dealt with them gently
…pardon their faults, ask forgiveness for them….and consult with them for their
affairs – leaders should have consultation with people
• If you have taken a decision put your trust in Allah
•  Prophet taught them to express their views freely
•  also taught them to submit to the final decision of the leader (Islamic
approach is not to decision majority – leader can over-ride this)
• Companions in their enthusiasm neglected this point – they want to fight on
the battle field – especially those who did not go to Badr - Battle of Badr was
not a planned battle – they were going to raid a caravan – as part of an
economic blockade.
• Companions want to show strength of Muslims
• Though the Prophet knew better he let the companions have their way – to go
out to the battle field
• Prophet went into his house and put on his battle gear then he came out
• Some of the companions realized that they made a mistake – they shouldn’t
have insisted on fighting in the battle field – they should have accepted his
• Hamzah (Prophet’s uncle) informed the Prophet that his companions are willing
to accept his decision
• Prophet’s response: - Once a prophet has put on his battle gear it is not
appropriate for him to remove it without engaging in battle
•  you made the decision – we have to go ahead
•  teaching the companions about being decisive
•  Going back on his decision would show a sense of weakness
•  once a leader has weight possible actions and resolve on a course of action
• Indecision would cause a loss of confidence and confusion in the ranks of his
Meccan army – March north along western road– reach area called Al Abwa, just
outside of Madinah
• Hind bint Utbah suggested they dug up the Prophet’s mother grave
• Leaders of Quraysh refused this suggestion – this was just not the Prophet’s
mother but
• Continued along the Aqeeq valley and encamped in an area near a place called
Ainain near Mount Uhud
• 6th Shawwal 3 AH
Muslim army / Quraysh army - comparison
• 1000 fighters -100 wearing armour, 50 horsemen
• Quraysh 3000 to 1000 Muslims
• 700 to 100 armour
• 200 to 50 horsemen
Prophet appoint Ibn Umm Makthum to lead the people in prayer
• He was the blind companion that ask the Prophet to teach him- prophet
ignored him and Allah corrected him in Surah Al Abbasa – He frowned and turn
Positioning of Muslim army
• Prophet wanted to positioned his army without being caught trying to set up
• Had them moved out at midnight
• Meccans would have been exhausted after their long journey from Madinah –
will sleep
• Mount Uhud was behind them
• He didn’t want to be do the fight in Madinah – he didn’t want to be caught
moving troop out of Madinah – troops not ready
• At night he positioned the fighters between mount Uhud and Madinah – so
that they would fight towards Mount Uhud as opposed to fighting towards
• On the way they pass through the field of Marba bin Qaizi – a hypocrite who
through earth on their face
•  They were trampling on this man’s crop – so what about his rights? Harm to
his garden  scholars say the greater good out of this benefit – properly
positioning the army to defend the city - was given precedent over the harm of
the garden
• Muslims have Uhud as their back – no one can attach them from back
• Meet an area called Ash-Shawt –
Abdullah bin Ubai bin Salol – the hypocrite – withdraw with 300 soldiers
• Claim he was upset with Prophet for not taking his opinion
• Took with him about 300 fighters – saying that there is not going to be any
• Army now reduced to about 700
If this was the real reason then he would not have set out with them
His real reason was to demoralized the Muslim army and create confusion
This will also make the weaker people in the army may want to back out too
This is Allah’s ways of exposing the wicked ones among the Muslims
Allah will not leave the believers in a state in which they are until he distinguish
between the wicked and the good
• Abdullah ibn Haram –father of Jabir bin Abdullah – he tried to stop them from
withdrawing but was unable to do so
• The Salama clans and Harith clans were also on the verge to follow Abdullah ibn
Ubai – the hypocrite
• Allah protects them and makes their hearts strong – When two parties were
among you to lose heart, but Allah was their Wali – Supporter and Protector.
And in Allah should the believers put their trust
Move to Uhud
• At al-Wada – saw a well armed army - Jews – allies with Abdullah bin Ubai ibn
• They were ready to fight alongside with the Muslims
• Prophet said we will not seek the help of pagans against pagans – rejected their
Remove the young from the army – at Uhud
• About 17 of them – under the age of 14 years
• Included Abdullah ibn Umar, Usama bin Zaid, Usaid bin Zaheer, Zaid bin Thabit,
Zaid bin Arqam, Amr bin Hazm, Abu Saeed Al Khudri, Zaid bin Haritha ….(some
of the leading scholars among the Sahaba)
• Why did he allow them to come in the first place and then send them back –
they were keen to come so he let them come as far as it was safe - so they can
feel a part of the act and then send them bac,
• Few exception – based on their skills
o Rafi bin Khadaij – 14 years – skilled in spear thrower - he was like an
o Samura bin Jundub – said he was stronger than Rafi – Prophet tell them
to wrestle
o He wrestle and won Rafi – so the Prophet let them be part of the army
• Use of spies – allowed
• Principle of consultation
• Secrecy – legitimate to keep some information from the masses of the people.
But inform the leaders
• Decision – having made it – keeps it – even though he knew his suggestion was
the better one
• Preparation in establish forces – to defend Madinah without exposing Madinah
to the attack of the pagans
• Harm to property – lesser harm when compared to the greater benefit from the
military perspective - precedence given to the greater benefit of the
community as a whole
• Avoid taking help from pagans
• Kept the young away from the main battle field – not appropriate – only
exposing them to harm
• Did not bring women along
• Awareness of hypocrite and how they operate – to create, demoralize the
Muslim ranks – don’t lose heart when they make their move – separates out
the good from the evil - those who work for Allah and those who work against
Module 5 – Battle of Uhud
Why did the Quraysh embark on a battle so quickly after Badr?
• Religious treat and their position in Arabia – paganism
• People killed – avenge murder of close clan members
• Humiliation they suffered in Badr – couldn’t live with it – had to have some
victorious aftermath
• Economic factor – major part that drove them to fight - their economy was in a
problem – The prophet had establish a boycott on their trade – blockade set up
so their goods couldn’t going to North or South
• Political concern – since there defeat at Badr they were in shambles – their
tribes used to be free from attack but this is damaged – open to attack from
Struggle where the Prophet was attacking the caravan – economic blockade
Before the Battle – Preparation
• Decision to fight – preparation of Meccans
• Spies in Mecca to keep the Prophet informed
• Decision to fight the Meccans in the Battle field instead of in the city
• Treachery – pull away from the army – to demoralized them – common
practice in the hypocrites – Muslims have to be aware of this throughout
history – this will always be there to undermine Islamic efforts / defense /
projection of Islam until the last day
• Prophet refusal to seek help from the Jews – We will not seek help from pagans
against pagan
• Not to include children under 14 in the struggle
Topics in this lesson
• Strategy the prophet developed in the battle itself
• Development within the battle
• Role that women played
• How battle ended
• What happen to the martyrs?
• Aftermath of the battle
• Statistics
Arrangement of the Army on the Battle field
Divided into 3 groups
50 archers – With Abdullah bin from Aws tribe as leader
The rest divided into 3
1. Al-Muhajireen battalion, under the command of Mus‘ab bin ‘Umair Al-‘Abdari.
2. Al-Ansari-Aws battalion was commanded by Usaid bin Hudair.
3. Al-Ansari-Khazraj battalion with Al-Hubab bin Al-Mundhir to lead it.
Why in these groups? Why not mix them?
Muhajiroon – relatives. Aws / Kazraj – clans men – familiar with each other
• Developing a fighting force where those involved were familiar with each other
giving them additional impetus
After that the Prophet gives a speech to them
Prophet’s speech
• What Allah commanded me to do in His book I now commanded you
• Place of reward and savings for the future
• Fighting is hard and unpleasant – few will patiently do it
• Allah is with those who obey Him and Satan with those who disobey
• Follow what I command
• Begin with patience - seeking what Allah commanded you
• Disagreement and losing hope are all form of weakness and displeasing to Allah
Three main themes in his speech
1. Strive hard – struggle
2. Patient when enemy clash – times of difficulty
3. Evil consequences of disunity in the ranks of Muslims – be conscious of it and
beware of it
Prophet recognize the importance of Uhud and a mount Ainain
Prophet instructions to the archers
• Place 50 archers on the Mount of the Archers
• Instruct them to rain down arrows on
• Remain there and completely ignore what was happening on the battle field
• “Defend our backs! If you see us slain - Do not come to assist us; and if you see
gaining grounds, do not share us.”
• In a version by Al-Bukhâri the Prophet (Peace be upon him) said:
“If you see us snatched into pieces by birds, do not leave this position of yours
till I send for you. And if you see that we have defeated the enemy and trodden
on them do not desert your position till I send for you.”
Start of the Battle
Dual before getting underway – part of their practice
Abu Sufyan – he tried to split the ranks of the army
Abu Sufyan sent to the Helpers a message saying: “Leave us alone to fight our
cousins and do not interfere. If you stand aside, we will not fight you; for fighting
you is not a target of ours.”
• He suggested to them that they did not come to fight them – they came to fight
the prophet and the muhajiroons not the ansars – the Aws and Kazraj
• The Ansars rejected this and stayed with the army
Abu ‘Amir Al-Fasiq (Real name is Abd ‘Amr bin Saifi) – the monk –
• Had gone to Mecca and supporting them in the fight against Medinites
• Was from Aws tribe – went amongst them talk to them and greet them
• He was expecting a good/happy response – glad to see him after he left them
• They rejected him and did not accept any of his offers to try to dissuade them
from being involve in the struggle
Talha ibn Uthman (The Ram) – carrying the Quraysh banner – he was killed
Prophet’s sword
• Prophet took a sword and says who will take this sword from me – everyone
wanted it
• Who will take it from me and fulfill its rights
• Abu Dujana – got it
• He tied a red bandana on his head and started to prance around and reciting
poetry – show-off thing and boastful  the Prophet saw him and said this kind
of walking is despised by Allah except at this time
Miracles at Uhud
Qatada ibn Nauman – he got a blow on his eye which made it came out – prophet
took it and put it back in its place – it remained his best eye
Ubayya ibn Kalaf – a Meccan – who said one day he will ride up to the Prophet and
kill him
He spotted the Prophet and say there is no success until I kill him
The companions saw him coming towards the Prophet
The Prophet say let him come
The Prophet took a lance and shook it and then shoot it to Ubayy ibn Kalaf – it
was a slight wound – but he died on the way back to Mecca
These miracles – reminders that this is a Prophet
Early Fighting - Winning
• When they clash – Muslims came forward and defeated them
• Muslims strongly attack the Quraysh
• Quraysh running and fleeing
• Muslims on the archers – saw the spoils of war that the Quraysh dropped they came down from the archers and only 10 were left there
Latter part of battle – losing
Archers left their position and losing the battle
• Khalid bin Waleed – when he saw the archers coming down the mountain
• He took that route of the hill and kill the archers
• The attacked the Muslims from the rear
• The Quraysh now mixed with Muslims  some Muslims ended up killing other
Muslims due to confusion
• Confusion in the ranks of Muslims
• Muslim start losing
• Khalid bin Waleed – when he attacked from the rear – he shouted to his men
and the turned back and start fight the Muslims
• Muslims in center – attack from both front and back
• Many Muslims lost their lives
Prophet injured
• Ibn Qamiya – got close to the Prophet and strike at him
• Prophet nose was broken
• Teeth knocked out
• Cheek cut
• Hit on the head
• Rings of the helmet went into his face
• Fighters were fleeing
• Ibn Qamiya catch Musab ibn Umair and killed him – Ibn Qamiya shouted out
the Prophet had been killed –Musab had some resemblance to the prophet
Reaction of Muslims to the news that the Prophet was killed
• Some stop fighting – just give up
• Other say if he was killed – then we should fight for what he fought for
• Fight a battle for the sake of Allah – so we should continue for that purpose
• Some flee just to save their lives
• Surah Al Imran - Remember when you fled without the glance at anyone and
Allah messenger was at your rear calling you back
Al-Usairim — ‘Amr bin Thabit – Will enter Jannah without performing a single
• He was invited to Islam but did not do so while in Madinah
• The Prophet and his companion saw him among the injured and dead in the
battle field
• He was severely wounded
• When his clans men came across him – they asked him what are you doing here
• He said he came because he wanted to accept Islam
• Shortly after that he died
• Became known as the one who enter Paradise without even offering any prayer
• He is one of the inhabitants of Paradise.” “Although he had not offered one
single prayer,” narrated Abu Hurairah.
Qazman – Place is in Hell Fire – fought for zeal of his people – wrong intention
• Fought heroically and killed 6 or 7 idolaters
• He said, “I have fought out of zeal to my people. Had it not been for that I
would have never fought”.
• “He is an inhabitant of Fire”
• When his pain worsen he committed suicide
• This is the end of those who fight for a national cause or in a way other than
that of raising up the Word of Allâh, though they fought under the banner of
Islam or even in the army of the Messenger of Allâh
On the way back to Madinah
• After they confirmed the Quraysh was going back to Mecca
• More than one buried in the same grave – the one with the most Quran in front
• Came across Hamnah bint Jahsh – inform her to be patient
Attitude of the women whose relatives were martyred
Hamnah bint Jahsh
• She was among those who were providing water
• Prophet informed her to be patient
• Her uncle- Hamzah ibn Abdul Mutallib, her brother- Abdullah ibn Jahsh, and her
husband – Musab ibn Umair were all martyred
• When she heard of the first two she said in-lillahi wa inna elaihirajeoon
• When she heard of the death of her husband – she cried out – how great my
grief is
• When the Prophet heard this he enquire – she said what will happen to his
children who are now orphan
• The prophet made dua for her to get someone who will look after her and her
children – immediately after her 4 months period – a companion married her
and took care of her and her children
Women form Dinar clan
• Her husband, father and brother were all killed at Uhud.
• When their death announced, she said: “How is the Messenger of Allâh (Peace
be upon him)?” They said: “Well indeed. O mother of so... Thanks for Allâh; he
is well and as good as you desire.”
• “All misfortunes are nothing so long as you are safe.
• Kind of patience women showed
The Prophet feared that Quraysh may want to re-start the battle
• The Prophet though that the Quraysh may want to come back and battle
• He told the Muslims to re-suit up and head out after them – they did
• Only those who participated in Uhud were allowed to come - no one else could
• They set off in the directions of the Quraysh
Quraysh want to go back and fight
• The Idolaters dismounted and encamped at Ar-Rawhâ’ — a place thirty-six
miles from Madinah,
• Abu Sufyan chastised his fellow men that they did not kill the Prophet nor took
any women as slaves
• He urged them to return and finish the job - the battle - they agreed
• Words came to them that the prophet already camped at a place called Hamra
al Asad near Ar-Rawha
• The Prophet sent a challenge to them to come
• At night the lit a number of torches (they were few men in number)
• From a distance – these torchers look very bright  so they look like a big
• The prophet sent someone to demoralized them – he told the Quraysh that the
Muslims army is big
• A caravan was coming – Abu Sufyan bribe the leader of the caravan to tell the
Prophet that the Quraysh were ready to fight
• The Muslims response – Allah is sufficient for them and the best of disposer of
our affairs
• It became clear to Abu Sufyan that his bluff did not work
• They were weak, not willing to fight – so they did not fight
• A physiological victory was given to the Muslims – The Quraysh back down
and retreated to Mecca -- became know as the Battle of Hamra al Asad
Battle of Hamra al Asad – an extension of Uhud
• No claim of victory from the Quraysh
• The Jews nor the hypocrites could boast over the defeat of the Muslims
• The Quraysh was forced to go back
• The Prophet stayed at Hamra Al Asad for 3 days and nights
Prophet journey back to Madinah
• On their way back to Madinah they captured one of the enemy fighters - Abu
‘Azza Al-Jumahi– the only prisoner of war taken from the Battle of Uhud
• He was a poet – he urged the Quraysh on to fight
• He was captured in battle of Badr and was freed without any ransom because
of his poverty
• The prophet knowing that he had many dependants let him free on a vow – to
not fight the Muslims
• He beg pardon of the Prophet – the prophet said no
• By Allah I wouldn’t allow you to enter Mecca and say that I have tricked
Muhammad (pbuh) twice
• The prophet instructed Zubair to execute him
• A believer should not be stung from the same hole twice – Sahih Bukhari
• 70 Muslims martyr
• 22 to 37 pagans killed
• About a total of 100 people killed – in the biggest battle
• Importance – very small number killed – Prophet Muhammad being presented
as warrior killing people – battle fierce but number killed small
Muslims Martyr
• 41 from Kazraj
• 24 from Aws
• 1 Jewish convert
• 4 Muhajiroons
The Ansars suffer the greater loss – they swore an oath to defend the Prophet saw
Psychological victory
• Provided some inspiration for Muslims – they felt they did not really loss – even
loss in numbers
• Allah console them and sooth their pain and inspire them with hope and
remove Satan’s whispering from their heart
• Allah remind them of the past nations who faced similar struggles, the hardship
suffered by the believers throughout the ages and the awful end with the
• Al Imran vs 137 to 139 –
• Allah remind them that in the end the disbelieves will be the losers
• You will have the upper hand
• General consolation
• Lesson for the Muslims
1. Consequences of disobedience – the archers were clearly instructed not to shift
their position but they did
• Disobedient to the prophet and to Allah will only bring ultimate failure /
2. How to deal with people who are committed enemies
• Enemy in terms of words, media attack – it is important for us to understand
our enemy so our response will be appropriate – clear up their
misunderstanding or to neutralize their attack through strategic means –
one should know ones enemy
3. Application of consultation – even though he knew the best way to fight the
Quraysh – he ask the opinions of the companions and he allow them to make
the decision and went with their decision  this gives them a meaning to their
consultation / suggestion
4. Secrecy – This is allowed when information can be demoralizing to the general
public. Leaders need to know
5. Prophet decisiveness – after decided to face the enemy on the battle field he
did not go back on this - this would weaken their morale and put doubts in
their hearts
6. Unwillingness to take help from the non-Muslims – Muslims should gather
together and use what is within their means
7. Protecting the youth from harm – not allowing them to take part in the battle
on the battle field
8. Role of the hypocrites in demoralized the Muslims – Muslims has to be aware
of this and be conscious of it
9. Protection of women – would not allow women to go in the battle
• Role of women in battle is supportive – protecting the affairs of home,
10.Fighting in the name of Nationalism will end up in Hell – have to have the right
• There will be the people who will do the deeds of paradise but will end up in
hell – Hadeeth of Prophet (their deeds will appear to others as that of deeds
of paradise)
11.Patience – the way the Muslim women were patient with the losses they faced
12.Muslims don’t allow themselves to be deceive on two occasion – from the
same person
• Good to be merciful but not to be pardoning and forgiving the second time
• This battle biggest with the greatest losses – has many lessons
• Allah allow them to be defeated in Uhud so as not to become over confident
• Times of success and times of failure
• Failure – look back for the causes – in this case it was disobedience to the
Prophet and Allah
• Prophet’s speech prior to the battle – he told them indeed Allah is with
those who obey Him and Satan is with those who disobey
Module 6 - Between Uhud and the Confederates
Treachery and the Exile of BanuNadhir
Lost the battle because of disobedience to the P (s)
Seeking booty /worldly gain before it was distributed by the P (s)
Uhud – Sura Anfal & sura Imran
Allah wanted to purify the ranks of the Muslims – clear distinction who was
committed and those who were sincere
• Martyr – shaheed – a witness to the truth -> chosen by Allah for this purpose ->
to become
After Uhud
• 24 hrs not yet expired, P (s) called to arms (16th of Shawaal)
• Sahabas answered to the call of the P (s) – even some of them were still nursing
their wounds
• 2 brothers – Abdullah and Rafi, Abdullah had to carry his brother on his back
• Only those who took part in uhud were allowed to go
• Abdullah ibnUbaid wanted to go, P (s) refused (he was the one who withdraw
his troop of 300 men before Uhud). Prophet leave him in the hands of Allah to
decide his faith
• Jaabiribn Abdullah did not participate in Uhud, his father wanted to go, told
him to stay back with his 7 sisters
Hamra al Asad –
P (s) marched with his men – 40 miles from Madina
Camped there for 3 days
Strategy to deceive Quraish
Ordered that they light fires all around the camp – give impression of large
• News spread that the Muslims regroup and ready to launch against Quraish
• Met Ma’bat ibn abi ma’bat – not a Muslim and came to offer help – P (s)
• P (s) told him to go to the Quraish, tell them that P (s) and the Muslims were
camped at Hamra al asad and were ready to launch a massive attack on the
• P (s) thought that the Quraysh would attack – bcoz the Muslims were weak,
although a victory for Quraish it was not a crushing victory
• Ma’bat played his role well – create the image of huge Muslim army and
warned the Quraish not to attack
• P (s) really wanted to buy time after Uhud
Cooperation with non-Muslim
• 0ccured in the past
• When it lead to technical expertise of Muslims – then ok to take their help
• It is allowed to cooperate in some areas – tech expertise, acquisition of
• But in other areas like taking then as soldiers – may prove to be detrimental
• P (s) was guided by non-Muslim from Makkah to Madina
• Muslims image was seriously battered because of Uhud
• The talk was the Muslims were weaker than appeared to be
• Several tribes tried to take liberty to make attacks against the Muslims
• One attack took place in BirMa’ulah (well of Ma’ool) – see txt (fiqhusseerah) for
detailed info
• When the Muslims went to BirMa’ulah to teach them Islam, they were
ambushed and killed – 70 Muslims killed
Treachery at Raji
• Ar-raaji – another attack – up to 120 Muslims killed in 4 mths
• Delegation from the tribes of Udal and Al-Qarrah approaching the prophet for
men to teach them.
• The Prophet dispatched missionaries but the delegation acted with treason and
killed the missionaries except 3 who were taken prisoners and sent to Makkah
for sale.
• All the three were killed in revenge for Badr and Uhud.
• Killing of 70 readers of the Quran by tribes of RilDhakwan and Al-Qarrah.
• Enormous loss at Raji and BirMaunah
• Tribes responsible Banu Amir,Banu Asad, Banu Ghadfan, Udal and Qarrah
tribes – the desert Bedouins
Threats from Bedouins, Jews and Hypocrites
• The Bedouin Arabs were sworn enemies to the P (s) and Islam – a known fact
• They became bold in attacking the Muslims –
• The Jews openly mocked the Muslims– banuNadhir – they raised doubts if the
Prophet of Allah – that if he was a prophet of Allah then he should have
succeed over idol worshippers
• Open season attack on Muslims – their argument was that if he was the P from
God then he should win against the pagans - > create doubts in the hearts of
the Muslims
• The Quraish and the Munafikoon also join the bandwagon against the Muslims
• Hypocrites – were saying it was a good thing they pulled out of the battle of
Lessons from Uhud
• P (s) worked very hard to rebuild their confidence, Allah’s support – what
happen in Uhud was part of the process of rebuilding – become stronger from
these trials, become more determined, rely on Allah more -> analogy of how
gold is processed
• When people are tested they become stronger – more determine and rely on
Allah more
• Uhud – Part of their training
• Preparing and strengthening them for greater responsibilities in the future
• Shared adversity bring people together with common sense of purpose /
destiny and togetherness
• Muslims become closer to each other
• There were 2 threats – external (Quraish) and internal (Jews & hypocrites)
• The Bedouin tribes pretended that they want to learn Islam, P (s) sent
missionaries to them, they killed them -> the Jews wanted to use a similar
strategy to lure the Muslims
• Banu Qunuqa was gone
• Jewish tribes - Banu Nadir and Quraith(?) – they felt they can attempt what the
Bedouin tribe did – pretend they wanted to learn about Islam and when
Muslims go to them they kill them
Why not get rid of the Hypocrites?
• Why didn’t Allah revealed the identity of the Muslims – so the Prophet could
deal with them
• It will seem like an act of injustice to the ordinary Muslims
• Hypocrites are those who profess belief – if prophet take strong actions against
them without the community knowing what they had done– it will look like an
act of injustice – Prophet persecuting his own people
• Their hostility were not apparent – so the P (s) could not take action
• If it was apparent – then the public will understand the action that the P (s)
• This shows us how to deal with the hypocrites
• Principle – be on guard, don’t hasten to take action, always alert not hasten to
make decision and nor to condemn
• Make 70 excuses for your brother
• Not to act on the basis of revelation – as we will not receive revelation - but on
what we have seen on the ground in our time – their actions
Exile of BanuNadhir – The Jews
• There were a treaty between the Muslims and the Jews not to collaborate with
the enemies
• Even when the Muslims were in position on strength (Badr) they Jews were
already showing their hostility and hatred and revulsion to Islam – so when
Muslims were in weakness – it was even more natural on their part to show
their hostility
Offer their assistance to the Quraish – covert operation
They were not prepared to strike the first blow to the Muslims but willing to
instigate it
P (s) went to BN to get some blood money for the man that Amr’ killed by
mistake, they agree, so they told the P (s) to sit and wait for the money.
Their plan was for someone to go on top on the building and drop a boulder on
top of the P (s) ‘s head -> to them a good opportunity not to be missed – Amr
ibn Jash volunteered to do this
Jibreel informed the P(s) – P(s) got up hurriedly with his companions and left
for Madinah
He was angry over this incident
Sent Muhammad ibn Maslamah to deliver an ultimatum to them – leave in 10
They were told to leave Madina in 10 days or else beheaded
Abdullah ibnUbaid – told them not to leave, he will support them with 2,000
Banu Nadir Leader was Uhyay ibn akta
P (s) decided to lay siege to Banu Nadhir
No one came to the aid of BanuNadhir – not even abdulahibnUbaid, nor Banu
P (s) decided to cut down their trees because they were throwing stones and
shooting arrows from the tree tops
It was Allah who ordered the P (s) to take this action – cut trees -> surah Hashr
Principle in fiqh -> what is prohibited in principle becomes halal in certain
Because of their stubbornness, P (s) confiscated their wealth, took away their
lands and they left with their women and basic belongings
The wealth – belong to the state – divided to the needy and at the discretion of
the leader – most went to the muhajiroon – so that wealth will not be in the
hands of a few – surah hashr – 2 ansars who were poor were given a part of the
All this happen within 6 mths of Uhud
This raised the balance of power to the Muslims due to wealth gained and the
dwindling opposition in Madinah
Jews in Madinah were weakened – 2nd major tribe expelled – balance of power
begin to shift in favour of the Muslims
They went to live in Khaybar
The fact that Jibreel came and inform the Prophet of what they planned to do – this
was a miracle  strengthen the Prophet faith – Allah is there for him
Ganeema – wealth taken from conflict (booty)
Wealth taken without conflict – called “Fay” - shared differently – not like ganeema –
– wealth belong to the state
Module 7 (“lecture” notes)
NOTE: “RS” in these notes stands for “Rasoolullah SAW”
Scandal affair
 Scandal affair – hadeeth al ifk (scandal produced and spread wrt one of the
wives of RS)
 This is indeed one of the features of the madinan life of RS. Opposed to makkan
life, the occupations were quite different.
o In makkah RS was engaged in trying to convince the msg of tawheed and
basic creed of Islam (yaum al akhir, belief in angels, qadr, etc
o In Madinah - Building the community stronger relationship
o In madinah the focus had shifted, it was about building community and
strong relationships and meeting strong challenges of hypocrisy, disunity,
issues of marriage- relationships etc at a domestic level etc.
 Now One such issue – it was given wide spread coverage in that time
Practice of Prophet – to take one of his wives when he go on any journey
 He was going on an expedition to bani mustaliq- shortly after uhud- and
 The lots fell on Ayesha- so she prepared to join him –
 As they were returning to madinah- RS and his sahaba stopped for a while as it
was nightAisha report of the story
 This story was narrated by Ayesha herself- event after event
 She had a very brilliant mind- she was among the top 5 of the transmitters of
 She described it in graphic detail
 During the stay on that occasion, when sahaba were to leave the place- she got
up to leave for a particular purpose- when she returned she found that her
necklace was missing- she searched until she found the necklace
 But by that time the entourage had left
 It was a practice of the sahaba- that they would carry mother of the believers in
a carriage and placed it on the camel.
 This time, it was dark and in a hurry when the sahaba carried the carriage of
Ayesha- they thought she was inside- but of course she wasn’t!
 So, according to the account of Ayesha- she wrapped herself up exactly at the
place where she they left her, confident that they would return in search for
her- but as she waited there One companion himself passed by and he was trying to catch up with the group
which was heading to madinah
 He (Safwan R.A) discovered her (Ayesha)
 He had known her b4- he recognized her- coz b4 the legislation had been
passed for the covering of the faces of the wives of RS- he had seen her and
known her. so he saw her – asked her what had happened- she explained.
 He lowered his camel and helped her onto the camel and took her to madinah.
They arrived to madinah the following morning- and announced that they had
come- the ppl had knwn that she was missing only the following mrng
 Rumor circulated - Abdullah bin Ubbay had speculated that Ayesha had
engaged in adultery with the companion.
 She wasn’t aware of the rumor.
 It shook the community of madinah at its foundation
 Soon after the arrival- Ayesha fell ill- she asked if she cud go to her mother- RS
agreed- all the while he did not tell her of the rumorAyesha learned about the rumor
 Eventually Ayesha heard from a female companion of what was being
circulated and was hurt and pained of the rumor. She was convinced that she
was innocent.
 It was a challenge for her to prove this to her husband and her parents
 She cried profusely – when she heard of the rumor- she thought her heart
would break- her health would not recover
 This matter continued for 1 month RS had to hold his head high through the event- continued to visit Ayesha in her
home- did not show any sign of anger or hostility towards her Rumor was gaining a momentum
 RS knew that in the end Allah wud resolve this matter- the truth will emerge- it
was just a matter of time.
Prophet seek advice from the companions
 He called some of his companions- asking advice
 Some companions said it was better to divorce her and some for retention. It
was a turmoil
 RS , meanwhile, reassured the community, “I’ve no evidence- until I have
evidence- I cannot act in any way”
 One of the ansars- abu ayyub had a discussion b/w him and his wife – they
dismissed it outright! Its absolutely outrageous he said (cross check the
highlighted in yellow)
Aisha left the matter up to Allah – show patient – Allah revealed her innocence
 In the end – RS was at home with her in her mom’s home- the discussion came
up. she said “I can only assert my innocence- Im sure Allah will acquit me, until
then I will be patient” she quoted “wa sabrun jameelan……”- “and Allah is the
helper against what they say” of surah yusuf
 She had began to mature in understanding and faith- had surrendered her
affair totally to allah- then Quran intervened- “ those who came up with the
slander r among u- hypocrites – Abdullah bin ubay and others”
 This issue was discussed in surah noor
o He started surah noor with verses dealing with adultery – the
punishment etc.
o He also spoke of slandering of chaste women- to accuse them- that it was
an heinous act- hateful and it bears with it a grave consequence
Revelation came to the Prophet in the presence of Aisha
 But at this point- Ayesha was in the presence of the Prophet RS.
 The Prophet was sweating when the revelation came- though it was a wet day(not so hot)- indicated that it was not an easy matter for him.
 He praised Allah that finally Allah had acquitted her and truth had come- and a
heavy burden had come off him!
 She could have seen on him a sense of relief
Punished for slandering
 As a result- the perpetrators- they were punished – were flogged –
 Abdullah bin Ubbay was not flogged. Those who were punished: mistah,
hamnah bint jahsh, hasan bin thabit.
 Why was Abdullah bin ubay not punished??
o It was a question of the impact it wud have on the community. He was a
very clever individual, hard to pin him down.
o Plus he was a person of influence among the khazraj- this was a big tribe.
o Moreover among his ppl- he still had a huge following.
o Another view: if he was punished, he would have been absolvedacquitted for a punishment in the hereafter as he had paid his dues in
this world.
o Maybe the Prophet wanted him to be punished in the hereafter which
was much more severe
Significance of Incident
 This incident was significant- one of which Muslims today shud look at great
care and study extract lessons
 Importance lies in the fact that such accusations can happen to any1 anywhere.
 Can happen to anyone - Not only Muslims. But even today it’s possible How shud we respond to such an incident??
 This is the value of seerah coz v have practical experiences from the Prophet
 The matter had shaken the Prophet and community coz there was a question of
honor and dignity!
 So, this matter was not taken very lightly
 In the circumstances we saw the Prophet maintained his composure and
 This is a first lesson that we can draw: composure, calmness, patience and
unwillingness to jump to conclusions. He did not run to Ayesha giving it any
credibility- in fact nothing he said to her indicated of what he believed.
 He continued to visit her, enquire about her health and make sure she was well
 About Ayesha: she was a young lady- a necklace given by the Prophet was
cherished by her.
 Safwan was entrusted with the task to pick up anything that the expedition had
left behind. (To bring up the rear guard).
 Aisha was left behind unknowingly
Umm Salamah – similar incident
 Umm salamah- she left makkah on her own alone with her child- on the way
she encountered a non muslim- Uthman bin talhah- he asked where she was
going- she replied “to madinah” – he accompanied her for the rest of the
journey and protected her.
 Later when RS married her- she recalled that uthman- though he was nonmuslim- had displayed perfect manners and not misbehaved with her
 There was a similarity b/w the two incidents- in her case – no 1 spread rumors
about her. It was the tradition of the Arabs that a woman, if found in such
cases- be protected- it was the urf
 Important lesson: We shud not cast doubts about others. Give things best
interpretation. Do not jump to conclusions until evidence is found
 Surah Hujurat - If a hypocrite comes to u, confirm it, clarify it. You don’t want to
oppress your brother’s feelings.
 Punishment is flogging
 Conclusion: one of those involved in spreading was a female: hamnah bint
jahsh- sister of zainab bint jahsh (wife of RS ; there was slight rivalry between
her and Aysha for attention of RS) hence hamnah hastened for the benefit of
her sister about ayesha.
 But Zainab confirmed that wallahi she does not know anything of the incident
and Ayesha was a very chaste and pious woman – I don’t know anything but
good about Ayesha
 Hence hamnah was responsible, who apparently was acting for the benefit of
Zaineb- it was wrong and haram in Islam
 Its consequences were quite great
 The prophet and Ayesha emerged with their honor intact and with their dignity
intact and Allah acquitted them . subhanalah!
Module 8 – The Battle of the Trench – The Confederates – Ahzab / Qandaq
• 5th year of Hijra in the month of Shawaal – lasted over a month
• Revealed hardships, test and will of believers and their faith
• Name – because of decision of prophet to dig a huge trench around the city to
protect the Muslims
• Known as Battle of Confederates – many / huge alliance was formed between
the Quraysh and other non-believers Arabs, surrounding Madinah and the
Jewish tribes of Banu Quraiza
• Situation challenging and important
• Surah dedicated to this – Al Ahzab – many lessons / acts of generosity, faith
were displayed in this battle  Allah preserved them so succeeding
generations benefit from them
Surah Ahzab
• Vivid re-encounter
“And when the eyes grew wild and the hearts reached to the throats, and you
were harboring doubts about Allâh. There, the believers were tried and shaken
with a mighty shaking.” [33:10, 11]
By reading the Quran we can visualize what happened
They came to you from above and below – they ganged up on you from all
sides – Banu Quraiza, Quraysh, manafiqoo, Banu Nazeer, Ghatfan, Jews of
Madinah, unbelieving tribes - an overwhelming situation
Many forces descended on Madinah
Your eyes dimmed and your heart beat out of control as if it was coming out of
their bodies – very graphic  Allah is the most excellent and sublime language
to describe certain things that happen with the believers
Have strange thoughts – will Allah intervene like He did in Badr
They were tested when the tribes / alliance of all the forces of disbelieve, trial
and treachery descended on the believers
Zilzal – It’s not the earth – it was as if the earth was shaken under their feet – it
was nerve racking
We can appreciate the response when it comes from the Muslims
• Allah gives us a clear view of what was happening
• We appreciate how much a person can sacrifice
• A person of faith is capable of doing when pushed to it
Banu Quraiza
• Played a pivotal role
• 20 chiefs from Banu Quraiza, some rep. from Banu Nazeer and Banu Wazir
went to Quraysh to influence them to come out and take actions to attack the
Muslims in Madinah
• They tried to make victory seems easy
• Told the Quraysh This is going to be a picnic for you – as long as we are
together – we will finish their existence In the Arabian peninsula - Quraysh fell
for this
• Promised the Quraysh – to have a long term alliance with you until the job is
done. Will continue to support Quraysh.
• Promised the Quraysh – no amount of wealth will prevent them to do
• Ghathfan became accomplices in this act – they participated in the aggression
Their Troops – Confederates
• Everyone had to pledge the number of forces
• 4000 - Quraysh
• 6000 – Ghatfan –
• Abu Sufiyan as commander in Chief of the confederates
• Banu Quriza promised to give one year’s harvest to Ghatfan to offset the cost
of the operation
• Who can give wealth, food, weapons, camels, men, horses, - everyone give
what they can
• Well organized and resolute in its purpose to defeat the Muslims
• At least 10,000 – more than the number of inhabitants of Madinah
Twenty chiefs negotiate an unholy alliance with Quraish goad the people there to
attack the Messenger of
Quraish, ranked and recruited four thousand men under the leadership of Abu
An army of ten thousand fighters
From the east there came tribes of Banu Saleem, Ghatfan, Bani Murrah
They in fact outnumbered all the Muslims
Prophet consulted with military strategist
• When the prophet heard about the plan to attack Madinah
• The Prophet consulted with the companions
• Badr and Uhud – both they went out
• Salman Al Farsi – in his country they dug trenches – huge trenches – not a
practice known to the Arabs
• Idea sounded good – seems credible
• Give the impression to the Prophet and those present – that this would work
• Not part of tradition – unknown to Arabs – but would work
•  Wisdom is the lost property of the believer wherever he finds it take hold of
• As Muslims when we recognize wisdom / knowledge wherever it comes from
take it – what is against our believe reject it; What is consistent with Islam and
will help – we should adopt it
• What helps to protect the interest of Islam take it
Digging of the trench – manually around Madinah
• Difficult – cold, food was short, man power was limited
• Companions had a stone on their stomach – they tied it to keep away the pangs
of hunger
• One companion went and show the Prophet his stone – the prophet lift his
clothes and showed him that he had 2 stones tied to his stomach
• Prophet foretold about things to come- future success /victory
• The companions encounter a boulder that they couldn’t break
• He came out smiling and took the pick axe and struck the boulder – he said
Bismillah Allahu akbar - one third of the bolder broke away
• The sparks flew – Prophet said allah u akbar – I have been given the keys of
Syria – I can see its red castles  Prophet was saying things to come – Islam
will come to Sham
• Struck the boulder again – another third of the rock broke away – I have been
given the keys of Persia – I can see the white castles – Madaain • Good news for the Muslims in this time of trial  raise their morale /
• Will see the fruits of your labor – the result for your sacrifices
• 3rd time struck the boulder – it shattered – the Prophet said I have been given
the keys of Yemen – I can see the gates of Sanak –
• Islam will go beyond the peninsula
• Words of the Messenger of Allah and he did not speak of his own – but that
which was revealed to him – which was true
Other miracles
• Food – limited – The companions as well as the Prophet were all hurting from
this – hunger
• The companions did not feel comfortable that the prophet was suffering this
• Jabir asked to go home to get some provisions to help restore his energy
• He has a small sheep – slaughtered it and made some dough with barley
• Enough food for just the Prophet and few companions
• There were over 1000 companions who took part in the digging of the trench
• When Jabir called the prophet to partake in the meal – the Prophet say tell the
ansar and the Muhajiroon to come
• The whole camp eat of the meal and they were all filled even the shoulder of
sheep remain.
• Help of Allah descending on the Muslims
• A lady offered some dates – the Prophet threw them over his coat and it
multiplied – everyone had dates to eat and this replenish their energy
Hypocrite reactions
• When the ahzab arrived at the trench – the hypocrite show their real colours
• Those of faith remain strong
• Those of doubters and hesitators - began to hesitate
• One of them (the hypocrite) said Muhammad (saw) promised the treasures of
Kasroh now he cannot even secure himself to go to the bathroom -> shows
their level of weakness
• No trust in the Prophet and no faith in Allah – their response made it apparent
of whom they really were
Prophet consulted the companions
• Consulted with Sad ibn Muad – Head of Aws
• Sad ibn Ubadah – head of the Kazraj – larger number and outnumbered the
• Prophet said to them: Shall we not make a deal with the Ghatfan – one of the
allies of that were coming to attack Madinah – that they should retreat and we
will give them one third of the produce of Madinah (Prophet was trying to feel
them out)
• Sad ibn Muad said: This is all that is between us and them – the sword – no
indirect deals – only one solution to this mater – despite the fact they were
over whelmed, hungry, and outnumbered  shows their commitment
• Mark of the true believer – made up their mind they will stay and defend
• Army - 3000 Muslims
Mushriqoon response to the Trench
• They were surprised by the Trench – never seen something like this before
• Shocked by this device – deterring them from entering the city
• Applaud and ruefully disappointed
• Not an Arab custom – where did it come from
• The tried to jump / go over it
• Their horses could not go over – the trench was a very powerful deterrent
• Only 3 of them were able to cross over – trench a little narrow
• Amr bin Abd-e-Wudd, Ikrima bin Abi Jahl and Dirar bin Al-Khattab – 3 who got
over the trench
• Lots of shouting and angry words between confederates and Muslims
The Battle
• Battle of nerves – just waiting to have a go at each other
• They can’t get over the trench
• The challenge the Muslims to a dual
• Ali bin Abi Talib – was chosen for the dual from the Muslims – young but strong
and brave
• Ali battle with Amr  fought Ali killed him  sign of defeat
• The main forces of the confederates tried to break the defense to cross the
• Futile attempt to break defense
• Tried to get reinforcement – nothing seems to be work (tried to get other
Lesson – if Allah is on your side nothing can defeat you. If Allah is not on your side all
harm can befall you.
If all the world came together to benefit you in something and Allah did not
write that for you then it cannot benefit you. If all the world came together to
harm you and Allah did not wish that for you they will not be able to harm you.
Prophet supplication to Allah during Battle
• Nothing happening – except the exchange of harsh words
• Prophet continued to pray – with all his heart – calling on Allah for help – as he
has done in every stage of his life
• Allah You are the giver of the Book You are the one who had send down the
book and you are the one who will hasten the judgment. O Allah defeat the
Azhab, O Allah shake them shake the earth under his feet
• He prayed with all his heart to Allah
Wind – Destroy the Azhab camps – They fled
• Very strong, violent and powerful wind unleash on Madinah – havoc on the
• Tents blown away
• Their food thrown and scattered
• Horses ran away
• Confusion
• Allah brought all of that down on them  they were filled with fear
• The howling sound of the wind, the disturbance it caused – too much for them
to bear
• The turn their backs and they simple ran away
• They was no fighting
• Allah speared the Muslims from fighting
• The cold, violent wind caused havoc to the Azhab / confederates  sent them
Battle of Qandak – Story Preserved in the Quran – Surah Al Ahzab
• Allah preserved the memory, achievement, emotions, highs and lows of Al
Qandak – so we can taste of its sweetness and learn from it
• Ghazawatul Qandak – a permanent feature in the Quran so that we can benefit
from it
Lessons from Ghazawatul Qandak
1. Prophet took the advice of Salman al Farsi – Take wisdom wherever it comes
a. Did not matter where he came from, that he is not an Arab, whether it
was their custom or not –
b. What he suggested was plausible, credible; will delivered the desired
results  protection of the interest of the Muslims, their safety, welfare,
the state that was emerging in Madinah
2. Equality of the believer
a. The prophet also dug the trench with them – he didn’t stay in the tent
and give orders – he worked and sweated and hurt
b. He was hungry just like them – he had two stones tied to his stomach
c. Shared responsibility – shared experience
d. Equality in Islam – not an empty slogan in Islam – it was real, palpable,
visible, evident
3. Features of the Prophet Personality – his character, how he bore hardship, he
was prepared to inconvenient himself
a. He was not the type to sought safety and comfort while his men was in
b. He did not eat and became fat while they went hungry
c. When they were happy he was happy, when they were sad he was sad,
when they worked he worked
d.  Character of the prophet
4. Selflessness and Strong Willed – Another trait of the Prophet – The Prophet of
extreme determination
a. Selfless – gave everything
b. Nothing was too much for him to do in the cause of Islam, in the service
of Allah– he give it all
c. Selflessness, strong willed  these qualities of the Prophet came out
very well in this battle
5. Lead by example – he participated – he lead from the front – not in a bunker
hiding anywhere
6. Loved for his companions – when Jabir bought the meal for the Prophet – it
was for the Prophet and just few others.
a. The Prophet did not just eat it himself – he called everyone
b. Showed he cared for them – shared the meal with all of them
7. None of us know where the blessing will come from – we have to make efforts
a. Jabir had something small and he bought it
b. It produce great benefits and relief for everyone
c. Whatever small effort, contribution, sacrifice we can make for Islam
we should  Allah will multiply it and shower His blessings on it if He
d. No soul know what he will get tomorrow
e. These people were hungry – tie stones
f. Not to sit back and expect it to happen
g. Make the effort and strive and Allah will help it to blossom to bear the
fruits and advantage
h. The blessing is not in laziness, apathy, inaction, and stagnation
i. Blessings is in movement, dynamism, making effort for the way of Islam
and Allah will give it momentum and cause it to flourished
8. Dua – May Allah make our today better than our yesterday and make our
tomorrow better than our today
a. Always be hopeful, always have the vision that things can be better
b. The Mercy of Allah is near
c. Erase these pains for us today. Make it better than today
9. The Prophet was trying to determine / ascertain the extent at which the
companions want to go – he did not trust his men into war –
a. when he sent them he want to make sure that they were willing to go
b. They were not forced to go/ coerced to go
10.The role of prayers /dua to Alalh
a. If they ask you about me tell them I am near, I answer the prayer of the
caller when he calls.
b. The Prophet called on Allah many times
c. When he was leaving Mecca – the Prophet said: May we enter through
the gates of truthfulness and leave through the gates of truthfulness
d. Badr he made dua and raised his hand till his coat falls off
e. Dua is a fundamental prerequisite in the life of a believer
f. Surah Bakarah – Seek the help of Allah with prayer and patience
g. Prayer is crucial – cannot be overlooked in any circumstances
Module 9 – Invasion of Banu Quraiza – Expeditions and Delegations
Q - Why didn’t the Quraysh resort to bows and arrows since they could not get over
the trench?
Their approach to the battle – they wanted to have a close combat – to finish the
Muslims off – crushed them  this could not happen from across a trench
Invasion of Banu Quraiza
• As a result of their role in the battle of the trench
• They have gone out of their way to mobilized all the tribes – the great alliance
to the Muslims
• Quraysh gone back to Mecca and everyone disappeared
• Prophet returning to Medinah
• Banu Quraiza would have to pay the price for their actions – came sooner than
• Came immediately after – within months
Banu Quraiza
• Like Banu Quanuqa and Banu Nadi, Banu Quriaze also signed the pack of
peaceful co-existence with the Muslims – Mutual existence
• Rights of freedom of worship, and protection of their lives, and property were
guaranteed in this agreement
• They broke this agreement
• Believer – upholds their covenant – Surah Muminoon – Successful are the
believers – when they have a trust / Amaana they keep their word
• Contrary – sign of the hypocrite are the opposite: Prophet said signs of a
hypocrite are three:
o When he speaks he tells a lies
o When entrusted with something he breaches that trust
o When he promises he break his promise
• They (Banu Quraiza) did not display the qualities of the believers – they had
the opposite – their actions confirmed this
Huyay ibn aktar – leader of Banu Nadir
• Notorious
• Equivalent to Abdullah ibn Ubay in his notoriety
Outstanding in his hatred for the Muslims
They were driven out from Madinah
Continued to be a thorn in the sight of the Muslims
He continued to hatch plots, undermined Madinah and to weaken its
• During Battle of Ahzab He was going around and stirring up the fire of descent
against the Muslims
• By doing this and following Banu Nadir – Banu Quraiza passed the red line –
gone beyond what was acceptable to the Prophet and his companions
Prophet quality – never hastened to act / punish
• The prophet never hasten to make judgments
• Never make rushed judgment
• Everything calculated, planned, deliberate, organized, well judged, responsible
• He didn’t rushed into actions against Banu Quraiza – he knew what they had
done – and wanted to make sure that when he acted he acted correctly
• He wanted to find out for himself what were there intentions
• Sent two of his trusted companions from Madianah – the two Sa’d – Sa’d ibn
Muad and Sa’d ibn Ubadah - sent them to Banu Quraiza
Banu Quraiza – break the agreement with the Prophet
• Prophet sent two of his trusted companions from Madianah – the two Sa’d –
Sa’d ibn Muad and Sa’d ibn Ubadah - sent them to Banu Quraiza
• To find out what were their intentions, complaints, grievances
• Why were they so determined in their hostility against the Muslims
• To find out what were their needs? – may be it can be resolved
• Their response – What messenger you are talking about? Who is he? We don’t
recognize him and there is no agreement between us and him
• Things got from bad to worst
• There was an agreement and they were unilaterally breaking it
• New challenge for the prophet
Prophet return to Madinah
• Took off his shield – Jibreel came to him and said why are you taking off your
armour? The Prophet said; well it’s over.
• Jibreel said that it is not over for me, I am going to Banu Quraiza and the angels
• The Prophet knew what was happening now
• Battle of Qandaq (trench) was just one episode - not concluded
• The problems remained, the bones of contention is still there. The treats
remained, the causes of differences remained,
• Jibreel came to the prophet and reminded him – don’t take off your armor
• Took place either in Dhul Qada or Dhul Hijja
• Battle of Qandaq – took place in Shawall of the same year
Prophet gives the command to his forces
• Told them they have to go to Banu Quraiza
• They have to go fast – don’t pray Asr until you reach Banu Quraiza
• Some companions interpret this to mean – that they should just go to banu
Quraiza even if Asr came in, while others said they should prayed on time 
The Prophet did not blame any of them
• Command interpret in 2 ways – both parties were correct
• Army - three thousand infantry men and thirty horsemen
Siege on Banu Quraiza
• Laid siege on them for 25 days – much longer than Banu Qanuqa (15 days) Banu
Nadir (15 days)
• Banu Quraiza had the resources – water and provision etc. they could hold out
for longer
• The other two tribes couldn’t held out longer- they did not had the resources
• Banu Quraiza could have held out longer but - Allah drove fear in their hearts
and they surrender
Before Islam – Tribal agreement
• Tribes had agreement with each other
• Aws had an agreement with the Banu Quraiza against the Kazraj
• Now that Banu Quraiza facing punishment – they tried to used their previous
relationship with the Aws to make a settlement/ to get an amicable settlement,
a settlement in their favor – that would not result in a harsh measure exacted
on them
• They hope the Aws would help them
• Prophet appointed one of the Aws to be a judge in the matter – a Muslim –
since they (banu Quriaiza) had trust in the Aws
• An Aws from the Muslim to help to decide what should be done with the Banu
• That person was Sa’d ibn Muad –
Sa’d ibn Muad – Judgment on Banu Quraiza
• 36 years old – extreme wisdom
• Mature, responsible, knowledgeable, respected, but
• Was wounded in the battle of the trench
• At home nursing his wounds – they sent for him and brought him
• He was asked to judge in the matter
• He thought long and hard – weight everything – advantages / disadvantages,
rights and wrong, what would happen in the future, the consequences of his
judgment, how would it affect the relations in the society
• Judgment – all the men folk of Banu Quraiza should be killed, women and
children taken as slave and their wealth confiscated - very tough stand
• Prophet accepted the verdict of Sa’d  he said that you have according to the
book of Allah
Surah Ahzab – several verses related to this matter
Surah Vs.13 And when a party of them said: O folk of Yathrib! There is no stand
(possible) for you, therefore turn back. And certain of them (even) sought permission
of the Prophet, saying: Our homes lie open (to the enemy). And they lay not open.
They but wished to flee.
If the enemy had entered from all sides and they had been exhorted to treachery, they would have
committed it, and would have hesitated thereupon but little. (14) And verily they had already sworn
unto Allah that they would not turn their backs (to the foe). An oath to Allah must be answered for.
(15) Say: Flight will not avail you if ye flee from death or killing, and then ye dwell in comfort but a
little while. (16) Say: Who is he who can preserve you from Allah if He intendeth harm for you, or
intendeth mercy for you. They will not find that they have any friend or helper other than Allah.
• These verses refer to the pivotal role the Banu Quraiza played – in creating
confusion, descent, weakness in the hearts of Muslims
• Because of this role their wealth were taken and the punishment executed
Punishment carried out – as Sa’d ibn Muad ruled
• As much as 600 to 800 men were executed
• One woman was executed – she had thrown a brick at someone and killed him
• The woman was sitting next to Aisha just shortly before she was executed – she
was relaxed and calm
• This punishment was in accordance with their laws in their torah
• Punishment consistent with crime
Why was Banu Qanuqa allowed to leave Madinah?
• The crime was against one woman – the man had exposed a woman – the gold
smith had done something indecent to her
Why was Banu Nazir allowed to leave Madinah?
• The crime was that someone wanted to kill the Prophet – one person
Punishment and the crime of Banu Quraiza
Crime of Banu Quraiza – they wanted to wipe out the entire community of Muslims
in Madinah
• Not only in planning stages – they had gone beyond planning – they actually
executed the plan
• They form the confederates to attack and wipe out the Muslims (Battle of
• Because of the gravity of the crime – the punishment had to be grave – the
punishment fits the crime
• Very persistent in their hostility and enmity – had they been speared it is very
likely that they would repeat what they did in the past
• Had they been speared – would the threat go away or would the threat remain
 most likely it would grow and become more sinister
Huyay Ibn Aktar
• Huyay Ibn Aktar from Banu Nadir – always behind the scene – played a role in
• They were allowed to leave – why did he come back and meet Banu Quraiza,
Quraysh, Banu Ghatfan
• By his doing this – continuing secret meetings and plots – not a good sign –
would have been take as a factor in Sa’d mind when he weighted everything
when he came to that judgment
• Fighting those who break the covenant is allowed – esp.
o when it preserved the interest of the Muslims
o If it advances the cause of Islam
o Protect the Muslims from a danger
1. Muslims are allowed to judge in their own affairs –
• Judgment did not come from the Prophet, nor a senior close companion
• It came from one of the ansars – a local person, involved in Banu Quraiza for
many years before Islam – he knew them well
2. The prophet delegated responsibility – responsibilities can be shared even in
giving judgments
3. What occurred with the companions – when one group prayed and the other
did not prayed Asr
• Shows the flexibility of Islam
• Differences of opinion can occur – it does not mean we have to fight among
• They did not attack each other due to these differences
• Two interpretations that were equally valid
• Remain brothers, Muslims and within the fold of Islam
Module 10 – Umrah and the Treaty of Hudaibeeya
Treaty of Hudaibeya
• One of the most outstanding events in the 23 year of his mission
• Came as a result of his efforts to perform umrah
• 10 year after Hijra
After eviction of Banu Quraiza from Madinah
• Muslims enjoy a period of easy – the treats of Banu Quraiza opposed
• They took refuge in Kaibar – north east of the peninsula – also a strong hold of
Jewish concentration
• Regroup/Settled in Kaibar – the likely hood of an attack and formation of
another alliance against the Muslims always present.
• Last few years of Mission – 3rd and 4th – Muslims were in a state of conflict –
defensive military operations
• Muslims were victim of aggression and were responding to those acts carried
out against them
• Prophet needed a period of peace – to show the wider Arabian society – that
Islam is not a religion of wars – Islam is not about shedding blood
• So people can understand and come out of their own conviction and belief
towards Islam
Significant event
• Prophet had a dream one night
• Dreamt his companions were making Tawaf around the Kabah
• Some shave their head and some cut their hair -> good sign – a time will come
when the Muslims will be able to return to Mecca and have their rights of
performing Hajj and Umarh – come to them through Abraham
• Companions were overwhelmed by this dream – esp. the Muhajiroon
• Muhajiroon – people of Mecca, who were driven out – love their homeland –
• Prophet loved his homeland – Mecca – when he was leaving Mecca – he looked
back and said O my Land O Mecca you are the most beloved place to me and if
you people did not evicted me I would not have gone
• Both the Prophet and his companions loved their homeland
• This news conveyed relief to many of them (muhajiroon)
Prophet gives instructions to go to Mecca
• Bought their animals
• Left in the month of Dhul Qada in the sixth year
• At the outskirts of Mecca – marked the animals that were going to be
slaughtered and which are riding camels
• Prophet ordered his companions that they should bear no weapons
• Intent to perform Umrah only – not to engage in any fighting
• Not the custom of the Arabs to go on such long journey without their weapons
• But specific instructions were given – not to bear weapons
• When the news got to them – the Quraysh –
• Fairly large force/group – 1500
• It was a unique occasion – a rare one
• Left in charge – Ibn Umm Makthum - as his deputy – the Blind companion in
Journey to Hudaibeyah
• Marched until they reached Hudaibeya
• Water and shade - rested
• Not too far from Mecca
• Prophet sent out a scout to find out the movements around the Quraysh
• The scout return and say the Quraysh were preparing a force
• They had news that he was approaching Mecca and they had instructed Kab to
mount a force prevent the Prophet and his companions from entering Mecca
• Prophet had to reconsider what the options were
• Companions complaining of thirst
• Prophet took an arrow and put it in the water hole. There was little water and
then water gushed forth – the companions had enough to drink
Negotiations with the Quraysh
• Prophet did not want to engage in any confrontation
• Sent Uthman bini Afwan to reassure the Quraysh that he meant no harm towards
• First the suggestion was made for Umar to go – he said that his clan Banu … was
not longer a powerful tribe – not good for him to go and suggested Uthman who
was from Banu Ummayah – may get a better response
• Response – not encouraging – they were determine to stop the umrah from taking
• They said to Uthman – We will allow you to perform tawaf but not Muhammad
(saw) and others
• Uthman said he will never do such a thing before the prophet did so
• Uthman did not give up on this unwilling ness to cooperate
• Month of Zil Qada – sacred month – not in the tradition to fight in this month
• They were custodian of the Kabah – not their house – they do not prevent those
who want to worship
• Uthman preserver and stayed much longer than the Prophet and his companions
• In the mean time a rumor spread that Uthman was murdered – this sent shock
wave in the camp of the Prophet.
• Prophet called the companions together
Biyatul Ridwan – Pledge of allegiance
• Call for a pledge of allegiance – Biyatul Ridwan –– Allah will be pleaded with them
• Allah is pleased with the believers when they took the oath as they sat under the
tree -Surah Fajr
• Companions took a pledge to fight to defend to the death if the rumor was true
and if the Quraysh was intent on aggression
• Even though they were unarmed – they were going to fight
• Tension was rising – people were in a state of unease
• They had high hopes – set out with great expectations
• Now stalled – not knowing if they were going forward or backward - With the
rumor that their companion was killed
• People from the Quraysh was coming and going
• Urwa ibn Masood – came and went back and told the Quraysh that I have seen
and visited and been in the company of kings – and I have never seen a leader so
loved and respected as the companions respected the Prophet – he was very
amazed of how they loved him and revered him and treated him
Urwa message to the Quraysh – Love of the Prophet
• Love for the Prophet is path of faith – hadeeth
• Umar once said – he loved everyone except himself – the Prophet said – no you
have to love me more than you love your self – Prophet said now you have faith.
• Not prepared anything except love for Allah and His rasool – The Prophet said that
You will be with the one you loved
• Immense love for the messenger of Allah in this camp – message Urwa took back
to the Quraysh
• Level of expectancy and wanting to perform Umrah – the Quraysh were cautious –
they know that the Muslims were stubborn fighters
• Muslims had a very good track record – Badr, Uhud, Qandak , Quraiza, Nazir - even
if they were outnumbered or ill-equipted they did very well  risk if they force a
Quraysh sent Suhail to negotiate
• Prophet saw him – the Prophet said to his companions – they (Quraysh) want
peace – because of the nature of this person
• Other join the Quraysh party and negotiations started
Negotiations – Writing it
Principle – always record important things
Prophet asked Ali to record – to be the scribe
Prophet did not want to leave it so the quraysh will deny later
Prophet said to Ali – write” Bismillah hir Rahman niraheem”
Quraysh said what RahmaniRaheem – we don’t recognize that -Prophet
instruct Ali to take that out
“This is an agreement between the Quraysh and the Messenger of Allah” –
Quraysh object – what messenger of Allah – if you were the messenger of Allah
then we will believe in you – we don’t believe in you – take that out – The
Prophet told Ali to remove that
Ali – was astonished and refused to erase it – The prophet erased it himself
Other companions were equally amazed – Umar was furious
First occasion that the companions had seen such conduct of the Prophet –
where the Prophet give in to every demand of the Quraysh
Terms of the treaty
• Humiliating to Muslims – not in favor of the Muslims
• First condition – no Umrah – sense of frustration and very disappointed from
• Go back to Madinah and come back the next year
• 2nd Condition – Cessation of Hostility - No wars between the two – Muslims and
Quraysh - for 10 years  Peace treaty
• If a muslim left Madinah and went to Mecca – Quraysh under no obligation to
return him to the Muslims – they could keep him and he would not be allowed
to return
• Quraysh went to Madinah without the permission of the relatives – Muslims
under the obligation to return him  this term favor one – seems unfair to
• Both parties were allowed to have alliances with whomever they wish
• Neither of the two parties should demonstrate hostility to the interest of the
Companions reaction to the Treaty
• With the signing of this agreement the companions made their feelings clear
• P (s)told her(wife) the companions were not responding to his instructions
• Prophet told the companions to slaughtered their animals and that would take
them out of Ihram
• Slaughtering of animal means no chance of Umrah taken place
• UmmSalama went with the prophet on that journey
• UmmSalama – tell him to – Why don’t you slaughtered your animal and then
they will follow
• Prophet slaughtered his animal and the companions followed him and
slaughtered theirs
Victory - Revelation from Allah as the Return to Madinah
• Allah revealed a surah – tells the story / explains the significance of this events
• Victory and not a defeat – when and how it will come – have to wait
• Signing of the agreement – and with the protest of the companions – Umar said
to the Prophet – didn’t you tell us we were going to make Umrah – the Prophet
said Yes but I did not say when
• WE have giving you clear, outstanding victory (Ch 48: 1)Al Fath
• Allah will forgive your sins and shortcomings what was done in the past and
what will be done in the future – this was for the group that went to al
• Prophet told the companions of this revelation – but they couldn’t grasp it
In Madinah – after Hudaibeeya
• Muslim from Mecca came to Madinah – Abu Baseer ibn Usaid
• He had to be returned to Mecca – according to the treaty
• Even though he did not want to go – he wanted to stay near the Prophet
• He did not want to go back to Mecca but the Prophet honor his agreement
• Abu Baseer had to go back to Mecca –
• The Quraysh came to get him – to test this agreement – sincerity of Muslims,
commitment to the agreement
• On his way back to Mecca he escaped from them and ran to coast (near
Jeddah) hid there
• Other Muslims escaped from the Quraysh and went to the same area – formed
a group– and they waylaid the caravans from Syria to Mecca (Quraysh)
Some Quraysh accepting Islam
• Quraysh came into contact with this Group of Muslims while travelling in their
• Pagans/Quraysh were influenced by the practicing of the Muslims – human
beings, polite, generous, sincere, honest
• Quraysh who used this route began to accept Islam
• News went back to Mecca
• Small colony set up by Abu Baseer outside of Mecca and Madinah– was a safe
haven for Muslims from Mecca
• Numbers of Muslims outside of Madinah was growing
• Quraysh went to the Prophet - Don’t send us any more Muslims – they wanted
to change the treaty – Not to send back any Muslims who come to Madinah –
too late
• Numbers of Muslims was growing at a very fast rate  Victory
• This lead to the take of over of Mecca
• Lay the foundation for the safe return of the Muslims to Mecca and the control
of Mecca by the Muslims
Lessons from Al Hudaibeeya
1. Sometime we hate something that is good for us – the Muslims did not like the
terms of the treaty
• May be you hate something and there is good in it for you and maybe you like
something and there is not good for you.
• The conditions of the treaty – turned out to be
2. Act of divine intervention – Allah taken hold of this – The Prophet had no doubt
that it is Allah’s will and that there will be good in it.
• Had difficulty convincing his companions – Ali, Umar except Abu Bakr who
always give the Prophet of the benefit of the doubt
• Allah intervene – the terms, conditions etc. – Allah has given them a victory
• Hudaibeeya - Prelude – indicators  a sign of the victory to come
3. Divine ruling and human decision –
• all the things the Prophet did at Hudaibeeya was not what the Prophet wanted
eg. Saying Bismillah hirRahmanir Raheem – rahman nir raheem was removed
because of Quraysh objection. He give in to every demand to the Quraysh
• Allah directed this – the time for victory was near – the return of the Muslims
to Mecca
4. What appear to be a compromise turned out otherwise - Quraysh get everything
the ask for
Module 11 - The Conquest of Khayber
Questions from previous lesson
What are the sacred months? Zul Qada, Ail Hijj, Muharram and Rajab
Allah distinguish certain places on the earth – Mecca, Madinah, and Jerusalem
Distinguish people – prophets
Distinguish Time – He also choose 4 months from among the months distinction
Days of the week – choose one – Friday
4 months – no killing, no aggression, used to remember Him and perform acts
of worship
Times when Muslims are in a weak position – e.g. In Mecca some tortured to death
(Yasir) others who could not bear the torture – the Quraysh asked the Muslim to say
you do not believe in Allah – so he did and went to the Prophet and told him. The
Prophet asked him how do you feel in your heart? He said he felt good that he
believe in Allah in his heart. The Prophet said to him if this happen again you can do
the same. Sometimes we are allowed to do this.
Al Masla al Am – take the interest of the community
The Conquest of Khayber
• North East of Arabia
• Shortly after the treaty of Hudaibeeya
• Surah Fath – victory manifest here in Khayber
• Many that were evicted from Madinah – from Banu Quraiza – they took refuge
here in Khayber
• Prophet was aware that they can become a treat
• After Hudaibeeya moved to prevent Contact between the Quraysh and Khaybar
from developing – resulting in aggression against the Muslims
Surah Fath – vs 18 -20 - Victory
• “Allâh has promised you abundant spoils that you will capture, and He has
hastened for you this.” [48:20]
• Part of the victory – will come from Khaybar – a rich enclave
• Khaybar – had lots of land, date farm, and lots of animals
• When Muslims capture Khaybar they got a lot of wealth
• This was the beginning of a series of victory
• Enter into the deen in great numbers – victory
Conquest of Khayber
• Muharram in the 7th year for Khaybar
• Alliance with the arab of Ghatfan
• Prophet had to prevent this from attacking the Muslims
• 1400 Muslims
• Hesitant – who had not cooperated sufficiently in Hudaibeeya – the Prophet did
not allow them to come to Khayber
• Among those gone to khayber 20 women –
• Long journey
• Going with the intention to attack
• Women brought along to take care of the wounded
Ali’s role
• Ali played an important role – trusted and reliable combatant, he showed to be
an excellent fighter – given the control of operation
• Khayber – huge compound, well fortified, well supplied with weapons and
• Clever and good fight and had to be excellently administered
• Ali was in charge of this responsibility
• Resistance from people of Khaybar and
• Gradually their defines worn down and the residence asked for peace
• Banu Quraiza, Banu Nazir, Banu Qanuqa – the approach was different – they
besiege these compounds
• Here no siege – assault and all out attack from the Muslims
Agreement between Muslims and Jews
• Jews can stay and work the land – but the produce we have half and you have
• The Prophet reserved the right to expel them when he wish
• Prophet was a bit more lenient
• Last major strong hold of the Jews in Madinah
• They asked to stay – so these were the conditions – produce shared with
Jewish woman - Zainab bint alHarith – Prepare meal with Poison
• Rested for a while before starting journey
• She offered to prepare a meal for them and enquired what part of the lamb the
Prophet liked
• She was told the shoulder
• She prepared the meal and placed a huge amount of poison in the shoulder
• When the prophet tasted it he knew it was poisoned – so he spat it out
• One companion, Bishr bin Al-Bara, eat it and he died
• When she was asked – did you poison this? She said yes – an act of revenge –
her husband was killed and she said that if you were really the messenger of
Allah it would not have affected you
• She was punished for taking the live of someone – the life of one of the
companion – she was killed
Defeat of Khaybar
• Hasten the acceptance of many tribes
• Opposition of the Jews were now broken – no chance of this being
reconstructed  spread of Islam in the peninsula spread at a faster rate
• Muslims increased – in control of the peninsula
• Several smaller tribes on the outside of Madinah – Banu wair ect. They came to
the prophet and asked for peace
• At least 24 tribes in Madinah
While in Khaybar – Jaffer returned
• Group from Abyssinia returned – led by Jaffer
• 1/5 given for the state for the Baitul Mal
• When Jaffer returned – he went directly to Khaybar
• His group consisted of about 15 people – went to Abyssinia in the 7th year of
the mission and returned 7th year after the Hijrah
• They were given a part of the spoils of Khaybar
• Jaffer spent 15 years in Abyssinia
• He was the prophet uncle – he kissed the prophet
• Prophet welcomed him
• He played an important role in the spread of Islam
Wealth secured at Khaybar – Muhajiroon returned what they were given from the
• Conditions of the Muslims changed - Especially the Muhajiroon
• Muhajiroons returned some of the favors / land given to them by the Ansars –
when they arrived in Madinah
• UmmSulaim – mother of Anas bin Malik – she had presented the Prophet with
some date trees- now the Prophet returned it to her
• Attitude of the Muhajiroon – will take help when they need it but once they can
afford it they returned it
• They were willing to work
Building good relationships with the Jews
1. Prophet Marriage to Safiyah (daughter of Jew)
• After Assault on Khaibar
• Prophet took a number of steps to improve relations with the Jews
• He wanted to put all the conflict behind him
• Marry the daughter of the chief of Banu Nazir (Waee ibn Aktar) – had taken
refuge in Khaibar
• Safiyah – Prophet married her
• An attempt to show that he had no ill feelings against the Jews
Safiyah - wife of the Prophet
• Safiyah – was married twice before that
• Her last husband was killed in Khaibar
• Came from a noble family
• Direct descendant from the family of Haroon
• Aisha and Hafza were making fun of her – They claim Prophet married
her only as a matter of convenience to create good relation with her
• The Prophet asked her what you tell them. She said nothing. He told her
you should have said that: Haroon is my father, Musa is my uncle and
Muhammad is my husband
• He treated her kindly
• Purpose of marriage was to sent out a message of reconciliation of the
long chapter of conflict between the Muslims and Jews
2. Fact that he did not drive them out of Madinah
3. Sharing of their produce
• Abudlla ibn Rawaha – appointed to collect the produce from them every
• He was fair and firm with them – didn’t cheat them, give them their rights
• Justice he established in the earth – everything will prosper – they were
• The continued to benefit from the land
Conquest of Khaybar – Different from other operations
• Purely offensive – different from others
• Other operations were defensive
• Others were provoked
• Prophet came out to create finally situation that would end conspiracy
• Sealed of authority over the peninsula in Arabia
• After some resistance under the leadership of Ali – the whole operation came
to an end
How the prophet lenient with enemy - Tried to rebuild relations with the Jews
How do we refute – Islam spread by sword
- Most of the battle were defensive on the Muslims side
- The other side started the aggression
- They were persecuted in Mecca – the Muslims did not even respond to the
- Muslims were always the victims – responding to the aggression
Module 12 - Ja’afaribnAbiTalib and Emigrants Return from Abyssinia
Return of Ja’far
• Among the first group gone to Abyssinia in 5thyr of the P (s) mission
• Cousin of the P (s)
• After conquest of khaybar, Muslims had another pleasant surprise – arrival of
• Accompanied by 16 men and a few women
• Came from Abyssinia and some from Yemen
• Part of a continual flow of immigrants back to their homes / Madinah • P always given instruction that there shud be a group that should remain in
• Jaafar was among the last to return to Hijaz
• Spent 15 yrs in Abyssinia –
• great reunion to be with the P (s) especially at this time of victory
• P sent an envoy to Abyssinia – to facilitate the return of the Muslims to Madina
– (Amr ibn Ummayah ad Damri sent to Negus)
• Negus graciously made preparations for them – 2 well equipped boats to take
them back to Madinah
• Negus embraced Islam – upon news of death - P called for (salatul Ghaibdisease was not present) janaza done for the absent – 1st time prayer was ever
Arrival of Jaafar at Khybar
• Upon arrival – they went to Khybar not to Madina directly
• Overwhelmed to see his cousin and kissed him on his forehead
• Prophet was very happy to see Jaafar
• He contributed to the Islamic call at a very crucial junction – he led and
negotiated in Abyssinia
• Jafar assumed the leadership and defended the Muslims in Abyssinia
• Jafar recited the ayas of Surah Maryam to Negus
• All this was appreciated - so everyone was very happy to see his return
• He was generous , nicknamed by Abu Hurairah ‘the father of the poor”
• Jaafar was also known for his kindness towards the poor – he would pass us on
the way home and give us whatever food he has – even that is all he had –
according to Abu Hurairah
• This was the most significant amount of booty received –Khaybar
• Although they did not participate in the war, they were given a equal portion
(Jafar and his group) –Evidence that spoils of war can be shared with those who
do not participate in war
• This large booty was foretold in surah Fath – Verily We promise you a great and
distinct victory
• Enormous wealth transformed their lives – changed the economic conditions of
the Muslims
• Khaybar took place 2 mths after Hudaybiyyah – soon after -> a reward for their
steadfastness, patience, belief
• The got huge farms, orchards, productive trees, fertile land, horses, camels,
arrows, swords, -> so huge amounted to 40, 000 camel loads – zakaah was
required from it
• All were not distributed among the sahabas, some went to state baitul mal
• 1/5 went to the state – Surah Anfal:1“They ask you about the spoils, it is for
Allah and His Messenger..” – so the poor and needy will be taken cared of
• So that the state can function – send delegations abroad, to advance the call
• Some given to P (s) for household, resolve disputes, teaching
Two incidents:
Bilal took the women on the path where their men folks were killed
• Women folk were captured and taken to Madina,
• Bilal was responsible for this task – he used the opportunity to pass where the
men folk were killed – The prophet reproached him for this
• The women were terrified and shocked, emotionally traumatized
• P (s) told him he should not have done so – to terrified them (it was added
insult to injury – they women were injured lost their men folk / killed )
• He said – Had I been in your place, I would have adopted another route
Another incident – ZainabibnHarith (wife of Salam bin Miscam who was slain and
wanted revenge)
• She wanted to poison the P (s)
• She inquired what part of the lamb that the P (s) like – was told the shoulder
• She prepared a meal and put poison in the shoulder
• P (s) spat it out – was informed by Allah that it was poisoned
• Mish al Barak ate the meat and he died
• Promise to Prophet (s) that Allah will protect him from the people
• He will suffer pain, driven out from his land but will not die at their hands
• Remember Allah informed him about the plot to assassinate him (throw
boulder on his head)
Marriage to Safiyyah
• To show good will and mend fences to the people of khaybar, he married the
daughter of Uwayy ibnAkhtab
• If he had hatred and ill feeling in his heart – he would not have done this
• Safiyyah was extremely beautiful – earned the jealousy of Aisha and Hafsa
• Safiyyah was an extremely good cook • Saffiyah was crying – was told by Aisha and Hafsa that she was married for no
other reason than them who were married of their personality
• He (s) said, didn’t you tell them “Aaron was my father, Moses my uncle and
Muhammad my husband?” Haroon – cousin?  this is how the Prophet put her
at ease
• She was Jewish - They were both Quraysh
Share of the Produce
• Jewish tribes who left back – worked the land
• Produce – shared ½ and ½ between Jews and Muslims
• Abdullah ibnwaraha will go once every year to collect the Muslims share of
the land
• Abdullah ibnwaraha – just in dealing with the Jews
• They said “This justice is what upholds the heavens and the earth”
• Important to be fair even to our adversaries
After Khaybar
• Geography, Political map of the Arab peninsula change
• Islamic state firmly established
• Muslims were in control
• Jaafar did not stay in Madinah very long - he was sent on a mission to
Mission to Syria
• P (s) sent one envoy to Syria, was murdered by one of the Byzantine governor –
diplomatic immunity
• Part of established practiced / custom that you do not murder the envoy of a
• Commander – ZaydibnHaritha.
• If Zayd killed , then leadership go to Jaafar
• If Jaafar killed, then leadership go to Abdulah ibn Waraha
• This was not normal for the Prophet to do – it shows that there is a possibility
that they will encounter stiff opposition and suffer losses - he made
contingency plan Zayd then Jaafar then Abdullah ibn Waraha
The army and the battle
• Byzantine 100,000 men - with a number of Christian Arabs supporting them
from tribes of Jiham, Lahm, and others
• Muslim army 30,000
• All 3 leaders were martyred
• Jaafar lost one arm, holding the staff, then lost the other arm, still holding the
staff with the stubs of his arms, until he was martyred
• Jaafar – Allah has given him 2 wings to fly in Paradise to compensate for his
hands he lost - Hadeeth
• Khalid ibn Waleed was appointed to lead – tactically withdrew
• Battle was lost but the war was not over
• The women folks who were waiting for them – says – “you ran away”
• The prophet said they did not ran away they will come back another day
Prophet inform Jaafar family of his martyrdom
• The Prophet went to inform Jaafar’s wife of his martyrdom –
• She knew from the sadness in his eyes that he was martyr
• She cried bitterly
• The Prophet comforted her and told her Jaafar was given a special space in
• Jaafar returned ended with martyrdom
• Promised paradise – glad tidings from the prophet
• His beloved cousin will be granted a high place in paradise with the prophet,
the martyrs and the sidiqeen
Module 13 - The Battle of Mu’tah
Death of envoy
• Muslims grieved at the death of envoy to governor of Basrah
• Ignoble way he was treated – tied his hands over and struck his head off
• He was the only envoy killed that the P (s) sent out
• Envoys are not usually killed – diplomats from another country
• Insult to the Muslims
• Muslims determined to take retaliatory measures
Military confrontation with Rome (Byzantine)
• First battle between Muslims and Byzantine forces
• Early 7th century – Battle Mutah
• Mutah- Small village in modern (southern) Syria
What was the cause for this battle?
• Prophet sent envoys/emissaries to those entering into the folds of Islam
• He sent to Ethiopia Egypt, Persia, Byzantine (Modern Syria)
• Response from Byzantine was different
• Al Harith ibn Ummair – sent to Busra with messge to the governor to the
• One of his envoys was killed – Al HarithibnUmmair
• Busra – self rule, under Byzantine
• Killed by leader of Gassanite tribe – Shuhabielibnamr – Arab tribe under
control of the Byzantine
• From Persia – rude response – we don’t recognize you, don’t send more
• Negus/ Abyssinia – good response • Egypt – good response
• Busra – Shuhabiel, he met with Al Harith , rude to him, ordered him to be tied
up and executed
• This was contrary to all diplomatic law
• Shuhabiel executed Al Harith  met with great anger in Madinah
Prophet response to Al Harith execution
• Prophet did not conceal this anger
• Decided a response had to be made in accordance with the crime committed
• Decide to send a force to Busra
• It was very important for pple to respect the Muslim state – it was a credible
govt ruled by an illustrious person. He showed his ability to defend their rights
– strong ->pple respect you, P (s) did not allow pple to show aggression against
the Muslims and get off free. The msg to Shuaibiel – this is what you will get if
you show aggression to the Muslims.
• You defend things that are valuable to you – pple look at the Muslims and
think there is something good they are doing
• The message to everyone if you behave like the opposition tribes you will be
dealt with in the same way
• Many wanted to be a part of the success of the Muslims
• Most of Arabia peninsula came under the ruler ship of the Prophet
• They achieve a great deal in a short time
• Because of the strength of the P the commitment of his follower, their
dedication, their sacrifice, and their belief – this is what attracted others –
Defend what is valuable to you
Preparing for battle
• Was called a gazwat – even tho the P (s) did not participate
• Gazawat in general is those battle that the Prophet participated in – but his one
was called Gazawat- they were going beyond the peninsula, foreign army
• Muslim army of 3,000 – considered big
• P (s) did something he never done before – He arranged the leaders of the
• Placing ZaidibnHaritha at the head – commander in Chief
• If Zayd killed , then leadership go to Jaafar
• If Jafar killed, then leadership go to Abdulah ibn Rawaaha
• He appointed 3 people at the same time
• The fukaha – this shows that this can be done; the first served his term, then
the 2nd, etc. -> left a precedence for us to use
The two armies
• Forces set out for Busra – Syria
• The Muslims did not want to announce that they were coming
• They take every measure to conceal their movements
• The news filtered to the Shuhabeel – the Byzantine responded immediately
• Byzantine – Heracluse, the emperor contributed 100,000 army, Shuhabeel
contributed another 100,000 Christian Arabs -> total of 200,000 against army of
3,000 Muslims
• Difference between the 2 – one fighting for Allah, other motivated by political
• The Muslims were overwhelmed by the numbers
• The reason why Shuhabeel set up such a large force was because of the success
of the Muslims – they were not prepared to take any chances - > exercise
massive/overwhelming power
• News came back that the Byzantine were extremely large – consultation
 shall we not consult with the P (s)?
 what shall we do ?
 Abdullah ibnRawaaha said – “we never fought and won on the basis of
our numbers, equipment, we fought and won on the basis of our faith,
we always fought and won for the sake of Allah. They are only two
outcomes in this matter – either victory or martyrdom.
 Study the forces, no turning back
 This stirring words of motivation restored confidence among the army
• Bilad us Sham – on the border area between Sham and the peninsula
• Muslims camped at Mutah Martyrs – all 3 leaders (Zaid, Jaafar and Abdullah ibn Rawaha)
• The first killed was Zaid
• The Romans went after the generals
• Jaafar took over. He held the flag with his right hand, was cut off, then with his
left hand, cut off, then with his stub, until he was martyred
• If Abdullah ibn Rawaha is killed – then appoint someone from among you.
Adbullah was killed
Khalid ibn Walid – appointed as leader
• Khalid ibnWhalid (Sword of Allah) was appointed, he accepted Islam just after
battle of Hudaybiyah
• He tried to minimize the Muslim losses and to inflict as many losses to the
• He gradually withdrew from the battle – bringing the battle closer and closer
into the desert areas
• The byzantine did not want to be lured into the dessert, the Romans stood their
ground and did not follow the Muslims
• This allowed the Muslims to withdraw safely.
• P (s) in Madinah knew when the 3 general were martyred – he cried (another
miracle) he was touched by his companions bravery, sacrifice, commitment
• Prophet was satisfied with them
• Jaafar had just returned from Abyssinia
• The Prophet was a human being – demonstrated emotions – he cried, he
laughed etc
Welcome the troops
• P (s) went to border to welcome the troops back – shows control, support for
his army
• Some of the women and children, said ‘you run away’ – they made fun of the
• P (s) said No! they will come back and repeat it – meaning that the war was not
• A few days later when some of the sahabas were speaking of the generals, the
P(s) said, “they would not like to be here with us” meaning that they were in
• The ruh of the shaheed will be like a bird flying to any part in Jannah
• Deep affection the P (s) had for the sahabas
• Jafar was given 2 wings to replace his 2 hands that he lost in the battle
• Had a body of capable people around him
• Prophet was informed of the death of the generals even though he was not
Why didn’t the Prophet participated in this battle
• He was approaching 60 years
• Head of a state
• Responsibilities grown
• Can’t do everything at the same time as a leader – train people who are
competent to do the things they way you want it to be done
• He delegated responsibilities
• Had capable people as leaders – this was the 7th year – 3 years before the end
of the mission
• People has to be trained and has to assume responsibilities for the state