APPENDIX A QUESTIONNAIRE Direction: Please respond to the following question by placing check mark (√) in the option(s) that corresponds to your response. 1. Profile: a. Age: _____20-22 _____23-25 _____above 25 b. Sex: _____Male _____Female c. Civil Status: _____Single _____Married _____Widowed d. Working Status: _____Employed _____Unemployed _____Self-employed 2. Performance in the Board Examination: _____Passed- 1st taker _____Passed-Re-taker _____ Failed When did you took the CPA Board ? _____2017 _____2018 _____2019 _____2020 _____2021 3. Preparation A. Instructional 1. How many books do you read every day? ______1-2 Books ______3-4 Books ______5 and Above 2. How many hours do you review every day? ______1-2 hours ______3-4 hours ______5 hours and above 3. What type of books do you reviewed most?(choose at least 3) ______Auditing books ______Business Law Books ______Practical Accounting ______Financial Accounting ______Taxation ______Other (Please Specify) ______________________ B. Financial Preparation 1. Is your allowance enough to sustain your needs during review? ______YES ______NO C. Personal Preparation 1. How many hours do you sleep per day during your review? ______1-3 hours ______4-6 hours ______Above 6 4. The following are the possible factors that affect the performance of the examinees in the CPA Board examination. Check the column that regards to you based on the following scale. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Not a problem Fairly Serious Moderately serious Serious Very Serious Factors affecting the Examination-respondents to the 1 Board of Examination a. Teacher Factor 1. Teaching Methodology/Strategy 2. Teacher Qualification 2 3 4 5 b. c. d. e. 3. Hand-out of exams given 4. Difficulty of exams given 5. Free consultation School Factor 1. Conducive classrooms 2. Library (materials/books are relevant) 3. Minor subjects given in the curriculum 4. Vision and mission of the school is being met 5. Facilities Family Factor 1. Income 2. Family pressure 3. Size of the family 4. Parents occupation Peer Factor 1. Sharing of notes 2. Group study 3. Sharing of workload 4. Study skills 5. Peer influence Personal/Student Factor 1. Study habits 2. Techniques in studying 3. Self-motivation 4. Place of study 5. Time of study