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Paper2 Baynado Globalization In Family Matters.docx

Globalization In Family Matters
(Word Count: 1,601)
Understanding what globalization really means are not what I think before. Its like a
universe to me that I must always deepen my learning and thoughts on it. Globalization
is not lifetime matters to us, anytime it can be changed or improve on it. As I read the
module, the globalization is phenomenon. Difficult to understand but it can someway
handle and analyze the current situation of the world in terms of social, political,
economical and cultural scenarios. Everyone of us have different perspective in global
world. But we can unite as one if all of us will reconcile in good things. It’s a
multidimensional phenomenon, produce economic, political, cultural, and same with the
technological connectivity of the people around the globe. Companies competes in
other country companies to satisfied what people wants and needs to use or consume
in everyday lives. Because the globalization establishes a borderless world, it has
something to do to play vital role on it. Creating a global governance will also pleasant
to forge world affairs in a secured, systematic and formulaic way. Also, because the
globalization is uneven, there was imbalance in managing the socio-economic and
political divisions of the globe. It means, there are many developed countries which are
likely the most powerful groups that are successfully continuing them maintain the
balance race of the country in contrast which is the developing country that is very need
to change and adopt something to it. So, the point of what I’m discussing is what is
really globalization does to human civilization, what currently different units of
the society does we experienced especially in this early 21 st century. I’m here to
give example idea of what globalization does. Hoping you deepen understand the
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content that I’ll compose in the next paragraph. This will be based in family
matters in terms of globalization.
The effects of the economic globalization to my family are very situational. It is likely
when you need some extra income or requesting to debt something, it is always
included the interest especially if it is installment mode, it became customary/ habit of
each family including the relatives. Sometimes if we forget or exceed to a monthly
expense, even if it is our family member, the attitude or the relationship that we have is
really nothing because of the uncontrolled anger or selfish manner just to regain the
payable cash we received from him/her. Although he/she know that our income is not
just enough in the month that we must paid or deposit the cash. Another situation is
when our parents get home from the work and telling us that the income, they got whole
day is very less or less of profit because of the demand of the consumer they want and
needs that is actually didn’t fully meet and satisfied them. And because of that we save
as soon as possible. We almost ate dried fish 2 times a day but not always, maybe 3
times a week. Especially the effect of the pandemic, it almost killed us just to survive but
apparently, we cope with it. The two benefits we gained is to buy anything in online
especially coming from other country in cheaper price so that we can afford our wants
and needs to daily lives and the learned to balance of the expenses and don’t use the
monthly income in insignificant way and to learn how we cope up when there is a surge
of loss. The disadvantages are we loss some relationship of some relatives because of
the greedy manner and we are not knowledgeable in how we get back our good
relationship since he/ she makes us poor creature. We respond on it in a wise decision
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but not always. Because we are not always strong enough to make or create more nicer
things to make better in terms of economic conditions.
In terms of political globalization, I could say that political globalization is not widely
known for our family especially to my parents who are only focused in one state political
issue. My parents will be aware if someone had told them or update them when there
are any changes to the rule of the global governance. In assessing the effects of
political globalization to us is somehow very helpful us especially to me because I’m
aware in what happening to other country such its condition. We can easily contact our
love ones like relatives who work from abroad just to sustain the needs of his/her family.
But in the country that allows them to contact their families that knowing the condition of
it. I know that understanding the condition of the political globalization will hits us
different perspectives. But in someway perspectives we are one. My cousin who are
currently 3rd year college and a psych student which he makes me open mind in political
things and deepen someway the understanding of it that slowly I acknowledge his/her
perspectives which is purely good to adopt. The two benefits I gain is somehow my
cousin helps me to deepen understand what political it is and easily communicate to our
relatives in other country who works for their selves or for their family. The disadvantage
is when my parents isn’t care too much to the political issues, they just listen to what
other saying which can be false or fake claim. Instead of listening to others, it’s better to
read facts and watch news TV to deepen their knowledge on it. The other drawback is
when the election is coming nearly, maybe we are different chosen leader to be lead the
country but for me choosing the right leader is need a completely research and aware
for his/her doings in the country. In how we responded to it, if we are going to argue
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something, I better calm down and explain slowly what really matters to me for the good
of the something like our country that needs the responsible leader and not only eagle
who just pass to my sight. I know that I could expand my knowledge in political
globalization as soon as possible.
So lastly, the cultural globalization. The effects of the cultural globalization to us
currently good and we treated as equally in fact we treat ourselves what we adapt
culture. Because of the proliferation of the Christianity to the Philippines, our family are
Christ-Centered who always attend church during Sunday’s service and always pray
before sleep in night and after wake up in the morning. During Christmas season we
already cultivated sharing love, things, materials and feelings to our love ones just to
feel the presence of Christmas. In New years eve, we celebrate the successful rotating
of the earth around the Sun. Because of it we unite as one and celebrate what culture
we learn from the past even though some people are not celebrating of it because of
their religion. As of now, we are system of technology which we are basis in the social
media to always update us what is going on in the world. Enlighten us to change
everything what is mess. The good culture in terms of globalization is provides us a
better interconnectedness, increasing the interchange of ideas and values like our
family which is really something helpful to us to exchange our own beliefs even we are
family but I know when a child is grown up, especially when are currently schooling
many things will open our minds and change everything what we believe before. So,
giving some points and opinion in open family will help the relationship stronger
because of the understanding we adopt in ourselves. The advantage of the effects in
our family is we understand ourselves dealing problem such each of us we just
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cooperate and trying to fix things and because of the Christmas our dissatisfaction to
others is transient and try get back our relationship before or sometimes we just pray
them to Almighty God to forgive them what they did to us. The drawbacks we
sometimes experience is losing some control of anger and intend to say something that
is very hurtful but it doesn’t mean it. The other is what I really believe is what I’m fighting
for, like my cousin who aren’t Christ believer he is somehow atheist because of his/ her
consciousness is being answered by the world like series, movies, realities and other
factors. Sometime we get some misunderstanding when we talk about some issues of
people who are not Christ believer so that he protects his stands and I also protect my
stand that cause our misunderstanding but later on I just humble myself and try to fix
things with him/ her. Coping to these benefits and drawback is somehow very hard to
me because not all the time we are open minded to fix things and those benefits we get
are really helpful matter to us because it makes things fix.
In general, this essay gives you an idea and experience of one student who aren’t
good at experience to all those factors of globalization. But in somehow, I little
understand it. I just need to expand my learning and try to discover things that will
makes my mind openly and borderless. Commonly I just discussed what really fact in
my family and relatives.
Basically, the points of this are what does the factors of
globalization does to every different unit of society like experiences, thoughts and ideas.
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*(Good day Sir Gil, I’m sorry if my essay is kind of far from the instruction, I
just want to say that I’m really not good of doing essays and it’s like my brain will
explode anytime in thinking what to think hehe. Thank you, Sir, for your
understanding.) *
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