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Network Security Assignment: WiFi, Bluetooth, ZigBee, NFC, WiMAX

Network Security
DA 2
Reg No-20BCI0089
Enlist and Explain about the Real time Secured Wireless Networks
in terms of its security and Performance.
1. WiFi
Wi-Fi security refers to the safeguarding of wirelessly linked
devices and networks. Without Wi-Fi security, anybody with a
computer or mobile device within range of the router's wireless
signal may access a networking equipment such as a wireless
access point or a router.
Changing default passwords for network devices is a
fundamental recommended practice for Wi-Fi security. The
default administrator passwords on most devices are designed
to make device setup simple. The default passwords set by
device makers, on the other hand, may be easily obtained
Simple but effective techniques to increase Wi-Fi security
include changing the default passwords for network devices to
more complicated passwords and updating them often.
Other Wi-Fi network security measures include:
The use of MAC addresses, which restrict access to a Wi-Fi
network, is another fundamental technique to Wi-Fi security.
(A MAC address is a one-of-a-kind code or number that is used
to identify particular network devices.) While this method
provides more security than an open network, it is still
vulnerable to attacks from adversaries that use "spoof" or
changed addresses.
The usage of security protocols that use encryption is an
increasingly prevalent approach of securing Wi-Fi networks and
devices. Encryption in digital communications encrypts data
and only allows authorized receivers to decipher it.
VPNs are another way to secure your Wi-Fi network. Users may
construct secure, identity-protected tunnels between
unsecured Wi-Fi networks and the internet using them.
A virtual private network (VPN) can encrypt a user's internet
connection. It may also hide a user's IP address by assigning the
user's traffic a virtual IP address as it goes through the VPN
WiFi provides no bandwidth or latency guarantees or assignment
to its users. It provides variable bandwidth based on signal-tonoise in its environment. The transmit power is limited to 200 mW,
and likely less in your region, has a limited amount of spectrum in
2.4 GHz and the newer 5 GHz bands. It’s access points overlap in
their channel assignment by design and access points and peers
compete for access to the same radio channel.
There is no such thing as "typical" WiFi performance. The
operating range will vary based on the standard, location of the
user, used devices, and the local radio environment. If you are
lucky, and you are the only WiFi user, then you can expect high
throughput, low latency, and low variability in both. But once you
are competing for access with other peers, or nearby WiFi
networks, then all bets are off—expect high variability for latency
and bandwidth.
2. Bluetooth
Bluetooth's security is based on the usage of two distinct keys:
an authentication key and an encryption key. The master key is
the authentication key, whereas encryption keys are produced
with each new session. Additional protection is provided via a
random number created for each transaction. Should you wish
to implement it yourself, the Bluetooth standard describes the
fundamental encryption for data protection and the
authentication process in detail. However, there are a slew of
companies that offer comprehensive Bluetooth solutions on a
single chip, with some of them including security in the
hardware (or the entire Bluetooth stack, as National
Semiconductor does with their Simply Blue modules).
Unlike other wireless technologies, Bluetooth is intended to
enable a broad range of feasible ranges between two devices,
giving developers a lot of leeway in designing wireless solutions
that best suit their desired use case.
The effective range of a good Bluetooth connection is
influenced by several critical parameters, including the
Radio Frequency
The radio spectrum spans 30 Hz to 300 GHz. The greater the
range, the lower the frequency. The lower the frequency,
however, the lower the data rate that it can accommodate. As
a result, choosing a radio spectrum requires balancing range
and data rate.
Transmit Power
A design tradeoff between range and power consumption is
made when selecting a transmit power level. The higher the
transmit power, the greater the likelihood of the signal being
heard across longer distances and the greater the effective
range. However, raising the transmit power increases your
device's power usage. Consider transmit power to be the same
as the loudness of your voice. The more away someone can
hear you, the more energy it takes to talk loudly.
Loss of Direction
The decrease of signal intensity that happens while a radio
wave travels through the air is known as path loss. Path loss,
also known as path attenuation, is a natural phenomenon that
happens over time and is influenced by the environment in
which the signal is conveyed. Signals can be harmed by
obstacles between the transmitter and the receiver.
Attenuators can range from humidity and precipitation to glass,
wood, metal, or concrete walls, windows, and other
impediments, as well as metal towers or panels that reflect and
scatter radio signals.
3. ZigBEE
The encryption of data using the network key is the core
security provided by the ZigBee network. During the
authentication procedure, this key is sent to the joining
device.The network key is never sent unencrypted over the air.
It's always encrypted with a pre-configured link key, but
knowing the link key allows you to get the network key by
capturing over-the-air packets using an IEEE802.15.4 packet
sniffer programme.
The network key's exposure might have a significant influence
on the network's security and vulnerability to security attacks
and breaches.
As a result, the pre-configured connection key's selection and
distribution are crucial. The ZigBee standard doesn't specify
how the link keys should be distributed, thus it's up to each
company to come up with a method that works for their
devices. The user has the option of utilising an explicit 16-byte
link key that is unique for each device or install codes, which
are discussed later, to adequately safeguard the network key
Zigbee has great dependability and latency that is less than
200 milliseconds, which is common for human-device
contact. Unless the broadcast frequency is pushed too high,
Zigbee networks operate well up to the 192 node networks
we tested, at which point Zigbee displays significant latency.
As networks grow in size, the additional hops and broadcast
congestion cause some delay to rise. The delay over the
network increases as the packet payload grows, however this
has a lower impact when evaluating 5, 25, and 50 bytes of
payload. When the broadcast interval is reduced to 1 second,
the maximum latency increases, which may be problematic
for some applications.
4. NFC
NFC does not have any built-in, hardware-based security
features, according to security experts. NFC is nothing more
than a communication medium between two devices.
However, the narrow range of NFC acts as a security measure
against hackers. An attacker would have to achieve a few key
tasks in order to capture an NFC signal from thin air (a process
known as eavesdropping).He'd have to get near enough first.
Many NFC applications function at such close ranges that you
almost have to touch your smartphone to an NFC item to
make a connection. So a hacker would aim to rub up against
unsuspecting folks on the metro and engage in some digital
The NFC functionalities on your phone, on the other hand,
only activate when you want them to. When you use an NFC
terminal to check out at a retail store, for example, the chip
will activate. Even when your phone is in standby mode, the
chip isn't functional.
Even if a hacker happened to be close enough to you at the
proper time, he'd still require a lot of luck. In terms of
direction, NFC signals are quite sensitive. It's so delicate that
even a little rotation of your phone will prevent it from
reading a smart tag. In order for a hacker to steal your signal,
he'd have to tilt the antenna of a hacking device at the exact
proper angle.
NFC standards are based on existing RFID standards such as
ISO/IEC 14443 and FeliCa, and encompass communications
methods and data exchange formats. ISO/IEC 18092 and the
NFC Forum's definitions are among the standards. NFC
provides one-way and two-way communication between
endpoints, making it ideal for a variety of uses.
NFC devices can be used as electronic ID cards and keycards.
They're utilised in contactless payment systems, and they let
you pay with your phone instead of or in addition to credit
cards and electronic ticket smart cards. NFC/CTLS or CTLS NFC
are other names for them, with contactless shortened as CTLS.
NFC may be used to transfer tiny files like contacts, as well as
to establish quick connections for sharing bigger media like
images, movies, and other files.
5. WiMAX
WiMAX systems were built with security in mind from the
start. The standard incorporates cutting-edge technologies for
protecting user data and preventing illegal access, as well as
protocol optimization for mobility.
The WiMAX MAC has a privacy sublayer that handles security.
To ensure privacy, user data is encrypted using cryptographic
algorithms that have been demonstrated to be reliable. 3DES
(Triple Data Encryption Standard) and AES (Advanced
Encryption Standard) are also supported.The cipher's 128-bit
or 256-bit key is created during the authentication step and is
renewed on a regular basis for further security.
To prevent illegal usage, WiMAX provides a flexible way of
authenticating subscriber stations and users. The
authentication system is based on the IETF EAP, which allows
a range of credentials including username/password, digital
certificates, and smart cards.
The public key and MAC address of WiMAX terminal devices
are stored in built-in X.509 digital certificates. WiMAX
operators can utilise the certificates for device authentication
and then add a username/password or smart card
authentication layer on top.
Mobile technologies are used by network operators with
variable levels of channel capacity. Throughput (Mbps) is often
divided by channel bandwidth to characterise performance in
a bandwidth-neutral manner (MHz). The number of bits per
second sent per cycle (b/s/Hz) is obtained as a consequence.
Using a 20 MHz channel, the average download speed is
around 30 Mbps (similar to IEEE 802.11g average throughput).
This implies that each sector has about 30 Mbps of shared
bandwidth available for download transmission. For example,
if 20 users are connected to the network using the same
sector and half of them are downloading data at the same
time, each user will obtain an average download throughput
of around 3 Mbps.
WiMAX offers advanced quality-of-service capabilities that will
assist network operators in regulating per-user performance
fairly. As the WiMAX network matures, average performance
will improve.