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Assessment of Creativity: Models and Tests

The Assessment of Creativity
Upon reading the article After Six Decades of Systematic Study of Creativity, I
learned more about how creativity has changed through time and become more
important. Creativity is now part of the 4C's for the 21st century skills and companies
like IBM and Adobe are looking for creative thinking in their employees (Abdulla
& Cramond, 2017). It was interesting to me how Torrance designed the TTCT as a
means to an end, not an end itself and that his interest in creativity was not his
ultimate goal (Abdulla & Cramond, 2017). I also discovered there are numerous
assessments that have been created and used in relation to determine one's creativity
- which makes sense, but I didn't think about it like this before. Which leads to the
question about the ability of creativity assessments to truly measure creativity as
Sternberg (2018) questions. One of the points made in the article was Kaufman and
Beghetto's four levels of creativity, mini-c, little-c, Pro-c, and Big-C (Sternberg,
2018). This really stood out to me and was quite interesting to me in the fact that
creativity has different levels. I do believe tests are being updated and designed to
adapt to the changing definition and understanding of creativity, but just like any
test, they still have their downsides. The Williams' Model and Williams' Taxonomy
compared to the TTCT all have their benefits to understand and developing a
definition and understanding of creativity. With these models, one can explain
creativity is more than just artistic ability, because it is also the ability to problem
solve, come up with new solutions or products. It is also the ability to "think outside
the box" per se and be able to take a chance and experiment and question what
something is or compare it to something.
Abdulla, A. M. & Cramond, B. (2017). After six decades of systematic study of
creativity: What do teachers need to know about what it is and how it is measured.
Roeper Review, 39(1), 9-23. https://10.1080/02783193.2016.1247398
Sternberg, R. J. (2018). What’s Wrong with Creativity Testing. The Journal of
Creative Behavior, 0(0), 1–17. https://10.1002/jocb.237