Undergraduate Handbook for students admitted in 2018-2019 DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING THE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG © Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, The University of Hong Kong Useful Numbers Foreword Head of Department Prof. K.T. Chau 3917 2704 Associate Head (UG and Student Affairs) Prof. S.C. Tan 3917 2707 CE Programme Directors Prof. E.Y.M. Lam Dr. K.S. Lui 3917 5942 3917 7094 EE Programme Directors Dr. M.H. Pong Dr. J. Zhong 3917 7099 3917 8487 ElecE Programme Directors Prof. K.K.Y. Wong Dr. A.H.W. Choi 3917 8483 3917 2693 Minor Options and Double Degree Coordinator Dr. C.K. Lee 3917 2705 Admissions Tutors Dr. N. Wong Dr. C.K. Lee Dr. J.C.H. Yuen 3917 1914 3917 2705 3917 7098 Chairman, Staff-student Prof. S.C. Tan Consultative Committee 3917 2707 CE Student Advisor Dr. H.K.H. So 3917 2702 EE Student Advisor Dr. Y. Hou 3917 8489 ElecE Student Advisor Dr. W.H. Lam 3917 1912 Enrollment Directors Dr. V.W.L. Tam Dr. C.K. Lee 3917 2697 3917 2705 Training / Internship Coordinator Dr. W.W.T. Fok 3917 8490 Senior Design Project Coordinator Prof. P.T. Lai 3917 2691 Career Counselling Dr. S.K.H. Lam 3917 8401 Senior Computer Officer Dr. S.P.H. Lui 3917 1913 Technical Manager Mr. T.T.O. Kwan 3917 2694 Administrative Assistant Ms. Q.K.Y. Chan 3917 2715 General Enquiries 3917 7093 Department Fax Number 2559 8738 Email eee@eee.hku.hk Department Home Page https://www.eee.hku.hk This Handbook contains detailed information on the undergraduate programmes offered by the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. For students admitted under the 4-year curriculum in 2018-2019, the Department offers three BEng degree programmes, namely, Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, and Computer Engineering. While these programmes share a common foundation in electrical and electronic engineering and require students to study some common core courses in the first year, each programme has its own characteristics focusing on different areas of study. Depending on the specific programme, students will be offered, after their common first year of study, choices of elective courses covering a wide spectrum of topics encompassing power systems, renewable energy, electric railways, electric vehicles, building services, microelectronics, photonics, wireless communications, multimedia signal processing, information technology, computer systems, machine learning, big data, artificial intelligence, robotics and others. Moreover, BEng students can opt for the minor or double-degree programmes which provide valuable opportunities for students with interests beyond engineering to extend their university education to business studies, science, social science or arts. All these optional modes of studies reflect a trend towards a more general and multi-disciplinary approach to engineering education with plenty of scope to cater for the development of personal aspirations and the attainment of individual goals. The mission of the Department is to produce the highest quality graduates to serve the society as well as to conduct leading edge research. The Department is committed to equipping students with problem solving skills and life-long learning capabilities to meet challenges of everyday life, and assisting them in the pursuit of excellence in both their studies and as good citizens. Professor K. T. Chau, BSc(Eng), MPhil, PhD; CEng, FIEEE, FIET, FHKIE Professor, Head of Department Contents 1. Introduction to the Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering 7 1.1 The Department 1.2 Teaching Staff 1.3 Laboratories 7 7 8 2. Time-Table and Lectures 10 3. Undergraduate Study Programmes 11 3.1 COMPUTER ENGINEERING 3.2 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 3.3 ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING 3.4 List of Courses by Subject Groups 3.5 Minor in Electrical and Electronic Engineering 3.6 Double Degree in BEng/BBA Option 3.7 Minor Option 11 16 22 27 32 33 35 4. Laboratory and Tutorial Classes 36 4.1 Laboratory Guidelines 4.2 Log Books & Reports 4.3 Tutorial Classes 36 36 36 5. Workshop/Industrial Training and Integrated Study-Work Programmes 37 5.1 Workshop Training Programme 5.2 Industrial Training Programme 5.3 Integrated Study-Work Programme 37 37 37 6. Communication/Information Channels 38 6.1 General Advisors/Student Advisors 6.2 Staff-Student Consultative Committee 6.3 E-mail, Intranet, Notice Board & Others 6.4 Reference Books 38 38 38 38 7. Professional Institutions 39 7.1 Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) 7.2 Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) 7.3 The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 39 39 39 1. Introduction to the Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Introduction Ê 1.1 The Department The Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering is located on LG2, LG3, 1st, 2nd, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th floor of the Chow Yei Ching Building, 3rd floor of the Haking Wong Building, 4th floor of the Yam Pak Building and CP-1 of the Composite Building. The Department offers the B.Eng. degree in Electrical Engineering, B.Eng. degree in Electronic Engineering, B.Eng. degree in Computer Engineering (jointly run with the Department of Computer Science) and B.Eng. degree in Biomedical Engineering (BME) (jointly run with the Faculty of Engineering, the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the LKS Faculty of Medicine). These programmes are accredited by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE). The Department also offers the degree of Master of Science in Engineering (M.Sc.(Eng.)) in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and jointly offers the degrees of M.Sc. (Eng.) in Building Services, M.Sc. (Eng) in Energy Engineering and M.Sc. in Electronic Commerce and Internet Computing with the other Engineering Departments in the Faculty. These courses have well-structured programmes of study spanning over twenty-four months. Currently over 170 research students are studying for the Ph.D. and M.Phil degrees in the Department and most of them are financially supported through Postgraduate Scholarships, Teaching Assistantships or Research Assistantships. Currently, there are a total of 41 academic staff and 31 support staff. Ê 1.2 Teaching Staff Among the 41 teaching staff of the department, there are 5 Chair Professors, 10 Professors, 25 Associate Professors/Assistant Professors/Principal Lecturers/Lecturers, and 1 Research Assistant Professor. Professor K. T. Chau is the head of Department. The 5 Chair Professors are: Professor D.J. Hill (Chair of Electrical Engineering), Professor R.S.Y. Hui (Chair of Power Electronics), Professor V.O.K. Li (Chair of Information Engineering), Professor E.X. Wu (Chair of Biomedical Engineering), and Professor N.C. Tien (Chair of Microsystems Technology). The teaching staff members are: Name Prof. S.C. Chan Prof. K.T. Chau Prof. G. Chesi Dr. A.H.W. Choi Prof. W.C.H. Choy Dr. Z. Chu Dr. W.W.T. Fok Prof. D. J. Hill Dr. Y. Hou Dr. K. B Huang Prof. R.S.Y. Hui Dr. L. Jiang Prof. R.Y.K. Kwok Prof. P.T. Lai Rm. No. Tel. No. 721 709 502 716 702 516 703 601H 508 611 601E 204E 604 505 3917 8025 3917 2704 3917 4362 3917 2693 3917 8485 3917 2685 3917 8490 3917 7092 3917 8489 3917 8026 3917 2706 3917 8484 3917 8059 3917 2691 E-mail scchan@eee.hku.hk ktchau@eee.hku.hk chesi@eee.hku.hk hwchoi@eee.hku.hk chchoy@eee.hku.hk zqchu@eee.hku.hk wtfok@eee.hku.hk dhill@eee.hku.hk yhhou@eee.hku.hk huangkb@eee.hku.hk ronhui@eee.hku.hk ljiang@eee.hku.hk ykwok@eee.hku.hk laip@eee.hku.hk 7 504 717 609 715 610 605 520 514 601D 517 706 509 704 607 516 707 719 612 519 L3-76 718 720 601G 714 708 522 608 3917 5942 3917 4843 3917 8401 3917 1912 3917 2705 3917 8403 3917 2703 3917 2699 3917 8425 3917 4577 3917 7094 3917 8492 3917 7099 3917 8491 3917 2702 3917 2697 3917 2707 3917 5394 3917 8486 3917 9208 3917 8483 3917 1914 3917 7096 3917 7090 3917 8493 3917 7098 3917 8487 elam@eee.hku.hk jcklam@eee.hku.hk khlam@eee.hku.hk whlam@eee.hku.hk cklee@eee.hku.hk wklee@eee.hku.hk wnlee@eee.hku.hk tlleong@hku.hk vli@eee.hku.hk taoliu@eee.hku.hk kslui@eee.hku.hk gpang@eee.hku.hk mhp@eee.hku.hk ppong@eee.hku.hk hso@eee.hku.hk vtam@eee.hku.hk sctan@eee.hku.hk nctien@hku.hk tsia@eee.hku.hk aslw@hku.hk kywong@eee.hku.hk nwong@eee.hku.hk ewu@eee.hku.hk ycwu@eee.hku.hk kyeung@eee.hku.hk chyuen@eee.hku.hk jzhong@eee.hku.hk Ê 1.3 Laboratories 8 Laboratory Location EEE Service Workshop Office of Workshop Equipment & Production Room Centre for Electrical Energy Systems Emerging Power Electronics (EPE) Lab. Electrical Energy Utilization Lab. Optoelectronics/Electro-Optics Lab. Undergrad Project Lab. Postgraduate Research Lab. B Undergrad Teaching Lab. I Computing Lab. Undergrad Teaching Lab. II Senior Design Project Lab. HKU-Cambridge Clean Energy and Environment Research Platform Multi-purpose Research Lab. Electromagnetics Lab. Biomedical Engineering Lab. Applied Life Photonic at HKU (Alpha HKU) Chow Yei Ching Bldg. LG301 LG301A LG303 LG201 LG202 LG203 LG204 LG205 101 102 103 104 201 202 203 204 206 206B Control System Research Lab. 501 Photonic Systems Research Lab. 510 Industrial Automation Research Lab.511 Imaging System Lab. 512 ULF MR Lab. 513 Lab. of Nanoscale Optoelectronics (LONO) 524 Multimedia Networking Lab. 615 Device and Process Simulation Lab. 701 Information Science Lab. 705 RGC-TBRS - 100kVA Smart Grid Research Facility 711 Semiconductor Lighting and Display Lab. 712 Digital Signal Processing Lab. 722 Audio Engineering Lab. 724 Laboratory for Power Networks with High Renewables (LPNHR) 801/802 Microwave/ RF Engineering Lab. 803 Computer Lab. 804 Broadband Networking Lab. 805 VLSI Design Lab. 806 AI to Advance Environment and Well-Being Lab806A Postgraduate Research Lab.- A 807 Computer Architecture and System Research Lab. 807A Power Electronics Lab. Electric Drives Lab. Electrical Services Application Lab. Radio Frequency Lab. Modern Lighting Lab. Wireless Power Lab. Smart Power Grid Lab. Haking Wong Bldg. 301/302 304 316 317 318 320 322 Initiative on Clean Energy and Environment Building Services Lab. Integrated Circuit/Thin Film Lab. Solid State Electronics/Photo Voltaic Lab. Yam Pak Bldg. 2/F 312 4/F 4/F Electric Vehicle Research Lab. Composite Bldg. CP-1 Biomedical Imaging and Signal Processing—7T MRI Lab. Lab. Block, Faculty of Medicine LB1002-4,37 Introduction Introduction Prof. E.Y.M. Lam Dr. J.C.K. Lam Dr. K.H. Lam Dr. W.H. Lam Dr. C.K. Lee Mr. W.K. Lee Dr. W.N. Lee Dr. A.T.L. Leong Prof. V.O.K. Li Dr. T. Liu Dr. K.S. Lui Dr. G.K.H. Pang Dr. M.H. Pong Dr. P.W.T. Pong Dr. H.K.H. So Dr. V.W.L. Tam Prof. S.C. Tan Prof. N.C. Tien Dr. K.K.M. Tsia Dr. A.S.L. Wong Prof. K.Y. Wong Dr. N. Wong Prof. E.X. Wu Dr. Y.C. Wu Prof. L.K. Yeung Dr. J.C.H. Yuen Dr. J. Zhong 9 Timetable and Lectures Please check the HKU Portal, the Department’s website — elink and Intranet for the most updated timetables. You should note carefully the time and venue of the sessions relevant to you and attend your lectures as stated on the time-table punctually. You will note from your time-table that there are sessions for laboratory work every week and there will be notices posted on the Moodle system/ Intranet informing you the time and grouping for your laboratory sessions. Students should note that all laboratory sessions are compulsory and absence from laboratory sessions without satisfactory reasons will be penalized and may consequently lead to failure in your coursework. 3. Undergraduate Study Programmes Ê 3.1 COMPUTER ENGINEERING SYLLABUS The syllabus applies to students admitted in the academic year 2018-19 and thereafter under the four-year curriculum. Definitions and Terminology Each course offered by the Departments of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Computer Science shall be classified as either introductory level course or advanced level course. A Discipline Core course is a compulsory course which a candidate must pass in the manner provided for in the Regulations. A Discipline Elective course refers to any technical course offered by the Departments of Electrical and Electronic Engineering or Computer Science for the fulfillment of the curriculum requirements of the degree of BEng in Computer Engineering that are not classified as discipline core course. Study Programmes - CE 2. Time-Table and Lectures Curriculum The curriculum comprises 240 credits of courses as follows: First Year Engineering Core Courses Students are required to complete at least 42 credits of First Year Engineering Core Courses. Discipline Core Courses Students are required to complete ALL discipline core courses (78 credits), comprising 36 credits of introductory core courses and 42 credits of advanced core courses. Discipline Elective Courses Students are required to complete at least 30 credits of discipline elective courses offered by the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and the Department of Computer Science. Elective Courses Students are required to complete 24 credits of elective courses offered by either the Departments of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, or other departments within or outside of the Faculty of Engineering. 10 11 First Year Engineering Core Courses (42 credits) Study Programmes - CE Students are required to complete: a) 12 credits in English language enhancement, including 6 credits in “CAES1000 Core University English” and 6 credits in “CAES9541 Technical English for Electrical and Electronic Engineering”; b) 6 credits in Chinese language enhancement course “CENG9001 Practical Chinese for Engineering Students”; and c) 36 credits of courses in the Common Core Curriculum, comprising at least one and not more than two courses from each Area of Inquiry with not more than 24 credits of courses being selected within one academic year except where candidates are required to make up for failed credits during the whole period of study. Capstone Experience Students are required to complete the 12-credit “ELEC4848 Senior design project” to fulfill the capstone experience requirement for the degree of BEng in Computer Engineering. Internship Students are required to complete the non-credit bearing internship “ELEC3841 Internship”, which normally takes place after their third year of study. The degree of Bachelor of Engineering shall be awarded in five divisions in accordance with EN 15 of the Regulations for the Degree of Bachelor of Engineering and UG 9 of the Regulations for First Degree Curricula. The details of the distribution of the above course categories are as follows: The curriculum of BEng (Computer Engineering) comprises 240 credits of courses with the following structure: UG 5 Requirements (54 credits) Course Code Course CAES1000 Core University English No. of credits 6 CAES9541 Technical English for Electrical and Electronic Engineering 6 CENG9001 Practical Chinese for Engineering Students 6 CC##XXXX University Common Core Course (6 courses)* 36 54 * Students have to complete 36 credits of courses in the Common Core Curriculum, comprising at least one and not more than two courses from each Area of Inquiry with not more than 24 credits of courses being selected within one academic year except where candidates are required to make up for failed credits. 12 Course Calculus and ordinary differential equations Linear algebra, probability & statistics Fundamental Mechanics Electricity & Electronics Engineers in the Modern World Computer programming I Computer programming II Total for First Year Engineering Core Courses No. of credits 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 42 Discipline Core Courses (78 credits) Introductory Courses (36 credits) Course Code COMP2119 COMP2121 ELEC2346 ELEC2441 ELEC2840 ELEC2844 Course Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms Discrete Mathematics Electric circuit theory Computer organization and microprocessors Engineering training Probabilistic systems analysis Total for Introductory Discipline Core Courses Degree Classification Total for UG5 Requirements Course Code MATH1851 MATH1853 ENGG1300 ENGG1310 ENGG1320 ENGG1330 ENGG1340 No. of credits 6 6 6 6 6 6 36 Study Programmes - CE University Requirements Advanced Courses (42 credits) Course Code Course No. of credits COMP3230 Principles of Operating Systems 6 COMP3234 Computer and Communication Networks 6 COMP3297 Software Engineering 6 ELEC3342 Digital system design 6 ELEC3844 Engineering management and society 6 ELEC3848 Integrated design project 6 Either ELEC3441 Computer architecture 6 Or ELEC3442 Embedded systems 6 Total for Advanced Discipline Core Engineering Courses 42 Capstone Experience and Internship (12 credits) Course Code ELEC4848 ELEC3841 Course Senior design project+ Internship* No. of credits 12 0 Total for Capstone Experience and Internship 12 + Capstone Experience * Internship 13 Discipline Elective Courses (30 credits) Course ELEC####/ Elective Courses offered by the Departments of COMP####Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Computer Science: a) 12 credits of Advanced Courses from Groups E, J; and b) 18 credits of Courses from Groups A, B, C, D, E, I, J Complete at least five discipline elective courses for a total of 30 credits SECOND YEAR No. of credits 30 30 Elective Courses (24 credits) Study Programmes - CE At least 24 credits of courses offered by either the Departments of Electrical and Electronic Engineering or Computer Science, or other departments within or outside of the Faculty of Engineering. Elective MSc courses Students may take up to two 6-credit MSc courses offered by the Departments of Computer Science or Electrical and Electronic Engineering as elective courses, subject to the approval of the Head of the Department. Summary of curriculum structure of BEng (Computer Engineering) Course Categories No. of credits UG5 Requirements 54 First Year Engineering Core Courses 42 Discipline Core Courses (Introductory) 36 Discipline Core Courses (Advanced) 42 Capstone Experience and Internship 12 Discipline Elective Courses 30 Elective Courses 24 Total240 The proposed syllabus by study year is as follows: Introductory Core Courses (36 credits) COMP2119 Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms COMP2121 Discrete Mathematics ELEC2346 Electric circuit theory ELEC2441 Computer organization and microprocessors ELEC2840 Engineering training ELEC2844 Probabilistic systems analysis University Requirements (UG5) (24 credits) CC##XXXX Four Common Core Courses THIRD YEAR Advanced Core Courses (42 credits) COMP3230 Principles of Operating Systems COMP3234 Computer and Communication Networks COMP3297 Software Engineering ELEC3342 Digital system design ELEC3844 Engineering management and society ELEC3848 Integrated design project Either ELEC3441 Computer architecture Or ELEC3442 Embedded systems Study Programmes - CE Course Code Internship (0 credit) ELEC3841 Internship University Requirements (UG5) (6 credits) CENG9001 Practical Chinese for Engineering Students Discipline Elective Courses (12 credits) Note: The total number of credits for second and third years should add up to 120 FIRST YEAR First Year Engineering Core Courses (42 credits) MATH1851 Calculus and ordinary differential equations MATH1853 Linear algebra, probability & statistics ENGG1300 Fundamental Mechanics ENGG1310 Electricity & Electronics ENGG1320 Engineers in the Modern World ENGG1330 Computer programming I ENGG1340 Computer programming II University Requirements (UG5) (18 credits) CAES1000 Core University English CC##XXXX Two Common Core Courses 14 FOURTH YEAR Discipline Elective Courses (18 credits) Capstone Experience (12 credits) ELEC4848 Senior design project University Requirements (UG5) (6 credits) CAES9541 Technical English for Electrical and Electronic Engineering Elective Courses (24 credits) 15 Ê 3.2 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING SYLLABUS The syllabus applies to students admitted in the academic year 2018-19 and thereafter under the four-year curriculum. Definitions and Terminology University Requirements Students are required to complete: a) 12 credits in English language enhancement, including 6 credits in “CAES1000 Core University English” and 6 credits in “CAES9541 Technical English for Electrical and Electronic Engineering”; b) 6 credits in Chinese language enhancement course “CENG9001 Practical Chinese for Engineering Students”; and c) 36 credits of courses in the Common Core Curriculum, comprising at least one and not more than two courses from each Area of Inquiry with not more than 24 credits of courses being selected within one academic year except where candidates are required to make up for failed credits during the whole period of study. Students are required to complete the 12-credit “ELEC4848 Senior Design Project” to fulfill the capstone experience requirement for the degree of BEng in Electrical Engineering. A Discipline Core course is a compulsory course which a candidate must pass in the manner provided for in the Regulations. Internship A Discipline Elective course refers to any technical course offered by the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering for the fulfillment of the curriculum requirements of the degree of BEng in Electrical Engineering that are not classified as discipline core course. Students are required to complete the non-credit bearing internship “ELEC3841 Internship”, which normally takes place after their third year of study. Curriculum Degree Classification The Curriculum comprises 240 credits of courses as follows: The degree of Bachelor of Engineering shall be awarded in five divisions in accordance with EN 15 of the Regulations for the Degree of Bachelor of Engineering and UG 9 of the Regulations for First Degree Curricula. First Year Engineering Core Courses Students are required to complete at least 42 credits of First Year Engineering Core Courses. Discipline Core Courses Students are required to complete ALL discipline core courses (72 credits), comprising 36 credits of introductory core courses and 36 credits of advanced core courses. Discipline Elective Courses Students are required to complete at least 48 credits of discipline elective courses offered by the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. The details of the distribution of the above course categories are as follows: Study Programmes - EE Study Programmes - EE Capstone Experience Each course offered by the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering shall be classified as either introductory level course or advanced level course. The curriculum of BEng (Electrical Engineering) comprises 240 credits of courses with the following structure: UG 5 Requirements (54 credits) Course Code Course No. of credits CAES1000 Core University English 6 CAES9541 Technical English for Electrical and Electronic Engineering 6 Elective Courses CENG9001 Practical Chinese for Engineering Students 6 Students are required to complete 12 credits of elective courses offered by either the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, or other departments within or outside of the Faculty of Engineering. CC##XXXX University Common Core Course (6 courses)* 36 Total for UG5 Requirements 54 * Students have to complete 36 credits of courses in the Common Core Curriculum, comprising at least one and not more than two courses from each Area of Inquiry with not more than 24 credits of courses being selected within one academic year except where candidates are required to make up for failed credits. 16 17 First Year Engineering Core Courses (42 credits) Course MATH1851 Discipline Elective Courses (48 credits) No. of credits Course Code Course Calculus and ordinary differential equations 6 ELEC#### Elective Courses offered by the Department of Electrical MATH1853 Linear algebra, probability & statistics 6 and Electronic Engineering: ENGG1300 Fundamental Mechanics 6 a) 24 credits of Courses from Groups A, B, C, D, E, J; and ENGG1310 Electricity & Electronics 6 b) 6 credits of Course from Group I; and ENGG1320 Engineers in the Modern World 6 ENGG1330 Computer programming I 6 c) Choose one of the following: ENGG1340 Computer programming II ENGG1350 Thermofluid mechanics Study Programmes - EE Total for First Year Engineering Core Courses Discipline Core Courses (72 credits) Introductory Courses (36 credits) Course Code Course ELEC2147 Electrical energy technology ELEC2243 Introduction to electricity and magnetism ELEC2346 Electric circuit theory ELEC2441 Computer organization and microprocessors ELEC2840 Engineering training ELEC2843 Multivariable calculus and elementary partial differential equations Total for Introductory Discipline Core Courses Advanced Courses (36 credits) Course Code Course ELEC3141 Power transmission and distribution ELEC3142 Electrical energy conversion ELEC3143 Power electronics ELEC3241 Signal and linear systems ELEC3844 Engineering management and society ELEC3848 Integrated design project Total for Advanced Discipline Core Courses Capstone Experience and Internship (12 credits) Course Code Course ELEC4848 Senior design project+ ELEC3841 Internship* Total for Capstone Experience and Internship 6 6 42 No. of credits 48 18 credits of Advanced Courses comprise of one course (6 credits) from either ELEC4142 or ELEC4147; one course (6 credits) from either ELEC4145 or ELEC4146; and one course (6 credits) from either ELEC4141 or ELEC4144 Complete at least eight discipline elective courses for a total of 48 credits 48 Elective Courses (12 credits) No. of credits 6 6 6 6 6 At least 12 credits of courses offered by either the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, or other departments within or outside of the Faculty of Engineering. Elective MSc(Eng) courses Students may take up to two 6-credit MSc(Eng) courses offered by the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering as elective courses, subject to the approval of the Head of the Department. 6 36 Summary of curriculum structure of BEng (Electrical Engineering) No. of credits 6 6 6 6 6 6 36 Course Categories No. of credits UG5 Requirements 54 First Year Engineering Core Courses 42 Discipline Core Courses (Introductory) 36 Discipline Core Courses (Advanced) 36 Capstone Experience and Internship 12 Discipline Elective Courses 48 Elective Courses Total Study Programmes - EE Course Code 12 240 No. of credits 12 0 12 + Capstone Experience * Internship 18 19 The proposed syllabus by study year is as follows: FIRST YEAR THIRD YEAR Advanced Core Courses (30 credits) First Year Engineering Core Courses (42 credits) ELEC3141 Power transmission and distribution ELEC3142 Electrical energy conversion MATH1851 Calculus and ordinary differential equations ELEC3143 Power electronics MATH1853 Linear algebra, probability & statistics ELEC3844 Engineering management and society ENGG1300 Fundamental Mechanics ELEC3848 Integrated design project ENGG1310 Electricity & Electronics ENGG1320 Engineers in the Modern World ENGG1330 Computer programming I Internship (0 credit) ELEC3841 Internship ENGG1340 Computer programming II ENGG1350 Thermofluid mechanics University Requirements (UG5) (12 credits) CENG9001 Practical Chinese for Engineering Students CC##XXXX One Common Core Course University Requirements (UG5) (18 credits) CAES1000 Core University English CC##XXXX Two Common Core Courses Discipline Elective Courses (18 credits) Note: The total number of credits for second and third years should add up to 120 SECOND YEAR FOURTH YEAR Introductory Core Courses (36 credits) ELEC2147 Electrical energy technology ELEC2243 Introduction to electricity and magnetism ELEC2346 Electric circuit theory ELEC2441 Computer organization and microprocessors ELEC2840 Engineering training ELEC2843 Multivariable calculus and elementary partial differential equations Advanced Core Courses (6 credits) ELEC3241 Discipline Elective Courses (30 credits) Study Programmes - EE Study Programmes - EE Choose one of the following: Capstone Experience (12 credits) ELEC4848 Senior design project University Requirements (UG5) (6 credits) CAES9541 Technical English for Electrical and Electronic Engineering Elective Courses (12 credits) Signal and linear systems University Requirements (UG5) (18 credits) CC##XXXX 20 Three Common Core Courses 21 Ê 3.3 ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING SYLLABUS The syllabus applies to students admitted in the academic year 2018-19 and thereafter under the four-year curriculum. Capstone Experience Students are required to complete the 12-credit “ELEC4848 Senior design project” to fulfill the capstone experience requirement for the degree of BEng in Electronic Engineering. Internship Students are required to complete the non-credit bearing internship “ELEC3841 Internship”, which normally takes place after their third year of study. Definitions and Terminology A Discipline Core course is a compulsory course which a candidate must pass in the manner provided for in the Regulations. A Discipline Elective course refers to any technical course offered by the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering for the fulfillment of the curriculum requirements of the degree of BEng in Electronic Engineering that are not classified as discipline core course. Degree Classification The degree of Bachelor of Engineering shall be awarded in five divisions in accordance with EN 15 of the Regulations for the Degree of Bachelor of Engineering and UG 9 of the Regulations for First Degree Curricula. The details of the distribution of the above course categories are as follows: The curriculum of BEng (Electronic Engineering) comprises 240 credits of courses with the following structure: Curriculum The Curriculum comprises 240 credits of courses as follows: First Year Engineering Core Courses Students are required to complete at least 42 credits of First Year Engineering Core Courses. Discipline Core Courses Students are required to complete ALL discipline core courses (78 credits), comprising 42 credits of introductory core courses and 36 credits of advanced core courses. Discipline Elective Courses Students are required to complete at least 42 credits of discipline elective courses offered by the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. UG 5 Requirements (54 credits) Course Code Course No. of credits CAES1000 Core University English 6 CAES9541 Technical English for Electrical and Electronic Engineering 6 CENG9001 Practical Chinese for Engineering Students 6 CC##XXXX University Common Core Course (6 courses)* 36 Total for UG5 Requirements 54 * Students have to complete 36 credits of courses in the Common Core Curriculum, comprising at least one and not more than two courses from each Area of Inquiry with not more than 24 credits of courses being selected within one academic year except where candidates are required to make up for failed credits. First Year Engineering Core Courses (42 credits) Course Code Elective Courses Students are required to complete 12 credits of elective courses offered by either the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, or other departments within or outside of the Faculty of Engineering. University Requirements Students are required to complete: a) 12 credits in English language enhancement, including 6 credits in “CAES1000 Core University English” and 6 credits in “CAES9541 Technical English for Electrical and Electronic Engineering”; b) 6 credits in Chinese language enhancement course “CENG9001 Practical Chinese for Engineering Students”; and c) 36 credits of courses in the Common Core Curriculum, comprising at least one and not more than two courses from each Area of Inquiry with not more than 24 credits of courses being selected within one academic year except where candidates are required to make up for failed credits during the whole period of study. 22 Study Programmes - ElecE Study Programmes - ElecE Each course offered by the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering shall be classified as either introductory level course or advanced level course. Course No. of credits MATH1851 Calculus and ordinary differential equations 6 MATH1853 Linear algebra, probability & statistics 6 ENGG1300 Fundamental Mechanics 6 ENGG1310 Electricity & Electronics 6 ENGG1320 Engineers in the Modern World 6 ENGG1330 Computer programming I 6 Choose one of the following: ENGG1340 Computer programming II ENGG1350 Thermofluid mechanics Total for First Year Engineering Core Courses 6 6 42 23 ELEC2543 ELEC2840 Object-Oriented programming and data structures Engineering training Study Programmes - ElecE ELEC2843 Multivariable calculus and elementary partial differential equations Total for Introductory Discipline Core Engineering Courses Advanced Courses (36 credits) Course Code Course ELEC3241 Signal and linear systems ELEC3242 Communications engineering ELEC3350 Electronic circuits and devices I ELEC3543 Advanced systems programming ELEC3844 Engineering management and society ELEC3848 Integrated design project Total for Advanced Discipline Core Engineering Courses Capstone Experience and Internship (12 credits) Course Code Course ELEC4848 Senior design project+ ELEC3841 Internship* Total for Capstone Experience and Internship Elective Courses (12 credits) No. of credits 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 42 No. of credits 6 6 6 6 6 6 36 ELEC#### No. of credits 12 0 12 24 No. of credits Elective Courses offered by the Department of Electrical and 42 Electronic Engineering: a) 24 credits of Courses from Groups A, B, C, D, E, J; and b) 6 credits of Course from Group I; and c) 12 credits of Advanced Courses from Groups B, C, D, E Complete at least seven disciplinary Elective courses for a total of 42 credits Elective MSc(Eng) courses Students may take up to two 6-credit MSc(Eng) courses offered by the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering as elective courses, subject to the approval of the Head of the Department. Summary of curriculum structure of BEng (Electronic Engineering) Course Categories 42 No. of credits UG5 Requirements 54 First Year Engineering Core Courses 42 Discipline Core Engineering Courses (Introductory) 42 Discipline Core Engineering Courses (Advanced) 36 Capstone Experience and Internship 12 Disciplinary Elective Courses 42 Elective Courses Total The proposed syllabus by study year is as follows: + Capstone Experience * Internship Discipline Elective Courses (42 credits) Course Code Course At least 12 credits of courses offered by either the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, or other departments within or outside of the Faculty of Engineering. 12 240 Study Programmes - ElecE Discipline Core Courses (78 credits) Introductory Courses (42 credits) Course Code Course ELEC2147 Electrical energy technology ELEC2243 Introduction to electricity and magnetism ELEC2346 Electric circuit theory ELEC2441 Computer organization and microprocessors FIRST YEAR First Year Engineering Core Courses (42 credits) MATH1851 Calculus and ordinary differential equations MATH1853 Linear algebra, probability & statistics ENGG1300 Fundamental Mechanics ENGG1310 Electricity & Electronics ENGG1320 Engineers in the Modern World ENGG1330 Computer programming I Choose one of the following: ENGG1340 Computer programming II ENGG1350 Thermofluid mechanics University Requirements (UG5) (18 credits) CAES1000 Core University English CC##XXXX Two Common Core Courses 25 Ê 3.4 List of Courses by Subject Groups SECOND YEAR Introductory Core Courses (42 credits) ELEC2147 Electrical energy technology ELEC2243 Introduction to electricity and magnetism ELEC2346 Electric circuit theory ELEC2441 Computer organization and microprocessors ELEC2543 Object-Oriented programming and data structures ELEC2840 Engineering training ELEC2843 Multivariable calculus and elementary partial differential equations Courses with similar contents are flagged as “mutually exclusive”. For each set of mutually exclusive courses, students are not allowed to take more than one course. Subject to approval, some MSc courses may also be taken as Disciplinary Elective Courses in their respective subject groups. Each MSc course is equivalent to a 6-credit course by undertaking additional workload than an MSc student in the course concerned. Group A: Electrical Energy THIRD YEAR Advanced Core Courses (36 credits) ELEC3241 Signals and linear systems ELEC3242 Communications engineering ELEC3350 Electronic circuits and devices I ELEC3543 Advanced systems programming ELEC3844 Engineering management and society ELEC3848 Integrated design project Internship (0 credit) ELEC3841 Internship University Requirements (UG5) (12 credits) CENG9001 Practical Chinese for Engineering Students CC##XXXX One Common Core Course Discipline Elective Courses (12 credits) Note: The total number of credits for second and third years should add up to 120 FOURTH YEAR Discipline Elective Courses (30 credits) Capstone Experience (12 credits) ELEC4848 Senior design project University Requirements (UG5) (6 credits) CAES9541 Technical English for Electrical and Electronic Engineering Elective Courses (12 credits) 26 Each course shall be classified as either introductory level course or advanced level course, and be assigned a Level – One, Two, Three or Four, in which Level One and Level Two courses are introductory courses whereas advanced courses include Level Three and Four courses. Level Code Course Title Credit Prerequisite Co-requisite 2 ELEC2147 Electrical energy technology (core: EE) 6 - (mutually exclusive with MECH2406) 3 ELEC3141 Power transmission and distribution (core: EE) 6 ELEC2147 3 ELEC3142 Electrical energy conversion (core: EE) 6 ELEC2147 3 ELEC3143 Power electronics (core: EE) 6 ELEC2147, ELEC2346 4 ELEC4141 Electric railway systems 6 ELEC2147 4 ELEC4142 Power system protection and switchgear 6 ELEC3141 4 ELEC4144 Electric vehicle technology 6 ELEC3142 4 ELEC4145 Building services - electrical services 6 ELEC2346 4 ELEC4146 Building services - electrical installations 6 ELEC2147 or - ELEC2346 4 ELEC4147 Power system analysis and control 6 ELEC3141 4 ELEC4148 Smart grid and renewable energy systems 6 ELEC3141 - Group B: Electronics and Optics Study Programmes Study Programmes - ElecE University Requirements (UG5) (18 credits) CC##XXXX Three Common Core Courses Note: Level Code Course Title Credit Prerequisite Co-requisite 2 ELEC2346 Electric circuit theory (core: CE, EE, ElecE) 6 2 ELEC2347 Fundamentals of optics 6 3 ELEC3342 Digital system design (core: CE) 6 ELEC2441 3 ELEC3347 Electronic materials and quantum physics 6 3 ELEC3349 Optical devices 6 ELEC2346 or ELEC2347 3 ELEC3350 Electronic circuits and devices I (core: ElecE) 6 ELEC2346 3 ELEC3351 Electronic circuits and devices II 6 ELEC3350 4 ELEC4248 Photonic systems technologies 6 ELEC2346 or ELEC3349 4 ELEC4251 Microscopy 6 4 ELEC4343 Design of digital integrated Circuits 6 ELEC3346 or - ELEC3350 27 Group C: Signal Processing, Control and Intelligent Systems Level Code 3 ELEC3241 3 ELEC3244 3 ELEC3245 3 ELEC3249 4 ELEC4244 4 ELEC4245 4 ELEC4250 4 ELEC4252 Course Title Credit Signals and linear systems (core: ElecE, EE) 6 Digital signal processing 6 Control and instrumentation 6 Pattern recognition and machine intelligence 6 Multimedia signals and applications 6 (mutually exclusive with COMP3315) Digital image processing 6 Control systems 6 Robotic control and vision 6 Prerequisite ELEC3241 ELEC3241 ELEC3241 Co-requisite ELEC3241 ELEC3241 ELEC3245 ELEC3241 - - Study Programmes Group D: Communications and Networking Level Code Course Title Credit Prerequisite Co-requisite 2 ELEC2243 Introduction to electricity and magnetism 6 - (core: EE, ElecE) 3 ELEC3242 Communications engineering (core: ElecE) 6 ELEC3241 3 ELEC3248 Engineering electromagnetism and 6 ELEC2242 or - antenna design ELEC2243 3 ELEC3443 Computer networks 6 - (mutually exclusive with COMP3234) 4 ELEC4241 Communication systems 6 ELEC3242 4 ELEC4253 Wireless Communications 6 ELEC3242 4 ELEC4254 Microwave and RF engineering 6 ELEC3248 4 ELEC4442 Advanced networking technologies 6 ELEC3443 or - COMP3234 Group E: Computer Systems and Data Engineering Level Code 2 ELEC2441 2 ELEC2543 2 ELEC2544 3 ELEC3441 3 ELEC3442 3 ELEC3541 28 Course Title Credit Prerequisite Co-requisite Computer organization and microprocessors 6 (core: CE, ElecE, EE) (mutually exclusive with COMP2120) Object-Oriented programming and data 6 ENGG1111 or - structures (mutually exclusive with ENGG1112 or COMP2119) (core: ElecE) ENGG1330 Introduction to electronic commerce and 6 - financial technology Computer architecture (core: CE) 6 ELEC2441 (mutually exclusive with COMP3231) Embedded systems (core: CE) 6 ELEC3342 Software engineering and operating systems 6 - (mutually exclusive with COMP3230 and COMP3297) Level Code Course Title Credit Prerequisite Co-requisite 3 ELEC3542 Advanced programming and 6 ELEC2543 or application development COMP2119 or COMP2396 3 ELEC3543 Advanced systems programming 6 ELEC2543 - (core: ElecE) 3 ELEC3641 Human computer interaction 6 ENGG1111 or ENGG1112 or ENGG1330 3 ELEC3643 Systems and network programming 6 ELEC2543 or - (mutually exclusive with COMP3402) (COMP2119 & COMP2396) 4 ELEC4543 Fuzzy systems and neural networks 6 4 ELEC4544 Artificial intelligence and deep learning 6 ELEC3241 4 ELEC4545 Time series analysis with financial applications 6 ELEC3241 4 ELEC4546 Investment and trading for engineering students 6 ELEC3241 4 ELEC4640 Distributed computing systems 6 (ELEC3541 or - COMP3230) & (ELEC3443 or COMP3234) 4 ELEC4641 Computer network security 6 ELEC3443 or - (mutually exclusive with COMP3327) COMP3234 Group F: Complementary Studies Level 2 3 3 3 Code ELEC2840 ELEC3841 ELEC3844 ELEC3845 Course Title Credit Engineering training 6 Internship 0 Engineering management and society 6 Economics, finance and marketing for engineers 6 Prerequisite - Co-requisite - Credit 6 12 Prerequisite - Co-requisite - Credit 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Prerequisite - Co-requisite - Group G: Projects Level Code 3 ELEC3848 4 ELEC4848 Course Title Integrated design project Senior design project Study Programmes Level Code Course Title Credit Prerequisite Co-requisite 4 ELEC4344 Advanced electronic circuits 6 ELEC3346 or - ELEC3350 4 ELEC4642 VLSI design principles 6 - Group H: Engineering Core courses Level 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Code MATH1851 MATH1853 ENGG1300 ENGG1310 ENGG1320 ENGG1330 ENGG1340 ENGG1350 Course Title Calculus and ordinary differential equations Linear algebra, probability & statistics Fundamental Mechanics Electricity and Electronics Engineers in the Modern World Computer programming I Computer programming II Thermofluid mechanics 29 Level Code Course Title Credit Prerequisite Co-requisite 1 MATH1851 Calculus and ordinary differential equation 6 1 MATH1853 Linear algebra, probability & statistics 6 2 COMP2121 Discrete mathematics 6 2 ELEC2843 Multivariable calculus and elementary partial 6 MATH1851 & - differential equations MATH1853 2 ELEC2844 Probabilistic systems analysis 6 2 MECH2407 Multivariable calculus and partial 6 - differential equations 3 MECH3407 Advanced partial differential equations & 6 - complex variables 3 ELEC3846 Numerical methods and optimization 6 - (mutually exclusive with COMP3407) 4 ELEC4745 Queueing theory 6 ELEC3847/ - ELEC2844 Study Programmes Group J: Software and IT Applications 30 Level Code Course Title Credit Prerequisite Co-requisite 2 COMP2113 Programming technologies (mutually exclusive 6 COMP1117 - with ENGG1340 or COMP2123) 2 COMP2119 Introduction to data structures and 6 ENGG1340 or - algorithms (core: CE) COMP2113 or COMP2123 2 COMP2396 Object-oriented programming and Java 6 ENGG1340 or - (mutually exclusive with ELEC2543) COMP2113 or COMP2123 3 COMP3230 Principles of operating systems 6 ENGG1340 or - (mutually exclusive with ELEC3541) (core: CE) COMP2113 or COMP2123; and COMP2120 or ELEC2441 3 COMP3234 Computer and communication networks 6 COMP3230 (mutually exclusive with ELEC3443) (core: CE) 3 COMP3235 Compiling techniques 6 COMP2119 3 COMP3250 Design and analysis of algorithms 6 COMP2119 or - ELEC2543 3 COMP3258 Functional programming 6 COMP2121 3 COMP3259 Principles of programming languages 6 COMP2119 3 COMP3270 Artificial intelligence (mutually exclusive 6 COMP2119 - with IIMT3688) 3 COMP3271 Computer graphics 6 COMP2119 3 COMP3278 Introduction to database management systems 6 COMP2119 or - (mutually exclusive with IIMT3601) ELEC2543 3 COMP3297 Software engineering (mutually exclusive 6 ENGG1340 or - with IIMT3602) (core: CE) COMP2113 or COMP2123 3 COMP3311 Legal aspects of computing 6 ENGG1340 or - COMP2113 or COMP2123 Level Code Course Title Credit Prerequisite Co-requisite 3 COMP3314 Machine learning 6 MATH1853 or - MATH2101; and COMP2119 or ELEC2543 3 COMP3317 Computer vision 6 COMP2119; and - MATH1853 or MATH2101 3 COMP3320 Electronic commerce technology 6 COMP3278 3 COMP3322 Modern technologies on World Wide Web 6 COMP1117 or - (mutually exclusive with IIMT3663) ENGG1330 or ENGG1111 or ENGG1112 3 COMP3323 Advanced database systems 6 COMP3278 3 COMP3329 Computer game design and programming 6 ENGG1340 or - COMP2113 or COMP2123 3 COMP3330 Interactive mobile application design and 6 COMP2396 - programming 3 COMP3351 Advanced algorithm analysis 6 COMP3250 or - basic knowledge in probability and algorithms 3 COMP3352 Algorithmic game theory 6 MATH1853 or - MATH2101; and COMP2119 3 COMP3353 Bioinformatics 6 COMP2119 3 COMP3354 Statistical learning 6 MATH1853 or - MATH2101 3 COMP3355 Cyber security 6 COMP2119 or - ELEC2543 3 COMP3402 System architecture and distributed computing 6 COMP2396 - (mutually exclusive with ELEC3643) 3 COMP3403 Implementation, testing and maintenance 6 COMP3297 or COMP2396 of software systems IIMT3602 3 COMP3404 Software quality and project management 6 COMP3297 - (mutually exclusive with IIMT4601) 3 COMP3407 Scientific computing 6 COMP1117 or - ENGG1330 or ENGG1111 or ENGG1112; and COMP2121 Study Programmes Group I: Mathematics 31 Ê 3.5 Minor in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Ê 3.6 Double Degree in BEng/BBA Option [not applicable to students of BEng(CE), BEng(EE) and BEng(ElecE)] Candidates who are interested in pursuing minor in Electrical and Electronic Engineering must satisfy the following prerequisites: • Level 3 or above in Mathematics and Level 3 or above in Physics or Combined Science with Physics component in the Hong Kong Diploma in Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination Candidates are required to complete a total of 48 credits of courses in the following manner: Code Course Name Electric circuit theory ENGG1310 Electricity and Electronics* (1) fulfil the requirements of the BEng curriculum; 6 6 Study Programmes (ii) 36 credits of disciplinary elective courses selected from the following: ELEC2147 ELEC2243 ELEC2347 ELEC2441 ELEC2543 ELEC2544 ELEC3142 ELEC3143 ELEC3241 ELEC3242 ELEC3244 ELEC3245 ELEC3248 ELEC3249 ELEC3342 ELEC3347 ELEC3349 ELEC3350 ELEC3351 ELEC3441 ELEC3443 ELEC3543 ELEC3641 ELEC4343 ELEC4344 Electrical energy technology Introduction to electricity and magnetism Fundamentals of optics Computer organization and microprocessors Object-Oriented programming and data structures Introduction to electronic commerce and financial technology Electrical energy conversion Power electronics Signals and linear systems Communications engineering Digital signal processing Control and instrumentation Engineering electromagnetism and antenna design Pattern recognition and machine intelligence Digital system design Electronic materials and quantum physics Optical devices Electronic circuits and devices I Electronic circuits and devices II Computer architecture Computer networks Advanced systems programming Human computer interaction Design of digital integrated circuits Advanced electronic circuits 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 * ENGG1310 cannot be used for satisfying the requirement of both this Minor programme and another degree programme. If ENGG1310 has already been taken for to fulfill the requirement of another degree programme, the student should take 6 credits of disciplinary Elective course in list (ii) in lieu. 32 Candidates who have satisfied all the requirements of the BEng curriculum will be awarded the degree of Bachelor of Engineering. To be eligible for proceeding to the BBA programme in the 5th year, candidates must: Credits (i) 12 credits of core courses ELEC2346 Courses taken to fulfil the double degree curriculum requirements may also be considered as equivalent courses that satisfy the elective requirements of the BEng curriculum, subject to the approval of the Board of the Faculty of Engineering. (2) hold a degree of BEng with Second Class Honours from The University of Hong Kong; and (3) pass the 54 credits of courses, as listed below, as required by the Faculty of Business and Economics during their study for BEng: Course Code Course ACCT1101 Introduction to financial accounting Credits 6 IIMT2601 Management information systems 6 MKGT2501 Introduction to marketing 6 MGMT2401 Principles of management 6 ECON1210 Introductory microeconomics 6 FINA1310 Corporate finance 6 ACCT2105 Introduction to management accounting 6 Disciplinary Electives (Any 2 courses in HRM, Marketing or 12 Wealth Management major as specified below) Total 54 Study Programmes • Candidates are given an option to pursue the double degree in BEng/BBA, subject to the approval of the Boards of the Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Business and Economics upon their meeting the prescribed admission requirements as laid down by both the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Business and Economics. Disciplinary electives for BEng/BBA (Human Resource Management, HRM) Course Code Course MGMT3403 MGMT3404 MGMT3405 MGMT3415 MGMT3429 MGMT3434 MGMT3475 MGMT3476 Leadership Cross-cultural management Organizational behaviour Principles of entrepreneurship Strategic human resources management Human resource: theory and practice Current topics in human resource management Managing organizational change Credits 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 33 Course Code Course MKTG3501 MKTG3502 MKTG3525 MKTG3531 Consumer behaviour Marketing research Services marketing Strategic marketing management Credits 6 6 6 6 Disciplinary electives for BEng/BBA (Wealth Management) Course Code Course ACCT3107 FINA2320 FINA2322 FINA3325 FINA2342 Hong Kong taxation Investment and portfolio analysis Derivatives Alternative investments Insurance: theory and practice Credits 6 6 6 6 6 Study Programmes Subject to approval of the Board of the Faculty of Engineering, candidates who have completed the requirements of BEng and decide not to proceed to the study for BBA may be awarded with a minor as specified by the Faculty of Business and Economics, if they have completed not less than 36 to 48 credits of courses in compliance with the syllabuses for the minor programme. To obtain the degree of BBA, candidates must satisfactorily complete 240 credits of courses, 180 of which shall be completed during the study for BEng and bring forward to the degree of BBA by advanced standing, and 60 of which shall be completed during the 5th year in accordance with the Regulations and Syllabuses for the Degree of BBA in Conjunction with the Degree of BEng. The required courses in the first four years of BEng degree and the fifth year BBA degree are not interchangeable. Change of order of study of the course is not allowed. Students can neither defer any required courses to the second degree BBA (year 5) nor advance any required courses to the first degree BEng (year 1 - 4). The degree of Bachelor of Business Administration shall be awarded in five divisions in accordance with item 15 of the Regulations for the Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration Awarded in Conjunction with the Degree of Bachelor of Engineering and UG9 of the Regulations for the First Degree Curricula. The determination of degree classification shall be based on the best 240 credits of courses as listed below: Year 1 to 4 Year 5 UG5 - CAES1000 Core University English Requirements - CAES95## English in the Discipline course (42 credits) for respective BEng curriculum - CENG9001 Practical Chinese for Engineering students - HKU Common Core Courses (the best 24 credits, and one from each of the four AoIs) Business - ACCT1101 Introduction to Financial Accounting - CAES9920 Academic Core Courses - ACCT2105 Introduction to Management Accounting Communication for Business (60 credits) - ECON1210 Introductory Microeconomics and Economics Students - FINA1310 Corporate finance - BUSI3801 Business Law - IIMT2601 Management Information Systems- ECON1220 Introductory - MGMT2401 Principles of Management Macroeconomics or IIMT3635 - MKTG2501 Introduction to Marketing Operations Management or IIMT3636 Decision and Risk Analysis I 34 Year 1 to 4 Capstone Course (6 credits) Year 5 - STRA4701 Strategic Management Disciplinary - 12 credits of elective courses from the list of courses - 12 credits of elective courses Elective for major in Human Resource Management, from the list of courses for Courses Marketing or Wealth Management as prescribed in major in Human Resource (24 credits) the BBA syllabus Management, Marketing or Wealth Management as prescribed in the BBA syllabus Advanced - the best 84 credits of advanced level courses in the Level Courses first degree BENG (84 credits) Global - 12 credits of global elective Elective courses from the list as Courses prescribed in the (12 credits) BBA syllabus FBE Elective- 12 credits of elective courses Courses offered by the Faculty of (12 credits) Business an Economics (Any credits in excess of final-year requirements completed under the BBA degree must be included and counted towards the honours classification) Note: Candidates may refer to the “Regulations for the Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in conjunction with the Degree of Bachelor of Engineering (BEng)” and “Syllabuses for the Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in conjunction with the Degree of Bachelor of Engineering (BEng)” for the regulations, length and contents of courses for the double-degrees in BEng/BBA option. Study Programmes Disciplinary electives for BEng/BBA (Marketing) Ê 3.7 Minor Option Candidates are given an option to pursue a minor in a discipline outside their own degree curriculum. Candidates who wish to have their minor recorded on the transcript must take and pass all the required courses in the selected minor as specified by the offering Department/Faculty in addition to the graduation requirements of their own degree curriculum. For the descriptions of the course under minor options, candidates should refer to the syllabuses of the relevant degree. Courses taken to fulfil the Minor Option requirements may also be considered as equivalent courses that satisfy the elective requirements of the BEng curriculum, subject to the approval of the Board of the Faculty of Engineering. 35 4. Laboratory and Tutorial Classes 5. Workshop/Industrial Training and Integrated Study-Work Programmes Ê 4.1 Laboratory Guidelines Lab and Tutorial You are expected to observe the rules and regulations while staying in the laboratory, especially the safety aspects of handling electrical equipment. Demonstrators and members of staff are responsible to reinforce these rules and regulations. Any students appear to act in conflict with these rules and regulations may not be allowed to use the laboratory. The Department offers a compulsory Workshop Training Programme (ELEC2840 Engineering Training) during the summer vacation to all our undergraduate students of all four disciplines who have completed their second year. This programme is designed to satisfy the membership requirements of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers and Engineering Council (United Kingdom). It aims to expose our students to upto-date and sophisticated equipments and technologies used in industry currently, and to provide hands-on skills and experience in the processes of design, implementation and testing of electrical, electronic and computer engineering systems. Ê 4.2 Log Books & Reports Ê 5.2 Industrial Training Programme A student’s laboratory work is assessed by the log book(s) he/she keeps and the full laboratory reports submitted at a published set of dates. Therefore, it is vital for you to keep a complete record of the experiments performed in your log book(s), as well as giving a detail account of the experiment in a report. Report copying, once discovered, could result in serious penalty. There is a compulsory Industrial Training Programme (ELEC3841 Internship) during the summer vacation for all our undergraduate students who have completed their third year of study. A minimal of 6-week of placement with industrial companies or research institutes is designed for our students to learn how the engineering and technology industries operate. Emphasis is placed on the problem solving and research of engineering projects. Students will also be exposed to other related technical and/or managerial activities. Students are allowed to conduct the industrial training in Mainland or overseas for gaining more international exposure. Students who fail their laboratory assessment of a particular course will fail that course automatically, irrespective of how they performed in the written examination. Ê 4.3 Tutorial Classes Tutorial classes are also organized throughout the year at appropriate times for you to raise questions related to their courses. Tutorial problem sheets may be handed out by the course teachers, and you may be asked to hand in written solutions as part of their course assessment. Although scheduled in the time-table, the exact dates for these classes will be announced by individual teachers. 36 Ê 5.1 Workshop Training Programme Training Laboratory work forms an important and integral part of our B.Eng degree courses. During these scheduled sessions, you will be asked to conduct experiments and investigation closely related to the courses of that year. Instruction sheets will be given in advance and demonstrators (postgraduate students) will be present during the sessions to advise and assist students who may have difficulties. Member(s) of staff may also be present to supervise the laboratory and answer questions. Ê 5.3 Integrated Study-Work Programme In addition to the above two programmes, students may elect to join an optional Integrated StudyWork Programme at the end of their third year. The period of ISWP can be from 6-12 months, and it is equivalent to ELEC3841 Internship. The essence of this programme is to enable students to enter employment in a relevant discipline for a year before they begin their final year course. This study work concept enables the student to develop a more mature and practical outlook towards his job and profession with benefit to both the students and to the industry. Normally, the programme must be approved by the Head of Department in advance. Students who join this programme will be assigned to a supervisor at the company and an academic supervisor from the department. Their role is to provide advice and support during that year. If you are interested in the above programme, you should either talk to your general advisor, course director or the Industrial Training Manager. 37 6. Communication/Information Channels 7. Professional Institutions Ê 6.1 General Advisors/Student Advisors Ê 7.1 Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) Each student will be assigned to an academic staff acting as his/her general advisor when he/she first arrives. The attachment spans through the whole degree course and it is hoped that students will meet their general advisor regularly. The role of a general advisor is to provide guidance to students in the nonacademic areas of their university lives. The frequency of meetings is flexible and can be arranged between the student and his/her general advisor. The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers is the professional engineering learned society and qualifying body for Hong Kong and as such has a responsibility of setting and maintaining the professional and technical standards of its members. To this end, it evaluates the qualifications for admission to grades of Institution membership. The student advisors’ names are printed under the “Useful Numbers” section of this handbook. Communication Ê 6.2 Staff-Student Consultative Committee The role of the Staff-Student Consultative Committee (SSCC) is to enable class representatives and student advisors to meet face to face to discuss matters raised by students or teachers. The SSCC members will meet formally twice a year to discuss matters such as problems and difficulties encountered in lectures, laboratory classes, teaching assistants, reporting scheme, computer utilization, departmental accommodation, and many other similar issues. Moreover, there will be two informal meetings scheduled for each semester to provide a platform for students to share their learning experiences and difficulties before the next formal meeting. The atmosphere during the SSCC meetings is often positive and problem solving. The SSCC Chairman is Prof. S.C. Tan Ê 6.3 E-mail, Intranet, Notice Board & Others Throughout the academic year, there are a lot of messages and information which the department or individual teachers would like to channel to you through email, departmental intranet and notices. It is therefore your responsibility to read email, departmental intranet, elink and notices on the Department Notice board. You should also elect among yourselves one or two Class Representative(s) who are responsible, when necessary, for channeling departmental notices, distributing notes and handouts, collecting opinion and feedback from students and attending to other student matters. They will also be invited to attend the Staff-Student Consultative Committee Meetings of the department. Ê 6.4 Reference Books Individual teachers may recommend references and/or textbooks at the beginning of the semester for their courses. You are encouraged to use the University Main Library facilities when you need to search for references. 38 The Corporate Membership status (M.H.K.I.E./F.H.K.I.E.) of the HKIE is recognized by the Hong Kong Government. Since our B.Eng. programmes are accredited by the HKIE, our graduates are recognized by the HKIE as having satisfied the academic part of the Corporate Membership (M.H.K.I.E./F.H.K.I.E.) qualification. The qualification matters are the responsibility of the Qualification and Membership Board of the Institution. All the engineering disciplines including the Electrical Discipline and the Electronic Discipline are represented by their respective Discipline Representatives as members of this Board. The learned society functions are organized by the elected committees of various Divisions which HKIE members are entitled to join according to their own interests. Our students may find the following Divisions, among others, to be of interest: (a) Electrical, (b) Electronics, (c) Control, Automation & Instrumentation, (d) Biomedical, (e) Environment, (f) Information Technology, and (g) Building Services. The HKIE monthly journal, the Asia Engineer, is circulated free to all its members. The HKIE offers one year free membership for the Freshman. The HKIE takes very seriously its responsibilities with regard to the Washington Accord and to fostering, maintaining and developing bilateral and international agreements for the mutual recognition of qualifications. This is undertaken through links with a number of international engineering initiatives which have been established to hormonise qualifications and to recognize accreditation methods and standards; the Washington Accord, Federation of Engineering Institutions of South East Asia and Pacific (FEISEAP) and European Federation of National Engineering Associations (FEANI) are examples. Ê 7.2 Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) The Institution of Engineering and Technology was formed by the coming together of the Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE) and the Institution of Incorporated Engineers (IIE) and now has more than 150,000 members worldwide. It is the largest professional engineering society in Europe and the second largest of its type in the world. It aims to serve a global community engaged in engineering and technology, providing a knowledge network accessible whenever or wherever you choose. Professional Insitutions Apart from the general advisors, there are also student advisors for students of each curriculum. His/her role is to offer advice on students’ studies and other academic matters. Ê 7.3 The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers is the world’s leading professional association for the advancement of technology. Through its global membership, the IEEE is a leading authority on areas ranging from aerospace systems, computers and telecommunications to biomedical engineering, electric power and consumer electronics among others. Members rely on the IEEE as a source of technical and professional information, resources and services. To foster an interest in the engineering profession, the IEEE also serves student members in colleges and universities around the world. Other important constituencies include prospective members and organizations that purchase IEEE products and participate in conferences or other IEEE programs. IEEE members are engineers, scientists and allied professionals 39 whose technical interests are rooted in electrical and computer sciences, engineering and related disciplines. The highest grade of membership – IEEE fellow – is attained through nomination by peers and approval by the IEEE Board of Directors for distinction in the profession. Professional Insitutions The Hong Kong Section of IEEE was formed in 1972 and is one of the oldest sections in the region. The section, with its student branches, organizes seminars, short courses, visits, conferences and other technical activities to promote the advancement of electrical, electronics and computer engineering. Student members enjoy much reduced subscription rate, various supports in the form of publications, library etc. and opportunity to be trained as student leaders. 40