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Vietnam War & Cold War: Study Guide

Focus Questions
Mamaux, The Cold War: Superpower Tensions & Rivalries, Oxford (2015)
Case Study: Vietnam and the Cold War (p.172-185)
How early was French intervention in IndoChina and why were they involved
17th Century - French Catholic missionaries attempted to convert the indigenous
population with no success
French colonization began in 1859
- Series of military campaigns
- Established a protectorate over Indo-China
- Interested in
- Strategic location
- Proximity to China
- Rubber production
When did Ho Chi Minh proclaim North Vietnam was created?
September 2, 1945
- Japan had occupied indochina
- Ho Chi Minh had created the Viet Minh and helped win back control from Japan
- Established the Democratic People’s Republic of Vietnam
Describe the importance of the First Indo-China War.
French tried to recongnize North Vietnam as an independent state within the French
- Did not work
- Viet Minh fought against French in the First Indo-China War
Began in Nov, 1946 - 1954
Long period of War that would eventually lead to the battle of Dien Bien Phu
- French would lose the war and agree to the Geneva Accords
What were the main effects of the Geneva Accords in 1954?
A set of non-binding agreements
- Est. of a ceasefire line in Vietnam along the 17th parallel
- 300 days for the withdrawal of troops from both sides
- Viet Minh evacuation from Cambodia and Laos
- Evacuation of foreign troops
Prohibition of foreign arms and munitions ot the region
Free elections in Cambodia and Laos in 1955
These were to be conducted by reps from Canada, India, and Pakistan
What was the situation in North Vietnam following Geneva?
Viet Minh retained control
Ho Chi Minh’s grip was strengthened
Consolidated Communsit power by getting rid of and often killing enemies to the party
Whole villages began to flee to the South (Catholics)
Implemented policies of land reform
Founded the national liberation front to assist southern communist and Viet cong
Created the Ho Chi Minh trail
What was going on in South Vietnam following Geneva?
pro -western regime est. with the support of the USA
Inept and corrupt leaders (Bao Dai, Dinh Diem)
- Supported by France
- Too weak and too corrupt to maintain control
- French backed off
- USA began to intervene because of the threat of communism
- Gave $3 billion to france to fund its war against the Viet Minh
- Found a stronger leader in Dinh Diem
- Regime became corrupt and brutal
- Land distribution was big
- Forced peasants to buy their land and to pay rent
- Extremely costly for the peasants
- Refused to hold elections in 1956
- Favored Catholics over the Buddhist majority
- Imprisoned opposition leaders
Viet cong
- Began to organize resistance against Diem
- Peasant alienation helped them
- Began assassinating political leaders
- Alarmed by Diem’s brutality
- Suppression of Buddhist monks horrified Americans
Came up with a plan to assassinate Diem
General Thieu became president
Land reform
Gave 50,000 families government land
Tried to do the opposite of Diem
March 1970 - Land-to-the-Tiller Act
- Ended rent payments for those who worked the land
Determined the max land that could be owned was 37 acres
Describe the importance and major events of the Second Indo-China War
Viet cong began guerilla operations and assassinations of public officials in 1957
ARVN were too traditional in their fighting styles
Northern party leadership met in July 1959 and determined that war was necessary for
socialism to be dominant in the North (Central Committee's Workers Party)
USA began to fill the gap for the South
Tet Offensive
- Formal attack by the Viet Cong with around 70,000 to 100,000 men
- Led to disastrous casualties for the Viet Cong
- Led to US withdrawal
Peace talks began in paris in 1968 and lasted until 73
Why did North Vietnam defeat South Vietnam in 1975?
US troops had withdrawn in 1973 and the two sides had reached a ceasefire
Government in Saigon collapsed
Took city after city once Thieu had resigned
Why did Vietnam become a Socialist state?
North sought to impose communist policies
Centrally planned economy collectivization and heavy development on the heavy
Peasants were forced onto government owned collectives
Private business was seized by the government
Entire economy directed by the government
Secret police called the Cong An
Censorship of the arts and media
Religion was brought under government control
10. How did Vietnam affect Cold War tensions between the U.S. and the Soviet Union?
Served as a bridge between the PRC and the USSR
Wanted to withdraw from relations with the Chinese
USSR provided vietnam with military assistance