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Mini-literature review for MNTR 011 (1)

Basic Nutrition
MNTR 011
Mini-literature review
Topic: Dietary intake of University students
You are required to individually write a two-page mini-literature review (excluding title page and reference list) on the dietary intake
of university students. You have been provided with 5 scientific journal articles on the topic. You need to use at least 3 of the 5
articles in your literature review.
Tips for information to include when writing the review:
Include information on the method used to assess dietary intake, the characteristics of the study participants, the study design, and
results on dietary intake. Compare and contrast the findings of the various studies. Always write in your own words.
This review must be typed using Times New Roman font, font size 12, 1.5 line spacing, all paragraphs must be justified.
Your completed mini-literature review must be submitted by email (reno.gordon@smu.ac.za) by the 14th of April 2022.
Assessment Rubric
Poor (1-2)
Good (3-4)
Excellent (5-6)
Clarity of writing
Ideas not clearly expressed, lots of
Writing is clear but not concise,
Writing is clear and
spelling errors, i grammar and
minor spelling errors, and minor
concise, ideas are well
punctuation issues.
grammar and punctuation issues.
developed and coherent.
Student describes some of the
Student only describes the
Student is able to compare
methods and results of the journal
methods and findings of the
and contrast findings of
journal article without comparing
different journal articles
Scientific writing
and contrasting findings to other
Journal article usage
Incorrect formatting regarding font Minor formatting issues regarding
Well formatted followed
type, font size, line spacing, and
font type, font size, line spacing,
instruction completely.
justification, length is under 1 and
and justification, length is under 1
Length is between 1 and ½
½ pages or over 2 pages.
and ½ pages or over 2 pages
to 2 pages.
Student used two or less journal
Student used only three journal
Students used four or more
articles for the mini-literature
articles for mini-literature review.
journal articles for the
In text references
literature review
Limited or no in-text referencing
Some in-text references but some
In-text referencing is done
used. Incorrect format of in-text
text is not referenced. Correct
format of in-text references.
Reference list
In-text references does not
In-text references corresponds
In-text references
correspond with references in the
with references in the reference
corresponds with
reference list.
list. But incorrect format of
references in the reference
reference list.
list. Correct formatting of
reference list.
Total marks