Uploaded by Luis Trejo


Material Tested: L21-L26
Dates: June 3, 4, 5, 7, 8
Duration: 20 minutes per student
Examiner: Zina
Meeting ID: 965 600 498
TASK 1 (5 pts.)
In Euripides’ Bacchae, what is the official version of Dionysus’ birth and who gives it? What is
Tiresias’ version of it, and how does it show that he does not believe in Dionysus’ divinity?
TASK 2 (5 pts.)
In Hallström’s Chocolat, cocoa is presented as a physical and spiritual enhancement. Provide
one example of each kind of enhancement and then give one way in which the church, as
presented in the film, would dismiss the spiritual enhancement of cocoa.
TASK 3 (5 pts.)
This task is not pre-circulated and will come straight from L21-L26. During the oral exam, I will
help you to some extent, if you need help, but you will have to answer without looking at your
notes, just like with a written exam.
TASK 4 (5 pts.)
By 5/29 Noon, I will email the students of Cycle 3 the link to a video with instructions as to what
to do. In that email, I will also give general instructions about the oral exam. If you have any
questions about any of this, please email me after that email!