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Journal Article Summary 1-Kartik Deshpande-599405

Journal Article Summary – 1
Organizational Behavior
Kartik Deshpande
Student ID – 599405
Date – 10/24/2021
Campbellsville University
Organizational Theory
Organization behavior can be defined as a subgroup of various management activities
pertained with comprehending, predicting and shaping individual behavior in an organizational
setting. (Callahan Fleenor, C. Patrick, Knudson, Harry R., 1986). The study pertaining to
organizational behavior includes research areas reserved in enhancing employment performance,
improving job satisfaction, and promoting career planning, innovation, and supporting leadership
and is a foundation of corporate human resources.
Organizational behavior is essentially an aspect of business administration which
examines the behavior of people within groups or an organization. Various businesses opt for
different methods to implement organizational behavior in order to enhance the efficiency of
their operations. This article discusses one of such methods that has been researched and the
results have been used to prove the importance of career maturity which is instrumental in
promoting organizational behavior. Career planning is one of the crucial aspects of
organizational behavior and this article provides value by analyzing the relationship between
career planning and enterprise/organizational behavior. Organizations usually study the
psychological dynamics of their employees through the employee’s career maturity which
provides them insights of their work ethics and effectively contributes to turnover rate reduction
and ensuring organizational talent demand. This article provides a detailed perception into the
above-mentioned aspect. (Id & Song, 2021)
This article discusses a novel methodology based on Internet of Things (IoT) analysis
platform that considers the perspective of organizational behavior. This perspective is utilized to
primarily analyze the relationship between career planning and organizational behavior and
satisfying the needs of enterprises. This methodology combines mobile edge computing with
cloud collaboration algorithm to create a data-analysis platform based on organizational behavior
theory. This article is authored by Rui Zhang and Yue Song. Rui Zhang is affiliated to the
Department of Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior in the School of
Business at University of International Business and Economics in Beijing China. Rui Zhang has
extensive research background in organizational behavior studies which is apparent through this
author’s other articles. Yue Song is a faculty of Information Technology at Monash University in
Victoria Australia who has contributed to this article through formal analysis of the organization
behavior subject.
Callahan Fleenor, C. Patrick, Knudson, Harry R., R. E. (1986). Understanding organizational
behavior a managerial viewpoint.
Id, R. Z., & Song, Y. (2021). Relationship between employees ’ career maturity and career
planning of edge computing and cloud collaboration from the perspective of organizational