Uploaded by Lorenna Miles

Art Essay Plan Template

Introduction (50 words) What will you be discussing in your essay?
Who? Name of the artist you have chosen?
What is the artwork? (title, date, year, media, genre)
Analysis (150 words)
 What is in the artwork? (briefly describe)
How has it been put together? Identify the elements and principles of art, using art
terms, to analyse how and why the artist designed and composed it in this way.
Interpret and Justify (150 words)
What is the intended meaning of the work?
What symbolism has the artist used?- that assist in communicating the meaning.
How has the artist used juxtaposition in their work to assist in the communication of meaning?
Include a supporting quote from the artist or art critics - reference your research (author, date)
Conclusion (50 words) Summarise what you have just discussed in 2-4 sentences
Choose 1 Artist’s artwork for your essay:
Bui Cong Khanh
Read Resources:
 Making Art Connections textbook p95
 https://artblood.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/apt-6-bui-cong-khanhapt6.pdf
Gerry Wedd
Read Resources:
Making Art Connections textbook p259-60
Complete the table for one artist’s artwork:
Make a list of the symbols that you can see in the artwork and
interpret a possible meaning based on inferences you have made
between the research and what you know about the image being
E.g. Fast food burger
and drink
Marketing - A common food item in our 21C lifestyle, obesity, fast paced lifestyle, food
anywhere anytime, Western food items