MATHEMATICS LESSON PLAN GRADE 6 TERM 3: July – September PROVINCE: DISTRICT: SCHOOL: TEACHER’S NAME: DATE: DURATION: 1 Hour 1. TOPIC: WHOLE NUMBERS: Ordering and comparing whole numbers (Lesson 1) 2. CONCEPTS & SKILLS TO BE ACHIEVED: By the end of the lesson, learners should know and be able to represent prime numbers to at least 100, count, order, compare and represent numbers to at least 9-digit numbers, they should be able to round off to the nearest 5, 10, 100, 1000 and recognise the place value of digits to at least 9-digit numbers. They do this by breaking up numbers into, hundred million, ten million, million, hundred thousands, ten thousands, thousands, hundreds, tens and units using Number names (number words) Place value or flash cards Expanded notation 3. RESOURCES: DBE Textbook (TG and LB), DBE workbook 1,Place value or flash cards 4. PRIOR KNOWLEDGE: Count, order, compare, represent and place value of numbers to at least 9 – digit numbers Represent odd and even numbers to at least 1000 Round off to the nearest 5, 10, 100 and 1000 Grade 6 Lesson Plan: Term 3 WHOLE NUMBERS: Ordering and comparing whole numbers (Lesson 1) (Draft) Prime numbers to at least 100 5. REVIEW AND CORRECTION OF HOMEWORK (suggested time: 10 minutes) Homework provides an opportunity for teachers to track learners’ progress in the mastery of mathematics concepts and to identify the problematic areas which require immediate attention. Therefore it is recommended that you place more focus on addressing errors from learner responses that may later become misconceptions. 6. INTRODUCTION (Suggested time: 10 Minutes) Revise the concepts using Mental maths type questions to include: Design a Mental maths on the following Count, order, compare and represent numbers to at least 9 – digit numbers Represent odd and even numbers to at least 1000 Round off to the nearest 5, 10, 100, 1000 Prime numbers to at least 100 2. LESSON PRESENTATION/DEVELOPMENT (Suggested time: 20 minutes) Learning activities (Learners are expected to: Teaching activities Activity 1: Rounding off discuss in pairs and give their answers Grade 6 Lesson Plan: Term 3 WHOLE NUMBERS: Ordering and comparing whole numbers (Lesson 1) (Draft) Page 2 of 5 Activity 2 Work in pairs and discuss the answers. 1. CLASSWORK (Suggested time: 15 minutes You may use your place value or flash cards Grade 6 Lesson Plan: Term 3 WHOLE NUMBERS: Ordering and comparing whole numbers (Lesson 1) (Draft) Page 3 of 5 2. CONSOLIDATION/CONCLUSION & HOMEWORK (Suggested time: 5 minutes) a) Emphasis that: In rounding off numbers it should be emphasised that a number is nearer to one number than to another. Numbers can be represented in different ways namely, number symbols, place value parts and in expanded notation The reading of a number symbol by reading the digits should be discouraged: numbers should be read by saying the full number names. b) The primary purpose of Homework is to give each learner an opportunity to demonstrate mastery of mathematics skills taught in class. Therefore Homework should be purposeful and Grade 6 Lesson Plan: Term 3 WHOLE NUMBERS: Ordering and comparing whole numbers (Lesson 1) (Draft) Page 4 of 5 the principle of ‘Less is more’ is recommended, i.e. give learners few high quality activities that address variety of skills than many activities that do not enhance learners’ conceptual understanding. Carefully select appropriate activities from the DBE Textbooks, workbooks and/or textbooks for learners’ homework. The selected activities should address different cognitive levels. Recommended Homework: DBE Textbook DBE workbook Pg 221 No 4 a – c, No 5, No 6, No 7 a – b, Pg 222 No 1 a - c, No 3 a - e Pg 15 No 5 a - e, Pg 17 No 9 a – e, Pg 18 No 1 c – e, No 2 c – e, No 3 c - e Textbook Grade 6 Lesson Plan: Term 3 WHOLE NUMBERS: Ordering and comparing whole numbers (Lesson 1) (Draft) Page 5 of 5