: Essay Structure https://essay-lib.com/types-ofessays/ When writing an introductory paragraph, there are a couple of things you should keep in mind: first, your introductory paragraph (or paragraphs) is meant to introduce your thesis (that is the main point of your essay), so your thesis should come toward the end of your introduction, and second, your introduction should provide your readers with a good first-impression of your writing, so try to be as creative and error-free as possible. Here is are some additional tips for writing introductions for your essays: When drafting your essays, please do not feel like you must start with writing your introduction first. A lot of students prefer to write just their thesis and then draft their body paragraphs before they write their more creative introductions and conclusions. When drafting your body paragraphs, please keep these tips in mind: Often, the difference between an excellent essay and a so-so essay is the level of specific detail the writer includes. In your body paragraphs, you want to include as many rich, specific details as possible, so your readers can get a vivid mental picture when they read your writing. When adding details to your essays, please consider adding R.E.N.N.S.: more reasons, examples, specific names, specific numbers, and rich sensory detail (see page 82). Please read over this awesome literacy narrative from one of my favorite authors, Mike Rose (Links to an external site.), and notice how he uses a ton of very specific details to create vivid images in your mind. A concluding paragraph (or paragraphs) can be difficult to write. Sometimes, students feel "out of gas" when they go to write their conclusions, but don't fret. Instead, follow this advice for writing a satisfying conclusion for each essay you write: The shoes represent an analogy I like to use: your introductory paragraph and your concluding paragraph should "match" like a pair of shoes. That is, if you start your essay with a series of rhetorical questions, circle back to those questions in your conclusion. Or, if you start your essay with a dramatic story, refer back to the story or complete the story in your conclusion. You want to leave your readers with a sense of satisfaction when they complete your essay and "coming full circle" is a fantastic way to accomplish that. Finally, please do not forget to give every essay you write an attention-grabbing, creative title. Your title gives your readers a very first impression of your writing. A creative, well-written title can make a reader think, "Hey, that's an essay I really want to read" or a boring, not well-written title, may make a reader think, "Yawn! This is going to suck!" When trying to come up with an appropriate title for your essay, try to get inspiration from some great titles of movies or television shows you've seen. For instance, one of my favorite shows was Breaking Bad. Each episode had a title that was somehow tied into the episode's story line. You want to do the same: think of a way you can connect your title to your essay. efe.kucukusta2020@gelecekkoleji.com