Wrapping up background knowledge by expanding worldwide cultural perspectives! 2/18/2022 Central Focus: Students will learn background knowledge that will allow them to contextualize the novel we are starting next week. Standards: 8.RL.3.2 Analyze a particular point of view or cultural experience in a work of world literature considering how it reflects heritage, traditions, attitudes, and beliefs. 8.RN.1,8.RN.2.3, 8.RN.3.3; 8.W.1, 8.W.5 Objectives: SWBAT conduct a short research project to find information about their SWBAT determine the meaning of the novel vocabulary Student “I Can” Statement: I can broaden my cultural perspectives by researching subjects in different cultures, times, and places. Materials: Table tents on table groupings with dates, instructions, and an example of the expected finished product. Post-It Notes Chromebooks Writing Utensil Strategies: We will model the expected outcome of the Google Slide by providing two finished examples and putting them on the wall timeline. Assessment: Students will post a Post-It on the back wall worldwide timeline without any historical repeats! . Students will submit a Google Slide with the required criteria via Schoology, which will be printed and added to the timeline. Procedures: BEGIN: Today, students will build on their knowledge of cultural perspectives by researching and writing on a cultural subject during some time period from anywhere in the world! We are BUILDING WORLDWIDE PERSPECTIVES THROUGH RESEARCH AND WRITING! MIDDLE: First, students will need to choose a date within the time span on the table tent card. Then, they will choose one of the subjects/topics listed here: Religion, Politics/Government, War, Family Life, Education, Health, Economy, Food, Youth, The Arts (visual art, literature, poetry, dance, theater, or music), Famous or Infamous People, Science/Mathematics, Sports, Architecture, Fashion When students have chosen their date and subject, you will choose any location around the world that they would like to know more about the subject they chose. They will indicate this by writing their name, the date, location, and topic on a Post-It and pin it to the timeline located on the back wall of the classroom. ==>Students should complete this today. They can begin the Google Slide, but there will be some time next week too! <== NO REPEATS will be allowed on the TIMELINE! After students have claimed their subject and date, they will create a Google slide to present the following information: Subject, Location, Date(s), Image (1 minimum), Brief Description of Subject, Source Link/URL END: Students will submit their Google Slide, and we will print it. Then students will get to hang up their slide information and share with the class. All students will get to “gallery walk” the timeline.