Topic name: Regulation of cardiac activity Plan: 1. Levels and mechanisms of regulation of cardiac activity. 2. Influence of the vagus and sympathetic nerves on the work of the heart. 3. Centrifugal nerves of the heart according to Pavlov. 4. Reflex regulation of cardiac activity. 5. Humoral regulation of cardiac activity. 6. Unity of neurohumoral regulation of cardiac activity. The levels of the regulation of cardiac activity 1. Intracellular and intercellular interactions. 2. Intracardiac: heterothermic, homeometric , hydrodynamic mechanisms and intracardiac peripheral reflexes 3. Extracardiac mechanisms of regulation: nervous, reflex and humoral. 1. Intracellular mechanisms of regulation are carried out due to: • changes in protein synthesis; • changes in membrane permeability; 2. Intercellular mechanisms of regulation are carried out due to nexuses, which perform a number of functions: • • • • transport; support; carrying out excitation; creative connections. Intracardiac mechanisms of regulation 1. Peripheral reflexes. 2. Heterothermic mechanisms. 3. Homeometric mechanisms. 4. Hydrodynamic autoregulation. Intracardiac peripheral reflex arc (which is not in the CNS) involving intramural myocardial ganglia. Preganglionic fibers (n.n vagi) Adrenergic efferent neuron Cholinergic efferent neuron Brake cell (Renshaw type) Afferent neurons Myocardial cell Myocardial stretch receptors Heterothermic mechanism of regulation of cardiac activity The strength of cardiac contraction depends on the initial length of the muscle fiber during diastole (the Frank – Starling law). Homeometric mechanism of regulation: The strength of the cardiac contraction can be changed without changing of the length of the muscle fiber (Anrep’s effect). Hydrodynamic selfregulation (Shydlovsky A.P.): coordinated activity of the right and left heart. Extracardiac regulation mechanism Regulation is carried out by the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. The influence of the vagus nerve on the heart was studied by the Weber brothers in 1845, 5 effects were established: - negative inotropic; negative chronotropic; negative dromotropic ; negative bathmotropic; negative tonotropic Cardiac arrest with vagal stimulation The effect of the escape of the heart from under the influence of the vagus nerve is observed with prolonged irritation of the vagus nerve.. Effect of sympathetic nerve on the heart activity has been studied by Zion in 1867, found the same effects, but the opposite to the effects of n. vagus. 1. Positive inotropic effect; 2. Positive chronotropic effect; 3. Positive dromotropic effect; 4. Positive bathmotropic effect; 5. Positive tonotropic effect. In 1887, Pavlov I.P. dissected separate branches of the vagus and sympathetic nerves, irritated them, and discovered a monotypic effect. Irritation of the right vagus nerve Irritation of the reinforcing nerve Irritation of the left vagus nerve Irritation of the accelerating nerve Reflex regulation of cardiac activity It is carried out by changing the tone of the centers of the vagus and sympathetic nerves. The tone of centers maintain by impulses from: 1. exteroceptors, 2. proprioceptors, 3. interoceptors, 4. reflexogen zones (aortic arch, carotid sinus, lung, Beyinbridge zone) Heart work Humoral regulation of cardiac activity • It is carried out by means of substances circulating in the blood (hormones, neurotransmitters, ions, BAS). Acetylcholine Adrenalin The unity of the neuro-humoral regulation proved Levi O. in 1921. Chemical substances, circulating in the blood, influence on the tone of the center of the vagus nerve, that has been proved by Heymans in his experience. Thus, the heart is a self-regulating system. The mechanism of selfregulation is carried out at the cellular, organ and whole organism level.