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: 1212100256
: Dona Rahayu Sugiharti, S.S., M.Hum.
A. Complete the sentence using the words in italics below. (Make any changes necessary) 20
Investment outlet franchise capital retail Promote purchase royalty boom distribute
1. Franchised business are very common in the distribute trade.
2. Many fast-food outlet are run as franchises.
3. You must pay a lot of money to buy the franchise of a big hotel.
4. The annual royalty which a franchisee pays is usually a percentage of profits or
5. Many companies decide to retail this goods by offering franchises to investors.
6. It is wise to get advice before you investment a business.
7. Franchises appeal mostly to people who have limited capital to invest a business.
8. In recent years, fast food business have become popular in Britain. No one knows
how long the boom will continue.
9. A franchise can be a good purchase for a person with little business experience.
10. Franchising companies generally spend a lot of money promote their goods.
B. Write a letter of quoting terms for hotel accommodation. Read the directions
below! 40 points
You are supposed to be a Reception Desk in PARADISE HOTEL. One day on 15 of December
you recieved an email from Mrs. Barly asking for hotel accommodation in 1st week of January
for celebrating New Year. Now you obligate to replay the email from Mrs. Barly.
To help you composing the letter you may use vocabulary phrases; quotations and offers, terms
of payment or offering hotel accommodation. (see page 31 on lesson 6)
Answer :
December 15th, 2018
To :
Mrs. Barly
Mr. Dito Mahendra
Reservation Manager
Thank you for your reservation at PARADISE HOTEL
If you require any further information, please feel free to contact us at paradisehotel@gmail.com
Thank you for your inquiry about your interest in PARADISE HOTEL. We can make you a firm
offer for Mrs Barly on January 1st .
Room rate IDR 1,500,000 / night, for bookings more than 3 days we will give a discount of IDR
500,000 because it coincides with the New Year holiday. As our pences are so favourable. Our
terms of payment are 30 days net.
Term Of Payment:
Cash in advance
Cash with order
Cash on delivery
Payment quarterly / monthly / at signt
We can allow you three month’s credit for future orders
Please tell us how many rooms are booked and how long you stay, we will provide
accommodation for you as requested.
Thank you for your reservation.
Best Regards,
Mr. Dito Mahendra
Reservation Manager
C. Write a paragraph by using the following words.The topic of the paragraph is an economic
issues. (at least 150 words) 40 points
Product Production Productive Producer Produce Productivity
Answer :
That momentum is increasingly gaining a place in the midst of the development of the
industrial revolution 4.0 and the use of information technology. This is because the true
geographical factor is no longer a barrier. The internet and other new technologies allow people
from all over the world to collaborate and work together to strengthen Indonesia's creative
economy position.
The uniqueness of culture, arts, culinary, and crafts as well as the role of Indonesian youth in
developing various business startups can be a very powerful force if capitalized to address the
problems of economic inequality and welfare.
In the recent WCCE, it should be used as a learning platform for creative economy stakeholders
in Indonesia, considering that a number of global creative products such as Disney, Grab,
TikTok, Shopee, Potato Head, and Mobile Legend were also featured in the activity entitled
In addition, a flagship program from the Creative Economy Agency (Bekraf) was also
presented in an effort to develop and strengthen the national ecosystem in the event. These
include Akatara, which is a meeting between investors and film creatives; Bekraf Developer
Day, an event that brings together application developers; Unity in Diversoto, which is a
program to introduce various culinary soto in Indonesia to the international world and others.
Definition of Production System
Maybe many have often heard this term, but there are still many who do not know its true
meaning. So the production system is an arrangement of activities or elements that are all
interconnected to achieve the ultimate goal. Not only interconnected, but also all these elements
will support each other. It can be said that this system is an integral system in which there are
functional companies as well as structural components.
The functional ones consist of controlling, planning, supervising, and others that are still related
to (managerial) regulation. Then there is the structure consisting of labor, machinery, equipment,
and so on.
The economy of the Special Region of Yogyakarta develops along with the increase in
population and technological developments. During the last five years, the economy grew by an
average of 5,11 percent per year. The economic conditions of DIY, from the point of view of
production growth in business fields or economic categories, are proud. In 2017, DIY's economic
base was quite good, because economic growth was driven mainly by business categories that
had a large share of DIY's GRDP. These sectors include agriculture, manufacturing,
construction, trade, information and communication.
Goal 8 seeks to promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive
employment and decent work for all. The targets include maintaining per capita economic
growth; achieve higher levels of economic productivity; promote development policies that
support productive activities; creation of decent jobs; encourage the formalization and growth of
small and medium enterprises (SMEs); reduce the proportion of young people who are not
working; no education or training (NEET); promote sustainable tourism; strengthen financial
Entrepreneur is a term used by lawmakers who are usually called entrepreneurs. The
Association of Indonesian Economic Scholars (ISEI) mentions four major groups of economic
actors; three of them belong to the group of entrepreneurs (business actors, both private and
public). The three groups consist of:
Investors, namely business actors who provide funds to finance various interests. Such as
banking,leasing business, “ middlemen”, and so on.
Producers, namely business actors who make, produce goods and/or services from other
goods and/or services (raw materials, additional/auxiliary materials and other materials). They
can consist of people/business entities related to food, people/business entities that produce
clothing, people/business entities related to the manufacture of housing, and so on.
Distributors, namely business actors who distribute or trade goods and/or services to the public,
such as retail traders, street vendors, stalls, shops, supermarkets, etc.
Economic activity
Production. Production is an activity that aims to produce or add to the use value of goods and
services. For example, when a bag seller turns cloth into his homemade bag. The seller of the bag
carries out production activities because it produces goods and services.
Consumption. Consumption is an activity related to the use of goods and services to meet needs.
An example is the use of gasoline to fuel vehicles.
Distribution. Distribution is the activity of distributing goods and services produced. For
example, the distribution carried out to bring rice from village A to town B to meet the needs of
residents of town A for rice.
Understanding Productivity and Factors Affecting Productivity - In Production and
Operations Management, we often hear the term “ Productivity” to measure the efficiency of a
person, machine, factory or system in converting Input (input) into desired Output (Output).
What is meant by INPUT in Productivity can be in the form of used resources such as Capital,
Labor, Materials and Energy, while OUTPUT can be in the form of Number of Product Units or
Income generated. Productivity measures are usually expressed by a ratio that compares the
OUTPUT to the INPUT used It can be said that high productivity is doing work in the shortest
possible time with the use of as few resources as possible without compromising the specified
For example, Worker A can produce 100 units of product in 1 hour while Worker B can
produce 120 units of product in 1 hour also using the same materials and technology, it can be
said that Worker B is more productive than Worker A or Worker B productivity is higher than
Worker B. Worker A. Productivity is not only used to measure employee work efficiency, but is
also often used to assess the development of a country, economy, industry, business, industry and
even our own individuals.