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Complex Sentence Practice Quiz

11/29/21, 10:34 AM
Complex Sentence Practice | Print - Quizizz
Complex Sentence Practice
20 Questions
What is the DEPENDENT clause in the sentence below?
While he eats lunch, he talks about what he will eat for
a) While he eats lunch,
What is the DEPENDENT clause in the following
Since fourth grade, she'd kept a running list of them and
liked to reread it to see if she could get the stories to go
further in her head.
a) She'd kept a running list of them and
liked to reread it to see if she could get
the stories to go further in her head.
b) he talks about what he will eat for dinner.
b) Since fourth grade,
Identify whether the clause in blue below is dependent
or independent.
Because she is holding the microphone so close to her
face, each moment of contact sounds like a heavy blow.
a) dependent clause
b) independent clause
11/29/21, 10:34 AM
Complex Sentence Practice | Print - Quizizz
Identify the INDEPENDENT clause in the following
complex sentence:
Each moment of contact sounds like a heavy blow
because she is holding the microphone so close to her
a) Each moment of contact sounds like a
heavy blow
Identify the INDEPENDENT clause in the following
complex sentence:
He talks about what he will eat for dinner while he eats
a) while he eats lunch.
b) He talks about what he will eat for dinner
What is the INDEPENDENT clause in the following
As I walked outside for recess, he was almost certain
there'd be a gold star next to his name when he
a) As I walked outside for recess,
b) because she is holding the microphone
so close to her face.
b) he was almost certain there'd be a gold
star next to his name when he returned.
Where should the comma go?
On the other hand I enjoy language arts.
a) after hand
b) after on
c) there is no comma
Where should the comma go?
Until then Marian had never really thought much about
vocal technique.
a) there is no comma
b) after Marian
c) after then
11/29/21, 10:34 AM
Complex Sentence Practice | Print - Quizizz
Where should the comma go?
It reminds me of Winn-Dixie in a thunderstorm
whenever Ms. Franny has one of her fits.
a) before whenever
b) there is no comma
c) after Winn-Dixie
10. When the dependent clause starts a sentence, a comma
is required.
a) True
b) False
11. When a dependent clause comes at the end of a
sentence, a comma is required.
a) True
b) False
12. Which is the correct complex sentence structure?
a) One independent clause
b) One dependent clause
c) An independent clause and a dependent
d) A simple sentence with a subject and
13. Punctuate the following sentence correctly.John was
delighted he got a part in the school play even though it
was a small one.
a) comma after delighted
b) comma after part
c) comma after though
d) no comma needed
14. Punctuate the following sentence correctly.Because my
pizza had gotten cold I heated it in the microwave.
a) comma after Because
b) comma after cold
c) comma after heated
d) no comma needed
11/29/21, 10:34 AM
Complex Sentence Practice | Print - Quizizz
15. Punctuate the following sentence correctly.Although
Tommy studied for three hours he still didn't feel prepared
for his algebra exam.
a) comma after Although
b) comma after studied
c) comma after hours
d) no comma needed
16. Punctuate the following sentence correctly.Alex forgot to
feed the cat because he was playing his favorite game.
a) comma after feed
b) comma after cat
c) comma after because
d) no comma needed
17. Punctuate the following sentence correctly.Since Jamie
wanted to go hang out with her friends she finished her
homework and chores as quickly as possible.
a) comma after out
b) comma after friends
c) comma after chores
d) no comma needed
18. Punctuate the following sentence correctly.Sandy played
with her little sister while she was at the park.
a) comma after played
b) comma after sister
c) comma after while
d) no comma needed
19. Punctuate the following sentence correctly.If Jordan
wants to be accepted into his college of choice he must
raise his GPA to at least 3.1.
a) comma after if
b) comma after Jordan
c) comma after choice
d) no comma needed
11/29/21, 10:34 AM
Complex Sentence Practice | Print - Quizizz
20. Punctuate the following sentence correctly.Alexandra
plans to go to the mall to buy a dress for the prom after
school today.
a) comma after plans
b) comma after mall
c) comma after after
d) no comma needed