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Forging: Metal Forming Processes & Techniques

Metal Forming
Prof. S.K.Sahoo
• It can be defined as the controlled plastic deformation of metals or
alloys to a desired size or shape using compressive force exerted
through some type of die by hammer, a press or upsetting machine.
• Principle of working: A bar or billet or blank is compressed by the application of
impact force or squeezing pressure to flow plastically in between two flat dies or
inside the impression of the desired shapes.
– The oldest metal forming operation (called blacksmithing).
– Forging is generally a hot working operation though cold
forging is used sometimes.
– In forging, the shape of the raw material is changed by
repositioning material rather than removing it.
Examples – high-strength parts for automotive and aircrafts like engine
crank shafts and connecting rods, gears, aircraft structural components,
& jet engine turbine, etc.
Advantages of Forging
• Better mechanical properties , when the grain flow direction
are properly directed for the specific application .
• Forgings can be held to within fairly close dimensional
• Forgings products offer great resistance to impact & fatigue
loads due to extra working during the process.
• It allows material to be displaced / moved where it needed thus
reduction in weight, wastages & cost.
• Coarse or columnar grain are refined (as most forging are hot
• Impunities in the metal in the form of inclusion are broken up
& distributed throughout the metal.
• Internal porosity and cracks welded up giving high reliability
to parts.
• High production rate and Relatively smooth surface.
Limitation of Forging
• Tooling & handling cost is high.
• In hot forging , due to high temperature of metal ,
there is rapid oxidation or scaling of the surface
resulting in poor surface finish .
• Forging operation is limited to simple shapes &
has limitation for parts having under cuts ,
reentrant surface etc.
• Some materials are not readily worked by forging.
• Usually forgings cost more than castings.
Metal Forming
Grain flow characteristics in Forging
Uninterrupted, multi directional
Broken grain flow
No grain flow
Maximum strength
poor strength at critical section uncertain Properties
Major advantages of the forging process is its ability to closely control
the grain flow in the specific direction , so as to obtained best
mechanical properties based on the specific application, i.e., shear
stress should act at right angles to it where as the compressive &
tensile stress should be act along the direction of the fibers. The
influence of grain flow direction is of great importance particularly in
parts like crank shaft, gear, crane hooks etc.
So the direction of impact or squeezing pressure is important in
forging to control the direction of grain flow for the specific
Type of Forging Operations
• According to the direction of applied force:
 Drawing out- This is the operation in which the
metals gets elongated with the reduction of the
cross-sectional area. The force is applied in a
direction, perpendicular to the length of axis.
 Upsetting- This is the operation of increasing
the cross section at the expense of length.
Force is applied parallel to the length axis.
•According to the shape of the die, the striking surface:
a) Open die forging –In in this type the work is compressed
between two flat dies, allowing metal to flow laterally with
minimum constraint.
b) Closed die or Impression die forging: In this type the work
piece is compressed between two die halves which carry the
impressions of the desired final shape that is imparted to
workpart. Metal flow is constrained so that flash is created.
c) Flashless forging: workpart is completely constrained in die.
No excess flash is created.
•According to the Work Temperature
a) Cold forging –– advantage: increased strength that results
from strain hardening .
Twork<Tr (0.3Tm )
b) Hot or Warm forging: most common, as more amount of
deformation can be done increasing ductility and reducing
strength of work metal. T
>T (0.5T )
•According to the Application of Force
a) Impact forging:
Forge hammer is used to apply an impact load
b) Press forging:
Forge press used to apply gradual pressure
• According to the Equipment/Machine used to apply Force
• Smith forging- Impact force is given by manual or power
hammer, where the work piece is kept in between two flat dies.
• Drop forging- The work piece is given a series of blows in
between closed impression dies.
• Press forging-It is done keeping the work in closed impression
dies by the application of continuous squeezing force supplied
through a hydraulic press.
• Machine forging or Upset forging- The material is only upset
(force is applied parallel to length of billet to increase the
cross-sectional area/diameter) to get the desired shape.
Smith forging
• This is the traditional forging operation involves heating the
in the black smith’s hearth and then hammering it over the
anvil. The operator manipulates the component in between
the blows to get the final shape. The different operations
carried out are fullering , flattening, bending , upsetting &
• Fullering the heated work is hammered in between two fuller
by a sledge hammer to decrease the cross-section & increase
the length.
• Flattening: The uneven mark of fuller is made flat /smooth by
this process
• Swaging: To obtained specific shape like round, hexagon,
square, different swages are used.
• Smith forging is used for small lots or for trial production &
requires lot of skill.
Metal Forming
Open Die for Smith Forging
a)Cogging operation on a
rectangular bar. Blacksmiths
use a similar procedure to
reduce the thickness of parts
in small increments by heating
the workpiece and hammering
it numerous times along the
length of the part.
(b) Reducing the diameter of
a bar by open-die forging;
note the movements of the
die and the workpiece.
(c) The thickness of
a ring being
reduced by opendie forging.
Drop Forging
In drop forging the desired shape of the component is obtained by repeated blows
given by drop hammers keeping in between the close impression die cavity. The lower
half of the die is fixed to the anvil of the machine where as the upper die is fixed to the
ram. Complex shape can be obtained due to the impression of die, i.e. crank shaft,
crane hook, connecting rod etc. The various passes used to get final shape are:
•Fullering operation- It reduces the cross section at desired location to desired size.
•Edging operation: The exact amount of material is gathered at each cross section of
the finished product.
•Drawing out: Reducing cross section area with increase in length.
•Swaging operation: To get specific shapes swages are used.
•Bending operation- This is required to those parts which have bent shape. This is
done after edging to maintain the grain flow direction.
•Blocking operation: It is the semi-finishing operation that makes the component
close to the final shape.
•Finishing operation: It is the final operation. To get the actual shape some extra
metal has already been added from the beginning of the operations for complete fill up
of the die cavity. At this stage it will come out and form the flash around the forging
in the parting line (surface where upper and lower dies meets).
•Trimming: It is the cutting operation to cut the extra flash that present around the
Press forging
In press forging the final shape of the component is obtained by
means of a single continuous squeezing action to it by hydraulic
press in between the close impression die cavity .The capacity of
the press vary from 5MN-150MN.
Advantages of press forging• Because of continuous squeezing action the materials gets
uniformly deformed through its entire depth.
• The force of the press is fully absorbed by the stock, so less
vibration & less chance of misalignment.
• The impression obtained are clearer than that of drop forging.
• As material flow smoothly by compression force, less draft
& less corner radius is provided to impression.
• Large size forging can be obtained.
• An extra tong is not required in press forging to hold the part
which is required in drop forging to manipulate the stock.
Machine forging or Upset forging
• As it involves the upsetting operation, it is also called as upset
forging. Though drop & press forging are also done by machine,
historically, only upset forging is called the machine forging. It is
applied to get components like shafts gear blanks, axles, bolt, etc.
• Upsetting machines are horizontal acting type. It consists of one
stationary gripper die fixed to the machine frame, one movable
gripper die, which move with ram /punch /header & a corresponding
or heading tool.
• The desired shape is obtained as per the impression engraved in
stationary & movable dies. The forging cycle start with the movable
die & stationary die grip the stock in closed position .Then the punch
or heading tools advances against the stock & upset it to completely
fill the die cavity similar to drop forging , the final shape is obtained
by number of stages.
Upset Forging (hot or cold)
Bolt manufacture
Closed Die for Drop, Press and upset Forging
•The workpiece is deformed between two die
halves which carry the impressions of the
desired final shape.
• The workpiece is deformed under high
pressure in a closed cavity.
• The process provide precision forging with
close dimensional tolerance.
•The line or plane separately the top & bottom dies
is called parting line .It can be flat or
Formation of a flash, or
excess material that
subsequently has to be
trimmed off.
Start of stroke
End of stroke
curve for closed/impression-die
Note the sharp increase in load when the flash begins to form
because requirement of more load for radial flow of material
through constricted passage.
Flash & gutter
• Flash is that portion of excess metal which is
adjoining the forging at the parting line. That
portion is removed by trimming to get the product.
In addition to the flash extension a further
provision is made in the die in for any excess
material. This is called gutter. These are provided
in finishing dies
The flash serves theses functions:
• Act as a safety valve for excess metal in the closed die cavity.
• It builds up pressure to ensure that metal can fills the far corner
& intricate parts.
• Striking surface between cavities is reduced.
• The flash is designed so that the flow of metal through narrow
flash is more difficult than filling of most intricate part of the
Sequence of Forging operations
Reducing cross
section at desired
Bend the specimen
if required
Gathering exact
amount of material is
at each cross section
Drawing out
Reducing cross
section area with
increase in length
Getting specific
shapes using
Getting semifinish shape
Finishing Getting final shape.
Flash and gutter
used in this stage
Cutting out
flash and
Stages in Impression-die (Closed-Die) Forging
Connecting rod
Forging Die Materials
Die materials should have following properties
• Thermal shock and fatigue resistance
• High temperature strength, wear resistance, toughness and
• High hardenability, dimensional stability during hardening &
Material Used
• Tool Steel, Die steel
• High carbon alloy steel (with Cr, Mo, W, V, Ni)
• Heat treatments such are nitriding or chromium plating are
required to improve die life.
• Carbon steels with 0.7-0.85% C are appropriate for small tools
and flat impressions.
• Medium-alloyed tool steels for hammer dies.
Metal Forming
Other Forging Processes
Roll Forging
Tapered leaf springs and knives can be made by this process
using specially designed rolls. Required shapes are
engraved on the roller. Rollers are rotated in both direction to
impart the desired shapes on the blank/billet.
Cold heading
It is used to force metal to cold flow into enlarged sections by
endwise squeezing. The process is used to make rivet head,
bolt heads
Forging Die Allowances
• Appropriate Fillet & corner radius should be given to assure
both smooth material flow & reasonable die life.
Without fillet & corner radius
With fillet & corner radius
• Shrinkage allowances. (Cavity is made larger so that the product is larger
in size, but will come to required size after shrinkage, for hot forging).
• Die wear allowances (Cavity is made small so that
after repeated use and wear it will come to required size).
Forging Die Allowances
• Sufficient draft on vertical wall for easy removal of forging
from the die cavity .The internal draft is kept more than external
draft because the forging tends to stick to dies due to shrinkage.
• Machining allowances.( Extra material provided for finishing)
• Flash & gutter (Usually Flash = 3% of max. thickness).
Forging Machines
Forging machines, wrt to principle of operation, are two types.
1. Forging hammers: In this type the force is applied by a falling
weight attached to ram. It is an energy restricted machine since the
deformation results from dissipating the potential energy of the ram
that is converted to kinetic energy on striking. It can be two types:
•Board and Drop hammer-In the board hammer the upper die &
ram are raised by friction rolls gripping the board or by belt drive.
When the board falls under gravity force it produces the blow energy
. Then it is raised immediately for next blow. The strike rate varies
from 60 to 150 blows per minute. The energy supplied by the blow
is depending on the weight of ram & height of fall. In this type the
deformation process until the total kinetic energy is dissipated by
plastic deformation of work piece.
•Power hammer: The ram is accelerated on the down stroke by
steam /gas /air pressure in addition to the gravity .The main
advantage is that energy of the blow can be controlled. It is available
with power range 5 to 250 KN.
1. Forging hammers
Steam or air
Total energy supplied:
Power hammer
Board hammer
Drop hammer
The energy supplied by the blow is equal
to the potential energy due to the weight of
the ram and the height of the fall.
Potential energy = mgh
Where, m = mass
v = velocity of ram at start of
g = acceleration of gravity
p = air or steam pressure acting on
ram cylinder on downstroke
A = area of ram cylinder
H = height of the ram drop
2. Forging presses
These presses supply continually squeezing action. These press rated on the
basis of the force developed at the end of the stroke. Broadly of two types:
a. Mechanical press: Most mechanical press utilizes an eccentric crank to
translate rotary motion into reciprocating motion of the crank slide. It is
available with load capacity between 300-12,000 tones. Since each blow is of
equal force, a press may be less suitable for carrying out preliminary shaping &
finishing operations in the same piece of equipment. These mechanical forging
presses are stroke restricted machine. Usually maximum load is attained
when the ram is about 3mm of the bottom dead center position.
Knuckle-joint press
Screw press
Crank press
b. Hydraulic press: These are load
restricted machines since their capability for
carrying out forming operation is limited
chiefly by the maximum load capacity .In this
type the hydraulic pressure moves a piston
which in turn connected to upper die gives
the squeezing action .The important
advantage is that the full press load is
available at any point during the full stroke of
the ram. The ram velocity can be controlled
and even varied during the stroke. Hydraulic
presses are available in rating from 500 to
18,000 tones even up to 50,000 tones are
available .It gives very close tolerance
forging, but relatively a slow speed machine.
Forging Presses
Hydraulic press
Forging defects
Defects may cause due to poor quality of the stock, incorrect die design,
improper heating, wrong forging methods, incorrect forging conditions,
uneven cooling of stock after forging etc.
The common forging defects are founds are:
•Incomplete dies filling: It may be occur due to less amount of
stock material, in sufficient pressure, too low temperature of
stock, internal die & forging design etc.
•Cold shuts & lap: This defect is a discontinuously
produced when two surface of metal fold against
each other without welding completely. It can occur
due to too small die radius, excessive chilling or high friction etc.
•Wrong dimension: It is due to worn out dies, incorrect dies or
mismatching both dies etc.
•Pitting: Pitting of the forging surfaces caused by scale, which if
not removed thoroughly from the die cavity is worked into the
surface of the forging. When these are cleaned, pits are marked.
Forging defects
5. Die shift- due to the mismatching of the two half of the dies.
6. Cracks: Cracks either longitudinal or transverse
direction, at flash point can occur due to bad ingot,
low temperature of forging, improper heating,
incorrect of cooling etc.
7. Internal cracks: It can occur due to drastic change
of shape at a first rate that causes internal stress.
8. Flakes: These are internal brakes or rupture
occurs in some type of alloy steel due to too
rapid cooling of forging.
9. Rupture fiber structure- It is the discontinuously in the flow of
grain lines , caused due to working too rapidly , improper die
design , or inadequate stock size .
10. Decarburization –If the stock is subjected to high temperature
for long time it produce decarburized surface.
11. Fins & rags: These are small projection or loose metal driven
into the surface of the forging.
Design considerations in forging
•Parting line, draft, fillet and corner radii chosen to permit
smooth flow of material and easy removal of forging.
•Parting line should be at largest cross section for symmetrical
parts. Mirror imaging for non- symmetrical parts
•Deep holes, high projection, thin section
should be avoided.
•All forging allowances, ie, machining,
allowance, die wear allowances should be
Parting Line
Not This
Not This
Forging load calculation
Assumption: 1. Homogenous deformation,
ie., stresses are uniform across the section
•No friction
Let initial conditions are: A0, h0, D0
Final states are: Af, hf, Df
For a height decrease of ‘dh’ at a particular
time , when Area is ‘A’ and height= ‘h’
External work supplied=p · A · dh
where, p=forging pressure
Same work is used internally for metal
deformation, V=volume
Internal work done= f ·dε ·V = f · h ·V
pAdh=Y f · h ·V (as A= h )
Giving Forging Load requirements, F =p · Af
So, p= Y f
or F = Y f · Af
Example: A cylindrical workpiece of diameter 30mm & height
also of 30 mm is to be compressed to 20mm. Forging press has
capacity of 1,000 kN. True stress- strain curve follow σ =
400ɛ0.2 MPa, µ = 0, Find whether it is possible to press or not?
Answer: Load required is F =Y f  Af
Initial volume=Final volume
Af = V (volume)/hf =
ɛb = ln (30/20) = ln (1.5) and ɛa = 0
Yf 
b  a
 K 
n 1
Given, σ = 400 ɛ0.2MPa
ln(1.5 )
 400 0.21 
Yf 
ln(1.5)  0  1  0.2  0
 278.27 MPa
Putting values,
Load required for forging, F = 278.27x103×1060.287x10-6 =295 kN
(Capacity of press is more)
So Forging is possible.