Uploaded by Edrian Beltran

Media Sex Exposure in Teens: Study & Impact

Media sex
A certain topic is the percentage of teenagers being exposed to media sex
There has been a study where 1000 respondents which are 8th grade students at the age of 15-17 has
been exposed to media sex and contents in the media platform, and out of all the 1000 respondent 50%
has been exposed to adult content but it happened accidentally where mostly the students were
watching cartoons but the media platform shifted to an adult content. Something of a case like that
happened where a channel shifts to adult contents because of an error.
Before then people use telephones, writing letters and then when Media revolutionized there has been
a lot of platforms for sex but its advertised as an online dating but its presented in a sexual way where
online dating heads on to cybersex, online dating, sexting is an example of how intimacy is being done
through media.