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The Path of the Pendulum: Unconventional Divination

The Path of the Pendulum
An Unconventional Approach
The Path of the Pendulum – An Unconventional Approach
© 2017 by Baal Kadmon. All rights reserved.
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Although every precaution has been taken to verify the accuracy of
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for damages that may result from the use of information contained
Cover Design: Baal Kadmon
Cover Photo: zodiac symbols with magic pendulum, concept for
astrology and fortune telling
File: #96848150 | Author: starblue
First Edition
Printed in U.S.A
I dedicate this book to Saint Expedite
Table of Contents
What Exactly is Pendulum Work?
A Short History of Pendulum Work
My Method of Working with Pendulums
The Subconscious Mind – A Primer
Using Water to Reset Your Subconscious For Pendulum
Brainwave Entrainment and Pendulum Work
The Method
Exercise 1 – A Simple Yes or No
Exercise 2 – Choosing the Right Spirit Entity
Exercise 3 – Inquiring of The Spirit
Exercise 4 – Inquiring of A Demon Or Angel
Exercise 5 – Past Life Inquiry
Exercise 6 – Past Life Location
Exercise 7 – Working With You Chakras
Exercise 8 – Picking the Right Month and Day
Exercise 9 – Picking the Right Day of Week
Exercise 10 – Picking The Right Zodiac Sign
Exercise 11 – Ascertaining The Likelihood
Exercise 12 – Using the Pendulum With Tarot Cards
Exercise 13 – Using the Pendulum With Runes
About Baal Kadmon
Other Books By The Author
Disclaimer: By law, I need to add this statement.
This book is for educational purposes only and does not claim to
prevent or cure any disease. The advice and methods in this book
should not be construed as financial, medical or psychological
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This book and this entire series is a bit different from the other books
I have written. However, it was a long time coming. Many people
have asked me over the years if I use the Pendulum. The answer, in
short, is yes. I use the Pendulum quite often and have used it for
over 15 years. I have used it to glean information from the most
mundane topics such as the color of the tapestry on my walls, to
which entities I should use for a particular ritual. In fact, I used it
regarding the publication of this book. I had the intention of writing
this book last year, but through pendulum work, I gleaned that last
year was not the right time. Now, it is.
Although the basics of pendulum work seem universal across the
board, I incorporate different methods into it in order to be as sure as
possible that my pendulum work is as accurate as it can be.
In this book, I will teach you an unconventional approach to
Pendulum work. An approach I find to be incredibly powerful.
In this book, I will cover the following:
A Short History of Pendulum Work
The Subconscious Mind – A Primer
Brainwave Entrainment and Pendulum Work
The Power of Water to Prepare you for Pendulum Work
Incorporating other Divination tools with the Pendulum such as
Runes, Tarot Cards, and Zodiac signs.
Techniques will include:
Using Water to Reset Your Subconscious for Pendulum Work
Using the Pendulum to Decipher the Entities You Should Work with
in Your Rituals.
Mining the Subconscious Mind for Answers
Using Runes and the Pendulum to Gain insight into a particular
Using Tarot Cards and the Pendulum to glean answers
Zodiac signs and Pendulum Work Free hand or charts
Several Pendulum Charts.
I hope you will enjoy this book.
What Exactly is Pendulum Work?
Generally speaking, a pendulum is comprised of a small weight that
is tied to the end of a string, chain or thread. The length of the string
varies, but the optimal length is anywhere between 6 inches to
around 10. Mine is somewhere in between. The weight itself can be
anything really. Some use crystals some use coins with a hole in the
center. Some even use a key at the end of the string. I use a crystal
since the crystal itself is high vibration. All the above will work just
The pendulum is a tool to ascertain answers. There are several
schools of thought as to how it works. For many, it is spirit guiding
the pendulum and for others, it is the subconscious mind. I
personally believe it can be both based on the context in which it is
used. If I am calling on an entity and use the pendulum to ascertain
its answer to a question, I will feel confident that it was probably the
spirit answering me. If I am asking a general question outside of a
ritual, it is probably my subconscious mind. It might be both. Perhaps
spirit is working through the subconscious mind. In either case,
something is happening.
As I stated above, the main objective of the pendulum is to gain
clarity on an issue. The basic format is as such: You hold the top of
the string so the pendulum dangles. You hold the pendulum with
your dominant hand. Wait until all movement has ceased and the
pendulum is as still as can be. You can place your elbow on a table
to stabilize your arm if you like. Now you define how an answer will
be ascertained. If the pendulum moves up and down, then that is a
"YES" answer, if it moves back and forth, either left to right or right to
left, that is a " NO" answer. If you ask a question and it moves in any
of those directions, that is your answer. This is, of course, a basic
description of how it works. There are more complex methods, but
the gist is pretty much the same for all. You define the movement for
an answer and then let the pendulum do its thing. This same thing
will apply when you use it in conjunction with a spirit conjuring or
ritual work. You define the parameters and the entity will answer
within it, via the pendulum.
I have received great insight using the pendulum and I will show my
method in a moment, before we get into the methods however, I
want to give you some history and some other very interesting
information that you should know first. This knowledge will help you
understand why I use pendulums the way that I do.
Let us move on.
A Short History of Pendulum Work
In this chapter, I will discuss, in brief how pendulum work came
about. I can’t cover everything, but you will get an idea. I will not
discuss the invention of the pendulum itself since it is not directly
pertinent to our discussion.
When most think of Pendulum work, the word dowsing comes in
their minds. This is because dowsing was exactly what the pendulum
was and is used for. In the west, the pendulum first came into use as
a tool to discover precious metals and natural resources. In certain
parts of Europe, it was used to help doctors make medical
diagnoses. When pendulum work proved a viable method of
ascertaining information, many started to use it to predict the gender
of yet unborn children and things of that nature.
Some would go as far to say that Ouija Boards and Pendulums work
on the very same principles. This makes sense since both are being
used for the same purpose and are either driven by spirits or the
subconscious mind. For the most part, the Ouija board is associated
with calling upon spirits. However, the same can be said of the
pendulum if you think about it. Put a Ouija board on the table and
swap out the Planchette, that small heart-shaped piece that you put
your hand on and simply hold a pendulum over the board and you
will essentially have the same result with some obvious differences;
but the concept will be the same. A Pendulum Chart is essentially a
targeted Ouija board when you really think about it.
In ancient times, pendulum work was a bit different. Pendulums
weren’t used per se, but devices were used with pretty much the
same purpose; to ascertain current and future information.
In Ancient Greece for example, a “talking board” was used. People
sit around a table with wheels that would move about on a piece of
stone that had secret symbols on it. When the wheels stopped, they
looked to see where and glean insight from whatever symbol it was
pointing to.
There was planchette writing in China as well. It has a rich history
there. I cover some of this history in my book “Ouija Board Magick.”
In North America, way before it was discovered, there is proof that
talking boards existed. It had pointers and would be employed in
very similar ways to all the descriptions above.
Although talking boards are most associated with spirits, the concept
is the same. An instrument is moving without the conscious control
of the person using it. This is the same for the pendulum.
As you see, I am not getting that deep into the history because the
goal of this book is to teach you a method, but I figured I would give
you at least something to think about and perhaps research on your
own if you are so inclined.
My Method of Working with Pendulums
As I stated in the introduction, I have been using the pendulum for
over 15 years. Throughout this time, my pendulum practice has
evolved as I experimented with new knowledge. This book will
represent the accumulated knowledge and experience I have
gleaned over the years.
When I first started to use the pendulum, I pretty much employed it
like most people do when they are first starting out. I made sure my
hand was steady and asked my question. If the pendulum swung up
and down, it was yes and if it swung back and forth, it was no,
standard stuff. As I tabulated my accuracy, I realized it was not
impressive at all. A coin toss would have been just as accurate and
that just didn’t seem right to me. I realized something was missing.
I started to understand that it’s almost impossible to get accurate
results when you are not energetically “clear”. I hate to sound new
agey but that is the best way I can describe it. We often do not know
of the various blocks we may have in our “system” that requires
some form of cleansing. It was this fact that prompted me to
experiment. At first, I used a smudge stick and made sure I smudged
myself and my surroundings, but this didn’t really do much either. It
was only when I came across the books of Masaru Emoto, in 2006,
that I started to make connections that were previously not in my
consciousness. In his books, he illustrated that when water is subject
to emotions and words, be they positive or negative, the molecules
change. The water literally absorbs the “vibe” of these words and
emotions. He gleaned this by looking at how the water would freeze
while subject to these emotions and words. He found that when the
water was subject to positive emotions and words, the ice crystals
that were formed would be clean and uniform. However, when the
water was subject to negativity, the ice crystals were fragmented and
chaotic in structure. After reading several of his studies and books, I
decided to put this to the test. Although I was not able to view the ice
crystals of the water I used, I decided to drink the waters that were
subject to the positive emotions.
After I would drink the water, I would play Brainwave Entrainment
audios to get my subconscious mind into the right state of mind and
the water to cleanse my body. I will get into brainwave entrainment a
bit later in the book.
So, I experimented with words such as “Clean, Clear, Love, freedom”
etc. I then had an idea, what if I create this charged water and use it
as a way to “cleanse” myself before working with a pendulum. I
figured, this water may impact my energy. When I did this, I found
the accuracy of my pendulum work to be hovering over 85%.
Whereas before, I barely had a 50% accuracy rate. I tried all kinds of
scenarios and found the Brainwave entrainments and the water
changed something in me and my results. I started to incorporate the
pendulum work into my magick and found a dramatic shift. When I
have a specific desire that magick can help with, I am often faced
with many possible traditions. Since I am eclectic, I can use dozens
and do use dozens of different magickal practices. Using the
pendulum after drinking this charged water, allows me to use the
pendulum to help me decipher which path to take for a certain
outcome. Should I use a demon or Jinn? Should I call upon
Mahakala or Durga? Or maybe I should use Kahuna Magick? All
these can work, but the pendulum helps me make the decision. I
also found that when I needed insight into a problem, I could use this
same method with other tools of divination such as Tarot cards and
Runes etc.
In this book, I will cover all this and more. I will give you the exact
steps I use when I work with the pendulum and I will also
recommend resources that can help you. Now that you have a quick
overview of how I use the Pendulum, lets get deeper. Let us discuss
the subconscious mind.
The Subconscious Mind – A Primer
I won’t go too deep here but I would like to give you a short primer
on the subconscious mind and how it, through various means can
create blocks that we need to neutralize or at least reduce the
emotional charge. If you do want a more in-depth view on the
subconscious, please read my book “Chod Practice Demystified” I
go into much greater depth there. I will excerpt some of that book in
this chapter.
The subconscious mind is largely a mystery to us, it’s a mysterious
and dark place. It contains all our inner secrets and desires. It also is
the repository of all our highest aspirations. When spirit interacts with
us, it is often channeled through these mysterious subconscious
corridors of our mind. It truly controls most of our life, a good 90% of
our daily existence is being run behind the scenes in this murky
place. Despite this, we can see its influence and even control how it
works at times. Since it controls much of our life, its finger prints are
The subconscious mind has several characteristics that we
can easily ascertain.
·Anything you are not actively controlling in your mind is being
controlled by it.
·It has a photographic memory.
·Despite outward appearances, it is trying so very hard to
protect you from emotional pain and damage.
·It views the waking and dream world as one and the same.
·It will always get its way unless you snap out of your default
·It is a habit making machine and its specialty is consistency.
These aspects above are double-edged swords. They can work for
us and work against us. BUT, the interesting thing, as far as the
subconscious is concerned, it “thinks” it is always helping us. I don’t
mean to anthropomorphize it as if it is consciously doing it, but it is
indeed trying to help us. It controls all aspects of yourself that you
are not consciously aware of. That goes for your body and your
mind. An obvious way to see this is to realize that all aspects of your
body are moving along as if by itself. That is the Subconscious mind
working it. Unfortunately, this covert action is also happening in your
thoughts. Those automatic thoughts, whether for good or for ill are
also being controlled by the subconscious mind.
All the experiences you have ever had are stored within it. Once
stored, it becomes seamlessly woven into your consciousness and
thus creates “unwanted” thoughts and blockages. Now, the weird
thing is, it is not trying to harm you but rather trying to protect you. If
you experience some kind of trauma, be it physical or mental, it will
make sure you remember that. So, for example, if you had a very
tough breakup that caused you a ton of grief, it will store this
information. For some, this simply gets stored away, but for most, it
triggers panic and fear when they meet new people. The fear is so
automatic that it almost comes out of nowhere, but, in fact, it is the
subconscious minds way of protecting you from getting hurt again.
The problem with this is that it doesn’t know when to “let go”. It will
cause this fear reaction whether a true threat exists or not. It’s for
this reason we need to reduce its charge when doing pendulum work
because this automatic reaction to whatever issues you are inquiring
about can taint your results.
In regard to the fear that it generates, as I said, it can’t always know
when a real threat is present or not. Which also means that it doesn’t
know the difference between reality and dream. For example, when
you are sleeping, your dreams are completely run by the
subconscious mind. Have you ever had a dream in which you were
falling and then you suddenly GRIPPPED the bed as if it was really
happening? Well, that is proof right there that the subconscious mind
has no idea that what you dreamt was not real. It made you react as
if you were truly falling in waking state.
In time, these automatic reactions you experience tend to become
routines, the deeper rooted the routine, the harder it is to break.
When it gets to this point, the subconscious mind will always get its
way. It is for this reason we must reduce and even perhaps
reprogram these automatic default responses. The methods in this
book can help do this, at least for a period of time so you can use the
pendulum work without it being corrupted. The beauty of some of
these methods is that although it helps clear your mind for pendulum
work, if done consistently can change many of your entrenched
habits. The subconscious mind is a habit-forming machine and thus
must be dealt with in a consistent manner. Although the methods
here can help with this, there are more robust systems in place for
more deep-rooted habits and behaviors both of body and of the
As you can see, the subconscious mind is an important aspect here.
In the next chapter, we will discuss how we can reset it or at least
improve it for pendulum work.
Using Water to Reset Your Subconscious For Pendulum
The title of this chapter may seem odd. How can water be used to
reset your consciousness?
Let me explain.
In 2006, the Movie and book the "Secret" came out. I thought there
was some interesting information in it, but it was very shallow. In fact,
I think it could be very harmful if not understood correctly. As a
positive result of the Secrets release, light was being shed on other
aspects of spirituality and even Neuroscience. One of the more
interesting things to emerge out of the shadows was the work of
Masaru Emoto. As I stated in a previous chapter, it was my discovery
of his work that changed my Pendulum practice amongst other
I will provide here a brief synopsis of his work and its implications for
Pendulum work. It was certainly a game changer for me.
The Scientist behind this is Masaru Emoto. He believed that the very
molecular make-up of water changes when subjected to various
emotions, this also includes prayers as well. Water is essentially
alive and spiritually-based in his theory.
In 1999, Emoto compiled copious information substantiating his
claims. The way he could tell the changes were taking place in the
water, he would freeze it and examine the ice crystals. He noticed
that when the water was subjected to positive emotions and prayers
and then frozen, it produced well organized and very symmetrical ice
crystals. However, when the water is subjected to negative emotions,
the ice crystals were fragmented and disorganized. He performed
these studies countless times. Here are a few images to illustrate
what I mean. These images come from his book, Hidden Messages
in Water.
Water Before A Prayer:
Water After A Prayer:
Thank you:
Love and Appreciation:
Adolf Hitler:
As you can see, these crystals are quite different when subjected to
various emotions and terms that have an emotional charge. If you
want to learn more about his work please get his book The Hidden
Messages in Water.
To be fair, many people have tried to refute his work because that is
how life is. Those of us in the occult and self help are always subject
to people who want to refute us and cut our beliefs down. I am of the
belief that if it works, I am going to use it, let the naysayers live their
lives looking for problems instead of solutions.
What I do is prepare the water ahead of time and let it "sit" in the
fridge with the intention I want to cultivate. I will then proceed to drink
the water before I work with a pendulum. I will itemize the steps later
in the book. I find it is a wonderful way to release some of the built
up subconscious charge. Again, it is so important to keep that in
mind. If you are in turmoil, it will impact how the Pendulum works.
The water will at least help mitigate the negativity. In conjunction to
this, I also use Brainwave Entrainment audios as well, WHILE I work
with the pendulum. I will explain that in the next chapter.
Brainwave Entrainment and Pendulum Work
This kind of endeavor we find ourselves in, divination and Magick are
our birthright. Magick and ritual are so deeply rooted in our genetic
code that even those who do not believe, often find themselves
saying a little prayer and hoping through some magickal process, the
prayer will be heard. When you say “God, I hope this works out”
“Thank God” and related phrases, you are actually performing a kind
of ritual, whether you believe in it or not. It is a natural instinct to do
this. Rituals and divination processes such as pendulum work, do
not have to be a long drawn out processes. The spirits you call are
very aware of what you need and who you are.
We all know Magick and divination are powerful, we create miracles
all the time and often times, instantaneously. Mindset is also
important. It can be very hard to get your mind to focus. The mind is
a noisy place. When the mind is not relaxed, it cannot manifest
anything positive.
I personally use,in conjunction with water is brainwave entrainment
audios to help with my mindset. I have been using Brainwave
entrainment audios since the 80s. I won’t write or read without them
and I ALWAYS use them before a ritual or divination process and
during those sessions. I have to say, it is incredibly powerful. But
before I go into that, let me explain what brainwaves are.
Brainwaves are the brains way of communicating its state. These
waves are electrical impulses and are measured with an EEG or an
electroencephalogram. The brain has several waves that can be
recorded and graphed. Each brainwave corresponds to a particular
* Alpha Waves: This wave occurs during relaxation, meditation
and prayer. This is the ideal state to be in when you pray and
perform certain rituals. Inducing this state is recommended.
* Beta Wave: This wave occurs during our normal waking hours,
it is very active, and we tend to get in this state when we are
working out or when we need to focus intensely on an issue.
Using Beta Wave programs can often give you that extra push
you need to get going. This state is often recommended when
working with hard spirits, spirits that have a heavy energy.
* Delta Waves: This wave occurs in deep sleep and can be used
in meditation. For me personally, it is wonderful for sleep and
that is what I use it for. I also use it when I call upon more
serene Hindu deities.
* Gamma Waves: These waves are high frequency waves and
are a few steps above Beta waves, they can help with pretty
much anything that Beta Waves can, but adding that extra kick.
Demonic and Jinn Magick work well with this frequency.
* Theta Waves: This wave also occurs during prayer and
meditation, but it takes it to a much deeper level. This
Brainwave is also used to increase creativity and is optimal for
learning. Using an audio with Theta waves will really super
charge your rituals, it is for this reason many of the audios on
http://www.occultmindscape.com have varying degrees of theta
wave frequencies.
Now that we have the waves outlined, let me explain why getting into
Alpha or Theta is useful in most of your rituals.
When you are in Alpha or Theta, you are in a relaxed state; the
frantic, panicky waves of Beta have subsided. Your subconscious
mind begins to” open up” for lack of a better term. When this
happens, you are in the proper state to perform pendulum work and
magick as well. This works especially well with mantra and angelic
work, some demonic work as well. Once the doors of the
subconscious mind start to open up, the judgmental mind begins to
fade. This is critical, since during pendulum work, you want to be as
clear as possible in your thinking. Even the slightest doubt can derail
a practice. Getting into Alpha and Theta will help very much.
I have used many programs over the years to induce these states, I
tried to use the available products, and they were powerful, but I felt
because magick and divination in general are so personal, and the
various entities I work with are somewhat specific, I did not want to
use a canned product. So, I decided to create hyper-specific
brainwave entrainment audios.
These audios are working very well, I created a few for family
members who are occultists and a few of my friends. Already over
150 have been purchased since the time of this writing. I am bringing
them to the occult community. I am hoping it will bring great value to
you and your occult practice.
Please go to www.occultmindscapes.com.
Thank you for enduring my shameless plug. Again, any Brainwave
company will do, I simply use the ones I create at this point.
In the next chapter, I will go through how I use the water and the
Brainwave entrainment audio to get myself in the proper state for
Pendulum work. After that, we will go into several exercises to show
you how it all comes together.
The Method
As you have read, I use Water and Brainwaves Entrainment before
and during my pendulum work.
We already know that our subconscious mind can impact the results
we experience from Pendulum work, we need to at least dissipate
the Subconscious charge that is present. Here is how I prepare for
pendulum work.
I tend to plan my pendulum work a day in advance because I like to
give myself time to work with my thoughts. But you can also do this
same day if you like.
I fill a bottle of water up.
I write on the bottle or place a sticker on it with a word or phrase that
relates to my request. For example, if I know I am going to ask about
my health for example. I will write on the bottle, “Vibrant health” and
or “Good health”. I tend to know ahead of time what I will ask, so I
simply place this bottle of water in the fridge. I like my water cold, but
if you prefer room temperature, you can leave it out.
When I am ready to work on the pendulum, I turn on a Brainwave
entrainment audio. Depending on what the topic is, I use different
ones. In the above example, we will use health. I will either use an
Alpha brainwave product or a theta wave one. Those tend to be
more conducive to healing. I listen to the audio for 5 minutes and get
myself in the state. I will tend to play it throughout my pendulum
session. I will then drink the water, sometimes I drink the water
before the Brainwaves, either scenario works. You don’t have to
drink it all, but I suggest you do. If the bottle is large, fill it about 1/3
full, or just enough so you can drink the entire thing before the
pendulum work.
To recap, I often listen to the audio and then drink the water most of
the time, but again it doesn’t matter which one you do first so please
do not be caught up on the process . My examples will show one or
the other way of doing it.
I focus on the intended issue that I am inquiring about. At this point, I
have allowed the essence of the water to take Root AND I am in the
proper mind state from the Brainwave entrainment audio. I will then
proceed to lift the Pendulum and inquire about my issues, knowing I
am certainly clearer than I was and this allows me to trust my
pendulum outcome.
As you can see, it is not difficult. In the following chapters, I will go
through different scenarios and illustrate how the process works.
Let us proceed.
Exercise 1 – A Simple Yes or No
Let us look at an easy example first. Let’s say you need a simply Yes
or No answer for something. I will use one of my own examples. Last
year, I bought a country home in New Jersey. Something that I
wouldn’t usually do since I am a city person, but I figured it would be
a sound investment and a nice escape from time to time when I need
Unlike my city place, in the country, I need to be concerned about
water heaters and things of that nature. I was on the fence about
getting a new one. The one in the house seemed fine, but I felt I
needed guidance since it was an investment, at least the one that I
would need.
I wrote on a plastic bottle the term “Clarity” and left it overnight in the
fridge since I like my water cold.
The next day, I took out my water. Sat at my altar and drank it with
my intention in mind.
I then put on a Brainwave audio and held my pendulum. I didn’t ask
the question yet, I let myself settle in to the process. At this point, I
felt clear and then I asked the question.
Back and forth is no and up and down is yes. The answer was YES.
I felt confident then that it was the right choice. But then again, I
don’t really understand in water heaters so I just let it go and felt the
pendulum was correct.
So, I ordered a water heater and had it installed. As they took out the
old one, they called me downstairs and showed me that the old one
was seriously corroded on the top and that I changed it right on time.
I smiled and thought in my head just how correct the Pendulum work
Exercise 2 – Choosing the Right Spirit Entity
If you have read my books, you see that I am quick eclectic in my
occult practice. I don’t simply follow one path. I can’t follow one path,
it simply doesn’t jive with who I am. I feel that spirituality is universal
and that no single tradition belongs to a single people. We are on
this earth together and share a common humanity. We can
pontificate and claim that our “kind” is the superior race or more
spiritual than the other. I will tell you now, ALL that is bullshit. Look
what has become of the world when one group lords itself over
another? It has brought only suffering to this planet. I don’t care what
race you are, what sexual orientation you are, or what gender
identity you identify with, we are all ONE and anyone who tells you
otherwise is leading you astray. Anyway, my apologies for the
digression. If you read my books, you know I like to digress.
As I was saying, being eclectic has many benefits but at times, it can
also be a source of uncertainty. I can call on Kali, Druga or Lilith to
get the job done. Each have a resonance that will work. However, I
do want to know that I am working with the right energy for a
particular ritual.
Let’s say I want to protect myself from psychic attack. I can use Kali
or Durga. I will use these two for the sake of simplicity, you can of
course us any other names you want or even more than two. The
initial steps are as such:
Write on a plastic or glass bottle the term “protection” and let it sit for
a few hours or overnight. As I said, I put mine overnight in the fridge.
When you are ready, place either statues or two images of the
goddess’s side by side as seen below
Take out the water. Sit at the altar and drink it with your intention in
Then put on a Brainwave audio and hold the pendulum or even
beforehand, doesn’t matter. Don’t ask the question yet, let yourself
settle in to the process. At this point, when clear, ask the question.
The pendulum should not be positioned directly over them, but below
them as such:
When you hold the pendulum, you don’t hold it in between the
images, but right below them so when the Pendulum moves, it will
make a clear vertical right or vertical left motion to indicate which
Goddess to work with. If you had placed it right in between, the
motion would be sideways which would not be a clear answer since
a sideways motion would indicate both, whereas a vertical left or
vertical right movement will be much clearer. Now, you can have
other reasons for picking the right deity, it doesn’t have to be about
protection. I just used that as an example for this first illustration.
Exercise 3 – Inquiring of The Spirit
Now that we have learned the technique on picking the correct entity
to work with for your purposes, we can now focus our attention on
them. In this scenario, we will like to ask some questions. Now, if you
are immediately going to be working with the entity chosen in the last
exercise, then you can bypass the clearing process below. BUT, if
you are going to work with them later, you should follow the steps
below before engaging with them.
So now that we have the entity in mind, we can ask it questions. In
this case, let’s assume the deity I am working with is Kali. I would
like to ask her a series of Yes or No questions. OR you can create
pendulum chart with various different answers of your own and see
which one she moves the pendulum to. Since the answers are very
specific to your case, I will use a simple yes or no answer in this
example. Let’s use a financially related one such as, “Should I buy
this car? Or “Should I buy A car?” You get the idea, make it specific
to your case.
Write on a plastic or glass bottle the term “Certainty” or any word that
you associate with clarity and certainty. Let the water sit for a bit or
you can put it in the fridge overnight.
When you are ready, place the image, name or statue of the Entity
you are working with, in this case, Kali at the center of the altar.
Take out the water. Sit at the altar and drink it with your intention in
Then put on a Brainwave audio and hold the pendulum. Don’t ask
the question yet, let yourself settle in to the process. At this point,
when clear, ask the question.
Since the statue is only for focus, it does not matter where you hold
the pendulum. Just make sure it is unobstructed when it is moving.
Once you ask her the question, watch the pendulum. If it goes up
and down, that is a yes, if it goes from right to left or left to right, the
answer is no.
If you would like to use a blank pendulum chart to add in your own
answers, please go to www.baalkadmon.com/pendulum
On that page you can freely download all the charts I discuss in this
book and a couple of blank ones for your use.
Exercise 4 – Inquiring of A Demon Or Angel
Many of us work with spirit entities such as demons and Angels. This
exercise will be good to use if you have a certain angel or demon in
If you have a particular demon or angel in mind, we can now ask it
questions. In this case, let’s assume it’s a demon. In order to work
with a demon, we want to make sure it answers correctly.
Write on a plastic or glass bottle the term “Truth” and “Safety” or any
word that you please. I used both of those to make sure I am
protected from the demon but also to make sure what comes out of
this session will be true. Let the water sit for a bit or you can put it in
the fridge overnight.
When you are ready, place the sigil, name or statue of the demon
you are working with in front of you. We are using this as a place to
focus our attention.
Take out the water. Sit at the altar and drink it with your intention in
Then put on a Brainwave audio and hold the pendulum. Don’t ask
the question yet, let yourself settle in to the process. At this point,
when clear, ask the question.
Since the sigil is only for focus, it does not matter where you hold the
pendulum. Just make sure it is unobstructed when it is moving. Once
you ask the question, watch the pendulum. If it goes up and down,
that is a yes, if it goes from right to left or left to right, the answer is
no. If you want more elaborate answers, please make sure you
establish what the pendulum movement will mean. For example, if
you ask the demon a specific question that is not so much a Yes or
No answer. You want to tell it to move the pendulum in a certain
direction if a certain answer is given. It’s important to do this since if
you simply get an up and down movement, it won’t mean anything in
content of the exercise, UNLESS it is a yes or no question.
If you would like to use a blank pendulum chart to add in your own
answers, please go to www.baalkadmon.com/pendulum
On that page you can freely download all the charts I discuss in this
book and a couple of blank ones for your use.
Exercise 5 – Past Life Inquiry
Many of us know that we have had past lives. Some of us know with
certainty and others of us need clarity. Pendulum work can help
ascertain the general time and or place of your past life. This one
should be used if you have an idea of the separate time periods you
may have lived but just want to be sure which one is most correct in
context of the question.
I will provide a blank Pendulum sheet for you to add dates, but for
now, we can use the following method.
You may write down the various dates you feel you have been alive
on post it notes or on small pieces of paper. Index cards work well
here. Place them in a circle so when you hold the pendulum in the
center of the circle, you will be able to see a clear pendulum
movement towards a specific period of time in which you will you
Write on a plastic or glass bottle the term “Clarity of the past” or any
word that you associate with clarity and certainty. Let the water sit for
a bit or you can put it in the fridge overnight.
When you are ready, place the cards or post it notes as described
Take out the water. Sit at the altar or table you are doing this and
drink it with your intention in mind.
Then put on a Brainwave audio and hold the pendulum. Don’t ask
the question yet, let yourself settle in to the process. At this point,
when clear, ask the question.
Once settled, hold the pendulum above the center of the circle and
ask your question. Once you ask her the question, watch the
pendulum. Does it move towards a particular date?
You can do this pendulum round in conjunction with the next
exercise to determine even the location.
If you would like to use a blank pendulum chart I created for this
example, please go to www.baalkadmon.com/pendulum
On that page you can freely download all the charts I discuss in this
book and a couple of blank ones for your use.
Exercise 6 – Past Life Location
As you saw in the previous exercise, we ascertained the time period
in which one of your past lives may have taken place. Now let us
look to see if we can pinpoint the location. If you are doing this right
after the previous exercise, you do not need to go through the
clearing process again. However, I will supply it here in the event you
are doing this exercise first.
I will provide a blank Pendulum sheet for you to add locations, but for
now, we can use the following method.
You may write down the various locations you feel you have been on
post it notes or on small pieces of paper. Index cards work well here.
Place them in a circle so when you hold the pendulum in the center
of the circle, you will be able to see a clear pendulum movement
towards a specific location in which you have lived.
Write on a plastic or glass bottle the term “Clarity of the past” or any
word that you associate with clarity and certainty. Let the water sit for
a bit or you can put it in the fridge overnight.
When you are ready, place the cards or post it notes as described
Take out the water. Sit at the altar or table you are doing this and
drink it with your intention in mind.
Then put on a Brainwave audio and hold the pendulum. Don’t ask
the question yet, let yourself settle in to the process. At this point,
when clear, ask the question.
Once settled, hold the pendulum above the center of the circle and
ask your question. Once you ask her the question, watch the
pendulum. Does it move towards a particular location?
As you see, it is not very hard.
If you would like to use a blank pendulum chart I created for this
example, please go to www.baalkadmon.com/pendulum
On that page you can freely download all the charts I discuss in this
book and a couple of blank ones for your use.
Exercise 7 – Working With You Chakras
Often we have blocks that are caused by an energy imbalance in
one or all of our chakras. For the most part, it is usually one Chakra
specifically that is causing most of the issues. Often, it is not always
clear which one it is. Sometimes symptoms can be so generic that
pinpointing one chakra is hard. However, with the pendulum , we can
get a better idea of which one we need to focus on.
Let’s say I want to identify which chakra is the one that needs to be
balanced. I will use a pendulum chart with the various chakras
indicated on them .
The initial steps are as such:
Write on a plastic bottle the term “chakra balancing” and let it sit for a
few hours or overnight. As I said, I put mine overnight in the fridge.
When you are ready, place the pendulum chart with the various
chakras on a table in front of you.
Take out the water. Sit at the altar and drink it with your intention in
When you hold the pendulum, you don’t hold it in between the
chakras, but right below them so when the Pendulum moves, it will
make a clear vertical move to the chakra that needs the most
Then put on a Brainwave audio and hold the pendulum. Don’t ask
the question yet, let yourself settle in to the process. At this point,
when clear, ask the question regarding your chakras.
You can do multiple rounds to see if more than one chakra is
impacted. The first answer you get, however will be the one you
need to focus on the most.
If you would like to use a chakra chart I created for this example,
please go to www.baalkadmon.com/pendulum
On that page you can freely download all the charts I discuss in this
book and a couple of blank ones for your use.
Exercise 8 – Picking the Right Month and Day
There is little doubt that each month has its own energy and feel.
Some may call it astrological influences or what have you. In either
case, each month has something and certain days are certainly
more auspicious than others. In this example, we will be using a two
Pendulum charts that indicates the different months of the year and
days within those months. You can use this for any reason you
desires. Let’s say I would like to know what the best time for me to
start a new business would be. I would like to know the month, and
day that would be best.
The initial steps are as such:
Write on a plastic bottle the term “Clarity and Auspiciousness” , you
can use other words that may pertain to your case. Let it sit for a few
hours or overnight. As I said, I put mine overnight in the fridge.
When you are ready, place the pendulum chart with the various
months on a table in front of you.
Take out the water. Sit at the altar or the table you are sitting at and
drink it with your intention in mind.
When you hold the pendulum, you don’t hold it in between the
months, but right below them so when the Pendulum moves, it will
make a clear vertical move to the correct month.
Then put on a Brainwave audio and hold the pendulum. Don’t ask
the question yet, let yourself settle in to the process. At this point,
when clear, ask the question regarding the month.
Now that you have the month, now place the chart with the days on
them and ask the question with the pendulum.
There you have it.
If you would like to use the charts indicated in this example, please
go to www.baalkadmon.com/pendulum
On that page you can freely download all the charts I discuss in this
book and a couple of blank ones for your use.
Exercise 9 – Picking the Right Day of Week
In this example, we will use pendulum to figure out the day of a week
that is best for whatever it is we are looking to do. It can be anything
from ritual work or the best day to do any give task. You can use it
for anything.
The initial steps are as such:
Write on a plastic bottle the term “Clarity and understanding” , you
can use other words that may pertain to your case. Let it sit for a few
hours or overnight. As I said, I put mine overnight in the fridge.
When you are ready, place the pendulum chart with the various days
of week on a table in front of you.
Take out the water. Sit at the altar or the table you are sitting at and
drink it with your intention in mind.
When you hold the pendulum, you don’t hold it in between the days,
but right below them so when the Pendulum moves, it will make a
clear vertical move to the correct day.
Then put on a Brainwave audio and hold the pendulum. Don’t ask
the question yet, let yourself settle in to the process. At this point,
when clear, ask the question regarding the day.
In this case, you have now deciphered the best day.
If you would like to use the chart indicated in this example, please go
to www.baalkadmon.com/pendulum
On that page you can freely download all the charts I discuss in this
book and a couple of blank ones for your use.
Exercise 10 – Picking The Right Zodiac Sign
This exercise is going to be rather broad. One may use zodiac signs
for many different things. From rituals, to finding the perfect mate. In
this case, let’s assume you want to know who the perfect sign
capability is with your. You may have read all the books about what
is the perfect sign for you, but often times, such broad classifications
can be problematic. This exercise can help you hone the right sign.
The initial steps are as such:
Write on a plastic bottle the term “Love” or “ the perfect sign for me” ,
you can use other words that may pertain to your case. Let it sit for a
few hours or overnight. As I said, I put mine overnight in the fridge.
When you are ready, place the pendulum chart with the various
zodiac signs on a table in front of you.
Take out the water. Sit at the altar or the table you are sitting at and
drink it with your intention in mind.
When you hold the pendulum, you don’t hold it in between the signs,
but right below them so when the Pendulum moves, it will make a
clear vertical move to the correct sign.
Then put on a Brainwave audio and hold the pendulum. Don’t ask
the question yet, let yourself settle in to the process. At this point,
when clear, ask the question regarding the sign.
In this case, you have now deciphered the best sign for you. Like I
said, this was just one example of how to use the pendulum with this
chart, you can use this chart for other occult purposes.
If you would like to use the chart indicated in this example, please go
to www.baalkadmon.com/pendulum
On that page you can freely download all the charts I discuss in this
book and a couple of blank ones for your use.
Exercise 11 – Ascertaining The Likelihood
This is one of my favorite pendulum exercises since I have had such
good success with it. Sometimes you need to get an idea of how
likely something is to occur. Does said event have a 50%/50%
chance ? Perhaps it has an 85% chance. This pendulum exercise
will give you an idea of how likely something is to happen.
The initial steps are as such:
Write on a plastic bottle the term “Surety of purpose” or “ clarity” ,
you can use other words that may pertain to your case. Let it sit for a
few hours or overnight. As I said, I put mine overnight in the fridge.
When you are ready, place the pendulum chart with the various
percentages on a table in front of you.
Take out the water. Sit at the altar or the table you are sitting at and
drink it with your intention in mind.
When you hold the pendulum, you don’t hold it in between the
numbers, but right below them so when the Pendulum moves, it will
make a clear vertical move to the correct percentage.
Then put on a Brainwave audio and hold the pendulum. Don’t ask
the question yet, let yourself settle in to the process. At this point,
when clear, ask the question regarding the likelihood.
In this case, you have now deciphered the likelihood of something to
occur. This was just one example of how to use the pendulum with
this chart, you can use this chart for other purposes as well.
If you would like to use the chart indicated in this example, please go
to www.baalkadmon.com/pendulum
On that page you can freely download all the charts I discuss in this
book and a couple of blank ones for your use.
Exercise 12 – Using the Pendulum With Tarot Cards
In this exercise, we will incorporate Pendulum work with tarot cards. I
find Tarot cards have a very interesting and uncanny way of
describing some of the issues we are going through in life. Or at the
very least, they have an interesting perspective on the issues we
bring forth during a tarot card reading. The problem with Tarot cards
is that we can’t always get someone to read them for us.
I will present an interesting, and in my estimation and experience an
accurate way to read your own Tarot cards as well as for others. This
can apply to any issue you want. In this chapter , the instructions will
be generic so you can apply it to your situation.
Like in the previous exercises, let us do some prep work.
The initial steps are as such:
Write on a plastic or glass bottle the term/s that relate to the nature
of the inquiry you wish to present to the Tarot. Let the water sit for a
few hours or overnight. As I said, I put mine overnight in the fridge.
When you are ready to do this reading. Divide the Tarot card deck as
such. Separate each suit, and make them into four piles, do the
same for the major Arcana. You should have 5 piles at the end of the
Place them in a circle. So you have enough space in the middle to
hold the Pendulum.
Take out the water. Sit at the altar or the table you are sitting at and
drink it with your intention in mind.
Then put on a Brainwave audio and hold the pendulum. Don’t ask
the question yet, let yourself settle in to the process.
When you hold the pendulum, hold it at the center of the circle which
is comprised of the 5 piles.
For this reading, we are going to pick a standard three card spread.
Past, present and Future. You can of course change that
configuration but for the sake of simplicity, let’s use three.
Hold the pendulum in the middle of the circle of the card piles. Think
of your intention. Now say either out loud or silently. PAST. Let the
pendulum guide you to the card deck that represents the past. Once
ascertained, pick the deck up and randomly pick a card from it and
place the card face down in front of you. Place the card deck back in
its place.
Now, Hold the pendulum again, in the middle of the circle of card
piles. Think of your intention. Now say either out loud or silently.
PRESENT. Let the pendulum guide you to the card deck that
represents the present, don’t worry if it is the same deck, remember,
we must let the pendulum do its thing. Once ascertained, pick the
deck up and randomly pick a card from it and place the card face
down in front of you, right to the right of the “PAST” card. Place the
card deck back in its place.
Now, Hold the pendulum again, in the middle of the circle of card
piles. Think of your intention. Now say either out loud or silently.
FUTURE. Let the pendulum guide you to the card deck that
represents the Future, don’t worry if it is the same deck, remember,
we must let the pendulum do its thing. Once ascertained, pick the
deck up and randomly pick a card from it and place the card face
down in front of you, right to the right of the “PRESENT” card.
Now that you have all three cards, turn them face up and take out a
tarot book or if you know them by heart, read them from past to
present to future. I bet you will find this method will be very effective
for you.
Exercise 13 – Using the Pendulum With Runes
We will now use the same principle but for Runes. I for one love
Runes more than any other system. I am not sure why, they just
seem different to me. You may not experience this same
resonances, but I figured, I would add this to this book. I saved the
best for last as far as I am concerned.
Like in the previous exercise, let us do some prep work.
The initial steps are as such:
Write on a plastic or glass bottle the term/s that relate to the nature
of the inquiry you wish to present to the Runes. Let the water sit for a
few hours or overnight. As I said, I put mine overnight in the fridge.
When you are ready to do this reading. Take out each Rune, one by
one and face down and create a circle with them. YES! FACE
DOWN please.
Make sure you have enough space in the middle to hold the
Take out the water. Sit at the altar or the table you are sitting at and
drink it with your intention in mind.
Then put on a Brainwave audio and hold the pendulum. Don’t ask
the question yet, let yourself settle in to the process.
When you hold the pendulum, hold it at the center of the circle which
is comprised of the many Runes.
For this reading, like with the tarot one, we are going to pick a
standard three Rune spread. Past, present and Future. You can of
course change that configuration but for the sake of simplicity, let’s
use three.
Hold the pendulum in the middle of the circle of Runes. Think of your
intention. Now say either out loud or silently. PAST. Let the
pendulum guide you to the Rune that represents the past. Once
ascertained, bring that rune to the front. Keep it facedown.
Now, Hold the pendulum again, in the middle of the circle of Runes.
Think of your intention. Now say either out loud or silently.
PRESENT. Let the pendulum guide you to the Rune that represents
the present. Once ascertained, pick the Rune up and place it to the
right of the “Past” Rune, facedown.
Now, Hold the pendulum again, in the middle of the circle of Runes.
Think of your intention. Now say either out loud or silently. FUTURE.
Let the pendulum guide you to the Rune that represents the Future.
Once ascertained, pick the Rune up and place it right to the right of
the “PRESENT” Rune.
Now that you have all three Runes, turn them face up and take out a
Rune book or if you know them by heart, read them from past to
present to future.
As an added tip, if you find the pendulum tends to sway to the empty
spot where a pervious Rune was picked, keep note of that. It could
be that the same Rune may have more than a single meaning for
you. I have had situations in which a single Rune was picked for both
present and future.
I bet you will find this method will be very effective for you.
There you have it my friends. This is the method I use to this day
when using the pendulum. I used very generic examples for the sake
of simplicity. You can use the pendulum for far more complex issues.
You can use several of these exercises to drill down to the exact time
you need to do something and even the candles or incense you
need for a given ritual. Just use the blank pendulum charts I provide
and use them for candle colors, incense choice etc. You can use
them for anything.
I hope you enjoyed this book.
So Mote it be!
About Baal Kadmon
Baal Kadmon is an Author, and Occultist based out of New York City.
In addition to the Occult, he is a Religious Scholar, Philosopher and
a Historian specializing in Ancient History, Late Antiquity and
Medieval History. He has studied and speaks Israeli Hebrew ·
Classical Hebrew · Ugaritic language · Arabic · Judeo-Aramaic ·
Syriac (language) · Ancient Greek and Classical Latin.
Baal first discovered his occult calling when he was very young. It
was only in his teens, when on a trip to the Middle East that he
heeded the call. Several teachers and many decades later he felt
ready to share what he has learned.
His teachings are unconventional to say the least. He includes indepth history in almost all the books he writes, in addition to rituals.
He shatters the beloved and idolatrously held notions most occultists
hold dear. His pared-down approach to magick is refreshing and is
very much needed in a field that is mired by self-important magicians
who place more importance on pomp and circumstance rather than
on magick. What you learn from Baal is straight forward, with no
frills. Magick is about bringing about change or a desired result;
Magick is a natural birthright…There is no need to complicate it.
Follow Him on Facebook and other Social Media Sites:
Other Books By The Author
Organized by date of publication from most recent:
Durga Mantra Magick: Harnessing The Power of the Divine
The Talmud - An Occultist Introduction
The Path of the Pendulum
Chod Practice Demystified: Severing the Ties That Bind (Baal on
Buddhism Book 2)
Asherah – The Queen of Heaven
Dependent Origination for the Layman
The Watchers And Their Ways
Rabbi Isaac Luria: The Lion of the Kabbalah (Jewish Mystics
Book 1)
Circe's Wand: Empowerment | Enchantment | Magick
Ganesha Mantra Magick:Calling Upon The God of New
Shiva Mantra Magick: Harnessing The Primordial
Tefillin Magick: Using Tefillin For Magickal Purposes (Jewish Magick
Book 1)
Jesus Magick (Bible Magick Book 2)
The Magickal Moment Of Now: The Inner Mind of the Advanced
The Magick Of Lilith: Calling Upon The Great Goddess of The Left
Hand Path (Mesopotamian Magick Book 1)
The Magickal Talismans of King Solomon
Mahavidya Mantra Magick: Tap Into the 10 Goddesses of Power
Jinn Magick: How to Bind the Jinn to do Your Bidding
Magick And The Bible: Is Magick Compatible With The Bible? (Bible
Magick Book 1)
The Magickal Rites of Prosperity: Using Different Methods To
Magickally Manifest Wealth
Lakshmi Mantra Magick: Tap Into The Goddess Lakshmi for Wealth
and Abundance In All Areas of Life
Tarot Magick: Harness the Magickal Power of the Tarot
The Quantum Magician: Enhancing Your Magick With A Parallel Life
Tibetan Mantra Magick: Tap Into The Power Of Tibetan Mantras
The 42 Letter Name of God: The Mystical Name Of Manifestation
(Sacred Names Book 6)
Tara Mantra Magick: How To Use The Power Of The Goddess Tara
Vedic Magick: Using Ancient Vedic Spells To Attain Wealth
The Daemonic Companion: Creating Daemonic Entities To Do Your
Tap Into The Power Of The Chant: Attaining Supernatural Abilities
Using Mantras (Supernatural Attainments Series
72 Demons Of The Name: Calling Upon The Great Demons Of The
Name (Sacred Names Book 5)
Moldavite Magick: Tap Into The Stone Of Transformation Using
Mantras (Crystal Mantra Magick Book 1)
Ouija Board Magick - Archangels Edition: Communicate And
Harness The Power Of The Great Archangels
Chakra Mantra Magick: Tap Into The Magick Of Your Chakras
(Mantra Magick Series Book 4)
Seed Mantra Magick: Master The Primordial Sounds Of The
Universe (Mantra Magick Series Book 3)
The Magick Of Saint Expedite: Tap Into The Truly Miraculous Power
Of Saint Expedite (Magick Of The Saints Book 2)
Kali Mantra Magick: Summoning The Dark Powers of Kali Ma
(Mantra Magick Series Book 2)
Mary Magick: Calling Forth The Divine Mother For Help (Magick Of
The Saints Book 1)
Vashikaran Magick: Learn The Dark Mantras Of Subjugation (Mantra
Magick Series Book 1)
The Hidden Names Of Genesis: Tap Into The Hidden Power Of
Manifestation (Sacred Names Book 4)
The 99 Names Of Allah: Acquiring the 99 Divine Qualities of God
(Sacred Names Book 3)
The 72 Angels Of The Name: Calling On the 72 Angels of God
(Sacred Names)
The 72 Names of God: The 72 Keys To Transformation (Sacred
Names Book 1)