Attendance:29/03/2022 Send your answer @ MS teams chat, privately Which of the following is a test of difference? A. Pearson Correlation B. T-test C. Spearman Rank D. Skewness Test Attendance:24/03/2022 Send your answer @ MS teams chat, privately Which of the following is an example of nominal data A. weight B. height C. sex D. ranks in the army Attendance:18/03/2022 Send your answer @ MS teams chat, privately What is the correct sequence of steps in conducting a survey instrument ? I. Administer the survey II. Check for survey validity III. Encode and analyze data IV. Operationalize variables A. I, IV, II, III B. III, II, IV, I C. II, IV, I, III D. IV, II, I , III Chapter 3 METHODOLOGY Research Design Population and Sampling Technique Instrumentation Data Gathering Procedures Analysis of Data Chapter 3 METHODOLOGY This chapter includes the research design, the population and sampling techniques, research instruments, data gathering procedures, and general overview of each of the statistical treatments that were used in analyzing the collected data. Past Tense Research Design 1. Identify the research design that will be used in the study. 2. Explain why this approach was chosen. Example: Research Design Descriptive – correlational research design was used in this study. Descriptive design was used to describe, analyze, and interpret quantitative data that determined the (descriptive questions in SOP). Correlational research design was used to find the relationship between (correlational/relationship part of SOP). Population and Sampling Technique 1. Explain the context of the study (time and place where the study is conducted) 2. Explain relevant details about the participants (include the number of participants and their demographic properties such as age, gender, socio-economic status, and other relevant background information presented both in graphical and textual form ) 3. Explain the sampling technique that will was used in the study. How did you get your sample size? 1. Slovin’s formula 2. Online sample size calculator There are few guidelines that would suggest with regard to the minimum number of subjects needed. For descriptive studies, a sample with a minimum number of 100 is essential. For correlational studies, a sample of at least 50 is deemed necessary to establish the existence of a relationship. Fraenkel & Wallen (2012) Population and Sampling Technique The respondents of the study were STEM students at Adventist University of the Philippines Academy enrolled in Physics, Chemistry and Biology laboratories during second semester of school year 2021-2022. There were two courses offered in Chemistry……..were included in the study. Physics classes with laboratory…..Biology classes. A total of 100 students were drawn as as the sample of the study. Convenience sampling technique was used in the study wherein students currently available or easy to reach were gathered as sample of the study. The distribution of the respondents are as follows. Present all demographic profile of the respondents. Instrumentation 1. Describe every instrument that were used in the study. 2. Justify it use. 3. If it is adapted, acknowledge the author, explain the reason for its adaptation and describe its reliability and validity. Example Data Gathering Procedure 1. Explain the specific steps that you have undertaken to complete the data gathering phase. Data Gathering Procedure Upon approval of the ERB to conduct the study, the researchers send a request letter to the principal of AUPA which includes the intent of the study, its objectives, and non-disclosure of the responses of teachers. Also, a cover letter was attached to the online survey explaining the purpose of the study, voluntary participation, and discretion to withdraw from the study any time they wish to. Anonymity and confidentiality was observed in the entire study. Link of google form containing the ERB approval and questionnaire was sent through email to the target subject of the study. Data Analysis 1. Describe the statistical test that you will use to analyze your data. 2. Justify your choice. Analysis of Data The collected data was tabulated in SPSS version 21 to obtain the necessary statistical treatment for interpretation. Descriptive statistics of frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation were applied to get the profile of the respondents, (indicate all descriptive questions in the SOP ) Correlation was applied to find the relationship between (relationship SOP) T-test was used to find the difference (significant difference SOP) To analyze the data from open-ended questions content analysis was utilized. IFVL “O taste and see that the Lord is good : blessed is the man that trusteth in Him” Psalms 34:8 THINGS TO DO: 1. ERB Application Form 2. Revise questionnaire 3. Chapter 3 4. Transcribe questionnaire in Google Form