Linear Algebra I MATH 2641, CRN 14403 Spring 2022 Linear Algebra and its Applications, 6th ed., by David Lay et al, Pearson Publishing, ISBN 978-0-13-586125-8 Text: Online Access: MyLab Math Course ID: liu93881 Description: Linear Algebra I. Theory and applications of matrix algebra, vector spaces, and linear transformations. Topics include linear equations and matrices, invertible matrices, determinants, vector spaces, subspaces, bases, eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Prerequisite: Grade of C or higher in MATH 2212 Days & Time: MW 5:30 – 6:45 pm Instructor: Dr. Hui Liu Office: 1336 25 Park Place Office Phone: 404-413-6424 Room: Urban Life Building 100 Department Phone: 404-413-6400 E-mail: Class TA: Rose Friend ( - our course TA is available for office hours and will assist in grading of quizzes and semester tests. Office Hours: Limited on-campus, in-person office hours will be available only by appointment. • Instructor’s office hours will be held MW 3:30 – 4:00 pm via WebEx at • TA’s office hours will be held MW 11:30 am – 12:30 pm via WebEx at Grades: Grades will be determined on the basis of 3 tests (15% each), average of online (MLM) homework (10%), in-class quizzes (15%), class attendance (5%), and the final exam (25%). All students must take the comprehensive final exam. If the final exam grade is better than your lowest test grade, then that test grade will be replaced by the final exam grade. Letter grades will be awarded as follows: 97%-100% → A+ 93%-96% → A 80%-82% 77%-79% 1 → B→ C+ 90%-92% → A- 70%-76% → C 87%-89% → B+ 60%-69% → D 83%-86% → B Below 60% → F Note: To allow for emergency situations and unforeseen circumstances, students are allowed to miss 2 classes without penalty. Please note that late registration is seen as an unforeseen circumstance and any missed classes, due to late registration, will be counted amongst the class sessions that the student is allowed to miss. At the end of the semester, the lowest two quiz scores will be dropped. Example of Final Grade Computation: Test Grades: T1 = 88, T2 = 72, T3 = 68; Homework average = 95; Quiz average = 85; Attendance = 90; Final Exam = 79; Final Grade: 0.15*(88+72+79) + 0.10*95 + 0.15*85 + 0.05*90 + 0.25*79 = 82.35, which rounds to 82, which is a B-. (Note the replaced grade for Test 3.) Attendance Policy: Attendance is crucial for your success in this course. Attendance will be taken daily. It is your responsibility to always record your attendance in class. In order to gain attendance credit for any particular scheduled day, you must remain in the classroom during your entire class session. If you are significantly tardy for class or leave early, your attendance for that day will not count. Note: GSU has a new process for students seeking excused absences through the Dean of Students Office. Please submit documentation to The professor will then be notified by the Dean of Students of any excused absences. Makeup Policy: There will be no make-up quizzes or exams except in extreme cases of documented and veriļ¬able medical necessity (e.g. a professor absence notification from the Dean of Students Office). Any missed quizzes/exams will result in a grade of zero for the quiz/exam. Missing the final exam will result in a grade of F for the course unless arrangements are made prior (at least one week if possible) to its administration. Writing in mathematics: Your grades on all written assignments will be based on clear presentation as well as correct mathematics. It is often a good idea to model your writing on the examples worked in class or posted online. If you are unsure of whether or not your written work is acceptable, you should ask about it. Some of the problems chosen for written assessments will require you to use two or more concepts together to solve a problem you have not yet seen before. This means you should make every effort to gain a strong understanding of the concepts in addition to working example problems. Please be aware that the process, and not merely the final answer, is critical to your understanding of the material and your success in the course. Precise, effective writing will be rewarded. Careless or incomplete work will be penalized, even if by chance it leads to a correct numerical answer. This means your final answer is worth less than the procedure you used to get your answer. 2 Unauthorized Public Posting and Distribution: The selling, sharing, publishing, presenting, or distributing of instructor-prepared course lecture notes, videos, audio recordings, or any other instructor-produced materials from any course for any commercial purpose is strictly prohibited unless explicit written permission is granted in advance by the course instructor. This includes posting any materials on websites such as Chegg, Course Hero, OneClass, Stuvia, StuDocu and other similar sites. Unauthorized sale or commercial distribution of such material is a violation of the instructor’s intellectual property and the privacy rights of students attending the class, and is prohibited. Failure to abide by these limitations constitutes a violation of the Policy on Academic Honesty and will be treated accordingly. Disruptive Student Conduct in the Classroom or Other Learning Environment: The University’s disruptive student policy applies and students should familiarize themselves with the relevant parts of the student code of conduct at: Arrive on time, and do not leave early. If you must leave early for some reason, please inform the instructor prior to class and do so as quietly as possible. Turn off all pagers and cell phones before entering the classroom – having these items “go off” in class is considered disruptive behavior. Any type of inappropriate conduct may result in your being administratively dropped/withdrawn from the course. Cheating/Plagiarism: Cheating/plagiarism will not be tolerated on any work. A first occurrence will result in a grade of 0 on the assignment for all concerned parties as well as an Academic Dishonesty form being filed with the Dean of Students. A second occurrence will result in a grade of F for the course for the concerned parties and a second Academic Dishonesty form being filed. Inclement Weather Policy: If the University is closed due to inclement weather, any exam that may have been scheduled for that date will be administered on the next available class date. If an assignment is due that day (or if you are scheduled for an exam), it will be due the next class. Withdrawal Policy: If you withdraw from this class on or before the Midpoint of the semester (March 1, 2022), you will receive a WP regardless of your performance. The computer will then turn this into a W or a WF depending on how many cumulative withdrawals you have in the University. Voluntary withdrawals after the Midpoint are not allowed. Accommodation: Students who wish to request an accommodation may do so by registering with the Access and Accommodation Center (AACE). Students may only be accommodated upon issuance by the Access and Accommodation Center of a signed Accommodation Plan and are responsible for providing a copy of that plan to instructors of all classes in which accommodations are sought. Evaluations: Your constructive assessment of this course plays an indispensable role in shaping education at Georgia State. Upon completing the course, please take time to fill out the online course evaluation. THIS SYLLABUS PROVIDES A GENERAL PLAN FOR THE COURSE; DEVIATIONS MAY BE NECESSARY. 3 Tentative Course Outline: Week Date Material Notes 1 10-Jan 12-Jan 17-Jan 19-Jan Intro, 1.1 1.2, 1.3 MLK Day 1.3, 1.4 Quiz 24-Jan 26-Jan 1.4, 1.5 1.7 Quiz 31-Jan 2-Feb 7-Feb 9-Feb 21-Feb 23-Feb 28-Feb 2-Mar 1.8 1.9 Review Test 1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3.1 3.2 9 7-Mar 9-Mar Review Test 2 10 14-Mar 16-Mar Spring Break 11 21-Mar 23-Mar 4.1 4.2 Quiz 28-Mar 30-Mar 4.3 4.4 Quiz 4-Apr 6-Apr 11-Apr 13-Apr 18-Apr 20-Apr 25-Apr 27-Apr 4.5 4.6 Review Test 3 5.1 5.2 Review Final Exam 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 16 14-Feb 16-Feb Quiz Quiz Quiz Quiz Quiz Quiz W-Day: March 1, 2022 Final Exam: Wednesday, April 27 at 4:15 - 6:45 pm 4