IGCSE Biology Study Guide for Class IX & X TARA SINGH Student of The Shri Rom School IGCSE Biology Study Guide for Class IX & X TARA SINGH Student of The Shri Ram School, Gurgaon, National Capital Region © Tara Singh 2018 All rights reserved All rights reserved by author. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the author. Although every precaution has been taken to verify the accuracy of the information contained herein, the author and publisher assume no responsibility for any errors or omissions. No liability is assumed for damages that may result from the use of information contained within. First Published in September 2018 ISBN: "978-93-88287-64-7" Price: 450/BLUE ROSE PUBLISHERS www.bluerosepublishers.com info@bluerosepublishers.com +91 8882 898 898 Cover Designer: Samridhi Bharti Typographic Designer: Shreya Arora Distributed by: Blue Rose, Amazon, Flipkart, Shopclues TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Characteristics and classification of living organisms......................................1 2. Organisation of the organism.............................................................................5 3. Movement in and out of cells.............................................................................8 4. Biological molecules..........................................................................................10 5. Enzymes...............................................................................................................12 6. Plant Nutrition......................................................................................................13 7. Human Nutrition..................................................................................................16 8. Transport in plants...............................................................................................23 9. Transport in animals............................................................................................25 10. Diseases and immunity.....................................................................................29 11. Gas exchange in humans...............................................................................31 12. Respiration.........................................................................................................34 13. Excretion in humans.........................................................................................36 14. Coordination and response............................................................................38 15. Drugs..................................................................................................................42 16. Reproduction....................................................................................................44 17. Inheritance........................................................................................................55 18. Variation and selection....................................................................................61 19. Organisms and their environment..................................................................65 20. Biotechnology and genetic engineering......................................................70 21. Human influences on ecosystem...................................................................73 22. Bibliography......................................................................................................80 Pe.�\cl€n�- \. \lt\am'tn c..-----, -�� � �\.\c.-\\t>� oQ �ores Seu.�, - awus ��>ts Q.� ·�o� c.Q\\s �mag�� 2. \Jt\o.,'f<li'<'I t> ---4-�\ e.��. to� O.'(e �\' o.nd � hend � \Jt¼m1� t>'t5 ne:i. �r o.'t1sc�� �� to.\d�'('(\ S<::/....l"1:.e, 1- tl\l� -�al��� Sh -E:��S ,� a. \tt)Y\ ----�·A'(\0.-Qm�o.;t"<t1r\ �O.€d � �uce. 't\o..e..m:::g�'f\, snO'(�� ca.\l� WOO.'<nQss. as o2 nee(led � r���� c:.o.nl\ � \'(o.�r-\ed ���c...fe«t\�. ':,d.>-Yee, - Ck\iaten \t'IRX', �, \:,€0.ns � ?()is� 4. fu\C\{Affi --- - �\::. 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'l:>e. comes �Y'I rQ.. �'t\Y'\\j-ee\ 17 ALIMENTARY CANAL 18 BIBLIOGRAPHY • Biochetney • https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxby2oPQwaY2poKTg5pSRqA • https://www.youtube.com/user/AmoebaSisters • http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/science/add_aqa/ • http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/science/add_gateway_ • pre_2011/living/ • http://igbiologyy.blogspot.com/2014/03/112-nitrogen-cycle.html • https://znotes.org/cie-igcse-biology-0610/ • http://biology-igcse.weebly.com/all-notes.html • http://biology-igcse.weebly.com/classification1.html • http://biology-igcse.weebly.com/cells.html • http://biology-igcse.weebly.com/enzymes.html • http://biology-igcse.weebly.com/nutrition.html • http://biology-igcse.weebly.com/transport.html • http://biology-igcse.weebly.com/respiration1.html • http://biology-igcse.weebly.com/reproduction.html • http://biology-igcse.weebly.com/coordination1.html • http://biology-igcse.weebly.com/inheritance.html • http://biology-igcse.weebly.com/ecosystem.html • https://igcserevision.wordpress.com/experimental-sciences/biology/ • Complete biology for Cambridge IGCSE Oxford Textbook, Ron Pickering, Third Edition 80 IGCSE Biology Study Guide for Closs IX & X Toro Singh was born in 2001 in New Delhi. From o young age, she loved to draw illustrations and make creative project reports that were aesthetically beautiful. She hos always been o perfectionist and strives to make well organized and neat notes for all her subjects. At the some time, she hos been on avid sports person, representing her school in swimming, soccer, and basketball. Representing her school in swimming, soccer, and basketball. Her ACL knee injury while ploying basketball got her interested in Biology and the human body functions, which motivated her to make illustrated and detailed handwritten notes in Closs X. Her Biology teacher by chance hod the opportunity to see her study notes and was very pleasantly surprised. This encouraged Toro to make o complete study guide for Closs IX and X for The Shri Rom School. But Toro wonted to go one step further and provide the study guide for students of all schools. I BlueRose Publishers �fi