Uploaded by Philip Potter

ServSafe study guide 2021 Flashcards | Quizlet

ServSafe study guide 2021
Terms in this set (93)
What temperature should
Must be at least 110 F
the water be for manual
What does the L stand for
in the FDA'S ALERT tool?
What is the minimum
165°F for 15 seconds
internal cooking temp for
chicken breasts?
What factors influence the
Concentration,temperature,contact time, pH
effectiveness of a chemical
and water hardness.
Ready to eat TCS foods
prepped in house must be
date marked if it is held for
more than how many
24 Hours
What is the minimum
internal cooking
temperature for a veal
Why should food
Temperature may vary in the food
temperature be taken in 2
different locations?
How should staff make sure
Use a test kit to check the sanitizers
the chemical sanitizer being
concentration when mixing it
used on a food prep
surface is at the correct
When can a glass
When enclosed in a shatter proof casing
thermometers be used?
A tuna salad removed from
3 pm
the cooler at 9 am and put
out for a buffet at 11 am. By
what time must the tuna
salad be served or thrown
What practice should be
Purchasing food from approved , reputable
used to prevent seafood
toxins from causing
foodborne illness?
What should a server do
Wash hands
after clearing a table?
What must food handlers
wear single use gloves
do when handling ready to
eat food?
What is the first step in
Conduct a hazard analysis
developing a HACCP plan?
What practice is useful for
correct handwashing
preventing Norovirus from
causing foodborne illness?
What condition promotes
Food held between 70 degrees F and 125
the growth of bacteria?
degrees F
What is the purpose of
Lower the number of pathogens on the skin
hand antiseptic?
When can a food handler
When approved by the regulatory authority
diagnosed with jaundice
return to work?
Parasites are commonly
associated with what food?
wild game (and seafood?)
When should a food
When the customers served are primarily a
handler with a sore throat
high-risk population
and fever be excluded
from the operation?
Which organization
U.S. Department of Agriculture
includes inspecting food as
one of its primary
What must an operation do
Obtain a variance
before packaging fresh
juice on-site for later sale?
Which item is a potential
physical contaminant?
What strategy can prevent
Using separate equipment, cleaning and
sanitizing, prepping food at different times,
and buying prepared food.
Approved Suppliers
Suppliers that have been inspected, are able
to provide an inspection report, and that meet
applicable local, state, and federal laws.
single-celled, living
microorganisms that can
spoil food and cause food
borne illness
Min internal temperature
165F for 1 seconds
for poultry, stuffing made
with meat, fish or poultry,
stuffed meat, seafood,
poultry or pasta, dishes the
include previously cooked
TCS ingredients
min internal temp for
155F for 17 seconds
ground meat, injected meat
(flavor injected roasts),
mechanically tenderized
meat, ratites (emu meat),
ground seafood,, shell eggs
that will be hold held for
minimal internal temp for
145F for 15 seconds
seafood, steaks/ chops of
pork beef veal and lamb,
commercially raised game,
shell eggs that will be
served immediately
145F for 4 minutes
Min internal temp for fruit,
vegetables, grains, legumes
that will be hot held for
Roasts!! pork, bf, veal, lamb
spore-forming bacteria
Bacillus cereus gastroenteritis
found in dirt. causes two
different toxins which result
in 2 different illnesses
ServSafe study guide 2021
Food commonly linked with
cooked veggies meat products milk
diarrhea illness caused by
bacillus cereus
Food commonly linked with
cooked rice dishes including fried rice and
vomiting illness caused by
rice pudding
bacillus cereus
most common symptoms of
watery diarrhea no vomiting
diarrhea illness caused by
bacillus cereus
most common symptoms of
nausea vomiting
vomiting illness caused by
bacillus cereus
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how toYes!
cereus gastroenteritis?
No, I'm justcook
food to minimum internal temps
hold food at correct temps
cool food correctly
control time and temperature
Listeriosis (Listeria
found in dirt, water and plants. Grows in cool,
monocytogenes). Where
moist environments unlike other bacteria.
Uncommon in healthy people.
Food commonly linked with
raw meat unpasteurized
dairy products
ready to eat food (deli meat, hot dogs, soft
cheeses, etc)
most common symptoms of
Listeriosis in Pregnant
woman ?
most common symptoms of
Listeriosis in newborns?
how to prevent Listeriosis?
throw away expired product
cook raw meat to min internal temps
prevent cross contamination between
raw/undercooked food and ready to eat food
avoid using unpasteurized dairy products
control time & temp
hemorrhagic colitis
Enterohemoryhagic and shiga toxin E. coli can
be found in the intestines of cattle. It can also
be found in people.
Food Commonly Linked
Ground beef (raw or undercooked),
with the Bacteria
Contaminated produce
hemorrhagic colitis
Most Common Symptoms
Diarrhea (eventually becomes
of hemorrhagic colitis
bloody)Abdominal crampsKidney failure (in
several cases
Prevention Measures for
Cook food (especially ground beef to min.
hemorrhagic colitis
internal temps.
Purchase produce from approved suppliers
Prevent cross-contamination between raw
meat and ready-to-eat food.
Keep staff with diarrhea out off the operations
Keep staff who have been diagnosed with
hemorrhagic colitis out of the operation.
Control time and temperature.
wash hands for ____ secs
1. Wet hands and arms. Use
10-15 secs
running warm water.
Apply soap. Apply enough
vigorously for ____ to ___ secs
Dry hands and arms.. Use
____ to dry
single use paper towel or hand dryer
3 part sink - First sink—
detergent and water at
least ___°F
3 part sink steps.
1. scrape
2. wash
3. rinse
4. sanitize
5. air dry on sanitized surface
When storing clean and
sanitized tableware and
Store them at least ____
inches off the floor.
floor mounted equipment
must be mounted on legs
at least ____ inches high
Tabletop equipment should
be either:
Mounted on legs at least
_____inches high
Hold food at the correct
Hot food: 135°F or higher
Cold food: 41°F or lower
Hot food: _____°F or higher
Cold food: ______°F or lower
Hot ready-to-eat TCS food
4 hours.... 135 F
can be held without
temperature control for up
to ____ hours if:
It was held at _____°F or
higher before removing it
from temperature control
TCS food when cut,
70 F , 4hr
chopped, sliced, etc,
Cannot exceed ____°F within
the ____hour period
TCS food, if discarded
within 4 hours it can be
allowed to reach any
temperature. TRUE OR
Cold ready-to-eat TCS
6 hours.... Held at 41F... does not exceed 70°F.
food can be held without
temperature control for up
Time it was removed from refrigeration
to _____hours if:
Time it must be thrown out
It was held at _____°F or
lower before removing it
from refrigeration
It does not exceed
____°Fduring service
Throw out food that
exceeds this temperature
Holding food: check
5hrs ... 41F or lower or 135F or higher
temperature every ___hrs at
least.. Throw food not at
____°F or lower or ____°F or
Hot holding food:
2 hours.... ./165°F for 15 seconds
Must be reheated within
_____hours to an internal
temperature of ____°F for 15
Microwave cooking:
Minimum internal cooking
Min internal cooking temp:
____°F (no minimum time)
Food from plants, including
fruits, vegetables, grains
(e.g., rice, pasta), and
legumes (e.g., beans,
refried beans) that will be
hot-held for service
Minimum internal cooking
___°F For four minutes
Roasts of pork, beef, veal,
and lam
Min cook temp:
Poultry- whole or ground
ck, turkey, duck
Stuffing of dish, meat, ck
Stuffued meat, seafood, ck,
or paste
___ F for at least 1 second
Minimum internal cooking
____°F for _____ seconds
Ground meat—bf, pk, and
other meat
Meat mechanically
tenderized or injected with
brine or flavors
Meat vacuum-tumbled with
marinades or other
Ground meat from game
animals commercially
raised and inspected
Ratites —including ostrich
and emu
Ground seafood—including
chopped or minced
Shell eggs that will be hot-
held for service
155°F for 17 seconds
Minimum internal cooking
145°F for 15 seconds
____°F for ____ seconds
Seafood —including fish,
shellfish, and crustaceans
Steaks/chops of pork, beef,
veal, and lamb
Commercially raised game
Shell eggs that will be
served immediately
If partially cooking meat,
seafood, poultry, or eggs
or dishes containing these
cook the food longer than
60 minutes during initial
T or F
Don't use raw or unpast
eggs with high risk
population. Unpasteurized
shell eggs can be used if
the dish will be cooked all
the way through. Don't
serve raw seed sprouts to
high risk peeps
T or F
Do NOT use leftover TCS
food that has been held for
more than seven days.
Refrigerate and hold sliced
melons, cut tomatoes, and
cut leafy greens at __°F or
NEVER use additives to
alter the appearance of
To this food:
Expired, damaged, spoiled,
or incorrectly stored food.
Food missing a date mark.
Ready-to-eat TCS food that
has exceeded its date
Food that has exceeded
Discard food that has become unsafe
Store food items in the
Ready-to-eat food
following top-to-bottom
Whole cuts of beef and pork
Ready-to-eat food, Whole
Ground meat and ground fish
cuts of beef and pork
Whole and ground poultry.
Seafood, Whole and
ground poultry, Ground
based on min. internal COOKING temperature
meat and ground fish
of each food
based on ______
Store items ______ wall
Make sure storage units
away from
have at least one air
temperature measuring
It must be accurate to +/___°F .
When combining food with
different use-by dates in a
dish, base the discard date
of the dish on the _____ useby date of ingredients.
Ready-to-eat TCS food
24 hours.. indicate when sold, eaten, or thrown
must be marked if held for
longer than ______hrs
Ready-to-eat TCS food can
7 days , 41F
be stored for only _____days
if it is held at _____°F
Day 1 of mark = when food
prepared, Dec. 7
was _____.. so if day 1 is
December 1, discard by
December ____
Keep documents for
____days from the sale of the
Receive food:
Milk= 45F or lower
Milk= ____F or lower
Cold TCS food= _41F or lower
Cold TCS food= _____F or
Live shellfish= 45F no higher than 50F
Shuchked shellfish= 45F or lower
Live shellfish= ____F no
Shell eggs= 45 or lower
higher than ____
Hot TCS food = 135 or higher
Suchked shellfish= ____F or
Frozen food= frozen solid. no signs of froz
liquids or ice crystals, water stains.
Shell eggs= ____ or lower
Hot TCS food = ____ or
Frozen food= _____
Cooked time/temperature
135f to 70F.... 70F to 41F
control for safety (TCS)
food must be cooled within
2 hours from 135F to ____F.
4 hours from 70F to at least
which temperature?
The individual responsible
for notifying the regulatory
authority when a food
handler is diagnosed with a
foodborne illness is the
Heat sanitizing:
171 F... high temp dishwasher
Immerse the item in water
that is ____ F for at least 30
norovirus linked foods +
ready to eat food, shellfish from contaminated
- vomit, diarrhea, nausea, abdominal cramp
Food handlers who are
vomiting/diarrhea, or
diagnosed with norovirus=
exclude from operation
Hep. A
Commonly Linked Food
Common linked food +
Ready-to-eat food
Shellfish from contaminated water
Most Common Symptoms
Fever (mild)
General Weakness
Abdominal pain
Jaundice (appears later)
Which illnesses must be
reported: (sick, sick, sick,
Hepatitis A
sick, heck, no!). Exclude
Shigella spp.
food handlers who have.
Shiga-toxin producing E. coli (STEC)
Salmonella Typhi
Nontyphoidal Salmonella
_______ food handlers with
Exclude with:
Jaundice (a yellowing of the skin or eyes)
Sore throat with fever
Infected wound or boil that is open or draining
(unless properly covered)
Restricting or Excluding Staff for Medical
1. First aid must be
Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
administered when a
hazardous chemical spills
on a foodhandler's arms
and face. From which
document, required to be
on file in the foodservice
operation, can the first aid
information be found?
Using hard water when
preparing a sanitizing
solution will cause the
sanitizer to be
less effective