Department of Management Sciences Date Sheet (Mid Term) Fall-2021/Spring-2022 Teacher Name Class/Semester Subjects # of Students Timing of Paper Date of Paper Dr. Sajid MS Def 1st, MS 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th/Ph.D. 1st MS 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th Financial Modeling/Advance Financial Modeling Financial Theory & Policy/ Financial Management Financial Accounting-II Strategic Management 03+ 10+3+2+5+4+5=32 10+3+2+5+4=24 (08:30pm-10:00pm) Saturday: 16-04-2022 (11:00am-12:30pm) Sunday: 17-04-2022 04 11 (11:00am-12:30pm) Sunday: 24-04-2022 Organizational Development/ Organizational Development And Change Philosophy And Thoughts In Management Introduction To Business 01+4+1+1+2+6=15 (08:30pm-10:00pm) Saturday: 16-04-2022 11 (11:00am-12:30pm) Sunday: 17-04-2022 25 (11:00am-12:30pm) Friday: 22-04-2022 11+2+2=15 (08:30pm-10:00pm) Friday: 22-04-2022 MS 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th Advance Research Methodology In Business/ Advance Research Methodology/Business Research Methods Advance Issue In HRM 1+4+1+1=7 (11:00am-12:30pm) PhD 1st Seminars In Research 11 (08:30pm-10:00pm) Sunday: 17-04-2022 Friday: 22-04-2022 04+2=6 (08:30pm-10:00pm) Friday: 15-04-2022 03 (11:00am-12:30pm) Sunday: 17-04-2022 03 (11:00am-12:30pm) Friday: 22-04-2022 Dr. Abdul Ghafar Khan MS Deficiency 9th MS 1st MS 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, MBA 5th/PhD 1st PhD 1st BBA 1st Dr. Amjad Younas st th MS 1 / MBA 5 / M.Com 1st st Mr. R. M. Ahsan Ilyas MS Deficiency 1 / M.Com 1st MS Deficiency 1st BBA 7 th Introduction To HRM/ Human Resource Management Financial Accounting-1 Entrepreneurship Ms. Anum Khan BBA 5th Internet Marketing 6 (11:00am-12:30pm) Friday: 22-04-2022 MSC Eco. 3rd Financial Institutions And Markets 7 (11:00am-12:30pm) Saturday: 16-04-2022 BBA 5th, 7th/BS Eco 7th Business Research Methods/Research Methods in Economics Introduction To Management/ Principles of Management Principles Of Marketing 6+3+6=15 (11:00am-12:30pm) Sunday: 24-04-2022 4+25+2=31 (11:00am-12:30pm) Sunday: 24-04-2022 04+2=6 (11:00am-12:30pm) Saturday: 23-04-2022 Introduction To HRM 10+4=14 (11:00am-12:30pm) Saturday: 23-04-2022 Performance Management 6+3+2=11 (11:00am-12:30pm) Sunday: 17-04-2022 Management Theory & Practice 02 (11:00am-12:30pm) Sunday: 24-04-2022 Business Economics 01 (11:00am-12:30pm) Saturday: 23-04-2022 BBA 1st Micro Economics 25 (11:00am-12:30pm) Tuesday: 26-04-2022 BS Eco 7th Econometric Methods 06 (11:00am-12:30pm) Tuesday: 19-04-2022 MSC Eco 3rd International Economics 07 (11:00am-12:30pm) Sunday: 17-04-2022 Introduction To Statistics/ Statistics th BS Economics 5 , MSC Agricultural Economics Eco 3rd BS Economics 7th Environmental Economics 25+10=35 (11:00am-12:30pm) Monday: 18-04-2022 1+7=8 (08:30pm-10:00pm) Friday: 22-04-2022 06 (11:00am-12:30pm) Friday: 22-04-2022 MSC Economics 3rd, BS Development Economics Eco 5th MSC Economics 3rd Monetary Policy 7+1=8 (11:00am-12:30pm) Saturday: 23-04-2022 07 (11:00am-12:30pm) Sunday: 24-04-2022 10 (11:00am-12:30pm) Monday: 25-04-2022 10 (11:00am-12:30pm) Tuesday: 26-04-2022 MS Deficiency 1st, BBA 1st/ M.Com 1st MS Deficiency 1st/ M.Com 1st BBA 3rd BBA 5th, BBA 7th, MBA 5th MBA 5th Ms. Farrukh Ishtiaq Mr. Ejaz Yaseen MS Deficiency 1 st BBA 1st/3rd Mr. Aftab Alam BBA 3rd BBA 3rd Oral Communication & Presentation Financial Accounting-1 Mr. Sohail Ahmed Siddiqui BBA 5th, 7th Operations Management BBA 3rd, 5th/ M.Com 1st Financial Management BS Economics 5th, 7th Public Finance BS Economics 5th Microeconomic Theory BS Eco 5th, BS Eco 7th International Trade: Theory & Policy 6+3=9 (11:00am-12:30pm) Tuesday: 26-04-2022 10+6+2=18 (11:00am-12:30pm) Sunday: 17-04-2022 1+6=7 Saturday: 16-04-2022 01 (11:00am-12:30pm) (11:00am-12:30pm) 1+6=7 (11:00am-12:30pm) Tuesday: 26-04-2022 Consult with teacher regarding timing Consult with teacher regarding timing Consult with teacher regarding timing Tuesday: 19-04-2022 Tuesday: 19-04-2022 Subjects Taught by Other Departments M. Fiaz Ud Din BBA 1st Islamic Study 25 Mr. Hasnat BBA 1st English-1 25 Syed Tayyab Hussain Shah BBA 3rd, BBA 5th, BBA 7th Calculus 10+06+03=19 Saturday: 16-04-2022 Wednesday: 20-042022