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Cessna 172R Question Bank

Propeller ground clearance 11’ ¼”
Min. turning radius (Pivot point to outboard wingtip) – 27’5 ”
1""## – $olor %lue
'ap weigt – *oral $at.+2&57lbs
,uel additive sould not e-ceed 1 /or isopr0l alcool or .1" to .15 /or
4. ps ust b carried out wit caution and onl0 in soot air (0ellow arc 126+1!4ts)
7. 8ite arc !!+95
9. Ma- window opening speed+ 14!
6. il pressure Min.
'ed line 2"psi
3reen arc 5"+6"
Ma'ed line 115 psi
1". :brupt use o/ controls proibited above 66 ts
11. ;otal /uel< 29=>3?29=>3@ 54=> 3allons
=nusable 1.5 =>3 eac tan
12. Ma-. slip or sid duration wit one tan dr0< !"secs
1!. $alibration $ard – Magnetic copass+ !"degree increents
1&. Anadvertent icing – ;urn bac or cange altitude
15. 8it alternator side o/ te aster switc o//B copass deviations o/ as uc as
25degrees a0 occur
14. Ma-. airspeed and altieter variation /ro noral is &ts and !"’
17. ;e alternator control unit includes an over voltage sensor wic norall0 will
autoaticall0 sut down te alternator i/ te carge voltage reaces
appro-iatel0 !1.5 volts
19. %est '$BM># @ 76CA:>
16. Prior to /ligtB cec tat pitot eater is war to touc witin !"sec wit batter0
and pitot eat switces *
2". o not operate wit less tan 5Dts. ,ill to 9Dts /or e-tended /ligt
21. 'PM drop sould not e-ceed 15"'PM on eiter agneto or 5"'PM di//erential
between agnetos
22. :/ter starting il pressure sould indicate pressure witin green arc in !"secs in
suer and appro- 1in. in ver0 cold w-.
2!. >tarter dut0 c0cle< $ran te starter /or 1"sec. /ollowed b0 a 2"sec. cool down
periodB tis can be repeated two additional ties /ollowed b0 a 1"in. cool down
period. :/ter cool downB cran te starter againB tree c0cles o/ 1"sec /ollowed
b0 2" secs o/ cool down.
2&. :lternator cec+ a positive veri/ication can be ade b0 loading electrical s0ste
oentaril0 (!to 5sec) wit te landing ligt or operating te wing /laps during
engine run up (19""'PM)
25. *oral enroute clib are per/ored wit /laps up and /ull trottle and at speeds 5
to 1"ts iger tan best '$ speeds /or te best cobination o/ per/oranceB
visibilit0 and engine cooling.
24. *oral cruising< 4"+9" power
27. =ntil a total o/ 52rs as accuulated or oil consuption as stabiliEedB cruising
sould be done at 9" power
29. >tall warning orn wic sounds between 5 to 1"ts above stall in all
26. perations in direct cross winds o/ 15ts as been deonstrated
!". Min. turning radius wit di//erential braing is appro-. 27’
!1. *ose weel turns troug an arc o/ 1"degree eac side o/ centre b0 appl0ing
eiter 'F# brae. ;is arc can be increased up to !"degrees
!2. >ingle slot t0pe /lapsB ecanical stop provided at 1"B2" and !" degree positions
!!. ,lap s0ste is protected b0 1"ap $%
!&. #anding gear< Main – tubular spring steelG *ose – :irFil soc strut
!5. %otto edge o/ te /uel /iller tabB 17.5 gallons unusable in eac tan
!4. perating wit one tan dr0 wen ¼ /ull or less do not allow airplane to reain in
uncoordinated /ligt /or periods in e-cess o/ !"secs
!7. Paring braes+ >et te braes wit rudder pedalsB pull te andle a/tB and rotate it
6"degree down
!9. Holtage I 2&.5 voltsB red annunciation volts will /las /or appro-iatel0 1"secs
be/ore becoing stead0.
!6. :ttitude indicator as inde- ars 1"B2"B!"B4" and 6"degrees.
&". 3+ lower le/t+ adJusts te copass card error to correct /or precisionB lower rigt
is used to ove te eading bug.
&1. :vionics ,an operates wen Master and :vionics switces are bot *
&2. :void covering opening on bac side o/ icropone /or optiu noise canceling.
&!. >tuc icropone is ept continuousl0 /or greater tan !!secsB te transitter
stops transitting.
&&. H>A indicated '$F' in /eet per in.
&5. $arburetor icing
&4. ngine /looding during start 0p
&7. $abin eating ventilation s0ste
&9. %est /uel econo0+ Pea 3;
&6. HolteterF:; order in panel (2nd coice)
5". %lac soe /ro e-austK
51. :lternate static vent+ positioned at centre case o/ instruent panel
52. #; annunciator
5!. $loc can be tested b0 L(located on upper le/t o/ instruent panel)
5&. 8en oil pressure is below 2"psiB A# P'>> illuinates