Experimental Investigation on Partial Replacement of Cement with Cow dung Ash and Marble Chips with Fine Aggregate in Concrete 1. PRATIKSHA R. DAROKAR 2.Prof. ISHANT DAHAT 1 PGScholar, Engineering Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, G.H. Raisoni University, Amravati, Maharashtra, India 2 Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, G.H. Raisoni University, Amravati, Maharashtra, India ABSTRACT: The consumption of cement in concrete industries increasing day by day. Concrete is most widely used in construction material in the world, with about two billion tons of utilization worldwide during each year. Concrete is widely used in all types of infrastructural application because it offers considerable strength. The most important part of concrete is the cement. Use of cement alone as a binder material produces large heat of hydration since the production of this raw material emits huge amount of CO2. The carbon dioxide emission from cement is very harmful to the environmental changes. The concrete industry is looking for supplementary cementations material with the objective of reducing the carbon dioxide emission which is harmful to environment. The effective way of reducing CO2 emission from the cement industry is to use the industrial by products or use of supplementary cementing material such as ground granulated blast furnaces slag (GGBS), fly ash, silica fume and met kaolin. In this present experimental work an attempt is made to replace cement by Cow dung ash (CDA) to overcome these problems. .The study focuses on the compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural strength performance of the blended concrete containing different percentage of cow dung ash and marble powder as a partial replacement of cement and fine aggregate. The fine aggregate in concrete is replaced accordingly with the percentage of 24%, 30%, 36%, by weight of F.A and 6%, 10%, 14% is added by weight of cement. Sand is a prime material used for preparation of mortar and concrete and which plays a major role in mix design. Now a day’s erosion of rivers and considering environment a issues, there is the scarcity of rivers and will affect the construction industry. The production of cement possesses many environmental problems due to emission of gaseous polluntants.cow dung is used as a fuel for the domestic purpose, which generates solid waste as ash. This work examines the possibility of using cow dung ash and marble powder as partial replacement of cement and fine aggregate for new concrete. Concrete are made for M-40 grade mix and tested for its compressive strength up to 7, 28 days of age and compared with conventional concrete. Results showed that 10% replacement of cement by cow dung ash makes a considerable increase in compressive strength. The present investigation has shown that an addition of 10% CDA to concrete makes it stronger and more durable than conventional concrete. KEYWORDS: Cow dung ash, marble chips, compressive strength, Split Tensile Strength, Flexural Strength of Concrete INTRODUCTION: Now-a-days construction sector is exploring on a large scale in construction of modern infrastructures and industrialization. It also involves new techniques for rapid and comfort works on the field. Concrete as a building material plays an important role in the sector. The natural resources are also in the verge of extinct. These problems force us to recover the natural resources and to find an alternative option for it. Concrete is the most widely used man made construction material in the world. It is obtained by mixing cementious materials ,water ,aggregate, and sometimes admixtures in required proportions .Fresh concrete or plastic concrete is freshly mixed material which can be molded into any shape hardens into a rock like mass known as concrete. Cement is the main binder in the production of concrete, mortar, sand create blocks and other cement products, is very expensive particularly in developing countries. Concrete is the most widely used man made construction material in civil engineering. The consumption of cement in concrete industries has been increasing day by day to fulfil the needs of infrastructure due to growing population and industrialization. Governments and organizations are working together to find solutions for a greener future, while prospective zero carbon sustainable cities are already underway. The production of cement poses environmental problems due to emission of gaseous pollutants. Due to emissions of poisonous gases like CO2, NO etc by cement production company they have depleted the natural environment, they have caused environment pollution and global warming due to the depletion of ozone layer. Production of Ordinary Portland cement emits CO2 into the atmosphere. Therefore there is a need to search for supplementary cementations materials for utilization as partial substitute for cement. Several researchers have used different materials like sawdust ash, rice husk ash, fly ash, granulated blast furnace slag, as partial replacement of cement in concrete. Waste is the one of the challenge to dispose and manage. Cow dung is the undigested residue of plant matter which comes from cows gut. In cow dung nitrogen, calcium, carbon, potassium, and phosphorus have a high content of about 10-15 kg cow dung is produce by a cow in a day, which contain about 28% water in fresh state, 34% of cow dung become ash when it is burned. According to a survey of 2012 there are about 51.2 crore cattle in India. Cow dung was habitually used in concrete and so one may suppose there were particular benefits in its inclusion. The cement was replaced by cow dung ash as 6%, 10%, and 14%. CDA is an economically strong material, have excellent flexural strength, crack resistance and can also be used as an alternate material for concrete construction. LITERATURE REVIEW The literature review was carried out to find out the various researchers conducted in partial replacement of fine aggregate and cement with the similar type of materials. The behaviour of the concrete has been found out. The available literatures collected on this topic are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. P.Thej Kumar, R.Harshini Reddy And Dvs. Bhagavanulu1., “A study on the replacement of cement in concrete by cow dung ash”. This trend of strength variation may be due to the pozzolanic activity of CDA. It is observed that the 5% CDA can be added in cement as partial replacement where as in concrete 5% CDA can be used as partial replacement to cement. But more detailed study is essential to find the compressive strength at longer ages. O.Y.Ojedokum, A.A.Adeniran, S.B.Raheem and S.J.Aderinto2 “Cow dung Ash as Partial Replacement of Cementing Material in the Production of Concrete”. Presents the result on the study for the use of Cow Dung Ash (CDA) as partial replacement in production of concrete. The experiments were designed to study the effects of adding Cow Dung Ash (CDA) in various percentages by weight (10%, 20% and 30%) of cement and cure for the periods of 7, 14, 21 and 28, days respectively before testing for the Compressive strengths. T.Omoniyi,S.Duna, A. Mohammed “Utilization of Cow Dung Ash as Construction Material in concrete And check Compressive strength Based on test results we conclude the partial replacement of cement with 10% of cow dung ash increase the compressive strength of the concrete than that of conventional concrete. Modified concrete will shows sustainable approach in construction sector. Duna Samson, Omoniyi Toper Moses5., “Investigation the pozzolanic potentials of cow dung ash in cement paste and mortars”. Reports on the investigation into the pozzolanic potentials of cow dung ash. Cow dung was calcined at a temperature range of 400-500, sieved through 212μm sieve and characterized using chemical and physical methods. Cement paste and mortar were produced using CDA as cement replacement at 0, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30%. Standard consistency, soundness and setting time test were conducted on the blended cement paste, while compressive strength test was conducted on the hardened mortar samples after curing for 7, 28, 60 and 90days. Jitender Kumar Dhaka, Surendra Roy “Utilization of fly ash and cow dung ash as partial replacement of cement in concrete” In this study he replace the cement using fly ash and cow dung ash for M20 Grade and rock,bricks he used as a coarse aggregate prepared separately . the cubes are cured for the period of 3 days ,7 days,14 days,21days and 28days.The mean strength of all concrete mixes with marble powder was 5-10% higher than the references concrete conforming to IS: 456 2000. Compressive strength of the concrete has increased with increasing percentages of marble dust additions. The rate of the 0% marble waste 28 days strength is 38 N/mm2 at this strength of concrete rate is Rs.3760.25. After adding the marble dust increases the strength. The high-est compressive strength has been demonstrated by 15% marble dust is 40.5 N/mm2 at this strength of concrete rate is Rs. 3732.56. By us-ing the marble dust the rate of the concrete is decrease and strength is increase. Patel N. “Marble Waste Opportunities for development of low cost concrete” The marble powder was 510% higher than the references concrete to IS: 456 2000. The Rate of the 0% marable waste 28 days strength is 38 N/mm2 at this strength of concrete rate is RS 3760.25, After adding the marable dust increases the strength the 15% marable dust added compressive strength has 40.5 N/mm2 at this strength of concrete rate is Rs.3732.56 by using the marble dust the rate of the concrete is decrease and strength is increases. Ojedokun, O.Y., Adeniran, A.A., Raheem, S.B. and Aderinto,S. J, “CDA as partial replacement of cementing material in the production of concrete he compressive test , setting time ,bulk density ,workability he find out in this report. 8. Inderveer Singh Gurjar , Gautam Bhadouriya “ A Study on use of Cow dung Ash and Rice husk Ash in Concrete”The cement has been replaced by CDA in the range of 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% by weight of cement for M20 grade mix. It was tested for compressive strength at the age of 7, 14 and 28 days and compared with those of conventional concrete. Results showed that 10% replacement of cement by cow dung ash makes a considerable increase in compressive strength. The present investigation has shown that an addition of 10% CDA to concrete makes it stronger and more durable than conventional concrete 9. Sirri Sachin, Bahar Kocaman, Ibrahim Orung and Selcuk Memis “ Replacing Cattle Manure Ashas Cement into Concrete”, The M25 mix is design for proposed mix calculated for compressive strength test cube prepared for different percentage of replacement and cured for 7, 14 and 28 days. The Results shows the maximum compressive strength for (10% fly ash +5% cow dung ash) in 28 days, workability of a concrete decreased as the percentage of fly ash and cow dung ash increases in concrete. It also shows that the standard consistency and initial final setting time increased as the percentage of fly ash and cow dung ash increases in the concrete 10. V.S.R.Pavan Kumar, P.Polu Raju4 “Incorporation of cow dung ash to mortar and concrete”. Performance of cow dung ash with concrete although seriously limited by its low compressive strength, cow dung ash concrete can be made to perform well in certain floor and wall applications. When CDA is mixed with concrete it requires more quantity of water while increasing the ash content. It performs well in when a limited percentage (up to 10%) can be used for floor applications or as a building component not subject to high structural stresses. It has serious limitations that must be understood before it is put to use. Within these limitations, the advantages of cow dung ash concrete offers lightness of weight, and low thermal conductivity make it a useful construction material. However, the strength of cow dungs ash concrete when made in the most commonly used proportion is only 10 to 15 percent of that of normal concrete 7. MATERIAL PROPERTIES MIX DESIGN: M40 GRADE MATERIALS In the design of high performance concrete the selection of proper ingredients evaluating the properties and understanding the interaction between different materials plays a major role in performance of the concrete. The ingredients used are cement, cow dung ash, natural sand, coarse aggregate, marble chips. 1. MARBLE CHIPS: Marbles are metamorphic rock made form lime stone. It gives soft appearance and high porosity .It sensitive to acids such as lemon juice and vinegar. The cost of marbles approximately ranges from Rs .50 to Rs .2000 /sq.ft. It is Soft rock you need to lay feel flooring lost its shining then you can do polishing one more times that you will get the first look. This will be one advantage in case if you are going for marble. Generally cost wise it will be little lesser. Marbles layer can create very nice patterns out of it. If conditions are right the rock will be heated and compressed beneath the earth where it will transform into marble. This investigation was started with the study of marbles, and it was intended to complete this material before taking up another type. The laboratory work, however, has been confined to the developed quarries, owing to the difficulty of securing samples from the undeveloped deposits. It is proposed to supplement this report with subsequent studies of other marbles deposits, together with more extensive experiments on the weathering qualities yes here reported. The samples secured from the quarries for testing in this investigation were approximately I by I by 2 feet. The test specimens were prepared from these blocks by sawing them, first into slabs within 48-inch carbora dump tooth wheel and then into cubes, beams, etc., with a 30inchcarborundum –rim wheel. The briquettes for tension tests were prepared as far as possible from the pieces used in determining the transverse. The grooved pieces were then sawed transversely, giving briquette with a cross section of me square inch S.NO PHYSICALPROPERTIES RESULT 1 Specific gravity 2.97 2 physical form chips 3 Size 2.36mm 4 White Color PROPERTIES OF MARBLE CHIPS 2. COW DUNG ASH: Cow are one of the numerous species of cattle family commonly available in all the part on the world they are employed field operations like Pouching, harrowing, sowing and inter-cultivation etc., while some may looks at cow as source of meat, dairy products and some other use the Michigan state university have found more sustainable and abundant, yet equally useful bovine by produce manure. Surprisingly, the material, When sterilized, is entirely odorless and offers some wonderful characteristics for the production of variety of fiberboard building materials. The manure essentially replaces the role of sawdust in the production of particle boards, which would cut down wood usage as well as posing a creative solution of huge. The cow dung is said to have strong antibacterial properties it works as a good disinfectant by keeping house cool in summer and warm in winter cow dung’s used as construction material for house encourages utilization of material resources and minimizes wastages. In this CDA was obtained from rural housing the cow dung is collected and dried for an period of 12 days and it is burned to form an ash which is added to cement by partially replacing from 5% to 20% the cow dung is an good. Cow dung ash that has been obtained from villages are dried under sunlight, burnt at a temperature of 450 to 500°C and cooled. After cooling it was crushed to powder form, sieved under 300 micron sieve was stored in an air tight container preventing moisture ingress. The cow dung is exposed to sunlight to dry in order to have dung cakes which is then subjected to burning after it is dried to have the cow dung ash which is obtained in black color. The properties of the concrete tested, include compressive and split tensile strength. Specimens of150×150mm cube 150×300mm cylinder were cast and stripped after 24h and then cured for 28d in normal water. The compressive strength test was performed as per provisions of IS516 and split tensile strength test was carried out as per IS5816. Compressive strength of concrete is evaluated compression testing machine of 3000KN capacity. COW DUNG ASH PROPERTIES OF COW DUNG ASH S.NO PHYSICALPROPERTIES 1 Specific gravity 2 Physical form 3 Size 4 Color RESULT 3.02 powder 90mic blackish EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM 1. COMPRESSION TEST To determine the compressive strength for each five mix cubes are cast as per IS: 516-1959. Each set contains 9 cubes were cast to find the compressive strength of cube in 7 day and 28 days. Concrete is strong in compression and in contracture also concrete is mainly used in compression. Higher the compressive strength better is the durability and bond strength. Resistance to abrasion and volume stability Improve with the compressive strength which is very important in quality control of concrete.15cm,cube size is normally used .But 10cm size can also be used if the aggregate size is not greater than 20mm. The apparatus used are Cube Mould15cmsize, towels, tamping rod 16mm diameter and 60cm long, compression testing machine. Compressive strength C=P/A Compression Testing Machine Procedure: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Cubes of size 15X15X15(cm3) used for determination of compressive Strength. The concrete cube should be clean properly for lubrication. Assemble them Mould and tightly fix with bolt. A thin layer of oil should be applying on all side of concrete cube. The concrete sample filled in cube in 3 layers each layer should be compact by 25 number of stroke with the help of tampering rod. Then cubes placed on vibration table for vibration. The casted cubes remaining mould for 24 hours at the temperature 220C to 330C. After 24 hours Specimen is taken out and placed in water for curing. After curing cubes tested for compression in compression testing machine. 2. SPLIT TENSILE STRENGTH The tensile strength is one of the basic and important properties of the concrete. The concrete is not usually expected to resist the direct tension because of its low tensile strength and brittle nature. The splitting tests are well known indirect tests used for determining the tensile strength of concrete sometimes referred to as spilt tensile strengthof concrete. The test consists of applying compressive line loads along the opposite generators of concrete cylinder placed with horizontal between the compressive flatten. Due to the compression loading a fairly uniform tensile stresses developed over nearly2/3 of the loaded diameters QSP=2p/πdl Split tensile Strength Test Procedure of Splitting Tensile Test: Initially, take the wet specimen from water after 7, 28 of curing; or any desired age at which tensile strength to be estimated. Then, wipe out water from the surface of specimen After that, draw diametrical lines on the two ends of the specimen to ensure that they are on the same axial place. Next, record the weight and dimension of the specimen. Set the compression testing machine for the required range. Place plywood strip on the lower plate and place the specimen. Align the specimen so that the lines marked on the ends are vertical and centred over the bottom plate. Place the other plywood strip above the specimen. Bring down the upper plate so that it just touches the plywood strip. Apply the load continuously without shock at a rate within the range 0.7 to 1.4 MPa/min (1.2 to 2.4 MPa/min based on IS 5816 1999) Finally, note down the breaking load(P) 3. FLEXURAL STRENGTH OF CONCRETE Direct measurement of tensile strength of concrete is difficult. Neither specimens nor testing apparatus have been designed which assure uniform distribution of the pull applied to the concrete. While a number of investigation involving the direct measurement of tensile strength have been made, beam tests are found to be dependable to measure. The flexural strength property of concrete. In the symmetrical two point loading, the critical crack may appear at any section, not strong enough to resist the stress within the middle third, where the bending moment is maximum. Flexural strength, F- pl/bh2 W here, P= load in Newton L = length of rectangular prism in mm b = breath of rectangular h = height of rectangular Flexural strength On Beam Procedure 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Take the dimensions and weight of the beam. Clean and wipe the bearing surfaces of the loading and supporting rollers and remove any loose sand or other material from the beam where it is to make contact with the rollers. Now, place the test specimen in the flexural testing machine in such a manner that the load can be applied to the uppermost surface as cast in the beam, along two lines spaced 200 or 133 mm apart. The axis of the specimen should be carefully aligned with the axis of the loading device. Apply the load gradually and continuously at the rate of 400 kg/minute for 150 mm specimen and 180 kg/minute for 100 mm specimen until the test specimen fails. Record the load at which the beam is failed. Note down the appearance of the fractured faces of concrete and any unusual features in the type of failure. GENERAL This chapter deals with the results obtained from the various experiments conducted to access mechanical properties. The aim of the study to determine the compressive strength, flexural strength hand split tensile strength. So the results of test specimen are presented. The discussion on the results also presented in this chapter 1. Compressive strength: Compressive strength of cube with partial replacement of CDA (Cow dung ash) and MC (Marble chip) Table no. 1. The compressive strength of replacement of cow dung ash and marble chips is arrived. Sr.no Cement 1 2 3 4 100% 70% 60% 50% % of cow dung ash added 0 6 10 14 %of marble powder added 0 24 30 36 7days compressive strength N/mm2 16 27.95 29.77 14.25 28days compressive strength N/mm2 30.27 39.53 40.55 37.05 2. SPLIT TENSILE STRENGTH Table no. 2.Split tensile strength of cylinder with partial replacement of CDA and MC Sr.no 1 2 3 4 Cement %of cow dung ash added 100% 70% 60% 50% 0 6 10 14 % of marble powder 7 days split 28 days split added tensile strength tensile strength N/mm2 N/mm2 0 24 30 36 1.41 1.780 2.83 2.46 2 3.980 5.661 3.119 3. FLEXURAL STRENGTH Table no. 3.Flexural strength of beams with partial replacement of CDA and MC Sr.no 1 2 3 4 Cement %of cow dung ash added %of marble powder added 100% 70% 60% 50% 0 6 10 14 0 24 30 36 7days flexural strength N/mm2 1 1 1 1 28 days flexurals trengthN /mm2 2 2 3 2 CONCLUSION Experimental investigations carried out to study the cow dung ash on the strength of concrete. Cement was partially replaced with four percentages (0%, 6%, 10%, and 14%) of cow dung ash by weight and also fine aggregate replaced with four percentage (0%, 24%,30% and 36%) of marble powder by weight. The compressive strengths of the concrete specimens were determined at 7, and 28 days respectively The replacement of cement with cow dung ash 6% and 10% leads to increase in compressive strength whereas the percentage replacement of 14% leads to decrease in compressive strength and the replacement of fine aggregate with marble chips 24% and 30% is leads to increase in compressive strength and 36% percentage of marble chips is decrease The compressive strength is increased when the cement was replaced by 10% of CDA and decreased with increase in the cow dung ash content. Hence, it is concluded that the 10% cement can be replaced with CDA in Concrete. Based on test results we conclude the partial replacement of cement with 10% of cow dung ash and fine aggregate replacement of marble powder with 30% increase the compressive strength of the concrete than that of conventional concrete. So, it should use in construction of any structure. The compressive strength of the concrete is reduced with the increase in CDA and in strength increase with the increase in curing days The CDA has an advantage that offers lightness of weight that makes it useful construction material. These materials are locally available and they can also reduce the cost of producing concrete. The workability of concrete had been found increase with decrease of CDA and marble chips .The concrete preparation is for eco-friendly and cost effective. REFERENCES P. Thej Kumar, R. Harshini Reddy and DVS Bhagavanulu “ A Study on the Replacement of Cement in Concrete by Cow dung Ash” International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS). 2015; 1(9):314-27 2. O. Y. Ojedokun, A. A. Adeniran, S. B. Raheem and S. J. Aderinto“Cow dung ash as patial Replacement of Cementing Material in the Production of concrete” British Journal of Applied Science & Technology. 2014; 4(24):3445-54. 3. T.Omoniyi, S. Duna, A. 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