AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 An American National Standard Structural Welding CodeSteel Mie1lcan Nafho”a/ι ‘’ -:...,.....=--‘ "Tq~N aA @따W AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 An American National Standard Approved by the American National Standards Institute , July 28 2015 Structural Welding CodeSteel 23rd Edition Supersedes AWS D l.lID 1. 1M:2010 Prepared by the American Welding Society (AWS) Dl Committee on Structural Welding Under the Direction of the AWS Technical Activities Committee Approved by the AWS Board of Directors Abstract This code covers the welding requirements [01" any type of welded structure made from the commonly used carbon and low-alloy constructional steels. Clauses 1 through 9 constitute a body of rules for the regulation of .velding in steel constructiOl1. There are nine nonnative and eleven informative annexes in this code. A Commentary of the code is inclnded with the documen t. ‘ American Welding Society@ AWS 01.1/01.1 M‘ 2015 ISBN: 978-0-87171-864-8 2015 by American We1ding Society All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America @ Photocopy Rights. No portion of this standard may be reproduced , stored in a retrieva1 system, or transmitted in any fon11 , inc1uding mechanica1 , photocopying, recording , or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. Authorization to photocopy items for interna1 , personal , 01' educationa1 classroom use on1y 01' the internal , personal , or educationa1 classl'Oom use on1y of specific clients is granted by the American We1ding Society provided that the appl'Opriate fee is paid to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive , Danvers , MA 01923 , te1: (978) 750-8400; Internet: <>. II AWS D1.1/D 1. 1M:2015 Statement on the Use of American Welding Society Standards All standards (codes , specifications , recommended practices , methods , classifications , and guides) of the American Welding Society (AWS) are voluntary consensus standards that have been developed in accordance with the mles of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). When AWS American National Standards are either incorporated in , or made part of, documents that are included in federal or state laws' and regulations , or the regulations of other governmental bodiεs , their provisions ca lTy the full legal authority of the statute. In such cases , any changes in those AWS stan dards must be approved by the g아'crnmcl1tal body having statutory jurisdiction before they can become a part of those laws and regulations. 1n all cases , these standards carry the fulllegal authority of the contract or other document that illvokes the AWS standards. Where this contractual relationship exists , changes in or deviations from requirements of an AWS standard must be by agreement between the contracting parties. AWS American National Standards are developed through a consensus standards deve10pment process that brings together volunteers representing varied viewpoints and Înterests to achieve consensus. Wh i1 e AWS administers the pro~ cess and establishes rules to promote fairness in the development of consensus. it does not independently test , evaluate , or verify the Hccuracy of any information 01' the sOllndness of any jlldgments contained in its standards. AWS disclaims liability f,이‘ any 111Jury to persons 이 to propertι 01' other damages of any nature whatsoever, whether special. indirect. consequential , 01' compensatory. directly 01' indirectly resulting from the publicatíon , use of, 01' reliance on this standard. AWS a1so makes no guarantee 01' wa lTanty as to the acc lI racy 01' completeness of any information published herei l1. In issuing and making this standard available , AWS is neither undertaking to render professional or other services for or on behalf of any perso l1 이 el1 tity, 110r is AWS undertaking to perform al1y duty olV ed by any person or e ity to someone else. Anyone lI sing these docllments should rely on his 01' her own independent judgment 01', as appropriate , seek the advice of a competent professional in determining the exercise of reasonable care in any given circu l11 stances. It is assumed that the use of this standard and Îts provisions is entrusted to appropriately qualified and competent personnel … This standard may be superseded by the issuance of new editions. This standard may also be corrected through pllblica tion of amendments 01' errata , 01' supplemented by publication of addenda. Information on the latest editions of AWS standards including amendments , errata , and addenda is posted on the AWS web page ( Users should ensure that they have the latest editioll , amendments , errata , and addenda Publication of this standard does not authorize infringement of any patent or trade name. Users of this standard accept any and allliabilities for infringement of any patent 01' trade name items. AWS disclaims liabi1 ity for the infringement of any patent 01' product trade name resulting fro Il1 the use of this standard. AWS does not monitol', police , or enfo1'c e compliance with this standard , 110 1' does it have the power to do so 011 occasion , text , tables , 01' figures are printed incorrectly, constituting errata. Such errata , when discovered , are posted on the AWS Webpage ( Officîal interpretations of any of the technical requirements of this standard may only be obtained by sending a request , in writing , to the approprìate echnical conunittee. Such requests should be addressed to the American Welding Society, Attention: Managing Director, Tech l1 ical Services Division , 8669 NW 36 St , # 130, Miami , FL 33166 (see Annex N) With regard to technical inquiries made concerning AWS standards , oral opinions on AWS standa1'ds may be rendered These opinions a1'e offered solely as a convenience to users of this standard , and they do not constitute professional advice. Such opinions represent only the personal opinions of the particular indíviduals giving them. These individuals do not speak on behalf of AWS , nor do these oral opinions constitute official or unofficial opinions 01' inter ‘ III AWS D1. 1/D l.l M:2015 This page is intentionally blank. lV AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 Dedication v AWS D 1. 1/D1.1M:2015 This page is intentionally blank. Vl AWS D1.1 /D 1. 1M:2015 Personnel AWS Dl Committee on Structural Welding A. W. Sindel , Cha Íl T. L. Niemann , Vice Chair R. D. Medlock , 2nd Vice Chair J. Molin , Secretary F. G. Armao E. L. Bickford T. M. Burns H ‘ H. Campbell , III R. D. Campbell R. B. Corbit M. A. Grieco C 씨r. Holmes J. J. Kenney J. H. Kiefer S. W. Kopp V. Kuruvilla J. Lawlnon N. S. Li ndell D. R. Luciani P. W. Marshall M. J. Mayes D. L. McQuaid J. Merrill D. K. Miller J. B‘ Pearson , Jr D. C. Phillips D. D. Rager T. 1. Schlaf1 y D. R. Scott R. E. Shaw, Jr. R. W. Stieve M. M. Tayarani P. Torchio , III D. G. Yantz Alslom Power Sfeam , lnC011JOrated Mimzesofa Department 0/ ηì'allsportation High Steel Strllctllres , LLC American Weldillg Socie f)’ The Lillcoln Electric Cornpally ACllfe 1εchnological Services AlcolεCWI‘re COl lJOratioJl PaZllZU EllgiJl eering Bechtel CB&1 Massacllllset Department of Trallsportatioll Modjeski G l1 d Masters, Incorporated Shelllnternational E & P ConocoPh i/lips Company (Retired) High Steel St l'll ctllres, LLC GenesÎs Qualiη Sysfems Americall Engineering & Mamψ7ctllring, lnCOl]Jorated OregOIl lron Works, lnco l1Jorated Canadian Welding Bureau MHP Systems ElI gilleering Mayes 1εsting EngÎlwers, lncoψorafed D. L. McQuaid alld Assodates, blCOl IJOrated AMECE&1 The Lincoln Electric Company LTK EngÌneerÎng Servkes Hobart Brotllers Company Rage l' COJl sultillg, Jnco 1]JOrated AmerÌcall Institute o[ Steel COllstruction PSl, lllco샤JOrated (Retired) Steel Structures Te cJmology Centel; Incorporated Parsons COIporatÌoll Massachusetts Departl re1lf 01 η ,{//Isportatioll (Retired) Williams Enteψrises o[ Georgia, Jncorporated Canadíall Welding Bureau “ ’ Adviso l'S 10 Ihe Dl Commillee on Slruclu l'al Welding W. G. Alexander N. J. A Itebrando E.M.Beck B. M. Butler R. A. Dennis G. L. Fox H. E. Gihner G. J. Hill WGAPE S1Y, lncO/ porated AMEC Walt Dislley \Vorld Company COllsulta1lf Consultant Tampa Tallk-Florida Structll l'll l Steel G. J. Hi ll alld Associates, lllcO/ porated VIl AWS D1.1 /D 1.1 M:2015 Advisors 10 Ihe D1 Committee on Slructu l'al Welding (Continued) M. L. Hoitomt J. W. Post K. K. Verma B. D. Wright AWS Hoitomt COllsulting Services J. W. Post & Associates, IllcOl porated COllsultallt Advantage Aviatioll Techllologies DIQ Subcommittee on Steel American Insf Ît ute 01 Steel Construclion Wi/l iams E ll1elIJrises of Georgia, IncOl porated Americall Weldillg Societγ C-spec ACllte 1εcJlIlological Services C P Buckller Steel Erectioll , Illcorporated Pazazu Engineering Walt Dislley World COlllpally TEAM Illdustrial Services, IllcOl porated PSI, Inc Ol IJOrated (Retired) Midwest Steel Illc Ol porated P /V- Weld Stud Weldillg Associates JOllllSO Il Plate alld Tower Fabrication SheU Illtematiollal E & P ConocoPhillψs Compally (Retired) Le Jeune Steel Compally High Steel Strllctllres, LLC Genesis Quality Systellls T. Schlafly, Chair P. Torchio , Ill, Vice Chair J. Molin , Secretary hι Bernasek E. L. Bickford J. 씨r. Cagle H. H. Campbell , III w. P. Capers R. V. Clarke D.A.Dunn M. E. Gase W. S. Houston M.J.Jordan J. J. Kenney J. H. Kiefer L. A. Kloiber S. W. Kopp V. Kuruvilla K. Landwehr D. R. Luciani P. W. Marshall R. P. Marslender G. S. Martin M.J. Mayes J. Merrill J. l. Miller S. P. Moran J. C. Nordby D. D. Rager D. R. Scott R. E. Shaw, Jr A. W. Sindel R. W. Stieve S. J. Thomas R. H. R. Tide J. L. Warren Co 이IlS(“띠 tltallt Canadian Welding BlII ~all MHP Systellls Ellgineering Kiew Î1 0야llOre Services, Ltd GEOil & Gas Mayes Testing EngÌneers, lncorporated AMECE&I Chevron Weir American Hy’dro Entergy Rager Consultillg , Illc O/ porated PSI, IllcO/ porated (Retired) Steel Structllres Technology Celltet; Incorporated Alstom Power Steam , InC011JOrated Parsons COIporation COllsultanf Wiss, Jalllley, Elstner Associates CB&I Advisors 10 Ihe D1Q Commillee on Sleel S Tv, Inc O/ porated S lI bsea Global Sollltions Walt Disney World Company SNH Market Conslllta ll1s Talllpa Tallk-Florida Stmclllral Steel Massachllsetts Departlllellt ofTran ψ orlatioll Tn사Veld Eqllipmellt COIIψany N. J. Altebrando U. 、11. Aschemeier B. M. Butler H. A. Chambers H ‘ E. Gilmer M. A. Grieco 1. Guili Vlll AWS D1.1/D1.1M’ 2015 Advisors to the DIQ Committee 011 Steel (Col1 tinued) The Lincoln Elecfric COlllpω1)' Arc Specialifies Modjeski alld Masfers, IlI corporafed Bombardier Transportatioll Sflld Welding Pmdllcts, IlI cOl porated Oregoll Imn Works D. L. MCQllaid and Associafes, Inco l}JOrated High Steel Sf l"ll ctllres, LLC The Lincoln Electric COlllpany University ojToro1lfO LTK Enghzeering Services Hobart Bmthers COlllpally J. l V. Post and Associafes, IlI coψ orated Massachllsetfs Deparlment of η 'a11sportatioJl (Retired) tμlllkesha C Ol mty 1능ch College COllsultant η 1I- Weld Wright lVelding Tecllllologies Calladiall lVelding Bureau C. W. Hayes R. L. Holdre l1 c. W. Hohnes 까" Jaxa-Rozen J. E. Koski N. S. Li l1 dell D. L. McQ lI aid R. D. Medlock D. K. Miller J. A , Packer J. B. Pearson , J1'. D. C. Phillips J. W. Post M. M. Tayarani J. L. Uebele K ‘ K. Verma P. Workman D. A. Wright D. G. Yantz DIQ Subcommittee 1닝sk G I'OUp on Design ‘ W. P. Capers , Chair T. Green , Vice Chait B. M. B lI tlel D ‘ B. Ferrell W. Jaxa-Rozen M. J. Jordan J. J. Kel1 ney L. A. Kloiber P. W. Marshall J. M. Ocel 1. A. Packer J. B. Pearson , J1' T. 1. Schla l1 y R. E. Shaw, Jr. R. H. R. Tide \Vcdt Disllev \ lorld Compml)' Wiss, Jallney, Elstner Associates Walt Dislley World COlllpally Ferrell Engineering , Inco l]J01"G ted Bombardier Transporlalion Joll11 S011 Plafe alld Towe l' Fabricatioll Shell l lI1emational E & P LeJeune Steel Compally MHP Systems EngÌneering Pederal Highway AdminÌstratiOIl Uni l' ersÌty 01 Tomnto LTK Enginee l'Ìng Ser l' ices A 11I erÌcan Illstitute 01 Steel COllstruction Steel Structures 1εclmology Ce Jlt el; Illcorporated lViss, Janney, Elstller Associates Advisors to the DIQ Subco ll1ll1 ittee Task Group 011 Design The Lincoln Electric COtlψ any (Retired) Bombardier Trallsportatio l1 CB&I O. W. Blodgett J. Desjardins 1. L. Warren DIQ Subcommittee Task Group on Prequalification D. R. LlI ciani , Co-Chair P. Torchio , IIl, Co-Chair C. Zanfir, Vice Chail 、11. J. Bell H. H. Ca ll1pbε11 , III K. Landwehr R 찌T. Marsha l1 Calladiall Weldillg Bureau WiIl iams Entelprises 01 Georgia, IncOJporated Canadian Weldillg Bureau Atlall1 ic Testing Lι1boratories PaZUZll Engineerillg Consultant MHPS)’stems Engilleering IX AWS Dl.l/Dl.1M:2015 DIQ Subcommittee Task Group on Prequalification (Continued) J. I. Miller S. P. Moran J. C. Norby R. E. Shaw, Jr. A. W. Sindel Chevroll Weir Americall Hydro Entergy Steel Strllctllres Techllology Cellte/; lllcolporated Alstom Power Steam , IncofJ’01ηted Advisor to the DIQ Subcommittee Task Group on Prequalification J. L. Warren CB&l DIQ Subcommittee Task Group on Qualification T. C. Myers , Chair S. J. Findlan , Vice Chair M. Bernasek E.L‘ Bickford M. G. Collins M ‘ W. Elsemore M. J. Harker R. L. Holdren J. J. Kenney J. H. Kiefer R. P. Marslender D. W. Meyer D. D. Rager A. W. Sindel D. A. Stickel B. M. Toth J. L. Uebele COllsllltallt CB&l Powel C-spec ACllte Tecllllological Services COllocoPhillips Compall)' The Boeillg Compall)' ldaho Nariollal LaboratOl y Arc Specialties Shell lllte l'll atiollal E & P COllocoPhillψs Compall)' (Retired) Kiewit Offshore Services, μd ESAB 까!eldillg & ClI ttillg Products Rager COllsultillg, lllcmψomted Alstom Power Steam , lllcOl porated Cate/ pillOl; lncOl pomted CB&l Vaukesha County Tecllllical College ‘ Advisors to the DIQ Subcommittee Task Group on Qualification Co αIlS ’1St“tltant 띠 D. R. Lawrence II G. S. Martin D. C. Phillips K. K. Venna J. L. Warren D. G. Yantz GE-Oil & Gas Hobart Brothers Compall)' COllsultant CB&l Canadiall We/dillg BlI reall DIQ Subcommittee Task Group on Fabrication H. E. Gilmer, Chair J. I. 1\따ller, Vice Chair S. E. Anderson W. J. Bell H. H. Campbell, III R. V. Clarke M. E. Gase M. A. Grieco C. Hanson R. L. Holdren C. W. Hohnes J. H. Kiefer η71npa Tallk-Florida Structural Steel Chevron HRVCOI ormance Verijicati011 Atlantic Testillg Laboratories Pazuz lI EllgÎlleerÎng TEAM llldllstrial ServÎces, lllcOl porated Midwest Steel, lllcOl porated Massachusetts Department 0/ η'Gnsportation ADF Grollp, lncOl1Jorated Arc Specialties Modj‘ eski & Masters, lllcOl porated ConocoPhillips COlllpally (Retired) x “ AWS D1.1/D 1. 1M:2015 DIQ Subcommittee Task Group on Fabrication (Continued) Hígh Stee/ Structllres, LLC Genesis Qnality Systems COllsu!tant Consultallt Shelllnternationa/ E & P GE.Oil & Gas Stonebridge Steel Erection High Steel Structllres, LLC Pell1lO nÎ Associates, ltlC01]Jorated Alla Vista Solutiolls S. W. Kopp V. Kuruvilla K. Landwehr E. S. LaPann C.A ‘ Manke l1 berg G. S. Martin attfield R. D. Medlock J. E. Melli l1ger R. L. Mertz ‘ Advisors to the D1Q S lI bcommittee Task Grollp 011 Fabricatio l1 W. G. Alexal1 der B. Anderson J. W. Cagle R ‘ A. DennÎs G. L. Fox G. J. H iII D. L. McQuaid J. E. Myers J. W. Post T. J. Schlafly J. Sokolewicz R. H. R. Tide K. K. Verma J. L 씨'arren WGAPE A101ex InC 0l1JOrated C. P. Buckller Steel E l'ectioll. blCOI]Jorated COJl suftant CO l1 su!lant G. J. H iII & Associates D. L. McQuaid & Associates, lncorporated COllsultallt J. 1-v. Post Gnd Associates, 11l C01pomted American lnsfitufe 01 Steel CO l1 strllctiol1 Trillity Rail lViss, ]mlJ1 e기 Elstner Associates C0 l1 S11ffa l1 t CB&1 DIQ Subcommittee Task Group 011 Inspection G. S. Martin , Chair P. G. Ki l1l1 ey, Vice Chair S ‘ E. A l1derson U. W. Aschemeier R. V. Clarke J. M. Davis D.A‘ DU l1 n K. R. Fogleman M. E. Gase H. E. Gilmer c. W. Hayes P. T. Hayes R. K. Holbert S. W. Kopp E. S. LaPa l1l1 N. S. Lil1dell C ‘ A. Mal1 ke l1 berg E. S. Mattfield J. E. Melli l1 ger J. Merrill R. L. Mertz J. B. Pearson , Jr. D. R. Scott GE.Oil & Gas ACllte Teclmological ServÎces HRV COllformallce Verificatioll Subsea Global Solutious Teamllldustrial Services, blC01]JOrated Da l' is NDE.Olylllpus NDT PSI, blCOII orated (Retire씨 Valmont IndustrÎes Midwest Steel, InC01porated Tampa 깐1IIk.Florida Structural Steel The Lillcoln Electric Company GEb씨'Jection Teclmologies LP AlstOJJl Pmve l' Steam , InC01porated High Steel St l'uctures, blC01]JOrated COllsultant Oregoll bVIl Works, InC01porated Shelllllternational E & P Stollebridge Steel Erectioll PeJ/llO llÎ Associates, 11l C01porated AMECE&1 Alta Vista SOllltÎO Il S LTK Engineering Services PSI, lllcorporated (1I etired) ’ XI AWS Dl.l /D l.l M:2015 DIQ Subcommittee Task Group on Inspection (Continued) ’ D. G. Yantz CanadiOl Welding Bureall Advisors to the D1Q Subcommi t!ee Ta sk Group on Inspection E. M. Beck S. M. Duke G. J. Hill J. H. Kiefer D. L. McQuaid K. J. Steinhagen R. W. Stieve T. W. Studebaker K. K. Verma J. L. Warren MACTEC Ellgilleering & COllslllfillg Florida Deparfmellf ofTransportation G. 1. H i11 & Associafes COllocoPhi /lips COI1ψally (Retire씨 D.L. McQ lI aid & Associafes, Illcoψorated PSI, Inc O/ porafed ParSO I1 S COJporation Sf. Lρllis Tesli Ig Conslllfanf CB &1 ’ DIQ Subcommittee Task Group on Stud Welding ‘ W. S. Houston , Chair U. W. Aschemeier, Vice Chair H. A. Chambers D.A.Dunn J. Guili B. C. Hobson J. E. Koski D. R. Luciani C. W. Makar S. P. Moran P. Torchio , III M. M. Tayarani J. L. Uebele P. Workman PIV-Weld Sflld \ 'elding Associafes S lI bsea Global Solmions Cotlsu{tallf PSI, lncO/ porated Tru- Weld Eqllipmellf Compally Image lndustries Sflld Welding P lVdllCfs, Inc 0/1JOrafed Canadiall "상ldillg B lI reall Co.λ IlI dllsfries PDM Bridge, LLC Williams Ellferprises of Georgia, Inc O/ porafed Massachllsefts Deparfmellf ofTrallsporfation (Refired) VOllkesha COZlflty Tecllllical College η u- Weld Eqllipmellf Compally ‘ Advisors to the D1Q Subcommittee Task Group on Stud Welding C. B. Champney Nelsoll Srud Weldillg Bechfel Tru-Weld Eqllipmellf Compally Nelsoll Swd Weldillg CB &1 R. D. Campbell J. Guili S. Schraff J. L. Warren DIQ Standing Task Group on Thbulars J. J. Kenney, Chair hι Shell l lIfe l1l ational E & P Massachllsefts Deparfmenf ofTrallψortation ACllfe Techllological Selvices TEAM IlI dllsfrial S e/vices, blcolporafed Ferrell E lI gineerillg , IlI colporafed Aflas TlI be Gill Engineering Associales, Illco porafed Le Jelllle Sfeel Consllltallt Genesis QlIalifγ Systems MHP Systems Engineering Valmont Industries, InC01porated A. Grieco , Vice Chair E. L. Bickford R. V. Cl arke D. B. Ferrell R. B. Fl etcher ’ P. A. Huckabee L. A. Kloiber V. Kuruvilla P. W. Marshall J. Mayne XIl AWS D1. lID l.l M:2015 DIQ Standing Task Group on Tubulars (Continued) UllÍversit)’ ofToronto ATLSS Cellter Lehigh J. A. Packer R. Sause Advisors 10 Ulliversiη Ihe DIQ Slanding Task Group on 1\lblllm's J. J. Edwards M. J. Mayes R. D. Medlock T‘ L. Niemann D. D. Rager T. J. Schlafly A. W, Sindel J. L. Warre l1 DOT Qllalit)' Ser l' ices Mayes Testillg Ellgineers, InC01porated High Steel St l'll ctllres, LLC Mùmesota Department 0/ η"(lIlspm ωIlOn Rager COllslllting, blC0I1JOrated American lnstitute 01 Sleel CO l1 struclion Alstom Power Sleam , blC0J1JOrated CB&1 DIM Standing Task G I'OUp on New Materials J. L. Warren , Cha Íl T. J. Schlafly, Vice Chair W. P. Capers D. A. Koch V. Kurllvilla R. D. Medlock D.C Phi lJi ps J. L. Schoen CB&1 AmerÎcanlnslUute of Sleel COllstructioll lValt Disllej’ lVo시'dCompany Becl1 tel National, IIl C01porafed GenesÎs Quality Systems High Steel Sl l'l1 ctures, LLC Hobarl Brothers Compan)' Nucor~ Yamato Steel ‘ Advisors 10 Ihe DIM Slanding Task Grollp on New Malerials B. M. Blltler \I'<1 lt Dislley lVorld Compally The Lincolll Elecfric Compan)' CO l/ sulta 1ll LTK EngÍneeril1 g SenlÍces J. \ν Post & AssoCÍafes, 11l C01porated Rager ConsultÍllg , IllC01porated Steel Dynamics Alstom Power Steam , 11l COIporafed C. W. Hayes M. L. Hoitomt J. B. Pearson , Jr J. 매T. Post D. D. Rager D. Rees-Evans A. W. Sindel Xlll AWS D1.1 /Dl.1M:2015 This page is inten1ionally blank. XIV AWS Dl.l /D1.1M:2015 Foreword This foreword is not pm1 of AWS DI. I/DI.IM:2015 , Sfmcfllral lVeldÎl/ g Code• -1ifeel , but is included for informational purposes o111y The δrst edition of the Codefor F lI sÎol/ lVeldÎl/ g al/ d Gas Cllffi l/ g il/ Bllildillg COI/SfrllCfiol/ was published by the American Weldi l1 g Society in 1928 al1d called Code I Part A. It was revised in 1930 and 1937 under the same title. It was revised again in 1941 and given the dεsignation D I. O. D I. O was revised again in 1946, 1963 , 1966, and 1969. The 1963 edition published al1 amended version in 1965 , and the 1966 edition published an amended version in 1967. The code was combined with D2.0 , SpecijìcatÎons for lVelding Highway and Railway Brt.때 es, in 1972 , given the designatiol1 D I.I, and retitled AWS Sfrllctllral lVeldÎl/ g Code. D l.l was r,εvised again in 1975 , 1979 , 1980 , 1981 , 1982 , 1983 , 1984 , 1985 , 1986, 1988 , 1990, 1992 , 1994, 1996 , 1998, 2000 , 2002 , 2004 , 2006 , 2008 and 2010. A second printing of D l.I :2010 was published il1 201 1. From 1972 to 1988 , the D l.I code covered the 、.velding of both buildi l1 gs ‘and bridges In 1988 , AWS published its first edition of AASHTO/AWS D 1. 5, Bridge lVe/dÎl/ g Code; coincident with this , the D l.I code changed references of buildings and bridges to statically loaded and dynamically loaded structures , respectively, in order to make the document applicable to a broader range of structural applications. After the publishing of the 2010 edit100 , was decided that the AWS Sfrllcfllral lVe/dil/ g Code Sfeel would be published on a five year revision cycle instead of a two year revision cyc1 e. This was done in order to sync the publication cycle of AWS Stmctural Welding Code-Steel with the publication cycles of the AISC Steel Building Specification and the Internatiol1 al Building Code. This 2015 editiol1 is the 23rd editiol1 of D 1.1. “ • Unde r1 ined text in the clauses , subclauses , tables , figures , 01' forms indicates a change fro l11 the 2010 editîon. A vCI1Íc al line in the margin of a table or figure al50 indicates a change from the 20 I 0 editiol1 The following is a summary ofthe most significant technical changes cOl1 tai l1 ed in D I.I/DI.l M:2015 The 2015 edition of the code has been reorganized. The tubular provisions , tables , and figll I'C s previously located throughout the code are now within Clause 9 entitled “ Tubular Structures." The reorganization required numerous reference changes and renumbering of the subclauses , tables , and figures. rv any of the tables in Clause 4 contained provisions for Plate as well as Pipe or 1\lbing. The tables have been divided to only inclllde Plate if contained in Clallse 4 and Pîpe 01' Tubing if contained in Clause 9. This separation of he information contained in the tables also resu Ited in many changes to the footnotes delineated in the tables ‘ ‘ Clallses 1, 7 , and 8 have only been slightly impacted by the reorganization. However, Clallses 2 , 3, 4 , 5 , and 6 have been greatly impacted with the reorganizatiön Summary of Changes Clauserrablel Figu l'e/Annex A10dification Clause 2 The most significant change to Clause 2 from the 2010 edition is that Part D entitled “ Spe이fic Requirements for Design of 자Ibular Connections (Statically 이 Cyclically Loaded)" h이lS be히1 relocated to Clause 9. 2 .4 .2.7 Additional language was added regarding the calculation of effective throat of a combination PJP flare bevel groove weld and fillet 、.veld xv AWS 01.1/0 1. 1M:2015 Summary of Changes (Continued) Clauseffablel FigurelAnnex Modificatio씨 2.9 .3 .5 Added provisions for wrapping welds on opposite sides of a common plane to permit seal welding T'able 2 .5 Fatigue curve cases and figures revised to agree with AISC 360 3.7 .4 Shielding gas provisions revised to permit the use of electrodes classified to AWS A5.36. New subclause that provides conditions under which backing other than steel may be used in prequalified WPSs Table 3.1 Reformatted the table moving filler metals in corresponding groups in τåble 3.2. Updated the list of base metals permitted in prequalified WPSs and corrected the group of some base metal grades. Table 3.2 New table for filler metal requirements that contains the information previously contained in Table 3.1 with the addition of a classification for A5 .3 6 for carbon and low-alloy steel electrodes for FCAW and metal cored electrodes for GMAW processes Table 3.3 (Previously Table 3.2) Revised the base metals to correspond with those in Table 3.1 Table 3.4 (Previously Table 3.3) Addition of AWS A5.36. Table 3.7 (Previously Table 3.6) Clarification of a SAW parameter variable Notes fcπ Figures 3‘ 2 and 3.3 Addition of note “ 0" permitting and Corner joints. v따ious Figure 3.5 New figure for prequalified fillet w리d Figure 3.6 New figure for pπequalified CJP groove, T- , and corner joints 4.12 .3 Restructured for easieπ reading ‘ 4.21 (Previo띠sly 4.27.7 (Previously 4 .3 6.7) Clarified CVN Test re밍lirements when sub-sized speαmens are tested Tables 4 .1, 4.2 , 4.3 , 4 .4, 4.10, and 4.11 The information found in the tables that referenced pipes and tubing are now contained in the tables found in Clause 9. Tables 4.5 , 4、6, and 4.9 Added provisions for electrodes classified to AWS A5 .3 6 Additional language and clarification regarding baking requirements when welding with lowhydrogen electrodes for ASTM A514 and A517 steels 5 .3.4 Reorganized the list of AWS Filler metal specifications for GMAW and FCAW as well as added AWS A5 .3 6. 5.6 Clarified language regarding preheat and interpass temperatures. 5.7 Moved language regarding oxygen gouging to 5.14.6 and 5.25 5.8.1 Revised for clarification. 5.8.3 Revised to de!ete ASTM A709 100 (690) and !OOW (690W) and to include ASTM A709 Grade HPS 100W [HPS 690W] per ASTM 5.9 (Previous 5.9 entitled “ Backing , Backing Gas , Restructured for clarification. orientations of connected elements in CJP Groove , T- , joint details. 4.25 , 4.26 , 4.3이 Reorganized “ Extent of Qualification." XVl Of Inserts" was deleted) (Previous!y 5.10) AWS Dl.l /D 1. 1M:2015 Summary of Changes (Continued) Claus밍lfablel F'igure/Annex 5 ,9. 1.3 Modilication (Previously 5.10.3) “ Backing Thickness" was revised to make a general requirement that steel backing be of sllfficient thickness to prevent melt-through. The explicit thicknesses previously re지uired ere moved to commentary as recómmendations , “ 5.14.1-5.14.4 (Previously 5.15) SlI bstrate c1eanliness reqllirements were significantly revised. 5.14.6 (Previollsly 5.15.2) Revised to c1 arify when oxygen gOllging is permitted 5 ‘ 17.2 (Previously 5.18.2) Revised for c1 arity regarding 、이lcn loc띠 ions of the depth of the web from tension flanges of beams or giiders are considered outside the tension zone. 5.19 (Previously 5.20) Revised 미'OVlSlO11S rega띠ing the location splices. 5.25 (Previously 5.26) Revised to Ii mit oxygen gouging to as-rolled steels Table 5.8 (Previously Table 5.9) Note c revised to c1 arify when welds are exempt from reinforcement and convexity limitations Table 5.9 (Previously Table 5.10) Minimum allowable convexity was eliminated from Schedule D for outside cornc l' joints. Table footnote b was rewritten regarding restriction 00 convexity was replaced with a note flεgarding concavity and now applies to Schedules B and D. 6 .4.2 Revised to clarify as to what a welder, weJding operator, 0ψ tack weJder must demonstrate , when their work appears to be below the requirements of the code. 6 .4 .3 Revised to include tack weldet 6.10 Revised to repJace “ applicable r,εquirements" with “ acceptance critcria 6.11 Revised to remove ASTM A709 Grades 100 and 100W and inclllde ASTM A709 Grade HPS 100W [HPS 690W] 6.2 1.1 (PreviousJy 6.22. 1) Reference added to new TabJe 6.8 showing qualification and calibration requirements 6.24.2 Revised to c1 arify when calibration for sensitivity and horizontal sweep shall be made. TabJe 6.1 Revised to remove ASTM A709 Grades 100 and 100W and include ASTM A709 Grade HPS 100W [HPS 690W]. Tables 6 .4 and 6 ,5 Revised to remove the tubular provisions , now contained in 돼bles found in Clallse 9. 암tble New tabJe added to c1 arify UT eqllipment qualification and caJibration requirements 6.8 m띠 seq띠리 lce of member and element ," Clause 9 The tubllJar provisions extracted from the 2010 code were virtually unchanged when reJocated to CJallse 9. 9.6. J.6 (PreviousJy The definition of J2 was revised to remove the word “ chord." 9.18 (Previously 4.2 J) Revised to c1 arify what type of weJds do not require tubuJar qualification Table 9.1 New table deveJoped from the tllbllJar provisions c。이ιlinedin 돼bJe 2.5 of the previous edition. The content pertinent to 1l0ntubular members remained in Table 2.5 TabJes 9.9 , 9.10 , 9.11 , 9.12 , 9.13 , and 9.14 New tabJes deveJoped from the tubuJar provisions in the previolls editioll of Clause 4. The content pertinent to nontubuJar members remains in CJause 4. XV I1 AWS 01.110 1. 1M:2015 Summary of Changes (Continued) Clauseffablel Figu l'e/Allllex Modification Tables 9.16 , 9.17 , 9.18 , and 9.19 New tables developed from the tubular provisions in the previous edition of Clause 6. The content pertinent to nontubular members remaÌns in Clause 6. Table 9.5 (Previously Table 2.9) Addition of footnote “ a" for c1 arificatÎon Figure 9.6 (PrevÎously Figure 2.18) Dimension labels in the figure were revised for clarification. Figure 9.29 (Previously Figure 6 .4) Footnotes revised to remove the exception for T-,Y-, and K-connections. Fi gure 9.30 (Previously Figure 6.5) Note to disregard discontinuities below the scanning level was deleted from the figure and the placement of the Accumulative Discontinuities arrow was revised for 이lar미ifiκcat“IOn c Annex A Figures added to clarify effectÌve throat f0 1" various joint types and combinations. Annex 1 (Previously Annex J) Definitions for the symbols 1,’ f m , tw were revised and a new symbol rw and its definition were added corresponding to changes in Figure 9‘ 6. Annex J (Previously Annex K) Terms and definitions are 1l0W considered normatîve , meaning that they il1 clude mandatory elements for use with this code. There was also the addition of new terms 페1" and “ nondestructive testing (NDT)." AnnexM (Previously Annex N) Sample welding forms were extensively revised for c1 arification Annex R Annex R entitled “ Safe Practices" was eliminated ìn this edition. Readers are referred in Clause 1 to other publications for safety provision Annex U New Annex regarding AWS A5.36 filler metal c1 assifications and properties. Summary of Clauses in Dl.l:2010 Relocated to Clause 9 in D 1. 1:2015 D 1. 1:2010 Claus밍 D1.1:2015 Clause and Title 2.20 9.1 General 2.21 9.2 Allowable Stresses 2.20.1 9.2.1 Eccentricity 2.2 1.1 9.2.2 Base Metal Stresses 2.21.2 9.2 .3 Tu bular Section Limitations 2.2 1.3 9.2 .4 Weld Stresses 2.2 1.4 9.2.5 Fiber Stresses 2.2 1. 5 9.2.6 Load and Resistance Factor Design 2.2 1. 6 9.2.7 Fatigue of Circular Tu be Connections 2.2 1.6.1 Stress Range and MemberType 2.2 1. 6.2 Fatigue Stress Categories 2.2 1. 6.3 Basic Allowable Stress Li mitation XVlll AWS D1.1/D 1.1 M:2015 Summary of Clauses in Dl.l:2010 Relocated to Clause 9 in D 1.1:2015 (Continued) D1.1:2010 Clause D1.1:2015 Clause alld Title 2.2 1.6.4 9.2.7 .4 Cumulative Damage 2.2 1. 6.5 Critical Members 2.2 1.6.6 Fatigue Behavior Impl야 ement 2.2 1. 6.7 Size and Profile Effects 2.22 9.3 Identification 2.23 9.4 Symbols 2.24 9.5 Weld Design 2.24.1 9.5 .1 FilI et Welds 2.24. l.l 9.5. 1.1 Effective Area 2.24. 1. 2 9.5. 1. 2 Beta Li mitation for Prequalified Details 2.24. 1.3 9.5. 1.3 Lap Joints 2.24.2 9.5.2 Groove Welds 9.5 .2.1 Prequalified PJP Groove Weld Details Prequalified CJP Groove Weld Details Welded from One Side without Backing in T- , Y-, and KRConnectÎons 2.24 .3 9.5.3 Stresses in Welds 2.24 .4 9.5 .4 Circular Connections Lengths 2.24.5 9.5.5 Box Connection Lengths 2.24 .5 .1 K- and N-Connections 9.5 .5 .2 T- , Y- and X-Connections 2.25 9.6 Li mitations of the Strength of Welded Connections 2.25.1 9.6.1 Circular T- , Y- , and K-Connections 2.25. l.l 9.6‘1. 1 Local Failure 2.25. 1.2 9.6. 1.2 General Collapse 2.25. 1.3 9.6. 1.3 Uneven Distribution ofLoad (Weld Sizing) 2.25. 1.4 9.6. 1.4 Transitions 2.25. 1.5 9.6. 1.5 Other Configurations and Loads Overlapping Connections 2.25.2 9.6.2 Box T- , Y- , and K-Connections 9.6.2‘ I Local Failure General Collapse 2.25.2 .3 Uneven Distribution ofLoad (Eκ.ective Width) 2.25.2 .4 9.6.2 .4 Overlapping Connections XIX AWS D1.1/D1.1M’ 2015 Summary of Clauses in D 1. 1:2010 Relocated to Clause 9 in D 1.1:2015 (Colltillued) D1 .1:2010 Clause Dl. l:201S Clause and TItle 2.25.2 .5 Bending Other Configurations 2.26 9.7 Thickness Transition 2.27 9.8 Material Li mitations 2.27.1 9.8.1 Limitations 2.27. 1.1 9.8. 1.1 Yield Strength 2.27. 1. 2 9.8. 1. 2 Reduced Effective Yield 2.27. 1. 3 9.8. 1. 3 Box T- , Y- , and K-Connections 2.27. 1.4 9.8.1 .4 ASTM A500 Precaution 2.27.2 9.8.2 Tu bular Base Metal Notch Toughness 2.27.2 ‘ CVN Test Requirements LAST Requ미 rements 2 27.2.3 Alternative Notch Toughness 3.9 9.9 Fillet Weld Reqnirements 3.9.2 9.9.1 Details 3.12 9.10 PJP Requirements 3.12 .4 9.10.1 Details 3.12.4 .1 9.10. 1. 1 Matched Box Connections 3.13 9‘ 11 CJP Groove Weld 3.13 .4 9.1 1.1 Butt Joints 3.13.5 9.1 1. 2 1\lbularT- , Y- , and K-Connections 9.1 1.2.1 Joint Details 4.3 9.12 COffimon Requirements for WPS and Welding Personnel Performance Qualification 4.3.4 9.12.1 Positions ofWelds 4.4 9.13 Production Welding Positions Qualified 4.5, 4.9 , 4.9. 1.I (6)(b) , 9.14 Type of Qualilïcation Tests , Methods of Testing and Acceptance Criteria for WPS Qualification 4.13 9.15 CJPG 1'Oove Welds fOi‘ Tubular Connectíons 4.13.1 9.15.1 CJP Butt Joints with Backing 01' Backgouging 4.13.2 9.15.2 CJP Bntt Joints without Backing Welded f1'0111 One Side Only 4.13 .3 9.15.3 T- ,Y- , 01' K-Connections with Backing or Backgouging 4.13 .4 9.15 .4 T- ,Y- , 01' K-Connections without Backing Welded fro111 One Side Only 4.13 .4.1 9.15 .4.1 WPSs without Prequalified Status Requi 떼nents xx AWS D1. 1/D 1.1 M:2015 Summary of Clauses in D 1.1:2010 Relocated to Clause 9 in D 1.1:2015 (Continued) D1.1:2010 Clause Dl.l :2015 CIause and Ti tle W,비ds 4.13 .4 .2 9.15 .4 .2 CJP Groove than 30。 4.13 .4 .3 9.15 .4.3 CJP Groove Welds in a T- ,Y- , 01' K-Connection WPS Using GMAW-S 4.13 .4.4 9.15 .4.4 Welding Requiring CVN Toughness 4.14 9.16 PJP and Fillet 、'Ields Tubular T- , Y- , 01' K-C이mections and Butt Joints 4.19.1 9.17 4.19. 1.1, 9.17.1 Welders and Welding , 9.17.2 낀lCk Welders 4.21 9.18 4.27 9‘ 19 CJP G미00、 e Welds for 자Jbular Connections 4.27.1 9.19.1 Other Joint Details 이 WPSs 4.28 9.20 PJP Groove Welds for Tu bular Connections 4.29 9.21 Fillet Welds for Tubular Connections 4 .3 1 9.22 Methods of 다sting and Acceptance Criteria for Welder and Welding Operator Q lI alification 4.31. 2.2 9.22.1 Macroetch Test for T- , Y- , and K-Connectiol1 s Macroetch Test Acceptance Criteria 4 .3 1.3 .1 9.22.2 RT Test Procedure and Techniqlle 5 .1 0 9.23 Backing 5.10.2 9.2 3.1 Full- Lel1 gth Backing 5.22 9.24 Toleranιe of Join Dimensions 9.24.1 Girth Weld Alignment (Tu bular) 5.22 .4 9.24.2 Groove Dimensions 5.22 .4.2 1\.bular Cross-Sectional Vari이lOl1 S 6.9 9.25 Visuallnspectiol1 6.11 9.26 NDT 6.7 9.26.1 Scope 6.1 1.1 9.26.2 Tubular Connection Reqllireme l1ts 6.13 9.27 UT 6.13 .3 9.27.1 Acceptance Criteria for Tu blllar COl1 nections 9.27. 1.1 Class R (Applicable When UT is Used as an Alternate to RT) 6.13 .3 .2 9.27. 1.2 Class X (Experience-Based , Fitness-for P lI rpose Criteria Applicable to T- ,Y- and KConnectiol1 s il1 Structures with Notch-Tough l1 ess Weldme l1ts) 6.17 9 .2 8 RT Procedures Produαion W,려d in a T-.Y- , or K-Connection with WPS with Dihedral Angles Less Welding Positions , Thicknesses and Diameters Q lI alified Oper찌아S Types for Welder and Welding Operator Performance Qualification ‘ xx. AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 Summary of Clauses in D 1. 1:2010 Relocated to Clause 9 in D 1.1:2015 (Continued) D 1. 1:2010 Clause D 1.1:2015 Clau않 and Title 6.17.1 9.28 ‘ 1 Procedure 6.17.7 9.28.2 !Q! S 리e 이 ion and Placement 6.18 9.29 Supplementary RT Requirements for Tubular Connections 6.18.1 9.29.1 Circumferential Groo、 eW,리ds in Butt Joints 6.18. 1.1 9.29. 1.1 Single-Wall Exposure/Single-Wall View Double-Wall Exposure/Single-Wall View 6.18. 1.3 9.29. 1.3 Double-Wall ExposurelD ouble-Wall View 6.27 9.30 UT of Tubular T- , Y- , and K-Connections 6.27.1 9.3 0.1 Procedllre 6.27.2 9.30.2 Personnel 6.27.3 9.30 .3 Ca 1ibra‘lOIl 9.30 .3 .1 Range 6.27 .3 .2 9.3 0.3.2 Sensitivity Calibration 6.27 .4 9.30 .4 Base Metal Examination 6.27.5 9.30.5 Weld Scanning 6.27.6 9.30.6 Optimum Angle 6.27.7 9.30.7 Discontinuity Evaluation 6.27.8 9.30.8 Reports Forms 9.30 8.2 Reported Discontinuities Incomplete !nspection 6.27.8 .4 9.30.8 .4 Reference Marks ‘ Summal'y of Tables in D 1. 1:2010 Relocated to Clause 9 in D 1.1:2015 D1.1 :20 1O Table Dl.l:2015 Tab!e alld Title 2.5 9.1 Fatigue Stress Design Parameters 2‘ 6 9.2 Allowable Stresses in Tubular Connection Welds 2.7 9.3 Stress Categories for Type and Location of Material for Circlllar Sections 2.8 9.4 Fatigue Category Li mitations on Weld Size or Thickness and Weld Profile (Tubular Connections) 2‘ 9 9.5 Z Loss Dimensions for Calclllating Prequa 1ified PJP τ. Y- , and K-Tubular Connection Minimum Weld Sizes XX l1 AWS D 1.1 /D1.1M:2015 Summary of Tables iu D 1. 1:2010 Relocated to Clause 9 in D 1.1:2015 (Continued) D1.1:2010 Table 01.1:2015 Table alld Title 2 10 9 6 Tenns for Strellgth of COllllections (Circlllar Sectiolls) 3.5 9.7 Joint Detail Applications for Preqllalified CJP τ , yH , and K-Tubular Connections 3.6 9.8 Preqllalified Joint Dimensions and Groove Angles for CJP Groove Welds in Tublllar T- , Y-. and K-Conneetions Made by SMAW, GMAW-S. and FCAW 4.1 9.9 WPS QlI alification-Prodlletion Welding Positions QlI alified by Pipe and Box Tube Tests 4.2 9.10 WPS Qualificatioll-CJP Groove Thickness and Dîamete l' Qualified 4.3 9.11 Number and Ty pe ofTest Specimens and Range ofThicklκss Q lI alified• WPS QlI alifieation; PJP Groo、 e Welds 4.4 9.12 NlI mber and Ty pe ofTest Speeimens and Range ofThickness QlI alified Fillet Welds 4.10 9.13 Welder and Welding Operator QlI alification Prodllction Welding Positions Qualified by Pipe and Box TlIbe Tests 4.11 9.14 Welder and Welding Operator QlI alification-Number and Type of Specimens alld Range of Thickness and Diameter Qualified 5.5 9‘ 15 Tubular Root Opening Tolerances BlI tt Joints Welded Withollt Backing 6.1 9.16 Visllal Inspection Acceptance Criteria 6 .4 9.17 Hole- Ty pe IQI Reqllirements 6.5 9.18 Wire IQI Reqllirements 6.6 9.19 IQI Selection and Placement ‘ W.마ls: NlI mber and ηpe of Test Specimens and Range of • WPS Qualification; • XXlll AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 Summary of Figures in Dl.l:2010 Relocated to Clause 9 in D 1. 1:2015 D 1. 1:2깨 10 Figu l'e Dl.1:2015 Figu l'e a l1 d Ti tle 2.13 9.1 Allowable Fatigue Stress and Strain Ranges for Stress Categories , Tubular Stmctures for Atmospheric Service 2.14 9.2 Parts of a Tubular Connection 2.15 9 .3 Fillet Welded Lap Joint (Tubular) 2.16 9 .4 까lbular T- , Y- , and K-Connection 테 let Weld Footprint Radills 2.17 9.5 PlI nching Shear Stress 2.18 9.6 Detail ofOverlapping Joint 2.19 9.7 Limitations for Box T- , Y- , and K-Connections 2.20 9 8 Overlapping K-Connections 221 9.9 Transition ofThickness ofButt Joints in Parts ofUneqllal Thickness (1\lblllar) 3.2 9.10 Fillet Welded Preqllalified 1\lblllar Joints Made by SMAW, GMAW, and FCAW 3.5 9.11 Preqllalified Joint Details for PJP T- , Y- , and K-Tubular Connections 3.6 9.12 Prequalified Joint Details for CJP T- , Y- , and K-Tubular Connections 3.7 9 13 Definitions and Detailed Selections for Preqllalified CJP T- , Y- , and K-TlI blllar Connectio매 S 3.8 9.14 Preqllalified Joint Details for CJP Groove Welds in 1\lbular T- , Y- , and K-ConnectionsStandard F1 at Profiles for Li mited Thickness 3.9 9.15 Prequalified Joint Details for CJP Groove Welds in 1\lblllar T- , Y- , and K-Connections Profile with Toe Fillet for Intermediate Thickness 3.10 9.16 Prequalified Joint Details for CJP Groove Welds in TlIblllar T- , Y- , and K-ConnectionsCDncave Improved Profile for Heavy Sections or Fatigue 4.4 9.17 Positions of Test Pipe or Tubing for Groo、 e Welds 4.6 9.18 Positions of Test Pipes or Tubing for Fillet Welds 4.7 9.19 Location ofTest Specimens 이1 Welded Test Pipe-WPS Qnalification 4.8 9.20 Location of Test Specimens for Welded Box Th bing-WPS Q lI alification 4.20 9.21 Pipe Fillεt Weld So빼 dness Test-WPS Qualification 4.24 9.22 Tubular Butt Joint-Welder Qualification with and without Backing 4.25 9.23 Tubular Butt Joint-WPS Qualification with and without Backing 4.26 9.24 Acute Angle Heel Test (Restraints not Shown) 4.27 9.25 Test Joint for T- , Y- , and K-Connections without Backing on Pipe [150 mm] O.D.) -Welder and WPS Qualification 4.28 9.26 Test Joint for T- , Y- , and K-Connections without Backing on Pipe or Box TlI bing (< 4 in [100 mm] O.D.)-Welder and WPS Qualification 4.29 9.27 Corner Macroetch Test Joint for T- , Y- , and K-Connections without Backing on Box 1\lbing for CJP Groovc Welds- W,비der and WPS Qualification 4.34 9.28 Location ofTest Specimens on Welded Test Pipe and Box Tubing-Welder Qualification ‘ ‘ XXIV 이 Box Tubing (2 6 in AWS D 1.1 fD1.1M:2015 Summary of Figures iu D 1. 1:2010 Relocated to Clause 9 in D 1.1:2015 (Continued) D 1.1:2010 Figure D1.1:2015 Figllre alld Title 6 .4 9.29 Class R lndications 6 .5 9.3 0 Class X Indications 6.13 9.31 6.14 9 .3잉 2Dou 빼 삐 lb 버le b 6.15 9.33 Double-Wall Exposure-Dol 이 u삐 비le b 6.16 9.34 Double-Wall 앙 E xp 야 os씨 ure-Double-Wall View, Minimum Three Exposures 6.22 9 .3 5 Scanning Techniques ‘w 잉S1Il맨 1멍 빙le-씨 g Wa 씨 ‘ l니씨 11 비 Expos 애 ur, πrκ'e-S 잉1Il탬 1댐 밍le-Wa g 때lI 씨 V lew v AWS B4.0, Stalldard Methods for Mechallical Testillg of Welds. provides additional details of test specimen preparation and details of test fixture construction. Commentary. The Commentary is nonmandatory and is intended ooly to provide insightful information into provision rationale. Normative Aunexes. These annexes address specific subjects in the code and their requirements are mandatory requirements that supplement the code provisions. Informative Annexes. These annexes are not code requirements but are provided to clarify code provisions by showing examples. providing information , or suggesting alternative good practices. Index. As in previous codes , the entries in the Index are referred to by subclause number rather than by page nllmbel This should enable the user of the Index to locate a particular item of interest in minimum time. E l'rata. It is the Structural Welding Committee’ s Policy that all errata should be made available to users of the code Therefore , any significant errata will be Pllblished in the Society News Section of the Welding JO Il/'JI al and posted on the AWS web site at: l/dll. SlIgge 않 st“ions. Your com 씨 nment “ts for imp 미ro 야 ving AWS D l.llDl. IM:2015 , Strllctllral Weldillg Code -Steel are welcome. Submit comments to the Managing Director, Technical Services Division, Ame rÎ can Welding Society, 8669 NW 36 St, # 130, Miami , FL 33166; telephone (305) 443-9353; fax (305) 443-5951; e-mail; or via the AWS web site <> xxv AWS D1.1 /D1.1M:2015 This page is intentionally blank XXVI AWS D1.1 /D1.1 M:2015 Table of Contents Page No. Dedicatioll """ ..... “ ‘ …………… ....... "… .............................................,.........…… ...............‘ ....................... ".. v Personnel ... " ’ “ ‘ · ….......….................. ‘ ’ ..........……… ................ “ ’ ‘ VII Foreword .... ‘ ............. …...........……….... “ ‘ ..... …........................ “ ’ .... xv List ofTables................................................... ..... ‘ ....... "." ..............................…· ‘ "........ “ ‘ ....... ,.. ".... XXXll List of Figllres ............................… ... ….................... ““““ “ ........... xxxv 1. General Requi l'ements ’ ‘ ....... ‘ · “ “ ’‘ ………… ..... ….... ‘ ·‘ ’ ."".""……… I l.l Scope ………………… ........ “ ’‘”’ ‘., .. …...................... ‘ ... ’ “ ………………. 1 1. 2 Li mitations ………… .................... “ """." ... ’………… ............. ………… .. ……… l 1. 3 Definitions ............‘ . ‘ ..... ……………………·………………… …………………………… ..... 1 1.4 Responsibilities …“ ‘ ....... …………… .... …………… ..........… · “ ‘ …………………………………… 2 1. 5 Approva l... ..….............. ‘ …………………… .....................…… ……………………………… ..........…3 1. 6 Welding Symbols “ “ ”’‘ ...... ’.........‘’ ..................“ ... ““ ..... ’ ……………………… .......... …… 3 1.7 Safety Precautions. ‘ ... ’ “ ...................................………… “ .... ‘ ……………… ......................... ……… … .3 1. 8 Standard Units of Measuremen t.…… .............…·……………… ... “ ……………………………… ...... ……‘ ......... 3 1. 9 Reference Documents ’ ‘ ………………… .......………………… · ’“ …………·… .............................……… “ 3 “ ........... “ 2. Design of Welded Connections ............................................ 2.1 Scope .......... ‘ …‘- ‘ “ “ ‘ • “ ............................................... ““‘ ....... ‘· “ 5 5 Parf A-COIllIll OIl Reqllirelllellts for Desigll of lVe/ded COllllectiolls (Nolltublllar alld TIlbllla l' Melllbers) ........ 5 2.2 General.. ........… ............. ‘ …………………… .........…………… ........ …………………… ...........……… 5 ....... 5 2.3 Contract P1ans and Specifications …… ..................……… ........... …‘ …-…………… ........................…… 2 .4 Effective Areas …… ……………………… .................…......... ’ ‘ ………… ....…................…………… …6 Part B-.에Jecific Reqlliremelltsfor Desigll of NO l/l llblllar COllllectiolls (Statically or Cy c/ically Loaded). …... 8 2.5 General .......................................... ’………… ..........… ................……… ‘ ……… ……… .............……………… 8 2.6 S resses................... ’ …… ………·… ............... ……………… …‘ … …………………… .......... …………… ..... “ 8 2.7 Joint Configuration and Detai1s ……… ............... …………… ............. ………………… ........... …………… …… ...... 9 2.8 Joint Configuration and Detai1s-Groove We1ds … ........….............. …… ........................…................‘ .... 10 2.9 Joint Configuration and Details-Fillet Welded Joints ‘ ……………………… …...... ‘ ... 10 2.10 Joint Configuration and Details-Plug and Slot Welds ............... … .............……… ................................. 11 2.11 Fi1ler P1ates ......... … .............................. ‘ ................................. ………… ......... …..... “ .... … ........ 11 2.12 Built-Up Members …….............................. ‘ ‘ ........ ‘ ......…...…… ....... …… “ ‘ ... 12 ‘ Part C-Specific Reqlliremel/l s for Desigll of NOlltllblllar COllllectiolls (Cyclically Loaded) ................ …… … 12 2.13 Genera1..……………… “ “ ............‘……………… ........... “ “ .......... ……… 12 2.14 Li mitations …………................. ‘ ... “ ‘ ” ……………………........ ‘ · ‘ -‘ ” ’ - ………… .. 12 2.15 Calcu1ation of S resses .................................. ……………………............... “ ….. …………… .13 2.16 Allowable S resses and Stress Ranges …………………·… .......... ……… ‘ ..... …………·……… ..........….13 2.17 Detai1ing, Fabrication , and Erection ......... …… ....…… ...........…........ “ ……, ………………·……………… 14 2.18 Prohibited Joints and Welds ................... “……………… .....… .........…… ‘ ”’ ………………………………… 15 2.19 Inspection ............…‘ ‘ ’ ………… ........…............ ……… ....... “ .... …………… ....................…………… 15 ‘ 3. ‘ Prequalification of WPSs … .....………… … 3.1 Scope ................... ‘ ......... ………‘ … ........ …… “ ‘ 3.2 Welding Processes ..... … 3 .3 Base Meta1IFi1ler Meta1 Combinations ................. ‘ ...“ …... ‘ ‘ 45 . ‘ ... ‘ .................................................. 45 ................... … ................................ 45 ” ’ “ XXV Il ‘ ’ ....... ‘ 45 AWS D1. 1/D 1.1 M:2015 Page No. 3 .4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 4. ‘ - Engineer's Approval for Auxiliary Attachment ‘ ” “ ...................... …“ 46 Minimum Preheat and Interpass Temperature Requirements ...........................………………………………… 46 Li mitation of WPS Variables … “ .. ‘ ... ‘" .. ‘"" .. ““ ....... " ... ‘ ...................... “’ .. "’‘ .... " .......... ’ ‘ ”’ “ 46 General WPS Reguirem히ltS ....... “ ......... “ ....................‘“ ......................“ ‘ . “ 46 Common Requirements for Parallel Electrode and Multiple Electrode SAW .......................................... 47 Fillet Weld Requirements “ .................................................... " ......... " " “ “ “ “‘"" …… .. 47 Plug and Slot Weld Require끼.1ents............... ’“ ............. ‘ "" .. ……… ...... ……………………… 47 Common Requirements of PJP and CJP Groove Welds …………" ..........……………………………… .............. .47 PJP Requirements .. ““""" .. ‘" .. " .. ‘ .................‘ .......‘’." .. “‘’·“ ....‘""" .. ’ ....... … ................... ‘ 48 CJP Groove Weld Requir며lcnts .. " .... ‘ “ “ .............................. " ... " . . . . . . . “ 48 Postweld Heat Treatment ‘ .... " ..... " ........................................ ". ““ “ ‘ ...... ‘ …… 48 Qualification .. ’‘’…….".’‘" .. """’…… "." “ Scope ............ ‘ .. " ....... " ........ "." .............. ,........ 4.1 Paη A-General Requirements .......................................... “ ’“ ."....... “ “ ‘ ’ “ 109 ‘ …... ….... ‘ " .. ‘ …...…...... 109 109 4.2 General .......................... ,........... ‘ … ……………………." ....………… 109 4.3 COl1UTIOn Requirements fo 1' WPS and Welding Personnel Perfol1nance Qua1ification …… ………"" ’ ‘ 110 “ ’ ‘ ’ ‘ .......................... ....... Part B-Weldillg Procedure 에JecijicafiαI (WPS) Q띤댄띄쁘낀…… ............... ‘ ......‘ .......... “ .... ’“”’ ...... "’‘ … .. 110 Prodnction Welding Positions Q l1 alified ............... ‘ ......‘ ..... ‘ ..................................“ “ .............. 110 Type of Q l1 alification 1녕ts …·………………………………… ... … ‘ "" ‘ .......................... ‘ 110 Weld Ty pes foπ WPS Qualification ......... ‘ • “ · “ ........................................... 110 Preparation of WPS ........ ‘ .... ,......................... " ............... "... ‘ ...................“ …………… .. III 4、 8 Essential 、'ariables ........... “ ‘ .............. ‘ ... ‘ """………………………………………… 111 4.9 Methods 01 표sting aI띠 Acceptance Criteria for WPS Q l1 alifiκat lOn. ………… …’ ‘ ” ‘ ............. 111 4‘ 10 CJP Groove Welds ...……… .........…...... …………………… …… ..... " ... ’ “ “ .......................... 113 4.11 PJP Groove Welds ... ……………………… ’ “ ‘ ·“ ·‘· ‘” ‘ 113 4.12 Fillet Welds ......... ’ “ “ “ ” ’ “ “ · “ ... …… ... 113 4 4 객 에 ug and Slot Welds ........................................ ‘ .............. ….. ‘ ....... ‘""".‘ ......‘ …… .... “”’’’’’‘’’ 114 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.1 앤'1 Welding Proc야esse않sRe여q매mr 내liri …ill핑g Qua떠삐lific씨m ‘.‘"" .. ‘ ..... ‘ ..... ’ ......... ‘ .. ’‘ ...... ’‘’’’’‘‘’’’’’’’ ’”’ ’”’ - Part C-Peψrmance 4.15 Genera l.. ....... ’ ‘ 4.16 ηpe ofQual ‘ 114 ‘ .......... ‘ .........................““‘ .............‘ ...... ’““ ....................... 115 .............. …...... …......…… .........…...... …………………, ……’“ ........ ‘ 115 Qualificatioll XXV lIl AWS D1.1/D 1.1 M:2015 page No. 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.2 5.피 5.끄 5객 5.13 5.연 5.15 5.쁘 5.17 5잭 5.1퍼 g 5.잭 5.21 5.22 5.23 5.옆 5잭 5.쟁 5.건 5.28 ESW and EGW Processes ............................................ ……………… .................................... ……… ……… 167 WPS Variables ........………… ....................…", .. …............................ … ........... "...... …’ 168 Preheat and Interpass 1농mperatures ………… ....................................….. ……………… .............................. 168 Heat Input Control for Quenched and Tempered Steels …………..................... ‘ ........………… …… 168 Stress-Relief Heat Treatment ...............…………… .................................“‘ … ...... ’‘ ........................ 168 Backing .. ………… ........................ ‘ ’ …………… ..................................’...... "".………·… .......................... 169 W비띠ng and Cutting Equipment ................................. …………….............. ‘ ...........…... ‘ …… 169 Welding Environment . ………… .........................................................................……… ’ ‘ ’ ................. 169 Conformance with Design .... " .. ‘ ........ ………… ................................ ………… ..... …… ............................ 170 Minimum Fillet Weld Sizes ......................................... ………·… ........................................ …… …‘ ... 170 Preparation of Base Metal … ..................................… .................................…… 170 ReentrantCorners ............. ‘ . ‘ ...........… ...…....................... …………………… .............................. 172 Weld Access Holes, Beam Copes , and Connection Maκrial.……… .................................. ……· … .... 172 돼ck Welds and Construction Aid Welds .........……‘ ..............................………… ’ “ .................... 172 7η 3 Camber in Built-Up Members ‘ ......... ’…………… ................. ……… - ’’’’…………… … ............. 173 앨딴원 ‘ . “… ….“….“… ….“… ….“… ….“… -“…...“ ’ ’”…‘. ’ ......................... ‘ …………… ...........................................………·… 173 Control of Di stortion and Shrinkage … ......…............................ …............….... …‘ ’ ‘ ’ ................. 173 Tolerance of Joint Dimensions ..... ‘ ........... ………............................. ………………… .............. …………… 174 Dimensional Tolerance ofWelded Structural Members ……………................................. ‘ ……………… 174 Weld Profiles ..... …………… ..................... ………… ................... ……… ........…................................... 177 Technique for Plug and Slot W려 ds .... …… ...…… .....................……… ”‘ .... ’...................................“““““ 177 Repairs ..........................“ ’ ................................. …………… ................. ‘ ...... ………………… 177 Pe삐 ng .................... … ..…..................…… .. …… ..................................………… ...................... ‘ 178 Caulking …………................. ‘ '" ’’’‘’’’’’’ ...’’’’.’‘ ..…… …… …… ……… …… ..............‘““““ ... 17재8 “ .................. “ Arκ'c Str 띠 씨 nl“ ikes..... ‘ ..,“…...“ “…...“ “…..’................................ XX1X .............. AWS Dl.l/D 1. 1M:2015 Page No. Paη F-Ultrasollic Testillg (UT) ofGroove lVelds … ..................……………… ..... …………… .....................…… 199 6.19 General ……………… , ……………… .......................…………… ‘ ‘"""……………… .........………… 199 6잭 Qualification Requirements .......... ……………………… ‘· ….....…....………… … ......... 199 ………………” ‘ ” ’‘ .. , .................................. ‘ …… .. …” ‘ …................................. 199 6 긴 UT Equipmen t...... ‘ ................ “ .............. ‘ ........................ 200 6.22 Reference Standards ……’‘ ’ “ ........................................ ".................. ‘ ................... ‘ · ‘ ’ 201 6 적 Equipment Qualification ‘ 6잭 Calibπation for Testing ""......... “ ’ .... ". …………......... ‘ ” ’ ........ "…… 201 6짚 Testing Procedures ......................................................... ……… .... ……… ...... ‘ -…·… ............... 201 6.잭 Preparation and Dîsposítion of Reports …… ………""" ...... ……………… ................. ………… ................…… 203 203 6.27 Calibration of the UT Unit with lI W ηpe 이 Other Approved Reference Blocks (Annex Q) ……… 6 쟁 Equipmcllt Qualification Procedures ……………………’‘’ ‘ ................…………… ’ ‘ ....... 204 6 잉 Discontinuity Size Evaluation Procedures """"’ “ ... ‘ ….....………… .................... 206 …”‘ ..... ’ “ ............. 206 6 찍 Scanning Patterns ............ ……… ... …............................ …… .......... ’ ‘ ’ “ 206 6 전 Examples of dB Accuracy Certification............ Part G-Other Examinatioll Methods. …….................................. ‘ …………… ...... ‘ ........ 207 … ................................... 207 · ‘ ..................................... 207 .......... ‘ ” …… ...... 207 ‘ ’ “ ’...........……… 208 Stud ‘;Velding ............................................. ‘ ............. ... ’ ‘ ........... ‘ “ “ ... ’ “ 245 7.1 Scope. ’ ’ …....... ‘ ..... …………………… ................... “ …............. 245 …............…’ .... …… ............... 245 7.2 General Requirements.. 7.3 Mechanical Requirements ‘ · ……..................…………… ..... ‘ ……… ...............…… 246 .............….. 246 7 .4 WorkmanshiplFabrication ................ …....‘ …… ..................………… ’ ..... …...................… ......…......……………………… … ………………………………… ’ ‘ 246 7.5 임echnique ……… .... ‘ ” …… … 7.6 Stud Application Qualification Requirements ………” ‘ …………………… ‘ ....................... 247 7.7 Production Control.. … ...............………………‘ ” ‘ ....................................…………… ..... ’“ ..... ‘ ... 248 ‘ …………… ................................ 249 7.8 Fabαication and Verification Inspection Re 밍Ilrements ..... 6 옆 General Requirements. ………… … “ .................... ’ 6.33 Radiation Imaging Systems ... ‘ ....... ‘ ““ ................................... …........…… 6.3 4 Advanced Ultrasonic Systems ‘ 6짝 Additional Requirements .................. ‘ .. …… ....................... 7. “ “ ................. “ 7.9 8. Manllfacturers ’ Stlld Base Qualification Requirements......................... Strengthening and Repair파 Existing Structur영 ‘’ ....... 8.1 General................... … ........ …………… ” ‘ ... “ “ “ 8.2 Base Metal ‘ ............................. .. xxx “ ... ‘ ... 249 ‘ ’......…’“……… .................... 255 …… ……’ ‘ ........................... 255 AWS D 1.1 /D1.1M:2015 P녕ge Part C-Weldillg Procedure Specijicatioll (WPS) Q쁘댄띤따긴”’‘""""“ ……266 9.12 Common Requirements for WPS and Welding Personnel Perfonnance Qualification ".... ’ 266 9.13 Prodllction Welding Positions Q lI alified ‘ · ………… “ · ‘ .... ’‘ 266 ε14 Ty pe of Qualification Testι Mεthods of Testing‘ and Acceptance Criteria for WPS Ollalification ....... 266 9.15 CJP Groove Welds for‘ Tubular Connections ... ‘ ...... ‘ .......................... ".. "..... 267 9.16 PJP and Fillet Welds Tubularτ. Y- , or K-Connections and Butt JoÍnts 268 “ ............... ‘ “ ‘ .... - “ ‘ ........................ ‘ .. Part D • Pelformallce QualificatiOl l......... ‘ ..... ……………........................................... ’ ‘ ".. ‘.".…… .....… .268 Production Welding Posi ions , Thicknesses and Diameter~ Q lI alified ......... “ ‘..... …………… ......…268 9.18 Weld Types for Welder and Welding Operator Performance Qualification ................ ……………………… 268 ................ ’ ……………… .....…268 9.19 CJP Groove Welds for 1\rblllar Connections ………… ....................... ‘ 9.20 PJP Groove Welds for 1\rbular Connections ……………… ...............… ..... ‘ -…………………… ......... 269 9.21 Fillet Welds for Tu blllar Connections ...........………… ............… ............................... “ ‘ ." ..... ’…… ......... 269 9.22 Methods ofTesting and Acceptance Criteria for Welder ar띠 WeldingOp밍"ator Qualification … ...... …‘ 269 ‘ 뜨끄 Part E-Fabrication... ‘ ”’ ...…………… ..................… ................. 9.23 Backing .................‘ ..... …… ...……… ............….......‘ ” ‘ 9.24 Tolerance of Joint Dimensions …… ..............… ...‘ ......... “ ’ …....... ………………… ·… .... ‘ -“ 269 ‘ …… ............................………“ 269 ...………… ..................…................... 270 ‘ ·‘ ”’ ‘ .......................... ‘ 270 ‘ -‘-‘ ....................... ‘ 270 “ Part F-Illspectioll .............……… ...... ‘ ................... 요작 Visual Inspection ...... …………“ “ · ........................................... -““ .................................................. 270 9.26 NDT ........................… ……....... ‘ ................. ‘ · ’ ................. ‘ ..... “ ‘ 270 9.27 UT ............. ‘ .................................. ‘ .......... ’ ‘ ......................... 271 9.28 RT Procedures ...........…-‘ 9.29 Supplementary RT Requiremel1 ts for 1\rbular Connections .. …… ............................. 271 2찍 UT of Tu blllar T- , Y- , and K-Co l1 nectiol1 s ......................... ‘”……… ..................................................... 271 “ ‘ “ ......... “ “ ................... Annexes .. …………………............ ‘ · ………………… .........…............... ‘ …………………… ...............……… .327 Annex A (Normative)→E따 ctive Throat 댈} ..............…… ....................…....... ‘ ........………………… ..…………… 329 ……………·………………………… 333 An l1 ex B (Normative) Effective Throats of Fillet Welds in Skewed τJoints. Annex D (Normative)-Fl atness of Girder Webs Statically Lo ‘ ded Structures ....... ’‘ .... ’...‘’ .......‘.....‘.............‘... 337 A l1 nex E (Normative)- Fl atness of Girder Webs-Cyclically Loaded Structures … “ • • Li st of AWS Documents on Structllral Welding. “ . ‘· ‘ XXXl ................................ ‘ 603 No. AWS D1.1 /D1.1M:2015 Table U.4 U.5 U.6 U.7 끄펴 U.9 Page No. Electrode Usabilitv Characteristics" ’ ‘ ….............. "............... …‘ · …................ ’ ‘ 455 AWS A5.361A5.36M COl11position Require l11 ents for Shielding Gases ..... ,,,,, ......… ..... "........... …".457 w<eld Metal Chel11ical Co매1Posìtion Re <1 uirements" …… "...... …” ‘ …………… …………” ‘ …......….458 A'WSA5.2 이'A5.20M Procedure Reauire l11ents for “ D" Optional Supplemental Desüwato 1'."."" .. "."".,, 460 A뀐S효츠행퍼츠앨만꾼댄댄쁘보Requirements for “D"Qpt핀맨맥뽀l2!lemental Designator ............. …".460 Comparison of Classifications of AWS A5.18. A5.20‘ A5.28 ‘ and A5.29 Soecifications to A.WS A5.36 Fi xed and Open Classifications for Multiplε-Pass FCAW and GMAW-Metal Cored Electrodes """.… ‘ ’ …… ........ ".. ‘ "" ..… … .....…… …" ....‘ ‘ ......... ’ ……".… ......…… 461 CommentQl }1 C-3.1 Typical Current Ranges for GMAW-S on Steel …·….". …".… ". …"…… .... "." ... …’ ‘ .... …".",, 498 C-8.1 Guide to Welding Suitability"""""""""""""""."" “ “ .............................. …549 C-8.2 Relationship Between Plate Thickness and Burr Radius …” “ ‘ ………” ‘ "" .....…". ‘" .......…... ".... … 549 C-요1 Survey of Diameterffhickness and Flat Widthffhickness Li l11 i s for Tubes """. ……… “ ……… ",, 572 “ ‘ ’ ‘ ". “· “ ‘ · …“ ’ …573 C-9.2 Suggested Design Factors C-9 .3 Values of JD """."""".’ ‘ ..... ………." .... ""……… ‘ … ...... …, ……………” ‘ "" .. …… ………… ………… 573 ……, …… ....... ,.....… ‘ ·……""",, 574 C-9 .4 Structural Steel Plates …… ........................................“ C-9.5 Structural Steel Pipe and 1\lbular Shapes “ “ ............ ‘ ....... " " " " ..... " . " " .. " . " 575 C-9.6 Structural Steel Shapes. …."" .... …… .... ".... …" ……".…… ………… · ………… .....….......…........…… 575 C-9.7 Classification Matrix for Applications" … ... ".. …”’ ‘ ·…… ........ "... …… ‘ ·…… ............ …… """.576 C-으~ CVN Testing Conditions """""", … ........................ ’ ‘ ‘ ................. "............ ‘ ….576 ...... "........ ".. …… ............… ………·…, ….......… “ ‘..... ’·… …………” ‘ .......’… 577 C-9.9 CVN1농st Values … C-9.10 HAZ CVN Test Values ……, ……… ………’ ‘ ……” ‘ ……’ ‘ .. …… -‘ ……… .. 577 ‘ XXXIV AWS D1.1/D 1.1 M:2015 Li st of Figures Figure 2.1 2.2 2.3 2 .4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 page No. Maximum Fillet Weld Sizε Along Edges in Lap Joints … ....... "...............................................…’ ........... 36 Transition of Butt Joints in Parts ofUnequal Thickness (Cγclically Loaded Nontubu1ar) ... …“ “ ‘ ... ‘.37 Transition of Thickl1esses (Statically Loaded Nontubu1ar) ....... … -… ... ".… ................. ’ .................... 38 Trans、 ersely Loaded Fi1l et Welcts … .....…… …… ......…- …… ....……… ……………“ ’ ………·…… …… ............. 38 Minimulll Length of Longitudinal Fillet W,리ds at End of Plate 0 1' Flat Bar Melllbe1's …….... ‘ ………… 39 1εnnination of Welds Nea1' Edges Subiect to Tension …· ‘ …… · ‘ .................... …."... ‘ · ‘ ” ‘ 39 40 End Return at Fl exible Connections ..... …“ Fi1let Welds on Opposite Sides of a Common Plane .. …................ …... …................... ‘ ........ .40 Thin Fi1l er Plates in Splice Join …".. ". …............................ "............ ‘ ...........‘ ............. …… ........ 41 Thick Fi1l er Plates in Splice Joint ......…… … ...............…..... "… ……...... "…".", ..…...............……… ....... ‘41 Allowable Stress Range for Cyclically Applied Load (Fatigue) in Nontubular Connections (Graphical P• ot ofTable 2.5) ...........................‘ ................ ‘ ...... ’ ...................................“ ‘ .............. .42 …" ...... ".. ‘ …"..... …....‘ …........ 43 Transition ofWidth (Cyclically Loaded Nontubular) .......... …‘ .............. " ................................ ‘ .. ‘..... 3.;). 3.;). 3.:'[ 3.5 3.5 3.6 W,려 d Bead in which Depth and Width Exceed the Width of the Weld 없ce .... … .............. ….............. “ 64 Prequalified PJP Groove Welded Joint Details (Dimensions in Inches) .......... … .... ".... " 66 P1'equalified PJP Groove Welded Joint Details (Dimensions in Mi1l imeters) “ … - “ ‘ ............ ’ ‘ 74 Prequalified CJP Groov잉 Welded Joint Details (Dilllensions in Inches) ..................................................... 82 Prequalified CJP Groove Welded Joint Details (Dimensions in Millimete 1's) 93 Prequalified Skewed τJoint Details (Nontubular) ‘ .......... ‘ ................ ‘ .................. ‘ .................. 104 Prequalified Fillet Weld Joint Details (Dimensions in Inches) ............ ’ ... … 105 P'requalified Fillet Weld Joint Details (Dime끼sions in Millimeters)............ 106 ‘ .................. ‘ 107 Prequalified CJP Groove , T- , and Corner Joint ............................................... ‘ ’ 4.1 4.2 4 .3 4.4 Positions of Groove Welds …….... ‘ …… .... ‘ ’… ............... ……… ‘ ""’…… · ‘ .............. ‘ …… .. 140 Positions of Fillet Welds ............. ‘ ’…… ............. …… ............. ……...... ……·…...... … ....... ‘ …...... 141 Positions of Test Plates f,αGroove Welds …·‘ ……… ...... ‘……".... ……… ...... …… ..... ………… .142 Positions of Test Plate for Fillet W.리ds …....... ………...... ’ ……… ...... ‘ ………… - …........... …… .. 3.1 3.l 3.l ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ..................... ‘ “ ........... ‘ ‘ xxxv ’ .. ........ ............................ AWS Dl.l/D l.l M:2015 Figure Page No. 4.27 4잭 Optional Test Plate for Unlimited Thickness-Horizontal Position-Welder Qualification.. ’· …… .156 Test Plate for Li mited Thickness-All Positions-Welder Qualification ..... …… ................ …… ............ 157 Optional Test Plate for Li mited Thickness-Horizontal Position-Welder Qualification .. … ................. 158 Fillet Weld Root Bend Test Plate-Welder or Welding Operator Qualification-Option 2 ............…… “ 159 Method of Rupturing Specimen-Tack Welder Qualification ........…… ............………… … ...........…… ....... 160 Butt Joint for Welding Operator Qualification-ESW and EGW ............... …… ............ ……·… ............... 160 Fillet Weld Break and Macroetch T,않 Plate-Welder or Welding Operator Qllalification ... …… ................ ……… ............ ……........................…..... ‘ ……… ........ 161 Option 1.... …………… Plllg Weld Macroetch Test Plate-Welder or Welding Operator Qualification and WPS Qualification ..... 162 Fillet Weld Break Specimen-Tack Welder Qualification … ............…............…………… …...........…… ...... 163 CVN Test Specimen Locations …… …-“ ........… ..…...…............…..…-…...... ………… ." ....... …… .......... 164 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Edge Discontinllities in Cut Materi떠 .’’’’’ ............‘..‘.‘‘’.’’’.‘ ............‘....‘’’ .................‘’’ .. ’.’’.’ ................’’’“.... 18없3 Weld Access Hole Geometry … ....…… -…............……… …..............…· ‘ …...........…… ............. …… ............ 184 Workmanship Tolerances in Assembly of Groove Welded Joints ....... ……….......... ………… .............. 185 Reqllirements for Weld Profi1 es ........... ………‘ ’ ...... ……… ............. ……… ............ …… .................... 186 6.1 Di scontinllity Acceptance Criteria for Statically Loaded Nontubular and Statically or Cyclically Loaded Tu bular Connections …… ...................…… ................. …… ........ …·……… ............... …… ............ 218 Di scontinuity Acceptance Criteria for Cyclically Loaded Nontubular Connections in τension (Li mitations of Porosity and Fusion Discontinuities) … ............... ……… .............. …….... …·… .......... 223 Di scontinuity Acceptance'‘ Criteria for Cyclically Loaded Nontubular Connections in Compression (Li mitations of Porosity or Fusion-ηpe Discontinuities). ‘ …… ..........……… ...............…… .................... 228 Hole-Type IQI............... ……… .............. …… ………… …‘’’’’’’’”………… …… …….. 잉 2 33 Wire IQI ........ ‘.. … …… ……………………… ……...“… ….“… .“….“… …. ….“….“… ….“… ….“… ….“...… ……… .“… 4캔 4잭 4깊 4깊 4적 4.잊 4짚 4.잭 6.2 6.3 6.1 6.~ XXXVl AWS Dl.l/D 1. 1M:2015 Page No. Figure 9.8 9.9 9.10 9.11 9.12 9 .1 3 9 .1 4 9.15 9.16 9 .1 7 9.18 9.19 9.20 9 .2 1 9.22 9.23 9.24 9.25 9.26 쩔쩔때←떼→서 … ……←왜「 -… μ 심μ ← %썼 → M “ 씨 } Rn 9.27 ….. ‘ … ...’ ‘ ................... …“ ‘ 299 Overlapping K-Co l1 nections.................. ‘ …… Transitioll of Thickness of Butt J이 nts in Parts of Uneqllal Thickness (Tubular) ..... …… ..................... 300 Fillet W,εIded Prequalilìed Tubular Joints Made by SMAW, GMAW, and FCAW … ....… ……… ............. 301 ‘ ........... 302 Prequalified Joint Details for PJP T- , Y- , and K-1\lbular Connec tÎolls ............ “ Preqllalified Joint Details for CJP T- , Y- , and K- 1\lbular Connections ..... ‘ .........… … ... "..………… .305 Definitions and Detai!ed Selectiolls for Preqllalified CJP T- , Y- , and K-Tubular Connections ‘ " ... " .... ‘ 306 Preqllalified Joint Deωils for CJP Groo、 e Welds in Tubular T- , Y- , and K-Conne이1OI1 S← Standard F1 at Profiles for Li mited Thicklless …... …... “ "." .. "... …...…“ ‘ …..... ‘... ……… .307 Preqllalified Joint D떠 ils for CJP Groove Welds in 1\lblllar T- , Y- , and K-ConnectionsProfile with Toe Fillet for Intermediate Thickness ...........’ “ ‘ ”’ ‘ ‘ …... ‘ ““ ................. 308 Preqllalified Joint Details for CJP Groove Welds in 1\lblllar T- , Y- , and K-Connec tÎonsConcave Improved Profile for Heavy Sectìons or Fatigue ‘ ………" ... …… .... "... …… ... "" ………… ‘ ’ 309 Posi tÎons of Test Pipe or Tubing for Groove Welds ...... …" ..... ‘ ”’ …................................“ 310 …… ..…311 Positions ofTest Pipes or Tubillg for Fillet Welds ................................…................. "...... …… Locatioll of Test Specimens on Welded Test Pipe-• WPS Qualifica tÎon .......….. "’ ........... …… ................ 312 · “ ‘ 313 Location of Test Specimens for Welded Box Tubing WPS Qualification .................. “ Pipe Fillet Weld Soundness Test-WPS Qualification …... ‘ …""" ‘ …...‘“ ‘ …... ".… ……… .314 Tu삐 ar Butt Joint Welder Q이mlification with and without Backit영 ……… ……· “ ............... 315 Tubular Butt Joint WPS Qualilìcation with and without Backing ............... …….. ".... …....... 315 ……“ …… ...…· ………… .. …… .................... 316 Acute Angle Heel Test (Restraints not Showll) .... "…… Test Joint for T- , Y- , and K-Connections 、.vithout Backing 이1 Pipe 0 1' Box 까lbing (;0, 6 in [150 mm] O.D.)-Welder and WPS Qualification “ ” …................. ,.. …..… 317 Test JoÎnt for T- , Y- , and K-Connections without Backing 011 Pipe Of Box Tubing (< 4 in [100 m Cαoαrne 이rMa 따 lκc[κoe리lκ 띠 c이마 h11 표 es았t JιOlIl…t forT ’ Y- , and K-Connections without Backing on Box Tu bing for CJP Groove Welds Welder and WPS Qualifica tÎ on …· ……· ‘ ….. "... "...…"... ι 319 Location of Test Specimens 011 Welded 표st Pipe and Box Tllbing-Welder Qllalification ‘ ……… .320 ...… ................…… …..... “ ……… .... ………….. …… ...... ‘ ” ’ 321 Class R Indicatio11s … Class X Indications .. …‘...... . … .... • • • •• ...... F. 2 G.I H.I H.2 H.3 H.4 Q.I Q.2 Q.3 Q .4 XXXV lI AWS D1.1 1D1.1M’ 2015 Figure Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.IO Q.II Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q.15 ß.I U.I page No. Compression Wave Depth (Horizontal Sweep Calibration) ................... …” ’ ‘ ……” ’ ‘ ...... …… .427 Compression Wave Sensitivity Calibration .. …” ‘ ....... …… ........... …… …… ...............…… , …428 Shear Wave Distance and Sensitivity Calibratíol1.. …… .............……“ ..…·…‘’‘ ............... ’‘ .... 428 Scanning Me• hods …- … ......……… .. ……" ...… ‘ · …........ “ ............. "..... …… .. 429 Spherical Discontinuity Characteristκs ..... " ........…’ ‘ ……… .... …·…… …......……’“ "...……… 430 Cylindrical Discontinuity Characteristics ...................... …… .............… ...................... … ........ .4 30 Planar Discontinuity Characteristics .... ‘ ‘ …… ...... ,......... ……’ ‘ …… .. …… .......... …… '.....…·… .. 431 Di scontinuity Height Dimension … ................................ …"" ‘· ’ ‘ - ‘ .... .431 Discontinuity Length Dimensi이1 .. ".…….".... …·….".’ ‘ ·………… “ .........… ...….............…’“ ..…...... .432 Display Screen Marking ‘ "".…· ‘ …........ "........‘ ." ........................... ’ “ .432 Report ofUT (Alternative Procedure) ..… ...… …·………‘’ ‘ …..... …… ... ……" ......’‘ ·… ........“” “ “ ….. .433 Definition of Terms for Computed AI이1a ’ “ ‘ ...... “ · ‘ ....................... ’ ‘ 435 A'WS A5.36/A5 .36M Ooen Classification Svstem. ………… …………… ‘ ……… ... …… ..… …….466 “ ........ “ · “ .... Commental}' C-2.1 C-2.2 C-2.3 C-2 .4 C-2.5 C-2.6 C-2.7 C-3.1 C-3.2 C-3.3 C-4.1 C-5.1 C-5.2 C-5 .3 C-5 .4 C-5.5 C-5.6 C-5.7 C-5.8 C-6.1 C-6.2 C-6 .3 C-6 .4 C-6. 2. C-6.~ C-6.7 Balancing of Fillet Welds About a Neutral Axis 485 Shear Planes for Fillet and Groove Welds ……… .. "........…… ’ ‘… ...... ".... …... ‘ .................. 485 …... ……… ‘ ..... …’ ……… …………… , ….............. ‘"".…….486 Eccentric Loading Load Deformatio l1 Relationship for Welds... …’ ‘ ".. “ ·…… ..... "......…...............……’“ 486 … ." ............ “ 487 Example of an Obliquely Loaded Weld Group .................. …Graphical Solution of the Capacity of al1 Obliquely Loaded Weld Gro l1 p …… .. …… ………… .... …… .. 488 Single Fillet Welded Lap Joints “” ‘ ”’“ ……” ‘ ……… - ………… 489 Oscillograms and Sketches ofGMAW-S Metal Transfer ............ “ .. .498 Examples of Centerline Cracking ……….... …………… …… ... ……… ………….. …………… ‘ ........ .499 Details of Alternative Groove Preparatio l1 s for Prequalified Corner Joi l1 ts .............. ……’‘ · ……… 499 Ty pe of Welding 011 Pipe That Does Not Req l1 ire Pipe Qualificatiol1.............. ….. 504 Examples of Unacceptable Reel1 trant Corners ……………, …………… ............... ….. …"...... ".’‘ ............ 515 ’‘ ” ……’ ·…… ............. …… ‘ 515 Examples of Good Practice for Cl1 tting Copes …’ ‘ Permissible Offset il1 Abutting Members …… ..... 516 Correction of Misaligned Members …………… “ ………… … …………… …………’ ‘............…‘ -’....... 516 Typical Method to Determine Variations il1 Girder Web Flatness “ ’ ………·’ ‘ …………… ………… .517 IIIustratio l1 Showing Camber Meas l1 rement Methods ’ ‘ · ‘ .... "....................... ‘ ... 518 …… ............. …… .............. 519 Measurement of Flange Warpage al1d Tilt ……… ... "....... ……” ‘· ……… Tolerances at Bearing Points “ ………" ... ‘ ……… ‘…………… …………… ……………, …… ....... 520 900 T- or Corner Joints with Steel Backi l1 g ’ 532 .......... ’ “ ……… ‘ ..…... "..............................…..... "........ … .......... 532 Skewed T- or Cornel‘ Joints … Butt Joints with Separation Between Backing and Joint .. ‘ ……………… ............……, …" ....... …… … ....... 533 Effect of Root Opening on BlI tt Joints with Steel Backing ...... “ …."., “‘”… ......................... 533 Resollltions for Scan l1 ing with Seal Welded Steel Backing.. ,........ … 534 Scanning with Seal Welded Steel Backi l1 g .. ….... …… .... …… .. …………” ‘ .... "..…… ‘ …·……’ ” … ... 534 III l1 stration of Discontinuity Acceptance Criteria for Statically Loaded Nontllbular and Statically 535 or Cyclically Loaded 까lbular Connections …"........ …...................... IIIustration of Discontinllity Acceptance Criteria for Statically Loaded Nontublllar al1d Statically or Cyclica “ “ ....... .............. “ “ ...... ‘ • “ “ ‘ ‘ ................ “ ’ ‘ .................................. “ ‘ - ‘ ‘ “ C-7.1 C-8.1 C-8.2 C-8.3 C-8 .4 C-8.5 C-8.6 XXXV ll1 ................................ .... " .......... ‘ ‘ C-6.8 ‘ ....... “ • “ ‘ • ................ ’ “ AWS D1.1 /Dl.1M:2015 page No. Figure C-8.7 C-8.8 C-9.1 C-9.2 C-9 .3 C-9 .4 C-9 .5 C-9.6 C-9.7 Hammer Peening .................... ……… “ ’ .... "".... ….".… .............…… ’ ........…… , ….....……… 553 ........... …………‘ ……....... …… ....… …….... ". …………· ………· ……… .554 Toe Remelting … 1ll1l stra!ÌO l1S of Bra l1ch Member Stresses Correspondi l1 g to Mode of Loading ........................... ‘ 577 lmproved Weld Profile Requirements …- ………… …………"" .. …........……………… …….........…... 578 Simplified Concept of P lIl1ching Shear … ...... "" .. ……..... ‘ …… ............ ……….. ……… ... …… .578 Reliability of P lI nching Shear Criteria Using Compllted Alpha ................................................................ 579 Transition Between Gap and Overlap Connections .. , … ... ""… “ ......... …‘ ” ’ ........… ………… ....... 580 Upper Bound Theorem ……·… -……..... …… ..... "....... ……… ‘ ………… ……....... …… .. 580 Yield Li ne Patterns .............................................................................................................................. “ 581 XXXIX AWS D1.1 /D1.1 M’ 2015 This page is intentionally blank. xl AWS D1.1/0 1.1 M:2015 Structural Welding Code-Steel 1. General Requirements 1.1 Scope This code contains the requirements for fabricating and erecting welded steel structures. When this code is stipulated in contract documents , confonnance \Vith all provi sions of the c。이 e shall be required , except for those provisions that the Engineer (see 1.4 .1) or COlltract documents specitìcally l11 0difies OJ' exempts 8. Strengthening and Repair of Existing St l'll ctllres. This clause contains basic information pertinent to the welded mod이 fication 01" repair of existing stcel stmctures. 9. 1\lbula l' Structu l'es. This clause contains exclusiνe 덴민띤[뜨맨긴히11en“ Additional1 v. the reQuirement찍잭낀 other clauses ap이 v to tubulars ‘ l맨훤프효양인F댄낀y..!!인핸 othenvise. The following is a Sll lTIl11 ary of the code clauses 1. GClleral Requirements. This cI ause contains basic information 011 the scope and limitations of the codc , key definitions , and the major responsibilities of the parties involved with steel fabrication 2. Design of Welded Connections. This clause contains requirements for the design of welded conncctions com posed of tubula l', or nontubular, product fonn members 3. Preqllalification 따판PSs. This clause contains the requirements for exempting a Wclding Procedure Specification (WPS) from the WPS qllalification reqllirements of this code. 4. QualificatioIl. ThÎs clause contains the requirements for WPS qualification and the performance qualification tests required to be passed by all welding personnel (welders , welding 이)erators , and tack 、.velders) to perform weldíng in accordance with this code 5. Fab l'ication. This c1 ause contains gcneral fabrication and erection requirements applicable to welded steel structures governed by this code , inc1 uding the requirements for base mctals , welding consumables , ‘.velding techniqlle , welded details , material preparation ‘[l nd assembly, workmanship , 、,veI d repair, and other requirements 6. Ins}J cction. This c1 ause contains criteria for the quali fications and responsibilities of inspectors , acceptance criteria for production welds , and standard procedures fo l' performing visual inspection and nondestructive testing (NDT) 7. Stud \Velding. This c1 ause contains the requiremcnts for the 、velding of studs to structural steel 1.2 Limitations The code was specifically developed for welded steel structures that utilize carbon 01' low al1 0y steεls that are 1/8 in [3 111m] or thicker with a minimum specified yield strength of 100 ksi [690 MPa] or less. The code may be suitable to govern st lUctural fabrications outside the scope of the intended purpose. However, the Engineel should evaluate such suitability, and based upon such evaluations , íncorporate into contract documents any necessary changes to code requirements to address the specific. requirements of the application that is outside the scope of the code. The Structural Welding Commit tce encourages the Engineer to consider the applicabilíty of other AWS D 1 codes for applications involving aluminum (AWS D 1. 2) , sheet steel equal to or less than 3/1 6 in [5 mm] thick (AWS D I. 3), reinforcing steel (AWS D I. 4) , and stainless steel (AWS D I. 6) , strengthening and repair of existing structures (AWS D I. 7) , seismic supplement (AWS D I. 8) , and titanium (AWS D 1. 9) The AASHTOIAWS D 1. 5 Bridge lVelding Code was specifically developed for welding highway bridge components and is recommended for those applications. 1.3 Definitions The 、velding terms used in this code shall be interpreted in confonllancc with the definitions given in the latest edition of AWS A3.0 , Standard lVelding Terllls alld D해l1 ;(iOI1S, 11l cludillg Terms 101' Adlzesive Bonding, Bra찌19, Soldering. CLAUSE 1. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AWS D1. 1/D 1. 1M‘ 2015 Thermal CUflÎl/ g, a l/ d Thermal SprayÎl/ g , supplemented by Annex ~ of this code and the following definitions: approval when the code does Ilot specify that the Engineer ’ s approval shall be required 1.3.1 Engineer. “ Engineer" shall be defined as a duly designated individual who acts for , and in behalf of, thε Owner on all matters within the scope of the code 1.4 Responsibilities 1.4.1 Engineer ’s Responsibilities. The Engineer shall be respollsible fo 1' the development of the contract documents that govern products 01' structural assemblies produced under this code. The Engineer may add 10, delete from , or otherwise modify, the requirements of this code to meet the partìcular requirements of a specific structme. AII requirements that modify this code shall be incorporated into contract documents. The Engineer shall determine the suitability of all joint detaíls to be used in a welded assembly. 1.3.2 Contmctor. “ Contractor" shall be defined as any company, Of that individual representing a company, responsible for the fabrication , erection , manufacturing 01 ‘,velding in conformallce with the provisions of this codε. 1.3.3 Inspectors Contractor ’s Inspector. “ Contractor ’ s In spector" shall be defined as the duly designated person who acts fo 1', and in behalf of, the Contractor on all inspection and quality matte1's within the scope of the code and of the contrac documents. ‘ The Engineer shall specify in contract documents , as necessary, and as applicable , the following: 1. 3.3.2 Verification Inspector. “ Verification Inspector" shall be defined as the duly designated person who acts for, and in behalf of. the Owner 01' Engineer on all inspection and quality matters specified by the Engineer. (1) Code requiremellts thal are applicable only when specified by the Engineer (2) AII additional NDT that is not specifically ad dressed in the code. Inspector(s) (unmodified). When the term “ Inspector" is tlsed without further qualification as the (3) Verification inspection , when required by the Engineer specific Inspector category described above , it applies equally to the Contract Ol ’ s Inspector and the Verification Inspector within the limits of responsibility described in 6. 1. 2. (4) Weld acceptance criteria other than that specified in Clause 6 1.3.4 OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer). (5) CVN toughness criteria for metal , and/or HAZ when required “ OEM" shall be defined as that single Contractor that assumes some or a11 of the responsibílities assigned by this code to the Engineer 、.veld metal , base (6) For nontubular applications , whether the structme is statically or cyclically loaded 1.3.5 Owner. “ Owner" shall be defined as the individual or company that exercises legal ownership of the produCl or struclmal assembly produced under this code (7) All additional requirements that are not specifically addressed in the code 1.3.6 Code Terms “ ShaU:’ “ Should:’ and ‘'May." “'S hall ," (8) For OEM applications , the respollsibilities of lhe parties involved “ should ," and “ may" have the following significance 1.4.2 Cont t"a ctor ’s Responsibilities. The Contractor shall be respollsible for WPSs , qualification of welding personnel , the Contractor ’ s inspection , and performing work in conformance with the requirements of this code and contract documcnts‘ Shall. Code provisions that use “ shall" are mandatory unless specifically modified in contract documents by the Engineer Shoul<1. The word “ should" is used to reC01l1mend practices that are considered beneficial , but are 110t requuements. 1.4.3 Inspector ’s Responsibilities Contractor Inspection. Contractor inspection shall be supplied by the Contrac or and shall be performed as necessary to ensure that materÎ als and work manship meet the requirements of the contract documents. ‘ May. The word “ may" in a provision allows the use of optional procedures or practices that can be used as an alternative or supplement to code requirements. Those optional procedures thal require the Engineer ’ s approval shall either be specified in the con tract documents , or require the Engineel ’ s approval. The Contractor may use any option without the Engineer’s Verification Illspection. The Ellgineer shall determille if Verificatioll Inspection shall be performed. Responsibilities for Verificatioll Inspection shall be 2 CLAUSE 1. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 Material 이 EauÎpment Manufacturers established between the Engineer and the Verification Inspector. í!낭E힘1 Data Shee “ supp프 lied bι객센빽5 m‘mufacturers 1.5 Approval Q) Operating Manuals manufacturers All references to the need for approval shall be interpreted to mean approval by the Authority Having Jurisdiction or the Ellgilleer. Applicable Regulatorv Agencies 반q쁘E뜨fornled in accordance with 띠브와멘띤쁘꾀뾰 involve the use of materials that have been deemed ha깐 ardous ‘ and may involve operations or equÎpment that 맨av cause iniurv or death. This standard does not purport to address all safetv and health risks that mav be 히1countered. The user of this standard should establish an '!l'propriate safety pro .2;ram to address such risks as well as to meet applícable regulatorv reclU irements. ANSI Z49.1 should bε considered when d아 eloping the safetv 1.6 Welding Symbols Welding symb 이 s suppl쁘뜨쁘ι~띤민쁘nt shall be those shown in AWS A2 .4 잭띠, 앨낀띤띄SYlIlbols fO I" \Veldillg, Brazillg, and Nondeslructive Examination. Special conditions shall be fully explained by added notes or details. 민않던핀; 1.7 Safety Precautions Safety and health issues and concerns are beyond the scope of this standard and therefore are not fully addressed herein. It is the responsibility of the user to establish ap메 이)riate safety and health practices. Safety and hea1t h infonnation is ava i1 able from 센ε@쁘씬많 sources: 1.8 Standard Units of Measurement “ This standard makes use of both U.S. Customary Units al1 d the Interna onal System of Ul1 its (SI) 잭익띤쁘뎌댄 s:howl1 within brackets ([]) or in appropriate columns l11 tables and figures. The meas씨Jrements mav not be exact eQuivalents; therefore, each system must be used American Welding효얀보또 엑쁘얀밴댄다L (l) ANSI Z49.1 , Safe/y in \Velding, Cu//ing , and Allied Processes (2) AWS Safetv and Health Fact Sheets 1.9 Reference Documents β) 이ler Annex S contains a list of al1 documents referenced in this code safetv and hea It h information 011 the AWS website 3 AWS D1.1 /D1.1M ‘ 2015 This page is intentionally blank. 4 AWS D1.lID1.1M:2015 2. Design of Welded Connections ings , hereinaftcr referred to as thc shop drawings. shall clearly distinguish between shop and field welds 2.1 Scope This clause covers requirements for design of welded connectio l1 s. It is divided into 띠쁘~ parts as fo lI ows 2.3.2 Notch Toughness Requirements. lf notch tough ness of welded joints is required , the Engineer shall specify the minimum absorbed energy with the corrcsponding test temperature for the filler metal classifica tiol1 to be used , or the Engineer shall specify lhat the WPSs be qllalified with CVN tests. If WPSs with CVN tests are required , the Engineer shall specify the mini Illum absorbed energy, the test temperature and whethcr the required CVN test performance is to be in the 、,veld metal , or both in the 、,veld metal and the HAZ (see 4.2.1 .3 al1d Clause 4, Part D) ‘ Part A-Common Requirements for Design of Welded Connections (Nontubular and Tubular Members) Part B-Specific Requirements for Design of Nontllbular Connections (Statically or Cyclically Loaded) The rcquiremcnts shall apply in addition to the requirements of Part A ‘ Part C-Specific Requirements [0 1' Design of Nontublllar Conncctions (Cyclically Loaded). When applicable , the requirements shall apply in addition to the requirements of Parts A and B 2.3.3 Specific Welding Requi l'ements. The El1gineer, in the contract documents , and the Contractor, in the shop drawings , shall indicate those joints or groups of joints in which the Engineer 01" Contractor require a specific asscmbly order, 、.velding sequence , welding technique 01 other special precautions. See 5 .4 .1 and C-5 .4.l for limitations on the application of ESW and EGW welding PartA C011l mon Requirements for Design of Welded Connections (Nontubular and Tubular Members) 2.3.4 Weld Size a l1d Length. Contract design drawi l1gs shall specify the e따ctíve Neld length al1d , for PIP groove 、.velds , the requi l'ed weld size “ (E)." ‘ 2.2 General For fillet welds and skewed T-joints , the following shall be provided on the contract documents This part contains requirements applicable to the design of all welded connections of nontubular and tubular structures , indepCl1 dcnt of loading. (1) For fillet 、:velds between parts with surfaces meet ing at an angle between 800 and 1000 , contract dOCllmel1 ts shall specify the fillet weld leg size 2.3 Contract Plans and Specifications (2) For welds between parts with the surfaccs meeting at an angle less than 80 or greater than 100。’ thc contract documents shall specify the effective th1'Oat 0 2.3.1 Pla l1 and Drawing Information. Complete information regarding base metal specitïcation designation (see 3 .3 and 4.8 .3) 10catiol1, type , size , and extent of all 、.velds shall be clearly shown on the contract plans and specifications , hereinafter referrcd to as the contract documents. ff the Engineer requíres specific 、Nelds to be performed in the tìeld , they shall bc designated in the COlltract documents The fabricatÎon and erection draw- End I'eturns and hold-backs for fillet 、.velds , if required by design , shall be indicated on the contract documents 2.3.5 Shop Drawi l1 g Requireme l1 ts. Shop drawings shall clearly indicate by 、velding symbols 01' sketches the details of groove welded joints and the preparation of ‘ 5 CLAUSE 2. DESIGN OF WELDED CONNECTIONS F껴 RTA base metal required to make them. 80th width and thickness of steel backing shall be detailed Special Details. When special groove details are required , they shall be deta i1 ed in the contract documents. PJP Groove Welds. Shop drawings shall in dicate the 、I.'eld groove depths “ S" needed to attaill weld SlZe “ (E)" required for the 、:velding process and position of 、,velding to be used Specific Inspection Requi l'ements. Any spe cific inspection requirements shall be noted on the contract documents ‘ Fillet Welds and Welds ill Skewed T-Joints. The following shall be provided on the shop drawings (l) For fillet AWS Dl.l fD1.1M ‘ 2015 2.4 Effective Areas 、,velds between parts with surfaces meeting at an angle between 80 0 and 100。’ shop drawings shall show the fillet 、,veld leg size , 2 ,4.1 G l'oove Welds 2 ,4.1.1 Effective Length. The maxilllum effective length of any groove 、,veld , regardless of orientation , shall be the width of the part joined , perpendicular to the directio11 of tensile or compressive stress. Fm g l'oovε 、,velds transmitting shear, the effective length is the length specified. 、,veld (2) For 、,velds between parts with surfaces meeting at an angle less than 80 0 01' greater than 100。’ the shop drawings shall show the detailed arrangement of 、velds and required leg size to account for effects of joint geometry and , where appropriate , the Z-loss reduction for the process to be used and the angle , 2 ,4. 1,2 Effective Size of CJP G l'oove Welds. The size of a CJP groove ‘,veld shall be the thickness of the thinner part joined. An increase ill the effective a1'e a fo 1' design calculations for weld reinforcement shall be prohibited. Groove ‘,veld sizes for T- , Y- , and Kconnections in tubular construction are shown in Table 9.8 ‘ 、,veld (3) End returns and hold-backs. 2,3.5.3 Weldillg Symbols. The contract documents shall show CJP 01' PJP groove 、,veld requirements. Con tract documents do not need to show groove type OI groove dimensions. The welding symbol without dimen~ sions and with “ CJP" in the ail designates a CJP ‘,veld as follows: ‘ 2 ,4.1.3 Minimu llI Size of PJP G l'oove Welds. PJP groove welds shall be equal to or greater than the size “ (E)" specified in unless the WPS is qualified in confoll11ance with Clause 4. ~CJP 2.4.1, 4 Effective Size of Fla l'e-Gl'oove Welds. The effective sÎze of flare-groove 、,velds when filled flush shall be as shown in Table 2.1 , except as allowed by 4.11.5. For flare-groove 、,velds not filled flush , the underfill U shall be deducted. For flare-V-groove welds to surfaces with diff、'erent radii R, the slllaller R shall be used. For flare-groove welds to rectangular tubular sections , R shall be taken as two times the wa l1 thickness. The welding symbol without dimension and without CJP in the tail designates a 、,veld that will develop the adjacent base metal strength in tension and shear. A welding symbol for a PJP groove weld shall show dimensions enclosed in parentheses below “ (E j ) " andlor above “(E,)" the reference line to indicate the groove ‘,veld sizes on the arrow and other sides of the weld joint, respectively, as shown below: Effeetlve Al'ea of G l'oove 까'elds. The effective area of groove 、,velds shall be the effective length lIlultiplied by the effective 、;v eld size. ~딛「 2.4.2 Fillet Welds 2 ,3.5.4 Preqllalilied Detail Dimensiolls , The joint details described in 3.12 젠파요.10 (PJP) and 3.13 면d 9.11 (CJP) have repeatedly demonstrated their adequacy in providing the conditions and clearances necessary fm depositing and fusing sound weld metal to base metal However, the use of these details shall 110t be interpreted as implying consideration of the effects of 、,velding process on base metal beyond the fusion boundary nor suit ability of the joint detail for a given application. 2 .4.2.1 Effective Length (St l' aight). The effective length of a straight fillet weld shall be the overall length of the full size fillet , including end returns. No reduction in effectivc length sha l1 be assumed in design calculations to allow for the stm1 01' stop crater of the 、,veld Effective Length (Cu l' ved) , The effective length of a curved fillet weld shall be lIleasured along the centerline of the effective throa t. 6 AWS D1. 1/D1.1 M‘ 2015 CLAUSE 2. DESIGN OF WELDED CONNECTIONS F껴 RTA Minimum Length. The minimum length of a fillet ‘,veld shall be at least four timεs the nomînal size, 01' the effective size of the 、.veld shall be considered not to exceed 25% of its effective length Maxilllum Weld Size in Lap Joints. The maximum fillet 、.veld size deta i!ed along the edges of base Illetal in lap joints shal1 be the fo l1owing: Inte l'mittent Fillet Welds (M inimum Length). The minimum length of segments of an intermittent fillet weld shall be 1-112 in [38 mm]. 1/4 (1) the thickness of the base Illetal , for metalless than in [6mm] thick (see Figure 2.1 , Detail A). (2) 1116 in [2 mlll]less than the thickness of the base metal , for metal 114 in [6 1ll111] or Illore in thickness (see Figure 2.1 , Detail B), unless the weld is designated on the shop drawing to be bu i! t out to obtain fu l1 throat thickness for a leg size eqllal to the base metal thickness. In the as-welded condition , the distance between the edge of the base llletal and the toe of the 、,veld may be less than 1116 in [2 mm] provided the weld size is c1 early verifiable. Maxinmnl Effective Length. For end-Ioaded fillet 、velds with a length up to 100 times the leg dimension , it is allowed to take the effective length equal to the actuallength. When the length of end-Ioaded fillet welds exceeds 100 but not more than 300 times the 、.veld size, the effective length shall be determined by multiplying the actuallength by the reduction coefficient ß ß= ;-;;느) " \100wJ 1. 2 - 0.2( Effective Al'ea. The effective area shal1 be the effective ‘,veld length multiplied by the effective throa t. 1. 0 where 2.4.3 Skewed T.Joints ß = reduction coefficient L = actuallength of end-loaded weld , in [mm] w = weld leg size , in [mm] Gene l'al. T-joints in which the angle between joined parts is greater than 100 0 or less than 80 0 shall be defined as skewed T-joints. Prequalified skewed T-joint detai! s are shown in Figure 3d:. The details of joints for the obtuse and acute sides Ill ay be used together or independently depending upon service conditions and design with proper consideration for effects of eccentricíty. When the length exceeds 300 times the leg size , the effective length shall be taken as 180 times the leg 잉Zε Ca Ic nlation of Effective Th l'oa t. For fillet welds between parts meeting at angles between 80 0 and 100 0 the effective throat shall be taken as the shortest distance from the joint fQot to the weld face of a 90 dia grammatic weld (sec Annex A). For welds in acute an~ gles between 600 and 800 and for 、,velds in obtuse angles greater than 100。’ the weld leg size required to provide the specified effective throat shall be calculated to account [01' ge이netry (see Annex B). For welds in acute angles between 60 0 and 30 0 , leg size shall be increased by the Z 1088 dimension to account [or the uncertainty of sotlnd weld metal in the root pass of the narrow an빙efOl' the welding process to be used (see 2 .4 .3). Welds in Acute Angles Between 80' and 60。 and in Obtuse Angles Gl'eate l' than 100 0 • When welds are deposited in angles between 80 0 and 60 0 01" in angles greater than 1000 the contract doculllents sha l1 specify the required effective throat. The shop drawings shall c1early show the placement of 、,velds and the required leg dilllensions to satisfy the required effective throat (see Annex B) 0 Welds in Angles Between 60' and 30 0 • When welding is required in an acute angle that is less than 60'。 but equal to or gre띠er than 30' [Figure 3.1(D)] , the effective throat shall be increased by the Z-Ioss allowance (Table 2.2) The contract docllments shal1 specify the required effective thmat. The shop drawings shall show the required leg dimensions to satisfy the required effective throat. increased by the Z-Ioss allowance (Table 2.2) (see Annex B for ca1c ulation of effective thmat). 2 .4.2.7 Reinfo l'eing Fillet Welds. The effective throat of a combination PIP Q갇쁘! groove weld and a fillet weld shall be the shortest distance from the joint root to the weld face of the diagrammatic weld Illinus 1/8 in [3 Ill lll] for any groove detai! requiring such deduction (see Figure 3.~ a내ld Annex A). ‘ Welds in Angles Less than 300 • Welds de posited in acute angles less the 300 shall not be considered as effective in transmitting applied forces except as lllodified for tubular structures in 9.15 .4.2 The effective throat of a combination of P1P flare bevel Rroove weld and a fi l1et \V eld sha l1 be the shortest distance from the j이 nt root to the 낀빅브잭쁘으쉰he 날iagram­ matic weld minus the deduction for incoIl1 oIete ioint penetration (see Table 2.1 , Fi~ lWε 3.2 ‘ and Annex A) Effective Length. The effective length of skewed τjoints sha l1 be the overa l1 leng h of the full size weld ‘ Minimulll Size. The Ill inimllm size fillet weld shall not be smaller than the size required to transmit the applκd load nor that provided in 5. .u. 7 CLAUSE 2. DESIGN OF WELDED CONNECTIONS PARTSA& B AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 Minimum Depth of F iIl illg. The minimum depth of filling of plug and slot 、,velds shall meet the fol lowing r여uirements Minimum Weld Size. The requirements of shall apply Effective Throat. The effective throat of a skewed T-joint in angles between 60 0 and 300 shall be the minimum distance from the root to the diagrammatic face , less the Z loss reduction dimension. The effective throat of a skewed T-joint in angles between 800 and 60。 and in angles greater than 100 0 shall be taken as the shortest distance from the joint root to the ‘,veld face. (2) for slot or plug welds in materials over 5/8 in [1 6 mm] thick , one-half the thickness of the material or 5/8 in [16 mm] , whichever is greater. Effective Area. The e佈ctive area of skewed T-joints shall be the specified effective throat multiplied by the effective length. In no case is the minimum depth of filling required to be greater than the thickness of the thinner part being joined. (1) for slot or plug welds in material5/8 in [16 mm] thick or less , the thickness of the material. 2.4.4 F iIlet Welds in Holes and Slots 2.4 .4.1 Di ameter and Width Li mitations. The minimum diameter of the hole or the width of slot in which a fillet 、.veld is to be deposited shall be no less than the thicknes of the part in which it is made plus 5/16 in [8mm]. PartB Spec따c Requirements for Design of Nontubular Connections (Statically or Cyclically Loaded) ‘ Slot Ends. Except for those ends which ex tend to the edge of the part , the ends of the slot shall be semicircular or shall have the corners rounded to a radius not less than the thickness of the part in which it is made 2.5 General The specific req l\ irements of Part B together with the re quirements of Part A shall apply to all connections of nontubular members subject to static loading. The requirements of Parts A and B , except as modified by Part C, shall also apply to cyclic loading Effective Length. For fillet 、,velds in holes or slots , the effective length shall be the length of the 、Neld along the centerline of the throa t. Effective Area. The effective area shall be the length multiplied by the effective throat. In the case of fillet 、,velds of such size that they overlap at the centerline when deposited in holes or slots , the effective area shall not be taken as greater than the cross-sectional area of the hole or slot in the plane of the faying surface. e따ctive 2.6 Stresses 2.6.1 Calculaled Slresses. The calculated stre55es to be compared with the allowable stre55es shall be nominal stre55es determined by appropriate analysis 01' stre55es determined from the minimum joint strength requirements that may be specified in the applicable design specifications which invoke this code for design of welded connections. 2.4.5 Plug and Slot Welds Diametel' and Width Limilatiolls. The minimum diameter of the hole or the width of slot in which a plug or slot 、,veld is to be deposited shall be no less than the thickness of the part which it is made plus 5/16 in [8 mm.]. The maximum diameter of the hole or width of slot shall not exceed the minimum diameter plus 1/8 in [3 mm] or 2-1/4 times the thickness ofthe part , whichever 18 greater. 2.6.2 Calculaled Stresses Due 10 Eccenlriclly. In the design of welded joints, the calculated stresses to be compared with allowable stre55es , shall include those due to design eccentricity, if any, in alignment of connected parts and the position , size and type of welds , except as provided in the following Slol Lenglh alld Shape. The length of the slot in which slot 、velds are to be deposited shall not exceed ten times the thickness of the part in which it is made. The ends of the slot shall be semicircular or shall have the corners rounded to a radius 1I0t less than the thickness of the palt in which it is made. For statically loaded structures, the location of fillet welds to balance the forces about the neutral axis or axes for end connections of single-angle , double-angle , and similar members is not required. In such members , weld arrangements at the heel and toe of angle members may be distributed to confonn to the length of the various available edges Effective Area. The effective area of plug and slot 、,velds shall be the nominal area of the hole or slot in the plane of the faying surface. 8 AWS D1.1/D 1.1 M:2015 CLAUSE 2. DESIGN OF WELDED CONNECTIONS F껴 RTB 2.6.3 Allowable ßase Melal Slresses. The calculated base metal stresses shall not exceed the allowable stresses specified in the applicable design specifications. 2.6.4 Allowable Weld Melal Slresses. The calculated stresses 011 the effective area of welded joints shall not exceed the allowable stresses given in 단Ible 2.3 except as allowed by 2.6 .4 .2, 2.6 .4 .3 , and 2.6 .4.4. The use of 2.6 .4 .2 shall be limited to the analysis of a single linear fillet 、veld or fillet weld gronps consisting of parallellinear fillet .velds allloaded at the same angle. ‘ 11 , ~ W ðj = ~ X = Y ;;;:; rcri t. = 2.6.4 , 1 Sl l'ess in Fillet Welds. Stress in fillet 、,velds shall be considered as shear applied to the effective area for any direction of applied load Alte l'native Allowable Fillet Wel(l Stl'ess. For a single linear fillet 、veld or fillet 、Neld gronps consisting of parallel linear fillet welds all loaded at the same angle and loaded in plane through the centroid of the ‘,veld group , the all。、,vable stress may be determined by Formula (1): 1.087 (8 + 6)-0.65 W, <0.17 W, deformation of ‘,veld element at ultimate stress (fracture) , usually in element furthest from the instan taneous center of rotation , in [mm] leg size of the fillet 、.veld, in [mm] deformation of weld elements at intermediate stress levels , linearly proportioned to thε critical deformation based on distance from instantaneous center of rotation , in [mm] :::; fj .ð. U /rcrit Xj component of rj Yi component of 1‘i distance from instantaneous center of rotation to weld element with minimum ßu/rj ratio , in [nun] 2, 6.4.4 Concelltrically Loaded Weld Groups. Alternatively, for the special case of a concentrically loaded 、~eld group , the allowable shear stress for each 、.veld element may be detennined using Formula (2) and the allowable loads of all elements calculated and added. Formula (1) F, ~ 0 .3 0 F EXX (1. 0 + 0.50 sin 1.'8) Formula (2) F‘ ~0.30 C F EXX 、,vhere where ::; F、 F, F EXX C allowable unit stress FEXX ::; electrode classification number, i. e. , electrode strength c1 assificatio l1 θ ~ angle between the direction of force and the axis of the 、,veld element , degrees Fvx = L F vix Fvy ::; L Fviy F,.; ~ 0.30 FEXX (1. 0 + 0.50 sin 1. 58) F(p) F(p) ~ [p (1. 9 - O.9p)]0.3 M ~ k [F,;y (x) F,;x (y)] 2.7.1 General Conside l'alions. Welded connections shall be designed to satisfy the strength and stiffness or flexibility requirements of the general invoking specifications. where 2.7.2 p ~ 11m ~ ~ all。、,vable unit stress nomiml tensile strength of filler metal the equivalent strength coefficient for obliquely loaded fillet 、:veld , chosen from Table 2.4 2.7 Joint Configul'ation and Details • ;:::; = = :::; = ~ 2.6.5 Allowable Slress Increase. Where the applicable design specifications allow the use of increased stresses in thε base metal for any reason , a corresponding increase shall be applied to the allowable stresses given herein but not to the stress ranges allowed for base 111히 al or weld metal subject to cyclic loading. 2.6 .4 .3 Illstantaneo \ls Cenle l' of Rotatioll. The al lowable stresses in ‘.veld elements within a ‘.veld group that are loaded in-plane and analyzed using an Înstantaneous center of rotation method to maintain deformation compatibility and the nonlinear load-deformation behavior of variable angle loaded 、,velds shall be the following Fvx Fvy F yix Fyiy M ~ Total internal force in x direction Total internal force in y direction x component of stress PYi y component of stress Fyi Moment of internal forces about the instantaneous center of rotation 11 ;111m ratio of element “ i" deformation to defonoation ín element at maximum stress 0.209 (8 + 6)-0.32 W, deformation of 、,veld element at maximurn stress , in [mmJ Compres찌on Membe l' Connections and Splices 2.7, 2.1 Connections and Splices Designed 10 ßea l' Other than Conneclions 10 ßase Plates. Unless other‘,vise specified in contract documents , column splices which are finished to bear shall be connected by PJP groove .velds or by fillet welds suftìcient to hold the parts in place‘ Where compression members other than columns are finished to bear at spIi ces or connections welds shall be designed to hold all parts in alignment and shall be proportioned for 50% of the force in the member. The requirements ofTable 3.~ or 5.1 shall apply ‘ 9 CLAUSE 2. DESIGN OF WELDED CONNECTIONS PARTB Connections and Splices Nol F이nished 10 Bear Excepl for Connections 10 Base Plales. Welds joining splices in columns and splices and connections in other compression members which are not finished to bea l', shall be designed to transmit the force ill the members , unless CJP welds or more restrictive requirements are specified in contract documents or governing specifications. The requirements ofTable 3.~ or Table 5.1 shall apply AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 2.7.7 Welds with Ri vels 01' Bolts. Connectiol1 s that are welded to one member and bolted or riveted to the othe l' shall be allowed. When bolts and welds share the load on a common faying surface , strain compatibility between the bolts and 、,velds shall be cOllsidered (see commentary). 2.8 Joint Configuration and DetailsGroove Welds Connections 10 Base Plales. At base plates of columns and other compression members , the connection shall be adequate to hold the members securely in place. 2.8.1 1ì'ansitions in Thicknesses and Widlhs. For stati cally loaded structures , surface contourîng fillet 、.velds need not be provided. When surface contouring fillet welds are reqllired by the Engilleer, they shall be specified in the contract documents (see Figllre 2.3) 2.7.3 Base Melal Through-Thickness Loading. T- and C0111er joints whose function is to transmit stress normal to the smface of a connected part , especially when the base metal thickness of the branch member 01' the required weld size is 3/4 in [20 nlIn] or greater, shall be given specîal attention during design , base metal selection and de tailing. Joint deta i1 s which minimize stress intensity on base metal subject to stress in the through-thickness direction shall be lI sed where practical. Specifying 、,veld sizes larger than necessary to transmit calculated stress shall be avoided 2.8.2 Pa l' tial Lenglh CJP Groove Weld Prohibition. Intermittent or partial length CJP groove welds shall be prohibited except that members built-up of elements cO l1 nected by fillet 、velds may have groove 、,velds of limited length at points of localized load application to participate in the transfer of loca1i zed load. The groove 、,veld shall extend at lI niform size for at least the length required to transfer the load. Beyond this length , the groove shall be made with a transition in depth to zero ovel' a distance not less than fou l' times its depth. The groove shall be filled flllsh before applicatiol1 of the fillet weld. 2.7.4 COlllbinations of Welds. Except as provided herein , if two or more 、.velds of different type (groove , fillet. plug , slot) are combined to share the load in a single cO l1 nection , the capacity of the connection shall be calculated as the sum of the individual 、.velds detenni l1 ed relative to the direction of applied load. This method of addi l1 g individual capacities of welds does 110t apply to fillet welds reinforcing PJP groove welds (see Annex A) 2.8.3 1111erlllittenl PJP Groove Welds. Intermittent PJP groove welds , flare bevel , and flareNgroove 、,velds may be used to transfer shear stress between connected parts. 2.8.4 Weld Tab Relllova l. For statically loaded nOI1tubular structures , 、,veld tabs need 110t be removed. When removal is required , 01" when finishing to surface requirements other than that described by 5.퍼호, the requirements shall be specified in the contract documents 2.7.5 Butt, Cornel; and T-Joint Surface Conlou 1'ing. Fillet 、,velds lIl ay be applied over CJP and PJP groove ‘.velds in butt joints joining parts of unequal width or thickness , corner, and T-joints for the purpose of contouring ‘.veld face or to reduce stress concentrations. When such surface contouring fillet velds are used in statically loaded applicatio l1 s , the size need 110t be more than 5/1 6 il1 [8 mm]. The fillet-like reinforcement on the surface of T- and corner joint groove welds that naturally occurs shall not be cause for rejection nor need it be removed provided it does not illterfere with other elements of the cO l1 struction. No minimum contoUl' radius need be provided ‘ ‘, 2.9 Joint Configuration and DetailsFiIlet Welded Joints 2.9.1 Lap Joinls 2.9. 1.1 ’n'ansverse Fillet Welds. Transverse fillet in lap joints transferring stress between axially loaded parts shall be double-fillet welded (see Figure 2 .4) except where deflection of the joint is sllfficiently restrained to prevent opening under load 、velds 2.7.6 Weld Access Holes. When weld access holes are required , they shall be sized to provîde clearances neces sary for depositio l1 of sound 、,veld metal‘ The shape and size requiremellts of 5.액 1 shall apply. The designer and detailer shall recognize that holes of the minimum required size may affect the maximum net area available in the connected base metaL 2.9. 1.2 Mi l1 illll1 m Ovel'lap. The minimllm overlap of parts in stress-carrying lap joints shall be five times the thickness ofthe thinner patt, but not less than I in [25mm]. Unless out-of-plane deflection of the parts is prevented , they shall be dOllble fillet welded (see Figure 2 .4) or m AWS D1.1/D 1.1 M:2015 PARTB joined by at least two tmnsverse lines of plug or slot 、,velds or two or more longitudinal fillet 01' slot welds. CLAUSE 2. DESIGN OF WELDED CONNECTIONS imum spacing and dirnensions of holes or slots for tìllet sha l1 conform to the reqUÎrements of 2 .4.4 .1 , 2 .4.4.2 , 2.9 ‘ 1, 2.9.2 , and 2.10. These fillet 、,velds may overlap subject to the limitation provisions of 2 .4.4.4 Fillet 、.velds in holes or slots are not considered to be plug or slot 、,velds 、,velds 2.9.2 Longitudillal F iIl et Welds. lf longitudinal fillet are used alone in lap joints of end cOllncctions of flat bar or plate membεrs , the length of each fillet 、Neld sha11 be 00 less than the perpendicular distance between them (see Figure 2.5). The transverse spacing of longitudinal fillet 、.velds used in end connections shall not exceed 16 times the thickness of the thinner connected part unless suitable provision is made (as by intenncdiate plug or slot 、.velds) to prevent buckling or separation of the parts. The longitndinal fillet 、,velds may be either at the edges of the member or in slots. The design of connections using longitudinal tïllet 、,velds for memhers other than flat bar cross sections shall be as provided in the general design specifications. 、velds ‘ 2.9.5 Inte l'll1 ittent Fillet Welds. Intenllittent fillet velds may be used to transfcr stress between connected parls 2.10 Joint Configu l'ation and Details-Plug and Slot Welds 2.10 , 1 Minimu Ill Spacing (Plug Welds). The minimum center-to-center spacing of plug 、,velds shall be four times the diameter of the hole. 2.10.2 Minimu Ill Spacing (Slot Welds). The minimum center-to-center spacing of lines of slot welds in a direction transverse to their length sha Il be four times the width of the slo t. The minimum center-to-center spacìng in a longitudinal direction shall be two times the length of the slot 2,9,3 F iIl et Weld Te l'millatiolls 2.9 ,3,1 Genel'al. Fillet weld terminations may extend to the ends or sides of parts or may be stopped short or may have end retnllls except as limited by the following cases: Lap Joillts S lI bject to Tellsioll. In lap joints in which one patt extends beyond the edge or side of a part subject to calculated tensile stress , fillet 、velds shall tenninate 110t less than the size of the \V려d from the start of the extension (see Fi gure 2.6) 2.10.3 Prequalified Dimcnsions. Dimensions for prequalified plllg and slot 、,velds are described in 2 .4 .5 and 3.10 2.10 .4 P l'ohibition in Quenched and Telllpe l'ed Steels. Plug and slot 、.velds sha l1 be prohibited in quenched and tempered steels with specìfied minimum Fy greater than 70 ksi [490 MPa) Maximu ll1 E lI d Retu l'll Lellgth. Welded JOl ots s띠11 be arranged to allow the flexibility assumed 111 he connection design. If the outstanding legs of connection base metal are attached with end returned 、:velds , the length of the end return shall not exceed f0 1.1 r times the nominal size of he weld (see Figure 2.7 for examples of flexible connections)‘ ‘ ‘ 2.11 Fillel' Plates Wherever it is necessary to use filler platεs in joints re quired to transfer applied force , the filler plates and the connecting welds sha l1 conform to the requirements of 2.1 l.l or 2.1 1.2 , as applicable 2,9,3.4 Tr ansve 1'se Stiffene l' Welds. Except where the ends of s iftèners are welded to the flange , fillet welds joining trans、 erse stiffeners to girder webs shall start or tenninate no less than four times nor m이 e “1a1l six times the thickness of the web from the web toe of the web-to-flange welds. ‘ ‘ 2.11.1 Thin Fille l' Plates. Filler plates less than 1/4 in [6 mm) thick shalI not be lI sed to transfe l' stress. When the thickness of the filler plate is less than 1/4 in [6 mmJ , or when the thickness of the filler plate is greater than 1/4 in [6 mm) but not adeqllate t() transfer the applied force between the connected parts , the filler plate shall be kept flllsh \V ith the edge of the outside connccted part , and the size of the weld shall be iIl creased over the required size by an amount equal to the thickness of the filler plate (see Figure 2.9) 2.9.3 ,5 Opposite Sides of a Conunon Plane. Fillet welds 011 the opposite sides of a common plane shall be intenupted at the corner common to both welds (see Figure 2.8) ‘ exceot as follows When joints are reQuired to be sealed ‘ orwhe끼 acontinuous 、,veld is needed fo l' other reasons ‘ the contract documents shall specifv where these welds are renuired to be continuous 2 ,11.2 Thick Fillel' Plates. When the thickness of the filler plate is adequate to transfer the applied force between the connccted parts , the filler plate shall extend beyond the edges of the outside connected base metal The 、.velds joining the outside connected base metal 2.9.4 Fillet Welds in Holes 01' Slots. Fillet 、,velds in holes 01' slots in lap joints may be used to transfer shear or to prevent buckling or separation of lapped parts. Min- II CLAUSE 2. DESIGN OF WELDED CONNECTIONS AWS Dl.l/D 1. 1M:2015 PARTSB& C ing shall not exceed 14 times the thickness of the thinner plate nor 7 in [180 mm) to the filler plate shall be sufficient to transmit the force to the filler plate , and the area sllbject to applied force in the filler plate shall be adeqnate to avoid overstressing the filler plate. The ‘,velds joining filler plate to the inside connected base metal shall be sllftìcient to transmit the applied force (see Figllre 2.10) ‘ PartC Specific Reqllirements for Design of Nontllblllar Connections (Cyclically Loaded) 2.11.3 Shop Drawing Requirelllellt. Joints reqlliring filler plates shall be completely detailed on shop and erectÎon drawings 2.12 Built-Up Members 2.13 General 2.12.1 Millilllulll Required Weldillg. If two or more plates or rolled shapes are lI sed to bllild lI P a member, sllftìcient welding (fillet , plug , or slot type) shall be provided to make the parts act in unÎsoll but not less than that which may be reqnired to transmit the calclllated stress between the parts joined. 2.13.1 Applicability. Part C applies only to nontubulm members and connections subject to cyc 1ic load , within the elastic range , of frequcncy and magnitude sufficient to initiate cracking and progressive failure (fatigue). The provisions of Part C provide a method for assessing the effects of repeated f1 uctuations of stress on welded 11011tubular structural elcmcnts which 5ha11 be applied to minimize the possibi 1i ty of a fatigue failure 2.12.2 Maxilllum Spacillg of Illterlllittellt Welds GC l\ era l. Except as may be provided by or 2.12.2 .3, the maximllmlongitudinal spacing of intermÏt tent welds connecting a plate component to other components shall not exceed 24 times the thickness of the thinner plate nor exceed 12 in [300 mm). The 101\gitudinal spacing between intermittent fillet ‘,velds con necting two or more rolled shapes shall not exceed 24 in [600mm). 2.13.2 Other Pel' tinellt P l'ovisiolls. The provisions of Parts A and B shall apply to the design of mernbers and connections subject to the requirements of Part C. 2.13.3 Eng밍… hnee 밍r성 Responsibility. The Engineer shall provide either cornplete details , including 、vεld sizes , or shall specify the planned cycle life and the maximu l11 range of 11loments , shears , and reactions for the connec tions in contract documents. Comp l'essioll Members. In bllilt-up compression members , except as provided in , the longitlldinal spacing of intermittent fillet ‘,veld segments along the edges of an outside plate component to other components shall not exceed 12 in [300 mm) nor the plate thickn얹 s times 0.730 JE파 (Fy = s야cified minimum yield strength and E is Young ’ S l1lodulus of elasticity for the type of steel being used.) When intermittent fillet 、,veld segments are staggered along opposite edges of outside plate components narrower than the width provided by the next sentence, the spacing shall not exceed 18 in [460 mm) nor the plate thickness times 1.1 0 π펴 The unsupported width of web , cover plate , or diaphragm plates, between adjacent lines of welds , shall not exceed the plate thickness times 1.46 π퍼 When unsupported transverse spacing exceeds this limit , bllt a portion of its width no greater than 1.46 π펴 tI mes the thickness would satisfy the stress reqllirement , the member shall be considered acceptable‘ 2.14 Limitations 2.14.1 Sh'ess Ran딩e Th l'eshold. No evaluation of fa tigue resistance shall be required if the live load stress range is less thall the threshold stress range , FTH (sεe Table 2.5). 2.14.2 Low Cyclc Fatiglle. Provisions of Part C are not applicable to low-cycle loading cases which inducc calculated stresses into the inelastic range of stress 2.14.3 Corrosioll Protcction. The fatiguε strengths described in Part C are applicable to structures with sU Îtable corrosion protection , or subject only to mildly corrosive environments such as normal atmospheric conditions “ 2.14.4 Rednndant-Nonrcdllndant Members. This code no longer recognizes a distinction between redundant and nonredundant members. Unpaillted leathering Steel. For members of unpainted weathering steel exposed to atmospheric corrosiol1, if intennittent fjllet welds are used , the spac- 12 AWS 01.1/0 1.1 M’ 2015 CLAUSE 2. OESIGN OF WELOEO CONNECTtONS F껴 RTC 2.15 Calculation of Stresses Formula (2) 2.15.1 Elastic Analysis. Calculated stresses and stress ranges shall be nominal , based upon elastic stress analysis at the member level. Stresses need not be all1plified by stress concentration factors for local geometrical discontinuities 2.15.2 Axial Slress and Bending. In the case ofaxial s ress combined with bending , the maximum combined stress shall be that for concunent applied load cases ‘ F SR ~ (않 0333 2 FTH (ksi) F SR ~ [(텀펌03332FTH(MPa)] In which: Allowable stress range , ksi [MPa] Constant from Table 2.5 for all categories except category F. N = Number of cycles of stress range in design life. ~ Cycles per day x 365 x years of design life. F TH = Threshold fatigue stress range , that is the maximum stress range for infinite life , ksi [MPaJ FSR Cf 2.15.3 Symmetrical Sectio Jl s. For members having symmetrical cross sections , the connection 、,velds shall preferably be arranged symmetrically about the axis of the mcmber, 이 if symmetrical arrangement is not practical , the tota1 stresses including those resulting from joint eccentricity shall be included in the ca \c lllation of the stress rangc. ~ ~ Fo l' slress calegory ~~ the stress range shall not exceed F SR as determined by Formllla (3) 2.15.4 Angle Members. For axially stressed angle mem bers , the centcr of gravity of the connecting 、,velds shall lie between the line of the center of gravity of the angle’ s cross section and the center of the connected leg , in which case the effects of eccentricity ll1 ay be ignored. If the center of gravi Y of the connecting ‘,veld Iies outside this zone , the total stresses , including those resu 1ting from eccentric Y of the joint from the center of gravity of the angle , shall be included in the calclllation of the stress range Formula (3) íCA 0.167 F SR ~ 1 헤 ‘ ;0, FTH (ksi) rfC , x 11 x 10 4 0.167 、 FSR ~ 1I 수피-) “ ;0, 1 FTIl (MPa) I In which: Cf ~ Constant from Table 2.5 for Category F For lension-Ioaded plale elemellts al c l' uciform , Talld corner joinl delails with CJP welds , PJP welds , fillet welds or combinatio l1 s of the preceding , tral1 sverse to the direction of stress , the maximum stress range 011 the cross section of the tension-loaded plate element shall be determined by (a) , (b) , or (c) as follows 2.16 Allowable Stresses and Stress Ranges 2.16.1 AlIowable Slresses. The calculated unit stresses in welds shall not exceed the allowable stresses de scribed in 까lble 2.3 (a) For Ihe cross section of a lensioll-Ioaded Illate element , the ma자 mU Ill stress range 011 the base metal cross section at the toe of the ‘,veld governed by consideration of crack initiation from the toe of the weld , the stress range shall oot exceed F SR as determîned by Fm mllla (2) , Category C , which shall be eqllal to: 2.16.2 A lIowable Slress Ranges. Stress range is defined as the magnitude of fluctuatíon in stress that results f1"0111 the repeated applicati이 1 and removal of the live load. In the case of stress reversal , the stress range shall be CO Illputed as the numerical sum of the maximum repeated tens i1 e and compressive 8tl";엉 ses or the surn of maximum shearing stresses of opposite direction at a given point , resulting from differing arrangement of live load. The calculated range of stress shall not exceed the maximum computed by Formulas (2) through (5) , as applicable (see Figure 2.11 for graphical plot of Forll1ulas (2) through (5) for stress categories A , B , B’, C , D , E , E ’, and F) (44 X 108\ 0.3 33 ‘ sR~l'''N'~) ;0, FSR 10 (ksi) ~ [(땀뽕2)0333268 9 (MPa)] (b) For end connections of lellsion-Ioaded Illale elements usÎng transverse PJP welds , wîth or without reinforcing or contouring fillet 、.velds , the maximum stress range 011 the base metal cross sectio11 at the toe of he 、,veld governed by consideratio l1 of crack initiation from ‘ For calegories A, B , B ’, C , D, E , and E ’, the stress range shall not exceed FSR as determined by For ll1 ula (2). 13 CLAUSE 2. DESIGN OF WELDED CONNECTIONS AWS D1.1/D 1.1 M:2015 F껴 RTC Ihe root of the weld shall not exceed FSR as determined by Formula (4). 0.10 + 1. 24 (원 RFIL = 「F-L S l O (@r lnln) Formula (4) (44x10 8\ 0.3 33 FSR = R FSR = P1P l" '~>V) (ksi) 2.17 Detailing, Fabrication, and Erection [RP1P(썩쁜~rN~(MPa)J 2.17.1 1ì'ansitions in Thickness and Widlh In which 2.17. 1.1 Butt-Joinl Thickness 1ì'ansilions. Butt joints between parts having unequal thicknesses and sub ject to cyclic tensile stress shall have smooth transitions between offset surfaces at a slop띠 of 110 more than 1 in 2-1/2 lV ith the surface of either part. The transition may be accomplished by sloping the veld surfaces by chamfering the thicker part , 01' by a combination of the two methods (see Figure 2.2). Rpjp = Reduction factor for reinforced or non reinforced PIP joints R PJP 0 ,65 - 0 , 59(2 띠to) 맘k7 l 12 - 1. 01 (2 a/t o) + t o167 + O,72(w/t o) V S l·0 (f이 in) ‘, 1. 24(w,끼) P S LO (&r lnll1) 2.17. 1.2 Bult-Joinl Widlh 1ì'ansitions. Butt joints between parts of unequal width subject to cyc1ic stress into the tens i1 e range sha l1 have a smooth transition between the offset edges at a slope of not more than 1 011 2- 1/2 with the edge of either part or shall be provided with a transition having a 24 in [600 mm] minimum radius tangent to the narrower part at the center of the butt joint (see Figure 2.12). An increased stress range may be used for steels having a yield stress greater than 90 ksi [620 MPa] with details incorporating the radius p 2a tp 、.v = the length of the nonwelded root face in the ‘ direc ion of the thickness of the tensionloaded plate = the thickness of tension loaded plate element (in or mm) = the leg size of the reinforcing or COlltouring fillet , if any, in the direction of the thickness of the tension-Ioaded plate (in or mm) (c) For end connections of tension.‘loaded plale elemenls using a pair of fillel welds , he ma씨 mum stress range 011 the base metal cross section at the toe of the 、,veld governed by consideration of crack initiation from the root of the 、.v eld due to tension on the root shall not exceed FSR as determined by Formula (5), Additionally, the shear stress range on the throat of the 、,veld shall not exceed FSR by Formula (3) Category F. 2.17.2 Backing ‘ Welds fo l' Attaching SleeI Backing. Requirements fo l' 、,velds for attaching steel backing and whether the backing shall be removed or left in place shal1 be detennined as described in , 2.17.2 .3, 2.17.2 .4, and the stress range categories of Table 2.5. The Engineer sh띠 1 note the fatigue stress category on the contract drawings. The Contractol' shall note on the shop drawings the required location , the ‘.veld detail to be used , whether the tack welds shall be inside the groove or shall be al10wed to be outside the groove , and whether the backing shall be allowed to remain in place or whether it shall be removed to provide for the intended stress range category. Fonnula (5) (44 X 10 8\ 0.3 33 FSR = RFJL!':':'::균~) (ksi) FSR = [RFIL(전쁨~r~~(MPa)J CJP T- and CO l'll e l' Joinls Made f l'om One Side. Welds for attaching backing may be made inside or outside the joint groove. Backing for joints subject to cyc1ic transverse ension (fatigue) loading shall be removed and the back side of the joint finished consistent with face 、,veld. Any unacceptable discontinuity dìscovered 01 caused by removal shall be repaired to the acceptance criterîa of this code. In which: RFIL = Reduction Factor fo 1' joints usÎng a pair of transverse fillet velds only ‘ ‘, 0, 06 + 0 껴원 R F1L = .0 .1 67 , " < 1.0 (for in) 'p 14 AWS D1.1/D l.l M:2015 CLAUSE 2. DESIGN OF WELDED CONNECTIONS PARTC CJP Blltt Joillls. Welds for attaching back ing may be inside or outside the groove unless restricted in the stress category descriptíon. Tack 、velds located outside the joint groove shall terminate not closcr than 1/2 in [12 mm] from the edge of the connected part Backing may remain in place 01' be removed unless restricted in the stress category used in design turned around the side 0 1' end for a distance not less than two times the Jl ominal 、.veld sÎze 2.18 Prohibited Joints and Welds 2.18.1 One-Sided G l'oove Welds. Groove 、,vclds , made from one side only without backing 01' made with backing , other than steel , that has not been qualified in con fonnance with Clause 4 shall be prohibitcd cxcept that these prohibitions for groove 、,v elds made from one side shall not apply to the following ‘ LOlIgillldillal Groove Welds alld Corner Joillls. Steel backing , if used , shall be continuous for the fulllength of the joint. Welds for attaching backing may be inside or outside the groove (see 5 뜨1-2) 2.17 ,3 COlllollrillg Weld al Corner‘ alld T-Joillls. In transverse corner and T-joints subject to tension or teusion due to bending , a single pass contouring fillet .veld , no less than 1셔 in [6 Ill m] in size sh씨 1 be added at reentrant corners (1) Secondary or nonstress carrying members ‘ ‘ (2) Cornεr joints parallel to the direction of calcu lated strcss between components of built-up members 2.18.2 Flal Position G l'O ove Welds. Bevel-groovc and J-groove welds in butt joints welded in the tlat position shall be prohibited where V-groove or U-groove joints are practicable 2.17.4 Flame CIl I Edges. Flame cut edges need not be dressed provided they meet the roughness provisions of 5.14.8 .3. 2 , 18.3 Fillel Welds Less Ihau 3/16 iu [5 UIIU]. Fillet less than 3116 in [5 111111] shall be prohibited 2.17.5 1ì'ansversely Loaded Butt Joillls. For transversely loaded butt joints , .veld tabs shall be used to provide for cascading the ‘.veld tennination outside the finished j이nt. End dams shall not be used. Weld tabs shall be removed and the end of the weld finished flush with the edge of the member. 、.velds ‘ 2.18 .4 T- alld CO l'll er CJP Welds with Backiug Left in Place. T- and corner CJP 、,velds subject to cyclic trans verse tensio J1 stress with the backing bar left in place shall be prohibited 2 , 17,6 F iIl el Weld Terminalions. In addition to the requirements of 2.9.3 .3 the following applies to .veld terminations subject to cyclic (fatigue) loading. For connections and details with cyclic forces 011 outstanding elements of a frequency and magnitude that would tend to cause progressive failure initiating at a point of maxìmum stress at the end of the 、veld , fillet 、.velds shall be re- ‘ 2.19 Inspection Fatigue categorics B and C require that the Engineer ensure hat CJP groove 、,velds subject to cyclic transversc applied stress into the tcns i1 e range be iIl spected using Radiographic Testing (RT) or Ultrasonic Testing (UT) ‘ 15 CLAUSE 2, DESIGN OF WELDED CONNECTIONS AWS D1. 1/D 1.1 M:2015 Table 2.1 Effective Size of Flare.Groove Welds Filled Flush (see 、;Velding Process Flare-V-Groove Flare~BevelMGroove SMA、1ý and FCAW-S GMAW' and FCA' V-G SAW 5/8 R 3/4R 112 R 5116 R 5/8 R 5/16 R ‘, a Except GMAW-S Note‘ R = radius of outside surface Table 2.2 Z Loss Dimension (Nontubular) (see 2 , 4.3.3) Position of \Velding Position of \lνelding←→VorOH Dihedral Angle 'P Process SMAW ‘ 60 > l' ~ 45。 0 FCA、,V-S FCA、;V-G GMAW SMAW 45 0 >‘I' dO。 FCA'、,v-s FCAW-G GMAVν •• HorF Z (in) Z(mm) Process Z (in) Z (mm) 1/8 1/8 1/8 N/A 3 3 3 N/A SMAW FCAW-S 118 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 114 114 3/8 N/A 6 6 10 N/A 114 1/8 1/4 1/4 6 3 6 6 16 FCA、;V-G GMA、v SMAW FCAW-S FCA'、,V-G GMAW AWS D1.1/D 1. 1M:2015 CLAUSE 2. DESIGN OF WELDED CONNECTIONS Table 2.3 AI owable Stresses (see 2.6.4 and 2.16.1) ’ Ty pe of Applied Slress Allowable Stress Reqllired FiIler Metal Strength Level CJP Groove Welds Samc as base metal Matching tìller metal shall be used b Compression normal to effective area Same as base metal F i11 er metal with a strength level equal tO or one c1 assificatioll (1 0 ksi [70 MPa J) less than matching filler metal may be used Tension or compression para l1 el to axis of the weld C Not a welded joint design consideration Shear on effective area 0 .3 0 x classification tensile strength of filler metal except shear on the base metal shall not exceed 0 .4 0 x yield strength of the base metal 1농nsÌon normal to the effective area 3 Fi11 cr metal with a strength level equal 10 or less than matching filler metalmay be used ‘ PJPGroove Velds Tension normal to the ef¥ective 0 .3 0 x c1 assification teI1 sile strength of filler metal area 0 ,90 x c1 assificatioll tellsile strength of filler metal , but not more than 0 ,90 x yí e1d strength of he connected base metal Compression llorl1l al to effective area of weld in joints desiglled to bear ‘ Comwepirdession normal iO ¢Rective area of weld in joi I1 ts not designed to bear 0 ‘ 75 x c1 assificatíon tensile strength of filler metal Tension or cOl1l pression parallel to axis of the 、veld C Not a welded joint design consideration Shear p ‘arallel to axis of effective area 0 ,30 x classification tensile strength of fi l1 er metal except shear 011 the base metal shall 110t exceed 0 .40 x yield strength of the base metal FilI er metal with a strength level equal to or less than matching filler metal may be used FiIlet Welds Shear 011 effective area or weld 0.30 x classification tensile strength of filler metal except that the base metal net section shear area stress shallnot exceed 0 .40 x yield strength of the base metal‘1., Tension or compression parallel to axis ofthe 、.veld C FilI er metal with a strength level eqllal to or less than matching filler metal may be lI sed Not a welded joint design consideration Plug and Slot Welds Shear parallel to the faying surface 011 the effective area f I 0 .30 x classification tensile strength of fi lI er metal I FilI er metal with a strength level I eqllal to or less than matching fiHer metal may be used For definitions of effectivc areas , see 2.4 matching filler metal 10 base metal strength for code approved steels , see Table 3.1 , T(쁘le 죠츠 and Tahle 4.9 ç Fi1let 、.velds and groovc wclds joining components of built-up members are allowed 10 be designed without regard 10 Ihc Icnsion and compression stresses in the conncclcd components parallel to the ‘,\'eld axis although the area of the weld normal to the eld axis Ill ay be included in Ihe çrossseclional area of Ihe member. dThe limitation on slress in the base metal to 0.40 x yield point of base metal does not apply 10 stress on the diagrammatic weld leg; however, a check shall be madε 10 assure that the slrength ofthe connection is not limited by the thickness of the base metal on the nct arca around Ihe cOl1 nec tÎ on , par ticularly in the case of a pair of fillet welds on opposite side of a plate elemcnt e Alternatively, sce 2.6 .4 .2 , , and Note d (above) applies f The strenglh of the connection shall also be limited by the tear-out load capacity ofthe thinner base metal on the pcrimeter area around the connection a bp,α “ ‘ 17 AWS D 1. 1/Dl.1M:2015 CLAUSE 2. DESIGN OF WELDED CONNECTIONS Table 2.4 Equivalent Strength Coefficients for Obliquely Loaded Fillet Welds (see 2.6 .4.4) Load Angle for the Element Being Analyzed Load Angle for 、;Veld Element with Lowest Defonnation Capability e C (90) C (75) C (60) C (45) C (30) C (15) 0 0.825 0.849 0.876 0.909 0.948 0.994 15 1.02 1.04 1.05 1. 07 1. 06 0.883 30 1.1 6 1.1 7 1.1 8 1. 17 1. 10 45 1.29 1.30 1. 29 1. 26 60 1.40 1. 40 1. 39 75 1.48 1.47 90 1.50 C (0) Notc: The weld element with the lowest defonnation capabilily will be the element with the grealesl load angle. Li near inteφolation between adjacent load angles is permitted 18 。‘=。→‘응 ><< m Table2.5 Fatigue Stress Design Parameters (see 2.14.1) Potential Crack lnitiation Poiot Description Ng …… Illustrative Ex잉nples Section l-Plain Material Away from Any Welding ι; 1.1 Base metal , except non서coated weathering steel‘ with~εrolled or c1 eaned surface~_ F1 ame cut edgεs with 액면뜨 roughness value of 1000 민므 [25 ~띤1 or less‘ but without reentrant corners A 250 X 108 24 [16~] Away from all welds or structural connectlons 1.2 Non-coated weathering steel base metal with as-rolled or cleaned SUfface~. Flame cut edges with 쁘짝 roughness v외ue of1 000뀐만점요띤l or less , but without reentrant comers B 120 X 108 16 [110] Away from 띠 1 welds or structural connect1ons 1.1/1.2 S 믿늄김 s r J 3.9 X 108 응효E흐l (Continued) (A) (8) m「디m。。。zzm。브。zω z껴〈〈 。「〉 ζmmN bmω-α。 E 앙­ R ;:: 3/8 in f10 mml and the radius need not be cround to a brjght metal surface 쩔 쁘언인 쁘땐 44 X 108 , ……-뼈一 C ~ o.redrillinε 빨 빨 1 in r25 mml with radius formed bv subpunchin g and reaming or mennally cut and .ground to a bright metal surface R 짜 맹 1.3 I 3 Member with reentrant corners at copes‘ cuts. block-outs Or other geometrical discontinuities 、 exceot weld access holes Potential Crack lnitiation Poiot Description Illusπ'ative Section l-Plain Material Away from Any Welding (Cont'd) 1. 4 RDlled cross sections withweld access holes made to the requirements of 2.17 .4 and 5.16.1 N (} 1.4 Access hole R ~ 1 in r25 mm1 with radius fonned bv predrilling. subpunching and reaming or thennallv cut and ground to a bright metal surface C Access hole R 으 3/8 in rlO mm1 and the radius need not be g,round to a bri 의ht metal surface E 44 x 10' Examples m「。m。。。ZZm。→5zω 。「〉 ζωmN 。mmaz 。꺼〈〈 Table 깥퉁 (Continued) Fatigue Stress Design Parameters (see 2.14.1) 쁘쁘잉 At reentrant corner of weld access hole 3.9 X 108 츠효끄용l 1.5 1 5 Members with drilled or reamed holes Holεs containing pre-tension~çlbolts Open holεs without bolts 1n net section c 44 X 108 D X 108 22 표연잉 쁘원프연!]g at side of the hole 7 [48J (Continued) 。→ 〉rξω Section 2-Connected Material in Mechanically Fastened Joints-Not Used :l •5 • :S NSm 〉든ω Table 욕를 (Continued) Fatigue Stress Design Parameters (see 2.14.1) Examples Section 3-Welded Joints Joining Components of Built-Up Members 3.1 CJP 3.1 Base metal and weld metal in without attachments built-up 약 plates or shapes connected by continuous longitudinal CJP groove welds, backgouged and welded from second side, or by continuous fillet welds mεmbers B 120x10 8 16 [110J From surface or intemal discontinuities rn 、;veld =。‘‘응 Ngα Illusσ'ative 壘냉 띠 Potential Crack Initiation Point Description g (A) ,、i { (0) (E) CJP OR PJP 3.2 Base metal and weld metal in members without attacbments built up 。f plates or shapes ‘ connected by continuouslon 잉itudin띠 CJP gro 。、 e “e1ds with 1eft-in place continuous steel backing‘ or by continuous PIP groove welds B’ 61 x 10' 12 [83J From surface 。r intemal discontinuities in weld IJ--.,. (A) 빨쫓 룡뿔 (C) (Continued) (0) (E) 。m m「 〈。m。。。 zzm。커-z 。「iζmmN 디mmaz。,”〈 3.2 Z띠 。꺼〈〈 m「디m。 。。ZZm。녁-。 。「〉 ζωmN 。mω-mz Table 욕퉁 (Continued) Fatigue Stress Design Parameters (see 2.14.1) Potential Crack lnitiation Point Description TIlusσ'ative Examples Section 3-Welded Joints Joining Components ofBuilt-Up Members (Cont’ d) 3 .3 Base metal 약파효프쁘E약 longitudi­ nal welds that tζnninate at weld access holes in 잊므띤뜨역 built-up members 、 효~ weIl as weld toes of fillet welds that wrap around ends of weld access holes N N 3 .3 WRAPPED A ccess hole R;?: 1 i띠 [25 mm1 with r-adius formed bv oredrillingμ subpunching and reamin.e or thermal1v cut and ground to a bright metal surface D Access hole R " 3/8 in fl 0 mm1 and the radius need not be 2Tound to a brÎirht metal swface E’ 22 X 108 끄잭l From the weld termination into the web or flange (A) 3.9 X 108 (8) 같효illl 3 .4 3 .4 Base metal at ends of longitudinal internlÌttent fillet weld segments E 11 X 10 8 4 .5 [31] In connected material at start and stop locations of any weld (8) (A) 3.5 In flange at toe of end weld 따뾰뜨쁘 orm X 10 8 4 .5 [31] 2.6 [18] Fl ange thickness:::; 0.8 in [20 mm] E 11 Flange thickness > 0‘ 8 in [20 mm] E' 3.9 X 10 8 flange at tennination of longitudina1 、Neld 壘~trr (8) 용훌7 (C) 〉〈ω 〈 。‘ ‘~。i →흐 3.5 Ease metal at ends of partiallen땅h welded cover plates narrower than the flange having squ따'e or tapered ends with or without welds across the ends Ngm (Continued) 〉등 ω g rg Potential Crack Initia'디。 n Point Description →흐N ‘ Sα Table 욕퉁 (Continued) Fatigue Stress Design Parameters (see 2.14.1) Illustrative Examples Section 3-Welded Joints Joining Components ofBuiIt-Up Member잉 (Cont’ d) ‘ 3 6 Base metal a ends of partiallength welded CQ、 er Dlates or other attachmεnts widεr than the flange with welds across the ends. FIange thickness::; 0.8 in f20 mml Flange thickness > 0.8 in [20 m미] 브낀왼똥쓰프e of E E 11 X 10 8 £띤짚j 3.9 X 10 8 츠인쁘l 른짧*tr 壘르¥ end weld or in flange at terrnination of longitumnal weld or 핀연똥얀끄면응E (6) (C) 3.7 N ν, 3.2 Base metal at ends of partiallength welded CQver plates wider than the flange without 、.velds across the ends Flange thickness ::; 0.8 in [20 mm] NOWELD E 3.9 X 10 8 2.6 [18J F1ange thickness > 0.8 in f20 mml is not 얀쁘딴ed (A) (6) Section 4-Longitudinal F iIlet Welded ~쁘 Connections 4.1 Base metal at junction ofaxi 어 1y loaded members with longitudinally welded end connections. Welds are on each side of the axis of the member to balance weld sσesses 4.1 t :S띤 in [묘 mmJ E 11 t> 띤 in [프 mmJ E 3.9 • x 10' 4.5 [31J X 10 8 Initiating from end of any weld terrnination extending into the base meta] 2.6 [18J (Continued) s壘蓋혔r (A) zzm。→-。 zm ζmmN 。mmaz 。,”〈 π「 〈디미。。。 。「〉 In edge of f1 ange at end of CQver plate weld Potential Crack lnitiation Point Description Illusσative Examples Section S-Welded Joints Transverse 10 Direction of Stress 5.1 Weld metai and base metai in or adjacent to CJP grOQve welded splices in 의쁘'. rolledc;hapes or built-up α'05$ sections with 00 change în cross section with welds ground essentially parallel t。 the direction of stress 띤인띤뽀뽀으핀 accordance with 2.19 5‘ l B 120 x 10' 16 [110] From internal discontinuities in weld metal or along fusion boundary ε蠻크 m〈 「。m。。。zzm。→-。zm 。「〉 。-”〈 ζωmN 。mm-QZ Table 옥를 (Continued) Fatigue Stress Design Parameters (see 2.14.1) (8) (A) 5.2 ...'" 5.2 Weld metal and base metal in or adjacent to CJP groove welded splices with welds ground essentially par떠 lel to the direction of stress at σ따lS1Uons m thickness or width made on a slope 00 greater than 1: 2-112 엘인띤E뜨프인E accordance with 2.19 From intemal discontinuities in weld metal Qr along fusion boundary or at (A) staπ 。f π'ansition 120 X 10 8 16 [110] Fy < 90 ksi [620 MPa] B Fy;' 90 ksi [620 MPa] B • 61 X when Fy ~ 90 ksi [620 MPa] 讓크 10 8 12 [83] (0) (C) 5.3 ><< R ?: 24 in [600 m] B 120xl0 8 16 [110] From intemal discontinuities in E띄브 metal ~뜨 along the fusion boundary CJP (A) E藥죠 (6) m 。→ 5 .3 Base metal and weld metal in or adjacent to CJP groove welded splicεs with welds ground essential1y par따lel t。 the direction of stress at transitions ín width made on a radius of not less than 24 in 1600 mm J with the point of tangency at the end of the groove weld and inspected in accordance~ttl1 2.19 •5i ia Ngm (Continued) 〉〈α 〈。→ ‘ a →흐‘ Ngm ‘ Table 욕를 (Continued) Fatigue Stress Design Parameters (see 2.14.1) Potential Crack Initiation Point Description Ill usσative Examples Section 5-WeIded Joints Transverse to Direction of Stress (Cont’d) 5.4 r、j 니1 ‘ C 44x 10' 10 [69J F'rom weld extending into base meta1 or (A) ---- (B) 。「〉 Imm 5.4 Weld metal and base metal in or adjacent to OP 밑으얀효표땐sinT-or corner JOlTIts α splices ‘ without transitions in thickness or with σansition in thic mess having slopes n 。 망eater than 1:2~ 112, when weld reinforcement is not rem。 νed and insoected in accordance with 2.19 SITE FQR POTENTIAL CAACK INITJATIQN DUE TO BENDING TENSILE STRESS 쩍않표약브핀약화 (C) (Continued) (0) (E) 。녁-z 。ω m「。m。 。。zZm Z끼 〈〈 。mω-Q。 E擊크 N? 。「〉 ζmm Table 옥률 (Continued) Fatigue Stress Design Parameters (see 2.14.1) Potential Crack lnitiation Point Description lllusσ'at:ive Exarnples Section 5-Welded Joints Trans verse to Direction of Stress (Cont’d) N 。mm-Q。 Z1〈〈 m「。m。 。。zzm。→5Zm ‘ 5.5 윷짧용 r、j a、 5.5 Base metal and weld metal in or a이 acent to 프앨S쁘효~ CJP groove welded butt splîces with backing left in place D 22 X 10 8 7 [48] Tack welds inside groove E 11 X 10 8 4 .5 [31] Tack welds outsidε the groove and not closer than 112 in [12 mm] to edge of base metal g짧컵껑 (6) From the toe of the gr∞Ive weld or the toe of the w e1d attaching backing 샌엎뾰띤빡E 「l (C) (Continued) 擁←-기 (0) ><< m E ·• ~g --흐 N‘ g @ 〉듣m E Ng@ →~g 」흐‘ Table 즈툴 (Continued) Fatigue Stress Design Parameters (see 2.14.1) Potential Crack Initiation Point Description Il1ustrative Examples Section 5-Welded Joints Trans verse to Direction ofStress (Cont’ d) '" 나 5.6 Base metal and weld metal at transverse end connections of tension loaded plate 리ements 딴핀융권EÆ:쁘뜨 9 elds in butt. T- or comer ioints. with r-eÎ nforCÎmr. or contαlIÎ0 2. fillet~.FSR shall be the smaller of the toe crack or root crack stress range 5.6 (A) C 44 X IOB lO [69] (B) hütiating from weld 띤얄진띤쁘멀낀to base meta1 Crack initiating from weld root c' Fonnula 연) None 짧웹 Initiatin.g at weld root 짝쁘쁘또 in띤띤효 뾰쁘잎표언브 (C) (Continued) (0) 폭좋조 (E) 。껴〈〈 m「。m。。。zzm。그。Z띠 。「 iFζmm。 Nmω-QZ Crack initiating from weld toe 。m m「。m。。。 zzm。→-z ζmmN 。mm-QZ 。꺼〈〈 。「〉 Table 츠를 (Continued) Fatigue Stress Design Parameters (see 2.14.1) Potential Crack Initiation Po Îß t Description lliustrative Examples Section 5-Welded Joints Transverse to Direction of Stress (Cont’ d) 5.7 Base metal 밍ld weld metal at transverse end connections of tension loaded plate elements using a pair of fillet welds on opposite sides of the plate. FSR shall be the smaller of the toe crack or root σack allowable sσ'ess range ‘ 5.7 r옳~ r훌홍 (A) N 。。 Crack initiating from weld toe: C 44 x 10' 10 [69] Crack initiating from weld root: C" Fonnula None 연) 10 [69] 따 앙 44 X 10 8 P@ mq 때-뚫 외 뼈」때 뼈 뼈 R & C (B) (C) 빼 lnitiating at weld root extending into and throu양1 weld 짧 5.~ Base metal oftension loaded plate elements and on built-up shaoes and rolled beam webs or flanges at toe of transverse fillet welds. adjacent to welded σansverse stiffeners. Initiatin.2: from weld 뾰효즈뜨쁘쁘g보띤 base metal 옳 (Continued) Em 。‘--~一 。흐‘ (A) > Ngm ><< m g =。‘‘호” Ng@ Table 욕툴 (Continued) Fatigue Stress Design Parameters (see 2.14.1) Potential Crack Initiation Point Description Illustrative Examples Section 6-Base MetaI at Welded Transverse Member Connections 6.1 '" ‘: ‘ R ,, 24 ín [600 mm] B 120 X 108 16 [110] 6ín';R<24in [150mm';R<600mm] C 44x 108 10 [69] 2 in';R <6 ín [50mm';R < 150mm] D 22 x 10' R< 2 in [50 mm] E 11 X 108 Near point of tangency of radius at edge of member --- (A) 7 [48] (C) 4 .5 [31] (Continued) 1 。m 。,”〈〈 m「。m。 。。zzm。→-z ζmmN-。mm-QZ 。「〉 6.1 Base metai 약~쁘뜨쁘~쁘 쁘싶뾰~쁘쁘댄~a따ched by CJP groove welds subject to Iongitudinal loading only when the detail embodies a transition radius, R. with the weld tennination ground sm∞m 앨빡포뜨쁘핀 accordance with 2.19. 。녁-z 。ω 。며 〈〈 。「〉 m「。m。 。。zzm ζαmN-。mω-QZ Table 즈를 (Continued) Fatigue Stress Design Parameters (see 2.14.1) Potential Crack Initiation Point Description Illustrative Ex잉nples Section ι-Base MetaI at Welded Transverse Member Connections (Cont’ d) ”-- 6.2 Base metal at details of equ잉 thickness attached by CJP groove welds subject to transverse loading with or without longitudinalloading when the detail embodies a transition radius , R, with the weld termination ground smooth and inSDected in accordance with 2.19. 6 .2냉 Wh en 、weld 6.2 reinforcement is removed B 120 x 10' 6 in'; R < 24 in [150 mm'; R < 600 mm] C 44 X 108 10 [69] 2 in ';R< 6 in [50 mm';R < 150 mm] D 22 X 108 7 [48] R < 2 in [50 mm] E 11 108 4 .5 [31] R" 24 in [600 mm] X 16 [110] 6.2쁘1 Wh en weld reinforcement not removed 44 X 108 10 [69] 2 in'; R < 6 in [50 mm'; R < 150 mm] D 22 X 108 7 [48] R<2in [50mm] E 11 x 10' 4 .5 [31] Near points of tangency of radius or in the weld or at fusion boundary 약 member or attachment / (A) 廳굶 / 1 (B) (C) At toe of the weld either along edge of rnernber or the attachment (Continued) “gm 〉〈ω 〈 。‘ →~。→ ‘ 응N C R 으 6 in [150 mm] ‘ x、 ><< m g =。‘‘응 Nga Table 옥툴 (Continued) Fatigue Stress Design Parameters (see 2.14.1) Potential Crack Initiation Point Description ll1ustrative Examples Section 6--Base Metal at Welded Transverse Member Connections (Cont’ d) νj { 6.3 Base metal at details of unequ떠 thickness attached by CJP groove welds. subject to transverse loading with or withollt longitudinalloading , when the detail embodies a σansition radius ‘ R ‘ with the 、weld t잉mination ground smooth arld inSDected in accordance with2.19 6.3 C1 PGA 。마~D 22 X 108 7 [48J CJP w/RE!NFORCEMENT At toe of weld along E II X 108 4 .5 [31J 짧짧§ (C) When weld reinforcement 표 notremoved E II X 108 4 .5 [31J At toe of weld along 역똥약보띤쁘E materia1 (Continued) (D) N (E) 。m 디mm-Q。 m「。m。。。 zzm。녁-z z끼〈〈 - In weld termination in sma11radius 6 .3쁘2 ζωm 。「〉 D material Any radius (8) (A) edgε 。fthinner R'; 2 in [50 mmJ CJP GROUND SMOOTH SMOOTH -..... 6.3{띄 Wh en weld reinforcemε:nt is removed R > 2 in [50 mmJ G G 。꺼〈〈며「m 。 。。。zZm。그。 Z@ ζωmN 。mm-QZ 。「〉 Table 욕를 (Continued) Fatigue Stress Design Parameters (see 2.14.1) Potential Crack Initiation Point Description I1lustrative Examples Section 6-Base Metal at Welded Transverse Member Connections (Cont’d) 6.4 νJ '" --- 6 .4 Base metal 약댄므강뜨쁘연팩 subject to longitu이n따 sσ'ess at σansverse members‘ with or without σansverse sσ-ess , anached by fillet or PJP groove welds parallel to direction of stress when the detail embodies a 따mSl ø tion radius‘ R , with wε:ld tennination ground smooth 쁘i띤뜨5‘ --- 핀띤빡일뾰쪽E metal at the weld t:ermination or at the toe ofthe w터 d ‘ 약떤빡응핀띤쁘 base metal R>2in[50mmJ D 22 X 108 7 [48J R'; 2 in [50 mmJ E 11 x 10' 4.5 [31J PJP (C) (D) 〉를m (Continued) (B) (A) E ~g • →흐 N으 m ><< m E 5- ‘흐N ”g@ → Table 욕를 (Continued) Fatigue Stress Design Parameters (see 2.14.1) Potential Crack lnitiation Point Description I1lusσative Examples Section 7-Base Metal at Short Attachments b 7.1 7.1 Base metal subject to longitudinal loading at details 인쁘 welds parallel or σans、 erse to the direction of stress with or without trans、 erse load 00 the detail where the detail embodies no transition radius , and with detaillength. a. in direction of sσ'ess and thickness of the 딴뜨띤쁘약 , ν w ~뀔활줍s 핀브액또프쁘se met a1 at the 、;veld C 44 x 10' 10 [69J 2 in [50 mmJ S a S 쁘똥효으f12bor4in [100 mmJ D 22 X 10 8 7 [48J a > lesser of 12b or4 in [100 mm] when bS 뜨힌띄프핀핀l E 11 108 4.5 [31J a>4 띠 [100 mmJ when b is > ι8 in E 3.9 x 10s 2.6 [18J X termination 이 at the toe of the weld, 쁘프쁘핀잉띤으쁘E base metal b ‘、T늑늑‘------- a ‘ -d: • ι ::::--.J: 11 -...‘ Lb 7.2 7 .2 Base metal subject to longitudinal stress at details attached by fillet or PIP groov,ε welds. with or without transverse load on detail‘ when the detail embodies a transition radius ‘ R‘ with weld teπnination ground smooth R S 2 in [50 mmJ -, (C) 딩으프핀l R > 2 in [50 mmJ \c-.,ι『짖냥 낀띤쁘또쓰쁘se 。 R--<PJP metal at the weld tennination , D 22 X 10 8 7 [48J E llx lOs 4 .5 [31J 얻떤띤뾰꾀쁘브E base metal (8) (Continued) 。z 。꺼〈〈 m「。m。。。zzm。브。zm 。「〉 ζmmN 디mm- a < 2 in [50 mrnJ 쁘rarι보뜨띤얀흐k Potential Crack Initiation Point Description IlJustrative Examples Section 8--Miscellaneous 8.1 8.1 Base metal at steel headed stud attached by fill앉 E띄브 。r a띤으띤엎으 stud welding 띤으쁘뜨 C 44 X 108 10 [69] 塵「爛 At toe of weld in base metal i: (A) 。m ζωmN 。mmδz 。,”〈 m〈 「。m。。。 ZZm。녁-z 。「〉 Table 욕를 (Continued) Fatigue Stress Design Parameters (see 2.14.1) (8) 8.2 -............ 8 .2 .s hear 00 throat of 띤잉쁘댄빽‘ continuous or intennittent. longitudinal 。r transverse 150x 10 10 F Fonn버 a (3) 8 [55] Initiatin.g at the root of the fil1et weld. 얻떤띤뽀핀띤보5 weld ><< (C) i응 -Ngm 。‘ →~。→ (Continued) m 〉특m E Ngm =。‘〕흐‘ Table 즈툴 (Continued) Fatigue Stress Design Parameters (see 2.14.1) Potentia1 Crack lnitiation Point Description Illustrative Examples Section 8--:뻐iscellaneous (Cont’ d) 8 .3 Base metal at plug or slot welds E 11 X 108 4 .5 [31] Initiating in the base met a1 at the end of me olU2: or 510t weld 짝띤띤뽀핀쁘뾰 base metal νj s뚫른때 xk (8) u、 F 8 [55] Initiating in the weld a.t the faying surface , 연떤쁘일띤으쁘E S뚫른빼 sH$繼魔 weld (8) 8 .5 Description 8 .5 deals only with mechanically fastened detail~ not pertinent to Dl.1 a AWS Dl.1 1D 1.1M deals only with welded details. To maintain consistency and to facilitate cross referencing with othεr gO\ 야ning specifications‘ Section 2-Connεcted Material in Mechanically F:잉 te꺼ed Joints, and Des 따iption 8.5 앙'e oot used in this table b ''.A ttachmenC ‘ as llsed herein is defined as any steel detail welded to a member‘ which causes a deviatio!! in the stress f1 0w in the member and thus reduces the fatigue resistance. Th e reduction is due to the presence of the attachm잉1t. not due to the loading on the attachmen t. Source: Text adapted and lllusσations Reprinted ‘ with 야musslOn ‘ from American In stitute of Steel Consσuction.lnc ‘ 2015. Spεcification for Structural Steel Buildîngs.lllinois: American Institute of Steel Construction‘ Test αu1 Figures βvm Table A-3.J 。ω m「。m。。。 zzm。녁-z z1 〈〈 。「〉 εmmN 。mm-Q。 8 .4 Shear on plug or 510t welds 150x 10 10 Formula (3) CLAUSE 2. DESIGN OF WELDED CONNECTIONS AWS 뿜짧객 BASE METAL 1 셔 in [6 mm) OR MORE IN THICKNESS BASE METAL LESS THAN 1/4 In [6 mm) THICK (8) (A) MAXIMUM DETAILED SIZE OF FILLET WELD ALONG EDGES Figure 2.1-Maximum FiIlet Weld Size Along Edges in Lap Joints (see 36 D1.1/D 1. 1M:2015 AWS D1.1/D 1.1 M:2015 CLAUSE 2. DESIGN OF WELDED CONNECTIONS 1않\ 11 ---...... 2.5 텀그 1짝/ (A) TRANSITION BY SLOPING WELD SURFACE 1않\ 펀/ 1않\ REMOVE AFTER WELDING REMOVE AFTER WELDING REMOVE AFTER WELOING (B) TRANSI Tl ON BY SLOPING WELD SURFACE AND CHAMFERING 1않\ 펀/ 1덮\ CHAMFER BEFORE WELOING CHAMFER BEFORE WELDING CHAMFER BEFORE WELDING (C) TRANSITION BY CHAMFERING THICKER PART CENTER Ll NE A Ll GNMENT (PARTICULARLY APP Ll CABLE TO WEB PLATES) OFFSET A Ll GNMENT (PARTl CULARLY APP Ll CABLE TO FLANGE PLATES) Figure 2.2-Transition of Butt Joints in Parts of Unequal Thickness (Cyclically Loaded Nontubular) (see 2.17. 1.1) 37 AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 CLAUSE 2. DESIGN OF WELDED CONNECTIONS SMOOTH TRANSITION , AVOID NOTCHES (A) TRANSITION WITHOUT CONTOURING FILLET WELDS 긋 (8) TRANSITION WITH CONTOURING FILLET WELDS Figllre 2.3-1ì'ansition of Thickllesses (Statically Loaded Nontllblllar) (see 2.7.5 and 2.8.1) ~ 「一끽 ~니 51 , MIN ←→나 -• LI' Note: t = thicker member, t 1 ::: thinner member. FigUl'e 2.4-1ì'ansversely Loaded Fillet Welds (see and 2.9. 1. 2) 38 AWS D 1.1 /Dl.1M:2015 CLAUSE 2. DESIGN OF WELDED CONNECTIONS Figure 2.5-Minimum Leng심lof Longitudinal FiI\et Welds at End of Plate 0 1' Flat Bal' Membe1's (see 2.9.2) WELD SIZE LARGER 。R ‘-- --+ OR LARGER Figu1'e 2.6-Te1'mination of Welds Near Edges Subject to Tension (see 39 AWS D1. 1/D1.1M:2015 CLAUSE 2. DESIGN OF WELDED CONNECTIONS Note: W = nomlnal slze 01 the weld Figure 2.7-End Return at Flexible Connections (see DO NOT TIE WELDS TOGETHER HERE Figure 2.8-Fillet Welds on Opposite Sides of a Common Plane (see 40 AWS CLAUSE 2. DESIGN OF WELDED CONNECTIONS D1.1/D 1.1 M:2015 2 TRANSVERSE WELDS MAY 8E USED ALONG THESE ENDS t;;」tjAL ’ Note: The e fective 8rea of weld 2 shall equal that of we!d 1, but its size shall be its effective size plus the thickness 01 the filler plate T. Figul'e 2.9-Thin Fillel' Plates in Splice Joint (see 2.1 1.1) 3 2 4 x ~ "1.1- -l.초 -x TRANSVERSE WELDS MAY 8E USED ALONG THESE EDGES Note: The effeclive areas of welds 1, 2 , and 3 shall be adequate to transmit the design force , and the length 01 welds 1 and 2 shall be adequate 10 avoid overstr6sS 01 fjlfer plate in shear 810n9 planes x-x Figul'e 2.10-Thick Fillel' Plates in Splice Joint (see 2.11.2) 41 CLAUSE 2. DESIGN OF WELDED CONNECTIONS AWS Dl.l /D 1.1 M‘ 2015 BUTT JOINT ;않\ # W!DTH 。F NARROWER PLATE r = 2 ft [0.6 m) WIDTHOF NARROWER PLATE r = 2 ft [0.6 m) 풋JiQL。와ID뚫NT 과 PLANVIEW 3/32 in [2.5mm) 6 ìn [150 mm) 4 in [100 mm) DETAIL OF CUT [50mm) BUTTJOINT~ Figure 2, 12-1ransition ofWidth (Cyclically Loaded NOl1 tubUlal') (see 2.17. 1.2) 43 ~ AWS D1.1/D1.1M‘ 2015 This page is intentionally blank. 44 AWS D1.1 /D 1.1 M:2015 3. Prequalification of WPSs 3.1 Scope provided the WPSs are qualified by applicable tests as described in Clause 4 Prequalification of WPSs (Welding Procedure Specifications) shall be defined as exempt from the WPS qualification testing reqllired in Clause 4. All prequalified WPSs shall be written. In order for a WPS to be prequalified , conformance with all of the applicable requirements of Clause 3 shall be required. WPSs that do not conform to the requirements of Clause 3 may be qualified by tests in conformance with Clause 4. For convcnience , Annex f 1i sts provisions to be included in a prequalified WPS , and which should be addressed in the fabricator ’S 이 Contractor ’ s welding program. 3.2 .4 FCAW and GMAW Powe l' SOIlI'C않. FCAW and GMAW that is done with prequalified WPSs shall be perfonned using constant voltage (CV) power supplies. 3.3 Base Metal!Filler Metal Combinations Only base metals and filler metals listed in Table~ 3.1 may be used in prequalified WPSs. (For the qlla 1i fication of listεd base metals and fi Il er metals , and for base metals and fi Iler metals not listed in Tables 3.1 멘간조~, see 4‘ 2. 1.) 띤엔요으 Welders , welding operators and tack 、velders that use WPSs shall be qllalified in conformance with Clause 4 , Part C ()r Clause 9, Part D for tubulars PIεqualified The base IlI etallfiller metal strength relationships belo\V shall be lI sed in conjunction with 재bles 3.1 at파조 2 to determÌne whether matching or undennatching filler metals are required. 3.2 Welding Processes 3.2.1 Prequalificd Processes. SMAW, SAW, GMAW (except GMAW-S) , and FCAW WPSs which conform to all of the pl'O visions of Clause 3 shall be deemed as prequalified and are therefore approved for use without perfonning WPS qualification tests for the process ‘ For WPS prequalification , conformance with all of the applicable provisions of Clause 3 shall be required (see 3. 1). Matching 3.2.2 Code Approved Processes , ESW, EGW, GTAW, and GMAW-S 、,velding may be uscd , provided thc WPSs are qualified in confonnance with the require ments of Clause 4. Notc that the essential variable 1i mitat lOl1 s 111 암Ible 4.5 for GMAW shall also apply to GMAW-S matching 3.2.3 Other Welding P l'ocesses. Other welding pro ce잉 5es not covered by 3.2 .1 and 3.2.2 IlI ay be used , Note: See Table 2.3 이 F으 tod터 ermine thc JìlIer metal strength πq Ulre ments 10 match or undermatch base metal slrength Base Metal(s) Filler MetaI Strenglh Relaliol1 ship Required Any steel 10 ìtself or y steel to another in the sume group Any filler metallisted in the same group Any steel il1 one group 10 any steel in <ll1 other Any filler metallisted for eilher strength group. {SMA\V electrodes shall be the low-hydrogen c1 assificationJ Any sleel 10 any steel in any group Any filler 야lC tallisted in a strellgth group belo“’ hc 10씨!er strcngth group. {SMA\V clectrodes shalI be the low-hydrogen c1 assificatioll] Relationship <ll1 Un띠 de 야r→ 45 ‘ CLAUSE 3. PREQUALl FICATION OF WPSs AWS D1.t /D1.1 M’ 2015 3.4 Engineer ’s Approval for Auxiliary Attachments involved in a joint of each 50 ft [15 mJ of groove welds or pair of fillet welds (b) These hardness determinations may be discon tinued after the procedure has been established and the discontinuation is approved by the Engineer. Unlisted materials fo 1' aux i1i ary attachments which f시l within the chemical composition range of a steel listed in Table 3.1 may be used in a prequali!ïed WPS when approved by the Engineer. The filler metal 약I팽E조2 and minimum preheat shall be in conformance wîth 3.5 , based upon the similar material strength and chemical compOSl tlO ll. 3.6 Limitation of WPS Variables “ All prequalilïed WPSs to be used sha lI be prepared by the manufactureι fabricator, or Contractor as wrÏ tten pκqualified WPSs. The written WPS may follow any convenient format (see Annex 띠 for examples). The 、~elding parameters set forth in Table 3'2 shall be specified on the written WPS , and for variables with limits , within the range shown. Changes to the essential variables beyond those permitted by Table 3.1 shall reqllire a new 이 revised prequalified WPS , or shall require that the WPS be qualified by test in accordance with Clause 4. 3.5 Minimum Preheat and Interpass Temperature Requirements 자lble 3.]. shall be used to determine the minimum pre heat and interpass temperatures fo 1' steels listed in the code 3.5.1 Base MelaVfhiclmess Combina!ion. The minipreheat 01" interpass tcmperature applied to a joint composed of base metals with different minimum preheats from Table 3.} (based on Category and thickness) shall be the highest of these minimum preheats 11lum 3.6.1 COll1bînation of WPSs. A cO ll1 bination of qualified and prequalified WPSs may be lI sed without qualifi cation of the combination , provided the limitation of essential variables applicable to each process is observed. 3.5.2 Alte l'nate SAW P l'eheat and Inte l' pass ’ rC I1l}J eratures. Prehcat and interpass temperatures [01" para l1 el or mu It iple electrode SAW shall be selected in confonn ance with Table 3.}. For single-pass groove or fillet 、.velds, for combinations of metals being welded and the heat input involved , and with the approval of the Engi neer, preheat and interpass temperatm잉 may be established which are sufficient to reduce the hardness in the HAZs of the base metal to less than 225 Vickers hard ness numbεr for steel having a minimum specified ten~ sile str,εngth not exceeding 60 ksi [415 MPaJ , and 280 Vickers hardness nU 1l1 ber for steel having a minimum specified tensile strength greater than 60 ksi [415 MPaJ , but not exceeding 70 ksi [485 MPaJ 3.7 General WPS Requirements All the requirements of Table 3.2 shall be met for prequalifíed WPSs ‘ 3.7.1 Ve l' tical-Up Welding Requirements. The progression for all passes in vet1ical position 、.velding shall be upward , with the following exceptions: (1) Undercllt may be repaired vertically downwards when preheat is in conformance with Table 3.~. but not lower than 70 0 F [20 o C]. (2) When tubular products are welded , the progression of vertical welding may be upwards 01' downwards , bllt ol1 ly in the direction(s) for which the welder is qualified The Vickers hardness number shall be detennined in confonnance with ASTM E92. If another method of hardness is to be used , the equivalent hardness number shall be detennined from AS TM E 14α and testing shall be perfonued according to the applicable ASTM specification 3.7.2 Wîdlh/D epth Pass Lill1îtation. Neither the depth nor the maximu ll1 width in the cross section of ‘,veld metal deposited in each weld pass shall exceed the width at the surface of the weld pass (see Figure 3.1) Hardness Requirements. Hardness determi nation of the HAZ shalI be made on the following ‘ (1) lnitial macroetch cross sections of a sample tes specnuen 3.7.3 Weathe l'îng Steel Require ll1ents. For exposed , bare , unpainted applications of weathering steel requiring 、.veld metal with atmospheric corrosion resistance and coloring characterist Ìc s sim i1 ar to that of the base metal , the electrode or electrode-flux combination shall confonn to Table 3.4 ‘ (2) The surface of the membel luring the progress of the work. The surface shall be ground prior to hardness testlllg (a) The frequency of such HAZ testing shall be at least one test area per weldment of the thicker metal The exceptions to this requirement are as follows 46 AWS D1.1/D 1.1 M:2015 CLAUSE 3. PREQUA Ll FICATION OF WPSs 3.9 Fillet Weld Requirements Single-Pass Groove Welds. Groove welds made with a single pass 01" a single pass each side may be made using any of the filler metals for Group II base metals in Table 3.2. See Table 5.1 for minimum fillet 、veld sizes fillet ‘,veld ioint details 3.9.1 Details (Nonlubular). See Fi gures 2.1 and 2 .4 for the limitations [or prequalified fill야 welds. Single-Pass Fillel Welds. Single-pass fillet 、velds up to the following sizes may be made using any of the filler metals for Group II base metals listed in Table 3.2 1/4 SMAW 3.9.~ Skewed T-Jo띠Ils. Sk야 ed T-joints shall be in confOfmance with Figure 3..1;. in [6 111m] SAW 5/1 6 in [8 mm] GMAWIFCAW 5/1 6 in [8 mm] 3시 9.~.1 Dihedral Angle Limilations. The obtuse side of skewed T-joints with dihedral angles greater than 100' shall be prepared as shown in Figure 3.'!. De ail C , to allow plac히nent of a weld of the req비red size. The amount of machining or grinding , etc. , of Figure 3.1, Detail C, shollld not bε more than that required to achieve the reqllired weld size (W) ‘ 3.7.4 Shielding Gas. Shielding gases for GMAW and FCAW-G shall conform to AWS A5.32/A5 .3 2M , and one of the following (1) The shi리ding gas 센꾀맥효피딱 used for electrode 3“ 9.2시2 Minimum Weld Size for Skewed T.Joints. For skewed T-joints , the minimum weld size for Details A, B , and C in Figure 3.1 shall be in conformance with Table 5.7 cIassification 야1" the applicable AWS A5 specification~ AWS A5.18 ‘ A5.2ι 쁘략뀐맘댄 3그쁘!:Jl.쁘glI3lified A5.28 ‘ m‘ A5.29. (2) For AWS A5 .3 6 fixed classifications of carbon ste려 gas shi바이:led FCAW and GMAW‘ 표깐d 1으E띄낀()y sκ려 FCAW oualified with M21 shie1d씨l~ ~as shall be limited to the lllixed shiεlding gas reauirements of A'.WS A5.20‘ A5.18. or A5.29 ‘ M21-ArC-20/25(SG-AC-20-2따 (3) For all AWS A5.36 open classifications. the clasSification shieldin2 ~as shall be limited to the shieldin~ gas desümator used for classificatÎon(s) and not the range of the shieldin~ ~끼s classificati이1 3.10 Plug and Slot Weld Requirements The details of plug and slot welds made by the SMAW, GMAW (except GMAW-S) , or FCAW processes are described in 2 .4.5 .1 , 2 .4.5.2, 2 .4 .5 .4, and 2.10 .4, and they may be lI sed without performing the WPS qualification described in Clallse 4 , provided the technique provisions of 5.24 are me t. 연) 땐걷 shie떠Il1g gas 섹헨매효으쁘 recommended for use with the specific electrode by the electrode manufacturer. Such recommendations shall be supported by tests which ‘lemonstratε that the 비ectrode/shielding gas C0111bination is capable of meeting all the mcchanical and 이lemical property requirements for the electrode c1 assification when tcsted ín accordance with the app1icable AWS A5 specification. Documentation of such testing 씨 all be supplied when requested by the Engineer or Inspect Ol 3.11 Common Requirements of PJP and CJP Groove Welds 3.11.1 FCAW/GMAW in SMAW Joinls. Groove preparations detailed [or prequalified SMAW joints may be lI sed for preqllalified GMAW or FCAW. 3.8 Common Requirements for Parallel Electrode and Multiple Electrode SAW 3.11.2 Corner Joint Preparation. For corner joints , the outside groove preparation may be in either or both members , provided the basic groove configuration is not changed and adequate edge distance is maintained to support the welding operations without excessive melting. 3.8.1 GMAW Rool Pass. Welds may also be made in the root of groove or fillet 、velds using GMAW, followed by paralleI or mu It iple electrode submerged arcs , provided that the GMAW conforms to the reqllirements of this section , and providing the spacing between the GMAW arc and the following SAW arc does not exceed 15 in [380 mm]. 3.11.3 Rool Openings. Joint root openings may vary as noted in 3.12.3 and 3.13. 1. However, [or automatic or mechanized 、.v elding lI sing FCAW, GMAW, and SAW processes , the maximum root opening variation (minimum to maximllm opening as fit- lI p) may not exceed 1/8 in [3 mm]. Variations greater than 1/8 in [3 mm] shall be 10cally cOITected prior to automatic 이 111echanized welding 47 CLAUSE 3. PREQUA Ll FICATION OF WPSs AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 3.12 PJP Requirements 3.13.1 Joint Di mensions. Di mensions of groove welds spe띠fied in 3.13 may vary on design or detail drawings within the limits or tolerances shown in the “~s Detai! ed" column in Figure 3.].. Fit-up tolerance of Figure 3.]. may be applied to the dimension shown on the detail drawing. PJP groove 、.velds shall be made using the joint details described in Figure 3.~. The joint dimensional limitatio l1 s described in 3.12.3 shall apply. ‘ 3.12.1 Definition. Except as provided in ~낀으 and Figure 3.]. (B- Ll -S) , groove welds without steel backing , welded from one side , and groove welds welded from both sides , but without backgouging , are considered PJP groove 、.velds 3.13.2 ßa king. Prequalified CJP groove welds made from one side only, except as allowed for tubular structures , shall have steel backing. Prequalified CJP ~roove welds detailed without backing or spaιers mav use backin. other than steel as listed in 5.9 .3 when the followin. conditions are me t: s:te바 3.12.2 Weld Size. The weld size (E) of a prequalified PJP groove shall be as shown in Figure 3.~ for the particula1' welding process , joint designation , groove angle , and .velding position proposed for use in welding fabrication (1) The backin~ is removed a“써r welding. and. ‘ Q) The back side of the weld is back~ou~ed to sound metal and back welded. 3_12.2.1 Prequalified Weld Sizes weldin~ procedures for ioints welded with backin. other than steel in which the weld is to be left in the as-welded condition without backgou~il1g and weldin~ from the other side are not prequalified. (1) The minimum weld size of PJP single- or double- V, bevel- , J- , and U-groove welds , types 2 through 9 , shall be as shown in Table 3.5. The base metal thickness shall be sufficient to incorporate the requirements of the joint details selected , conforming to the variances outlined in 3.12.3 and the 1'equirements of Table 3.2. 3.13.3 Double-Sided Groove Preparation. J- and U-grooves and the other 잉de of partially welded double-V and double-bevel grooves may be prepared before or after assembly. After backgoι19ing, the other side of partially welded double-V or double-bevel joints sho이Ild resemble a prequalified U- or J-joint configuration at the joint roo t. (2) The maximum base metal thickness shall not be limited ’ (3) The PJP square groove weld B-Pl al1d flare-bevel groove welds BTC-P lO and B-Pll minimum weld sizes shall be calculated from Figure 3.~ (4) Shop or working drawings shall specify the design grooves depths “ S" applicable for the weld size “ (E)" requi 1'ed pe1' 3.12.2. (Note that this requirement shall not apply to the B-Pl , BTC-P lO, and B-Pll details.) 3.14 Postweld Heat ’I'reatment ‘ Post .veld heat treatment (PWHT) shall be prequalified provided that it shall be approved by the Engineer and the following conditions shall be met 3.12.3 Joint Di mensions (1) The specified minimum yield strength of the base metal shall not exceed 50 ksi [345 MPa]. (1) Dimensions of groove welds specified in 3.12 may vary on design or detail drawings within the limits of tolerances shown în the ‘ ~s Detailed" column in Figure 3.~. (2) Fit-up tolera l1 ces of Figure 3.~ may be applied to the dimensiol1 s shown on the detail drawing. However, the use of fit-up tolerances does not exempt the user from meeting the mi l1 imum weld size requirements of (2) The base metal shall not be manufactured by quenching and tempering (Q&T) , quenching and selftempering (Q&ST), thermo-mechanical controlled processing (TMCP) or where cold working is used to achieve higher mechanical properties (e.g. , certain grades of ASTM A500 tubing) (3) J- and U-grooves may be prepared before or after assembly. (3) There shall be no requirements for notch toughness testing of the base metal , HAZ , or weld metal. 3.13 CJP Groove Weld Requirements (4) The1'e shall be data available demonstrating that the weld metal shall have adequate strength and ductility in the PWHT condition (e.g. , as can be found in the relevant AWS A5 ,X filler metal specification and classification or from the filler metal manufacturer). CJP groove welds which may be used without performing the WPS qualification test desc1'ibed in Clause 4 shall be as detai!ed in Figure 3‘]. and are subject to the limitations described in 3.13. 1. (5) PWHT shall be conducted in conformance with 5.8 48 AWS Dl.1/D 1. 1M:2015 CLAUSE 3. PREQUAUFICATION OF WPSs τable 3.1 Approved Base Metals for Preaualified WPS~ (see 3.3) G Steel Specification Requirements r o Minimum Yield PointlStrength u p SteeJ Specification ASTMA36 Tens iJ e Range ksi MPa ksi MPa (';3/4 ill [20 mm]) 36 250 58-80 400-550 35 240 60min 415 ll1 ill 415 nùn. 400-520 ASTMA53 Grade B ASTMA106 GradeB 35 240 60min. ASTMA131 Grades A, B, CS , D, DS , E 34 235 58-75 ASTMA139 GradeB 35 240 60nùn 415 min. ASTM A381 GradeY35 35 240 60mir 415 mi l1 GradeA 33 230 45min 310min GradeB 42 290 58min 400min. ASTMA500 GradeC 46 315 62min 425 min‘ ASTMA501 GradeA 36 250 58min 400min ASTMA516 Grade 55 30 205 55-75 380-515 Grade60 32 220 60-80 415-550 ASTMA524 Grade 1 35 240 60-85 415-586 Grade II 30 205 55-80 38 0-550 ASTMA573 Grade 65 35 240 65-77 45 0-530 220 58-71 400-490 36 250 58-80 400-550 ASTMAlα08SS Grade 30 30 205 45 rniu 310min Grade 33 1Ype 1 33 230 48min. 330 ßÙ ll. Grnde 40 1Ype 1 40 275 52min. 360min Grade 30 30 205 49min 340min Grade 33 33 230 52min. 360 min Grade 36 ηpel 36 250 53min 365 mi l1 Grade40 40 275 55 m Ìl 380 min Grade 45 45 310 ASTM A1011 SS ASTM A1 018 SS Grade30 Grade 33 Grade36 Grade40 API5L ABS m-때-쩍 찌감 찌 32 Grade 36 (';3μ in [20mm]) 애-었-%-때-” Grade58 ASTMA709 60min 410min 49min 340nùn. 52min. 360min 정핀in. 365min. 55min 380min. 60 414 GradeX42 42 290 60 414 Grades A, B, D , CS, DS 34 235 58-75 40(• 520 Grade 판 34 235 58-75 400-520 Grade B (Continlled) 49 AWS D1.1/D l.l M:2015 CLAUSE 3. PREQUA Ll FICATION OF WPSs Table 3.1 (Continued) Approved Base Metals for Pre Cl ualified G (see 3.3) Steel Speciíïcation Requircmcnls r o u Tensile Range Minimum Yield PointlStrength p Steel Specitìcation ksi MPa ksí κIPa 0(• 550 ASTMA36 (>3/4 in [20 mm]) 36 250 58-80 4 ASTI\’ AI31 Grades AH32 , DH32 , E H3 2 46 315 6‘1- 85 440 590 Grades AH36 , DH36 , EH36 51 355 71-90 49 0-620 40-50 275-345 60-70 415 -485 50 345 70min 485 mi l1 ASTMA441 ASTM A501 ASTMA516 ASTMA529 ASTMA537 ASTMA572 ASTM A588 b Grade B • Grade 65 35 240 65-85 450• 585 Grade 70 38 260 70 90 485 -620 • • Grade 50 50 345 71 100 485 -690 Grade 55 55 380 70 100 485 690 45 50 31 0-345 65-90 45 0-620 415111i I1 450min Class 1 • • Grade 42 42 290 60 Ill ill Grade 50 50 345 65 miI • Grade 55 55 380 70 min 485 mi J1 (4 in [100 mm] and under 50 345 70min 485 mÌI Grade A 55 380 65 min 450 mÎI Grades B and C 60 410 70 min. 480 mir ASTMA606 b 45-50 310-340 65 miI1 450mÎI ASTMA618 Grades lb , l!, Il1 4~→50 315-345 65111ill 450 m iJ ASTMA633 GradeA 42 290 63• 83 얘 4 30-:→570 GradesC , D 50 345 7 0-90 485 -620 ASTM A595 l! WPS를 (2-1/2 in [65 mm] and llnder) ASTM A709 Grade 36 (>3/4 in [20 mm]) 36 250 58 80 40 아 550 Grade 50 50 345 65min 450min Grade 50、,v b Grade 50S Grade HPS Grade A, Class 2 (> 2 in [50 nlln]) ASTMA808 (2- 1/2 in [65 mm] and llnder) ASTMA913 ASTM A I008 HSLAS-F 345 70min 485 mi I1 345• 150 65min 450min 50 345 70min 485 miu 50-55 345-380 6 0-65 415• 150 42 290 60min 415 miu 50 345 65min 450min 5ι서65 345• 150 65 tniu 450111in Grade 50 ASTMA992 ASTM A lO08 HSLAS 50 50얘5 50Wb ASTMA710 • ‘ Gra le 45 Class 1 45 310 60mÎ I1 410 min Grade 45 Class 2 45 310 55min 380 min Grade 50 Class 1 50 340 65 m Ïl 450min Grade 50 Class 2 50 340 60mill 410 min Grade 55 Class I 55 380 70min. 480mîn 450min 410min Grade 55 Class 2 55 380 65 min Grade 50 50 340 60min (Collti l1ued) 50 AWS D1 ,1/D 1.1 M:2015 CLAUSE 3 , PREQUA Ll FICATION OF WPSs ~'oved Table 3.1 (Continued) Base Metals for PreQualifled WPS! (see 3.3) G Steel Specification Requirements r o u p Tensile Range Minimum Yield PointlStrength Steel Specification ASTM A lOll HSLAS ksi MPa ksi MPa Grade 45 Class 1 45 310 60min. 4 lO mîn. Gmde 45 Class 2 45 310 55 min , 380mîn , Grade 50 Class 1 50 340 65mîn 450mîn. Grade 50 Class 2 50 340 60mîn , 410 mîn , Grade 55 Class 1 55 380 70min‘ 480mîn Grade 55 Class 2 55 380 65mîn , 450 mîn. ASTMA lOll HSLAS-F Grade50 50 340 60min 4 1O min. ASTM A lOll SS Grade50 50 340 65min 450mîn , Grade55 55 380 70mîn. 480min Grade 45 Class 1 45 310 60min. 410 min. Grade 45 Class 2 45 310 55min 380mîn Grade 50 Class 1 50 340 65min 450mîn ASTM A 10 18 HSLAS 11 (Cont'd) ASTM A1018 HSLAS-F Grade 50 Class 2 50 340 60min. 410mîn Grade 55 Class I 55 380 70min 480 min. Grade 55 Class 2 55 380 65min 450mîn , 340 60min, 50-70 345 -485 65 rr니n‘ 원g핀in. Grade50 ASTMAI085 API2H 50 4 lO min , Grade 42 42 289 62-82 427-565 Grade50 50 345 70-90 483-'620 API2MTl Grade 50 50 345 65-90 488 -'620 API2W Grade42 42-'67 290-462 62min. 427 min Grade 50 50-75 345-517 65mîn , 448min Grade50T 50-80 345-552 70mîn‘ 483 nÚll. Grade42 42-'67 290-4 62 6Zmin 427 min , Grade 50 50-75 345-517 65min 448 min Grade 50T 50-80 345-552 70min 483 Illin API5L GradeX52 52 359 66mîn. 455 min. ABS Grades AH32 , DH32 , EH32 46 315 64-85 440-590 Grades AH36, DH36 , 51 355 71-90 49ι-620 API2Y EH36 b (Contînued) 51 CLAUSE 3. PREQUALl FICATION OF WPSs AWS D1.1/D 1. 1M:2015 τilble 3.1 (Continued) Approved Base Metals for Preaualified WPS~ (see 3.3) G r o Steel Specification Requirements Mînimum Yield Poin t!Strength u p Steel Specificatioll ksi MPa ksi MPa API2까f Grade60 75min 517 1Din Grade60 60--90 60--90 4[ 4-621 API2Y 4[ 4-62[ 75 517min ASTMA537 Class 2 b 46-녁60 315-4 15 70-- 100 485~90 ASTM A572 Grade 60 60 4[5 75 miu 520min I11 in Grade 65 65 450 80 tni I1 550min ASTMA633 GradeEb 55~0 380-4 [5 75-100 5[5~90 ASTM A710 Grade A, Class 2 (';2 in [50 rnm]) 6~5 4[5 -450 72 mÏJ 495 ASTMA710 Grade A , Class 3 (>2 in [50 ßlI미) 6~5 415-450 7ι75 ASTM A913' Grade 60 60 415 75 I11 in 520 Illin Grade 65 65 450 80min 550min Grade 60 Class 2 60 410 70min 480min Grade 70 C1ass 2 70 480 80 min. 550min. Grade 60 Class 2 60 410 70min 480 min Grade 70 C1ass 2 70 480 80min 550 min Grade HPS 70、v 70 485 85-110 585-760 70 485 9 0-- 110 620--760 70 485 90min 620min III ASTM A1018 HSLAS ASTM A1018 HSLAS-F ASTMA709 lV Tensile Range ASTM A852 ASTM A913' Grade 70 Illi I1 485-515 a The heat input Ii mitations of 5.7 shall not apply 10 ASTM A913 Grade 60, 65낸딘P bSpecial !"elding matcrìals and 、,VPS (e.g. , E80XX-X low-alloy electrodes) may be required 10 match the notch toughness 0 1' base metal (for applica tions involving impact loading or low temperature) , or for atmospheric corrosion and ‘,veathering chnracteristics (see 3.7.3) ‘ • Notes L Illjoints im 이 ving base metals of diftèrcnt groups , either ofthe following filler metals may be used: (1) Ihat which matche the higher strength base metal , or (2) that which matches the lower strcngth base metal and produces a low-hydrogen deposi t. Prehealing shall be in confonuuncc 、vith the requirements applicable to the higher strength group 2. Match API standard 2B (fabricated tubes) according 10 steel used 3. When 、,velds are to be slress-relieved , the dcposited 、veld metal shall not excccd 0.05% vanadium 4. Sce Tables 2.3 and 으으 for allowable strcss requirements for matching filler metal 5. Fillcr metal propertìes have been mo、red 10 nonmandatory Annex 6. AWS A5M (SI Un ts) clectrodes of the same c\ assification may be used in Iieu oflhe AWS A5 (U.S. Customary Units) electrode c\ assi t1 catioIl 7. Any ofthe electrode classificatioIls for a particular Group 센원엔섭조 may be used 10 weld any of the base melals in Ihal Group 깐젠멘띤」 ‘ ’ r. 52 CLAUSE 3. AWS Dl.l/D 1. 1M:2015 PREO U.껴Ll FICATION OF WPSs Table 3.2 Filler Metals for Matching Strength to Table 3.1 Groups 1 11 川, and IV Metals-SMAW and SAW (see 3.3) , , , SA、v SMAW BaseMetal Group I AWS Electrode Specification AWS Eleclrode Classification , A5.1. Carbon Steel A5.5'’ Low-Alloy Steel A5.17 Carbon Steel A5.23'’ Low-Alloy Steel E60XX E70XX-X F6XX-EXXX F7XX-EXXX-XX F6XX-ECXXX F7XX-ECXXX-XX E70XX F7XX-EXXX F7XX-ECXXX E7015-X F7 XX-EXXX F7 XX-EXXX-XX E7016 E7016-X F7XX-ECXXX F7 XX-ECXXX-XX E7018 E7018-X N/A F8XX-EXXX-XX E7015 II AWS Electrode Classification E7028 E8015-X m AWS Electrode Classification N/A F8XX-ECXXX-XX E8016-X E8018-X E9015-X lV A、"'S Electrode CIassiflcatÎon N/A E9016-X E9018-X E9018M (Continued) 53 N/A F9XX-EXXX-XX F9XX-ECXXX-XX WELDINτG GMAW < m 띠 않씨뼈 B M AWS Electrode Specification AWS Elecσ。de Clas잉 fication A5 .29κ A5.!8 ‘ Carbon Steel Low-Alloy A5.20‘ Carbon Steel Low-Alloy Steel A5.3 6‘ Fixed Classificationb ER70S-X E70C-XC ER70S-XXX E7OC-XXX E7XT-X E7XT-XC E7XT-XM (E!ecσ'odes with the -2C‘ -2M‘ -3 ‘ -!O‘ -13‘ -!4, and -GS suffix shal1 be excluded and electrodes with the -ll suffix sh띠] be excluded for thicknesses greater than 1/2 in [12 mm]) E6XTX-X E7XTX-X E6XTX-XC E6XT-Xl\‘ E7XTX-XC E7XTX-XM FCAW Carbon Steel E7XT-!C E70C-)α‘ with the -GS suftix shall be excluded) "'‘ I Carbon Steel GMAW and FCAW FCAW A5 .28 U (Elecσ。 des v、 PROCESS (ES) ‘ Steεl E7Xτ1M E7XT-5C Carbon & Low- Alloy Steel GMAW and FCAW A5.36C d Classification 。야끼 See Note 8 for Annex U FCAW Carbon 8teel E7XTX-XAX-CS1 E7XTX-XAX-CS2 E7XTX-XAX-CS3 {〈 uωω 커。 -。”〈 。「〉 ζmmω {〕m 며。ζ〉「-꺼-。〉z Table 3.2 (Continued) Filler Metals for Matching Strength to Table 3.1 , Groups I Melais-FCAW and GMAW Metal Cored (see 3.3) E7Xτ5M E7XT-9C E7XT-9M E7XT-12C E7XT-12M E70T-4 E7XT-6 E7XT-7 E7XT-8 (Flux Cored E!ectrodes with the T1S ‘ T3S , T !OS, T1 4S , and -GS su삐 x sh잉l be exc1uded and electrodes with the Tll suffix shallbe exc!uded for thickne‘ ses greater than 112 in [12 mm]) GMAW-Meta! Cored Carbon 8tee! E70C-6M (Continued) ><< m g 5-→ 긍 (E!ectrodes with the -GS SufflX shall be excIuded) (NOTE: A5.36 does not have fixed classifications for other carbon steel metal cored electrodes or for low-alloy steel flux cored 。 r metal cored electrodes) (F! ux Cored Electrodes withthe T1 S‘ T3S‘ T10S , T1 4S ‘ and -GS suJ죄xsh외l be excluded and electrodes with the Tl1 suffix sh외1 be excluded for thicknesses greaterthan 1/2 in [!2 mm]) FCAW Low-Alloy 8teel E6XTX-XAX-XXX E7XTX-XAX-XXX GMAW-Metal Cored Carbon 8tee! E7XTX-XAX-CS1 E7XTX-XAX-CS2 (Electr,여es with the -GS suffix shal! be excI uded) GMAW-Metal Cored Low-AUoy 8tee! E7XTX-XAX-XXX Ngm WELDING PROCESS (ES) GMAW AWS Base Metal Elecσode Group Specification AWS Elecσode ClassificatÎon J> '" Carbon Sleel GMAW and FCAW Carbon & Low-Al loy Sleel GMAW and FCAW A5.18, Carbon Sleel I져w-Alloy A5 .20, A5 .29', Low- All oy A5.3 6 , Steel Carbon Steel Sleel Fixed Classificationb Open Classificationd See Nole 8 for Annex U ER70S-X E70C-XC ER70S-)。ζX E7XT-X E7XT-XC E7XTX-X E7XTX-XC E7XTX-XM FCAW Carbon Steel E7XT-IC E7XT-IM E7XT-5C FCAW Carbon SI••l E7XTX-XAX-CS 1 E7XTX-XAX-CS2 E7XTX-XAX-CS3 A5 .28'. E70C-XXX E70C-Xl이 E7XτXM (Electrodes with (Electrodes with the -2C, -2M , -3 , -10, the -GS suffix shall be excluded) ‘ FCAW Ngm A5.3 6' E7XT-5~‘ 13, -14, and -GS suffix shall be excluded and elecσ'odes with the -11 suffix shall be excluded for thickn.esses greater than 1/2 in [12 mm]) E7XT-9C E7XT-9M E7XT-12C E7XT-I 2M E70T-4 E7XT-6 E7XT-7 E7Xτ8 (Flux Cored Electrodes with the T1 S, n 〉든∞ 。‘ ‘~。→」흐 Table 3.2 (Continued) Filler Metals for Matching Strength to Table 3.1 , Groups 11 Metals-FCAW and GMAW Metal Cored (see 3.3) T3S , T1 OS , T14S, and -GS suffix shall be excluded and elecσodes with the T1 1 suffix shall be excluded for thicknesses gre>ater than 1/2 in [12 mm]) (Electrodes with the -GS suffix shall be excluded) (NOTE: A5.3 6 does nol Mve fixed classifications for other carbon steel metal cored elecσ。 des 。 r for low-alloy steel f1 ux corεd or metal cored e1εcσodes) (Continued) FCAW Low- Alloy Sleel E7XTX-AX-XXX E7XTX-XAX-XXX GMAW-M. taI Cored C앙.bon Sleel E7XTX-XAX-CSl E7XTX-XAX-CS2 (Electrodes with the -GS suffix shall be excluded) GMAW-M. taI Cored Low- Al loy Sleel E7XTX-XAX-XXX →。 -。”〈m 〈ω 며 Um。 ζ〉「---。〉z ζmmω {피 。「〉 GMAW-M.taI Cored Carbon Ste깅 E7OC-6M (Flux Cored Electrodes with the T1 S, T3 S , T1 0S , T1 4S. and -GS snffix 양1외l be excluded and electrodes with the T1 1 suffix shall be exc1 uded for thicknesses grε>aler than 1/2 in [12 mπ]) GMAW Metal Cored (see 3.3) Il‘G PROCESS (ES) WELD GMAW α 싫뼈 야 B M AWS Carbon Steel A5.28'‘ Low-Alloy Steel A5.20 ‘ Carbon Steel N/A ER80S-XXX N/A Elecσ'ode A5 .18‘ Specification --값패­ FCAW E8OC-}ζxx Electrode Classification Carbon Steel GMAW and FCAW Carbon & Low- A11oy Steel GMAW and FCAW A5.36‘ Fixed Classificationb Open Classificationd See Note 8 for Annex U FCAW Carbon Sαel N/A FCAW Carbon Ste.l N/A A5.3 6' A5.29:l’ Low- Al loy Steel E8XTX-X E8XTX-XC E8XTX-XM FCAW Low-Alloy S빼아 E8XTX-AX-XXX m u〈 m’ @ z→ 。‘。 ”〈 。「〉 ζωmω 1피m。ζ〉「-껴-。〉 3.2 (Continued) 3.1 , Groups 11 Metals-FCAW and Table Filler Metals for Matching Strength to Table E8Xτxι-XAX-XXX , GMAW M.taI Cored Carbon Steei N/A GMAW N/A GMAW.M.taI Cored Low. Alloy Steel E8XTX-XAX-XXX AWS v> Elecσ。de ζr\ Classification N/A ER90S-XXX E9OC-XXX N/A E9XTX-X E9XTX-XC E9XTX-XM FCAW Carbon St••l N/A FCAW Carbon St••l N1A FCAW Low.Alloy St.마 E9XTX-AX-)αx N E9XTX-XAX-XXX GMAW-M.taI Cored Carbon Steel N/A GMAW.M.taI Cored Carbon S야 .1 N/A GMAW-M. ta1 Cored Low.Alloy St••l E:9XTX-XAX-XXX a Filler metals of a110y group B3. B3L ‘B4‘ B4L.B5.B5L ‘ B6.B6L. B7‘ B7L. B8. B8L. B9. E9015-C5L. E9015-D 1. E9018-D1. E9018-D3. or any BXH grade ;nAWS A5.5. A5 .23. A5 .28. or A5.29 are not prequa1ified for use in the as-welded condition. bThe prequ띠 ified 야gon b잉 ed shielding g양es for c뼈 onandlow-여loy steel FCAW and c야bon steel GMAW-Metal Core fi.x ed classifications sha11be M21-ArC-20-25(SG-AC-20/25 ‘ 잉 e 3.7 .4 잉 C Fillcr metals of alloy group B3 ‘ B3L.B4.B4ι B5.B5ι B6.B6L.B7.B7L‘ B8. B8L. and B9 in AWS A5 .36/A5 .3 6M may be ‘ PREQUALIFIED ‘ ;1 이 assified in the ‘ 'AS-WELDED" conditÎon o The prequalined shielding gas for open cl 양 sificatÎon sha11bε limited to the specific 야lielding gas fOf the classification of the elecσ'ode and not the range of the shiεlding gas designator. see 3.7 .4 (3) ‘ 〉〈α 〈 。→4~。→ →흐 Notes 1. 1n joints involving base metals of different groups, 려mεr ofthe fo11。 νiog filler me떠1s may be used: (1) that which matches the higher strength base me 떠1. or (2) that which matches the lower sσength base mεtal and produces a low-hydrogen deposit. Preheating shall be in conformaocζ with the requirements applκable to the hi힘ler sσength group. 2. Match AP1 standa.rd 2B (fabricated tubes) according to steel used 3. Whεo welds are to be sσess-relieved. the deposited wεld metal shall oot exceed 0.05% 、 anadium except alloy group B9 4. See Tables 2.3 and 9.2 for 띠l 。、νable stress requirements for matchiog fiUer metal 5. Filler metal properties have beeo movεd to ooomandatory Aooex T. 6. AWS A5M (SI Units) 리ecσ。 des of thε same classification may be used io 1iεU ofthε AWS A5 (U.S. Cu tomary Units) electrode classification 7. Any of the elecσ 。 de classificatioos for a partic 띠 ar Group io Tab1e 3.2 may be used to weld any of the base metals io that Gπoup io Tab1e 3.1 8. AWS A5.36/A5.36M open classìfications are 1isted io Annex U Ngm AWS D1. 1/D 1.1 M‘ 2015 CLAUSE 3. PREQUA Ll FICATION OF WPSs Table 3.3 Prequalified Minimum Preheat and Interpass Temperature (see 3.5) C a Thickness of Thickest Part at Point of WeIding e g o r y ASTMA36 ASTMA53 ASTMA lO6 ASTMAI31 ASTMAI39 ASTMA381 ASTMA500 ASTM A501 ASTMA516 ASTMA524 ASTMA573 ASTMA709 ASTM Al008 SS A ASTM AIOII SS ASTMA lO 18 SS API5L ABS ASTMA36 ASTMA53 ASTMAI06 ASTMAI31 B Weldillg Process Steel Specification ASTMA139 ASTMA381 ASTMA441 ASTMA500 ASTMA501 ASTMA516 ASTMA524 ASTMA529 Grade B GradeB Grades A, B , CS , D , DS , E GradeB Grade Y35 GradeA GradeB GradeC GradeA Grades 1 & II Grade65 Grade 36 Grade30 Grade 33 '!Ype 1 Grade 40 '!Ype 1 Grade 30 Grade 33 Grade 36 '!Ype 1 Grade40 Grade45 Grade 50 Grade 55 Grade30 Grade33 Grade 36 Grade40 Grade B GradeX42 Grades A, B, D , CS , DS GradeE GradeB Grade B GradesA, B, CS , D , DS , E AH32&36 DH32&36 EH32&36 GradeB GradeY35 SMAW with other than lowM hydrogen eJectrodes SMAW with lowhydrogen electrodes , SA'、,V, GradeA GradeB GradeC Grades A and B Grades 55 & 60 65&70 Grades 1 & II Grades 50 & 55 GMAW, FCA、v (Continued) 57 mm 111 ‘ Minimum Preheat and Interpass Temperature 。F 。C 1/8103/4 incl 3 020 incl. Over 3/4 Ihm 1-1/2 inc1 Over 20 Ihm 38 incl. 150 65 Over 1- 1/2 Ihm 2-112 incl Over 38 Ihm 65 incl ‘ 225 110 Over 2- 1/2 Over 65 300 150 1/8103/4 incl 3 to 20 incl. 32' F Over 3/4 thm 1- 1/2 inc1. Over 20 thm 38 incl ‘ 50 10 Over 1- 1/2 thm 2- 1/2 incl Over 38 Ihm 65 incl 150 65 Over 2- 1/2 Over65 225 110 32' 0' AWS Dl.l/Dl.1M:2015 CLAUSE 3. PREQUALl FICATION OF WPSs Table 3.;! (Continued) Prequalified Minimum Preheat and Interpass Temperature (see 3.5) Thickness of Thickest Pa까 at Point of 、~Velding C a e g o r y \Veldillg Process Steel Specification 111 mm Minimum Prcheat and Interpass 꺼rεmperaturc 。F 。c Classes 1 & 2 Grades 42 , 50. 55 Grade 65 ASTMA537 ASTMA572 ‘ Asn A573 ASTM A588 ASTιI A595 ASTM A606 ASTM A618 ASTMA633 Grades A , B, C Grades Ib , 11 , III Gradcs A , B Grades C , 0 Grades 36 , 50, 50S , 50、,V, HPS50 \V AS 1'MA709 GradeA , CI잉s2 ASTM A710 (>2 ill [50 1luu]) ASTMA808 ASTM A913 b AS1'MA992 ASTM A1008 HSLAS Grade 50 ASTM A1008 HSLAS F AS 1'M A1011 HSLAS • B (CO!It'd) AS 1'κ1 A1011 HSLAS-F ASTM A1018 HSLAS ASTM A 10 18 HSLAS-F ASTι1 A1018 SS ASTM 1085 API5L API Spec. 2H AP12M Tl API2\v API2Y ABS Grade 45 C1ass 1 Grade 45 C1ass 2 Grade 50 Class 1 Grade 50 C1ass 2 Gradc 55 C1ass 1 Grade 55 C1ass 2 Grade 50 Grade 45 Class 1 Grade 45 C1ass 2 Grade 50 C1ass 1 Grade 50 C1ass 2 Grade 55 C1ass 1 Grade 55 Class 2 Grade 50 Grade 45 Class 1 Grade 45 C1ass 2 Grade 50 C1ass 1 Grade 50 Class 2 Grade 55 Class 1 Grade 55 C1ass 2 Gradc 50 Gradc 30 Grade 33 Grade 36 Grade 40 SMA\V wìth low hydrogen cJectrodes ’ SAW, GMA\V, FCA、v Gradc B Grade X42 Grades 42 , 50 Grade 50 Grades 42 , 50, 501' Grades 42 , 50 , 50T Grades AH 32 & 36 Grades DH 32 & 36 Grades EH 32 & 36 (Continued) 58 1/8103/4 incl 3 to 20 incl 32 3 Over 3/4 thm 1- 1/2 incl Over 20 thru 38 incl 50 10 Over 1- 1/2 Ihm 2-1/2 incl Over 38 Ihru 65 incl 150 65 Over 2- 1/2 Over 65 225 110 0' CLAUSE 3. PREQUALl FICATION OF WPSs AWS D1. 1101.1 M:2015 Table 3.~ (Continued) Prequalified Minimum Preheat and Interpass Temperature (see 3.5) C a t e g o r y Thickness of Thickest Part at Point of 、'Ielding Steel Specífication ASTMA572 ASTMA633 ASTMA913 b ASTM A710 ASTMA710 C ASTMA709' ASTMA852' ASTM A lO I8 HSLAS ASTMA lO I8 HSLAS-F API2W API2Y API5L ASTMA710 D ASTMA913 b Weldi l1 g Process Grades 60, 65 Grade E Grades 60, 65.1Q Grade A, Class 2 (:>2 in [50 mm]) Grade A, Class 3 (>2 in [50 mm]) GradeHPS 70、v Grade 60 Class 2 Grade 70 Class 2 Grade 60 Class 2 Grade 70 Class 2 Grade 60 Grade60 Grade X52 GradeA (AIl c1 asses) Grades 50. 60 , 65 SMAWwith lowMhydrogen electrodes , SAW, GMAW, FCAW SMAW, SAW, GMAW, and FCAW with electrodes or elecM trode-flux combinations capable of depositing weld metal with a maximum diffusible hydrogen conlenl of 8 ml/lOO g (H8) , when tested according to A、IVS A4.3. m Minimum Preheat and Interpass Temperature 。c mm 'F 118103/4 inc l. 31020 incl 50 1O Over3/4 Ihru 1-112 inc1 Over20 Ihm 38 incl 150 65 Over 1-112 Ihm 2- 1/2 incl Over 38 Ihm 65 incl 225 11O Over 2-112 Over65 300 150 32' 0' All thicknesses in [3 mm] ;, 1/8 a When the hase metal temperature is below 32 P [ooC], the base melal shall be preheated to a minimum of 70 P [20oq and the minimum inlerpass temperature shall be maintained during welding bThe heat input Ii mìtatìons of5.7 shall not apply 10 ASTM A913 C Por ASTM A709 Gmde HPS 70W and ASTM A852. the ’lJa ximum preheat and inlerpass temperatures shall not exceed 400"P {200"C] for Ihicknesses up 10 1* 112 in [40 mmJ. inclusive , and 4500 F [230"C] for greater thicknesses Notes 1. For modification ofpreheat requirements for SAW wilh parallel or mu Itiple eleclrodes , see 3.5.2 2. See 5 브 2 and 5.6 for ambient and base m히 al temperalU re requirements C 0 59 AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 CLAUSE 3. PREQUALl FICATION OF WPSs Table 3.5 Minimum Prequalified PJP Weld Size {티 (see Table 3.1 (see 3.7.3) Filler Metal Requirements for Exposed Bare Applications of Weathering Steels A、IIS Process Filler Mela1 Specification h Base Metal Thickness (T)a SA'、v FCA、v G~‘AW A5 .5 A5 .2 3 lll1 Um Approved Electrodes a in [111m] SMA、v ‘In 、,veld Sizeb All electrodes that deposit ‘,veld metal meeling a B2L , C1 , C1L, C2 , C2L , C3 , or WX ana1ysis per A5.5 1I813J 10 3/1 6 [5J incl Over 3/16 [5J 10 114 [6J incl ‘ Over 1/4 [6J 10 112 [12J incl Over 112 [12J 10 3.μ [20J inc l. Over 3/4120J 10 1-112 [38J incl Over 1-112 [38J 10 2-114 [57J inc l. Over 2-114 [57J 10 6 [150J incl. Over 6 [150J AII electrode-flux combinations that deposit 、veld metal with a Nil , Ni2 , Ni3 , Ni4, or 、NX analysìs per A5.23 ‘ A5.29 and A5.36 All electrodes that deposi weld metal wilh a B2L, K2 , Nil , Ni2 , Ni3 , Ni4 , or WX ana1ysis per A5.29 or A5.36. A5.28 and A5.36 A Il electrodes that meet filler metal composition requirements ofB2L, oa , Ni1 , Ni2 , Ni3 , ana1ysis per A5.28 or A5.36. m J11 1116 3 /1 6 114 5/1 6 2 3 5 6 8 3/8 112 5/8 12 16 1/8 10 a For nonlow-hydrogen processes without preheat calωIatcd in conformancc with 4,8 .4, T equaIs the thickncss of the thicker part joined; singlc pass welds sha lI bc used. For low-hydrogen processes and nonlow-hydrogen processcs establishcd to prevent cracking In conformancc with 4.8 .4. T equaIs thickness of the thinncr part; single pass requiremcnt does not apply‘ b Except that the weld size need not exceed thc thickness of the thinner part joined ‘ a Deposîted ‘.veldm히 al shall ha、 e a ch αmical com야 sitiol1 the same as that for any one of the weld metals this table … 1Il Notcs 1. Fillcr mctals shallmeet requirements of Table 3.2 in addition 10 the compositional requireme띠 s Ji sted above. The use of the same type of fillcr mctal having next higher tensile strength as Ii sted in AWS fillcr mctaI specificatioJl may be used 2. MctaI corcd clectrodcs are designated as f0 1l 0W5 SA\V: Inscrt IcUcr “ C" between the Ietlers ’ 'E" a때 “ X," e.g. , E7 AX ECXXX-Nil GMA\V: Rcplacc the 1야ler “ S" with thc lettcr “ C ," and omit the leUcr “ R" ιg. , E80C-Ni 1. þi.WS A5.36 compositc elcctrode designation is eithcr a Tl5 or T16. e.g“ E8XTt 5.XXX-Ni l. E8XTI6 XXX-Nil 60 AWS D1.1/D1.1M ‘ 2015 CLAUSE 3. PREQUAUFICATION OF WPSs Table 3.6 Prequalified WPS Requirements f (see 3.끼 SAWd Variable Position Flat Maximum Electrode Diameter Weld Ty pe F i1I eta S~’AW 5116 in [8.0 mm] Groovea 114 in [6 .4 mm] 3116 in [4.8 mm] 114 in [6 .4 mm] 3116 in [4.8 mm] 3116 in [4.8 mm]b 3116 in [4.8 mm]b Root pass Horizontal Vertical F iI1 et Groove All Overhead All All F iI1et Groove 、.eld fill Within the range of recommended operation by the filler metal ’ All 600A Ho fÌ zontal 3116 in [5 mm] 、/Vidth All (for GMAWI 5/16 in [8 mm] Root opening > 112 in [12mm] , or 114 in [6mm] 114 in [6 nun] U l1 limîted 112 in [12 mm] Unlimitcd 5/16 in 5116 in 112 in [8 mm] [8 mm] [12 mm] Laterally displaced electrodes or sp1it layer Split layers with tandem ifw>5/8in e1ectrodes [l 6mm] ifw> 5/8 in [16 mm] Split layers Any layer of widthw 3/8 in [10 mm] 112 in [12 mm] 5116 in [8 mm] Split layers FCAV꺼 F&H (forSAW) 3/8 in [10 mm] 5/16 in [8 mm] 112 in [12 mm] 5116 in [8 mm] 112 in [12 mm] 5116 in [8 mm] VerticaI Overhead Maximum Single Pass Layer manu없cturer Unlimited 3/8 in [10 mm] Fillet Unlimited 900A Within the range of recommended operation by the filler metal Unlimited All Fl at Maximum Single Pass Fillet Weld Sizec 1200A 1200A All Overhead Maximum F iII Pass Thickness 118 in [3.2 mm] 5/64 n [2.0 mm] ma 없짧 nuf; 꿇 ac 야turer 3/8 in [10 mm] 5/16 in [8 mm] 112 in [12 mm] 5116 in [8 mm] Flat Vertical Qualificatioll Test 3/32 in [2 .4 mm] Groove weld cap pass Horizontal 、.vPS FCA、/V' 118 in [3.2 mm] 114 in [6 .4 mm] Requires passes Maximum Root Pass Thickness d GMAWI Multiple 700A Groove 、.eld root pass without opening All Parallel 1/4 in [6.4 mm] lOOOA Groove weld root pass with opening Maximum Current Single Split layers Split layers Ifw> 1 in [25 mm] , split layers (Note e) a Except rool passes b 5/3 2 in [4.0 mm} for EXX14 and Iow-hydrogen eleclrodes c See 3.7.3 for rεquiremenls for welding unpainted and exposed ASTM A588 d See 3.7.2 for width t<r• Jepth limitations e In the F, H. or OH positions for nontubulars , split layers when the layer width w > 5/8 in {16 mm]. In the vertical position for nontubulars or the flat , horizonlal , vertical , and overhead positions for tubulars , split layers when the widlh w > 1 in (25 mm] f Shaded area indicales nonapplicability, g GMAW-S sha Il not be prequalified • 61 CLAUSE 3. PREQUA Ll FICATION OF WPSs AWS Dl.l/Dl.1M:2015 Table 3.7 Prequalified WPS Variables fsee 3.6 and 3끼 Process SMA、v SA、v GMAW FCAW 1) A change in welding process(es)‘ X X X X 2) A challge in X x X x X X x X X X X x X X X x x X > 10% increase or decrease > 10% Încrcase Of decrease > 10% increase or dccrease X X X Prequalifïed 、)(PS Variable GCllcral \\’ elding position(s) Base Metal 3) A change in base mctal group Il ll ll1ber(s) (sec 꺼lble3.1) 4) A change ìn the base Table 3.3) Il1 ctal prεheat category (see FiIler :MeμIi 5) A change in electrode classification(s) 6) A change in electrode/fl ux classificatiol1 (s) X 7) A change in nominal electrode diameter(s) x 8) A change in the number of electrodes X X P l'O cess Pa 1'3meters 9) A change in amperage 10) A challge ill type of currcnt (ac Or dc) or p이 arity x 11) A change in the mode of transfer X 12) A change ín voltage > 15% increase or decrease > 15% iI1 crease or decrease > 15% illcrease or decrease 13) A change in wire fccd speed (ifnot amperage > 10% increase or decrcasc > 10% increase or decrease > 10% increase or decrease > 25% incrcase or decI'ease > 25% increasc or decrease > 25% incrcase or dccrease co 이ntro 이lIe 잉d) 14) A change in travel speed ‘ Shiclding Gas 15) A change in the Il ominal composition of shielding gas X 16) A decrcase in shielding gas tlow ratc >25% 17) An increase in the gas f1 0w rate >50% (Continued) 62 X (for FCA'、IÝ-G only) > 25% (for only) FCA.、IÝ-O > 50% (for FCAW-G only) AWS D1.1 /D 1. 1M’ 2015 CLAUSE 3. PREQUA Ll FICATl ON OF WPSs τable 3.1 (Contlnued) Prequalified WPS Variables (see 3.6 and 3.7) Process Prequalified WPS Variable SMAW SAW GMA:、v FCA:、v SA\V Parameters 18) A change in the longitudinal spacing ofarcs > 10% or 118 in [3mm]. whichever is greater 19) A change in the lateraI spacing of arcs > 10% or 1/8 in [3 mm] , whichever is greater 20) A change in the angular orientation of parallel electrodes Increase or decrease > 10。 21) For mechanized or automatic S A'、lV, a change in the angle parallel to the direction of travel of he electrode Increase or decrease > 10。 22) For mechanized or automatic SA、N, a change in the angle of electrode normal to the direction of travel Increase or decrease> 15 0 ‘ Weld Delails 23) A change in the ‘,veld configuration (e.g. , a fillet to a CJP groove weld , etc.) x X X X 24) A change in groove weld deta iI (s) as shown in Figures 3.2, 3.3, and~ x X X X X X x X Thermal 25) A change in PWHT (the addition of, deletion 0 1)' aA separate WPS shall be required when this variable is changed , Note: An “ X" indicates applicability for the process; a shaded block indicates nonapplicability. 63 CLAUSE 3. PREQUA Ll FICATION OF WPSs AWS D 1.1 /D1.1M:2015 WIDTH WIDTH Figure 3.1-Weld ßead in which Depth and Width Exceed the Width of the Weld Face (see 3.7.2) 64 CLAUSE 3. PREQUA Ll FICATION OF WPSs AWS D1. lID 1. 1M:2015 Legend for Figures 3.g and 3.~ Symbols fO l" joint types B - butt joint C- corner jomt T - τjOlllt BC - butt or corner joint TC - T- or corner joint BTC- butt , T、 or corncr joint 'Velding processes SMA、rV shielded metal arc welding GMA\V - gas metal arc 、.velding FCAW - f1 ux cored metal arc 、velding SA'、,V - submerged arc '\'clding • ‘ "l clding positions F - flat H - horizontal V - vertical OH overhead Symbols for buse meta~ thickllcss alld penefration P P1P L - limited Ihickness C1P U - unlimitcd thickness-CJP •• • •• “ Symbol f Ol' eld types square-groove l 2 - single-V-groove 3- double-V-groove 4 - single-bevel-groove 5 - double-bcvel-groove 6 - single-U-groove 7 - double-U-groove single-J-groove 8 9 - doublc-J-groove 10 - f1 are-bevel-groove 11 - f1 are-V-groove •• Dimensions R= a , ß= f= r= 5 , 5 1, 5 2 = Root Opening Groove Angles Root Face J~ or U-groove Radius PJP Groove 、'Ield Depth of Groove E , EJ , E2 = PJP Groove 、'Ield 5izes corresponding to 5 , 5 J' 52' respectively • • Symbols fo l' welding I>l'ocesses if not SMA'V S-SAW G-GMAW F-FCAW Joint Designation The lower case letters , e.g. , a, b , c , etc. , are used to diff농rentiatc between joints that would otherwise have the same joint designation No!es for Figures 3걷 and 3,융 'N이 prequalified for GMAW-S nor GTAW. shall be welded from one side only. c Cycfic load application places restrictions on the use of this detail for butt joints in the fJat position 야 ee 2.18.2) d Backgouge rool to sound me이aJ before welding second side. 'SMAW detailed joinls may be used for prequalified GMAW (except GMAW-S) and FCAW f Mínimum weld size (E) as shown in Table 3.,2.< S as specîfied on drawings 9 1f fil/et welds are used in slatically loaded struclures 10 reinforce groove wefds in corner and T-joinls , Ihese shall be equal 10 T 1/4 , bul need nol exceed 3/8 in [10 mmJ. Groove welds in corner and 까미 nls of cyclically loaded struclures shall be reinforced with fíllel we!ds equal 10 T 1/4 , but need nol exceed 3/8 in [10 mmJ h Double.groove we!ds may have grooves 이 unequal depth , but the depth 이 Ihe shallower groove shall be no less than one.fourlh of the 메이mess of the thinner part joined I Double.groove we띠s may have grooves of unequal deplh , pro、 ded these conform 10 the limitalions of Note f. Afso the weld size (E) applies individually to each groove J The orientalìon of the Iwo members in the joints may vary from 135 0 10 180 0 for butt joinls , or 45 0 10 135 0 for corner joints , or 45 0 10 90。 for T-joints k For corner j이 nls , the outside groove preparation may be in either or bOlh members‘ provided the basic groove configuration is not changed and adequate edge distance is maintained to support the welding operations v띠 thout excessive edge melting I WeJdsize (티 shall be based on joints we!ded f1 ush mFor flare-V-groove wefds and rare-bever-groove welds to reclangular tubular seclions , r shall be as Iwo times the wall thickness. "For flare.V-groove welds 10 surlaces with differe미 radii ι Ihe smaller r shall be used b Joint ’ 。짧m않덩;&I않i껍 1ga찌5¢g§넓양래ZL맙낌@않찌e앓뽑원앓짧앓뽑뿔넓짧짧짧많잃뿔맴뺀쁘프만 65 AWS D 1.1 /D 1.1 M:2015 CLAUSE 3. PREQUA Ll FICATION OF WPSs See Notes 0" page 65 Square.groove weld (1) Butt Joint (B) 1셜 T'l 뉘\j 뉴 S 下 Joint Designation B.P1a SMAW GMAW FCAW T , , T 118 Tolerances … Root Opening As Detailed (see 3.12.3) As Flt-Up3) (see 3.12 Allowed Welding Posilions R=Otoll16 +1/16 , -0 ,,1/16 계1 114 max R= 등 B.P1a.GF 118 B.P1c.GF 114 max R= B.P1c … -[REI’ NF ’ ORCEM ENT“1132 “ TO 118 NO TOLERANCE R Groove Preparation Base Metal Thlckness (U = unlimited) Welding Process 떠 |R| WeldSize (E) T , 1 떠2 T , +1116 ,-0 ,,1/16 AII R=Otoll16 +1116 , -0 ,, 1/16 에1 T -1/32 T낯‘ mln. +1116, -0 ,,1/16 계1 T 2 Root Opening As Detailed (see 3.12.3) As Fit.Up (see 3.12.3) Allowed Welding Positions +1116 , -0 土 1116 AII +1/16 , -0 ,, 1116 AII min Square.groove weld (1) Butt joint (B) 2 , , Notes b b b, e b, e (E2) / (E ,) IR 1’「l E1 + E 2 딩나꽉I--R 3T 뻐 Groove Preparalion Base MetalThlckness (U = unlimite이 Tolerances Welding Process Joint Designation T SMAW B.P1b 1/4 max. R= T 낳‘ GMAW FCAW B.P1b.GF 114 max R= , , T , T 2 Figure 3.~Prequalified PJP Groove Welded Joint Details (see 3.12) (Di mensions in Inches) 66 끼btal Weld Slze (E + E , ,) 3T, Notes 4 3T , 국「 e CLAUSE 3. PREQUA Ll FICATION OF WPSs AWS D1.1/D1.1M ’ 2015 See Notes on page 65 ScBIu。nlrgtnljeeoriVnjo-tgi(nBmt)o(Cve) weld (2) 철연감(E)우 -f識R 8ase Metal Thickness (U = unlimited) I Welding Process Joint Designalion SMAW BC-P2 GMAW FCAW BC-P2-GF SAW BC-P2-S Tolerances RoR。ot o。tpFeanceing , T Groove Angle 1/4 min‘ U ’ 1/4 min U T , Groove Preparation R=O = 1/32 min. a= 60。 R=O f= 1/8 min 0 Ct= 60 U 수 Base Metal Thickness (U = unlimited) Welding Process Joint Designalion T, SMAW B-P3 1/2 min GMAW FCAW B-P3-GF 1/2 min‘ SAW B-P3-S 3/4 mln T, ι +1/8 , -1/16 ,, 1/16 +10 0 , ‘5。 L2:!9 ,-Q α= 6g。 < +1/16 , -0 +U ,-O +100 , -0。 +1/16 , -0 +U , -O +118‘ -1/16 ,, 1/16 +10 0 , -5。 +1/16 , -0 ,, 1/16 +100 , ‘정O ,, 0 +U , -o f = 1/4 min D。ubj이 1en-Vl-(9Bm)ove weld (3) Bult As Fil-Up3) (S8e 3.12 +10 0 ,-0。 R= 。 7116 min As Detaìled (see 3.12.3) 0 r2 찮짧 O Allowed Welding Positions Weld Size (E) Notes AII S b, e , f ,) AII s a, b, f, j F s Allowed Welding Positions Total Weld Size (E , + E,) Notes AII 8 1+82 e, f, 1,) AII 8 1+ 8 2 a, f, i , j F 8 1+ 82 f, 1, j : x/ S2(E2)\ S1(E1) /RQ <> tfS / • 까!그 Groove Preparatlon Roo! 。PFeancehg Root Groove Angle ’ R=O = 1/8 min ,,= 60。 R=O f=1/8min a= 80 0 R=O f=1/4min α(=60。 Tolerances As Detailed (see 3.12.3) As Fit-Up (S8e 3.12.3) +1/16 , -0 +U,-O +100 , --0。 +1/16 , -0 +U , -O +100 , ←O。 ,, 0 +U , -o +10 0 , _0 0 +1/8 , -1/16 ,, 1/16 +10" , -‘§。 +118 , -1/16 ,,1/16 +10 0 , -5。 +1/16 , -0 ,, 1/16 +100 , -5。 Figure 3.~ (Continued)-Prequalified PJP Groove Welded Joint Details (see 3.12) (Dimensions in Inches) 67 I CLAU8E 3. PREQUA Ll FICATION OF WP8s AW8 0 1.1 101. 1M:2015 See Notes on page 65 8ingle-bevel'groove weld (4) Bu t1 joint (B) τcojorj1n! (T) 8(티 !、,?짧 ner joint (C) 7ν ~_ ALvg7 혈3 ! 8 JTj' IJ iL:E;lLR 8ase Metal Thickness (U = unllmited) We띠 rng Process Joint Designation T , , T 8MAW BTC-P4 U U GMAW FCAW BTC-P4-GF 114 min. U 8AW TC-P4-8 Groove Preparation Tolerances RoRo。loOtpF8anc18ng Groove Angle Base Metal Thlckness (U = unllmited) Notes S1(E1)iv!Sg/\7 T , 5116 min , T U 1/2 min 3/4 mln ‘ U U 릎휩 j 8,J Groove Preparation RoRoolo。 tPFa8nceing ’ To erances As Oetalled (5ee 3.12.3) As Fit-Up (see 3.12.3) Allowed Welding Positions R=O 1 = 1/8 mln a= 45 +1/16 ,-0 +1/8 , -1/16 .1/16 씨l R=O = 1/8 min ‘ 0 lX = 45 +1/16 ,-0 R=O .0 +U ,-O Groove Angle +U-O +10 0, -0。 。 TC-P5-8 Totol Weld 8ize (E + E 」 ’ 、:;떨 ~ ~:,上\따\ 8AW b1 !,kg , j , b, e , f, g, j , k iy + k *1 첼 BTC-P5-GF s +10 치 -5。 Notes F , 、i t GMAW FCAW a , b, f. g, j , k F 60 。 S2(E2) BTC-P5 8-118 +1/16 ,-0 ,, 1/16 Corner joint (C) 8MAW V, OH "0 +U ,-O +10 0, -0。 1/4 mln τjointπ) Joint Designation s +118 , -1116 ,, 1116 +10 0, _50 Oouble-bevel'groove weld (5) Bu t1 joint (B) Welding Process F, H +1116 , -0 +U -O +100, --0。 R= 。 a= 8-118 +118 , -1116 ,, 1116 +10 0, -5。 ’= ’= 씨1 +1116 , -0 +U -O +100, -0。 R=O 118 min. <<=45 0 R=O 1=118min U Weld81ze (E) As Fll-Up3) (see 3.12 α=45。 7/16 min Allowed Welding Positions As Detalled (see 3.12.3) ’ +U-O +10 0, -00 1= 1/4 min a= 60。 +1 앙-0 0 。 +10 , -5 +1/8 , -1/16 .1/16 +100, -5。 +1/1/61, -0 .1/16 0 +100, -5。 , ,) 8 ,+82 -1/4 F, H 8 1 +82 V, OH 8 1+ 8 2 F 8 + 82 3.12) (Di mensions in Inches) 68 a , f, gk, i , -1/4 , Figure 3.~ (Continued)-Prequalified PJP Groove Welded Joint Details (see e , f, , {, gk f, g , i , j , k AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 CLAUSE 3. PREQUA Ll FICATION OF WPSs 5ee N。‘ es on page 65 S1ng!e-U-g(Bro)ove we띠 (6) 낌聽f 뻐φ Butlj이 nt Corner joint (C) ~~:~Ì--R 8ase Metal Thickness (U::: unlimite이 Wel이 ng J이 nt Process Designation SMAW BC-P6 T , , T 1/4 min fJ Groove Preparation Root Opening Root Face Bevel Radius Groove Angle R=O f = 1/32 min r = 114 U α= 45。 BC-P6-GF FCAW 1/4 min R=O f == 1/8 min r = 1/4 U a=20。 BC-P6-S SAW 7/16 min. R=O f= 1/4min r = 114 ---'------- α= 쌀 U Double-U gBr)oove we!d (7) Butl joint ( ToJerances As Detailed (see 3.12.3) As Fit-Up (see 3.12.3) + 1/16 , -0 +U , -O + 1/4 , -0 +10 0 , -0 0 +1/16 , -0 +U,-O + 1/4 , -0 +10 0 , -0。 .0 +U ,-O + 1/4 , -0 +10 0 , -0。 +1/8 , -1/16 .1/16 .1/16 +10 0 , -5。 +1/8 , -1/16 .1/16 <1/16 +100 , -5。 +1116 , • O .1/16 .1/16 +10" , .핑O Allowed Welding Posilions Weld Size (E) Notes 제1 S b, e , f, j AII s a , b, f, j F s b, f, j L• Sε(E,) ψ ℃싫 f , S (E 파↓」 i 혔다 l-0-~ 8ase Metal Thickness (U = unlimited) We 떠 'n9 Joint Designation Process SMAW B-P7 T , 1/2 min T, Groove Preparation Root Opening Root Face Bevel Radius Groove Angle R=O f= 1/8min r = 1/4 0: =45。 I GMAW FCAW B-P7-GF SAW B-P7-S L 1/2 min 이'4min R=O f=1/8min r = 1/4 0 α= 20 R=O f=1/4min r = 1/4 Tolerances As Deta i! ed (see 3.12.3) As F1l-Up3) (5ee 3.12 +1/16 , -0 +U , -o +1/4 , -0 +10 0 , -0 0 +1/16 , • O +U ,• O + 1/4 ,-0 + 10 , -0。 .0 +U , -O +1/4 , -0 +10 0 , -0 0 +1/8 , -1/16 .1/16 .1/16 +10 0 , -5。 +1/8 , -1116 .1116 .1/16 +10 0 , -5。 + 1/16 ,-0 .1/16 .1/16 +10'\ -5。 0 a=20。 ‘ Allo "ed Welding Positions Total Weld Size (E + E,) Noles AII 8 1 +8 2 e , f, i , j AII 8 1 +8 2 a , t , Î, j F 8 1+ 8 2 f, i, j , FigUl'e 3,~ (Continned)-Prequalified PJP Groove Welded Joint Details (see 3 ,12) (Di mensions in Inches) 69 I AWS D1 , 1/D1 , lM:2015 CLAUSE 3 , PREQUALl FICATION OF WPSs See Notes on page 65 SiBult ulnOtgtljnjoint leo!-i(nJntg(move weld (8) (B) τ10 Corner joint (C) 。 UTSIDE INSIDE CORNER CORNER 乃i;;r;iLR 8ase Metal Thlckness (U = unlimited) Welding Process Joint Designation B-P8 T , , T 114 min , SMAW TC-P8 B-P8-GF 1/4 min U 1/4 min‘ GMAW FCAW TC-P8-GF B-P8-S 1/4 min U 7/16 min ‘ SAW TC-P8-S 7/16 min U 隨묘 많곱 ) Groove PreparaUon Tolerances Root Opening Root Face Bevel Radius Groove Angle R=O f = 1/8 min r= 3/8 0 α= 30 R=O f= 1/8min r = 3/8 0 αoc = 30 * 0 <<ic = 45 ** R=O ’ = 1/8 min ‘ r= 318 Q= 30 0 R=O f = 1/8 min r= 3/8 lloc = 30 0* 0U αic = 45 R=O ’ = 1/4 min ‘ r = 1/2 a = 20 0 R=O ’ = 114 min r = 1/2 0 0: 00 = 20 * 0 αic = 45 ** Allowed Welding Posilions Weld Size (E) +1/8, -1116 .1 /1 6 .1/16 +10" , _50 씨1 s +1 /1 6, -0 +U ,-O +1/4 , -0 +10" , _0 0 +10" , _0 0 +1/8 , -1116 .1/16 .1/16 +10" , _50 +100, _50 예l s +1/16 , -0 +U ,-O +1/4 , -0 +10" , _0 0 +1/8 , -1116 .1/16 .1/16 +10'\ _50 AII S a, t, g, j , k +1/16 , -0 +U ,-O +1/4 , -0 +100, _0 0 +100, _0 0 +1/8 , -1/16 .1/16 .1/16 +100, -5。 +10" , -5。 예l S a1f,kg, 1, .0 +U ,-O +1/4 , -0 +100, _0 0 +1/16 , -0 .1/16 .1/16 +10'\ -5。 F S f, g, j , k .0 +U ,-O +1/4 , -0 +100, _0 0 +100, -0 0 +1/16 , -0 .1/16 .1/16 +10'\ _50 +100, -5。 F s ’, 9 , j , k As Detailed (5ee 3,12 ,3) A5 Fit-Up (5ee 3,12 ,3) +1/16 , • O +U ,-O +1/4 , -0 +100, _0 0 ‘Q ∞ = Outside corner groove angle “Clic = Inslde corner groove angle Figure 3.~ (Continued)-Prequalified PJP Groove Welded Joint Details (see 3.12) (Di mensions in Inches) 70 Notes e , f, g, j , k e, tkg, j , AW8 D1.1/D 1. 1M:2015 CLAU8E 3. PREQUALl FICATION OF WP8s See Notes on Page 65 Double-J-groove weld (g) Buttj이 nt (B) τjoint (T) Corner joint (C) ~ 서품「 §?f:;훈 …江;갑L「士rL4-T | 풍합fj ; r 證않 l1 J。lnt Designation l Root Opening Root Face Bevel Radius Groove Angle T, R=O B-P9 1/2 min 1-1 ’:::r1/8 min = 3/8 0: =30。 8MAW I I _ R=O TC-P9 B-P9-GF 1/2 min. 1/2 min I U I I_ I 1= 1/8 min r= 3/8 0 αoc ::: 30 * α없 = 45"0 ‘ R=O 1= 1/8 min r= 이8 a::: 30 0 R= FCAW TC-P9.GF B-P9-8 112 min 이f4min. 。 1= 1/8 min r= 3/8 0• αoc::: 30 •• 0 C!ic::: 45 U I_ I 。 TC-P9-8 3/4 min I U *αoc 「‘ I Tolerances As Detailed (see 3.12.3) +1 /8, -1/16 ", 1116 ", 1/16 +10" , -5。 +1/16 , • O +U,• O +1/4 , -0 +10 0, ’_0' +10 0, 냉O + 1/8, -1/16 ", 1/16 ", 1/16 +100, ‘-5。 + 1/16, • O +U , -O + 1/4 , -0 +10 0, _0 0 +1/8 , -1/16 ", 1/16 ", 1/16 +10' , -5 ", 0 +U ,• O +1/4 , • O 0 0 + 10 ,-0 +10'\ ←O +1/16 , -0 ", 1/16 ", 1116 0 + 10 , ←“5 ", 0 +U , -o +1/4 , -0 +100, ← O +1/16 , -0 0 +U ,• O +1/4 , • O +10" , ←O r = 1/2 0• O: oc::: 20 α잉 450.. As Fit-UD I Weldina (see 31U2p3) l| Pos lidlio1nngs +1/16 , -0 +U , -O +1/4 , -0 +10' , -0。 ", 。 0 +10 , -0 ::: “ αÎC I IN81DE CORNER 。 _ H=O I 1=1/4min I ‘ L/ U 。 R=O f= 1/4 min r = 1/2 0:= 20 8AW 띤 Groove Preparalion 8ase Metal Thickness (U = unlimited) elding Process OUT81DE CORNER 。 I Weld 8ize (E , + E2) | Notes AII 8 ,’ +8‘。 ||eJj ,, gk, i1 AII s ‘, +8ι。 |e,!j , gkJ , AII S , + 8 ι2 la 계! s , +S2 -, |a l +10' , -5。 l 。 。 T gk ,,, I j. k 。 土 1/16 F "'1/16 +10。’ -5 +1/16 , • O ", 1/16 ", 1116 + 10 , _5 +10 0, ‘-‘5 0 8 , +82 。 。 F 3.12) (Dimensions in Inches) I 냉, j I 8 , + 8 , I 냄, 。 Figure 3 ,~ (Continued)-Prequalified PJP Groove Welded Joint Details 71 L +10 。’ -5 ::: Oulside corner groove an9le. ::: Inside corner groove ang!e. (see , f, , ii , j, CLAUSE 3. PREQUA Ll FICATION OF WPS5 AWS 0 1.1 /0 1.1 M‘ 2015 $ee Notes on Page 65 FBluoj。alr l1ne。ntjebri(neTjotv)ei(nB|t)g(Cro)ove weld (1이 FC ..1~ _____ r'ν ↓L미ιfζ7누 ι ‘τ 」 떠 !i 、 7 /••/• T묘‘--- 찮그 J~~ι-R I- 8aSB Metal Thickness (U = unllmited) Welding Process SMAW FCAW-S GMAW FCAW-G SAW Joint Designation BTC-Pl0 BTC-Pl0-GF B-PIO-S Figure T , 3/16 mln. 3/16 mln. 1/2 m상1. T2 E U T m!n. U N1A ‘ , T mln. 1/2 mm. T2 Groove Preparation Root 。pFearcmeg Root Bend Radius R=O f = 3/16 mln ‘ 3T r= τf mln. , R=O 3/16 min 3T r= τf min. ’= ’= , R=O 1/2 mln 3T r= τi- mIn , Tolerances A50etalled (5ee 3.12.3) A5 Fit-Up ‘ 3) (5ee3.12 Allowed Welding Positions Weld Size (E) Notes +1/16 , -{) +U ,-O +1/8 , -1/16 +U, -1/16 AII 5116 r e, g , j , I +U ,-{) +U,-O + 1/16, -{) +니-{) +1/8 , -1/16 +U , -1/16 AII 518 r +U, --0 +U , -{) a, g, j , 1, m .0 +U ,-O +1/16 , -{) +U , -1/16 F 5116 r g, j , l , m +U ,-{) +μ ,-{) 3.l (Continued)-Prequalified PJP Groove Welded Joint Details (see 3.12) (Dimensions in Inches) 72 AWS D1. 1ID 1. 1M:2015 CLAUSE 3. PREQUA Ll FICATION OF WPSs See Notes on page 65 Flare-V-groove \V eld (11) Bult joint (B) (티/ \ ‘ 土- r、x 」 ι~ T2]-?L 3τT, τ μ뉘H~‘R←土 8ase Metal Thickness (U = unlimited) Welding Process SMAW FCAW-S GMAW FCAW-G SAW Joínt Desígnation B-P11 B-P11-GF B-P11-S T , 3/16 mín ‘ 3/16 min 1/2 rnín 찮그 Groove Preparation Tolerances Root Opening Root Face Bend Radius As Detailed (see 3.12.3) As FIt-Up3) (see 3.12 T 1 min. R=O f = 3/16 min 3T r= 정....:. rnln +1/16 , -0 +U , -0 +U , -Q +1/8 , -1/16 +U , -1/16 +U , -0 T1 min R=O f = 3/16 min 3T r= 경一 mln , + 1116 , O +U , -0 +U , -o +1/8‘ 1116 +U , -1/16 +U , -0 AI T 1 min. R=O f = 1/2 min 3T r= mln .0 +U , -0 +U , -O +1/16 , -0 +U , -1/16 +U , -0 F , T , , , 2 • Aliowed We떠 'ng Positions WeldSize (E) Notes 제l 5/8 r e, j , tm , n ’ 3/4 r a, j , l , m , n 1/2 r j , I, m, n Figure 3.~ (Continued)-Prequa Ii fied PJP Groove Welded Joint Details (see 3.12) (Dimensions in Inches) 73 CLAUSE 3. PREQUA Ll FICATION OF WPSs AWS D1.1/D1.1 M:2015 See Notes on page 65 Square.groove weld (1) Butt joint (B) T,王 _ _.L 下 ‘· j -간1rr} 」 R5 95eEgfSF밑T 1T0 3 Groove Preparation τblerances Root Opening As Detailed (see 3.12.3) R=Ot02 +2 , -0 2 AII T -1 b , b, e ", (E) , , +2 ,• O ", 2 예l R=Ot02 +2 ,-0 ", 2 씨l T -1 iT , min "'2 AII As Detailed (see 3.12.3) As F1!-Up3) (see3.12 Allowed Welding Positions +2 ,• O "'2 AII +2, -0 "'2 AII +2 ‘ -0 (E 뚫3f 소 3T‘ 빼뼈 R=T 낯1 mln Square.groove weld (1) Butt )oint (B) , , Allowed Welding Positions T 2 R= E + E MUST NOT EXCEED AsF1FUp3) (see3.12 T , 2' I Notes b b, e ,) (EllIR 뉘뉴 R ALL DIMENSIONS IN mm Groove Preparation ‘ 8ase Metal Thic ness (U = unlimited) Tolerances Welding Process Joint Designation T SMAW B.P1b 6max. R: T낯‘ GMAW FCAW B.P1b.GF 6 max. R= T 2 , , T Root Opening , Total WeldSize (E + E , ,) 3T , 4 3T 4 Figure 3.~ (Continued)-Prequalified PJP Groove Welded Joint Details (see 3.12) (Di mensions in Millimeters) 74 Notes , e CLAUSE 3. PREQUA Ll FICATION OF WPSs AWS Dl.l/D 1.1 M:2015 See Notes on Page 65 SCBiuonlrgtnljeeor1nVjtogl(nBml)(Cve) o weld (2) ~i 鎭간f수 J~~편R ALL DIMENSIONS IN mm 8ase Metal Thickness (U = unlimited) Welding Process Joint Designation SMAW BC-P2 6min U GMAW FCAW BC-P2-GF 6min. U SAW BC-P2-S T , , T Groove Preparation Tolerances Root Opening Root Face Groove Angle R=O f = 1 min rt= 60 0 R=O f=3min a=60。 11 min. U R=O f = 6 min u= 60。 As Detalled (see 3.12.3) As F1t Up3) (see 3.12 +2 ,• O +U , -O +10 0, _0 0 +2 , -0 +U,-O +10인 _0 0 .0 +U , --0 +100, -0。 +3 , -2 .2 +10 0, -5。 +3 , -2 .2 +10 0, _50 DoubjolelnV!(gBr)oove weld (3) Bult S,( E,) 수 8ase MetaJThlckness (U = unlimiled) Welding Process Joint Designation T, SMAW B-P3 12 min‘ T, g싫 ~’‘ h Jí B-P3-GF 12 min SAW B-P3-S 20 min s b, e , t, j AII s 8, b, f, j F s b, t, j Allowed Welding Posltions Weld Size (E , + E,) Notes AII 8 1+ 8 2 9 , f, i, j AII 8 1 +82 8. f, i, j F 8 1 +82 f, i , j ~ f F| L;l Tolerances Ro。! 。pFagncelng Root Groove Angle As Detailed (see 3.12.3) As Fit-Up (see 3.12.3) R=O f=3min +3 , -2 .2 +10 0, 핏。 R=O f=3min rt= 60 0 +2 , -0 +U , -O +10 0, -0 0 +2 ,--0 +U, --0 +10 0, -0。 R=O f = 6 min .0 +U,-O L21 0 !二r 0 Figure 3.~ (Continued)-Pl'equalified PJP (see AII Groove Preparation α= 60。 」 Notes S ,] α=60。 GMAW FCAW Weld Size (E) S ,(E ,) 가\ @ ALL DIMENSIONS IN mm +2 ,-0 .2 +10 0, -5。 Allowed Welding Positions +3 , -2 .2 +10'=>, -‘5。 +2 , -0 .2 +10 0 , -5。 Gl'OOVe Welded Joint Details 3.12) (Di mensions in Millimeters) 75 꺼btal CLAUSE 3. PREQUALl FICATION OF WPSs AWS D1. 1/D 1. 1M:2015 5 •• Notes on pag. 65 FBC Suo1pnlrglinplneetr-i(nbn jotel(vnBel)l(C gr)oove we1d (4) S(티 t 짧껄 #E피~R ALL DIMENSIONS IN mm 8ase Metal Thickness (U = unllmited) Welding Process SMAW Joint Designation T BTC-P4 , , T U U GMAW FCAW BTC-P4-GF 6min U SAW TC-P4-S 11 min. U ALlvg /7 E휩 1f T' fJ Groove Preparation Rool Openlng Root Face Groove Angle Tolerances As Detailed (see 3.12.3) As F1l-Up3) (see 3.12 Allowed Welding Positions Weld Slze (E) +2 ,-0 +U-O +10 0, -0。 +3 , -2 "2 AII S -3 R=O f=3mìn IX= 45。 R=O f=3min. IX= 45。 R=O f = 6 min ,,= 60。 +10" , -5。 +2 , -0 +U -O +10 0, -0 0 ,,0 +U,--O +10 0, -0。 Notes b, e, ’, g, j , k +3 , -2 "2 +10" , _50 +2 ,-0 F, H s V, OH S -3 a, b, f, g, j , k ~2 F s b, f,kg , j , Allowed Total WeldSlze (E + E,) Notes 8 1 +82 8, tgk, li +10" , -5。 Double.bevel-groove weld (5) τCBujo lrtinjeOlr1(nTj!o)i(nBt)(C) ,F、i S2(E2) t 、t휩 ~ +k 다上、따\ iy S1(E1) |LlvSg/\7 *, j 첼 짧 8,J ALL DIMENSIONS IN mm Base Metal Thlckness (U = u 미 imite이 Welding Process Jolnt Desìgnatlon SMAW BTC-P5 GMAW FCAW BTC-P5-GF SAW TC-P5-S Figure T , 12 min Tolerances T Groove Angle U R=O f=3min. 0 α= 45 +2 ,-0 +U -O +100, --00 +10치 -5 R=O f=3min. α = 45 0 +2 ,-0 +U -O +10 0,-0 0 +3 , -2 "2 +10 0, _50 R=O f = 6 mln IX= 60。 "0 +U ,-O +100, -0。 +2 ,--0 "2 +100, -5。 U 20min. RoRoo!。OlpFeancelng As Detailed (see 3.12.3) , 8min Groove Preparation U (sAese F3l.L1U2p3) PWoeslldlblnngs +3 , -2 "2 AII 。 , -0 끼 OH 8 1 +82 8 +82 F 8 1+82 F, H , 3.l (Continued)-Prequalified PJP Groove Welded Joint Details (see 3.12) (Di mensions in Millimeters) 76 a1f, gk, ll -0 tgk, 1, i , CLAUSE 3. PREQUA Ll FICATION OF WPSs AWS D1.1/D 1. 1M:2015 See Notes on Page 65 SIngle U gl(nBrlo)(oCv)e weld (6) Bult joint Corner joint (C) 낌1騎 F 뼈수 ~~:JI-R ALL DIMENSIONS IN mm 8ase Metal Thickness (U = unlimited) Weldíng Process SMAW Joint Designation BC-P6 T , , T 6min. fJ Groove Preparation RgRgote。 tpFeancieng Bevel Radius Groove Angle As Detailed (see 3.12.3) As Fit-Up3) (see 3.12 R=O f= 1 mln. r::: 6 +2 ,• O +U ,• O +6 ,-0 +10 0 , -0。 +2 ,-0 +U,-O +6 , -0 +100 , -0。 ,, 0 +U , -O +6 , -0 +10" , -0。 +3 , -2 ,,2 ,, 2 +10 0 , -5。 +3 , -2 ,, 2 ,,2 + 10 , _5。 U 0:::: 45。 GMAW FCAW BC-P6-GF 6min R=O f=3min r= 6 U 0:.= 20。 SAW BC-P6-S R=O f::: 6 min ‘ r= 6 u= 20 0 U 11 min ‘ Tolerances S, (E ,) Weld Size (E) Notes 제1 s b, e, f, j AII S a, b, f, j F s Allowed Notes 0 +2 ,-0 ,, 2 "2 +10 0 , -5。 • Double-U-groove weld (7) Bult joint (B) Allowed Welding Positîons ψ ALL DIMENSIONS IN mm 8ase Metal Thickness (U = unlimited) Welding Process Joint Designation T SMAW B-P7 12 min , T, Groove Preparation Root Opening 힘。 01 Face 8evel Radius Groove Angle As Detailed (see 3.12.3) As Fit-Up (5ee 3.12.3) Positions Total Weld Size (E + E,) R=O f= 3 min r::: 6 +2 , -0 +U , -O +6 ,-0 +3 , -2 ,, 2 ,,2 AII 8 1 +82 e," i , j AII 81+ 82 a, f, i, j F Sf + 8 2 f, i , j +10인 <<=45。 GMAW FCAW B-P7-GF R=O f=3min r= 6 12 min <<=20。 SAW B-P7-S R=O f::: 6 min r=6 u= 20 0 20min. Tolerances ‘ -0" + 10 0 W허 ding , , _5。 +2 , -0 +U , -O +6 , -0 +10 0 , -0。 +3 , -2 ,,2 ,,2 +10" , -5。 土O +2 , -0 +U,• O +6 ,-0 +10 0 , _0 0 土2 "2 +10인 -5。 Figm'e 3.~ (Continued)-Prequalified PJP Groove Welded Joint Details (see 3.12) (Dimensiolls in Millimeters) 77 CLAUSE 3. PREQUA Ll FICATION OF WPSs AWS D1.1fD1.1M:2015 See Notes on page 65 (nBrot)。 TC SB-to1jniolrgtinPlneetr-I(nJT jto)gl (Cve) weld (8) OUTSIDE CORNER %펴I-R ALL DIMENSIONS IN mm 8ase Metal Thickness (U = unlimited) Welding Process Joint Designation B-P8 T , , T 6 min. SMAW TC-P8 B-P8-GF 6min. U 6min GMAW FCAW TC-P8-GF B-P8-S 6min ‘ U 隨묘 많쿄 fJ Groove Pr에paration RoRo。t〈〕gtpFeancejtig 8evel Radius Groove Angle TC-P8-S 11 min U As Detailed (see 3.12.3) As Fil-Up3) (see3.12 +2 ,-0 +U ,-O +6 ,-0 +3 , -2 .2 .2 + 10 R=O f=3min. r = 10 0야= 3D". 0 따c = 45 ** +2.-0 +U. -O +6. -0 +10인 _0 0 +100 , _0 0 R=O f=3mln r = 10 0;::: 3D" R=O f=3min r= 10 Uoc ::: 30“ 0 Ct:ic::: 45 0* +2 ,-0 +U. -O α=20。 SAW Tolerances R=O f=3min r = 10 u= 30。 R=O f=6min. r= 12 11 rnin INSIDE CORNER R=O f::: 6 min. r= 12 a oc = 200 * ajc::: 450 ** 0 , -0。 Weld Size (E) AII S e, f, g , j , k AII s e, l ,k9 , jj 계1 s a , f, g , j , k AII S a , f, g , j , k F S f. g. F s f. 9. j. k +10 , -5。 +3 , -2 .2 .2 +10치 5。 +10。‘ -5。 +6. 애 +10 0 , _0" +10 .-5。 +2. -0 +U.-O +6 ,-0 +100 , _0" +10 0 , -0。 +3 , -2 .2 .2 +100 , -5。 +100 , -5。 .0 +U.-O +6. -0 +10 0 , -0。 +2 , -0 .2 .2 0 + 10 0 +2. -0 .2 .2 +100 , -5。 +100 , -5。 3.l (Continued)-Prequalified PJP GI'OOVe Welded Joint Details (see 3.12) (Di mensiolls in M iIIimetel's) 78 1. k , _5。 ‘o∞ ::: Outside corner groove angle UUjc ::: Inslde corner groove angle Figure Notes 0 +3. -2 .2 .2 ,,0 +U , -o +6. -0 +100 , -0。 +10" , -0。 Allowed Welding Positions AW8 D 1.1/D 1.1 M:2015 CLAU8E 3. PREQUA Ll FICATION OF WP8s See Notes on Þage 65 Dout끼 e-J-groove weld (9) ~ Bult )oint (B) (T) Corner joint (C) τj이 nt RO타r §?fE폈 -따월그료t, .~ 판7 ,c.←추L上~:' v +-;;첼r -;;T t---.t r 따」따 gι 。 UT81DE CORNER “ ,-‘ IN81DE CORNER ALL DIMEN810N8 IN mm Groove Preparation 8ase Metal Thickness (U = unlimited) e떠1ng | Process I JO1nl l Designation B.P9 8MAW T RoR。o!oO!pFeancelng , 12 min 1-1 I TC.P9 B.P9-GF 12 min 6min I U I 1-1 8evel Radius Groove Angle As Detailed (see 3.12.3) As F1! Up3) (8ee3.12 R=O f::: 3 min‘ r = 10 0 0: =30 R=O f=3min r=10 0 (x oc = 30 * 0 aiC:::: 45 ** +2 , -0 +U ,-O +6 ,-0 +10 0 , --0。 +3 , -2 2 2 +10 0 , .ι‘5。 +2 ,--0 +U,• O +6 , -0 +10 0 , --0。 +2 , -0 +U, -0 +6 , -0 +100 , --0 0 R=O f=3mìn. r=10 a= 30。 R=O +2 ,• O +U , --0 +6 ,• O ’ =3min TC-P9.GF 6min. U r=10 U oc :::: 30。‘ +10 , -0 。 0 Qε=45。“ B.P9-8 20min 1-1 R=O f::: 6 min. r=12 α=20。 8AW I TC.P9.8 20min. I u I Tolerances R=O f=6min r = 12 0 α。c:::: 20 * 0 αlc = 45 ** , , +3 , -2 2 2 +10 0 , -5。 , , Total Weld 8ize (E + E,) , s AII ‘ Notes +S2 | e,,, g,!, j, k |e,%」, AII | S1+S2 +3 , -2 2 2 +10 0 , -5。 , , AII 18 1 +82 / a ,샘’ i, AII | S1+S2 lait:3, i, F I , , I냉,), F I +3, -2 ,2 ,2 +100 , -5。 0 +10 ,-‘5。 +2 , -0 2 2 +10 0 , -5。 , +2 ,• O 2 2 +10 0 , …5。 , , , , 8 +8 8 1+ 8 2 +10 0 , -5。 iα00= Outside corner groove angle. **CXic = Inside corner groove angle. Figure 3.걷 (Continued)-Prequalified PJP Groove Welded J이 nt Details (see 3.12) (Dimellsions ill Millimeters) 79 I +10"' ,-정。 '0 +U , -O +6 ,--0 +10인 _0 0 0 +U , -O +6 , -0 +10 0 , _0 0 Allowed Welding Posilions I’, gkLj, CLAU8E 3. PREQUALl FICATION OF WP8s λ,W8 D1.1ID 1. 1M:2015 See Notes on page 65 TBC FlujoaOlrrtlnenleolbri(nen jolvi(enBll-)g(Cro)ovg weld (10) ..l.~ _____ rL…「 4F二/누)/-/)/→→」7 떠 γ-、7 1 } TJ--- 찮고 l뉴셔←R 上 뉘다I-- T2 ALL DIMENSIONS IN mm 8ase MetalThicknes$ (U = unlimited) Welding Process 8MAW FCAW-8 GMAW FCAW-G 8AW Joint Designation BTC-P10 BTC-P10-GF B-P10-S , T 5 mln ‘ 5 mln T2 U U ’ 12 mln. 12 mln. Groove Preparation RoRool。OlpFaenc1eng T쩌 erances As Detailed (5003.12.3) As Fi! Up ,3) (see 3.12 AlI owed Welding Positions Weld 81ze (E) Note5 R=O f=5min 3T r= 경....:. mrn +2 , -0 +U,-O +3 , -2 +U , -2 AII 5116 r e, g, j , I +U ,-O +U ,-Q T mln. R=O f=Smin 3T r= 정....:. mln , +2 ,-0 +U ,-O +3 , -2 +U , -2 AII 518 r +U ,--O +U ,-Q a, 9, I, I, m NJA R=O f= 12 mln 3T r= τ~ mln. .0 +U ,-O +2 ,-0 +U , -2 F 5116 r g, j , l, m +U,-O +U,-O T3 , T mtn , Bend Radius , , , Figure 3.~ (Continued)-Prequalified PJP Groove Welded Joint Details (see 3.12) (Di mensions in Millimeters) 80 AWS D1. 1/D1.1M:2015 CLAUSE 3. PREQUA Ll FICATION OF WPSs Soo Noles on page 65 Flare ,V'groove wold (11) Bult joinl (B) (티 J'- 土- 」 /P :、i、、ι T2Tt j一LT, T 홉그 μ 뉘」 }t+A, R-土 88se Metal Thlckness (U = unlimiled) Welding Process SMAW FCAW.S GMAW FCAW-G Joinl Designation B-P11 B.P11.GF , T 5min. 5min. , T T1 min T1 mln Groove Preparalion Tolerances Rool Opening Root Face Bend Radius As Delailed (se.3.12.3) As F l-Up3) (see 3.12 , Allowed Welding Positions WeldSize (E) R=O =5min. 3T r= 윷....:. mln +2 , -0 +U , -Q +U,-O +3, -2 +U, -2 +U,-{) AII 5/8 r e, j , l , m, n +2 , -0 +U , -o +U,• O +3, -2 +U, -2 +U , -O 계l 3/4 r a , j , J, m, n ~O +2 , -{) +U , -2 +U ,• O F 1/2 r j , I, m, n ’ , ‘ R=O =5min 3T r= 정-:. mrn ’ , Notes R= 。 SAW B.P11-S 12 min T1 min. f=12min 3T, r= 정..;. +U, -{) +U , -{) mln Figure 3.~ (Continued)-Prequalified PJP Groove Welded Joint Details (see 3.12) (Di mensions in Millimeters) 81 CLAUSE 3. PREQUA Ll FICATION OF WPSs AWS D1. 1/D1.1M:2015 See Notes on Page 65 Square-groove weld (1) Bultj 이 nt (B) Corner joint (C) B- L1 a C-L1a Groove Preparation 8ase Metal Thickness (U = unlimited) Weld때 { Jmnl Process I Designation SMAW FCAW GMAW T , B- L1 a 1/4 max. C- L1 a 1/4 max. B- L1 a-GF 3/8 max. T2 Tolerances As Detailed (see3.13.1) As Fit-Up (see 3.13.1) Allowed Welding Positions , +1/16 , -0 +1/4 , -1/16 제l e, J R=T 1 +1/16 , -0 +1/4 , 1116 • 제1 e, J , +1/16 , -0 +1/4 , -1/16 AII Root Opening R=T U R=T Gas Shie띠, ng forFCAW Not required Notes a, J Square-groove weld (1) Bult joint (B) 수 BACKGOUGE (EXCEPT B- L1 -S) ii검/'구 →j~R Groove Preparation 8ase Metal Thickness (U = unlimited) Ro。‘ 。 pening As Detailed (see3.13.1) As Fit-Up (see 3.13.1) Allowed Welding Positions 114 max R= T 낯, +1/16 , -0 +1/16 , -1/8 AII B- L1 b-GF 3/8 max. R=Oto 1/8 +1/16 , -0 +1/16 , -1/8 AII B- L1 -S B- L1 a-S 3/8 max. 5/8 max ‘ R=O R=O .0 .0 +1/16 , O +1/16 ,-0 F F Welding Process Joint Designation T SMAW B- L1 b GMAW FCAW SAW SAW Tolerances , T2 • Figllre 3.J-Preqllalilied CJP Groove Welded Joint Details (see 3.13) (Dimensiolls in Inches) 82 Gas ShlFeC띠AjnWg for Notes d, e, j Not required a, d, j d, j AWS D 1.1/D1.1M:2015 CLAUSE 3. PREQUA Ll FICATION OF WPSs See Notes on page 65 Sc-qj。이urnan8trer(TPg)rIn。t。(vCe)weld (1) T 、‘ klf- BACKGOUGE Llv-/ 7 Groove Preparation Base Metal Thickness (U = unlimiled) Welding Process Joint Des!gnatìon T T SMAW TC.L1b 1/4 max U GMAW FCAW SAW TC. L1 .GF 3/8 max U TC. L1 .S 3/8 max. U , Tolerances , As Detailed (see3.13.1) A5 Fil-Up (5ee 3.13.1) Allowed Welding Posilions +1/16 , -0 +1/16 , -118 AII R=Olo 1/8 +1/16 , -0 +1/16 , -1/8 계| R=O tO +1/16 , -0 F R∞ IOpe미 ng R: T낳‘ SIngle-V g(Bm)ove weld (2) BuUjoint 짧술조/\ •- WPreolcdeinsgs SMAW B-U2a Notes d, e, g Nol required a, d, g d, g Tolerances 수 Joinl Deslgnation Gas ShiFelCdAinWg lor 8ase Metal Thickness (U = unlimiled) , T , T GMAW FCAW B.U2a.GF U SAW SAW B.L2a.S B.U2.S 2max U A5 Fil.Up (5ee3.13.1) R = +1/16 ,-0 a +10 0 , -0 0 + 114 , -1116 ‘ Groove Preparation Root Opening Groove Angle a=45。 α= Allowed P Woeslidtio1nngs Gas ShiFeCldRlnW9 lor Notes Require C! Nol req Not req e, j e, J e, J a, J a,’ a, J AII F, V, OH 3D" a = 20" R 끼。H α=30。 RιOH a= 30" F, V, OH a=45。 E 끼 OH a = 3D" a= 20。 F F Figure 3.~ (Continued)-Prequalified CJP Groove Welded Joint Details (see +10" , -5。 바R R = 1/4 R= 3/8 R = 1/2 R = 3/16 R =3/8 R = 1/4 R = 1/4 R = 5/8 U As Deta i! ed (5ee3.13.1) 3.13) (Di mensions in Inches) 83 I AWS D 1.1 /D1.1M:2015 CLAUSE 3. PREQUA Ll FICATION OF WPSs See Notes 00 Page 65 To!erances Sing1e8r-VjOg1nrolo (Cve) weld (2) Corn 짧j조 /\ As Detailed (sge3.13.1) As Fit.Up (sge3.13.1) R=+1/16 , O a = +10 ,-0。 +1/4 , -1/16 +10 0, -5。 • 0 」짧R Welding Process SMAW GMAW FCAW SAW SAW Joint Deslgnalion Base Metal Thickness (U = unlimited) T C.U2a U C-U2a-GF C-L2a-S C-U2-S , U 2 max‘ U Groove Preparation , T Root Openlng Groove Angle 0 α= 45 R = 1/4 R =3/8 R = 1/2 R = 3/16 R=3/8 R = 1/4 R = 1/4 R =5/8 U U U U ,,= 30。 ,,= 20。 ,,= 30。 ,,= 30。 ,,= 45。 F, V, OH F, V,‘ OH F, V, OH F F a = 30 0 Process SMAW GMAW FCAW Joint Deslgnation T B-U2 U B-U2-GF U 。 ver SAW B-L2c-S , 1/2 10 1 Over1101-1/2 Over 1-1 /2 10 2 , T Required Not req Not req ‘ Notes e, o e, o e, o a a, o a ,。 o o BACKGOUGE /\ We띠 'ng AII R 끼 OH /、\ Base Metal Thickness (U = unlimited) Gas ShiFeCldAinWg lor RιOH α =20。 Sing1e-V g(Bro)。ve we1d (2) Butl j미 nt Allowed Welding Posilions Groove Preparation Root Qpening Aoot Face Groove Angle Tolerances As Detailed (see 3.13.1) As Fit-Up (see 3.13.1) +1/16 , -{) +1/16 , • O R=0101/8 =010118 0 α= 60 R=Olo 1/8 I=Ot01/8 +1/16 , -0 +1116 , -0 +1/16 , -1/8 Not limited +10 0. -5。 +1/16 , -1/8 Not limited ,,= 60。 +10 0 , -0。 +10인 -5。 R=O 1 = 1/4 max. 0 0: = 60 R=O 1 = 1/2 max a= 600 R=O 1= 5/8 max. R=.O 1=+0 , -1 +1/16 , -0 .1/16 +10 0, 50 ’ +10 0 ,냉O ,,= +10 0 ,-{)。 Allowed Welding Positions Gas ShiFeC1dA1nWg lor d, e, j AII AII Nol required F ’• ,,= 60。 Figure 3.J (Continued)-Prequalified CJP Groove Welded Joint Details (see 3.13) (Di mensions in Inches) 84 Notes a, d, j d, j CLAUSE 3. PREQUA Ll FICATION OF WPSs AWS Dl.l /D 1. 1M:2015 See Notes on page 65 Scl。nrgnleer-Vj。-glnrto (oCve) we!d (2) /」fk、,‘ BACKGOUGE /\ 8ase Melal Thicknes5 (U = unlimiled) Welding Process Joint Designation , T , T SMAW C.U2 U U GMAW FCAW C.U2-GF U U SAW C.U2b.S U U Groove Preparation RoRo。loOlpFaenceing Groove Angle R = 0 10 1/8 1=0101/8 0 0: = 60 R = 0 10 1/8 1= 0 10 1/8 0 0: = 60 R = 0 101/8 1= 1/4 max. Tolerances As Delailed (see3.13.1) As FIt-Up1 (see 3.13.1) +1/16, -0 +1/16 ,-0 +10 0 , -0 0 +1/16 ,-0 +1/16 ,-0 +1/16 , -1/8 Notlimited +10':>, -5。 +1/16 , -1/8 Not limiled +10" , -5。 +1/16, • O .1116 +10 0 ,냉。 .0 +0 , -1/4 +100 , --0 0 α=60。 Allowed Welding Posilions 계| J Base Metal Thlckness (U = unllmiled) SMAW Jolnl Deslgnation B.U3a Nol required a, d, g, J d, g, j F +10 0 , -5。 Tolerances BACKGOUGE Weldlng Process Notes d, 6 , g, j AII Dou이 jo8ln-Vt(gBro)w8 weld (3) Butt t Gas !SohriFeCldA1nWg , T , T U S1p/a8cxerR; As Detailed (see 3.13.1) R =.0 1=.0 a = +100 ,--00 .0 Spacerl「 l SSMAAWW .0 Groove Preparation R。이。 pening R。이 Face R = 1/4 R = 3/8 R = 1/2 1=0101/8 1= 0 101/8 1=010118 Groove Angle (( = 45。 0 α= 30 g … 20" R=5/8 1=0101/4 α=20。 Allowed Welding Posíllons As Fil.Up (see3.13.1) +1/4 ,• O +1/16 , -0 +10 0 , -5。 +1/16 , -0 +1/8 , -0 Gas ShiFeCldAlnWg lor AII R 끼 OH Notes d , e, h, F, V, OH U SAW B.U3a.S S1p/4acxerR= F Figure 3.~ (Continued)-Prequalified CJP Groove Welded Joint Details (see 3.13) (Dimensions in Inches) 85 d , h, j CLAUSE 3. PREQUA Ll FICATION OF WPSs AWS D 1.1 /D 1.1 M:2015 See Notes on page 65 Doubj미 len-Vt(g8r)oove we1d (3) Butt For B-U3c-S only \/ rnr‘ jf\ BACKGOUGE T , S 。ver to 2-112 3 3-5/8 4 4-3/4 5-1/2 6-1/4 2 2-1/2 3 3-5/8 4 4-3/4 5-1/2 , 1-3/8 1-3/4 2-1/8 2-3/8 2-3/4 3-1/4 3-3/4 ForT 1 > 6.1/4 orT 1 :::; 2 S = 213 (T -1/4) , Groove Preparation 8ase MetalThickness (U = unlimited) Welding Process Joint Designation SMAW GMAW FCAW B-U3b Tolerances RoRootoO!pFa enceing T , , T Groove Angle As Detaited (see3.13.1) As Fit-Up (see3.13.1) R=Ot01/8 +1/16 , -0 +1116 , -1/8 f=Ot01/8 Not limited +1/16 , -0 0 +10 ,-0。 +10'>, -5。 "=ß=60 +1/16 , O R=O +1/16 , -0 f= 114 min + 1/4 , -0 +1/4 , -0 0 +100 , 一5。 + 10 0 , _0 0 α= ß = 60 To find S1 see table above‘ S = T (S + f) U B-U3-GF , 0 A!!owed Welding Positions Gas Shielding for FCAW 게1 Notes d, e, h , j 제1 Not required a, d , h , j • SAW B-U3c-S U Single-bevel-groove weld (4) BuUj이 nt (B) , ,- , 、J‘ , / RJ γoterances ~V\a --’γ 」 」걱|← Welding Process Joint Designation 8ase Melat Thickness (U:::: un 1i mite이 T , SMAW B-U4a U GMAW FCAW B-U4a-GF U SAW B-U4a-S Figure U d, h , j F , T As Detailed (see 3.13.1) As FIt-Up1 (see 3.13.1) R = +1/16 ,-0 0 0 0: =+10 , -0 +1/4 , -1/16 +10 , -5。 0 F\ Groove Preparation Root Opening R = 1/4 R = 3/8 R = 3/16 R = 1/4 R =3/8 R =3/8 R = 1/4 Groove Angle 0: =45。 a= 300 ,,= 30。 ,,= 45。 (1.= 30 0 a=30 。 α=45。 Allowed Welding Positions AII AII AII AII F, H Gas Shielding for FCAW Notes Required Not req Not req e, J e, j a , C, j a , C, j a , c, J C, α F 3.;3. (Colltillued)-Prequalified CJP Groove Welded Joillt DetaiI s (see 3.13) (Dimellsiolls ill Illches) 86 c,j CLAUSE 3. PREQUALl FICATION OF WPSs AWS 0 1. 1/01.1 M’ 2015 See Notes on page 65 Tolerances F\ / Joint Designation SMAW TC-U4a GMAW FCAW SAW 8aSB Metal Thlckness (U = unlimiled) T , U TC-U4a.GF U TC-U4a.S U T2 Groove Preparation Aoot Opening Groove Angle R = 1/4 ,,= 45。 R = 3/8 (1.= 30。 R = 3/16 <<=30 0 R = 3/8 a = 30 0 R = 1/4 a = R= 이8 a = 300 R = 1/4 α =45。 U U U As Fil.Up (see3.13.1) R = +1/16 ,-0 a = +100 ,-0 0 +1/4 , -1116 +100 , -5。 + 많i Weldlng Process As Detailed (see 3.13.1) 45。 Allowed Welding Positions Gas ShiFeCldAinWg for ’ e, g, k , o e , g , k, AI E 끼。H AII Notes 。 Requlred F Not req AII Nol req a , 9, k , 。 a, g, k , 。 a, g, k , 。 g , k, 0 F SBluntgljleoi bn!ev (Bg)l groove weld (4) r--、 Base Metal Thickness (U = unlimited) Welding Process Joint Designation T SMAW GMAW FCAW B.U4b U SAW , B-U4b.GF U B.U4b.S U T2 BACKGOUGE Groove Preparation R。R。otoOtpFaence1ng Groove Angle R = 0 101/8 0 101/8 ’= ’= a=45。 R=O 1/4 max u=60。 Tolerances As Oelailed (see 3.13.1) As Fit.Up (see 3.13.1) Allowed Welding Positions +1/16 , -0 +1/16 , -0 +100 , -0。 +1116 , -1/8 AII ~O +1/4 , -0 +0 , -1/8 +100 , -0。 100 , -5。 Not limited 10。’ -5。 ~1/16 AII Gas ShiFeCldAinWg for Nol required F Figure 3.J (Continued)-Prequalifled CJP Groove Welded Joint Details (see 3.13) (Di mensions in Inches) 87 Notes C, d, e, j a, c , d , j C, d , j AWS D1 ,1/D1 , lM:2015 CLAUSE 3 , PREQUALl FICATION OF WPS5 See Notes on Page 65 τ ScIjonorginnleel bevel groove weld (4) kf、-~‘ 끼joint (C) r4 ’v|}\/7 BACKGOUGE 짧3 Base Metal Thlckness (U = unlimited) Welding Process Joint Designation T , Groove Preparation , T TC-U4b U U GMAW FCAW TC-U4b-GF U U R = 0 to 1/8 ’ =Otol/8 a=450 SAW TC-U4b-S U U R=O ~O +1/4 , -0 ’ = 114 max +0 , -1/8 +100, _0 0 10 0 , _5。 a = 60 0 , κ | 뼈ldmg JOInl Process I Desi영 nation 8-U5b SMAW | ~-"" F-/ ’v ,.A1 Figure AII ~1/16 Groove Preparatìon 환 I~ ~찌@ U TC-U5a S1p/4acxerR: Notes Not required d, e, g, j, k a, d , g , j, k 계1 d, g, j, k F As Detailed (5ee 3, 13, 1) M I Ga5 ShiFeC1dA1nWg lor T이 erances 、 1 8ase Metal Thickness (U = unlimited) Allowed Welding Positions Root Face R =:tO 1=+1116,-0 0;=+10'。’ 4。 략뀔또고팩두흐 Angle Allowed Welding Positions R = 1/4 ’= 0 to 1/8 | α=45。 제1 R = 114 ’ =Oto 1/8 3 α=45。 계1 R=3/8 I=Oto 1/8 1"=30。 Ga5 Shielding 10rFCAW F, OH 3.J (Continued)-Prequalified CJP Groove Welded Joint Details (see 3.13) (Di mensions in Inches) 88 빼 一 빡 빼 般 빡 -빼 t +1/16 , -1/8 Not limited 100, ←ι←50 願쐐| 上 a A5 Fit-Up (5ee3 ,13,1) +1/16 ‘ 0 +1/16‘ -0 +10 0, -0。 繼띤 시/껴니」 커 \/ As Detailed (5ee3 ,13,1) Root Face Groove Angle SMAW Double-bevel-groove weld (5) 8utt joint (8) τjoint (T) Corner joint (C) T혀 erances Ro。‘ 。 pemng Notes C, d , e , h, j | d, e , 91 끄파 k | d, e , gj h, j , k CLAUSE 3. PREQUA Ll FICATION OF WPSs AWS D 1.11D1.1M‘ 2015 8ee Notes on Þage 65 Double.b.vel-groove weld (5) Butl jolnl (B) a ^'d'b(\ 「행f난 "--J f-" ~, Base Metal Thickness (U = unlimiled) Process I , Designation SMAW T U B-U5a 1-1 Groove Preparation Tolerances Root Opening Root Face Groove Angle R=0101/8 0 101/8 ’= α=45。 P=O'1015。 U 1-1 * R = 0 10 1/8 ’ =01。 α=45。 As Delail.d (s.e 3.13.1) As FιUp (see 3.13.1) +1/16 , --0 +1/16‘ -0 +1/16 , -118 ß=O'1015。 Allowed Welding Positions Gas Shielding lor FCAW g+r 0+-150。。 +1/16 , --0 +1/16 , -0 +1/16 , -1/8 Nolllmiled α+p= AII 계1 I Noles I c, d,., Not limited Q+P n+1。0。。 a+ ,P-=O +100 , -0 0 BACKGOUGE h, j Nol r.qulred I a, c , d, I h, j Gas ShiFeCldAinwg lor Notes 0 +10 , -5。 Double-bevel-groove weld (5) Cτojorlnnelr(Tjo)int (C) lf/-i Groove Preparation Base Metal Thickness (U = unlimiled) WPreolcdelnsgs Joint Designation T SMAW TC-U5b U , , Tolerances RoRoo!oOtpFeancleng T Groove Angle U R = 0 10 1/8 TC-U5-GF U U α= 45 SAW TC-U5-S U U R=O 1= 114 max. 0 (l = 60 Posltions +1116 , --0 +1/16 , -0 +10 0 , --0 0 +1/16 , -118 AII Nollimil.d + 10 , _5。 씨| ~O +1/16, --0 0 Fi gure 3.J (Continued)-PrequaIi fied 0 +0 , -3/16 ~1I1 6 +10 ,-0 +10 0 , -5。 0 0 d, e, g, h, j , k Nol required F CJP Groove Welded Joint Deta iI s (see 3.13) (Dimensions in Inches) 89 We떠 Ing As FiI-Up (s •• 3.13.1) 1=0101/8 GMAW FCAW Allowed As Detaîled (s •• 3.13.1) a , d , 9k, h, j, d ,j g , k, h1 I CLAUSE 3. PREQUA Ll FICATION OF WPSs AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 See Notes on Page 65 S1ngle-U 9(inBmt)(oCv)e we1d (6) Bult joint Corner jo r Tolerances 카kf、,‘ ‘\ BACK- { 」LR}감 니 BACK GOUGE 옳펼 As Detailed (see 3.13.1) As Fi\-Up (see3.13.1) R = +1/16 ,-0 a::: +10 0 , _0 0 1= ,, 1/16 r=+ 1I8, -0 +1/16 , -1/8 +10 0 , -5。 Not Li mited + 1/8, -0 • 8ase Metal Thickness (U = unlimi\ed) Welding Process Joint Designalion , , T T Root Opening R=0\01/8 R = 0 \01/8 R = 0 \01/8 R = 0 \01/8 R = 0 \01/8 R=0\01/8 B-U6 U C-U6 U U B-U6-GF C-U6-GF U U U SMAW GMAW FCAW Bu 띠oin\ Groove Angle α = 45。 a::: 20 0 " =45。 ,,= 20。 a =20。 ,, =20。 Root Face Bevel Radius Allowed Welding Positions = 1/8 1= 1/8 1= 1/8 1= 1/8 1= 118 1= 118 r = 1/4 r = 1/4 r = 1/4 r = 1/4 r = 114 r = 1/4 AII F, OH AII F, OH AII AII ’ 노 Dou 비 e-U-groove we띠 Groove Preparation (7) (B) rS"Y n SMAW , T • +10".-5 。 o 1 No\ Li mi\ed For B-U7-S R=+0 +1/16 ,-0 q=+10 ,• 0' I +10' ,송O f =+0 , -1/4 ,, 1/16 r =+1/4 , • o ,, 1116 I 0 ’ , I +1/16.-1/8 +100 • -00 므간깐=뜨"띤힌 8ase Metal Thickness (U =unli ni\ed) T FiιUp For B-U7 and B-U7-GF rε딴 JOin! Designalion As 1 (see3.13.1) R=+1/16.-0 r f = +1/1 κ lI Not req Not req d , e, j d , e, j d , e, 9, j d , e, g, j a , d, j a, d , 9, j As Detailed (see3.13.1) g::: W빼g Process Notes 꺼blerances BACKGOUGE A Gas S 1lFeCldA1nWg lor Groove Preparation Root 。 pemng Groove Angle Root Face Bevel Radius Allowed Welding Positions 0: =45。 r = 1/4 r = 1/4 AII F. OH R=0\01/8 R = 0 \01/8 a =:: 200 1= 1/8 1= 1/8 B-U7 U GMAW FCAW B-U7-GF U R=0\01/8 α::: 200 f = 1/8 r = 1/4 제1 SAW B-U7-S U R=O ,,= 20。 f = 1/4 max ‘ r = 1/4 F Gas ShlFeCldA1nWg for No\ ~e~~i;ed Figure 3 ,~ (Continued)-Prequalified CJP Groove Welded Joint Details (see 3,13) (Di mensions in Inches) 90 Notes d, e, h, j d , e, h, j I , d, j, h 8 I d , h, j CLAUSE 3. PREQUA Ll FICATl ON OF WPSs AWS D l.l /D1.1M:2015 See No!es on Page 65 Single-J-groove weld (8) 8utl joint (8) γòlerances As Detailed (see3.13.1) As Fit-Up (see 3.13.1) 8-U8 and 8-U8-GF +1/16 , -1/8 R = +1/16,-0 α = +1 앙,-0。 +10", -5。 Not Li mited f = +118 , -0 ,, 1/16 r= +1/4 ,-0 8-U8-S R = ,, 0 +1/4 , O 0 0 +10인 -5。 α = +10 ,--0 ,,1/16 f = +0 , -1/8 ,, 1/16 r = +1/4 ,-0 • 8ase Metal Thickness (U = unlimited) Welding Process Joint Deslgnation T SMAW GMAW FCAW 8-U8 U 8-U8-GF 8-U8-S SAW Groove Preparation Allowed 。 pening Root Face Bevel Radius Positions R=Oto 1/8 a = 45 0 1 = 1/8 r=3/8 AII U R = 0 to 1/8 0: = 1/8 r =3/8 AII U R=O 1 = 1/4 max ‘ r = 3/8 F , T =300 a=45。 ’ cs,。nmrgnnleelr-(JTj。-)g1nro!o(Cve) weld (8) 끼 8ACKGOUGE 8ase Melal Thickness (U = unllmited) TC-U8a T, U , T Groove Preparalion R∞! Groove Angle 。 pening c, d , j As Fit-Up (see3.13.1) TC-U8a and TC-U8a-GF R = +1/16 , O +1/16 , -1/8 +10 0 , -5。 a=+100 ,--QO 1=+1/16 , O Not Li mited ,, 1/1 6 r=+1/4 , -0 TC-U8a-S R = ,, 0 +114 , -0 ((=+10 0 , _0 0 +10 0 I 쟁。 ,, 1116 f= +0, -118 ,,1/16 r = +1/4 ,-0 Root Face Bevel Radius • Allowed Welding Positions R=Oto 1l8 <<= 45。 f = 118 r = 3/8 셰l R = 0 to 1/8 <<= 30。 1= 1/8 r= 3/8 F, OH <<= 30'。 ’= 1/8 r= 318 AII f = 1/4 max ‘ r = 3/8 F Gas ShiFeCldA1nWg lor Notes Not required d, e, g, j, k d , e, 9, j, k a, d , g , j, k U GMAW FCAW TC-U8a-GF U U R=Oto 1/8 SAW TC-U8a-S U U R=O Figure a , c , d, j • 많핍 SMAW Not req As Detailed (see3.13.1) h Joint Designalion Notes c , d , e, j Tolerances /4Lk\ri Weldlng Process Gas ShiFeCldAlnWg lor W잉 ding Groove Angle , Root α=45。 3.J (Continued)-Prequalified CJP Groove Welded Joint Details (see 3.13) (Di mensions in Inches) 91 d, g, j , k CLAUSE 3. PREQUA Ll FICATION OF WPSs AWS D1.1 /0 1.1 M:2015 See Notes on Page 65 Doub18-J(gBr)oove weld (9) Bult joint Tolerances As Detailed (see3.13.1) As Fit.Up (see3.13.1) R = +1/16 , -0 +10" , -0。 +1/16 , -1/8 +10 0 , -5。 Not Umited ,,1/16 α … 1=+1/16 , -0 r=+1/8 , ‘굉 / 이 Base Metal Thickness (U = unlimite이 Welding Process SMAW GMAW FCAW Joint Designation B.U9 B.U9.GF T, , T M없 Groove Preparation Root Groove Angle 。 pemng R = 0 to 1/8 U cf. α=30。 R = 0 to 1/8 U Double.J.groove weld (9) T.joint (D Corner joint (C) = 45" Root Face 1= 1/8 ’= 1/8 8evel Radius r= 3/8 r= 3/8 Allowed Welding Posilions Gas Shi허ding 10rFCAW Notes C, d , e , AII Not required AII h, j a, C, d, h, j Tolerances k,fν-、i BACKGOUGE h}v-7 As Detalled (see3.13.1) As Fit.Up (see3.13.1) R=+1/16 , O a = +10" , -0。 1 = +1/16 , -0 r=1/8 , -0 +1/16 , -1/8 +100 , ←5。 • Not Umited ,, 1116 파입 8ase 뼈 etal Thickness (U = unlimited) Welding Process SMAW GMAW FCAW J이 nt Oesignation TC.U9a TC.U9a.GF T, U U , T Groove Preparation Root Opening Groove Angle Allowed Welding Positions (( = 45。 ’= 1/8 r= 3/8 AII R=Otol/8 α =30。 1= 1/8 r= 3/8 F, OH R=Otol/8 ((= 1= 1/8 r= 3/8 AII 30。 Figure 3.~ (Continued)-Prequalified CJP (see Bevel Radius R = 0 to 1/8 U U Root Face Gas ShlFeC1dAinVgV lor Not required Gl'Oove Welded Joint Details 3.13) (Di mensions in Inches) 92 Notes d, e, 9k, h, j , d, e, g, h, k a, d , gk, h, j , CLAUSE 3. PREQUA Ll FICATION OF WPSs AWS 0 1. 1/01.1 M‘ 2015 See Notes on Page 65 Square-groovs weld (1) 8utt joint (8) Cornerjoint (C) l FCAW GMAW Groove Preparation 8ase Metal Thickness (U = unllmited) 빼1ding J。1n! Process \ Designation SMAW C- L1 a B-Lla ALL OIMENSIONS IN mm T , 8- L1 a 6max. C-L1a 6max. 8- L1 a-GF Tolerances Allowed As FIt-Up1 (see3.13.1) Weldll。1nng‘ Positions Gas SheFCldA1nWg for T Root Opening As Detailed (ses 3.13.1) R=T +2 ,--0 +6 , -2 AII e, j U R=T +2 ,-0 +6, -2 AII e, j +2 ,-0 +6, -2 AII , , , R=T, 10max Not requlred Notes a, j Square-groove wsld (1) 8utt joint (8) j펀조 수 ~~R ALL OIMENSIONS IN mm Groove Preparation 8ase Metal Thlckness (U = unllmite이 Welding Process Joint Designation SMAW 8- L1 b GMAW FCAW SAW SAW 8ACKGOUGE (EXCEPT 8- L1 -S) T , T , Tolerances Allowed Gas Root Opening As Ostalled (ses 3.13.1) As Fit-Up (see 3.13.1) PWoeSl1dli。1nngs fSohrlFeC1dA1nwg R= T 낳‘ +2 ,--0 +2 , -3 AII 6max. 8- L1 b-GF 10max R=Oto3 +2 ,-0 +2 , -3 AII 8- L1 -S 8- L1 a-S 10 max 16max R= 。 ~O R=O ~O +2 , -0 +2 ,-0 F F Figure 3.J (Continued)-Prequalified CJP (see 3.13) Gl'OOVe 93 섭, e , Not requlred Welded Joint Details (Di mensions in Millimeters) Notes j a, d, j L<lJ CLAUSE 3. PREQUALl FICATION OF WPSs AWS D1.1/D 1.1 M:2015 See Notes on Page 65 SτCqojourinanerter(T-jgo)rinot。(vCe we버 (1 ) lfk-、i (C) BACKGOUGE f- 7 '/ v ALL DIMENSIONS IN mm Groove Preparation Base Metal Thickness (U = unlimited) Welding Process Joint Designation SMAW TC-L 1b GMAW FCAW SAW , Tolerances As Delailed (5ee 3.13.1) As Fit-Up (5ee3.13.1) AHowed Welding Positions +2 , -0 +2 , -3 계| , T 6max. U TC- L1 -GF 10 max. U R = 0 to 3 +2 ,• O +2 , -3 AII TC-L1-S 10 max. U R=O .0 +2 ,• O F T Root Opening R= :';l‘ 2 • Gas Shielding for FCAW d, e, g Not required To!erances \Y * ALLDIMENSI 。 、JSINmm Process SMAW B-U2a 8ase Melal Thickness (U = unlimited) T , , T B-U2a-GF U SAW SAW B-L2a-S B-U2-S 50 max. U As Detailed (5ee 3.13.1) A5 Fit-Up (5ee 3.13.1) R = +2 ,• O a=+10 0 -0。 +6 , -2 +100 , -5。 ’ 뉴← R Groove Preparation Root Opening R=6 R = 10 R = 12 R=5 R = 10 R=6 R=6 R = 16 U GMAW FCAW / 극조 수 Joint Designation a, d , 9 d, g Single-V g(Bro)ove we띠 (2) BuU joint We띠 'n9 Notes Groove Angle α=45。 0: 0: = = 30。 20。 a = 30 0 a = 30 0 0: = 45。 0: = 30。 0: = 20 。 Allowed Welding Positions AII F, V, OH F, V, OH F, V, OH F, V, OH F, V, OH F F Ga5 ShiFeCldA1nWg for Notes Bequired Not req Not req e, j e, j e, j a, J a, j a, j Figure 3.J (Continued)-Prequalified CJP Groove Welded Joint Details (see 3.13) (Di mensions in Millimeters) 94 CLAUSE 3. PREQUA Ll FICATION OF WPSs AWS D 1. 1/Dl.1M:2015 See Notes on page 65 Tolerances SCionrgnleer-V log1nro!o (Cve) weld (2) 월5조 SMAW Base Metal Thickness (U = unlimiled) Joint Designation T C-U2a As Fil-Up (see 3.13.1) R=+2 ,-o a = +10'>,-{)。 +10치 -5。 +6 , -2 」밸R ALL DIMENSIONS IN mm Welding Process /\ As Detailed (see 3.13.1) , U , T Root Opening C-U2a.GF U U SAW SAW C-L2a-S C-U2-S 50max. U U U Groove Angle α=45。 R=6 R = 10 R = 12 R=5 R = 10 R=6 R=6 R= 16 U GMAW FCAW Allowed Groove Preparalion PVoVesi!dtioinngs 30。 α= 30。 Rι 。H <> = <> = 45。 R 끼 OH 30。 α= 20 0 F F 30 0 α=20。 <> = Notes e, o e, o 씨! F, V, OH F, V, OH F, V, OH α= Gas Sh1F8C1dAlnW9 lor e ,。 Required Nol req Not req a a, o a, o o o Single-ν g(Bm)ove w8버 (2) Buttj이 nl r、、 BACKGOUGE ALL DIMENSIONS IN mm 8ase Metal Th!ckness (U = unlimiled) Welding Process Joint Designation T , SMAW B-U2 U GMAW FCAW B-U2-GF U 。ver 12 1025 SAW B-L2c-S Over25 1038 Over 38 1050 Figure , T Groove Preparation Roo! 。PFa8ncelng Root Groove Angle R = 0 103 1=0103 0 α= 60 R=0103 1=0103 0 0: = 60 R=O f=6max. 0 0: = 60 R=O 1=12max α= ’ To erances As Detailed (see 3.13.1) As F1l-Up1 (see 3.13.1) +2 ,-0 +2 ,-0 +10 0 , -0。 +2 , -0 +2 ,-0 + 10 0 ,-0 0 +2 , -3 Nolllmiled +10 0 , -5。 +2 , -3 Not limited +10 0 , -5。 R=.O 1=+00, a = +10 ,--00 +2 , -0 .2 +10 0 , -5。 ’ 60 0 제 lowed Gas Welding Posilions ShlFeC 벼A1nWg lor d , e, j AII AII Nol required F R=O 1=16max <>= 60。 3.J (Continued)-Prequalified CJP Groove Welded Joint Details (see 3.13) (Di mensions in Millimeters) 95 Noles a, d , j d‘ j I AWS D1.1/D1. 1M:2015 CLAUSE 3. PREQUA Ll FICATION OF WPSs See Notes on Page 65 SCionrgnlee-rV j。gjnmtove we1d (2) (C) k、i r4c BACKGOUGE /\ ALL DIMENSIONS IN mm Groove Preparation Base Metal Thîckness (U = unlimlled) Welding process Joint Designatíon C-U2 SMAW Tolerances RoRoOtOOlpFaenceing , , T U T Groove Angle U R = 0 10 3 1=0103 0:= 60。 GMAW FCAW C-U2-GF SAW C-U2b-S U R = 0 10 3 1=0103 U 0:= 60。 U R = 0 10 3 f = 6 max U ‘ 0:= 60。 Doubj。1e1nV!(gBr)o ove we1d (3) Butt As Detailed (see3.13.1) As Fjl-Up1 (see 3.13.1) +2 , -0 +2 , -0 +100, _0 0 +2 , -0 +2 ,-0 +10 0, -0。 otO +0 ,• 6 +10 0, -ÛO +2 , -3 Not 1i mited +10 0, …5。 Gas ShiFeCldA1nWg lor Allowed Welding Positions d, e, g, j AII +2 , -3 Not limited +100, -5。 +2 , -0 .2 Notes NOI required AII a, d , g , j d , g, j F 0 +10 , -5。 Tolerances \ BACKGOUGE I J As Detailed (see 3.13.1) As Fit-Up (see3.13.1) R=otO l=otO +6 ,-0 +2 ,-0 +10 0, _50 +2 , -0 +3 , -0 α =+10 ,-0。 0 Spa|l「 SSMAAWW fJ otO otO ‘ ALL DIMENSIONS IN mm Base Metal Thickness (U = unlimited) Welding Process SMAW SAW Joint Designation T , T ‘ Groove Preparation AlI owed Groove Angle 0: = 45。 a = 30 0 W밍 ding Root Opening Root Face 1=0103 1=0103 1=0103 α=20。 F, V, OH 1=0106 a=20。 F B-U3a U Spacer = 1/8 x R R=6 R = 10 R = 12 B-U3a-S U Spacer = 1/4 x R R = 16 Positions Gas Shielding lor FCAW AII R 끼 OH Figure 3.J (Continued)-Prequalified CJP Groove Welded Joint Details (see 3.13) (Dimensions in Millimeters 96 Notes d, 6 , h, d , h, j AWS D1.1/D l.l M:2015 CLAUSE 3. PREQUA Ll FICATION OF WPSs See Notes on Page 65 Doubloell1Vt-(gBr)o ove VJ허d (3) Bull For B-U3c-S only \/ , OV8r 50 60 80 90 100 120 140 { , 8ase Melal Thickness (U = unlimiled) Joint Designation SMAW GMAW FCAW B-U3b SAW T , , T B-U3c-S U Root Opening Root Face Groove Angle Tolerances As Detailed (see3.13.1) As Fil-Up (see3.13.1) =: , SMAW B-U4a U GMAW FCAW B-U4a-GF U SAW B-U4a-S U , Notes d , e, h, j Nol required a , d, h , j d , h, j F As Detailed (see3.13.1) g a R = +2 , -0 +10" , _0 0 ‘ ‘ As Fil-Up (see3.13.1) +6 , -2 +10。’ -5。 F\ |7|• T lor T 1 - (Sl + f) R .J T 50 Gas ShlFeC 띠A1nWg AII +2 ,-0 +6 , -0 +10" , -5。 」 8ase Metal Thickness (U =: unlimite이 , τblerances // Joint Designation 35 45 55 60 70 80 95 AII +10 0 , -5。 /꺼 • Allowed Welding Positions +2 , -3 Not limited -、/、 ALL DIMENSIONS IN mm , Groove Preparation R = 0 10 3 +2 ,-0 1=0103 +2 ,-0 0 +10" , -0。 a=ß=60 R=O +2 ,• O f=6min +6 ,• O +10" , _0 0 a=ß=600 To find 8 1 see table above: 8 2 U B-U3-GF Single-bevel-groove weld (4) Bull joinl (B) Welding Process 10 60 80 90 100 120 140 160 ForT 1 > 160orT1 효 S = 213 (T -6) ALL DIMENSIONS IN mm Welding Process S T BACKGOUGE Groove Preparation Root Openìng R=6 R = 10 R=5 R=6 R = 10 R = 10 R=6 Allowed We띠 'ng Groove Angle Positions a ,응 45。 계1 α= 30。 AII a=300 a =45。 a= 30。 ((=30" 계1 α= 45。 AII F, H Gas ShiFeC!dAjnW9 for Notes Required Nol req Not req c , e, j C, e, J a , c, j a , c, J a , C, J F Figure 3.J (Continued)-Prequalified CJP Groove Welded Joint DetaiIs (see 3.1 3) (Di mensions in MiII imeters) 97 C, j AWS D1. lID 1.1 M:2015 CLAUSE 3. PREQUA Ll FICATION OF WPSs See Notes on page 65 Tolerances ST-ilnOgln1el bevel groove weld (4) m Corner joint (C) |\ lL\-7 As Detailed (see3.13.1) As Fit-Up (see 3.13.1) R = +2 ,-0 a = +10 0 , _0 0 +10。’ -5。 +6 , -2 ALL DIMENSIONS IN mm Welding Process Joint Designation 8ase Metal Thickness (U = unllmiled) T , Groove Preparation , T Root Opening Groove Angle α=45。 R=6 SMAW TC-U4a U SAW TC-U4a-GF U TC-U4a-S U Gas ShiFeCldAnW9 for U 0: AII 。 30。 e, g, k , F, V, OH 。 R=5 0: = 30 。 AII Required R = 10 ,,= 30。 F Not req R=6 0: = 45。 AII Not req a, g, k , o a, g, k , o a, g, k , o 0 R = 10 R=6 U = Notes e, 9, k , U R = 10 GMAW FCAW Allowed Welding Positions a = 30 = 45。 0: F g, κ o SBiuntgtjleoinblev (Be)1 gro。ve we1d (4) /"、 」끼」 |\ ALL DIMENSIONS IN mm Groove Preparalion 8ase Melal Thickness (U = unlimited) Welding Process Joint Designation T SMAW GMAW FCAW B-U4b U B-U4b-GF U B-U4b-S U SAW , , T BACKGOUGE Tolerances Root Opening As Detailed (see 3.13.1) As Fit-Up (see3.13.1) +2 , -3 Not limited α=45。 +2 ,-0 +2 , -0 +10 0 , -0。 R=O f=6max. 0: = 60。 土O +0, -3 +10 0 , -0。 +6 , -0 <2 10 0 , -ιι5。 R = 0 10 3 f=Ot03 10 0 , -5。 Allowed Welding Positions Gas Shielding for FCAW 계l Not required F Figure 3.J (Continned)-Prequalified CJP Groove Welded Joint Details (see 3.13) (Di mensions in Millimeters) 98 Notes I c, d , e, j AII a, c , d , j c, d, j I AWS D1.1/D 1. 1M:2015 CLAUSE 3. PREQUA Ll FICATION OF WPS8 See Notes on Page 65 Sτclojnorginnleet bevel-groove weld (4) k、--" omern jO)1nl (C) rLf }lv|\/7 BACKGOUGE 짧그 ALL DIMENSIONS IN mm Base Metal Thickness (U = unlimiled) Welding Process I SMAW I GMAW FCAW SAW Joint Designation T , , T Groove Preparation R。Roolo。tpFearcieing Groove Angle TC.U4b U U R=0103 f= 0103 TC-U4b.GF U U α=45。 TC.U4b.S U U R=O f=6max. α= 60。 Double.bevel.groove weld (5) Bult join t( B) τjoinl (T) Corner joinl (C) Tolerances As Detailed (8ee 3.13.1) Allowed A8 Fil-Up (8ee 3.13.1) +2 ,-0 +2 ,--0 +10" , _0" +2 ,• 3 Not limited 10" , “5。 .0 +0 , -3 +10" , --0" +6 ,-0 "2 10", -5。 We어 'ng Posilions Ga8 smFeCldAlnW9 for Notes Nol required d, e, g, j, k a, d, g, j, k AII 계| d , g, j , k F Tolerances f,k -、A As Delailed (8ee 3.13.1) A8 Fil.Up (8ee 3.13.1) R ="0 f=+2,• O +6 , -0 ,, 2 a=+10。’-()。 +10인 -5。 +2 ,•• O +3 ,• O BACKGOUGE f Flv-/7 타f I Spacer 셨설 ALL DIMENSIONS IN mm Base Melal Thickness (U = u 미 imite이 Welding Process Joint Designalion T, B.U5b U Spacer = 1/8 x R TC-U5a U Spacer = 1/4 x R SMAW , T Groove Preparation Allowed Weldlng Positions Root üpening Root Face Groove Angle R=6 f = 0 10 3 (( = 45" AII R=6 f=Olo 3 a=45。 AII R = 10 f=0103 α =30。 F, OH Ga8 ShlFeC!dAinWg for U Figure 3.J (Continued)-Prequalified CJP Groove Welded Joint Details (see 3.13) (Di mensions in Millimeters) 99 Notes C, d, e, h, j d , e, g, h, j , k 강, e , g , h, j , k CLAUSE 3 , PREQUALl FICATION OF WPS5 AWS D1 ,lID 1.1 M‘ 2015 See Noles on page 65 Double-bevel-groove Bull joinl (B) w히d (5) / BACKGOUGE \ ALL DIMENSIONS IN mm 8ase Metal Thickness (U = unlimiled) Welding Process Joint Designation SMAW T B-U5a , , T Groove Preparation RoRo。t。OtpFeance1ng Groove Angle A5Delailed (5ee 3 ,13,1) As Flt-U3p.1 (5ee 3 ,13,1) R=0103 =0103 +2 ,-0 +2 ,-0 +2 ,-3 Not limited ’ U α=45。 R=0103 =0103 Q+ ,P= 0 +100 +2 ,-0 +2 ,--0 ~=001015。 Q+ ,P-=O +10 0 ~=001015。 GMAW FCAW B-U5-GF Tolerances ’ U α=45。 。 Allowed Ga5 Weld!iolnmg Posilions lS。hriFeCldAlnWg +2 , -3 Not limited 。 , d, e, h, j C 예l Q+ ,p-=5。 +10。 Notes AII NOI requlred a, c , d , h, j Allowed Welding Positions Ga5 ShlFgC1dAinWg for Notes Q+ ,P-=5。 +10。 Double-bevel-groove we여 (5) τcj。orinnetr(Tj。)ln! (C) !강 -.|5 V 휴i」T1 Groove Preparation 8ase Melal Thickness (U = unlimited) J이 nt Welding Process Deslgnation T SMAW TC-U5b GMAW FCAW TC-U5-GF TC-U5-S BACKGOUGE “1뼈 j합 a 많묘 ALL DIMENSIONS IN mm SAW |}\-7 , , Tolerances RoRootoOtpFeanc81ng T Groove Angle U U R=0103 f=0103 U U a=45。 U R=O f=6max. U α=60。 」 A5Detalled (5ee 3 ,13,1) A5 Fit-Up (5ee 3 ,13,1) +2 ,--0 +2 , -0 +100, -0。 +2 , -3 Not limited +10 0, _50 .0 +0 , -5 +100, -0。 +2 , -0 .2 +10치 _50 d , e , gki h , j, AII AII Not requirE:!~ F Figure 3.J (Continued)-Prequalified CJP Groove Welded Joint Details (see 3.13) (Di mensions in Millimeters) 100 a , d , kg , 월, j , d ,L g k, h , AWS D1. lI D1.1M:2015 CLAUSE 3. PREQUA Ll FICATION OF WPSs See Notes on Page 65 Single-U-groove Bult joinl (B) Corner joinl (C) we 여 (6) 램펼 Tolerances r ~、 BACK- ‘\ 빡려찮 4R 핀 니, A As Fil-Up (see 3.13.1) As Detailed (see 3.13.1) BACKGOUGE +2 , -3 R = +2 ,-0 "… +10 ,-0。 0 +10" ,-→5。 Not Li mited 1= .2 r= +3 ,• O A ~;'+R 관 +3 , ~O f .J ALL DIMENSIONS IN mm 8ase Metal Thickness (U = unlimiled) Welding Process Joint Designalion T , B-U6 U C-U6 U B-U6-GF C-U6-GF U U , T Root Opening U R=0103 R = 0 10 3 R = 0 10 3 R = 0 10 3 R = 0 10 3 R = 0 10 3 SMAW GMAW FCAW Groove Preparation U Double-U-gBr)o ove we!d (7) Bult joinl ( Groove Angle Root Face ,,= 45。 ’• u= 20。 ,,= 45。 a= 20。 0: :::: 20 0 “ 20。 ν r~ , T, _/ ;、 3 1= 3 ‘ =3 1= 3 1= 3 1= 3 Allowed BeveJ Radius r= 6 r:::: 6 f= 6 r=6 r= 6 r= 6 Gas W잉ding Positions ShiFeCldAinVgV lor Notes Not req Not req d, e, j d, e, j d, e, g, j d, e, g , j a, d , j a, d, g , j AII F, OH AII F, OH ’ AI AII Tolerances BACKGOUGE As Detailed (see 3.13.1) As Fil-Up (see 3.13.1) For B-U7 and B-U7-GF R=+2 ,• O +2 , -3 α =+10 ,-0。 +100 , -5。 1= 土2 , -0 Not Li mited .2 r=+6 ,-o For B-U7응 R +0 +2 ,• O +100 , ←~5。 ((:::+10" ,-0。 0 • 1=+0, -6 f=+6 ,“g BaseMetal τhickness (U = unlimiled) Welding Process SMAW GMAW FCAW SAW Joint Des 히1밍 gna 히tion , T , T Groove Preparation Root Opening Groove Angle Root Face Bevel Radius Allowed Welding Positions a=45。 a::: 20" 1=3 1= 3 r=6 r =6 AII F, OH 0: ::: 20 0 1=3 r=6 에1 f=6max. r=6 F B-U7 U R = 0 10 3 R = 0 10 3 B-U7-GF U R = 0 10 3 B-U7-S U R=O ,,= 20。 û 土2 Gas ShlFeCldAinWg lor Nol required Figure 3.J (Continued)-Pl'equalified CJP GI'OOVe Welded Joint Details (see 3.13) (Dimensions in Millimetel's) … m Notes d , e, h , j d , e, h, j a, d, h , j d , h, j I I I CLAUSE 3. PREQUA Ll FICATION OF WPSs AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 See Notes on page 65 ’ Single-J-groove weld (8) Bult joinl (B) To erances As Detailed (see3.13.1) ALL DIM Er、ISIONS B-U8 and B-U8-GF R=+2 , -0 +2 ,-: 0 α= +10 0 , _0 +10" , -5。 1=+3, -0 Not limited x1/16 r= +6 , -0 B-U8-S +3 ,• O R=xO 0 +10" , -5。 α = +10" ,-0 1= +0 , -1/8 x2 r = +6 ,-0 x2 INmm 8ase 뼈 etal Thickness (U = unlimiled) Groove Preparation Root Opening Groove Angle Root Face Bevel Radius Allowed Welding Positions U R = 0 10 3 a 45。 1=3 r=10 AII B-U8-GF U R = 0 10 3 α=30。 1=3 r = 10 AII B-U8-S U R=O a=45。 1=6 max r = 10 F Welding Process Joint Designation T SMAW GMAW FCAW B-U8 SAW As Fil-Up (see3.13.1) , , T SτIjnOglnlet (J끼groove weld (8) … h Notes C, d, e, j Not req a, c , d, j c , d, j Tolerances rκ ,f、--" Corner joinl (C) Gas Shielding 10rFCAW As Oetaìled (see 3.13.1) BACKGOUGE As Fil-Up (see 3.13.1) TC-U8a and TC-U8a-GF R = +2 , -0 +2 , -3 u. +100 , -0。 +10 0 , -5。 Not Li mited 1 = +2 ,-0 x1/16 r = +6 ,• O TC-U8a-S R=xO +6 ,-0 a … +100 , -0。 +10 0 , -5。 1 = +0 , -3 x2 r=+6 , -0 x2 •• 많핍 ALL DIMENSIONS IN mm 8ase Metal Thickness (U = unlimiled) J이 nl Welding Process Designation T SMAW TC-U8a U , , T Groove Preparation Allowed We어 'ng Root Opening Groove Angle Root Face Bevel Radius Positions R = 0 10 3 α =45。 1= 3 r = 10 AII R = 0 10 3 α =45。 1= 3 r = 10 F, OH Gas Shielding 10rFCAW Notes Nol required d, e, 9, j, k d, e, g, j, k a, d , g , j, k U GMAW FCAW TC-U8a-GF U U R=0103 a=45。 1=3 r = 10 AII SAW TC-U8a-S U U R=O a=45。 1=6 max r = 10 F ‘ Figul'e 3,:1. (Continued)-Pl'equalified CJP Gl'oove Welded Joint Details (see 3.13) (Di mensions in Millimetel's) 102 d, g, j , k AWS D 1.1 /D1.1M:2015 CLAUSE 3. PREQUALl FICATION OF WPSs See Notes on Page 65 Double-J(gBr)o ove we1d (9) Butt joint Tolerances As Detailed (see 3.13.1) As FiιUp (see 3.13.1) R=+2 , -O +2 , -3 +10 0 , -5。 NotUmited ,,2 α =+10 0 ,-0。 1= +2 , -0 r=+3 ,-o /i ACKGOUGE 이 ALL DIMENSIONS IN mm 8aSB Metal Thickness (U = unlimited) Groove Preparation 。 pening Groove Angle U U J이 nt Welding Process Designation T SMAW B-U9 GMAW FCAW B-U9-GF , , T Root 45 Root Face Bevel Radius Allowed Welding Positions R=Ot03 α= Q 1= 3 r=10 AII R=Ot03 α =30。 1=3 r= 10 AII τCD1o。oru1nnbelte「(TjJo)ignmove we띠 (9) Gas ShiFeCldAlnWg lor Notes Not required C, d, e, h, j a, C, d, h, j Tolerances t (C) As Detailed (see 3.13.1) fν-~ BACKGOUGE h}v-7 R = +2 ,-0 a = +100 , • 0 0 1=+2, -0 r = 3 ,-용 As Fit-Up (see 3.13.1) +2 , -3 +10 , -5。 0 Not Lì mited ,, 2 마핍 ALL DIMENSIONS IN mm 8aSB MetalThickness (U = unlimited) We띠 rng Process SMAW GMAW FCAW Jolnt Designation TC-U9a TC-U9a-GF , T U U , T Groove Preparation Root 。 pening Groove Angle R。이 Face Affowed Bevel Radius PWoeslj이 lionngs R=Ot03 ,,= 45。 1= 3 r = 10 AII R=Ot03 ,,= 30。 1= 3 r=10 F, OH R = 0 to 3 ,,= 30。 ’ r= 10 AII Gas ShiFeC1dAjnWg lor Notes Not required d , e , g, h, j, k d , 8 , gki h, j , a, d, g, h, j , k U U =3 Figure 3,J (Continued)-Prequalified CJP Groove Welded Joint Details (see 3.13) (Di mensions in Millimeters) 103 AWS 0 1.1 /01.1M:2015 CLAUSE 3. PREQUA Ll FICATION OF WPSs W4 (E3) (A) (8) '1'6 (E'5) (E5) (0) (C) (See Nole b) 'Oetail (0). Apply Z loss dimensíon 이 Ta비e 2.2 to determine effective throat bDetail (0) shall not be prequalified for under 30 0 , For welder qualifications , see Table 4.10 Notes 1. (E ,), (E‘,) = 티fe이 Îve throats dependent on mag미 tude 이 root ope미 ng (R ,) (see 5.2 1.1)‘ (n) represe 미s 1 through 5 2. t= hickness 01 thinner part 3. Not prequalifíed for GMAW.S or GTAW. ’ Figure 3.~Prequalified Skewed T-Joint Details (Nontubular) (see 3.9.~ 104 AWS D1 , 1/D 1. 1M:2015 CLAUSE 3, PREQUA Ll FICATION OF WPSs Notes for Figure 3.5 a Fillet weld size (“S~). See 2 .4 .2.8 and Clause 5.14 for minimum 川 let weld sizes. See Tab!e 3.7 for maximum single pass size See 5.22.1 for addilional fiH e! weld assembly requírements or exceplîons c See 2.4 .2.9 for maximum wetd size in lap joints d Perpen 이 cu!arity of the members shall be v씨 thin :t 10。 b (nejT띠lO(ln)니(t12) TC FL-aloj|o1peripet nnl wrl pj -커지 「 L)(C) R h S. h S. 、、 sV ÷뿌〈;:} ‘ 、、 ]4 丁 R ALL DIMENSIONS IN mm Base Metal Thickness Welding Process SMAW FMAW FCAW SAW Joint Design/Geometry Tolerances Joint Designalion T1 0rT2 TC-F12 TC-F12a L-F12 L-F12a TC-F12-GF TC-F12a-GF L-F12-GF L-F12a-GF TC-F12-S TC-F12a-S L-F12-S L-F12a-S <3 >3 <3 >3 <3 >3 <3 >3 <3 >3 <3 >3 Figu l'e Root Opening As Detailed R=O +1/16 , -0 R=O +1/16 , -0 R=O +1/16 , -0 As Fit-Up 3/16 max 5116 max 3/16 max‘ 5/16 max , 3/16 max‘ 5116 max 3/16 max. 5/16 max 3/16 max‘ 5116 max 3/16 max , 5/16 max. 3.5-Pl'equa Iified F iIlet Weld Joint Details (Dimensions in Inches) ~탤3겐 105 Allowed Welding Positions 계1 AII F, H Noles a, b, d a, b, d 8 , b, C a, b, c a, b, d a, b, d a, b, C a, b, C a, b, d a, b, d a, b, C a, b, c CLAUSE 3. PREQUA Ll FICATION OF WPSs AWS 01.1/D1.1M:2015 Fillet weld (12) 카 T1r τCLaojmprnnlOel1r(nTj!。)(1nt (C) p joint (L) h s , ‘ 、、 s , 、‘ #E핀ιsV ]±T ALL DIMENSIONS IN mm Base Melal Thickness Weldin9 Process SMAW FMAW FCAW SAW Joint Design/Geometry ’ Allowed To erances Joint Designalion T 1 0rT2 TC-F12 TC-F12a L-F12 L-F12a TC-F12-GF TC-F12a-GF L-F12-GF L-F12a-GF TC-F12-S TC-F12a-S L-F12-S L-F12a-S <75 Figu l'e ~75 <75 Root Opening As Detailed R=O +2 ,-0 R=O +2 ,• O R=O +2 ,‘-0 ~75 <75 ~75 <75 ;?:75 <75 ~75 <75 2:: 75 We 띠 'n9 As Fit-Up 5max‘ 8max. 5 π18X. 8max. 5max. 8max. 5max. 8max. 5max‘ 8 max. 5max. 8max. Pos il1ons AII 에1 F, H 3.5 (Continued)-Pl'equalified Fillet Weld Joint Details (Dimensions in Millimetel's) 않뿔조밍 106 Notes a, b, d a, b, d a, b , C a, b, C a, b, d a, b, d a , 섭, 0 a , b, c a, b, d a, b, d a , b, C a, b, C ’ CLAUSE 3. PREQUAL FICATION OF WPSs AWS D1.1 /D 1.1 M:2015 /----------~ ----- 、\ \ \ \ / \ / 뉴~α ~90。 / \ 11 !’ ?λ /\ / \ / 、、 \ "\ ~’ [L、x A I ___ / \l ----//t 1800 = Note: 90 0 ~ ‘P S 170。 Figm'e 3.6-Prequalifled CJP Groove, T-, and Corner Joint (see Notes for Figures 3.2 and 3.3, Note 0) 107 ‘l' X • R AWS 01.1/01.1 M:2015 This page is illtentionally blank 108 AWS Dl.l/Dl.1M:2015 4. QuaIi fication 4.1 Scope this code to qualify the 、IIPS. Properly docu l11 ented qualified under the provisions of this code by a company that Iater has a name change dlle to voluntary action 0 1' conso1idation with a parent company may utilize the new name on its WPS documents whìle maÎntaining the slI pporting PQR qualification records vith the old company name. 씨rpss The requirements for qualification testing of welding procedure specitìcatíons (WPSs) and 、.velding personnel are described as fo Il ows ‘ ‘ Pa l' t A-GeneraI Requirements. This part covers gen eral requirements of both WPS and 、,veldîng personnel perfonnance requirements. 4.2. 1.2 WPS Qualilication to Othe l' Standa l'ds. The acceptability of qllalification to other standards is the Engineer ’ s responsib i1 ity, to be exercised based upon 헨맨! the specific stmcture 0 1' service conditions , or both. AWS B2.I-X-XXX Series on Standard Welding Procedure Specifications may, in this manner, be accepted for use in this code. Pa l' t B-Weldillg P l'ocedu l'e Specificatioll (WPS) Q밴낀낀댄쉰맨. This part CQvers the qualification of a WPS that ìs not c1 assified as prequalified in conformance with Clause 3 Pa l' t C-Pel'fo l' mance Qualificatioll. This part covers the performance qualification tests required by the code to detennine a velder ’ s , velding opcrat Ol'’ s , or tack wclder's abi1 ity to produce sound 、,velds ‘ ‘ 4.2. 1.3 CVN Test Requi l'ements. Whcn required by contract documents , CVN tests shall be included in the WPS qualification. The CVN tests , requirements , and procedure shaIl be in confonnance with the provisions of Part D of this section , 0 1' as specified in the contract documents Pa l' t D-Requi l'emellts fo l' CVN Testillg, This part covers gencral requirements and procedures for CVN testing .vhen specified by the contract document~ ‘ 4.2.2 Performance Qualificatioll of Welding Personllel. 재Telders , 、.v elding operators and tack welders to be el11ployed 딴깐만s! under this code. and using the shielded arc welding SMAW, SAW, GMAW, GTAW, FCAW, ESW, or EGW processes , shall have been qualitïed by the applicable tests as described in Part C of this section (see COl11l11entary). PartA General Requiremellts 4.2 General The requirements fl이 qualification testing of WPSs and welding personnel (defined as welders , welding oper ators , and tack welders) are described in this section Previous Pe l' formance Qualification , Previous performance qua1i fication tests of 、.velders , .velding operators , and tack 、.velders that are properly docu l11ented are acceptable with the approval of the Engineer. The ac ceptability of perfonnance qua1i fication to other standards is the EngineeI ’ s responsibility, to be exercised based upon 면밴얀 the specific structure or service conditions , 0 1' both ‘ ‘ 4.2.1 W마ding Proce IU l'e S ]l ecification (WPS). Ex cept for prequalificd WPSs '"onforming to the requ미 re­ 밴엔뜨므f Clause 3 , a WPS for use in production welding shall be qualified in conformance with Clause 4, Part B Properly documented evidence of previous 까'PS qualitïcat lOn m떼 y be used Qualification Respo l1 sibility. Each manu factmcr or Contractor shall be rcsponsible for the qualification of 、.velders , 、.velding operators alld ack welders , 4.2. 1. 1 Qualification Res ]l onsibility. Each l11 anufacturer or Contractor sha1l conduct the tes rcquired by ‘ “ 109 CLAUSE 4. QUA Ll FICATION AWS D1.1 !D 1. 1M:2015 PARTSA & B PartB Welding Procedure Specification (WPS)Qualificatioll whether the qualification is cOllducted by the manufac turer, Cont l' uctor, or an independent testing agency 4.2.3 Period of Effectiveness Welders and Welding Operators. The welder ’ s or welding operatOl ’ s qualification as specified in this code 5ha11 be considered as remaining in eftèct indefinitely unless 4.4 Production Welding Positions Qualified (1) the welder is not engaged in a given proce5s of welding for which the 、.velder or 、,velding operator is qualitïed for a period exceeding six months , or The production welding positions qualified by a 센젠흐 shall confonn to the requirem밍ltS of 다젠똥표낀띤 Table 4. 1. The oroduction welding posit멘띤쁘댄탠만 a tuhular test shall conform to the reQuircments of Clause 9 and 자Ible 9.9 앤잔 (2) there is some specific reason to question a welder’S 01' welding operator ’ 5 ability (see 4 쩍.1 ). Tac l< Welders. A tack welder who passes the test described in Part C 01' those tests required for 、,velder qualification shall be considered eligible to perform tack welding indefinitely in the positions and with the process for which the tack ‘,velder is qua1i fied unless there is somc specific reason to question the tack weldcr ’ s ability (see 4.24.2). 4.5 Type of Quali야cation Tests The type and number of qualification t앉ts required to qualify a WPS for a given thickness , diumeter, or both , shall conform to Tr ble 4.2 (CJP) , Table 4.3 (PJP) or Table 4 .4 (fillet). Details on the individual NDT and mechanical test requirements are found in the following subclauses ‘ 4.3 Common Requirements for WPS and Welding Personnel Performance Qualification (1) Visuallnspection (5ee 4.9.1) (2) NDT (see 4.9.2) (3) Face , root and side bend (see 4.3.1 Q lI alification to Earlier Editiolls. Qualificatiolls which were performed to and met the requirements of eadier edition5 of AWS D l.l or AWS D I. O 01' AWS D2.0 while those editions were in effect are valid and may be used ‘ The use of eadier editions shall be prohibited for new qualifications in lieu of the current editions , unless the specific early edition is specified in the CO Iltract documents. (4) Reduced Section Tension (see 4.9.3 .4) (5) AII-Weld-Metal Tension (see (6) Macroetch (see 4.9 .4) 4.6 Weld Ty pes for WPS Qualification 4.3.2 Aging. When allowed by the filler metal specification applicable to weld metal being tested , fully welded qualification test specimens may be aged at 200 F to 220 0 F [95 0 C to IOSO C] for 48 '" 2 homs. For the purpose of WPS qualification , weld types 5hall be classified as follows: 0 (1) CJP Groove Welds for Nontubular Connections (see 4.10) 4.3.3 Reco l'ds. Records of the test results shall be kept by the manufacturer 01' Contractor and shall be made available to those authorized to examine them (2) PJP Groove Welds for Nontubular Connections (see 4.11) 4.3 .4 Positiolls of Welds. AII wεIds shall be classified as f1 at (F) , horizontal (H) , vertical (V) , 01' overhead (OH) , in conformance with the definitions shown in Figure 4.1객않땐 4 .2, 멘안깊 (3) Fillet Welds (see 4.12) (4) CJP Groove Welds for Tubular Connections (see 요객) Test assembly positions are shown in: (5) PJP Groove Welds fo1' Tubular T- , Y- , and Kconnec tÌ ons and Butt Joints (see 2.:액) (1) Figure 4.3 (groove 、,velds in platε) (6) Plug and Slot (2) Figure 4.1 (fillet welds on plate) 110 W,바ds (see 4 객) AWS D1. lID1.1M:2015 4.7 Preparation of WPS 4.9 Methods of Testing and Acceptance Criteria for WPS Qualification The manufacturer or Contractor shall prepare a written WPS that specifies all of the applicable essential variables referenced in 4.8. The specilïc values for these WPS variables shall be obtained from the procedure qualification record (PQR) , which shall serve as written confirmation of a successful WPS qualification. The welded test assemblies conforming to 4.9.2 shall have test specimens prepared by cutting the test plate as shown in Figures 4.2, through 4.1, whichever is applica ble. The test specimens shall be prepared for testing in confonnance with Figures 4. !l" 4.2, 4.띠, and 4 션, as applicable 4.8 Essential Variables 4.9.1 Visual Inspection of Welds. The visual 깐얀~ for qualification of groove and fillet welds (excluding 、.veld tabs) shall conform to the following requirements , as applicable 4.8.1 SMAW, SAW, GMAW, GTAW, and FCAW. C꺼 anges beyond the limitations of PQR essential variables for the SMAW, SAW, GMAW, GTAW, and FCAW processes shown in 돼ble 4.5 and Table 4.6 (when CVN testing is specified) shall require requalification of the WPS (see 4 .2.1.3) 댄띤E으켄댄니!! 4.9. 1.1 Visual Inspectioll of Groove Welds. Groove shall meet the following reqllirements 、velds (1) Any crack shall be unacceptable, regardless of slze 4.8.2 ESW and EGW. See Table 4.7 j)이 the PQR essential variable changes requiring WPS requalification foψ the EGW and ESW processes. (2) AII craters shall be filled to the full cross section ofthe .veld ‘ 4.8.3 Base Metal Qualification. WPSs requiring qualilìcation that llse base metals listed in Table 3.1 shall qualify other base metal gr이ps in confol1nance with Table 4.8. WPSs for base metals not listed in 암lble 3.1 or Table 4.9 shall be qualified in conformance with Clause 4. The use of unlisted base metals shall be approved by the Engineer (3) Weld reinforcement shall not exceed 1/8 in [3 mm]. The 、.veld profile shall conform to Figure 5 .4 and shall have complete fusion. (4) Undercut shall not exceed 1/32 in [1 mm] ‘ (5) The veld root for CJP grooves shall be inspected , and sha l1 not have any cracks , incomplete fusion , or inadequate joínt penetration. 씨rpSs with steels listed in Table 4.9 shall also qualify Table 3.1 or Table 4.9 , steels in conformance with Table 4 ‘ 8. 암lble 4.9 al80 contains recommendations for matching strcllgth filler mctal and minimum preheat and intcl pass temperatures for!he materials in the tableυ (6) For CJP grooves welded from one side without backing , root concavity or melt-through shall conform to the following 4.8.4 Preheat and Interpass 1농mpel'ature. The mini preheat and interpass temperature should be establîshed on the basis of steel composition as shown in Table 3. 1. A 1ternatively, recognized methods of prediction or guíde1i nes such as those p이 Dvided in Annex 딘, or other methods may be used. Preheat and ínterpass temperatures lower than requircd per τ"ble 3 3 or calculated per Annex 뀐 nay be lI sed provided they are approved by the Engineer and qualified by WPS testing. (a) The maximum root concavity shall be 1/1 6 in [2 mm] , provided the total 、,veld thickness is equal to 01" greater than that of the base metal ll1 um ’ CLAUSE 4. QUA Ll FICATION F껴 RTB (b) The maxi Illllm melt-through shall be 1/8 in [3 mm] ‘ Visual Inspection of Fillet Welds. Fillet welds shall meet the following requireme띠 s: The methods of Annex .!! are based on laboratory crack ing tests and may predict preheat temperatures higher than the minimum temperature shown in 자l비e 3. ;1,. Annex 딘 may be of value in ídentifying situations where the risk of cracking is increased due to compositîon , restraint , hydrogen level 01' lower welding heat input where higher preheat may be warranted. A1ternativ려ly, Annex 뀐 mayas잉 st in defining conditions under which hydrogen cracking is un 1i kely and where the minimum requirements ofTable 3. ;1, may be safely relaxed (1) Any crack shall be unacceptable , regardless of Slze. (2) All craters shall be filled to the full cross section ofthe veld ‘ (3) The fillet 、.veld leg sizes shall not be less than the required leg sizes. (4) The weld profile shall meet the reqllirements of Figure 5 .4 m CLAUSE 4. QUALl FICATION AWS D1. 1/D1.1M‘ 2015 F껴 RTB 1β2 in applicable. The test specimens for the longitudinal bend test shall be prepared for testing as shown in Figure 4.ll.. 4.9.2 NDT. Before preparing mechanical test speci mens , the qualification test plate , pipe , or tubing shall be nondestructively tested for soundness as follows: Acceptance Criteria for Bend Tests. The convex surface of the bend test specimen shall be visually examined for surface discontinuities. For acceptance , the surface shall contain 00 discontinuitìes ex ceeding the following dimensions (5) Base metal undercut shall not exceed [1 mm] RT or UT. Either RT or UT shall be used. The entire length of the weld in test plates, except the discard lengths at each end , shall be examined in con formance with Clause 6, Part E or F, and Clause 9. Part F for tubulars. (1) 1/8 in [3 mm] measured in any direction on the surface (2) 3/8 in [10 mm]-the sum of the great야t dimen sions of all discontinuities exceeding 1132 in [1 mmJ , but less than or equal to 118 in [3 mm] RT 01' UT Acceptance Criteria. For acceptable qualification , the weld , as revealed by RT or UT, shall conform to the requirements of Clause 6 , Part C 으I Clause 9. Part F for tubulars 4.9.3 Mech.nical Testing. Mechanical as follows testit영 (3) 114 in [6 mm]-the maximum corner crack , except when that corner crack results from visible slag inclusion or othe l' fusion type discontinuity, then the 1/8 in [3 mm] maximum shall apply shall be Root, Face, and Side Bend Specimens (see Figure 4. ll. for root and face bends , Figure 4.2 for side bends). Each specimen shall be bent in a bend test jig that meets the requirements shown in Figures 4.,끄 through 4.끄 or is substantial1 y in conformance with those figures , provided the maximum bend radius is not exceeded. Any convenient means may be used to move the plunger member with relation to he die membet Specimens with comer cracks exceeding 1μ in [6 mm] with no evidence of slag inclusions or other fusion type discontinuity shall be disregarded , and a replacement test specimen from the original 、,veldment shall be tested‘ Rednced-Section Tension Specimens (see Before testing , the least width and corresponding thickness of the reduced section shall be measured. The specimen shall be ruptured under tensile load , and the maximum load shall be determined. The cross sectional area shall be obtained by multiplying the width by the thickness. The tensile strength shall be obtained by dividing the maximum load by the cross-sectional area Fi맹I'e 4.피). ‘ The specimen shall be placed on the die member of the jig with the 、,veld at midspan. Face bend specimens shall be placed wi h the face of the 、.veld directed toward the gap. Root bend and fillet 、veld soundness specimens shall be placed with the root of the weld directed toward the gap. Side bend specimens shall be placed with that side showing the greater discontinuity, if any, directed toward the gap. ‘ Acceptance Criteria for Reduced-Section Tension Test. The tensile strength shall be no less than the minimum of the specified tensile range of the base metal used. The plunger shall force the specimen into the die until the specimen becomes U-shaped. The 、lIeld and HAZs shall be centered and completely within the bent portion of the specimen after testing. When using the wraparound jig , the specimen shall be firmly c1 amped on one end so that there is no sliding of the specimen during the bending operation. The weld and HAZs shall be completely in.the bent portion of the specimen after testing. Test specimens shall be removed from the jig when the outer roll has been moved 180 0 from the starting point AII-Weld-Metal Tension Specimen (see Figure 4.,퍼). The test specimen shall be tested in con formance with ASTM A370, Mecltanìcal 짜stìng of Steel Prodllcts 4.9.4 Mac\'oetch Test. The weld test specimens sh따 1 be prepared with a finish suitable for macroetch examination. A suitable solution shall be used for etching to give a c1 ear definition of the 、,veld Acceptance Criteria for Mac\'oetch Test. For acceptable qualification , the test specimen , when inspected visually, shall conform to the following Longitudinal Bend Specimens. When material combinations differ markedly in mechanical bending properties , as between two base materials or between the weld metal and the base metal , longitudinal bend :ests (face and roo t) may be used in lieu of the transverse face and root bend tests. The welded test assemblies conforming to 4.9.2 shall have test specimens prepared by cutting the test plate as shown in Figure 4.~ or 4.1, whichever is re띠 irements ‘ ‘ (1) PJP groove velds; the actual weld size shall be equal to or greater than the specified weld size , (E). (2) Fillet welds shall have fusion to the root of the joint, but not necessarily beyond. 112 AWS Dl.l/D 1. 1M:2015 (3) Minimum leg size sha Il meet the specified fi Il et weld size ‘ (4) The PJP groove .velds and fi Il et the following 、,velds macroetch cross section specimens shall be prlεpared to demonstrate that the designated 、.veld size (obtained from the 1'equi 1'ements of the WPS) a1'e met shaIl have 4.1 1.3 Verification of CJP Groove WPS by Macroetch. When a WPS has been qllalified fo 1' a CJP groove weld and is applied to the welding conditions of ‘1 PJP groove weld , three macroetch cross section tests specimens shall be required to demonstrate that the specified 、.veld size shaJJ be equaled 0 1' exceeded. (a) no c 1'acks 、veld CLAUSE 4. QUA Ll FICATION F껴 RTB (b) thorough fusion between adjacent layers of metal and between weld metal and base metal ‘ (c) .veld profiles confo1'ming to specified detail , but with none of the variatio J1 s prohibited in 5 정 4.11.4 Other WPS Verifications by Macroetch. If a WPS is not covered by eithe 1' 4.1 1.2 이 4.1 1.3, 0 1' if the welding conditions do not meet a prequalified status , OI if these have not been lI sed and tested fo l' a CJP weld in a butt joint , then a sample joint shaJJ be p1'e pa1'e d and the first operation shall be to make a macroetch test speci men to determine the weld size of the join t. Then , the excess material shall be machined off 011 the bottom side of the joint to the thickness of the 、,veld size. Tension al1 d bend test specimens shaIl be prepared and tests perfonned , as 1'equi 1'e d fOl' CJP groove 、velds (sce 4.10) (d) no undercut exceeding 1132 in [1 mm] 4.9.5 Retest. If any one specimen of aIl those tested fails to meet the test requirements , two retests for that particular type of test specimen may be perfOlmed with specimens cut from the same WPS qualification material. The results of both test specimens shall meet the test requirements. For material ovεr 1- 1/2 in [38 mm] thick , failure of a spec imen shall requi 1'e testing of aIl specimens of the same type from two additionallocations in the test material. 4.11.5 Flare-Groove Welds. Thc effective ‘,veld sizes fo 1' qllalified flare-g 1'oove ‘vεIds shaJJ be detenl1ined by the foJJowing ‘ 4.10 CJP Groove Welds See Table 4.2( 1) for the 1'eqlli 1'ements for qllalifying a WPS of a CJP weld onnontubllla 1' connections. See FiglI1'es 4.2,-4.1 for the appropria e test plate (1) Test sections shaJJ be used to 、'e 1'ify that the effective weld size is consistently obtained 4.10. 1.1 Corner or T-Joints. Test specimens fo 1' groove welds in corner or T-joints sha11 be butt joints having the same groove configuration as the corner or T-joint to be lI sed on construction , except the depth of groove need not exceed 1 in [25 mm]. (2) F Ol' a given set of WPS conditions , if the Contractor has demonstrated consistent production of larger effective weld sizes than those shown in Table 2.1 , the Contractor may establish such larger effiζctlve 、,veld sizes by qllalification. 4.11 PJP Groove Welds (3) Q lI alification 1'eqlli l'ed by (2) shall consist of sectioning the radiused member, normal to its axis , at midlength and ends of the .veld‘ Such sectioning shaJJ be made 011 a number of combinations of material sizes representative of the range used by the Contractor in constructlon ‘ ‘ 4.11.1 Ty pe and Number of Specimens to be Tested. The type and numbe1' of specimens that shall be tested to qualify a WPS a1'e shown in Ta ble 4.3. A sample weld shall be made using the type of groove design and WPS to be used in construction , except the depth of groove need not exceed 1 in [25 mm]. For the macroetch test requi1'e d below, any steel of Groups 1, 11, and III of Table 3.1 may be used to qllalify the weld size on any steels 0 1' combination of steels in those groups. If the PJP groove weld is to be used fo1' corne 1' 0 1' T-joints , the butt joint shall have a temporary 1'estrictive plate in the plane of the square face to simulate the T-joint configu1'ation. The sample 、I.'elds shall be tested as follows 4.12 Fillet Welds 4.12.1 Ty pe and Number of Spccimens. Except as 얀E elsewhe1'e in Clause 4 , the type and numbe l' of specimens that shall be tested to qualify a single-pass fiIlet wεId andlo1' mllltiple-pass fillet weld WPS a1'e shown m 암lble 4 .4. Qualification testing may be fo 1' eithe1' a single-pass fillet weld 0 1' lllu Jtiple-pass fiJJet weld 01' both 맥땐겐 4.12.2 Fillet Weld Test. A fiJJet welded T너oint, as shown in Figllre 4.15 fo 1' plate 0 1' Figure 잊! fo 1' pipe 4.11.2 Weld Size Verification by Macroetch. FOl WPSs which confo1'm in a Il 1'espects to C1 ause 4 , th 1'ee 113 CLAUSE 4. QUALl FICATION AWS D 1.1 /D1.1M:2015 F껴 RTB 4.13 Plug and Slot Welds (Detail A or Detail B) , shall be ll1 ade for each WPS and position to be used in CO l1 struction. Testing is required for the maximu ll1 size single-pass fillet weld and the minimum size multiple-pass fillet weld used in construction. These two fillet veld te잉s may be combined in a single test 、ι eld ll1ent or asse ll1 bly or individually qualified as standalone qualifications. Each weldment shall be cut perpendicular to the direction of welding at locations shown in Figure 4 잭 이 Figure 맺1 as applicable. Speci111밍lS representlng 。이대e face of each cut shall constitute a macroetch test specimen and shall be tested in co매 for111ance with 4.9 .4 When plug and slot 、.velds are specified , WPS qualification shall be in conformance with 4.21.3 ‘ 4.단 4.14.1 GTAW, GMAW-S , ESW, and EGW. GTAW, GMAW-S , ESW, aud EGW may be used , provided 1e WPSs are qualified in confonnance with the rcquirζ­ ments of Clause 4 “ 4.12.3 Consu ll1 ables Verification Test 4.14. 1.1 WPS ReQnirement (GMAW-S). Prior to lIse‘ the Contractor shall prepare a 꺼IPS(S) and oualifv each WPS in accordance with the reauirements of Clause 4. The cssential variable limÎtations in Table 4 .5 fOl GMAWsh서 1 a1so aoolv to GMAW-S 412.3.1 When a Test is ReQuired. A consumables verification test is rcquired when (1) Ihe welding consu ll1 able 쁘던 110t confonn to the prequalified provisÎons of Clause 3, and (2) The WPS using the proposed consumable has been qualified in accordance wÌth 4.10 or 4.1 1. n이 412.3.2 Test Plate WeldThe test plate shall welded as follows bε WPS Requirement (GTAW). Prior to use , the Contmctor shall prepare a WPS(s) and qualify ea이l WPS in conformance with the requiremellts of Clause 4. 4.앤.1.2 4.14. 1.3 WPS Re <t uirements (ESWÆGW) ω Prior to use , the COlltractor sha11 야epare and qualify each ESW or EGW WPS to be used according to the requirements in Clause 4. The WPS shall include thε joint details , filler metal type al1 d diameter, amperage , voltage (type and polarity) , speed of vertical tm、 el if not an automatic function of arc length or deposition rate , os cillation (tra、 erse speed , length , and dwell time) , type of shielding including f1 0w rate and dew poi l1 t of gas 01 type of flux , type of molding shoe , PWHT if used , and other pertinent information. (1) The test plate sh띠 1 have the groove contìguration shown in backing ’ 터 gure 4.객 (Fi밍Ire 4 끄 for SAW) , with steel (2) The plate shall be welded in the 1G (fla t) position. (3) The plate length shall be adequate to provide the test specimens requÎred and oriented as shown in Figure 4 잭 (4) Thc 、.v elding test conditions of current , voltage , travel speed , and gas flow shall approxÎmatε those to be uscd in making production fillet welds as closely as practical. 잉1 All-We1d-Meta1 Tension Test Reqllirements. Prior to use , the C 이 ltr“이 or shall demonstmte by the test described in Clause 4 , that each combillation of shield너 ng and filler metal will prodllce weld metal having the mechanical properties specified in the latest edition of AWS A5.25 , Specificatio l/ for Carbon and Lo lI' Allo)' Steel El ectrodes (/I/ d F/ uxes for Electroslag lVeldil/ g , or the latest edition of AWS A5.26 , Specifìc(/tio l/ ψrC“’.bon al/ d Low Allo)' Steel Electrodes for Electrogas lVeldil/ g , as applicable , when welded in confonnance with the WPS. These conditions establish the WPS from whi이1 , when production fillet 、velds are made , changes in essential variables will be measured in cOllformance w h4.8 “ ’fest Reauirements! The test plate shall be tested as fl이 lows (1) Two side bend (Figure 4.2) specimens and one al1 -weld-metal tension (Figure 4 판) test specimen shall be removed from the test plate , as shown in Figure 4잭, … ill Previolls Qualilicatio l1. WPSs that 1 ve been previously qualified may be used , providing there Îs proper documel떠tion , and the WPS is approved by the Engineel ‘ ‘ (2) The bend test specimens shall be te ted in conform nce with 4.9 .3‘ 1. Those test results shall confonTI to the requirements of 4.9 .3.3 “ Welding Processes Requiring Qualification 4앤.2 Other W마ding Process잉s. 。이 her ,‘ e1ding pιo cesses not listed in 3.2.1 or4 난.1 may bε used , rπovided the WPSs are qualified by tcsting. The limitation of essential variables applicable to each weld너 ng process shall be established by the Contmctor deve10ping the WPS and approved bγ le Engineer. Essential variable ranges shall be based on dOCllmented evidence of experience (3) The tension test ‘ specimen sha11 be tested in confonnance with The test result shall determine the strength level for the 、.velding consumable , which shall conform to the requirements of Table 2.3 or the base metal strength level being welded “ 114 AWS D1.1 /D 1. 1M:2015 with the process , or a series of tests shall be conducted to establish essential variable limits‘ Any change in essen tial variables outside the range so established shall require requalification 、.velding operators shall confonn to Table 4.1 1. Details on the individual NDT and mechanical test requirements are found in the following subclauses: (1) Visual Inspection (see 4.9.1) (use WPS req l1 irements) (2) Face , 1"0 0t , and side bend (see 4.9 .3.1) (use WPS requirements) PartC Qualificatioll Pe뼈rmallce (3) Macroetch (see 4.깊 .2) (4) F iIlet Weld Break (see 4.22 .4) 4.15 General 4.16. 1. 1 Substitution of RT for Guided Bend Tests. Except for joints welded by GMAW-S , radio graphic examination of a welder or welding operator qualification test plate or test pipe may be made in lieu of bend tests described in 4.16. 1(2) (see 4.22 .3 fo l' RT re quirements). The performance qualitìcation tests required by this code are specifically devised tests to determine a welder's , 、velding operators , or tack welder's ability to produce sound 、velds. The qua1ificatìon tests are not intended to be used as guides for elding or tack 、,velding during actual construction. The Iattcr shall be performed in CO Jlformance with a WPS “ In lieu of mechanical testing or RT of the qualification test assemblies , a welding operator may be qualified by RT of the initial 15 in [380 mm] of a prod l1ction groove weld. The material thickness range q l1 alified shall be that shown in Table 4.11. 4.15.1 Producti띠n Weldin땅 Positions Qualified 4.15. 1.1 Weldcrs and Weldin땅 Oper‘ ators. The qualified production 、velding positions 뽀센띤응a쉰ιa 마힌흐쁘g for welders and welding operators shall be in conformance with Table 4.10. The qualified produα1011 welding positions qualified bv a tubular test for welders and welding oocrators shall be ìn conformance with Clause 9 and Table 9.13 4.캔.1.2 Guided ßend 짜"IS. Mechanical test specimens shall be prepared by cutting the test plate , pipe , or tubing as shown in Figures 4.16 , 4 잉, 4잭, 4.깊, 4.22 , and 9.28 for‘ welder qualification or Figure 4.끄, 4.22, 이 4.24 f,이 welding operator qualification , whichever is ap~ plicable. These specimens shall be appl'oximately rectan gular in cross section , and be prepared for testing in confonnance with Figure 4.ß., 4.2, 4 괴, or 4.연, whichever is applicable. 4.15. 1. 2 때ckW,따ders. A tack welder shall be quali fied by one test plate in each position in which the tack welding is to be performed. 4.갤.2 CLAUSE 4. QUA Ll FtCATION PARTSB& C Production Thiclmesses and Diameters Qualified 4.16.2 Tack Welders. The tack welder shall make a l/4 in [6 mm] maximum size tack 、I.'eld approximately 2 in [50 mm]long on the fillet-、,veld~break specimen as shown in Figure 4.27 Welders 01' Welding Operators. The range of qualified production welding thicknesses and diameters for which a welder or weldillg operat이 is qualified for shall be in conformance with Table 4.11. ‘ 4.맥.2.1 Extel1t of Qualificatiol1. A tack .velder who passes the fillet 、.veld break test shall be qualified to tack 、.veld all types of joints (except CJP groove welds , welded from one side without backing; e.g. , butt joints and T- , Y- , and K-connections) for the process and in the position in which the tack welder is qualified. Tack welds in the foregoing exception shall be perfOl'med by velders fully q l1 alified for the process and in the position in which the velding is to be done 4.갤.2.2 Ta ck W마 ders. Tack welder qualification shall qualify for thicknesses greate1' than 01' equal to 1/8 in [3 mm]. 4.15.3 Weld따l‘ and Welding Operator Qualification Through WPS Qu떼 lificatio깨. A welder or welding operator may also be qualified by ,ιelding a satisfactory WPS qualification test plate , pipe 이 tubing that meets the re밍IÌ1'ements of 4.9. The welder 01' welding operator is th밍'eby qualified in conformance with 4‘잭 1 and 4.피.2. ‘ ‘ 4.건 4.16 Type of Qualification Tests Required 4.핸.1 Weld ηpes for Welder and Welding Operator Performance Qualification For the purpose of welder and 、.velding operator cation , 、,veld types shall be classified as follows Welders and Welding Operators. The type and number of qualification tests required fm 、~elders or 115 qualifi~ CLAUSE 4. QUA Ll FICATION (1) CJP Groove (see 4잊) 까Telds AWS Dl.l/Dl.1M:2015 PARTC (4) Figure4 긴-H01izontal Position-Limited Thickness for Nontubular Connections 4.맺.2 (2) PJP Groove Welds for Nontllblllar Connections (see 4 인.1) Welding Operator Q lI alification Test Plates 4.쟁.2.1 For Other thall EGW, ESW, alld Plllg Welds. The qualification test plate for a welding operator not llsing EGW or ESW or plllg welding shall COllfonn to Figure 4끄. This sh씨 1 qll 띠따 a welding operator for groove and fillet welding in material of unlimited thickness for the proccss and position tested. (3) Fillet Welds for Nontllbular Connections (see 4 긴조) (4) CJP Groove Welds for TlI blllar Connections (see 9.19) 4.쟁.2.2 For ESW alld EGW. The qualification test plate for an ESW or EGW welding opcrator shall consist of welding a joint of the maximum thickness of material to be used in construction , but the thickness of the material of the test ‘,veld lleed not exceed 1-1 /2 ill [38 mm] (see Figure 4 잭). If a 1-1 /2 ill [38 mm] thick test we1d is made , no test need be made for a lesser thickness. The test shall qllalify the welding operator for groove and tïllet welds in material of unlimited thickness for this pro cess and test posìtion (5) PJP Groove Welds for Tu bular Connections (see 9.20) (6) Fillet Welds for TlI bular Connections (see 뜨긴) (7) Plug and Slot Welds for TlI bular and Nontublllar Connections (see 4.일그) 4.18 Preparation of Performance Qualification Forms The welding personnel shall follo lV a WPS applicable to the qualification test reqllired. All of the WPS essential variable limitations of 4.8 shall apply, in addition to the performance essential variables of 4.영. The Welding Performance QlI alification Record (WPQR) shall serve as written verification and shall list all of the applicable essential variables of Table 4.12. SlI gges ed forms are found in Annex M. 4.21 Extent of Oualification 4.21.1 PJP Groove Welds for Nontublllar Connections. QlI alification for CJP groove 、velds shall qllalify for all PJP groove .velds ‘ ‘ 4.21.2 Fillet Welds for NOlltllblllar Conllections. Qllalificatioll of C1 P groove velds shall qllalify for fillet 、velds. However, 、.vhere only fillet 、,veld qualification is reqllired , see Table 4.1 1. ‘ 4.19 Essential Variables 4.갇잭 Pl lIg and Slol Welds. Qllalification for CJP groove 、,velds on tubular or nontubular connections shall qllalify for all plllg alld slot 、.velds‘ See Table 4.10 for plllg alld slot 、.veld qualificatîon only. The joint shall con sist of a 3/4 in [20 mm] diameter hole in a 3/8 ill [10 111m] thick plate with a 3/8 ill [10111111] mini l11l1l11 thickness backing plate (see Figure 4 찍). Changes beyond the limitation of essential variables for welders , welding operators , or tack ‘.v elders ShOWll in Table 4.12 shall require reqllalification. 4.20 CJP Groove Welds for Nontubular Connections ‘ See Table 4.10 for the position reqllirements for velder or welding operator qualification on nontubular connections. Note that qua 1i fication ol1 joints with backing qualifies for welding production joints hat are backgollged and welded tì"O m the second side. 4.쟁 Methods of Testing and Acceptance Criteria for Welder and Welding Operator Qualification 4.양.1 Visual Inspection. See 4.9.1 for acceptance ‘ 4.앤.1 Welder Qualificatioll Plates. The following fig ure numbers apply to the position and thickness requirements for 、,velders criteria ‘ (1) Figure 4.1닫→AIl Position -Unli l11ited Thickness 4.22.2 Macroelch Tes t. The test specimens sh 띠 1 be prεpared with a finish suitable for macroetch examination. A sllitab1e sollltion shall be llsed for etching to give a c1 ear definition of the 、veld (2) Figme 4.l9--Honzontal Position-Unlil11ited 꺼licknεss (3) Figure4 .20-• All Positions•Li nùted Thickness 116 AWS D1.1/D 1. 1M:2015 ‘ 4작.2.1 Plug and 페let Weld Macroetch Tests. The face of the macroetch shall be smooth for etching such a way that the root of the .veld is in tension. At least one welding start and stop 8hall be located within the test specimell. The load shall be increased 01' repeated until the specimen fractures or bends flat upon itself (1) The plug 、veld macroetch tests shall be cut from the test joints per (띠 CLAUSE 4. QUA Ll FICATION PARTC Welder Qualification • 4.깊.4.1 Acceptance Criteria for Fillet Weld Break Test. To pass the vÍs lI al examÍnation prior to the break test , the 、.veld shall present a reasonably unifonn appeal ance and shall be free of overlap , cracks , and undercut in excess of the requirements of 6.9. There shall be no porosity visible on the 、I>'eld surface Figure 4 잭 (b) Welding Operator Qualification←→Figure4잭 (2) The fillet 、.veld macroetch tests shall be cut from the test joints per (a) Welder Qualification • Figure4 잭 The broken specimel1 shall pass if: (b) Welding Operator Qualification-Figure 4.작 (1) The specimen bel1 ds flat upon itself, or 4.작걷1 Macroetch Test Acceptance Criteria. FOl acceptable qualification , the test specimen. when inspected visually. shall confonn to the following reqmrements: (2) The fillet ‘.veld , if fractured , has a fracture surface showîng complete fusion to the root of the joint with no il1cI usiol1 or porosity larger than 3/32 in [2.5 111m] in greatest dimension , and (1) Fillet welds shall have fusion to the root of the joint but 110t necessari1 y beyond (3) The SlIJll of the greatest dimensions of all inclusions and porosity shall not exceed 3/8 i l1 [10 mm] in the 6 in [150 mm]long specime l1. (2) Minimum leg size shall meet the specified fillet weld size 4.깊.5 Root, Face, alld Side Belld S)J ecimeIls. Se. for acceptance criteria. (3) Plug welds shall have: (a) N 0 cracks (b) Thorough fusion to backing and to sides of the 4.23 Method of Testing and Acceptance Criteria for Tack Welder QuaIification hole (c) No visible slag in excess of 1/4 in [6 0101] total accumulated length 4.22.3 RT. If RT is used in Ii eu of the prescribed bend tests. the weld reinfoπ'cement need 110t to be ground or otherwise smoothed for inspection unless its surface irregularities or juncture with the base metal WQ비d cause objectionable weld discontinuities to be obscured in the radiograph. If the backing is removed for RT. the root shall be ground flush (see 5 깅 3‘ 1) with the base metal A forcesh따 1 be applied to the specimen as shown in Fig ure 4.23 until rupture occurs ‘ The force may be applied by any convenient means. The surface of the weld and of the fracture sha l1 be examined visually f0 1" defects 4.23.1 Visual Acce)J tallce Crite l'ia. The tack 、.veld shall present a reasonably unifonn appearance and shal1 be free of overlap , cracks , and undercut exceeding 1/32 in [101m]. There shall be 110 porosity visible on the surface of the tack ‘.veld RT Test Procedure and Technique. The RT procedure and technique shall be in conformance with the requirements of Clause 6, Part E 힌펴딘쁘똥요 Part F for tubular~. For welder qualification , exclude 1 1/4 in [32 mm] at e3ch end of the weld from evaluation in the plate test; for welding operator qualification exc1 ude 3 in [75 mm] at each end of the test plate length. 4.23.2 Destructive Testing Acceptance Criteria. The fractured sllrface of the tack .veld shall show fllsion to the root , but not necessarily beyond , and sha11 exhibit 110 in complete fusion to the base metals or any inc1 usion or porosity larger than 3/32 in [2 .5 mm] in greatest dimensiol1. ‘ RT Acceptance Criteria. For acceptable qualification , the weld , as revealed by the radiograph. shall conform to the requirements of 6.12.2 , except that shall not apply. 4.24 Retest 4쟁.4 까'hen a 、velder, 、.velding operator or tack welder either fails a qualification test , 01' if there is specific reason to question their welding abilities or period of effectiveness has lapsed , the following shall apply: Fillet Weld Break Test. The entire length of the fillet w리d shall be examined visually, and then a 6 in [150 mm]long specimen (see Figure 4 잭) or a quaα:ter section of the pipe fillet weld assembly shall be loaded in 117 CLAUSE 4. QUA Ll FICATION 4.연 .1 Welder Require ll1 ents and Welding Operator for Type A Charpy (simple bealll) Impact Specimen , ASTM A370 , Stalldm r! Test Method alld Dejìllitiol/ s [01 Mechallical Testillg o[ Steel ProdllctS , or AWS B4 ,0 , Sfand4…r! Methodsfor Mechallical7감tillg o[ 1Vehι Retest 4.24. 1.1 I ll1lllediate Retest. Al1 ill1mediate retest may be made consisting of two 、,velds of each type and position that the 、,velder 이 、,velding operator failed. All retest specimens shall meet all of the specified requircmcnts 4.연.1.2 Retest After Further n'ai l1 il1 g 0 1' Practice. A retest may be made , provided there is evidence that the 、velder or welding operator has had further training 0 1' practice. A complete retest of the types and posi tions failcd 0 1' in question shall be made 4.26 Test Locations 4.26.1 The te5t location for individual CVN test speci mens , unless otherwise specitìed on contract documents , shall be as shown in Figurc 4‘쟁 and Tablε 4.14 4.견.1.3 Retest After Lapse of Q l1 alilication Pe l'i od of Effectiveness. Whe l1 a velder ’ s or 、:velding operator’ s qualification period of effectiveness has lapsed , a requalitïcation test shall be required. Welders have the option of using a test thickl1ess of 3/8 in [10 mm] to qualify any production 、.velding thickness greatcr than or equal to 118 in [3 mm] 4.앨.2 The positioning of the notch for all CVN test specimens sha l1 be dOlle by fïrst machilling the speci mens from the test 、,veld at the appropriate depth as shoWll in Figure 4 잭 Thc specimens should be made slightly over length to allow for exact positioning of the notch. Next , the bar5 5hould be etchcd with a mild etchant such as 5% nital , to reveal the location of the 、,vcld fusion zone and HAZs ‘ The centerline of the notch shall then be located in he specimens , as shown in Fig ure 4.28 ‘ ‘ 4.견.1.4 Exception-Failure of a Requalificati이l Retest. No immediate retest shall be allu‘.ved aftcr failure of a requalification retest‘ A retest shall be allowed only aftcr further training and practice per 4 잎 1.2‘ 4.견.2 AWS D1.1 /D 1.1 M:2015 F껴 RTSC&D Tack Welde l' Retest Reqni l'elllents 4.27 CVN Tests 4잭.2.1 Rctest without Additional n'ailling. In case of fa Îl ure to pass the test requirements , the tack ‘,\'clder may make one retest without additional training ‘ 4.긴.1 There are two options for the number of CVN test specimens to be taken from a single test location Option A-3 specimens Retest Afte l' FU l' ther n'ailling 0 1' Practice. A retest may be Ill ade. provided the tack 、velder has had further training or practice. A complete retest shal1 be reqllired Option B • 5 specimens 4.낀.2 CVN test specimens shall be machined from the same welded test assembly made to detennine other 、,veld joint propert밍 (5CC Figure~ 4 ,띤쁘 4.7 쉰æ!띤~뀐만I약 9.19 쁘효E잭핸E댄쁘띤즈). Where the size of the welded test assemblies is not suftìcient to satisfy all the mechanical testing specimen requirements , an additional welded test assembly shall be performed. The CVN test speci mens shall be machined from the welded test assembly in which thc tensile test specimens are machined Pa l't D Requil'ements ψl' CVN Testillg 4.25 General 4.낀.3 When CVN testing is a reqllirement , a PQR with CVN tests and a qllalified WPS are required. Either a new PQR shall be prepared or if a PQR exists which satisfies all reqllirements except for CVN testing , it shall be neccssary only to prepare an additional test wcldment with sufficient material to provide the required CVN test specimens. A full or partial (as noted above) tcst plate shall be welded using a WPS which confonns to the original “ test" WPS if applicable and the limits of Tables 4 , 1, 4.2 , and 4.5 , plus those supplementary essential variables applicable only to CVN tc!인 ing (Table 4 ,6). A new or revised PQR sha l1 be prepared and a new or revised WPS 4.결.1 The CVN test requirements and test procedures ín this section shall apply only when specified in the contract documents În conformance with 4.2. 1. 3, 5 직.5(3)[ d ], Table 3.1 , 뺀맥쁘츠l of this code. While the requirements of this section do not address CVN testing of base metals , it is assumed that the base metals are sllitable for applications wherc CVN testing of the WPS is required 4.짚.2 The CVN test specimens shall be machined and tested in confonnance with ASTM E23 , Stalldm r! MetllO ds [or Notched Bar 1I11 pact Testil/ g o[ Meta l/i c Materials. 118 AWS D1. lI D1.1M ’ 2015 CLAUSE 4. QUA Ll FICATION PARTD written to accommodate the qualificatio Jl variables for CVN testing absorbed energy, percent ductHe fracture appearance , and lateral expansion values 4긴.4 The I이19itudìnal centerline of the specimens shall be transverse to the 、Neld axis and the base notch shall be perpendicular (normal) to the surface unl얹S otherwise specified in the contract documents 4.쟁.2 The acceptance criteria fm‘ each test shall be specified in contract drawings 01' specifications, and shall consist of the following (1) Minimum individual val tÌe-the value of which no one specimen may be below , and 4.낀.S The standard 10 x 10 mm specimen shall be used where the test materia! thickness is 7/1 6 in [11 n1111] or greater. S lI b-sized specimens shall be lI sed where the test material thickness is less than 7/16 in [11 mm] , or where the extractìon of full-sized specimens is l10t possible due to the shape of the weldment. When sllb-sized specimens are reqllired , they shall be made to one of the dimensions shown in Table 4.15. (Note: thε largest possible specimens shall be machined from the qualification test piece.) (2) l\찌 nimum average value-the value of which the arithmetic mean of three specimens shall equal or exceed Unless specífied otherwise , in contract drawings or spec ifications , the acceptance values for the CVN test requirements described in 4잭 1 fOl .velds between base metals with a specified minimum yield strength of 50 ksi [345 MPa] or less , are shown in Table 4.14 Ø ‘ 4긴,6 The CVN test temperature shall be specified in the contract documents. 4.쟁.3 If Option B (see 4 긴 1) is chosen , the specimens with the highest and lowes values shall be discarded , leaving 3 specimens for evaluation. For both Option A and the 3 remaining specimens of Option B, 2 of the 3 values for the specimens shall equal or exceed the specified minimum average value. One of the three may be lower than the specified minimum average value , but not lower than the specified minimum individual value , and the average of the three shall not be less than the minimum specified average value ‘ 4.긴.7 훤눈원얀ιCV인I썰말멘얀댄앤re Test Cou Jl on Thickness 7/16 in f11 mml or When sub-sized specimens are required , and the width of the specimen across the notch is less than 80% ofthe 쁘뜨 co낀R민! thickness , the test temperatllre shall be reduced in conformance with 낌lble 4.15 g탠딴er. 4.27.7, 2 Test Cou Jl on Thickness le55 thall 7/16 in [11 m밴}, When sub-sized specimens are req띠ired, and the width of the specim밍1 across the notch Îs less than 80% of the 앤뜨오쁘QQ!! thi야mess , the test temperature shall be redllced by an 효띤ollnt eallal to the difference (referring to Table 4.15) between the temocrature reduction correspondin .e: to the test coupon thickness and the 탠민R던원 ure reduction corresponding to the Charpy spec mlen width actuallv tested. 4.29 Retest 4.맺.1 When the requirements in 4잭 2 and 4잭 3 are not met , one retest may be pelformed. Each individual value of the remaining three specimens shall equal OI exceed the minimum specified average value ‘ Retest specimens shall be removed from the original test 、veld ment(s). If specimens cannot be provided from these 、veldments , a new test 、.veldment shall be performed and all mechanical tests required by this code shall be performed Ø 4.28 Test Requirements 4.쟁.1 Test reqllirements for 、velds between base metals with specified minimum yield strengths of 50 ksi [345 MPa] or less shall not be less than the minimum requirements in Table.4 .1 4 , unless other、.vise specified. Test requirements fo 1' 、.velds between base metals with a specified minimum yield strength greater than 50 ksi [345 MPa] shall be specified in the contract documents. These requirements may include , but are not limited to , 4.30 Reporting 4.뭔.1 All CVN test measured values required by this code , contract documents , 01' specifications shall be reported on the PQR. 119 ζωm& 。g〉「묶-。〉브。z 。「〉 Table4.1 WPSQαu 뻐 l뻐a 외 폐liπfica 하t엔io nπn←←-’ Quali:fication Test Production Plate We1ding Qualified Production Pipe wcεlding Qualified T ‘ y.‘ K Connections Butt Joint 2. { N - P L A T E Production Box Tube Welding Qualified T.• Y ‘ K Connections ButtJoint Weld Type Test Positions Groove ClP Groove PJP Fillet.s lG 2G 3G 4G F F.H V OH F F.H F F F F F F F ClP Groove:l F. H F. H F. H v F. H v v F. H F. H v F. H v v OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH Fillefl .!? lF 2F 3F 4F Plug/ Slot CJP v PlP ClP PlP Fillet .s ClP v PlP ClP PlP Fillet= F F F F. H F. H v v F. H OH OH OH v Qualifies PluglSlot Welding for Qnly the Positions Tested CJP-Complete Joint Peneσ"3.tIon PIP-Partìal Joint Penetration a Qua1ifies for a welding axis with an essenti잉 ly straight line‘ including welding along a line par띠 lel to the axis of circular pipε bQU띠ifles fOf circumferential w리 ds in pipes equal to 。π greater than 24 in [600 mm] nomin a1 outer ruameter C Fìllet welds in pπ'oduction τ Y-. or K-connections sh여 1 conform to Figure 뜨깅 WPS qu a1 ification sh a1 1 confoπnto4.12 ><< m 。→ →~。 i →흐 Ngm AWS D1.1 /D 1. 1M’ 2015 CLAUSE 4. QUA Ll FICATION Table4.2 WPS Oualification-CJP Groove Welds: Number and Type of Test Specimens and Range of Thickness and Diameter Oualified (see 4.5) (Dimensions in Inches) 1. Tests on Platell, b Nominal Plate , Pîpe or Tu be Thicknessc ,d Qualified , in Number of Specimens Reduced Nominal Plate Section Thickness (T) Tension (see Root Bend Face Bend Side Bend Tested , in Fig.4 띠) (see Fig ‘ 4.ll) see Fi g. 4 ‘ g see Fig. 4.~ Min Max. (Note g) 118 2T 118'; T'; 3/8 2 3/8<T< 1 2 4 118 2T 1 and Qver 2 4 118 Un Ii mited 2 2 2. Tests on ESW and EGWa, [ Nominal Plate Thickness Qualified Number of Specimens Reduced AII-、,veld Nominal Plate Section Side Bend h etal Thickness Tension (see Tension (see (see Fig. Tested 4.9) Fig.4 퍼) Fig‘ 4 맥) ‘ T 2 l 4 CVN Tests Min. Max. (Note e) O.5T I.I T a All test pl 띠e welds shall 야 visually inspected (see 4.9.1) and su이 ect 10 NDT (see 4.9.2) bSee Fìgurcs 4.Q and 4.2. for test plate requiremenls C For square groove welds that are qua Ii fied without backgouging, the maximum thickness qualified shall be limitcd to the test thickncss dCIP groove ‘,veld qualification 00 any thickoess shall qualify any size offillct or PIP groovc ‘,veld for any thickness (see 4.11.3) E 、:Vhen specified, CVN tcsts shall conform to Clause 4, Part D ! See Figure 4 ‘ ~fo이rp미latc req매U1 떠 re 잉me e 핸 s For 3/8 in plate or wall thickness, a side.beod test may be substituted for each of the requircd face. and root.bend tests 121 CLAUSE 4. QUA Ll FICATION AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 Table 4.2 (Continued) WPS Qualification-CJP Groove Welds: Number and Type of Test Specimens and Range of Thickness and Diameter Qualified (see 4.5) (Dimensions in Millimeters) 1. Tests on Plateιb Nominal Pl‘ Ite , Pipe or Tu be Thicknessc,d Qualified , 111111 Number of Specimens Nominal Plate Thickness (T) Tested , mm Reduced Section Tension (see Fig.4 맥) Root Bcnd Face Belld Side Bcnd (sec Fig. 4. j!) see Fig. 4 웹(sec Fig. 4.~ Min Max 2 (Note g) 3 2T 3$T$ 1O 2 10 < T < 25 2 4 3 2T 25 and over 2 4 3 Unlimitcd 2 3. Tests 011 ES\V and EG、vιI Nominal Plate Thickness Qualified Number of Specimens Nominal Plate Thickness Tested T All-We1dRcduced Section Metal Tension {sce Tension (see Fig.4 띠) Fig.4 샌) Side Bcnd (scc Fig‘ 4.9) 2 l 4 CVN Tests Min 뼈 ax. (Note 흔) O.5T l.l T a AII test plate “ elds shall be visually inspcctcd (see 4.9.1) und subject 10 NDT (see 4 ,9.2) b Sce Figures 4.6 and 4.7 for lest plate requirements. r For square groove welds that are qualificd vithout backgouging the maximum thickness qualitïed shall be limited to the lest thickness dCJp groove 、,veld qualification on any Ihκkncss shall qualify any size of fillet or PJP gro。、 e 、veld for any Ihickness (see 4.11 .3) f 、Nhen specîfied , CVN tests shall c이}form 10 Clause 4, Part D ! See Figure 4.5 for plate requiremenls ~ For 10 mm plate or wall Ihickness , a side~bend test may be substitllted for each of the reqllired face. and root-bend tests ‘, , 122 AWS D1.1/D1.1M ’ 2015 CLAUSE 4. QUA Ll FICATION Table4.3 Numberand 까 pe of Test Specimens and Range of Thickness OualifiedWPS Oualification; PJP Groove Welds (see 4.11) Number of Specimensa,b Tcst Groove Depth, T in [mm] 1/8 ,; T ,; 3/8 [3'; T'; IOJ 3/8<T ,; 1 [10 < T ,; 25) Macroetch for Weld Size (E) 4.11.2 4.1 1.3 4.11 .4 ReducedSection Tension (see Fig 4.10) 3 2 3 2 Qualîfication Ranges~ NominaI Plate Thickness, in [mm] Root Bend (see Fig.4얻) Face Bend (see Fig 4.8) 2 2 SideBend (see Fig 4.2) Groove Depth 4 A’1I1 Max ‘ T 1/8 [3) 2T T 1/8 Unlimited [3J a One test plate per position shall be required (sce Figure 4.2 or 4.7. fOf test plate). Use the production P1P groo\'e deta i! for qllulificalion. Al1 plates shall bc visuaiIy illspected (see 4.9. 1) bIf a P1P bevcl- or J-groo\'c weld is 10 be used forT-joints or double-bevε1- ordouble-J-groove veld is 10 be used for comer joints the butt joint shall havc a temporary rcstrictive plate in the plane of the square face 10 simulate a T-joint configuration ~ Any PJP qualification shall also qualify any fillet 、,veld size on any thickness ‘, , Table 4, 4 Number and Type of Test Specimens and Range of Thickness OualifiedWPS Oualification; Fillet Welds (see 4.캔) … …… ”“ E … 빼 w% Unlimited 2 1 in IG position 쓰앵j a The minimum thickne잉 s qualified shai1 be 118 in [3 mm). bA lI 、Nelded'test plales shnll be visually inspected per 4.9.1 123 ‘, 써…ιm e 」 u 띠 U 띠… m Jω 때 mn n 삐 3 faces ”- α ” 1 in each position to be used 4 뼈뼈 3 faces ια 매 n 1 in each position to be used 잉얹 뻐 Single pass , max. size to be used in COllstmction F 시… perWPS T 빼않씨- FiI1 et SÍze Plate τtest (Figure 4 끄) Multiple pass , mi I1 size to be used III constmctlon Consumables Verification Test (Figure • 빼 빼빠 of 、,velds 씨 이 N lI mber Test Specimen Sizes QlIalified 빠때 빼씨째 Test Specimens Reqllired b …@ Min. tested multiple pass and larger Qualifies velding consumables to be used in T-test above CLAUSE 4. QUA Ll FICATION AWS D1. lID1.1M:2015 Table4.5 PQR Essential Variable Changes Requiring WPS Requalification for SMAW, SAW, GMAW, FCAW, and GTAW (see 4.8.1) Process Essential Variable Changes to PQR Requiring Requalification SMA、v SA、v GMAW FCA'、v X X GTA'、v Filler Metal 1) Increase in filler metal classification strength X 2) Change from low-hydrogen 10 nonlowhydrogen SMAW electrode X 3) Change from one electrode or flux-electrode classification 10 any other electrode or flux-elcctrode classification a 4) Change 10 an electrode or f1 ux-electrode c1 assificatione not covered in: X A、,VS AWS A5 .l 7or A5.23 A5 .l or A5 ,5 X X A、,VS A、,VS A5 .l 8 , A5.28, or A5.36 A5.20 , A5 .29, or A5.36 AWS A5.18 or A5 ,28 5) Addition or deletion of filler mctal x 6) Change from cold wire feed 10 hot wire feed Of vlce versa X 7) Addition or deletion of supplemcntal powdered or granular filler metal or cut 、.vire X 8) Increase in the amount of supplemental powdercd or gra l1 11lar filler metal or wire X 9) If the alloy content of the weld metal is largely depelldent on sllpplemental powdered filler metal , any 、,VPS cha l1ge that results În a 、,veld deposit wìth the important alloyi l1 g elemellts not Il1 ceting the 、;VPS chemical composlhO Jl requirements X > 1132 in 10) Change in nomi l1 al fil1er metal diameter by: [0.8 mm) mcrease Any i l1crease b 11) Change in number of electrodes X Any illcrease or decrease Any lIl crcase > 1/l 6in [1. 6 mm] ll1crcase OI decrease X X X ‘ Process Paramete l's 12) A change in the amperage for each diameter used by 13) A change in typc of current (ac or dc) or poJarity (electrode positive or negative for dc curren t) To a value not > 10% increase > 10% increase > 10% increase > 25% iJl crease recommended or decrease or dccrease or decrease or decrease by manufacturer X X X 14) A change ill the modc of tra l1 sfer X 15) A challge from CV to CC output X 16) A challge Ì Il the voltage for each diameter used by x x > 7% Încrease > 7 % Îllcrease > 7 % Încrease 17) An increase or decrease il1 the wirc feed speed for each electrode diameter (if 110t amperage controlled) by or decrease or decrcase or decrcasc > 10% > 10% > 10% (Continued) 124 x AWS D1.1/D 1.1 M:2015 CLAUSE 4. QUA Ll FICATION Table 4.5 (Continued) PQR Essential Variable Changes Requiring WPS Requalification for SMAW, SAW, GMAW, FCAW, and GTAW (see 4.8.1) Process Essential Variable Changes to PQR Requiring Requalification SAW GMAW FCA'、v GTAW Process Parameters (Cont'd) > 15% increasel > 25% increase or decrease or decrease 18) A change in the travel speedc by > 25% increase 1> 50% increase or dccrease or decrease Shielding Gas 19) A change ìn shieIding gas from a single gas to any other single gas or mixture of gas , or in the specified nominal percentage composition of a gas mixture , or to no gas X X X 20) A change in total gas flow rate by Increase > 50% Jncrease > 50% Il1crease > 50% Decrease > 20% Decrease > 20% Decrease > 20% 21) A change from the actual classificatíon ing gas not covered in A、I{S AWS A5.18 , A5.28, A5.20 , A5.29, or A5.36. For or A5.36. For A5.36 fixcd and A5 .3 6 fixed alld O훨 n c1 ass Ìfica2e효 n classifications , vanatlons tions , variatiol1 s n the shielding in the shielding gas classifica~ gas classifica~ tion range shall tion range shall be limited to the be limited to the S쁘 cìfic shield~ specífic shield. ing gas tested or ing gas tested or the designator the designator l1 sed for the used for the electrode electrode classificatioß classÏfi cation. ’ shield~ SAW Parameters 22) A change of> 10%, or 1/8 in [3 mmJ , whichever is greater, in the longitudinal spacing of the arcs x 23) A change of > 10%, or 1/8 in [3 mmJ , whichever is greater, in the lateral spacíng of the arcs x 24) An increase or decrease of more than 10。 in the angular orÎenta ion of any parallel electrode X 25) For mechanized or automatic SA\V; an 0 incr,ξase or decr,않se of more than 3 in the angle of the electro 10 X 26) For mechallized or automatic SAW, an iI1 crease or decrease of more than 50 normal to the direction of travel X ‘ ‘ (Conlinued) 125 CLAUSE 4. QUALl FICATION AWS D1.1/D 1.1 M:2015 ’ Table 4.5 (Continued) PQR Essential Variable Changes Requiring WPS Requa ification for SMAW, SAW, GMAW, FCAW, and GTAW (see 4.8.1) Process Essential Variable Changes to PQR Requiring Rcqualification ’ SMAW SAW G vlAW FCA'、v GTAW 27) A changc in posítion 110t qualified by Table4.lor9.9 X X x X X 28) A change in diameter, or thickness , or both , 1101 qua Ii íìed by Table 4 ,2 만요 10 X x X x X 29) A change ill base mctal Of combination of base metals not listed 011 the PQR or qualified by 1~1ble 4 ,8 X X X x x 30) Vertical 、,Velding: For any pass from uphill todo、,vnhill or vice versa X X X x 31) A change in groove type (e.g. , single-V to double-V) , cxcept qualificatioll of any CJP groove .velù qualifies for any groove delail conforming with the requircmcnts of 3.12, 3 , 13, 9.IO , or9. 1I X X X X x 32) A change in the type of groove 10 a square groove and více versa X X x X X 33) A change exceedíng the tolerances of3 .1 2 , 3.13 , 5.2 1.4.1 , or 9 ,10, 9.11 , 9.1 1.2, and 9 24.2.1 involving: a) A decrease in the groove angle b) A decreasc in the root opening c) An increase in the root face X X X X X 34) The omissìon , but not inclusioll , ofbacking or backgouging X X X X X 35) Decrease from preheat temperatured by > 25 0P [15 0C] > 25 0P [J50 C) > 25 0P [J50C] > 25 0P 0 [I 5 C] > 100 0F [55 0C] 36) Decrease from interpass temperatureù by >25 0P [15 0C] > 25 0F [I 5 0C] > 25 0F [J50C] > 25 0P [J50C] > 100 0F [55 0C] X X X x X General ‘ 37) Addition or dcletion of P、l.'HT a The fi l1 er metal strel1gth may bc dccrcased 、l.'Îthout 、VPS rcqualification bPor 、,YPSs using alloy flux , al1y incrcasc or decrease in the clcctrode diameter shal1 requirc 、,YPS requalification C Traycl speed ranges 6α all sizes of fillet 、velds may be detcrmined by the largesl singlc pass fillet ‘,\'eld and thc smallest multiple-pass fi l1 et wel이 qllulification tests d The prodllction 、,\'clding preh앉 I or … tell씨 ss cmperature may bc less than he PQR prehcat or interpass temperature provided that the provisions of 5.6 are met, and the base metal tempcrature shall not be less than the 、,YPS temperature at thc time of subsequent wclding , A'、,YS A5M (SI Units) electrodes 01' the same classification lllay bc used in lieu of the A'、NS A5 (U.S. Customary Units) clectrode classification ‘ ‘ Note:Al1 “ x" indicates app Jicability for the process; a 셔laded block indicates nonapplicability 126 AWS D1.lID1.1 M:2015 CLAUSE 4. QUA Ll FICATION Table 4.6 PQR Supplementary Essential Variable Changes for CVN Testing Applications Requiring WPS Requalification for SMAW, SAW, GMAW, FCAW, and GTAW 샌ee4걷Jì 써na비e ISM째 I SAW I GMAW I FCAW괴떤 Base Metal l) A change in Group Number X 2) Minimum thickness qualificd is T or 5/8 in [16 mm] whichever is less , except ifT is less tltan 1/4 in [6 mmJ , then the minimum thickness qllalified is 1/8 in [3 mm] X Filler Mef ‘tI , 3) A change in the A'、NS A5.X Classification or to a weld metal or filler metal c1 assification not covered by A5.X specifications. Carboß_ <l nd low~alloy steel FCA、,V and GMA\V-Metal Cored electrodes previously classified under A5.18 A5.20 A5.28 or A5.29 aJld reclassified under A5 .3 6 without change of manufacturer brand name and which meet all of the previous classification requirements used in PQR/WPS CVN qualification shall be acccptable without requa Ii fication. , , , , , , X X x X X 4) A change in the Fl llx/Wire c1 assific써 ion , or a change in either the electrode or , flux trade name whennot c1 assified by an AWS specification or to a crushed slag X 5) A change in the manufacturer or the manllfacturer’ s brand name or type of electrode X Positioll 6) A change in pos끼 ion to vertical up. A 3G vertical up test qualifies for all Positíons and 、 ertical down Preheaν'I nterpass X Temperature 7) An increase of more than 1000F [560C] in the maxim l1 m preheat 아 interpass temperature q l1 alified X Postweld Heat ’Ireatment ‘ 8) A change in he PWHT temperature an 이'or time ranges. The PQR test shall be subject to 80% of Ihe aggregate times at temperalure(s). The P\VHT total lime(s) at tempe깨 t l1 re(s) may be applied in one he끼 ting cycle X Electrical Characteristics 9) An increase in heat input or volllme of weld metal deposited per llnit length of 、.eld , 。、 er that qllalified except when a grai J1 refining austenitizing heat treat ment is applied after welding. The increase may be measured by either of the following ‘ Volts x Amps x 60 a) Heat lnpul (Mn) = Travel Speed (m/mill) , X X X X X 10) In the vertical position , a change from stringer to weave x X x x X 11) A change from multipass per side to single pass per side X X X X X X X X X , b) \Veld Metal Volume-An increase in bead size or a decrease in the lenglh of 、.veld bead per unit length of electrode Other Variables 12) A change exceedÎng :t20% in the oscillation variables for mechanized or auto1l1 atic 、:velding 127 CLAUSE 4. QUA Ll FICATION AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 Table 4.7 PQR Essential Variable Changes Requiring WPS Requalificatlon for ESW or EGW (see 4.8.2) Essential Varia버 e Requalification by WPS Test Changes to PQR Requiring Requalification Requa 씨lification by RT or U1" F iIlcr Metal l)A “ significant" change in fillcr metal or consumable guide metal composition x Molding Shocs (fixed or movable) 2) A change fr om mctallic to nOllmctallic or vÌCc versa X 3) A changc from fusing to nonfusing or vice versa X 4) A reduction in any cross sectìonal dimension or area of a solid nonfusing shoe > 25% x ‘ ‘ 5) A change in design from nonfusing solid to watcr cooled or vkc versa X Filler r'\'Ietal Oscillation 6) A change in osc i11 ation tra、 erse speed > 10 ipm (4 mm/s) X 7) A chal1ge in oscillation travcrse dwell timc > 2 seconds (except as necessary to compensate for joi J1 t opening variations) X 8) A challge ÌIl oscillation traverse Iength which affects by ll1 0re than 118 in [3 mm ], the proximity of filler metaI to the molding shoes x Filler l\1etal Supplements 9) A change in consumable gllide metal core cross~sectional area > 30% X 10) A change in the flux system , i.e. , cored , magnetic electrode, external , etc X 11) A change in flllx composition including consllmable gllide coating x (2) A change in flux burden > 30% Ele이 rodelFilI er X l\'letaI Diamete l' l3) Increase or dccrcase in electrode diameter > 1132 in [l mm] X x l4) A change in the number of electrodes lI sed Elect l'od띠 Amperage x l5) An increase or decrease in the amperage > 20% l6) A change in type of current (ac or dc) αpolarity Ele이 lηde X Al'c Voltagc 17) An incrcase or decrease in the vo It age> 10% X ‘ Proce s Cha l' acteris tÌ cs l8) A change to a combination with any other welding [πocess x l9) A change from single pass to mu It i-pass and vice 、 ersa x 20) A change fr이 n constant current to constant \'01이 age and vice versa X ‘,Vi e Feed Speed l' 2 1) An increase or decrease in the wire feed speed > 40% 1).avel X Sjleed 22) An increase or decrease in the travel speed (if not an automatic function of arc length 0 1" deposition rate) > 20% (except as necessary to compensate for varìatioll Ìn joìnt opening) (Continued) 128 X CLAUSE 4. QUA Ll FICATION AWS D1.1iD1. 1 M:2015 Table 4.7 (Continued) PQR Essential Variable Changes Requiring WPS Requalification for ESW or EGW (see 4.8.2) Requalification byWPS Test Essential Variable Changes 10 PQR Requiring Requalification Requalification by RT or U l" EIcclrodc Shielding (EGW only) 23) A change in shielding gas composition of any one constituellt > 5% of total flow x X 24) An increase or decrease in the total shielding flow rate > 25% ”이 ding Position 25) A change in vertical position by > 10。 X Groove Type X 26) An increase in cross-seclional area (for nonsquare grooves) X 27) A decrease in cross-sectional arca (for nonsquare grooves) 28) A change Ìn PQRjoint thickness , T olltside Ji mits ofO.5T -1 , JT X X 29) An increase ar decI 'case> 1/4 in [6 mm] in square groove root opening ‘ ‘ Post I\'eld He끼 t 1ì'cahl1 ent 30) A 이wnge ÎIl x PWHT a Tcsting shall be per['αmcd in conformance 、,vith Clause 6, Parts E or F, 민뜨딘멘프으L뀐뜨 Ffo딘쁘꾀연. as applicable N이ε AI1 “ x" indicates appli디lbility for the requalification mcthod; a shaded block indicates nonapplicabilit y. Table 4.8 Table 3.1 , Table 4.9, and Unlisted Steels Qualified by PQR (see 4.8.3) PQR Basc Me1al WPS Base Melal Group Combi l1 ations Allowed by PQR Any Group 1 SteeJ to Any Group 1 SteeJ Any Group 1 Steel to Any Group 1 Steel Any Group 11 SteeJ to Any Group II Steel Any Group 1 Steel to Any Group 1 Steel Any Group 11 Sleel to Any Group 1 Steel Any Group II Stcel to Ally Group II SteeJ Any Specific Group III or Table 4.9 Steel to Any Group 1 Ste e1 The Specific PQR Group 1II or Table 4.9 Steel Tested to Any Group 1 Steel Any Specifìc Group 111 or Table 4.9 Steel to Any Group Steel The Specific PQR Group 111 or Table 4.9 Steel Tested 10 A l1y Group 1 α Group II Ste c1 n Any Group I If SteeJ to the Sume or Ally Other Group III Steel or Any Group IV Steel to the Same or Any Other Group IV Steel Steels shall be of the same matcrial speciδcation , grade/type and minimum yield strength as the Stecls Ii sted in the PQR or Any Tablc 4.9 Stecl to the Same or Any Other Table 4.9 Stecl Any Combination of Group III , IV, and Table 4.9 Stecls Only the Specific Combination of Steels listed in the PQR Any Unlisted Steel 10 Any Unlisted Steel or Any Steel Li sted in Table 3.1 or Table 4.9 O l1 ly the Specific Combination of Steels listed in the PQR Notes 1. Groups 1 through IV are found in Table 3.1 2. When allowed by the steel specification , the yicld strength may be reduced 129 、vith illcreased metal thickness 。「〉 ζωm Table 4.9 Code-Approved Base Metals and Filler Metals Requiring Qualification per Clause 4 Matching Strength Filler Metal Minimum Yield PointlStreng야1 Tensile Range Specification ksi MPa ksi MPa ASTM A871 Grade 60 60 415 75min 520min. 65 450 Grade 65 80min 550 min Base Meta1 Thickness, T AWS Elecσ。de Process Speci:ficatio~ Elecσ'ode Classification Minimum Preheatand Interpass Temperature 。F 。c m mm Up to 3/4 Up to 20 50 10 Over3/4 thru 1-li2 Over20 thru 38 125 50 Over l-li2 Over38 thru 2-li2 thru 65 175 80 Over 2-112 Over65 225 110 z→-。 。 I〉「-꺼-。〉 BaseMetal F E8015-X A5 .5 SMAW E801 6-X E8018-X A5.23 SAW GMAW A5 .28 F8XX-EXXX-XX F8XX-ECXXX-XX ER80S-XXX A5.36 E8OC-XXX E8XTX-XAX-XXX A5 .29 E8XTX-XC { ] (] E8XTX-X X1‘ FCAW A5.36 ASTMA514 (Over 2-1/2 in [65 mm]) 90 620 10 아 130 69ι895 E8XTX-XAX-XXX E10015-X A5 .5 SMAW E10016-X El0018-X El0018M 90 ASTM A710 Grade A ‘ Class 1 ,; 3/4 in [20 mm] 80-85 550-585 515-550 10 아 130 90min 85min 690-895 620min 585 min A5 .23 SAW GMAW A5.28 A5.3 6 FCAW A5 .29 A5.36 (Continued) FIOXX-EXXX-XX FIOXX-ECXXX-XX ER100S-XXX EI00C-XXX El0TX-XAX-XXX El0XTX-XC EIOXTX-XM EIOTX-XAX-XXX E ’• ~g →흐“NS@ 75-80 620 〉〈ω 〈 ASTMA709 Grade HPS 100W [HPS 69OW1 (Over 2-112 in to 4 in [65 mm 10100 mm]) ASTM A710 Grade A. Class 3 ,; 2 in [50 mm] E8XTXE8XTX-AX-XXX 〉흔α 。→ •~E Base Metal Matching Strength Fil1er Metal Minimum Yield Point/Strength Specification ksi ‘ l pa Tensile Range ksi MPa Process AWS Electrode Specification?; Base Metal Thickness‘ T Electrode Classification Minimum Preheatand Interpass Temperature 。F ‘응N ‘gm Table 4.9 (Continued) Code-Approved Base Metals and Filler Metals Requiring Qualification per Clause 4 。C 10 mm Up to 3/4 Up to 20 50 10 E11XTX-XC E11XTX.XM E11TX.XAX.XXX Over 3/4 thru 1-1 /2 Ovεr20 125 50 thru 38 E7 015 Over 1-112 Over 38 thru 2-112 thru 65 175 80 Over 2-112 Over 65 225 110 E11015.X ASTMA514 (2.112 in [65 mm] and under) 100 690 110-130 760-895 SMAW A5.5 E11016.X E11018.X E11018M 90-!OO ASTM A5 17 62α-690 105-135 725-930 SAW ] ] { A5.2 3 GMAW ASTMA709 Grade HPS 100W IHPS 690Wl (2.112 in [65 mm] and under) 100 690 11 0- 130 A5.28 A5 .3 6 76ι895 A5.29 FCAW A5.36 ASTM A1043/A1043M Grade 36 Grade 50 36-52 25 0-360 58 min 5ι65 65 min 345-450 400min 450 min. A5.1 SMAW F11XX.EXXX-XX F11XX.ECXXX-XX ER1IOS.XXX E110C-XXX E11TX.XAX-XXX E7016 E7018 E7028 E7015.X E7016.X E7018.X A5 .17 SAW A5 .23 」 (Continued) F7XX.EXXX F7XX.ECXXX F7XX-EXXX-XX F7XX-ECXXX-XX 녁-。 。「〉 rmmA。ζ〉「---。〉z A5 .5 Matching Strength Filler Meta1 ßaseMetal Minimum Yìeld PointlStrength Tensile Range ksi ιlPa ASTM AI043/AI043M Grade 36 36-52 25 0-360 58 min , 400min Grade 50 50-서65 345-450 65 min. $pecification ksi MPa Process AWS Electrode Specification!! Base Metal Thickness , T Electrode Classification Minimum Preheatand Interpass Temperature 。F 。c m mm Upto 3/4 Upto20 50 10 Over3/4 thru 1-1/2 Over20 125 50 Over 1-112 Over 38 thru 2-112 thru 65 175 80 Over 2-112 Over65 225 110 U 〉 -녁 〔-。z 。「 Pζmm 。ζ〉「-- Table 4.9 (Continued) Code-Approved Base Metals and Filler Metals Requiring Qualification per Clause 4 A ER70S-X 450min E70C.XC A5.18 (Cont' d) E7OC-XM (Electrodes with the -GS suffix sha11he excluded) (Fixed Classification. carbon steel) E70C-6M A5.3 6 ω { N GMAW ~σod않 with the -GS su댐x sh따I beexcluded) ‘o얀n ClassificatioD. carbon steel) E7XTI5-XAX-CSl E7XTI5-XAX-CS2 A5.36 E 7XT 16-XAX-CSl E7XTl 6-XAX-CS2 (Elecσ。des with the -GS suffix sha11 he excludεd) A5 .28 A5.36 ER70S-XXX 야uu38 E7OC-XXX ‘Qj효n Classification, GMAW-Me ta1 Co red low-외 loy steel) E7XT-X E7XT-XC E7XT-XM A5 .20 (Continued) (Elecσ。des with the -2C, -2M, -3 , -10, -13 , -14, and -GS suffix sh띠1 be excluded‘ and electrodes with the -11 suffi. x shall be excluded for 야llcknesses greater than 112 in [1 2mm]) g ·→~。흐 ‘-Ng FCAW ><<@ ] m ir << m g • 5 ‘응 N으 m • Table 4.9 (Continued) Code-Approved Base Metals and Filler Metals Requiring Qualification per Clause 4 Base Meta1 Matcrung Minimum Yield PointJStrength Specification ksÎ Tensile Range MPa ksi MPa Process Sσ'ength Filler Metal BaseMεtaI AWS Electrode S pecification::. Th ickness ‘ T Electrode Classification ASTM A1043/A1043M Grade 36 3 6-52 250- 360 58 rrlln 400 min (Fixed Classification , carbon steel) Grade 50 5α-65 345-450 65 min 450 min E7XT.IC (Confd) Minimum Preheat and Interpass Temperature m mm Up 10 3/4 Up 10 20 50 10 Over 3/4 thru 1-1/2 Over20 thru 38 125 50 Over 1- 1/2 Over 38 thru 2- 1/2 thru 65 175 80 Over 2-112 Over 65 225 110 。F 。c E7Xτ1M E7XT-5C { ω E7XT-5M ] E7XT-9C E7XT-9M E7Xτ12C FCAW (Confd) A5.36 E7XT-I 2M E70T-4 E7XT-6 E7XT-7 E7XT-8 {flιr Cored Electrodes w뻐 the T3S. π OS. a.nd -GS su멜 shall be excluded and eLectrod,앙 with the Tl1 su%x shall be excluded for thicknesses greater than 112 in [1 2 mJηl πS. 〉Z 걷〔 。「〉ζωmA 。I〉「-꺼-。) (Continued) Matching Sσ'ength Filler Metal BaseMetal Minimum and Interpass Temperature F깐하leat Minimum Yìeld PointlStrength Specification ASTM A1043/A1043M ‘ ksi MPa ksi h Pa 36-52 250-360 58min 400min 50-65 345-450 65 min 450min Base Metal Thickness, T AWS Electrode Tensile Range Process Specification~ Electrode ClassificatÎon (Qj프n 。F 。c m mm Up to 3/4 Up to 20 50 10 Over 3/4 thru 1-1 /2 Over 20 thru 38 125 50 Over 1-1/2 Over 38 thru 2-1/2 thru 65 175 80 Over 2-112 Over 65 225 110 ζmm‘, z-。 。「〉 。 ζ〉「-꺼-。〉→ Table 4.9 (Continued) Code-Approved Base Metals and Filler Metals Requiring Qualification per Clause 4 Classification‘ carbon steel) E7XTX-XAX-CS1 E7XTX-XAX-CS2 E7XTX-AX CS3 • A5.3 6 (Flux Cored Electrodes with the T3S , π OS, and -GS su펄 shall be excluded and electrodes with the η 1 su따 shall be excluded for thicknesses greater than 112 in [12 ηS, 깐낀l FCAW (Cont’ d) νj .... E7XTX-X A5 .29 E7XTX-XC E7XTX-XM (Open Classification., FCAW, steel) 1ow-all。v A5.3 6 E6XTX-AX-XXX E6XTX-XAX-XXX E7XTX-AX-XXX E7XTX-XAX-XXX Notes l.Whεnw리 ds are to be stress relieve d. the deposited v. εld metal sh외1 not exαeed 0.05% vanadium (see 5.8) 2 ‘ When required by conσact or job specifications ‘ deposited 、Neld meta1 sh외1 have a minimum CVN energy of 20 ft.lbs [27.1 J] at QOP [-20 。디 as deterrníned using CVN testing în conform때 ce with Clause 4, Part D. 3. For ASTM A5 14. A5 17 , and A709. Grade HPS IOOW fHPS 690뻐‘ the maximum preheat and înterpass temperature sh외1 not exceed 4OQoF [200oC] r thicknessεs up to 1-1 /2 in [38 mm] inc1usive. and 4500 F [230oC] for greater thickness 4 터l1er metal properties have been moved to înformative Annex T. ~:xceot for AWS A5 .36. see Annex U 5. AWS A5 M (SI Units) electrodes of the same c1assîfication may be used în lieu of the AWS A5 (U.S. Customary Units) electrode classification “ =g」흐 -Ng@ 〉Eω 。‘ ‘ " A5 .36/A5.36M open classifications are listεdinAnnexU 〉〈ω 〈 。→ =。‘ i응 Ngm Table 4.10 Welder and Welding Operator Oualification-Production Welding Positions Oualified by Plate, Pipe, and Box Tube Tests (see 4캔.1)9 Qualification Test Production Plate Wel이 ng Qualified Production Pìpe Welding Qua1ified Butt Join t: vμeI d TYpe Groove b P L A T E νj ν、 Fillet Test Positionsa Groove CJp lG 2G 3G 4G 3G+4G F F, H F, H‘ V F‘ OH All IF 2F 3F 4F 3F+4F Plug Production Box Tube Welding Qualified T.. Y-‘ K-Connections ButtJoint T-、 Y-‘ K-Connections Gr∞ve pJP Filleé CJP PJP F F, H F, H F. H ‘ V F, H ‘ OH All F F. H E H. V F. OH F F, H E H. V F, OH All F. H F‘H. V F, OH All F F, H F. H‘ V F , H ‘ OH A1 1 All CJP PIP.::.E. Filleé CJF션 PJP F F, H F. H‘ V F. OH A F. H F. H F. H ‘ v F,H. OH F F. H F, H, V F F, H F,H. V F. OH All All F‘ OH All CJP PJl" Fillε:t! F F, H F‘ H F.H. V F, H‘ OH All F. H F, H ‘ V F. OH A1 1 F F, H F,H. V F F, H F.H. V F, H‘。H F, H‘。H A11 All Qualifies Plug and Slot Welding for Only the Positions Tested CJP-Complete Joiot Penctration PIP-Partia1 Joint P.ξnetratlon See Fi밍rres 4.3프밴 4.4 b Groove 、/,Ieldqu뇌퍼잉.tion sh퍼l 떠 50 qualify plug and $lot welds for the test positions indicated c Only qualified fcπpipe equ a1 to or grεater than 24 io [600 mm] io dîameter with backing. backgouging. or both d Notqu:꾀i:fied for joints welded from onc side without backing. or welded from two sides without backgouging 'N이 qualified for welds having groove angles less than 3D" (see ß.프쓰은) f Seε 4 으 1 and 으으Q for angle restrictions for plate joints 퍼d 바 ularτ. Y-. K-connections !l Th e qualific .ation of welding 얘erators f,이 eleccroslag welding εSW) or electrogas welding (EGW) sh띠1 only apply for the position tested U z 」〉「E 〔 νi 녁r -。 。「〉 ζω미 A 。F CLAUSE 4. QUALl FICATION AWS D1.1 /D 1.1 M:2015 Table 4.11 Welder and Welding Operator Oualification-Number and Type of Specimens and Range of Thickness and Diameter Oualified (Dimensions in Inches) (see Number of Specimens a (1) Test on Plate Qualified Dimensions Nominal Plate , Pipe or Th be Thickness Qualified , in Production Groove or Plug 、,velds 1Ype of Test Weld (Applicable Figures) Groove (Fig. 4잭 Plug (Fig. Face Bendb (Fig 4.8) 3/8 l or4 긴) Groove (Fig. 4잭, or4.19) Groove (Fig. 4 or4.19) Nominal Thickness ofTest Plate (T) in 4 끄, 16 , 4끄, Root Bendb (Fig 4.8) Side Bendb (Fig MaC fO 4.9) etch M (Note c) Min Max. 1/8 3/4 max.' 3/8<T< 1 2 118 2T max. d 1 or Qver 2 118 Unlimitedd 118 Unlimited 4잭) 2 3/8 Production FiIl et Welds (T-joint and Skewed) Number of Specimens 3 Qualified Dimensions r‘~ominal Test Plate Fillet Thickness , Weld MaC fO Side Root Face T, in Break etch Bendb Bendb Bendb 1Ype ofTest 、,veld 4.잭 Dihedral Angles Qualified~ M (Applicable Figures) Groove (Fig. Nominal Plate Thickness Qualified , in or 4 잎) (Note c) 3/8 l Min. Max. Min Max 1/8 Unlimited 30。 Unlimited Groove (Fig. 4 20 or4. 깊) 3/8<T< 1 2 1/8 Unlimited 30。 Unlimited Groove (Fig. 4 16, 4 끄1 or4.19) <:1 2 118 Unlimited 30。 Unlimited 테 let Option 1 (Fig. 4 짚) 112 118 Unlimited 60。 135。 4 깊) 3/8 118 Unlimited 60。 135。 Fillet Option 3 (Fig. 으깊) [Any diam. pipe] > 118 118 Unlimited 30。 Unlimited Fillet Option 2 (Fig. 잉 I 2 l Tests 00 Electroslag and Electrogas Welding Production Plate Groove Welds Groove (Fig. Side Bendb (see Fig. 4.~) Min. Max‘ < 1-112 2 118 T 1-112 2 118 Unlimited Nominal Plate Thickness Tested , T, in Type ofTest Weld 4‘잊) L Number of Specimens a Nominal Plate Thickness Qualified , in a AU welds shall be visually inspected (see 4.깊 1) ‘ bRadiographic examination of the test plate nilly be made in lieu of the bend tests (see 4.맥 1.1) c For 3/8 in plate or wall thickness , a side-bend test may be substituted for each of the required face- and root-bend tests ‘ Also qualifies for welding0 any fillet or PJP weld 5ize on nny thickness of plate, pipe or tubing. !:. For dihedral angles < 30 , see .9 19.1 ‘ exceot 6GR test not reauired 136 CLAUSE 4. QUA Ll FICATION AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 Table 4.11 (Continued) Welder and Welding Operator Qualification-Number and Type 01 Specimens and Range 01 Thickness and Diameter Qualified (Dimensions in Millimeters) (see 4.캔.2.1) Number of Spccimcns a (1) 1'e st on Plate NomÎnal Plate , Pipe or Tube Thickness Q lI alified , Il1 n Productioll Groove or Plug Welds 1'y pe o fTest Weld (Applicablc Figu l'cs) Groove (터 g.4 Nominal Face Root Side Thickncss of 8end b Bend b Bendb Test Plate , T, (Fig (Fig Macro(Fig ‘ 4.8) 4.9) Il1 m ctch 4. ll) 20 or4 깊) Quulified Dimensions l 10 l Min Max (Note c) 3 20 max d Groove (Fig. 4. J.6., 4. !l, 01' 4 .1 9) 10< 1' <25 2 3 2Tmaxd Groove (Fig. 4 쁘, 0 1' 4.19) 25 or over 2 3 Unlimitedd 3 Unlimited 4 끄, Plug (Fig. 4.26) 2 10 Production F ilJ ct 、Velds (Tjoint and Skewed) 1'y pe of 1'est 、,Veld (Applicablc Figures) Groove Nominal Tcεst Plate Fillet Root Face Thickncss , T, Weld Macro- Side b b b Bcnd Bend 111m 8reak etch Bend 0 1' 4.21) Groove (Fig‘ 4.16 , 4 묘, 01' 4.19) (~ Max Min Max. 30。 Unlimited 10< 1' <25 2 3 Unlimitcd 30。 Unlimited 25 2 3 Unlimited 30。 Unlimitcd 3 Unlimited 60。 135 。 3 Unlimited 60。 135。 3 Unlimited 30。 Unlimited :0, 10 2-긴) Min Unlimited (터 g.4 깊) ‘ Qualified~ 3 12 Fillet Option 3 (터 g. [Any Jiam. pipeJ Dihedral Angles Nominal Plate Thickness Qualified , IlUl1 (Note c) Fillet OptiOll 1 (터 g.4 짚) Fillct OptiOll 2 Qlla1i fied Dimcnsions 10 (터g.4 잭 or4 잔) Groove (Fig. 4 .2 0 NU l11 ber of Specimens a l 2 l >3 Tcsts on EIectroslag and Elcctrogas 、;Velding Prodllction Plate Groove \Vclds 1'y pe of 1'e st 、;VeId Groove (Fig. Number of Specimens 3 Nominal Plate Thickness Qua1i fied , nUI1 Side Bend b (see Fig. 4.2) Min Max. <38 2 3 T 38 2 3 Unlimitcd Nominal PIate Thickness Tested , T, mm 4 잎) ‘ aAII .\'clds shall be visllally inspected (see 4 깊 1) hRadiogra미 lic examination of the tesl plate may be made in lieu of the bend tests (see 4 쁘 1.1) "For 10 111m plate or wall thickness , a side-bcnd tesllllay bc substilllted for each of Ihe required face- and root-bend tesls d Also qualifies for velding any fillel or P1P :eld size on any thicknes of plate , pipe or tubing e For dihedral angles < 30 0 , see 뜨보,h쁘뜨~띤얀잔쁘쁘띤띤 ‘ “ ‘ 137 CLAUSE 4. QUALl FICATION AWS D1.1fD 1.1 M:2015 Table 4.12 Welding Personnel Performance Essential Variable Changes Req 비 ring Requalification (see 4.캔) Welding Personnel 、;Velders b Welding Operatorsb, c Tack 、iVelders (1) To a process not qua1i fied (GMAWøS Ìs considered a separate process) X X X (2) To an SMAW electrode 씨 h an pwnumber (see Table 4.13) higher than the WPQR electrode F-number x (3) To a position 110t qualified X X (4) To a diameter or thickness not qualified X x (5) To a vertical welding progression not qualified (uphill or downh i11) X (6) The omission of backing (if used in the WPQR test) x Essential Variable Changes to WPQR Requiring Requalification (7) To multiple electrodes (if a single electrode was l1 sed in the WPQR test) but not vice versa X X X X' a Not for ES‘WorEG、v 이;Velders qualified for SAW. GMAW, FCAW, or GTAW shaU bc considcred as qualified welding operators in the same process(es) and subject to the 0: welder essential variable Ii mitations A groove 、veld qualifies a sl이 weld for the WPQR position and the thickness ranges as shown in Table 4, 11 Notes ‘ L An “ x" indicates applicability for the welding personnel; a shaded area illdicates llonapplicability. 2. 、I.' PQR= 、,Velding Performance Qualification Record Table 4.13 Electrode Classification Groups (see Tab e 4.12) ’ A、NS Group Designation 一 R mN -R Electrode Classification EXXI5. EXXI6. EXXI8 , EXX48 , EXXI5-X , EXXI6-X , EXXI8-X EiXX 10, EXX 11 , EXX 10-X , EXX 11-X EXXI2 , EXX13 , EXXI4, EXXI3-X 에 EXX20, EXX24. EXX27 , EXX28 , EXX20-X , EXX27-X Note: The letters "XX" used in the classific께 ion designation in this table stand for the various strength levels (60 [415J. 70 [485J. 80 (550] , 90 [620] , tOO [690] , 110 [760] , and t20 [830]) ofelectrodes 138 AWS D1.1 /Dl.l M:2015 CLAUSE 4. QUALl FICATION Table 4.14 CVN Welding Process a SMA、v GTAW GMAW SA、v Test Requirements (see 4.맺.1) Test Te mperature Specimen SiZC ,d 111m Minimum Average Absorbed E Ilcrgy,e f[ JJ Minimum Individual Absorbed Energy,e ft.lbf [J] Minim 1l1l1 Average Percent Shear Area , % Minimum Average Lateral Expansion’ Mils/mm Test Location Numbcr of Specimensb WeldMetal 3 (Note c) IOxIO 20 [27] 15 [20] (Note f) (Note f) Fusion Li ne +lmm 3 (Note c) IOxIO 20 [27] 15 [20] (Note f) (Note f) Fusion Line +5mm 3 (Note c) IOxIO 20 [27J 15 [20] (Note f) (Note f) 。 F!'C ESW EG、v FCAW-S FCA、rV-G aA WPS 、이lich combines FCAW-S with another 、Nclding proccss shal! be spccifically tested 10 assure CVN test criteria are mct at the interface between the 、,\'cld deposits b The alternate number of specimcns allowed per test location is fiyc. The highest and Iowcst 씨 lues sha lI be discarded 10 minimize some of the scatter normally associatcd with CVN testing ofιlelds and HA Zs ç Test tcmpcrλtures shall be specificd in contract documents or specifications 、,Vhen sub-sized spccimens are required , and the wìdth of the specimcns across the ’1이ch is less than 80% of the base metal thickness , Ihe lest temperature shall be reduced in confor01ance with Table 4.15 d Full size specimens shall be used when lest material is 7/1 6 ìn [llmm] or thicker. Sub-sized specÎmens shall be used when teSI material thickness is less than 7/1 6 in [11 O1 m1 , or whcn 'eldment geometry pr이libits the remoιal of fu l1 sÎzed samples ‘ e Applicable in welds between base matcrials with a specified minilllum yield strcngth (SMYS) of 50 ksi [345 MPa] or less. Acceptance criteria for welds between materials exceeding SYMS of 50 ksi [345 MPa] shall be specified in the contract documents or specifications f Values for percent shear and latcral expansion shall be recorded when specified in the contract documents or specífkations “ Table 4.15 Test Temperature Reduction (see ~.27.5 and 4.27. 1) For sub-slzed CVN test specimens where the wldth across the notch Is less than 80% 01 the base melal thlc써 ness. CVN Test Temperature Reduction Below the Specified Test Temperature Specime l1 Size nun IOx /O /O x9 /0 x 8 /0 x 7.5 IOx7 lO x 6.7 /O x6 IOx5 IOx4 IOx 3.3 /0 x 3 /0 x 2.5 。F 。c 0 0 0 5 8 0 0 0 3 5 6 8 II 17 19 22 28 10 15 20 30 35 40 50 Example: If design drawings or specifications ìndicate that CVN tests shall be performed al 32 0 P [ooCJ and IO mlll X 5 mm sub-sìzed specìmcns are uscd; thc actual test tcmperature would be 12 P [-11 "CJ 0 ’ Note: The rcduction in thc minimum acccptance energy values for sub-sized specilllens shall be determined i 1conformance with ASTM A370a-97 , Table 9 139 AWS D1.1/D 1.1 M’ 2015 CLAUSE 4. QUALl FICATION Tabulation 이 Positions 이 Groove Welds [기agram Position Reference Flal A 0 Horizontal B 0 0 to 15 0 。verhead c 0 0 1080。 Verlical Rotation of Face IncllnaUon 01 Ax is 0 1015。 150 0 10210。 80 0 10150。 210 0 10280。 0 0 to 80。 280 10360。 0 D 15 0 1080。 80 0 10280。 E 80 0 1090。 0 0 10360。 F 、 , 90 0 ’ 80。 -1 ‘、‘ 1 、、 AXIS Ll MITS FOR E ‘ 1 AXIS LIMITS FOR C VERTICAL PLANE 15。 P τ、\LFι: r--:슨~~、 ‘ -------μXIS Ll MITS \ 1 /2판:::':3" “、、、 - - -1 - - - FOR A & B "" 、、 Jr 00 - 1 L --- 0。 으F - ; r ~360 。 - HORlZOIVIALPtANE - - - - - - - - - - 、 、 Notes‘ 1. The horizontal reference plane shall always be taken to lie below the weld under conslderation 2. The inclination 이 axls shall be measured from the horizo미al reference plane toward the vertical reference plane. 3. The angle 01 rotation of the facB shall be determined by a Hne perpendicular 10 the theoretical face 이 the weld which passes through the axis 01 the weld. The reference posítion (OO) of rotation of the facB invariably points in the direction opposite 10 that ln which the axis angle Increase s. When looking at point P, the angle of rotation of the face of the weld shall be measured in a clockwise direction ’ rom the reference position (00 ) Figure 4.1-Positions of Groove Welds (see 4.3 .4) 140 AWS D1.1 /D1.1M:2015 CLAUSE 4. QUA Ll FICATION Tabulalion of Positions 01 Fillet Welds Inclina t1 0n of Axis Diagram Reference Positìon Rolalion of Face Flal A 0 1015。 Horizontal B 0 0 1015。 Overhead c 0 0 D E 15 0 Verlical 1080。 125 0 10235。 80 0 1090。 0 0 to 360 0 150 0 10210。 0 125 0 10150。 210 0 10235。 0 0 to 1080。 125。 235 0 10360。 F 、 90。 、、 、‘、‘ 80 0 ~ AXIS Ll MITS FORE AXIS Ll MITS FOR C VERTICAL PLANE <:: _- - - - l 1- - - -1- - - l ~、、 、、 lj 。o ~ - AXIS Ll MITS F。RF&B ‘ ~ rR .~"O. 、 \ _____ '즈J/ - 111 rr p ! 、 、 , ~률-슴승증~ o 。 으二L --• \ •••• 、、、、 、、、、」 -- 0 360 --- HORIZONTAL PLANE _- -- Figure 4.2-Positions of Fillet Welds (see 4.3.4) 141 ‘ - - AWS D l.l /D 1. 1M:2015 CLAUSE 4. QUA Ll FICATION PLATES HORIZONTAL PLATES VERTICAL; AXIS OFWELD HORIZONTAL (A) FLAT WELDING TEST POSITION 1G (8) HORIZONTAL WELDING TEST POSITION 2G PLATES VER Tl CAL; AXIS OFWELD VERTICAL PLATES HORIZONTAL (D) OVERHEAD WELDING TEST POSITION 4G (C) VERTICAL WELDING TEST POSITION 3G Figure 4.3-Positions of Test Plates for Groove Welds (see 4.3 .4) 142 CLAUSE 4. QUA Ll FICATION AWS Dl.l/D 1.1 M:2015 AXIS OFWELD HORIZONTAL TH ROAT OF WELD VERTICAL -AXIS OF WELD HORIZONTAL - / _ Note: One plate must be horizontal ’ (8) HORIZONTAL WELDING TEST POSITION 2F (A) FLATWELD NG TEST POSITION 1F AXIS OF WELD VERTICAL AXIS OFWELD HORIZONTAL Note: One plate must be horizontal (미 (C) VERTICAL WELDING TEST POSITION 3F ’ OVERHEAD WELD NG TEST POSITION 4F Figure 4.:!-Positiolls of Test Plate for Fillet Welds (see 4.3.4) 143 AWS D1.1/D l.l M:2015 CLAUSE 4. QUALl FICATION / -4-•- (<αp DIRECTION OF ROL Ll NG (RECOMMENDED) ••+ DISCARD THIS PIECE =====t==*===== SIDE BEND SPECIMEN j:;;:::::J: REDUCED SECTION TENSION SPECIMEN 亡 q SIDE BEND SPECIMEN -t릇튿휠 IMPACT SPE맥탬힘빼트N1REQUlRED) -"- -----답극 -- -- -- - L'j 급 - -- --- ------|\ /1 WELD METAL TENSION SPECIMEN 넓 SIDE BEND SPECIMEN 241n [600 mmJ EXTENSIONS NEED NOT BE USED IF THE JO T IS OF SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO PROVIDE 19 In [480 mmJ 。 F SOUND WELD EXCLUSIVE 。 F AETESTS If‘ 투각 REDUCED SECTION TENSION SPECIMEN 낱::t SIDE BEND SPECIMEN ~휴 DISCARD THIS PIECE ~121 얘얘 121n β00 mmJ ←十 121nβOOmmJ 커 떠 Notes: 1. The groove configuration shown is for Hl ustration only. The groove shape tested shall conform to the production groove shape that is being qualified 2. When CVN test spe이 mens are required , see Clause 4, Part 0 for requirements. 3. AII dimensions are minimum Figure 4.~-Location of Test Specimens on Welded Test PlatesESW and EGW-WPS Qualification (see 4.9) 144 AWS Dl.l1D 1.1M:2015 CLAUSE 4. QUA Ll FICATION 「---<(CJP T 뜰==-, f =f r== 을 2뽑떻확j찮輔짧↑싫홉 .. n싫l§ Z킴캡L$?좋갚PECI펴 흉 3웹I 十품녁£후뉴흘 O 뿜[1 5업ffi)1 c SIDE BEND $PECIMEN ===|=|=== REDUCED SECTION TENsrON SPECIMEN ---1"""""1--SIDE BEND SPECIMEN < ] CVN TEST $PECIMENS (IF REQUIRED) -- -과눈빠-SfDE BEND SPECIMEN rF훌 격 fT~== 플 펀댈 뜯댁펴$품EL잉뜯1 날 홍 ===|=l=== REDUCED SECTION TENSION $PECIMEN ===l=|=== SIDE BEND SPECIMEN ===1=1= DISCARD THIS PfECE f- ~7 뼈 (1) LONGITUDINAL BEND SPECIMENS 。 ”-( --됨콰π 1 1510 [380 mmJ 。 r 21 in -mn [525 mm] WHEN > m CVNTEST SPECIMENS REQUIRED 。 LONGITU펴따麗s뜯1참 훌 。¢ 。 훨 DIS떻델β폭CE - - -._.-- --- 때EQUIRED) 繼보뚫커l합j뉴렇 (1 :L1 ,-----<( CJP DIRECTl ON OF ROL Ll NG • - - þ (RECOMMENDED) 710 {180 mml -.t• 71n (180 mm] -.t (2) TRANSVERSE BEND SPECIMENS XZ Notes: 1. The groove configuration shown is for iII ustration only. The groove shape tested shall conform to the prc띠 uction groove shape that is beìng qualified 2. When CVN tests are required. the specimens shall be removed from their locations , as shown in Figure 4 잭 3. AII dimensions are mlnlmum Figu l'e of Test Specimens on Welded Test Plate Over 3/8 in [10 mm] Thick-WPS 145 Qualification (see 4.9) CLAUSE 4. QUA Ll FICATION AWS D1. 1/D1.1M:2015 「---<( CJP T→룹특千千 r 플 [1팔뿔 LONGITU껍Lr품뜸뜯l받 홍 r-----<( αp •i 문뿔 Z파D겼L$。뚫릎효1펴 홀 l찮센 n뿔j뽑커후팎흐 [910 mmJ ,~ . . ~ '~_, I [150 ,mm1 WHËii' 1 DIRECTION QF ROL L1 NG~ (RECOMMENDED) DISCARD THIS PIECE REDUCED SECTION 많srON 8PE과EN = ==|=l= = = ROOT BEND SPECIMEN ===|=|=== CVN TEST 8PECIMENS (IF REQUIRED) ”-( ] --됨콰jí-­ CVN TEST SPECIMENS (IF REQUIRED) --펙화ι -m 。、 。 펀}훨 뜯댁펴$。$f℃뜯1 펙 훌 < Q 。 격 f =r:===좋 FACE BEND SPECIMEN 。α 짧짧s 밟늄닉f환좋 I뱉훨 뿔펴따품뜸혈# 훌 ;f- 툼 •••••• m y T 20in {510mr 。 r 26 i [660 mr WHE~ CVNTE SPECIMI REQUIR ROOT 8END 8PEClMEN ===l=|=== FACE BEND SPECJMEN ===|=|=== REDUCED SECTION TENSION SPECIMEN ===|=|=== OISCARD THIS PIECE 1..-- 7 in [180 mm] ~← 7in{180mm} ~ (1) LONGITU Dl NAL BEND SPECIMENS ~ 7 in [180 mmJ ---..f• 7 in [180 mm] 뉘 (2) TRANSVERSE BEND SPECIMENS XZ Notes 1. The groove configuralion shown is for iU ustralion only. The groove shape tested shall conform 10 the production grOQve shape that is being qualilied 2. When CVN tests are required , the specimens shall be removed from thelr locations , as shown in Figure 4 맺 3. AII dimensions are minimum 4. For 3/8 in [10 mmJ 에 ate , a side-bend test may be substituted for each of the req 미 red face- and root-bend tests. See Figure 4 닫(2) for p!ate length and location of specimens Figure 4.Z-Location of Test Specimens on Welded Test Plate 3/8 in [10 mm] Thick and Under-WPS Qualification (see 4.9) 146 AWS 0 1. 1/01.1 M:2015 CLAUSE 4. QUALlFICATION [1짧찌-껴 {樞I r- l I.1 ~ 뉴- 6 in [150 mmJ MIN. 걱 「38 Rm} 겨 r 짧임mJ ~j j 펌 뉘 」짧 3/8 in [10 mmJ TEST PLATE 뉘 I-- ROOT TEST PLATE OVER 3/8 in [10 mmJ THICK (1) LONGITUDINAL BEND SPECIMEN /- N。te c -L • 「 願 NO% b y l=주주 , ,- 낙빼 π μ 「 L MATERIAL TO BE REMOVEO 3/8 in ..J 1 FOR CLEANUP [10m떼 FACE BENO SPECIMEN (PLATE) t펴 mmJ MAX 펀 U r MATERIAL TO BE REMOVEO FOR CLEANUP [10 mmJ (PIPE) 펴#뿔뿔r 1 뉴--------크초 ‘ I l 38 처] N0%c-/ [10 mmJ~ • ROOT BENO SPECIMEN (2) TRANSVERSE BEND SPECIMEN D!mensions Test Specimen Width , W in [mmJ T'est Weldment s 꺼.st 1-1/2 [4이 1 [25J Tes! 미 pe or tube 1-1/2 Plate pipe or tube 4 in [100 mm] in diameter [4이 > 4 in [100 mm] in diameter a A longer specimen lenglh may be necessary when using a wraparound type bending fixture or when testing 51eel with a yield slrength 0190 ksi [620 MPaJ or more bThese edges may be thermal cut and may or may not be machined CThe weld reinforcement and backing , If anι shall be removed flush with Ihe surface 이 the spe이 men (5ee 5 원 3.1 and 5 원 3.2). If a recessed backing is used , this surface may be machined to a deplh not exceeding the depth 이 the reC9SS to remove the backing; in such a case , the thickness 01 the flnished specimen shall be that specified above. Cut surfaces shall be smooth and para l! el Notes: 1. T = plate or pipe thlckness 2 , When the thickness of the test plate Is less than 3/8 in {1 0 mm] , the nominal thickness shaH be used for face and root bends Figure and Root Bend Specimells (see 147 AWS D1.1 /D 1. 1M:2015 CLAUSE 4. QUA Ll FICATION l' 6 i넓짧m) r------..., r- -+’L.._____...J‘ ιJ I i '"j ---+t- -t L_ IF THERMAL.CUT, ALLOW NOT LESS THAN 1/8 in [3 mm) TO BE MACHINED FROM EDGES RADIUS 1/8 in--' [3 mm) MAX [3 mm) 6GR SPECIMEN |/ |띔 \i/ WHEN 1 EXCEEDS 1-1/2 in [38 mm) , CUT ALONG THIS Ll NE. EDGE MAY BE THERMAL CUT. t, in τ 3/8 10 1-1/2 > 1-1/2 MACHINE THE MINIMUM AMOUNT NEEDED TO OBTAIN PLANE PARALLEL FACES (OP Tl ONAL) t , mm in 101038 > 38 (Nole b) T, mm (Nole b) a A longer specimen length may be necessary when using a wraparound-type bending fixture or when tesling steel with a yield strength 0190 ksi [620 MPa) or more. bFor plates over 1-1/2 in [38 mm] thick , the specimen shall be cut ioto approximately equal strips with T between 3/4 in [20 mm] and 1.1/2 in [38 mm) and lesl each slrip c t = plate or pipe thickness Figul'e 4.2-S ide Bend Specimens (see 148 AW8 D1.1/D1.1M:2015 CLAU8E 4. QUA Ll FICATION MACHINE WELD REINFORCEMENT FLU8H WITH BA8E METAL PLATE 냉&:며gE쐐 EDGE OF WIDE8T FACE OF WELD PREFERABLY BY MIL Ll NG 亡쪽략과τ←→ |/%EERA$E암5입쁨UM r------- #::::::::~/ AMOUNT FACE80VE빠 Dimensions in lnches [mmJ Test Plate Nominal Thickness , Tp Tp ~ 1 in [25mm] L-Overalllength , min s C-Widlh of grip sectionC, d t-Specimen thickness 6 , f r-Radlus of fillel , mln 2 in [50 mm] & 31n [75 mm] Diameter Tp ~ 1-1/2 in [38 mm] Widest faoe 이 weld + 1/2 in [12 mm] , 2-114 in [60 mm] min. A-Lenglh of reduced sect!on W-Width of reduced section b, C 1 in [25 mm] < Tp < 1-1/2 in [38 mm] Test Pipe As required by testing equipment 이'4 3/4 in [20 mm] min. 3/4 in [20 mm] min‘ W + 1/2 in [12 mm] min W + 1/2 in [12 mm] min W + 1/2 in [12 mm] min Tp Tp Tp/n (Nole ’) 1/2 In [12 mm] 1/2 in [12 mm] 1/2 in [12 mm] in [20 mm] min. 6 in [150 mm] & 8 in [200 mm] Diameter or Larger Job Size Pipe Widest face 이 weJd + 112 in [12 mm] , 2-114 in [60 mm] min I I As required by testing equipment 1/2 ~ 0.01 (12 ~ 0.025) 3/4 in [20 mm] min W + 1/2 in [12 mm] min. W + 1/2 in [12 mm] min Maximum possÎ비 e ‘씨 Ih plane parallel faces within length A 1 in [25 mm] 1 in [25 mm] a It is desirable , if possible , 10 make the length of the grlp section large enough 10 allow the speαmen to extend inlo the grips a distance equ외 to two-thirds or more of the lenglh of the grips bThe ends of Ihe reduced section shall not differ in wldlh by more Ihan 0.004 in [0.102 mmJ. Also, Ihere may be a gradual decrease in width from the ends 10 the center, but Ihe 에dlh 01 eilher end shall nol be more Ihan 0.015 in [0.381 mm]larger Ihan Ihe widlh al the center. CNarrower v띠dths (W and C) may be used when necessary. In such cases , Ihe widlh of the reduced section should be as large as Ihe wldlh of the malerlal beîng tested allows. If Ihe widlh of Ihe materialls less than W, the sides may be parallel throughout the lenglh of the specimen‘ d For standard plate-type specimens , the ends of the specimen shall be symmetrical wilh the center line of the reduced section within 1/4 In [6 mm]. eThe dimension t is the thickness of the specimen as provided for in the applica 비 e material specifications. The minimum nominal thíckness of 1-1/2 In [38 mm] wide specimens shall be 3/16 in [5 mm) except as allowed by the product specification For plates over 1-1/2 in {38 mmJ thick , specimens may be cut into approximately equal sl끼ps. Each strip shall be alleasl 314 in [20 mm] thick. The tesl resulls of each strip shall meet the minimum requirements ’ Note: Due 10 limited capa이ty of some tensile testing machines , alternale specimen dimensions for Ta비 e 4.9 steels may be used when approved by the Engineer Figure 4.10-Reduced-Section Tension Specimells (see 149 CLAUSE 4. QUA Ll FICATION AWS D1.1/D1.1M ’ 2015 TAPPED HOLE TO SUIT TESTING MACHINE 카 AS REQUIRED 논 [1없제"---r긋網ZQ仁] HARDENED ROLLERS 1-1/2 in [38.1 mmJ IN DIAMETER MAY BE SUBSTITUTED FOR JIG SHOULDERS DIE MEMBER Specified or Aclual Base Metal Yield Strength 50 ksi [345 MPaJ & under over 50 ksi [345 MPaJ 10 90 ksi [620 MPaJ 90 ksi [620 MpaJ & over c A In [mmJ B in [mmJ in [mmJ 1-1/2 [38.1J 3/4 [19.0J 2-3/8 [60.3J 1-3/16 [30.2J 1 [25 .4J 2-7/8 [73.0J 1-7/16 [36.6J 1-1 /4 [3 1. 8J 3-3/8 [85.7J 1-11/16 [42.9J 2 [5α8J 2-1/2 [63.5J Note: Plunger and interior die surfaces shall be machine-finlshed Figure 4.뀐,-Guided Bend Test Jig (see 4.9.3,1) 150 D in [mmJ CLAUSE 4. QUALl FICATION AWS Dl.l/Dl.1M:2015 T T + 1/16 in [2 mmJ ROLLER ANY DIAMETER A WELD SBpaese미fied or Actual Metal Yield Slrenglh , ksi [MPaJ 50 [345J &under A m B in A mm B mm 1-1/2 이4 38.1 19.0 2 over 50 [345J 10 90 [620J 2-1/2 90 [620J over 1-1/4 50.8 25 .4 63.5 3 1.8 Figure 4.과-Alternative Wraparound Guided Bend Test Jig (see 4.9.34) B = N2 」→ C-뇌 Specified or Actual Base Melal Yield Slrenglh , ksi [MPal 50 [345J & under 。ver 50 [345J 10 90 [6201 90 [620J & over c A in B in c In A mm B mm π1m 1-1/2 3/4 2-3/8 38.1 19.0 60.3 2-7/8 50.8 25 .4 73.0 3-3/8 63.5 31.8 85.7 2 2-1/2 1-1/4 Figure 4.13-Alternative Rolle1'-Equipped Guided Bend Test Jig fo 1' Bottom Ejectioll of Test Specimen (see 151 CLAUSE 4. QUALl FICATION AWS D1.1 /D 1.1 M:2015 A i -←가 Dimensions in inches Small-Size Specimens Proporlional 10 Standard Standard Specimen Nominal Diameter 0.500 in Round 0.350 in Round 0.250 in Round 0.500' 0‘ 010 , 0.005 0.350 , 0.007 , 0.005 0.250 , 0.005 3/8 1/4 3/16 2-1/4 1-314 1-1/4 G-Gage length 2.000 D-Diameter (Note a) r-Radius 01 fille! , mln A-Length 01 reduced section (Note b) , min ‘ , 0.005 1.4 00 1.000 Dimensions (metric version per ASTM E8M) Small-Size Specimens Proportional 10 Standard Standard Specimen Nominal Diameter 12.5 mm Round 9mm Round G-Gage length 62.5 D-Diameter (Note a) 12.5' 0.2 , 0.1 9.0 , 0.1 r-Radius 01 l i11 e! , min. 10 8 6 75 54 36 ‘ < ANi-o--tLeebn> gIth of red Jced seclion min , 0.1 6 mm Round 45.0 , 0.1 6.0 , 0.1 30.0 aThe reduced section may have a gradual taper from the ends toward the center, 씨th the ends not more than 1% larger in diameter than blhe cen!er (c。 nlrolling dimension) , If desired , the length 01 the reduced section may be increased 10 accommodate an extensometer of any convenient gage lengh Reference marks for the measurement of elongation should be spaced at the indicaled gage lenglh. Note: The gage lenglh and f i1lets shall be as shown , but Ihe ends may be of any form 10 fit Ihe holders of the tesling machine in such a way thal the load shall be axia l. If the ends are to be held in wedge grips , it is desirable , if possible , 10 make the length 이 the grip section greal enough 10 allow the specimen 10 extend into Ihe grips a distance equal to Iwo-thirds or more of the length of the grips Figure 4.1 4-AII-Weld-Metal Tension Specimen (see 152 CLAUSE 4. QUALl FICATION AWS 0 1.1 /0 1.1 M:2015 ~ < T1--.J'\ , , W = MAXIMUM SINGLE PASS FILLET WELO USEOIN CONSTRUCTION W = MINIMUM MULTIPLE PASS FILLET WELO USEO IN CONSTRUCTION MACROETCH TEST SPECIMEN MIL Ll METERS INCHES Weld Size T1 mln T2min. Weld 8ize 1/8 1/4 3/16 3 6 5 3/16 1/2 3/16 5 12 5 1/4 314 114 6 20 6 5/16 5/16 8 25 8 3/8 3/8 10 25 10 1/2 1/2 12 25 12 5/8 5/8 16 25 16 3/4 3/4 20 25 20 >20 25 25 > 3/4 T1 기r2 min N。te: Where tt18 !naxIrnljrn pIat8 ihickr1gss tISed in pedrofdgurction is |gss than the vaIue shown Ihlckness of the production pieces may be substituled for T1 and T2 ab。vei the maximtjrn Figu l'e 4.갤-FiIlet Weld Soundness Tests fo l' WPS Qualification (see 153 min. 4.12.2) AWS 01.1/01.1 M:2015 CLAUSE 4. QUA Ll FICATION SIOE BENO SPECIMEN r멋- 5 in [125 mm] MIN aThe backing thickness shall be 1/4 in [6 mm] mln. 10 3/8 in {10 mm] max.; backing width shall be 3 in [75 mm] min. when nol removed for RT, otherwise 1 in [25 mm] mìn Note: When RT is used , no tack we!ds shall be in test area Figm'e 4.16-Test Plate for Unlimited Thickness-Welder Quali윈C때on 멘4 F 'iII et Weld Consumable Verification Tests (see 와객측옥웬d4.쟁.1) SIOE BENO SPECIMEN “__ /멋- OIRECTION OF ROL Ll NG (RECOMMENOEO) ι ~ [16mm] aThe backing thickness shall be 3/8 in [10 mm] min. 10 1/2 in [12 mm] max.; backing width shall be 3 in [75 mm] min. when not removed for Rτ 。 therwise 1-1/2 in [40 mm) min Noles 1. When RT is used , no tack welds shall be in test area 2. The joint configuration of a qualified WPS may be used in lieu of the groove configuration shown here Figure 4.끄.-Test Plate for Unlimited Thickness-Welding Operator Qualification 웬4 F iII et Weld Consumable Verification Testl! (see 4.깅J옥갚밴 4.쟁옥J) 154 CLAUSE 4. QUA Ll FICATION AWS D1.1 /D1.1M:2015 . . .• DIRECTION OF ROL Ll NG (RECOMMENDED)_ SIDE BEND SPECIMEN l l l I l l l ·l l J ( ’ 뼈 씨 빠 ‘ ’ l wm -、 ’’l l / 10in mm) MIN ‘ [250 、 l ‘- ”m ... ...., ....,l SIDE BEND SPECIMEN Lr3 in [乃 mm) ↑쫓 3어 inJ← [10 mm) MIN. Figure 4.탱-Location of Test Specimen on Welded Test Plate 1 in [25 mm1ThickConsumables Verification for Fillet Weld WPS Qualification (see 4.12.3) 155 AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 CLAUSE 4. QUA Ll FICATION 뼈 뼈 뼈 lll----Il--- [150 6in mm] MIN SIDE BEND SPECIMEN SIDE BEND SPECIMEN aWhen RT is used , no tack welds shall be in test area bThe backing thickness shall be 1/4 in [6 mm) mÎn. to 3/8 in or RT, otherwise 1 in {25 mm) min ’ [10 mm1 max.; backing width shall be 3 in [75 mm] min. when not removed Figu l'e 4.뀐-Optional Test Plate fo l' Unlimited ThicknessHo l'i zontal Position-Welde l' Qualification (see 4.쟁.1) 156 CLAUSE 4. QUALl FICATION AWS 0 1.1 10 1. 1M:2015 ROOTBENO SPECIMEN' aWhen RT is used , no tack welds shall be in test area b The backing Ihickness shall be 114 in [6 mmJ min. 10 318 in [10 mmJ max.; backing widlh shall be 31n [75 mmJ min. when not removed for RT, otherwise 1 in [25 mm) mîn c For 3/8 in [10 mm} plate , a side-bend test may be subslituted for each of the required face- and root-bend tests. Figure 4.‘2쟁0꺼 We 마l삐 따 d er Qualiflcation (see 4.쟁.1) 157 AWS D1.1/D 1.1 M:2015 CLAUSE 4. QUA Ll FICATION MlNr「i~~ 뼈 뼈 뼈 [180 mm} l l ----------- 미 마 휴f 6in [150 mmJ MIN. ROOT BEND SPECIMEN' {쁨mJα FACE BEND SPECIMEN' 1 1n [25 mmJ a When RT is used , no tack welds shall be in te5! area backing thickness shall be 1/4 in [6 mmJ mín. t。 이'8 in (10 mmJ max.; backing width shall be 3 in [75 mm] min. when n01 removed for b The RT, otherwise 1 in [25 mm] min c For 3/8 in [10 mm] plate , a side-bend test may be subslituted for each of the req 미 red face- and ro 。 ιbend tests Figure 4.긴-Optional Test Plate for Li mited Thickness-Horizontal Position-Welder Qualification (see 4.캔.1) 158 CLAU8E 4. QUA Ll FICATION AWS 01.1/01.1 M:2015 DIRECTION OF ROL Ll NG (RECOMMENOEO) - • • • • • 를→----←→ • .... I ---% La -1{ - - -따---떠 ---아 「빠뉘」1뉘빠」 -% l T+ ’←‘l土 뼈 十뻐+ 「 」〔」 |1 1 -m --------- -m 디 ------------- 1 ←L 1ι 찌 -11 ---m - - 표뭘혈촬 Q ←τ1-1/2 in [40 mm] MAY OR MAY NOT BE MACHINEO:끼\、 [짧| \ | L델6휴§때 #까5셰?M삼 ’ THE PORT ON BETWEEN FILLET WELOS MAY BE WELDEO IN ANY P081TION L펀안10mm] 下← RAOIU8 1/8 in [3 mm] MAX ~--\-I- - τ 」 MAXIMUM SIZE SINGLE----PA88 FILLET WELD 3/8 in [10 mm] \)• AT LEAST 3/8 x 2 in [10 x 50 mm] IF RT IS USED , THEN USE AT LEAST 3/8 x 3 in [10 x 75 mm] BACKING THE BACKING SHALL BE IN INTIMATE CONTACT WITH THE BA8E METAL THE WELD REINFORCEMENT ANO THE BACKING SHALL BE REMOVED FLU8H WITH THE BASE METAL (SEE 5 원",.1) THERMAL CUTTING MAY BE USEO FOR THE REMOVAL OF THE MAJOR PART OF THE BACKING. PROVIOEO AT LEA8T 1/8 in [3 mm] OF ITS THICKNES8 18 LEFT TO BE REMOVED BY MACHINING OR GRINOING aL = 7 in [175 mm] min. (welder) , L = 15 in [380 mm] min. (welding operalor) Figure 4.양-Fillet Weld Root Bend Test Plate-Welder 0 1' Welding Operatol' Qualiflcation-Option 2 (see 4.~1. 2 and Table 4.11 0 1' 9.21 and Table 9J.Ð 159 AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 CLAUSE 4. QUA Ll FICATION FORCE Figure 4.23-Method of Ruptu 1'ing Specimen-Tack Welde1' Qualification (see 4.23) π「 DIRECTION OF ROL Ll NG ..•• .. (RECOMMENDE 미← I1 11 - _. - -I-I -L I- - - - ’---- SIDE BEND SPECIMEN - - - - • -1 .,.. 1I τ 1I 연 11 - - - -1-141- - SIDE BEND SPECIMEN - - - -rl-tl- - - - - - }•+ 17in [430 mrnJ MIN. li -←土 l 11 11 11 펴냄힘쾌짧생힘섹 끽 - i [)•ν ←下 a Root opening “R" e5ta비 shedbyWPS bT = maximum to be welded in construction but need not exceed 1-112 in [38 mm] C Extensions need not be used if joint is of suf icient length to provide 17 in [430 mm] 이 sound weld. ’ Figu1'e 4.24-ßutt J띠 nt fo 1' Welding Ope1'ato 1' Qualification-ESW and EGW (see 4.쟁.2.2) 160 CLAUSE 4. QUA Ll FICATION AWS D1.1/D 1.1 M‘ 2015 능- 3 in [75 mmJ MIN 뼈 「 FILLETWELD BREAK / // // DISCARD CUT Ll NE 1/2 in [12 mmJ MIN STOP AND RESTART WELDING NEAR CENTER CUT Ll NE 44%ETCH SPEClMEN (ETCH INTERIOR FACE)b 'L = 8 in [200 mmJ min. welder, 15 in [380 mmJ min. (welding operator) b Either end may be used for the required macroetch specimen. The other end may be discarded Figu1'e 4.25-Fillet Weld B1'eak and Mac 1'oetch Test Plate-Welde1' 0 1' Welding Ope1'ato 1' Qualification-Option 1 (see 훈2 1.갇맨dl'able 4.11 or 9.21 and 매ble9.14) 161 AWS D1.1 /D1 ,1M:2015 CLAUSE 4 , QUALl FICATION WELD →~← 3/8 in [10 mmJ • τ 3/8 in [10 mmJ MIN MACROETCH TEST SPECIMEN MACROETCH SPECIMEN (ETCH INTERIOR FACE) t 걱 r뉴、「點mJ ; ’L 1 l CUT Ll NE '-• \ l L 2 WELD L ______I _____ _ L , L2 PLUG WELD TEST PLATE (MACROETCH 80TH INTERIOR FACES) Notes: 1, L = 2 in [50 mmJ min , (welder) , 3 in [75 mmJ min , (‘Ne!ding operator); 2 , L2 = 3 in [75 mmJ min , (welder) , 5 in [125 mmJ min , (we 떠 ing operator) , FigUl'e 4.26-Plug Weld Macroetch Test Plate-Welder 0 1' Welding Operator Qualification (see 4.13 and WPS Qualification (see 4.긴측) 162 ClAUSE 4. QUA lI FICATION AWS D1.1/D 1.1 M:2015 11 h2;;;;3때피L L1댐원찍가 「 L 1 짧~~ Figure 4.낀.-Fillet Weld ßreak Specimen-Tack Welder Qualification (see 4.16.2) 163 CLAUSE 4. QUALl FICATION AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 SINGLE V-GROOVE: BUTT JOINT, CORNER JOINT (ALL TYPES) Q T>1/2in [12 mm] @ DOUBLE V-GROOVE: BUTT JOINT, CORNER JOINT (ALL TYPES) @ 않 F=二막 r Tl 2 ---τI ~ 1/2 in [12 mm] T SINGLE BEVEL GROOVE ‘ BUTT JOINT, τJOINT, CORNER JOINT 핏 T>1/2in [12 mm] Q Q펀織i난펀효{1a따? DOUBLE BEVEL GROOVE: BUTT JOINT, τJOINT, CORNER JOINT (ALL TYPES) Q T>1/21n [12 mm] @ Notes 1. A::: Centerline of weld on specimen centerline 2. C = HAZ (+ 1 mm Irom Fusion Line) 3. 0::: HAZ (+5 mm from Fusion Li ne) Figure 4.28-CVN Test Specimen Locations (see 4.26.1) 164 AWS Dl.l /D1.1M:2015 5. Fabrication 5.1 Scope 5.3 Welding Consumables and Electrode Requirements All applicable provisions of this section shall be observed in the fabrication and erection of welded asseIllblies and structures produced by any process acceptable under this code (see 3.2 and 4.단). 5.3.1 General 5.3. 1.1 Certilication for El ectrodes 01" ElectrodeFl lI X Combillations. 까Then requested by the Engineer, the Contractor or fabricator shaU furnish certification that the eIectrode or electrode-flux combination COII forms to he requirements of the cI assification. ‘ 5.2 Base Metal SlI itability of CIassilicatioll. The classification and size of electrode, afC length , vo1tage , and amperage shall be suited to the thickness of the material , type of groove , welding positions , and other circumstances attel1ding the work. WeIding CUlTent sha Il be within the range recommended by the electrode manufacturel' 5.2.1 Specilied Base Mela I. The contract documents sha Il designate the specification and classification of base ll1etal to be used. When welding is involved in the stmcture, approved base metals , listed in Table 3.1 01 Table 4.9 , shollld be lI sed wherever possible‘ 5.2.2 Base Metal for Weld Tabs, Backing, and Spacel"s Weld Tabs. Weld tabs lI sed ill confOfm to the following requirements (1) When 、.velding 5.3. 1. 3 Shielding Gas. A gas or gas mixture used for shieIding sha Il conform to he requirements of AWS A5.32 , Specificatiollfor Weldillg Shielding Gases. When requested by the Engineer, the Contractor or fabricator sha Il furnish he gas manufacturel'’ s certification that the gas or gas mixture conforms to the dew point requirements of AWS A5 .3 2 찌!hen mixed at the 、.veIding site , suitable meters sha Il be used for proportioning the gases Percentage of gases shall conform to the requirements of the WPS ‘ shall ‘ lI sed in weldillg with an approved steel listed ill Table 3.1 or Table 4.2, they ll1 ay be any of the steels listed ill Table 3.1 or Table 4.9 (2) Whell used in welding with a steel qualified ill cOllformallce with 4.8 .3 they may be: (a) The steel qualified , or 5.3. 1.4 Storage. WeIding consumabIes that have been removed from the originaI package sha Il be protected al1d stored so that th。 、,velding propel1ies are 110t affected (b) Ally steellisted in Ta ble 3. I or Table 4.2 Backing and Shelf Ba l"s. SteeI for bac k:i llg and shelf bars shall conform to the requirements of or ASTM A I0 9 T3 alld T4 , except that 100 ksi [690 MPaJ millimum yi eI d strength steel as backillg shall be used ollIy with 100 ksi [690 MpaJ ll1 inimu ll1 yieId strength steeIs. Condition. EIectrodes sha Il be dry and in suitable condition for use. 5.3.2 SMAW E1 ectrodes. EIectrodes for SMAW sha Il conform to the requirements of the Iatest edition of AWS A5. I1A5.IM , Spec꺼catioll for Carboll Steel Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc Weldillg , or to the requirements of AWS A5.5/A5.5M , Specificatiollfor Low-Alloy Steel Electrodesfor Shielded Metal Arc Weldillg Spacel's. Spacers shall be of the same materiaI as the base meta l. 165 CLAUSE 5. FABRICATION AWS D1.lID1.1 M:2015 “ hour at temperatures between 700 0 P and 800 0 P [370 0 C and 430 Cl Low-Hyd l'ogen Elect l'ode Sto l' age CondiOI1 S. All electrodes having low-hydrogen coverings con forming to AWS A5.1 and AWS A5.5 shal1 be purchased in hermetically sealed containers or shall be baked by the user in conformance with 5.3 .2 .4 prior to use. After OpCIν ing the hermetically sealed container, electrodes 낀으L끄끄: mediatelv issued for use shall be stored in 。이 ens held at a te l11perature of at least 250 0 P [120 o C]. Electrodes sha l1 be rebaked 110 more than oncc. Electrodes that ha e been wet shall not be used ‘ 0 AIl electrodes shall be placed in a suitable oven at a t히n perature not exceeding one half the final baking tC l11perature for a minim l1l11 of one half hour prior to increasing thc oven te l11peraturc to the final baking temperature Fi nal baking ti l11e shall start after the oven reaches final baking tC l11perature. ‘ 5,3,2.5 Low쉰띤맨양낀 Eleclrode Reslrictio Ils for ASTM' A514 01' A517 하e마 s. When used for welding ASTM A514 아 A517 steels , low-hydrogen electrodes Allll l'oved At l11 0Sllhe l'ic Til11e Pe l' iods. After hennetically sealed containers are opened 01' aftcr electrodes are removεd from baking or storage ovens , the clcctrode exposure to the atmosphere shall not excced the values shown În column A, Table 5 .1, for the specific electrode classificatio l1 with optional supplemental designators , 、,vhere applicable. Electrodes exposed to the atmo sphere for periods less than those allowed by colllmn A , Table 5 .1 may be returned to a holding oven maintained at 2500 P [120 o C] min.; after a minimu l11 hold period of four hours at 250 0 P [120 0 C] min. the electrodes may be reissued. 섹꾀맨뜨핀효팬쁘띤뾰쁘뾰쁘댄맨핀딱맨마띤뀐던 (1) When welding with E90XX-X or higher tensile 잔떤핑판프lec땐얀E나he 한ectl엔인mIV be used without baking , vrovided the electrode is furnished in hermetically sealcd contaÎI이 ers Q) When welding with E90XX-X or higher tensile stren잉 th electrodes not furni셔led Ìn hermetically sealed E8OXX-X or lower tensile strength electrodes whcther furnished in I εrmetically sealed contaÏlαers 이 otherwisζ the electrodes sh쩌 1 be baked for a minimum of one hour at temperatures between 700 0 P and 8000 P r370 0 c and 4300 Cl before being used, except as provided in (c) 댄민덴I한흐으므Y뻗n 프만ding괴ith Altel'll ative At mospheric EXllosure Time Periods Eslablished by Tesls. The alternative exposure time values shown in column B in Table 5.1 may be used provided testing es ablishes the maximum allowable time The testing sha11 be perfonned in confonnance with AWS A5.5 for each electrode c1 assification and each electrodc l11 anufacturer. Such tests shall establish that the maximum moisture content values of AWS A5.5 are not exceeded Additionally, E7 0XX 01' E70XX-X (AWS A5.1 01' A5.5) low-hydrogen electrode coverings sha11 be 1i mited to a maxinmm moisture content not exceeding 0 .4% by weight These electrodcs shall not be used at relative humiditytemperature combinations that exceed cither thc relative humidity 01' moisture content in the air that prevaîled dming the tεsting program ‘ β) When welding with E70 IBM electrodes‘ or electrodes with the optional H4R designator, the electrode 밴표양쁘띄프밴쁘댄싹센& 5.3 ,3 SAW Elect l'odes and Flnxes. SAW l11 ay be per fonned with one or more single electrodes , one or 1110re parallel 리띠ctrodes , or combinations of single and parall러 리 ectrodes. Thc spacing between arcs 8ha11 be such that the slag cover over the weld metal produced bγ a leading arc does not cool sufficiently to prevent the 끼 oper weld deposit of a following electrode. SAW with l1111ltiple electrodes may be lI sed for any groove or fillet weld pass 5.3.3 ,1 E1 ecl l'ode-Flux Combination Reqni l'ements. Thc bare electrodes and flux used in combination for SAW of steels sh띠 1 confonn to the requirements in the latest edition of AWS A5.17 , Specijicatioll for CarbOIl Steel Electrodes Il d Flllxes for Submerged Arc Welding , 01' to the requirements of the latest edition of AWS A5.23 , Specijicatioll for Lo w-Alloy Steel Electrodes alld Flllxesfor SlI bll1 erged Arc lVelding Fol' proper app1ication of this sub c1 ause , see Annex F for the temperature-moisture content chart and its examples The chart shown in Annex F, or any standard psychometric chart , sha11 be l1 sed in the determination of temperatl1 re-relative hU l11 idity limits “ 5.3 ,2 ,4 Baking E1eclrodes. Electrodes exposed to the atmosphere for periods greater than those allowed in Table 5.1 shall be baked as follows 5,3.3.2 Condilion of Flux , Plux used fo l' SAW shall be dry and free of contamination from dirt , mill scale、 01' other foreign materiaL AII flux shall be purchased in packages that can be stored , undεr nonnal conditions, for at least six months without such storage affecting its wclding characteristics or weld properties. Flux from damaged packages shall be discarded or shall be dried at (1) AII electrodes having low-hydrogen coverings confol1ning to AWS A5.1 shall be baked for at least two homs between 500 0 P and 800 0 P [2600 C and 430 o C l, or (2) AII electrodes having low-hydrogen coverings conforming to AWS A5 .5 shall be baked fo l' at least one 166 AWS D1. 1!D1. 1M‘ 2015 CLAUSE 5. FABRICATION a minimum temperature of 500 0 F [260 oC] for one hour before use. Flux shall be placed in the dispensing system immediately upon opening a package, or if used from an opened package , the top one inch shall be discarded. Flux that has been wet shallnot be used A5.18 or AWS A5.28 and AWS A5.30 , Specificatiollfo l' Conswnable lnserts , as applicable Flux Reclamatioll. SAW f1 ux that has not been me It ed during the .velding operation may be reused after recovery by vac l1 uming , catch pans , sweeping , or other means. The welding fabricator shall have a system for collecti l1 g ul1 meIted f1 ux , adding new f1 ux , and 、.veld­ ing with the mixture of these two , such that the flux CO Illposition and particle size distribution at the weld puddle are relatively constant 5.4 ESW and EGW Processes ‘ 5.4.1 Process Limitatiolls. The ESW and EGW pro cesses shall be restricted to use ofTable 3.1 , Group 1, 11, and III steels , except that ESW and EG매r of AST띤 A710 shallnot be perl11 itted 5.4.2 COllditioll of El ectrocles alld Guide 1\,bes. Electrodes and consumable guide tubes shall be dry, clean , and in suitable condition for use Crushed Slag. Crushed slag may be used provided has its own marking , using he crusher’ s name and trade designatiol1. 111 addition , each dry batch or dry blend (lot) of f1 ux , as defined in AWS A5.01 , Fille l' Metal Proc lIl'emellf Guidelil/ es , shall be tested in col1 forma l1ce with Schedule 1 of AWS A5.01 and classified by the Contractor or crusher per AWS A5.17 or A5.23 , as applicable ‘ ‘ 5.4.3 COllclitioll of Flux. Flux used for ESW shall be dry and free of contamination from dirt , m i1l scale , or other foreign material. A Il f1 ux shall be purchased in packages that can be stored. under normal conditions , for at least six ll10nths without sl1 ch storage affecting its welding characteristics or weld properties. Flux from packages damaged in transit or in handling shall be discarded or shall be dried at a minimum temperature of 2500F [1 20 0 C] for one hour before use. Flux that has been wet shall not be used 5.3.4 GMAW/FCAW Elect l'odes. The electrodes for GMAW 이 FCAW shall conform to the requiremel1ts of 핀료핀따띤많; (1) AWS A5 .l 8/A5.18M ‘ SveciβcatioJl fOJ ‘ Ca l'bol/ Steel Electrodes and Rods (0 1' Gas Shielded A l'c Weldi /lfi; 5.4.4 Weld 8tarts and Stops. Welds shall be started in 8uch a mannel' as to allow sufficient heat buildup for complete fusion of the 、veld metal to the groove faces of the join t. Welds which have been stopped at any point in the ‘,veld joint for a sufficient amoun of time for the slag 01 、,veld pool to begin to solidify may be restarted and completed , provided the cOl11pleted 、.veld is examined by UT for a minimum of 6 in [150 mm] on either side of the restart and , unless prohibited by joint geometry, also confirmed by RT. All such restar1 locations shall be recorded and reported to the Enginee1 ill호팩쁘,1 O/A5.20M. Sveciβ띤깐펴ι닥빡! ‘ Steel Electrodes (0 1' 꺼lIX CO l'ed A l'c Weldill Ji; “- β) AWS A5.28/A5.28M ‘ Svecificatioll (0 1' Lo A Ilov Steel Elecfl αies al/ d Rods (0 1' Gas Shielded A l'c 딴넨!8i (4) AWS A5.29/A5.29M‘ ST1eciβcafion for 1.o wA Ilov Steel Electrodes (0 1' Flllx CO l'ed A l'c WeldillR; 01' (5) AWS A5.36/A5.36M , Sveci.ηcation 5.4.5 Preheatillg. Because of the high-heat input characteristic of these processes , preheating is 110t normally required. However, no welding shall be perforl11 ed when the temperature of the base metal at the point of welding is below 32 0 F [ooC]. for Ca l'bol1 앤뜨초띤쓰따 y St양1 Fl쁘 COl띄1짝쁘갤S [01' 젠E Cα'ed A l'c Weldi l/ R and Metal Cα 'ed Electrodes (0 1' Gas M etal An' Weldil/ R‘ 5.3.5 GTAW 5.4.6 Repairs. Welds having discontinuities prohibited by Clause 6 , Part C 2r Clause 9. P꺼rt l' shall be repaired as allowed by 5작 l띠lizing a qualified we]띠l멍 process , or the entire weld shan be removed and replaced. Th llgstell Electrodes. Welding current shall be compatible with the diameter al1 d type or classi fication of electrode. Th ngsten electrodes shall be in conformance with AWS A5.12 , Specificatioll ψr ηmg­ slell and η'lIlgstell Alloy Electrodes fo l' A l'c Weldillg alld Cllttillg. to ‘ 5.4.7 Weathel'ing Steel Requiremen s. For ESW and EGW of exposed , bare , unpainted applications of ASTM A588 steel requiring weld metal with atmospheric corrosion resistance and coloring characteristics similar to that of the base me al , the electrode-flux combination shall be Filler Meta l. The filler metal shall confonn 띠 I the require l11e l1 ts of the latest edition of AWS ‘ 167 CLAUSE 5. FABRICATION AWS D 1. 1/D 1.1 M:2015 in confonnance with 4.퍼소l긴, and the filler metal chemical composition shall conform to Table 3d,‘ 5.8 Stress-Relief Heat Tr’eatment Where required by the contract documents , welded assemblies shall be stress relieved by heat treating. Pinal machining after stress relieving shall be conside1'ed when needed o maÌntain dimensional tolerances ‘ 5.5 WPS Variables ‘ The welding 、 ariables shall be in conformance with a written WPS (see Annex 앤. Form 웬-1 , as an example). Each pass will have complete fusion with the adjacent base metal , and such that there will be 110 depressions or undue undercutting at the toe ofthe weld. Excessive con cavity of initial passes shall be avoided to prevent cracking in the roats of joints under restrail야. All welders , welding operators , and tack welders shall be informed in the proper use of the WPS , and the applicable WPS shall be [.eadilv available and shall b~ followed during the perfonnnnce of welding. 5.8 ,1 Requirements. The stress-relief tre ltment shall conform to the following requirements (l) The temperature of the fumace shall not exceed 600'P [315'C] at the time the welded assembly is placed in it. α) Above 600'P [315' C], the rate of 따ating in 또 per hour shall not exceed 400 r560ld너vided by the maximum metal thickness of the thicker part , in inches k댄다띤얀땐1, but in no case more than 400'P [찍Q'C] per hour. During the heating period , variations in temper ature hroughout the portion of the palt being heated shall be no 망.eater than 250'P [140' C] within any 15 ft [5 m] interval of length. The rates of heating and cooling need not be less than 100'P [55' C] per hour. However, in a11 cases , consideration of closed chambers and com plex stmctures may indicate reduced rates of heating and cooling to avoid structural damage due to excessive thermal gradients. I。Cl ‘ 5.6 Preheat and Interpass Temperatures M M R "e heat and Ínterpass t,εmperature shall be sufficient to 민얀앤L으뜨ckil1g. Base metal shall be preheated , if required , to a temperatuπe not less than the minimum value listed on the WPS (sce 3.2 for prequalified WPS limitatlO매 s and Table 4.5 for qualified WPS essential variable limitations). (3) After a maximum temperature of 1100'P [600'C] is reached on quenched and tempered steels , ’0 1' a mean temperature range be t\~‘ een 1l 00'P and 1200'P [600'C and 650' C] is reached on other steels , the temperature of the assembly shall be held within the specified limits ~이 a time not less than specified in Table 5.2, based on weld thicknes When the specified stress relief is for dimensional stability, the holding time shall be not less than specified in Table 5.2, based on the thickness of the thicker part. During the holding period there shall be no difference greater than 150'P [65' C] between the highest and lowest temperature through。이 the portion of the assembly being heated. E댄깐탬! and all subsequent minimum interpass temperatures shall be maintained during the welding operation for a distance at least equal to the thickness of the hickest welded part (but not less than 3 in [75 111111]) in all directi이18 from the point of 、velding. ‘ ’. Minimum interpass temp리 ature requirements shall be considered equal to the preheat rεquirements, unless otherwise indicated 011 the WPS. R뜨he띤 and interpass t이nperature shall be checked just prior to initiating the arc for each pass F'01' combinations of base metals ‘ the minimum sh때1 be based on the highest mìnimum preheat (4) Above 600'P [315' C], cooling shall be done in a closed furnace 0 1' cooling chamber at a rate no greater than 500'P [260'C] per hour divided by the maximum metal tl ckness of the thκker part in inches [mm]. but in no case more than 500'P [260' C] per hour. Prom 600'P [315' C], the assembly may be cooled in still air pκheat “ 5.7 Heat Input Control for Quenched and Tempered Steels 5.8.2 Alternative PWHT. Alternatively, when it is imto PWHT to the temperature limitations stated in 5.8.1 , welded assemblies may be stress-relieved at lower temperatures for longer periods of time , as given in 낌b비 e 5.3. pra이:ical When quenched and tempered steels are welded , the heat input shall be 1'estricted in conjunction with the maxi mum preheat and interpass temperatures required. Such considerations shall include the additional heat input produced in simultaneous welding on the two sides of a cOlllffion member. The p1'eceding limitations shall be in confo1'mance with the producer ’ s recommendations. M “ 5.8.3 Steels Not Recommend낸d r PWHT. Stress relieving of weldments of ASTM A514 , ASTM A517 , ASTMA709 멍앨건팍뼈쁘펴원쩍앤1 andASTM 168 AWS D1.1/D1.1 M:2015 CLAUSE 5, FABRtCATtON 5.와1. 3 ßacking Thickn얘ss. St걷el backíng shall be of sllfficíent thick l1 ess to prevent melt-through A710 steels is 110t generally recommended. Stress reJieving may be necessary fl이 those applícatí 。이 s where weldments shall be required to retain dim밍lsíOJ1al stabíl ity during machining or where stress conosion 얀띤센11& may be involved , neither conditíon b잉 ng unique to weldments ínvolvíng ASTM A5 14, ASTM A5 I 7 , ASTM A709Grade HPS IOOW rH PS 690W] , and ASTM A710 steels. However, the resu Its of notch toughness tests have showl1 that PWHT may actllally impaír weld metal and HAZ toughness , and intergranular α깅 cking may somctimes occur in the graín-coarsened region of the weld HAZ. 5권1.4 Cyclica lIy Loaded Nontubula l' Connections. 원쁘L피띤센11&..l딘 cycI ically loaded 쁘띤쁘피딴 structures shall comply with the following: ‘ ill 원쁘! backíng of welds that are trans erse to the direction of c이npllted stress sha lI be removed , a l1 d the joínts shall be grou l1d or finished smooth 연뜨만프I !이I1ts designed in accorda l1ce with Th ble 2.5 (5.5). ill Steel backi l1g of welds that are parallel to the direction of stress or are 110t subject to computed stress l1 eed 110t be removed , llnless so specífied by the Engineel 5.2 Backing Q2 쁘맨쁘쁘얻덴한겐인쁘판암뿔띤므판짝막꾀뾰밴: dinal steel backing that is to remain in olace. the welds s:hall be fi lIet 、,velds that are continuous fo l' the 히ltire 5.9.1 Attachment of 8teel ßackine. Steel backing shall Conform to the f,이 lowing rCQuÎrements 엔봐빽맥앤뜨피원으쉰쁘쁘앤꾀& 5.9. 1.1 Fusion. Groove 、velds made with steel backil1g shall have the weld horollghly fllsed to the backing ‘ 5.쓰L퉁 Statically Loaded Connecti이lS. Steel backing for welds in statically loaded structures (tublllar a l1d 110ntllblllar) need 110t be \ι elded fllll lel1gth and l1eed not be removed unless specified by the El1 gi l1 eer. 5.ε 1. 2 Full-Length ßaeking. Except as permitted below, steel backing shall be made contínllolls for fllll length of the 、,veld. AII joi l1 ts in steel backing shall be CJP groove ~반.<! joints meeting all the reqllireme l1 ts of Clallse 5 of this code. 5.9.2 ßaeking Welds. Backing welds may be l1 sed for backing of groo、 e or fi Il et w려닝 s. Whe l1 SMAW is lI sed , low-hydrogen elect 1'odes sh a1 1 be used. ‘ Por statícally loaded app Jications , backíng fOl velds to the ends of c1 0sed sections , s lI ch as hollo、:v structural sec tíon (HSS) , are pennítted to be made from one 01' two pieces with lI nspliced discol1 tínuíties where all of the following conditions afC met F믿죠뀐멘펴얀만뀔딴센뾰격띤샌으댈띤얀액빽잔쁘얀흐 backed bv copper‘ flux. 21ass taoe‘ ceramic. iron m sim i1 ar materials to orevent melt-through. (1) The c1 0sed sectíon nominal wall thíckness does 110t exceed 5/8 il1 [16 mm] 00\'써el‘ 5.10 Welding and Cutting Equipment (3) The backing ís transverse to the longitlldinal axis of the closed section. AII welding and thermal cutti l1g eqllípme l1 t shall bε so designed and manufactured , and sh띠 I be ín sllch cOl1dition , as to enable designated personnel to follow the procedures and attaill the results described elsewhere in this code (4) The ínterrllptíon in the backing does not exceed 114 in [6 mm]. 5.11 Welding Environment (2) The c10sed sectíon outsíde perimeter does 110t exceed 64 íl1 [잭작 mm). (5) The 、,veld with discontinuous backing is oot closcr than the HSS diameter 01' major cross sectÎon dimension from other types of connections. 5.11.1 Maximllm Wind Velocity. GMAW, GTAW, EGW, 01' PCAW-G shall not be dOl1 e ín a draft or wind unless the weld is protected by a shelter‘ SlI ch shelter shall be of material al1 d shape approp1'iate to reduce wínd velocity il1 the vici l1 ity of the ‘.veld to a maximum of five miles pel' hour [eíght kílometers per hour] (6) The il1 terrllption il1 the backing ís 110t located in the corners For statically loaded box columns , discontinuous back ing ís permitted il1 the CJP welded corners , at field splices and at connection detai1 s. Discontinuous backing is permitted in othe l' c10sed sections where approved by the Engineer 5.끄.2 Minimum Ambie l1 t Tempel'atll l'e. shaIl 110t be dOl1 e Weldi l1g (1) whe l1 the ambíe l1 t temperature ís lower tha l1 QOP [-20 0 C], or 169 AWS Dl.l !D 1.1 M:2015 CLAUSE 5. FABRICATION (2) when surfaces are wet Of exposed to rain , snow, OI 5.14.4 Foreigll (3) high wind velocilies , or 514.4.1 Surfaces to bc welded , alld surfaces adiacent to the weld. shall be cleaned to re ll1 0ve excessive QUantÌ쁘앤쉰쁘멘앤센뽀i (4) when 、.velding personnel are exposed to inc1ement conditions. Mate l'Î al녕 ill.뀐낀뜨E NOTE ‘ ZeroOF does nOI meall the ambient en l' Ìro 1l1J1 ell tal temperalure , but the temperature Ì1 1 the i11l1Jl ediate vi~ cinity 01 the weld. The ambient enviro1111l ental temperature 111a)' be below oop {-20 0 C]. bul a !t eated structure 0 1' sh e/ter arolllld the area being welded may maimain the temperature adj‘:acent (0 the weldmellt af O"F [-20"C] 0 1' high Cl ill.요i! QL마턴se (4) Other hvdrocarbon based 111aterials W'elding 011 surfaces containing residual amounts 0f for띤원브낀젠약핀브객꼬얀민센~띤넌뻗d the Qualitv ,εQuire­ ments of this codc are met. S14.4.2 Welds are permitted to be made on surfaces With surface protecti、 e coatings or anti-spa ter cDm쁘민엔안효전탤딘낀약효낀댄년뜨E맨렌b,ited in 5.14 .4. L Provided Ih띠 Quality reQuire ll1 ents of this code can be met ‘ 5.12 Conformance with Design The sizes and lengths of 、,velds shall be no less thanlhose specified by dcsign requirements and detaH drawings , εxcept as allowed in Table 6.1 쁘맥엔랜,lQ. The location of 、,velds shall not be changed without approval of the Engineer. 5.14.5 M iII-Illdueed Diseolltinuities. The Iimits of acceptability and the repair of visually observed cut surface discontinuities shall be in conformaαlce wilh Table 5 .4, in which the 1밍19lh of discontinuity is Ihe visible long dimension 011 the cut surface of material and the depth is the distance that the discontinuity extends into the material from the cut surface. All welded repaírs shal1 be in confonnance w씨1 this code. Removal of the discontínuity may be done from either surface of the base meta l. The aggregate len밍 h of welding shall not exceed 20% of the lenglh of Ihe plate surface being repaired except with approv씨 of Ihe Enginee r. 5.13 Minimum :E에 llet Weld Sizes The minimum fillet 、.veld size , excepl for fillel welds used to reinforce groove welds , sha l1 be as shown in Table 5.7. The minimu Ill fillet 、.veld size shall apply in all cases , unless the design drawings specify 、velds of a larger size 5.단 AcceJl tallee C ,'iteri떼. For discontinuities greater than 1 in [25111111] in length and deplh discovered on cut surfaces , Ihe following procedures shall be observed Preparation of Base Metal E연J흐띤맏젠격띤으 111etal shall be slI ffici효'2!!y.쉰댄nt으 (1) Where discontinllities sllch as W, X, or Y in Fig ure 5.1 are observed prior to completing the joint, the sizc and shape of the discontinuity shall be determined by UT. The area of the discontinuity shall be detennined as the area of total loss of back reflection , when tested in confonnance with the procedure of ASTM A435 , SpecijicatÎOIl 까)r Straight Beam Ultrasonic ExamÎnatÎon 01 Slee! P!ales ‘ pennit welds to be made that will meet the Quality requÌrements of this code. 514.2 M iII -Illduced Sur깨 ce Defects. Welds shall 1I0t be placed on surt~'lces that cOlltain fins ‘ tears , cracks , 띤&와와쁘냐원인쁘렌쁘훨민단띄멘쁘인만만편se metal soecifications. 츠션J을댄쁘죄nd 건쁘t. L액또뜨뻗나센액프쁘괴낀d thick rust shall be removed from the surfacεs to bc and from surfaces adiacent to the we1 d ‘ WεIds mav be made on surfaces that contai l1 mill scale and rust lf the mil1 scale and rust can withstand v필쁘맨브핀앤 Wire brushi l1.Q: and if thε applicable aualitv reauirements 약띠s code are m하 Wl넨꾀효표뻗띤뽀쁘댄마쁘L잭l girders in 이c1icallv loaded structures ‘ all l1li11 scale shall be removed from the surfaces on which flange-to-web welds are to be made (2) For acceptance of W, X, or Y discontinuities , the area of the discontinuity (or the aggregate area of mul tiple discontinuities) shall not exceed 4% of the cut material area (I ength times width) wilh the following exceptîon ’ if the length of the discontinuity, or the aggre gate width of discontinuities 011 any transverse section , as measured perpendicular to the cut material1ength , exceeds 20% of the cut material width , the 4% cut material area sha Jl be reduced by the percenlage amount of the 、.velded. 170 AWS D1.1fD1.1M’ 2015 CLAUSE 5. FABRICATION width exceeding 20%. (For example , if a discontinuity is 30% of the cut material width , the area of discolltinuity cannot exceed 3.6% of the cut material area.) The dis continuity on the cut surface of the cut material shall be removed to a depth of 1 in [25 mm] beyond its intersection with the surface by chipping , gouging , or grinding , and blocked off by ‘,veldi l1 g with a 10w-hydrogel1 process i l1 layers 110t exceedi l1g 118 il1 [3 mm] in thickness for at least the first four layers 5.!훈1 Material n'imming. For cyclically loaded stmctures , material thicker than specified in the following list shall be trimmed if and as reqllired 10 prodllce a satisfactory welding edge wherever a weld is to carry calculated stress (1) Sheared material thicker than l/2 in [12 mm] (2) Rolled edges of plates (other than plates) thicker than 3/8 in [lO mm] (3) Repair shall not be reqllired if a discontinuity Z , not exceeding the allowable area in 5 -1염.1(2) , is discovered aftcr the joint has been completed and Ís determined to be 1 in [25 mm] or mOIe away from the face of the weld , as measured 00 the cut base metal surfacc. If the discontinuity Z is less than 1 i l1 [25 mmJ away from the face of the weld , Ìt shall be removed to a distance of 1 in [25 mm] from the fusion zone of the 、,veld by chipping , gOllging , or grinding. It shall then be blocked off by welding with a low-hydrogen process in layers not exceeding 118 in [3 mm] in thickness for at least the first four layers mill (3) Toes of angles or rolled shapes (othe1' than wide flange sections) thicker than 5/8 in [16 mm] (4) Universal mill plates or edges of flanges of wide flange sections thicker than 1 in [25 mm] (5) The preparation for butt joints shall confonn to the requirements of the detail drawings 5.14 ,8 The l'Jl\ aI Cutting P l'ocesses. Electric arc clltting and gouging processes (inc1 uding plasma arc cutting and gouging) and oxyfuel gas cutting processes are recognized under this code fo 1' use in preparing , cutting , 01' trimming materials. The use of these processes shall CO I1form to the applicable reqllirements of Clallse 5. (4) If the area of the discontinllity W, X , Y, or Z exceeds the allowable in 5.14 .5 .1 (2) , the cut material or subcomponent shall be r멍ected and replaced , or repaired at the discretion of the Engineer‘ 5.연~.2 lI niversal 5,연펀.1 Othe l' P l'ocesses. Othe1' thermal cutting and gouging processes may be used under this code , provided he Contractor demonstratcs to the Enginec l' an ability to sllccessflllly lI se the process ‘ , Repah 111 the repair al1 d determi l1 atiol1 of limits of mill induced discontinuities visuaHy observed 011 cut surfaces , the amount of mctal removed sha l1 be the minimum necessary to remove the discontinuity ar to determi l1 e that the limÌts of Table 5 .4 are 110t exceeded However, if 、veld repair is required , sufficient base rnetal shall be removed to provide access f Ol 、,veldil1 g. Cut SUl'faces may exist at al1 y al1 g1e with respect to the rolling direction. AIl welded repairs of discontinllities shall be made by: 5.객견 .2 P l'ofile Accuracy. Steel and weld metal may be thermally cut , provided a smooth and regular surface free from cracks and notch앉 is secured , and provided that an accurate profile is secured by the use of a mechanical guide. For cyclica1Jy loaded structures , free hand thermal clltting shall be done only where approved by the Engineer Roughlless Reqlli l'emellts. In thermal cutting , the eqllipment shall be so adjllsted and manipulated aS 10 avoid clltting beyond (inside) the prescribed lines The reference standard fo 1' evaluatîon of cut surfaces shaU be the surface rollghlless gallge included in AWS C4.1-77 , Criteria for Describillg Oxygell-Cut SI/Ifaces alld 0.‘ygell CllttÌng SllI face Rouglmess Gallge‘ The rollghness of thermal cut sllrfaces shall be evaluated by visually comparing the cut surface to the roughness represented on the roughness gauge. SUt 감lce roughness shall be no greater than that rep1'esented by Sample 3, except that for the ends of melllbers not sllbject to calclllated stress , copes in beams with the flange thickness not exceeding 2 in [50 111m] , and for materials over 4 in to 8 in [lOO mm to 200 Ill m] thick , surface rough l1 ess shall not exceed that represented by Salllple 2. (l) Suitably preparing the repair‘ area (2) Welding with an approved low-hydrogen process and observing the applicable provisions of this code (3) Grinding the completed 、,veld smoolh and flush (see with the a여 acent surface to produce a workmanlike finish NOTE: The requiremellts of 5.건츠.2 lJl Gy nol be adequate ;n caó'es o[ fellsile /oad {ψ'plied tlllv lI gh tlte thickness 0/ the material. 5.뀐펴 Joint P l'eparation. Machining , thermal cutting , gouging (i ncluding plasma arc clltting and gouging) , chipping , or grinding may be used for joint preparation , 01' the removal of unacceptable work 0 1" metal , except that oxygen gOllging shall 0111y be pe1'mitted for use on as-rolled steels. Gouge 0 1' Notch LimitatioJls. Roughness exceeding these values and notches 01' gouges not more l7l CLAUSE 5. FABRICATION AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 entrant surface of the aCCess hole. No corner of the 、,veld access hole shall have a radius less than 3/8 in [\0 mm]. For built-up sections where the access hole is made before the section is welded , the access hole may terminate perpendicular to the flange , providing the 、:veld is terminated at least a distance equal to the 、:veld sÎze a'、.vay from the access hole. Fi\let 、,velds shallnot be returned through the access hole (see Figure 5.2). than 3116 in [5 mm] deep on otherwise satisfactory surfaces shall be removed by machining or grinding Notches or gonges exceeding 3/16 in [5 mm] deep may be repaired by grinding if the nominal cross-sectional area is not reduced by morc than 2%. Ground or machined surfaces shall be fairlζd to the original surface with a slope not exceeding one in ten. Cut surfaces and adjacent edges shall be left fì.ee of slag. In thermal cut surfaces , occasional notchcl or gouges may, with approval of the Engineer, be repaired by welding ‘ 5.앤.2 Galvanized Shapes. Weld acc야 s holes and beam copes in shapes that are to be galvanized shall be ground to bright meta l. If the curved transition portion of 、,veld access holes and beam copes are formed by predrilled or sawed holes , that portion of the access hole or cope need not be ground. 5.15 Reentrant Corners Reentrant corners of cut material shall be formed to provide a gradual transition with a radius of 110t less than 1 in [25 mmJ except corners in connection material and beam copes. A이 acent surfaces shall meet without offset or cutting past the point of tangency. The reentrant corners may be formed by thermal cutting , followed by grindillg , if necessary, in confonnance with the surface requirements of 5.연Jl..3. 5 ,햄.3 Heavy Shapes. For rolled shapes with a flange thickness exceeding 2 in [50 nllu] and welded sections with plate thickness exceeding 2 in [50 mm] in which the curved surface of the access hole is thermally cut , a Illin imum preheat of 150'F [65' C] extending 3 in [75 mm] from the area where the curve is to be cut shall be applied prior to thermal cutting. For heavy sections the thermally cut surfaces of beam copes and 、,veld access holes shall be ground to bright metal and inspected by either MT or PT methods prior to deposition of splice welds. Weld ac cess holes and beam copes in other shapes need not be grollnd nor inspected by PT or MT methods. 5.16 Weld Access Holes , Beam Copes, and Connection Material Weld access holes , beam copes , and cut surfaces in connection materials sha11 be free of notches. Beam copes and cut surfaces in connection materials shall be free of sharp reentrant corners. Weld access holes shall provide a smooth transition that does not cut past the points of tangency between adjacent surfaces and shall meet the surface requirements of 5.언효.3. 5.17 Tack Welds and Construction Aid Welds 5.낀.1 General Requirements ‘ 5.16.1 Weld Access Hole Di mensions. AII 、,veld access holes shall have a length from the edge of the 、,veld joint preparation at the inside surface not less than 1-1/2 times the thickness of the material in which the hole is made. The minimum height of the access hole shall be the thickness of the material with the access hole (ι) but not less than 3/4 in [20 mm] nor does the height need to exceed 2 in [50 mm]. The access hole shall be detailed to provîde room fOl' 、.veld backing as needed and provide adequate access f0 1" welding. (1) Tack .velds and construction aid 、,velds shall be made with a qualified or prequalified WPS and by qualified personnel. (2) Tack 、.velds that are not incorporated in final welds , and constmction aid 、:velds that are not removed , shall meet visual inspection requirements before a member is accepted 5.17.2 ExcI usions. Tack ‘.velds and constructÏon aid welds are permitted except that Weld Access Holes in Rolled Sections. The edge of the web shall be sloped or curved from the surface of the flange to the reentrant surface of the access hole. No corner of the ‘,veld access hole shall have a radius less than 3/8 in [10 mm] , (1) In tension zones of cyc\ ically loaded stmctures , there shall be no tack 、velds not incorporated into the final 、,veld except as permitted by 2.17.2 , nor construction aid welds. Locations more than 1/6 of the depth of the web from ten,인on flanges of beams or girders are considered outside the tension zone. 5.행.1.2 Weld Access Holes in ß비It-up Sections. For built-up sections where the 、veld access hole is made after the section is welded , the edge of the web shall be sloped or curved from the surface of he flange to the re- (2) On members made of quenched and tempered steel with specified yield strength greater than 70 ksi ‘ 172 AWS D 1.1 /Dl.1M:2015 CLAUSE 5. FA8RICATION [485 MPa], tack welds outside the final ‘,veld and COJ1 stI11C tion aìd welds shaIl require the approval of the Engineer. 5.18.2 CO l'l'ection. Corrections of errors in camber of quenched and tempered steel shall require approval by the Engineer 5,17.3 Removal. At locations other than 5.17.2 , tack welds and constructÎon aid velds not incorporated into final ‘,velds shall be removed when required by the Enginec l' ‘ 5.낀.4 5.캔 S피F원 5.캔.1 S비 bassembly S끼ices. All 、.velded s쁘얻탠민며X spl ices j n ea이1 component part of a cover-plated beam 0 1' built-up membel' shall be made before the component part is welded to other component parts of the m 밍 nber. ‘ Additional Tacl Weld Requi l'emenls ‘ (1) Tack velds incorporated into final welds shall be made with electrodes meeting the requirements of the final welds. These 、velds shall be cleaned prior to incorporation 츠캔초l원꾀펴벤얀L얀한멘는원쁘맘마뜨묘띤밸 and f1 an .e:es in built-up .e: irders may be located in a single trans 、 erse plane 0 1' multiple transverse planes. (2) Multipass tack welds shall have cascaded ends or be otherwÍse prepared for incorporation Ínto the final 옥캔관츠I얀판멘ιL맨양받호빈낀잭L잭닫뾰파센X 、.veld. loaded members‘ the fati2ue stress eral specifications 8ha11 applv (3) Tack welds incorporated into final 、.velds that are qualified with notch toughness or are required to be made with filler metal cJ assified with notch toughness shall be made with compatible filler metals Additional Requi l'emenls for Tack Welds lncorporaled inlo SAW Welds. The following shall apply in addition to 5 끄 4 requirements 5.20 Control of Distortion and Shrinkage (1) Preheat is not rεquired for single pass tack 、.velds remelted by continuous SAW welds ‘ This is an exception to the qualification requiremcllts of 5.끄.1 5.쟁.1 Procedurc and Seqllence. In assembling and joining parts of a structure 이 of built-up mernbers and in ‘,velding reinforcing parts to members , the procedure and sequence shall be such as will minirnize distortion and shl'inkage (2) Fillet tack ‘,velds shall not exceed 3/8 in [10 mm] in sÎze and shall not produce objectionable changes in the appearance of the weld surface. (3) Tack ‘,velds in the roots of joints requiring specific root penetration shall not resuH in decreased penetra tI on. 5.쟁.2 Sequencing. Insofar as practicable , a lI welds shall be made in a seqllence that will balance the applied heat of 、,velding while the welding progresses. (4) Tack welds not conforming to the requirements of (2) and (3) shall be removed or reduced in size by any suitable means before 、velding. 5.쟁.3 Conl l' aclor Responsibility. On members 이 strllctures where excessive shrinkage 0 1' distortion could be expected , the Contractor shall prepare a written weldÎl1 g sequence fo l' that member or stmcture which meets the quality rεquirements specified. The welding sequence and distortion control program shall be submitted to the Engineer, fo 1' information and comment , before the staft of welding on the member or structure in which shrinkage or distortion is likely to affect the adequacy of the member 0 1' structure ‘ ‘ (5) Tack welds in the root of a join with steel back ing less than 5116 in [8 mm] thick shall be removed or made con tÎ nuolls for the full length of the joint using SMAW with low-hydrogen electrodes. GMAW, orFCAW-G Camber in Built-Up Members 5.쟁.4 Weld Prog l'ession. The direction of the general progresslon 111 、velding on a member shall be from points where the parts are relatively fixed in position with l'espect to each other toward points having a greater rela tive freedom of movement 5.18.1 Camber. Edges of built-up beam and girder shall be cut to the prescribed camber with suitable allowance for shrinkage due to cutting and velding However, moderate variation from the specified camber tolerance may be cOlTected by a careful application of heat 、vebs isions of the ge씨 5.19.2 뀐em얄E효센ices. L므n요용ir만er8 0 1' girder sections mav be made bv weldin2 subassemblies. S미 ices between sections of rolled beams or bui It -up 2irders shall 양꾀띤인E효윈밍얀젠핀얀프빙젠흐넨쁘맨띤띤댄밸; 5끄.5 5.댐 Dro、 ‘ 5.젠.5 Minimized Resl l'aint. In assembli앉, joints expected to have significant shrinkage should usually be 173 CLAUSE 5. FABRICATION AWS D1.1 /D1.1M:2015 5.갇,3 Bu !t Joint Alignmen t. Parts to be joined at butt joints shall be carcfully aligned. Where the pat1s are effectively restrained against bending due to eccentricity ín alignment , the offset from the theoretical alignment shal1 not exceed 10% of the thickness of the thinner part joined , or 1/8 in [3 mm] , whichever is smaller. In correcting misalignment in such cases , the parts shal1 not be drawn in to a greatcr slope than 1/2 in [12 111m] in 12 in [300 mm]. Measurement of offset shall be based upon the center1i ne of parts unless otherwise shown on the welded before joints expected to have lesser shrinkage. They should also be wclded with as little restraint as possible Tempc l'atu l'C Limitations. In making welds under conditions of severe external shrinkagε restramt , once the welding has started , the joint shall not be allowed to cool below the minimum specified preheat untîl the joint has been completed or sufficient .veld has been deposited to ensure freedom from cracking. 5.쟁픽 ‘ dra、이 ngs 5.21 ,4 Groove Dimensions 5.21 Tolerance of Joint Di mensions 5.2 1. 4, 1 Nontubulm' Cross-Sectional Variations. the exclusion of ESW and EGW, and with the exception of 5 긴.4 .2 for root openings in excess of those allowed in Fi gurc 5.3 , the dimensions of the cross section of the groove welded joints which vary from those shown on the detail drawings by more than these tolerances shall be referred to the Engineer for approval or corr,ζctìon 5 ,갇.1 F ilI이 、,vith Weld Assembly. The parts to be joincd by fillet 、.velds shall be brought into as close contact as practicable. The root opening shall not exceed 3/16 in [5 mm] except in cases involving either shapes or plates 3 in [75 mm] or greatcr in thickness if. after straighten~ ing and in assembly, the root opening Call11ot be clm cd sufficiently to meet this tolerance. In such cases , a maximum root opening of 5116 in [8 mm] may bc used , provided suitable backing is used. Backing may be of flux , glass tape , iron powdc l', or sim i1 ar materials , or 、,vclds using a low-hydrogen process compatible with the filler mctal deposited. If the separation is greater than 1/16 in [2 mm] , the legs of the fillet 、,veld shall be incrcased by the amount of the root opening , or the Contractor shall demonstrate that the requÎred effective throat has been obtained ‘ 5.갇견옥 Correction. Root openings greater than those allowed in 5.긴 4 .1, but not greater than twice the thickness of the thinner part or 3/4 in [20 nnn] , whichever is less , may be corrected by welding to acceptable dimensions prior to joining the part by 、,velding ‘ 5 ,갇진~ ElI ginecl'’s Approva l. Root openings greatcr than allowed by 5.긴건으 may be corrected by welding only with the approval of the Engineer 5.진.5 Gouged G l'ooves , Grooves produced by gouging sha 1l be in substantial confoll11ance with groove profile dimensions as specitïcd in Figure 3‘ l and Figure 3.} and provisions of 3.12.3 and 3.13. 1. Suitable access to the root shall be maintained. 5 ,깐, 1.1 Faying Surface. The separation between faying surfaces of plug and slot welds , and of butt joints landing on a backing , shall not excced 1116 in [2 mm] Where irreg비arities in rolled shapes occur after straightening do not allow contact withÎn the above limit the procedure necessary to bring the material within these limits shall be subject to the approval of the Engineet The use of filler platcs shall be prohibited except as specified on the drawings or as specially approved by the Engineer and made În cOllformance with 2.!l ‘, 5 ,약.6 Alignment Methods. Members to be welded shall be brought into corrcct alignment and held in position by bolts , clamps , wedges , guy lines , struts , and other suitable devices , or by tack 、~elds until 、.velding has been completcd. The use of jigs and fixtures is recommended whe1'e practicable. Suitable al1 0wances shall be made fo 1' warpage and shrinkage. 5.갇.2 PJP G l'OOVC Weld Assembly. The par1s to be joined by P1P groove 、.velds parallel to the length of the member sha l1 be brought into as c10se contact as practi cable. The root opening between p씨 Is shall not excecd 3/1 6 in [5 mm] except in cases involving rolled shapes 01' plates 3 in [75 mm] or greater in thickness if, aftel' straightening and in assembly, the root opening call11ot be closed sufficien t1 y to meet this tolerance. 111 such cases , a maximum root opening of 5116 in [8 111m] may be used , provided suitable backing is used and the final 、.veld ll1 eets the requirements fm 、.veld size. Tolerances for bearing joints shall be Ín conformance with the applîcable contract specifications 5.22 Dimensional Tolerance of Welded Structural Members The dimensions of welded structural membe l's shall conform to the toleranccs of (1) the general specifications governing the work , and (2) the spccial dimensional tolerances in 5 찍 1 to 5 깊 12. (Note that a tubular colurnn is interpreted as a compression tubula l' member.) 5 ,갇.1 Straightncss of Columlls alld 1ì'nsses. For welded columns and primary truss members , regardless 174 CLAUSE 5. FABRICATION AWS Dl. lID1.1M:2015 embedded in concrete without a designed concrete haunch , the maximum variation from required camber at shop assembly (for drilling holes for field splices 01' pre paring field welded splices) shalI be of cross section , the maximum variation in straightness shalI be Lengths of less than 30 ft [9 m]: 1/8 in x at midspan , :t 3/4 in [20 mm] for spans :2: 100 ft [30m] :t 3/8 in [10 mm] for spans < 100 ft [30 m] No. offt oftotallength 10 1 mmxNo‘ of meters of totallength at supports , 0 for end supports :t 1/8 in [3 111m] for interior supports Lengths of 30 ft [9 m] to 45 ft [15 m] = 3/8 in [10 mm] Lengths over 45 ft [15 m] 3/8 in + 1/8 in x!'!o‘ of ft of totallength 45 10 ” n“u ! N0 0 R a! ! m1 × - - - - - - ) -3nm - ---‘ u - - See Table 5.6 for tabulated values Regardless of how the camber is shown on the detail drawings , the sign cO Jl vention for the allowable variation is plus (+) above , and minus (-) below, the detailed camber shape. These provisions also apply to an individual member when 00 field sp Ii ces or shop assembly is required. Camber measurements shall be rnade in the noload condition. in x !'!o. of ft of totallength 10 1 mmxNo‘ of meters of totallength 5.22.3 Beam and Gi l'de l' Cambel' (TyJl ical Gi l' de끼. For welded beams or girders , other than those whose top flange is embedded in concrete without a designed COI1crete haunch , regardless of cross sectio l1, the maximum variation from required camber at shop assembly (for drilling holes for field splices 01' preparing field welded splices) sha lI be 5.찍 .5 Beam and Girder Sweep. The maximum varia tion from straightness 이 specified s、ιeep at the midpoint shall be :!: at midspan , --D, + 1- 1/2 in [40 mm] for spans :2: 100 ft [30 m] 0 , + 3/4 in [20 111m] for spans < 100 ft [30 m] in x No. offeet oftotallength 10 provided the l11ember has sllfficient lateral fI exibility to al1 0w the attachment of diaphragms , cross-frames , lateral bracing , etc. , without damaging the structural member or its attachments. , 5.22.6 Variatioll ill Web Flatlless 4(a)b(1 - a/8) ~← 8 1/8 :!: 1 mm x No. ofmeters oftotallength at supports , 0 for end supports :t 1/8 in [3 mm] for interior supports at intermediate points , -0 , + a/8) b = 3/4 in [20 mm] for spans :2: 100 ft [30 m] b = 3/8 in [10 111m] for spans < 100 ft [30 m] 5잭.2 Beam and Girder St l' aightness (No Cambe l' Specified). For welded beams or girders , regardless of cross section , where there is no specified camber, the maximum variation in straightness shall be 1/8 • where a and S are as defined above 」 이 α 야 염 이 다 m 4(야 b(l 때 a t디int 뼈 1t • ←- Measurements. Variations from flatness of girder webs shall be determined by l11easuring the offset from the actual web centerline to a straight edge whose length is greater than the least panel dimension and placed on a plane parallel to the nominal web plane. Measurements shall be taken prior to erection (see COIlunentary). where a = distance in feet (meters) from inspection point to nearest support 8 = span length in feet (meters) b = 1-1 12 in [40 mm] for spans :2: 100 ft [30 m] b = 3/4 in [20 mm] for spans < 100 ft [30 m] Statically Loaded NOlltubular St I' UCVariations fro111 flatness of webs having a depth , D , and a thickness , t, in panels bounded by stiffeners or flanges , or both , whose least panel dimension is d shall not exceed the follo、,V lI1 g: tm잉. 8ee Table 5 .5 for tabulated values. 5.22 .4 Beam and Gi l'de l' Cambe l' (without Designed Conc l'ete Haunch). For members whose top flange is 175 CLAUSE 5, FABRICATION AWS D1.1 /D1 , 1M:2015 Intennediate stiffeners on both sides of web where Dμ < 150, maximum variation = d/l00 where D/t? 150, maximum variation ~ dl80 determined by measuring the offset at the toe of the flange f1'O m a line normal to the plane of the web th1'O ugh the intersection of the centerline of the web with the outside snrface of the flange plate. This offset shall not exceed 1% of the total flange width or 1/4 in [6 mm] , whichever is greater, except that welded butt joints of abutting parts shall fulfill the rεquirements of 5.깊 3 Intenncdiate stiffeners 00 onc side only of web where D/t < 100, maxi ll1l1ll1 variation ~ dl1 00 where D/t ? 100, ll1 aXimllm variation ~ d/67 No intermediate stiffeners where D/t? 100, ll1 aximum variation ~ DI1 50 (See Annex D for tabulation ,) 5.22.9 Depth Variation. For welded beams and girders , the maximum allowable varia ion from specified depth measured at the web centerline shall be ‘ 5.22.6 ,3 Cyclically Loaded Nontubular Structu l'es. Variation from flatness of webs having a depth , D, and a thickness , t, in panels bounded by stiffeners or flanges , or both , whose least panel dimension is d shall 110t exceed the following: For depths up to 36 in [1 m] inc l. For depths over 36 in [1 m] to 72 in [2 m] incl For depths over 72 in [2 m] Intermediate stiffeners 00 both sides of web Interior girderswhere D/t < 15~←maximum variatioll == dl115 where D/t ? 150-maximum vatiation ~ d/92 ot 118 in [3 n1ln] ot 3/16 in [5 mm] + 5116 in [8 Illm] -3/16 in [5 mm] 5.갇.10 ßearing at Points of Loadi l1g. The bearing ends of bearing stiffeners shall be square with the web and shall have at least 75% of the stiffener bearing cross-sectional area in contact with the inner surface of the flanges ‘ The outer surface of the flanges when bearil1g against a steel base or seat shall fit within 0, 010 in [0 ,25 mm] for 75% of thε projected area of web and stiff. eners and not more than 1/32 in [1 tnm] fo l' the remaining 25% of the p1'Ojected area , Girders without stiffeners shall bear on the projected area of the web on the outer flange surface within 0.010 in [0 ,25 mm] and the included angle between web and flange shall not exceed 90 0 in the bearing length (see Comme l1 tary). Fascia girders where D/t < 150 maximum varìation = d/130 where D/t? 15~← maximum variation = d/ l05 •• • Intermedîate stiffeners on one side only of web Interior gìrders where D/t < 100 maximum variation = d/lOO where D/t? 1O~←maximum variation == d/67 • Fascia girders where D/t < 100-maximum variation ~ d/120 where D/t? 10~→maximum variation ::: d/80 5.22.11 Tolerance 011 Stiffenel's No intermediate stiffeners-maximum variation ::: D/150 Fit of Intel'mediate Stiffeners. Where tight fit of intermediate stiffeners is specified , it shall be defined as allowing a gap of up to 1116 in [2 1l11U] between stiffener and flange (See Annex E for tabulation ,) Excessive Disto l' tion. Web distortions of twice the allowable tolerance of 5 , 22.6 ,2 or 5 ,22.6 , 3 shall be satisfactory when occurring at the end of a girder which has been drilled , or subpunched and reamed; either during assembly or to a template for a field bolted splice; p1'O vided , when the splice plates are bolted , the web assumes the proper dimensional tolerances. , 5.낌.11.2 S!r‘aightn앉S of Intennediate Stiffeners. The out-of-straightness variation of intermediate stiffeners shal1 not exceed 112 in [12 mm] for girders up to 6 ft [1. 8 m] deep , and 3/4 in [20 mm] for girders over 6 ft [1. 8 m] deep , with due regard for members which frame into them Architectural Consideration. If architectural considerations require tolerances more restrictive than described in 5.찍, 6 , 2 or 5 ,22 , 6 .3, specific reference shall be included in the bid documents , 5.잭.11.3 Strai밍ltness and Location of ßearing Stiffeners. The out-of-straightness varìation of bearing stiffeners shall not exceed 114 in [6 mm] up to 6 ft [1. 8 m] deep or 112 in [12 mm] over 6 ft [1. 8 m] deep The actual centerline of the stiffener shalllie within the thickness of the stiffener as measured from the theoretical centerline location 5.낌.7 Va l'iation ßetween Web and Flange Centerlincs. For built-up H 01' 1 members , the maximum varia tion between the centerline of the web and the centerline of the flange at contact surface shall not exceed 114 in [6 mm]. 5.22.12 Other Di mensional Tolerances. Twist of box members and other dimensional tolerances of memhers not covered by 5 ,낌 shall be individually determined and 5.22.8 Flange Wa l'page 엔ld Tilt. For welded beams or girders , the combined warpage and tilt of flange shall be 176 AWS Dl.l/D 1. 1M:2015 CLAUSE 5. FABRICATION mUlually agreed upon by Ihe Conlraclor and Ihe Owner with proper regard for erection requirements. of Ihe joint and then deposited along a spiral path 10 the center of the hole , fusing and depositing a layer of 、,veld metal in the root and bottom of the join t. The arc shall then be moved to the periphery of Ihe hole and the proeedure repeated. fusing and depositing successive layers to fíll the hole to Ihe required deplh‘ The slag eovering the 、veld melal should be kept molten until Ihe 、veld is fín ished. If Ihe arc is broken or the slag is allowed to eool , the slag must be completely removed before reslarting the 、veld 5.23 Weld Profiles AIl 、.velds shall meet the visual acceptance criteria of Tables 6.1 젠받요맥, and shall be free from cracks , overlaps , and Ihe unacceplable profile disconlinuities exhibiled in Figure 5 .4, Table 5.!!, and Table 5.2, excepl as otherwise allowed in 5.적 1, 5.23.2, and 5.정 3 Vertical Positioll. For ‘,velds to be made in the verlical position , Ihe arc is starled al Ihe root of the joint at the lower side of the hole and is carried upward , fusing into Ihe face of Ihe inner plate and to the side of Ihe hole. The arc is slopped at Ihe top of the hole , the slag is cleaned off. and the process is repeated on the opposite side of the hole. After cleaning slag from the 、,veld , other layers should be similarly deposited to fill Ihe hole to the required depth. 5.쟁, 1 F iIl et Welds. The faces of fillel 、,velds may be slightly convex , flat , or slightly concave as shown in Figure 5 .4 and as allowed by Table삼효펴건1 6 . 1 , 맨d쓰 16 5.설.2 Exceptioll for I lIternlittellt F iIl et Welds. Except for ulldercul , as allowed by the code , Ihe profile re quiremenls of Figure 5 .4 shall nol apply 10 Ihe ends of intermiUenl fillet ‘,velds outside Iheir effective length. 5.23,3 Groove Welds. Groove 、,veld reinforcement shall comply with Tables 5.!!, 젠Id 5‘ 2 and with the provisions below. Welds shall have a gradual Iransition 10 Ihe plane of the base metal surfaces. 5 ,24.1.3 Overhead Position. For 、,velds to be made in the overhead position , the procedure is the same as for Ihe flat position , except that the slag should be allowed to cool and should be complelely removed after depositing each successive bead until the hole is fílled to the required deplh. 5.영.3.1 Flush S lI rfaces. Welds required to be flush shall be finished so as to nol reduce Ihe thicknesses of Ihe Ihinner base metal or weld metal by more than 1/32 in [1 mm]. Remaining reinforcement shall not exceed 1/3 2 in [1 mm] in heighl and shall blend smoothly into the base metal surfaces with transition areas free from undercu t. However, all reinforcement shall be removed where the ‘,veld forms part of a fayîng or contact surface 5.잊.2 Slot Welds. Slol 、,velds shall be made using techniques similar to those specified in 5.띤.1 for plug ‘,velds , except that if he length of the slo exceeds three times the width , 01' if the slol extends to the edge of the parl , the technique requirements of 5.잊.1.3 shall apply. ‘ Finish Methods alld Vallles. Where surface finishing is required , surface roughness values (see ASME B46.1) shall not exceed 250 microinches [6 .3 micrometers]. Chipping and gouging may be used provided these are followed by grinding or machining. For cyclically loaded stmctures , fínishing shall be parallel to the direction of primary stress , except fínal roughness of 125 micro inches [3.2 micrometers] or less may be finished in any direction 5.결 Repairs The removal of weld melal 이 portions of the base metal may be done by machining, grindil멍이 chipping, or gouging. lt shall be done in 잉l 이1 a manner that the adjacent weld metal 01' base melal is not nicked or gouged. Q즈y::. gen gouging shall onlv be penllitted for use on as-rolled 원댄쿄, Unacceplable portions of the weld 야1며I be removed without substantial removal of the base metal The surfaces shall be cleaned Ihoroughly bef,αe wel이 ng. Weld metal shall be deposited to compensate for any deficiency in size 5.23.4 Shelf ßars. Shelf bars shall conform to the requirements of 츠으1! Ihrough 5.9. 1.효 Shelf bars may be left in place only for slatically loaded members‘ 5.쟁 ‘ 5.얄.1 Cont l'3 ctor Optiolls. The Contractor has the option of either repairing an unacceptable ‘,veld 01' 1'emov ing and replacing the enlire weld , except as modifíed by 5.25.3. The repaired 01' replaced weld shall 야 retested by the method origìnally used , and the same technique and quality acceptance criteria shall be applied. If the Contractor elects to 1'epair the 、,veld , it shall be corrected as follows Technique for Plug and Slot Welds 5.연.1 Plug Welds. The technique used to make plug ‘,velds when using SMAW, GMAW (except GMAW-S) , and FCAW processes shall be as follows Fla! Positioll. For 、velds to be made in the flat position , each pass shall be deposited around the root 177 AWS D1.1/0 1. 1M:2015 CLAUSE 5. FABRICATION sOllndness shall be verified by appropriate NDT, when such tests are specified in the contract documents for groove 、,velds subject to c이npression or tension stress. 5.갤.1ι 1. 1 Ove 뻐 'er빼, Excessive Convexity, 0 1' Excessive 밍 e Reinforcemelll. Excessive weld metal shall be removed 5.갤.1.2 Excessive COllcavity of Weld or C 1'atel; Unde 1'size Welds , Unde 1'cutting. The surfaces shall be prepared (see 5.잭) and additional weld metal deposited. (2) Base metal subject to cyclic tensile stress may be restored by welding provided Incomplele Fusioll, Excessive Weld Po 1'osity, or Slag I lI clusiolls. Unacceptable portions shall be removed (see 5.각) and rewelded (a) The Engineer approves repair by welding and the repair WPS. 5.청.1.3 (b) The repair WPS is followed in the work and the soundness of the restored base metal is verified by the NDT method(s) specified in the contract documents for examination of tension groove 、velds or as approved by the Engineer Cracks in Weld 0 1' Base MelaI. The extent of the crack shall be ascertained by use of acid etching , MT, PT, 0 1' other equally positîve means; the crack and sound metal 2 in [50 mm] beyond each end of the crack shall be removed , and rewelded (3) In addition to the requirements of (1) and (2) , when holes in quenched and tempered base metals are restored by welding 5.챈.2 Localized Heat Repair Tempe 1' alu 1'e Limitations. Members distorted by weldillg shall be straightened by mechanical mealls or by application of a limited amoullt of localized hea t. The temperature of heated areas as measured by approved methods shall not exceed 1 IOooF [600 0 C] for quenched and tempered steel nor 1200 0 F [6500 C] for other steels. The part to be heated for straightenillg shall be substalltially free of stress alld from external forces , except those stresses resulting from a mechanical straightening method used in conjunction with the applicatioll of hea t. (a) Appropriate filler metal , heat input , and (when PWHT is required) shall be used. P까'HT (b) Sample 、,velds shall be made using the repair WPS. (c) RT of the sample 、,velds shall verify that 、,veld soundness confonns to the requirements of ‘ (d) One reduced section tension test (、,veld metal); two side bend tests (weld metal); and three CVN tests of the HAZ (coarse grained area) removed from sample velds shall be used to demonstrate that the mechanical properties of the repaired area conform to the specified requirements of the base metal (see Clause 4 , Part D for CVN testing requirements). 5.25.3 Engineer ’s Approval. Prior approval of the E Ilgilleer shall be obtained for repairs to base metal (other than those required by 5 퍼), repair of major or delayed cracks , repairs to ESW and EGW with internal defects , or fo 1' a revised design to compensate fo 1' deficiencies. The Engilleer shall be notified before welded members are cut apar t. ‘ (4) Weld surfaces shall be finished as specified in 5.23.3 .1 5.25.4 Inaccessibility of Unacceplable Welds. If, after an unacceptable 、,veld has been made , work is perfonned which has rendered that 、.veld inaccessible or has created new conditions that make corrcction of the unacceptable 、,veld dangerous or ineffectual , then he original conditions shall be restored by removing welds or members , or both , before the corrections are made. If this is not done , the deficiency shall be compensated for by additional work performed conforming to an approved revised design 5.앨 ‘ Peening Peening may be used on intermediate weld layers for control of shrinkage stresses in thick 、,velds to prevent cracking or distortion , or bo h. No peening shall be done on the root or surface layer of the weld or the base metal at the edges of the veld except as provided in 9.2.7 ,흐(3) for tubulars. Care should be taken to prevent overlapping or cracking of the 、,veld or base met.1. ‘ ‘ 5.25.5 Welded Reslo l'ation of Base Metal with Mislocated Holes. Except where restoration by welding is necessary for structural or other reasons , punched or drilled mislocated holes may be left open or filled with bolt When base metal with mislocated holes is restored by welding , the following reqllirements apply: 5.앨.1 Tools. The use of manllal slag hammers , chisels , and lightweight vibrating tools for the removal of slag and spatter is allowed and sh.lI not be considered peening ‘ 5.낀 (1) Base metal not sllbj Caulking Caulking shall be defined as plastic deformation of weld and base metal surfaces by mechanical means to seal or 178 AWS D1.1/D l.l M:2015 CLAUSE 5. FA8RICATION obscure discontinuities. Caulking shall be prohibited fOl base metals with minimum specified yield strength greater than 50 ksi [345 MPa] For base metals with minimum specified yield strength of 50 ksi [345 MPa] or less , caulking may be used , provided cent base metal shall be c1 eaned by brushing or other suitable means ‘ Tightly adherent spatter remaining after the cleaning operatiO J1 is acceptable , llnless its removal is required for the purpose of NDT. Welded joints shall not be painted llntil after welding has been completed and the 、,veld accepted. (1) all inspections have been completed and accepted (2) caulking is necessary to prevent coating failures 5.앤 (3) the technique and limitations 011 caulking are approved by the Engineer 5.30.1 Use of Weld Tabs. Welds shall be terminated at the end of a joint in a manner that will ellsure sOllnd 、,velds. Whenever necessary, this shall be done by use of weld tabs aligned in sllch a manner to provide an extension of the joint preparation. 5.28 Arc Strikes Arc strikes outside the area of permanent ‘,velds should be avoided on any base meta l. Cracks 01' blemishes caused by arc strikes shall be ground to a srnooth contoU1 and checked to ensure soundness. 5.쟁 Weld Tabs (See 5.2.2) 5.웰.2 Removal of Weld 돼bs fo l' Statically Loaded Nontnbula l' Stmctu l'es. For statically loaded nontllblllat structures , ‘,veld tabs necd not be removed llnless reqllired by the Engineer. 5.매.3 Removal of Weld Tabs fo l' Cyclically Loaded Nontubula l' Stmctu l'es. For cyclically loaded nonlllbular structllres , weld tabs shall be removed llpon comple tion alld cooling of the weld , and the ends of the 、,veld shall be made smooth and fl lI sh with the edges of abllttlllg parts Weld Cleaning • 5.캔.1 In-Pl'ocess Cleaning. Before welding over pr,εVI­ ously deposited weld metal , all slag shall be removed andthe ‘,veld and a여 acent base metal shall be cleaned by brushing 01" other suitable means. This requirement 5ha1l apply no only to successive layers but also to successive beads and to the crater area when ‘.velding is resumed after any interruption. It shall not , however, restrÎc t the 、,velding of plug and slot 、,velds in conformance with 5.잊 ‘ 5.30.4 Ends of Welded Bult Joints. Ends of welded butl joints required to be flush shall be finished so as not to redllce the width beyond the delailed width or the ac tual width furnished , whichever is greater, by more than l/8 in [3 mm] or so as not to leave reinforcement at each end that exceeds 1/8 in [3 mm]. Ends of welded blltl joints shall be faired al a slope nol to exceed 1 in 10. 5.맺.2 Cleaning of COI1lJl leted Welds. Slag shall be removed fro l1l all completed 、:velds , and the weld and adja 179 AWS D1.1/D 1.1 M:2015 CLAUSE 5. FABRICATION Table 5.1 Allowable Atmospheric Exposure of Low-Hydrogen Electrodes (see and Electrode CoIu lTI n A (hours) Table 5.2 Minimum Holding Time (see 5.8.1) Column B (hours) l!4 in [6 111m] Over l!4 in [6 mm] Through or Less 2 in [50 mm] Over 2 in [50 mm] 15 miI 15 min. for each 114 in [6 mmJ or fraction thereof 2 hrs plus 15 mÎn. for cach additional in [25 mm] or fractioll thereof over 2 in [50 111m] A5.1 4max 9max ‘ 9max 9max E70XX E70XXR E70XXHZR E7018M Over 4 to 10 max A5 .5 4max‘ 2max 1 max 1/2 max 1/2 max E70XX-X E80XX-X E90XX-X E lOOXX-X El lOXX-X Over 4 to 10 max. Over 2 to 10 max. Over 1 to 5 max Qver 112 to 4 max Over 112 to 4 max Table 5.3 Alternate Stress-Relief Heat Treatment (see 5.8.2) Decrcase in Temperature below Minimum Specified Tempcraturc , ‘ Sleel Eleclrodesfor Shielded Metal Arc Welding LI"F LI"C 50 30 100 60 150 200 90 120 Mînimum Holdillg Time at Decreased Temperature , Hours pcr lnch [25 mm] of Thickness 2 4 m mω Notes 1. Column A: Electrodcs cxposed 10 atmosphere for longer periods than shown shall be bakcd before use 2. Column B: Elcclrodcs e posed 10 atmosphere fOf longer periα1 , than those estabHshed by tcsting shall be baked before use 3. Electrodes shal1 be issued and held in quivers , or olher small 0야n containers. Heatcd containcrs are not mandatory. 4. The optional supplemental designator, R, designates a low-hydrogen electrode 、‘rhich has been testcd for covering moisture content after exposure to a moist environmcnt for 9 hours and has met the maxi mum level allowed in AWS A5. lIA5.1M , SpecificalÎoll ψ r CarbO Il Table 5.4 Limits on Acceptability and Repair of Milllnduced Laminar Discontinuities in Cut Surfaces (see 5.14.툴) Descrîption of Discontinuity Repair Required Any discontinuity 1 in [25 mm] in length or less None , need not be explored Any discontinuity over 1 in [25 Illl띠 in length and 118 in [3 1111n] maxi l11 um deplh None , but the dcpth should be Any 이 scontiuuity over 1 in [25 mm] in len밍h with depth 。、 er l!8 in [3 111m] but 110t greater than 114 in [6 nun] Remove , need 110t weld Any discontinuity ()、 er 1 in [25 mm) in length with depth over l!4 in [6 111m] but 110t greater than 1 in [25 111m] Completely remove and 、vcld Any discontinuity over 1 in [25 mm] in length with depth gre떠er than 1 in [25 mm] Scc expl이'ed a a A spot check of 10% of the disconlinuities on thc cut surfacε in question should be explored by grinding 10 dctcrminc de끼 h. If the depth of any onc of the discontinuities explored exceeds 118 in [3 mm ], thcn all of the discontìnuities over 1 in [25 IUI띠 in lcngth rcmaining on that cut surface shall bc exp10red by grinding to detennine depth. Ifnone ofthc discontinuities explored În the 10% spot check have a dcpth cxceeding 1/8 in [3 mm] , then thc remainder of the discon lÏ nuities on that cut surface need not bc cxplored 180 AWS Dl.l/Dl.1M:2015 CLAUSE 5. FABRICATION Table 5.5 Camber Tolerance for Typical Girder (see 5.옆.3) Table 5.6 Camber Tolerance for Girders without a Designed Concrete Haunch (see 5.원.4) Camber Tolerance (in inches) Camber Tolerance (i l1 illches) s씨\썽 0.1 <: 100 ft 9116 < 100 ft 1/4 0.2 112 s파셔S 0.1 0.2 0.3 0 .4 0.5 1- 1/2 <: 100 ft 1/4 1/2 5/8 3/4 3/4 3/4 < 100 ft 1/8 1/4 5116 3/8 3/8 0.3 0 .4 0.5 1-114 1-7116 5/8 3/4 Camber ToJerance (i n millimeters) Camber Tolerance (i n millimcters) s씨셔S 0.1 0 .2 0.3 0 .4 0.5 씩셔S <: 30 m 14 25 34 38 40 7 13 17 19 20 < 30 Jl1 0 .1 0‘2 0.3 0 .4 0.5 <: 30 m 7 13 17 19 20 <30m 4 6 8 10 10 Table 5.7 Minimum Fillet Weld Sizes (see Base Metal Thickness (T)a 5.웬) Minimu l1l Si7ß of F i11 et Veld b ‘, 10 mm III T'; 1/4 T ,; 6 1/8 , 3 3116 5 1/4 6 5116 8 1/4 < T ,; 1/2 6<T'; 12 3/4 12<T';20 1/2 < T'; 3/4 <T 20<T mm , a For nonlow-hydrogen processes without preheat ca1c ulatcd in conformance with 4.8 .4, T equals thickness of the thicker part joined; single-pass ‘,velds shall be used For nonlow-hydrogcn processes using procedures established 10 prevent cracking in conformance with 4.8 ‘ 4 and for low-hydrogen processes , T equals thickness of the thinner part joìned; single-pass requirement shall not apply b Except that the ‘、이eld size need 110t excced Ihe thickness of the thinncr partjoined C Minimum size for cyclically loaded slruclures shall be 3/16 in [5 mm] 181 AWS D1. 1/D 1. 1M:2015 CLAUSE 5. FABRICATION Table 5.8 Weld Profiles a (see 5.원) Joint Type 、,Veld Type Corner-InsÎde Comer-Outside Butt T-Joint Lap Butt with ShelfBar Figure 5 .4A Figure 5.4Bb Figure 5.4C Figure 5.4Db N/A Figure 5 .4 G Schedule A Schedule B Schedule A Schedule B N/A See Note c N/A Figure 5.4E Figure5 .4F Figure 5.4E Figure 5.4E N/A N/A Schedule C Schedule C or D' Schedule C Schedule C N/A Groove (CJP or PJP) Fillet Schedules A through D are given in Table 5.2 bFor reinforcing fillet welds required by design, the profile restrictions apply 10 each g으으~ and fillet, separately C Welðs made using shelf bars and 、velds 1nade in the horizontal Dositio lb히 ween 뜨뜨뜨띄 bars of unequaI thickness are exempt from R and C lîmilι tÌons. See Figures 5.4 G and 5.4 H for typical details d See Figure 5.4F for a description of where Schcdule C and D apply ~ Table5.9 Weld Profile Schedules (see 5.23) Schedule A (t:::: thickness of thicker platc joined for CJP; t :::: ~린Q size for PJP) ,; 1 in [25 mm] > 1 in [25 mm] , ,; 2 in [50 mm] > 2 in [50 mm] Schedule B (t :::: thickn야 S Rmin. Rmax ‘ 0 1/8 in [3 mm] 0 3/1 6 in [5 mm] 0 1/4 of thicker plate joined for C1P; t =쁘띠 size for P1P; C = allowable convexity or concavity) O • unlimited 1/8 in [3 mm] 3/1 6 in [5 111m] CN = width ofweld face or individual surface bead; C = allowable cO Jlvexity) C max. b 、v ,; 5/1 6 in [8 mm] 1/1 6 in [2 mm] > 5/1 6 in [8 ml11], < 1 in [25 111m] 1/8 ;" 1 in [25 111m] Schedule D 해 ;" 1 in [25 mm] 삐 O 삐 < 1 in [25 mm] Cmax~ Rmax Rmin Schedule C in [6 mmJ3 (t in [3 111m] 3/16 in [5 111m] =thickness of thinner of the exposed edge dimensions; C =allowable convexity; see Figure 5.4F) Cmax~ any value of t tl2 a For cyclically loaded structures, R max. for materials > 2 in [50 mm] thick is 3116 in [5 111m], bT'here is no restriction on concavitv as long as minimum weld size (considering both leg and throa t) is achie ed ‘ 182 CLAUSE 5. FABRICATION AWS 01.1/0 1.1 M:2015 fμJ"ERIAL 건 WIOTH 뀐ig F 밍맹 ure ‘밍 e5.1-E 뻐 dg 양 eD 이iSCOI 이애 n띠 tt디inu 띠 미i빠디 t i뼈 esin Cωu 따t에 M 매 at빠 밍r헤 e 183 (see 5.뀐걷J) AWS D t. l/D t. 1M:2015 CLAUSE 5. FABRICATION BACKING IF USEDe 下L ‘- ‘ 士→,… \~, rD~3/4in [20mm] 쐐 해 騙 」 Q > t. 51 RADIUS PRECUT BY DRILL OR HOLE SAW R (Nole a) NEED NOT BE TANGENT NOTCHES PROHIBITED 。 PTIONAL METHOD FOR MAKING CORNER RADIUS ROLLED SHAPE OR GROOVE WELDED SHAPEb FILLET WELDED SHAPE' a Radius shall provide smooth notch-free transilion; R ;::: 3/8 in [10 mm] (깨 pical1/2 in [12 mm]) bAccess ho!e made after welding web to flange C Access hole made before welding web to flange. The web to flange we버 shall not be returned Ihrough hole d hmin = 3/4 in [20 mm] or μ (web thickness) , whichever is greater, hπ n need not exceed 2 in [50 mm] eThese are typical details for joints welded from one s띠 e against stee! backing. Alternative joint designs should be considered Note: For rolled shapes wilh flange thickness greater than 2 in [50 mm] and bUilt-up shapes with web material thickness greater than 1.1/2 in [40 mm] , preheal 10 150'F [65。이 prior 10 thermal cutting , grind and inspect thermally cut edges of access hole using MT or PT methods prior to making web and flange splice groove welds Figure 5.2-Weld Access Hole Geometry (see 5.1ι14) 184 AWS D1.1/D 1. 1 M:2015 CLAUSE 5. FABRICATION γ0ι떻:γ E의 싫工’풍1잉$lin ± I~ 131!1 • I (A) GROOVE WELD WITHOUT BACKINGROOT NOT BACKGOUGED γg펴?'j f효1않)in~~I격 I 11 -뉘 F- R rjj싫댐2TRJLl (B) GROOVE WELD WITH BACKINGROOT NOT BACKGOUGED γgr;9:γ Lf써잃D조흉겹 」 L tjQ임?4%%T] f R (C) GROOVE WELD WITHOUT BACKINGROOT BACKGOUGED Rool Nol Backgouged in mm (1) Rool lace 01 joint ~1/16 o jmnls (2) Roo!uotpbeancinkgin이 without backing ~1/16 2 2 wRoillo1!boapceknn1ncg 。, joinls ing +1/4 -1/16 , (3) Groove angle 01 j이 nl +10。 5。 6 2 Root Backgouged m mm Not limited +1/16 2 -1/8 3 Not applica비e +10。 -5。 Note: See for tolerances for CJP tubular groove welds made from Qn9 굉de 써thout backing. Figure 5.3-Workmanship Tolerances in Assembly of Groove Welded Joints (see 5 185 AWS D1.1 /D 1.1 M:2015 CLAUSE 5. FABRICATION DESIRABLE ACCEPTABLE 」←~ UNACCEPTABLE ’+ 많효〕 (A) WELD PROFILES FOR BUTT JOINTS DESIRABLE ACCEPTABLE UNACCEPTABLE (B) GROOVE WELD PROFILES INSIDE CORNER JOINTS Figure 5.4-Requirements for Weld Profiles (see Tables 5..!i and 5. 2) 186 AWS Dl.l/Dl.1M:2015 DESIRA8LE CLAUSE 5. FABRICATION ACCEPTABLE UNACCEPTABLE ’ (C) GROOVE WELD PROFILES OUTS OE CORNER JOINTS DESIRABLE ACCEPTABLE UNACCEPTABLE (0) GROOVE WELO PROFILES IN T.JOINTS Figure 5.4 (Continued)-Requirements for Weld Profiles (see Tables 187 5.~ and 5.2) AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 CLAUSE 5. FABRICATION DESIRABLE ACCEPTABLE … .. … ‘‘ ---‘ ‘ ,.‘ … ‘ ,, ril-- rill .f i ‘ … UNACCEPTABLE ‘ … … l i--J‘ -i f ,‘”‘ … ., … ‘ ,,, , ’ ! l ‘ ‘-“ ‘-‘ (티 Lif‘ -1 l--l‘ -j ’ ‘‘ ι -‘ ! ^ • -‘-l .- ~ F LLET WELD PROFILES FOR INSIDE CORNER JOINTS, LAP JOINTS, AND T.JOINTS ACCEPTABLE DESIRABLE SCHEDULE C APPUES SCHEDULE C APPUES UNACCEPTABLE SCHEDULE C APPUES C = EXCESSIVE c I-t 뉘 SCHEDULE D APPUES SCHEDULE D APPUES SCHEDULE D APPUES (F) FILLET WELD PROFILES FOR OUTSIDE CORNER JOINTS Figm'e 5 ,4 (Continued)-Requirements for Weld Profiles (see Tables 5 ,~ and 5. 2) 188 CLAUSE 5. FABRICATION AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 ACCEPTABLE DESIRABLE (G) TYPICAL SHELF BAR DETAILS (비 TYPICAL PROFILES FOR BUTT WELDS BETWEEN UNEQUAL THICKNESSES Figu1'e 5.4 (Continued)-Requh'ements fo 1' Weld P 1'oflles (see Tables 5..!! and 5.2) 189 AWS D1.1 /D1.1 M‘ 2015 This page is intentionally blank. 190 AWS D1.1 /Dl.1M:2015 6. Inspection PartA General Requiremellts COlltractor on all inspection and quality matters within the scope of the contract documents 6. 1.3.2 Vel' ification Inspecto" This inspector is the dllly designated person who acts for, and in behalf of, the Owner or Engineer on aH inspection and quality matters within the scope of the contract documents. 6.1 Scope Clause 6 contains all of the requirements for the Inspec tm ’ s qualifica ions and responsibilities , acceptance crite~ ria for discontinuities , and procedures for NDT. ‘ 6. 1.3.3 Inspector(s). When the term inspector is lI sed without further qualification as to the specific inspector category described above , it applies equally to inspection and verification within the limits of responsibility de~ scribed in 6. 1. 2 6. 1.1 Infol'mation Furnished 10 Bidde l's. When NDT other than visual is to be required , it shall be so stated in the information furnished to the bidders. This information shall designate the categories of 、.velds to be exam ined , the extent of examination of each category. and the method or methods of testing. 6.1.4 Inspector Qualification Reqlliremenls 6. 1.4.1 Basis for Qualification. Inspectors responsible for acceptance 이 rejection of material and workmanship shall be qualified. The bases of Inspectm qllalitìcation shall be documented. If the Engineer elects to specify the bases of inspector qua Ii fication , it sh씨 1 be 80 specified in contract documents. 6.1.2 Inspeclion and Contl'acl Stiplllations. For the purpose of this code , fabrica ion/erection inspection and testing , and verification inspection and testíng shall be separate fUllctions ‘ Conl l'actoI ’s Inspection. This type of inspection and test shall be performed as necessary prior to assembly, during assembly, during welding , and after welding to ensure that materials and workl11 anship meet the requirements of the contract documents. Fabrica tlOrν'erection inspection and testing shall be the respoI1 si~ bilities of he Contractor unless otherwise provided in the contract docume l1 ts ‘ The acceptable qualification basis shall be the fo Il owing (1) Current 01' previous certìfication as an AWS Certified Welding Inspector (CWI) in conformallce \V ith the provisions of AWS QCl , Sta l/ dardfor AIVS Certificatio l/ ofWeldil/ g 11/ψectors , m ‘ (2) Current 01' previous qua Ii fication by the Canadian Bureau (CWB) in conformance with the requirements of the Canadian Standard Association (CSA) Standard WI78.2 , Certificatio l/ of lVeldil/ g II/ spectors , or 、~elding 6. 1.2.2 Verification Inspection. This type of inspec tion and testing shall be perfonned and their r잉lI1ts repOlted 10 he Owner and Contractor in a timely manner to avoid delays in the work. Verification inspection and test ing are the prerogatives of the Owner who may perform this function or, when provided in the contract, ‘,VaIve 1t1dependent verification , or stipulate that both il1 spection and verificatioI1 shall be performed by the Contractor. ‘ (3) An individual who , by training 01' experience , 01 both , in metals fabrication , inspection and testillg , is competent to perform inspection of the work 6. 1.4.2 Term of Effectiveness. The qualification of an Inspector shall remain in effect indefinitely, provided the Inspector remains active in inspection of welded steel fabrication , unless there is specific reason to question the Inspector ’ s ability‘ 6.1.3 Definition ofI nspector Categories 6. 1. 3, 1 Contraclo l'’s Inspecto" This inspector is the duly designated person who acts for , and in behalf of, the 191 CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION AWS D1.1/0 1. 1M:2015 PARTA 6. 1.4.3 Assistant Inspector. The Inspector may be supp0l1ed by Assistant Inspectors who may perform specific inspectíon functÎons under the supervision of the Inspector. Assistant Inspectors shall be qualified by training and experience to perform the specific functions to which they are assigned. The work of AssÎstant Inspectors shall be regularly monitored by the Inspector, generally on a daily basis. 6.3.3 WPSs ill Production. The Contractor ’ s Inspector shall ensure that all welding operations are performed În conformance with WPSs that meet the requirements of this code alld the CO l1 tract documents 6.4 Inspection of Welder, Welding Operator, and Tack Welder Qualifications 6.1.4 .4 Eye Examination , Inspectors and Assistant Inspectors shall have passed an eye examination with or without corrective lenses to prove near vision acuity of Jaeger J-2 at a distance of 12 in-17 in [300 mm-430 mm] Eye examination of all inspection personnel shall be required every three years 01' less if necessary to demonstrate adequacy 6.4.1 Detennination of QuaIi ficatioll. The Inspector allow welding to be perf.。이med ollly by we떠ers , welding operators, and tack welders who are qualified in conformance with the requirements of Clause 4, 띤 Clause 9 fcπ tubular ‘’ or shall ensure th띠 each 、,velder, welding operator, or tack welder has previously demonstr떠ed su이1 qualification under other acceptable supervi sion and approved by the Engineer in confonnance with 야, all 6. 1.4, 5 Verification Authority. The Engineer shall have authority to verify the qualification of Inspectors 6.1.5 Inspector Responsibility. The Inspector shall ascertain that all fabrica ion and erection by welding is perfonned in conforI nunce with the requirements of the contract documents ‘ 6니 4 , 2 Retesting ßased on Quality of Work. When the quality of a qualified welder ’s, welding operator's , 01 tack welder ’ s work appears to be below the requirements of this code , the Inspect。이‘ may require that the welder, welding operator, or tack welder demonstrate an ability to produce sound ,ιelds 0f he tvpe that has not met re g쁘뜨쁘던1Is by means of a simple tcst , such as the fillet weld break test , or by requiring complete requalîfication in conformance with Clause 4 , ür Clause 9 for tubulars 6.1.6 Items to be Furnished to the Inspector. The Inspector shall be fllrnished complete detailed drawings showing the size, length , type , and location of a l1 、.velds to be made. The Illspector shall also be furnished the portion of the contract doc l1 ments that describes material and quality requÌI ements for the products to be fabricated or erected , 01' both. ‘ ‘ ’ 6.4.3 Retesting ßased on Qualification Ex[ iration. The Inspector shall require requalification of any 、velder, welding operator, Q딛딴k뜨인얀r who has not used the process (for which they are qualified) for a period ex ceeding six months (sec 4.2 .3 .1) 6. 1.7 Inspector Notification. The Inspector shall be notified in advallce of the start of operations subject to inspection and verification. 6.2 Inspection of Materials and Equipment 6.5 Inspection of Work and Records 6.5.1 Size, Length, alld Locatioll of Welds. The In- The Contract Ol'’ s Inspector shall ensure that only materials and equipment confonning to the requirements of this code shall be used. spector shall ensure that the size , length , and location of a11 welds confonn to the requirements of this code and to the detail drawings and that no unspecified welds have been added without the approval of the Engineer. 6.3 Inspection of WPSs 6.5 ,2 Scope of Examinatiolls. The Inspector shall , at suitable intervals , observe joillt preparation , assembly practice , and the ‘.v elding techniques , and performance of each welder, welding operator, and tack welder to ensure that the applicable requirements of this code are me t. 6.3.1 Prequalified WPS. The Contractor ’ s Inspector shall ensure that all prequalified WPSs to be used for the work conform with the requirements of Clauses 3, 5, .2 (if tubular) , and the cOlltract documellts. 6.5.3 Extent of Examination , The Inspector shall examine the work to ensure that it meets the requirements of this code. Other acceptance criteria , different from those described in the code , may be used when approved by the Engineer. Size and contour of 、velds shall be mea- 6.3.2 WPSs Qnalified by Test. The COlltractor's Inspecto1' shall ellsure that all WPSs qualified by test conform with the requiremellts of Clauses 4, 5, 2 (if tubular) , alld the contract documents 192 AWS D1.1/D 1.1 M:2015 CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION PARTS A, 8, & C with 6.14. The Owner shall be responsible for ‘III associated costs including handling , surface preparatiol1, NDT, and repair of disconti l1uities other than those described in 6.9 , whichever is applicable, at rates mutually agreeable between Owner and Contr;끼ctor. However, if such testing ShOllld disclose an attempt to defraud or gross nonconformance to this code , repair work shall be done at the ContractOI ’ s cxpense sured with suitable gages. Visual inspection for cracks in and base metal and other discontinuities should be aided by a strong 1ight , magnifiers , 01' such other devices as may be fOllnd helpful 、,velds 6.5.4 Inspeclo l' Idenlificalion of Inspections Pe l'fO l' llled. Inspectors shall identify with a distingllishing mark or other recording methods all parts or joînts that they have inspected and accepted. Any recording mcthod which is mutually agreeable may be used , Die stamping of cyclically loaded members wi hOllt the approval of the Engineer shall be prohibited ‘ PartC Acceptance cr‘'Ìteria 6.5.5 Mainlenance of Recol' ds. The Inspector shall keep a record of qualifications of a11 .velders , welding operators , and tack welders; all WPS qua1i tïcations OI other tests that are made; and such other information as may be required ‘ ηu Acceptance criteria for visual and NDT inspection of statically and cyc 1ically loaded nontubular connections are described în Part C. The extent of examination and the ‘lcceptance criteria shall be specified in the contract documcnts in the information furnÎshed to the bidder …따 뼈 뼈 mo ι새 ω 뼈 C 6.7 Scope % , 6.8 Engineer ’s Approval for Alternate Acceptance Criteria 6.6 Obligations of the Contractor 6.6.1 Conlraclo l' Responsibilities. The Contract Ol shall be responsible for visual inspection and necessary correction of all deficiencies in materials and workmanship in confonnance with the rcquirements of this code. The fundamental premise of the code is to provide gener a1 stipulations applicable to 1110st situations‘ Acceptance criteria for production welds different from those described in the code may be used for a particular application , provided they are suitably documented by the proposer and approved by the Engineer. The e alte l1l ate acceptance criteria may be based upon evaluation of sU Ìtability fo l' service using past experience , experÎ menta1 evidence 01' engineering analysis considering material type , service load effects , and environmental tàctors. 6.6.2 Ins Il eclor Requesls. The Contractor shall comply with all requests of he Inspector(s) to correct deficiel1 cies in materials and workmanship as provided in the contract documents ‘ ‘ 6.6.3 Engi l1 ce l'il1 g Judgmenl. 111 the event thal falllty we1ding , 01' its removal for rewelding , damages the base metal so that in the judgment of the Engineer its retention is not in conformance ‘,vith the intent of the contract documents , the Contractor shall remove and replace the damaged base metal or shall compe l1 sate for the defi clency 111 a manner ‘Ipproved by the Engineer. 6.9 Visual Inspection All 、.velds shall be visually inspected and shall be acceptable if the criteria of Table 6.1 , 쁘팍넨효쓰쁘 (i f tubular) are satisfied. 6.6.4 Sllecified NDT Olhel' Ihan Visua l. When NDT other than visual inspection is specified in the informa tion furnished to bidders , it shall be the Contractor ’ s responsib i1i ty to ensure that all spccified ‘,velds shall meet the quality requirements of Cl ause 6 , Part C 안되떤얻뜨 원뜨F뀐딘약넨만~ whichever is applicable. 6.10 얄맺얀웬I말말밴g (PT) and Ma잉netic Par디cIe Testi !!g (MT) \Velds that are Sll이 ect to 딴 and 뀐I, in additioll to visual inspection , shall be evaluated on the basis of thc 얀뜨Q: 젠쁘효ε딘뻗띤 for visual inspection. The testing shall be perfonned in conformance with 6 .1 4 .4 or 6.14.5 , which ever is applicable‘ 6.6.5 Nonsllecified NDT Olher than Visua l. If NDT other than visual inspection is not specified in the original contract agreement but is subsequently requested by the Owner, the Contracto l' shall pe Jfonn any requεsted testing or shall allow any testing to be performed in conformance 193 CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION AWS Dl.1/D 1.1 M:2015 PARTC 6.11 인웬말얀r만쉰veT얄쉰젠gJNDTl (4) At the intersection of a weld with another weld or a free edge (i. e. , an edge beyond which no material extension exists) , acceptable discontinuities shall confonn to the Ii mitations of Figure 6.1 , Cases I-I Y. Except as provided for in 9.29 for tubulars , 띠 1 NDT methods íncluding equipment requirements and qualifications , personnel qualifications. and operating methods shall be in conformance with Clause 6 , Inspection ‘ Ac ceptance critcria shall be as described in this section. Welds subjeα to NDT shall have bee매 found acceptable by vìsual illspeαÍOIl in confofmunce with 6.9 ‘ (5) Isolated discontinuities such as a c1 uster of rounded indications , having a sum of their greatest dimensions exceeding the maximum size single discontinuity allowed in Figure 6. 1. The minimum c1earance to another ;luster or an elongated or rounded dìscontinuity or to an edge or end of an intersecting weld sha l1 be hree time the greatest dimension of the larger of the discontínuities being considered ‘ For welds subject to NDT in confonnance with 6.10 , 6.11 , 9.26.2, and 9.27.1 , the testing may begin immediately after the completed welds have cooled to ambient temperature. Acceptance criteria for ASTM A514 , A517 , and A709 Grade HPS 100W f690W[ steels shall be based on NDT performed not less than 48 hours aftcl' completion of the 、velds ‘ ‘ (6) The sum of individual discontinuities each having a greater dimension of 1앙 s than 3/3 2 in [2 .5 mm] shall not exceed 2E/3 01" 318 in [10 mm] , whichever is less, in any Ii near 1 in [25 mm] of 、.veld. Thís requirement is independent of (1), (2) , and (3) above ‘ (7) In-line discontinuities , 、.vhere he sum of the gre‘ltest dimensions exceeds E in any length of 6E. When the length of the 、.veld bcing examined is less than 6E , the allowable sum of the greatest dimensions shall be proportionally less ‘ 6.12 Radio l! raDhic Tes쉰젠gJRTl Welds shown by RT that do not meet the requirements of Part C, or a1ternate acceptancc criteria per 6.8 , 5hall be repaired in confonnance with 5.잭 Discontinuitics other than cracks shall be evalua ed 011 the basis of being either elongated or l"O unded. Regardless of the type of disconti nuity, an elollgated discontinuity shall be defined as one in which its length exceeds three tÎll1es its width. A rounded discontinuity shall be defined as one in which its length is three times its width or less and may be round or irregular and may have ta i1 s. ‘ 6.12.2 Discontinuity Accelltance Cl'itel'ia fo l' Cyclicall.v Loaded Nontllbular Connections. Welds that are subject to RT in addition to visual inspection sha l1 have no cracks and shall be unacceptable if the RT shows any of the types of discontinuities described in , , or 6‘ 12.2.3. The Ii mitatiolls given by Figllres 6.2 and 6 .3 for 1-112 in [38 mm] 、,veld size (E) shall apply to all 、.veld sizes greater than 1-1/2 in [38 mm] 6.12.1 Di sconti Iluity Acceptance Criteria for Statically Loaded NO Il tubular Con Il ections. Welds that are slI b ject to RT in addition to visual inspection shall have no cracks and shall be unacceptable if the RT sho \V s any discontinuities exceeding the fo l1 owing limitations. The Ii mitatiolls given by Figure 6.1 for 1-1/8 in [30 mm] weld size (E) shall apply to all weld sizes greater than 11/8 in [30 nun] Cyclically Loaded Nontubnlar Conneetions in Tension (1) Discontinuities exceeding the maximum size of Figure 6.2 (2) Discontinuities closer than the minimum clear allce allowance of Figure 6.2 ‘ (1) Elongated discontinuities exceeding he maximllm size of Figure 6.1. (3) At the intersection of a 、,veld with another 、.veld or a free edge (i. e ‘, an edge beyond which no material extension exists) , acceptable discontinllities shall confonn to the Ii mitatiolls of Figure 6.2 , Cases I-IV. (2) Discontinuities c1 0ser than the mini ll1 um c1earance allowance of Figure 6.1. (3) Rounded discontinuities greater than a ll1 aximum size of E/3 , not to exceed 1/4 in [6 ffim]. However, when E is greater than 2 in [50 m ll1], the maximum rounded indication may be 3/8 in [10 mm]. The minimum c1 earance of rounded discontinuitîes greater than or equal to 3/3 2 in [2.5 IIl m] to an acceptable elongated or l"OlI nded discontinuity or to an edge or end of an intcrsecting 、.veld shall be three times the greatest dimension of the larger of the díscontinuities being considered. (4) Isolated discontinuities such as a cluster of rounded indications , having a sum of their greatest dimensions exceeding the maximum size single discontinuity al1 0wed in Figure 6.2. The minimum c1 earance to another cluster or an elongated or rounded discontinuity or to an edge 01' end of an intersecting 、,veld shall be three times the greatest dimension of the larger of the discontinuities being considered 194 AWS D1. 1/D1.1M:2015 PARTC 、.velds (5) The SUtn of individual discontinuities each having a greater dimension of less than 3/32 in [2.5 mm] shall not exceed 2E/3 or 3/8 in [10 mm] , whichever is less , in any linear 1 in [25 mm] of 、.veld. This requirement is independent of (1), (2) , and (3) above subject to UT in addition to visual inspection shall meet the requirements of Table 6.2. For CJP web-to f1 ange 、.velds , acceptance of discontinuities detected by scanning movements other than scanning pattern ‘ E ’ (see 6 찍 2.2) may be based on weld thickness equal to the actual web thickness plus 1 in [25 mm]. Discontinuities detected by scanning pattern ‘ E ’ shall be evaluated to the criteria of Table 6 .2 for the actual web thickness. When CJP web-to- f1 ange 、.velds are subject to calculated tensile stress nonnal to the weld , they should be so designated on the design drawing and sha l1 conform to he requirements of Table 6 .2. Ul trasonically tested ‘,velds are evaluated on the basis of a discontinuity reflecting ultrasollnd in proportion to its effect 011 the il1 tegrity of the weld ‘ Indications of discontinuities that remain on the display as the search unit is moved towards and away from the dis continuity (scanning movement “ b") may be indicative of planar discontinllities wlth significant through-throat dimension (6) In-linediscontinuities , where the SU Ill of the greatest dimensions exceeds E in any length of 6E. When the length of the ‘,veld beîng examined is less than 6E , the a l1 0wable sum of the greatest :limcnsions shall be pro portionally less ‘ ‘ ‘ Cyclically Loaded Nontubular Connectiolls in Compressio l1 (1) Discontinuities exceeding the maximum size of Figure 6 .3 (2) Discontinllities closer than the minimum ance allowance of Figure 6.3 CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION clear~ (3) At the intersection of a weld with another weld or a free edge (i. e. , an edge beyond which no material extension exists) , acceptable discontinuities sha l1 COn~ fonn to the lîmitations of Figure 6 .3, Cases 1- V. Since the majo1' reflecting surface of the most critical discontinuities is oriented a minimllm of 20 (fo1' a 70。 search uni t) to 45 0 (for a 45 0 search unit) from perpendicular to the sound beam , amplitude evaluation (dB rating) does 110t allow 1'eliable dispositîon. When indica tions exhibiting these pJanar characteristics are present at scanning sensitivîty, a more detailed evaluation of the discontinuity by other means shall be required (e.g. , a1temate UT techniqlles , RT, grinding or gouging for visual inspection , etc.). 0 (4) Isolated discontinuities such as a cluster of rounded indications , having a sum of thcir greatest dimensions exceeding the maxÌmum size single discontÌw nuity aIl owed in Figure 6.3. The minimll l11 clearance to anothe1' cluster 01' an elongated or rounded discontinuity or to an edge 01' end of an intersecting 、,veld shall be three times the greatest dimension of the larger of the disconti nuities being considered 6.13.2 Acce ]l tance C l'iteria for Cyclically Loaded Nontubular Connections. The acceptance critería f01' ‘,velds subject to UT in addition to visual inspection shall meet the fo l1 owing requirements (5) The sum ofindividual discontinuities each having a greater dimension of less than 3/32 in [2.5 mm] shall not exceed 2E/3 or 3/8 in [10 mm] , whichever is less , in any linear 1 in [25 mm] of weld. This requirement is independent of (1), (2) , and (3) above (6) In-line discontinuities , where the SU Ill of the greatest dimensions exceeds E in any length of 6E. When the length of the weld being examined is less than 6E , the allowable sum of the greatest dimensions shall be pro w portionally less. Discontinuitics Less than 1116 in [2 mm]. In addition to the requirements of6.12.2.1 and , discontinuities having a greatest dimension of less than 1/1 6 in [2 mm] shall be unacceptable if the sum of their greatest dimensions exceeds 3/8 in [10 Illln] in any linear inch of 、.veld. 6.13 Ultrasonic 1농stiu l! (UTì 6.13.1 Acce ]l tance Criteria for Statica lIy Lo떼ded Nontubular Connections. The acceptance criteria f01 195 (1) Welds subject to tensile stress lI nder any condition of loading shall conform to the requirements of Table 6 .3. (2) Welds subjεct to compressive stress shall conform to the requirements of Table 6.2. Indications. U1t rasonically tested welds are evaluated on the basis of a discontinuity ref1 ecting u1lrasound in proportion to its effect on the integrity of the ‘,veld. Indications of discontinuities that remain on the display as the search unit is moved towards and away from the discontinuity (scanning movement 개,H) may be indicative of planar discontinuìties with significant through throat dimension‘ As thc orientation of such discontinuities , relative to the sound beam , deviates from the perpendicular, dB ratings which do not allow direct , reliable evaluation of the welded joint integrity may resu It. When indications that exhibit these planar char acteristics are present at scanning sensitivity, a more detailed evaluation of the discontinuity by other means CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION PARTSC& 0 AWS D1.1/D 1.1 M:2015 may be required (e.g. , alternate UT techniques , RT, grinding , 0 1' gouging for visual inspection , etc.). the standards of acceptance shall be in conformance with Clause 6, Part C , of this code Scanning. CJP web-to-flange 、.velds shall conform to the requirements of Table 6.2 , and acceptance for discontinuities detected by scanning movements other than scanning pattern ‘ E ’ (see 6.맥.2.2) may be based on a 、veld thickness equal to the actual web thickness plus 1 il1 [25 mm]. Discol1 tinuities detected by scalllllllg pattern ‘E ’ shall be evaluated to the criteria of 6.13.2 for the actual web thickness. When such web-toflange 、,velds are subject to calculated tensile stress normal to the 、,veld , they shall be so designated on design drawings and shall conform to the requirements of Table 6.3. 6.14.6 Person l1 el Qualilication ASNT Requirements. Personnel perform ing NDT other than visual shall be qualified in confonnance with the CU l1'ent edition of the A ll1 erican Society for Nondestmctive Testing Recommended Practice No SNT-TC-IA. lndividuals who perform NDT shall be qualified for (1) NDT Level II , Q[ (2) NDT Level 1 working unde1' the NDT Level Il Certilication. Certification of L응vel 1 and Level II individuals shall be performed by a Level III individual who has been certified by: PartD NDT Procedures (1) The All1erican Society for Nondestructive Test- mg , or 6.14 Procedures (2) has the education , training , experience. and has successfully passed the written examination described in SNT-TC-IA The NDT procedures as described in this code have been in use for many years and provide reasonahle assurance of 、veld integrity; howε.ver, it appears that some users of the code incorrectly consider each method capable of detecting all unacceptable discontinuities. Users of the code should become familiar with all the limitations of NDT methods to be used , particularly the inability to detect and characterize planar discontinuities with specific orientations. (The 1imitations and complementary use of each method are explained in the latest edition of AWS B I.1 0 , GlI ide for NOlldestrllctive Examination of Exemption of QCl Requirements. Personnel performing NDT under the provisions of 6.14.6 need not be qualified and certified under the provisions of AWSQC l. 6.15 Extent of Testing Inforll1ation furnished to the bidders shal1 clearly identify the extent of NDT (types , categories , 0 1' location) of ‘,velds to be tested‘ lVeld.ι) 6.14.1 RT. When RT is lI sed , the procedure and technique shall be in conformance with Part E of this clause Or Clause 9, Part F f이 tubulms. 6.15.1 Full Testing. Weld joints requiring testi l1g by contract specification shall be tested for thεir fulllength , unless partial 0 1' spot testing is specified 6.14.2 Radiation Imaging Systems. When examination is performed using radiation imaging systems , the procedures and techniques shall be in conformance with Part G of this clause. 6.15.2 Partial Testing. When partial testing is speci fied , the location and lengths of 、.velds or categories of weld to be tested shall be clearly designated in the contract documents. 6.14.3 UT. When UT is lI sed , the procedure and technique shall be in conformance with Part F of this clause‘ 6.15.3 Spot Testing. When spot testing is specified , the nllmber of spots in each designated category of welded joint to be tested in a stated length of 、,veld 0 1' a desig nated segment of 、,veld shall be included in the information furnished to the bidders ‘ Each spot test shall cover at least 4 in [100 mm] of the 、,veld length. When spot testing reveals indications of unacceptable discontinuities that require repair. the extent of those discontinuities shall be explored. Two additional spots in the same 6.14.4 MT. When MT is used , the procedure and techniqlle shall be in conformance with ASTM E709 , and the standard of acceptance shall be in confonnance with Clause 6 , Part C , of this code. 6.14.5 PT. For detecting discontinuities that are open to the surface , PT may be used. The standard methods set forth in ASTM EI65 shall be used for PT inspection , and 196 AWS Dl.l/Dl.1M:2015 PARTSD&E segment of 、.veld joint sha l1 be taken at locations away from the original spo t. The location of the additional spots shall be agreed upon betwecn the Contractor and the 、'erification Inspector When either of the two addilional spots show dεfects that require repair, the cntire segment of 、.veld represented by the original spot shall be completely tested. lf the weld involves more than one segment , two additional spots in each segment shall be tcstcd at locations agreed upon by the Contractor and the Verification Inspector, subject to the foregoing interpretation CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION 6.17 RT Procedures 6.17.1 P l'ocedu l'c. Rad내ographs shall be made using a single source of either X- 이 gamma radiation. The radiographic sensitivity shall be judged based on hole-type image 01' wire IQIs. Radiographic technique and equψ­ m밍11 sha l1 provide sufficient sensitivity to c1 ea r1 y delineate the required hole-type IQIs and the essential holes 01' wires as described in 6.17 ‘ 7 and 9.28.1; Tables 6.4, 6 .5, 9.17 ,표l파요,lli; and Ei~ures 6.4 and 6. 2.. Identifying letters and numbers sl 11 show c1early in the radiograph … 6.15.4 Relevant Info l'matioJl. NDT personnel shall , prior to testing , be furníshed or have access to relevant infonnation regarding 、.veld joint geometries , material thicknesses , and velding processes used in making the weldmen t. NDT personnel shall be apprised of any subsequent repairs to the 、veld ‘ 6.17.2 Safety Requi l'emcnts. RT shall be perfonned in confonnance with all applicable safety requirements 6.17.3 RC l11 0val of Reinfo l'cc l11 ent. When the contract documents l'equire the removal of 、,veld reinforcement , the welds shall be prepared for RT by grinding as de scribed in 5.23 .3.1. Other weld surfaces need not be ground or otherwise sIlloothed fo l' purposes of RT unless surface irregularities 01' the junction between veld and base metal may cause 。이 ectionable weld discontinuities to be obscured in the radiograph ‘ Pal't E Radiographic Testing (RT) Ta bs. Weld tabs shall be removed prior to RT unless other .vise approved by the Engineer. ‘ Stcel Backing. When reqllired by 5.21 01 other provisions of the contract documents , steel backing shall be removed , and the sllrface shall be finished flush by grinding prior to RT. Grinding shall be as described in 5.23.3. 1. 6.16 RT of Groove Welds in Butt Joints ‘ 6.16.1 P l'oce IU l'es and Standa l' ds. The procedures and standards set forth in Part E shall govern RT of 、velds when such inspection is required by the contract documents as provided in 6 .1 4. J.. The requirements described herein are specifically for testing groove velds in butt joints in plate , shapes , and bars by X-ray m‘ gamma-ray sources. The methodology shall conforl1l to ASTM E94 , Reinfol'ce l11 ent. When 、,veld reinforcement or backîng , 01' both , is not remO\;떼, 0 1' wire IQI alternate placement is not used , steel shims which extend at least 1/8 in [3 mm] beyond three sides of the reqllired holetype IQI or wire IQI shall be placed lI nder the hole-type IQI or wire IQI, so that the total thickness of stecl between the hole-type IQI and the film is approximately equal to the average thickness of the weld measured through its reinforcement alld backing ‘ SltlJ ulard RecoJ11 mended Practice for Radiographic Test illg , ASTM E142 , Sfa l1 dard Mefhod fo/' C01lf1V1lil1 g Qllalify of Radiographic Tesfillg , ASTM E747 , COllfmllil1 g Qllalifγ of Radiographic 7εsling Using Wire Penetrame te/'s , and ASTM E1032 , Radiographic Examillatioll of lVeldmellts. 6.17.4 Radiog l' a ]l hic Film. Radiographic film shall be as described in ASTM E94. Lead foil screens shall be used as described in ASTM E94. F1 uorescent screens shall be prohibited. 6.16.2 Va l' iatio Ils. Variations in testing procedures , equipment , and acceptance standards may be used upon agreement between the Contractor and the Owne r. Such variations include , but are not limited to , the following: RT of tïl1 et and groove 뾰펴핀낀 T and corner .ÏQ빡, changes in source-to-tìlm disωnce; unusual application 01' tïlm; unusual hole-type or wire-type il1lage quality indicators (IQI) applicatio Jl s (i nc1 uding film side IQI); and for RT of thicknesses greater than 6 in [150 ml1l] film types , densities , ‘md variations in exposure , developmcnt , and viewing tcchniques 6.17.5 Technique. Radiographs shall be made with a single source of radiation centered as near as practicable with respect to the length and width of that portion of the 、.veld being examined Geometric Vnsha l'pness. Gamma ray sources , regardless of size , shall be capable of meeting the geometric unsh ‘upness Ii mitation of ASME Bo i/ er and PresslI re Vessel Code , Section V, Article 2. 197 CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION AWS D1.1 /D1.1 M:2Q15 PARTE the extent that thcy cannot mask or be confused with the image of any discontinllity in the area of interest in the radiograph. Such blemishes include , but are not limited to the following: Sou l'ce-to-Subject Distance. The source to-subject distance shall not be less than the total length of film being exposed in a single plane. This provision shall not apply to panoramic exposurcs made under the provisions of 6.16.2 (1) fogging Sou l'ce-to-Subject Distance Li mitations. The source-to~subject distance shall 110t bc less than seven times the thickness of 、.veld plus reÌnforcement and backing , if any, nor such that the inspecting radiation sha11 penetrate any portion of the 、,veld represented in the radiograph at an angle greatc l' than 26-1 /2 0 from a line normal to the ‘.veld surface (2) processing defects such as streaks , water marks , 01' chemical stains (3) scratches , finger marks , crimps , dh1iness , static marks , smudges , 01' tcars (4) loss of dctail due to poor screen-to-film contact ‘ (5) false indications due to defective screens or Înternal faults 6.17.6 Sou l'ces. X-ray units. 600 kVp maximum , and iridium 192 may bc used as a source for all RT provided thcy have adequate penctrating ability. Cobalt 60 shall only be l1 sed as a radiographic source when the steel being radiographed cxceeds 2-112 in [65 mm] in thickness. Other radiographic sources may be used with the approval of the Engineer 6.17.11 Dellsity Li mitations. The transmitted fihn density through the radiographic image of the body of the required hole-type IQI(s) and the area of interest shall be 1. 8 minimum for sîngle film viewing fo 1' radiographs made 、,vith an X-ray source and 2.0 minimllm for radiographs made with a gamma~ray source. For composite viewing of double fi1 m cxposures , the minimum density shall be 2.6. Each radiograph of a compositc set shall havc a minimum dcnsity of 1. 3. The maximum dεnSlty shall be 4.0 fo 1' either single 01' composite viewing 6.17.7 IQI Selection and Placement , IQIs shall be selected and placed on the ‘.veldment in the area of interest being radiographed as sho\V n in Table 6.6 6.17 , 8 Technique. Welded joints shall be radiographed and the fihn indexed by methods that \V ill provide complete ‘md continuous inspection of the joint within the limíts specified to be examined. Joint limits shall show c1 early in the radiographs. Short film , short screens , excessive undercut by scattered radi씨 ion , or any othel process that obscures pOl1ions of the total W f' lJ length shall render 씨e radiograph unacceptable H & D Density. The density measured shall be H & D density (radiographic density) , which is a measure of film blackening , expressed as lJ = log IJl where ‘ D = H & D (radiographic) density 10 = light intel1 sity on the 1ìll11, and 1 = light tra l1 sl11 itted through the fihn ‘ Film Length. Film shall have sufficient length and shall be placed to provide at least 1/2 in [12 nun] of film beyond the projected edge of the 、.veld. ni Ove리r‘매JlI …Jli …iI… n엠 gF 꾀… il… hm.We 야Id 야s 띠 I on멍 ge 야r “ tthm 띠… m14 iI… [350 mm] may be radiographed by overlapping tìlm cassettes and making a single cxposure , 01' by using single film cassettes and making separate exposures. The provisions of6.17.5 shall apply 1)’ansitions. When 、.veld transitions in thickness are radiographed and the ratio of the thickness of the thicker section to the thickness of the thinner section is 3 or greater, radiographs shollld be exposed to prodllce singlc 1ìll11 densities of 3.0 to 4.0 in the thi l1 ner sec tI on 꺼'hen this is done , the minimum density reqllirements of 6‘ 17.11 shall bc vaived unless other Vlse pro vided in the contract documents 6.17 , 8, 3 Backscatter. To check for backscatter radiation , a lead symbol “ B," 1/2 in [1 2 mm] high , 1/1 6 in [2 mm] thick shall be attached to the back of each film cassette. If the “ B" image appears on the radiograph , the radiograph shall be considered unacceptable ‘, ‘ 6.17.12 l<lentilìcation Marks. A radiograph identi fication mark and two location identification marks shall be placcd on the steel at each radiograph location. A c01Tesponding radiograph identification mark and two location identifìcation marks , all of which shall show in the radiograph , shall be produced by placing lead nU l11bers 01' letters , 01' both , over each of the identical identifi cation and location marks made on the steel to provide a means for matchi l1 g the developed radiograph to the weld. Additional identification informa tÌon may be pre- 6.17.9 Fihn Width. Film widths shall be sufficient to de pict all portions of the weld joint , including thc HAZs , and shall provide su ft1 cient additional space for the reqllired hole-type IQIs or vire IQI and fihn identilìcation without infringing upon the area of interest in the radiograph ‘, 6.17.10 Quality of Radiogra Jl hs. All radiographs shall be free from mechanical , chemical , 01' othe l' blemishes to 198 AWS D1.1 /Dl.1M:2015 CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION PARTSE & F PartF Ultrasonic Testing (UT) 01 Groove Welds printed no less than 3/4 in [20 mm] from the edge of the or shall be produced on the radiograph by placing lead figures 011 the steε 1. Information required to show on the radiograph shall include the Owner ’ s contract identification , initials of the RT compally, initials of the fabricator, he fahricator shop order number, the radiographic identification mark , the date , and the weld repair num ber, if applicablε 、~eld ‘ 6.19 General 6캔.1 P l'ocedu l'es and Standa l'ds. The procedures and standards set forth in Part F shall govern the UT of groove welds and HAZs between the thicknesses of 5/1 6 in and 8 in [8 llUTI and 200 mm] inclusive , when slI ch testing is required by 6.14 of this code. For thicknesses less than 5116 in [8 mm] 01' greater than 8 in [200 mmJ , testing shall be performed in conformance with Annex Q. These procedures and standards shall be prohibited for testing tube-to-tube T-, Y-, or K-connections. 6.17.13 Edge Blocks. Edge blocks shall be used when radiographing butt joints greater than 1/2 in [1 2 mm] thickness. The edge blocks sha l1 have a length sutlìcient to extend beyond each side of the 、.veld centerline for a minimum distance equal to the 、.veld thickness , but no less than 2 in [50 mm] , and shall have a thickness equal to or greater than the thickness of the 、.v eld. The minimum width of the edge blocks shal1 be equal to half the 、,veld thickness , but not less ‘ han 1 in [25 mm]. The edge blocks shall bc centered on the weld against the plate being radiographed , allowing 110 more han 1/16 in [2 mmJ gap for the minimum specificd length of the edge blocks. Edge blocks sha 1l be made of radiographical1 y clean steel and the surface shall have a finish of ANSI 125 ~in [3 ~m] or smoother (see Figure 6 겐). 6.캔.2 Variations. Annex Q is an example of an a1ternatíve technique for perfonning UT examínatíon of groove ‘,velds. Variatíons in testing procedure , equipment , and acceptance standards not iI1 cluded in Part F of Clause 6 may be used with the approval of the Engineer. Such varia ions ínc1 ude other thicknesses , weld geometries. transducer sizes. fr,ζquencies, couplant , painted surfaces , testing techniques , etc. Such approved variations shall be recorded in the contract records. ‘ ‘ 6.18 Examination, Report, and Disposition of Radiographs 6캔.3 Piping PO l'osity. To detect possible piping poros ity, RT is recommended 10 supplement UT of ES、lI or EGWwelds 6잭.1 Equipment P l'ovided by Cont l'act Ol' The Contractor shall provide a suitable variable intensity í1l umÎnato l' (viewer) 、.vith spot review or masked spot review capab i1i ty. The vicwer shall incorporate a means fo 1' adjusting the size of the spot under examination. The viewer shall have sufficient capacity to properly illuminate radiographs with an H & D density of 4.0. Film I'eview shall bε done in an area of subdued light 6캔.4 Base Meta l. These procedures are not intended to be employed for the procurement testing of base metals. However, welding related discontínuities (cracking , lamellar tearing , delamínations , etc.) in the adjacent base metal which would not be acceptable under the provisions of this code shall be reported to the Engineer for disposition. 6.18.2 Repol' ts. Befol'e a weld subject to RT by the Contractor for the Owuer is accepted , all of its radiographs , incI uding any that show unacceptable quality prior to repair, and a report interpreting them 8hall be submitted to the Verification InspectOI 6.쟁 QuaIification Requirements In satisfying the requirements 01' 6.14.6 , the qualification of the UT operator shall in cI ude a specific and practical examination which shall be based on the requirements of this code. This examination shall require the UT operator to demonstrate the ability to apply the ru Ies of this code in the accurate detection and disposition of discontinuities. 6.쟁.3 Reco l'd Retention. A fllll set of radiographs for subject to RT by the Contractor for the Owner, incIlI ding any that show unacceptable quality prior to rc pair, shall be delivered to the Owner lIpon completion of the work. The ContractOl’ S obligation to retain radiographs shall cease: 、,velds 6.긴 (1) upon delivery ofthis f1l1l set to the OW l1 er, 01' UT Equipment 6.깐.1 Equipment Requirements. The UT instrument shall be the pulse echo type sllitable for use with transducers oscillating at frequencies between 1 and 6 mega- (2) o l1 e fllll year after the completion of the Contractor ’ s work , provided the Owner is given prior written no tI ce 199 CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION PARTF AWS D1. 1/D 1.1 M‘ 2015 herlz. The display shall be an “'A" scan rectified video trace ‘ The reauirements shall be as shown in Table 6.8 nal angle of refraction , and index point. The index point location procedure îs described in 6 낀 2. 1. 6.깐.2 Ho끼 zon때 Linea l'ity. The horizontallinearity of the test instrument shall be qualified 。、 er the fl띠1 soundpath distance to be used in testing in confonllance with 6.28.1 6.2 1.7.5 Inte l'll al Reflections. Maximum allowable internal reflections from the search unit shall be as de scribed in 6.23 .3 and 6.28 .3 6.잊.7.6 Edge Distance. The dimensions of the search unit shall be such that the distance from the lead ing edge of the search unit to the index point shall not exceed 1 in [25 mlll] 6.갇.3 Requiremcnts r.이. Test Inst l'U ments. Test in struments shall include internal stabilization so that after warm-up , no variation in response greater than :t 1 dB occurs with a supply vo It age change of 15% nominal or, in the case of a battery, throughout the charge operating life. There shall be an alarm or meter to signal a drop in battery voItage prior to instrument shutoff due to battery exhaustion. 6.낌.7.7 IIW Ty pe Bl ock. The qualification proce dure using the IIW reference block or other llW type block shall be in conformance wi h and as shown in Figure 6.객. ‘ 6.2 1.4 Calib l' ation of Test Inst l'uments. The test instrument shall have a calibrated gain control (attenuator) adjustable in discrete 1 or 2 dB steps over a range of at least 60 dB. The accuracy of the attenuator settings shall bε within plus or minus 1 dB. The procedure for qualifi cation shall be as described in 6.23.2 and 6.28.2 6.22 Reference Standards 6.깊.1 IIW Standa l'd. Any of the lnternational lnstitute of Welding (Il W) type UT reference blocks may be used as the standard for both distance and sensitivity calibration , provided the block includes the 0.060 in [1. 5 mm] diameter hole as shown in Figure 6.끄 and distance , r잉0lution , and angle verification features of Figure 6맥 (positions A through G). IIW type blocks shall conform to ASTM E164. Other portable blocks may be used , provided the reference level sensitivity for instrumentl search unit combination is adjusted to be the equivalent of that achieved with the llW type block (see Annex g , for exalllples) 6.원.5 Display Range. The dynamic range ofthe instrument ’ s display shall be such that a difference of 1 dB of amplitude can be easily detected on the display. 6.깊.6 St l'aight-Beam (Longitudinal Wave) Search Units. Straight-beam (longitudinal wave) search unit transducers shall have an active area of not less than 1/2 in2 [323 mm'] nor more than 1 iu' [645 mm']. The transducer shall be round or square. Transducers shall be capable of re' olving the three reflections as described in 6. 27.1.3. ‘ 6.22.2 Prohibited Reflectors. The use of a “ corner" re flector for calibration purposes shall be prohibited 6.깐.7 An밍e-Beam Scarch Units. Angle-beam search units shal1 consist of a transducer and an angle wedge The unit may be comprised of the two separate elements or may be an integral unit 6.22.3 Rcsolution Requi l'ements. The combination of search unit and instrument shall resolve three holes in the RC resolution reference test block shown in Figure 6 샌 The search unît position is described in 6 진 2.5. The resollltion shall be evalllated with the instrument controls set at normal test settings and with indications from the holes brought to midscreen heigh t. Resolution shall be sllfficient to distingllish at least the peaks of indications from the three holes. Use of the RC resolution reference block for calibration shall be prohibited. Each combination of instrument search unit (shoe and transducer) shall be checked prior to its initial use. This equipment verifi cation shall be done initially with each search unit and UT unit combination. The verification need 110t be done again provided documentation is maintained that records the following itellls: 6.갇.7.1 F l'cquency. The transducer frequency shall be between 2 and 2.5 MHz , inclusive 6.2 1.7.2 1Ì'a nsducer Di mensions. The transducer crystal shall be square or rectangular in shape and may vary from 5/8 in to 1 in [15 mm to 25 mm] in width and from 5/8 in to 13/1 6 in [15 mm to 20 mm] in height (see Figure 6 딘). The maximum width to height ratio shall be 1.2 o 1.0, and the minimum width-to-height ratio shall be 1. 0 to 1.0. ‘ 6.긴.7.3 Angles. The search unit shall produce a sound beam in the material being tested within plus 01' minus 20 of one of the following proper angles: 70 0 • 60。’ or 45 0 , as described in 6 긴 2.2. (1) UT 111achine’ s make , model and serial number (2) Search unit’ s manufacturer, type , size , angle , and serial number 6.진.7.4 Ma l' king. Each search unit shall be marked to clearly indicate the frequency of the transducer, nomi- 200 AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION PARTF (3) Date of veritïcation and technician ’ S Jl amc (4) Coaxial cable cha l1 ge (5) Power oUlage (failure) Equipment Qualification 6.경 6.연.4 Straight.Bea ll1 Testillg of Base Metal. Calibration 1'o r straight-beam testing o1' base metal shall be made wilh Ihe search ul1 it applied 10 Face A of Ihe base 111elal and performed as fo11ows 6.캔.1 HO l' izontal Linearity. The horizontal linearity of the test instrument sha l1 be requalified at two-month intervals in each of thc distance ranges that the instrument will be used. The qualification procedure shall be in confonnance with 6 쟁 1 (8ee Annex Q. for alternative melhod). 6.캔.4.1 Sweep. The horÎ zol1 lal sweep shall be adjusted for distance calibration to present the equivalent of alleasllwo plale Ihickl1 esses 011 Ihe display 6.견.4.2 Sellsitivity. The se l1 silivily shall be a이 usled at a Jocation free of indications so that the first back re f1 ection from the far side of the plate will be 50% to 75% of full screen heigh l. 6.결.2 Gaill Contro l. The instrument ’ s gain control (attenuator) shall meet the requiremcnts of 6긴 4 and shall bc checked for correct calibration at two month intervals in conformance with 6.28.2 , A1ternative mcth ods may be used [or calibrated gain control (attenuator) qualification if proven at least equivalent with 6.28.2‘ 6.24.5 Calibration for Angle.Beam Testing. Calibration for a l1 gle-beam lesling shall be perforl11 ed as follows (see Annex Q , Q2 .4 for allemalive melhod) 6.23.3 IlI ternal Reflectiolls. Maximum inlemal reflec tions from each search unit shall be verified at a maxiJ11 um time intcrval of 40 hours of instrument use in confonnancc wÌth 6.28 .3 Hor‘ izontal Sweep. The horizontal sweep shall be a매usted to represent the actual sou J1 d-path dis lance by llsing Ihe llW Iype block or allemalive blocks as described il1 6.22.1. The disla l1ce calibration shali be made lI sing eilher Ihe 5 in [125 111m] scale or 10 in [250 mm] scale on Ihe display, whichever is approp rÎ ale If, howevc l', the joint configuration or thickness prevents fllll ex‘amination of the 、.veld al eilher of Ihese sellings , Ihe dislance calibration shall be made using 15 in or 20 in [400 mm 0 1' 500 mm] scale as required ‘ The scarch unit position is described in 6.작.4 Calibration of Angle.Bea ll1 Seal'ch UllitS. Wilh the use of an approved calibration block , each anglebeam search unit shall be checked after each eight hom of use to detennine that the contact 1'ace is flat , that the sound entry point is correct , and that the beam angle is withín the allowed plus or minus 20 tolerance in c0 l1 for111a l1 ce wilh a l1 d Search ul1 ils which do not mect these rcquirements shall be corrected or replaced ‘ ‘ C /1 ‘ e LU Zero Reference Level. The zero reference level sensitivity used for discontinuity evaluation (“ b" on Ihe ultrasonic lesl rep 0l1, Annex 1" Fonn 1,-11) shali be attained by adjusting the calibrated gain control (attenualor) of Ihe disconlinuily deleclor, meεting the requirements of 6.21 , so that a maximized horÍ zontal trace de f! ection (adjusled 10 horizonlal reference line heighl with calibraled gain cO l1 lrol [allenllalor]) reslllts on Ihe display belween 40% and 60% screen heighl , in con formance wilh 6.27.2 .4 ω 1? 때 뼈빼뺑 z o--π F ιι 서 M f ”v ιι 서U r ‘ 찌 ‘띠야 뼈 Jj 사내 u m νF ’ 3 USe t e 뻐빼뼈빼빼 J 리 에 .떠 때 M nZLn ” m 따 잉 인”ιu C υ 떼샤 뼈빼삐 M 삐 께찌 찌 사M C mf 쩌 빼뼈빼빼 $ 뼈 비 νK ‘”” • 뺑빼삐뼈 폐 Calibration for Testing 6.경 /0 X l NOTE: The 11Orizonfal locatioll of a!l screell indications Îs based 011 the locafioll at lvhich the /,ψ side of the trace d적flectioll breaks the 11Orizontal base line.‘ tr m pm ‘ 6.션2 Tcchnique. Calibration for sensitivity and horizonlal sweep (disla l1 ce) shall be made by Ihe UT operalor jusl prior to and at the location of 쁘펜댄빽띤역보띤 센딴나면넨쁘띤면띤으1' 6.24.3 recalibration shall applV. 6.24.3 Rec꺼 libration. Recalibration shall be made aftel a change of operators니 each two-hour max씨II11U mt “le 하rv끼띠1,’ 0 이l 、when the 마 e lec이이It띠 l다ica 떠1 이 c IIπcαωu 띠 l니i따try is 띠 d i샌sturπr매 bed il1 any way which includes the fo I1 owing: 6.걷~ “ 6.25.1 “ X" Line. An “ X" line for discontinuity location shall be marked on Ihe lest face of Ihe ‘,veldment in a direction parallel to the weld axis. The locatioll distance perpendiclllar 10 Ihe weld axis shall be based on Ihe dimensional figures on the detail drawing and usually falls 011 the center1 ine of the butt joint welds , and always falls (1) Tra l1 sdllCer cha l1 ge (2) Ballery cha l1 ge (3) Eleα1κal Testing Procedures outlet change 201 CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION AWS D l.l /D 1.1 M:2015 F껴 RTF of 6.2 1.7 with the instrument ca1ibrated in conformance with 6.24.5 lI sing the angle as shown in Table 6.7. F,마 lowing calibration and during testing , the only instrument adjustment allowed is the sensitivity level μljustment with the calibrated gain control (attenuato1')‘ The reject (clipping or s lI ppression) control shall be turned off. Sensîtivity shall be increased from the reference level fo 1' 、:veld scanning in conformance wíth Table 6.2 or 젠뀐-" 6.3 , as applicable‘ on the near face of the connecting member of T and cornCI JO ll1 t 、,velds (the face opposite Face C) 6.챔.2 “ Y" Line. A “ Y" accompanied with a 、.veld identitìcation number shall bε clearly marked on the base metal adjacent to the 、veld that is sllbject to Uτ This marking is used for the following purposes (l) Weld identification (2) ldentification 01' Face A 6.젤.6.1 Scanning. The testing angle and scanning procedure shall be in conformance with those shown in Table 6.7 ‘ (3) Distance measurements and direction (+ or -) from the “ X" line (4) Location measurement from weld ends or edges 6.원.6.2 BlI tt Joints. All butt joint welds shall be testcd from each side of the .veld axis. Corner and T-joint 、,velds shall be primarily tested from one side of the 、.veld axis only. All welds shall be tested usiug the ap plicable scanning pattern 01' patterns shown in Figure 6.15 as nccessary to dctect both longitudinal and transverse discontinuities. It is întended that , as a mÎnimum , all 、,velds be tcsted by passing sOllnd through the entire volume of the .veld and the HAZ in two crossing directions , wherever practical ‘ 6.25.3 Cleanliness. All surfaces to which a search llnit is applied shall be free 01' 、,veld spatter, dirt , grease , oil (other than that used as a couplant) , paint , and loose scale and shall have a contour allowing intimate coupling. ‘ 6.검.4 COllJl lan s. A couplant material shall be used be twee l1 the search unît and the test materia l. The couplant shal1 be either glycerin 0 1' ccllulose gU J11 and watcr mixture of a suitablc consistency. A 、.vetting agent may be added if needed. Light machine oil may be used for cou plant on calibration blocks ‘ Maxilllllm Indication. When a discontinll ity indication appears 011 the screen , the maximum attainable indication from the discontinuity shall be adjusted to produce a horizontal reference level trace deflection on the display. This adjustment shall be made lV ith the calibrated gain control (‘attenuator) , and the instrument reading in decibels shall be used as the “ Indication Level , a ," for calculating the “ Indication Rating , d ," as shown on the test report (Annex 1" FO l'ln !,- ll) 6.청.5 Extent of Testing. The entire base metal throllgh which ultrasound must travε1 to test the weld shall be tested fo 1' laminar re f1 ectors using a straight-beam search unit confonning to the requirements of 6.~ι6 and calíbrated in conformance with 6 원 4. If any area of base metal exhibits total loss of back re f1 ection 0 1' an indication equal to or greater than the orìginal back reflection height is located in a position that will intcrfere with the normal 、:veld scanning procedure , its size , 10catio11 , and depth from the 턴ce A shall be determined and reported on the UT report , and an a Iternate 、.veld scanning proce dllre shall be lI sed. Attenllation Facto l'. The “ Attenuation Factor, c ," on the te~‘t report shall be attained by subtracting 1 in [25 mm] from the sound-path distance and multiply ing the remainder by 2 for U.S. Customary Units or by 0.08 for Sl Units. This factor shall be rounded out to the nearest dB value. Fractional vallles less than l/2 dB shall be rcdllced to the lower dB level and those 01' 112 dB 0 1' greater increased to the higher level Rel1ecto l' Size. The reflector size evalllation procedure shall be în conformance with 6 쩍 l Inaccessibility. lf part of a weld is inaccessible to testing in confonnance with the requirements of Table 6.7 , due to laminar content recorded in conform ance with 6.징 .5 , the testing shall be condllcted lI sing one or more of thc following a1ternative proccdures as necessary to attaÍn full ‘,veld covεrage: lndication Rating. The “ Indication Rating , d ," in the UT Report , Annex ~, Form ~-11 , represents the algebraic difference in decibels betwcen the indication level and the reference level with correction for attenuation as indicated in the followîng expressions: 6.챈.6.5 (1) Weld slIrface(s) shall be grollnd flllsh in conform ance with 5.23 .3 .1 Instruments with gain in dB (2) Testing from Faces A and B shall be performed (3) Othεr a-b-c~d search unit angles shall be uscd. Instruments with attenuatîon in dB: 6.경 .6 Testing of Welds. Welds shall be tested lI sing an angle beam search unit conforming to the requi 1'ements b-a-c=d 202 AWS D1. 1/D1.1M:2015 CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION F껴 RTF 6.얄.7 Length of Discontinuities. The length of discontinuîties sball be detennined in conformance with the procedure described in 6‘쩍 2 port forms pertaining to the weld , including any that show ullacceptable quality prior to repair, shall be submitted to the Illspector. 6.캠.8 6.잭.3 8asis fOl‘ Acceptance or Rejection. Each 、,veld discontinuity shall be accepted or fejected on the basis of its indication rating and its length , in conformance with Table 6.2 for statically loaded structures or Table 6 .3 for cyclically loaded structures , whichever is applicable Only those discontinuities which are unacceptable need be recorded 011 the test report , except that fm 、,velds des ignated in the contract documents as being “ Fracture Critical ," acceptable ratings that are ‘,vithin 6 dB , inclusive , of the minimum unacceptable rating shall be recorded 011 the test report Completed RelJO l' ts , A full set of completed re pOft forms of 、velds subject to UT by the Coutractor for the Owner, inc1 uding any that show unacceptable quality prior to repair, shall be delivered to the Owner upon completion of the work. The Contractor ’ s obligation to retaín UT reports shall cease: (1) upon delivery of this full set to the Owner, 이 (2) one fu Il year after completioll of the COlltractor ’s work , provided that the Owner is given prior written notice. ‘ 6.원.9 1 Ientification of Rejected Area. Each unaccept able discontinuity shall be indicated 011 the 、.veld by a mark directly over the discontinuity for its entire length. The depth from the surface and indication rating shall be noted 011 nearby base metal 6.27 Calibration of the UT Unit with IIW Ty pe or Other Approved Reference Blocks (Annex 단) 6.결 .10 Repai" Welds found unacceptable by UT shall be repaired by methods allowed by 5 잭 ofthis code‘ Re paired areas shall be retested ultrasonically with resu It s tabulated on the original form (i f available) or additional report fonns See 6.22 and Figures 6 끄, 6.긴.1 6.단, alld 6맥 LOl1 gitudillal Mode Distance Calibration. See Anllex G , G 1 for method alternativε 6.젤 .11 Retest Repo l' ts. Evaluatioll of retested repaired arcas shall be tabulated on a new Jine 011 the report for01 ‘ If the original rcport for01 is used , an Rl , R2 , “ ‘ Rn shall prefix thc indication number. If additional report forms are used , the R number shall prefix the report number (1) The transducer shall be set ill position G Oll the 、,veld nw type block (2) The instnlluellt shall be adjusted to prαluce illdications at 1 in [25 mm on a metrÍ c blockJ , 2 in [50 mm Oll a metric blockJ , 3 in [75 111m Oll a metric blockJ , 4 ill [100 nUll Oll a metric blockJ , etc. , Oll the display. 6.결.12 Steel Backillg. UT of CJP groove welds with steel backing shall be perfo1'1lled with a UT procedure that recognìzes potential reflectors created by the base metal-backing interface (see Commentary C-6작 12 for additional guidance scanning groove welds containing steel backing) 6.앨 6.앤 .1 ‘ 6.낀.1.2 AI찌 itude. See Annex 닫, 딩1.2 for alterna- tive method. (1) The transducer shall be set in position G on the nw type block‘ (2) The gain shall be adjusted until the maximized indication from first back reflection attains 50% to 75% screen heigh!. Preparation and Disposition of Reports 6 ,27. 1. 3 Resolution , COl1 te l1 t of Reports. A ep Of t fOf m which clearly identifies the work and the area of inspection shall be completed by the UT operator at the time of inspection. The report f0 1'111 for 、,velds that are acceptable need only contain sufficient information to identify the 、.veld, the opcrator (signature) , and the acceptabili ‘ y of the 、,veld. An example of such a f011n is shoWll in Annex ~, Form L- Il 6.낀.1.4 Horizo l1 tal Linearity Qualificatioll. Quali fication procedure shall bε per6 정 l 6.앨.2 p,삐‘ Inspection Rejlo l' ts. Before a weld subject to UT by the Contractor for the Owner is accepted , all re Gaill Control (Attelluation) QualificatioJ\. The qualification procedure shall be in confor01ance with (1) The transducer shatl be sct in position F Oll the nw type block (2) Transducer and illstrument shall resolve all three distances 203 CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION 6.23.2 or an alternative method , in conformance with 6.23.2 , shall be used 6.긴.2 Shear Wave Mode AWS D1.lID1.1M:2015 PARTF (2) Transducer and instrument shall resolve the three test holes , at least to the extent of distinguishing the peaks of Ihe indications from Ihe three holes. (1뼈nsverse) 6.긴.2.6 Approach Distance of Search Unit. The minimum allowable distance between the toe of the search unit and the edge of IIW type block shall be as follows (see Figure 6.12) 6긴.2.1 Index Point. The transducer sound entry point (index point) shall be located or checked by the fol lowing procedure fo l' 70 0 transducer, X = 2 in [50 mm] (1) The lransducer shall be set in position D on the Il W type block for 60 0 transducel', X = 1-7/16 in [37 mm] (2) The transducer shall be 1l10ved unlil the signal from the radius is maximized. The point 011 the transducer which aligns with the radius line on the ca1i bration block is the poinl of sound entry (see Annex Q , Q2.l for alternative method) ‘ for 45。 ransducer, X = 1 in [25 mm] 6긴.2.2 AlI gle. The lransducer sound-path angle shall be checked or detelmined by one of Ihe following procedures 6.쟁 (1) The transducer shall be set in position B on IIW type block for angles 40 0 through 60 0 , or in position C on IIW type block for angles 60 0 through 70 0 (see Figure Equipment Qualification Procedures 6.쟁.1 Horizontal Li nearity Procedure. NOTE: Sillce this qualificatioll p 1V cedure is pelfonned with a stmiglztbeam search rmit wlzich prodllces longitudinal waves with a sowul velociη of almost double tlwt of shem l- vaves , it ;s necess 10 double the shear l1lave distance ranges to be used ;11 이,plyillg this procedllre. 6맥). ‘ (2) For the selected angle , he transducer shall be moved back and forth over Ihe line indicative of the transducer angle until the signal from the radius is maximized. The sound entry point on the ransducer shall be compared with the angle mark on the calibration block (tolerance ot2 0 ) (see Annex 딩, 딩2.2 for alternative methods) “’)' , ‘ Example: The use of a 10 in [250 mm] screen calibration in shear wave would require a 20 ín [500 mm] screen calibration fo 1' this qua 1i fication procedure. The following procedure shall be lI sed for instrument qualification (see Annex 딛, 딩3 , for alternalive method): Distallce Calibration ProcedUl"e. The transducer shall be set in position D on an IIW type block (any angle). The instrument shall then be a이 usted to attain one indication at 4 in [100 mm on a ll1 etric b10ck] and a sec ond indicalion at 8 in [200 mm on a metric block] or 9 in [225 mm on a metric block] (see Annex G , G2.3 for alternative methods) (1) A straight-beam search unit shall be coupled meeting the requirements of 6 깊 6 to the Il W type block or DS block in Position G, T, or U (see Figure 6 맥) as necessary to attain five back retlections in the qua1ification range being certified (see Figure 6 맥). (2) The first and fifth back reflections shall be adjllsted to their proper locations with use of the dislance calibration and zero delay a띠 ustments 6.낀.2.4 Amplitllde or Sensitivity Calibration Procedllre. The transducer shall be set in position A on the IIW type block (any angle). The ll1 aximized signal shall then be adjusted from the 0.060 in [1. 59 mm] hole to attain a horizontal reference-lìne height indication (see Annex Q , Q2.4 for alternalive method). The maximum decibel reading obtained shall be used as the “ Reference Level , b" reading on the Test Report sheet (Annex 1" Form k Il) in conformance with 6 잭 I (3) Each indication shall be adjusted to reference level with the gain or atlenuation control for horizontal location examinatioIl. (4) Each intermediate trace defleclion location shall be correct within 2% of the screen width. 6.쟁.2 dB Accuracy Resollltion Procedure. NOTE: 111 order to attain the required accurtlcy (:t 1%) in readillg the indicatioll height, the display shall be gradllated verticall)’ at 2% imen'als, or 2.5% for illstmments with digital amplitude readout, (1) The transducer shall be set on resolution block RC position Q for 70 0 angle, position R for 600 angle , or position S for 45 0 angle. 204 AWS 0 1. 110 1.1 M:2015 CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION PARTF at lzorizollfalm Îd -screel1 height. These graduations shall be placed on the display between 60% and 100% of screcn heigh t. This may be accomplished with use of a graduated transparent screen overlay. If this 。、Icrlay is applied as a permanent part of the UT unit , care should be taken that the overlay does not obscure normal tcsting displays (1) A straight-beam search unit shall be coupled , meeting the requirements of 6.~.6 to the DS block shoW Il in Figure 6.난 and position "T,'’ Figure 6.쁘 (1 4) Information shall be tabulated on a fon l1, includ ing minimum equivalent information as displayed on Form L-8 , and the unit evaluated in conformance with instructions shown on that fonn. (15) Fonn !co-9 provides a relatively simple means of evaluating data from item (1 4). Instructions for this eval uation are given in 쁘민~ (1 6) through (1 8). (1 6) The dB infonnation from Row “ e" (Fonn k8) shall be applicd vertically and dB reading from Row “ a" (Form !co-8) horizontally as X and Y coordinates for plotting a dB curve on Form ~-9‘ (2) The distance calibration shall be adjusted 50 that the tìrst 2 in [50 mm] back reflection indication (here after cal1 ed the indicalion) is at horizontal mid-screen. (1 7) The longest horizontal length , as represented by the dB reading difference , which can be inscribed in a rectangle representing 2 dB in height , denotes the dB range in which the equipment meets the code requirements. The minimum alI owable range is 60 dB (3) The calibrated gain or attenuation control shall be adjusted 50 that the indication is exactly at 0 1' slightly above 40% screcn heigh t. (4) The search unit shall be moved toward position U, see Figure 6.1흐, until the indicatìon is at exactly 40% screen heigh t. (18) Equípment that does not meet this minimum requiremcnt may be used , provided correction factors are developed and used for discontinuity evaluation outside the instrument acceptable lînearity range , 01' the 、,veld testing and discontinuity evaluation is kept within the acceptable verticallinearity 1ange of the equipmen t. (5) The sound amplitude shall be increased 6 dB with thc calibrated gain 01' attenuation contro1. The indication level theoretically should be exactly a 80% screen heigh t. ‘ ‘ NOTE: The dB e/' /'O I ηgures (Row “ d") correctíoll factor figures. (6) The dB reading shall be recorded under “ a" and actual % screen height under ‘Y ’ from step 5 on the ce l'tifìcation report (Annex !CO, Fonn k8), Li ne 1 /II oy be lI sed os 6.쟁.2, 2 Decibel Equation. The following cquation shall be used to calculate decibels: (7) The search unit shall be moved further toward position U, Figure 6.맥, until the indicatîon is at exactly 40% screen height dB ,- dB , = 20 x Log %-. 낭 70 1 (8) Step 5 shall be repeated. , dB = 20 x (9) Step 6 shall be repeated; except , information should be applied to the next consecutive line on Annex L , Fonn L-8 %-. Log 낭 +dB , 70 1 As related to Allnex !CO, Form k8 , = Row “ a" (1 0) Steps 7 , 8, and 9 shall be repeated consecutively until thc full range of the gain control (attenuator) is reachcd (60 dB mini l11 um) dB dB %\ %, , = Row “ c" (11) The informatioll from Rows “ a" and “ b" shall be applicd to equation 6 잭.2.2 or the nomograph described in to calculate the corrected dB. =Row “ b" = Defìned on Fonn L-8 6.쟁.2.3 Annex !CO, The following notes apply to the use ofthe nomograph in Annex 1 , Form 1-10 (1 2) Corrected dB ti'om step 11 to Row “ c" shall be applied. (1) Rows a , b. c, d. and e are on certification sheet. Annex !CO, Form !co-8. (13) Row “ c" value shall be subtracted from Row “ a" value and the difference in Row “ d ," dB erl'Ol' shall be applied. (2) The A, B, and C Annex !co, Formk lO NOTE: Tlzese va/ues may be eíther positive 01' negative mu/ so 1I 0led. Examp/es of Applicatio/l of For/ll s b.-8, b.-9, alld b.-1O orefou/l d ill A /l llex b. (3) Thε ze l'o points on the C scale shall be prefixed by adding the necessary value to correspond with the instrumcnt settings; i. e., 0, 10, 20, 30, etc ‘ 205 scal앉 are 011 the nomograph, CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION which have dB ratings more serious than for a Class D in dication. The length of such indication shall be determined by measurìng the distancc between the transducer centerline locations where the indication rating amplitude drops 50% (6 dB) below the rating fo J' the applícable discon tÍ nuity classîfication. This length shalI be recorded under “ discontinuity length" on the test repOlt. Where wananted by discontinuity amp1i tllde , this procedure shall be repeated to determinc the length of Class A , B, and C discontinuities 6.쟁.2.4 Procedu l'e. The f<이l이,ving procedm 영 shall apply to the use of the nomograph in Annex ~, Form k 10 (l) A straight linε between the decibel reading from Row “ a" applied to the C scale and the corresponding percentage from Row “ b" applied to the A scale shall be extended. (2) The point where the straight line from step 1 crosses the pivot line B as a pivot point for a second straight line shall be used (3) A second straight line from the average % point on the A scale throllgh the pívot point developed in step 2 and on to the dB scale C shall be extended. (4) This point 011 the C scale is indicative of the corrected dB for use in Row “ C." Nomog l'aph. For an example of the use of the nomograph , see Annex ~, Form k 10 Longiludinal Di scontinuities Scanning Movemenl A. Rotatíon angle 0 6.30. 1.3 Scanning Movemenl C. Progression dis tance c shall be approximately one-half the transducer width (2) Rcmove the search unit from the calibration block without changing any other equipment a이ustments ‘attcnuation 20 dB NOTE: Movemellts A, B, alld C may be combined into olle scamling pattem Il10re (4) The screen area beyond 1/2 in [12 mm] sOllnd path and above reference level heíght shall be free of any indication 6.30.2 1Ì'a nsve l'se Di scontinuities 6.젤.2.1 G l'ol1 nd Welds. Scanníng pattern D shall be used whcn ‘.velds are ground flush 6.맺.2.2 Ung l'ol1 ud Welds. Scanning pattern E shall be used when the 、veld reinforcement is not ground flllSh Scanning angle e = 15 0 max ‘ Discontinuity Size Evaluation Procedures NOTE: Tlle scal1l1 il1 g pattem sllall cover the fllll weld sectioll 6.쟁 .1 Sl l'aighl-ßealll (L이Igitudinal) Testing. The size of lamellar discontinu Ïti es is Il ot always eas i1 y determined , especia l1 y those that are smaller than the transducer size. When the discontinuity is larger than the transducer, a full loss of back reflection will occur and a 6 dB loss of amp1itude and measurcmcnt to the centedine ofthε transducer is usually reliable for determining discontinuity edges. However, the approximate size evalua tion of those reflectors , which arc smaller than the transdllcer, shall be made by beginning outside of the discontinuity with equipment calibrated in conformance with 6 건 4 and moving the transducer toward the area of discontinuity until an indication 011 the display begins to form. The leading edge of the search unit at this poínt is indîcative of the edge of the discontinuìty 6.쟁.2 6원.1 6.웬.1. 2 Scanuing I'vlovcmeut B. Scanning distance b shall be such that the section of 、,veld being tested is covered ‘ (1) Ca1ibrate the equipment in confonnance with 6.24.5. 6.29 Scanning Patterns (See Figure 6팩) a = 10 6.28.3 Iule l'l1 al Reflections P l'ocedure 01 6.30 6.젤.1. 1 6.쟁 .2.5 (3) Increase the ca1i brated gain sensitive than reference level AWS D1.t/D1.1M ‘ 2015 PARTF 6.원.3 ESW or EGW Welds (Additional Scanning Patteru). Scanning Pattern E Search unít rotation angle e between 45 0 and 60。 NOTE: Tlle scal1l1 il1 g pattem sllall cover the fll /l weld sectioll 6.끄 Examples of dB Accuracy Certification Annex 1. shows examples of the use of Fonns 1.-8 , 1.-9 , and ~-10 for the sollltion to a typical application of 6.28.2 Angle-Beam (Shea l') Tesling. The followíng pro cedure shall be used to determine leng hs of îndications ‘ 206 AWS D1.1/D l.l M:2015 6.월 PartG Other Examinatioll Methods E of this c1 ause‘ or Clause 9‘ Part F for tllbulars for static examination. For in-motion examination , placement shall be as follows General Requirements (1) Two IQIs positioned at each end of area of interest and tracked with the flm , This part contains NDT mcthods 110t addressed in of Clause 6 , 01 Clause 9‘ Part F for 앤쁘샌원 of this code. The NDT methods set forth in part G may be used as an alternative to the methods outlined in Parts D , E , 01' F of Clause 6, 01' Clause 9, Part F for tu 민띤샌, provid미ng procedures , qualification criteria fOl procedures and personnel , and acce찌ance criteria are documcnted in writing and approved bγ the Engíneer. (2) One IQI at each end of the nlll and positioned at a distance no greater than 10 f t. (3 m) between any two IQIs dllring the rlln ‘ Pa맨E객씌댄띄댄 6.월 CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION PARTG 6.원 Advanced U1trasonic Systems Advanced Ultrasonic Systems include but are not 1i mited to , multiple probe , mu It i-channcl systems , automated inspection , time-of-flight diffraction (TOFD) , and phased array sys ems Radiation Imaging Systems ‘ Examination of welds may be perfonned lI sing ionizing radiation methods other than RT, such as electronic iffiø aging , including real-time imaging systems‘ Sensitivity of such examination as seen 011 the monitoring equipø ment (when used for acceptance and 1텀ection) and the recording medium shall be 110 less than that required for RT. 6.원.1 Procedu l'es. Written procedures shall contai l1 the following essential variables: (l) Equipment identification including turer, make , model and serial numbers; manu쳐c­ (2) Ty pe of probes , including size , shape and angle for phased array: number of transducer elements per probe , beam angle , focal distance , focal spot size , and frequency (MHz); • 6.원.1 Procedures. Written procedures shall contain the following essential variables (1) Equipment identification including manufacturer, make , model , and serial number, (3) Scanning control settings for each combination of variables estabHshed herein; (2) Radiation and imaging control setting for each combination of variables established herein , (4) Setup and calibration procedllre for equipment and probes using industry standards 01' workmanship samples; (3) Weld thickness ranges , (4) Weld joint types , (5) Scanning speed , (5) Weld thickness rallges; (6) Radiation source to weld distance , (6) Weld joint type; (7) Image conversion screen to weld distance , (7) Scanlling speeds; (8) Angle of X-rays through the 、,veld (from norma l), (8) Number of probes; (9) IQI location (source side 01' screen side) , (9) Scanning allgle; (1 0) Ty pe of recording medillm (video recording , photographic still film , photographic movie film , 01' other acceptable mcdiums) , (1 0) Ty pe of scan (A , B, C, other); (1 1) Type of recording medium (video recording , computer assisted , 01' other acceptable mediums); (1 1) Computer enhancement (i f used) , ‘ (1 2) Wid h of radiation beam , (12) (1 3) Indícation characterization protocol and acceptance críteria , if different from this code. Computer based enhancemεnt (i f used); (13) Identification of computer software (if lI sed); IQJ. The wire-type IQI , as d얹cribed in Part !i, shall be used. IQI placement shall be as specified ill Part (1 4) Indîcation characterÎ zation protoc 이 and acce ptance criteria , if different from this code 6.월.2 207 CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION 6.훤 AWS D1.1 /D1.1M:2015 F껴 RTG Additional Requirements equipment and procedures to be used for production examination. 6.첼.1 P l'ocedu l'e Qualilication. Procedures shall be qualified by testing the NDT method (system) and recording medium to establish and record al1 essential vari ables and conditions. Qua1i fication testing shall consist of determining that each combination of the essential variables or ranges of variables can provide the mini mum required sensitivity. Test results shall be recorded on the recording medium that is to be used for production examination. Procedures shall be approved by an individllal qualified as ASNT SNT-TC-l A. Level III (see 6.35.2). 6 ,훤.3 Image Enhancemen t. Computer enhancement of the recording images shall be acceptable for improving the recorded image and obtaining additional information , providing required minimum sensitivity and accuracy of characterizing discontinuities are maintained. Computer enhanced images shall be clearly marked that enhancement was used and enhancement procedures identified 6.햇.4 Records-Radiation Imaging Examinations. Examinations , which are used for acceptance 0 1' rejection of welds , shall be recorded on an acceptable medium. The record shall be in-motion or static , whichever is used to accept 0 1' reject the welds. A written record shall be included with the recorded images giving the following information as a minimum: 6.훤.2 Pe l'sonnel Qualilications. In addition to the personnel qualifications of 6.14.6 , the following shall apply. (1) Level III sha l1 have minimum of six months experience using the same or sim i1 ar equipment and pro cedures for examination of 、.velds in structural or piping mcta l1i c materials • (l) Identification and description of ‘,velds examined (2) Procedllre(s) used (2) Levels 1 and I1• shall be certified by the Level III above and have a minimum of three months experience using the same or simi1 ar equipment and procedures for examination of 、,velds in structural or piping metallic materîals. Qualification shall consist of written and practical examinations for demonstrating capability to usε the (3) Equipment used (4) Location of the welds within the recorder medium (5) Resu1ts , including a list of unacceptable welds and repairs and their locations within the recorded medium. 208 AWS D1.lID1.1 M:2015 CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION Table 6.1 Visuallnspection Acceptance Criteria (see 6.9) Statically Loaded Nontubular Connections Cyclically Loaded Nontubular Connections (1) Crack Prohibition Any crack shall be unacceptable, regardless of size or location. X X (2) VeJ dlB ase Metal Fusion Complete fusion shall exist between adjacent layers of 、.veld melal and between weld metal and base metal X X (3) Crater C l'OSS Se이 ion All craters shall be filled to provide the specified ‘.veld size , except for the ends of intennittent fillet welds outside of their effective length X X (4) Weld Profiles Weld profiles shall be ill conformance with 5 .23. X X (5) Time of Inspection Visual inspection ofwelds in all steels may begin immediately after the completed ‘,velds have cooled to ambient temperature. Acceptance criteria for ASTM A514 , A517 , and A709 Grade HPS 100W lHPS 690W] steels shall be based on visual inspection performed not less than 48 hours after compIetion of the 、.veld x x (6) Undersized Welds The size of a fillet 、,veld in any continuous 、.veld may be Iess than the specified nominal slze ι) without correction by the following amounts (U)‘ L, U, specified nominal 、;veld size , în [mm] allowable decrease from L , in [mmJ ,; 3/1 6 [5J ,; 1/1 6 [2J 114 [6J ,; 3/32 [2 .5 J ;, 5/1 6 [8J ,; 118 [3J 1n all cases , the undersize portion of the weld shall not exceed 10% of the ‘,veld length On web-to-f1ange welds on girders , underrun shall be prohibited at the ends for a length eqllal to twice the wídth of the flange. X x (7) Unde l'cut (A) For materialless than 1 in [25 mm] thick , underc lI t shall not exceed 1/32 in [1 mm] , with the following exception: undercut shall not exceed 1/ 16 in [2 mm] for any accllmulated length up to 2 in [50 mm] in any 12 in [300 mm]. For material equal to or greater than 1 in [25 111In] thick , undercut shall not exceed 1116 in [2 mm] for any length ofweld ‘ X Discontinuity Category and Inspection Crite rÌ a ‘ (B) ln primary members , undercut shall be no more than 0.01 in [0.25 mm] deep when the weld is transverse to tensile stress under any design loading conditio l1‘ Undercut shall be no more than 1/32 in [1 mm] deep for all other cases. (8) Porosity (A) CJP groove weJds in butt joints transverse to the direction of computed tensile stress shall have no visible piping porosity. For all other groove 、;ve1ds and for fille velds , the sum of the visible piping porosity 1132 in [1 mm) or greater in diameter shall not exceed 3/8 in [10 mm] in any Iinear inch ofweld and shall not exceed 3/4 in [20 mm] in any 12 in [300 mmJ length ofweld‘ “ (B) The frequency of piping porosity in fillet welds shall not exceed one in each 4 in [1 00 mm] of weld length and the maximum diam히er shall not exceed 3/32 in [2.5 mmJ. Exception: for fillet welds connecting stiffeners to web, the sum of the diameters of piping porosity shallnot exceed 3/8 in [10 mm] in any Iinear inch ofweld and shall not exceed 3/4 in [20 mmJ in any 12 in [300 mmJ length ofweld (C) CJP groove welds in butt joints transverse to the dire이 ion of computed tensile stress shall have 110 piping porosi‘Y‘ For all other groove welds , the frequency of piping porosity sha lI not exceed one in4 in [100 mm] oflength and the maximum diameter shall 110t exceed 3/32 in [2 .5 mmJ Note: An “ X" indic띠es applicabi1i ty for the connection type; a shaded are꺼 indicates non-applicability. 209 X X X X CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION AWS D1.1ID1.1 M:2015 Table 6.2 UT Acceptance-Rejection Criteria (Statically Loaded Nontubular Connections and Cyclically Loaded Nontubular Connections in Compression) (see 6.13.1 , 6.13.2(2) , and C.6.맺.6) \Veld SizeU in Înches [mm] and Search Unit Angle 5 /1 6 through [8-20] 70。 70。 70。 60 。 45 。 70。 60' 45 。 +5& lower +2& lower -2& lower +1& lower +3 & lower -5& lower 2& lower 0& lower +6 +3 0 +2 +3 +4 +5 -3 l 0 +1 +2 +1 +2 +4 +5 +6 +7 -2to +2 +1 +2 +3 +4 -4 to +3 & lI P +6 &up +8 & up +3 &up +3 &up +5 & lI P 3/4 Discontinuity Severity Class Class A Class B +7 Class C +8 & lI P Class D > 3/4 through 1-112 [2 0-38] +4 +5 & up > 1-112 throllgh 2- 112 [38-65] > 2- 112 throllgh 4 [65-100] •• >4 through 8 [100-200] 70。 60。 7& lower lower 1& lower 6 -5 -3 2 0 +1 +2 1 to +2 +2 +3 +3 &up +3 &up +4 &up • 45 。 •‘& • • • a 、、εld size in buttjoînts shall be the nominal thickness ofthe thinner ofthe two parts being joined Notcs 1. Class B and C discontinuities shall be separated by at least 2L, L being the length of the longer discontinuity, cxcept hat when two or more 5uch discontinuities arc not sεparated by at least 2L , but the combined length of discontinuities and thcir separation distance is equal to or less thun the maximum aIlowablc lcngth under the provisions of Class B or C, the discontinllity shall be considered a singlc acceptable discontinuit y. 2. Class B and C discontinllities shall not begin at a distance less than 2L from Ncld ends carrying primary tens i1 e stress , L being the discontinllity length 3. Discontinuities detectcd at “ scanning Ievel'’ in the root face area of CJP double groovc weldjoints shal1 be evalllated using an indication ιating 4 dB more sensitive than dcscribcd in 6 설 6 .5 when such ‘,velds are designated as “ tension we!ds" 011 the drawing (subtract 4 dB from the indication rating “ d"). This shal1 n이 apply if the ‘,\'eld joint is backgougcd 10 sound melal 10 removc the root face and MT used to verify that the root face has been removed 4. ESW or EGW: Discontinuitics detected at "scanning lcvel" which exceed 2 in [50 mm] in length shall be suspcctcd as being piping porosity and shall be further ev‘l1 uated with radiography. 5. For indicalions that remaÎn on the display as the search unit Îs moved , refer to 6.13.1 ‘ ‘ Class A (l arge discontinuities) Any indicalion in this catcgory shall be rejected (regardlcss of length) Scanning Levels Class B (mediulll discontinuities) Any indication in this category having a length greater than 3/4 in [20 nun] shalI be r,낀 ected Sound pathb in inches [111m) Above Zero Refercnce , dB μ Class C (smal1 discontinuities) Any indication in this category having a length greater than 2 in [50 mm] shall be rejected through 2-112 [65 mm] > 2-1/2 throllgh 5 [65-125 mm] > 5 through 10 [125-250 mm] > 10 through 15 [25 0- 380 mm] Class D (minor discontinuities) Any indication n Ihis category shal1 be accepted regardless oflength or location in the weld ’ ” ”” ”” b This column refers to sound path distance; NOT material thickness 210 AWS Dl. lID1.1 M:2015 CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION Table 6.3 UT Acceptance-Rejection Criteria (Cyclically Loaded Nontubular Connections in Tension) (see 6.13.2 and C-6.원.6) 、~Veld 5116 through Class A Class B Class C Class D > 3/4 [8-20J through 1-112 [20 38J 70。 70。 70。 60。 45 。 70。 60。 45 。 70。 60。 +10& lower +8 & lowcr +4& +7& lower +9& l0wel +1& lower +4& lowcr +6& +3 & lowεr 2& lower +1 & I。、.v er 10 rer “ 10‘,vcr +11 +9 +5 +6 +8 +9 +10 +11 +2 +3 +5 +6 +7 +8 l 0 +2 +3 +4 +5 +12 +10 +7 +8 +10 + II +12 +13 +4 +5 +7 +8 +9 +10 +1 +2 +4 +5 +6 +7 +13 &up +11 &up +9 & up +12 & up +14 &up +6 & up +9 &up +11 & up +3 & up +6 &up +8 & up 3/4 Discontinuity Severity Class Sizca in Înches [mm} and Search UnÎt Angle > 1-112 through 2-112 > 2-112 through 4 > 4 through 8 [38-65J [65 lOOJ [1 00--20이 • • 45。 a 、,Veld size in buttjoints shall be the nominulthickness of the thinner of the two parts bcing joined Notcs 1, Class B and C discontinuities shall be separated by alleast 2L. L being the lenglh of the Iongcr discontinuity, cxcept Iha! whcll t '0 or more such discontinuitie잉 are not separated by at least 2L , but the combined length of discontinuities and theÎr s~paration distance is equal 10 or less than the maximum allowable length under the provisions of Class B or C , the discontin비 ty shall be considered a singlc acceptable discontinuity 2. Class B and C discontinuities shallnot begin at a distance less than 2L from weld ends carrying primary tens i1 e stress , L being the discontinuity length 3. Discontinuíties detected at “ scanning le、'el" in the root face area 0 1' CJP doublc groo\'e weldjoints shall be e aluated using an indication r이 ing 4 dB 1l10re sensith'e than described in 6 작 6.5 when such .velds are designated as “ tension ‘.\'el이S깨 n the drawing (subtract 4 dB from the indication raling “ d"). This sha !l n이 apply ifthe weldjoint is backgouged 10 sound metal to remove the root facc and MTused to :erify that the root face has been removed 4. For indications that remain on the display as the search lI nit is mo\'ed , refer to “ ‘ ‘ ‘ Class A (I arge discontinuitie‘) Any indication in this category shall be rejected (regard1ess of length) Scanning Leycls Class B (mediu ll1 discontinuities) Any indication in this category having a length greater than 3/4 in [20 mmJ shall be rejected Sound path b in • ” ι 잉 through 2-112 [65 mmJ 5 [65 125 mmJ > 5 through IO [125-250 mmJ > IO through 15 [250 380 1l1lnJ > 2-112 through 찌까 μ Class C (smalI discontinuities) Any îndication în this category having a length greater than 2 in [50 111m] in the middle half or 3/4 in [20 mm] length in the top or bollom quarter of 、veld thickness shall t ε rejected Above Zero Reference , dB [Il1I11 J • C1ass D (minor discontinuities) Any indication in this category shall be accepted regardless 0 1' leng h α location ìn the weld ‘ b This cohnnn refcrs to sound path distance; NOT material thîckness 211 CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 Hole-Type NOI이linal 101 Table 6.4 Requirements (see Up 10 0 .2 5 incl Over 0.25 10 0.375 Up 10 6 incl Over 6 through 10 Over 10 through 12 Over 12 Ihrough 16 Over 16 through 20 Over 20 Ihrough 22 Over 22 Ihrough 25 Over 25 Ihrough 32 Over 32 through 38 。‘ er 0.375 100.50 Over 0.50 10 0.625 Over 0.625100.75 Over 0.75100.875 OverO‘ 87510 1. 00 Over 1. 00 10 1. 25 Over 1. 25 10 1. 50 Over 1.5 0102.00 Over 2.00 10 2.50 Over 2.50 10 3.00 Over 3.00 10 4.00 Over 4.00 10 6.00 Over 6.00 10 8.00 Source Side Designation 10 12 15 15 17 Over 50 Ihrough 65 。‘ er 65 Ihrough 75 Over 75 through 100 Over 100 Ihrough 150 Over 150 Ihrough 200 101 Table 6.5 Requirements (see Up 10 0.25 inc l. Over 0.25 10 0.375 Over 0.375 10 0.625 Over 0.625 10 0.75 Over 0.7510 1. 50 Over 1. 50102.00 Over 2.00 10 2.50 Over 2.50 104.00 Over 4.00 10 6.00 Over 6.00 10 8.00 Up to 6 in c1 Over 610 10 Over 10 10 16 Over 161020 Over 20 10 38 Over 38 10 50 Over 50 10 65 Over 65 10 100 Over 100 10 150 Over 150 10 200 Source Side Maximum 、rVire Diameter III 0.010 0.013 0 ‘ 016 0.020 0.025 0.032 0.040 0.050 0.063 0.100 212 Ill m m …… m 뻐때 Nominal Material Thickness Range , llm 6.17.1) 때때찌 ω뼈뼈 Nominal Material Thickness Range , in ”” ”” 20 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 80 。‘ er 38 1씨 rough 50 Wire Essential Hole η ”η π η “η π π η Nominal Material Thickness Range, mm 찌 까 까 η% 때 Material Thickness Range , in 6.17.1) AWS D1.1ID1.1 M:2015 CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION Table 6.6 IQI Selection and Placement (see 6.17.끼 EqualT ;:, 10 in [250 mm] L IQIηpes HoIe 、;vire 2 2 E lO25 E747 6 .4 6.5 Equal T < 10 in [250 mm] L Hole 으 Unequal T 10 in [250 mm] L Unequal T < 10 in (250 mm] L Wire Hole Wire Hole Wire l 3 2 2 E lO25 E747 E lO25 E747 E lO25 E747 6‘ 4 6.5 6 .4 6 .5 6 .4 6 .5 Number of IQIs Nontubular ‘ ASTM Standard Selec Table Figures 1011 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 T = Nominal base metallhicknes.s (TI and T2 ofFìgures) L = Weld Length in area of interest of each radiograph Note: T ßlay be increased to provide for the thickness of allowable weld reinforcement provided shims are used under hole IQIs per 6.17.3 .3 213 AWS D1.1/D1.1M ‘ 2015 CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION Table 6.7 Testing Angle (see Procedure Chart Material Thickness , in [111m] 5/16 [8] Applícation 10 1-1 /2 [38] >1-1 /2 [38] >1-3/4[45] >2-1 /2 [65] >3-1/2[90]>4-112[110] 10 1-3/4 [45] * * o F 10 2-112 [65] or F 4 or 4 XF Corner Joint ESWIEGW 、"'elds 0 F or XF o 0 3-112 [90] lG or 5 F or 5 XF lG F 1G or or 4 XF or 5 lG or 4 l** lG or 3 8 F F or XF 7 or F 0 1' XF or Pl or P3 6 or 7 or 10 XF 7 F or XF 8 or 10 or F or XF 11 or F or XF 9 or 11 P3 or or F 13 XF 15 F 12 F 11 or 15** P3 13 or 13 or XF 14 P3 11 or 15 F 11 15 * 12 F 11 P3 >7[180] 10 8 [200] x * 9 or 11 F 10 F 6 >5[130] >6-1 /2 [160] 10 10 6-112 [160] 7 [180] * * 6 or 7 F or XF F or XF P3 FACE FACE c c BUTT JOINT 10 5 [130] 4-1/2 [110] * F F o T-Joint 10 x lG Butt Joint 10 CORNER JOINT T-JOINT PITCH-AND-CATCH GROUND FLUSH TOP QUARTER-70。 MIDDLE HALF-70。 BOTTOM QUARTER-60。 Nolεs 1. Whcre possible , a lJ examinations shall he made from Face A and in Leg 1, unless othcrwise specified in this lablε 2. Root areas of single groo\'e 、.veldjoints which ha\'e backing not requiring removal by contract , shall be testcd ill Leg 1, where possible , with Face A being Iha! opposite the backing. (Grinding of the weld face or testing from additional 、,vcld faces may be necessary 10 permit complete scanning of thc weld roo t.) 3. Examination in Leg 11 or III shall be made only 10 satisfy provisions of this table or 、,vhen necessary 10 Icsl 、\'eld areas made inaccessìble by an unground 、veld surface , or inlerfercncc with other portions of the weldment , or 10 mcct Ihe requiremenls of 6 짚 6.2 4. A maximulll of Leg III shall be used only where thickness or gcometry pre、'enls scanning of complete weld areas and HAZs in Lcg 1 or Leg 11 5. On lension w이 ds in cyclically loaded stmc!ures , the IOp quartcr of thickness shall be Icsled with the finalleg of sound progressing fro U1 Face ß toward Face A , Ihe bottom quarter of Ihickncss shall be tested with the finalleg of sound progressing from Face A to、vard Face B; i. e. , the top quarler of Ihickness shall be tested either from 터ce A in Leg 11 or from Face B in Leg 1 al thc Contractor’ s option , unlcss othenvise spccified in the contracl documcnts 6. The 、,\'cld face indicated shall be ground flush before using proccdurc lG, 6 , 8, 9, 12 , 14 , or 15. Face A for bolh connected members shall be in the samc planc (Sce Legend on next page) 214 CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION AWS D1.1 /D 1.1 M‘ 2015 Table 6.7 (Continued) Testing Angle (see 6.젤.5.2) Legend X - Check from Face C -Grind 、veld face f1 ush G o ~ Not required Required only where display reference height indication of discontinuity is noted at the wcld metal-base * metal interface wh ìIe searching at scanning level with primary proccdures selected from first column ** Use 15 in [400 111m] or 20 in [500 lllmJ scrccn dislance calibmtio I1 P Pitch ul1 d catch shall be conducted for further discontinuity evaluation in only the middle half of the muterial thickncss with only 45 0 or 70 0 transducers of equal specíficatioll , both facing the weld. (Trunslucers must be hcld in a fixture to control positiolling-see sketch.) Amplitude calibration for pitch alld calch is normally made by calibrating a single search uni t. \Vhen switching 10 dual search units for pitch and catch inspcction , there should be assurance that this calibration does not change as a result of inslrument variables F \Veld metal-base metal Înterfacc indications shall be further evaluated with eîther 70 0 , 60 0 , or 45 。 transducer-whichever sound path is ncarest 10 beillg perpendicular 10 the suspectcd fusion sllrfacc FaceA the facc of the materlal from which the initial scalluing is done (이11ι and corner joints , follow above sketches) Face B - opposite Face A (same plate) Face C - the face opposite thc weld on the connecting mcmber or a T- or corner joint • ‘ •- • Procedure Lcgend Area of 、,Vcld Thickness Top Qllartcr Middle Half Bottoll1 Quarter 70。 70。 70。 2 60' 60' 60。 3 45 。 45 。 45。 4 60。 70。 70。 45 。 70。 70。 700 G Face A 70' 60。 60。 Facc B 70。 60。 70 0 G Facc A 6C 。 60。 700 G Facc A 60。 45。 60 。 FaccB 60。 60。 45。 FaceB 700** 45 。 No 5 ) 6 • 7 • 8 -9 -m -n -η -n -μ 700 G Face A 45 。 70 0 G Face B 45 。 FaceB 45 。 45 。 70 0 G Face A 45。 45 。 700 G FaceA 700 A Face B 700 G Face B • 5 215 AWS D1.lID1.1M:2015 CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION Table 6.8 UT Equipment Qualification and Calibration Requirements (see 6.21.1) Type of Qua1i fication or Calibration Activity Minimum Frequency Code Clause Description Minîmum Frequency Code Clause Horizontal Lil1 earity 6.28.1 2 months 6.23.1 Gain Control/dB Accuracy 6.28.2 2 months 6.23.2 Internal Reflections 6.28 .3 40 hours of use a 6 .2 3.3 Instruments ‘ Equipmen Qua띠‘“…lif “떠fic띠ation Search Units Procedures Instrumentl Search Unit Combi l1 ations Straight Beam (for Base Material Testing) Calibration for Testing AngleBeams Straight Beam and Angle Beam Angle Beam Search Units (Index Point, Angle) 8 hours of use a 6.23 .4 Resolutioll (Angle Beam) 6.22.3 Prior to initial use h 6.22.3 Resolution (Straight Beam) 6.27. 1.3 Prior to initial useb 6.2 2.3 Just prior to and at the location of thc first 、veld tested C 6.24.2 2 hours d 6.24.3 Range 6.24 .4 .1or 6.27. 1.1 Sensitivity 6.24 .4 .20r 6.27. 1.2 Range Sensitivity 6.27.2 .4 lndex Poiot Angle Recalibration 6.24.3 a Must be performed for each search unit be performed for each combinalion of search unit (transducer and shoe) and instrumenl prior 10 initial use C After the req비rements of 6.24.2 arc met thc rεcalibratioll requirements of 6.24.3 sha1l appl y. d Or when electrical circuitry is disturbed in any way which includes the following (1) Transducer Change (2) Battery Change (3) Electrical outlet change (4) Coaxial cable change (5) Power oUlage (failure) b Must 216 AWS D1. 1/D 1. 1M:2015 CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION Legend for Figures 6.1 , 6.2, and 6.3 Dime l1 sÌons of DiscontÎ nuities B = Maximum allowed dim 태 si이1 of a radiographed discontinuity‘ L = Largest dimension of a radiographed discontinuity. L ’ ::; Largest dimension of adjacent discontinuities C = Minimum cI earance measured along the longitudinal axis of the weld between edges of porosity or fusiOJHype discolltinu ities (l arger of adjacent discontinuities govems) , 아 to an edge or an end of an intersecting w터 d C 1 = Minimum allowed distance between the nearest discontinuity to the free edge of a plate or tubular, 0π the intersection of a longitudinal weld with a girlh weld , measured paralleI to the longitudinal weld axis W ::; Smallest dimension of either of adjacent discontinuities ‘ Matcrial Dhncnsions E :::: \Veld size T = Plate or pipe thickness for CJP gπDove welds Definitions of DJscontinuities • An elongated discontinuity shall have the largest dimen sion (L) exceed 3 times the smal1 est dimension • A rounded discontinuity shall have the largest dimension (L) less than or equal to 3 times the sma lI est dimension • A cluster shall be defined as a group of nonaligned , acceptably-sized , individual adjacent discol1 tinuities with spacing less than the minimum allowed (C) for the largest il1dividual adjacellt discontinuity (L’), but with the sum of the greatest dimensions (L) of all discontinuities in the cluster equal to or less than the maximum allowable individual discontinuity size (B). Such clusters shall be considered as individual discontilluities of size L for the purpose of assessillg minimum spacing • Aligned discontinuities shall have the major axes of each discontinuity approximately aligned 217 AWS D1.1 /D 1. 1M:2015 CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION 3/4 MAX 1-1 /8 OR GREATER • y 7/8 1/2‘ 드 3/4 -띠 N-ω 。」띠〉〉 띠 5/8 --- -- 1----1/2 1 3/8 1/4 」→ 3애 상〉*꺼‘u‘”ι•?t‘、。 짧짧#이짝 ← 3十 3← 2 → 1/8ν•,/ 1/8 • 0 1/4 1/2 1-114 3/4 1-1/2 2 1-3/4 2-1/4 CININCHES 20 MAX 30 OR GREATER -y 25 ν/ 22 12 EE 20 띠 N-m 。」띠르 띠 l 10 16 ./ J~‘/。、、1Leb4,κ、o‘ ' ----- - - - -- ----꾀꿇옳딸ct..<(:. Vι쩔~\\' 12 10 g 6 렸v 3 l l • F l o 6 12 20 25 32 40 44 50 57 C IN MIL Ll METERS Notes 1, To determine the maximum size of discontlnuity allowed in any joint or weld SiZ8 , pr,이 ect E horizontally to B 2 ‘ To determine the minimum clearance allowed between edges of discontinuilies of any size greater than or equal to 3/32 in [2.5 mm] , project B vertically to C. 3. See Legend on page 217 for definiUons Figure 6.1-Discontinuity Acceptance Criteria fOl' Statically Loaded Nontubular and Statically or Cyclically Loaded Thbular Connections (see 6.12.1 and 9.26.2 for tubulars) 218 AWS D 1.lID 1. 1M:2015 CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION KEY FOR FIGURE 6.1 , CASES 1, 11, III, AND IV DISCONTINUITY A = ROUNDED OR ELONGATED DISCONTINUITY LOCATED IN WELD A DISCONTINUITY B = ROUNDED OR ELONGATED DISCON Tl NUITY LOCATED IN WELD B L AND W = LARGEST AND SMALLEST DIMENSIONS , RESPECTIVELY, OF DISCONTINUITY A L‘ ANDW’ = LARGEST AND SMALLEST DIMENSIONS , RESPECTIVELY, OF DISCONTINUITY 8 E = WELD SIZE C = SHORTEST DISTANCE PARALLEL TO THE WELD A AXIS , 8ETWEEN THE NEAREST DISCONTINUITY EDGES , WIDTH W' CASE 1 DISCON Tl NUITY Ll MITATIONSa DISCONTINUITY DIMENSION Ll MITATIONS CONDITIONS < E/3 , ,; 1/4 in [6 mm) E ,; 2 in [50 mm) ,; 3/8 in [10 mm) E > 2 in [50 mm) L C , 으 (A)ONE DISCONTINUITY ROUNDED, THE OTHER ROUNDED OR ELONGATEDa 3L (8) L " 3/32 in [2.5 mm) a The elongated discontinuity may be located in either weld “ A" or “S:' For the purposes was located in weld “ B." 이 this Hl ustration Ihe elongated dlscontinuily “g Case I-Discontinuity at Weld Intersection Figlll'e 6,1 (Continued)-Di scontinuity Acceptance C 1'ite 1'ia fo 1' Statically Loaded Nontubula1' and Statically 0 1' Cyclically Loaded (see 6.12.1 and Th bula 1' Connections 9.26.2 fOl' tubula 1's) 219 AWS D 1.1 101.1 M:2015 CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION FREE EDGE LENGTH L CASE Il DISCONTINUITY Ll MITATIONS DISCON Tl NUITY DIMENSION CONDITIONS Ll MITATl ONS <E/3 , $1/4 in [6 mm] E S 2 in [50 mm] $3/8 in [10 mm] E > 2 in [50 mm] L , C ~3L L ~ 3132 in [2.5 mm] Case II-Discontinuity at F 1'ee Edge of CJP G 1'OOVe Weld Figu 1'e 6.1 (Continued)-Discontinuity Acceptance Crite1'ia fo 1' Statically Loaded Nontubula 1' and Statically 0 1' Cyclically Loaded Th bula1' Connections (see 6.12.1 and 9.26.2 fo 1' tubula 1's) 220 AWS D l.l/D 1.1 M:2015 CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION WIDTH W’ CASE III DISCON Tl NUITY Ll MITATIONS Dl SCONTINUITY DIMENSION UW > 3W s2E/3 L C CONDITIONS Ll MITATl ONS , ;'3L OR 2E , WHICHEVER IS GREATER L ;, 3/32 in [2.5 mm) Case lII-Discontinuity at Weld Intersection Figure 6.1 (Continued)-Discontinuity Acceptance Criteria for Statically Loaded Nontubular and Statically or Cyclically Loaded Th bular Connections (see 6.12.1 and 9.26.2 for tubulars) 221 CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION AWS Dl.l/D 1. 1M:2015 CJP WELD FREE EDGE WIDTHW-카----------JJ~ LENGTH L CASE IV DISCON Tl NUITY Ll MITATIONS DISCONTINUITY DIMENSION L CONDITIONS Ll MITATIONS 52E/3 , C L/W ~3L OR 2E , WHICHEVER IS GREATER >3 L ~ 3/32 In [2.5 mmJ Case IV-Discontinuity at F 1'ee Edge of CJP G1'oove Weld Figure 6.1 (Continued)-Discontinuity Acceptance Crite1'ia fo 1' Statically Loaded Nontubula 1' and Statically 0 1' Cyclically Loaded Thbula1' Connections (see 6.12.1 and 9.26.2 fo 1' tubula 1'S) 222 AWS D1. lID 1.1 M:2015 CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION 1/2 MAX 1-1/2 OR GREATER 「 1-1/4 cτ띠N” 。」띠〉〉 띠 1 }-3/4 껴%γF;펙; - -- 1/2 댐; 1/4 νt l l o o 2 1-112 112 2-112 3 3-112 4 4-112 CININCHES 12 MAX 38 。 R GREATER 32 EE 25 띠 N-ω 。」띠르 띠 l - - -- -- -- - - -- ‘- ----, 낸날 20 12 파/ 2 6 l ",." • -L O O 12 25 40 50 65 75 90 100 C IN MIL Ll METERS Notes 1 To determine the maximum size of discontinuity aUowed in any joint or weld size , project E horizontally to B 2. To determine the minimum clearance allowed between edges of discontinuities of any size , project B vertically to C 3. See Legend on page 217 for definitions Figure 6. 2-Di scontinuity Acceptance Criteria for Cyclica lI y Loaded Nontubular Connections in Tension (Li mitations of Porosity and Fusion Discontinuities) (see 223 115 AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION KEY FOR FIGURE 6.2 , CASES 1, 11, 111, AND IV DISCONTINUITY A = ROUNDED OR ELONGATED DISCONTINUITY LOCATED IN WELD A DISCONTINUITY 8 = ROUNDED OR ELONGAπED DISCONTINUITY LOCATED IN WELD 8 L AND W = LARGEST AND SMALLEST DIMENSIONS , RESPECTIVELY, OF DISCONTINUITY A L ‘ ANDW ’ = LARGEST AND SMALLEST DIMENSIONS. RESPEC Tl VELY, OF DISCON Tl NUITY 8 E = WELD SIZE C = SHORTEST DISTANCE PARALLEL TO THE WELD A AXIS , 8ETWEEN THE NEAREST DISCONTINUITY EDGES , WIDTH W' CASE 1 DISCONTINUITY Ll MITATIONsa DISCONTINUITY DIMENSION Ll MITATIONS L SEE FIGURE 6.2 GRAPH (8 Dl MENSION) C , CONDITIONS L 으 1/16 in [2 mmJ SEE FIGURE 6.2 GRAPH (C DIMENSION) aThe elongated discontinuity may be located In eilher weld “A" or ~8." For the purposes of this illustration the erongated 이scontinuity “8" was located in weld “ 8." Case I-Di scontinuity at Weld Inte l'section Figul'e 6.2 (Continued)-Discontinuity Acceptance C l'itel'ia fo l' CycIically Loaded Nontubula l' Connections in Tension (Li mitations of PO l'osity and Fusion Di scontinuities) (see 224 AWS D1. lID 1.1 M:2015 CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION FREE EDGE LENGTH L CASE II DISCON Tl NUITY Ll MITATIONS DISCONTINUITY DIMENSION Ll MITATIONS CONDITIONS L SEE FIGURE 6.2 GRAPH (8 DIMENSION) L ;> 1/16 In [2 mm) C , SEE FIGURE 6.2 GRAPH (C DIMENSION) Case I1-Discolltilluity at Free Edge of CJP Groove Weld Figure 6.2 (Colltillued)-Discolltilluity Acceptallce Criteria for Cyc\ ically Loaded NOlltubular COlluectiolls ill Tellsioll (Lim Ît atiolls of Porosity alld Fusioll Di scolltinnities) (see 225 AWS D1.1/D1.1M ’ 2015 CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION WIDTH W' CASE III DISCONTINUITY Ll MITATIONS DISCONTINUITY DIMENSION Ll MITATIONS L SEE FIGURE 6.2 GRAPH (6 DIMENSION) C , CONDITIONS L ~ 1/16 in [2 mmJ SEE FIGURE 6.2 GRAPH (C DIMENSION) Case III-Discontinuity at Weld Inte l'section Figure 6.2 (Continued)-Di scontinuity Acceptance Critel'ia fo l' Cyclically Loaded Nontubula l' Connections in Tension (Li mitations of POl'osity and Fusion Discontinuities) (see 226 ’ AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 CLAUSE6 NSPECTION CJP WELD FREE EDGE WIDTHW~~ LENGTH L CASE IV DISCONTINUITY LlMITATIONS DISCONTINUITY DIMENSION LlMITATIONS CONDITIONS L SEE FIGURE 6.2 GRAPH (8 DIMENpION) L ~ 1/16 in [2 mm) , C SEE FIGURE 6.2 GRAPH (C DIMENSION) Case IV-Discontinuity at Free Edge of CJP Groove Weld Figure 6.2 (Continued)-Discontinuity Acceptance Criteria for Cyclically Loaded Nontubular Connections in Tension (Li mitations of Porosity and Fusion Discontinuities) (see 6.12.2. 1) 227 AWS D 1. 1/D1.1M:2015 CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION 3/4 MAX 1-1/2 OR GREATER 1-114 E 띠 N” 。」띠르 - - -- 3/4 “- - --- -- - - - -- 띠 l 1/2 1/4 대2 1/8 |← (N이e a) 태f ’ l l ..,/' H'" l l o o 1/2 2 1-1/2 2.112 3 3.1/2 4-1/2 4 CININCHES 20 MAX. 38 。R GREATER 32 EE 띠 NE 。」띠르 띠 ’ 25 20 - - -- ----- ----- 1----- 12 6 3 F← (N이e a) ..,/' 그F 」νr 니/ O O 12 25 40 50 65 75 90 100 115 C IN MIL Ll METERS aThe maωmum size of a discontinuity located within this distance from an edge of plate shall be 1/8 in {3 mm] , but a 1/8 in [3 mm] dlscontinuity shall be 114 in [6 mm1 or more away from the edge. The $um of dìscontinuilies lesB than 1/8 in (3 mm1 in slze and located within Ihis dlslance from Ihe edge shall nol exceed 3/16 in [5 mmJ. Discontinuities 1/16 in [2 mmJ 10 less lhan 1/8 in [3 mmJ shall nol be restricted in olher locations unless they are separated by lesB than 2 L (L being the length 01 the larger discontlnulty); In which caS9, the discontinuities shall be measured as ane length equal to the totallength of the discontinuities and space and evaluated as shown in this figure Notes: 1. To determine the maximum size 01 discontinuity allowed in any joint or weld size , project E horizontally to B. 2. To determine the minimum clearance allowed between edges of discontinuitles of any size , project B vertlcally to C. 3. See Legend on page 217 for definilions Figure 6.3-Di scontinuity Acceptance Criteria for Cyclically Loaded Nontubular Connections in Compression (Li mitations of Porosity or Fusion-자pe Discontinuities) (see 228 AWS D 1.1 /D 1. 1M:2015 CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION KEY FOR FIGURE 6.3 , CASES 1, 11 , III , IV, AND V DISCON Tl NUITY A = ROUNDED OR ELONGATED DISCONTINUITY LOCATED IN WELD A DISCONTINUITY B = ROUNDED OR ELONGATED DISCONTINUITY LOCATED IN WELD B L AND W = LARGEST AND SMALLEST DIMENSIONS , RESPECTIVELY, OF DISCONTINUITY A L' AND W' = LARGEST AND SMALLEST DIMENSIONS , RESPECTIVELY, OF DISCONTINUITY B E = WELD SIZE Cr = SHORTEST DISTANCE PARALLEL TO THE WELD A AXIS , 8ETWEEN THE NEAREST DISCONTINUITY EDGES WIDTH W ’ CASE 1 DISCONTINUITY Ll MITATIONS' DISCON Tl NUITY DIMENSION Ll MITATIONS L SEE FIGURE 6.3 GRAPH (8 DIMENSION) Cr SEE FIGURE 6.3 GRAPH (C DIMEr엽 CONDITIONS L ~ 1/8 ín [3 mmJ C1 ;;:: 2L or 2L' , WHICHEVER IS GREATER a The elongated disconlinuity may be located in eilher 、,veld "A" or "8." For the purposes of this il/ ustration the elongated discontinuity “ B" ‘ was located in "eld "8: Case I-Discolltilluity at Weld Illtersectioll FigUl'e 6.3 (Colltillued)-Discolltilluity Acceptallce Criteria fo 1' Cyclically Loaded NOlltubular COllllectiolls ill Comp1'essioll (Li mitatiolls of Po 1'osity 01’ Fusion- Ty pe Discontilluities) (see 229 AWS D1.1 /D 1.1 M’ 2015 CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION FREE EDGE LENGTH L CASE 11 DISCONTINUITY Ll MITATIONS DISCONTINUITY DIMENSION Ll MITATl ONS L SEE FIGURE 6.3 GRAPH (6 DIMENSION) L <: 1/8 in [3 mmJ Cj SEE FIGURE 6.3 GRAPH (C DIMENSION) C <: 5/8 , in [16 mmJ CONDITIONS Case II-Discontinuity at F 1'ee Edge of CJP G 1'oove Weld Figu 1'e 6.3 (Continued)-Discontinuity Acceptance C1'ite1'ia fo 1' Cyclically Loaded Nontub비a1' Connections in Comp1'ession (Limitations ofPo1'osity 0 1' Fusion-ηpe Discontinuities) (see 230 AWS D1.1/D1.1M ‘ 2015 CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION WIDTH W' CASE 111 DISCONTl NUITY lI MITATl ONS DISCONTINUITY DIMENSION lI MITATl ONS L SEE FIGURE 6.3 GRAPH (8 DIMENSION) C1 SEE FIGURE 6.3 GRAPH (C DIMENSION) CONDI Tl ONS L ~ 1/8 in [3 mmJ C1 ~ 2L or 2L’, WHICHEVER IS GREATER Case III-Discontinuity at Weld Intersection 삐 nt 띠 t디im 뻐 뻐lU뻐 le 때 이 d1). ←-’-’Figure 6.3 (COI Cα0 이삐 nnecti 따 i“ ons 얘s 때 i nCαon 삐 빼 m 뻐삐 11 삐 lψ pψre 없 s잃si뼈 on (Limitations 아 0 rpo 야 rosit 따 ty 이 0야 l' 뻐 F us 잉ion- Ty pe Discontinuities) (see 231 CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION AWS D1.1 fD1.1M ‘ 2015 I n [16 mm) 十커 FREE EDGE (A) MINIMUM DIMENSION FROM FREE EDGE TO 118 In [3 mm) DISCONTINUITY ~ 1/4 in [6 mm) (B) SUM OF ALL L (LARGEST) DISCONTINUITY DIMENSIONS. EACH LESS THAN 118 In [3 mm). SHALL BE EaUAL TO OR LESS THAN 3/16 In [5 mm). 。 。 Note: AII dlmensions between dlscontinuities ;;:: 2L (L being largest Case IV-Discontinuities Within 5/8 in [16 mm] of a 이 any two) Free Edge (A) ALL L DIMENSIONS ARE GREATER THAN 1116 In [2 mmJ BUT LESS THAN 118 In [3 mm) , , (B) IF C IS LESS THAN THE LARGER OF L AND L AND C IS LESS THAN THE LARGER OF L AND L3. ADD L + L + L3 + C + C AND TREAT AS SINGLE DISCONTINUITY , , , , , , , Note: The weld shown above Is for iIIustration only‘ These limitatlons apply to all locations or intersections The number 이 discontlnuities is al50 for iIIustration only. Case V -Di scontinuities Separated by Less Than 2L Anywhere in Weld (Use Figure 6.3 Graph “ B" Dimension for Single Flaw) Figure 6.3 (Continued)-Discontinuity Acceptance Criteria for Cyclica lI y Loaded Nontubular Connections in Compression (Limitations of Porosity or Fusion-ηpe Discontinuities) (see 232 AWS 01.1/01.1 M:2015 CLAUSE 6. INSPEC Tl ON 4 T OIA (MINIMUM SIZE 0.040 in [1.02 mm]) PLACE IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS HERE T DIA (MINIMUM SIZE 0.010 in [0.25 mm]) 2 T DIA (MINIMUM SIZE 0.020 in [0.51 mm]) 下 iX」 i×i L~T~← 녀 F~ DESIGN FOR 10ls UP TO BUT NOT INCLUDING 180 A Tab!e of Dimensions of 101 (in) Numbe r"' 5-20 21-59 60-179 A B c D 1.500 , 0.015 1.500 , 0.015 2.250 , 0 030 , 0.750 0.015 0.4 38 , 0.015 0.4 38 , 0.015 , 0.750 0.030 , 0.015 0.250 , 0.015 0.375 , 0.030 ‘ 0 ‘ 750 '0.015 1.375 , 0.030 0.250 E F 0.500 , 0.015 0.250 , 0.030 0.250 , 0.030 0.375 , 0.030 0.500 '0‘ 015 1.000 土 O‘ 030 IQI Thickness and Hole Diameter Tolerances , 0.0005 , 0.0025 , 0.005 Table of Dimensions of IQI (mm) NumbeF A B c D E 5-20 ,38.10 0.38 19.05 '0.38 6.35 '0‘ 38 21-59 38.10 " 0.38 19.05 '0.38 ,11.13 0.38 ,11.13 0.38 60-179 ,57.15 0.80 ,34.92 0.80 19.05 '0.80 ,12.70 0.38 ,12.70 0.38 .40 ,250.80 , 6.35 0.38 , 9.52 0.80 F 6.35 소 0.80 , 6.35 0.80 525 , 90.80 ‘ 'IOls No. 5 Ihrough 9 are not 1T, 2T, and 4T. Note: Holes shall be true and normal to the IQ I. 00 not chamfer. Figure 6.1-Ho1e- Ty pe IQI (see 6.17.1 땐a쓰쟁J) (Reprinted by permission 01 the American Society lor Testing and Materials , copyrigh t.) 233 101 Thickness and Hole Diameter Tolerances , 0.013 , 0.06 , 0.13 AWS D1.1 /D1.1M:2015 CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION ENCAPSULATED BETWEEN CLEAR “VINY~' PLASTIC 0.060 in [1.52 mmJ MAXIMUM ASTM THE MINIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN THE AXIS OF WIRES SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 3 TIMES THE D[AMETER AND NOT MORE THAN 0.200 in [5.08 mm) 1/4 [n [6.35 mm) MINIMUM LEAD LETTERS |싹짧I:::n] LENGTH 1 in [25 .4 mm) MINIMUM FOR SETS A AND B 1/4 in [6.35 mm) MINIMUM LEAD LETTERS AND NUMBERS 6 WIRES EQUALLY SPACED o1 1 A LARGEST WIRE NUMBER SET IDENTIFICATION LETTER MATER[AL GRADE NUMBER Image Quality Indicator (Wire Penetrameter) Sizes Wire Diameter, in [mm) SetA 0.0032 [0.08) SetB S9tC S9t 0 0.010 [0.25) 0.032 [0.81) 0.10 [2.5) 0.004 [0.1) 0.013 [0.33) 0.040 [1. 02) 0.125 [3.2) 0.005 [0.13) 0.016 [0 .4) 0.050 [1. 27) 0.160 [4.06) 0.0063 [0.16) 0.020 [0.51) 0.063 [1. 6) 0.20 [5.1) 0.008 [0.2) 0.025 [0.64) 0.080 [2.03) 0.25 [6 .4) 0.010 [0.25) 0.032 [0.81) 0.100 [2.5) 0.32 [8) Figul'e 6.~-Wi l'e IQI (see 6.17.1 웬앤옥8.1) (Reprinted by permission of the American Society for Testing and Materials , copyrigh t.) 234 CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION AWS 01.1/0 1. 1M‘ 2015 CONTRACT NUMBER , WELO, ANO FABRICATOR 10ENTIFICATION (LOCATION OPTIONAL) (SEE 6.17.12) ALTERNATE WIRE 101 PLACEMENT (Note a) k in [10 mm) MIN (TYP) 3/8 J\ HOLE-TYPE 101 OR WIRE 101 ON SOURCE SIOE T1 =T2 LEAO FILM 10ENTIFICATION NUMBER SHALL BE PLACEO OIRECTLY OVER THE NUMBERS MARKEO ON THE STEEL FOR THE PURPOSE OF MATCHING FILM TO WELO AFTER PROCESSING (SEE 6.17.12). *썼짧@ 시0 /,( 0'( --i-~V CONTRACT NUMBER , WELO, ANO FABRICATOR 10ENTIFICATION (LOCATION OPTIONAL) (SEE 6.17.12) ‘ a T Alternate source side rQI placement al!owed for tubular applìcalions and other applications when approved by the Engineer , Figure 6.!!-RT Identification and Hole-ηpe or Wire IQI Locations on App l'Oximately EquaI Thickness Joints 10 in [250 mm] and Greater in Length (see 6.17.7 맨a쓰쟁,1) 235 AWS D 1. 1/D 1.1 M:2015 CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION CONTRACT NUMBER , WELD, AND FABR CATOR IDENTIFICATION (LOCATION OPTIONAL) (SEE 6.17.12) ’ T2 HOLE.TYPE 101 OR WIRE 101 ON SOURCE SIDE MAY BE PLACED ANYWHERE ALONG AND ON EITHER SIDE OF THE JOINT L ?깅f~ 3&;; l;F$?l J\ 〉ζ ~ ALTERNATE WIRE 101 PLACEMENT (Note a) T1 =T2 -서~ LEAD FILM IDENTIFICATION NUMBER SHALL BE PLACED DIRECTLY OVER THE NUMBERS MARKED 。 N THE STEEL FOR THE PURPOSE OF MATCHING FILMTO WELD AFTER PROCESSING (SEE 6.17.12). CONTRACT NUMBER , WELD, AND FABRICATOR IDENTIFICATION (LOCATION OPTIONA 니 (SEE 6.17.12) a 、깡'ft.<f>、 ;ζ 、S ‘ /,<=>‘ T Alternate source side IQI placement allowed for tubular applications and other applications when approved by the Engineer. Figure 6.Z-RT Identification and Hole- Type or Wire IQI Locations on Approximately Equal Thickness Joints Less than 10 in [250 mm] in Length (see 6.17.7 원뀐a원 .28.2) 236 AWS D 1. 1/D1.1 M:2015 CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION HOLE-TYPE 101 OR WIRE 101 ON SOURCE SIDE ALTERNATE WIRE 101 PLACEMENT (Note a) 3/8 in [10 mm[ MIN. (TYP) 3/4 in [20 mmJ MIN. (TYP) MEASURE T2 AT POINT OF MAXIMUM THICKNESS UNDER HOLE-TYPE 101 OR WIRE 101 PLACED ON SLOPE "'\/ LEAD FILM IDENTIFIC꺼,TION NUMBER SHALL BE PLACED DIRECTLY OVER THE NUMBERS MARKED ON THE STEEL FOR THE PURPOSE OF MATCHING FILM TO WELD AFTER PROCESSING (SEE 6.17.12) ‘<$':/</(' j영%*v ‘Ç} ~ζ 5ν / .\>'“-'-/ ,/ CONTRACT NUMBER , WELD, AND FABRICATOR IDEN Tl FICATION (LOCATl ON OPTIONAL) (SEE 6.17.12) a Alternate T1 source side IQI placement aHowed for tubular applications and olher appHcations when approved by the Engineer, Figure 6.~-RT Identification and Hole-ηpe 0 1' Wire IQI Locations on 1ì'ansition Joints 10 in [250 mm] and Greater in Length (see 6.17.7 원뀐d용.28.2) 237 AWS D1.1/D 1.1 M:2015 CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION HOLE-TYPE 101 OR WIRE 101 ON SOURCE SIDE MAY BE PLACED ANYWHERE ALONG THE JOIN 1' A 다 ERNATE WIRE 101 PLACEMENT (Note a) 갖χ~3업liQ 짧Tl MEASURE T2 AT POINT OF MAXIMUM THICKNESS UNDER HOLE-TYPE 101 OR WIRE 101 PLACED 。 N SLOPE ’ 《생§、 LEAO FILM DEN Tl FICATION NUMBER SHALL BE PLACED DIRECTLY OVER THE NUMBERS MARKED ON THE STEEL FOR THE PURPOSE OF MATCHING FILM TO WELD AFTER PROCESSING (SEE 6.17.12) 1‘갖~,,()、 、찢지앙) /^、S ‘ /시~' CONTRACT NUMBER , WEL D; AND FABRICATOR IDENTIFICATION (LOCATION OPTIONAL) (SEE 6.17.12). T1 a Alternate source side IQI placement aHowed for tubular applications and other applications when approved by the Engineer FigUl'e 6.2-RT Identification and Hole-매 pe or Wire IQI Locations on Transition Joints Less than 10 in [250 mm] in Length (see 6.17.7 땐d목쟁J ~\ ~T ~ 잔 > ~T (1 in [2짧)MIN.)J P Note’ T = Max. weld thickness at joint Fignre 6.뀐-RT Edge B1 0cks (see 6.17.13) 238 AWS 0 1.1 /0 1.1 M‘ 2015 CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION HEIGHT Figllre 6.11-1ì'ansdllcer Crystal (see 6.긴.7.2) 1 In [25 .4 mmJ TOEOR LEAOING SEARCH UNIT 0.6 in (15.2 mm) Figllre 6.12-QlIali터cation Procedllre of Search Unit Using IIW Reference Bl ock (see 6.강.7.7) 239 CLAUSE 6 , IN8PECTION AWS 01 , 1/01 , 1M:2015 1.5 HOLE 40 0 50 0 60。 40 0 50 0 뿔뿔 rF15 뿔월 U. S, CU8TOMARY 0lMEN810N8 (in) 60。 81 0lMEN810N8 (mm) Notes 1, The dimensional tolerance between all surfaces lnvolved In referencing or calibrating shall be within :1: 0.005 in [0.13 mm) 이 det히 led dimension 2, The surface finish of all surfaces to which sound Îs applfed or reflected from shall have a rnaximum of 125 μn [3 , 17 ~ml r, m ,$ 3 , AII material shall be ASTM A36 or acoustically equivalent 4. AII holes shall have a smooth intemal Inlsh and shall be drllled 900 to the material surface 5. Degree lines and ldenti ication marklngs shall be indented Into the material surface 50 that permanent orientation can be maintained 2. These notes shall apply to all sketches in Figures 6.펴 and 6 , 14, ’ ’ Figllre 6.괴,-Ty picaI IIW 자 pe Block (see 6.낌 .1) 240 AWS D 1. 1/D1.1 M‘ 2015 CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION 70。 60' &45。 뉘 1. 000 1-- 5.117 5.131 5.145 Note: AII holes are 1116 inch in díameter. DIMENSIONS IN INCHES RC - RESOLU Tl ON REFERENCE BLOCK 2 」 TYPE - DISTANCE AND SENSITIVITY REFERENCE BLOCK Figul'e 6.뀐-Qualiflcation B1 0cks (see 6.22.3 and 6.27) 241 CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION AWS D 1.1 /D 1.1 M:2015 64.34현뿔←→기 | 53.87 57.79 70。 76.20 60。 0- -!l 45。 뉘 25 .4 0 1- 129.97 130.33 130.68 Note: AII holes am 1.59 mm in diameter, DIMENSIONS IN MIL Ll METERS RC - RESOLUTION REFERENCE BLOCK 魔 담변난r짧土뻔콰 똘t 50.80 1- TYPE - DISTANCE AND SENSITIVITY REFERENCE BLOCK Figure 6.단 (Continued)-Qualification Blocks (see ι낌.3 and 6.27) (Metric) 242 CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION AWS D1.1/D 1.1 M:2015 ••- e PATTERN D e 를 PATTERN E I~짧-----표¥꾀/까-끼、~ 첼 MOVEMENTA 1- 0커 MOVEMENTB Notes ‘ 1. Testing patterns are all symmetrical around the weld axis v씨 th the exceplion of pattern D, which shall be conducted directly over the weld axis 2. Testing from bolh sides of the weld axis shall be made wherever mechanically possible Figure 6.잭-Plan View of UT Scanning Patterns (see 6.앵) 243 C 내USE AWS Dl.l/Dl.1M:2015 6. INSPECTION 기떻 α /" /" O 。 IIW BLOCK DS BLOCK RESOLUTION BLOCK Figul'e 6.야-1ì’ansducel' Positions (Ty pical) (see 6.22, 6.27, and 6.28) 244 AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 7. Stud Welding 7.1 Scope qualified stud bases shall be used. Qualificatiou of stud bases in confonnance with 7.9 shall be at the 111anufacturer ’ s expense. The arc shield used in production shall be the same as used in qua1ification tests or as recommended Iiy the manufacturer. When requested by the Engineer, the Contractor shall provide the following information: Clause 7 contains general requirements fOl 、.velding of steel studs to steel , and stipulates specific requirements (1) For mechanical properties and material of steel studs ,. and requirements for qualification of stud bases. (2) For application qualification testing , operator qualification , preproduction testing , and workmanship. (1) A description ofthe stud and arc shield (3) For stud 、velding during production , fabricationl erection , and inspection. (2) Certification from the manllfacturer that the stud base is qualified in conformance with 7.9 (4) For the stud manufacturer's certification of stud base 、veldability. (3) Qualification tests data 7.2.5 Stud Finish NOTE: Approved steels; for studs, see 7.2.6; for base lIl efals , see Table 3 .1 (GrollpS 1 and II). For gllida l/ ce, see C-7.6.1. Stlld finish shall be prodllced by heading , roll ing , or machining. Finished studs shall be of uniform quality and condition , free of defects that may affect the 、.velding quality, suitability for intended application , OI fit of the studs in the specified ceramic arc shields (ferm1es). Such dεfects include laps , fins , seams , cracks , twists , bends. thread defects , discontinuities , 0 1' foreign materials (see 7 .4 .1 and 7 .4 .2). 7.2 General Requirements 7.2 , 1 Stud Design. Studs shall be of suitable design for arc welding to steel members with the use of automatÎcally ti ll1ed stud welding equipmen t. The type and size of the stud shall be as specified by the drawings , specifica tions , 0 1' special provisions. For headed-type studs , see Figure 7. 1. Alternative head configurations may be used with proof of mechanical and embedment tests confirm ing full-strength development of the design , and with the approval of the Engineer. Headed stllds are subject to cracks or bursts in the stud head which are abrupt interruption of he periphery caused by radial separation of the metal extending from the head inward to the stud shan k. These cracks 01' bursts shall not be the callse for rejection , provided that they do not exceed one half of the distance from the stud head to the stud shank as determined by visual inspection (see Figure C-7. 1.) Stllds shall be rejected ifthe cracks 01 bu1'sts are of a Il umber 0 1' width that does not permit the head to fit into the welding tool chuck 0 1' cause a1'cing between the stud head and the chllck affecting chuck life or weld qllality ‘ 7.2.2 Arc Shields. An arc shield (ferrule) of heatresistant ceramic ar other suitable material shall be furnished with each stud. 7.2.3 F1ux , A suitable deoxidizing and arc stabilizing flux for we1ding shall be furnished with each stud of 5116 in [8 mm] diameter 이 larger. Studs less than 5116 in [8 1l11l1] in diameter may be furnished with or without flux. 7.2.6 Stud Materia l. Studs shall be made from cold drawn bar conforming to the requirements of ASTM A29 , Sfandard Specification for Steel Bars, CarbOl and Allo)\ Hot-Wrollghf, General Requireme /l ts for Grades ’ 7.2.4 Stud Bases. A stud base, to be qualified , sh쩌l have passed the test described in 7.9. Only studs with 245 AWS D1. 1/D1.1M:2015 CLAUSE 7. STUD WELDING IOIO fh lVlIgh 1020 , inclusive either semi-killed or killed aluminum or silicon deoxidation other deleterious matter that would adversely affect the operation 、.velding 7 .4.2 Coati l1 g Rest l'ictions. The stud base shall not be painted , galvanized , 01' cadmium-plated prior to weldirîg‘ 7.2.7 Base Metal Thickness. When welding directly to base metal , the base metal shall be no thinner than 1/3 the stud diameter. When welding through deck , the stud diameter shall be no greater than 2.5 times the base material thickness. In no case shall studs be welded through more than two p1ies of metal decking ‘ 7 .4.3 ßase Metal P l'epa l' atio l1. The lreas to which the studs are to be welded shall be free of scale , rust , moisture , paint , 01' other injurious material to the extent necessary to obtain satisfactory welds and prevent objec tionable fumes. These areas may be cleaned by 、.vire brushing , scaling , prick-punching , or grinding. 7.3 Mechanical Requirements 7.4.4 Moistu l'e. The arc shíelds or ferrules shall be kept dry. Any arc shields which show signs of surface moisture from de'、,1' or rain shall be oven dried at 250"P [120" C] for two hours before use 7.3.1 Stallda l'd Meehallical Requi l'밍 nellts. At the manufacturer’ S option , mechanical properties of studs shall be detenllined by testing either the steel after cold finishing 01' the full diameter lïnished studs. In either case , the studs shall conform to the standard properties shown in Table 7. 1. ‘ 7 .4.5 Spaci l1 g Requi l'emcnts. LOllgitudinal and lateral spacings of stud shear connectors (type B) may vary a maximum of 1 in [25 mm] f1'om the locatìon shown in the drawings. The minimum distance from the edge of a stud base to the edge of a f1 ange shall be the diallleter of the stud plus 118 in [3 mm ], but preferably not less than 1-112 in [40 lIlm] 7.3.2 Testing. Mechanical properties shall be detennined in COnfOfIl1 anCe with the appIi cable sections of ASTM A370 , Mecha l/ ical Tesfi l/ g 01 Sfeel Prodllcfs. A typical test fixturc is used , similar to that shown in Figure 7.2 7.3.3 Ellgilleel'’s Requcst. Upon request by the Engineer, the Contractor shall furnish 7.4.6 Arc Shield Remova l. After weldillg , arc shields shall be broken free from studs to be embedded in con crete , and , where practical , from a11 other studs (1) The stud manufacturer ’ s certification that the studs , as delivered , conform to the applicable require lIlents of7.2 and 7.3 7.4.7 Acceptance Cl'ite l' ia. The studs , after welding , shall be free of any discontinuities or substances that would interfere with their intended function and have a fllll 360" f1 ash. However, nonfusion on the legs of the f1 ash and small shrink fissures shall be acceptable. The fillet 、.I'eld profiles shown in Pigure 5 .4 shall not apply to the flash of automatica11y timed stud welds (2) Certified copies of the stud lIl anufacturer ’s te5t reports covering the last completed set of in-plant quality control mechanical tests , requî 1'ed by 7 .3 fo J' each diameter delivered. (3) Certified lIl aterial test reports (CMTR) from the steel supplier indicating diameter, chemical propeI ies , and grade on each heat numbe 1' delìvered. ‘ 7.5 Technique 7.3.4 Abse l1 ce of Quality COllt l'ol Tests. When quality control tests are not available , the Contractor shall fm nish a chemical test report confo1'ming to 7.2.6 and a mechanical test report conforming to thε requirements of 7.3 for each lot nUlllber. Unidentified and untraceable studs shallnot be used 7.5.1 Alltomatic Mechallizc!1 Welding. Stllds shall be welded with automatically timed stlld welding cquipment connected to a suitable source of direct current electrode negatíve power. Welding voltage , current , time , and gun settings for lift and plunge shollld be set at optimum settings , based 011 past practice, recoI1l mendations of stud and eqllipment manufactur,εr, 01' both. AWS C5 .4, Recol1l mended Practices ‘ for Sfud lVeldillg , shollld also be used for technique guidance 7.3.5 Additio l1 al Studs. The Contractor is responsible for furnishing additional studs of each type and size , at the 1'equest of the Enginee1', fo1' checking the requirements of7 .2 and 7.3. Testing shall be at the Owner’s expense. 7.5.2 Mllltiple Welding Guns. If two or more stlld welding gUllS shall be operated from the same powel source , they shall be interlocked so that ollly one gUll can operate at a time , and so that the power source has fully recovered from mnking one 、I'cld before another weld is started. 7.4 Workmanship/Fabrication 7.4.1 Cleanliness. At the time of welding, the studs sha l1 be free from 1'ust , rust pits , scale , oit , moisture , or 246 AWS 01.1/01.1 M:2015 CLAUSE 7. STUO WELOING 7.5.3 Movement of Welding Gnn. While in operation , the welding glln shall be held in position withollt movement lI ntil the .veld metal has solidified ‘ 7.5 .4 Ambient and Base Metal Tempel'ature Reqni l'ements. Welding shall not be done when the base metal temperature is below OOF [-18 0 C] or when the surface is wet or exposed to falling rain or snow. When the temperature of the base metal is below 32 0 F [OOC] , one additional stud in each 100 studs welded shall be tested by methods described in 7.7. 1.3 and 7.7. 1.4 , except that the angle of testing shall be approximately 15 0 • This is in addition to the first two stllds tested for each start of a new productioI1 period or change in set-up. Set-up includes stud gun , power source , stud diameter, gun lift and plunge , total welding lead length , and changes greater than 1: 5% in current (amperage) and time. surface shall be considered preqllalified by virtlle of the manufacturer’ s stud base qualification te!야 s (see 7.9) , and no further application testing shall be required. The limit of flat position is defined as 0 0 _15 0 slope on the surface to which the stlld is applied Examples of stud applications that reqlli 1'e tests of this section a1'e the following (1) Stllds which are applied on nonplana 1' surfaces 0 1' to a planar surface in the vertical or overhead positîons. (2) Studs which a1'e welded through decking. The tests shall be with material l'epresentative of the condi tion to be used in constmc tÍon. (3) Studs welded to othe1' than Groups 1 01' II steels listed in Table 3. 1. 7.5.5 FCAW, GMAW, SMAW Fillet Weld Option. At the option of the Contractor, stllds may be welded using prequalified FCAW, GMAW, or SMAW processes , provided the following requirements are me t: 7.6.2 Responsibilities for Tests. The Contracto1' shall be 1'e sponsible fo l' the pe1'f onnance of these tests ‘ Tests may be performed by the Contractor, the stud manufacturer, 0 1' by anothe1' testing agency satisfactory to all pa1'ties involved Snrfaces. SlI rfaces to be welded and sllrfaces to a weld shall be free from loose 0 1' thick scale , slag , rust , moisture , grease , and other foreign material that wOllld prevent proper welding or produce 。이ection­ able fllmes 7.6.3 Preparation of Specimens a여acent Tes t Specimens. To qualify applications involving mate1'ials listed in Table 3.1, Groups [ and ll: specimens may be prepared using ASTM A36 steel base mate1'ials or base materials listed in Table 3.1 , Groups 1 and ll. Stud End. For fillet 、,velds , the end of the stlld shall also be clean Recorded Information. To qualify applications involving materials other than those listed in Table 3.1 , Groups 1 and ll, the test specimen base material shall be of the chemical , physical and grade specifications to be used in production. Stud Fit (Fillet Welds). For fillet 、,velds , the stud base shall be prepared so that the base of the stlld fits against the base metal. Fillet Weld Minimu ll1 Size. When fillet shall be used , the minimum size shall be the la 1'gel of those reqllired in Table 5.2 or Table 7.2. 、,velds 7.6.4 Number of Specimens. Ten specimens shall be welded consecutively using recommended procedures and settings fo 1' each diameter, position , and surface geometry. P l'eheat Requi l'ements. The base metal to which stllds are welded shall be preheated in conform allce with the reqllirements of Table 3.1. 7.6.5 Test Required. The ten specimens shall be tested usmg 이le or more of the fo Il owing methods: bending , torquing , or tensioning SMAW El ect l'odes. SMAW 、,velding shall be pel'formed using low-hydrogen electrodes 5/32 in or 3/1 6 in [4.0 mm 01' 4.8 mm] in diameter, except that a smaller diameter elect 1'ode may be lI sed on studs 7/1 6 in [1 1. 1 mm] or less in diameter fo 1' ollt-of-position 、,velds 7.6.6 Test Methods 7.6 Stud Application Qualification Requirements Bend Test. Studs shall be tested by alternately bending 30 0 in opposite di 1'ections in a typical test fixtu 1'e as shown in Figure 7 .4 until failure occurs. Alternatively, studs may be bent 90 0 from thei 1' original axis. Ty pe C stllds , when bent 90。’ shall be bent ove1' a 띠 p … ‘w 끼i“t야 v t…h a 띠 d i뻐ame당te 야l' 아 0 f 4 times t he 비 d iame잉t떠 er 야 0 f t he stlld. ln 잉버 e itther case , a stud application shall be considered qualified if the studs are bent 90 0 and f1'acture occurs in the plate 0 1' shape material or in the shank of the stud and not in the weld. 7.6.1 Purpose. Stllds which are shop or field applied in the flat (down-hand) position to a planar and horizontal Torque Test. Studs shall be torque tested using a torque test arrangement that îs substantially in Visual Inspection. FCAW, GMAW, and SMAW welded studs shall be visually inspected in confOlmance with 6.9‘ “ 247 “ AWS CLAUSE 7. STUD WELDING Dl.l/D t. 1M:2015 plication of load. For threaded studs , the torque test of Figure 7.3 shall be substituted for the bend test conformance with Figure 7.3. A stud application shall be considered qualified if all test specimens are torqued to destruction without failure in the 、,veld. Event of Faîlu l'e. [f on visual examination the test studs do 110t exhibit 3600 tlash , or if on testing , failure occurs in the 、,veld zone of either stud , the procedure shall be cOITected , and two more studs shal1 be welded to separate material or 011 the production member and tested in conformance with the provisions o f7 .7. 1.3 and 7.7.1 .4. If either of the second two studs fails , addi tional 、.velding shal1 be continued on separate plates until two consecutive studs are tested and found to be satisfactory before any more production studs are welded to the membeI Tension Test. Studs shall be tension tested to dest lUction using any machine capable of supplying the required force. A stud application shall be considered qualified if the test specimens do not fail in the 、.veld. 7.6.7 Application Qualification Test Data. Application Qualification Test Data shall include the following ’ (1) Drawings that show shapes and dimensions of studs and arc shields (2) A complete description of stud and base materials , and a description (part number) of the arc shield 7.7.2 Prodnctîoll Weldîng. Once production 、,velding has begun , any changes made to the 、velding setup , as determined in 7.7.1 , shall require that the testing in 7.7. 1.3 and 7.7.1 .4 be perfonned prior to resuming production (3) Welding position and settings (current , time). (4) A record , which shall be made for each qualification and shall be available for each contrac t. A suggested WPS /P QR form for nonprequalified application may be found in Annex 띤, Form 띤-7. 、velding. 7.7.3 Repair of Studs. In production , studs on which a full 3600 flash is no obtained may, at the option of the Contractor, be repaired by adding the minimum fillet 、,veld as required by 7 .5 .5 in place of the missing flash. The repair 、,veld sh띠 1 extend at least 3/8 in [10 mm] beyond each end of the discontinuity being repaired ‘ 7.7 Production Control 7.7.1 Pre-Prodllction Testîng 7.7.4 Ope l'3 tor Qualilicatioll. The pre-production test required by 7.7.1 , if successful , shall also serve to qualify the stud welding oper꺼tor. Before any production studs are welded by an operator not involved in the preproduction set-up of 7.7.1 , the first two studs welded by the operator sha l1 have been tested in conformance with the provisions of 7.7. 1.3 and 7.7. 1.4. When the t\Vo welded studs have been tested and found satisfactory, the operator may then 、,veld production studs. Start of Shîft. Before production welding with a particular set-up and with a given size and type of stud , and at the beginning of each day ’ S 01' shift ’ s pro duction , testing shall be performed on the first two studs that are welded‘ The stud technique may be developed on a piece of material similar to the production member in thickness and properties. If actual production thickness is not available , the thickn앉 s may vary z 25%. All test studs shall be welded in the same general position as required on the production member (flat , vertical , or overhead) 7.7.5 RemovaI Al'ea Repaîι lf an unacceptable stud has been removed from a component subjected to tensile stresses , the area from which the stud was removed shal1 be made smooth and flush. Where in such areas the base metal has been pu lI ed out in the course of stud removal , SMAW with low-hydrogen electrodes in conformance with the requirements of this code shall be used to fill the pockets, and the ‘,veld surface shall be flush 7.7. 1.2 Prodllction Mell1ber Optîon. Instead of being welded to separate material , the test stnds may be welded on the production lI1ember, except when separate plates are required by 7.7. 1. 5 7.7. 1. 3 Flash Requî l'ell1ent. Studs shall exhibit full 3600 flash with no evidence of undercut into the stud base. In compression areas of members , if stud fa i1 ures are confined to shanks or fusion zones of studs , a new stud may be welded adjacent to each unacceptable area in lieu of repair and replacement on the existing 、veld area (see 7 .4.5). If base metal is pulled out during stud removal , the repair provisions shal1 be the same as for tension areas except that when the depth of discontinuity is the lesser of 118 in [3 mm] or 7% of the base metal thickness , the discontinuity may be faired by grinding in lieu of filling with weld meta l. Where a replacement stud is to be Bend Test. In addition to visual examination , the test shall consist of bending the studs after they are allowed to cool , to an angle of approximately 300 from their original axes by either striking the studs with a hammer on the unwelded end or placing a pipe or other suitable hollow device over the stud and manually or mechanically bending the stud. At temperatures below 500 F [IOoC], bending shall preferably be done by continuous slow ap- 248 AWS D1. 1/D 1.1 M‘ 2015 CLAUSE 7. STUD WELDING 7.9 Manufacturer’ S ’ Stud Base Qualification Requirements provided , the base metal repair shall be made prior to the replacement stud. Replacement studs (other than thrεaded type which should be torque ested) shall be tested by bending to an angle of approximately 15 。 from their original axes. The areas of components exposed to view in completed stmctures shall be made smooth and flush where a stud has been removed 、,velding ‘ 7.9.1 Purpose. The purpose of these reqllirements is to prescribe tests for the stud manufacturers ’ certification of stud base 、veldability. 7.9.2 Responsibility for Tests. The stud manufacturer shall be responsible for the perfonnance of the qualification tes t. These tests may be performed by a testing agency satisfactory to the Ellgineer. The agency performing the tests shall submit a certified report to the manufacturer of the studs giving proce .lures and results fo 1' all tests including the information described in 7.9.10 7.8 Fabrication and Verification Inspection Requirements ‘ 7.8.1 Visual Inspection. If a visual inspection reveals any stud that does not show a full 360" flash or any stud that has been repaired by welding , such stud shall be bent o an angle of approximately 15" from its original axis. Threaded studs shall be torque tested. The method of bending shall be in conformance with 7.7. 1.4. The direction of bending for studs with less than a 360" flash shall be opposite to the missing portion of the flash. Torque testing shall be in cOllformance with Figure 7 .3 7.9.3 Extellt of Qualilication. Qualilicatio깨 of a stlld base shall constitute qualification of stud bases with the same geometry, flux , and arc shield , having the same diameter and diameters that are smaller by less than l/8 in [3 mm]. A stlld base qualified with an approved grade of ASTM A29 steel and meets the standard mechanical properties (see 7.3.1) shall constitute qualificatioll for all 이her approved grades of ASTM A29 steel (see 7.2.6) , provideκ1 that confoπmance with aIl other provisions stated herein shall be achieved. ‘ 7.8.2 Additiollal Tests. The Verificatioll Inspector, where conditions warrant , may select a reasonable number of additional studs to be subjected to the tests described ill 7.8. 1. 7.9.4 Duratioll of Qualilicatioll. A size of stud base with arc shield, once qllalified , shall be considered qualified until the stud manufacturer makes any change in the stud base geometry, material , flux , or arc shield which affects the welding characteristics 7.8.3 Bellt Stud Acceptance Criteria. The bent stud shear connectors (Type B) and deformed anchors (Type c) and other studs to be embedded in cOllcrete (ηpe A) that show no sign of failure shall be acceptable for use and left in the bent position. 씨'hen bent studs are re quired by the contract documents to be straightened , the straightening operation shall be done without heating , and before completion of the production stud 、.velding operation. 7.9.5 Preparation of SpeCÎmells 엔한얀샌 ls. Test specimens shall be prepared by welding representative studs to suitable specimen plates of ASTM A36 steel or any of the other materials listed in Table 3.1 or 임.ble 4.9. Studs to be welded through metal decking shall haαe the weld base qll머ifi­ cation tes ng done by welding through metal decking representative of that used in construction, galvanized per ASTM A653 coating designation G90 for 이,e thick ness of deck or G60 for two deck plies. When studs are to be welded through decking , the stlld base q띠 alification test shall include decking representative of that to be used in construction. Welding shall be done in he flat position (plate surface horizonta l). Tests for threaded studs shall be on blanks (studs without threads) “ 7.8.4 Torque Test Acceptance Criteria. Threaded studs (Ty pe A) to띠ue tested o the proof load torque level in Figure 7 .3 that show no sign of failure shall be acceptable for use. ‘ ‘ 7.8.5 Corrective Action. Welded studs not confonning to the requirements of the code shall be repaired or replaced by the Contractor. The Contractor shall revise the 、.velding procedure as necessary to ensure that subsequent stud welding will meet code requirements ‘ “ ,'I'elding EQuipment. Studs shall be elded with power source , welding gun , and automaticaJly controlled equipment as recommended by the stud manu facture r. Welding voltage , current , and time (sce 7.9.6) shall be measured and recörded for each spe미 mell. Lift and plunge shall be at 씨 e optimum setting as recom mended by the manufacturel 7.8.6 Owner’s Option. At the option and the expense of the Owner, the Contractor may be required , at any time , to submit sluds of the types used under the contract for a qua1ification check in confonnance with the procedures o f7 .9. 249 CLAUSE 7. STUD WELDING AWS D1.lID1. 1M ‘ 2015 7.9.6 N lI mbe l' of Test Specimens 7,9 ,7.2 ßend Tests (Stllds 7/8 ill [22 IIlln] 01' less ill diamete 1'). 1\venty of the specimens welded in conformance with and twenty in conformance 、.vith shall be bend tested by being bent alternately 30。 from theîr original axes in opposite directions until failure occurs. Studs shall be bent in a bend testing device as shown in Figure 7 .4, except that studs less than 112 in [12 mm} diameter may be bent lI sing a device as shown in Figure 7.5. A stlld base shall be considered as qualified if, on all test specimens , fracture occurs in the plate material or shank of the stud and not in the 、,veld or HAZ. All test specimens for studs over 7/8 il1 [22 mm] shall only be subjected to tensile tests !!핑만I민낀힌다! For stllds 7/8 in [22 mm] or less in diameter, 30 test specimens shall be welded CO Il secutively with constant optimum time , but with currcllt 10% above optimum‘ For stllds over 7/8 in [22 mm] diameter, 10 test specimens shall be welded consecutively with constant optimu l1l time. Optimum current and timc shall be the midpoint of the range normally reCOl11mended by the manufacturer for production 、velding Lo뜨E쁘l'ellt. For studs 7/8 in [22 mm] 01 less in diameter, 30 test specimens shall be welded con secutively wÎth constant optimum time , bllt with current 10% below optimum ‘ For stllds over 7/8 in [22 mmJ diameter, 10 test specimcns 8hall be welded consecutively with constant optimum time , but wÍth current 5% below opt lIllum Weld th1'ough Deck Tests. All 10 of the through deck stud specimens shall be tested by bendillg 30 0 in opposite directions in a bend testing de vice as shown in Figure 7 .4, or by bend testing 900 from their original axis or tension testing to destruction in a machine capable 01' supplyillg the required force. With any test method used , the range of stud diameters from maximum to minimum shall be considered as qualified weld bases for through deck 、.velding if, 011 all test speci mens , fracture occurs in the plate mate rÍ al or shank of the stlld and not in the weld or HAZ. 、,velds 멘안반뀐얀k. For stllds to be welded throllgh metal deck , the range of 、,veld base diameters shall be qualified by 、,velding- 10 studs at the optimum current and time as recommended by the manufacturer cOllforming to the following: (1) Maximum alld minimum diameters welded through one thickness of 16 gage deck , coating designation G90 7.9.8 Retests , If failure occurs in a 、veld or the HAZ in any of the bend test groups of7.9.7.2 or at less than specitïed minimum tensile strength of the stud in any of the tension groups in 7 ,9.7.1 , a new test group (described in 7.9.6‘ 1 or, as applicable) shall be prepared and tested. lf such fa iI ures are repeated , the stud base shall fail to qllalify. (2) Maximum and mínimum diameters welded through two plies of 16 gage deck coating designation G60. (3) Maximllm and minimum diameters welded through one thickness 01' 18 gage G60 deck over one thickness of 16 gage G60 deck. (4) MaxÎmum and minimum diameters welded through two plies of 18 gage dcck , both with G60 coating designation. 7.9.9 Acceptance. For a manufacturer ’ s stud base and arc shield combination to be qua1i fied , each stud of each group of 30 stllds shall , by test or retest , meet the requirements described in 7.9.7. Qualification of a given ruameter of stud base shall be considered qualitïcation for stud bases of the same nominal diameter (see 7.9.3 , stud base geometry, material , flux , and arc shield). The range of diameters from maximum to minimum welded throllgh two plies of 18 gage metal deck with G60 galvanizing shall be qualified for ‘,velding through one or two plies of metal deck 18 gage or less in thickness‘ 7.9.7 Tests 7 ,9.10 Manllfactur겐·’s Qualificatioll Test Data. The test data shall include the following Tellsion Tests. Ten of the specimens welded in confonnance with and ten in confonnance with sha lI be sllbjected to a tensioll test in a fixture simìla l' to that shown in Fi gure 7.2 , except that studs without heads may be gripped on the unwelded end in the jaws of he tension testing machine. A stud base sha l1 be considered as qu llified if all test specimens have a tensile strength equal to or above the minimum d앉cribed in 7 .3.1. ‘ (1) Drawings showing shapes and dimensions with tolerances of stud , arc shields , and flux; (2) A complete description of materials lI sed in the studs , including thε quantity and type of tlux , and a description of the arc shields; and ‘ (3) Certified reslllts of tests 250 AWS D1.1/D 1.1 M:2015 CLAUSE 7. STUD WELDING Table 7.1 Mechanical Property Requirements for Studs (see 7.3.1) Ty pe A' Type Bb Ty pe C' A Pamìn 61000 420 65000 450 80000 552 YieId strength psi min (0.2% offset) MPa min 49000 340 51000 350 Tensile strength pSl ßlm ’ Reduc 이Uon of area Stud Diameter % in 2 in min % in 5x dia. lllin ‘ 17% 14% 20% 15% %mín 50% 50% a Ty pe A studs shall he general purpose of any type and size lI sed for purposes other tban shear transfer in composite beam design and con stmclion b Type B studs shall be sluds that are headed , bent , or of other config uratîon ill 3/8 in [10 mm} , 112 in [12 mm] , 5/8 in [16 mm] , 3/4 in [20 mm} , 7/8 in [22 mm} , and 1 in [25 mm] diameter that are used as an essential component in composite beam design and concrete anchorage design '1γpe C studs shaIl be cold-worked deformed steel bars manufactured in conformance wilh specificatìon ASTM A496 having a nominal diameter equivalent to the diameter of a plain wire having the same weight per foot as the deformed wire. ASTM A496 specifies a maxi mum diameter of 0.628 in [16 mmJ maximum. Any bar supplied above that diameter shall have the same physical characteristics regarding deformations as required by ASTM A496 251 Min. Sizc Fillet Iß mm m 111m 114 thtu 7 /1 6 112 5/8 , 3/4 , 7/8 6 thm 11 12 16, 20, 22 25 3/1 6 5 6 8 10 l 70000 485 (0 596 offset) PSl mln ‘ MPamin Elongation Table 7.2 Minimum FiI’ et Weld Size for Small Diameter Studs (see 7.5.5 .4) 114 5 /1 6 3/8 CLAUSE 7. STUD WELDING AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 뉴-H 커 • T듀다 L SLOTTED FIXTURES TO HOLD STUD HEAD AND SPECIMEN PLATE aManufactured length before welding Standard Dimensions , in Shank Diameter (C) Lenglh Tolerances (L) 3/8 +0.010 • 0.010 ~1/16 1/2 +0.010 -0.010 ~ 1/16 5/8 +0.010 0.010 ~ 3/4 +0.015 -0.015 ~ 7/8 +0.015 -0 .015 +0.020 -0 .020 Head Diameter (H) 3/4 ~ Minimum Head Height π) 1/64 9/32 1 .1/64 9/32 1/16 1-1/4 ~ 1/64 9/32 1/16 1-1 /4 1/64 3/8 .1/16 1-3/8 ~ 1164 3/8 土 1-5/8 ~ 1/64 1/2 Figure7.2-ηpical Tension Test Fixture (see 7.3.2) 1/16 ~ Standard Dimensions , mm 10 +0‘ 25 -0.25 ~ 1.6 19 ~ 0.4 0 7.1 13 +0.25 -0 .25 ~ 1.6 25 0.40 7.1 16 +0.25 -0 .25 • 1. 6 32.0 .4 0 7.1 19 +0 .4 0 -0 .4 0 ~ 1.6 32 ~ 0.4 0 9.5 22 +0 .40 -0 .4 0 土 1.6 35 ~ 0.4 0 9‘ 5 25 +0 .40 -0 .4 0 ~ 1.6 41 ~ ~ 0.40 12.7 Figure 7.1-Di mension and Tolerances of Standal'd-맘pe Headed Studs (see 7.2.1) 252 CLAU8E 7. 8TUD WELDING AW8 D1.1 /D 1.1 M’ 2015 8TUD NUT WA8HER 8LEEVE WELD AREA , Note ‘ 0 menSions 。! lest fixlure delails should be apprl。upbrri1aCte to the size of lhe slud , The lhreads of !he s!ud shall be dean and fre8 of lubricant other than the resldue of cutlinglcol강 forming lubrican!s in the "as received~ condition from lhe manufaclurer,‘ Required Proof Torque for Testing Threaded Studs a M.E.T.A.b Nominal Diameter in 2 Thread no.찌η Proof Tesling Torque C 미tch-mm mm 0.236 M6 0.031 20.1 180.724 5.4 7.4 1/4 6.4 0‘ 036 0.032 23.2 20‘ 6 28 20 UNF UNC 6.6 5.9 9‘ 0 7.8 5/16 7.9 0.058 0.052 37 .4 33.5 24 18 UNF UNC 13.3 11.9 18.1 16.1 0.315 M8 0.057 36.6 180.724 13.2 17.9 3/8 9.5 0.088 0.078 56.8 50.3 UNF UNC 24.3 21 ‘ 5 32.9 29.2 0‘ 394 M10 0.090 58.0 180.724 26.2 35.5 7/16 11. 1 0.118 0.106 76.1 68 .4 UNF UNC 37‘ 9 34.8 51 .4 47.2 0 ‘ 472 M12 0.131 84.3 180.724 45.7 61.9 1/2 12.7 0.160 0.142 103.2 91.6 UNF UNC 58.8 52.2 79.7 70.8 0.551 M14 0.178 115.0 180.724 72.7 98.5 9/16 14.3 0‘ 203 0.182 131.0 117.4 18 12 UNF UNC 83 ‘ 9 75‘ 2 113.8 102.0 5/8 15.9 0.255 0.226 164.5 145.8 18 11 UNF UNC 117.1 103.8 158.8 140.8 0.630 M16 0.243 157.0 3/4 19.1 0.372 0.334 240‘ 0 215.5 mm' 1.0 1. 25 24 16 1.5 20 14 1.75 20 13 2.0 2.0 16 10 Series Ib.fI in Joule 180-724 113.4 153.7 UNF UNC 205.0 184.1 278.0 249.7 0.787 M20 0.380 245.0 2.5 180.724 221.2 299.9 0‘ 866 M22 0 .4 70 303.0 2.5 180.724 300.9 408.0 7/8 22.2 0.509 0.4 62 328.4 298.1 UNF UNC 327.3 297.1 443.9 402.9 0.945 M24 0‘ 547 353.0 180-724 382 .4 518.5 1 25 .4 0.678 0.606 437 .4 39 1. 0 UNF UNC 498.3 445 .4 675 .7 604.0 티e 。r 14 9 3.0 12 8 dedr에sfssvn씨 。f bMean Effective Thread Area (M ,E.T. A) sha lJ be defined as the effective stress area based on a mean dlameter taken approximately aTmEMVoa!ei!rdelqauwcunelaelsvyfaibgfreTeeuclhcrrwlvleaeesee1acandTurellAahrl h breeeeaadmasdeoitndAnimoraeenaaspFnr(VMdoMpo!lne.h!Elk8AneTPsulAh1trlincr)neh9sYahdd tieoaealr!ddq!mbuS Seeelltuero O 9 feohdtri a min1erluelflnf8Cylelvled slress 49 b OaOsOepdsi [340 MPal mes Nominal Stud Diameter times 0, 2 Friction Coefficient Factor times Mean unplated studs in the as-received condition. Plating , coatings , or oi l/grease deposits v씨1/ change the Friction Coefficient Factor, Figure 7.3-Torque Testing Arrangement and Table of Testing Torques (see 253 AWS D 1.1 /D1.1M:2015 CLAUSE 7. STUD WELDING xgoo•j-- 30-:'" DOUBLE-ACTING HYDRAU Ll C CY Ll NDER ANGLE OF CENTER Ll NE OF DEFLECTED STUD SHALL BE MEASURED AT CENTER Ll NE 。 F PLUNGER Notes 1. Fixture holds specimen and stud is bent 30 0 alternately in opposîte directions 2. Load can be applied with hydraulic c에 nder (shown) or fixture adapted for use wilh tension test machine 「 1% f l l ·- : ’ ’ l PIPE TYPICAL FRACTURES IN SHANK OF STUD 1/4 in [6 mm[ 21 [50 mm ’ Note: Fracture in weld near stud IlI et remalns on plate MAX Note: Fracture through lash torn from plate ’ SPECIMEN PLATE TYPICAL WELD FAILURES Figu l'e 7.5-Suggested Type of Device for‘ Qualification Testing of Small Studs (see Figul'e 7.4-Bend Testing Device (see 254 AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 8. Strengthening and Repair of Existing Structures 8.1 General 8.3.2 Stress Analysis. An analysis of stresses in the area affected by the strengthening 0 1' repair shall be made‘ Slress levels shall be estab!i shed for all in-situ dead and live load cases. Consideration shall be made for aCCU I11 Ulated damage that members may have sustained in past serVlce. Strengthening 0 1' repairing an existing stmcture shall consist of modifications to meet design requirements specified by the Engineer. The Engineer shall prepare a comprehensive plan for the work. Such plans shall include , but are not limited to , design. workmanship , inspection , and documentation. Except as modified in this section. all provisions of this code shall apply equally to the strengthening and repairing of existing stmctures. including heat straightening of distorted members 8.3.3 Fatigue History. Members su이ect to cyclic loading shall be designed according to the requirements for fatigue slresses. The previous loading history shall be considered in the design. When the loading history is not available. it shall be estimated 8.3 .4 Restoration 0 1' Replacement. Determination shall be made whether the repairs should consist of restoring cOHoded 0 1' 0 herwise damaged parts or of replacing enti l'e members 8.2 Base Metal ‘ 8.2.1 Investigation. Before preparing drawings and specifications fo 1' strengthening 0 1' repairing existing slmctures. the types of base metal used in the original structure shall be determined eilher from existing drawings , specifications 0 1' from representative base metal tesls. 8.3.5 Loadillg During Operatiolls. The Engineer shall delermine the extent to which a member will be allowed to cany loads while heating. 、,velding or thermal cutting is perfo l'llled. When nec앉sary. the loads shall be reduced. The local and general stability of the member shall be investigated. considering the effect of elevated temperature extending over parts of the cross-sectional area. 8.2.2 Snitability for Welding. The suitability of the base metal for 、.velding shall be established (see Table C-8.1 for guidance). 8.3.6 Existing Connections. Existing connections in structU l'es requiring strengthening or repair shall be evalualed for design adequacy and reinforced as necessary 8.2.3 Other Base Metals. Where base metals other than those listed in Table 3.1 are to be joined. special consideration by the Engineer shall be given to the selection of filler metal and WPSs. 8.3.7 Use of Existing Fasteners. When design calculations show rivets or bolts will be overstressed by the new total load. only existing dead load shall be assigned to them. If rivets or bolts are overstressed by dead load alone 0 1' are subject to cyclic loading , then sufficient base metal and welding shall be added to support the totalload 8.3 Design for Strengthening and Repair 8.3.1 Design Process. The design process shall consider applicable governing code provisions and other parts of the general specifications. The Engineer shall specify the type and extent of survey necessary to identify existing conditions that require strengthening or repair in order to satisfy applicable criteria 8.4 Fatigue Life Enhancement 8.4.1 Methods. The following methods of reconditioning critical 、.veld deta i1 s may be used when written procedures have been approved by the Engineer: 255 CLAUSE 8. STRENGTHENING AND REPAIR OF EXISTING STRUCTURES ‘ (1) p,아le Im ]J mverneut. Reshaping the 、,veld face by grinding with a carbide bUIT to obtain a concave profile with a smooth transition from base material to 、lIeld. (2) Toe Grinding. Reshaping only the grinding with a hurr 01' pencil grinder. 、,veld AWS D1. lID1.1M:2015 8.5.3 Weld Repai l's. If ‘,veld repairs are required , hey shall be made in conformance with 5.25 , as app1icable 8.5.4 Base Metal of Insufficient Thiclmess. Base metal having insufficient thickness to develop the required !.'eld size or required capacity sha l1 be , as determined by the Engineer: (1) built up lV ith ‘.veld metal to the required thickness , (2) cut back until adequate thickness is avail able , (3) reinforced lV ith additional base metal , or (4) re moved and replaced with base metal of adequate thickness 01' strength toes by ‘ ‘ (3) Peellillg. Shot peening of .veld surface , 01" hammer peening of 、,veld toes. (4) ηG Dressillg. Reshaping of ‘,veld toe by the remelting of existing weld metal with heat from GTAW arc (no filler metal used). 8.5.5 Heat Straightening, When heat straightening Q[ heat curving methods are used , the maximum temperature of heated areas as measured using temperature sensitive crayons 01' other positive means shall not exceed 1100 0 P [600 0 C] for quenched and tempered steel , nor 1200 0 F [650 o C] for other steels. Accelerated cooling of steel above 600 0 F [315 0 C] sha l1 be prohibited. (5) Toe Grinding pllls Ha ll1l1l er Peellillg. When used together, he benefits are cumulative. ‘ 8.4.2 St l'ess Range Increase. The Engineer shall establish the appropriate il1 crease in the allowable stress range 8.5 Workmanship and Technique 8.5.6 Welding Sequence. 1n strengthening Q[‘ repairing members by the addition of base metal or 、,veld metal , or both , 、,velding and ‘,veld sequencing shall , as far as practi cable , result in a balanced heat input -about the neutral axis to minimize distortion and residual stresses. 8.5.1 Base Metal Condition. Base metal to be repaired and surfaces of existing base metal in contact wÍth new base metal shall be c1eaned of dirt , rust and other foreign matter except adherent paint film as per SSPC SP2 (Surface Preparation Specìfication #2 Hand 11。이 Cleaning). The portions of such surfaces which will be welded shall be thoroughly c1 eaned of all foreign matter inc1 ud ing paint for at least 2 in [50 mm] from the root of the • 8.6 QuaIity 8.6.1 Visual Inspectioll. AlI members and 、,velds affected by the work sha l1 be visua l1 y inspected in con formance with the Engineer’ s c이nprehensive plan 、veld. 8.5.2 Member Discontinuities. When required by the Engineer, unacceptable discontinuitîes in the membel' being repaired or strengthened shall be corrected prior to heat straightening , heat curving , or welding. 8.6.2 NDT. The method , extent , and acceptance criteria of NDT sha l1 be specified in the contract documents 256 AWS Dl.l/Dl.l M:2015 9. Th bular Structures 9.1 GeneraI 9.2.3 l\lbular Section Li mitations. Limitatiol1 s 011 dial1leter/thickness [01' circular sections , and largest flat widthlthickness ratio for box sections , beyond which local buckling or other local failure modes shall be considered , shall be in confonnance with the governing de sign code , Li mits of app Iicab ity for the criteria given in 9.6 shall be observed as follows: This Clause supplcmcnts Clauses 1•!h The specific requirements of 다떤앤효으 appIy only to tubular connec~ tions 뀐년약엠낸민맹맨십꾀프앤띤덩뺀맥익렐괴밴 the apol icable rCQuircmcnts of Clause 2 , P셔rt A. All pro visions of ζ꾀쁘e 9 apply to static applications and cyclic applications , with the exception of the fatigue provisions of9.2.7 , which are unique to cyclic app1ications “ (1) Circular tubes: D/t 깊융맹lFy This clause is divided into parts. as follows: < 3300IFy [for Fy in ksi] , (for Fy in MPa) (2) Box sectiol1 gap connectio l1 s: D/t S 21α 퍼 [for Fy in ksi] , 행QI~ 타 (for Fy in MPa) but not more than 35 Part A - Design of Th bul31' Connections Part B →맏앤맨댄댄쉰멘파 Welding Proce닙 ure Specifications (WPS~) Part C - Welding Procedure Spccification (WPS) (3) Box section overlap con l1 ections: D/t S 190/ ,J Fy [for Fy in ksi]. 500시판 (for Fy in MPa) Q맨펜던핸낀 9.2.4 Welds St l'esses. The allowable stresses in welds shallnot cxceed those given in Table 9.2 , 01' as allowcd by 2.6.4. except as modified by 뜨2ι g즈2, and 9.6. Part D - Performance Qualificatioll Part E - FabricatioIl Part F - Inspectio내1 와츠~ Fiber Stresses. Fiber stresses dlle to bending shall exceed the values described fol' tensioll and compres sio J1, unless the members are compact sections (ablε to develop full plastic l1loment) and any transvεrse ‘,veld is proportioned to develop flllly the strength of sections joined 1l0t PartA Desigll 01 Tubular C0 1l1l ectiOllS 9.2.6 Load and Rcsisfancc Factor Design. Resistance factors , φ" given elsewhere in this 익맨띤, may be used in context of load and resistance factor design (LRFD) calculations in the following format 9.2 AIIowable Stresses £ι! Eccentricity..Moments caused by significant de viation from concentric connections shall be provided for in analysis and design (sce Figure 뜨g뀐1 for an illustration of an eccentric connection] φ x(P" 이‘ M,,) = "L (LF x Load) where Pu 0 1' Mu is the ultimate load 01' moment as given herein; and LF is the load factor as defilled in the go、 e Il1ing LRFD design code. e.g. , ANSI/AISC 360, S"eci!ìαl F츠~ ßase Mefal Stresscs. These provisions may be lI sed in conju l1 ction with any applicable design specifica tiol1 s il1 eithc l' allowable strcss design (ASD) 01' load al1 d rcsista l1ce factor design (LRFD) forma s. Unless the applicable design specification provides otherwise , tubular connection design shall be as described in ~뜨2,~즈2, a l1 d 9.6. The base metal stresses shall be those specified in the app Ii cable design specifications , except as 1imited by 9.2.3. ‘ t IOJl φ l' Strllctllral Fι2 Steel BllildinRs Fatigue QfCircu매 r 1\lbe Conne따ions E죠ι! St l'ess Range and Membe l' 자 pε In the design of mel1lbers and connections subject to repeated variations in live load stress , consideιltion shall be given 257 CLAUSE 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES to the number of stress cycles , the expected range of stress , and type and location of member or dctail In order to qualify fatigue categ Olies Xl and Kl , repre sentativc 、,velds (all 、velds 、.vhere peening has been app1ied) shall receive MT for surface and near-surface discontinuities. Any indîcations which canno be re solved by light grinding sha l1 be repaired in confonnance with 5.25. 1.4 ‘ 9, 2.τ걷 Fatiglle St l'ess Catego l'ies. The type and location of material shall be categorized as shown in Table 9.1 and Table 9.3 Basic Allowable St l'ess Limitatio Il. Where the applicable design specification has a fatigue requirement , the maximum stress shall not exceed the basic allowable stress provided elsewhere , und the range of stress at a given number of cyc1 es sha11 not exceed the values given in Figure 뜨f Eι7.7 Size and Prolile Effects. Applicability of welds to the fatigue μ!ltegories listed below is limited to the following 、,veld size or base metal thicknesses CI C2 D E ET F FT Eι7.4 Cumulative Damage. Where the fatigue environment illvolves stress ranges of varying magnitude and varying numbers of app1ications , the cU l11ulatÎve fa tigue damage ratio , D , summed over all the various loads , shall not exceed unity. where D = AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 PARTA 2 in [50 111m] thinner me l11 ber at transition I in [25 mm] attachment 1 in [25 111m] attach111ent I in [25 mm] attachment 1. 5 in [38 mm] branch 0.7 in [18 mm] 、,veld size 1 in [25 mm] 、.veld size For applications exceeding these 1i mits , consideration should be given to reducing the allowable stresses or improving the ‘,veld profile (see Commentary). For T- , Y-. and K-connections , μ.vo levcls of fatigue performance are provided for in Table 2.건. The designer shall designate when Level 1 is to apply; in the absence of such designation , and for app 1ications wher,ε fatigue is not a consideratioH , Level 11 sha l1 bc the minimu l11 acceptable standard. ZS 、,vhere n =: number of cycles applied at a given strcss range N = number of cycles for which the given stress range would be allowed in Figure 2J. Critical Membe l's. For critical members whose sole failure mode would be catastrophic , D (see g츠7 .4) shall be limited to a fractional value of 1/3‘ 9.3 Identification Membcrs in tubular structures shall be identified as shown in Figure 9.2 Fι7.6 Fatigue Behavior Improvement. For the purpose of enhanced fatigue behavior, and where speci tied in cantract documents , the followÎng profilε 11l1provements may be undertaken for 、:velds in tubular T- , Y- , or K-connections: ε~ Symbols SY l11 bols used in this c1 ause are as shown in Annex ! (1) A capping layer may be applied so that the as- welded surface merges smoothly with the adjoining base metal , and approximates the profile shown in Fi gure 9.16. Notches in the profile shall not be deeper than 0.04 in or 1 mm , relative to a disc having a diameter equal to or greater than the branch member thickness. 9.5 Weld Design 9.5.1 Fillet Welds 9.5. 1. 1 Effective A1'ea. The effective area shall be in conformance with 2 .4 .2.10 and the following (2) The weld surface may be ground to the profile shown in Figure 2..맥. Final grinding marJ‘ s shall be transverse to the 、,veld axis The effective length of fillet welds in stmctural T- , Y- , and K-collllections shall be calculated in conformance with 9.5 .4 01' 으ε~, using the radius 01' face dimensions of the branch me l11ber as me‘lsured to thc centerIi ne of the 、.veld (3) The toe of the 、.veld may be peened with a blunt instrument , 80 as to produce local plastic deformatÎon which smooths the transition between w'eld and base metal , while inducing a compressive resÎdual stre~、s. Such peening shall always be done after vÎsual inspection , and be followed by MT as described below. Consideration should be given to the possibility of locally degraded notch toughness due to peening. 9.5. 1.2 Beta Limitation “ l ' P1'equalified Details. Details for p'αlualified fillet welds in tubular T- , Y- , and K-con Il cctions are described in Figure 9.10. These details are Ii mited to ß :S:; 1/3 fo 1' circular connections , and ß ,; 0.8 for box sections. They are also subject to the limitations of .2.:요~. For a box section with large corner 258 AWS Dl.1/D l.l M:2015 CLAUSE 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES PARTA radii , a smaller Ii mit on J3 may be reqnired to keep the branch member and the 、I.'eld on the fI at face. 、:vhere Qw = Lcff = Lap Joints. Lap joints of telescoping tubes (as opposed to an interference slip-on joint as used in tapered poles) in which the load is transferred via the 、.ve1d may be single fillet welded in conformance with Figure 9.3 ‘ 、,veld 、~eld line load capacity (kips/inch) effective length For fillet welds , Q、v = O 6 tw FEXX withφ=0.8 9.5.2 Groove Welds. The effective area shall be in conformance with 2 .4 .1.5 and the following: the effective length of groove ‘.velds in structural T- , Y- , and K connections shall be calculated in confonnance wîth E츠.'! or 2.츠효. using the mean radius f m 01' face dimensions of the branch mcmber where FEXX = classified minimum tensile strength of deposi t. 、~eld 9.5.4 Circula l' Connection Lengths. Length of 、~elds and the intersection length in τ , Y- , and K-connections shall be determined as 2nrKil where r is the effective radius of the intersection [see ~츠~, 2.츠11, and 톤특조.! Preqnalifled PJP Groove Weld Details. Preqnalified P1P groove 、,velds in tubular T- , Y- , or K CO J1 ncctions shall conform to Figure 2.:브. The Eugineer shall use the figure in conjunction with Table 9.5 to calculate the minimu Il1 ‘.veld size in order to determine the maximum ‘,veld stress except whe I'e such calculations are 、vaived by 으ιuru Eιu.c잉] K, = X ] where 쩨 -뼈 ‘ The Z loss dimension shall be deducted from the dis ance from the work point to the theoretical weld face to find the minimum weld size. π sin 8) μ쩌 x = 1/(2 +y 十 3 싸간괴 e = the acute angle between the two member axes J3 = 이d빼"…찌 … al…… mκe 씨 하t따 erra 씨ltlOα 씨띠’,branπ 때 c Fε죠l a = --+ • 2 n o - ic m be - ι1.α 11 se ’sed as cOllser l'ative 때 K Illa) η')' 꾀 NOTE: η T,'l,κ e 10 이1/0 이Wl 꺼/Il ’v 씨 깨zg approximatiolls: 빼 Prequalifled CJP Groove Weld Details Welded fro Jll Olle Side withollt ßacking in T., Y' , and K.Connections. See 9.11으 for the detail options. If fatìgue behavior improvcmcnt is required , the details se lected shall be based on the profile requirements of and Table 9 .4. ‘ 9.5.3 Stresses in Welds. When .veld allowable stress ca1c ulations are required fo 1' circular sections , the nomil1 al stress in the weJd joining branch to chord in a simple T- , Y- , or K-connection shall be computed as fweld 3 + IIsin 8 b = -' : :;.~.~ .., forin-plane bending 4 sin 8 1 + 3/sin 8 Kb = -'-'τ「←..:: for ollt-of-plane bending 폈(웬 +(짧] 안츠~ where K. and N.Connections. The effective length of branch 、,ve1ds in stl1l ctural , planar, gap K- and N connections between box sections , subjected to predominantly static axialload , shall be taken as: tb = thickness of branch member tw = elfectíve throat of the weld f a and !b = nominal axial and bending stresses in the branch For f m and μ , see Figure 으표 Ka and Kb are effective length and section factors given in 9.5 .4 and 9.5.5. 2a, + 2b , for 8 " 2ax + b , for e 으 60。 50。 Thlls for 8 " 500 the heel , toe and sides of the branch can be considered flllly effective. For 8 ~ 60' , the heel is considered ineffective due to uneven distribution of load For 50' < 8 < 60' , interpolate 1n ultimate strength 01' LRFD fonnat , the following ex pression for branch axialload capacity P shall apply for both circular and box sections: Pu ßox Connection Lengths 믿츠효l T. , Y" and X.Connections. The effectíve length of branch welds in structural , planar, τ , Y- , and = Qw. L cff 259 CLAUSE 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES Qq , Qf are geometry modifier and stress interaction terms , respectivelι given in Table 9.6 X-connectio Il S between box sections , subjected to predominantly static axialload , shal1 be taken as 2ax + b , for e " For bending about two axes (e.g‘, y and z) , the effective resu 1tant bendîng stress in circular and square box sections may be taken as 50。 2a" for e 2: 60。 For 500 < e < 6 0', interpolate‘ ε~ aι! AWS D1. 1/D t.1 M‘ 2015 PARTA κ= 파캡z For combined axial and bεnding stresses , the following fonnula shall be satisfied Limitations of the Strength of Welded Connections Ci rcular T- , Y-, and K-Collllection5 (5ee 앨꾀) [뻔판E]l75 allow V p ι、 ial 9.6. 1.1 Local Failure , Where a T- , Y- , or Kconnection is made by simply weldi l1 g the bra l1ch member(s) il1 dividually to the main member, local stresses at potential fa i1 ure surface through the main member wall may limit the I1 sable strength of the welded joi l1t. The shear st t'εS8 at which such failure occurs depends not o l1 ly UpO I1 the strength of the main member steel , but also 011 the geometry of the connection , Such connections shall be proportioned 011 the basis of eithe r: [a←-」] [… v llow V p Jbending sIO (2) LRFD Format (l oads factored up to ultimate condition see 9.2.윌) • Branch member loadings at which plastic chord wall fail ure in the main member occurs are given by: axialload: Pu si l1 e = 샤 Fyo[6 π ß Qq1 Qf bending moment Mo sin e = t~ Fyo [d b /4][6 π (1) pU l1 chi l1g shear, or (2) ultimate load calculatiol1 s as given below. The pU l1 chi l1 g shear is a l1 allowable stress design (ASD) criteriol1 and il1 cludes the safety factor. The ultimate load format may be used in load and resistance factor design (LRFD) , with the resistal1 ce factor φ to be included by the desig l1 er, seε g즈5 with the resistance fact Ol' φ ß<1.1Qf =0.8 ‘ Qf should be computed with '(J2 redefined as {Pc/AFyo)2 + (MJSFyo l' where Pc and Mc are factored chord load and moment, A is area, S is section modulus These loadings are also subject to the chord material shear strength limits of (1) Punching Shear Format. The acti l1 g punching shear stress on the potential failure surface (see Figure 9.5) shall l10t exceed the allowable pU l1chi l1g shear stress Pusine::; π d b c Fyol 써 ‘ Mu sin e ::; d~ tc FyJ써 The acti l1 g pU l1chi l1 g shear stress is given by withφ=0.95 acting V p = tf n Si l1 e where The allowable punchi l1 g shear stress is given by Ic = chord wall thickness allow Vp = Qq ‘ Qf' Fyo /(0.6 y) db ;:::; branch member diameter and other terms are defined as 2.0흐L끄!}. The allowable V p shall also be limited by the allowable shear stress specified il1 the applicable design specification (e.g. , 0 .4 Fyo) The limit state for combinatio l1 s ofaxial load P al1 d bending moment M is gìven by: (P/P y.75 + M/M Terms used in the foregoing equations are defined as foll。、,VS: o" 1.0 9.6. 1.2 General Collapse. Strength and stability of a main member in a tubular connectiol1, with any reinforceme l1 t, shall be investigated usi l1 g available technology in conformance with the applicable design code. General collapse is particular1 y severe in cross COl1 nections and connections subjected to crushing loads [see Figure 2.0긴마 and 띠]. Such connections may be rein forced by increasing the main member thick l1 ess , or by use of diaphragms , rings , or co l1 ars 't, 8 , y, ßand other parameters of connection geometry are defined in Figure 2.0긴띠l f n is the nominal axial (f,) or bending (fb) stress in the branch member (punching shear for each kept separate). Fyo = The specified minimum yield strength of the mai l1 member chord , but not more than 2/3 the te l1 sile strength ‘ 260 AWS D1.1/D 1.1 M:2015 ‘ (1) For unreinforced circular cross connections , the allowable transverse chord load , due to compressive branch member axialload P, 5hall not exceed P si l1 e ~ t~ joined with overmatched velds (classified strength FEXX ~ 70 ksi [485 MPa]) Fy (1. 9 + 7.2 ß)QßQr (2) For circular cross connections reinforced by a ‘ 10int can" havÎng increased thickness tc. and lcngth , L , the allowablc branch axialload. P, may be employed as ~ P(2) for L ;0, 2.51D where P (I) is obtained by using the nominal main mC Il1ber thick l1 ess in the equatio l1 in (1); a l1d P (2) is obtai l1 ed by using the joint can thickness in the same equatíon The ultimate 1imit state may be taken as 1.8 times the foregoi l1 g ASD allowable , with φ ~0.8 (3) For circular K-connections in which the main member thickness required to l11 eet the local shear provisions of 뜨뜨lJ. extends at least D/4 beyo l1 d the cOl1l1ecting branch member ‘,velds , ge l1 eral collapse l1 eed 110t be checked. Fι 1. 3 (b) E ~ 1. 0 tb for ultimate strength design (LRFD) of circular or box tube connectio l1 s of mild steel , Fy :$ 40 ksi [280 MPa], with ‘,velds satisfying the matching strength requirements of Table~ 3.1 띤브조걷 (c) E ~ lesser oft, or 1. 07 tb for all other cases (4) Fillet 、,velds smaller than those required in Fig~ ure 9 .1 0 to match connectîon strength , but sized only to resist design loads , shall at least be sized for the following ll1 ultiple of stresses calculated per 2.츠1. to aCCoullt for non-unifonn distribution of load: P ~ p( 1J + [P(2) - P(t)J L/2.5D for L < 2.51D P CLAUSE 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES PARTA ASD LRFD E60XX al1 d E70XX 1.3 5 1. 5 Higher strengths 1.6 1. 8 9.6. 1.4 1ì"ansitions. Flared connections and tube size transitions not excepted belo lV shall be checked for local stresses caused by the change in direction at the transÌtion (see Note d to Table 뜨.:l.). Exception , for static loads Circular tubes having Dlt less than 30, and U l1even Distribution of Load (Weld Sizi l1 g) Transition slope less tha l1 1:4. (1) Due to differences il1 the relative flexibilities of the maill member loaded normal to its surface , and the branch member carrying mcmbrane stresses parallel to its surface , tra l1 sfer of load across the 、,veld is highly nonunifoll11 , and local yielding can be expected before the connection reaches its design load. To prevent “ unzip ping" or progressive failure of the weld and ensu I'e ductile behavior of the joint , the minimum 、velds provided in simple T- , Y- , or K-connectiol1 s shall be capable of de veloping , at their ultimate breaking stre l1 gth , the lesser of the brace member yield stre l1 gth or local strength (punching shear) of the maîn membe l'. The uIt imate breaking strength of fillet welds and PJP groove welds shall be computed at 2.67 times the basic allowable stress fOl 60 ksi [415 MPaJ or 70 ksi [485 MPaJ tensile strength and at 2.2 timcs the basic allowable stress for higher strength levels. The ultimate punching shear shall be taken as 1. 8 timcs the allowable Vp of 요:흐lJ. 9.6. 1.5 Other Configurations and Loads (1) The term “ T- , Y- , and K-connections" is often used generically to describe tubular connections in which branch mcmbers are welded to a main member, or chord , at a structural node. Specific criteria are al80 given for cross (X-) con l1ections (also referred to as double-tee) in Eι l.l and 으흐1d. N-connections are a special case of K-connections in which Qnc of the branches is perpen dicular to the chord; the same criteria apply (see Commcntary for multiplanar connections). (2) Connection classificatiol1 s as T- , Y- , Kη or cross should apply to individual branch mçmbers according to the load pattern for each load case. To be considered a K connectioll , the punching load in a branch inember should be essentially bala l1ced by loads on other braces in the same plane on the same side of the join t. In T- and Y-connections the punching load is reacted as beam shear in the chord ‘ 1n cross connections the punching load is carried through the chord to braces on the oppo site side. For branch members that carry part of thei l' load as K-connections , and part as τ , Y- , 01' cross connections , interpolate based on the portion of cach in total , or llse computed alpha (see Comme l1 tary). (2) This requirement may be presumed to be met by the prequalified joint deta i! s of Figure 뜨퍼 (CJP) and E띠,1 (PJP) , when matching materials (Table 3.1) are used (3) Compatible strength of wεlds may alsobe presumed with the prequalified fillet weld deta i! s of Figure 뜨 10, when the following effective throat requirements are l11 et: (3) Fo l' multiplanar connections , computed alpha as given Ín Annex B may be used to estimate the beneficial or deleterious effect of the various branch member loads 011 main member ovalizing. However, for similarly loaded (a) E ~ 0.7 tb for elastic 1V0rki l1 g stress design of mild steel circular steel tubes {Fy " 40 ksi [280 MPaJ 261 CLAUSE 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES connecHons in a이 acent planes , e.g. , paired TT and KK connections in delta trusses , no increase in capacity OVCI tl1 at of the conesponding uniplanar connections shall be taken LRFD are given througholl t. For ASD , the allowable capacity shall be the ultimate capacity. divided by a safety factor of 1 .441φ Thc choice of loads and load factors shall be in confonnance with the govcrning design specification; see 2.6.5 and ~즈Q. Connections shall be checked for each of the failure modes described below. Overlapping Connections. Overlapping joints , in which part of the load is transferred direc tI y from one branch member to another through their common 、,veld. shall include the following checks: These criteria are for connectÎo J1 s between box sections of uniform 、,vall thicknes~、, in planm trusses where the branch members loads are primarily axial. If compact sections , ductHe material , and compatible strength welds are used , secondary branch member bending may be neglected. (Secondary bending is that due to joint deformation or rotation in fully trìangulated trusses. Branch ll1 ember bending due to applied loads , sides、、이Iy of unbraced frames , etc. , cannot be neglected and shall be designed for (see 2.,뜨츠2). (1) The a l/ owable individual member load compo nent , P.l perpendicular to the mai l1 member axis shall be taken as Pι = (V p t, 1,) + (2V w (、, 12) wher,ε V p is the alI owable punching shear as defined in 뜨흐1J., and tç 1 = the main member thickness = actual weld length for that portion of the branch member which contacts the main mcmber V p = allowable punching shear for the main membcl as K-connection (α = 1. 0) v w = allowable shear stress f0 1" the 、,veld between branch members (Table 9.2) t~\' = the lesser of the 、,veld size (effective throat) 01 the thickness tb of the thinner branch member 1 = the projected length (one side) of the overlap ping weld , measured perpendicular to the main member. , Critcria in this 인센땐 are su비ect to the limitations shown in Figure 2-그 2.,ι2.1 Local Failure. Branch member axialload Pu at which plastic chord wall failure in the main member occurs is given by , Pu These terms are ilIustrated in Figure 9.6. s뼈 = Fyo t; [댐 + 냥회] Qf for cross , T- , and Y-connections with 0.25 "ß < 0.85 and 1.0 ψ= The ultimate limit state may be taken as 1.8 times the fo 1'egoing ASD allowable , with φ =0.8 AIso , Pu sin 8 = μ 샤 [9.8 ßdr 써 J Qf (2) The allowable combined load component parallel to the mai l1 member axis shall not exceed Vw ι LI" where LI is the sum of the actual 、.veld lengths for all braces in contact with the main member. with φ= 0.9 , for gap K- and N-connections ßdr ;o, 0.1 + (3) The overlap shall preferably be proportioned for at least 50% of the acting P.l' In no case shall the branch member wa l1 thickness exceed the maill member wall ückness ,'Y" 50 \V ith least and glD = ç ;o, 0.5 (l -ß) where Fyo is specitïed minimum yield strength of the main member, tc is chord wall thickness , y is Dl2 t c (D :::: chord t:1ce width); ß, '1, 8. and ç are connection topology pm끼meters as defined in Figure 뜨g앤2 and Figure c-뜨1; (ß,ft. is equivalent ß detïned below); and Qf = 1. 3-0 .4 U/ß(Qf" 1. 0); llse Qr = 1. 0 (for chord in tension) with U being the chord utilization ratio “ (4) Where the branch members carry substantially different loads , 01' one branch member has a wall thick ness greater than the othe1', or both , the thicker or more heavily loaded branch member shall preferably be the through member with its fnll ci 1'cumference welded to the main member. D (5) Net transve1'se load on the combined footprint shall satisfy 뜨흐11 and 2.,흐L으 = 1 월 1+1앓| ß,π = (bl'ompre‘,; ion branch (6) Minimum 、veld size for fillet welds shall provide thro.t of 1.0 tb for Fy < 40 ksi [280 MPaJ 1.2 tb for Fy > 40 ksi [280 MPaJ eff,εctive AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 PARTA +까bmnch mpm ,ion +blcnsion + tcn<;ion)/4D bran h branch U l' Thεse loadings are also subject to shear strength limîts of , thσ chord materìal P u sin 8 = (FyJ ,fj) t,D [21) + 2 ß"pJ Box T- , Y, and K.Connections (see 싼8. 1.1). Criteria given in this 인멘똥 afe all in ultimate load format , with the safcty factor removed. Resistance factors for 9픽4 for cross , T- , 01' Y-connectÎons with ß > 0.85 , uSÍng 0.95. and 262 φ = AWS Dl.l !D1.1M:2015 P, sin e = (F,.J쩌 ) t,D [211 + ß,op + ßg,p] (1) ßra Il ch Mell1 be l' Check , The effective width axial capacity P, of the branch member shall be checked for all gap K- and N-connec ions , and other connections having ß > 0.85. (Note that this check is unnecessary if branch members are sqllare and equal width.) ‘ for gap K- and N-connections with ß ;, 0.1 + γ50, using φ = 0.95 (this chcck is unnecessary if branch l11 embcrs are sqllare and eqllal width) , where ßg,p = ß for K- and N-connections with ßgap = ßeop for all other connections ß,op (effective olltside pllnching) = 5ß/y bllt not more than ß ç :5: 1. 5 (I -ß) P, = F,. tb [2a + bg,p + b,o; - 4tb ] withφ= Geueral Collapse. Strength and stability of a maÎn member in a tubular connection , with any rein forcement , sha lI be investigated using available technology in confonnance with the app1icable design code Fy = tb ::z: a, b = bg,p = bg'p l! JO = (J) General collapse is particularly severe in cross connectio J1 s and connections subjecte이 to crushing loads Such connections may be reinforced by increasing the mai I1 member thickness or by use of diaphragms , gussets. or col1 ars \yr/ Fy ::; b NOTE: T :5: 1. 0 alld Fy :5: F,.。 … 'e presumed. (2) Weld Checks. The minimu ll1 ‘,velds provided in simple T- , Y- , or K-connectiol1 s shall be capable of developi l1g at their lI ltimate breaking strength , the lesser of the branch member yield strel1 gth or local strength of the main member. P, sin e = 2t, F ,.o(a, + 5 t,) ‘ with φ = 1.0 for ension loads , and φ = 0.8 for compression This requirement may be presumed to be met by the prequalified joint deta i! s of Figllre 뜨객 (CJP and PJP) , when matching materials (Table~ 3.1 센띤조1) are used , ‘ ~ ‘ P .. sin e = ~수시 EF (Q사 H-4t,시 ~~ yo (3) Fillet velds shall be checked as described in 요츠E gι죠1 Ove l'lapping CO Iluections. Lap joints reduce the design problems in the maill member by transferring 1110st of the transverse load directly from one branch member to the other (see Figure 으ID with φ ;;:; 0.8 for cross connections , end post reactions , etc. , in compression , and E = modulus of elasticity or Pu si뼈 =1.야 [1 specified minimum yield strength of branch branch wall thickness branch dimensions [see Figure 뜨g뀔] b for K- and N-connec tÍons with ç :5: 1.5 (1• ß) beoi for all other connections 여; =1(5b이 카~F yo‘ For unreinforced matched box connections , the ultîmate load nonnal to the main me ll1ber (chord) due to branch axialload P shall be Iill1ited to: 47 년 0.95 where Fι죠~ and CLAUSE 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES PARTA + 3a퍼} 파판。 (Q,) The criteria of this c1 allse are applicable to statically loaded connections meeting the followÎng limitations: with φ = 0.75 for all other compression branch loads (1) The larger, thicker branch is the thru member. (2) For gap K- and N-connections , beam shear ade quacy of the main member o carry transverse loads across the gap region sha Il be checked including interaction with axial chord forces. This check is not required for U :5: 0 .4 4 in stepped box connections having ß + 11 :5: HID (H is height of main member in plane of tmss). ‘ (2) ß;:' 0.25. (3) The overlapping branch member is 0.75 to 1.0 times the size of the through member with at least 25% of its side faces overlapping the through l11ember (4) 80th branch strength Fιι~ Dneven Dist l' ibution of Load (Effective Width). D lI e to differences in the relative t1exib iJi ties of the main member loaded nonnal to its surface and the branch member carrying membrane strcsses parallel to its surface , transfer of load across the weld is highly nonlI niform , and local yielding call be expected before the connection reaches its design load. To prevent progres sive failure and c l1 sure ductile behavior of the joint, both the branch members and the weld shall be checked , as follows l11embers have the same yield (5) AII branch and chord l11 embers are compact box tllbes with width/thickness :5: 35 for branches , and 으 40 for chord. The following checks shall be l11 ade: (1) Axial capacity P, of the overlapping tube , lI sing φ 263 = 0.95 with CLAUSE 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES PARTA = Fy tÞlQod2a - 4th) + b,o + b,,] P" in each equation by branch diameter, d b (limited to com pact sections with 0 .4:0: ß ,, 0.8). for 25% to 50% overlap , with QOL= 싼얀띤ap 50% P" 9.7 Thickness Transition = Fy th [(2a - 4th) + b oo + b,,] Tension butt joints in cyclically loaded axially aligned primary members of different material thickn앉ses or size shall be made in such a manner that the slope through the transition zone does not exceed I in 2- 1/2. The transition shall be accomplished by chamfering the thicker part , sloping the 、veld metal , or by any combination of these methods (see Figure 9.9) for 50% to 80% overlap P" = Fy th [(2a - 4th) + b + b,tl for 80% to lOO% overlap. P" AWS D 1. 1/Dl.1M:2015 = Fyth [(2a - 4th) + 2b,,] for more than lOO% overlap where boo is effective width for the face welded to the chord , bD~= (5b)F '--~~yo ì'(~)Fy 9.8 Material Limitations S; b Th bular connections are subject to local stress concentra tions which may lead to local yielding and plastic strains at the design load. Ouring the service life , cyclic loading may initiate fatigue cracks , making additional demands on the ductility of the steel , particularly under dynamic loads. These demands are particularly severe in heavywalljoint-cans designed for punching shear (see Commentary C-9.8.즈~) and b" is effective width for the face welded to the through brace. b•• “ =프:O: b ì't~t ì't = b/(2t h) of the through brace 9.8.1 Limitations 1 t ;::; t。、'erlapftthrough 9.융 .1.1 Yield Strength. The design provisions of 9.6 for welded tubular connections are not intended for use with circular tubes having a specified minimum yield , Fy , over 60 ksi [415 MPa] or for box sections over 52 ksi [360 MPa] ‘ and other terms are as previously defined (2) Net transverse load on the combined footprint , treated as a T- or Y-connection (3) For more than 100% overlap , longitudinal shear ing shall be checked , considering only the sidewalls of the thru branch footprint to be effective. 9.8. 1. 2 Redllced Effective Yield. Reduced effective yield shall be used as Fyo in the design of tublllar connec- 혼ιι~ Belldillg. Prin13ly bending momellt , M , due to applied load , cantilever beams , sidesway of ullbraced frames , etc. , shall be considered in design as an additional axialload , P tions with limits of Fyo as follows (1) 2/3 of specified minimum tensile strength for circular sections (see Notes in Table 9.6). ‘ P= M ----JD sill (2) 4/5 of specified minimum tensile streng h for rectangular sections (see Figure 2.,1). e In lieu of more rational analysis (see Commentary) , JO may be taken as 11 0/4 for in.plane bending , and as ßO/4 for out-of-plane bending. The effects ofaxial load , inplane bending and out-of-plane bending shall be considered as additive. Moments are to be taken at the branch member footprint Box T. , Y" alld K , Collnections. The de signer shollld consider special demands which are placed on the steel used in box T- , Y- , and K-connections. ASTM ASOO Precall !i oll. Products manufactured to this specification may not be suitable for those applications such as dynamically loaded elements in welded structures , etc. , where low-temperature notch toughness properties may be importan t. Special investigation or heat treatment may be required if this product is applied to tubular T- ,Y- , and K-connections. 9.6.와Q Other COllfiguratiolls. Cross T- , Y- , gap K- , and gap N-connections wÌth compact circular branch tubes framing into a box section main member may be designed using 78 .5% of the capacity given in and 2.,흐즈~, by replacing the box dimension “ a" and “ b" 264 AWS D1.lIDl.l M:2015 g훈으 PARTSA&8 TIlbular ßase Metal Notch Toughness CLAUSE 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES (1) Prequalified WPSs. Fíllet welded tubular con nections made by SMAW, GMAW, or FCAW proc얹 ses that may be used without performing WPS qualification tests are detailcd in Figure 뜨꾀 (see 뜨5. 1. 2 for limíta tions). These detaíls may also be used for GMAW-S qualified in conformance with 뜨다씌그. 9.8.조! CVN Test Requirements. Welded tubular members in tension sh띠 I be required (0 demonstrate CVN test absorbed energy of 20 at 70 0 F [27 1 at 긴。 C) for the following conditions ‘ (1) Base metal thickness of 2 in [50 mm) or greater with a specified minimum yield strength of 40 ksi [280 κ1Pa) or greater (2) .Qetaíls 민!: lap joints are shoW Il in Figure 9 .3 CVN testing shall be in conformance with ASTM A673 (Freqllency H , heat lot). For the purposes of this subclause , a tension member is defined as onc having more than 10 ksi [70 MPa) tensile stress due to designloads 9.10 PJP Requirements F뀔,! Details. Detaíls for PJP tllbular groove 、,velds that are accordcd prequalifïed status shall conform to the following provisions: F올조~ LAST Requirements. Tu blllars lI sed as the mai l1 member in structural nodes , whose design is governed by cyc 1ic or fatigue loading (e.g. , the joint can in τ, Y- , and K-connections) shall bc required to demonstmte CVN test absorbed energy of 20 [27 1) at the Lowest Anticipated Service Temperature (LAST) for the following conditions (1) P1P tubular groove ‘.v elds , other than '1'-, ι. and K-connections , may be used without performing the WPS qualífication tests , when these may be applied and shall meet all of the joint dimension 1i mitations as descríbed in Fí gure 3.~. (1) Base metal thickness of2 in [50 111m) or greater (2) PJP T- , Y- , and K-tllblllar connections , welded only by the SMAW, GMAW, or FCAW process , may be used without pe1'fo 1'ming the WPS qllalitìcation tests , whell they may be applied and shall meet all of the joillt dimension limitations as described în Figllre 9.1 1. These deta i1 s may also be llse이 for GMAW-S q씨l퍼ed in confonnance with 9.15 .4.3‘ (2) Base metal thíckn야 s of 1 ín [25 mm) 01' greate. with a specífied yíeld strength of 50 ksí [345 MPa) or greater Whc l1 the LAST is l1 0t specified. or the structure is not governed by cyclic 0 1' fatigue loading , testing shall be at ‘1 te l11 perature not greater than 40 0 F [4 0 C). CVN testing shall nOl1nally represent the as-furnished tuhulars , and be tcsted ín conformance wíth ASTM A673 Frequency H (heat lot) 9.10. 1.1 Matched Box Connections. Details for P1P groove ‘,velds în these connections , the co1'ne1' dimensions and the 1'adii of the main tube are shown in Figure F니 Fillet welds may be lI sed in toe and heel zones (see Figure ε찍). If the corne1' dîmension 이 the radíus of the main tube , 01' both , are less than as shown in Figure 2:끄, a sample joint of the side detait sha11 be made and sec tiolled to verífy the 、,veld síze. The test .veld sha Jl be made in the horizontal position. This requirement may be waíved íf the branch tube ís beveled as shown for CJP groove 、velds ín Fígure 2-객 믿&ι~ Alternative Notch Toughness. Alternative notch toughncss rcquirements shall apply when specified in contract documcnts. The Commentary gives additional guid ‘II1 ce for desigllers. Toughness should be COIlsidered in relatio J1 to redundancy verS l1 S crìticality of 센걷 structure at an early stage in planning and design ‘ Pal't B 뀐'et7ualificatioll 0[Weldillg pγocedul'e Specificatiolls (WPS ,v 9.11 CJP Groove Weld Requirements 깐끄,! ßutt Joints. For tllblllar groove welds to be gíven preqllalified status , the followíng conditíons shall apply 9.9 Fillet Weld Requirements (1) Prequalified WPSs. Where welding from both sides 01' welding from one side with backing is possible , any WPS and groove detaíl that is appropriately prequalified in conformance with Clause 3 may be used , except 9.9.1 Details. For prequalified status , fillet welded tubular connections shall confonn to the following proVlS lOl1 S 265 CLAUSE 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES AWS D1.1/D 1. 1M:20t5 PARTSB& C that SAW is only prequalified for diameters greater than or equal to 24 in [600 mm]. Welded joint details shall be in conformance with Clause 3 (2) Nonprequalified JOÌIl I Detail. There are no preqllalified joint details for CJP groove 、.velds in blltt joints made from olle side without backing (see ~피으) Th bular T- , Y- , and K-Connections. Details for CJP groove welds welded from olle side without backing in tuhular τ" y.끼 and K-connections used in circular tubes arc described in this section. The app1icable range of De tails A , B , C , and D are described in Figures 뜨다 and 9.13 , and the ranges of local dihedral angles , [ψ] , COITCsponding to these are described in Table 9.7 PartC Weldillg Procedure Specification (WPS) Q1,젠파따atω캔 혼l걷 믿 11.2 Common Requirements for WPS and Welding Personnel Performance Qualification 9.12.1 Positiolls of Welds. AII 、.velds shall be c1 assified as nat (F) , horizontal (H) , vertical (V) , and overhead (OH) , in confonnancε with the definitions shown in Fig lI res 4.1 and 4.2 Test assembIy positions are shown in: Joint dimensions including groove angles are described in Table 뜨~ and Figure 뜨단. When selecting a protïle (compatible with fatiglle category lI sed in design) as a function of thickness , the gllidelines of shall be observed. Altc l11 ative 、veld profiles that may be reqllired for thicker sections are described in Figure 9.15. In the absence of special fatigue requirements , these profiles shall be applicable to branch thicknesses exceeding 5/8 in [16 mm]. (1) Figure 뜨끄 (groove welds in pipe 0 1' tllbing) (2) Figure 5L탱 (β lIet welds i l1 pipe or tubing) 9.13 Production Welding Positions Qualified 젠밴괴! 맺 맥쁘낀마앤쁘덴의낸한엔E뾰센샌맨뽀센팍.2..J!y효 ‘ plate tes shall confonn to the requirements in Clause 4 and Table 4.1 9.14 Ty pe of Quali턴ca낀on Tests , A1ethods ofl농sting.and Acceptance Criteria for WPS Oualification Prequalified details for CIP groove welds in tllblllar T-, Y-, and K-connectÌons utilizing box sections are ftu1her described in Figure 뜨딘. The foregoing detaits are subject to the Ii mitation of 9.끄」 The type ‘and number of qualification tests required to qualify a WPS for a given thickness , diameter or both , shall confonn to Table 으맨 (CJP) , Table 9.11 (PIP) , or Table 9.12 (Fillet). Detai! s 011 the individual NDT and mechanical te!、 t requirements are found in 4.5 NOTE: See the Commentary (C-9.1ε11 for e1l gi1l eeri1l g g1l ida 1l ce i1l the selectioll of a s lI itable profile. b πυ ← “”- m ”” 빼빼빼없 m % ” 찌 m mF ”이 ιω ’이 m 떼삐 m 삐처→ ?따 i ” 떼 사띠 S ι” -3 대 ”W “ m [ Kn re 없聊聊때 j1 씨 따 ”떼 CX vn 뼈뼈 ei 씨 1ι q • m 샤 앉 다삐 9-F nZ • ω때 자→ ι …짜 π” 니 9- 믿삐 애빠 n ---, a 빼 삐뼈떼 The joint dimensions and groove angIes shall not vary from the ranges detai!ed in Table 9.8 and ShOWll in Fig ure 9.12 and Figures 뜨뀐것JIi. The root face of joints sha Il be zero unless dimensioned other‘,vise. 1t may be detai!ed to exceed zero 0 1' the specified dimension by not more than 1116 in [2 mm]. It may not be deta i! ed less than the specified dimensions. T production welding positions qua1i fied by !! sha l1 conform to the requirements of Table 핀인넨딘얀! Improved 、veld profilεs meeting the requirements of 9.2.7.딩 and 뜨뜨7.7 are described in Figure 9.16. In the absence of special fatigue requirements. these profiles shall be applicable to branch thicknesses exceeding 1- 1/2in [38 mm] (not reqllired for static compressio l1 loading). The welded test assemblies shal1 have test specimens prepared by cu t1Ì ng the pipe 0 1' tubing as shown in Figure E앤 0 1' Figure 2,잭 Methods of te 씨ng and acceptance criteria shall be per 4.9 with the following exceptions (1) For T- , Y- and K-collnections melt-through is not limi ed ‘ α) F이 tubulars , the full circumfl리 ence of the 、,veld shall be RT 0 1' UT examined in confonnance with Clause 6 , Pmt C and CI젠프요.P31t F. as applicaMe ‘ 266 AWS 01.1/01.1 M:2015 CLAUSE 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES PARTC 9.15 CJP Groove Welds for Th bular Connections (2) A Sample Joint or TlI bular Mock-Up. The sample joint or tubular l1lock-up shall provide at least one macroetch test section for each of the following conditions CJP groove 、.velds shall be c1 assified as follows (a) The g1'O ove combining the greatest groove depth with the smallest g1'Oove angle , or combination of groovιs to be used: test with welding position vertical (1) CJP blltt joints with backing or backgollging (see 9.15.1) (b) The nar1'Owest 1'Oot opening to be llsed with a 37.5" g1'Oove angle: Olle tεst welded in the f1 at positioll and one test welded in the overhead position. (2) CJP butt joints withollt backing welded from one side only (see 2-객으)‘ (3) T- , Y- , K-connections with backing or backgollging (see 뜨잭죠) (c) The widest root opening to be used with a 37.5" g1'O ove angle: olle test to be welded in the f1 at position and one test to be welded ín the overhead position. (4) T- , Y- , K-connections withollt backing welded from one side only (see 9.15건). (d) For matched box connections only, the minimum groove angle , corner dimension and corne l' radius to be used in combination: one test in horizontal position. ‘ F훤,! CJP ßu t! Joints with ßacking or ßacl gouging. A WPS with backing 01' backgollging shall be qualified using the detail shown in Figure 9.23(A) (with backgOllging) or Figllre 2-적멍2 (with backing). (3) The mac 1'O etch test specimens reqllíred in (1) alld (2) above shall be examíned for discontinllities and shall have: 9.1톤걷 CJP ßu t! Joints without ßacking Welded fr’ om One Side Only. A WPS without backing elded f1'O m one side only shall be qualified lI sing the joint detail shOW I1 j n Figure ~설엠, “ (a) No cracks 、.veld 9, 15.3 T-. y.、 01' K.Connections with ßacking 이· ßackgouging. A WPS for tllblllar T- , Y- , or K-connections with backing or backgouging shall be qllalified uS lIl g (c) Weld detaíls confo J'Jllíng to the specified detail but with none of the variations prohibited in 5 걷‘ (d) No ulldercut exceeding the values allowed ín 6.9. (1) the app1'O priate nominal pipe OD selected f1'Om Table 9.10 , and (2) the joint detail of Figllre 2-적멍2, (e) For po1'Osity 1/32 in [1 mm] or larger, aCCllmulated po 1'Osity shallllot exceed 1/4 ill [6 mm] or (1) No accumulated slag , the Sllm of the greatest dimension of whích shallnot exceed 1/4 in [6 mm] (3) for nominal pipe ODs eqllal to or greater than 24 in [600 Ilun] , a plate qualification in conformance with 4.9 using the joint detail of Figure 2-원멍2. Those specímells Il ot conforming to (a) through (f) shall be considered unacceptable; (b) th1'O llgh (1) Ilot applicable to backllp .veld ‘ ‘ T- , Y. , 01" K.Collllec ions withollt ßacking Welded from One Side Only. When qllalification is reqllired , a WPS for T- , Y.시 01' K-connections without backing welded from one side only shall reql e the following: 믿잭:댄 (b) Tho1'Ough fusion betweell adjacent layers of metal and betwecn 、,veld metal and base metal 깐갤건,! WPSs witholl! Prequalified St.!us , For a WPS whose essential variables are outside the prequalified range , qllalification for CJP tublllar g1'Oove 、.velds shall reqllire the following 9 ,15.4.2 CJP G l'oove Welds in a T. , Y', 01' K. Conllection WPS with Di hed l'al Angles Less than 30", The sample joínt described in 뜨괴칸끄깅냉 shall be required. Three mac1'Oetch test sections shall be cut f1'Om the test specimens , shal1 conform to the requirements of 뜨끄칸J.Ql, and shall show the required theoretical weld (with dlle allowance for backllp welds to be discounted , as shown in Details C and D of Fi gures 2-퍼-9.16) (see Figure 뜨잊 for test joint details). (1) Q lI alification in conformance with Figure 9.25 for pipes with outside diameters greater than or equal to 4 in [100 mm] or Figure 2-잭 and Figure 뜨낀 for box tubes. Qualification in confonnance with Figure 뜨잭 for pipes with outside diameters Ie s than 4 in [100 mm] 이 Figure g쟁 and Figllre 2-긴 for box tubes. 혼캘견~ CJP Groove Welds in a T. , Y" or K.Con. nection WPS Using GMAW.S. FoJ' T- , Y- , and K-collnections , where GMAW-S is used , qualification in conformance with Clause 4 shall be required prior to wεIding the standard joint configurations detailed in 9.1 1. 2. The joint tested shall illcorporate a 37 .5" sillgle … ‘ 267 CLAUSE 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES AWS DI. 1/D1.1 M:2015 PARTSC& D bevel groove , offset root and restriction ring as shown in Figure 9.25. If tests are oerformed using olate. the qu‘tlification limi tations shall be in conformance with Table 4‘ 11. ε잭건,1 Weldments Requiring CVN Touglmess. WPSs for blltt joillts (I ongitlldinal or circ lI mferential seams) within 0.5D of attached branch members , in tubll la1' connection joint cans requiring CVN testìng undel' , shall be required to demonstrate 、,veld metal CVN absorbed energy of 20 ft'lb [27 J] at the LAST (Lowest Anticipated Service Temperature) , 01' at O'F [18'C] , whichever is lower. If AWS specifications for the wεIding materials to be used do not encompass this requirement , 01' if production welding is outside the range covered by prior testing , e.g. , tests per AWS filler metal specifications , then 、veld metal CVN tests shall be made during WPS qualification , as described in 딘쁘똥 4 , Part D £끄.2 ’rack Welde l's. Tack welder qualification shall qualify for tllbular thickness greater than 1/8 in [3 mm] and all diameters , but does not include CJP b벤니의민S and T- ‘ Y- ‘ and K-connections welded from one side. Tack welds in the foαegoing exception shal1 be performed by welders fully qualified for the process and posi on in which the weld너ng is to be done. “ 9.18 Weld Ty pes for Welder and Welding Operator Performance Qualification For the purpose of welder and welding operator qualifi cation , weld types shall be c1 assified as follows: 9.16 PJP and Fillet Welds ’fubular T. , Y. , or K.Connections and ButtJoints (1) CJP Groove Welds for Tubular Connections (2) PJP Groove Welds for Tu bular Connections (see 9.20) When PJP groove welds are specified , in T- , Y- , or Kconnections 01' butt 비 ds, qualification shall be in conformance with Table 9.1 1. When fillet 、,velds are speci fied in T- ‘ y- 01' K-connections ‘ q쁘lifi댄낀의딩엔렌1 be in conformance with 4.12 ‘ Table 9.12 and Figure 9.2 1. “ ”? r d ε17 ’ 뻐 뼈 η pe ‘, l ‘ m t (seε 9.19) ‘ (3) Fillet Welds for Tub비ar Connec ions (see 2..,긴) Plate welds oarallσ1 to the tllbular centerline and tubular longseam welds do 110t reQuire 앤핸샌[뽀띄띠댄밴뜨효쁘 mav be oualified using Clause 4 (see Commentarv). , .… 9.19 CJP Groove Welds for ’fubular’ Connections Welder or welding operator qualification tests shall use the following de ails Production Welding Positions, Thicknesses and Diameters Qualified ‘ (1) CJP groove buttjoints with backing 01' backgouging in pipe. Use Figure 2..,깊멍1. 9.17.1 Welders and Welding Operator딩· 맨뜨뽀띠퍼띄 tubular production weldin~ posi ions qualified bv a tubular t:est f Ol 、,velders and welding ooerators shall be in Cooflαmance with Table 9.13 , The qualified tubular production welding positions ~lualified b이 a plate test for lιelders and welding operators sha l1 be in conformance with Clallse 4 and τable 4.10. ‘ (2) CJP groove butt joints without backing or backgOllging. Use Figure 2..,낌언l (3) CJP groove butt joints 01' T- , Y- , and K-connections with backing in box tubing. Use Figure 2..,깊멍1 in pipe (any diameter) , plate 01' box tllbing (4) CJP groove T- , Y- , and K-Connections welded from one side with backing in pipe. Use Figure 뜨22멍j in pipe of the appropriate diameter. For tests 011 tubulars‘ the number and tvoe of test soeci띤댄ε낀띠 the range of qualified production welding thicknesses and diameters for which a welder or ,ιelding operator is qualified sha l1 be in conformance with 재ble 뜨퍼. Mechanical test specimens shall be prepared by cutting the pipe or tubing as shown in Figure 9.28 and as specified in 4.1 흐,U. (5) CJP groove T- , Y- , and K-connections welded from one side without backing in pipe. Use Figure 9.25 for nominal pipe diameter of <: 6 in [150 mm] or Figure 뜨2흐 for nominal pipe';; 4 in [100 mm]. 268 AWS D l.l /D l.l M:2015 (6) CIP groovε T- , Y- , and K-connection welded from one side without backing 01' backgouging in box tllbing. The options are the fo lJ owing: spected visua Il y.’ sh띠 1 conform to lowing requirements the f,이 (a) No cracks (b) Figure 2-잭 in box tubing wîth macroetch specimens removed from the locations shown ín Figure 9.27 、veld See Table 뜨뀐 for the production ranges of diametc l' and thickness qu ‘llified by the test assembly diameters and thickncsscs (b) Thorough fllsion between a이 acent laycrs of metals and between 、,veld metal and base metal (c) Weld profiles conforming to intended detail , but with none of the variations pr이übited in 5.깅 Othe l' Joillt Details 01' WPSs. For joint details , WPSs , 0 1' assu l1l cd depth of sound velds that are more difficlllt than those described herein , a cst described in g객쓰~ shall be performed by each we1der in addition to the 6GR tests (see Figllres 뜨잊 or 9.27). The test posi tion sha Il be vertica l. ‘ 덴젠똥4 ‘.II1 d (1) Fillet 、.velds and the corner macroetch test joint for T- , Y- , and K-connections on box tubing , Figure E긴, shall have: (a) Figllre 으각 in pipe (any dimneter) 이 box tllbing pllls Figure 으긴 in box tubing F캔,! CLAUSE 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES PARTSD& E ‘ (d) No undercllt exceeding 1132 in [1 mm) (e) For porosity 1132 in [1 mm) 01' larger, accumll lated porosity J1 0t exceeding 114 in [6 mm) (1) No accllmulated slag , the sllm of thc greatest dimensions of which shall not exceed 1/4 in [4 ll1 m) 뜨갇~ RT Test Procedu l'c and Techl1 iqlle. Welded test pipe 01' tllbing 4 in [100 mm) in diameter or larger shall be examined for a minimum of one-half of the weld perimeter selected to include a sample of aIl positions welded. For example , a test pipe or tllbe welded in the 50 , 60 , or 6GR position shall be radiographed from the top centerline to the bottom centerline on either side Welded test pipe 01' tllbing less than 4 in [100 mm) in diameter shall reqnire lOO% RT. 9.20 PJP Groove Welds for Tu bulal’ Connections Q lI alitìcation for CIP groove ‘.velds on tubular connections shalJ qllalify for a Il PIP groove 、,velds. 9.21 Fillet Welds for Tu bulal’ Connections See Table 9.14 for fillet weld qllalification reqllirements PartE Fab ‘'Ìcatioll , 9.22 Methods of Testing and Acceptance Criteria for Welder and Welding Operator Qualification 9.2죠1 Macroetch Test fo l' T- , Y- , alld K-Collnections. 9.23 Backing F lI ll-Length ßacl<ing. Except as permitted below, steel backing shall be made continuolls for the flllllength of the weld. AIl joints in the stee! backing shall be CJP groove ‘,veld joints meeting all the requirements of Clause 5 of this code F잭,! The corner macroetch test joint for T- , Y- , and K-con nectÎons 011 box tubing in Figure 9.27 shall have four macroetch test specimens Cllt from the weld C0111ers at the locations shown in Figure 2.:건 One face from ea이1 corner specimen shall be smooth for etching‘ If the 、.velder tested on a 60R cOllpon (Figure 2-잭) using box tubing , the four reqllired C0111er mac 1'oetch test speci mC J1 s may be cut from the corners of the 6GR coupon in a manner similar to Figure ~건 One face from each corl1 et' specimcn shall be smooth fo 1' etching (1) The closed section nominal wall thickness does not exceed 5/8 in [16 mm) 깐낌.1.1 Macroetch Test Acceptance Criteria. For acceptable qualification , the test specimen , when in (2) The closed section olltside perimeter does not ex ceed 64 i n [1 625 1l11l1) For statically loaded applications , backing for ‘,velds to the ends of closed sections , such as ho Il ow structural sectio l1 s (HSS) , are pennitted to be made from one or two pieces with unspliced discontinuities where all of the fol lowing conditions are met 269 CLAUSE 9, TUBULAR STRUCTURES AWS D1.1 /D1 , 1M:2015 PARTS E & F (2) The tolemnces shown in Table 뜨객 apply to CJP tubular groove 、.velds in butt joints , made from one side only, without backing. (3) The backing is tmnsverse to the longitudinal axis of the closed section , (4) The interruption in the backing does not exceed 114 in [6 mm) PartF Inspection (5) The ‘.veld with dÎscontÎnuous backing is not closel than the HSS diameter or major cross section dimension from other types of connections. (6) The interruption in the backing is not located in the corners. 9.25 Visual Inspection All welds shall be visually inspected and shall be accept able if the criteria in Table 9.16 are satisfied For statically loaded box columns , discontinuous backing is pennitted in the CJP weldcd coruers , at field splices and at connection de ails. Discontinuous backing is pelmiUed in other closed sections 、,vhere approved by the Engineer ‘ 9.26 NDT 뜨핸.4. SCOllC. Acceptancε criteria for inspection of tubular connections are described in Part C of Clause 6 , as applicable, and Part F of this clause. The acceptance criteria shall be specified in the contract documents on infOllllution furnished to the bidder NOTE: Commercially ava i/ able steel backillg ψr pipe and tllbing is acceptable, provided there is 110 evMence 01 meltillg 011 exposed imerior smfaces‘ 깐잭4 'Ulbllla l' Connection Reqllirements , For CJP groove butt joints welded from one side wíthout backing , the entire length of all completed tubular production welds shall be examined by either RT 01' UT, The acceptance criteria shall conform to 6, 12 , 1 for RT (see Figure 6 ,1) or 뜨낀J. for UT, as applicable 9.24 Tolerance of Joint Dimensions E연4 Glrth Weld Alignment ('Ulbular). Abutting parts to be joined by girth welds sha Il be cmefully aligned , No two girth 、velds shall be located closer than one pipe diameter 01' 3 ft [1 m) , whichever is less , There sha Il be 110 more than two girth 、,velds in any 10 ft [3 m) interval of pipe , except as may be agreed upon by the Owner and Contmctor, Radial offsct of abutting edges of girth seams shall not exceed 0 , 2t (where t is the thickness of the thinner member) and the maximum allowable sha Il be 1/4 in [6 mm) , provided that any offset exceeding 1/8 in [3 mm) is welded from both sides. However, with the approval of the Engineer, one loca1ized area per girth seam may be offset up to 0 , 3t with a maximum of3 /8 in [10 mm ], provided the localized area is under 8t in length. Fille l' metal shall be added to this region to provide a 4 to I tmnsition and may be added in conjunction with making the 、veld , Offsets ill excess of this shall be corrected as provided ill 5짚.3. Longitudinal weld seams of a이oining sections shall be staggered a minimum of 90。’ ull1ess closer spacing is agreed upon by the Owner and fabric띠or. 9.27 UT 9.27.1 Acceplance C l' iteria for 1\lblllar Connections , Acceptance criteria for UT shall be as provided in CO Iltract documents. Class R or Class X , or both , may be incorporated by reference‘ Amplitude based acceptance criteria as given by 6.13 ‘ 1 may also be used fo l' groove 、,velds in butt joints in tubing 24 in [600 mm) in diameter alld over, provided all relevnnt provisions of Clause 6, Part F, are followed , Howεver, these amp1itude criteria shall not be applicd to tubular T, Y- , and K-connections. 9.27. 1.1 Class R (Applicable When UT is Used as an Alte l'Il ale 10 RT). All indications having one-half (6 dB) or less amplitude than the standard sεnsitivity level (with due regard for ~앵..(>) shall be disregarded , Indications exceeding the disregard level shall be evaluated as follo lV s 9.24 ,2 Groove Dimensions 9.24 ,2 ,1 Tu bular Cross-Seetional Variations. Variation in cross sectìon dimension of groove welded joints , from hose shown on the detailed drawings , shall bc in conformance with 5 깐,4, 1 excep t: (1) Isolated random spherical re f1 ectors , with 1 in [25 mm] minimum separation up to the standard sensitivity level shall be acccpted , Larger reflectors shall be evaluated as linear re f1 ectors. (1) Tolerances for T- , Y- , and K-connections are included in the ranges given in ~끄으‘ (2) Aligned spherical reflectors shalI be evaluated as 1i near reflectors ‘ 270 AWS D1.1 /D1.1 M:2015 PARTF (3) Clustered spherical retlectors having a density of more than one per square inch [645 square millime ers] with indications above the disregard levels (projected area normal to the directio l1 of applied stress , averaged over a 6 in [150 mm]length of weld) shall be [망ected ‘ (4) Li near or planar retlectors whose lengths (extent) exceed the limits of Figure 9.29 shall be r'에 ected. Additionally, 1"00t rcflectors shall not exceed the 1i mits of Class X 9.27. 1.2 Class X (Expe l'ience-Based, FitnessfO l' -P lI rpose Criteria Applieable to T-, Y- , and KConnections in SI1'uctllres with Notch-TOllgh Weldments). All indications having half (6 dB) or less amplitude than the standard sensitivity level (with due regard fOl 요찍띄) shall be disregarded. Indications exceeding the disregard level shall be evallla ed as follows: CLAUSE 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES prohibits this , the techniqlle may be dOllble-wa Il expo surelsingle-wall view or double-waIl exposure/dollble、,vall view‘ 9.2ε1. 1 Sillgle-Wall Exposur e/Sillgle-Wall View. The source of radiation shall bε placed inside the pipe and the film on the outside of the pipe (see Figure 2.,원). Panoramic exposure may be made ìf the source-to-object requìrements are satisfied; if not , a minimum of three exposures shall be made. The lQl may be selected al1 d placed on the source sidε of the pipe. lf not practicable, it may be placed on the film side of thepipe Double-Wall Exposure/Sillgle-Wall View. Where access or geometrical conditions prohibit singlewall exposure , the source may be placed on the outside of the pipe and film on the opposite wall outside the pipe (see Figllre 9.32). A mi l1 imum of three exposures shall be required to cover the complete circumference. The IQI may be selected and placed on the film side of the prpe. ‘ (1) Spherical retlectors shall be as described in Class R, except that any indications within the following limits fo 1' linear or planar shall be acceptable. 9.29.잭 Double-Wall ExposUl'elD ouble-Wa Il Vieκ Whe l1 the outside diameter of the pipe is 3- 112 in [90 mm] or less , both the source side al1 d film side weld may be projected Ol1 to the 1m a l1d both walls viewed for accep띠 nce. The source of radiation shall be offset from the pipe by a distance that is at least seven times the outside diameter. The radiation beam shall be offset from the plane of the weld centerline at an angle suκicient (0 sep arate the images of the source side and film sìde .velds‘ There sha l1 be no overlap of the two zone interpreted. A minimum of two exposures 900 to each other shall be re quired (see Figure 2.,적). The weld may also be radiographed by superimposing the two 、velds , in which case there shall be a minimum of three exposures 60 to each other (see Figure 으 34). 111 each of these two techniques , the IQl shall be placed on the source side of the pipe. (2) Li near or planar retlectors shall be evalllated by means of beam boundary techniques , and those whose dimcnsions exceeded the limits of Figure 뜨액 shall be rejected. The root area shall be defined as that Iying within 114 in [6 mm] 이 t‘J4 , whichever is greater, of the root of the theoretical 、,veld , as shown in Figure ~낸. “ ‘ 9.28 RT Procedures 9.28.1 P l'ocedure. 1n addition to the reauiremcnts of 6 17‘ 101 selection shall conform to Tables 9.17 and 9.18 and Figllres 6 4 and 6.5. 0 ‘ 9.2올걷 IQI Selection and Plaeement. lQIs shall be selected and placed on the weldment in the area of interest being radiographed as shown in Table 뜨 19. When a complete circumferential pipe weld is radiographed with a single exposure and the radiation source is placed at the center of the curvature , at least three equally spaced IQIs shall be used. Steel backing shall not be considered part ofthe 、vεId OI 、,veld reinforcement in IQI selection. l걷2 9.30 UT of Tu bular T- , Y- , and K-Connections 9.30.1 Proeed Ul' e. All UT shall be il1 conformance with a written procedure which has been prepared or approved by an individual certified as SNT-TC-IA , Level I1I, a l1 d experienced in UT of tubular structures. The procedure sha Il be based upon the reqllirements of this clause al1 d Clause 6 , Part F, as applicable. The procedllre shall CO I1tain , as a minimum , the following information regarding the UT method and techniqlles Supplementary RT Requirements for Tu bular Connections 9.29.1 Circumferential Groove Welds ill Butt Joints. The technique used to radiograph circumferential butt joints shall be capable of covering the entire circumference. The technique shall preferably be single-wall exposure/single-wall view. Where accessìbility or pipe size (1) The type of 、,veld joînt configuration to be exam îned (i. e. , the applicable range of diameter, thickness , and local dihedral angle). Conventional techniques are generally limited to dial11 eters of 12-3 /4 in [325 111m] and 271 CLAUSE 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES AWS Dt.1ID t.1 M:2015 PARTF larger, thicknessεs of 1/2 in [1 2 mmJ and above , and local dihedral angles of 30 0 or greater. Special techniques for smaller sides may be used , provided they are qualified as described herein , using the smaller size of application Performance shall be judged on the basis of the ability of the operator to determine the size and c1 assification of each discontinuity with an accuracy required to accept or reject each weldment and accurately locate the unacceptable discontinuities along the 、I.'eld and within the cross section of the 、,veld. At least 70% of the unacceptable discontinuities sha l1 be conectly identified as unacceptable Every discontinuity exceeding its maximum acceptable dimensions by a factor of two , 01' by an amplitude of 6 dB shall be located and reported (2) Acceptance criteria for each type and size 、,veld (3) Type(s) of UT instrumentation (make and model) (4) Transducer (search uni t) frequency , size and shape of active area , beam angle , and type of wedge on angle beam probes. Procedures using transducers with frequencies up to 6 MHz , sized down to 1/4 in [6 mm] , and of different shape than specified elsewhere, may be used , provided they are qualified as described herein. 9.3ι~ Calibration. UT equipment qualification and calibration methods shall meet the requirements of the approved procedure and Clause 6, Part F, except as follows: £웰깅4 Range. Range (distance) calibration shall include , as a minimum , the entire sound path distance to be used during the specific examination. This may be adjusted to represel1 t either the sou l1d-path travel , surface distance , or equivalent depth below contact surface , displayed along the instrume l1 t horizontal scale , as de scribed in the approved procedure (5) Surface preparation and couplant (where used) (6) Type of calibration test block and reference reflect Ol (7) Method of calibration and required accuracy for distance (sweep) , vertical Ii nearity, beam spread , angle , sensitivity, and resolution ε3ι죠~ Sensitivity Calibr따ion. Standard sensitivity for examination of production ‘,velds using amplitude tech l1 iques shall be: basic sensitivity + distant amplitude conection + transfer correction. This calibration shall be performed at least Ollce for each joint to be tested; except that , for repetitive testing of the same size and configuration , the calibration frequency of 6.잊 3 may be used (8) Recalibration interval for each item in (7) above ‘ (9) Method for de ermining acoustical continuity of base metal (see 뜨맥좌), and for establishing geometry as a function of local dihedral angle and thickness (1 0) Scanning pattern and sensitivity (see 2.,맥효) (11) Transfer correction for surface curvature and roughness (where amp 1i tude methods are used (see (1) Basic Sensitivity. Reference level screen height obtained llsing maximum reflection from the 0.060 in [1. 5 mmJ diameter hole in the IIW type block (or other block which results in the same basic calibration sensitivity) as described il1 6잭 (or 6 긴) a액J) (1 2) Methods for determining effective beam angle (in curved material) , indexing 1'oot area , and discontinuíty locatÎons (1 3) Method of discontinuity length and height determination (2) Di stance Amplitude Correction. The sensitivity level shall be adjusted to provide for attenuation loss throughollt the range of soulld path to be used by either distance amplitude conection curves , electronic means , or as described in 6작.6.4. Where high frequency trans ducers are used , the greater attenuation shall be taken into accoun t. Transfer correction may be used to accommodate UT through tight layers of paint 110t exceeding 10 mils [0.25 mm] in thickness (1 4) Method of discontinuity verification during excavatÎon and repair 9.3ι~ Pel'sonnel. In addition to personnel requirements of 6.14.6 , when examinatîon of T- , Y- , and K-connections is to be performed , !he opera 01' shall be required to demonstrate an ability to apply the special techniques required for such an examination. Practical tests for this purpose shall be performed upon mock-up welds that represent the type of welds to be inspected , including a rεpresentative range of dihedral angle and thickness to be encountered in production , using the applicable qualified and approved procedures. Each mock-up shall contain natural 01' artificial discontinllities that yield UT indications above and below the reject criteria specified in the approved procedure ‘ 9.30.4 Base MetaI Examina !i on. The entire area subject to UT scanning shall be examined by the longitlldinal wave technique to detect laminar reflectors that could interfere with the intended , dírected sound wave propagation. AII areas containing laminar reflectors shall be marked for identification prior to 、,veld examination and the consequences considered in selection of search unit angles and scanning echniques for examination of the ‘ 272 AWS D1.1 /D 1.1 M:2015 PARTF CLAUSE 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES welds in that area. The Enginee1' shall be notified of base material discontinuities that exceed the limits of the weld cross sectiol1, as well as from an estab Ji shed reference point along the 、,veld axis , sh이 I be determined Weld Scanning. Weld scanning of T- , Y- , and K-connections shall be performed from the branch membe J' surface (see Figure 2,학). All examinations shall be made in leg 1 and II where possible. For initial scanning , the sensitivity shall be inc J'eased by 12 dB above that established in 9 .3 0 .3 fo J' the maximum sound path. Indication evaluation shall be perfonned with refe J'ence to the standard sensitivity. E웰견 Repol'ts ε뭔걷 E행.8.1 FO l' ms. A report fonn that clearly identifies the work and the area of inspection shall be completed by the UT technician at the time of inspection. A deta i!ed repo1't and sketch showing the location along the 、,veld axis , location within the 、.veld cross section , size (or indication rating) , extent , orientation , and c1 assification for each discontinuity shall be completed fo 1' each 、,veld in which significant indicatîons are found 9.3ι원 Optimum Angle. Indications found in the root areas of groove welds in butt joints and along the fl뼈 on face of all .velds shall be furthe 1' evaluated with either 70 0 , 60 0 • 0 1" 45 0 search angle , whichever is nearest to being perpendicular to the expected fusion face 9 ,30.올걷 Reported Discol1 ti l1 uities. When specified , discontinuities approaching unacceptable size , particularly those about which there is some doubt in their eval uation , sha l1 also be reported. ‘ 9.30.7 Discontinuity Evaluation. Discontinuities shall be evaluated by use of a combination of beam boundary and amplitude techniques. Sizes shall be given as length and height (depth dimension) 0 1' amplitude , as applica ble. Amplitude shall be related to “ standard calibration." In addition , discontinuities sha l1 be classified as 1i near OI planar ve J'sus spherical , by noting changes in amplitude as the transducer is swung in an arc centered 00 the rcflector. The location (position) of discontinuities within Incomplete Inspectiol1. A1'eas for which complete inspection was not practicable shall also be noted , along with the reason why the inspection was incomplete 9.3ι홀1 Refere l1 ce Ma l'ks. Unless otherwise specified , the 1'efe 1'ence position ‘and the location and extent of unacceptable discontinuities shall also be marked physi cally on the workpiece 273 9. ruSULAR STRUCTURES AWS D1. 1/D1.1M:2015 Table 9.1 Fatigue Stress Design Parameters (see 9.훈τ걷) Potential Crack Initiation Point Description Ill ustrative Examples Sectiolll-\Velded Joints Tl' ans\'e l'se to Di l'ec tÎ OIl of Stl'ess l.l D E n 7[ 8 8 ’ 5[ A 274 뼈 씨 Tack 、.velds outside the groovc and not cJoser than 1/2 in [ 12 111m] to edge of base metal 잉 Tack welds inside groove 째빼 1.1 Base metal and filler metal in or adjacent to CJP groove welded butt splices with backillg left in place From the toe of the groove weld or the toe of the weld attaching backing > Em E Table 9.2 Allowable Stresses in Tubular Connection Welds (see 욕옥.Ð 1Ype of W<εId Ki nd of Stress Tubular Application Longitudinal buttjoints (l ongitudinal seams) Allowable Sσess 나이 Weld Weld joints in structural T- ‘ y-‘ or K-connections in structures designed for criticalloading such as fatigue、 which would nonnally call for CJP welds 0.9 0.6Fy Beam or torsional shear Base meta1 Filler metal 0.9 0.8 0.6F당(x 0.9 Fy Base metal 0.9 Weld metal 0.8 0.6Fy 0.6 FEx-X 0.9 Fy 0 .40 Fy 0 .3 F EXX Shεar on effective area Same as for base met a1 Tension. compression or shear 。n base metal adjoining 、.veld conforming to detail of Figures 9.12 and 9.1 4--9.16 (tubul따 weld made from outside only without backing) Tension‘ compress lOn ‘ or shear effective area of groove welds. made from both sides or with backing Same as for base metal or as limited by connection geomeσy (see 뜨흐 provisions for ASD) 0 ‘ 6Fy Same as for base metal or as limited by connection geometry (see 9.6 provlS1ons forLRFD) Required Filler Metal Strength Leve1::t FiIIer metal with strength equ외 to or less than matching filler metal may be llsed Matching filler met a1 shaII be used Matching filler metal shall be used 。n Tension or compression parallel to axis of the weld Sarne as for base metal 0.9 Fy Shear on effective area 0 .3 0 F EXXe 0.75 0.6 F E )ιx 0.30 타xx or as limited by connection geomεtry (see 9.6) 0.75 Shear on effective throat regardless of direction of loadi영 (see 뜨효 and 뜨효.!.d) 0.6 F EXX Fillet Weld Joints in structural T ‘ y-or K-connections în circular lap joints and joints of attachments to tubes Sσength Ng@ (Continued) or as limited by connection geometry (see 9.6 for provision for LRFD) Filler metal with a strength level equal to or less than matching filler metal may be used Filler metal with a sσ"ength level equal to or less than matching filler metal may be used d @ m피 ω (」 → υ(」 →(m 」Z「〉피m→피〔 Longitudinal joints of bui 1tup tubular members Nominal φ Same as for base metalC Tension normal to the effective area CJPGrOQVε N Resistance Factor Tension or compression P앙allel to axis of the 、Neldb Compression normal to the effective areab Circumferential butt joints (girth seams) Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) i흐 Allowable Stress Design (ASD) •5i Allowable Stress Design (ASD) TypeofWeJd Tubular Application Plug and Slot WeJds ofSσ'ess Shear parallel to faying surfaces (00 effective area) Lm。enmgbltcur잉dinal seam of tubular 나ι N ( PJP Groove WeJd Ki nd Circumferential and Jonεitudinaljoints that σ-an sfer loads Tension or compression P앙-allel to axis of the weld b Compression norm a1 to the effective arεa Joint not designed to bear Allowable Stress Base metal Filler metal 0 .40 Fy O.3 F EXJ( Same as for base metalc Load and Resistance Fa,ιtor Desi믿1 (LRFD) Resistance Factor Nomin잉 φ Sσ'ength Shear on effective area Fy Filler mεta1 with a strength level equal to or less than matching filler metal may be used Fy Filler metal with a strength level equz니 to or less than matching filIer met a1 may be used 0.50 FE )α‘ except that stress 00 adjoining base metal sha11 not exceed 0.60 Fy 0.9 Joint designed to bear Filler roeta1 with a sσen생1 equal to or less than matching filler met a1 may be used lεvel Not AppJicabJe 0.9 Sarne as for base metal 0.30 F EXJ(‘ except that stress base mεtal shalJ not exceed 0.50 Fy for tenslOn ‘ or 0 .40 Fy for shear 0.75 0.6 F EXX Base metal 0.9 Filler metal 0.8 Fy 0.6 F EXX BasemζtaJ 0.9 Filler metal 0.8 Fy 0.6 F EXX ona이 oining Tension on effective area Structural T.• Y、 or K-connection in ordinary st끼uctures or as limited by connection geometry (see 9.6 provlsions for LRFD) Filler met a1 with a strength level equ따 to or less than matching filler metal may be used Matching filler metal shall be used sεe Table 3.2 or torsional shear up to 0.30 minimurn specified tensile strength of filler metal is allowed εxcept that shear on adjoining base mεtal shall not exceed 0.40 Fy (LRFD: see shear) C Groove and fillet welds p띠a11ε1 to the longitudinal axis oftension or compression member:‘, εxcept 10 conne야10n areas. shall not be considered as transferring stress and hencε mayt띠(e the same stres‘ as that io the base metaL regardless of electrode (filler mεtal) classification. \Vhere the provisions of 뜨흐1 are applied. seam ‘ io the m:lin membεr withio the connζ다ion area shall be CJP groove welds with matching fi lJ er met띠‘ as defioεd in Table 3.~ d See 9.6. 1. 3 c A1temativεly‘ see :m d bBεam 〉흔m 。-=。→ →흐 ‘ For matching filler metal Load transfer across the wζld as sσess on the effective throat (see 9.5 and 뜨효L효) 0.30 F EXX or as limited by connection geometry (see 뜨2)‘ except that stress on an a여 oining base met a1 shall not exceed 0.50 F y for tension and compression‘ nor 0 .40 Fy for shear Required Filler MetaJ Strength Level a m m녁며( (」 녁 Uζ 며mm ∞ 녁ζ 며ζ「〉 Table 9.2 (Continued) Allowable Stresses in Tubular Connection Welds (see 욕욕Ð Ngm AWS D1.1 /D 1.1 M:2015 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES Table 9.3 Stress Categories for Type and Location of Material for Circular Sections (see 올욕7.2) Stress Category Kinds of SIress 3 Situation A Plain unwelded pipe TCBR B Pipe with longitudinal semn TCBR B Butt spIices , CJP groove welds , ground flllsh and inspected by RT or UT (Class R) TCBR B Members with continllously welded longitudinal stiffeners TCBR CI Butt splices , CJP groove 、.velds , as welded TCBR C Members with transverse (ring) stiffeners TCBR D Members wi h miscellaneous attachments such as clips , brackets , etc. D Cruciform and T-joints with CJP velds (except at tubular connections) DT Connections desi밍lcd as a simple T- , Y- , or Kconnections with CJP groove welds confonning 10 Figures 9.1으닉요l흐 “n이 uding overlapping connections in which the main member at each intersection meets punching shear req비rements) (see Note b) (Note: Main member must be checked separately per category KJ or K 2 ) E Balallced cruciform and T-joints with PIP groove welds or fillet welds (except at tubular connecti OllS) TCBR in member; veld per category F E Members where doubler wrap , co、 er 미 ates , longitud이 nal stiffeners , gusset plates , etc. , terminate (except at tubular , ‘ ‘, conne이 1 0l‘) ET TCBR Simple T- , Y- , and K-connections with PIP groove welds or fillet welds; also , complex tubular connections in which the punching shear capacity of the main me1l1ber cannotcaπy he entire load and load transfer is accomplished by overlap (negative ecce께 ricîty) , gusse plates니 ring stiffeners , e c. (see Note b) ‘ ‘ ‘ TCBR TCBR in brallch 1l1ember ‘ ll1 ust also be checked ‘ TCBR in member; veld 1l1ust also be checked per category F TCBR in branch member (Note ‘ Main l11el11 ber in simple T- , Y- , or K-co l1 llections must be checked separately per category KJ or K2 ; 、veld must also be checked per category Ff alld 2.:ι!) F End weld of cover pl따e or doubler wrap; 、.v elds on gusset plates , sliffeners , etc Shear in weld F Crucifonn and T-joints , loaded in tension or bending, having fillet or PIP groove .velds (except at tubular cO l1 nections) Shear in weld (regardless of direction of loading) (see 뜨~) FT SimpleT기 Y- , or K-connections loaded in tension or bending, having fi11et or PIP groove welds Shear ill 、.veld (regardless of direction of loading) X2 Intersecting members at 잉 mple τ , Y- , and Kconnections; any connection whose adequacy is determilled by te잉 ing all accurately scaled l110d el or by theoretical analysis (e.g. , finite 러 emen t) Greatest total range of hot spot stress or straill on the outside surface of intersecting 1l1embers at the toe of the Neld joinillg them-measured after shakedown in model or prototype connection or calculated with best available theory ‘ (Continned) 277 ‘ AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES Table 요;! (Continued) Stress Categories 10r Type and Location 01 Material 10r Circular Sections (see Stress Catcgory 9.ι7.2) Kinds of Stress a Situatîon X1 As for X 2 , profile improved per 짝잭 and 쩍죄 As forX 2 X] Unreinforced cone-cylillder intersection Hot-spot stress at angle change; calculatc per Noted K2 Simple T- , Y- , and K-connections in which the gamma ratio R/ tc of maiu mcmber does not exceed 24 (see Note c) PUllching shear for main members; calculate per Notc e , 淵 K As for K 2 • profile improved per 2.츠 7.6 and 뜨츠ι1 a T::: tcnsion , C::: compressíon , B ::: bending , R ::: reversal-i.e. , total rangε of nominal axial and bending stress b Bmpirical curves (Figure 21) based 011 “ typical" conneclion gcomclries; if actual strcss concenlration factors or hot spot s rains are known , usc of curve X or X2 is preferr,εd c Empirical curves (Figure 뜨1) based 011 tests with gamma (RIμ) of 18 1024; curves 011 safe side for very hcavy chord members (l ow Rlt,J; for chord membcrs (Rlt c greater than 24) reduce allowable stress il1 proportio l1 to , ‘ 때 패 、rVherc d actual strcss concenlr띠 ion factors or hot-spot slrains arc known , use of curve X] or X2 is prefcπ'cd Stress concenlralion factor - SCF = ~ + 1.17 lan 피까b Cos ‘ν where \f' Yb angle change at transition radius 10 Ihickncss ratÎo oftube at transÎtÎon e Cyclic range of punching sbcar is given by Vp = l' s뼈 “,'here and a are defined În Figurι 잎, and cyclic range of nominal branch member stress for axialload /p y = cyclic range o~ in-pla_ne bcnding stress f b-z = cyclic range of out-of-plane bcnding stress ({ is as defined În Table 9.6 't fa 278 AWS D1.1/D 1. 1M:2015 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES Table 9.4 Fatigue Category Li mítatíons on Weld Síze or Thíckness and Weld Profíle (Tubular Connectíons) (see vν'eld 9.운7.7) Level 1 Level lI Li miting Branch Member Thickness for Categories x\ , K J> DT in [111m] Li míting Branch Member Thickness for Categories X 2, K2 in [mm] 0.375 [10] 0.625 [16] 0.625 [16] 1. 50 [38] qualificd for unlimited thickness for static compression loading Profile Standard flat weld profile Figure ~샌 Profile with toe fillet Figure 뜨잭 m“” 1.00 [25] Figure 뜨맥 Concave smooth profile Figure .2.l흐 fully grou l1 d 1엉r 으즈 7.6(2) J … 때 삐 with disk test per .2.:뜨뜨잉잉 ω 삐 Concave profile , as wcI ded , . ’ Table 9.5 Z Loss Dímensíons for Calculating prequa ífíed PJP T-, Y-, and K- Tu bular Connection Mínímum Weld Sízes (see 올툴특1) Position of 、,Veldi l1 g: V or OH Joint In cI uded Angle <p Process SMA'、v GMA、v GMA、;V-s!! > <p;o, 45。 FCA、V-G GMAW-S~ GMAW-S~ 6 6 M m mm … M %m GMA、v GMAW-S~ SMA、v FCA\'ιs FCAW-G GMA、IV GMAW-S~ SMA、v FCA、IV-S FCAW-G GMAW GMA、;v-s~ nU nU nU nu oU nU nU nU oU 0 0 0 …” ”” …” …” …” 'See 9.10. 1(2) for qualification rCQuirements for 、velding 이'cqualified PJPT-. Y- , K-Conneclions details with Gl'vfAW-S 279 Z (111m) nU 3 0 0 0 3 ι0 ζO GMAW …” FCA、V-G F 이 j FCA、.V-G 3 lf8 FCA\\ιs 이 ιU 45 0 > Iþ;o, 30。 1/8 N/A 뼈띠 SMAW FCAW-S lf8 lf8 3 3 3 SMA、v Z (i 11) 배 GMAW 0 뼈 FCAW-S 60 0 0 Process 뼈 SMA、v O O O 뼈 FCA'、,V-G Z (nuu) O O O 뼈 FCA'、IV-S <p;o, 60。 Z (i l1) Position of 、;Velding: H AU AWS D 1.1 /D1.1M:2015 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES Table 9.6 Terms for Strength of Cónnections (Circular Sections) (see 훈툴!.jJ Branch member Geometry and load modifier Qq Qq = (딛 + 밤) Q~7(a ← 1) For axialloads브 Qq = (상 + 암JQ~.2(((-O.67) ror bending Qß Qß (necded for Qq) Q = 1‘O For ß'; 0.6 O3 For ß > 0.6 ß = ß (l-때33ß) α chord ovalizing parameter a (needed for Qq) ’ h ai l1 member slress Ínteractìon tcnn Qfb, ç 1.0 + 0.7 g/d b For axial10ad in gap K COllllcclions having allmcmbcrs in same plane and loads transvcrse 10 main member essenlially 1. 0'; a < 1.7 balanced~ a = 1.7 0: = 2.4 α = 0.67 0: = 1.5 Qf = 1.0 • For axialload in T- 씨 d Y- connections For axialload in cross connections For in-plane bending~ For out-of-pJanc bending~ λy jJ2 λ= 0.030 For axial load in branch mcmbcI For in-plane bending in branch mcmber For out-of-plane bCllding in brunch mcmbcI λ=0.04 λ= 0.018 conside r.끼tion / 서 ]W 잃 μ a Gap g is defincd in 터 gures 9.진된냐티녁띤쁘ì: db is branch diameter. bU is the utilization ralio (ratio of actual to allowable) for longitudinal compression (axial , bending) in the main member at the connection lI ndcr ) C For combinations of the in-plane bending and Ollt-Oιplane bending , use interpolated values of a and general collapse (transverse compression) also see ^ d For … Notes l니 Y’ ßa re 맹 gle야 ome 뼈 야"야Iryp' 11 띠ara 띠 an 뼈 1 2. Fyo = the specified minimllm yield strength of the main member, but not morc than 2/3 thc tcnsile strength Table 9.7 Joint Detail Applications for Prequalified CJP T-, Y-, and K-Tubular Connections (see 9.낀적 and Figure 9.캔) Detail A B C D I Applicable Range of Local Dihedral Angle , 뿌 180 0 10135。 1500 10 50。 75 0 10 300 40 0 to 15 0 I J Not preqllalified for groove angles llnder 30。 Notcs 1. The applicable joint deta i! (A , ß , C, or D) for a particular part ofthe connection sh이 1 be determined by the local dihedral angle , ‘P, which chunges continuollsly in progressing around the branch membe r. 2. The angle and dimensional ranges given in Detail A, ß , C , or D inclllde maximum allo :able tolerances 3. See Annex 1 for definition of local dihedral angle “ 280 AWS D1.1 /D 1.1 M:2015 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES Table 9.8 Prequalified Joint Dimensions and Groove Angles for CJP Groove Welds in Tubular T-, Y-, and K-Connections Made by SMAW, GMAW-S, and FCAW (see 요끄옥) Detail A ‘f’ ~ 180' - Detail B 135 。 ‘l' 양 75 0 _ 300b 900a (Note 11) End preparation (ω) max llun. 100 or 45' for '1' > FCAW-S GMAW-S FCAW-G' SMA、,v d Detaíl C ‘I'~ 150'-50。 10。 105。 (Note c) GMAW-S FCAW-G' FCAW-S SMAWd Detail D 0b ‘.y = 400 - 15 、rVmax @ FCA、rV-S S1v째 1/4 in [6 mm] 빼 [3 Illm] l 3/16 in [5 mm] 25 。←40。 GM싸S { l/8 lll FCA IÝ-G J 114 in [6 mm] (2) I 3/8 in [10 mm] 112 in [12 mm] 30'-4 0。 (1) { 15'-25。 for$>45 。 Fit-up or root opening (R) max. Illm 3/1 6 in [5 mm] 3/1 6 in [5 mm] 1/1 6 in [2 mm] Nomin. for 1/1 6 in [2 mm] Nomin. for $> 120。 $>90。 Joint included angle $ max. Illm Completed 、,veld tw L 90。 45 。 ;::: tb 5/1 6 in [8 mm] for $'; 45。 114 in [6mm] 1116 ÌJ‘ [2 mm] 1/1 6 in [2mm] 60 0 for ‘l' ,; 105。 ;::: tb for ;;:: Ib/sinψ but need not exceed 1.75 tb '1' < 90。 15'-20。 400; ifmore Detail B 112 ‘F ;::: tb /sin 뿌 for 25'-30。 20'-25 。 lI se 37-112'; ifless use Detail C ‘l' > 90。 ;::: tb Isin 뿌 but need 110t exceed 1.75 tb ‘ ;::: 2tb Weld maybe built up to mcet this a Otherwise as needed 10 obtain required $' b Not prequalified for groove angles ($) under 30。 c Initìa! passes of back-up 、veld discounted un tiI width of groove (、η is sufficient 10 assure sOllnd 、.velding; the necessary 、vidth of !"cld groove (W) provided by back-up weld d These root details apply to SMAW and FCAW-S. e These root details apply to GMA'、,V-S and FCA、IV-G Notcs 1. For GMAW-S see 뜨브죠갚 These details arc not intended for GMAW (spray transfer)‘ 2. See Figure 9.14 for minimum standard profile (1i mited thickness) 3. See Figure ε~ for alternate toe-fillet profile 4. See Figure 뜨쁘 for improved profile (see 2.츠7.6 and ‘ 281 띠 커ζmζ「〉며ω녁Iζ。녁ζ피mω Table 9.9 WPS Qualification-Production Welding Positions Qualified by Plate, Pipe, and Box Tube Tests (see 옥1효) Production Plate Welding T-‘ Y- , KConnections ButtJoint Weld Type CJP Groove ∞ N N T U B U L A R Fìllet Production Box Tube Welding Qu따ified Production Pipe Welding Qualified QuaIìfied Qualification Test Test Positions Groove CJP Groove PJP Filletli CJP PJP lG Rotated F F F F' 2G F, H F, H F, H 5G F, V. OH F, V,‘ OH (2G + 5G) All All 6G All 6GR All~ T- , Y ‘ K Connections Butt loint PJP Fìlletli CJP PJP F F F F' (F, H)으 F, H F, H F, H (F.、 V‘ OH)" F, V.‘ OH F, V, OH Al l All'! All Al l All AlI~ All All Al l All~ Al l F‘ v‘ OH CJP Al IE AllS PJP Fìlletli F F F (F.‘ H)으 F, H F, H F, H F, V.‘ OH (F, V, OH)" F, V.‘ OH F,v.‘ OH F, V, OH Al t: All A11~ All All도f Al l All.: All All" All All삼 All All All All~ All All All CJP All브 All브 lF Rotated F F F 2F F, H F, H F, H 2F Rotated F, H F, H F, H 4F F, H , OH F, H ‘ OH F, H ‘ OH All Al l 5F ------'- All I ‘ 〉〈ω 〈 。=5= 호, Ngm CJP--Complete Joint Peneσ-ation P1P-Parti a1 101nt Peneσ'at.J.on :: Production butt joint details 써 thout backing or backgouging fIεquire qualification testing of the joint detail shown io Figure 2.검i죄 ~Limited to prequa1 ifiedjoint details (see 9.10 or 뜨브) .: For production joints of CJP T-‘ ι and K-connections that conform to either 츠E 뜨프 or 또쁘 and Table 욕 use Figure 2.으5dεtail for testing. For oìher prod때oDJoints‘ 5ee 뜨브임 ~For productionjoints of CJP T- ι and K-c onnections that confonn to Figur,ε 잎으‘ and Table 9.8. U$e Figures 2.응효 and 으:끈 detail flαtesting. or. alte따atively. test the Figure 2.으효 joînt and cut macroetch specimens from the corner locations shown ìn Fîgure 2.:진 For other production joints. see 뜨프.4 .1 ~Forpπ'oductîonjoînts of P1P T-. Y-. and K-connections that confonn to Figure 9.1ι u g εither the Figure 뜨잠션2 or Figure 2.:검쩍2 detaîl fcπ testmg i For matchεd box connections with cornεcra이ilεss than twice the chord mεmber thickness. see ß Fillεt we1 ds in production T ‘ Y ‘ or K-connεctions sh a11 confonn to Figur,ζ a띤 WPSqωJification sh페 confonn to~쁘 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES AWS D1.1 /D 1. 1M:2015 Table 9.10 WPS Qualification-CJP Groove Welds: Number and Ty pe of Test Specimens and Range of Thickness and Diameter Qualified (see 9.14) (Dimensions in Inches) 1. Tests on Pipe or Th binga,~ Nominal Pipe or Tube 、rVall Thickness~'~ Qualified , ill Number of Specimens Nominal Reduced Root Bcnd Nominal Nominal \Vall Sectioll Thickncss , Tension (see (5ee 터g Pipe Size or Diam. , in T, in Fig.4 맥) 4.11) <24 Job Size Test Pipes " 24 Standard Test Pipes Diamete러 Face Bend (see Fig 4.8) Side Bend (see Fig 4.2) of Pipc or Tube Size Qualified , in 2 (Note f) Min Max. Test diam alld over 118 2T 118 ,; T ,; 3/8 2 3/8 < T <3 /4 2 4 Test diam. and over T/2 2T T" 3/4 2 4 Test diam and 。、'cr 3/8 Unlimitcd 118 ,; T ,; 3/8 2 (Note D Testdiam. and over 118 2T 3/8 <T < 3/4 2 4 24 and over T I2 2T T" 3/4 2 4 24 and ovcr 3/8 Unlimited 314 through 4 118 3/4 4 and ovcr 3116 Unlimited 2 in Sch. 80 or 3 in Sch. 40 2 6inSch.120 or 8 in Sch. 80 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 a AIl pipe or tube welds shall be visually inspected (see 4.9.1) and subject 10 NDT (see 4.9.2) that are qualified without backgouging, the maximum thickness C} ualified shall be limíted to the plate thickne5s ~ CIP groove 、veld qualification on any thickness or diameter 5hall qualify any size of fillet or PIP gr∞ve weld f,이 any thickness or diameter (see 4.11.3) !! Qualification with any pipe diameter shall qualify all box section 、yidths and depths ! See Table 쩍 fα the groove detaHs πquircd for qualification of tubular bult and T-, ι , K-connection joints ! For 3/8 in wallthickness , a side-bend test may be substituted f,α each of the required face- and root-bend tcsts ~ For square groove 、l,Ields 283 AWS Dl.l/D 1. 1M:2015 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES Table9.젠 (Continued) WPSQu 뼈 j떠a 허 떼lif“ica 하t“ion. 까 n-ν1’-’-’-’-’-’이f o Thickness and Diameter Qαu 뻐 l떠 헤Ii…때 a … iffie 뼈 d (se 많 e 9.1띤~) (Dimensions in Millimeters) 1. Tests on Pipe or Tubjnga,~ NomÌllal Pipe or Tube 、~Vall Thickness~'~ Qualificd, 111111 Number of Specimens Nominal Pipe Size or Diam., mm <600 Job Size Test Pipes ;, 600 Nominal Wall Thickness, T, mm Min Max (Note f) Test diam. and over 3 21' 2 4 Test dium and over 1'/2 2T 2 4 Test diam. and QVC l'‘ 10 Unlimited (Note f) Test diam and ovcr 3 2T 3s 1' s 1O 2 10< 1' <20 1';' 20 2 2 IO<T<20 2 4 600 and over 1'/2 2T T ;, 20 2 4 600 and ovel 10 Unlimited 20 through 100 3 20 100 and over 5 Unlimited orDN 80 x 5.5 mm WT DN 150 x 14.3 mm WT orDN2oox 12.7 1l1l1l W1' 2 2 2 3sTs 1O DN50x5 .5 mm 、,vT Standard Test Pipes Nominal Diamelcl검 Reduced Root ofPipe or Scction Bcnd Face Bcnd Side Belld Tension (see (see Fíg (see Fig (see Fig Tube Sizc 4.8) 4.9) Qualified, 111111 Fig.4객) 4.ID 2 2 2 4 2 a AII pipe or tube ‘,vclds sh띠 I be visually inspected (see 4.9.1) and subject to NDT (see 4.9.2) ~ For square groove wclds that are qualified wíthout backgouging , the maximum thickness qualified shall be limited to the test thickness ~CIP groovc 、‘'eld qualification on any thickn야 s or diametcr shal1 qualify any size offi lIet or PIP groove weld for any thickness or diameler (see 4 브 3) ~ Qualification with any pipc diametcr shal1 qualify alI box section widlhs and depths ~ See Tablc ε.2 for the groo、.'e dctails rcq비 rcd f,이 qualification oftubular butt and T-, Y-, K-connectionjoints f For 10 mm wall thickncss, a sidc-bcnd tcst may bc substituted for each of the requíred face- and root-bend tests 284 AWS D1.1 /D 1.1 M:2015 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES Table 9.11 Number and Ty pe of Test Specimens and Range of Thickness QualifiedWPS Qualification; PJP Groove Welds (see 요판) Number of Specimensιb Qualification Ranges~ 연 Macroetch for 、,Yeld Size (E) 4 .11. 2 4.11.3 4.1 1. 4 Reduced~ Section Tension (see Fig 4 .1 0) Root Bend (see Fig. 4.~) Face Bend (see Fig. 4.8) 118 5 T 5 3/8 [3 5T5 IOJ 3 2 2 2 3/8<T51 [10 < T 5 25J 3 2 Test Groove Depth , T in[mm] Nominal Pipe or Tubing Thickness , in [mmJ Side Bend (see Fig. 4.9) 4 Groove Depth Min. Max T 118 [3J 2T T 1/8 [3J Unlimited a One pipe α tubing per position shall be required (see Fîgure 뜨깅). Use the production pjp groovc detail for qualification. AII pipes Or tubing shall be 'isually illspected (see 4.9 .1) bIf a PJP be"el~ or J-groove 、veld is 10 be used for 까 oints or double-bevel- or double-J-groove veld is 10 be used for comer joints the butt joint shall havc a temporary reslrÎClivc plate in the plane of the square face 10 símulate a T-joint configuration ~ See the pipc diameter qualîficatio l1 rcquíreme띠 s ofTable 인젠 ~ Any PJP qualification sl1 all also qualify any fillet weld size고 n any thickness ‘, ‘, , Table 9.12 Number and Type of Test Specimens and Range of Thickness Qua ifiedWPS Qualification; Fillet Welds (see 욕판) ’ Test Specimens Required b Number of 、N'elds Test Specαlmen Macroetch 4‘딘 AII-、,Yeld-Metal Tension (see Figure 4‘씌 Sizes Qualified Side 8end (see Figure 4.,2) Pipe Thickness a Fillet Size perWPS 4.9.4 Single pass , max ‘ sÎze to be used in constmction 1 in each position to be used (see Table 9.9) 3 faces (except for4F& 5F, 4 faces req ’d) Unlimited Max. tested single pass and smaller (Figure 2:.잎) Multiple pass , tnill ‘ 1 in each pOSl 1l 011 to be used (see Table 9.9) 3 faces (except for4F& 5F, 4 faces req ’d) Unlimited Min. tested multiple pass and larger Pipe T-testC size to be used in constmction a The minimum thickness qualîfied shall be 118 in [3 mm]. bAII welded test pipes shall be visually ínspecled per 4.9.1 ~ See Table 뜨맥 for pipe diameter qualíficalion 285 Fillet Size Qualificatioo Test Production Plate Welding Qu띠jfied T-‘ Y-.K -Connections Butt Joint Weld Type T U B U L A R ∞ N a Groove~ (Pi pe Or Box) Groove CJP 1G Rotate d!! 2 5 G'! 6G!! (2G + 5G)' F F, H F, V, OH All All F, H F, V, OH Al l 6GR (Fig 뜨짚) 6GR(Fig‘ 9.25 & 9.27) Pipe Fillet lPRotated 2F 2F Rotatεd 4F 5F Butt loint Box Tubε WeldingQu띠ified T ‘ Y-, K-Connections Groovε Test Positioosa æ. Fγ。 duction Production Pipe Welding Qualified 」E「〉며m녁m( 」(” ζ며 녁mω ∞ 녁(m Table 9.13 Welder and Welding Operator Oualification-Production Welding Positions Oualified by Pipe and Box Tube Tests (see 욕끄꾀 PJP Filletf ClP' PlP' F F, H F, H F, V, OH F F, H F, V, OH All All All All All F F, H F, V, OH All Al l All Al l Al l AIE All All All All AII.:. All CJP쓰S PJP~ FilletE F All All F, H F, H F, V, OH All All All All All All F, H F, V, OH CJP PJP CJP pn션 Pilleill All F, H F, H F,y.‘ H Al l Al l Al l All All All F F F F, H F, Y.‘ OH F, H F,y.‘ OH All All All Al l F, H F, V,‘ OH Al l All AIE Al l All All!' All A1~ F F F F, H F, H F, H , OH Al l F, H F, H F, H F, H‘ OH F.H F, H ‘ OH Al l All OP---Complete loint PeneσatlOo P1P-Partial Joint Pεnetratlon n See Figllres 9.17 and 9.1효 Groove weld qu이ification shall also quali앙 plug and slot welch、 for the test positions indicated ~ Not qualified for joints welded from one side without backing‘ or welded from two sides without backgouging ~ Not qualified for welds ha씨 ng groove angles less th :.m 300 (see 9.1흐조~) .:.Quali :fication u‘ ing box tubing (Figure 9.25) also quali:fies weldîng pipe equal to or greater than 24 in [600 mm] in diameter EPipc or box tubing is requîred for -the 6GR qualification (Figure 으프). If box tubîng is used per Figure 뜨끈 the macroetch test may be pcκ'ormed on the comers of the test specimen (similar to Figure 뜨끈) fSeε 뜨브 for dîhedra1 angle restrictions for tub비 arT-. Y.、 K• connections !: Qua1 ification for wel이 ng production jαnts without backing or backgouging sh띠 1 require using the Figure 2.으잎센 joint detaiL For wel 이 ng production joints with backing or backgouging‘ either Fig띠e 뜨깊언lor Fi맘" 뜨끈쩍}joint detail may be used for qua1i:ficati。 b 〉〈ω 〈。==。‘긍 Ngm AWS D1. 1/D1.1M:2015 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES Table 9.14 Welder and Welding Operator Oualilication-Number and Type 01 Specimens and Range 01 Thickness and Diameter Oualified (Dimensions in Inches) (see 요 17.1) ‘ Number of Specìmensa Tests on Pipe or Tubing Production CJP Groove Butt Joints Nominal Test ofTest 따 stPi야, Thickness , Face Bendb Weld 111 111 1'ype 5G, 6G , and 6GR Positions Only lG and 2G Positions Only NomÎnal Plate , Pipe , or Tube 、~Val1 Thicknessd NomÎnul Pipe or 1\lbe Size Qualified , in Qua Ii fied , in Nominal Size of Groove :;4 Unlimitcd Groove >4 :; 3/8 Groove >4 > 3/8 Root 8endb Side Bend b Face Bendb Root Bendb Side Bendb Notec 2 2 Notc c l Notec 2 2 Notec 4 Notc e 2 Max Min. Max. 3/4 4 118 3/4 Nolee Un 1i mîted l/8 3/4 Unlimited 3 /1 6 Unlimited Min Qualified Dimcnsions Production T- , Y- , or K-Co l1 ncction CJP Groove \Velds Numberof Specimens a Nominal Size of Test Pipe , m Nominal Tcst Thickness , m Side Belld b PipeGroove (Fig.9.25) 2: 6 O.D. 2: 1/2 PipeGroove (Fig.9.26) <40.D BoxGroove (Fig.9.27) Un 1i mited 1'y pe of Test "Vνeld ’ Mîn Max , Min 4 4 Unlimited 3116 Ulllimited 30。 Unlimitcd 2: 0.203 Note i 3/4 <4 118 Unlimited 30。 Unlimited 2: 1/2 4 3116 Unlimited 30。 Un Ii mitcd 2: 1/8 Option 1 FilIet (Fig. 4.26)' 2: 112 Option 2 F ilIet (Fig. 4.~)' 3/8 2: l/8 Unlimitcd Unlimited (Box only) (Box only) 4 Number of Specimensa Nominal Nominal Size of Test F ilIet Test Pipe , Thickness , Weld D Break m Unlîmited Oihedral Angles Qualifiedh Max 50 position Unlimited (Groove) Option3F ilIet Macro etch Nominal \Vall or Plute Thicknessd Qualified , Îll Mill Productioll T- , Y- , or K-Connection F iJl et 、rVelds 1'ype of Test Weld Nominal Pipe or Tube Size Qualificd , in ’ h acro etch h ax Qualified Dimensions Nominal Pipe orTube Size Qualified , in Nominal \Vall or Plate Thickl1ess Qualified Dihedral Angles Qualified h Min Mill Max. 30。 Unlimited Root Bcndb Facc Bendb Min Max‘ 2' 2' Notee Unlimited 118' UnlimitedÙ 24 Unlimited 1/8 Unlimited 60。 Unlimited 24 Unlimited 1/8 Unlimited 60 。 Unlimited D U J1 limitcd 1/8 Unlimited 30。 Unlimited l 2 l Max (Fig.9 깊) “ aAII elds shall be ViSl씨 y inspecled (see 4.22 .1). b Radiographic examin‘ tion of the lesl pipe 이 tubing may be made in lieu of the bend tests (see 4.쁘 l.l). c For 3/8 in wall thickness , a side-bend test may be subslituted for each of the required face and rool-bend tests d Also qualifies f4α “ elding any fi l1et or PJP 、veld sizε on any thickness of plate , pipe or tubing e The minimum pipe size qualitìed shall be 1/2 the tesl diameter or 4 in , whiehever is greater. f Se밍 Table 뜨브 for appropriate groove detaìls. 8 1\\'0 미 ates required, each slI bject to the test specimen R"'q… ren삐1“ lescribed. One plate shall be welded in the 3F position and thc other in the 4F posi씨 on h For dihedraI anglcs < 30 0 , see 요겐J.;~x.cept 60써 test nol reQ lI ireJ i 1\\'0 root and two face bends • ‘ 287 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES AWS Dl.l/Dl.1M:2015 Table 9.14 (Continued) Welder and Welding Operator Oualification-Number and Type of Specimens and Range of Thickness and Diameter Oualified (Dimensions in Millimeters) (see 훈 17.1) Tests on Pipe or Tu bìnge Production CJP Groove Butt Joints Nominal Size of Ty pe of1농 st I농 stPipe , 、,veld 111m Nominal Plate , Pipe orTube Wall Thickncssd Qualified , 111111 Number of Specimens 3 50, 60, and 60R Positions Only 10 and 20 Positions Only Nominal Test Thickness , Face mm Bendb Nominal Pipe or Tube Size Qualified , 111m Root Bendb Side Bendb l Face Bendb Root Belldb Side Bendb Min Max Min ‘ Max. Groove $100 Unlimìted Notec 2 2 Notc c 20 100 3 20 Groove > 100 $10 Note c 2 2 Note c Notce Unlimited 3 20 Groove > 100 >10 2 4 Notee Unlimited 5 U l1 limited Qualified Dimensions Production T- , Y- , or K-Co l1 llection CJP Groove Welds Number of Specimensa Nomínal Size of Test Pipe , mm Side Macro Bendb etch Ty pe of TcstWeld Nominal Test Thickness ’ mm Min Max 4 100 Unlimited 25 Notei 20 < 100 2 12 4 PipeGroove 21500.0 (Fig. 9.25) 2 12 PipeGroove < 1000.0. (Fig.9.26) BoxGroove (Fig.9.27) Unlimited Production T- , Y- , or K -Connection F i1l et 、,Velds Typeof Test Weld 23 Option 1Fillet (Fi g. 4.25)' 2 12 Option 2 Fillet (Fig. 4.22)' 10 4 UnJimited Unlimitcd (Box only) (Box only) Nominal \Vall or Plate Thicknessd Qualified , 111m Macro etch • Dihedral Angles Qualifiedh Max. Min Max. 5 Unlimíted 30。 Unlimited 3 Unlimitcd 300 Unlim Ît cd 5 Ulllimited 30。 Unlimited Min Number of Specimensa Nominal Nominal Size of Test Fillet Test Pipe, Thickness , Weld D mm Break 5G position Unlimited (Oroove) Nominal Pipe or Tube Size Qualified , mn Qualìfied Dimensions Nominal Pipe or Tube Size Qualified , nUTI Nominal 、,Vall or Plate Thicklless Qualified , mm Dihcdral Anglcs Qualifiedh Min Max. Root Belldb Face Bendb Min Max. Min Max 2' 2' Note e Unlimited 3d Unlimitcdd 30。 Unlimited 600 Unlimited 3 Unlimited 60。 Unlimited 600 Unlimitcd 3 Unlimitcd 60。 Unlimited D Unlimitcd 3 Unlimitcd 30。 Unlimitcd •• Option 3 Fillet 2 • Unlimited 23 (Fig.9.긴) a AIl welds 셔 wll bc visually inspected (see 4.깊 1) bRadîographic examination ofthc tcst pipe 이 tubing may be made in lieu of the bend tests (see 4‘l낀 1.1) CFor lO mm vall thickncss a side bend test may be subslituted for each ofthe required face- and root-bend tes d AIso qualifies for w이 dil멍 any tìllel or P1P weld size on any thickness of plate , pipe or tubing. e The minimum piψe size qualified shall be 1I2the test diameler or 100 mm , whichever is gr떼e,. f See 껴비 e 9.13 f1이 appropriate groove deta i! s g1\vo platεs required , each subject 10 the test specime꺼 requirements described. One plate shall be w 리 ded in the 3F position und the other ill the 4F posì hFor dìhedral unglcs < 30 0, see 뜨객.:.!; ~xcept 6GR test Ilot reQuired i Th'o root and two fuce bends ‘, , “ • ‘ 288 IOIl AWS 01.110 1. 1M:2015 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES Table 9.15 Tubular Root Opening Tolerances , Butt Joints 밴g앤뱅]멘밴P만 Bac젠낀g (see 9.띤츠1) Root Face of JoÌnt mm FCA、N ", 1/1 H 6 ", 1/16 ", 1/1 6 = 엽 -쉰 ", 1/32 mm 딩 끼깅 까깅 GMA、N "'1 /1 6 잉 ", 잉 1116 SMA、rv 111 Groove Angle of Joint 뺑 m Root Qpcning of Joints without Steel Backing JS Nole: R。이 0야 nings wider than allowed by the above tolerances , but not greatcr than thc thickness of the Ihinner part , may be built up by 、,vclding 10 acceptable dimcnsions prior 10 the joining of the parls by ‘,vcldîng 289 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 Table 9.16 Visual Inspection Acceptance Criteria (see 요원) Tubular Connections (A Il Loads) Discontinuity Category and Inspection Criteria (1) Crack Prohibition Any crack shall be unacceptable , regardless of size or location X Completef1뼈 on (2) Wel dIB ase Metal Fusion shall exist between adjacent laycrs of weld Ill ctal and betwecn 、veld metal and base meta1. X (3) Crater C I'OSS Section AIl craters shall be filled to provide the specified weld sizι except for the ends of intermittent fillet welds outside of their effective length X (4) Weld Profiles profiles shall be in conforrnance with 5.23 X (5) Time of Inspection Visual inspection of welds in all steels may begin immediately after the complcted ‘,velds have cooled to ambient temperature. Acceptance criteria for ASTM A514 , A517 , and A 709 Orade HPS 101이/{ [HPS 690、vl steels shall be base‘1 on visual inspection performed not less than 48 hours after completion of the 、Neld X (6) Unde l'sized Welds The size of a fillet weld in any continuous 、veld may be less than the specified nomÌnal size (L) without correction by the following amounts (U) ‘ L, U, allowable decrease from L , in [mm] specified nominal ‘.veld size , in [mm] ,; 3116 [5) ,; 1116 [2) 114 [6) ,; 3/32 [2 .5] ;, 5/16 [8] ,; 1/8 [3] In all cases , the undersize portion of the 、.veld shall not exceed 10% of the 、~'eld length On web-to-flange ‘.velds on giiders , undemll1 shall be prohibited at the cnds for a length equal to twice the width of the flangι X 、;Veld (7) Undercut (A) For materialless than 1 in [25 Ilun] thíck , undercut shall not exceed 1132 in [1 mm] , with the following exception: undercllt shall not exceed 1116 in [2 mm] for any accumulated length up to 2 in [50 111111] in any 12 in [300 mm]. For material cqual 10 or grcater than 1 in [25 mmJ thíck , undercllt shall not exceed 1/16 in [2 mm] for any length of weld (B) In primary members , undercut shall bc 110 more than 0.01 in [0.25 mm] deep 、이len the weld is transverse to tensile stress under any design loading condition. Undercut shaJJ be no more t11an 1132 in [1 mm] deep for all othe 1' cases X (8) Porosity (A) CJP groove welds in butt joints transverse to the direction of computed tensile stress shall have no visible piping porosity. For all other groove welds and fo 1' fillet welds , the s l1 m ofthe visible piping porosity 1132 in [1 1111n] 01' greate 1' in diameter shall 110t exceed 3/8 in [1 0 mm] il1 any linear inch ofweld and shall not cxceed 3/4 in [201111U] in any 12 in [300 mm]length ofweld. (B) The freq l1ency of piping porosity in fillct 、Nclds shall not exceed one in each 4 in [100 mm] ofweld length and the rnaximum diameter shall not exceed 3/32 in [2.5 111m] Exception: for fillet 、velds connecting stiffeners to web , the SlI m of the diameters of piping porosity shall not exceed 3/8 in [10 mm] in any linear Îllch of weld and shall not exceed 3/4 in [20 mm] in any 12 in [300 mm] length of ‘.veld X (C) CJP groove 、rVelds in butt joints ‘ ransversc to the direction of computcd tensile strcss shaU have no piping porosity. For all othcr groove 、vclds , the frequency of piping porosity sha1l not exceed one in 4 in [100 mm] oflength and the maxi J11 u l11 diametcr shall 110t exceed 3/3 2 in [2.5 mm) X Notc: An “ X" indicates applicability for the connection type; a shadcd area Îndicates non-applicability. 290 AWS 0 1.1 /01.1 M‘ 2015 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES H이 e-Type Table 9.17 IQI Requirements (see 욕햇,1) Nominal Material Thickness :l. Range , in Nominal Material Thicknessa Range , mrn Up 10 0.25 incl Over 0.25 100.375 Over 0.375 10 0.50 Over 0.50 10 0.625 Over 0.625100.75 Over 0.75100.875 Over 0.875 to 1.00 Over 1.00 to 1. 25 Over 1. 25 to 1.50 Over 1. 50 to 2.00 Over 2.00 to 2 .50 Over 2.50 10 3.00 Over 3.00 to 4.00 Over 4.00 to 6.00 Over 6.00 10 8.00 Up to 6 incl Over 6 Ihrough 10 Over 10 Ihrough 12 Over 12 Ihrough 16 Over 16 throu 밍120 Over 20 Ihrough 22 Over 22 through 25 Over 25 through 32 Over 32 Ihrough 38 Over 38 through 50 Over 50 through 65 Over 65 through 75 Over 75 Ihrough 100 Over 100 through 150 Over 150 through 200 Film Side Designation Essential Hole 7 4T 4T 4T 4T 4T 4T 4T 4T 2T 2T 2T 2T 2T 2T 2T 10 12 12 15 17 17 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 a Single-wal1 radiographic thickness. Table 9.18 Wire IQI Requirements (see 요g흘1) Nominal Material Thicknessa Range , in Nominal Material Thicknessa Range , mm Up to 0.25 incJ Over 0.25 to 0.375 Over 0.375 to 0.625 Over 0.625 to 0.75 Over 0.75 to 1.50 Over 1.50 to 2.00 Over 2.00 to 2.50 Over 2.50 to 4.00 Over 4.00 to 6.00 Over 6.00 to 8.00 Up to 6 incJ Over6 to 10 Over 10 1016 Over 16 to 20 Over 20 to 38 Over 381050 Over 50 10 65 Over 65 to 100 Over 100 to 150 Over 150 to 200 Film Side Maximum Wire Diameter a Síngle-、,vall radiographic thickness. 291 m ITIm 0.008 0.010 0.013 0.016 0.020 0.025 0.032 0.040 0.050 0.063 0.20 0.25 0.33 0 .4 1 0.51 0.63 0.81 1. 02 1. 27 1.60 AWS 01. 1101.1 M‘ 2015 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES Table 9.19 IQI Selection and Placement (see 9.행걷) Equal T " 10 in [250 mm] L IQI Ty pes Equal T < 10 in [250 mm] L Unequal T " 10 in [250 mm] L Unequal T < 10 in [250 mm] L Hole Wire Hole Wire Hole 、Nire Hole Wire 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 E 1025 E747 E 1025 E 747 E 1025 E747 E 1025 E 747 9.17 9.18 9.17 9.18 9.17 9 .1 8 9.17 9 .1 8 Number of IQIs Pipe Girth ASTM Standard Selection Tables Figures 6.6 6.7 6.8 6‘ 9 Noles 1, T = Nominal base melal thickness (Tl and T2 of Figures) 2. L= 、,Veld Lcngth in area of inlerest of each radiograph 3. T may bc increased 10 provide for the thickness of allowable weld reinforcement provided shims arc used under holc IQIs per 292 CLAUSE 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES AWS D1.1/D l.l M:2015 100 500 r-:::: r:- c-• “‘ ‘ , r-. ι;!22 A,잉p x,v-上 、 5 o ξ- F‘--- F ‘ 3 F‘ 2 -- '1- r--- •1tt-- 6 8 Úl5 2 4 6 8 106 2 4 。 4 -。。 -e 2 m \-FT 얀 ~“ 10 4 B까 C AND Xl -:t --n -v7 D「T-τ/~ 으L「j7k1τ녁τ ε (“전* 2 , - ET 4 6 8 10' CYCLES OF LOAD N Figure 일-A lIowable Fatigue Stress and Strain Ra l1 ges for Stress Categories (see Table 9.3) , Tu bular Structures for Atmospheric Service (see 맏와7.3) 293 50 크 -띠 「。←¢ c-r OZ〈m ZSα←ω 」〈 ω← L 10 m도...::::. b,‘ l- 때 20 - 뼈 50 CATEGORY 깐그 F극 “.::::: 뼈 등 틈 ” ω ι 2000 삐 100 m -띠 OZ〈[ ωω띠αLFω。그Q〉。」〈←。 LF 200 -” m x AWS Dl.l/D 1.1 M:2015 CLAUSE 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES SIDE a, MAIN MEMBER (8) BOX SEC Tl ONS (A) CIRCULAR SECTIONS MAXIMUM Ll MIT OF T-CONNECTIONS TOE ZONE 900 T mo ,/‘ 、 • 4이|니- 짧 E; (0) Y-CONNECTION (C) τCONNECTION / m % &'S'~{ g (i) (E) K-CONNEC Tl ON @ K(T-K) K(T-Y) (F) K-COMBINATION CONNECTIONS GAP 9 MEASURED ALONG THE SURFACE OFTHE CHORD BETWEEN PROJECTIONS OF THE BRANCH MEMBER OUTSIDE SURFACE AT THE NEAREST APPROACH a Relevant gap is between braces whose loads are essentia !ly balanced. Type (2) may al50 be referred to as an N-connection Figul'e 9. 2-Pa l' ts of a 1\lbula l' Connection (see 9.3) 294 AWS D1.1/D 1.1 M:2015 CLAUSE 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES p p 에 φ (G) CROSS CONNECTIONS 1- OVERLAP 上- ’ (H) DEVIATl ONS FROM CONCENTR C CONNECTIONS 。 UTSIDE INTERIOR DIAPHRAGM STIFFENING RING JOINT CAN “ 1 뼈때 빼 〔 ν 熾 빠 ( 씨 (1) SIMPLE TUBULAR CONNECTION TRANSITION TRANSITION μ μ μ -[] (K) FLARED CONNECTIONS AND TRANSITIONS Figm'e 안l (Continued)-Pal.ts of a Tu bular COllnectioll (see 9.3) 295 G m AWS D 1.1 1D 1.1 M:2015 CLAUSE 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES 커 • --- --- / Ic R MATCHED STEPPED (L) CONNECTION TYPES FOR BOX SECTIONS p n r (N) CORNER DIMENSION OR RADIUS MEASUREMENT ~D~ (M) GEOMETRIC PARAMETERS PARAMETER RADIUS AS MEASURED BY RADIUS GAGE + Ic CIRCULAR SECTIONS BOX SECTIONS rblR OR dblD blO ax/D , v RIt。 012t r tþ/t c tb/tc 9 ANGLE BETWEEN MEMBER CENTER Ll NES ‘f ’ LOCAL OIHEDRAL ANGLE AT A GIVEN POINT ON WELOED JOINT c CORNER DIMENSION AS MEASURED TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY OR CONTACT WITH A 90' SQUARE PLACEO ON THE CORNER Figure 완1 (Continued)-Parts of a Thbular Connection (see 9.3) 296 AWS D 1.1 /D1.1M:2015 CLAUSE 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES , 51 MIN (NOT LESS THAN 1 in [25 mm]) 「上-껴 , 1 = THICKNESS OF THE THINNER TUBULAR SECTION Note: L ::: size as required Figure 9.3-FilIet Welded Lap Joint (Th bular) [see and 9.안끄강] <i< OF EFFECTIVE THROAT Figure 앤-nlbular T- , Y-, and K-Conneclion Fillet Weld Footprint Radius (see 9.틀~) 297 CLAUSE 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 rb ACTING Vp -ι~-- Figul'e 캔-Punching Sheal' Stl'eSS (seeι6. 1.1) A •1 ••• - __ 王‘c -------π Vp SECTION A-A THROUGH MEMBER Figm"e 앤-Detail of Ovel' lapping Joint (see 9.6. 1.6) 298 AWS D1.1 /D1.1M:2015 CLAUSE 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES Q Notes ‘ 1. -D .55H s e s 0.25H 2. e ~ 30。 3. H/Io and D/Io s 35 (40 for overlap K. and N.connections) 4. a/tb and bl b $35 ’ 5. Fyo s 52 ksi [360 MPaJ 6. 0.5 s H/D s 2.0 7. FyJF이, $0.8 Figure 믿l-Limitatious for Box T-, Y- , and K-Connections 앤ee 혼ι걷 and 。VERLAPPING >\ MEMBER \< THROUGH MEMBER y OVERLAP =요 x 100 % p Figure 9.8-0vel'lapping K-Connections (see 믿ι와.Ð 299 REMOVE AFTER WELDING r 짧=』 gp i魔 (A) f :않\ E二깜감 REMOVE AFTER WELDING (8) ε=작2 괴 →ζmζ「〉며@녁mζ。→immm 。「〉Imm@ WELDED FROM ONE SIDE 많 따\g다 WELDED FROM TWO SIDES (C)TRANSlTI ON 8YTAPERWELO 료靜二JC역까、 。D ] -- REMOVE AFTER WELDING (8) TRANSITION 8Y SLOPING WELO SURFACE ANO CHAMFERING R CHAMFER 8EFORE WELDING 펌隨 G CHAMFER 8EFORE WELDING g£agZ닮잉?꾀 닐슴~~ (0) TRANSITION 8Y TAPER 80RE 。 FTHICKER TU8E OFTU8E MACHlI밥 (E) TRANSITION 8Y STRAIGHT ANO TAPER 80RE ATTHICKERTU8E ~ 「젓?약 CONSτANT ID PRE댄R~ED./ ><<@ (C) TRANSITION 8Y CHAMFERING THICKER PART (F) TRANSITION 8Y TAPER 00 OF THICKER TU8E Figure 9.9-Transition ofThickness ofButt Joints in Parts ofUnequaI Thickness (Tubular) (see 9.7) E =。‘‘→흐N。‘ m Notes 1. Groove may be of any 히 lowed orqu허 jfjed type and detai l. 2. Transition slopes shown are the maximum allowed 3. In (8) , (0) , and (E) groove may be any allowed or qualified type and detai l. Transition slopes shown are maximum allowed CLAUSE 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES AWS D 1.1ID1.1 M:2015 TOE ZONE FOR \}J > 120。 EDGE SHALL BE CUT BACK TO FACI Ll TATE THROAT THICKNESS L 며r L 따r L SIDE (CIRCULAR) TOE SIDE (BOX) MIN L FOR HEEL < 60。 E = 0.71 E=1 E = 1.071 1. 51 1.51 LARGER OF 1.51 。 R 1.4 I+Z SIDE < 100。 SIDE 100-110。 1. 11 SIDE 110-120。 1. 21 1.81 2.01 BEVEL 1.4 1 BEVEL FULL BEVEL 60-90 0 GROOVE TOE> 120。 1.4 1 1. 51 1.61 1‘ 751 Notes 1. t ::: thickness of thinner part 2. L :::: minimum size (see which may require increased weld size for comblnations other than 36 ksi [250 MPa] base melal and 70 ksi [485 MPaJ eleclrodes) 3.R。이 opening 0 in 10 3/16 in [5 mmJ (see 5 긴) 4. Nol prequal비 ed for $ < 3D"'. For $ < 60'>, the Z 105$ dimensions in ‘터비 e 2.:툴 apply. See 1뼈8 욕잭 for welder qualifìcation posilion req 비 rements 5. See for IImitations on ß ::: ψD 6. '1' = 버굶하'al angle ‘ Figure 9.10-Fillet Welded Prequalified TlIblllar Joints Made by SMAW, GMAW, and FCAW (see 믿24) 301 CLAUSE 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES AWS D1.1 /D 1. 1M:2015 HEELZONE TOEZONE TRANSITION ZONE (A) CIRCULAR CONNECTION MITER CUT FOR l.JI < 60 0 @ TOEOF WELD HEEL ZONE TOE ZONE BEVEL PLAN SECTION (8) STEPPED 80X CONNECTION TOE ZONE CORNER TRANSITION HEEL ZONE '-SIDE ZON~ CORNER TRANSITION q TOEOF WELD ADDITIONAL BEVEL (C) MATCHED 80X CONNECTl ON Figure 9.11-Prequalified Joint Details for PJP T- , Y- , and K- Th bular Connections (see 9.10.1) 302 AWS D1.1/D 1.1 M:2015 CLAUSE 9. TU8ULAR STRUCTURES tb ‘’‘ tb 、β\/ ‘ w. P. 1.51 MIN THIS Ll NE TANGENT AT W. P. THIS Ll NE TANGENT ATW.P. 1.51 MIN TRANSITION A TRANSITION 8 THIS Ll NE TANGENT ATW. P. ‘l' = 75 -60。 0 TRANSITION OR HEEL tb 0 ‘l' = 60 -30 SKETCH FOR ANGULAR DEFINITION 0 150 0 ~ ‘f ’ ; : 30。 90 0 >$;;::30 0 HEEL FigUl'e 9.11 (Continued)-Prequalified Joint Details for PJP T-, Y- , and K- Tu bular Connections (see 9.10.1) 303 AWS D 1.lID1.1M:2015 CLAUSE 9. TUBULAR 8TRUCTURES ‘f’ = 150 0 ‘Y = 105 -105。 0 ‘Y = 90 -90。 TOE OR HEEL TOE 0 -75。 SIDE OR HEEL CORNER DIMENSION C ~ Ib + 1/8 in [3 mm) AND r ~ 21b OR ROOT OPENING ~ 1116 in [2 mm) OR SEE 9.10. 1.1 tb r = RADIUS 1. 51b MIN. OR AS REQUIRED TO FLUSH OUT (WHICHEVER 18 LESS) THIS Ll NE TANGENT ATW.P. TOECORNER SIDE MATCHED Notes 1. t = thickness of thinner section 2. Bevel to feather edge except in transition and heel zOn9's 3. Rool openlng: 0 in 10 3/16 in [5 mmJ 4. Not prequalified for under 30。 5. Weld size (effective throat) tw ;;:: t; Z Loss Dimensions shown in τable 9.훈 6. Calcu!ations per 욕효l죄 shall be done for leg length less than 1.5t, as shown 7. For Box Section , joint preparation for corner transitions shall provide a smooth transition from one detall to an이 her. Welding shall be carried continuously around corners , with corners fully built up and all weld starts and stops wilhin lat faces 8. See Annex ~ for definilion 이 looal dihedral angle , 'f'. 9. W.P. = work point ’ Figure 9.11 (Continued)-Prequalifled Joint Details for PJP K- Thbular Connections (see 믿앨J) 304 T-, Y- , and CLAUSE 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES AWS D1.1 /D 1.1 M:2015 HEEL DETAIL B. C. OR D FIGURE 9.14 DEPENDING ON V (SEE TABLE 9.7) TOE DETAIL A OR B ‘ FIGURE 요.14 CORNER TRANSITION CORNER TRANSITION SIDE DETAIL B FIGURE 9.14 STEPPED BOX CONNECTION ROOT FACE 커 f• OTO 0.10 in (2.5 mm] HEEL DETAIL B. C. OR D FIGURE 9.14 DEPENDING ON F (SEE TABLE lU) TOE DETAIL A OR B ‘ FIGURE 요 14 CORNER TRANSITION CORNER TRANSITION POINTOF TANGENCY IN Ll NEWITH INSIDE OF BRANCH TUBE SIDE DETAIL B FIGURE 요J<! (SEE ALTERNATE DETAIL B FOR MATCHED BOX CONNECTIONS) ALTERNATE DETAIL B (FOR MATCHED BOX SECTIONS) MATCHED BOX CONNECTION Notes 1. Det메s A , B, C , 0 as shown in Figure ~딘 and all notes frorn Ta 비 e 앨 apply. 2. Joint preparalion for corner we!ds shall provide a smooth transition fr6m one detail to another. Welding shall be carrjed continuously around corners, wilh corners fully built up and all arc starts and stops wilhin fJat faces 3 , References to Figure 9.14 include Figures 욕프 and !J,잭 as approp 끼ate to Ihickness (see 욕즈 7.7) Figure 9.1 2-Prequalified Joint Details f,이. CJP T-, Y- , and l(-자lbl니 ar Connections (see 9.끄.J) 305 AWS D1.1 /D1.1M:2015 CLAUSE 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES AREA FOR DETAILAOR B MAIN MEMBER Figure 9.13-Definitions and Detai\ed Selections for Prequalified CJP T-, Y- , and K-맘lbular Connections (see 믿11.2 and Table 2그) 306 AWS D 1.1 /Dl.1M:2015 CLAUSE 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES ROOT FACE 0-1/16 In [2 mm] BUILD UPAS REQUIREDTO MAINTAIN Iw Iw L -1 F F VARIES FROM OTO Ib/2 AS P VARIES FROM 135 0 TO 90 0 ‘ ‘p = 180 -135。 0 'p = Iw F = Ib/2 ‘I' = 150 -90。 0 90 0 -50。 DETAIL B DETAILA BACK UP WELD F = Ib/2 ‘P = 75 0 -30。 DETAIL C F = Ib/2 ‘P = 45 0 -30。 TRANSITION FROM CTO D F = Ib/2 ‘P = 40 -15。 0 DETAIL D Notes 1. See 재 bJe 9.8 for dimensions ι , L , R , W, 。、 。 2. Minimum standard flat we 버 profile shall be as shown by solld line. 3. A concave profile , as shown by dashed lines , shall 8150 be applicable 4. Convexity, overlap, elo. sh외 J be subjecl 10 the limitations 이 5 원‘ 5. Branch member thiαness , tb• shall be subject 10 limitatlons of Q:은프으 Figul'e 9.14-Pl'equalified Joint Deta iI s for CJP Groove Welds in Thbular T. , Y., and K.Connections -S tandard Flat Profiles for Limited Thickness (see 9.11.2) 307 AWS D 1.1 /D1.1M:2015 CLAUSE 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES ROOTFACE 0-- 1/16 in [2 mm) BUILD UP AS REQUIREDT'。 MAINTAIN tw r----. 上〕깐드 T • j L tw ←김- ‘Y = 180 -135。 ‘Y = 150 -90。 0 ‘J1 = 90 0 _50 0 0 DETAIL A DETAIL B INSIDE BEVEL 。 PTIONAL T 표」 l.JI = 75 0 -30 0 DETAIL C I-- F μ보나 WELD 냉1= l• F 450_300 I- tw-I 낸’ = I-- F 40 0 -15。 DETAIL D TRANSITION FROM CTO D ’ Notes 1. Sketches illustrate alternate standard profiles 에 th toe illet 2. See 9.ξ:즈Z for applicable range of thickness t b 3. Minîmum fillet we 띠 size , F = ν'2 , shall a150 be subject to limits of Table 4.See 끼able~정 for dimensions tw, L , R. W, 따 @ 5. Convexity and overlap shall be subje이 to the IImitations 이 5원, 6. Concave profiles , as shown by dashed 1ines shall al50 be acceptable 5.Z. Figu l'e 9.15-Pl'equalified Joint Details fO l' CJP Groove Welds in Th bula l' T. , Y. , and K.Connections-P l'ofile with Toe Fillet for Intermediate Thickness (see 9.1 1. 2) 308 AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 CLAUSE 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES MIN RADIUS Ib/2 L '1' = ‘P = 150 -90。 180 0 -135。 DETAIL A INSIDE BEVEL OPTl ONAL FOR '1’ < 45。 MIN‘ RADIUS Ib /2 ‘P = 90 -50。 0 0 DETAIL B BACK UP WELD MADE FROM OUTSIDE i~ïC~\ @ BACK UP WELD MADE FROM 。 UTSIDE -+ THEORETICAL WELD ‘P = 75 -30。 0 DETAIL C THEORETICAL WELD ‘P = 45 0 -30。 TRANSITION FROM CTO D '1' = 40 0 -15。 DETAIL D Notes 1. lII ustraling improved weld profiles for 9.2.7.민끄 as welded and 9.2 .7.인강 fully ground‘ 2. For heavy seclions or fatìgue critical applications as indicated in 9.2 ,즈Z 3. See τable ll.,원 for dimensions tι L , R , W, 0), $ Figure 칸파-Prequalified Joint Details for CJP Groove Welds in Thbular T-, Y-, and K-Connections-Concave Improved Profile for Heavy Sections or Fatigue (see 9.11.걷) 309 AWS 01.1/0 1. 1M:2015 CLAUSE 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES |팩혹 PIPE HORIZONTAL ANO ROTATEO WELD FLAT (~150). OEPOSIT FILLER METAL AT OR NEAR THE TOP. (A) FLATWELDINGTEST POSITION 1G ROTATED PIPE OR TUBE VERTICAL ANO NOT ROTATED OURING WELOING WELD HORIZONTAL (~150). (8) HORIZONTAL WELDING TEST POSITION 2G 표}:: PIPE OR TUBE HORIZONTAL FIXED (~150) ANO NDT ROTATED OURING WELDING WELD FLAT, VERTICAL , OVERHEAO (C) MULTIPLE WELDING TEST POSITION 5G RESTRICTION RING 45 0 :t 5 。 이 PIPE INC Ll NATION FIXEO (45 0 .5 0) ANO NOT ROTATED OURING WELOING. (D) MULTIPLE WELDING TEST POSITION 6G (E) MULTIPLE WELDING TEST POSITION 6GR WITH RESTRICTION RING (T- , Y- , OR K-CONNECTIONS) Figure 깐 17-Positions of Test Pipe or Tubing for Groove Welds (see 9.1ιp 310 AWS D1.1/D1.1 M:2015 ;t밀 CLAUSE 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES 45。 45 。 (A) FLAT WEL Dl NG TEST POSITION 1F (ROTATED) (C) HORIZONTAL WELDING TEST POSITION 2FR (ROTATED) (8) HORIZONTAL WEL Dl NG TEST POSITION 2F (F XED) ’ (미 (티 OVERHEAD WELDING TEST POSITION 4F (FIXED) MULTIPLE WELDING TEST POSITION 5F (FIXED) Reproduced from AWS A3.0M/A3.0:2010 , Standard Welding Terms and Definitions, Jncfuding 7강rms for Adhesive Bonding , Brazing, Soldering, Thermaf Cuffing, and Thermal Spraying, Figure 8.20 , Miami: American Welding Soclety. Figure <<!캘-Positions of Test Pipes or Tubing for Fillet Welds (see 9.12.1) 311 AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 CLAUSE 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES CVN TEST SPECIMENS ‘ WHEN REOUIRED (TYPICA 니 TOP OF PIPE FOR 5G , 6G AND 6GR POSITIONS TOP OF PIPE FOR 5G , 6G AND 6GR POSITIONS FACE BEND FACE BEND ROOT BEND ROOT BEND BEND SPECIMENS TENSION AND CVN TEST SPECIMENS ’ DETA L A-2 in [50 mm] OR 3 in [75 mm) IN DIAMETER TOP OF PIPE FOR 5G , 6G AND 6GR POSITIONS o。 10。 TENSION CVN TEST SPECIMENS , WHEN REOUIRED (TYPICAL) SIDE BEND SIDE BEND 90。 CVNTEST SPECIMENS ’ WHEN REOUIRED (TYPICAL) HORIZONTAL REFERENCE Ll NE FOR THE 5G OR 6G POSITIONS SIDE BEND SIDE BEND TENSION DETAIL C-CVN TEST SPECIMEN LOCATION FOR JOB SIZE PIPE , IF REOUIRED DETAIL 8-6 in [150 mm) OR 8 in [200 mm) IN DIAMETER Note ‘ Duplicate speωfications test pipes or tubes or larger job size pípe may be required when CVN testing is specified on contract documents or Figure 9.19-Locatiol1 of Test Specimel1 s 011 Welded Test PipeWPS Qualificatiol1 (see ε단) 312 AWS 01.1/01.1 M’ 2015 CLAUSE 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES TOP OF TUBING 5G , 6G , ANO 6GR POSITIONS TENSION FACE OR SIDE BEND CVNTEST SPECIMENS , WHEN REQUIRED (TYPICAL) ROOT OR SIDE BEND FACE OR SIOE BEN ROOTOR SIDE TENSION Figul'e 혼쟁-Location of Test Specimens fO I' Welded Box Th bingWPS Qualification (see 9.14) 313 CLAUSE 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES AWS D1.1/D l.l M:2015 t = MAXIMUM FILLET SIZE 土 m 뼈|t 3 [% START AND STOP OFWELD DETAIL A-PIPE TO PIPE ASSEMBLY MACROETCH ONE FACE OF CUτTYPICAL MACROETCH TEST SPECIMEN Notes 1. See 낀able 9.9 for position requiremenls 2. Pipe shall be of sufficient thickness 10 prevent melHhrough TOP 1 F ROTATED, 2F, 2F ROTATED 4F AND 5F LOCATION OF TEST SPECIMENS ON WELDED PIPE - WPS QUALIFICATION t = MAXIMUM FILLET SIZE L TMAX START AND STOP OFWELD T = WALL THICKNESS DETAtL B-PIPE TO PLATE ASSEMBLY MACROETCH ONE FACE 。 FCUτTYPICAL MACROETCH TEST SPECIMEN Notes: 1. See τa 비 8 욕~ for posilion requiremenls 2. Pipe shall be of suflicient thickness 10 prevent meU-through 3. AII dimensions are minimums Figure 9.21-Pipe F iIlet Weld Soundness Test-WPS Qualification (see 4.12.2 맨d 9.16) 314 AWS D 1. 1/D1.1M:2015 CLAUSE 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES \\60'ì \0077 「\'j1갚 ‘=ï亡 PRODUCTION iγ-각굉잖 JOINT (B) WELDER QUA Ll FICATIDN WITH BACKING (A) WELDER QUALIFICATIDN WITHDUT BACKING Note: T = qualifícation plpe or box tube wall thickness Figure 9.으양-Thbular Butt Joint-Welder Qualification with and without Backing (see 9.캔) α = PRODUCTION (J. GROOVE ANGLE (60' RECOMMENDED) \\~ì = PRODUCTION GROOVE ANGLE (60' RECOMMENDED) \\~ì j'~~조갚 lllA ìn f' 찌 「자/지갚 L각亡jPRODmlON J。lNT (B) WPS QUALIFICATl DN WITH BACKING (A) WPS QUALIFICATIDN WITHDUT BACKING Note: T = qualification pipe or box tube wall thickness Figure 잭3-Thb비ar Butt Joint-WPS Qualification with and without Backing (see 9.15.1 and 9.15걷) 315 AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 CLAUSE 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES ~下 2in [50mm) ~ BACKUP WELD AREA (GROOVE WIDTH IS LESS THAN DIMENSIONW [TABLE !L윈) [25 mm) MIN DETAIL A BACKUP WELD AREA DETAIL A SOUND THEORETICAL WELD Figure 9.24-Acute Angle Heel Test (Restraints not Shown) (see 9.갤씌4) 316 AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 CLAUSE 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES 6 in [150 mm] MIN RESTRICTION RING 6 ’ [150 mm] M N SAME O.D. AS TEST PIPE OR SAME SIZE AS TEST BOXTUBING MINIMUM NOMINAL TEST PIPE O.D. = 6 in [150 mm]; NO Ll MIT FOR BOX TUBES 0-1/161n [0-2 mm] 1/2 in [12 mm] MIN 1/2 in [12 mm] MAX 3116 in [5 mm] MIN Figm'e 2.끽~-Test Joint for T- , Y- , and K-Connections without Backing on Pipe or Box 1\lbing (26 in [150 mm] O.D, )-Welder and WPS Qualification (see 및15.4.1 and 완12) 317 AWS D1.1/D 1.1 M‘ 2015 CLAUSE 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES 6in [150 mm] MIN 61 [150 mm) MIN / NOMINAL TEST PIPE 。 D. < 4 in [100 mm); NO Ll MIT FOR BOX TUBES / / SAME O.D. AS TEST PIPE OR SAME SIZE AS TEST BOXTUBING 0.203 in ]5.16 mm) MIN 1/21n [12 mm) MAX. in [5 mm] MIN Figure 9.26-Test Joint for T- , Y- , alld K-Connections without Backing on Pipe or Box Tubillg (<4 in [100 mm] O.D.)-Welder and WPS Qualificatioll (see 9.갤.4.1 and 믿캔) 318 AWS D1. lI D1.1M:2015 CLAUSE 9. TUSULAR STRUCTURES MACROETCH TEST SPECIMEN LOCATION [75 찌M;\ 6in [150 mm] MIN MACROETCH TEST SPECIMEN LOCATIONS 3/8 in [10 mm] MIN 0-1/16 in [0-2 mm] 6 in [150 mm] MIN Figllre 앨Z-Corner Macroetch Test Joint for T. , Y. , and K.Connections withollt Backing on Box Th bing for CJP Groove Welds-Welder and WPS Q lIalification (see 안설.4.1 and 9.캔) 319 AWS D1. lID1. 1M:2015 CLAUSE 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES FACE BEND ROOTOR SIDE BEND FACE OR SIDE BEND SIDE BEND ROOTBEND PIPE WALL 3/8 in [10 mmJ AND UNDER (Note a) PIPE WALL OVER 3/81n [10 mmJ ALL WALL THICKNESSES SPECIMENS FOR 1G AND 2G POSITIONS TOP OF TUBING FOR 5G , 6G , AND 6GR POSITIONS TOP OF PIPE FOR 5G , 6G , AND 6GR POSITIONS FACE BEND ROOT BEND SIDE BEND FACE OR SIDE BEND SIDE BEND SIDE BEND FACE BEND PIPE WALL 3/8 in [10 mmJ AND UNDER (Note a) ROOTOR SIDE BEND PIPE WALL OVER 3/8 in [10 mm] ALL WALL THICKNESSES SPECIMENS FOR 5G , 6G , AND 6GR POSITIONS a For 3/8 in [10 mmJ wall thickness , a side-bend test may be substituted for each of the required face- and root-bend tests Figure 9.28-Location of Test SpeCÍmel1 s 011 Welded Test Pipe and Box Thbing-Welder Qualificatiol1 (see 9.끄J) 320 AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 CLAUSE 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES tw WELD THICKNESS , mm 。>VER 0 \넣 38 50 50 _______ See r‘繼 6 12 1/2 \\ 3/4 20 \、 25 、\ r Se~ Note b < 1-1/2 40 \ 、 . 50 2 0 1/2 1-1/2 2 -α 。L 「。버ι 」띠I 」〈그。-〉z --。 ω」m〈←α띠。。· 〈F”띠Oαι 〈。 」 ILFOZ띠」 t-。α 「O띠」ι띠r 」〈그。-〉1 z。 - 버」띠〈LFι띠。 。띠 〈O江익」ι。 工L「OZ띠」 L「ω 1/4 25 12 EE OVER 2 WELD THICKNESS , in ~ b ’ Internal linear or p!anar reflectors above slandard sensitivity. Minor re lectors (above disregard level up 10 and including standard sensilivity). Adjacent reflectors separated by less than their average lenglh shall be Ireated as continuous FigUl'e 9,쟁-Class R Illdicatiolls (see 9.낀.1. 1) 321 AW8 D1.1/D l.l M:2015 CLAU8E 9. TUBULAR 8TRUCTURE8 tw WELD THICKNE88 , mm UNDER 75 75 150 225 300 UNDER 12 12 25 38 50 。>VER 300• 。IVER 50 ~ FOR THI8 WELD 81ZE 12 1/2 뉴- - - - \ F\ \ 2 \ 40 50 \ 2-1/2 65 \ \ 、 75 3 ABOVE져\ R8 DI8REGARD LEVEL INCLUDING ROOT REFLECTOR8 OF 81NGLE WELDED T- , Y- , AND K-CONNECTION8 (Nole a) 、 \ \ UNDER 3 1/2 3 1 6 EE 90 、 4 UNDER 1/2 d 띠←〈그」〈〉띠。」띠르 ι。 I←oZ 띠」 3-그등그。。〈 αu〉。 ”α。←。띠」 ι띠¢ ι。 돋 OZ띠」。띠← ζ-。 -띠←〈그」〈〉 。 띠」띠르ι。 IL잉 FZ띠」 α띠〉。 m¢。←Q 띠」ι띠¢ “‘。 IL 〔 OZ띠」。띠다‘」 3응그。。〈 \ 1-1/2 25 \ \ 3-1/2 EVALUATE OVER THI8 LENGTH (NOT TO EXCEED D/2 WHERE D 18 DIAMETER) 1-1/2 9 WELD THICKNE8S , in Iw 100 2 OVER 2 ~ FOR THI8 WELD 81ZE 12 OVER 12 • - EVALUATE OVER THI8 LENGTH (NOT TO EXCEED D/2 WHERE D 18 DIAMETER) a Root area discontinuities falling 。이side theoretical weld (dimensions "tw" or “t: in Figures 9.14 , 9.15 , and 9.16) are 10 be disregarded. Figure 9.쟁 (Continued)-Class 322 R Indications (see 9.긴.1. 1) AWS D1. 1ID 1. 1M:2015 CLAUSE 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES MAIN MEMBER BRANCH MEMBER 1. Allgned discontinuilles separated by less than (L 1 + L2)12 and parall허 disconlinuities separated by less than (H1 + H2)/2 shall be evaluated as continuous 2. Accumulative discontinuities shall be evaluated 。 ver 6 in [150 mm) or DI2 len9th 01 weld (which. ever is less) , where tube diameter = 0 HEIGHT (H) LENGTH (L) L AND H BASED ON A RECTANGLE WHICH TOTALLY ENCLOSES INDICATED DISCONTINUITY LENGTH , mm 150 OR D/2 12 REJECT '- r I ~ }ourI-j ’ 「 빠때 1/4 [6) OR tw /4 ACCUMULATIVE L-LfmT뻐 ES 118 [3) 1/16 ’ T. , Y', AND K.ROOT 0 SCONT NUITIES 1. For CJP weld in 5in91e we여 ed τ , Y. , and K-tubular connections made wilhout backing 2. Discontinuities in the backup weld in the rOOI , Details C and 0 of Figures 옹션, 욕1흐, and 욕쩍 shall be disregarded m [2) 2 1/2 4 6 OR D/2 LENGTH , in LENGTH , mm 25 50 100 150 OR D/2 REJECT L EE [ ] C- 1/8 INTERNAL REFLECTORS AND ALL OTHER WELDS ACCUMUL따IVE DISCONTINUITIES [3) Discontinuitles that are 에 thin H or t,.J6 of the outside surface shall be sized as if extending to the surlace of the weld ‘ ( I ) • 끊 1/16 필 [2) ANY 1/4 1/2 2460RD/2 LENGTH , in Figure 9.30-Class X Indications (see 9.낀.1.2) 323 CLAUSE 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES AWS Dl.1 1D1.1M:2015 FILM PANORAMIC EXPOSURE 。 NE EXPOSURE MINIMUM THREE EXPOSURES Flgure 완끄-셔Slngle-Wall ExposureSlngle-Wall View (see 완쟁.1.1) MINIMUM THREE EXPOSURES 。‘-SOURCE Figure 9.3강-Double-Wall Exposur,•Single-Wall View (see 324 AWS D 1.1 /D1.1M:2015 CLAUSE 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES τ- ↑κSOURCE 悔~SOURCE WELD t Figure 원J-Double- Wall Exposure-Double-Wall (페Iiptic때) View, Minimum 1\vo Exposures (see 9.쟁.1.3) τ--~SOURCE gEt\따RLI야 XIS OF WELD _____녁 WELD ~ Figure 원1-Double- Wall Exposure-Double-Wall View, Minimulll Three Exposures (see 9.걷믿JÆ 325 AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 CLAUSE 9. TUBULAR STRUCTURES ’ (A) BEAM DIRECTIDN. MA NTAIN SOUND PERPENDICULAR TO WELD. MAINOR THROUGH MEMBER @ (B) V.PATHS. USE SINGLE AND MULTIPLE LEGS AND VARIOUS ANGLES AS REQUIRED TO COVER THE COMPLETE WELD INCLU Dl NG THE ROOT AREA. Figure 9.35 -S canning Techniques (see 9.3ι~ 326 AWS D1. lID1.1M:2015 Annexes Normative Information These annexes contai l1 information and requirements that are considered a part of the standard Annex A Eff<εctive Throat 멍j Annex B Effective Throats of Fillet Welds in Skewed T-Joints Annex D Flatness of Girder Webs Annex E Flatness of Girder Webs-Cyclically Loaded Structures Annex F Tcmperature-Moisture Content Charts Annex G Qualification and Calibration of UT Units with Other Approved Reference B10cks Anncx H Guideline on Alternative Methods for Determining Preheat Annex I Symbols for TlI blllar Connection Weld Design Annex J Tenns and Definitions Statically Loaded Structures • Informative Information These anncxes are not considered a part of the standard and are provided for informational purposes only Annex}<; G미IÍde Annex ~ UT Equipment Qualitìcation and Inspection Forms Annex 띤 Sample Welding Forms Annex t!: G lI idelines for the Preparation of Technical Inquiries for the Structural Welding Committee Annex Q Local Dihedral Annex f Contents of Preqllalified WPS Annex Q UT Examination of Welds by Alternative Techniques Annex ß Ovalizing Paramcter Alpha for Specification Writers Anglε Annex S List of Reference Documents Annex T Filler Metal Annex U A.WS A5.36 Filler Metal Classifications and Properties Str히19th Properties 327 AWS Dl.l/Dl.1M ’ 2015 This page is intentionally blank. 328 AWS D1.1/D 1.1 M:2015 Annex A (Normative) Effective Throat íID This annex is part of AWS D l.l /D I.l M:2015 , Struc llI ral lVeldil1 g Code-Steel , and includes mandatory elements for use with this standard. 80 0 -100。 ~ \ ~ EFFECTIVE THROAT \ DIAGRAMMATIC FILLET WELD FACE \ WELDSIZE \ \ \ \ JOINTROOT Figu l'e A.I-Fillet Weld (see 329 AWS D1. 1/D 1.1 M:2015 ANNEXA k JOINT ROOT mAGRAMMMlC GROOVE WELD FACE EFFECTIVE SIZE OF A BEVEL GROOVE WELD WITH DEDUCTION OF 1/8 in [3 mm] i.e. , (E) = S - 1/8 1/8 in [3 mm] AS REOUIRED EFFECTl VE SIZE OF A BEVEL GROOVE WELD WITHOUT DEDUCTION I.e., (E) = S Figure A. 2-Unreinforced Bevel Groove Weld SHORTEST DISTANCE FROM THE JOINT ROOT TO THE WELD FACE OF THE DIAGRAMMATIC WELD EFFECTIVE THROAT (E) OF THE REINFORCED BEVEL GROOVE WELD 짧 、、 γ 1 /"" DIAGRAMMATIC ,... GROOVE WELD FACE 1/8 in [3 mm] AS REOUIRED \ \ \ JOINTROOT Figure A.3-Bevel Groove Weld with Reinforcing FiIIet Weld (see 330 r c AWS D1.1/D 1. 1M:2015 ANNEXA SHORTEST DISTANCE FROM THE JOINT ROOT TO THE WELD FACE 。 F THE DIAGRAMMATIC WELD ~ EFFECTIVE THROAT (E) OF THE REINFORCED BEVEL GROOVE WELD DIAGRAMMATIC FILLET WELD FACE 1/8 in [3 mm) AS REQUIRED JOINT ROOT Figure A.4-ßevel Groove Weld with Reinforcing Fillet Weld (see 」--- D|AGRAMMATlC JOINT ROOT INCOMPLETE JOINT PENETRATION DERIVED FROM TABLE 2.1 GROOVE WELD FACE EFFECTIVE SIZE OF A FLARE BEVEL GROOVE WELD IF FILLED FLUSH ←←야 Figure A.5-Um’ einforced Flare ßevel Groove Weld 331 AWS D1.1 1D1.1 M:2015 ANNEXA SHORTEST DISTANCE FROM THE JOINT ROOT TO THE WELD FACE OF THE DIAGRAMMATIC WELD EFFECTIVE THROAT (E) THE REINFORCED FLARE BEVEL GROOVE WELD 。F 짧 ir/- DlAGRAMMATE GROOVE WELD FACE 、 rf C Rm 않 、、 \ INCOMPLETE JOINT PENETRATION DERIVED FROM TABLE 2.1 Figure A.6-Flare 8evel Groove Weld with Relnforcing Fillet Weld (see 332 AWS Dl.l/D 1. 1M:2015 Annex B (Normative) Effective Throats of Fillet Welds in Skewed T-Joints This annex is part of AWS D l.1 /D I.l M:2015 , St l'll ctural \Veldillg Code-Ste e/, and includes mandatory elements for lI se with this standard Table B.l is a tabulatioll showing equivalent leg size factors for the range of dihedral angles bet \Veen 60。 and 135 0 , assuming 110 root opcning. Root opening(s) 1116 in [2 mml or greater, but not exceeding 3116 in [5 mml , shall be added directly to the leg size‘ The required leg size for fillet 、,velds in skewed joints shall be calculatεd using the equivalent leg size factor for correct dihedr 1 angle , as shown in the example Required Strength equivalent to 900 fillet weld of size: 8 111111 Procedure (1) Factor for 75 0 from Table B .l: 0.86 (2) Equivalent leg size , w, of skewed joint , without root opening: w=0.86x8 =6.9mm 2mn (3) With root opening of (4) Required leg size , w, of 8.9111111 n1 skewed fillet weld: [(2) + (3)J (5) Rounding up to a practical dimension w = 9.0 111m “ EXAMPLE (U.S. Customary Units) Given: Skewed T-joint , angle: 75 0 ; root opening 1116 (0.063) in Required: Strength equivalent to 90 0 fillet size: 5116 (0 .3 13) in 、veld For fillet welds having cqual measllred legs (w") , the distance from the root of the joint to the face of the diagrammat Îc vcld (t ,,) may be calclllated as follows ‘ of For root openings > [/[6 in [2 mmJ and ,; 3!I 6 in [5 111m ], use Procedure: (1) Factor for 75 0 from Table B.I: 0.86 (2) Equivalent leg size , \V, of skewed joint , without root opening w = 0.86 x 0.313 = 0.269 in (3) With root opening of: ι063 in (4) Required leg size , w = 0 .3 32 in of skewed fillet 、.veld: [(2) + (3)J (5) Rounding up to a practical dimension w = 3/8 in L = " Skcwcd T-joint , angle: 75 0 ; 1"0 UJ 2 sit년 For root openings < 111 6 in [2 mml , lI se Rn = 0 and t'n tn where the measured leg of such fillet 、,veld (w ,,) is the perpendicular distance from the surface of the joint to the opposite toe , and (R) is the root opening , if any, between parts (see Figure 3 ‘표). Acceptable root openings are defined in 5.2 1.1 EXAMPLE (S[ Units) Given: wn 펴 0t opening 2 I1Ul1 333 AWS D1.1/D1.1M ‘ 2015 ANNEX B Table 8.1 Equivalent Fillet Weld Leg Size Factors for Skewed ‘ Dihedral angle, y τJolnts 60。 65。 70。 75。 80。 85。 90。 95。 0.71 0.76 0.81 0 ‘ 86 0.91 0.96 1.00 1.03 Dihedral angle , y 100。 105。 110。 1\ 5。 120。 125。 \3 0。 \3 5。 Comparable fillet weld size for same s rength 1.08 1. 12 1.1 6 1.1 9 1. 23 1. 25 1. 28 1. 31 Comparable fillet 、.eld size for same strength ‘ ‘ 334 AWS D1.1 /D 1. 1M:2015 Annex C There is 110 Annex C. Annex C has been omitted in order to avoid potential confusion with references to Commentary clauses. 335 AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 This page is in1entional1y blank. 336 AWS D1. 1/Dl .IM:2015 Annex D (Normative) Flatness of Girder Webs-Statically Loaded Structures This annex is part of A、/{S D l.l/Dl.l M:2015 , Structllral Weldillg Code-Stee! , and includes mandatol'Y elements fo l' use with this standard. FLANGE PLATE 8TIFFENER d d WHICHEVER 18 THE LA8T PANEL DIMEN810N FLANGE PLATE Notes: 1. D = Depth 01 web‘ 2. d Least panel dìmension 337 AWS 0 1.1 /01.1 M:2015 ANNEX 0 Table D.1 Intermediate Stiffeners on 80th Sides of Web Depth 0 1' Thickncss of 、~Veb , in ”“ “% mm 65 70 75 80 85 70 75 80 85 75 80 85 80 85 80 85 % % % % 5 ro0 7I5 /00 7I m %@ % m “m πυ % 60 π m % 85 ∞ 재 ω %m 80 ro0 7l5 0 % mm 75 이 아이 m ” m 70 없 πμμ 써πμ Xω μX 끄 ”m ”” 65 “ω이이 야 ”% % % 60 ιU %m 55 야 μ ”n % % % 45 56 45 56 45 56 45 56 45 56 45 야 j xJ Leasl Pallel Dimension , in 50 40 50 40 50 40 50 40 50 40 50 40 αω ”ω nω αω “연 μμ 야 Less than 94 94 and over mm 야 μ 5/8 Less thall 84 84 and Qver g mm ”이건 9/1 6 ‘ Less han 75 75 and over %m 찌 m 1/2 ‘ ”” 애 7116 L !SS than 66 66 alld o\'er %m ”μ 3/8 Less than 56 56 and oycr 25 20 25 20 25 20 25 20 25 20 25 20 ”이 있 5/1 6 、Neb , in Less than 47 47 and Qver Maximu ll1 Allowable Variation. in 1/4 15 /1 6 1-1116 ιm 재 “ m m 2 “씨 2 νm %m !l % 21 % l m씨 q ιω m 찌 % % ll 껴ι 20 % 쩌 18 2 % %m 갱 16 m % 없 14 2 l 2 l 2 l αω αω 12 v- αω αω 11 mm 맨 10 m m% ---! 밴 M m 있 m 씨있 g • 8 M 때­ M 6 7/8 이 ι m m l l l l I l 잎 0 mm 1U o% M 잉 % 씨 πu 씨 π 때 πj πu OU ll n% 빠­ @ nU l u o% u 년 nU nU m” 애 nU 이시 m 뼈 a 띠 ” … nU u m μ μμ OU 13/1 6 Least Panel Dimension , meters 낀 mι젠 …… ”…… aU ” …”…… …… … α M mm l 3/4 m% 2 2 l m------------E --l ----------l ’l I % m 2m l I li % l l --------p m 2 % l I % ----44 ---l M 1 m o mj nU “m nJ 깨 ”ω a OU oU δU u a nU M 11/ 16 낀 야 낀 αω 낀 야기 기 ω 낀 ωw ” nU OU I l Il 5/8 μ μ μ갱 nU m n m o% --ou 9/16 낀 띠 낀 mι 낀 mι 낀 u” nU 112 섞 μ nU 7/16 때뼈 m 3/8 mη 끼어 m 끼αm αm nu ”ω αω 없 이기 nU ”m 뼈뼈때뼈… m ω nj ”” $ nU nU 3 a % nU 삐때 15.9 ”% a $ nU M 띠 삐삐 14.3 i m씨 12.7 ” “ … “…… ” αω nl ”” 깨뼈 9.5 L l L l L l L I L 2 L 2 삐삐 삐 때 8.0 Depth of Web , m 앉 Thickness of 、,Vcb , 111m 5/16 m 22 24 25 27 159 169 178 188 Notc: For aclual dimC Il sions not shown , use the next higher Jï gure Table D.2 No Intermediate Stiffeners Thickllcss of\\ eb , in ‘ Any Depth of \Veb , in 38 47 56 66 75 84 94 103 113 122 131 141 150 Maximum Allowable Variation. in 1/4 5/1 6 3/8 7/1 6 1/2 9/1 6 5/8 11/ 16 Thìckllcss of wcb , 111m Any 3/4 13/1 6 7/8 15/1 6 1-1 /1 6 1-1/8 1-3116 1-1μ Depth of \Veb , mctcrs 0.97 1.1 9 1.42 1.68 1.90 2.13 2.39 6 8 10 II 12 14 16 2.62 2.87 3.10 Maximu Tll Allowable 18 Note: For actual dimensions not shown , use the next higher figurc 338 20 21 3.3 3 3.58 싸 riation. 22 3.81 4.04 4.29 4.52 4.77 27 29 30 32 millimeters 24 25 ANNEX D AWS D1.1/D 1. 1M‘ 2015 Table 0.3 Intermediate Stiffeners on One Side Only 01 Web Thickness of 、;Veb , in 5116 3/8 7116 1/2 9/ 16 5/8 Thîckness ofWeb, mm 8.0 9.5 11.1 12.7 14.3 15.9 Depth of Le ss than 31 31 and over Less than 38 38 and over Less than 44 44 and over [ιess than 50 50 and over Less than 56 56 and over Less than 63 63 and over Least Panel 25 17 25 17 25 17 25 17 25 17 25 17 31 21 31 21 31 21 31 21 31 21 31 21 25 38 25 38 25 38 25 38 25 38 25 29 34 38 42 46 50 54 59 63 67 71 29 44 29 44 29 44 29 44 29 34 38 42 46 50 54 59 63 67 71 34 50 34 50 34 50 34 38 42 46 50 54 59 63 67 71 42 46 50 54 38 56 42 54 38 46 50 56 63 42 50 54 46 38 Maximum AIIowable Variation , in 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 lμ 5116 3/8 7/16 112 13/16 718 15116 1.37 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1. 50 1.60 1.70 1. 80 1.50 1.60 1.70 1. 80 1. 50 1.60 1.70 1. 80 22 24 25 27 9116 Depth of Web , m Less than 0.78 0.78 and over Less than 0‘ 97 0.97 and over Le ss than 1.1 2 1.1 2 and over Less than 1. 27 1. 27 and over Le ss than 1.42 1.42 and over Le ss than 1.60 1.60 and over Dimension , in 5/8 Least Panel 0.63 0.4 3 0.63 0.4 3 0.63 0.43 0.63 0.43 0.63 0.43 0.63 0.43 6 0.79 0.53 0.63 0.79 0.97 0.53 0.63 0.79 0.97 0.53 0.63 0.79 0.97 0.53 0‘ 63 0.79 0.97 0.53 0.63 0.79 0.97 0.53 0.63 8 10 0.74 0.86 0.97 11/ 16 3/4 Dimension , meters 1.07 1.1 7 1. 27 0.74 0.86 0.97 1.07 1.1 7 1.27 1.37 1.1 2 0.74 0.86 0.97 1.07 1.1 7 1.27 1. 37 1.1 2 1. 27 0.74 0.86 0.97 1.07 1.1 7 1.27 1. 37 1.1 2 1.27 1.42 0.74 0.86 0.97 1.07 1.1 7 1.27 1. 37 1.1 2 1. 27 1.42 1.60 0.74 0.86 0.97 1.07 1.1 7 1.27 1.37 Maximum Allowable Variation , millimeters 21 11 12 14 16 18 20 Note: For actual dimensions not shown , use the next higher figure. 339 1-1116 AWS D1. 1/D 1. 1M:2015 This page is intentionally blank 340 AW8 0 1. 1/0 1.1 M‘ 2015 Annex E (Normative) Flatness of Girder Webs-Cyclically Loaded Structures This annex is part of AWS D l.l /D l.l M:2015 , Strllctllral Welding Code-Stee! , and includes mandatory elements for use with this standard. FLANGE PLATE 8TIFFENER d d WHICHEVER 18 THE LA8T PANEL 0lMEN810N FLANGE PLATE Notes: 1. 0 = Oeplh ofweb 2. d = Least panel dlmension. 341 AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 ANNEX E Table E.1 Intermediate Stiffeners on 80th Sides of Web , Interior Girders Thickness of 、,Veb , in 5116 Depth of Web , in Lcast Panel Dimension , in Lc 、,s 29 23 29 112 23 m2 23 75 81 86 92 98 52 65 58 63 69 75 81 86 92 98 69 75 81 86 92 98 75 81 86 92 98 81 86 92 98 81 86 92 98 7/8 15/16 “ 58 72 m” 58 72 m 58 am % 72 58 ” ”” hlaximum Allowable Depth ”” ”” ”” 끼ι ‘ι ”” ?ι 끼ι ωm ”% 끼,ι 이ι mm ?4 7ι ?2- 얘 m mm 1-1116 끼4 ‘4 m 씨 m ”” …… …… …% …… …… …% m-E m/ ’ ”% / 5 낀 ” 강 얘 ; m qι L mm -m 띤 γa← ……• l 2 % l % ” …씨 ?ι ω mω ll l m 씨 % l % 빼 π ωm ωm πμ ll l 2 l 2 l π m l …… …… …… ωm m π 1l 이ι m m αω g ?ι mm 1i ω 342 n M 끼에 싸띤 ‘ Note: For aclual dimen‘ 10Il S110 ShOW Il, usc the next higher figure mm n 인 n M 씨 없씨 U 씨 nU ms m ” 씨 n m-u j 35 13116 m l --------Y l gm M 펙μ m % ·l 니 6 mm m --nU gω “ ω nU m 씨 nU nu mj g n 씨꺼 껴 nU 1I mm ”n 꾀 a OU 이껴 ”” ” nU mm in 3/4 11116 ----------M- 낀 na nU % % ’l % nU % --nu 낀 얹 ωm mω a nU 껴 않 껴 야씨 15.9 L 2 $ u nU nu 5/8 % Least Panel Dimension , meters -----------l m l n ----------” m l ml --’ 낀띠 낀따 낀 nU % nU 껴 14.3 L 2 $ “ … ι 12.7 L l £ 11. 1 ” OU mA 껴 @찌 찌 a 9116 112 η li mj ll 7116 、서 riation , 낀 o mr l 9O o Rr 2J 3 o l 2 39 0 r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ”” 0 0 ‘ 3/8 이없 nU M ω 삐때 삐때 씨 때 삐삐 삐뼈 $ L $ u l ga L l a 9.5 l9 -o %r l 4”2 o %l l 68 0 、,Veb , III L 8.0 ”…… 5116 아 이”이 매 이 껴 아 이”이 Thickncss of'\Veb , mm 114 % % % π ” ”” 69 π ”” 63 %ω ωw 29 xm 58 이 μ 5/8 Less thun 94 94 and o\'er 23 m2 X 끄 29 ” ”” Xω 잉 9116 Less than 84 84 and 。、.cr % 52 αm nω Less than 75 75 and oyer 23 m2 46 58 46 58 46 58 46 58 46 58 46 있 αω 잉 29 23 %m 50 40 50 40 50 40 50 40 50 40 50 40 있 7116 Less than 66 66 and over 29 % 잉 χm 3/8 Less than 56 56 and ovcr ” ”잉 끄 ”잉 X %ω than 47 47 and over ”% %m AWS D1. 1/D1.1M:2015 ANNEX E Table E.2 Intermedlate Stiffeners on One Side Only of Web, Fascia Girders Thickness ofWeb, in 5/1 6 3/8 7/1 6 1/2 9/16 5/8 Thickness ofWeb, mm 8.0 9.5 11.1 12.7 14.3 15.9 Depth of Web , in Less ‘ han 31 31 and over Less than 38 38 and over Le ss than 44 44 and over Less than 50 50 and over Iιess than 56 56 and over Le ss than 63 63 and over Iιeast 38 25 38 25 38 25 38 25 38 25 38 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 30 45 30 45 30 45 30 45 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 35 53 35 53 35 53 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 40 60 40 60 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 45 68 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 60 50 55 65 Maxirnum Allowable Variation , in 70 75 80 85 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/16 5/8 13/16 7/8 15/16 Depth of Web, m Less than 0.78 0.78 and over Less than 0.97 0.97 and over Less than 1.1 2 1.1 2 and over Less than 1.27 1. 27 and over Less han 1. 42 1.42 and over Le ss than 1. 60 1.60 and over ‘ Panel Dimension , În 30 20 30 20 30 20 30 20 30 20 30 20 Le ast 0.76 0.51 0.76 0.51 0.76 0.5 1 0.76 0.51 0.76 0.5 1 0.76 0.51 0.97 0.63 0.97 0.63 0‘ 97 0.63 0.97 0.63 0.97 0.63 0.97 0.63 6 8 0.76 11 /1 6 3/4 1- 1/16 Panel Dimension , meters 0.89 1.02 1.1 4 1. 27 1.40 1.52 1.65 1.78 1.90 2.03 2.16 0.76 0.89 1.1 4 0.76 0.89 1.1 4 1. 35 0.76 0.89 1.1 4 1.35 0.76 0.89 1.1 4 1.35 0.76 0‘ 89 1.02 1.1 4 1. 27 1. 40 1. 52 1.65 1.78 1.90 2.03 2.16 1.02 1.14 1. 27 1. 40 1. 52 1.65 1.78 1.90 2.03 2.16 1.02 10 11 1.1 4 1. 27 1.40 1.52 1.65 1.78 1.90 2.03 2.16 1. 52 1.02 1.1 4 1. 27 1.40 1.52 1.65 1.78 1.90 2.03 2.16 1. 52 1.02 1.73 1.1 4 1. 27 1. 40 1. 52 1.65 1.78 Maximum Allowable Variation , millimeters 12 14 16 18 20 21 22 1.90 2.03 2.16 24 25 27 Note: For ac lU al dimensions not shown , use the next higher figure. 343 AWS D1 , 1/D 1.1 M:2015 ANNEX E Table E.3 Intermediate Stiffeners on One Side Only of Web , Interior Girders Thickness ofWeb , in 5/1 6 3/8 7/1 6 1/2 9/16 5/8 Thickness of 、,Veb , mm 8 ,0 9.5 11.1 12.7 14.3 15.9 Depth of 、싸 b , in Less than 31 31 and over Less than 38 38 and over Less than 44 44 and over Less than 50 50 and over Less than 56 56 and over Less than 63 63 and over Le ast 25 17 25 17 25 Panel Dimension , in 25 38 25 38 25 38 25 38 25 38 25 29 34 38 42 46 50 54 59 63 67 71 29 44 29 44 29 44 29 44 29 34 38 42 46 50 54 59 63 67 71 34 50 34 50 34 50 34 38 42 46 50 54 59 63 67 71 25 17 25 17 25 17 31 21 31 21 31 21 31 21 31 21 31 21 38 42 46 50 54 56 42 46 38 50 54 56 63 42 46 54 38 50 Maximum AlI owable Variation , in 59 63 67 71 5'9 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 1/4 5/16 3/8 7116 1/2 13/16 718 15 /1 6 17 9/16 5/8 11 /1 6 3/4 1- 1/ 16 Depth of Least Panel Dimension , meters 、,Veb , m Less than 0 ,78 0.79 and over Less than 0.97 0.97 and over Le ss than 1.1 2 1.1 2 and over Less than 1. 27 1. 27 and over Less than 1.42 1. 42 and over Le ss than 1.60 1.60 and over 0 ,63 0 .4 3 0.79 0.53 0.63 0 63 0.79 0.97 0 .43 0.63 0 .43 0.5 3 0.79 0.53 0.79 0.53 0 79 0.53 0.79 0.5 3 0.97 0.63 0.97 0.63 0.97 0.63 0.97 0.63 6 8 10 11 ‘ 0.63 0.43 0.63 0.4 3 0.63 0.4 3 0.63 ‘ 0.74 0.86 0.97 1.07 1.1 7 1. 27 1.37 1.50 1. 60 l.70 1. 80 0.74 1.1 2 0.74 1.1 2 0.86 0.97 1.07 1.1 7 1. 27 1.3 7 1. 50 1. 60 l.70 1. 80 0.86 1. 27 0.97 1. 07 1.1 7 1. 27 1.37 1. 50 1. 60 1.70 1. 80 0.74 0.86 0.97 1.07 1.1 7 1. 27 1.37 1.50 1.60 l.7 0 1. 80 1.1 2 0.74 1.1 2 0.74 1. 27 0.86 1.60 l.7 0 1. 80 1.60 l.7 0 1. 80 24 25 27 1. 42 0.97 1.07 1.1 7 1.27 1.37 1.50 1.42 1.60 1. 27 0.86 0.97 1.07 1.1 7 1.27 1.37 1.50 Maximum Allowable 싸 riatioll. millimeters 14 12 Note: For actuaI dirnensions not shown , use the next higher figure. 344 16 18 20 21 22 AWS 01.1/01.1 M:2015 ANNEX E τable E.4 lntermediate Stiffeners on 80th Sides of Web , Fascia Girders 92 98 105 112 66 71 79 85 92 98 105 112 71 79 85 92 98 105 112 79 85 92 98 105 112 92 98 105 112 98 105 112 15116 “ n % N % % ” 92 13116 7/8 % 끼 mj 85 이아 야 ”j 79 %∞ mn 71 mη nn 66 μω 이이 야 이 m ””” mj η ”” ”” ”” % η …영 % mn η ”” ”” 59 η % 53 선씨 션 J”인 언이 씨 E 쟁 5/8 …% ”끄씨 있 9/16 j 씨 영 112 ”n ” ”” ”” 씨 7/16 33 26 33 26 33 26 33 26 33 26 33 26 qι“ ωnμ “ ω야 μ gω gω 3/8 Less than 47 47 and over Le ss than 56 56 and over Less than 66 66 and over Less than 75 75 and over Less than 84 84 and over Le ss than 94 94 and over Least Panel Dimension , in …% 이 ”인 ι 5116 Depth of Web , in 씨죄 씨 Thickness of Web , in m Maximum AHowable Variation. in Thickness of Web, rnm 8 ,0 9.5 nl 7/16 0.84 0.66 0 , 84 0.66 0.84 0 ,66 0.84 0 ,66 0 , 84 0.66 0.84 0.66 1.04 1. 24 0.84 1.04 0 ,84 1. 04 0.84 1.04 0.84 1.04 0.84 1. 04 0 ,84 0.99 1. 24 0.99 1. 24 0 ,99 1. 24 0,99 1/2 5/8 9116 Depth of Web, m 11116 3/4 1- 1/ 16 Least Panel Dimension , meters 1.24 0.99 1. 24 0‘ 99 1. 35 1.50 1.68 1. 83 2 ,01 2 , 16 2.34 2 .49 2,67 2 ,84 1. 35 1.50 1. 85 1.50 1. 85 1.50 l % l -- 1.68 1. 83 2,01 2, 16 2.34 2.49 2,67 2 , 84 1.68 1. 83 2,06 1.68 1.83 2 % l @m 2 % l % 2,01 2.16 2.34 2.49 2.67 2.84 2.01 2.16 2 , 34 2 .49 2 ,67 2 ,84 22 24 25 27 159 169 178 188 1.65 1.35 1.65 1.35 1. 65 1.35 -- “” m 2 M 2 “m …… …… …… …… ‘ …… …쩌 1.1 9 1. 45 1.1 9 1. 45 1.1 9 1.45 1.1 9 1.45 1.1 9 1. 45 1.1 9 m 씨 …찌 Less than 1.1 9 1.1 9 and over Less than 1. 42 1.42 and over Le ss than 1. 68 1.68 and over Le ss than 1.90 1.90 and over Le ss than 2 .1 3 2, 13 and over Iιess than 2 .3 9 2.39 and over 찌찌찌 15.9 3/8 m 씨 야ω 14, 3 5/16 않없얘뻐 찌 12.7 114 Maximum Allowable Variation. millime ers 8 6 10 11 12 14 16 18 20 21 Note: For actual dimensions not shown , use the next higher figure Table E.5 No Intermediate Stiffeners , Interior or Fascia Girders Thickness of~~ Any ~ili~~~ 38 47 56 66 75 84 94 103 113 122 131 141 150 Maximu ll1 Allowable Variation , in 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 112 9/16 5/8 11116 Thickness of Web, mrn Any 3/4 13116 718 15116 1-1/16 1- 1/8 1-3/16 1-114 Depth of Web , meters 0 ,97 1.1 9 1.42 1.68 1.90 2.13 2.39 2,62 2, 87 3.10 3 ,33 3.5 8 3.81 4.04 4 ,29 4 ,52 4.77 27 29 30 32 Maximum A lI owable Variation. millimeters 6 8 10 11 12 14 16 18 Nole: For acluaI dimensions not shown , use the next higher figure 345 20 21 22 24 25 AWS D1.1 /D1.1 M:2015 This page is intentionally blank 346 AWS Dl.l/Dl.1M:2015 Annex F (Normative) Temperature-Moisture Content Charts This annex is part of AWS D l.1/Dl.1 M:2015 , Structural Weldillg Code-Steel, and in c1l1 des mandatory elements for lI se with this standard. 347 ANNEX F AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 TEMPERATURE - DEGREES C 21 16 27 32 38 43 550 250 528 240 230 220 484 210 200 440 190 180 396 170 150 ox ¢띠α 띠α그←”-(〕 ι흐 。 ωza¢띠 140 308 130 264 120 110 220 100 90 α〈 ι。 띠」 α띠a 띠¢그←ω。--ι 。 ωZ〈αo ¢-〈ι。 160 352 80 176 70 132 60 50 40 88 30 20 44 10 0 32 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 TEMPERATURE - DEGREES F Notes 1‘ Any standard psychrometric chart may be used in lIeu of thls chart. 2. See Fîgure F. 2 for an exam이 e of the application of thls chart in establishing electrode exposure conditions Figure F.l-Temperature-Moisture Content Chart to be Used in Conjunction with Testing Program to Determine Extended Atmospheric Exposure Time of Low-Hydrogen SMAW Electrodes (see 348 AWS D 1.lID l.l M:2015 ANNEX F TEMPERATURE - DEGREES C 21 16 32 27 38 43 550 250 528 240 230 484 220 210 200 440 190 180 396 170 150 ox ¢띠ι 띠¢그← m。--ι。 띠Z〈¢0 308 140 130 264 120 110 220 100 90 176 ‘ α-t ι。 m」 ¢띠 ι 띠α그←m。 E ι。 ωz〈¢0 ¢-〈ι。 160 352 80 70 132 60 50 88 40 3D 20 44 10 0 32 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 TEMPERATURE - DEGREES F EXAMPLE: AN ELECTRODE TESTED AT 90 0 F (32 0 C] AND 70% RELATIVE HUMIDITY (RH) MAY BE USED UNDER THE CONDITIONS SHOWN BY THE SHADED AREAS. USE UNDER OTHER CONDITIONS REQUIRES ADDITIONAL TESTING. Figure F. 2-Application of Temperature-Moisture Content Chart in Determining Atmospheric Exposure Time ofLow-Hydrogen SMAW Electrodes (see 349 AWS D1.1/D 1.1 M:2015 This page is intentionally blank 350 AWS Dl.l/D 1.1 M:2015 Annex G (Normative) Qualification and Calibration of UT Units with Other Approved Reference Blocks (See Figure G.l) This annex is part of AWS D l.1lDl.l M:2015 • Strllctllral Welding Code-Steel. and includes mandatOly elements for use with this standard G1. Longitudinal Mode NOTE: This s Oll1ld ently point shal/ be Il sed for a l/ fllrther distance and angle checks Gl.l Distance Calibration Q2.2 Sound Path Angle Check 딛1.1.1 The transducer shall be set in position H on the DC block. or M on the DSC block‘ G2.2.1 The transducer shall be set in position: Q1.1.2 The instrument shall be adjusted to produce K on the DSC block for 45 0 through 70。 indications at 1 in [25 mmJ. 2 in [50 mmJ. 3 in [75 mmJ. 4 in [100 mmJ , etc .• on the display. N on the SC block for 70。 o on the SC block for 45 。 NOTE: This p l'O cedure establishes a 10 ill [250 mm] screen calibration and may be modified to establish other distances as al/owed by P on the SC block for 60。 G2.2.2 The transducer shall be moved back and forth over the line indicative of the transducer angle until the signal from the radius is maximized Q 1.2 Amplitude. With the transducel' in position described in 딛1.1. the gain shall be adjusted until the maxi mized indication from the first back reflection attains 50% to 75% screen height. 으2.2.3 The sound entry point on the transducer shall be compared with the angle mark on the calibration block (tolerance 20 ). G2. Shear Wave Mode (Transverse) 묘,2.1 G2.3 Distance Calibration Sound Entry (Iudex) Point Check G2.3.1 The transducer shall be in position (Figure L on the DSC block. The instrument shall be adjusted to attain indications at 3 in [75 mmJ and 7 in [180 mmJ on the display 딩2.1.1 The search unit shall be set in position J or L on the DSC block; or 1 on the DC block 딛.1) Q2.1.2 The search unit shall be moved until the signal from the radius is maximized. G2.3.2 The transducer shall be set in position J on the DSC block (any angle). The instrument shall be adjusted to attain indications at 1 in [25 mmJ. 5 in [125 mmJ , 9 in [230 mmJ on the display. Q2.1.3 The point on the Search Unit that is in line with the line on the calibration block is indicative of the point of sound entry. 351 AWS D1.1/D 1.1 M:2015 ANNEXG Q:2.3.3 The transducer shall be set in position 1 on the DC block (any angle). The inst lU ment shan be adjusted to attain indication at 1 in [25 mm]. 2 in [50 mm]. 3 in [75 mm] , 4 in [100 mm] , etc. , on the display. G3. HorizontaI Linearity Procedure NOTE: Since this qualification procedure is peJformed with a straight beam search tmit which prodllces IO l1 gifudinal waves with a sOllnd ve/ociη ~f almost dOllble that 01 shear waveι i1 is necessmγ 10 double the shear wave dislallce ranges (0 be used in 'pplyillg this procedllre. NOTE: This procedllre establishes a 10 i l/ [250 111m] screen calibration and may be modified 10 establish other dista l/ ces as allo lV ed by 6 검.5.1. “ A straight beam search unit , meeting the requiremel1 ts of 6 긴 6 , shan be coupled in position: 묘:3.1 Q:2.4 Amplilude or Sensitivity Calibration Q:2.4.1 The transducer shall be set in position L on the DSC block (any al1 g1e). The maximized signal shall be adjusted from the 1132 in [0.8 mm] slot to attain a horizontal reference line height indication. G on the IIW type block (Figure 6 뀐) H on the DC block (Figure Q.I) M on the DSC block (Figure 딛.1 ) G2.4.2 The transducer shall be set on the SC block in pOSltlon: T or U on the DS block (Figure 6 맥) Q3.2 A minimum of five back reflcctions in the qualification range being certified shall be attained. N for 70' angle o for 45' angle P for 60' angle G3.3 The first and fifth back reflections shall be adjusted to their proper Iocations with use of the distance calibration and zero delay a이justments. The maximized sig l1 al from the 1116 in [1. 6 mm] hole shall be adjusted to attain a horizontal reference line height indication. Q:3.4 Each indication shall be adjusted to reference level ‘ with the gain 01' at enuation control for horizontal loca tion examination ‘ Q:2.4.3 The decibel reading obtained in Q2 .4.1 or G2 .4.2 shall be used as the “ reference level" “ b" on the Test Report sheet (Annex 1" Fonn k 11) in conformance with 6.22. 1. G3.5 Each intermediate trace deflection location shall be correct within :t 2% of the scr않 n width 352 AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 ANNEX G 0.375 ”” ” ““ ” DSC BLOCK 3.000 RADIUS TYPE DSC - DISTANCE AND SENSITIVITY CA Ll BRATION BLOCK o짧o짧홈0.250 팩~ 2 l m 1.000 RADIUS i 2.000 RADIUS DC BLOCK TYPE DC - DISTANCE REFERENCE BLOCK 1‘ 822 1.773 1. 720 댈~=蠻 0.500 SC BLOCK 0.500 ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES TYPE SC - SENSITIVITY REFERENCE BLOCK Notes 1. The dimensional tolerance between aU surfaces involved in referencing or calibraling shall be within 죄0.005 in of detailed dimension. 2. The surface finish of all surfaces to which sound is applied or reflec끼ed from shall have a maximum of 125 μn r.m.s 3. AII material shall be ASTM A36 or acousticalψ equivalent 4. All holes shall have a smooth internal finish and shall be driHed 90 0 to the material su r1 ace‘ 5. Degree Iines and identification markîngs shall be indented into the material surface 50 that permanent orientalion can be maintained. Figure G.I-0ther Appl'Oved B1 0cks and Ty pical1Ì'a nsducer Position (see G2.3.1) 353 ANNEX G AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 9.525 ”n DSC BLOCK n “ n n 76.20 RADIUS TYPE DSC - DISTANCE AND SENSITIVITY CALIBRATION BLOCK 6.효7팎룹6.35 뼈 쩔규 25 .4 0 RADIUS 1 l·t DC BLOCK TYPE DC - DISTANCE REFERENCE BLOCK 46.28 45.03 43.64 42‘ 72 1.59DIAM 1.59DIAM 뭘월=뚫웰 12.70 SC BLOCK 12.70 ALL DIMENSIONS IN MIL Ll METERS TYPE SC - SENSITIVITY REFERENCE BLOCK Notes: 1. The dimensional tolerance bet\Y een all surlaces învolved in referencing or calibrating shall be within :t O.13 mm of detailed dimension 2. The sur 8ce finish of 811 surfaces to which sound is appHed or reflected from shall have a rna싸 mum of 3.17 lJ m r.m.$ 3. A !I material shaU be ASTM A36 or acoustìcally equivalent 4 씨 I holes shall have a smooth Internal finish and shall be dr iU ed 900 to the material surface 5. Degree lines and iden떼calion markings shall be indented into the malerial $urface 50 that permanent orientation can be maintained ’ Figure G.l (Continued)-Othel' App l'oved Blocks and ηpical Transduce l' Position (see G2.3.1) (Metric) 354 AWS D1.1/D1.1M ‘ 2015 Annex H (Norma디ve) Guideline on Alternative Methods for Determining Preheat This annex is palt of AWS D l.I /D l.l M:2015 , Strllctllral Welding Code-Steel , and includes mandatory elements fo l' use with this standard. Hl. Introduction 뀐3.2 This method is based on the assumption that cracking wi11 not occllr if the hardness of the HAZ is kept belolV some critical value. This is achieved by controlling the cooling rate below a critical value dependent on the hardenability of the steel. Hardenability of steel in welding rela es to its propensity towards forlllation of a hard HAZ and can be characterized by the cooling rate necessary to prodllce a given level of hardness. Steels with high hardenability can , therefore , produce hard HAZ at slower cooling rates han a steel with lower hardenability. The purpose of this guide is to provide some optional al ternative methods for determining welding conditions (principa11y preheat) to avoid cold cracking. The methods are based primarily on research on small scale test carried Dut over many years in several laboratories world-‘,vide. No method is available for predicting optirnum conditions in all cases , but the guide does consideI several important factors such as hydrogen level and steel composition not explicitly included in the requirements of Table 3.;),. The guide may therefore be of value in indicating whether the requirements of Table 3. ;), are overly conservative or in some cases not sufficiently demanding ‘ ‘ ‘ Equations and graphs are available in the technicallitera- ‘ure that relate the weld cooling rate to the thickness of the steelmembers , type of joint , welding conditions and variabJes The user is referred to the COllllllentary for more detailed presentation of the background scientific and research inforlllation leading to the two methods proposed. 뀐3.3 The selection of the critical hardness will depend on a number of factors such as steel type , hydrogenlevel , restraint , and service conditions‘ Laboratory tests with fi11et 、.velds show that HAZ cracking does not occur if the HAZ Vickers Hardness No. (HV) is less than 350 HV, even with high-hydrogen electrodes. With low-hydrogen electrodes , hardnesses of 400 HV could be tolerated without cracking. Such hardness , however, may 110t be tolerable in service where there is an increased risk of strε58 corrosion cracking , brittle fracture initiation , or other risks for the safety or serviceability of the structure ln using this guide as an alternative to Table 3.;)" careful consideration shall be given to the assumptions made , the values selected , and past experience H2. Methods Two lllethods are nsed as the basis for estimating welding conditions to avoid cold cracking: (1) HAZ hardness control The critical coo1i ng rate for a given hardness can be ap proximately related to the carbon equivalent (CE) of the steel (see Figure 뀐.2). Since the relationship is only approximate , the curve shown in Figure 뀐.2 may be conservative for plain carbon and plain carbon-manganese steels and thus a110w the use of the high hardness curve with less risk. (2) Hydrogen control H3. HAZ Hardness Control 젠3.1 The provisions included in this guide for use of this method are restricted to fi11et welds. 355 ANNEX H AWS D 1. 1/D1.1M:2015 particularly useful for high strength , low-alloy steels having quite high hardenability where hardness control is not always feasible. Consequently, because it assumes that the HAZ fully hardens , the predicted preheat may be too conservative for carbon steels. Some low-alloy steels , particularly those containing columbium (niobium) , may be more hardenable than Figure 딩 2 indicates , and the use of the lower hardness curve is recommended 단.3.4 A1t hough the method can be used to determine a preheat level , its main value is in determining the mini mum heat input (and hence minimum weld size) that prevents excessive hardening. lt is particularly useful for determining the minimum size of single-pass fillet welds that can be deposited without p1'eheat. H5. Selection of Method 단5.1 The following procedure is recommended as a guide for selection of either the hardness control or hydrogen control method. 단3.5 The hardness approach does not consider the possibility of weld metal cracking. However, from experience it is found that the heat input determined by this method is usually adequate to prevent weld metal cracking , in most cases , in fillet .velds if the electrode is not a high-strength fille 1' metal and is generally of a low-hydrogen type [e.g. , low-hydrogen (SMAW) electrode , GMAW, FCAW, SAW) Dete1'mine carbon and carbon equivalent CE=C+ 띤닫띤 + (C브띤얻 V)+ 앤브의j 15 ‘ to locate the zone position of the steel in Figure 뀐.1 (see for the different ways to obtain chemical analysis). 뀐6.1.1 젠5.2 뀐3.6 The performance characteristics of each zone and the recommended action a1'e as follows: 단3.7 (1) Zone 1. Cracking is unlikely, but may occur with high hydrogen or high restrain t. Use hydrogen control method to determine preheat for steels in this zone. Because the method depends solely on controlling the HAZ hardness , the hydrogen level and restraint are not explicitly considered This method is not applicable to quenched and steels [see 단5.2(3) for limitations) temper,εd (2) Zone 11. The hardness control method and selected ha1'dness shall be used to determine minimum energy input fo 1' single-pass fillet 、I.'elds without preheat. H4. Hydrogen Control If the energy input is not practical , use hydrogen method to determine preheat. 젠4.1 The hydrogen control method is based on the assumption that cracking will not occur if the average quantity of hydrogen remaining in the joint after it has cooled down to about 1200 F [50 oC] does not exceed a critical value dependent on the composition of the steel and the 1'estrain t. The preheat necessary to allow enough hydrogen to diffuse out of the joint can be estimated using this method. For groove welds , the hydrogen control method sha11 be used to determine preheat. For steels with high carbon , a minimum energy to control hardness and preheat to control hydrogen may be required for both types of welds , i.e. , fillet and groove welds. (3) Zone 111. The hydrogen control method sha11 be used. Where heat input is restricted to preserve the HAZ properties (e.g. , some quenched and tempered steels) , the hydrogen control method should be used to determine 젠4.2 This method is based mainly on resu 1ts of 1'estrained PIP groove weld tests; the weld metal used in the tests matched the parent metal. There has not been extensive testing of this method on fillet welds; however, by allowing for 1'estraint , the method has been suitably adapted for those 、.velds. prehea 없t. H6. Detailed Guide !!4.3 A determination of the restraint level and the original hydrogen level in the 、.veld pool is required for the hydrogen method H6.1 Hardness Method !!6.1.1 The carbon equivalent shall be calculated as follows: ln this guide , restraint is classified as high , medium , and low, and the category must be established from expenence. CE"';C+ {쁘펙 + (C브띤양끄+ 앤브띤 15 뀐4.4 The hydrogen control method is based on a single low-heat input 、veld bead representing a root pass and assumes that the HAZ ha1'dens ‘ The method is , therefo1'e , The chemical analysis may be obtained from: (1) Mill test certificates 356 AWS D1.1 /D 1.1M ‘ 2015 (2) ηpical ANNEX H production chemistry (from the mill) (a) Low-hydrogen electrodes taken from hermetically sealed containers , dried at 700'F-800'F [370' 430'C] for one hour and lI sed within two hours after removal , (3) Specification chemistry (using maximum vallles) (4) User tests (chemical analysis) (b) GMAW with clean s이 id wires. 뀐6.1.2 The critical cooling rate shall be determined for a selected maximum HAZ hardness of either 400 HV or 350 HV from Figllre 딘 2. (2) H2 Low Hydrogen. These consumables give a diffusible hydrogen content of less than 10 mU !OOg de posited metal when measured using ISO 3690-1976, 이‘ a moÍsture content of electrode covering of 0 .4% maximum in conformance with AWS A5. 1. This may be es tablished by a test on each type , brand of consumable , OI .virelflux combination used. The following may be assumed to meet this requiremen t: !!6.1.3 Using applicable thicknesses for “fIange" and plates , the appropriate diagram shall be selected fromFigure 뀐.3 and the minimum energy input for singlepass fillet welds shall be determined. This energy inpllt applies to SAW velds. ‘ 뀐6.1.4 For other processes , minimum energy Înput for single-pass fillet welds can be estimated by applying the following multiplication factors o the energy estÎma ed for the SAW process in 딘6. 1.3: (a) Low-hydrogen electrodes taken from hermetically sealed containers conditioneκ1 in conforrnance with 5 .3 .2.1 of the code and used within four hours after “ web" ‘ ‘ ‘ re 히mova 띠1 , 뀐열앤센g.!'댄쩍E 앤넨밴따센onF딴앤r SAW SMAW GMAW, FCAW 1.50 1.25 (b) SAW with dry flux. (3) H3 Hyd l'ogen Not Controlled. All other consumables not meeting the requirements of H I or H2 단6.2.3 The susceptibility index grollping from Table H. I shall be determined 뀐6.1.5 Figure 딘 4 may be used to detenrune fillet sizes as a functÎon of energy input 단6.2 닫6.2.4 Minimum Preheat Levels and I lIte l'pass. Table 단 2 gives the minimum preheat and interpass temperatures that shall be used. Table 닫 2 gives three levels of restrain t. The restraint level to be used shall be determined in cOl1 fonnance with H6 .2.5. Hydrogen Control Method 뀐6.2.1 The vallle of the composition parameter, P ,m' shall be calclllated as follows: Si Mn Cu Ni Cr Mo V p __ = C + ::: + .:.:. + :::. + '.': + ::: + ':':: +.,:, + 5B 30 . 20 . 20 . 60 . 20' 15 . 10 단6.2.5 Rest l' aint. The classification of types of at various restraint 1εvels should be determined on the basis of experience. engineering judgment, research , or ca1c ulation ‘ 、velds The chemical analysis shall be determined as in 뀐6. 1.1 닫6.2.2 The hydrogen level shall be determined and shall be defined as follows: Three levels of restraint have been provided: (1) Low Restrain l. This level describes common fil let and groove welded joints in which a reasonable freedO Jll of movement of members exists. (1) H1 Extra-Low Hydrogen. These consumables give a diffllsible hydrogen content of less than 5 ml /l OOg deposited metal when measured using ISO 3690-1976 0 1', a moisture content of electrode cove 1'ing of 0.2% maximum in conformance with AWS A5.1 or A5.5. This may be established by testing each type , brand , or wirelflux combination used after removal from the package or container and exposure for the Ìntended duration , with due consideration of actual storage conditions prior to immediate use. The following may be assumed to meet this requirement ’ (2) Mediu l\l Restraint. This level describes fillet and groove welded joints in which , because of members being already attached to structllral work , a reduced freedom of movement exists. (3) High Restraint. This level describes 、.velds in which there is almost no freedom of movement fo 1' members joined (such as repair welds , especially in thick material) 357 AWS D1.1 /D1.1 M‘ 2015 ANNEX H Table H.1 Susceptibility Index Grouping as Function of Hydrogen Level "H" and Composition Parameter Pcm (see 켄6.2.3) Susceptíbility lndex b GroupingC Carbon Equivalent = P~m Hydrogen Level , H HI < 0.18 <0.23 <0.28 < 0 .3 3 <0.38 A B C D E H2 B C D E F H3 C D E F G P a A_ Si Mn _ Cu Ni Cr Mo V = C + 30 ~ + .~.~. + ':~' + ~ + ;::; +•::;+7::: +5B . 20 . 20 . 60 . 20' 15 . 10 bSusceptibility index-12 Pcm + log]o H c Susceptibility Index Groupings , A through G, encompass the combined eftèct of the composition parameler, pcm. and hydrogen level , H, in conformance wÎth the fonnula shown in Notc b The exact numerical quantities are obtained from the Notc b formula using the stated values of Pcm and the following values of H, gi야 n in ml/ lOOg of 、,veld metal [see 딘6.2.2 , (1) , (2) , (3)] HI-5; H2- 1O; H3 30 For greater convenience. Susceptibility Indcx Groupings ha‘,'c been expr'εssed in the table by meulls of lelters , A through G, to covcr the following narrow ranges A=3.0;B=3.1 3.5; C = 3.6-4.0; D = 4.1 4.5; E =4.6-5.0; F = 5.1 5.5; G = 5.6-7.0 These grolψings are used in Table 션 2 in conjunction with reslraint and thickness to determine the minimum prehιat and interpass temperaturc • • • • Table H.2 Minimum Preheat and Interpass Temperatures for Three Levels of Restraint (see !:!6.2 .4) MinimuITI Preheat and Interpass Temperature (OF)b Restraint Level A B C D Medium High E F G < 3/8 <65 <65 <65 <65 140 280 300 3/8 3/4 incl <65 <65 65 140 210 280 300 > 3/4-1-1/2 incl <65 <65 65 175 230 280 300 250 280 300 250 280 300 • Low Susceptibility Index Grouping Thickness a m > 1-112-3 incl 65 65 100 200 >3 65 65 100 200 < 3/8 <65 <65 <65 <65 160 280 320 3/8-3/4 incl <65 <65 65 175 240 290 320 > 3/4 1-1 /2 incl <65 65 165 230 280 300 320 • > 1-112-3 incl 65 175 230 265 300 300 320 >3 200 250 280 300 320 320 320 < 3/8 <65 <65 <65 100 230 300 320 3/8-3/4 incl <65 65 150 220 280 320 320 > 3/4-1-112 incl 65 185 240 280 300 320 320 > 1-1 /2 -3 incl 240 265 300 300 320 320 320 >3 240 265 300 300 320 320 320 (Continued) a Thickness is that of the thicker part welded , b “,<" indicates that preheat and interpass tempemtures lower than the temperaturc shown may be suit ‘able 10 avoid hydrogen cracking, Preheat and interpass temperatures that are both lower than the listcd temperature and lower than Table 3‘1 shall be qualified by tesl 358 AWS D1.1 /D 1.1 M:2015 ANNEX H Table .!:!.2 (Continued) Minimum Preheat and Interpass Temperatures for Three Levels of Restraint (see H6.2.4) ’ Min mum Preheat and Interpass Temperature CC)b Restraint Le vel Thickness a mm A B C D E F G <20 <20 <20 <20 60 140 150 10-20 incl <20 <20 20 60 100 140 150 > 20-38 incl <20 <20 20 80 110 140 150 > 38-75 incl 20 20 40 95 120 140 150 >75 20 20 40 95 120 140 150 <10 <20 <20 <20 <20 70 140 160 <20 <20 20 80 115 145 160 20 75 110 140 150 160 160 <10 Low 10-20 incl. Medìum High SusceptibiHty lndex Grouping > 20-38 inc l. 20 > 38-75 inc l. 20 80 110 130 150 150 >75 95 120 140 150 160 160 160 <10 < 20 <20 20 40 110 150 160 10-20 incl <20 20 65 105 140 160 160 > 20-38 incl 20 85 115 140 150 160 160 >38 75 incl 115 130 150 150 160 160 160 >75 115 130 150 150 160 160 160 • a Thíckness is that of the thicker part welded b “<" indicates that preheat and interpass lemperaturcs lower than the temperature shown may be suitable 10 3void hydrogen cracking. Preheat and interpass temperatures that are both lower than the Ii sted temperature and Iowcr than ’ Table 3.즈 shall be qualified by tes t. 359 AW8 D1.1/D 1. 1M:2015 ANNEX H / 0 .4 0 ←Z띠Qα비ι μZ띠」Z 「 。。 z。m¢〈。 / i / 0.30 ZONE 11 / 7 / 0.20 0.10 ZONEIII ~------ _L --- ZONEI 0.00 0.20 • 0 .40 0.30 0.50 0.60 0.70 CARBON EQUIVALENT (CE) Notes: 1. CE = C + (Mn + 81)/6 + (Cr + Mo + V)/5 + (Ni + CU)115. 2. So. 센5.2(1) , (2) , or (3) for applica비 e zone characteristics Figure 젠.1-Zone Classification of Steels (see 건5.1) 0.80 0.70 /ν (버Q)←Z씨」〈〉-그。 z띠 ‘。 。 m¢i “/ ,\ 4띠 HV 0.60 |깨갖 0.50 • 0 .40 1-. 0.30 - .......... kν ν ν v x ν 350 HV-' 」 0 ‘ 20 200 100 80 60 50 40 30 20 10987 6 5 4 3 2 R540 ('c/8) FOR HAZ HARDNESS OF 350 HV AND 400 HV Nol.‘ CE = C + (Mn + 8i)/6 + (Cr + Mo + V)/5 + (Ni + Cu)/15 Figure 젠.2-Critical Cooling Rate for 350 HV and 400 HV (see H3.3) 360 ANNEX H AWS Dl.l/D 1.1 M:2015 300 DESIGNATED AS WEB 200 12 8 DESIGNATED AS FLANGE 드~경닫」αz-〉O¢uZ띠 50 40 2 1.6 30 1. 2 20 0‘8 10 0 .4 2 3 4 5 6 78910 20 30 4050 100 EE『 x μ그ιz〉잉¢띠Z띠 4 100 200 COO Ll NG RATE AT 540'C ('C/s) Note’ Energy Input determined from chart shall not imply suitability for practical applications. For certain comblnation 01 thîcknesses melting may Qccur through Ihe thickness (A) SINGLE-PASS SAW FILLET WELDS WITH WEe AND FLANGE OF SAME THICKNESS 300 DESIGNATED AS WEB 200 12 8 DESIGNATED AS FLANGE 4 50 40 2 30 1. 2 20 0.8 10 0 .4 1.6 2 3 4 5 6 78910 COO Ll Þ떠 20 30 4050 100 F그az-〉Oα띠Z띠 EE~「ν「 i ζ-£ ~F - 그ιz-〉잉¢띠Z띠 100 200 RATE AT 540'C ('C/s) (B) SINGLE-PASS SAW FILLET WELDS WITH 1/4 In [6 mm) FLANGES AND VARYING WEB THICKNESSES Figure 닫.3-Graphs to Determine Coo Iing Rates for Single-Pass SAW F iIIet Welds (see 361 H6. 1.3) AWS D 1. 1/D 1.1 M:2015 ANNEX H 300 200 드~1i 「L 그αz-〉잉α 버 Z띠 증鍵、 wæ~γ I il DESIGNATED AS FLANGE EE~ 「 ← i F 그αz-〉잉α띠Z띠 100 DESIGNATED AS 1/4 (6) 50 40 、、 、‘ 30 20 、 6 h、 、; 、 、、 WEB THlClKNESS 2 、、‘、 、、 8 \、 \ \\ 10 3 2 4 5 6 78910 30 4050 20 100 4 \ 200 COO Ll NG RATE AT 540'C ('C/s) Note ‘ Energy input determîned from chart shall not Imply suitability for practical applications , For certain combination of thlcknesses melting may occur through the thickness (C) SINGLE-PASS SAW FILLET WELDS WITH 112 In [12 mm] FLANGES AND VARYING WEB THICKNESSES 300 200 ~뺏 “ F=:: 야默 F 억/ z-Sx -L Fz-〉Oα띠Z띠 그ι 、 、 50 DESIGNATED AS FLANGE 「 >‘ Nk 14/Qg3l1I6S 40 30 F、 20 SLν W 10 2 3 4 5 6 78910 N k、 ↑、 20 30 4050 100 F그αz-〉O¢띠Z띠 EE~-£ 100 DESIGNATED AS WEB \ 200 COO Ll NG RATE AT 540'C ('C/s) Note: Energy input determlned from chart sha lJ not imply suitabillty for practical appllcat! ons. For certaln comblnation of thicknesses melling may occur through the thickness ’ (미 S NGLE-PASS SAW FILLET WELDS WITH 1 in [25 mm] FLANGES AND VARYING WEB THICKNESSES Figure H.3 (Continued)-Graphs to Determine Cooling Rates for Single-Pass SAW Fillet Welds (see 362 H6. 1.3) ANNEXH AWS D1.1/D1.1 M:2015 300 DESIGNATED AS WES 200 12 8 DESIGNATED AS 4 FLANGE 100 E ξ E-~1x -「L 그 ιz-〉잉¢띠Z띠 경 50 40 2 30 1.2 등z 20 0.8 o 1.6 > α ul z ul 0.4 10 2 3 4 5 678910 20 30 4050 100 200 COO Ll NG RATE AT 540 0 C (OC/s) (E) SINGLE-PASS SAW FILLET WELDS WITH 2 In [50 mm] FLANGES AND VARYING WEB THICKNESSES 300 DESIGNATED AS WES 200 12 8 DESIGNATED AS 4 FLANGE 100 F 그ιz-〉잉α띠Z 띠 40 1.6 30 1.2 20 0.8 WES THICKNESS 0 .4 10 2 3 4 5 678910 20 30 4050 100 EE~£ -F그ιz-〉잉αωZ띠 2 E~--i 50 200 COO Ll NG RATE AT 540 0 C (OC/s) Note: Energy input determined from chart shall not imply s비tability for pracUcal applications. For certain combination of thicknesses melling may occur through the thickness (F) SINGLE-PASS SAW FILLET WELDS WITH 4 In [100 mm] FLANGES AND VARYING WES THICKNESSES Figure 달.3 (Continued)-Graphs to Determine Cooling Rates for Single-Pass SAW Fillet Welds (see 달6. 1. 3) 363 AWS D1. 1/D1.1M:2015 ANNEXH 1/2 12 7/16 11 EE g l 3/8 잉띠」O버」 I」「Z ILFO 버Z 」잉띠」 l 10 5/16 8 1/4 6 3/16 5 1/8 3 o 10 (0 .4) 20 (0.8) 30 (1. 2) 40 (1. 6) 50 (2) 60 (2 .4) 70 (2.8) 80 (3.2) 90 100 (3.6) (4) AVERAGE ENERGY INPUT - kJ /i n (kJ/mm) (A) SHIELDED METAL ARC WELDING (SMAW) 3/4 ? 20 DESIGN CURVE FOR DCEN E l 5/8 EE 16 DESIGN CURVE FOR DCEP 1/2 12 3/8 5/16 1/4 3/16 o 20 40 60 80 100 120 (0.8)(1.6)(2 .4)(3.2) (4) (4.8) 160 200 (6.4) (8) • DCEN ? DCEP 240 (9.6) 280 (1 1. 0) I←잉Z띠」O띠」 I←oZ띠」 잉띠」 l m 865 320 (12.6) 360 (14.2) AVERAGE ENERGY INPUT - kJnn (kJ/mm) (6) SU6MERGED ARC WELDING (SAW) Figure 젠.4-Relation Between Fillet Weld Size and Energy Input (see 뀐6. 1.5) 364 AWS D1.1 /D 1.1 M:2015 Annex 1 (Normative) Symbols for Tu bular Connection Weld Design This annex is part of AWS 0 1.l/D l.l M:2015 , Slrucl l1 ral lVeldillg Code-Sleel , and includes mandatory elements for use with this standard. Symbols used in Clause 2, Part 효, are as follows: 화핀뺑l 따댄밴}g 화쁘뺑l 빡쁘맨g Q (alpha) chord ovalizing parametel width of rectangular hollow section product ratio of a to sin transverse width of rectangular tubes branch effective width at through member branch effective width at chord branch effective width for outside punching effective width at gap of K-connections (beta) diameter ratio of d b to 0 ratio of rb to R (circular sections) ratio of b to 0 (box sections) dimensionless effective width at gap of K-connections dimensionless ratio ofbeoi to the width of the maill membel' dimensionless effective width for outside punching effective ß for K-connec ion chord face plastification corner dimension outside diameter OD (circular tubes) or outside width of main member (box sections) fb fb fby fb , bending stress in branch member bending stress in main member nomin a1 stress , in-plane bending nominal stress. out-of-plane bending nominal stress in branch member gap in K-connections web depth (box ch이'd) in 미 ane of tru88 (gamma) main member flexibility parameter; ratio R to tc (circular sections); ratio of D to 2t, (box sections) radius to thickness ratio of tube at transitio매 thlU m밍nb야 y (for overlap conn.) inside diameter conne이:ion configuration relative length factor relative section factor (l ambda) interaction sensitivity paαamet밍 size of fillet weld dimension as shown in Figure 9.3 length of joint can load factor (partial safety factor for load in LRFO) actual weld length where branch con acts maio membel projected le끼gth (one side) of overlapping weld , measured perpendicular to the mai l1 a e ax b b" (b,(ov)) b, o (b,) b,o; (b,p) bgap p n ” Q γ u ‘ gm 「 m 「 n ”n Q 「 J c D Y qm ”n m L vN 사A Y 빽 Q A g H ‘ L L LF ‘ _11 D cumulative fatigue damage ratio , γ N db diameter of branch member (eta) ratio ofax to D (epsilon) total st l'ain range toe fillet weld size classified minimU Ill tensile strength of veld deposit yield strength of base metal yield strength of main member axial stress ìn branch member axial stress in mai l1 membeI n ëTR F FEXX Fy 티 자 O F% M M c M u n N ‘ 00 365 memb밍‘ applied moment moment in chord ultimate moment cycle of load applied number of cyc1 es allowed at given stress range outside diametel AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 ANNEXI Meaning P P P Pl. axialload in branch member axialload in chord ultimate load individual member load component perpendicular ‘。 maìn member axis projected footprint length of overlapping member amount of overlap (phi) joint included angle (pi) ratio of circumference to diameter of circ1e (psi) local dihedral angle. See definition Annex J (psi bar) supplemel1tary angle to the local dihedral angle change at transition geometry modifier stress interaction tenn branch member geometry and load pattern modifier outside radius main member root opel1 il1 g (joi l1 t fit-up) corner radius of rectangular hollow sections as measured by r끼 dius gage effective radius of intersection radius of branch radius to the midpoint of the branch wall thickness radius to midpoint of the effective throat stress concentration factor (sigma) summation of actual 、,veld lengths connection configuration tension/compression 01' bending or both total range of nominal stress , , p q @ π ‘p ‘F Qb Q Qq , ! rb m rw SCF LI tb ι ‘ tv r τ‘ 8 U , R R r f 약띤쁘! Symbol , TTCBR , Vp v‘v , Meaning wall thickness of tube wall thickness of branch member branch member for dimensioning of CJP groove 、~elds thinner member for dimensioning PJP groove 、~elds and fillet 、,velds wa l1 thickness of mai l1 member joint can thickness 、~eld size (effective throa!) the lesser of the 、,veld size (effective throa!) or the thickness tb of the inner branch member (tau) branch-to-main relative thickness geometry parameter; ratio of tb to tc ‘’"’, ‘ to p/t hru (theta) acute angle betweel1 two member axes angle between member center lines brace intersection angle utilization ratio ofaxial and bending stress to allowable stress at point under consideration in mai l1 member punching shear stress allowable stress for 、Neld between branch members , ‘ 2: 1t sm ‘ 9 j algebraic variable y- connection configuration y algebraic variable ... 1_ 3 _ 3 π 2_~2 Z Z loss dimension ’ (zeta) ratio of gap to D 366 ~2 AWS D1.1 /D1.1M ’ 2015 AnnexJ (Normativ~) Terms and Definitions T'his annex is part of AWS D l.llDl.l M:2015 , Structura/ lVeldill J? Code -Stee/ , and includes mandatory elements for use with this standard • The terms and definitions in this glossary are divided into three categories: (1) generalwelding terms compiled by the AWS Committee 이1 Definitions and Symbols; (2) terms , defined by the AWS Structural Welding Committee, which apply only to UT, designated by (UT) following the tenn; and (3) other terms , preceded by asterisks , which are defined as they relate to this code. For the purposes of this document , the following tenns and definitions apply: *auxilial'Y attachments. Members or appurtenances attached to main stress-carrying members by welding. Such members may or may not carry loads. A *alloy flux , A flux upon which the alloy content of the 、,veld metal is largely dependent axis of a weld , See weld axis. *all-weld-metal lesl specimen , A test specimen with the reduced section composed wholly of 、veld metal B *amplilude lenglh rejectionlevel (UT) , The maximum length of discontinuity allowed by various indication ratings associated with 、veld size , as indicated in Tables 6.2 and 6 .3 backgouging, The removal of weld metal and base metal from the 、,veld root side of a welded joint to facilitate complete fusion and CJP upon subsequent welding from that side *angle of bevel , See bevel angle. arc gouging. Thermal gouging that uses an afC cutting process variation to form a bevel or groove backing, A material or device placed against the back side of the joint, or at both sides of a weld in ESW and EGW, to supp 이 t and retain molten 、~eld meta l. The material may be partially fused or remain unfused during 、velding and may be either metal or nonmeta l. as-welded , The condition of 、,veld metal , welded joints, and 、,veldments after welding , but prior to any subsequent thermal , mechanical , 01" chemical treatments backing pass. A 、,veld pass made for a backing 、,veld. *atlenualion (U T) , The loss in acoustic energy which occurs between any two points of travel. This loss may be due to absorption , reflection , etc. (In this code, using the shear wave pulse-echo method of testing , the attenuation factor is 2 dB per inch of sound path distance after the first inch.) backing l'ing, Backing in the form of a ring , generally used in the welding of pipe backing weld , Backing in the fon" of a 、,veld *backup weld (Iubula l' sl l'uclures) , The initial closing pass in a CJP groove ‘~eld, made from 이le side onl y, which serves as a backing for subsequent 、~elding , but is not considered as a part of the theoretical 、~eld (Figures 9.객 through 9.16 , Details C and D). aulomatic welding, Welding with equipment that requires only occasional 01" nO observation of the weld ing , and 00 manual a이ustment of the equipment cOlltrols. Variations of this term are automatic b 1'3Zing, aulomatic soldering , aulomalic Ihe l'mal cutting, and aulomatic Ihermal spraying. back weld , A weld 367 、,veld made at the back of a single groove AWS D1.1 /D1.1M:2015 ANNEXJ ‘ base metal. The metal or alloy that is welded , brazed , soldered , or cut gl'O ove .veld made from one side only, without backing , is allowed where the size or configuration , or both , prevent access to the root side of the weld. bevel angle. The angle between the bevel of a joint member and a plane perpendicular to the surface of the member. complete penetration. A nonstandard term for CJP. construction ald 、Neld. A 、,veld made to attach a piece or pieces to a weldment for temporary use in handling , shipping , or working on the structure. box tubing. Tubular product of square or rectangular cross section. See tubular a *brace intersection angle, (tubular structures). The acute angle formed between brace centerlines consumable gulde ESW. See ESW. continuons weld. A 、,veld that extends continuously from one end of a joint to the other. Where the joint is essentially circlllar, it extends completely around the joint *ßuilding Code. The term Buildillg Code , whenever the expression occurs in this code , refers to the building law or specification or other construction regulations in conjunction with which this code is applied. In the absence of any locally applicable building law or specifications or other construction reguJations. it is recommended that the construction be required to comply with the Spec꺼catioll ψr the Desigll, Fabricatioll, alld Erectioll of Stmctllral Steel for Bldldillgs of the Americall Illst Îlllte of Steel CO lI strllctioll (AIS C) *contract documents. Any codes , specifications, drawings , or additional requirements that are contractually specified by the Owner. *Contractor. Any company, 이‘ that individual representing a company, responsible for the fabrication , erection manufacturing or welding , in conformance with the pl'Ovisions of this code. *Contractor's Inspector. The duly designated person who acts for, and in behalf of, the Contractor on all inspection and quality matters within the scope of the code and of the contract documents bult joint. A joint between two members aligned approximately in the same plane. butt weld. A nonstandard term for a weld in a butt joint. See butt jolnt. corner jolnt. A joint between two members located approximately at right angles to each other in the form ofanL c *cover pass. See cap pass. *cap pass. One 0 1' more weld passes that form the 、~eld face (exposed sllrface of completed 、.veld). Adjacent cap passes may partially coveι but not completely cover, a cap pass. CO z welding. A nonstandard term for GMAW with carbon dioxide shielding gas crater. A depression in the weld face at the termination of a weld bead. *caulking. Plastic deformation of 、,veld and base metal surfaces by mechanical means to seal or obscure discontinuities *CVN. Charpy V-notch D complete fuslon. Fusion over the entire fusion faces and between all adjoining weld beads. *decibel (dß) (UT). The logarithmic expression of a ratio of two amplitudes or intensities of acollstic energy. CJP (complete joint penetration). A joint root condition in a groove weld in which 、,veld metal extends through the joint thickness *decibel rating (U T). See preferred term Indlcation rating 'CJP g l'oove weld (statlcally and cyclically loaded structures). A groove weld which has been made from both sides or from one slde on a backing having CJP and fusion of veld and base metal throughollt the depth of the joint defect. A discontinuity or discontinuities that by nature or accumlllated effect (for example total crack length) render a part or product unable to meet minimum applicable acceptance standards or specifications. This term designates rejectability. ‘, ‘, ‘, *CJP groove weld (tubular structures). A groove veld having CJP and fusion of weld and base metal throughout the depth of the joint or as detailed in Figures 쩍, 9.12 through 뜨맥퍼쁘요양. A CJP tubular defectlve veld. A weld containing one or more defects. *defect level (UT). See Indication level *defect rating (UT). See indlcation rating. 368 AWS D1.1 /Dl.1M:2015 ANNEXJ depth of fusion. The distance that fusion extends into the base metal or previous bead from the surface melted during .velding ‘ F *fatigue. Fatigue , as used herein , is defined as the dam age that may result in fract Ufe after a sufficient nUffi ber of stress fluctuations. Stress range is defined as the peak-to-trough magnitude of these fluctuations. In the case of stress reversal , stress range shal1 be computed as the numerical sum (alg'εbraic difference) of maximum repeated tensile and compressive stresses , 0 1' the sum of shearing stresses of opposìte direction at a given point , resulting from changing conditions of load. ø *dihedral angle. See local dihedral angle. discontinuity. An interruption of the typical structure of a material , such as a lack of homogeneity in its me chanical or metallurgical , or physical characteristics. A discontinuity is not necessarily a defec t. downhand , A nonstandard term for ßat welding position *drawings. Refers to plans design and detail drawings. and erection plans. faying sU l'face. The mating surface of a member that is in contact with or in close proximity to another member to which it is to be joined E FCAW (ßux cored arc welding). An arc welding process tha uses an arc between a continuous fi Il er metal electrode and the .veld pool ‘ The process is used with shielding gas from a fiux contained within the tubular electrode , with or without additional shielding from an externally supplied gas , and without the application of pressure. ‘ *edge angle (tubular structures). The acute angle between a bevel edge made in preparation for welding and a tangent to the member surface , measured locally in a plane perpendicular to the intersection line. All beveIs open to outside of brace ‘ *effective length of veld. The length throughollt which the correctly proportioned cross section of the 、.veld exists. In a curved veld it shall be measured along the weld axis ‘ *FCAW.G (flux cored are welding-gas shielded). A flux cored arc 、,velding process variation in which additional shielding is obtained from an externally supplied gas or gas mixture. ‘, , EG‘;Y (electrogas welding). An arc 、,velding process that uses an arc between a continuous filler metal elec trode and the weld pool , employing approximately vertical 、velding progression with backing to confine the molten Neld metaI. The process is lI sed with or without an externally supplied shielding gas and without the application of pressure 야 히 oi h ‘ ’때 빠 뻐 tl 에“ l nuL ’떼 … ” ei 빼 ”e 야 : m때 빼 10 1 1매 기 m 댄μm 샤야 떼 pm K 때 아 떼 ” ESW (electroslag welding). A welding process that produces coalescence of metals with molten slag that melts the filler metal and the surfaces of the workpieces. The 、.veld pool is shielded by this slag , which moves along the full cross section of the joint as 、.veld ing progresses. The process is initiated by an arc that heats the slag. The arc is then extinguished by the conductive slag , which is kept molten by its resistance to electric current passing between the elec rode and the workpieces 뻐때짜빼 ‘ 뼈뼈빼뼈 *FCAW.S (flux cored a l'C welding-self shielded). A flux cored arc welding process where shielding is exclusively provided by a flux contained within he tubular electrode‘ U e oi an ’ nl k a tin , A defect in a bar or other rolled section caused bv the steel spreading into the clearance between the rolls. 민괴~띤duces a thick overfill which , if rolled again. usually becomes a lap. ‘ ßa l'e.bevel.g l'oove weld. A 、,veld in the groove formed between a joint member with a curved surface and another with a planar surface consumable guide ESW. An electroslag welding process variation in which filler metal is supplied by an electrode and its guiding membeι *tlash. The material which is expelled or squeezed out of a .veld joint and which fonns around the weld. ‘ *end return. The continuation of a fillet 、,veld around a corner of a member as an extension of the principal weld tlat weldillg positioll. The welding position used to 、.veld from the upper side of the joint at a point where the weld axis is approximately horizontal , and the 、veld face lies in an approximately horizontal plane *Engineer. A duly designated individual who acts for and in behalf of the Owner on all matters within the scope of the code. tlux cored a l'C welding, See FCAW. 369 AWS D t. t/D t. t M’ 20t5 ANNEXJ ‘ have been altered by he heat of 、,velding. brazing. sol dering. 0 1' thermal cutting fllSio l1. The melting together of filler metal and base metal (substrate). 0 1' of base metal only. to produce a 、,veld ’ heat-affeeted zone. See HAZ. *fusio l1-type discontinllity. Signifies slag inclusion. incomplete fusion , incomplete joint penetration, and similar discontinuities associated with fusion hO l'Î zo l1tal fixed positio l1 (pipe weldiug). The position of a pipe joint in which the axis of the pipe is approximately horizontal. and the pipe is not rotated during 、,velding (see Figures 4.1. 4.2 , and 2.,.끄). fusion zone. The area of base metal me Ited as determined 00 the cross section of a 、veld horizontal welding position , 기Uet weld. The welding position in which the 、,veld is on the upper side of an approximately horizontal surface and against an approximately vεrtical surface (see Figures 4.1 , 4.2. 4 .3. and 4 .4) G gas metal arc welding. See GMAW. *gas pocket. A nonstandard term for porosity. *horizontal reference lil1 e (UT). A horizontalline near the center of the UT instmment scope to which all echoes are adjusted for dB reading. *Geometric lI nsharpl1 ess. The fuzziness or lack of defi nition in a radiographic image resulting from the source size, object-to-film distance , and source-toobject distance. Geomctric unsharpness may be expressed mathematìcally as Ug ~ F (Li - ho l'Î zontal rotated position (pipe welding). The position of a pipe joint in 、,vhich the axis of the pipe is approximately horizontal. and welding is performed in the flat position by rotating the pipe (see Figures 4‘ 1. 4.2. and 2.,.끄). Lo)L,。 Where U g is the geometric unsharpness , F is the size of the focal spot or gamma radiation , Lj is the source-to fi1 m distance , and Lo is the source-to-object distance *hot-spot strai l1 (tubular structures). The cyclic total range of strain which would be measured at the point of highest stress concentration in a welded connection. When measuring hot-spot strain , the strain gage should be sufficiently small to avoid averaging high and low strains in the regiolls of steep gradients. ‘ GMAW (gas Ill etal arc weldi l1 g). An arc .velding process that uses an arc between a continuous filler metal electrode and the weld pool. The process is used with shielding from an externally supplied gas and without the application of pressure. GMAW-S (gas Ill etal arc welding-short circl1 it arc). A gas metal arc welding process variation in which the consumable electrode is deposited during repeated short circuits *IQI (illlage quaIi ty indicator). A device whose image in a radiograph is used to determine RT quality level‘ It is not intended for use in judging the size nor for establishing acceptance 1imits of discontinuities. gougi l1 g. See thermal gouging groove augleι The total included angle of the groove between workpieces image quality indicator. See IQI *groove angle , <!> (tubular structures). The angle be tween opposing faces of the groove to be filled with 、,veld metals , determined after the joint is 젠-up. *i l1dication (UT). The signal displayed on the oscillo scope signifying the presence of a sound wave reflector in the part being tested. gl"oove face. The surface of a joint member included in the groove. *indication level (U T). The calibrated gain or attenuation control reading obtailled fo l' a reference line height indication from a discontinuity. ‘ ‘, groove veld. A veld made in the groove between the workpieces *indication rating (UT). The decibel reading in relation to the zero reference level after having been corrected for sound attenuation. GTAW. Oas tungsten arc welding H intermittent 、,veld. A 、,veld in which the continuity is broken by recurring unwelded spaces HAZ Oleat-affected zone). The portion of the base metal whose mechanical properties 0 1' microstructure interpass temperatu l"e. In a multipass 、veld. the temperature of the weld area between 、.veld passes 370 AWS Dl.lIDl.1M:2015 ANNEXJ J joint. The junction of members or the edges of members that are to be joined or have been joined joint penetration. The distance the 、,veld metal extends from the weld face into a joint, exclusive of 、veld reinforcement. joint root. That portion of a joint to be welded where the members approach closest to each other. In cross section , the joint root may be either a point , a line , 01" an area. used. See automatic welding , 쁘얀밴밴얄겐 welding , and semiautomatic welding mechanized process (X XXX-ME). An operation with equipment requiring manual adjustment by an operator in response to visual observation , wi h the torch , gun , wire guide assembly, or electrode holder held by a mechanical device. See mechanized welding. ‘ mechanized welding (W-ME). See mechanized process. *MT. Magnetic particle testing. N *joint welding procedure. The materials and deta i! ed methods and practices employed in the welding of a particular joint ‘ f낀9맨원tr민cti쁘I원tin요iNDT1. The process of deter acceptabilitv of a material or a cornoo이lent in accordance with estab Ji shed criteria without impairlng its future usefulness. minin~ L *node (UT). See leg. lap joint. A joint between two overlapping members in parallel planes *nominal tensile st l'ength of the weld metal. The ten sile strength of the weld metal indicated by the classification number of the filler metal (e.g. , nominal tensile strength of E60XX is 60 ksi [420 MPa)) *Iayer. A stratum of 、,veld metal or surfacing materia l. The layer may consist of one or more 、lIeld beads laid side by side *Ieg (UT). The path the shear wave travels in a straight line before being reflected by the surface of material being tested. See sketch for leg identification. Note: Leg 1 plus leg 11 equals one V-path. o *OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer). A single Contractm hat assumes some 01' all of the responsibilities assigned by this code to the Engineer. ‘ ‘ +/ 、、\、\、)//// 4 overhead welding positioll. The welding position in which 、,velding is performed from the underside of the joint (see Figures 4.1 , 4ι 4 .3, and 4.1). \ ι L않 I~\/LEG ll overlap, f 1/sioll weldillg. The protrusion of weld metal beyond he 、.veld toe or 、,veld roo t. ‘ ‘ .Owllel~ The individual 01' company that exercises legal ownership of the product or structural assembly pro duced to this code leg of a lìllet weld. See lìllet weld leg. ‘ *Iocal dihedral angle, l' (tubular structu l'es). The angle , measured in a plane perpendicular to the line of the weld , between tangents to the outside surfaces of the tubes being joined at the ‘,veld. The exterior dihedral angle , where one looks at a localized section of the connection , such that the intersecting surfaces may be treated as planes ‘ oxygell cutting (O C). A group of thermal cutting processes that severs or removes metal by means of the chemical reaction between oxygen and the base metal at elevated temperature. The necessary temperature is maintained by the heat from an arc , an oxyfuel gas flame , or other source. oxygen gouging. Thermal gouging that uses an oxygen cutting process variation to form a bevel or groove M P manual welding. Welding with the torch , gun or electrode holder held and manipulated by hand. Accessory equipment. such as part motion devices and manually controlled filler material feeders may be *pa l'allel elect I'ode. See SAW. partial joint pelletratioll. See PJP. 371 ANNEXJ AWS Dl.l /D 1. 1M:2015 ‘ *reference level (UT). The decibel reading obtained for a horizontal reference-line height indication from a reference reflector. pass. See Ncld pass. peeni l1 g. The mechanical working of metals using impact blows (UT). The re f1 ector of known geometry contained in the IIW reference block or othel approved blocks *1'efe1'ence 1'efleclo 1' *pipe. Hollow circular cross section produced 01" manufactured in accordance with a pipe product specification. See tubula l' ‘ reinforcement of Neld. See 、,veld reinforcement 'piping pO l'osity (ESW and EGW). Elongated porosity whose major dimension lies in a direction approximately parallel to the weld axis‘ *l'esolution (UT). The ability of UT equipment to give separate indications from closely spaced retlectors *piping pO l'osity (general). Elongated porosity whose m에 or dimension lies in a dire이 ion approximately nonnal to the weld surface. Frequently referred to as pin ho/es when the porosity extends to the 、.veld surfacc. 1'001 face. That portion of the groove face within the jmn! roo t. root gap. A nonstandard term fo 1' root opening PJP. Joint penetration that is intentionally less than complete ‘ ‘ 1'001 of joint. See joint 1'001 1'001 of weld. See veld 1'001 ‘ root opening. A separation at the joint root between the workpieces. plug vcld. A .veld made in a circular hole in onc member of a joint fllsing that member to another member. A fillet-welded hole shall 110t be construed as COI1forming to this definition *RT. Radiographic testing pO l'Osity. Cavity-type discontinuities formed by gas entrapment during solidification or in a thermal spray deposit s SAW (subme1'ged a 1'C welding). An arc 、,velding process that uses an arc 01' arcs between a bare metal electrode 01' electrodes and the 、Io'eld pool. The arc and molten metal are shielded by a blanket of granlllal' f1 ux on the workpieces ‘ The process is used without pressure and with filler metal from the electrode and sometimes from a supplemental source (、,velding rod , flux , or metal granules) positio l1 ed weld. A weld made in a joint that has been placed to facilitate making the 、Io'eld. ‘ *post veld heat Il'ealmc l1 l. Any heat treatment afte! welding. p l'cheating. The application of heat to the base metal immediately before welding , brazing , soldering , thermal spraymg , or cuttmg ‘ *single electrode. One electrode connected exclusively to onc power source which may consist of onc 01' rnore power umts. p l'eheat lempe l'alu l'e, we/dillg. The emperature of the base metal in the volume surrounding the point of welding immediately before welding is started. In a l11 ultiple-pass weld , it is also the temperature immedi ately before the second and subsequent passes are started 'parallel elecl l'ode. 1\vo electrodes connected electrically in parallel and exclllsively to the same power source. Both electrodes are uSllally fed by means of a single electrode feede l'. Welding Cll1Tent , when specified , is the to al for the two *PT. Liquid penetrant testing. ‘ *PWHT. Post、.veld heat treatment‘ *multiple elecl 1'odes. The combination of two 01' more single or parallel elec rode systems. Each of the component systems has Ìts own independent power source and its own electrode feedeI‘ ‘ Q “’ qualification. See elde l' performance qualification and WPS qualification *scanning level (U T). The dB setting used during scanning , as described in Tables 6.2 and 6.3. R semiaulomatic welding. l\‘anual welding with equip ment hat automatica l1 y controls one 01' more of the welding conditions‘ ‘ random sequence. A longitudinal sequence in which the weld bead increments are made at random 372 AWS D 1.1 /D 1. 1M:2015 ANNEXJ *shelf bar. Steel plates. bars , or similar elements lI sed to SllppOrt the overflow of excess 、veld metal deposited in a horizontal groove weld joint. shielded metal arc welding. See SMAW. *tack welder. A fitter , 0 1' someone under the direction of a fitter, who tack welds parts of a weldment to hold them in proper alignment lI ntil the final 、velds are made. *t꺼ndem. Refers to a geometrical arrangement of elec- ‘rodes in which a line through the arcs is parallel to shielding gas. Protective gas used to prevent or reduce atmospheric contaminatÎon the direction of welding single-welded joint. A joint that is welded from one side only. thermal gouging. A thermal clltting process variation that removes metal by melting or burning the entire removed portion , to form a bevel or groove size of weld. See weld size. throat of a lillet weld. slot weld. A weld made in an elongated hole in one member of a joint fusing that member to another member. The hole may be open at one end. A fillet welded slot shall not be construed as conforming to this definition actual tlu'oat. The shortest distance between the 、.veld and the face of a fillet veld. ‘ 1'0 0t theoretical throat. The distance from the bεginning of the joint 1'00t perpendiclllar to the hypotenllse of the largest right triangle that can be inscribed within the cross section of a fillet 、.veld‘ This dimension is based on the assllmption that the root opening is eqllal to zero SMAW (shielded metal arc welding). An arc welding process with an arc between a covered electrode and the weld pool. The process is used with shielding from the decomposition of the electl'O de covering , withollt the application of press lll'e, and with fillel metal from the electrode throat of a groove weld. A nonstandard term for groove veld size. *sollnd beam distance (UT). See souud path distance‘ T~join t. ‘ A joint between two members located approximately at right angles to each other in the form of a T. 'sound path distance (UT). The distance between the search unit test material interface and the reflector as measllred along the centerline of the sound beam spatter. The metal particles expelled dlll'ing fusion ing that do not form a part of the weld ‘ toe of veld. See weld toe *t 1'3nSVerse discontinuity. A 、.veld discontinllity whose major dimension is in a direction perpendicular to the weld axis “ X," see Annex L , Form L-II ‘ 、.veld­ *tubular. A generic tenn that refers to sections including pipe prodllcts (see pipe) and the family of square , rectangular, and round hollow-section products produced 01' manufactured in accordance with a tubular product specification. AIso refelTed to as hollow stmctllral section (HSS) stringer bead. A type of weld bead made without appreciable weaving motion. *stud base. The stud tip at the welding end , including flux and container, and 1/8 in [3 mm] of the body of the stlld adjacent to the tip. *tubular connection. A connection in the portion of a structure that contaÎns two or rnore intersecting members , at least one of which is a tubular member *stud welding (SW). An arc welding process that produces coalescence of metals by heating them with an arc between a metal stud , or similar part , and the other workpiece. When the surfaces to be joined are properly heated , they are brollght together lI nder pressure. Partial shielding may be obtained by the use of a ceramic fenule surrollnding the stud. Shielding gas or flllx may or may not be used. *t l1 bular joi l1t. A joint in the interface created by a tllbu lar member intersecting anothel' member (which may or may not be tubular). U submerged arc welding. See SAW. *l1 uacceptable \I nderc l1 t. discoutiuuity. See defect A groove melted into the base metal adjacent to the weld toe or .veld root and left unfilled by weld metal T tack weld. A 、.veld made to hold parts of a weldment in proper alignment until the final 、.velds are made. ‘ *UT. Ultrasonic testing. 373 AWS Dl.l/D 1. 1M:2015 ANNEXJ V welding. A joining process that produces coalescence of materials by heating them to the 、,velding temperaturc , with or without the application of pressure 01' by the application of pressure alone, and with or without the use of filler metal. See also the Master Chart of Welding and AlI ied Processes in the latest edition of AWS A3.0 *Ve l'ification Inspectol'. The duly designated person who acts for , and in behalf of, the Owner on all inspection and quality matters designated by the Engineel vertical welding position. The 、,velding position in which the 、veld axis , at the point of welding , is approximately vertical , and the weld face lies in an approximately vertical plane (see Figures 4.1 , 4.2 , 4λ and4.~D. welding machine. Equipment used to perform the 、,veld­ ing operation. For example , spot welding machine , arc 、velding machine , and seam welding machine. *vel' tical position (pipe welding). The position of a pipe joint in which welding is performed in the horizontal position and the pipe is not rotated during 、,velding (see Figur잉 4.1 , 4.2 , and 2,끄) welding ope 1'3tol'. One who opera없 adaptive control , automatic , mechanized , Of robotic welding equipment welding sequence. The order of making the weldmen t. *V-path (UT). The distance a shear wave sound beam travels from the search unit test matcrial interface to the other face of the test material and back to the original surface. 、velds in a ‘,veld pass. A single progression of welding along a joint. The result of a pass is a ‘,veld bead or layer. weld reinfol'cement. Weld metal in excess of the quantity required to fill a joint. W root. The points , as shown in cross section , at which the root surface intersects the base mctal surfaces ‘:veld weave bead. A type of ‘,veld bead made with transverse oscillation. ‘ ‘veld size. fillet weld size. For equal leg fillet 、,velds , the leg lengths of the largest isosceles right triangle that can be inscribed within the fillet 、.veld cross section. For unequal leg fillet welds , he leg lengths of the largest right triangle that can be inscribed within the fillet 、veld cross section weld. A localized coalescence of metals or nonmetals produced by heating he materials to the welding temperature , with or without the application of pressure or by the applications of pressure alone and with or without the use of filler material ‘ ‘ weldability. The capacity of a material to be welded under the imposed fabrication conditions into a specific , suitably designed stmcture and to perform satÎsfactor i1 y in the intended service. NOTE: Whell Olle rnember makes a l1 allgle with the 아 헤뼈 j m 뼈 뼈 S ”때뼈떼 rι aν 뼈뼈 삐ιm , 빼 m m 내비 weldel' certification. Written certification that a 、,velder has produced ‘,velds meeting a prescribed standard of welder performance 빠 、veld lJ ” 깨J welding operation. H . ”… 없 뼈·삐 ‘,velde l'. One who performs a manual or semiautomatic α .ι”이 ” m 빼 , weld bead. A 、veld resulting from a pass. See st l'inge l' bead and weave bead. 빼따때 weld axis. A line through the length of a weld , perpendicular to and at the geometric center of its cross section 짧 빼뼈때 other member greater than 105", the leg length (size) Ìs olless sigl1 ificance than the ξffective throat, which is the controlling factorfor the strength of the we/d d m P nu m[ % m % toe. The junction of the weld face and the base metal weldmcllt. An assembly whose component parts are joined by ‘,velding. WPS qnalification. The demonstration that 、velds made by a specific procedure can meet prescribed standards welde l' performance qnalification. The demonstration of a welder's ability to produce welds meeting prescribed standards 'WPS (welding procednre specification). The detailed methods and practices including all joint welding pro cedures involved in the production of a 、,veldmen t. See joint welding p l'ocedn l'e weld face. The exposed surface of a weld on the side from which ‘,velding was done 374 AWS D1.1 /D 1.1 M‘ 2015 Annex K (Informative) Guide for Specification Writers This annex is not prut of AWS D l.1fDl.l M:2015 , Sfl'lI cfllral Weldillg Code -S feel , but is included for informational purposes ol1ly • A statement il1 a contract document that all 、,velding be done in cO l1 formance with AWS D l.l, Sfrucfural Weldillg Code-Steel , covers 0111y the ma l1datory 、velding requirements. Other provisions in the code are optiona l. They apply only when they are specified. The following are some of the more commonly llsed optional provisions and examples of how they may be specified‘ Typical Specilication Optional Provision PabricationÆrection Inspection [When not the responsibility of the Contraιtor (6. 1.~)] PabricationÆrection inspection will be performed by the 0、,vneI 01 PabricationÆrection inspection will be performed by testing agency retained by the Owner, NOTE.‘ Whell ψbrication/erectioll Ínspectioll is pelformed by the Owner OJ the αW1er's testing agency. complele details 011 the e.λtent 0/ sllch lesling shall be givell. Verification Inspection (6. 1.2으) Verification inspection (6. 1. 2d) shall be performed by the Contractor. 01 Verification inspection shall be performed by the Owner 01 Verification inspection shall be performed by a testing agency retained by the Owner. 01 Verification inspection shall be waived. Nondestructive 1농 stmg NDT General: Por each type of joint and (other than visual [6.14] and type of stress [tension , compression and shear]) indicate type of NDT o be used , extent of inspection , any special techniques to be used , and acceptance crite~ ria. Specific examples (to be interpreted as examples and not recommendations) folloκ The Engineer shall determine the specific requirements for each condition. ‘ (Continued) 375 AWS D1.1/D 1.1 M:2015 ANNEX K IY미cal Optional Provision Nondestructíve Testíng (Cont ’ d) Specification Statically Loaded Structu l'e Fabrication: Moment Connectíon Tension Groove Welds ín Butt Joints-25% UT ínspectíon of each of the first four joints , dropping to 10% of each of the remainingjoints. Acceptance criteria Table 6.2. Fíllet welds MT-Inspectíon of lO% of the length of each weld. Acceptance crítería-Table 6.1 f,or nontubular welds and Table 9.16 for tublllar welds. • Cyclically Loaded Structure Fabrication: Tensíon Butt Splices- lO O% UT, or lOO% RT-Aζceptance criteria- UT: 6.13.2; RT: 6.12.2 • Full Penetration Coruer Welds in Axially Stresses-l00% UT, Scanníng Patte l'll s D or E 6.3. • Load애d Members: ’I농 nsion Acceptance criter…←T뼈e Comp l'ession St l'esses-25% , UT, Scanníng Movements A , B , or C. Acceptance cl'íte l'ía-Table 6.1 Fíllet Welds MT-Inspectíon of 10% of the 1ength of each weld-Accep tance crítel'ía-6 .12.2 • 01 (6.15 .3) Rejectíon of any portíon of a weld ínspected on a less than 100% basis shal1 reqllíre inspectíon of 100% of that 、,veld. 0/ (6.15.3) Rejectíon of any p011ion of a 、veld inspected on a partial length basis shall require inspection of the stated length on each side of the discontinuity. 376 AWS Dl.l /D 1. 1M:2015 Annex L (Informative) UT Equipment Qualification and Inspection Forms This annex is not part of AWS Dl. lID1.1M:2015. Stmctural \Veldillg Code -Steel , but is included for informational purposes only • This annex contains examples for use of three forms , !,- 8, !,-9, and !,- 10, for 1'ecording of UT test data. Each example of forms !,-8, !,- 9, and !,- 10 shows how the f0 1'ms may be used in the UT inspection of welds. Form !,- 11 is for rep0I1ing 1'esults of UT inspection of 、velds. 377 AWS D1. 1/D1 .lM:2015 ANNEX L Ultrasonic Unit Calibration Report-AWS Ultrasonic Unit Model Serial No. Search Unit-Size Type Frequency Calibration-Date Interval Method 810ck Serial No Data MHz As Found As Adjusted SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTIONS Start with the lowest d8 level that you can obtain a 40 percent display height indication lrom directly over the two in section 01 the DS block. Add 6 d8s and record this d8 reading “a" and display height "b" as the starting point on the tabulation chart • Find the average % screen values from Row “ b" by disregarding the lirst 3 and the last 3 tabulations. Use this as %2 in calculating the corrected reading • The lollowing equation is used to calculate Row ‘'c": %1 isRow “ b" %2 s the average 01 Row "b" disregarding the lirst and last three tabulations. d8 is Ro v “ a" dB2 is Row "c" 뼈 ’ 2 ‘ , = 예 After recording these values in Rows “a" and “ b," slide the transducer to obtain a new 40 percent display heigh t. Without moving the transducer add 6 d8s and record the new d8 reading and the new display height in the appropriate row, Repeat this step as many times as the unit allows 잉 • 21 % x -% + Ju B • The d8 Error “d" is established by subtracting Row “'c" from Row "a"‘ (a - c = d). • The Collective d8 Error “e" is established by starting 에th the d8 Error “d" nearest to 0.0 , collectively add the d8 Error "d" values horizontallι placing the subtotals in Row “ e." • Moving horizontallι left and right lrom the Average % line , lind the span in which the largest and smallest Collective d8 Error ligures remain at or below 2 d8. Count the number 01 horizontal spaces 01 movement , subtract one , and multiply the remainder by six. This d8 value is the acceptable range 01 the unit • In order to establish the acceptable range graphically, Form 1,-8 should be used in co미 unction with Form L-9 as lollows (1) Apply the collective d8 Error “e" values vertically on the horizontal offset coinciding with the d8 reading values “a:’ (2) Establish a curve line passing through this series 01 poi 미S (3) Apply a 2 d8 high horizontal window over this curve positioned vertically so that the longest section is completely encompassed within the 2 d8 Error height (4) This window length represents the acceptable d8 range 01 the unit Row Number a d8 Reading b Display Height c Corrected Reading d d8 Error e Collective d8 Error 1 2 3 4 6 5 7 8 9 Accuracy Required: Minimum allowable range is _ __ Equipment is: Acceptable lor Use •••••_ 11 12 %2 (Average) Not Acceptable for Use d8 to d8 d8 Total error Total qualified range d8 d8 d8 Total error Calibrated by Level Form L-8 378 13 % Recalibration Due Date Total qualified range to 10 • ___ ••• Location d8 (From the Chart above) d8 (From Form 1,-9) AWS D1.1/D 1.1 M:2015 ANNEXL Ultrasonic Unit Calibration Report-AWS Ultrasonic Unit Model USN-5o 8erial No. 47859-5014 Search Unil-8ize←괴낸ou샌Q Type SAB Frequency Calibration-Date .J.뾰흐끄」영h Inlerval 2 MonthS Melhod 페。ck 8erial No. __ 1ξ.3.4펴.61ll. Data xx ζ2흐 A뾰흐.Dll As Found • MHz AsAdjusled ’ SUPPLEMENTAL N8TRUCTIONS • 8tart wilh the lowest dB level that you can obtain a 40 percent display height indication lrom directly over the two in section 01 the D8 block. Add 6 dBs and record this dB reading “a" and display height "b" as the starting point on the tabulation chart • After recording these values in Rows “ a" and “b;’ slide the transducer to obtain a new 40 percent display height ‘ Wilhout movlng the transducer add 6 dBs and record the new dB reading and the new display height in the appropriate row.‘ Repeat this step as many times as the unil allows • Find the average % screen values Irom Row “ b" by disregarding the irst 3 and the last 3 tabulations. Use this as %2 in calculating the corrected reading ’ m 3g % 빼 = -γ 2 씨 , 뼈 ’ 써「 • The lollowing equation is used to calculate Row “:c": %1 is Row “b" %2 is the average 01 Row “b" disregarding the irst and last three tabulations dB is Row “a" dB2 is Row “t ’ - 1 • The dB Error "d" is established by subtracting Row "c" Irom Row “a": (a - c = d) • The Collectlve dB Error “e" is established by starting wilh the dB Error "d" nearest to 0.0 , collectively add the dB Error ‘’'d" values horizontallι placing the subtotals in Row "e:' • Moving horizontally, left and right Irom the Average % line , find the span in which the largest and smallest Collective dB Error figures remain at or below 2 dB. Count the number 01 horizontal spaces 01 movement, subtract one , and multlply the remainder by six. This dB value is the acceptable range 01 the uni t. • In order to establish the acceptable range graphicallμ Form !,-8 should be used in conjunction wilh Form !,-9 as lollows (1) Apply the collective dB Error "e" values vertically on the horizontal offset coinciding with the dB reading values ‘'a." (2) Establish a curve line passing through this series 01 points. (3) Apply a 2 dB high horizontal window over this curve pα씨ioned vertically so that the longest section is completely encompassed within the 2 dB Error height (4) This window length represents the acceptable dB range 01 the unit. NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 a dB Reading 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 b Display Height 69 75 75 81 d dB Error 77 42 .1 -0 .1 80 7 .1 77 36 .1 -0 .1 79 Corrected Reading 77 30 .1 -0 .1 78 c 77 24 .1 -0 .1 e Collective dB Error ROW 12.3 18.3 -1.1 -0.3 -0.3 -2.2 -1.1 -0.8 -0.5 -0 .4 -0.3 -0.2 77 48.0 54 .1 0.0 -0 .1 -0 .1 -0 .1 78 Accuracy Required: Minimum allowable range is 60 dB Equipment is: Acceptable lor Use ••_ 60.0 65.9 71. 8 77. 7 0.0 +0 .1 +0.2 +0.3 0.0 +0 .1 +0.3 +0.6 %2 (Average) ••••% Not Acceptable lor Use _•• Recalibration Due Date Total qualified range dB t。 dB = dB Total error dB (From the Chart above) Total qualified range dB to dB = dB Total error dB (From Form 논-9) Calibrated by Level Form L-8 379 Location AWS D1.lID1. 1M:2015 ANNEX L dB Accuracy Evalualion COLLECTIVE dB ERROR e +4 +3 +2 +1 o -1 -2 -3 -4 o 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 dB READING Form L-9 380 a 66 72 78 84 90 96 102 108 AWS D1.1/D 1.1 M:2015 ANNEX L dB Accuracy Evaluation-AWS COLLECTIVE dB ERROR e +4 +3 +2 下。1 織 꾀 +1 -2 -3 4 o 6 112 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 1 84 90 96 102 108 dB READING a I• ACCEPTABLE dB RANGE -70 dB --• -1 THE CURVE ON FORM 1,-9 EXAMPLE 18 DERIVED FROM CALCULATIONS FROM FORM 1,-8 THE 8HADED AREA ON THE GRAPH ABOVE SHOWS THE AREA OVER WHICH THE EXAMPLE UNIT QUA Ll FIES TO THIS CODE Note: The first line 01 exampJe of the use of Form !::8 is shown in this example Form L-9 381 AWS D1. lID1.1M:2015 ANNEX L Oecibel (Attenuation or Gain) Values Nomograph 100 9 90 8 80 7 70 6 60 5 4 3 2 c B A 10 10 ...,른..,.,- 100 0 ___ 0 9 9 8 훌2 8 8 6 풀-4 50 7 7 4 훌6 40 6 6 2 8 5 5 0 o 4 4 8 2 3 3 6 4 2 2 4 6 30 20 10 PERCENT SCREEN ORVOLTAGE o 0 PIVOT Note: See 6 , 28.2.3 for instruclion on use of this nomograph Form L.10 382 2 8 0 o ATTENUATION GAIN DECIBELS ANNEX L AWS 01.1101.1 M:2015 Decibel (Attenuation or Gain) Values Nomograph-AWS THE USE OF THE NOMOGRAPH IN RESOLVING NOTE 3 IS AS SHOWN ON THE FOLLOWING EXAMPLE A c B o 10 9 8 2 4 6 5 6-a 4 8 0 3 2 2 4 6 8 o PERCENT SCREEN PIVOT ATTENUATION GAIN OECIBELS 。 RVOLTAGE Procedure for using the Nomograph • Extend a straight line between the decibel reading from Row Þ a" applied to the C scale and the corr6sponding percenlage from Row “b" applied 10 Ih. A scal. • Use the point where the stralght line above crosses the pivot line B as a pivot line for a second straight line. • Extend a 56∞ nd slraight line from the average sign point on scale A , through the pívot point developed above , and onto the dB scale C • This point on the C scale is indicative 이 the corrected dB for use in Row “ C." Notes‘ 1. The 6 dB readlng and 69% scale are derived from the instrument reading and become dB “ b" and %, "c," respeclively. 2. %깅 is 78 - constant 3. dB (which is correcled dB "d") is equal 10 20 limes X log (78169) + 6 or 7.1 ‘ , Form L-10 383 AWS D1. 1!D 1.1 M:2015 ANNEX L Report of UT of Welds Report Project n。 Weld identification Material thlckness Weldj이 nlAWS X2 We띠 mg x Qualily process req비 rements-sec lÎ on no Remarks Discontinuity Decibels 용E 그 Qc) 걷§g듬 ιφg 용음 i。E @-。m」) 흉틀 g a 옹§훌 b 흉트gU ‘은잉4 c d 홍홍§ 등흉g 용늙 Dislance From X FromY 。,를짧 δ@g Remarks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ‘ ‘‘ We, he undersigned , cerliψ that the statements In this record are correct and that the velds were prepared and tested in conformance ) 51ruclural Velding Cod. 5lee! with the requirements of Clause 6, Parl F 이 AWS D 1.1 !D 1.1 M , (_••• (year) Test date Manufacturer or Contractor Inspecled by Authorized by Note: This form is applica비e 10 Clause 2, Parls B or C (Stalically and Cyclically Loaded Nontubular Slructures). Do NOT use this form for Tubular S!ruclures (Clause ~, Part ð)‘ Date Form L-11 384 • ANNEX L AWS D1.1/D 1.1 M:2015 aUse Leg 1, 11 , or 111 (see Annex ,J lor definition 01 Le 이 Notes 1. In order to attaín Rating “ d" a. With instruments with gain control , use the lormula a - b - c = d. b. With instruments with attenuation control , use the lormula b - a - c = d c. A plus or minus sign shall accompany the “ d" ligure unless "d" is equal to zer。 2. Distance lrom X is used in describing the location 01 a weld discontinuity in a direction perpendicùlar to the weld relerence line. Unless this ligure is zero , a plus or minus sign shall accompany it 3. Distance Irom Y is used in describing the location 01 a weld discontinuity in a direction parallel to the weld relerence line. This figure is a t!ained by measuring the distance Irom the “ Y" end 01 the weld to the begínning 01 said discontinuity‘ 4. Evaluation 01 Retested Repaired Weld Areas shall be tabulated on a new line on the report lorm. If the original report lorm is used , Ro shall prefix the indication number. 1I additional lorms are used , the R number shall prelix the report number 385 AWS D l.l /D1.1M:2015 This page is intentionally blank‘ 386 AWS D1.1 /D 1. 1M:2015 Annex M (Informative) Sample Welding Forms This annex is not pat1 of AWS D 1.1 1D 1.1M:20 15 , St l'lIctllral Weldillg Code -Steel , but is included for infonnational purposes only‘ • This annex contains 땐쁘뽀k forms for the recording of WPS i'! formation orocedUl~ qualification 뜨얀낀띤호요쁘1itìcation test resu 1t~, welder qualification , welding operator qualification , and ta야c welder qua1i fication data req 띠red bγ “liscodε AIso included are laboratory report forms for recording the results of NDT of welds Rrpss and PORs are provided for welding process categories GTAW/SMAW. GMAWIFCAW‘ and SAW. The names are fictional and the test data given is 11이 from 맨X표딘쁘μest and should not be used η1e Committee trllsts that these examples wi11 assist code users in producing acceptable documentation. It is recommended that the qualification and NDT informa tI on req띠 ired bγ this code be recorded on these forms or simil…forms which h야 e been prepared by the U8er. Variations of these forms to suit the user's needs are Q단민itt앨 M4. 판PS원 Qualified by Testing The WPS may be qualified by testing in conformance with the provisions of Clause 4. In this case , a supporting PQR is required in addition to the WPS. For the WPS , state the allowed ranges qualified by testing or state the appropriate tolerances on essential variable (e.g. , 250 amps" 10%). Ml. Use ofForms For joint dctails on the WPS , a sketch or a reference to the applicable prequalified joint detai! may be used (e.g. , B-U4a) The WPS forms contain 1ines f(π incJ usion of information that may not be reqnired by the code; these lines need not be comple잭띤잉띠얀쁘뜨젠미X뜨쁘팩쁘뜨: For the PQR , the actual joint details and the v끼lues of essential variables used in the testing should be recorded An example of a completed POR form is provided for guidance in filling out the form. A copy of the Mill Test Report for the material tested should be attached. AIso , Testing Laboratory Data Reports may also be included as backup information 2! a POR Test Result Form similar Io the example in this annex may be used. Cross refer e:nces to the reQuired mechanical tests as aoolicable to the WPS bεing qualified are provided 이 the form for 쁘앤X잭댄뜨만뜨쉰의E댄얀쁘L센~sts referenced are 쁘뽀쁘브: 뽀쁘떤댄ts. M2. Prequali젠ed WPSs 앤2 is snfficient for the pnrpose of documenting prequalified WPSs M3.Examvle Forms Examples of completed WPSs and a POR have been in덴쁘효@브빡밴센띤딴쁘æ2 ses. Separate fonns f01 387 ANNEX M AWS D1.1/D 1. 1M:2015 Index of Forms Fonn No Title Page No M-I Procedure Qualification Record (PQR) forms 389 M-2 \Velding Procedure Specification (WPS) forms 395 M-3 \VPS Qualification Test Record for Electroslag and Electrogas Welding 400 M-4 \Velder, \Velding Operator, or Tack Welder Performance Qualification Test Record (Single-Process) forms 401 M-5 Weldel; 、Nelding Operator, or Tack Welder Performance Qualification Test Record (Multi-Process) forms 403 M-6 Report of Radiographic Examination of Welds 405 M-7 Report of Magnetic-Particle Examination of 、,velds 406 M-8 Stlld 、,velding Application Qualification Test , Pre-Production Test , PQR , or WQR Form 407 388 AWS D1.1 /D1.1M:2015 ANNEXM Blank Sample PQR Form (GTAW & SMAW - page 1) PROCEDURE QUA Ll FICATION RECORD (PQR) Company Name BASE METALS 8ase Material Welded To Backing Material Reι PQRNo ’ Specl cation Type or Grade AWS Group No Thl야 ness Slzs (NPS) 。ther JOINT DETAILS Groove Type Groove Angle Root Opening Root Face Backgouging Method JOINT DETAILS (Sketch) POSTWELD HEAT TREATMENT Temperature Tlme at Temperature Other PROCEDURE Weld Layer(s) Weld Pass(es) Process Type (Manual, Mechanized, etc.) Posltlon Vertical Progression Filter Metat (AWS Spec.) AWS Classificalion Diameter ManufacturerfTrade Name Shielding Gas Compos. (GTAW) Flow Rate (GTAW) Nozzle Size (GTAl뻐 Preheat Temperature Interpass Temperature Electrlcal Characteristics Electrode Diameter (0 1:마N) Current Type & Polarity Amps Volts Cold or Hot Wire Feed (GTAW) Travel Speed Maximμm Heat Input Technique Stringer or Weave Multi or Single Pass (per side) Osc iU ation (GTAW MechJAuIO.) Traverse Length Traverse Speed OwellTime Peening Interpass Cleaning Other Form M.1 (Front) (See hltp 1forms) 389 Schedule No. Date Diameter ANNEX M AWS 01.1/0 1.1 M:2015 Blank Sample PQR Form (GMAW & FCAW - page 1) PROCEDURE QUA Ll FICATION RECORD (PQR) BASE METALS Base 뼈 aterial WeldedTo Backing 뼈 alerial 휴하피o. PQR No Company Name Specification TGypraedoer AWS Group N。 Thickness Size (NPS) 。 ther JOINT OETAILS Groove Type Groove Angle RoolOpening Root Face Backgouglng Me!hod JOINT DETAILS (Ske!ch) POSTWELD HEAT TREATMENT 끼remperalμre T1me at Temperature 。 ther PROCEDURE Weld Layer(s) Weld Pass(es) Process Type (Semia띠'omat, ι Mechanized, etc.) Position Verlical Progression Filler Me!al (AWS Spec.) AWS Classificalion Diameter ManufacturerfTrade Name Shielding Gas Composition Flow Rate Nα221e Size Preheat Temperature Interpass Temperature Electrical Characteristics Current Type & Polarity Transfer Mode (GMAW) Power Source Type (cc, c v, etc.) Amps Volts Wire Feed Speed Travel Speed Maximum Heat Input Technlque Stringer or Weave Multi or 81ngle Pass (per side) 。 scillalion (Mechanized껴 utomatic) Traverse Length Traverse Speed DwellTime Number of Electrodes Contact Tube to Work 미 81 Peening Inlerpass Cleaning O!her Form M.1 (Fron!) (See 390 Schedule ← Oa!ε- Diameter AWS D1.1/D1.1 M‘ 2015 ANNEX M Blank Sample PQR Form (SAW - page 1) PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION RECORD (PQR) Company Name Type or BASEMETALS Base Material Welded To Backing Material 펴하피o. PQRNo Specification Grade AWS Group No Thickness Slze (NPS) 。 ther JOJNT DETAILS JOJNT DETAJLS (Sketch) Groove 끼ype Groove Angle Root Opening Root Face Backgouging Method POSTWELD HEAT TREATMENT Temperature Time at Temperature 。ther PROCEDURE Weld Layer(s) Weld Pass(es) Process SAW 꺼ype (Semla띠omalic, Mechanized, etc.) Position F iJJ er Metal (AWS Spec.) AWS Classi ication Electrode Diam혔 er EJectrode/Flux C!assification ManufactμrerfTrade Name Supplemental Filler Met외 Preheat Temperature Interpass Temperalure Electrlcal Characteristics Current Type & Polarity Amps Volts Wire Feed Speed 끼r8vel Speed Maximum Heat Input Technique Stringer or Weave Multi or Single Pass (per s띠e) Number of Electrodes Longitudinal Spacing of Arcs Lateral Spacing of Arcs Angle of Parallel Electrodes Angle of Electrode (MechJAuto.) Normal To Direclion of Travel ’ 。 scillation (Mechanize d/Automatic) 끼raverse Lenglh Speed DwellTime Peenlng Interpass Cleaning Other 끼raverse Form M-1 (Front) (See!ψD 1forms) 391 Schedule Date Diameter AWS 01.1/0 1. 1M:2015 ANNEX M Blank Sample PQR Form (Test Results - page 2) PROCEDURE QUA Ll FICATION RECORD (PQR) TEST RESULTS PQRN。 Rev. No TESTS / Type 01 Tesls \lisuallnspectìon Radiographlc Examination Ullrasonic 끼estíng 2 τransvarse Root Bends 2 Transverse Face Bends 2 Longitudinal Root Bends 2 Longitudinal Face Bends 2 Side Bends 4 Side Bends 2 Tensile Tests AII-Weld-Metal Tensions 3 Macroetch 4 Macroetch I CVNTesls Clause/Flgure(s) Reference 4.9.1 4.8 4.9.3. lI Fig. 4.8 4.9.3. lI Fig. 4.9 4.9.3. lI Fig. 4.9 4.9.3 .4/Fig. 4.10 4.14 and 4.18 4.9.4 4‘ 9‘ 4 4 Parl O/Fig. 4.28 Acceplance Crilerla 4.9.1 4.9‘ 3 ‘ 3 4 ‘ 9.3.3 4 ‘ 9.3.5 4.9 .4 .1 4.30 and Table 4.14 Resull Remarks TENSILE TEST OETAILS Widlh Ullimale Tensile Load Area Thickness Ullimale Unil Slress Lofeatl。n anpde o Fai|ureW TOUGHNESS TEST OETAILS SNpuencimen mber NOlch Locatlon Tesl Temperature Absorbed Energy Percent Shear Laleral Expansion Average 뼈 爛 10 Number Slamp Number Tesls Conducled bv 뎌닮힘ory →--­ 강강R퍼ber 마ε찌퍼닮F We‘ the undersigned , certify that the statements in this record are correct and that the test welds were prepared , welded , and tested In accordance with the req 미 remenls of Clause 4 of AWS 01.1/01.1 M, ( ) Structuraf Wefding Code-8teef. (year) Tille Si띠 gna 히ture Name Dale Form M-1 (Back) (See hltp:// 392 ANNEX M AWS 0 1.1 /0 1. 1M:2015 ’ Example PQR (GMAW & FCAW - page 1) PROCEDURE QUAL FICATION RECORD (PQR) 231 PQR N。‘ Red Inc. Company Name BASE METALS 8ase Materiaf We 떠ed 끼O Backing Materiaf Other JOINT DETAILS Groove Type Groove Angle Root Opening Root Face Backgouglng Method Specifìcation ASTM A131 ASTM A131 ASTM A131 AWS Group No. 1GVpraedoer A A A Thickness 1 in 1 in 1/4 in Size (NPS) 01/18/2015 Date Schedule JOINT DETAILS (Sketch) Single V Groove 8u !l Joint 350 included 1/4 in None POSTWELO HEAT TREATMENT Temperature Time at Temperature ←서 뉴- 114 in 。ther PROCEDURE Weld Layer(s) WelQ Pass(es) Process Type (Semiautomaüc, Mechanize d, etc.) Poslllon Vertical Progress써n Filler Metal (AWS Spec.) AWS Classification Diameter ManufacturerfTrade Name Shlelding Gas Comp。히 lion Flow Rate Nozzle Size Preheat Temperature Interpass Temperature Electrical Characteristlcs Current 끼ype & Polarity Transfer Mode (GMAW) Power Source Type (cc, c v; etc.) Amps Volts Wire Feed Speed Travel Speed Maxímum Heat Inpul Technique Stringer or Weave Mulli or 8ingle Pass (per side) Oscillalion (Mechanizeψ'A utomatic) Number of Electrodes Co미act 끼iJ be 10 Work Dist Peening Interpass Cleaning 1 FCAW Semi. aulomalic 4G 2-8 FCAW Semi. aulomatic 4G 9-11 FCAW Semi automatic 4G 12-15 FCAW Semi automatic 4G 16 FCAW Semi automatic 4G A5.20 E71T-1C 0 ‘ 045 in A5.20 E71T-1C 0 ‘ 045 in A5.20 E71T-1C 0.045 in A5.20 E71T-1C 0.045 in A5.20 E71T-1C 0.045 in 100% CO2 45-55 clh #4 750 mín 100% CO2 45• 55 clh #4 75 0 min. 75 0 -350。 100%C02 45• 55cfh #4 75" min. 75 0 -350 0 45-55 c h #4 750 min 75 0 -350。 100% CO 2 45-55 clh #4 75" min. 75 0 -350" OCEP OCEP OCEP OCEP OCEP 180 26 (Amps) 8ipm 200 27 (Amps) 10ipm 200 27 (Amps) 11 ipm 200 27 (Amps) 9ipm 200 27 (Amps) 11 ipm Stringer Mullipass Slringer Multipass Stringer Multipass Stringer Multipass Stringer Mu !t ipass 100% COz ’ 75 0-350。 1 1 1 1 3/4-1 in 3/4-1 in 3/4-1 in 3/4-1 in 3/4-1 in None None None None None Wire 8rush Wire 8rush Wire 8rush Wire 8rush Wire 8rush 。 ther Form M-l (Front) o Rev. No. (See 393 Diameter ANNEX M AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 Example PQR (GMAW & FCAW - page 2) PROCEDURE QUA Ll FICATl ON RECORD (PQR) TEST RESULTS 231 0 Rev. No. POR No. TESTS Type 이 Tests Visuallnspection Radiographic ExaminaUon Ullrasonlc Testing 2 Transverse Root Bends 2 Transverse Face Bends 2 Longitudinal Root Bends 2 Longitudinal Face Bends 2 Side Bends 4 Side Bends 2 Tensile Tes!s AII.Weld-Metal Tensions 3 Macroetch 4 Macroetch CVN Tests / / / / / / / N。 tes ‘ AII-Weld-Metal ren잉。 n: Clause/Fìgure(s) Reference 4.9.1 4.8 4.9 4.14 and 4.18 4.9 .4 4.9 .4 4 Part D/Fig 4.28 Acceptance Criteria 4.9.1 Result Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptab!e Acceptab!eφ) Remarks < 1/16 in Opening *See Note 4.9 .4 .1 4.9 .4 .1 4.30 and Table 4.14 T!Y: 831"00172600 psi , EIOrigälion in 2 in: 28% , Laborat。깨 TestNo. PW 231 TENSILE TEST DETAILS SNpuecniil1eI1 mber 231-1 231-2 Width 0.75 in 0.75 in Ultimate Tensile Load 52500lb 522751b Ultimate Unit Stress 70000 psi 69700 psi Thickness 100 in 100 in Area 0.75 in 0.75 inι SpSemlzmeerl Absorbed Energy 1261t-1 b 124 125 f t-l b Peαnt re1aVpnde of Failure and Location DuctileßNefd Melal DuctileNJeld Melal TOUGHNESS TEST DETAILS Specimen Lateral Expansion 45 mils 45mils 45 mils 231-7 231-8 231-9 Notch Location 8M 8M 8M 10 x 10 mm 10x lO mm 10 x 10 mm Test Temperature -20 0 F 200 F 20 0 F 231-10 23 1-1 1 23 1-1 2 HAZ HAZ HAZ 10x10mm 10x10mm 10 x 10 mm 20 0 F 20 0 F 20 0 F 86 84 85 50% 50% 50% 45mi 잉 231-13 231-14 231-14 WM WM WM 10x10mm 10 x 10 mm 10x10mm 20 0 F 20 0 F 20 0 F 27 29 28 50% 50% 50% 45mils 45mils 45 mils f、Jumber Shear 50% 50% 50% 45mils 45mils Average 125/5이'45 85 50% 45mils ’ 28 50% 45mils CERTIFICATION 마굶굶꽁찌굶e ID Number W. T. 피게굶버5→ 젊1 Stamp Number Tests Conducted bv La tJ oratory R겉 dlnc. 8;피 8C1굶tîng 흉강 Nu굶ber R교 Num굶f POR 231 (per D_ Miller) WeldingForms/PQR231.pdl ’ We , the undersigned , certì y that the statemenls in this record are correct and that the les! welds were prepared , welded , and tested in accordance with the req 비 rements of Clause 4 01 AWS D1. lID1.1M , ( ) 51ruclural Welding Code-5Ieel. (year) Title O.C. Mgr Name R. M 80ncrack Date 12115/2015 Signature ‘ Form M-1 (8ack) (SeeψD 1forms) 394 AWS 01.1/01.1 M:2015 ANNEXM Blank Sample WPS Form (GTAW & SMAW) WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION (WPS) WPSN。 Company Name A비horized 과 BASEMETALS 8ase Material Date Specification 끼GVpraedoer AWS Group No. Welded 꺼b Backing Material 。 ther JOINT DETAtLS Groove Type Groove Angle Root Opening Root Face Backgouging Method Supp교퍼깅 PQR(s} BASEMETAL THICKNESS CJP Groove Welds CJP Groove w/CVN PJP Groove Welds Fillet Welds D1 AMETER JOINT DETAILS (Sketch) POSTWELO HEAT TREATMENT Temperature Time at Temperalure 。 ther PROCEDURE Weld Layer(s) We 떠 Pass(es) Process Type (Manuaf, Mechanized, etc,) Posltlon Vertical Progression Fltler Metal (AWS Spec.) AWS Classification Diameter ManufacturerfTr ade Name Shteldlng Gas Compos. (GTAW) Flow Rate (GTAW) Nozzle Size (GTA뻐 Preheat Temperature Interpass Temperature Electrical Characterlstics Electrode Oiameter (GTAW) Current Type & PI이 arity Amps Volts Cold or Hot Wire Feed (GTAW) Travel Speed Maximum Heat Input Technlque Stringer or Weave Mu Jti or Sing!e Pass (per side) Osc川 ation (GTAW MechJAuto.) Traverse Length Traverse Speed DwellTime Peening Interpass Cleaning IOther Form M-2 (See,ψD 1forms) 395 쥐강 No. Date CVN Report As-Welded WlthPWHT AWS D1.1fD1.1M’ 2015 ANNEX M Blank Sample WPS Form (GMAW &FCAW) WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION (WPS) Authorized 아 BASEMETALS 8ase Material WeldedTo Backing Material Date Specificalion TGypraedoer 굶마꾀ing PORI하 • AWS Group No. 。 Iher BASEMETAL THICKNESS CJP Groove Welds CJP Groove wfCVN PJP Groove Welds FilletWelds D AMETER ’ JOINT DETAILS Groove Type Groove Angle Root Opening Root Face Backgouglng Method JOINT DETAILS POSTWELD HEAT TREATMENT Temperature Time at Temperature Other PROCEDURE Weld Layer(s) Weld Pass(es) Process Type (Semiautomatic, Mechanized, efc.) Posltlon Vertical Progression Fi lJ er Metal (AWS Spec.) AWS Classification Diameter ManufacturerfTrade Name Shielding Gas (Co mposilion) Flow Rate Nozzle Size Preheat τ'emperature Interpass Temperature Eleclrical Characterlstlcs Current Type & Polarity Transfer Mode Power Source Type (cc, c v, eκ ) Amps Volts Wire Fee야 Speed Travel Speed Maximum Heat Input Technique Stringer or Weave Multí or Single Pass (per side) Os미 lation (MechanízedlAutomat,찌 Traverse Length Traverse Speed DwellTime Number of Electrodes Contact Tube to Work Distance Peening Interpass Cleaning 。ther Form M-2 걷강 No. WPSNo Company Name ‘ (See hllp:lIgo.a' Ns.orgfD 1forms) 396 (Sκetch) Date CVN Report As‘ Welded WithPWHT AWS D1.1/D 1.1 M:2015 ANNEX M Blank Sample WPS Form (SAW) WEL Dl NG PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION (WPS) Date Authorized by BASE METALS 8ase Material Welded To Backing Material Other Specîfication 1Gypraedoer AWS Group No. Supp-orti매 BASE METAL THICKNESS CJP Groove Welds CJP Groove w/CVN PJP Groove Welds FilletWelds D AMETER JOINT DETAILS (Sketch) POSTWELD HEAT TREATMENT Temperature Time at Temperalure 。 Iher PROCEDURE Weld layer(s) Weld Pass(es) Process Type ($emiautomatic, Mechanized, elC.) Posltlon Filler Metal (AWS Spec.) AWS Classification Electrode Diameler Electrode/Flux Classilica t1 0n ManufacturerfTrade Name Supplemental F川 er Metal Preheat Ten행 erature Interpass Temperature Electric히 Characteristlcs Current Type & p.이arity Amps Volts Wire Feed Speed Travel Speed Maximum Heat Input Technique Stringer or Weave Multi or 8ingle Pass (per side) Number of Electrodes Longiludinal Spacing of Arcs Lateral Spacing of Arcs Angle of Parallel Electrodes Angle of Electrode (Mech .lAuto.) Normal To Direclion of Travel Os이 Ilalion (Mechanize d/Automalic) Traverse Length 끼raverse Speed DwellTime Peening Interpass Cleaning Other SAW ‘ (See 397 -oatε- CVNR김 port PQR(s) ’ JOINT DETAILS Groove Type Groove Angle Root Opening Root Face Backgouging Method Form M-2 휴화 No. WÞSN。 Co버굶 ny Name As-Welded WithPWHT ANNEX M AWS D1. 1/D 1. 1M:2015 Example WPS (Prequalified) WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION (WPS 히) LECO Company Name C. W. H.yes 파f바i굶퍼i BASEMETALS 8ase Materia WeldedTo Backing Material Olher ’ 01/03/2015 Date TGypra8doer Specification ASTM A36 ASTM A36 ASTM A36 JOINT DETAILS Groove Type Groove Ang e 20。 R。이。 pemng 5/8 in Root Face Backgouging Method Noηe ’ 2 W2081 AWS Group No 11 11 , None (P equallfled) 싫굶꾀빼큐 No CVN Report 멘 BASE METAL THICKNESS CJP Groove Welds CJP Groove w/CVN PJP Groove Welds Fillet Welds DIAMETER AsWelded > 3/4-2.5 in 쁘맨핀튿뀐만핀은딴띤l Single V Groove Bult Joint POSTWELD HEAT TREATMENT Temperature N.A Timeat τemperature 거떻뉴 Other B-U2-s 」 PROCEDURE Weld Layer(s) Weld Pass(es) Process AII AII SAW 끼ype (Semiautomatic, MechanÎze이 etc.) Mechanized Position F A5.17 Filler Me .1 (AWS Spec.) AWS Classification EM12K Electrode Diameter 5/32 in Electrode/Flux Classification LF7A2.EM12K ManufacturerfTrade Name (Flux XYZ) Supp!emental Filler Metal Preheat Temperature 1500 F min Interpass Temperature 50Q O F max Electrlcal Characterislics Current Type & Polarity DCEP Amps 50( 600 Volts 26-30 Wire Feed 8peed Travel Speed 2 0--25 ipm Maximum Heat Input Technlque Stringer or Weave Stringer Multi or Sing!e Pass (per side) Mu 1tipass Number of Electrodes 1 Longitudinal Spacing 이 Arcs Lateral Spacing of Arcs Angle of Parallel Electrodes 5 0 :1: 2。 Angle 이 Electrode (MechJA비 0.) 90 0 :1: 2 。 Normal To Direction of Travel 。 scillation (Mechanized/Automat찌 None Traverse Length τraverse Speed DwellTime Peening None 81ag Removed nterpass C!eaning Other Form M-2 (See ‘ • ’ψD 1forms) 398 01/03/2015 Rev. 피 o.δate → WP증 No WithPWHT ANNEX M AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 Example WPS (Single-Process) WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION (WPS) ’ RED nc Company Name J. Jones Aulhorized by 12101/2015 Date JOINT DETAILS Groove Type Groove Angle Root Opening Root Face Backgouging Melhod 1Gypraedo8r Specífication ASTM A131 ASTM A131 ASTM A131 BASE METALS 8ase Material Welded To Backing Material Olher AWS Group No‘ A A A CVNR깅 porl DETAILS As-Welded 3/4-1-1/2 in (Skeκ비 81n91e V Groove 8uU Joint 350 included 1/4 in None -셔 뉴→ 1/4 Jn 。ther 」 PROCEDURE Weld Layer(s) Weld Pass(es) Process 끼ype (Semiautomaüc, Me이a끼Ized, etc.) Posi l1 on Vertical Progression Flller Metal (AWS Spec.) AWS Classification Diameter ManufacturerfTrade Name Shie dlng Gas (Composilion) Flow Rate Nozzle Size Preheat Temperature Interpass τemperature Electrical Characteristics Current Type & Polarity Transfer Mode Power Source Type (cc, cv, etc.) Amps Volts Wire Feed Speed Travel Speed Maximum Heat Input Technlque Stringer or Weave Multi or Single Pass (per side) ’ 계| AII FCAW Semiaut。 。H A5.20 E71τ1C 0.045 in 100% C02 45-55 cfh #4 60 0 min. 60'-350。 DCEP CV 180-220 25-26 (Amps) 8-12 ipm Stringer Multipass 。scillation (Mecha미ze이 Aufomat,ι) Number of Electrodes Contact Tube to Work Dist Peening Interpass Cleanlng Other 1 1/2-1 in None Wire Brush (See D1forms) 399 Date No BASE METAL THICKNESS CJP Groove Welds CJP Groove w/CVN PJP Groove Welds FillelWelds DIAMETER J。 INT 12101/2015 Rev. No. Suppo꾀며 PQR(s} POSTWELD HEAT TREα.TMENT Temperature None T1me at Temperature Form M-2 o 2010 WP흥 No 231 WilhPWHT AWS D1. 1/D l.l M:2015 ANNEX M WPS QUA Ll FICATION TEST RECORD FOR ELECTROSLAG AND ELECTROGAS WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION TEST RESULTS Reduced-section lenslle lesl Material specification Welding process Position of welding Filler metal specification Filler metal classification Filler metal Flux Flow rate 8hielding gas Gas dew point Thickness range this test qualifies 8ingle or multiple pass 8ingle or multiple arc Welding current Preheat temperature Postheat temperature Welder’s name Guide tube flex Guide tube composition Guide tube diameter Vertical rise speed Traverse length Traverse speed Dwell Type of molding shoe Tensile strength , psi 1 2. ‘ AII-weld-melallension lesl ••••••• Tensile strength , psi Yield poinVstrength , psi Elongation in 2 in , % Side-bend lesls 1. 2. 3 4. ‘ Radlographic-ullrasonlc examination RT report no. UT report no VISUAL INSPECTION (Table 6.1 , Cyclically loaded limilations) ’ mpacllesls Appearance Undercut Piping porosity Test date Witnessed by. Size of specimen __ 1‘ 2 ••• 5‘ Test temp 3 4. Avg Low 6‘ High Laboratory test no WELDING PROCEDURE Pass N。‘ Electrode 8ize Welding Current Amperes Volts Jolnt Detail We , the undersigned , certify that the statements in this record are correct and that the test welds were prepared , welded , and tested in ∞nformance with the requirements of Clause 4 of AW8 D1.1101.1 M, ( ) Structurat Wefding Code-Steef. (year) Procedure no. Manufacturer or Contractor Revision no. Authorized by Date Form M-3 (See hllp빙D 1forms) 400 AWS D1.1/D 1.1 M‘ 2015 ANNEX M Sample Welder Ouallfication Blank Form (Single-Process) , , WELDER WELDING OPERATOR OR TACK WELDER PERFORMANCE OUA Ll FICATION TEST RECORD Name IDN파ber Stamo No. l,;ompany Division OPf!ONAI PHOTO ID BASE METALS 8ase Material Weldedτ 끼est Date 百5끊퍼피o. Std. TestN。 WP해도5펴따굶 To Rev.‘ Specific~tion VARIABLES 과굶 ofW깅퍼oint 8ase Metal RANGE QUALl FIED Ac!ual Values Groove Groove Fillet Fillet Plat겉τfhickness 마강π닮π값ness Pipe Diameter Weldlng Process Type (Manual, Semíautomatic. Mechanize이 AUlomatic) Backing Flller Metal (AWS Spec.) AWS ClassificaUon F.Number Poslllon Groove - Plate & Pipe ;;:: 24 in Groove - Pipe < 24 in Flllet - Plate & Pipe " 24 in Fillet - Pipe < 24 in Progression GMAW Transfer Mode Single or Multiple Electrodes Gas/Flux Type TEST RESULTS Accα‘eptance 띤앤쁘한 Crl!eria Resulls Remarks CERTIFICATION 댐강잖퍼파굶by 당닮힘5可---­ 융강피umber R도찌퍼닮F ‘ We, the undersigned , certify that the statements In this record are correct and Ihat the test Nelds were prepared , we 떠 ed , and tested in accordance with the requirements 이 Clause 4 이 AWS D 1. 1/D1.1M (•••_) Slruclural Welding Code-Sfeel. (year) Aulhorized by Manufacturer or Contractor Oate Form M-4 (See hllp 1forms) 401 AWS Dl.l/Dl.1M:2015 ANNEX M Example Welder Qualificalion (Single.Process) , , WELDER WEL Dl NG OPERATOR OR TACK WELDER PERFORMANCE QUA Ll FICATION TEST RECORD Name ID Number Stamp No. Company Division Z.W 티굶「 “’ OO.OOI.ZWE ZWE.l RED Inc ()P Tf O A $’ t !í YI ‘)ji) ‘ Qu외 ifiedT(。 BASE METALS Specification ASTM A36 X함패X굶 굶굶꾀깅짙rial Welded To Actual νalues Plate - Groove (Fig. 4.31) with Backing 하@피교경쿄PT 8ase Metal Fillet Groove 파8in Plate Thickness 라g마닮돼ickness Pìpe Diameter o 끄 NS K026ÖO VARIABLES Type of Weld Joint Reι 1211212015 WPQ.OOl ST.OOl WPS.OOl AWS Dl.l Test Date Record No s d. Test N。 WPSN。‘ RANGE QUALl FIED Groove , Fillet , Plug , and Slot Weids (τ, y.η K.Groove PJP only) A매 AWS Dl.l Qualified Base Metal Groove Fillet 1/8 in min ‘ 1펴Eτ5껴Tn U꾀교값g 1/8 in - 3/4 in 강E퍼in. Weldlng Process Type (Manual, Semlautomatiι Mechanized, Automatic) Backing Filler Metal (AWS Spec.) AWS Classification Unlimited GMAW GMAW Semiautomatic Semiautomatic, Mechanized , Automatic 에 th With (incl. Backgouging and Backwelding) A5.xx AII A5.18 ER70S.6 F~Number 2G , 3G , and 4G Posltlon Groove - Plate and Pipe 2 24 in Groove - Pipe < 24 in Fi!l et - Plate and Pipe 2: 24 in Fillet - Pipe < 24 in Progression GMAW Transfer Mode Single or Multiple Electrodes Gas/Flux Type AII AII 제1 Vertical Up Pulsed , Globular Single A5.xx Approved Vertical Up Globular 8ing!e A5.32 SG.C Spraι TEST RESULTS Acceptance Criteria 4.9.1 끼ype ofTest Visual Examina이ion per 4,9.1 Each Posilion:rRòòt Bend per 4 , 8.3 , 1며 nd Fig. 4.8 Each Posilion 1 Race Bend per 4 ,9.3.1 and Fig. 4.8 전원민s Remarks Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable I 3G: Small (<1/16 in) Ope미 ng CERTIFICATION 댐stCo굶퍼굶by Laboratory 줍강 Num굶 File Number Welding Forms Lab I Fictitious Test XYZ I Welding Forms/Sample.WPQ.for.GMAWpdl We , the undersigned , certify that the statements în this record are correct and that the test welds were prepared , welded , and tested in accordance with the req 미 rements of Clause 4 of AWS Dl. lID1.l M (_ _ _ ) Slruclural Welding Code-Sleel (year) Manufaclurer or Contractor Red Inc. Authorized by Date Form M.4 (See 1forms) 402 E M. Ployee (O.C. Mgr.) 1211 잉'2015 AWS 01.1/0 1. 1M:2015 ANNEX M Sample Welder Quallflcatlon Blank Form (Multl-Process) WELDER. WELDING OPERATOR. OR TACK WELDER PERFORMANCE QUA Ll FICATION TEST RECORD Name 띠피퍼ber 잉끓매o. Company Uivision , OP Il ONAI P Il O ü !D BASE METALS Reι Test Oate Record No 힘£흉강피o WPS 피도5펴폐굶 To Specification 굶끊패징하aI Welded To VARIABLES 01 Weld Jolnt a꿇급패허al RANGE QUALl FIEO Actual Values 깨 pe Groove Fillet Groove Fillet Pla굶주 hickness 휘끊마닮큐ickness 터강;미a버응ter Weldlng Process Type (Manual, Semiautomatic, Mechanized, Automat,ι) Backing Filler Metal (AWS Spec.) AWS Classification F-Number Posltlon Groove - Plate and Pipe ~ 24 in Groove - ?ipe < 24 in Fillet - Plate and Pipe ~ 24 in Fillet - Pipe < 24 in Progression GMAW Transler Mode 8ingle or Multiple Electrodes Gas/Flux 꺼ype TEST RESULTS Acceplance Crilerla Type 이 Test Results Remarks CERTIFICATION x I웰꽉현핸P얀 Lμaboratory 흉강R퍼ber File Number We , the undersigned , certify that the statements in this record are correct and that the te5! welds were prepared , welded , and tested in accordance with the requirements of Clause 4 이 AWS 01.1/01.1 M (_ _ _ ) Slruclur.1 Welding Code-Steel. (year) Manufacturer or Contractor Authorized by Date Form M-5 ’ (See forms) 403 AWS 0 1.1 /0 1. 1M:2015 ANNEX M Example Welder Qualificatlon (Multi-Process) , , WELDER WELDING OPERATOR OR TACK WELDER PERFORMANCE QUA Ll FICATION TEST RECORD Z. W. Elder OO.OOt.ZWE ZWE.01 REO Inc Name 10 Number StampNo‘ Company Division OP110NAL PHO'fO 10 1211212015 WPQ-003 Test Oate Record No. Std. Test No. WPSNo. QuallliedTo Rev. 0 0 0 sτ003 WPS.003 AWS 01.1 Specilica!lon 피합때 A36 x한패 A36 BASE METALS 8ase Material We퍼굶 To ’ Actual μ'alues VAR ABL E;S Type 01 Weld Joint Pla!e - Groove (Flg ι31) wi!h Backing Group 11 !o Group 11 8aSB Metal Fille! Groove 꺼R Plate Thlckness 마강π닮규값neSB Pipe Diameter Weldlng Process GTAW SMAW FCAW (Manual, Semiautomalι Mechanize이 Automatic) Manual Manual Semiauto Wi!h A5.18 ER70S-2 With A5.1 E7018 4 1G Wi!h A5.20 E70T-6 깨 pe Backing Flller Melal (AWS Spec.) AWSClassi ication F-Number Posl !l on Groove - Pfate and Pipe :?: 24 In Groove - Pipe < 24 in Fille! - Pla!e and Pipe ~ 24 in Fille! - Pipe < 24 in Progression GMAW 끼ransfer Mode Single or Multiple Electrodes ’ Gas/Flux Type 1G RANGE QUALl FIEO Groove , FiIlet , Pωg , and Slo! We 떠S 까, y~ , K.Groove PJP 0미 y) Any AWS 01.1 Qualified Base Me!al Fille! 1펴 Inmin Unlimited Unlìmited Groove 1펴 10 mln 118 in min 강꾀R버: GTAW ManlMech/ Auto Wi!h A5 ,xx AII SMAW Manual FCAW SemilMech/ Au!。 Wi!h A5.xx AII 1 !hru 4 Wi!h A5.xx AII F F F F, H F, H F, H F, H F, H F, H 1G Single Single A5.32 SG-A None Single A5.xx Approved Single A5.xx Approved TEST RESULTS Accéptance Criteria Type ofTest Visual Examina띠 on per 4.9.1 2 Transverse 8ide Bends per and Fîg. 4.9 격:9.1 Resu l!s Accep!able 파6굶굽굶 Remarks CERTIFICATION 댐강E허£꿇db 야 y Lμabo 이 )ratory Welding Forms Lab 꿇강피퍼ber File Number 팀꾀파끊꿇강Xγz Welding Forms/Sample-WPQ-for-GTAW-SMAW-FCAW. pdl We , the unders!gned , certîfy that the statements in this record are correct and that the test welds were prepared , welded , and tested in conformance with the req 미 rements 이 Clause 4 이 AWS D 1.1 /D 1.1 M (_ _ _) 5tructural Welding Code 5teel. (year) • Manufacturer or Contraclor Red Inc. Authorized by Date Form M-5 (See 404 E M. Plovee (Q.C시 1211212015 Mgr.) AWS D1.1/D 1.1 M:2015 ANNEX M REPORT OF RADIOGRAPHIC EXAMINATION OF WELDS Project Quality requirements-section no. Reported to WELD LOCATION AND IDENTIFICATION SKETCH Technique Source Film to source Exposure time Screens Film type (Describe length, width , and thickness 01 all joints radiographed) Weld identilication I Area I Acceo t. I Reiect 1 Acceo t. 1 Reiect 1 Remarks We , the undersigned, certify that the statements in this record are correct and that the test welds were prepared and tested in conlormance with the requireme미s 01 AWS D1.1/D1.1M , (_ _••) Slruclural Welding Code-Sle하 (year) Radiographer(s) Manulacturer or Contractor Interpreter Authorized by Test date Date Form M-6 (See 1forms) 405 ANNEXM AWS Dl.l /D l.l M’ 2015 REPORT OF MAGNETIC-PARTICLE EXAMINATION OF WELDS Project Qualily requiremenls-Seclion No Reporled 10 WELD LOCATION AND IDENTIFICATION SKETCH Quantity: Total Accepled: Interprelalion Area Examined Oate Weld identification Entire Specific Tolal Rejecled: Accept Repairs Accepl Rejecl Remarks Rejecl P RE-EXAMINATl ON Suπace Preparation EQUIPMENT Instrument Make: Model: S. No.: M'ETHOD OF INSPEC Tl ON 口 Ory DWet How MediaAp띠ed 口 Residual [그 Continuous 口 AC 口 DC 口 Prods 口 Yoke Oireclion for Field: 口 Cirωlar 口 Fluorescent 口 Visible 口 True-Conlinuous 口 Half-Wave 디 Cable Wrap 口 Longiludinal 口 Olher Slrenglh of Field: (Ampere turns , field POST EXAMINATl ON Oemagnetizing Technique (if required) densitι magnetizing force , number, and duration of force application.) Cleaning (if required) Marking Method We , Ihe undersigned , cerlify that the statements in Ihis record are correcl and Ihat Ihe test welds were prepared and tesled in conformance with the requirements of AWS 01.1/01.1 M , (••••••) Slruclural Welding Cod,용-Sleel. (year) Inspector Manufacturer or Contractor Level Authorized By Test Oate Oate Form M.7 (See 406 AWS D 1. 1/D 1.1 M:2015 ANNEX M STUD WELDING APPLICATION QUALIFICATION TEST DATA FORM PER SUBCLAUSE 7.6 PRE-PRODUCTION TEST PER SUBCLAUSE 7.7.1 (WPS) Yes 口 OR PROCEDURE QUA Ll FICATION RECORD (PQR) Yes 디 OR WELDER QUA Ll FICATION RECORD (WQR) Yes 디 Company name name Test number W에d stud materiat Wetd stud size and PN#/Manulacturer 8ase Malerial Specilication Attoy and temper Surlace condition HR 口 CR 디 Coating Cteaning method Decking gag6 Shape 01 8ase Malerlat Ftat 口 Round 디 끼lJbe 口 Angte 口 tnside 口 。 utside 口 tnside radius 口 Thickness Ferrule Part No.lManulacturer Ferrute description Equipmenl Dala Application Setttngs, Current , and Ttme Sellings Yes 디 。 perator Slud 8ase Sketch/Application Detatl Make Modet Stud gun: Make Modet Wetd time (seconds) Current (amperage) P이 arity: DCEN DCEP Li ft Ptunge (protrusion) Length Wetd cabte slze Number 이 grounds (workpiece teads) Wetdtng Position ←←←-←←←-얘­ Flat (Down hand) 口 Horizontat (Side hand) 口 Angu비It떠arSh 에 1끼le 밍l뼈 비in d ’ng Gas Shietding gas(es)/Composition Flow rate ••• ••••• WELD TEST RESULTS StudN。 Visual Acceptance 。 ption #1 Bend Test 。 plion #2 Tension Test Oplion #3 TorqueJE!?t'‘ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ‘ Note: Torque test optional for threaded fasleners only. Mechanicat tests conducted by (Company) Date We, the undersigned , certify that the statements in this record are correct and that the test wetds were prepared , wetded , and ) Structuraf Wefding Cod용-Steel. tested in conlormance with the req비reme미s 01 이ause 7 01 AWS D1.1 /0 1.1 M, ( (year) Signed by Titte Date (Contra이or/Applicator/Other) Form M.8 Company (SeeψD 1forms) 407 AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 This page is intentionally blank. 408 AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 Annex N (Informative) Guidelines for the Preparation of Technical Inquiries for the Structural Welding Committee This annex is not paπof AWS D l.IlDl.l M:2015 , Strllctllral \Velding Code-Steel , but is included for informational pmposes 이tly N1. Introduction 앤.2 .1 Scope. Each inquiry shall address one single provi sion of the code , unless the point of the inquiry involves two or more intenclated provisions. The provisioll(S) shall be identified in the scope of the inquiry along with the edition of the code that contains the provision(s) the inquirer is addressing. The American Welding Society (AWS) Board of Directors has adopted a policy whereby all official interpreta tions of AWS standards are handled in a formal manner. Under this policy, all interpretations are made by the committee that is responsible for the standard. Official communication concerning an interpretation is directed th l'O ugh the AWS staff member who works with that committee. The policy requires that all requests for an interpretation be submitted in writing. Such requests will be handled as expeditiously as possible , but due to the complexity of the work and the procedures that must be followed , some interpretations may require considerable time. 앤2.2 P UI' pose of the Inquiry. The purpose of the inquiry shall be stated in this portion of the inquiry. The purpose can be eithel' to obtain an interpr히ation of a code ’ s requirement. 01' to request the revision of a particular pro vision in the code 앤2.3 Content of the Inqui l'Y. The inquiry should be concise , yet complete, to enable the committee to quickly and fully understand the point of the inquiry. Sketches should be used when appropriate and all paragraphs , figures. and tables (or the Annex) , which bear on the inquiry shall be cited. If the point of the inquiry is to obtain a revision of the code , the inquiry must provide technical justification for that revision , N2. Procedure All inquiries shall be directed to: Managing Director Technical Services Division American Welding Society 8669 NW 36 Street, # 130 Miami , FL 33166 P l'oposed Reply. The inquirer should , as a proposed reply, state an interpretation of the provision that is the point of the inquiry, or the 、.vording fo 1' a proposed revision , if that is what inquirer seeks 앤2.4 All inquiries shall contain the name , address , and affiliation of the inquirer, and they shall provide enough information for the committee to understand the point of concern in the inquiry. When the point is not clearly defined , the inquiry will be returned for clarification. For efficient handling , all in띠 iries should be typewritten and in the format specified below N3. Interpretation of Code Provisions Interpretations of code provisions are made by the Structural Welding Committee. The secretary of the commit tee refers all inquiries to the chair of the pat1iculm subcommittee that has jurisdiction over the portion of 409 AWS D1.1 /D1.1M ‘ 2015 ANNEX N the use of the code. The AWS Board of Directors ’ policy requires that all AWS staff rnεmbers respond to a tele phone request [01" an official interpretation of any AWS standard with the infonnation that such an interpretation can be obtained only through a wrÏ tten reques t. Hcad quarters staff cannot provide consulting services. However, the staff can refcr a caller to any of those consultants whose names are on fìle at AWS Headquarters the code addressed by the inquiry. The subcommittee reviews the inquiry and the proposed reply to dctcrmine what the response to the inquiry should bc. Following the subcommittee ’ s development of the response , the inquiry and the response are presented to the entire Structural Welding Committee for revicw and approva l. Upon ap provaI by the committee , the interpretation is an oftìcial intetpretation of the Society, and the secretmy transmits the response to the inquirer and to the lVeldùlg JOU r!1 a! for publication • N6. The Structural Welding Committee 앤4. Publication of lnterpretations The activitics of thc Structural Weldíng Committee regarding interpretations arc limited strìctly to the interpretation of code provisions 01" to consideration of revisions to existing provisions on the basis of new data 01" technology. Neither AWS staff nor the committees are in a position to offer intcrprctive or consu 1ting services on: (1) specific engineering problems , or (2) code requÎrements applied to fabrìcations outsidc the scope of the code or points not speci cally covered by the code. 1n such cases , the inquirer should seek assistance fro l11 a competent engineer experienced in the particular field of interes t. All official interpretations shall appear in thc lVelding and will be posted on the AWS web site JOll l1l al N5. Telephone lnquiries “ Telephone inquiries to AWS Headquarters concerning the Structural lVelding Code shonld be lirnited to qnestions of a general nature or to matters direc tI y related to 410 AWS D1.1/D 1. 1M:2015 Annex 0 (Informative) Local Dihedral Angle This annex is not pmt of AWS D l.llDl.l M:2015 , Structural Weldiug Code-Steel, but is included for informational purposes only‘ 411 AWS D 1.1 /D1.1M:2015 ANNEXO 180。 I꺼 WELD AXIS OFWELD ATANY POINT"P" DIHEDRAL ANGLE 180 e = 20。 170 160 150 & 140 VALUES OF ß = R -、 띠」OZ 〈 」〈¢。띠Z-oι。 ω띠그」〈〉 130 r VALUES OF 120 ß =R 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 VALUES OF P 412 ANNEXO AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 180 e = 30。 170 160 150 --개 130 r 110 「 140 잉 띠」잉Z〈 」〈¢。띠 I。 ι。 ”버그」〈〉 빠 & 、←→ VALUES OF ß =R r 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 VALUES OF P 180 e =40 170 160 ir 띠」OZ〈 」〈¢。띠I-。 ι。 ω띠그」〈〉 150 140 130 r 120 - VALUES OF ß =R 110 VALUES OF ß =납 100 90 80 70 60 50 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 VALUES OF P 413 150 160 170 180 0 AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 ANNEX 。 e = 50。 180 170 160 1.0 용 … ω」OZ〈 」〈α。띠I。 ι。 띠버그」〈〉 150 r 140 VALUES OF P=R 130 .9 .8 120 7 6 \」 5 110 ‘4 3 100 VALUES OF r P =R 2 90 80 70 60 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 VALUES OF P e = 60。 180 170 ir 160 띠」OZ〈 」〈α 。 ωI-。 ι。 m띠그」〈〉 150 140 - - VAωESOF P=R 、 130 1.0 120 110 [• 100 VALUES OF P =Rr 90 80 70 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 VALUES OF P 414 AWS D1.1 /D 1.1 M:2015 ANNEXO 180 6= 70。 170 kt 160 띠」잉Z 〈 」〈¢。띠I-ι 。。 ”띠그」〈〉 150 140 - - - - - VALUESOFp:R--、 130 120 110 100 90 80 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 VALUES OF P 180 & =90。 160 150 140 - - - VALUES OF P:R {「、 따 「 띠」OZ 〈 」〈¢。uI。 ι。 ”띠그」〈〉 - 6 170 0- 130 120 110 100 90 _ o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 VALUES OF P 415 AWS D 1. 1/D 1. 1M:2015 This page is intentionally blank 416 AWS 01.1101.1 M:2015 Annex P (Informative) Contents of PrequaIified WPS This annex is not part of AWS D l. I/D1.IM:2015 , Sl l11 cfural 1Veldil/ g Code-Sleel , but is included for informatîonal purposes only. ‘ Prequalified welding requires a written WPS addressing the following code subclause as applicable to "εldments of concern. ]11 addition to the requirements for a written 까'PS , this code imposes many other requirem밍ltS and 1i mitatîons on prequal ified welding. The organizatio J1 using prequalificd welding !s reauired bv thε codeto conform with all the rele~ vant reqmrements ‘ The specificatîon of the WPS may meet the users needs. Items slI ch as assembly tolerances may be referenced 1.2 2 .4, 1 ,4 2 ,4,2.)) 2.4 .4.2 2.4.3 3.2.1 3.3 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.9.~ 3.10 3.12 3.13 Ta ble 조7 5.2.2 5.3. 1.2 Limìtations Effiζctive Size of Flare~Groove Welds Maxi ll1 ull1 Weld Size in Lap Joints 二뀐딴L Welds Slot Ends Skewed T-Joints (a Il subclauses) Prequalified Processes Base MetallFiller Metal COll1binations Minimum Preheat and Interpass Temperature Requirements (all subclauses) Li mitation of WPS Variables (all subclallses) Ge끼 eral WPS Requiremcnts (a Il subclallses) Fi llet Weld Reqllirements-Skewed T-Joints Plug and Slot Weld Requirements PJP Reqlliremellts (all sllbclauses) CJP Groovε Weld Reqllirements (all sllbclauses) Prequalified WPS Variables Base Metal for Weld Tabs , Backing, and Spacers Suitability of Classificatioll- Welding Consumables and Electrode ReQuirements 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.3.4 5.5 5.7 5 ..1) 5.13 S객 5.깊.1. 1 5.쟁 5.26 5.쟁.1 7.5.5 7.7.5 믿lP 9.11 9.23 417 SMAW Electrodes (all sllbclauses) SAW Electrodes and Fluxes (all subclallses) GMAWIFCAW Electrodes WPS V lriables Heat Inpllt COlltrol for Q lI ellched and Tempered Steels Backing (all sllbclauses) Minimum Fillet Weld Sizes Preparation of Base Metal (all sllbclauses) Fayillg S lI rface Techllique for Plug at띠 SI 아 W리 ds (all subclauses) Peellillg (all subclauses) ln-Process Cleaning FCAW, GMAW, SMAW Fillet Weld OptiO Il (all subclauses) Removal Area Repair P'lP Requirements (all Sllb디펜펀진 CJP Groove Weld Rεquirements (all subclauses) Backing (all subclauses) ,‘ AWS D1.1/D 1.1 M:2015 This page is intentionally blank 418 AWS Dl.l/Dl.1M:2015 Annex Q (Informative) UT Examination of Welds by Alternative Techniques This annex is not pat1 of AWS D l. I/D I.IM:2015 , Sfl'lI cfllral Welding Code -8feel , but is included for informational purposes only. • Ql. General ensure maximum accuracy in discontinuity evaluation and sizing. The methods described herein are not new They have been used by other industries , including the shipbui!ding and offshore stlU ctures , fo 1' the past 25 years. Although they have not been prohibited , they have not been organized and specifically made available fm use in AWS documents. Some of the methods included in this section are a180 contaîned in the American Petroleum Institute’sAP 민1 RP 2X , RecO/IlI ’nm ’llende αdPra ‘<lC 이 ctic κ ce 장s}ψ 01 The purpose of this annex is to describe alternative techniques for UT of welds. The techniques described are proven methods currently being used for other appli cations bllt not presently detai!ed in the code. The alternatÌve techniques presented require qualified. written procedures , special UT operator qualifications , and spe cial calibration methods needed to obtain the required accuracy in discontinuity sizing. The use of this annex and the resulting procedures dεveloped , inclllding the appli cable acceptance criteria , are subject to approval by the Engineer 이J/ u 까 띠 1m’'as tio, m 이 ’1 alU 띠 ’K dG α… 11n셔 deli 씨 ÎIω Ile 장s}ψ 0 .. Qllalificafioll 01 Ulfrasollic Tech- Additional , useful information can be obtained by reference. For maximUffi control of discontinuity sizing , emphasis has been placed upon: the UT procedure which shall be written and qualified; UT technician special requiremen s; and UT instrumentation and calibration req비 rements. AWS recognizes the inherent limitations and inconsistencies of UT examination for discontinuity characterization and sizing. The accuracies obtainable are required to be proven by the UT technician using the applicable procedures and equipment lliciωIS‘ This annex is nonmandatory unless specified in the COfltract documents. When so specified , however, the entire reqllirements contained herein (as applicable) shall be considered mandatory unless specifically modified in the contract documents ‘ Applicable require ll1 ents of the code regarding instrumentatîon and operator qualifications , except as amended herein , may be used to supplement this annex However, it is not intended that these techniques be used to supplement the existîng requirements of Clause 6 of the code since thc procedures and techniques specified therein are cO ll1 plete and represent a different approach fo l' the UT of 、.velds Procedure qualification results should be furnished to the Engineer. AWS ll1 akes no clai ll1 for accuracies possible for using the methods contained herein. Q3. UT Procedure PartA Basic UT Procedures Q2. Introduction AIl UT shall be performed in confonnance with a written procedure which shall contain a minimum of the following infonnation regarding the UT method and examina tion techniques: The basic UT procedure, instrumentation and operator requirements contained in this Part A are necessary to (1) The types of examined 419 、,veld joint configurations to be AWS Dl.l/Dl.1M:2015 ANNEXQ required , shall establish ability and accuracy for determining these dimensions. (2) Acceptance criteria for the types of weld joints to be examined (additional criteria when the acceptance criteria of Clause 6, Part C are not invoked by the Engineer) UT equipment shall meet the requirements of 6.깊 and as required in this annex. Alternate equipment which utilizes computerization, irnaging systems , mechanîzed scanning , and recording devices , may be used , when ap proved by the Engineer. Transducers with frequencies up to 6 MHz , with sizes down to 1I4 in [6 mm] and of any shape may be used , provided they are included in the procedure and properly qualified. (3) ηpe of UT equipment (manufacturer, model number, serial number) (4) Ty pe of transducer, including frequency, size , shape , angle and type of wedge if it is different than that in 6.2 1. 6 0 1' 6.2 1.7 (5) Scanning requirements surface preparation and couplant (6) ηpe of calibration test block(s) with the appro priate reference reflectors Q5. Reference Standard (7) Method of calibration and calibration interval The standard reflector shall be a 1. 5 mm diameter sidedrilled hole 0 1' equivalent. The reflector may be placed in any design of calibration block , weld mock-up or actual production part at the option of the user. Orientation and tolerances for placement of the reflector are shown in Figure Q. 1. A recommended calibration block is shown in Figure Q.2. Alternate possible uses of the reflector are shown in Figure Q.3. When placed in .veld mock-ups and sections of production 、.veldments, the reflector should be in locations where it is difficult to direct sound beams , thereby ensuring detection of discontinuities in all areas of interest (8) Method for examining for laminations prior to weld evaluation if the method is different from 6.25.5 (9) Weld root index marking and other preliminary weld marking methods (1 0) Scanning pattern and sensitivity requirements ‘ (11) Methods for determining discontinuity location height , length and amplitude level (1 2) Transfer correction methods for surface roughness , surface coatings and part curvature , if applicable (1 3) Method of verifying the accuracy of the completed examination ‘ This verification may be by re-UT by others (audits) , other NDE methods , macroetch specimen , gouging or other visual techniques as may be approved by the Engineer Q6. Calibration Methods Calibration methods described herein are considered acceptable and are to be used for accomplishing these alternate UT procedures. The code recognizes that other calibration methods may be preferred by the individual user. If other methods are used , they should produce results which can be shown to be at least equal to the methods recommended herein. The standard reflector described in Q5 should be considered the standard reflector for these and for all other methods which might be used (1 4) Documentation requirements for examinations , including any verifications perfonned (1 5) Documentation retention requirements. The written procedure shall be qualified by testing mock-up welds which represent the production welds to be examined. The mock-up welds shall be sectioned , properly examined , and documented to prove satisfactory performance of the procedure. The procedure and all qualifying data shall be approved by an individual who has been certified Level III in UT by testing in conformance with ASNT SNT-TC-IA and who is further qualified by experience in examination of the specific types of 、.veld joints to be examined Q6 , l Standard Sensitivity. Standard sensitivity should consist of the sum of the following: (1) Basic Sensitivity. The maximized indication from the standard reflector, plus (2) Di stance Amplitude Correction. Determined from indications from multiple standard reflectors at depths representing the minimum , middle and maximum to be examined , plus Q4. UT Operator and Equipment In addition to the requirements of 6.14.6 , 6 잭, and the UT operator shall demonstrate ability to use the written procedure , including all special techniques required and , when discontinuity height and length are (3) Transfer Correction. Adjustment for material type , shape and scanning surface conditions as described below: 9.3ιl, 420 AWS D 1.lID 1.1 M:2015 ANNEXQ For precise sensitivity standardization , transfer correc tioll shollld be perfonned. This 、.vill ellsllre that the diffεrences in acoustical properties , scanning surfaces and part shape between the calibration standard and the cali bration block are utilized when performing the standard sensitivity calibration. Transfer corrcctio J1 values should bc determined initially before examination and when ma terial type, shape, híckness and scanning surfaces vary such that different values exceeding :t 25% of the origi nal values arc expected. The transfer correction values should be detennined as shown in Figure Q .4. below the surface to be used fo 1' examination should be uscd in conformance with Figure Q.7. Indications should be maximized and a DAC established or clectronic methods used to Iocate the display indications which represent the standard re f1 ector at the various depths sclected. The DAC should be adjusted , based UpOI1 the resll Its of the transfer correction. The sensitivity calibration methods desc 1'ibed herein are not essential when actual discon tinuity size (height and 1ength) is required. 1n this case , it is on1y necessary to maintain sufficient sensitivîty throughout the pa1't being examined so that a11 discontinuities are found and properly evaluated. ‘ Q6.1.1 SC311ning Sensitivity. Scanning sensitivity should be standard sensitivity + approximately 6 dB12 dB or as required to verify sound penetration from indications of surface reflec tÎ ons. 1ndicatÌon evaluatíon should be performed with reference to the standard sensitlVI y except that standard sensitivity is 110t required if higher or lower sensitivity is more appropriate for deter mining the maximum discontinuity sizε (height and lel1gth). Q7. Scanning ‘ Scanning shall be as described in 6.잭 and 9.원으 111 addition , for special applications not covered in the above code references , the scanning methods of Figure Q.8 shollld be lI sed , as applicable. Q6.2 CO Ill]l ression Wave Q8. Weld Discontinuity Characterization Methods Q6.2.1 Depth (Horizontal Swccp). lndications from multiple reflections obtained from the thickness of the calibration standard or from a gaged area of a mock-up 01' prodllction 、veldment should be used , as shown in Fig ure Q.5. Accuracy of calibration should be within :!: 5% of ctual thickness for examination of base metal for laminations and :!: 2% for detennining discontinuity size (height) and location Q8.1 Discontinuities should be characterized as follows ’ “ (1) Spherical (i ndividual pores alld widely spaced porosity, l1onelongated slag) (2) Cylindrical (elongated slag , aliglled pores of porosity, hollow beads) Q6.2.2 Sensitivity Calibration (Standard). The search unit should be placed over the standard reflectors 0 f 3 depths to ensure coverage throughout at a minllnum 아 the thickness to be examined in conformance with Figure Q.6. The dB vallles obtained from the maximized indicatîons from each reflector should be recorded. A distal1 ce amplitude curve (DAC) should be established O! clectronic methods used to know the display indication locations which represent the standard 1'eflector at the va 1'ious thicknesses to be examined (3) Planar (incomplete fusion , inadequate joint penetration , cracks) Q8.2 The following methods should be lI sed for deter mining basic discontinuity characteristics: Q8.2.1 S ]l herica l. Sound is reflected eqllally in all directìons. 1ndication remains basically unchanged as the search unit is moved around the spherical discontinuity as shown in Figure Q.9 Q6.3 Shear Wavc Q8.2.2 Cyli l1 drical. Sound is reflected equally in one direction but is changed in other directions. Indication remains basically unchanged when the search unit is moved in one direction but is drastîcally changed when moved in othe 1' di 1'ections as shown in Figure Q.l 0 Q6.3.1 Depth (Ho l"Ì zontal Sweep). lndicatiol1 s from the se!ected standard re f1 ectors should be used to cover the maximum depth to be used durìng examination in confonnance with Figure Q.7. Accuracy should be withín :!: 1% to facilitate the 1110st accllrate discontinuity height measuremen t. The delay technique shollld be us따l for discontinuities with depth greater than approximately 1.5 in to maximize the most accurate discontinuity depth reading (and discontinuity heigh t) accuracy Q8.2.3 Planar. Sound is reflected at its maximu Jl1 from only OJ1 e angle of incidence with one plane. Indication is changed with any angular movement of the search unit as shown in Figure Q.l l. Indications from cracks typically have mu 1tiple peaks as a result of the many discontinuity facets usually present Q6.3.2 Sensitivity (Standanl). Stal1dard reflectors locatcd at the minimum , middle , and maximum dεpths 421 AWS D1.t/D1.1M:2015 ANNEX Q Q9. Weld Discontinuity Sizing and Location Methods 1i ne with the search ul1 it maximum indication mark. This l11 arking should be performed carefully using a fine-line l11 arking method ‘ Q9.1 Calibration. Calibration should be based upon depth from the surface in conformance with Q6. Discontinuities may be sized with the highest achievable level of accuracy using the methods described in this section; however, the user is reminded that UT, like all other NDT methods , provides relative discontinuity dimensions. Discontinuity orientatÎon and shape. coupled with the limitations of the NDT method , may result in significant variatio J1 s beμ.veen relative and actual dimensions. Q9.3.3 The s eps above should be repeated for locatÍng the opposite end of the discontinuity in conformance with C of Figure Q.13 and should be marked carefully ‘ Q9.3.4 The length of he discol1 tinuity should be ob tained by measudng the distance between the two marks in conformance with Figure Q.13. Q9.4 Location-Depth Below the Scanning Surface. The depth location of discontinuities can be read directly from the display horizontal base-line scale when using the methods described above for determining discol1tinu ity heigh!. The reported location should be the deepest point de ermined , unless otherwise specified , to assist in removal operations. Q9.2 Hei딛ht. The discontinuity height (depth dimension) should be determined usiug the following methods ‘ Q9.2.1 The indication height should be maximized by moving the search unit to and from the discontinuity in confonnance with A of Figure Q.12. The indication height should be adjusted to a known value (e.g. , 80% of full screen height [FSH]) Q9.5 Location-Alol1g the Length of the Weld. The location of the discontinuity from a known reference point can be determined by measuring the distance from the reference point to the discontinuity length marks established for the length. Measurement should be made to the beginning of the discontinuity unless othenvise specified. Q9.2.2 The search unit should be moved towards the discontinuity until the indication heigh begins to drop rapidly and continuously towards the base line. The location of the leading (l eft) edge of the indication at locatiou B in Figure Q.12 in relation to the display horizontal base liue scale should be noted. A 0.10 in [2.5 mm] division scale or metric scale should be used ‘ QlO. Problems with Discontinuities Users of UT fo 1' examinations of ‘,velds should be aware Q9.2.3 The search unit should be moved away from the discontinuity until the indication height begins to drop rapidly and continuously towards the base line. The location of the leading edge of the indication at location C in Figure Q.12 in relation to the display horizontal base-line scale should be noted of the following potential interpretation problems associated wi h 、,veld discontinuity characterist Îc s: ‘ QI0.l ’Iype of Discontinuity. Ultrasonic sound has variable sensitivity to weld discontinuities depending upon their type. Relative sensitivity is shown in the following tables and should be considered during evalllation of discontinuities. The UT technician can change sensitivity to alI discontinuity types by changing UT instmment settings , search unit f1'equency, and size and scanning methods , including scaoning patterns and coupling. Q9.2 .4 The l11 athematical difference between B and C should be obtained ‘。 determine the height dimcnsion of the discol1 tinuity. Q9.3 Le l1 gth. The discontinuity lel1 gth should be deter mined using the following methods: Relative Q9.3.1 The orientation of the discontinuity should be determined by manipulation of the search Ul1it to determine the plane and direction of the strongest indication in cOl1forma l1 ce with A of Figure Q.13 Discontinuitv Type Q9.3.2 The search unit should be moved to one end of the discontinuity while keeping part of the indication visible on the display at a11 times until the indication drops completely to the base line. The search unit should be moved back towards the discontinuity until the indicatiol1 height reaches 50% of the maximum height originally obtained near the end in conformance with B of Figure Q.13. The location should be marked on the end of the discontinuity on the scanning surface or welded in 딛I효면피퍼X (1) Incomplete fusion Highest (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Lowest Cracks (surfaee) Inadequate penetration Cracks (sub-surface) Slag (continuolls) Slag (scattered) Porosity (piping) Porosi y (cluster) Porosity (scattered) ‘ QI0.2 General classification of discontinuities may be compared as follows ’ 422 AWS D1.1 /D 1.1 M:2015 ANNEXQ Gcneral Classification Relatíve 따끄핀의피맨i!Y 끄I훨쁘피꽉X (a) Planar (b) Linear (c) Spherical Level 쁘뜨뾰뻗깐 Equal to 이 greatεr than SSL (see Figure Q.14) 2 Between the SSL and the DRL (see Figure Q.14) 3 Equal to 01' less than the DRL (see Figure Q.14) SSL = Standard Sensitivity Level-per Clause 6. DRL= Disregard Level = 6 dB less than the SS L. Highest L。、,vest NOTE: The above tahlllatioll aSS1I11I eS best orientatioll 101' defecfioll and e l'aluation QI0.3 Size. Discontî l1 uÍty size affects accurate interpretation. Planar-type discontinuities with large height 01' very little height may give less accurate intelpretation than those of medium heigh t. Small , spherical pores are difficult to size because of the rapid reflecting smface changes which occur as the sound bemn is moved across the pmt. QI0.4 Orientatio Il. Discontinuity orientation affects UT sensitivity since the highest sensitivity is one that reflects sOllnd more dir'εctly back to the search uni t. RelatÍvc sen sitivities in regards to orientation and discontinuìty types are opposite those shown in the previous tables. The UT technician can illcrease sensitivity to discontinuity orien tation by selecting a sound beam angle which is more n01111al to the discontinuity pIane and re f1 ecting surface‘ The selection of angles which match the groove angle will increase sensitivity fo 1' planar- and linear-type discontinuities which are most likely to occur aIong that plane. Weld Classes , The following 、,veld classes should be used fo 1' evaluation of discontinuity acceptability: 뺀띠딘얻S S D R X 앨얀뽀띤브 Statically loaded structures Cyclically loaded structures Tubular structures (sllbstitute for RT) Tubular T- , Y- , K-connections Q12. Acceptance-Rejection Criteria Q12 ,1 Amplitude , The acceptance-rejection criteria of τable Q.l should apply when a l1l plitude and length are the majo1' factors and maximum discontinuity height is 110t known or specified Q12.2 Size. When maximll l1l allowable discontinuity size (height and length) are known and are specified by the Engineer, the actual size (both height and length) al이19 with location (depth and along the .veld) should be determined and reported. Final evaluation and acceptance/ rejectioIl should be by the Engineer. ‘ Q lO, S Location , Discontinuity location within the 、,v eld and adjacent base metal can influence the capab iI ity of detection and prope1' evaluation. Discontinuitie! nearthe surface are often more eas iI y detected but may be less easily sized ‘ Q13. Preparation and Disposition ofReports QI0.6 Weld Joint TYl’ e and Groove D않ign , The 、,veld JO lIlt typ떠 and groove design are important factors affect ing the capabilities of UT for detecting discontinuities‘ A report shall be made which clearly identifies the work and the area of examination by the UT operator at the time of examination. The report , as a minimum , shall contain the information shown on the sample report fonn , Figure Q.15. UT discontinuity characterization and subsequent categorization and reporting should be 1i11lited to spherical, cylindrical, and planar only. The following are design factors which can cause problems and should be considered for their possible affects: (1) Backings (2) Bevel angles (3) Joint member angles of intercept ‘, (4) PJP 、,velds When specified , discontinuities pproaching 비laccept­ able size , particularly those about which there is some doubt in their evaluation , should also be reported (5) Tee 、velds (6) Tubular members Before a weld subject to UT by the Contractor for the Owner is accepted , all report for l1l s pertaining to the 、veld , including any that show unacceptable quality prior to repair, should be subl1l itted to the Owner upon completion of the work. The Contractor ’ s obligation to retain UT reports should cease (1) lI pon delivery of a full set to the Owner, or (2) one fllll year after completion of the Contractor’ s work , provided he Owne1' is given prior w1'Ì tten notice (7) Weld surface roughness and COllto U1 Qll. Discontinuity Amplitude Levels and Weld Classes Discontinuity Amplitude Levels ‘ The following discontinuity amplitude level categories should be applied in evaluation of acceptability 423 ANNEXQ AWS D1.1ID 1.1 M:2015 Table 0.1 Acceptance-Rejection Criteria (see 012.1) Maximum Discontinuity Le ngths by Weld Classes Maximum Discontinuity Amplitude Level Obtained Level l-Equal to or greater than SSL (see Q6 .l and Figure Q.14) Level2-Between the SSL and he DRL (see Figure Q.14) ‘ Level 3-Equal to or Iess than the DRL (see Figure Q .l 4) Statically Loaded Cyclically Loaded > 5 dB above SSL = > 5 dB above SSL = none allowed othru 5 dB above SSL 314 in [20 mm] o thm 5 dB above = 2 in [50 mm] none allowed Tubular Class R Tu bular Class X See Figure 으옆 See Figure 쩍Q (Utilizes heigh t) =112 in [12 mm] Middle 112 of weld = SSL 2 in [50 mm] Top& bot om 1I4of .veld 3/4 in [20 mm] ‘ ‘ = See Figur,얘:쩍 See Figure 으맥 (U tilizes height) Disregard (when specified hy the Engineer, record for information) 424 AWS D 1.1 /D1.1M ’ 2015 ANNEXQ 、 、 、 SCANNING SURFACE 、 "'~、 6써 • 、 、 a 、 ó',。 REFLECTING SURFACE Notes d 3 = d 4 土 O.5mm 1. d 1 :::: d 2 :t; 0.5 mm SPl ==SP2 :t 1 mm SP3=8P4 :f: 1 mm 2. The above tolerances should be considered as appropriate. The reflector should , in all cases , be placed in a manner to al! ow maximizing the reflection and UT indicalion. (This is a general comment for 811 notes in Annex g.) Figure Q.l -S tanda l'd Refel'ence Reflecto l' (see Q5) Note: Dimensions should be required to accommodate search units for the sound path dislances required Figul'e Q.2-Recommended Calibl'ation B1 0ck (see Q5) 425 ANNEX Q AWS Dl.l/Dl.1M:2015 표뚫:J (A) GRODYE WELO WITH 8ACKING (8) PARTIAL PENETRATION GROOYE WELO (0) GROOYE T-WELO (C) GROOYE CORNER WELD (티 T-. Y-. K-GROOYE WELOS Figure Q.3-'매pical Standard Ref1 ector (Located in Weld Mock-Ups and Production Welds) (see Q5) 426 ANNEXQ AWS 01. lI D1. 1M:2015 。 。 。 Procedure 1. Place two simHar angre beam search units on the calibralion block or mock~up to be used in the positlon shown above 2. Using through transmission melhods , maximize the indicalion obtained and obtain a dB value of the indicalion 3. Transfer the 58me two search units 10 the part 10 be examined , orient in the 58me direction in which scanning will be performed , and obtain a d8 Vi외 ue of indications as explained above from the least three !ocations 4. The difference in dB between the calibration block or mock.up and the average of that obtained from the part to be examined shou띠 be recorded and used to adjusl the standard sensilivity. Figure Q.4-Transfer Correction (see Q6.1) 1st 2nd 3rd Figure Q.5-Compression Wave Depth (Horizontal Sweep Calibration) (see Q6.2.1) 427 ANNEXQ AWS 01.1/01.1 M’ 2015 3 \ \ 2 2 3 ALTERNATE BLOCK Figure Q. 6-Compression Wave Sensitivity Calibration (see Q6.2.2) 1/21n (12.7 mm] OEPTH 1-1/2 in (38.10 mm] OEPTH 2-1/2 in (63.50 mm] OEPTH 1 In (25 .4 mm] 1/2 in (12.7 mm] 1-1/2 in 2- 1/2 in (38.10 mm] (63.50 mm] OEPTH BELOW THE SURFACE Example: Delayed technique for dìscontlnuities between 1.5 In-2.5 in (38.10 mm-63.50 mm] for greater accuracy of determining depth location and height measurement. <(- - - - - - OELAYEO 1-1/2 in (38.10 mm] 2-1/2 in [63.50 mm] Figure Q.7-S hear Wave Distance and Sensitivity Calibration (see Q6.3.1) 428 AWS D 1.1 /D1.1M:2015 ANNEXQ SCAN PAST BMHAZ COMPRESSION WAVE WELD GROUND FLAT WELD GROUND FLUSH (PRE 타FE 타RRED) SCAN PAST BMHAZ SHEARWAVE WHEN ACCESSIBLE WHEN ACCESSIBLE FIXED DISTANCE Notes 1.8-꽉 당필 Den이es떠nning, 이herwise search unit sh。비d 야 at a fjxed d녕tance from the we!d while s떠 nning down the weld 2. Cross section scanning is shown. It is assumed that scanning v베 afso be performed completely down the lenglh of the weld with a mÎnÎmum of 25% overlap to ensure 100% coverage. AII scanning positions shown may not be required for full coverage. Op !i onal positlons are given in case that inaccessibilíty prevents use of 50me pos…。 ns Figure Q.8-Scallllillg Methods (see Q7) 429 AWS D1.lID1.1M:2015 ANNEXQ PLANVIEW c B A Note: Amplltude and deplh are unchanged when the search unlt is malntained at a constant distance from and moved around the discontinuity. A FigureQ.9-셔Spherical Discontinuity Characteristics (see Q8.2.1) PLANVIEW --’ i -- l A c B A Amplitude drops off rapidly as the search unit posilion is changed from a normal incident angle with the discontin씨μ 70。 SIDEVIEW 45。 60。 70。 Amplitude remains unchanged (assumlng equal sensitivity calibration and adjustment for attenuation) , distance changes with angle (unless calibrated 10 be the same) as sound is moved around the discontinuity. SAME ANGLE ,. / 、 l l II j “ ‘ l i n SIDEVIEW A ’ B I 1 c Amplitude drops rapidly showing little or no discontinuìty indlcation with the 5ame angle but distance changes as the search unit is moved towards and away from the discontinuity, Figure Q.I0-Cylindrical Di scontinuity 430 Characteristics (see Q8.2.2) AWS D1.1/D1.1 M:2015 ANNEXQ A h 8 Amplitude drops off rapidly as the search unit positìon is changed from a normal incident angle with the discontinuity. PLANVIEW A B c B A c 1 , l ι、 、 I t SIDEVIEW I ! i ' ’ ’ \ l A c B Amplitude drops sJi ghtly at first movement of search unît then drops rapidly. An envelope of movement alon9 the base line shows discontinuity height as search is moved towards and away from the discontinuitμ Figul'e Q.ll-Planal' Discontinuity Charactel'istics (see Q8.2.3) A B A c c B 80 ’ /’ 1180 l l l ’‘", , 뉴 h →} Maximize indicalion height and adjust to a known value Move search unit towards discontinuity until point where indication drops rapidly to the base line Mark or note the location. Discontínuity location is from scanning surface as measured along the display. Move search unit away from the discontinuity until point where Indication drops rapidly 10 the base line Mark or note the toca lÎ on. h = Discontinuity height dimension Figu l'e Q.lι-Discontinuity Height Di mension (see Q9.2) 431 ANNEXQ AWS D1.1 /D1.1M ’ 2015 A Determlne discontinuity orientation and mlnlmumlmaximum indication heigh t. B Move search unit to end B unit Indicatíon drops to 1/2 01 height near the end. Mark scanning surface a이 8csnt 10 search unlt reference center beam reference mark ‘ c Move search unit to end C and repeat 8 , above‘ Indlcatlon length (L) is the distance between both marks. WELDMENT REFERENCE MARK Dlscontinuity location alon9 the 、/leld is from the weldment reference mark L = Totallength 01 discontlnuity Figure Q.13-Discontinuity Length Dimension (see Q9.3) f싹 6 dB Note: The display screen may be marked to show SSL established during sensil씨y calibratlon with the DRL located 6 dB belo~ι Figure Q.l 4-Display Screen Marking (see Q11) 432 ANNEXQ AWS D 1. 1/D1.1M‘ 2015 Page _ _ ••••• of _ __ Report No. Project Weld 1.0. Thìckness Class Technìque UT Procedure No‘ UT Instrument 8earch Unìt: No. Angle Freq. 8ìze RE8ULT (ìdentìfy and descrìbe each dìscontìnuìty) No Locatìon from Ampl Level Length Heìght Comments 8ketch (ìdentìfy each dìscontìnuìly IIsted above) NDTTech Contractor Date Examìned Approved Date Approved Figure Q.15-Report of UT (AIternative Procedure) 433 (see Q13) AWS D1.1 /D1.1M:2015 This pagc is intentionally blank 434 AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 Annex R (Informative) Ovalizing Parameter Alpha This annex is not pm1 of AWS D l.l ID 1.l M:2015 , Structural 싸ldillg Code-Steel , but is included for informational p U1poses only. Figure ß.I gives a formula and defines the terms used fQ[ composing a value of the chord ovalizing parameter alpha a when designing multiplanar tubular joints. The values of alpha obtained are compatible with both static strength design (Table 9.6) and fatigue (Table 2갚, Note e) using the punching shear forma t. both unity for the reference brace which appears again in the denominator. Io complex space frames , the repetitive calculation may be incorporated into a joint design postprocessor to the design computer analysis For hand calculations , the designer might prefer the simpler forms of alpha given in Table 9.6. However, these do not cover mu 1t îplanar cases where higher values of alpha may apply (e.g. , 3.8 for a hubstyle cross joint with four branches) , and require a somewhat arbitrary classification of joint types. For joints whose load pattern falls in b히ween the standard cases (e.g. , part of the load is canied as in a K-joint and part as a τjoint) interpolated values of alpha should be determined. Computed alpha would take care of this automatically. Alpha is evaluated separately for each branch for which punching shear is checked (the “ reference brace") , and for each load case , with summation being ca띠ed out for all braces present at the nαle, each time alpha is evaluated. In the summation , he cosine term expresses the influence of braces as a function of position around the circumference, and the exponential decay term expresses the lessening in fluence of braces as distance LJ illcreases; these terms are ‘ P z= y= R -;- -- ‘C n u 씨 a -.!:.! J큐t, 7 r S백 ,, ~1 ‘0 REFERENCE BRANCH MEMBERS FOR WHICH " APP Ll ES .........p \ 、 (TENSION POSITIV티 P Figure R.I-Definition of Terms for Computed Alpha 435 AWS D 1.1 /D1.1M:2015 This page is intentionally blank 436 AWS D1.1/D1.1M ‘ 2015 Annex S (Informative) List of Reference Documents This annex is not p때 of AWS Dl.l/Dl.l M:2015 , Strllctural Weldillg Code -Steel , but is included for informational purposes only. • 1- AISC Load and Resistallce Factor Design Specijìcati01 for Structural Sfeel ill Bll i/dings ~. ANS I/AISC 360-10 , Specijìcafioll Bu i/dillgs 14. ASTM E23 , Stalldard Methods for Notched Bar [mpacf Tesfillg of Meta l/i c Maferials, f O/ η1Je A Chwpy (Sillψ le Beam) Impact Specimen ’ ψl' Struclural ;l.. ANSI Z4 9.1 , Safety ill Weldillg , Clltting , alld A l/ied Processes 1. API 2W, Spec띠cafioll for Sfeel Plates for Offshore Stl'uclures, Pmduced by ThermoøMechanical ConIml Processing ;;.. API 2Y, Specijìcafion ψr Sfeel Plates, QlI enchedand-Tempered, for Offs/lO re Sfrllcfllres 2. ASME Bo i/ er alld Pressllre Vessel Code , Section V, Article 2 1- ASME B46.1 , SlI lface Texfllre (S lI lface ROllghlless, Wavilless , alld Loy) 끄 ASTM E140 , Hardlless COllversioll Tables f O/ Mefals l효. ASTM E142 , Sfalldard Method for COllfrollillg QlI alify of Radiographic 1εsting 염:. ASTM E165 , Tesf Method for Liqllid Pellefrant ExaminatÎOll ASTM E709 , Gllide for Magllefic 22. ASTM E1032 , Radiographic Weldl zellfS ’ Parficle Examinafioll of 23. All ASTM base meta1s listed in Table 3.1 and Table 4.9 are found in ASTM 0 1. 04 , Sfeel-Sfrucfllral, Re1시forcillg, Pressllre Vessel Railll'ay, ASTM 0 1.03 , Sfeel-Plafe, Sheef, Sflψ, lVire; Staillless Steel Bar, and ASTM 0 1.01 , Sfeel-Pipillg, ηlbing, Fittillgs 10. ASTM A370 , Mechanicallεsfing of Sfeel Prodllcts U/ tra 12. ASTM A6 , Sfalldard Spec띠catiOIl ψr Gelleral Reqlliremellls for Rolled Sfrucfllral Sfeel Bars, Plafes, Shapes, alld Sheef Piling 끄 ASTM E94 , Sfandwd Recommellded Pracfice for Radiographic Tesfillg Hardlless of 2 1. ASTM E747 , COlltrollillg Qua !i ty of Radiographic Testing Using Wired Penetramelers ASTM A108 , Spec댄catioll for Sfeel Bars, Carboll , Cold-Fillished, Stalldard QlI ality’ Grades ASTM A435 , Specijìcationfor Sfraighf Beam sonÎc Examination o[ Steel Plafes 맥‘ Vickeπ b’Jlspec 이(iOll ommellded Pracfice No. SNT-TC-1A 브." ASTM E92 , Test Mefhod for Mefa l/i c Maferials 쟁 Jl.. American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Rec 2. 잭. 잊. AWS A2.4츠맹1, 빡낀쁘띠 S)’mbols for lVeldillg, Brazing. and Nondestructive E.λmnÎnatÎoll 25. AWS A3.0, Sfalldmd Weldillg Terms and D짜liliollS, [Il cllldillg Terms for Adhesive BOlldillg, Brazillg, Solderillg, Thermal Cllttillg , and Thermal Sprayillg ASTM A673 , Specijìcatioll ψr Sampling Procedure for [mpacf Tesfing of Strucfllral Steel 437 AWS 0 1.1 /01.1 M:2015 ANNEX S 26. AWS A5.0I MlA5.01 잭묘 (ISO 14344:갱띠 MOD) , Procurement Guidelilles [0 1' CO lI sumables- lVeldil1 g a l1 d Allied Processes-F!ux al1 d Gas Shie!d.αJ E!ectrical Weldillg Processes 쩡 • 진 AWS A5.I/A5.IM 앵끽, Specificatio l1 fo/' Ca/'bo l1 Stee! E!ectrodesfo/' Shie!ded Meta! A/'c Ve!di l1 g 쟁 AWS A5 .5/A5.5M 쟁퍼 , Specificatioll jòr Low Alloy Stee! E!ectrodes φ/' Shie!ded Meta! A/'c lVeldil1 g 쩍 ‘ AWS A5.30/A5.30M:2007 , Spec(fìcatio l1 S lI llables lnserts ’ ψr COll 39. A'WS A5 .3 2M/A5 .3 2:2011 (I S0 14175:2008 MOD) , l Veldùlff Consul11 ab{es~Gases and Gas Mixtures h/' Fusio l1 lVe!dil1!? a l1 d Allied P/'ocesses 40‘ AWS A5.36/'A5.36M:2012. Svecifìcatio l1 fo/' C.“’b 011 and L。이v-Allol' Steel Flux Co/'ed El ectrodes fOl Flux Co/'ed A/'c lVeldil1!? a l1 d MeωI Co/'ed E!ect rodes fo/' Gas Metal A/'c lVe!di l1!? AWSA5 ‘ 12M/A5.12:2009 (I S0 6848:2004 MOD) , 101' TImgsten and Oxide Dispersed TUllgstell Electrodes끼r Arc Welding and Cutting 에Jeciftcation 싼 AWS B I. IOM/B I.I 0:2009 , Guide fo/' NO l1 dest/'uctive Examinatioll 0/ lVelds 맺 AWS A5.17/A5.17M-97 (R2007) , Spec까cafiOll ψ, Ca/'bo l1 Stee! E!ectrodes {///(I F!uxes fo/' Subme/'ged A/'c lVeldil1 g 42. C4.1-77 (R20 10) , Criteria for Describing Oxygel1 -Cut Swfaces a l1 d 0.λygen Cufting Slllface RougJmess Gauge 끄 AWS A5.18/A5.18M:2005 , Specificatio l1 fo/' Cm bOI1 Stee! E!ectrodes a l1 d Rods fo/' Gas Shielded A/'c IVeldi l1 g 잎‘ AWS C5 .4 -93 , l 'eldil1 g 션 AWS D 1. 0, COllstructioll 앤. AWS D I.3/DI.3 M‘ 2008 , Stmctllra! lI'eldillg Code Sheet Stee! 젠. AWS D I. 6/D1. 6M:2007 , Stmctllral \Veldil1 g Code Stai’I!ιss Steel 핀 AWS D2.0 , Specificatioll fo l' IVelded Higlll l' ay alld Railwa.v Bridges 쩍 AWS QC 1:2007 , Stmtda l'd ψ l' AIVS \Veldillg Illspecto/'s 32. AWS A5.20/A5.20M:2005 , Specificatio l1 fo/' Ca/'bOI1 Steel Electrodes fo/' F!ux Co/'ed A/'c IVe!dil1 g 적. 전 AWS A5.23/A5.23M ’ 2011 , Spec꺼cation 10l μw­ Alloy Steel E!ectrodes al1 d F!uxes fo/' Subme/'ged A/'c \Ve!dil1 g AWS A5.25/A5.25M-97 (R2009) , Spec(fìcatio l1 f O/ Carboll and Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes and Fluxes fo/' E!ectros!ag lVeldil1 g 35‘ AWS A5.26/A5.26M-97 (R2009) , ψec꺼C(11i0l1 f01 Carboll (l1 u! Low-A lI oy Steel Electrodes 101' Electrogas lVe!dil1 g 챔. 진 영 A'찌끼S ‘ Reco川 me씨'ed Code fo/' Practices lI'e!dillg ill 꺼71' Stud B lI ildillg Ce/'t띠catioll of AWS lVe!dillg Halldbook , Volllme 1, 9th Edition , 다꽤쁘꾀3 AWS A5.28/A5.28M:2005 , Spec까catioll for LowAlloy Stee! Fille/' Metals fo/' Gas Shie!ded A/'c n• Idi l1 g 50.‘ Canadian Standard Association (CSA) Standard W 178.2 , Ce/'tification of \Velding Illspecto l's i!. AWS A5.29/A5.29M:2010 , Spec띠cafioll for Low Alloy Steel Electrodesfo/' F!ux Co/'ed Aκ \Ve!dil1 g 438 The International Institllte of Welding (IIW) Ultra sonic Retèrence Block AWS D1.1/D 1.1 M:2015 Annex T (Informative) FilIer Metal Strength Properties This annex is not part of AWS D l.IlDl.l M:2015 , Structura/ We/dillg Code-기Stee/, but is included for informational purposes only The data contained in this a I1 nex are copied from the appropriate A5 specification. Values shown are [or reference purposes only and other process variables may have to be controlled in order to achieve the Nominal Tensile Strength and Nominal Yield Strength. (See the applicable AWS A5 Filler Metal Specification for a more specific description.) , AWS A5.1/A5.1 M Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc Weldinga , b AVνS A5.1 Classification A5.IM E6010 E6011 E6012 E6013 E6018 E6019 E6020 E6022 E6027 E4 310 E4311 E4312 E4313 E4318 E4319 E4 320 E4322 E4327 E7014 E7015 E7016 E7018 E7024 E7027 E7028 E7048 E7018M E4914 E4915 E4916 E4918 E4924 E4927 E4928 E4948 E4918M Yield Strength at 0.2% Offset Tensile Strength Elongation Percentage in 4x Diameter Leng h ‘ A5.1 (ksi) A5.IM (MPa) A5.1 (ksi) A5 .l M (MPa) 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 430 430 430 430 430 430 430 430 430 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 48 330 22 22 17 17 22 22 22 Not Specified 22 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 Noted 490 490 490 490 490 490 490 490 Noted 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 53-72' 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 370-51JO' 17 22 22 22 17' 22 22 22 24 Not Specified a Requirements are in the as-welded condition with aging. Single values are minimum. c 、、'eld metal from electrodes identified as E7024-1 [E4 924-1] shall have elongation of22% minimum. d Tensile strength of this weld metal is a nominal 70 ksi [490 MPa]. e For 3132 in [2 .4 mm1 electrodes, the maxìmuffi yield strenglh is 77 ksi [530 MPa] ‘ b 439 AWS D1.1 /Dl.1M:2015 ANNEXT AWS A5.5/A5.5M , Specification for Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc Welding a A\VS Classificationb A5.5 Yield Strength , at 0.2% Offset Tensile Strength Elongation Postweld ConditionC A5.5M ksi MPa ksi MPa Percent E70 1O-AI E70 1O-G E7011-Al E7011-G E7015-X E7015-B2L E7015-G E7016-X E7016-B2L E7016-G E7018-X E7018-B2L E7018-C3L E7018-W1 E7018-G E7020-Al E7020-G E7027-AI E7027-G E49 1O-PI E49 1O-AI E49 1O-G E4 911-Al E4 911-G E4915-X E4915-B2L E4915-G E ‘ 916-X E4916-B2L E4916-G E4918-X E4918-B2L E4918-C3L E4918-W1 E4918-G E4920-Al E4920-G E4927-AI E4927-G 70 70 70 70 70 70 75 70 70 75 70 70 75 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 490 490 490 490 490 490 520 490 490 520 490 490 520 490 490 490 490 490 490 490 60 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 60 57 57 57 57 57 415 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 415 390 390 390 390 390 22 22 p、),IHT 22 A、VorP、),IHT 22 22 22 19 22 22 19 22 p、,),I HT E80 1O-P1 E80 1O-G E8011-G E8013-G E8015-X E8015-B3L E8015-G E8016-X E8016-C3 E8016-C4 E8016-G E8018-X E8018-B3L E8018-C3 E8018-C4 E8018-NMl E8018-P2 E8018-W2 E8018-G E8045-P2 E55 1O-Pl E55 1O-G E5511-G E5513-G E5515-X E5515-B3L E5515-G E5516-X E5516-C3 E5516-C4 E5516-G E5518-X E5518-B3L E5518-C3 E5518-C4 E5518-NM1 E5518-P2 E5518-W2 E5518-G E5545-P2 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 68 to 8()d 67 67 67 67 68 to 8()d 67 67 67 67 67 67 E90 1O -Pl E90 1O -G E9011-G E62 1O-P1 E62 1O-G E6211-G 90 90 90 620 620 620 77 77 77 E70 1O-PI (Continued) 440 A、v A、,VorP、NHT p、,),IHT PWHT A、,VorPWHT p、,VHT p、,VHT AWorP、),IHT 22 p、,VHT 19 p、,VHT 22 A、v 22 22 22 22 22 A、v 22 AWorP、;VHT 460 460 460 460 460 460 460 460 470 to 55 ()d 460 460 460 460 470 to 55 ()d 460 460 460 460 460 460 19 19 19 16 19 17 19 19 24 19 19 19 AW AWorPWHT AWorPWHT 530 530 530 17 17 17 17 24 19 19 19 19 19 19 AWorP‘),I HT p、,VHT A、rV or P、,VHT p、,vHT A、VorP、),IHT p ‘),IHT PWHT A、;v or P‘,v HT p、,VHT A、v A、v A、NorP、,VHT p、,VHT PWHT AW A、v A、,v A、v A、v A、VorP、),IHT AW A、v A、,Vor P、,v HT A、,VorPWHT AWS D1.1 /D 1.1 M:2015 ANNEXT AWS A5.5/A5.5M , Specificalion for Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc Welding a (Conlinued) A\VS Classificationb A5.5 Yield Strength , at 0.2% Offset Tensile Strength Elongation A5.5M ksi MPa ksi MPa Percent E9013-0 E9015-X E9015-0 E9016-X E9016-0 E9018M E901 8-P2 E9018-X E9018-0 E9045-P2 E6213-0 E6215-X E6215-0 E6216-X E6216-0 E6218M E6218-P2 E6218-X E6218-0 E6245-P2 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 620 620 620 620 620 620 620 620 620 620 77 77 77 77 77 78 to 90" 77 77 77 77 530 530 530 530 530 540 to 620" 530 530 530 530 14 17 17 17 17 24 17 17 17 17 E1 00 10-0 E100 1l -0 Eloo13-0 Eloo15-X E10015-0 Eloo16-X Eloo16-0 E I0018M E10018-X E1 oo18-0 E10045-P2 E69 1O-0 E6911-0 E6913-0 E6915-X E6915-0 E6916-X E6916-0 E6918M E6918-X E6918-0 E6945-P2 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 88 to 100" 87 87 87 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 610 069 0" 600 600 600 16 16 13 16 16 16 16 20 16 16 16 E lI OIO-O EI lOlI -O El1013-0 EI1015-0 E lI 016-0 E lI 018-0 El I0 18M E76 1O-0 E7611-0 E7613-0 E7615-0 E7616-0 E7618-0 E7618M 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 760 760 760 760 760 760 760 97 97 97 97 97 97 98 to 11 0" 670 670 670 670 670 670 680 to 760" 15 15 13 15 15 15 20 E1 20 1O-0 E120 1l -0 EI2013-0 E12015-0 E12016-0 E12018-0 E12018M E12018MI E83 1O-0 E8311-0 E8313-0 E8315-0 E8316-0 E8318-0 E8318M E8318Ml 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 830 830 830 830 830 830 830 830 107 107 107 107 107 107 10810 120d 740 740 740 740 740 740 7451083 0" 7451083 0" 14 14 11 14 14 14 18 18 108 10 120" ‘ Postweld Condîtion C AWorPWHT p、.v HT AWorPWHT PWHT A、,VorPWHT AW A、v p、VHT AWorP、NHT A、v AWorPWHT A、lV orP、.vHT A、NorP、rVHT PWHT AWorPWHT p、IIHT AWorPWHT A、v PWHT AWorPWHT AW A、NorP、rVHT A、11 orPWHT AWorPWHT AWorPWHT AWorPWHT AWorPWHT AW A、,VorP、IIHT AWorPWHT AWorPWHT A、11 or P IIHT AWorPWHT AWorPWHT AW a Single values are minimum , except as otherwise specified. b얀le letler suffix “ X" as used in this table represents the suffixes (Al , Bl , B2 , etc.) which are tested in the PWH1‘ condition only. c “A、,V" signifies as-welded , which may or may not be aged , at the manufacturer’ S option. “P、,vHT’ signifies post、,veld heat treated. d For 3/32 in [2.5 mm] electrodes , the upper value for the yield strength may be 5 ksi (35 MPaJ higher than the indicated value. 441 ‘ A、v AWS D1. 1/D 1.1 M’ 2015 ANNEXT AWS A5.17/A5.17M , Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding Flux-Electrode Classitìcation a A5.17 A5.17M Tensile Strength psi [MPa] F6XX-EXXX F7XX-EXXX F43XX-EXXX F48XX-EXXX 6000 0-- 80000 [43 0--560] 70000-95000 [480--<í 60] ‘ Yield Strengthb psi [MPa] Elongation b % 48000 [330] 58000 [400] 22 22 a The letler “ S" w il1 appear 씨"' he “ F ’ as part of the cJ assificatìon designution when the f1 ux being c1 assified is a cmshed slag or a blend of crushed slag with unused (virgin) f1 ux. The letter “ C" will appear after the “ E" as part of thc cJ a sification designation when the electrode being c1 assified is a compositε εlectrode. The lettcr “X" used in various places in this table slands for, respectivelι the conditioll of heat treatment , the toughness of the 、veld metal , and the classification 0 1' the electrodι b rvfinimum requirements. Yield strength at 0.2% offset and elongation in 2 in [51 mm] gage length ‘ AWS A5.18/A5.18M , Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes and Rods for Gas Shielded Arc Welding A、,VS Tensile Strength (minimum) Classitìcation 3 Yíeld Strength b (minimum) A5.18 A5.18M Shielding Gas pSl MPa pSl MPa Elongatìon b % (minimum) ER70S-2 ER70S-3 ER70S-4 ER70S-6 ER70S-7 ER48S-2 ER48S-3 ER48S-4 ER48S-6 ER48S-7 C02C 70000 480 58000 400 22 ER70S-G ER48S-G d 70000 480 58000 400 22 E70C-3X E70C-6X E48C-3X E48C 6X 75-80% Arlbalunce CO 2 orC0 2 70000 480 58000 400 22 E70C-G(X) E48C-G(X) d 70000 480 58000 400 22 E70C-GS(X) E48C GS(X) d 70000 480 • • Not Specified Not Specified a Thc final X shown in thc classification represents a “C ’ or “ M" 、‘rhich corresponds to thc shiclding gas with which thc clcctrode Ìs classified. The use of “ C" dcsignatcs 100 CO 2 shielding (AWS A5.32 Class SG- C); "M" 이esignates 75-80% Arlbalance CO2 (AWS A5.32 Class SG-AC-Y, where Y is 20 to 25). For E70C-G [E48C-G] and E70C-GS [E4 8C-GS] , the final '‘C" or ‘ 'M" may bc omitted h Yicld strcnglh at 0.2% offset and elongation in2 in [50 mm] gagε length ç CO 2 = carbon dioxidc shiclding gas (A、,VS A5.32 Class SG- C). The \l se of CO 2 for c1 assification purposes is not 10 bc construed to precludc thc use 0 1' Ar/C02 (AWS A5.32 Class SG-AC-Y) or Ar/02 (AWS A5.32 Class SG-AO-X) shielding gas mixtures. A filler melal tested with gas blends , such as Ar/02> or Ar/C02> may resu Jt in 、veld melal having higher strength and 10\\’er elongation d Shielding gas is as agreed between purchaser and sllpplier, lI nlcss desígnated by the “ C" or “ M" suffix “ 442 AWS D1. lID1.1 M:2015 ANNEXT AWS A5.20/A5.20M , Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes for Flux Cored Arc Welding AWS Classification A5.20 E7Xτ1C , -1M E7XT-2 C'. -2M' E7XT-3' E7XT-4 E7XT-5C , -5M E7XT-6 E7XT-7 E7XT-8 E7XT-9C , -9M E7XT-IO' E7Xτ11 E7XT-12C , -12M E6XT-13' E7XT-13' E7XT-14' E6XT-G E7XT-G E6XT-GS' E7XτGS' A5.20M E49XT-1C , -1M E49XT-2C', -2M' E49XT-3' E49XT-4 E49XT-5C , -5M E49XT-6 E49XT-7 E49XT-8 E49XT-9C , -9M E49XT-1 0' E49XT-11 E49XT-12C , -12M E4 3Xτ13' E49XT-13' E49XT-14' E43XT-G E49XT-G E43XτGS' E49XT-GS' Tensile Strength ksi [MPaJ 70-95 [49Q냉70J 70 [490J min 70 [490J min 7 0-95[490-67이 70-95 [49ι67이 70-95[490-67이 70-95 [490-셔670) 7 0-95[490-67이 70-95 [49 0-녁67이 70 [490J min 70-95 [49ι-6 70J 70-90 [49 0-니62이 60 [430J min. 70 [490J min. 70 [490J min 60-80 [43 0-셔60이 70• 95 [490--670J 60 [430J min ‘ 70 [490J min. Minimum Yield Strengtha ksi [MPaJ 58 [390J Not Specified Not Specified 58 [390J 58 [390J 58 [39이 58 [39이 58 [390J 58 [390J Not Specified 58 [390J 58 [390J Not Specified Not Specified Not Specified 48 [330J 58 [390J Not Specified Not Specified Minimum% Elongation b Minimum Charpy V-Notch Impact Energy 22 Not Specified Not Specified 22 22 22 22 22 22 No Sp2eOcdlfied 20 ft.1bf @ O'F [27 J @ -20'C] Not Specified Not Specified Not Specified 20 ft.1bf@ -20'F [27 J @ -30' C] 20 ft.lbf@ -20'F [27 J @ -30'C] Not Specified 20 fHbf@ -20'F [27 J @ -30'CJ 20 fι Ibf @ -20'F [27 J @ -30' C] Not Specified Not Specified 20 ft.lbf @ 20'F [27 J @ 30'C] Not Specified Not Specified Not Specified Not Specified Not Specified Not Specified Not Specified 22 Not Specified Not Specified Not Specified 22 22 Not Specified Not Specified • • a Yield slrenglh at 0.2% offse t. b In 2 in [50 mmJ gage length when a 0.500 in [12 .5 mm1 nominal diameter tensile spedmen and nominal gage length 10 diameter ralio 01' 4:1 is used. C These classifications are intended for single pass welding. They are not for multiple pass welding Only tensile slrength is specified. dIn 1 in [25 mm} gage length when a 0.250 in [6.5 mmJ nominal diameter tensilc specimen is used as‘ permitted for 0.045 in [1.2 nml] and smaller sizes of the E7XT~ 11 fE4 9XT~ 11] c1 assification 443 AWS D1.1 /D 1. 1M:2015 ANNEXT AWS A5.23/A5.23M , Specification for Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding Flux-Electrode Classification a A5.23 A5.23M Tensile Strength b psi [MPa] Yield Strengthb (0.2% 0κ.set) psi [MP.ι] Elongation b (%) 58000 [400] 22 68000 [470] 20 17 16 15' 14 C 14' Multiple Pass Classifications F7 XX-EXX-XX F8XX-EXX-XX F9XX-EXX-XX FIOXX-EXX-XX FllXX-EXX-XX FI2XX-EXX-XX F49XX-EXX-XX F55XX-EXX-XX F62XX-EXX-XX F69XX-EXX -XX F7 6XX-EXX-XX F83XX-EXX-XX FI3XX-EXX-XX F90XX-EXX-XX 70000--95000 [490-←66이 8000ι 100 000 [55 0-700] 90000-- 110 000 [62 0-760] 100 000- 120 000 [690-830] 110 000- 130 000 [760 9001 120 000- 140 000 [830-97이 l 300α!-150 000 [90 0-J040] • 78 000 [540] 88000 [610] 98000 [680] 108 000 [740] 118 000 [810] n l'o-Run Classifications F43TXX-EXX F49TXX-EXX F55TXX-EXX F62TXX-EXX F69TXX-EXX F76TXX-EXX F83TXX-EXX F90TXX-EXX 60000 [430] 키0000 [490] 80000 [550] 90000 [620] 100 α00 [690] 11 0 000 [760] 120 이00 [830] 130 000 [900] η“κω Nμ 깅 깅 mω μμ F6TXX-EXX F7TXX-EXX F81XX-EXX F9TXX-EXX FJOTXX-EXX FIITXX-EXX FI2TXX-EXX FI3TXX-EXX 50000 [350] 60000 [415] 70000 [490] 80000 [555] 9001기0[625] 100000 [690] 110 000 [760] 120000 [830] a The leUer “ S" wi1l appear after the “ F ’ as part ofthe c1 assìfication designatiol1 when the f1 ux bcing c1 assified is a crushed slag or a blend of cmshed slag with unused (virgin) flux. The letter “ C" will appear after the “ E" as part of the classification designation 、:vhen the e!ectrode used is a composile electrodc. For lwo-r 11 classificatiolls, the le /t el “ G" will appear aftcr the impact desigllator (immediately before the 1m:’hell) 10 indicate that the “ “ base steelllsedfor classificatioll is 1101 olle oflhe base sleels prescribed in AWS A5.23.꺼 5.23M bul is a tll:tferellt sleel, s agreed betweeJ/ pl/ rchaser mu/ slI pplier. Thc letlcr “ X" used in various places in this table stands for, respectively, the condition of heat treatment , the toughncss of Ihe veld metal , and thc c1 assification of thc weld metal b For multiplc pass c1 assifications , the requirements listed in the table for yield strength and % elongation (in 2 in [50 mm] gage length) are minimum requiremenls. For 11\η n llJ classificatiollι the reqlliremellts listedfor fellsile sfrel/ gfh, yield strellgth alld % elollg(l tioll (in / i [25 111111/ gage lellgth) re (llI m;lI;'’111111 req J/ iremellts C Elongation may bereduced by one percenlage point for FIIXX-EXX-XX , Fl IXX-ECXX-XX, F12XX-EXX-XX , F12XX-ECXX-XX, FI3XX-EXX-XX, alld F I3XX-ECXX-XX [F76-EXX-XX , F76-ECXX-XX , F8JXX-EXX-XX, F8JXX-ECXX-XX, F90XX-EXX-XX , alld F90XX-ECXX-XX1 ‘.veld melals ‘ ’, “ in thc upper 25% of their tensilc strcngth range 444 ANNEXT AWS D1.1 /D 1. 1M‘ 2015 AWS A5.28/A5.28M , Speclfication for Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes and Rods for Gas Shielded Arc Welding Tensile Strength (minimum) AWS Classification A5.28 A5.28M Shielding Gas il Yield Strengthb (minimum) pSl MPa pSl MPa Elongationb Percent (minimum) Testing Condition ER70S-B2L E7OC-B2L ER70S-A1 ER49S-B2L E49C-B2L ER49S-AI 75000 515 58000 400 19 ER80S-B2 E80C-B2 ER55S-B2 E55C-B2 80000 550 68000 470 19 ER80S-B3L E8OC-B3L ER55S-B3L E55C-B3L , 80000 550 68000 470 17 ER90S-B3 E90C-B3 ER62S-B3 E62C-B3 (Classes SG-AO-1 thru SG-AO-5) 90000 620 78000 540 17 ER80S-B6 ER55S-B6 80000 550 68000 470 17 E80C-B6 E55C-B6 80000 550 68000 470 17 ER80S-B8 ER55S-B8 80000 550 68000 470 17 E80C-B8 E55C-B8 80000 550 68000 470 17 ER90S-B9 ER62S-B9 90000 620 60000 410 16 E90C-B9 E62C-B9 E70C-Ni2 E4 9C-Ni2 70000 490 58000 400 24 p NHT ER80S-Ni1 E80C-Ni1 ER55S-Ni1 E55C-Ni1 80000 550 68000 470 24 As-Welded ER80S-Ni2 E80C-Ni2 ER80S-Ni3 E80C-Ni3 ER55S-Ni2 E55C-Ni2 ER55S-Ni3 E55C-Ni3 80000 550 68000 470 24 PWHT ER80S-D2 ER55S-D2 80000 550 68000 470 17 ER90S-D2 E90C-D2 ER62S-D2 E62C-D2 90000 620 78000 540 17 ER1ooS-1 ER69S-1 100000 690 88000 610 16 110000 760 95000 660 15 120000 830 105000 730 14 90000 620 78000 540 18 100 000 690 88000 610 16 110,000 760 98000 680 15 Argon/l-5% 0 Argonl5% 0 , (Class SG-AC-5) , ERlIOS-1 ER76S-1 ER120S-1 ER83S-1 E90C-K3 E62C-K3 E100C-K3 E69C-K3 p、NHT Argonl5-25% CO (Classes SG-AC-5 thru SG-AC-25) , Argon/l-5% 0 (Classes SG-AO-I thru SG-AO-5) , CO (Class SG-C) Argon/l-5% 0 ‘ , (Classes SG-AO-1 thru SG-AO-5) , Argon/2% 0 (Class SG-AO-2) ArgonI5-25%CO , E I1 0C-K3 ElIOC-K4 E76C-K3 E76C-K4 E120C-K4 E83C-K4 120000 830 108000 750 15 E80C-W2 E55C-W2 80000 550 68000 470 22 (Classes SG-AC-5 thm SG-AC-25) (Continued) 445 As-、lIelded AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 ANNEXT AWS A5.28/A5.28M , Specification for Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes and Rods for Gas Shielded Arc Welding (Continued) Tensilc Strength (minimum) Yield Strcngthb (minimum) A5.28 A5.28M Shíelding Gasa pSl MPa pSl MPa Elongatîoll b Percent (minimum) ER70S-G E70C-G ER49S-G E49C-G Notcc 70000 490 Noted Note d Noted Noted ER80S-G E80C-G ER55S-G E55C-G Notcc 80000 550 Notcd Noted Noted Noted ER90S-G E90C-G ER62S-G E62C-G Notec 90000 620 Noled Notcd Noted Noted ERIOOS-G EIOOC-G ER69S-G E69C-G Notcc 100000 690 Noted Noted Noted Noted ERlIOS-G ElIOC-G ER76S G E76C-G Notec 110000 760 Noted Notcd Notcd Noted ERI20S-G EI20C-G ER83S-G E83C-G Notcc 120000 830 Notc d Noted Noted Noted A、,VS Classification • a Thc usc of a particular shielding gas for classification purpo ‘ es is not 10 be construed 10 rcslrict the use of other gas mixlures. A filler 、vith , othcr gas blends. such a‘ i! rg Ol“'0 2 or arg。이CO 2 may result in weld metal having d iBerent strength uod elongation b Yicld strcngth at 0.2% oW et and elongation in 2 in [51 111m] gagε lellgth ç Shiclding gas shall be as agreed to between purchaser and supplier. d Not spccitìcd (as agrccd to bet 'cen purchaser and supplicη ‘ “ 446 Testing Condîtion Il1 ctal tcstcd > Em AWS Classificationιb A5 .29 나 A A A5 .29M Condition c Tensile Strength ksi [MPa] Yield Sσength ksi [MP.에 % Elongation Minimum Charpy V-Notch Impact Energy Minimum 20 ft.lbf @ -20'F [27 J @ -30'C] E7XT5-AIC , -AIM E49XT5-AIC, -AIM PWHr 70-90 [490-620] 58 [400] min. 20 E8XTI-A1C , -AIM E5 5XTI-A1C‘ -AIM PWHr 80- 100 [55 0-셔690] 68 [470] min. 19 NαSpecified E8XTI-BIC, -BIM, -BILC, -B1LM E55XTI-B1C‘ -BIM, -BILC , -BILM p、까IT 80- 100 [55 0-녁69이 68 [470] ntin 19 Not Specified E8XTI-B2C , -B2M, -B2HC , -B2Hl\ι -B2LC , -B2LM E8XT5-B2C , -B2M, -B2LC , -B2LM E55XTI-B2C‘ -B2l\ι -B2HC, -B2HM, -B2LC, -B2LM E5 5XT5-B2C, -B2M, -B2LC, -B2LM P\\대IT 80- 100 [55 0-녁690] 68 [47이 ntin‘ 19 Not Specified E9XTI-B3C , -B3M, -B3LC , -B3LM, -B3HC , -B3HM E9XT5-B3C, -B3 l\‘ E62XTI-B3C , -B3M, -B3LC, -B3LM ‘ -B3HC, -B3HM E62XT5-B3C, -B3M P\\깨IT 90- 110 [620-760] 78 [540] ntin 17 Not Specified EIOXTI-B3C , -B3M E69XTI-B3C , -B3M P\\깨IT 10ι120 [690-830] 88 [610] ntin. 16 Not Specified E8XTI-B6C,d -B 6l\‘,d _B6LC,d -B6LM,' E8XT5-B6C,' -B 6M,' -B6LC,' -B6LMd E55XT1-B6C, -B6M, -B6LC, -B6LM E55XT5-B 6C, -B6M, -B6LC , -B6LM p、까IT 80- 100 [55 0-690] 68 [470] ntin 19 Not Specified E8XT1-B8C,d -B8M,' -B8LC,' -B8LMd E8XT5-B8C‘ d-B8M‘.d -B8LC,' -B8LMd E5 5XTI-B8C‘ -B8M, -B8LC‘ -B8LM E55XT5-B8C, -B8M, -B8LC , -B8LM PWHr 80- 100 [55 0-69이 68 [470] min 19 Not Specified E9XTI-B9C , -B9M E62XT1 -B9C, -B9M P\\대IT 9 0- 120 [62ι1;30] 78 [540] min 16 Not Specified E6XT1 -Ni !C, -Ni1M E43XT1 -NilC , -NilM AW 6ι80 [430-550] 50 [34이 mm. 22 20 ft.lbf@ -20'F [27 J @ -30' C] E7XT6-Nil E49XT6- Nil AW 7 0-90 [49α녁620] 58 [-때이 20 20 ft.lbf@ -20'F [27 J @ -30'C] E7XT8-Ni l E49XT8-Ni1 AW 7 0-90 [49ι-620] 58 [40이 mm. 20 20 ft.lbf@ -20'F [27 J @ -30' C] E8XT1 -NilC , -Ni1M E55XTI-Ni1C, -Ni1M AW 80- 100 [550-690] 68 [470] min 19 20 ft.lbf @ -20'F [27 J @ -30'C] E8XT5-Ni1C , -Ni1M E5 5XT5-Ni1C , -NilM P\\깨IT 80- 100[55α-690] 68 [470] min. 19 20 ft.lbf@ E7XT8-Ni2 E49XT8-Ni2 AW 70-90 [490-620] 58 [400] min. 20 2o ft.lbf@ • 20'F [27 J @ -30'C] E8XT8-Ni2 E5 5XT8-Ni2 AW 80- 100 [55 0-690] 68 [470] min. 19 20 ft.lbf @ -20'F [27 J @ • 30'C] E8XT1-Ni2C , -Ni2M E55XT1-Ni2C ‘ -Ni2ι‘ AW 80- 100 [55 0-690] 68 [470] ntin 19 20 ft.lbf @ -4Q'F [27 J @ -4Q'C] E8XT5-Ni2C,' -Ni2M' E55XT5-Ni2C ,' -Ni2M' PWHr 80- 100 [55ι690] 68 [470] min 19 20 ft.lbf@ -75'F [27 J @ ---{i0' C] E9XTI-Ni2C , -Ni2M E62XT1 -Ni2C , -Ni2M AW 9 0- 110 [620-760] 78 [540] ntin 17 20 ft.lbf@ -40'F [27 J @ -40'C] E8XT5-Ni3C,' -Ni3M' E55XT5-Ni3C‘ e -Ni3Me PV따IT 80- 100 [550-서690] 68 [470] ntin 19 20 ft.lbf@-100'F[27 J @-70'C] 17 20 ft.lbf@-IOO"F[27 J @-70"C] E9XT5-Ni3C,' -Ni 3M' E62XT5-Ni3C ,' -Ni3M' PWHT 90-110[620-760] 78 [540] ntin. 냉O'F NSm [27 J @ -50'C] > ZZmX 녁 (Continued) mm 。‘ →~。‘‘→흐 AWS A5.29/A5.29M , Specification for Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes for Flux Cored Arc Welding > ZZmX “ A5 .29 S K Condition c Yield Stren잊h ksi 마1PaJ 커 J Classificationιb A5 .29 ∞ A A 「 AWS 뼈 爛 빠 AWS A5 .29/A5.29M , Specification for low-Alloy Steel Electrodes for Flux Cored Arc Welding (Continued) % Elongation Minimum Charpy V-Notch Impact Energy Minimum E8XT l1 -Ni3 E55XT l1 -Ni3 AW 80- 100 [55 0-690J 68 [470J min 19 20 ft‘ lbf @ OOF [27 J @ -20oC] E9XTl -DIC‘ -DIM E62XT I-Dl C , -Dl M AW 9 0- 110 [620-760J 78 [540J min 17 20 ft.lbf @ -4QoF [27 J @ -40 oC] E9XT5-D2C , -D2M E62XT5-D2C , -D2M PWHT 90- 110 [620-76이 78 min 17 20 ft , lbf @ ..{jooF [27 J @ -50oC] EI0XT5-D2C , -D2M E69XT5-D2C , -D2M PWHT 1O(ι120 [690-8 30J 88 [6 1OJ min 16 20 ft.lbf@ -40 oF [27 J @ -40 oC] E9XTI-D3 C, -D3M E62XTI-D3C , -D3M AW 9 0- 110 [620-760] 78 [54이 min. 17 20 ft.lbf@ -20oF [27 J @ -30oC] E8XT5-KIC, -KIM E55XT5-KIC , -KIM AW 80- 100 [55 0-690J 68 [47이 mm 19 20 ft.lbf @ -40 oF [27 J @ -4QoC] E7 XT7-K2 E49XT7-K2 AW 7 0-90 58 [-때이 mm 20 20 ft.lbf @ -20oF [27 J @ -30oC] E7XT4-K2 E49XT4-K2 AW 70-90[49 아620] 58 [400J min 20 20 ft.lbf @ OOF [27 J @ -20oC] E7XT8-K2 E49XT8-K2 AW 70-90[49ι62이 58 [400J min‘ 20 20 ft.lbf @ -20 oF [27 J @ -30 oC] E7XT11-K2 E49XTl I-K2 AW 70-90[49ι620J 58 [400J min 20 20 ft.lbf@ +320 F [27 J @ OOC] E8XTI- K2C , -K2M E8XT5-K2C, -K2M E55XTl-K2C , -K2M E55XT5-K2C , -K2M AW 80- 100 [55ι.{í90J 68 [470J min. 19 20 ft.lbf @ -20 oF [27 J @ -30oC] E9XTI-K2C ‘ -K2M E62XTl-K2C‘ -K2M AW 90- 110 [620-760J 78 [540Jmin 17 20 ft.lbf@ OOF [27 J @ -20oC] E9XT5-K2C , -K2M E62XT5-K2C , -K2M A、v 90- 110 [620-760J 78 [540J min 17 20 ft.lbf@ EI0XTl -K3C, -K3M E69XTl -K3C, -K3M AW 100- 120[690-830] 88 [610] min 16 20 ft.lbf@ OOF [27 J @ -20oC] E 1OXT5- K3 C , -K3M E69XT5- K3 C‘ -K3M AW 100- 120 [690-830J 88 [6 1OJ min 16 20 ft.lbf @ ..{jooF [27 J @ -50 oC] E11XTl-K3C ‘ -K3l\‘ E76XTI-K3C‘ -K3M AW 11 0- 130 [760• 900J 98 [680J min 15 20 ft.lbf@ OOF [27 J @ -20oC] E11XT5-K3 C‘ -K3M E76XT5-K3 C, -K3M AW 11 0- 130 [760-900] 98 [680J min 15 20 ft.lbf@ -60oF [27 J @ -50oC] E lIXTI-K4C‘ -K4M E76XTl -K4C‘ -K4M AW 11 0- 130 [760-900J 98 [680J min 15 20 ft.lbf @ OOF [27 J@ -20oC] E lIXT5-K4C‘ -K4M E76XT5-K4C‘ -K4M AW 11 0- 130 [760• 900J 98 [68이 mm 15 20 ft.lbf@ ..{jooF [27 J @ -50oC] EI2XT5-K4C. -K4M E83XT5-K4C. -K4M AW 120- 140 [83 0-970 108 [745J min 14 20 ft.lbf@ ..{jooF [27 J @ -50 oC] [49 마.{í20J [54이 ..{jooF [27 J @ -50oC] if << EI2XTl-K5C‘ -K5M E83XTI-K5 C‘ -K5M AW 120- 140 [83 0-970 E7XT5-K6C‘ -K6M E49XT5-K6C , - K6M AW 70-90 [49 0-620J 108 [745J miπ 58 [400J min 14 Not Sp응 cified 20 20 ft.lbf @ -7SOF [27 J @ ..{jooC] E • 5i E43XT8-K6 AW 60-80 [43 0-550J 50 [340J min 22 E7XT8-K6 E49XT8-K6 AW 70-90 [49ι.{í20J 58 [400J min 20 20 ft.lbf @ -20 oF [27 J @ -30 oC] i응 E6XT8-K6 20 ft.lbf @ _20 oF [27 J @ -30 oC] (Continued) m Ngm 〉든ω 。→ •~E i흐 Ngm AWS A5.29/A5.29M , Specification for Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes for Flux Cored Arc Welding (Continued) AWS Classification a, b A5.29M A5.29 T농nsile Yield Condition c Strength ksi [MPaJ Sσength ksi [MPaJ % Elongation Minimum Charpy V-Notch Impact Energy Minimum E !OXTl -K7 C. -K7M E69XTl -K7C‘ -K7M AW 100- 120 [690-830J 88 [61OJ min ‘ 16 20 ft.lbf @ -60 oF [27 J @ -50 oC] E9XT8-K8 E62XT8-K8 AW 90- 110[620-76이 7s [540J min 17 20 ft.lbf @ -20oF [27 J @ -30 oC] E !OXTI-K9C. -K9M E69XTl -K9C. -K9M AW 18 35 ft.lbf@ -60 oF [27 J @ -50oC] E55XTl -W2C‘ -W2M AW 19 20 ft.lbf@ -20oF [27 J @ -30oC] E8XTl -W2C‘ λ112M 1O(• 120 [69α→83이f 82-97 [560-670J 80- 100 [55α-690J 68 [470J min η1e EXXTX-G켜 GC.'-GM& EXXTX-G‘ '-G A A @ c.' -GM' weld deposit composition‘ condition of test (AW or PWHT) and Ch잉py V-Notch irnpact properties are as agreed upon between the supplier and purchaser. Requirements for the tension test. positionality.‘ slag system and shielding gas. ìf any. confonn to those indicated by the digits used EXXTG-X' EXXTG-X' The slag system , shielding gas‘ if any. condition of test (AW or PWHT) and Charpy ιNotch impact properties are as agreed upon between the supplier and purchaser. Requirements for the tension test. posîtionality and weld deposit composition confonn to those indicated by tbe digits used EXXTG-G' EXXTG-(Jt The slag system ‘ shielding gas ‘ if any‘ condition of test (AW or PWHT)‘ Charpy V-Notch impact properties and weld deposit composition 앙ε as agreed upon between the supplier and purchaser. Requirεments for the tension test and positionality cOÍlfonn to those indicated by the digits used a Th e “ Xs“ in actual cla.ssification will be replaced with the appπ'opriate dεsign :l.tors placement of a "G"' in a dεsignator position indìcates that those properties have been agrεed 얘on between the supplier and purchaser. C AW = As Welded. P、~T = Postweld heat σeated d Th ese elecσodes are presently c1잉 sified E502TX~X or E505TX~X in AWS A5.22~95. With the next re、 ision of A5.22 they will be removed and exclusivεly listed in this specification e PWHT temperatures in excess of 11500 F [620oC] will decrease the Charpy V~Notch impact properties f For this classification ε10XTI-K9C‘ -K9M [E69XTI-K9C‘ ~K9M]) the tensile strength rang'ε shown is not a requirement. It is an approxîmation t Th e tensile strζngth‘ yield strength. and % εlongation requirements for EXXTX ~G‘ GC‘ -GM [EXXTX-G‘ -GC. -GM]: EXXTG-X and EXXTG-G [EXXTG-X and EXXXTG-G] elecσodεs are as hown in this table for other electrode classifications (not inc1 uding the E lOXTI-K9C. ~K9M [E69XT1 ~K9C. -K9M] classifications) having thε same tensile strength d야 ignator. b Th e ‘ > ZZmX 」「 AWS D1.1 /D1 ,1M ’ 2015 This page is intentionally blank 450 AWS D1.1 1D1.1 M‘ 2015 Annex U (Informative) AWS A5.36 Filler Metal Classifications and Prouerties This al1l1 ex is 110t part of AWS DI.I /D I.IM:2015 , Stmctllral lVelding Code• -Steel , but is included f0 1" infonnational purposes only E70C-6C. E70C-3 C, E7 0C-3M ‘ and E7Xτ1 1. but can be classified under the open c1 assification system. Also. 센효으민띤쁘냐6SHwatol‘ “ J" was eliminated and the “ D" deSÎgnator does not support the orevious “ D' ’ designator of AWS A5.20 and theref.이e cannot be used inter인핀뾰쩍만y. While the τ12 FCAW electrodes have the same reQ Ulfεments as AWS A5.20 in the fixed classification , the T-12 in the open classificatioll does 110t Annex U provides information and applicabilitv to D 1.1 code users of this new specificatio l1‘ Additiol1 ally, filler metals of the plεvious filler metal soecifications and dassifications in existing WPSs which have been rcclassified with lïxed 01' open c1 assificatiol1 s of AWS A5.36 are exempt from POR requalification due to the i'e- c1 assificatiol1 of the electrode(s) if the electrode(s) meet aIl of the orevious cI assificatio매 requirements. A c0 1l10arison list of multiole-oass Annex T electrode clasSifications for the AWS A5 .3 6 fixed and ope l1 classifi cations are at the end of this annex ‘ With 씨 1 of the variations of the AWS A5 .3 6 open classificatio l1 s깨 stem, the listing was limited to the D l.l :20 10 Al1l1 ex T classι ficatio l1 s. Other AWS A5 .3 6 c1 assifications may be used in this code The open classificatioll svstem is used for classification of carbon and low-allov ste리 electrodes for both FCAW and GMAW-metal cored. Caution is necessary when comparIng previous AWS A5.18‘ A5.2ι A5.28 ‘ and A5.29 c1 assifications and rcquircmcnts directly with either the fixed or ooen c1 assificatíons‘ as there are possible differences in mechanical and chemical 1"eQuirements. Under the open classification system , theπe are few defined mandatorv reg쁘쁘쁘면뜨E쉰)1" an electrode c1 assification , bllt any shieldlng gas or anv strength c1assificatio l1 may be aoolied as well as an electrode lIl ay be c1 assified either as As w'elded (AW) 01' Postweld Heat Treated (PWHT) or both R~eviouslv carbon steel electrodes were alwavs c1 assified as AW. bllt under AWS A5.36 lIl ay be c1 assified as PWHT.‘ Likewise. low-allov steel electrodes c1 assified as PWHT now also may be classified in the AW condition. AWS filler specification A5 .36/A5 .36M:2012. S /J ecifica and Lo w-Allo l' Steel Flllx Cored ElecI rodes for Flllx Cored Arc lVeldin J1 and Met. I Co I'ed E'{ectrodes for Gas Metal Arc \Vel.끼nJ1‘ has two methods of classifying carb 。이1 steel FCAW and GMAW-metal Cored electrodes. fixed classification and open classification. AWS A5.36 uses several different tables for the classification of electrodes (6 tables and 1 figllre) ‘ whi이1 are Íllc1 uded in this annex. Note that additional footnotes Wîth restrictions may have been added to tables to fac i1i tate compliance Witll preQualified and Qualified WPS reQuirements for filler metals in the orevious filler metal specifications fo l' existin .e: WPSs E띤호rC'arbon “ Shielding gas reQuirements are a maìor change to prevÎous specifications and classification requirem밍lts. For the purposes of the D l.l code for prequali따dWPSs‘ restrictions have been placed on AWS A5.36 c1 assification lequirements. The argon mixed shielding gas reQuirements have been restricted to the previous classification nlixed shielding ~as requirements of AWS A5.18 ‘ A5.20. A5.28. and A5.29 for prequalified WPSs or to other spe인깐으효꾀빈번!!LZases of AWS A5.36 Table 5 lI sed for The fixed classificatio l1 is fo1' carbon steel electrodes onlv and was to be identical to thc rCQuiremcllts of AWS A5.18 GMAW and AWS A5.20 FCAW specifications. however‘ certain c1 assifica fÌ ons ill both the GM A'Wmetal cored and the FCAW electrodes were not inclllded , 451 ANNEX U AWS D1.1/D 1. 1M:2015 classification. not to the entire range of a shielding gas (see 3.7 .4 of the code) F01" those code users welding Demand Critical connections with the Ootional “ D" designator of AWS A5.20 and A5.29 , the A5.36 “ D" designator reauircmcnts for heat inputs have be잉1 changed. AWS A5.36 electrodes classified with optional “ D" designator are not interchangeable with the AWS A5.20 0 1' AWS A5.29 elecirodes for seismic Dcmand Critical connectio매 s due to this difference in heat input reQuirements. AWS D 1. 81 D 1. 8M , Sl /'II clllral lVeldillR Code Seismic SWJVlemellt. Will have sím i1 ar restrìctions 011 interchanging the two different “ D" designators. 뻗윈밍덴땐1 Under the open classificatioll system. other anwn based shielding gas앉 may be used for classification. Howevcl'‘ changes to the argon content and minor gas(es) in the 비이ld may affect the mechanical and chemical weld 쁘뾰잔ι샘 , a 70 ksi r490 MPal electrode c1 assification under the orevious sDccifications mav now increase 008Sibly to 90 ksi r620 MPal 0 1' decrease to 60 ksi r430 MPal 띤띤얀밴넨댄냐앤얀댄택: • 452 AWS D l.l /D1.1M:2015 ANNEX U Table U.1 AWS A5.36/A5.36M Carbon Steel Electrode Classifications with Fixed Requirementsa , b Weld Deposit Requirements Source Specification for Electrode Classification and Requiremcnts I I Classification Designutionb, ç I J Electrodc Ty pe I 、.Yeld Shielding Gas d E7XT-IC' CI E7XT-IM' M2 1' E7XT-5C' CI E7Xτ5M' M21 Depositf Mechanical PropertiesC Tcnsile Strcngth: 70 ksi-95 ksÌ MillÎmU Il1 Yicld Slrength: 58 ksi' Min. Charpy Impact: 20 ft.lbf @ O'F MinÎmulll % Elongation: 22%j CSl CSl A、.YS A5.20/ A5.20M Tcnsile Strength: 70 ksÎ-95 ksi Minimum Yield Strength: 58 ksP Min. Charpy Impac t: 20 ft.lbf@ -20'F Minimu ll1 % Elongation: 22%i Flux E7XT-9C' Corεd Cl CSl E7XT-9M' M21 ’ E7XT-12C' CI E7XT-12Mg M21 1 Tensile Strength: 70 ksi 90 ksi Minimum Yield Strength: 58 ksP Min. Charpy Impac t: 20 ft.lbf@ -20'F Minimum % Elollgation: 22%J • CS2 Tensile Strcngth: 70 ksi 95 ksi Mininuun Yield Strength: 58 ksi’ Min. Charpy Impac t: Not Specified Minimulll % Elongation: 22%j • A、IVS A5.18/A5.18M E70C-6M h Metal Cored M21 1 Tensile Strength: 70 ksi minimum Minimum Yicld Strength: 58 ksi i Min. Charpy Impac t: 20 ft.lbf@ 20'F MinimU Ill % Elongation: 22%j CSI • These multiplc pass electrodes arc classit1 ed according to the fixed classification system utilizcd in l\.、;VS A5.20/A5.20M or A\V S A5.18/A5.18M , as applicable , 、vhich has been carricd over for these specific electrodes as a part of A、.vS A5.3 6J A5.36M. Thc mcchanical property and \\끼eld deposìt rcquirements are as defined i[1 this table. These samc clcctrodes may also bc c1 assified to the same requirem이1I s 0π to different rζquircmcnts using the open classification system introduced in this specification. In this casc , thc c1 assification dcsignations are as prescribed in Figure U.1. Sec Table A.l or Table A .3, as applicable , in Annex A of AWS A5.36/A5.36M f(π com띠 risons of the “ fixed classification" dcsignations and equivalcnt ‘ 'open c1 as sification" designations for the above electrodes whcn both are c1 assificd 10 the requiremcnts listed in this table bA' VS A5.36 cxciuded the E7XT.. 11 multiple-pass clcctrodes in A\VS A5.20 from the abo、 c table but they can be classified undcr the open c1 assifi cation. Metal Cored c1 assifications , E70C-6C , E70C-3C, E70C-3M , undcr A、,VS A5.18/A5.18M were also cxciuded , but can be c1 assitìed under the open classification ç The electrodcs sh 이,\'11 in the shadcd panels are self-shielded d Sce Table U.5 e Mechanical properties are obtaincd by testing weld metal from the groovc weld shown in Figure 2 of AWS A5.36/A5.36M Nelding and testing shall be dO l1e as prcscribed Îl1 AWS A5.36/A5.36M‘ Thc rcquirements for 、:\'clding UI띠 testing arc the same as thosc given in A'、,VS A5.20/A5 .20M. All mechanical pro야rty tesling for thc classifications Ii sted in this table shall be done in thc as velded conditiOIl f See Table U.6 gThe ‘’D," “ Q: ’ and "H" optional desigllators , which are not part of the clectrαle c1 assification desigllation , may be added to the end ofthe designation as establishcd ill AWS A5.20/A5.20M , i.e. , E7XT-XXD , E7XT-XXQ , E7XT-XXHX , E7XT-XXDHX , or E7XT-XXQHX , as applicable. The "J" optional , supplemental designator listed in AWS A5.2α'A5.2 Qi...r is no Ionger required. The open c1 assification system introduced in this AWS A5.361 A5 .3 6M specification eliminatcs the need for this dcsignatOI h The "H" optional , supplemental designator, which is not part ofthe elcctrode c1 assification designution , may be added to the end ofthe designation as cstablîshed in AWS A5. 18/A5. 18M, i. e. , E7OC-6 MHZ. Provisions for the ‘ 'J ," “ D," and “ Q" optional , supplemental desìgnators have not been estab Ii shed ill A'、,VS A5.18/A5.18M and , as a r a ‘, , ‘ ‘ 453 AWS D1.1 /D1.1M:2015 ANNEX U Table U.2 AWS A5.36/A5.36M Tension Test Requirements a Tensile Strength Designator U.S Single Pass Electrodes CuUstonmitsary International System of Units (SI) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 43 49 55 62 69 76 83 90 Minimum Tensile Stir@IMngPth ksi [MPa] 60 [430] 70 [490] 80 [550] 90 [620] 100 [690] 110[760] 120 [830] 130 [900] For A5.36 Mu1t iple Pass Electrodes U.S. Customary Units Tensile Strength (ksi) Minimum Yield Strengthb (ksi) Minimum Percent ElongationC 48 58 68 78 88 98 108 118 22 22 19 17 16 15d 14d 14d 6 0-80 7 0-95 80- 100 9 0- 110 lα0- 120 11 0- 130 12 0- 140 13 0- 150 ‘ For A5.36M Multiple Pass Elec rodes International System of Units (51) Tensile Strength [MPa] Minimum Yield Strengthb [MPa] 43 0-• 550 49ι닉660 55α서690 620-760 69 0-830 760一900 830-970 9 00- 1040 Minimum Percent ElongationC 22 330 400 470 540 610 680 740 810 22 19 17 16 15d 14d 14d a The fixed E7XT-12X classification tensile strength range is exceeded by open c1 assificatioll of E7XTI2-CIA2-CSνE7XTI2.M2IA2.CS2 , 70 ksi to 90 ksi VS. 70 ksi to 95 ksi b Yield strength at 0.2% oft‘ se. c In 2 in [50 mmJ gage lenglh when a 0.500 in [12 .5 mm] nominal diameter tensile specimen and nominal gage length to diameter ratio of 4: 1 (as spec~ ified in the Tension Test seclion of A'、NS B4.0 [AWS B4.0M]) is used. Jn I in [25 mm} gage length when a 0.250 in [6.5 mm] nominal tens iI e speci~ men ís used as permîtted for 0.045 in [1.2 mm] and smaller sizes of Ihe E7XTl l~AZ~CS3 [E49XTl I-AZ~CS3] d Elongatíon requirement may be rcduced by one percentage poînt if Ihe tensile strcngth of the 、,\'eld melal is in the upper 25% ofthe lensile strength range Source: Adapted from AWS A5.3θ'A5.36M:2012 , Spεdficalìollψr Carboll alld Low-Alloy Sleel Flllx Cored Eleclrodesfor FIILl; Cored Arc Welding al/ d Metal Cored Electrodesfor Gas Metal A π Weldi flg , Table 2 , American Welding Sociely. ’ Table U.3 AWS A5.36/A5.36M Charpy Impact Test Requirements A5.36 Requirements U.S. Cu stomary Units Impact Designatorιb Y 0 2 4 5 6 8 10 15 Z G Maximum Test Temperaturec,d (OF) +68 0 -20 -40 -50 -60 -80 -100 -150 A5.36M Requirements Intemational System of Units (SI) Minimum Average Energy Le vel Impact Designatora,b 20 ft.lbf Y 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 No Impact Requirements Maximum Test Temperaturec,d eC) +20 0 -20 30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -100 MinimumA、 erage Energy Level • Z 2 7J No Impact Requirements As agreed between supplier and purchaser a Based on Ihe results ofthe impact tests ofthe weld metal , the manufacturer shall insert in the c1 assîfication the appropriate designator from Table U.3 above, as indicated in Figure U.l b 、:Vhen c1 assifying an eleclrode to A、NS A5.36 using U.S. Customary Unils. the Imp띠ct Designator indicates the maximum impact tesl temperature in degrees Fahrenhei t. When c1 assifying to AWS A5.36M using the Illternational System of Units (SI) , the Impact Designator indicates the maximum impact test temperature in degrees Celsìus , With the exception of the Impact Designator “ 4 ,'’ a given Impact Designator will indicate different tem peratures depending upon whelher c1 assification is according 10 AWS A5.36 in U.S. Cuslomary Units or according 10 AWS A5 , 36M in the Interna~ tiollal Syste ll1 of Ullits (SI). For example. a “ 2" 11l1pact Designator when classifying 10 A' VS A5.36M indicates a lest temperature of _20 oF which is -29 0 C c 、N"eld metal fro ll1 all electrode that meets the impact requirements at a given temperature also meets the requirements at al1 higher temperatures in Ihis table. For example. weld melal meeting the A'、,vs A5.36 requircments for designator “ 5" also meets the requÎrements for designators 4 , 2 , 0 , and Y. I、Neld metal meeting the A5 .3 6M requirements for designator “ 5" also meets the req IÎrements for designators 4 , 3, 2, 0 , and Y.] d F i1Ier metal c1 assification testing 10 demonslrate conformance 10 a specified minimum acceptable level for ìmpact testing , i.e. , minimum energy at specified temperature, can be met by testing and meeting the minimum cnergy requirement at any lower temperature. In these cases , the actual tem~ perature used for testing shall be listed on the certification documentation when issued ‘, , ‘ Source: Adapted from AWS A5 ,3 6/A5.36M:2012 , Spec끼ca 1ioll ψ r Carboll alld Lo w.Alfoy Steel Flltx Cored Electrodes fo l' FlllX Cored Arc \Veldillg al/ d Metal Cored Electrodesfor Gas Melal Arc Weldillg , Table 3, American 、싸 lding Society. 454 AWS Dl.l /D 1. 1M:2015 ANNEX U Table U.4 Electrode Usability Characteristics Electrode Usabi1i ty Designator:l Process General Description of Electrode Type b• c Tl FCAW-G Tl S Ty pical Positions of 、rVeldingd, C Polarityf Flllx cored electrodes of this type are gas shíelded and have a futile base slag. They are characterized by a spray transfer, low spattcr loss , and a moderate volume of slag which completely coyers the weld bead. H , F, VU , &OH DCEP FCA'、rV-G Flux cored electrodes of this type are similar to the “ Tl" type c1 ectrodes but with higher manganese or silicon , or both. They are designed primarily for single pass ‘,velding in the f1 at and horizontal positions. The higher levels of deoxidizers in this electrode type allow single pass ‘,velding of heavily oxidized or rinuncd steel H, F, VU , &OH DCEP T3S FCA、v←S Flux cored e1 ectrodes of this type are self shielded and are íntellded for single pass welding and are characterized by a spray type trallsfer, The titanium-based slag system is designed to make 、 ery high we1 ding speeds possible H,F DCEP T4 FCAW-S Flux cored electrodes of this type are self shie1ded and are characterized by a globular type tI꺼 nsfer, Its fluoridebased basic slag system is desiglled to make very high deposition rates possible and to produce very low sulfur welds for improved resistance to hot crackíng H, F DCEP T5 FCA'、,V-G F1 ux cored electrodes of his type are gas shielded and are characterÌ zed by a globular transfer. slightly convex bead contour, 씨 d a thin slag that may not completely cover the ‘ veld bead , They have a lime- f1 uoride slag systeln and dev6lop improved lmpactaplrloypeexIlhlelbsllaendd better cold cracking resistance than typically exhibited by the “ T 1" type electrodes , H, F, VU, &OH DCEP or DCENg T6 FCA、V-S Flux cored electrodes of this type are self shielded alld are characterized by a spray transfer. It s oxide-based H&F DCEP Flux cored electrodes of this type are self shielded alld are characterized by a small droplet to spray type trallsfer. The fllloride-based slag system is designed to pro vide high deposition rates in the downhalld pos lons with the larger diameters and out of position capabílities with the smaller dîameters H , F, VU , &OH DCEN Fl llx cored electrodes of this type are self shielded and H , F, VD , VU , & OH DCEN H , F, VU , &OH DCEP ‘ slag system is designed to produce good low temper끼ture impacts. good penetration into the root of the weld , and excellent slag removal T7 FCA\\ιs “ T8 FCA\\ιs are characterized by a small droplet to spray type transfer, The f1 uoride-based slag system is designed to provide improved out-of-position contro1. The weld metal produced typically exhîbits very good low temperature notch toughness and crack resistance‘ T9 FCA\'ιG Flux cored electrodes of this type are similar in design and application to the Tl types but \V ith improved 、Neld metal notch toughness capabilities , (Continued) 455 ANNEX U AWS D1. 1ID1.1 M:2015 Table U.4 (Continued) Electrode Usability Characteristics Electrode Usability Ty pical Positioll Process General Description of Electrode Typé,C of \VeIdingd,c Polarityf FCAW-S Flux cored electrodes of this type are self shieldcd and are characterized by a small droplet transfer,‘ The fluoride-based slag system is designed to make single pass 、,velds at high tra、 el speeds on steel of ally thickness H, F DCEN FCA'、,v-S Fl ux cored electrodes of this type are self shielded and are characterized by a smooth spray type transfer, limited sfag coverage, and are goevneerr3a/I4lyi not recommended for the welding of materials Qver 3/4 ill [20 mmJ thic k. H, F, VD, &OH DCEN FCAW-G Flux coreκ1 electrodes of this type are similar in design and application to the Tl types. However, they have been modified for improved impact toughness and to meet the lower manganese requirements of the A-No‘ f Analysis Group in the ASME Boi/ er alld Press l/ re H~ssel Code , Section IX H, F, VU, &OH DCEP FCA、,v-S Flux cored electrodes of this type are self shielded and are characterized by a smooth spray-type transfer. The slag system is designed for single pass 、velds in all posν tions and at high travel speeds H, F, VD, &OH DCEN T1 5 GMA、ÌÝ-c E1 ec rodes of thîs type are gas shie1ded composite stranded or metal cored electrodes. The corc ingredients are primarily metallic. The nonmeta1lic components in the corc typically totalless than 1% of the total electrode 、veigh‘ These e1 ectrodes are characterized by a spray arc and excellent bead wash capablllueselAepctprloicdaelsl‘ons are similar in many ways to solid GMA\V H, F, OH, VD, & VU DCEPorDCEN T16 GMAW-C This electrode type is a gas shielded metal cored electrode specifically designed for use with AC power sources with or without modified waveforms. H, F, VD, VU, & OH ACh T1 7 FCA'、N-S This flux cored electrode type is a self-shielded e1ectrode specifically designed for use with AC power sources with or without modified waveforms H, F, VD, VU, & OH ACh As agreed between supplier and purchaser Not specified Not specified Designato~ Tl OS Tl l T12 T1 4S ‘ G aAn “ S" is added to the end ofthe Usability Designator when the electrode bcing CIιssified is recαnmendcd for single pass applications only bFor more information refer to A7, Description and Intended Use, in A'‘,VS A5.36/A5.36?-.'{ Annex A c Propertics of weld metal from electrodes that are used with external shielding gas 、:v ill vary according 10 Ihc shielding gas used. Eleclrodes c1 assified with a specific shielding gas should not be used with other shielding gases ‘.vithout first consulting Ihe manufaclurer of the eleclrode d H :::: horìzontal position, F :::: flat position, OH = overhead position, VU = verlical position ‘.vìth upward progression, VD = vertÎCal position wilh downward progrcssion e Elcctrode sizes suitable for out-of-posìtion ‘.velding, i.e., welding positions olher Ihat flat and horizo l1 tal, are usually those sizes thal are s nallerlhan Ihc 3132 ìn [2 .4 mm] size or the nearest size called for in Clause 9 for the groove ‘,\'eld. For that reason, electrodcs meeting the requirements for Ihe gcoove weld lests may be c1 assified as EX lTX-XXX-X (where X represenls Ihe tensilc str,낀19th , usab i1i IY, shielding gas, if any, condition of heat f neatmenL lmpact test lemp@rmure , and weld metal composlllon deslgIlalms) IegaIdless of their slze The lerm “ DCEP‘’ refers 10 direct current electrode positive (dc, reverse polarity). The 1('(111 “ DCEN" refers to direct currcllt electrode neg이 ive (dc, straighl polarìty) εSome EX lT5-XXX-X elcctcodes l1l ay be reco l1l mended for use on DCEN for improved out-of-position 、.velding. Consult the l1l anufacturer for the recol1lmended polarity hFor this electrode type he 、,\'elding currεnt can be conventional sinusoidal altematillg current , a modified AC wa\'eform altcmating between posilivc and negative, an alternating DCEP waveform, or an alternating DCEN ‘,vaveform Source: Adaptcd from AWS A5 .3 61A5.36M:201ι Specijìcatioll ψ r Carbo l! alld μJlI'-Alloy Steel Flu:‘ Cored Electrodes for Flux Cored Arc Weldillg and Metal Cored Electrodes for Gas Metal Arc Weldillg , Table 4, All1erican Welding Society. ’ ‘ 456 AWS Dl.l/Dl.1M:2015 ANNEX U Table U.5 AWS A5.36/A5.36M Composition Requirements for Shielding Gases A、)fS A5.32 M!A5.32 Composition Ranges fOf Indicated Mai n!Sub Groupb AWS A5.36/A5.36M Shielding Gas Oxidizing Componenlsc Des잉ignato년 %C02 CI MI2 MI3 MI4 M20 100 0 .5 :5 CO, ,; 5 ’ h 21 M22 M23 M24 M25 ’ h 26 M27 M31 M32 M33 M34 M35 Z Nominal Composition of Shíelding Gases to be Used for Classification of Gas Shieldcd Electrodes to AWS A5.36/A5.36Ml"d 0.5 :5 CO, :5 5 5 < CO,:5 15 15 <CO,:5 25 0.5 :5 CO, :5 5 5<CO ,:5 15 5<CO,:5 15 15 < CO,:5 25 15 < CO ,:5 25 25 < CO,:5 50 25 < CO,:5 50 5 < CO,:5 25 25 < CO ,:5 50 Oxidizing Componentsc, g %02 0.5 :5 0 ,:5 3 0.5 :5 0 ,:5 3 3<0,:5 10 3 < 0 ,:5 10 0.5 :5 0 ,:5 3 3 < 0 ,:5 10 0 .5 :5 0 , :5 3 3 < 0 ,:5 10 10<0,:5 2 < 0 ,:5 10 < 0 ,:5 10 < 0 ,:5 15 10 15 15 JSO 14175 Designation f %C02 CI MI2-ArC-3 M I3• ArO-2 MI4 - ArCO - 312 M20- ArC - 10 M21 • ArC -20 M22-ArO-7 M23-ArOC • 713 M24-ArCO • 1012 M25 • A rCO-1017 M26 - ArCO - 20/2 M27 • ArCO-2017 M31- ArC• 38 M32-ArO • 12.5 M33 - ArCO - 38/6 M34-ArCO-15112.5 M35 - ArCO - 38112.5 100 3 3 10 20 3 10 10 20 20 38 38 15 38 %02 2 2 7 7 2 7 2 7 12.5 6 12.5 12 .5 The designator “'2" indicatcs thal the shielding gas used for electrode c1 assificatio l1 is not one of the shielding gases specificd ill this table but is a different com원 osition us agreed upon between the supplier and purchaser,‘ a The Shielding Gas Designators are idel1 tical to the Main grou끼'Sub-group dcsignators used in AWS A5.321'ν'A5 .3 2:2011 IISO 14175:2008 MODJ. WeJdillg COllslf l1/ abfes-Gases and Gas Mixllfres for FlI Sioll \ 'e fding Affied Processes , for thcsc same shielding gases bUnder AWS A5.32 r..ν'A5.32:2011 , the inert gas used for the balance ofthc gas mixture may be either argon , helium , or some mixture thereof. C For purposcs of the Dl , I code for fixed c1 assifications , the prequalìfied argon/C02 l11 ixed shielding gas for carbon stcc1 FCAW and OMAW-metal cored eJcctr<αles shall be Jilllited to SG-AC-20/25 as with the prevÎous A、,VS A5.18 and AWS A5.20 c1 assification shiclding gas requirements , and not the shiclding gas rangc of M21 dFor 매-C ll c1 assifications of carbon and low-alloy stcel FCAW and Or.:fAW-• metal cored e1ectrodcs , the electrodes c1 assificd with the previous shielding gas rcquirements of A'、,VS A5 ,18 , A5.20 , A5 ,28 , and A5.29 shall be cOllsidered as preqllali tìcd. Other A'、,VS A5.36 , Table 5 shielding gas c1 assifi cations uscd for classifying an clcctrode are limitcd 10 the specific shiclding gas in the shielding gas c1 assification range C The mixtllre tolerances are as follo s For a component gas 、1.'Ì th a nominal concentration of>5% , :t lO% of nOlllinal For a component gas with a nominal concentration of l o/c• 5% , :tO.5% absolule For a component gas with a nominal compositiotl of <1 %, n이 specificd inlhis standard fA、NS A5.32M/A532:2011 shielding gas designators begin ‘NÎth “'A\VS A5 , 32 (ISO 14175)." Thal part ofthe designation has been omitted frolll the Shielding Gas Desigllator for brevity. ε The Înert gas 10 be used for the balance ofthe g‘as mixlures specified for thc c1 assification of gas shielded f1 ux cored and melal cored electrodes shall b-c argon ‘ “”‘"' ’ “ SOIlπe: Adapted from AWS A53이A5.36 .M :2012 , Specijìcatiollfor Carboll al/ d Lml'-A lIoy Steel Flln Cored Electrodesfor FIIL\" Cored Arc Weldillg alld Melal Cored Electrodesfor Gas Metal Arc Weldillg , Table 5, Amcrican Weldîng Socicly. 457 > ZZm Table U.6 Weld Metal Chemical Composition Requirementsa >< ζ Weight Percenr-= WeldMetal Designation UNS Number" C Mn Si S Ni P Cr 0 , 12 1.75 0 , 90 0,030 CS2ιS 0 , 12 1.60 0 ,90 0 , 030 CS3' 0.30 1.75 0 , 60 0,030 m m m mf mf 때 CS1' f mf mf mf v 0.30' 0 ,08' 0.3 0' 0 ,08' 0.30' 0 ,08' Al Otherd Cu 뼈때… α Carbon Steel Electrodes Mo f f 1.8', ' f Molybdenum Stee1 E1ectrodes 0 , 12 B1 W5103X 0,05--0, 12 B1L 、iV5113X 0 , 05 1. 25 B2 、iV5203X 0,05-0, 12 1.25 κ α∞ * B2L W5213X 0 , 05 1.25 B2H W5223X 0.1 ι0, 15 1.25 B3 W5303X 0,05-0, 12 1.25 B3L W5313X 0 ,05 1. 25 B3H W5323X 0 ,10--0, 15 B6 B6L B8 B8L W50231 0 ,05-0, 12 W50230 0 , 05 1.20 W50431 0 ‘ 05--0, 12 1.20 W50430 0 , 05 1.20 W50531 0,08-0, 13 1.20J B9 1' 0 ,08-0, 15 B92 1.25 0 , 80 뼈뼈뼈 W1703X A1 0,030 0.4ιo‘65 0, 030 Chromium.Molybdenum Steel Electrodes 0 , 030 0 , 030 0 .4ι-0, 65 0,40-0, 65 0 ,030 0 ,030 0.40--0,65 0 ‘40-0,65 0 , 030 0 , 030 1.0 0-- 1,50 0.40--0,65 0 ,80 0 , 030 0.D3 0 1.0 0--1.50 0.40--0,65 0 ,80 0 , 030 0 , 030 1.00-- 1.50 0 , 80 0 , 030 0,030 2 ,00--250 0 ‘ 40--0, 65 0 ,90--1. 20 0 , 80 0 , 030 0 , 030 2, 0ι250 0,90--1. 20 1.25 0 , 80 0 , 030 0 , 030 1. 20 1.00 0 , 030 0 , 025 1.25 1.20J m m 2 ,0 0--250 0,90--1. 20 0.40 0.40 4 ,0--6,0 0‘ 45-0, 65 4,α-{j, 0 0 .45-0, 65 0.35 0 ,40 8,0--105 0 , 85- 1. 20 050 050 0 , 030 0 ,025 0 , 040 1.00 0 , 030 0 , 040 0.40 8,0-- 105 0 , 85- 1.20 050 0 , 015 0‘ 020 0 , 80J 8,0--105 0 , 85- 1.20 050 0 , 030 0 ,015 0 , 80J 0 ,020 8,0--10,0 0.3α-0, 70 0 .35 0, 15-0.30 0,15-0.3 0 0‘ 04 0‘ 04 0.25 0 .25 Nb: 0,02-0, 10 N: Nb: 0,02-0, 08 W: 1.5-2 , 0 B‘ 0, 006 N: 0 ,02-0, 08 COk - 1.75 0 , 80 0 , 030 Ni1 、.v2103X Ni2 W2203X 0, 12 1.50 0 , 80 0 ‘ 030 N i3 W2303X 0 12 150 0 , 80 0 ,030 , m Mm Mm mω U 0,80--L1 0 0 ‘ 15 0 .3 5 0 , 05 1. 8' 1.75-2 , 75 1.8' 2, 75-3 , 75 1.8' (Continued) ><< m 。--a→ ‘흐 Nickel Steel Electrodes J? n 0,02-0,07 Ngm krSm Weight Percent;C WeldMetal Designation UNS Numberb C Mu Si s P Ni Cr Mo V Al Cu Other" Manganese-Molybdenum Steel Electrodes Dl W1913X 0.12 1. 25-2.00 0.80 0.030 0.030 0.25-0.55 D2 W1923X 0.15 1.65-2.25 0.80 0.030 0.030 0.25-0.55 D3 WI933X 0.12 1.00-1. 75 0.80 α030 0.030 0 ‘ 4 0-0 .65 E ’→~。긍 ‘”Ng@ Table U.6 (Continued) Weld Metal Chemical Composition Requirementsa other Low.Alloy Steel Electrodes W2113X 0 .1 5 0.8 0-1. 40 0 ‘ 80 0.030 0.030 0.80-1.1 0 0.15 0.2α-0 .65 0.05 K2 W2123X 0.15 0.50-1. 75 0.80 0.030 0.030 1.0ι2.00 0.15 0.35 0.05 W2 !3 3X 0.15 0.75-2.25 0.80 K4 W2223X 0.15 1.20-2.25 0.80 K5 W2162X 0.1 0-0 .25 0.60-1. 60 0.80 K6 W2104X 0.1 5 0 .50-1. 50 0.80 A K7 W2205X 잉 K8 W2143X K9 W23230 M K lO Kll W2 W2013X n u 5 • 1.0( 2.00 0.07 0.5 0-1. 50 0.12 1.25-2.25 0.80 1.8h 0.030 1. 25-2.60 0.15 0.25-0.65 0 ‘ 030 0.030 1.75-2.60 0.2ι0.60 0.2α-0 .65 0.030 0.030 0 ‘ 75-2.00 0.20-0 .70 0.15-0.5 5 0.030 0.030 0 .40-1. 00 0.20 0 ‘ 15 0.05 1. 8h 0.20 0.20 0.05 1.8h 0.05 0.030 0.030 0.030 2.0ι2.75 0.030 0 ‘ 030 0.5 0-1.50 0.015 0.015 1.30-3‘ 75 0.20 0.50 0.030 0.030 1.75-2.75 0.20 0.50 0.15 1.0 0-2.00 0.80 0.030 0.030 0.40-1. 0。 0.20 0.12 0.5 0-1.3 0 0 .35-0.80 0.030 0.030 0.40-애.80 0 .45-0 .70 (m) G G,sn 1.00-1.75 0.15 뼈때뼈 K3 nU 야 ω 떠 Mω KI 0.50 nU nU 0.06 0.50 0.05 h 1. 8 0 .3α-0 .75 As agreed 매。 n between supplier and purchaser As agreed 매on between supplier and purchaser a The weld metal sh펴 1 bean띠yzεd for the specific elemε Ilts for which values are shown in this ω비e bRefer to ASTM DS~56/SAE HS-I086. Metals & Alloys ìn the Unified Numbering System. An ..X:‘ when present in the last position. rerπ'esents the usability designator fOf the electrode type used to deposit mε weld metal. An exception to this applies to the "11" 리ecσ 。 de type whεre a ‘ 9 ‘ is used ínstead of an “ 11 “ c Single va1 ues are maximums d An anal sis of the weld deposit for boron is required and shall be reported ifthis element is intentionally added or if it is known to be present at !evels in excess ofO.0010% e The total of 띠 1 the elements 1isted in this table for this c1 assification shall not exceεd5% f η,ean잉ysis of these elements sh띠1 be reported only if intentionally added S Meets thε lower Mn requirements of the A-No. 1 An떠 y잉 s Group in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code , Sεεtion IX W터ding and Brazing Qualìfications ‘ QW-422 h Applicablε to self-shielded electrodes only. Electrod야 intended for use with gas shielding nαmally do not have significant additions of aluminum 1 Th e .•B91 “ designation is a new designation. replacing thε ‘B9'‘ designation previously used for this alloy type j Mn + Ni = 1.40% maximum. See A7 .1 6.2 in An nex A of AWS A5.36/A5 .3 6M k An alysis for Co is required to be reported if intentionally added. or îf it is kno씨 to be present at le 야 greater than 0.20% 1 Th e limit for gas shielded elecσodes is 0.18% maximum. Th e limit for self-shielded 리ectrodes is α30%maximum mTh e composition of weld metal is not particularly meanin양ul since electrodes in this caιegory arε intended only for sing1e pass e1ds. Dilution from the base metal in such welds is usually qψite high. See A7.2 in An nex A of AWS A5.36fA5.36M Source: Reproduced fr,αn AWS A5.3 61A5 .36M:2012 , Spec퍼cation for Carbon αui Lo w-Alloy Steel FI ιx Cored Electrηdes for Flux Cored Arc Welding and Metal Cored Electrodes for Gas Metal Arc Welding ‘ τable 6. American Welding Society. ’ ‘ > ZZmX ζ ANNEX U AWS D1. 1iD1.1 M:2015 Table U.7 AWS A5.20/A5.20M Procedure Requirements for “ D" OptionalSupplemental Designator Optional Supplemental Designator Procedure Heat Input (Fast or Slow Cooling Rate) Preheat Temp 야 er 띠 ature 。F 10 C] Jntcrpass Temperature 。F [0 C] Heat Input Requirement for Any Single Passa Required Average Heat Input for All Passes a For electrode diameters < 3/3 2 ìn [2 .4 mmJ low (fast cooling rate) 0 0 70 F :t 25 F 0 0 [20 C '" 15 C] 33 kJ/in [1. 3 kJ/mm) Il1 aXllllll Jll 0 2000F :t 25 P [90 0 Cot 15 0 C] 30 +2 , -5 kJ/in [1. 2 +0.1 , --D.2 k Jlmm) For electrode diamcters ~ 3/32 in [2 .4 mmJ D high (slow cooling rate) 0 0 300 F '" 25 F [150 0 C ", 15 0 C] 5000 F :t 50 0 F [2600 C ", 2SO C] a Does not apply to first layer. The first layer may ha\'e one or two passcs SOllrce: Adapted from AWS A5.20/A5.20M:2005 , Specifìcatio1l ψr Carboll Steel Society 44 kJ /i n [1. 7 kJ/mm] maxÎmulll 40 +2 , -5 kJ/in [1. 6 +0.1 , 매 2 kJ/nuu) 75 kJ/in [3.0 kJ/mm) minimu lTI 80 +5 , -2 kJ/in [3.1 +0.2 , --D .I kJ/mm) Electπ서'esfor Fl l/X Cored Arc lVeldillg, Table 9‘ American Welding Table U.8 AWS A5.36/A5.36M Procedure Requirements for “ 0" Optional Supplemental Designator Optional Supplemental De 앉Sl앵 gnator Procedure Heat Input (fast or slow cooJing rate) Preheat Temperature 。F [0 C] lnterpass Temperature 。F [OC) Heat lnput Requirement for Any Single Passa Required Average Heat Input for A I1 Passes a For electrode diamcters < 3/3 2 in [2 .4 nun] Low (fast cooling rate) 120 F [50" Cj max. 0 0 250 F [120"C) max. D High (slow cooling rate) 250 0 F [120 0 Cj min. 4500 )<' [240"C) n 1l11. 38 kJ/in [1. 5 kJ /mm) max. 24 kJ /in-36 kJ/in [0,9 kJ/mm- 1. 4 kJ/mm) For electrode diameters ~ 3/32 in [2 .4 111m] 44 kJ/in [1.7 kJ/nlIn) max 35 kJ/in -42 k J/in [1. 4 kJ/mm- 1. 6 kJ/mm) 65 kJ/in[2.6 kJ/mm) U1 m. 65 kJ/in-85 kJ/in [2 ,6kJ/mm-3,3 kJ/mm) a Does Ilot apply to first Jayer. The first layer may have one or two passes Note: The challges in “ D" designator requiremenls for preheat and interpass tem야 mtures , and hcat inputs are boldcd and 민띄뜨낀쁘d Sourcε Adapted from AWS A5.36/A5.36M:2012 , Specificatiollfor Carboll alld LιJII'-Alloy Steel Flllx Cored EleC1IVdes for Flllx Cored Arc Weldillg and Metal Cored 타'ectrodesforGas Metal Arc Welding , Table 10, American Welding Societ y. 460 ANNEX U AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 Table U.9 Comparison of Classifications of AWS A5.18 , A5.20 , A5.28 , and A5.29 Specifications to AWS A5.36 Fixed and Open Classifications for Multiple-Pass FCAW and GMAW-Metal Cored Electrodes A5.36 Annex T Specification A5.18 A5.20 Classification Fixed Classification Open Cl assification Annex V Shielding Gas Classification Requirements E70C-3C Not Applicable E7XTI5-CIAO.CSl SG.C E70C-3M Not Applicablc E7XTl 5-M2IAO.CS 1 SG.AC-20-25 E70C-6C Not Applicable E7XTI5-CIA2-CSl SG.C E70C-6M E70C-6M E7XTl 5-M2IA2-CSl SG.AC-20-25 E70C.G Not Applicable E7XTl 5-XAX.G As Agreed E7XT.IC E7XτIC E7XTl .CIAO.CSI SG.C E7XT.IM E7XT.IM E7X Tl .M2IAO.CSl SG.AC-20-25 E7XT-4 E70τ4 E7 XT4-AZ.CS3 E7XT-5C E7XT-5C E7XT5-CIA2-CS 1 SG.C E7XT-5M E7XT-5M E7XT5-M21A2-CSl SG.AC-20-25 E7Xτ6 E7XT-6 E7XT6 A2-CS3 E7XT-7 E7XT-7 E7XT7 -AZ.CS3 • E7XT-8 E7Xτ8 E7XT8-A2-CS3 E7XT-9C E7XT-9C E7XT9 CIA2-CSl SG.C E7 XT-9M E7XT-9M E7XT9-M2 1A2-CS 1 SG.AC-20-25 E7Xτ11 Not Applicable E7XTl l.AZ.CS3 E7XT-12C E7XT-12C Not Applicable SG.C E7Xτ12M E7XT-12M Not Applicable SG.AC-20 25 E6XT.G Not Applicable E6XTG.XXX.G As Agreed E7XT.G Not Applicable E7XTG.XXX.G As Agreed E70C.B2L Not Applicable E7XTI5-MI3PZ.B2L E7XTI5-M22PZ B2L SG.AO.I-5 • • • E80C.B2 Not Applicable E8XTl 5-M13PZ.B2 E8XTl 5-M22PZ.B2 SG.AO.I-5 E80C B3L Not Applicable E8XTl 5-MI3PZ B3L E8XTl 5-M22PZ.B3L SG.AO.I-5 E90C.B3 Not Applicable E9XTI5-MI3PZ.B3 E9XTI5-M22PZ.B3 SG.AO.l-5 E80C.B6 Not Applicable E8XTl 5-M13PZ.B6 E8XTI5-M22PZ.B6 SG.AO.I-5 E80C.B8 Not Applicable E8XTl 5-M13PZ.B8 E8XTl 5-M22PZ.B8 SG.AO.I-5 E90C.B9 Not Applicable E9XTI5-M20PZ.B9 E9XTl 5-M2IPZ B9 SG.AC- 5-25 E7XTl 5-M13P8-Ni2 E7XTI5-M22P8-Ni2 SG.AO.I-5 • A5.28 • • E70C.Ni2 Not Applicable (Continucd) 461 AWS D 1.1 /D1.1M:2015 ANNEX U Table U.9 (Continued) Comparison of Classlfications of AWS A5.18 , A5.20 , A5.28 , and A5.29 Specificatlons to AWS A5.36 Fixed and Open Classifications for Multiple-Pass FCAW and GMAW-Metal Cored Electrodes AnnexT Specification Classification A5.36 Fixed Classification Open Classification Annex V Shielding Gas Classification Requirements E80C-Nil Not Applicable E8XTl 5-M I3 A5-Nil E8XTl 5-M22A5-Nil SG-AO-I-5 E80C-Ni2 Not Applicable E8XTl 5-M 13P8-Ni2 E8XTl 5-M22P8-Ni2 SG-AO-I-5 E80C-N i3 Not Applicable E8XTI5-M I3 PIO-Ni3 E8XTI5-M22PIO-Ni3 SG-AO-I-5 E90C-D2 Not Applicable E9XTI5-M I3 A2-D2 E9XTI5-M22A2-D2 SG-AO-I-5 E9OC-K3 Not Applicable E9XTl 5-MI2A6-K3 E9XTI5-M20A6-K3 E9XTl 5-M2IA6-K3 SG-AC-5-25 EIOOC-K3 Not Applicable EIOXTl 5-MI2A6-K3 EIOXTl 5-M20A6-K3 EIOXTl 5-M2IA6-K3 SG-AC-5-25 EIIOC-K3 Not Applicable E1 IXTl 5-M20A6-K3 EIIXTl 5-MI2A6-K3 A5.28 (Cont’d) SG-AC-5-25 EIIXTI5-M2IA6-K3 EIIXTI5-MI2A6-K4 EIIXTI5-M20A6-K4 EIIXTI5-M21A6-K4 SG-AC-5-25 No Applicable EI2XTl 5-MI2A6-K4 EI2XTl 5-M20A6-K4 EI2XTl 5-M2IA6-K4 SG-AC-5-25 E80C-W2 Not Applicable E8XTl 5-MI2A2-W2 E8XTl 5-M20A2-W2 E8XTl 5-M2IA2 、/{2 SG-AC-5-25 E7OC-G Not Applic때Ie E7XTG-XXX-X As Agreed E8OC-G Not Applicable E8XTG-XXX-X As Agreed E90C-G Not Applicable E9XTG-XXX-X As Agreed EIOOC-G Not Applicable EIOXTG-XXX-X As Agreed E1 IOC-G Not Applicable EIIXTG-XXX-X As Agreed EI20C-G Not Applicable EI2XTG-XXX-X As Agreed E7XT5-AIC , -AIM Not Applicable E7XT5-CIP2-Al E7XT5-M21P2-Al SG-C SG-AC-20-25 E8XTI-AIC , -AIM Not Applicable E8XTl -CIPZ-AI E8XTI-M21PZ-Al SG-C SG-AC-20-25 Not Applicable E8XTI-CIPZ-Bl E8XTl -M21PZ-Bl E8XTI-CIPZ-B 1L E8XTI-M2IPZ-BIL SG-C SG-AC-20-25 SG-C SG-AC-20-25 EIIOC-K4 Not Applicable E1 20C-K4 ‘ A5.29 E8XTl -BIC , -BIM , -BILC , -BILM (Continued) 462 AWS D1.1/D 1.1 M:2015 ANNEXU Table U.9 (Continued) Comparison of Classifications of AWS A5.18 , A5.20 , A5.28 , and A5.29 Specifications to AWS A5.36 Fixed and Open Classifications for M 비 tiple-pass FCAW and GMAW-Metal Cored Electrodes Annex T Specαl“fica 따tion CJassification A5.36 Fixed Classification Open Classification Annex V Shielding Gas Classification Requirements Not Applicable E8XTl -CIPZ-B2 E8XTl -M2IPZ-B2 E8XTI-CIPZ-B2H E8XTI-M2IPZ-B2H E8XTl -CIPZ-B2L E8XTl -M2IPZ-B2L SG-C SG-AC-20-25 SG-C SG-AC-20-25 SG-C SG-AC-20-25 Not Applicable E8XT5-CIPZ-B2 E8XT5-M2IPZ-B2 E8XT5-CIPZ-B2L E8XT5-M2IPZ-B2L SG-C SG-AC-20-25 SG-C SG-AC-20-25 E9XTI-B3C , -B3M , -B3LC , -B3 LM , -B3HC , B3HM Not Applicable E9XTl -CIPZ-B3 E9XTl -M2IPZ-B3 E9XTl -CI PZ-B3L E9XTl -M21PZ-B3L E9XTI-CIPZ-B3H E9XTl -M2IPZ-B3H SG-C SG-AC-20-25 SG-C SG-AC-20-25 SG-C SG-AC-20-25 E9XT5-B3C , -B3M Not Applicable E9XT5-CIPZ-B3 E9XT5-M21PZ-B3 SG-C SG-AC-20-25 EIOXTl -B3C , -B3M Not Applicable EIOXTI-CIPZ-B3 EIOXTl -M21PZ-B3 SG-C SG-AC-20-25 Not Applicable E8XTl -CIPZ-B6 E8XTl -M21PZ-B6 E8XTI-CIPZ-B6L E8XTl -M21 PZ-B6L SG-C SG-AC-20-25 SG-C SG-AC-20-25 Not Applicable E8XT5-CIPZ-B6 E8XT5-M21PZ-B6 E8XT5-CIPZ-B6L E8XT5-M21PZ-B6L SG-C SG-AC-20-25 SG-C SG-AC-20-25 Not Applicable E8XTl -C1PZ-B8 E8XTl -M21PZ-B8 E8XTI-C1PZ-B8L E8XTl -M2IPZ-B8L SG-C SG-AC-20-25 SG-C SG-AC-20-25 E8XT5-B8C , -B8M , B8LC , -B8LM Not Applicable E8XT5-CIPZ-B8 E8XT5-M21PZ-B8 E8XT5-C I PZ-B8L E8XT5-M21PZ-B8L SG-C SG-AC-20-25 SG-C SG-AC-20-25 E9XTl -B9C , -B9M Not Applicable E9XTI-C1PZ-B9 E9XTl -M21PZ-B9 SG-C SG-AC-20-25 E6XTl -NilC , -NilM Not Applicable E6XTI-CIA2-Nil E6XTI-M21A2-Nil SG-C SG-AC-20-25 E7XT6-Nil Not Applicable E7XT6 A2-Nil E7XT8-Nil Not Applicable E7XT8-A2-NiI E8XTl -B2C , -B2M , -B2HC , -B2HM , -B2LC , -B2LM E8XT5-B2C , -B2M , -B2LC , -B2LM A5.29 (Cont’ d) E8XTI-B6C , -B6M , -B6LC , -B6LM E8XT5-B6C , -B6M , B6LC , -B6LM • E8XTl -B8C , -B8M , -B8LC , -B8LM (Continued) 463 • AWS D1.1 /D1. 1M:2015 ANNEX U Table U.9 (Continued) Comparison of Classifications of AWS A5.18 , A5.20 , A5.28 , and A5.29 Specifications to AWS A5.36 Fixed and Open Classifications for Multiple-Pass FCAW and GMAW-Metal Cored Electrodes Annex T Specitiçation A5.29 (Cont’ d) A5.36 Annex V Shielding Gas Classification Requirements Classification Fixed Classification E8XT1 -NilC , -NilM Not Applicable E8XT1 -CIA2-Nil E8XT1 -M21A2-N i1 SG-C SG-AC-20-25 E8XT5-NilC , -NilM Not Applicable E8XT5-CIP6-Nil E8XT5-M21P6-Nil SG-C SG-AC-20-25 E7XT8-Ni2 Not Applicable E7XT8-A2-Ni2 E8XT8-Ni2 Not Applicable E8XT8-A2-Ni2 E8XT1 -Ni2C , -Ni2M Not Applicable E8XTI-CIA4-Ni2 E8XT1 -M21A4-Ni2 SG-C SG-AC-20-25 E8XT5-Ni2C , -Ni2M Not Applicable E8XT5-C 1P8-Ni2' E8XT5-M21P8-Ni2' SG-C SG-AC-20-25 E9XTI-Ni2C , -Ni2M Not Applicable E9XT1 -CI A4-Ni2 E9XT1 -M21A4-Ni2 SG-C SG-AC-20-25 E8XT5-Ni3 C, -Ni3M Not Applicable E8XT5-CIP lO-Ni3 E8XT5-M21P lO -Ni3 SG-C SG-AC-20-25 E9XT5-Ni3C , -Ni3M Not Applicable E9XT5-CIP lO-Ni3 E9XT5-M21 P lO-Ni3 SG-C SG-AC-20-25 E8XTll-Ni3 Not Applicable E8XT1 1-AO-Ni3 E9XT1 -DIC , -DIM Not Applicable E9XT1 -C1 A4-D1 E9XTI-M21 A4 -Dl SG-C SG-AC-20-25 E9XT5-D2C , -D2M Not Applicable E9XT5-CIP6-D2 E9XT5-M21 P6-D2 SG-C SG-AC-20-25 E lOXT5-D2C , -D2M Not Applicable E lOXT5-CIP4- D2 E lOXT5-M21P4-D2 SG-C SG-AC-20-25 E9XT1 -D3C , -D3M Not Applicable E9XTI-CIA2 D3 E9XTl -M21 A2-D3 SG-C SG-AC-20-25 E8XT5-KIC , -KIM Not Applicable E8XT5-CIA4-Kl E8XT5-M21 A4 -Kl SG-C SG-AC-20-25 E7XT7 -K2 Not Applicable E7XT7 -A2-K2 Open CJassification • E7XT4-K2 Not Applicable E7 XT4-AO-K2 E7XT8-K2 Not Applicable E7XT8-A2-K2 E7XTl I-K2 Not Applicable E7XTII-A-K2 b E8XTl -K2C , -K2M Not Applicable E8XTl -CIA2-K2 E8XTI-M21A2-K2 SG-C SG-AC-20-25 E8XT5-K2C , -K2M Not Applicable E8XT5-CIA2-K2 E8XT5-M21A2-K2 SG-C SG-AC-20-25 E9XTI-K2C , -K2M Not Applicable E9XT1 -CIAO-K2 E9XTl -M21AO-K2 SG-C SG-AC-20-25 E9XT5-K2C , -K2M Not Applicable E9XT5-CIA6-K2 E9XT5-M21A6-K2 SG-C SG-AC-20-25 (Continued) 464 AWS D1. 1/D1.1M:2015 ANNEX U Table U.9 (Continued) Comparison of Classifications of AWS A5.18 , A5.20 , A5.28 , and A5.29 Specifications to AWS A5.36 Fixed and Open Classifications for Multiple-Pass FCAW and GMAW-Metal Cored Electrodes A5 .3 6 Annex T Specification A5.29 (Cont ’ d) Annex V Shielding Gas Classification Requircmcnts Classitìcation Fixed Classification E !OXTI-K3C , -K3M Not Applicable E !OXTl -CIAO-K3 El OXTl -M21AO-K3 SG-C SG-AC-20-25 E !OXT5-K3C , -K3M Not Applicable E !OXT5-CIA6-K3 E !OXT5-M21A6-K3 SG-C SG-AC-20-25 E !l X Tl -K3C , -K3M Not Applicable E !l XTI-CIAO K3 E !l X Tl -M21AO-K3 SG-C SG-AC-20-25 EIIXT5-K3C , -K3M Not Applicable E !l XT5-CIA6-K3 EIIXT5-M21A6-K3 SG-C SG-AC-20-25 EIIXTl -K4C , -K4M Not Applicable E !l X Tl -CIAO-K4 E !l XTI-M21AO-K4 SG-C SG-AC-20 25 Open Classification • • EIIXT5-K4C , -K4M Not Applicable EIIXT5-CIA6-K4 E !l XT5-M21A6-K4 SG-C SG-AC-20-25 EI2XT5-K4C , -K4M Not Applicable EI2XT5-CIA6-K4 El 2XT5-M21A6-K4 SG-C SG-AC-20-25 EI2XTl -K5C , -K5M Not Applicable EI2XTI-CIAZ-K5 EI2XTl -M21AZ-K5 SG-C SG-AC-20-25 E7XT5-K6C , -K6M Not Applicable E7XT5 CIA8-K6' E7XT5-M21A8-K6' SG-C SG-AC-20-25 E6XT8-K6 Not Applicable E6XT6-A2-K6 E7XT8-K6 Not Applicable E7XT8-A2-K6 E !OX Tl -K7C , -K7M Not Applicable E !O XTl -CIA6-K7 E !OXTI-M21A6-K7 E9XT8-K8 Not Applicable E9XT8-A2-K8 E !OXTl -K9C , -K9M Not Applicable E !OXTI-CIA6-K9' E !OXTI-M21A6-K9' SG-C SG-AC-20-25 E8XTl- W2C , -W2M Not Applicable E8XTl -C 1A2-W2 E8XTl -M21A2-W2 SG-C SG-AC-20-25 EXXTX-G Not Applicable EXXTX-XX-G EXXTX-GC , -GM Not Applicable EXXTX-CIXX-G EXXTX-M21XX-G SG-C SG-AC-20-25 EXXTG-X Not Applicable EXXTG-XXX-X As Agreed EXXTG-G Not Applicable EXXTG-XXX-G As Agreed • SG-C SG-AC-20-25 a The existing AWS A5.29 CVN tcm야 rature is _75 0 P [-60o C], for which therc is n이 a designator in A5.36 , therefore , the 얘en c1 assification comparison is an approximatio l1 0 b The existing AWS A5.29 CVN tcmperature is +32 P [OO C], for whìch there is n이 a designator in A5.36 , therefore , the opcn c1 assification comparison is not complete due 10 lack of CVN lesl temperature c AWS A5.36 does ßot address the specific requirements for a K9 electrode, designed for military applications , in whiçh the yicld slrenglh is controlled and the tensilc strength is reportcd as a reference. A'、,VS A5.29 reported the tcnsile as an approximalion (1 00 ksi-120 ksi [690 MPa-830 MPa]) , not a requirement and conlrolled the yield at 82 ksí-97 ksi [570 M 잉← 670 MPal 465 AWS D 1.1 /D1.1M:2015 ANNEX U Mandatory Classification Designators' Designates an electrode Tcnsile St l'ength Designator. For A5.36 one or two digits indicate the minimu J1l tensilc strength (when multipJied by 10 000 psi) of 、,veld metal deposited with the clcctrode undcI the wclding conditions specified in this specification , For A5.36M t\\'o digits are used to indicate the minimu ll1 tensile strcngth (when l11 ultiplied by 10 Megapascals [MPa]). See Table U. 2 Position Designator. This designator is eithcI “ 0" or “1." A “ 0" is for flat and horizontal positÎo l1 s only “ 1" Ís f0 1" all positions (f1 at , horizontal , vertical wÎth downward progression. an d/or vertical wÍth upward progressio l1 and overhead) Usability Designator. This lcttcr is thc lcttcr “ T" followed by some l1 umber from 1 through 17 or thc letter “ G." The letter “ T" identifies the electrode as a f1 ux cored electrode or metal cored electrode. This designator rcfers to the usabi1i ty of the eleclrode wÎth requiremcnts for polarity and general operating characlerislìcs (see Table U .4). The leltel “ G" indicalcs that the polarity and general operating characterístics are not specified. An “ S" appears at Ihe cnd of Ihis designator when the eleclrode being cJ assified is intended for single pass 、,velding only. ‘ Shielding Gas Designator. Indicates he type of shielding gas , if any, used for classification (see Table U.5). The Jettel “ Z" in this position indicates that the shielding gas composition is as agreed upon between supplier and purchaser 、;Vhen no designator appears in this position , it indicates Ihat the electrode is self shielded and that no external shielding gas is used. Designalcs the condition of heat trcalment in which the tests wcre conducted “'A" is for as welded and “ P‘’ is for post、.veld heal Ireated. The time and temperature of the P、;VHT is specified in 9.2. 1. 2 and Tuble 8 in A5 .3 6. The letter “ G" in Ihis position indicates Ihat the P\VHT procedure is as agreed upon between supplier and purchasel ‘ This designalor is omitted when the electrode being classified is intended for single pass 、,velding only. bnpact Designator. For A5 .3 6 this designalor indicates the temperalure in oF at or above which the impacl strength of the 、.veld metal rcferred to above meets or exceeds 20 f. For A5 .3 6M this designator indicates the temperalure În oC at or above which the impact strength of the weld metal meets or exceeds 27 J. The impact designator may be either one 01 two digits (see Table U.3). A “ Z" in this position indicates that there arc no impact requirements for the eleclrode classification. This dcsignator is omitted when the electrode being c1 assified is intended for single pass 、velding only. A “ G" in this position indicates the impact requiremenls arc not specitìed but are as agreed upon between purchascr and supplier. 「[묘E E X X T X" X X X" X" X H X (1 b Deposit ComposÏti on Designator. One , two , or three characters are used to designate the composition of the deposited 、,veld mctaJ (see TubJe U.6). The letter “ G" indicates Ihat the chemical composition is not specified. No designator is used in Ihis position when the electrodc being c1 assified is a single pass electrode Optional Supplemeutal Designatorsb o이야에끼p)t띠lO…뻐 01 For f1uαx cored electrode ‘, the letter “ D"or “ Q" when present in this position indicates Ihe weld metal will mect supplemental mechanical property requirements with welding done using low heat input, fast cooling rate procedures and usÎng high heat input , slow co 체 ng rate procedures (see Tables U.7 and U.8 for changes in heat input requirements bctween A5.20 alld A5 .3 6) The combination of Ihese designalors constilulcs Ihe flux cored or melal corcd clcclrode classificalion These designators are oplional and do not constitute a part of Ihc flux coreù or metal cored elcclrode c1 assification SOlllre: Adupted from AWS A5.36/A5.36M:2012 , Specificatio l1 ψ r Carboll and Low-Alfoy Steel Flux C01 α-1 E{,ι cfrodes for Flux Cored Arc Welding and Mefal Cored Electmdesfor Gas Mefal Arc Welding , Figure 1, American 、~Velding Society. Figure U.I-A5.36/A5.36M Open 466 Classification System AWS D1. 1/D 1.1 M:2015 Commentary on Structural Welding Code-Steel 18th Editioll Prepared by the AWS D 1 Committee 011 Structural Welding Under the Direction of the AWS Technical Activities CO l11 mittee Approved by the AWS Board of Directors 467 AWS D 1.1 /D1.1M:2015 This page is intentionally blank. 468 AWS D1. lI D1. 1M ’ 2015 COMMENTARY Foreword This foreword is not part ofthe Conunentary of AWS D l.l/Dl.l M:2015 , Structllral nεIdillg Code-Steel , but is included for informational purposes onl y. This comlllentary on AWS D l.l fD l.l M ’ 2015 has been prepared to generate bettcr understanding in the application of the code to welding in steel constructÎon Since the code is written in the form of a specification , it canllot present background material or discuss the Structural Welding COlllllliUee ’ s intent; it îs the function of this commelltary to fill this need ‘ Suggestions for application as well as c1 arificatioll of code requirements are offered with specific emphasis on ncw or revised sections that may be less fam i1iar to the USCI Since publication of the first edition of the code , the nature of inquiries directed to the American Welding Society and the Structural \Velding Committee has indicated that there are some requirements in the code that are either difficult to understand or not sufficiently specific , and others that appear to be overly conservative. It should be recognized that the fundamental premise of the code is to provide general stipulations app1ícable to any situation and to leave 5UκÎcient latitude fo l' the exercÎ se of engineering judgment Another p이 nt to be recognized is that the code represents the collective experience of the cOl1unittee and while some provîsions may seem overly conserva lÎve , they have been based on sound engineering practíce. The committee , therefore , believes that a commentary is the most suitable means to provide clarification as well as proper interpretation of many of the code requirements. Obviously, the sizε of the commentary had to impose 30me limitations with respect to the extent of coverage This commentary is not il1 tended to provide a historical background of the development of the code , 1101' is it intended to provide a detailed resume of the studies and research data reviewed by the committee in formulating the provisions of the code Ge l1erally, the code does not treat such design considerations as loading and the computation of stresses for the purpose of proportioning the load-carrying members of the structure and thεir connec tÌ ons. Such considerations are assumed to be covered elsewhere , in a general building code , bridge specification , or simiIar document As an exception , the code does provide allowable stresses in 、,velds , fatigue provisions fo l' 、velds in cyc1 ically loaded structures and tuhular structures , and strength limitations for tubular connec tÌ ons. These provisions are related to 469 AWS D 1.1 /D1.1M:2015 This page is intentionally blank 470 AWS 01.110 1. 1M:2015 Commentary on Structural Welding Code-Steel C- 1. General Requirements Users of this code may notice that there is no Annex C. This was done intentionally to avoid any confusion with com~ mentary references which use “ C-" to identify text , tables , and figures that are part of the commentary. Identifying commentary on code text is relatively straightforward. If there exists commentary on code text , for example 2.3.2 of the code , you can identify it in Clause C-2 of the commentary labeled C-2 .3 .2. The “ CR" indicates it is commentary, the “ 2.3.2" identifies the portion ofthe code on which the commentary refers. Li kewise , C-Table 3.7 indicates commentary on τhble 3.7 , and C-Figure 3.1 indicates commentary on Figure 3. 1. If a code subclause , table , or figure does not have commentary associated with it , then there wi1l be no labeled section in the commentary for that code component. This is why when reading hrough the commentary the numbering can seem erratic , and it seems some sections are missing. Fm example , you might read the fo11owing three sections of the conunentary in order: C- , C- , C-5.22.6 .4 You may notice in this sequence that C-5.22.6 .3 is missing. This is not a typo but rather an indication that no COffimeutary exists on of the code. The commentary has tables and figures of its own. Tbese are identified in a slightI y different way, be careful not to confuse these with commentary on code table and figures. For example , the first table in Clause C-8 supporting commentary is labeled ‘'Table C-8. 1." Notice that the “ C-" does not come before “ TableH but instead after it “ C-Table 3. 7" is commentary on Table 3.7 in the code; “ Table C-8.1" is the first commentary table in Clause C-8. The same is tme for the labeling of figures , e.g. , “ C-Figure 3.1" and “ Figure C-3. 1." ‘ sional 1icense. area of specialization , or other such crÎ terion. The code does not provide for a test of the Engineer ’ s competence 이 ability. However, the ass lI mption throughout the code as it relates to responsibilities and authorities assigned to the Engineer is that the Îndividual is competent and capable of executing these responsibilities. Applicable building codes may have requirements to be met by the Engineer. These requirements may include , but not be limited to , compliance wi h local jurisdictionallaws and regulations governing the Practice of Engineering C-l.l Scope The Strllctllral lVelding Code -Steel, hereinafter referred to as the code , provides .velding requirements for the constructÎon of steel structures. It is intended to be complimentary with any general code or specification for design and construction of steel structures ‘ • When nsing the code for other structures, Owners, architects , and Engineers shollld recognize that not a11 of its provisions may be applicable or suitable to their particular structure. However, any modifica ions of the code deemed necessary by these authorities should be c1early referenced in the contractual agreement between the Owner and the Contractor. ‘ ‘ C.l.3.3.1 Contractor’s InspectOl: In past editions of this code , the term “ fabrication-erection inspector' ’ was used to designate the individual who oversees the Contractor’ s work. Specific responsibilities of the Contractor’ s Inspector are defined in 6. 1. In some industries , this may be refen.ed o as 껴uality control" 01 “ QC inspection." C-l.3 Definitions C.l ,3, 1 Engineer. The code does not define the Engineer in terms of education , professional registration , profes- ‘ 471 AWS D1.1 /D1.1M:2015 COMMENTARY c- VC l'ification Inspcctoι The Verification 111 spectm ’ s duties are identified by the Engineer. The Engineer has the responsibility to detennine whether or not verification inspecti이1 will be required for a specific project , and when required , to define the responsibilities of that Inspector. In some industries , this type of inspection is called “ quality assurance" 이 “ QA inspection." Building codes may specify verification inspection requirements. The Engineer should then identify such requirements in contract documents Sample Language for OEM 2: “ o l.l shall be used. The Contractor ’ s Engincer shall as sume the responsibilitíes of the Engineer as defined in 1. 3.1. except all referenccs to the “ Engineer" in Clause 6 shall mean the “ Owner.' ’ Verification inspcction shall be as detennined by the 0 .vner, and the Verification Inspec M tOI' shall report the results to thc O \V ner‘ ln additíon , deci sions made by the Contractor ’ s Enginecr that reqllÎre changes to the code as described by 1.4.1 shall be submitted to the Owner for approval." ‘ C-' (s) 밍nmodifie이. When the word Sample Languagc for OEM 3: “ Inspector" is used without the modifying term “ Contractm ’ S" 01 “ Verification ," the provision is equally applicable to both types of Inspectors (see 6. 1.4 as an example) C-1.3.4 OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer). The primary industries and applications governed by this code typically involve separate entities , fitting iJlto the broad categories of Contractor and Engineer. For some applicatio l1 s of this code. ol1 e entity functions as both the Engineer and Contractor. In this code , this is referred to as an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM). Exam M ples would include metal building systems. equipment skids and platfonns , material storage systems , transmisM sion towcrs, light poles, and sign structures. For these situations , contract documents should define how the various responsibilities are handled. By definition , this code separates the functions of the Engineer from those of the Contractor. and yet these are merged for OEM 、 applications. Many possible arrangements exist , but the following general categories capture many examples of OEM applications No specific sllggested language is supplied here because the number of permutations is too great. The user is encouraged to look at each reference to the Engincer and resolve how each situation is to be handled. As an exam ple , the contents of Clauses 1, 2 , and 6 may be assigned to the Owner's Engineer, and the responsib i1i ties of Clauses 3, 4 , 5 , and 7 assigned to the Contract Ol ’s Engineer. C- Should. “ Should" provisions are advisory (see 5 잭 for example arc strikes should be avoided. but they are 110t prohibited). However. if they are present , they “ shall" (i. e .• are required to) be re l110ved • Certain code provisions are options that are given to the Contractor (see 5.26 as an example where peening Îs allowed (l11 ay) bllt not required (shall) on intermediate 、veld layers) C- May. Some code provisiol1 s are 110t l11 andatory unless the Engineer invokes them in the contract documents. C- 1.4 Responsibilities • OEM l-The OEM assumes responsibility fOl “ tl1l11 key products ," and the Owner has no involvement in engineering 01' inspection issues. C- 1.4.1 Engincer’s Responsibilities. The Engineer is re sponsible at the time of contract prepm tÎon for provid ing reco l1uuendations to the Owner or contracting authority with respect to the slI itability of the code to meet the particular requirements of a specitïc structure The Engineer may change any code requirements , but the basis for such changes shollld be well documented and take into consideration the suitability for service using past experience , experimental evidenee or engineering analysis , considering material type , load efflεcts and environmental factors “ OEM 2-A turnkey product is delivered , but the Owner supplíes his own Verifica tÍ on Inspector‘ who reports findings o the Owner. ‘ OEM 3-The duties of the code-defined Engineer are addressed by both the OEM and the Owner’ s Engineer. To address each of the preceding situations , examples of possible contractuallanguage are inc1 uded below. These should bc reviewed to be ccrtain they are applicable to the specific situatiol1 Sample Language for OEM 1: “ o l.l shall be used. The Contractor ’ s Engineer shall assume the responsibilities of the Engineer as defined in 1.3.1. Deviations from the code requirements as de M scribed in 1.4.1. shall not be allowed." 472 The Engineer may recommend , from time to time during the course of the project , additional changes to code provisions for the good of the pr이 ect. Such changes should be documented. The effect upon the contractual relation ship should be resolvcd betweel1 the parties involved. Common examples of contract-Ietting code modifications include resolution of unforeseen pl 에 ect difficlllties , AWS D1.1 /D1.1 M:2015 COMMENTARY handling of mi l10r nonconfonnances , and dealing with specific code violation issues. For example , acceptance of a minor nonconfonnance with due consideration of service requirements may be more desirable fo 1' the overall project tha l1 mandating a repair that would result in full code conformance, but a less desirable final product The fundamcntal premise of the code is to provide general stipulations applicable to most situations‘ Acceptance criteria for production 、,velds different from those specified in the code may be used , but there should be a basis of such alternate acceptance criteriu, such as past experience , experimental evidence , or engineering analysis‘ After the contract is awarded , the Engineer C3n change reqllirements in the code , bllt the changes should be doc umented and agreed upon between the parties iIlvolved The Engineer cannot unilaterally modify 01' change any provision of the code after the contracts a1'e awarded without potentially creating conflict with the terms of the contrac t. These types of 11l0difications should be 11l utual1 y agreed upon between the pa1'ties involved in order to satisfactorily address unexpected circumstances. activities am important fo 1' controlling 、‘ eld qllality. It should not be assumed that NDT, 110 matter how extensive, will eliminate the need fo l' control of these activitíes C- I.4、 1(5) Notch toughness for weld metal , base metal , and/o 1' HAZs is not mandated by this code. S싸lch requi 1'e m리1tS , when necessary. are required by the code to be specified ín the contract document8 C-1.4.1(6) The code contains provisions for both statically and cyclically loaded , nontublllar applications. The crite l'ia for such fabrications diffe l', and as such , the ap plicable steel fonn and loading conditions are required by the code to be specified in contract documents C-1.4.1(7) The Enginee 1' is responsible to specify additional fabrication and inspection 1'equirements that are not necessarily addressed in the code. These additional requirements may be necessary because of conditions such as: extreme opera ng temperat 'es (eithe l' hot 01 cold) of the st lU ctu 1'e, unique material fabrication requirements , etc “ … C- 1.4.1(8) Fo 1' OEM applications (see 1.3.4), some of the responsibilities of the Engineer are performed by the Contractor. The code reqnires that contrrα documents define these responsib이lities (see C- 1.3.4) The Engineer is required to determine the snitability of the particllla 1' joint detail for the specific welded assembly. P1'eqllalified joint details , as well as the partic. ula 1' joint details that may be qualified by testing , may not be suitable for a11 loading conditions 01' restraint conditions. Consideration should be made to throughthickness properties of steels , likelihood of lamellar tearing , sizes and proportions of members being joined, and other factors C- 1.4.2 Contracto l'’s Responsibilities , The abbl'eviated list in 1.4 .2 highlights major areas of the Contractor's responsibilities , and is not exhaustive. Responsibilities f이 Contractors are contained throughout the code‘ C-l.4.3 1nS J> ecto l'’s Responsibilities. Subclallse 1.4.3 highlights major areas of 1'espol1잉 bility fo l' the various inspectors and is not exhaustíve. Clause 6 highlights spe cific responsibilities C- I. 4.1(1) Certain provisions of the code a1'e mandato 1'Y only when specified by the Engineer. This is 1'eqlli 1'ed by the code to be done in contract documents. C-l.8 Standard Units ofMeasurement C-1.4.1(2) The Enginee1' has the autho1'ity and the 1'e sponsibility to detennine what NOT (i f any) will be specified fo 1' a specific pr애 ect. The Engineer should take into consideration the consequences of fa i1 ure , the applicabil ity of the inspection process to the specific 、,veld involved , and 1'ecognize limitations of the NOT methods specified and the extent of that NOT 0 1.1 has a two unit system: U.S. Custol11 a1'y and SI (l11 etric) Units. Throughout the code , the lI se l' will find dimensions in U.S. ClI stomary Units followed by SI (metric) in bracke s []. The SI Units a1'e “ soft" conversions of the U.S. Customary Units; that is each “ soft ’ convers lOn value has be이1 rounded off from the S1 value 1I 8ing a conversion that is close as opposed to a rational value based on a conversion factor. For example , the soft conversion of 1/2 in is 12 mm , and the hard conversÎon is 12.7 mm. Similarly, the 80ft conversion for each inch is 25 mm and the hard conversion is 25 .4 mm. It is inappropriate to pick and choose between U.S. Customary and SI tolerances; each system of units should be used as a whole , and the system used should be the same as that u8ed in the shop drawings. In terms of WPSs , fabricators should not be required to re lU n PQRs for a change in lI nits. Howeve 1', WPSs should be drafted in the appropriate units ‘ C-1.4.1(3) Ve 1' ification inspection is not 1'eqllired by thε code and , if llsed , is 1'equi 1'ed by the code to be specified by the Enginee 1' (see 6. 1.2.2)‘ The Enginee1' may elect to have no verification inspection , verification inspection of only a portion of the fabrication , or verification inspec tion that totally replaces the Contractor ’8 inspection‘ However, when the Engineer elects to eliminate the Contractor’ s inspection , the Engineer should be aware that there are a great number of responsib i1i tíes assigned to the Contractor's Inspector that inc1 ude activitìes that may not be traditîonally considered as part of verification inspection (see 6. 1. 2.1 , 6.2 , 6.3 , 6.5 , 6.9 , 쁘브쓰25). These 473 AWS D1.1 /D1.1M:2015 This page is intentionally blank 474 AWS 0 1.1 /0 1. 1M:2015 C-2. Design of Welded Connections C-2.3 Contract Plans and Specifications C-9.15 .4.4, and CIause 4 , Part D contain information on CVN lest values (see also Fracfllre alld Fatigue Contml Ìn Structures , Barsom and Rolfe 댄E효뜨딴효괴). C-2.3.2 Nolch Toughness Requirements. Notch tough ness is a material pl'Operty which provides a measure of its sensitivity to brittle fracture. The CVN test is the 1110st common 111ethod of 111easuring notch toughness. Other tests are available and may be 1110re reliable, but they are also more complex and expensive. More precise measures of toughness are oot justified unless fracture mechanics 111ethods are used in design. C-2.3.4 Weld Size and Length. The Engineer prepa1' il1 g cOl1 t1'act design drawings cannot specify the depth of groove “ S" without knowi l1g the welding p1'Ocess and the position of welding. The code is explicit il1 stipulating that only the weld size “ (E)" is to be specified on the desigll drawings for P1P groove 、.velds (see This allows the Contractor to produce the ‘,veld size assigning a depth of preparatiol1 to the groove shown on the shop drawings as related to the Contractor ’ s choice of velding process and position of 、.velding ‘ The demand for toughness depends upon load type , rate of application of the load , te111perature and other factors. Redundancy and the consequences of fracture may also be considered in determining CVN test requirements for a welded joint. Many applications do not requi 1'e a 111easure of notch toughness. In applications where a mini111U111 CVN test value is required , the specification of a filler metal classification that includes CVN test values may suffice. Many filler metal classifications a1'e available that p1'Ovide CVN test criteria. Most fille 1' metals used in structural field applications are not tested fOl CVN test values. Of the filler metals that a 1'e tested for CVN test values and used in structural applications , the most common meet 20 ft.lbs a _20 0 01' OOF [27 J at -29。 01' -18 0 C]. In more severe cases , WPSs can be qualified to meet CVN test values. It should be recognized that a CVN test criteria in filler metal or in a WPS qualifica IOn relates to a material ’ s susceptibility to brittle fracture but is not a precise measure of the material property in a production join t. The goal of 1110St CVN test requirements is to provide some assurance that the material is not on its lower shelf of nolch toughness at the structure ’ s service temperature. The root penetratiol1 will generally depend on the angle at the root of the groove in combin띠ion with the root opening , the 、velding position , and lhe welding process Fo1' joints using bevel and V-groove 、,velds , these factors detennine the relationship between the depth of prepara tion and the weld size fo 1' prequalified PJP g1'O ove welds The st 1'ength of fillet 、.velds is dependent upon the throat size; however, leg size of fillet 、,velds is more useful and measurable dimension fo 1' execution of the work. On both the contract documents and shop drawings , when the parts joined meet at an angle between 800 and 100。’ the effective sÍze is taken to be the thmat dimension of a 90 fillet weld , and is designated on both contract documents and on shop drawings by leg size. ‘ ‘ 0 In the acute angle side of significantly skewed T-joints [see Figure 3.1(A), (B) , and (C)) , the 1'elationship be tween leg size and effective throat is complex. When the parts meet a angles less than 80 or greater than 100。’ the contract documents show the requi 1'ed effective th1'Oat to provide for design conditions , and shop drawings show leg size required to p1'Ovide specified effective throat ‘ Structural shapes and plates have been surveyed and CVN test resulted in values of 15 ft.lbs [20 J] or higher at 40 0 F [4 0 C]. These surveys were conducted at the 1'equest of mill producers in order to show that CVN testing of base metal was unnecessa 1'y for 1110st building applica tions (see Reference Q). Subclauses 4.8.1 , C-2 .5 .2.2, 0 When the acute angle is between 30 and 60 0 , the effective weld size is dependent upon the Z-Ioss reduction [see Figure 3.1(D)] which is dependent upon the 、.velding p1'o- 475 AWS 0 1.1 /01.1 M:2015 COMMENTARY ers designed on basis of tension field action , and similar cas영 ηpical examples of longitudinally loadcd fillet welds which are not considered end loaded include , but are not limited to , 、,velds that connect plates or shapes to form a built-up cross sec tÌ ons in which the shear force is applied to each increment of length of weld stress de pending upon the distribution of shear load along the length of the member, 、,velds attaching beam wcb connection angles and shear plates because the f1 0w of shem fo 1'ce from the beam 01' gi 1'der web to the weld is essentially uniform throughout the 、.veld length , that is , the weld is not end-Ioaded despite the fact that it is loaded parallel to the ‘.veld axis. Neither does the reductíon factor apply to welds attaching stiffeners to webs designed on basis of conventional beam shear because the stiffen e1's and 、.velds are not su비 ect to calculated axial stress but merely serve to keep the web fla t. cess and position. Specifying only the effective throat size required to satisfy design condìtions 011 the contract documcnts enables the fahricator, lI siug welding processes suitable to his equipment and practice, to indicate his intent and instructions by appropriate WPSs , and symbols 011 the shop drawings. C.2.3.S.4 P l'equalified Detail Di mensions. The back ground and basis for prequalification of joints is explained in C-3.2.1 Designers and detailers should note that the prequalification of joint geometries is based upon proven satisfactory conditions of shape , clearances , welding position and access to a joint between plate elements for a qualified welder to deposit sound 、.veld metal well fused to the base metal. Other design considerations imp01tant to the suitability of a palticulm‘ joint for a particular application are not palt of the prequalified status. Such considerations includε, but are not necessarily limited ‘。 ‘ The distribution of stress along the length of end loaded fillet welds is far from unifonn and is dependent upon complex relationships between the stiffness of longitudinal fillet .veld relative to the stiffness of the connected base metals. Beyond some length , it is 110nconservative to assume that the average stress over the total length of the weld may be taken as eqllal the fllll allowable stress. Experience has shown that when the length of the 、 equal to approximately 100 times the 、:veld size 01' less , it is reasonable to aSS lI me the εffec­ tive length is equal to the actuallength. Fo J' 、~eld lengths greater than 100 times he weld size , the eff,εctive length should be taken less than the actuallength. The reduction coefficient , ß, provided in 2 .4.2.5 is the equivalent (i n U.S. Units and terminology) of Eurocode 3 , which is a simplified approximation to exponential fonnulas 이evel oped by finite element studies and tests p~ormed in Europe over many years. The criteria is based upon com bined consideration of u1timate strength for fillet .velds with leg size less than 114 in [6 mm] and upon judgment based serviceability limit of sligh t1 y less than 1132 in [1 mm] displacement at the end of the 、.v eld for welds with leg size 114 ill [6 mm] and larger ‘ Mathematically, multiplication of the actllallellgth by the ß factor leads to an expression which implies that the effective lcngth reaches a maximum when the actual length is approxima (1) the effect of restraint imposed by rigidi Y of connected base metal 011 、,veld metal contraction , ‘ (2) the potential for causing lamellar tearing by large deposits under restrained conditions on base metal stressed in the through-thickness direction , 、,veld (3) limitations on welder access to the joint for proper positioning and manipulation of the electrode imposed by base metal nearby but not part of the joint, (4) the potential for biaxial 01' triaxial state of stress at intersecting 、.velds , ‘ (5) limitations on access to allow reliable UT 01' RT inspection , (6) effcct of tensile residual stresses from weld shrinkage , ‘ (7) effect of larger than necessary 、,velds on distortion C-2.4 Effective Areas C- Effcctive Size of Flare.Groove Welds. Rectangular hollow structural sectìons are formed in a manner that may not result in a 90 angle. The 1'esearch supporting Table 2.1 accounts for this practice and 2t was found to be acceptable. 0 C-2.4.2.S Maximum Effective Length. When longitudinal fillet 、.velds parallel to the st 1'ess are used to transmit the load to the end of an axially loaded member, the welds are termed “ end loaded." Ty pical examples of such ‘.v elds would include , but are not necessar i1 y limited to , longitudinally welded lap joints at the end ofaxially loaded members , 、.velds at aching bearing stiffiεners , 、.v elds attaching transverse stiffeners to the webs of gird C-2.6 Stresses C-2.6.1 Calculated St l'esses. It is intended that the calcu lated stresses to be compared with thc allowable stresses be nominal stresses detennined by appropriate analysis ‘ 476 AWS D1.1/D 1.1 M’ 2015 COMMENTARY to failure of fillet 、.velds loaded perpendicular to their longitudinal axis is greater than that of fillet 、.velds loaded paral1 el to this axis , higher load capacities have not been assigned in Table 2.3 for fillet 、velds loaded nonnal to their longitudinal axis. methods and not “ hot spot" stresses which might be de tennined by finite element analysis usíng a mesh tïnel than approximately one foo t. Some applicable invoking design specifications require that certain joints be de signed to provide , not only for the calculated forces due to applied loads , but also for a cC11aÎn minimum percent~ age of the strength of the member, regardless of the magnitude of the forces applied to the join t. Examples of such requirements are to be found in the AISC Specifications. Alternative criteria al1 0wing higher allowable stresses for fillet velds loaded obliquely to the longitudinal axis of the weld is provided in 2.6 .4 .2. ‘ (4) The load-carrying capacity of any 、Neld is deterby the lowest of the capacities calculated in each plane of stress h ‘Ul sfeI‘ These planes for shear in fillet and groove 、.velds are illustrated in Figure C-2.2. C-2.6.2 Calclllated Stresses dlle to Eccentricity. Tests have shown that bàlancing welds about the neutral axis of a single angle or double-angle member or similar members does not il1 crease the load carrying capacity of the connection. Therefore , unbalanced 、velds are allowed. It should be noted that end returns are 110t necessary. as tearing is not a problem (see Figure C-2.1) Il1 ined (a) Plane 1-1 , in which the capacity may be governed by the allowable shear stress for material “'A." (b) Plane 2-2 , in which the capacity is governed by the allowable shear stress of the 、,veld metal C-2.6 .4 Allowable Weld Metal Stresses. The philosophy unde r1 ying the code provisions for stresses in ‘.v elds can be described by the following principles: (c) Plane 3-3 in which the capacity may be govel1l ed by the allowable shear stress f0 1" material “ B." ‘ ‘ (1) The .veld metal in CJP groove welds subject to tension stresses normal to the effective area should have mechanical properties closely comparable to those of the base meta l. This , in effect , provides nearly homogenous 、veldment of unreduced cross section so that stresses used in proportíoning the component parts may be t1 sed in and adjacent to the deposited ‘,veld meta1. For stresses resu It ing from other directions of loading , lower strength weld metal may be used , provided that the strength requirements are me t. C- Alternative Allo vable Fillet Weld Stress. It has long been recognized that the strength and deformation performance of tìllet 、,veld elements is dependent on the angle 0 that the force makes with the áxis of the ‘,veld elemen t. TransversδIy loaded fillet welds have approximately 50% greater strength than longitudinally loaded welds. Conversely, it has been know l1 that trans versely loaded fillet 、,velds have less distortion capacity prior to fracture than longitudinally loaded fillet velds. Following the tests by Higgins and Preece , Welding Journal Research Supplement, October 1968 않밸쁘딴흐 끄, in the interests of simplicity and because the methods f0 1" hand Ii ng interaction between longitudinal and transverse loading cases were not ava i1 able, the allowable stress on fillet welds in the code has been limited to 0.3 FEXX ' ‘ ‘ (2) For fillet 、.velds and PJP groove .velds , the designer has a greater flexibility in the choice of mechanical properties of 、veld metal as compared with those components that are being joined. In most cases , the force to be transferred by these 、.velds is less than the ca pacity of the componεnts. Such welds are proportioned fo 1' the force to be transferred. This can be achieved with weld metal of lower strength than the base metal , pro vided the throat area is adequate to support the given force. Because of the greater ductility of the lower strength .veld metal , this choice may be preferable‘ This value is based upon the lower strength test results for 、.velds loaded longitudinally with a factor safety against rupture of approximately 2.2 to 2.7. The same basic criteria still applies; however, the code now provides the option , of a higher allowable stress for fillet 、.velds based upon calculation of a value specific to the angle of loading ‘ A working stress equal to 0 .3 times the tensile strength of the filler metal , as designated by the electrode classification , applied to the throat of a fillet 、.v eld has been shown by tests (Reference 1) to provide a factor of safety rang ing from 2.2 for shear forces parallel to the longitudinal axis of the weld , to 4.6 for forces normal to the axis under se 1'vice loading. This is the basis for the values given in Table 2.3 ‘ The ultimate shear streng씨 of a single fillet .veld element at various angles of application of load was origi nally obtained from the load-defonnation relationships by Butler (1 972) for E60 electrodes 않뻗댄만효킨‘ Curves for E70 electrodes were obtained by Lesik (1990) 앤응한쁘nce 4). The strength and deformatio l1 performance of welds is dependent 011 the angle e that the resultant elemental force makes with the axis of the weld element (see Figure C-2 .3). The actualload defonnation (3) The stresses on the effective throat of fillet welds is always considered to be shear. AIthough a resistance 477 AWS COMMENTARY neglecting load-deformatîon cOl11patibility. This is an un conservatlve prac tI ce relationship for lïllet 、,velds taken from Lesik is shown in Fi gure C-2 .4 The following is the formula for F、 = 、.veld ‘ ultimate stress , F\" The design of a concentrically but obliquely loaded veld group , in addition to being performed llsing 2.6 .4.4 as demonstrated in Figure C-2.5 , can be accomplished graphically using Fi gure C-2 ,6 , the load-deformation curves. For example , to find the strength of the COllcentrically loaded 、,veld group show l1 in Figure C-2 .5, first the 、,veld elel11ent 、이 th the most limited defonnatîon capacity is dete1'mined. In this case it is the transve1'sely loaded 、,veld. By drawing a ve1' ticalline from the point of fracture , the strength increase 01' decrease for the remain ing elements can be determined 0 ,852 (1, 0 + 0 ,50 si n J. 5 8) FEXX Because the allowable stress is limited to 0 .3 F EXX fOI longitudinally loaded 、velds (8 = 0"), thε test results indicate that formulas in 2 ,6 .4. 2 and 2 , 6 .4.3 provide a safety factor greater than the cOl1l monly accepted value of 2 C- Inslanlancous Ccnter of Rotation. When groups are loaded in shear by an external load that does not act hrough the center of gravity of the group , the load Îs eccentric and wíll tend to cause a relative rotation and translation between the parts connected by the ‘,velds. The point about which rotaOon tends to take place is called the instantaneous center of rotation. It s location is dependent upon the load eccentricity, geometry of the weld group and the deformation of the 、,veld at different angles of the resu 1tant elemental forcc relative to the 、.veld axis. The individual resistance force of each unit 、.veld element can be assumed to act on a line perpendicular to a ray passing through the instantaneous center of rotation and the elements location (see Figure C-2 .3)‘ 、.veld D1 , 1/D1 , 1M:2이 5 ‘ C-2.7 Joint Configuration and Details C-2.7.1 GCllcral COllside l'a lÎ olls. In general , details should mÌnimize constraint which would ínhibit duct i1e behavior, avoid undue concentration of ‘,velding , as well as afford ample access fo 1' depositing the weld meta l. C.2.7.3 Basc Mclal Th l'ough-Thicklless Loading. The rolling of steel to produce shapes and plates for use in steel structures causes the base metal to have different mechanical properties ín the different 0l1hogonal directions. This makes it necessary fo 1' the designers , detailers and the fabricato 1's to recognize the potential for laminations and/or lamellar tearing to affect the integrity of the completed joints, especially when thick base metal is illvolved ’ The total re ,‘ istance of a11 、.veld elements combine to resist the eccentric load , and when the correct location of the instantaneous center of rotation has been selected , the inplane equati이1S of st씨cs (ζ , L" LM) will be satisfied , A complete explanatîon of the procedure , illc1 uding sample problems is given in Tide (Reference 2.). Numerical techniques , such as those given in Brandt (Reference ~), have been developed to locate the instantaneous center of rota tion to convergence tolerance. To e1i minate possible computational difficulties , the l11 aximum deformation in the 、veld elements is limited to the lower bOl1 nd value of O.17W. For design convenience , a simple e11i ptical for mula is used for F(p) to closely approximate the empirically derived polynomial in Lesik (Rεferel1ce 1) ‘ Laminations do not result from the .velding , They are a result of the steel manufacturing processes. They generally do not affect the strength of base metal when the plane of thc lamination is parallel to the stress ficld , that is , stressed in the longitudinal or transverse directio l1‘ They do have direct effect upon the ab i1i ty of base metal at T- and corner joints to transmit through-thickness fo 1'ces. Lamellar tea1's, if and when they occur, generally are the result of the contraction of large 、I.'eld metal deposits unde1' conditions of high restrain t. Lamellar tears rarely occur when the weld size is less than about 3/4 in to 1 Ín [20 111111 to 25 mm] , La l11ellar tears rarely occur under lillet 、,velds. LameIlar tears do not occur in the absencc of restraint to contraction of hot so1idified ‘,veld metal; however, in large 、,velds , the solidified il1 itial 、.veld passes deposited in the 1"00t area of the weld , can providc an internal 1'igid abutment to tensile contraction strains of the subsequen tI y deposited 、,veld passes. C-2 ,6.4.4 CO l1 cenl l' ÍCally Loadcd Weld Groups. A loaded transverse to its longitudinal axis has a greater capacity but a lower reduced deformation capability as compared to a 、,veld loaded along its longit l1 di l1 al axis. Therefore , when velds loaded at varying angles are combîned in a single 、,veld group the designer must account for their relative defonnation capabilities to ensure that the entire weld group has straÍ 、,veld ‘ Because lame l1 ar tears are caused by soliditìed 、,veld metal contraction that is forced to be accommodated within a sho1't gage length by localîzed balancing CO Illpressive restraint , the unit through-thickness direction 478 AWS D1. 1/D 1. 1M‘ 2015 COMMENTARY strains ìn the base metal can be many times larger than yie1d point strain. Lame11ar tears may resu 1l. The 10ca1ized strains that can produce lamel1 ar tears accur upon cooling during fabrication and constitute the most severe condition that wi11 be imposed upon the base meta1 in the vicinity of the joint in the life of the stmcture. Because the compressive and tens i1e stresses within 01', in close proximity to , the joint are se1f equi1ibrating , and because the strains associated with app1ied design stresses are a small fraction of those associated with we1d shrinkage , externa11y applied 10ads do not initiate 1amellar tears; however, if tears have been initiated by the we1ding , existing 1amellar tears may be extended lieu of the fibrous anisotropic rolled steel grain structure at the locatio J1 of the most intense 、.veld shrinkage strains (4) In large joints, sequence weld passes in a manneI that bll i1 ds out the surface of base meta1 stressed in the 10ngitudina1 direction prior to depositing we1d beads against the face of the base meta1 stressed in the throllghthickness direction. This procedure allows a significant part of the 、.ve1d shrinkage to take p1ace in the absence of restralll t. (5) On corner joints, where feasib1e, the beve1ed joint prepara ion sho 1l 1d be on the base meta1 stressed in the through-thickness direction so that the we1d meta1 fuses to the base meta1 on a p1alle into the thickness of the base meta1 to the maximum degree practica1 ‘ The design and deta i1i ng of T- and corner joints establish the conditions which may increase ar decrease he poten tia1 for 1ame11ar tearing , and make the fabrication of a 、ve1dment a straight forward operation or a difficu1t or virtually impossib1e one. Therefore , attention on the part of a11 members of the team , designer, deta i1 er, fabricator and welder is necessary to minimize the potential for lamellar tearing ‘ (6) Doub1e-V and doub1e-beve1 joints reqllire deposition of much 1ess 、~e1d meta1 than sing1e-V and sing1e bevel joints , and therefore , reduce the amount of 、,ve1d shrinkage to be accommodated by approximate1y oneha1f. Where practica1 , lI se of such joints may be he1pfll l. ‘ (7) In veldments involving several joints of different thickness base meta1 , the 1arger joints shou1d be we1ded first so that the ‘,ve1d deposits which may invo1ve the greatest amount of 、~e1d shrinkage may be comp1eted under conditions of lowest restraint possible‘ The smaller joints , althollgh we1ded under conditions of higher restraint , will involve a sma l1 er amount of weld shrinkage to be accommodated. Definitive rules cannot be provided in the code to assure lamellar tearing will not occur; hence , this commentary is intended to provide understanding of the causes and to provide guidance 011 means to minimize the probability of occurrence. The following precautions have been demonstrated in tests and experience to minimize the risk of tearing (1) Base meta1 thickness and 、~e1d size shou1d be ade quate to satisfy design requirements; however, designing joints on basis of stresses 10wer than the code allowab1e stresses , rather than providing a conservative design , re su Its in increased restraint and increased Ne1d size and shrinkage strain that 싼쁘괴쁘효프 be accommodated. Therefore such a practice increases rather than diminishes the potentia1 for 1ame11ar tearing. (8) The area of members to which 1arge 、,ve1ds wi l1 transfer stresses in the through-thickness direction should be inspected during layout to assure that joint 、~e1d shrinkage does not app1y throllgh-thickness strains on base metal with preε:xisting laminations or large in c1 usions (see ASTM A578). ‘ (9) Proper1 y execllted peening of intennediate 、ve1d passes has been demonstrated to reduce the potential fOl' 1ame11ar tearing. Root passes shou1d not be peened in order to avoid the possib i1i ty of introdllcing cracks in the initia1 thin we1d passes which may go lI ndetected and subsequent1y propagate throllgh the join t. Intermediate passes sho 1l1d be peened with a round nosed too1 with sllfficient vigor to p1astica l1y defonn the sllrface of the pass and change the tensile residuals to compressivε residual stresses , but not so vigorously to cause a chopped up surface or ove r1 aps. Finish passes sho 1l1d not be peened (2) Use 10w-hydrogen e1ectrodes when we1ding 1arge T- and corner joints. Absorbed hydrogen is not deemed to be a principal cause for lamellar tearing initiation , but the use of 10w-hydrogen e1ectrodes on 1arge joints (Iongitudina1 , transverse 01' throllgh thickness) to minimize the tendency for hydrogen-induced co1d cracking is good practice in any case. Use of non10w-hydrogen e1ectrodes may invite trollb1e. (3) App1ication of a 1ayer of ‘ 'buttering" weld passes approximate1y 118 in to 3/1 6 in [3 mm to 5 mm (10) Avoid the use of over-strength filler metal. (1 1) When practica1 , use base meta1 with 10w (< 0.006%) su1fur or base meta1 with improved throllgh- thickness properties 479 COMMENTARY AWS D1.1 /D 1.1 M:2015 For example , the high restraint due to the col l1 mn web in the region of the coll1 mn flange centerline as compared to lower restraint away from the centerline callses 、.veld ing residual stre5ses and applied stresses to peak sharply in the difficll It-to-weld region at the middle of beam flange. (1 2) Critical joints should be examined by RT or UT after the joint has cooled to ambient temperature. (1 3) If minor discontinuities are detected the Engineer should careflllly ε.valuate whether the discontÎnuities can be letì lI nrepaired withollt jeopardizing the sllitability for service or structural integrity. Gouging and repail 、,veld ing will add additional cycles of heating and cooling and ‘,veld contraction under restraint conditions that are likely to be more severe than the conditions under which the joint was initially welded. Repair operations may cause a more detrimental condition. (4) Whether, in the case of geometry that affords more lI niform restraint withollt a “ hard spot" along the length of the joint, the probability of increased number of small internal 、veld metal discontinuities , bllt without the large discontinllity of the 、veld access hole , might provide a higher strength join t. For example , tests of end plate moment connections (Murn~y 1996) have shown that joints between beam ends and end plates made without ‘,veld access holes , but wÎth unrepaired discontinui ties in the region of the web to flange junction provide higher strength than similar connections made using access holes but wîth fewer internal discontinllities (1 4) When lamellar tears are identified and repair is deemed advisable , the work shollld not be lI ndertaken without first reviewing the WPS and an effort made to identify the cause of the unsatisfactory resul t. A special WPS or a change in the joint detail may be required C-2.7.4 Combillatiolls of Welds. FiIlet 、,velds deposited over groove welds do 110t directly increase the effective throat of the joint; therefore the strength of the joint may Il ot be taken as the algebraic sllm of the strength of the groove 、,veld and the strength of the fillet Research , thought and ingenuity arlε being directed toward improved details for welding of beam-to-column moment connections. Alternative joint design and details to provide the strength and slI ìtabi ty for service should be considered where they are app1icable. Engineering jl때­ ment is required “ C-2.7.S ßutt, CO l'll er, alld T-Joillt Surface Contouring. Reinforcing and COlltourÌng fillet welds serve a use ful purpose in T- and corner joints. and in butt joints joining parts ofunequal width or thickness. They provide a fillet which reduces the severity of the stress concentra tion that would exist at the ninety degree geometric change in section‘ ‘, , When veld acc얹s holes are required the minimum re qllirements of 5맥 apply. The minimulll required size to provide clearances for good workmanship and sound 、,velds may have a significant effect upon nct sectioll properties of the connected members C-2.7.6 Weld Access Holes. Weld access holes are not required nor even desirable for every application. Howev,εr lt IS llnportant o recognize that any transverse joint in the flange of wide flange , H and similar cross sections made without the lI se of a weld access hole cannot be considcred ‘IS a prequalified CJP groove welded joint This is true , because preqllalified CJP groove welded joints are limited to the cases of plain plate elements to plain plate elements shown in Figure 3.}. The decision to use preqllalified CJP joints or to lI se nO Il -prequalified joints without access holes depends upon consideration of several factors which inclllde but may not be limited to the following C-2.7.7 Welds wUh Rivcts or ßolts. 111 previous edi tiOllS of the code , it was permitted to share loading between welds and high-strength bolts 、vhen the joint was desiglled and the bolts were installed as a slip-criti cal connection. Limitations on such use were provided Íll the Specificatio l1 s for Structllral Joi l1 ts Using ASTM A325 or A490 ßolts of the Research COll l1 cil 011 Struc tural CO l1 nections (RCSC Specilìcation). ßased lI pOI1 research by Kulak and Grondi l1, (Strength of Joints that Combine BoIt s al1 d Welds; Geoffrey L. Kulak al1 d Gil bert Y. Grondin; Engi l1 eering Journal , Seco l1 d QlI arter, 2003 , page 89) , pennission was withdrawn il1 the 2000 versiol1 of the RCSC Specification , and the RCSC Speci fica ion provided no gllidance ‘ ‘ (1) The size of the members being joined. The AISC Specification for Structural Steel ßuildings (March 2005) , section J 1. 8 , provides l1 ew guidance for the sharing of loads betweell bolts and 、.velds , Bolts should not be considered as sharing the load in combination with 、,velds , except that shear connections with bolts instal1 ed in standard holes 01' short slots transversc to the direction of the load may be considered to share the load with 10ngitudil1 ally loaded fillet ‘.v elds. ln such connec tio l1 s, the available strength of the bolts shollld not be (2) Whether the joint is a shop or field 、veld , that is , whether the parts may be positioned for welding so that overhead welding may be avoided and reinforcing fillets may be readily deposited at the location of peak stress concentrations. (3) The variation in the restraint to weld shrinkage and the distribution of applied stress along the length of transversc joint due to gcometry of parts being joined 480 COMMENTARY AWS D 1.1 /Dl.1M:2015 taken as greater than 50% of the available strength of bearing-type bo It s in the connection. When trans\'crse fillet 、,velds are used in combination with bo It s , the deformation at the time of 、,veld fracture is such that almost 110 bolt shear strel1 gth is developed C-2.8 Joint Configuration and Details-Groove Welds C-2.8.1 n'a l1 sitio l1 s il1 Thickness and Widlh. In te l1sion applications , stress concentratíons that occur at changes in material thickness 01' width of stressed ele mcnts , or both , afe dependent upon the abruptness of transition , with stress concentration factors varying between 1 and 3 , In statically loaded applications , such geometric changes are not of structural significance when a notch-free transition is provided. The Enginecl should consider the use of added cO l1 touri l1g fillet welds 01' other deta î1 s to improve the stress flow contin 1.1 ity in static applications at locations s1.1 ch as butt splices in the te 잉l…씨"…‘ s써‘)10 이 on 마 clhm띠 ds 야 0 flo 띠 이맨 o nl멍 g-s얘 pa 때 ntn 씨 russe~ 앉’’, jo 이 0111 … … n11 axia lI y aligned 떠 sub 이~e야c디‘κed to cold te 리mperatu …1I… lre applications vhere brittle fracture is a concern , 01' other high-stress m severe service locations. Fatigue provisions provide for the effects of geometrical discontinuities in cyclic load applications ‘ C-2.9 Joint Configuration and Details-Fillet Welded Joints C- n'a l1 sve l'se Fillel Welds. Becallse transversely loaded fi l1 et welded lap joints involve eccentricity, the applied force tends to open the joint and cause prying action on the root of the ‘,veld as shown in Detail B of Figure C-2.7 unless restrained by a force , R , shown in Detail A. The code req 1.1 ires that this 1110de of action be prevented by dOllble fillet welds 01' other means applicable specification for member and structure deslgn C- Fillel Weld Te l'l11 il1 ations-Gelle l'a I. ln most cases , whether fillet 、.velds tenninate at the ends OI sides of a member has no effect upon the s1.1 itability for service of ajoint , th1.1 s, this is the default case; however, in several situations the manner of termination is impmtant Separate ratíonal rules are provided for individual cases. C- Lap Joillls Subject 10 11농 nsion. When a joint is made between members in which one connected part extends beyond the edge or end of the other part , it is important that notches are avoided in the edge of a part s1.1 bject to calculated tension stress. A good practice for avoiding such notches in c1'iticallocations is to strike the arc fo l' welding sligh tI y back from the edge and then proceed with the deposition of the wεld bead in the direction away fro ll1 the edge to be protected against notche “ C-2.9.3 ,3 l\‘ aximum End Relm'lI Lellglh. For fra ll1ing angles and simple end-plate connections în which the f1 exibility of the connection assumed in the design of the member is important , tests have shown that the static strength of the connection is not dependent upon the presence or absence of an end return. Therefore , a weld made along the outstanding leg of the connection (generally the vertical weld) may be stopped short of the end , 01' carried to the extreme top and bottom ellds of the al1 g1e 0 1' retllrned sligh tI y along the horizontal ends. If returns are used however, it is important to ensure that the length be li ll1 ited in order that flexibility of the con nection is not impaired. C-2.9.3 .4 n'allsve l'se Stiffellel' Welds. Experience has shown that , when stiffeners are not wclded to the f1 anges , it is important to stop the stiffener-to~web 、.velds a short distance away f1'O m the toe of the web-to-flange 、veld. If this is not done , slight twisting of the flange during normal handling alld shipment will induce extremely high bending stresses in the extremely short gage length between the termination of the stiffeneI 、.veld and the toe of the web-to-flange weld. A few cycles of these non calculated stresses into the inelastic range initiate cracking which uIt imately may propagate thro1.1gh the web 01 f1 ange in service. The nonwelded length 띤효표쁘핸센밴밴 센넨! to avoid col1.1 mn buck1í ng in the nonstiffened portioll of the web C-2.9.2 LOl1 giludillal Fillel Welds. The transfer of force by longitudinal fillet 、,velds alone at the ends of members causes an effect known as shear lag in the transition region between thc joint where shear stress is concentrated along the edges of the member to the location where stress ìn the member may be considercd uniform ac1'Oss the cross section. The disposition of the longitudinal 、.velds relative to the shape of the cross section affects the design of the member as well as the strength of the connection. For the simple case of flat bar and plate type cross sections , experlence as we l1 as theory have shown the requirements of 2.9.2 assures the adequacy of the connection as we l1 as the connected parts. For other cross sections , the effective area of the connected membe 1' is dependent upon he disposition of the connecting 、.velds at the end; therefore , reference should be made to the C- Opposite Sidcs of a COll1l1l011 Plalle. An attempt to tie two fillet 、.velds deposited on opposite sides of a common plane of contact between two parts could result in notches 01' masking of poor fit-up. ‘ Certail design 01' application requirements may necessÎtate that welds be contin 1.1 ous. Welds may be required to be continuous fo 1' cor1'Osion resistance ‘ for sanitarv wash ‘ 481 COMMENTARY AWS D1.1/D1.1 M:2015 down conditions