School Subject Grade/Semeste r Topic Time Allotment LESSON PLAN : SMA Laboratorium Undiksha : Biology : X/2 : Food Chain and Food Web : 65 minutes I. Learning Objectives LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. After participating in the group presentation and discussion, the learner should be able to explain the interaction between ecosystem component: interaction between organism, population, and community. II. Learning Approach, Media and References 1.Learning Student-Centered Approach Approach 2. Media ▪ Laptop/Smartphone ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ 3.References WhatsApp Google Classroom Zoom meeting PowerPoint Presentation Interaction between Ecosystem Components. Retrieved on April 13, 2022 from: III. Learning Activities No. Steps Time 1 Pre15 Activities minutes Activities a. Greeting Greet students warmly b. Prayer ▪ Before starting the lesson, students are invited to pray (a moment silence) c. Checking Student’s Attendance d. Apperception (1) Students are invited to group their selves into 5. And, the student will have 5 presentation. 2 WhileActivities 30 minutes Students get the opportunity to discuss the visuals that have been presented to them. The image, present the ecological relationships: `1. Neutral relationship 2. Predation 3. Parasitism, 4. Commensalism 5. Muatalism Lastly, students are expected to answer the following during their 5 minutes presentation. 3 PostActivities 10 minutes Example: Mutualism 1. What is Mutualism.(present the concept) 2. Cite examples of a mutualistic relationship. 2. Importance of mutualistic relationship. a. Concluding learning Students are given the opportunity to do a short summary. 1. What is are the new learning they learned today. 2. What are their realization after knowing the different interactions present in our ecosystem And for generalization, the students are invited to listen a song about ecological relationships. b. Give tests and assignments c. Prayer IV. Assessment 1. Attitude Assessment: based on observation, self-assessment and attendance. 2. Knowledge Assessment: The knowledge of the student will be measured through group presentation. 3. Skills: The skills of the student will be determined through participation and accuracy in presenting their ideas relative to the topic. Singaraja, April, … 2022 Practice teacher, Supervisor, Jerwin S. Tahadlangit Made Ayu Asri Purnama Dewi, S.Pd.