MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet 1 Features and Benefits Microcontroller: Melexis MULAN3 core Communication CPU Mlx4 for LIN protocol handling Application CPU Mlx16, 16 bit RISC-CPU, Cprogrammable Programmable digital watch-dog with several different modes 19 inputs interrupt controller Common purpose timer Memories 32 Kbyte Flash (8k x 32)+ 16 Kbyte ROM (8k x 32) with ECC, shared between Mlx16 and Mlx4 2 Kbyte RAM (1024 x 16), shared between Mlx16 and Mlx4 2 x 256 Byte NVRAM (128 x 16) with ECC, only accessible by the Mlx16 Periphery pre-driver for small NFETs (<30nC@25kHz PWM) to drive 2x DC, BLDC or Stepper motor 8 pins for Digital IO, ADC, Timer/Capture, Master/Slave SPI 5 programmable 16-bit PWM modules with frequencies 10…50kHz PWM-synchronized fast internal current sense circuit for sensorless sine drive 28 MHz +/-5% PLL clock derived from internal RC-oscillator integrated watchdog, independent from system-clock on-chip temperature sensor with +/-10°C accuracy 10 bit ADC < 6 µs conversion, auto-DMA storage, 28 channels, 0.75-1.5-2.5V reference overcurrent detection; overvoltage and undervoltage protection overtemperature protection Voltage regulator normal operating voltage VS = 5.5V...28V* (*operating voltage up to 36V limited to 24h over lifetime) undervoltage interrupt setting between 4V…9V REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 3.3V regulator for >25mA current to supply 3x Hall + 1x Triaxis sensor MCU control in 3.5V...28V range, without losing memory/register content low SLEEP MODE current of typ. < 25uA; periodic wake-up timer < 100uA Bus interface support for PWM, LIN 2.x, SAE J2602 wake-up possible via LIN, external pin (IO[3]) or internal wakeup timer Automotive AEC-Q100 Qualified 2 Application Examples Smart thermal valves, grille shutters Small BLDC water pumps, oil pumps DC motor positioning for Windowlift, Sunroofs, Seats, Doors,.. Page 1 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet 3 Ordering Information Order Code Temp. Range Package Delivery Remark MLX81325 LLQ-BMA-003-RE -40 - 150 °C QFN32 5x5 Reel MLX81325B; NVRAM patch MLX81325 LLQ-BMA-103-RE -40 - 150 °C QFN32 5x5 Reel MLX81325B (ILS bond option), NVRAM patch Table 3.1: Ordering Information MLX81325 LLQ xxx 000 RE Delivery Form: RE = Reel Option Code, MLX internal Bond option, 0: Pin 16=LINOUT; 1: Pin 16=ILS2 Assembly house Customer name, M=Melexis for all Flash Silicon Version: Character [A...Z] Package Code: LQ=QFN Temperature Code: L=-40 to 150°C Product Name REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 2 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet 4 Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Features and Benefits....................................................................................................................... 1 Application Examples ....................................................................................................................... 1 Ordering Information ....................................................................................................................... 2 Contents........................................................................................................................................... 3 History.............................................................................................................................................. 7 Referred documentation .................................................................................................................. 8 Technical description ....................................................................................................................... 9 7.1 Package data QFN32 (5x5, 32 leads) [1] ..........................................................................................9 7.2 Marking instruction ...................................................................................................................... 10 7.3 Pin out description ....................................................................................................................... 11 7.3.1 Option code 0 .................................................................................................................. 12 7.3.2 Option code 1 .................................................................................................................. 12 7.3.3 Electrical Characteristics ................................................................................................. 13 7.4 Absolute Maximum Ratings ......................................................................................................... 13 7.5 Operating Conditions ................................................................................................................... 15 7.6 Electrical parameter specification ............................................................................................... 16 8 MLX81325 – Typical application schematic .................................................................................... 25 9 Functional description .................................................................................................................... 27 9.1 Block-Diagram .............................................................................................................................. 27 9.2 System behavior description ....................................................................................................... 28 9.2.1 The supply system of MLX81325 .................................................................................... 28 9.2.2 Power On .......................................................................................................................... 28 9.2.3 Power Off ......................................................................................................................... 30 9.2.4 System initialization and Trimming ................................................................................. 30 9.2.5 Entering SLEEP MODE (GO TO SLEEP MODE = GTSM) .................................................. 30 9.2.6 WAKE UP from SLEEP MODE ........................................................................................... 31 9.2.7 Entering HOLD MODE ...................................................................................................... 32 9.2.8 Releasing HOLD MODE .................................................................................................... 32 9.2.9 System behaviour in case of different undervoltage conditions .................................. 33 9.3 Digital Part .................................................................................................................................... 33 9.3.1 CPU core MULAN3 – MULtiple CPU with Analog and Network support ...................... 33 9.3.2 MULAN3 compared to MULAN2........................................................................................ 33 MULAN3 CPU Performance ............................................................................................... 34 Change PRIO MLX4/MLX16 ................................................................................................ 34 MULAN3 Architecture ....................................................................................................... 34 MULAN3 Address space..................................................................................................... 35 Memory mapping .............................................................................................................. 36 MULAN3 included periphery – 15bit Timer ....................................................................... 37 MULAN3 included periphery - Watchdog .......................................................................... 38 MULAN3 included periphery - ADC interface .................................................................... 41 Memories ......................................................................................................................... 48 RAM sharing ...................................................................................................................... 48 ROM / Flash sharing........................................................................................................... 48 REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 3 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet 9.3.3 Mlx16 interrupts .............................................................................................................. 55 9.3.4 9.3.5 General introduction and features .................................................................................... 67 Block diagram and description .......................................................................................... 67 PWM frequency control .................................................................................................... 69 Synchronization of the PWM modules .............................................................................. 70 Independent mode ............................................................................................................ 71 Mirror mode ...................................................................................................................... 72 PWM control and command ports .................................................................................... 73 Interrupts connections ...................................................................................................... 75 Timers ............................................................................................................................... 75 9.3.7 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 55 Interrupt sources ............................................................................................................... 55 Interrupt management ...................................................................................................... 55 Interrupt priorities ............................................................................................................. 56 Mlx16 interrupt table ........................................................................................................ 57 Interrupt vectors................................................................................................................ 58 External Interrupts connection .......................................................................................... 59 Ports-Map......................................................................................................................... 62 PWM ................................................................................................................................. 67 9.3.6 Flash macro ....................................................................................................................... 48 NVRAM .............................................................................................................................. 50 Introduction and Features ................................................................................................. 75 Block diagram and description .......................................................................................... 77 Timer mode ....................................................................................................................... 77 Dual Timer Compare mode................................................................................................ 79 Dual Timer Capture mode ................................................................................................. 82 Timer Capture/Compare mode ......................................................................................... 84 Pulse accumulator mode ................................................................................................... 86 Debouncer mode ............................................................................................................... 87 PWM mode ........................................................................................................................ 89 Timers IO ports .................................................................................................................. 93 Interrupt connections ........................................................................................................ 95 SPI Interface ..................................................................................................................... 96 Features ............................................................................................................................. 96 Applications ....................................................................................................................... 96 Block diagram and description .......................................................................................... 96 Notes about IO ports usage ............................................................................................... 98 Master mode ..................................................................................................................... 99 Slave mode ........................................................................................................................ 99 SPI IO ports ...................................................................................................................... 100 9.4 Analogue- and Mixed Signal Part .............................................................................................. 105 9.4.1 Oscillator concept .......................................................................................................... 105 RC-Oscillator .................................................................................................................... 106 REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 4 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet 9.4.2 Supply sensor ................................................................................................................. 110 9.4.3 Architecture ..................................................................................................................... 116 Principle ........................................................................................................................... 117 ADC trigger selection ....................................................................................................... 118 Memory needs................................................................................................................. 118 Timings ............................................................................................................................ 121 ADC interface ports ......................................................................................................... 121 ADC Channel selection ..................................................................................................... 124 Watching the API by Analogue Watchdog (AWD) ....................................................... 125 9.4.7 Features ........................................................................................................................... 111 Digital IO output configuration ........................................................................................ 112 Digital IO input description .............................................................................................. 114 Test interface description ................................................................................................ 115 AD converter system ..................................................................................................... 116 9.4.6 Temperature measurement: ........................................................................................... 110 Over-Temperature detection .......................................................................................... 111 Multi-purpose IO pins .................................................................................................... 111 9.4.5 Block Diagram .................................................................................................................. 110 Supply voltage sensor filter ............................................................................................. 110 Temperature Sensor ...................................................................................................... 110 9.4.4 Phase locked loop (PLL) configuration ............................................................................. 106 Lock detection and clock monitor.................................................................................... 106 Clock Monitor .................................................................................................................. 108 1MHz and ADC Clock generation ..................................................................................... 108 Clock system ports ........................................................................................................... 109 Interrupts connections .................................................................................................... 110 AWD Ports ....................................................................................................................... 125 Interrupt connections ...................................................................................................... 126 Output drivers ................................................................................................................ 127 Features ........................................................................................................................... 127 Driver switching ............................................................................................................... 127 Block Diagram .................................................................................................................. 128 Motor control logic .......................................................................................................... 129 Motor Protection Sensors................................................................................................ 132 Output driver ports .......................................................................................................... 133 Phase to PWM alignment ................................................................................................ 134 Protection signals routing to ports and interrupts .......................................................... 134 9.4.8 Driver current sensing ................................................................................................... 136 9.5 LIN interface ............................................................................................................................... 137 9.5.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 137 9.5.2 LIN Physical Layer .......................................................................................................... 137 9.5.3 Application Recommendations for the pins LIN_IN and LIN_OUT.............................. 138 9.5.4 LIN special application modes ....................................................................................... 138 REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 5 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet 9.5.5 LIN Slave Node Position Detection (auto-configuration)............................................. 142 9.5.6 LIN BSM global timing ...................................................................................................... 142 LIN BSM local timing ........................................................................................................ 143 LIN auto-configuration block description ..................................................................... 143 10 Special application mode 1 - external physical layer ....................................................... 138 Special application mode 2 - external protocol layer....................................................... 139 Special application mode 3 - direct access from application CPU ................................... 139 LIN special modes port configuration .............................................................................. 140 Current generator............................................................................................................ 144 Current generator port interface ..................................................................................... 146 Current generator calibration .......................................................................................... 147 ESD and EMC ................................................................................................................................ 148 10.1 Automotive Qualification Test Pulses according to ISO7637-2/3 and ISO16750-2 ................ 148 10.1.1 Test Pulses on Supply Lines (directly connected to Car Battery) ................................ 148 10.1.2 Test Pulses on LINin and LINout Lines .......................................................................... 149 10.1.3 Test pulses on signal lines, incl. LININ, LINOUT ............................................................ 149 10.1.4 EMC Test pulse definition ............................................................................................. 150 10.1.5 Typical Application Circuitry .......................................................................................... 152 External Circuitry on Supply Lines.................................................................................... 152 External Circuitry on LIN Lines ......................................................................................... 153 External Circuitry on Signal Lines ..................................................................................... 153 11 12 13 14 15 Debugging Facilities...................................................................................................................... 154 Assembly Information .................................................................................................................. 154 Contact......................................................................................................................................... 156 Disclaimer .................................................................................................................................... 156 Appendix ...................................................................................................................................... 157 15.1 Detailed Ports Map .................................................................................................................... 157 REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 6 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet 5 History The following listed versions of MLX81325 specification were published to be valid. Always the highest version is valid for the actual produced version of the IC, any older version may be used in reference to the state of development of the IC in past. Please refer to column IC revision letter to select the matching spec version. IC Revision Main changes in Specification Date Stamp Spec Version MLX81325A Initial Version Aug. 11, 2016 REV 1.0 MLX81325A update of ESD standard definition in Table 7.3 update of conditions, limits in Table 7.6 Sept. 29, 2016 REV 1.1 improve description in chapter Window mode correction in chapter AWD Ports update of portsmap - ports DRVCFG and ANA_OUTG REV 1.2 corrections in chapters and June 16, 2017 parameter tTxD_to included in Table 7.5 update of parameter tWU_LIN in Table 9.1 update of some limits and conditions in Table 7.6 Testinterface description included in chapter 9.4.4 Update of port ANA_OUTA (include TRIMCPHS[3]; only valid for MLX81325B) Bondoption ‘ILS’ included (in chapter 3, chapter 7.3, chapter 9.1) Update of application schematics, chapter 8 Chapter included 2 values in Table 9.60 corrected Port ANA_INB in Table 9.20 corrected Dec. 19, 2017 REV 1.3 Correction in Table 9.36 Updates in Table 7.5 parameters e,g, VBOOST, ISLEEP, ErrADC, Vadc_vsm_off, Vcs_err; some test conditions Rework of table for LIN AutoConfig related parameter Update in Table 9.1 parameter tWU_int Correction of port description for XI0_MASK, XI1_MASK Correction in Table 9.20, port ANA_OUTA Aug. 31, 2018 REV 1.4 Corrections in chapter 9.5.6 Update values in Table 7.5 – Pre-driver resistance; condition for IHOLD Correction of minor errors Correction of OV description in chapter 9.4.7 (check also bits OV_VS) July 29, 2019 REV 1.5 Update in chapters and to place ADC tables mandatory in RAM memory Correction for XI0_PEND/XI1_PEND in chapter 15.1 Correction of minor errors Update order codes in chapter 3 MLX81325A MLX81325B MLX81325B MLX81325B MLX81325B REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 7 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet IC Revision Main changes in Specification Date Stamp Spec Version MLX81325B Update order codes in chapter 3 Update Marking in chapter 7.2, 7.3.1 and 7.3.2 Sept 09, 2019 REV 1.6 Insertion of chapter to NVRAM patch mechanism Correction in Equation 25 Apr 27, 2020 REV 1.7 Update Figure 7-1 Correction in Table 9.40: SPI ports – Status and Control bits 1 (Bit SPI_CPHA) MLX81325B 6 Referred documentation Following documents are referred to in this document: [1] Automotive Electronics Council, "AEC-Q100 Failure Mechanism Based Stress Test Qualification for Integrated Circuits", AEC-Q100-REV-H, September 11, 2014 [2] LIN consortium, "LIN specification package 2.0," 2003-09-16. [3] LIN consortium, "LIN specification package 2.1," 2006-11-24. [4] LIN consortium, “LIN Slave Node Position Detection Implementation Note” draft rev. 0.21, 2005-10-04 [5] Mulan Documentation [6] Mlx16x8 Data Book, Softdist download area [7] Melexis LIN API documentation, Softdist download area The descriptions in this document overrule the descriptions in the referred documents. REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 8 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet 7 Technical description 7.1 Package data QFN32 (5x5, 32 leads) Figure 7-1: Package data QFN32 REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 9 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet 7.2 Marking instruction 81325 Part number zzzzzz Lot Number Assembly Date Code: Year Week xxx-y Option Code 1 yyww Silicon version; customer code; assembly house Figure 7-2: Marking example on IC package QFN32 5x5 package REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 10 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet 7.3 Pin out description voltage remarks and description 1 W Pwr HV Motor phase W 2 HSV Pwr HV High side driver output phase V 3 V Pwr HV Motor phase V 4 HSU Pwr HV High side driver output phase U 5 U Pwr HV Motor phase U 6 HST Pwr HV High side driver output phase T 7 T Pwr HV Motor phase T 8 LSW Pwr HV Low side driver output phase W 9 LSV Pwr HV Low side driver output phase V 10 LSU Pwr HV Low side driver output phase U 11 LST Pwr HV Low side driver output phase T 12 ILS Pwr LV Positive input of the current sensor 13 GNDM Ground Power and digital ground 14 GNDL Ground LIN ground 15 LININ Pwr HV LIN transceiver BUS pin, slave only, connected to master side 16 LINOUT Pwr HV LIN transceiver BUS pin, slave only, connected to end of bus side (for option code 0xx) 16 ILS2 Pwr LV Negative input of the current sensor (for option code 1xx) 17 IO7 Ana LV General Purpose Digital I/O pins / Analog input for ADC 18 IO6 Ana LV General Purpose Digital I/O pins / Analog input for ADC 19 IO5 Ana LV General Purpose Digital I/O pins / Analog input for ADC 20 IO4 Ana LV General Purpose Digital I/O pins / Analog input for ADC 21 IO3 Ana HV General Purpose Digital I/O pins / Low/High-Voltage input for ADC, Wake up source 22 IO2 Ana LV General Purpose Digital I/O pins / Analog input for ADC 23 IO1 Ana LV General Purpose Digital I/O pins / Analog input for ADC 24 IO0 Ana LV General Purpose Digital I/O pins / Analog input for ADC 25 VDDA Pwr LV Regulator output (~3.3 V), external blocking capacitors 26 GNDA Ground Ground pin for analog 27 VDDD Pwr LV Regulator output (~1.8 V), external blocking capacitors for Digital part 28 VS Supply HV Battery supply voltage for Analog part; external protection against reverse polarity needed, external blocking capacitors 29 CPDRV Pwr HV Charge pump clock 30 VSM Supply HV Battery supply voltage for Drivers Part; external protection against reverse Pin Nr Pin name REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 11 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Pin Nr Datasheet Pin name voltage remarks and description polarity needed, external blocking capacitors 31 VBOOST Pwr HV Charge pump voltage 32 HSW Pwr HV High side driver output phase W VDDA GNDA VS VDDD VSM CPDRV HSW VBOOST 7.3.1 Option code 0 W IO0 HSV IO1 V IO2 HSU IO3 MLX81325 U IO4 HST IO5 T IO6 LININ LINOUT GNDL GNDM ILS LST LSV IO7 LSU LSW Option code 0xx Table 7.1 Pin out description 0 VDDA GNDA VS VDDD VSM CPDRV VBOOST HSW 7.3.2 Option code 1 W IO0 HSV IO1 V IO2 HSU IO3 MLX81325 U IO4 HST IO5 T IO6 ILS2 LININ GNDL GNDM ILS LST LSV IO7 LSU LSW Option code 1xx Table 7.2 Pin out description 1 REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 12 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet 7.3.3 Electrical Characteristics 7.4 Absolute Maximum Ratings All voltages are referenced to ground (GND). Positive currents flow into the IC. The absolute maximum ratings given in the table below are limiting values that do not lead to a permanent damage of the device but exceeding any of these limits may do so. Long term exposure to limiting values may affect the reliability of the device. Reliable operation of the MLX81325 is only specified within the limits shown in “Operating conditions”. Parameter Battery supply voltage Symbl Condition VS t < 500 ms VSM VS.tr1 VS.tr2 VS.tr3 Limit Min -0.5 -0.5 VDDA-0.3 VDDA-0.3 -100 t < 500 ms ISO 7637-2 pulse 1 [1] VS=13.5V, TA=(23 5)°C ISO 7637-2 pulse 2 [1] VS=13.5V, TA=(23 5)°C ISO 7637-2 pulses 3A, 3B -150 Unit Max 28 (36V [9] ) 45 28 (36V [9] ) 45 V V V V V +75 V +100 V 125 mA [1] Battery supply current IVSM_max Output voltage Output voltage LIN Bus VDDA VDD1V8 VLIN VBUS.tr1 VBUS.tr2 VBUS.tr3 VS=13.5V, TA=(23 5)°C maximum DC or RMS supply current VSM -0.3 -0.3 -27 -100 T < 500ms ISO 7637-2 pulse 1 [2] VS=13.5V, TA=(23 5)°C ISO 7637-2 pulse 2 [2] VS=13.5V, TA=(23 5)°C ISO 7637-2 pulses 3A, 3B -150 3.6 1.95 45 V V +75 V +100 V 200 mA VS+0.3 V 45 V [2] ILIN_max Voltage on Analogue HV VAN_HV Voltage on PIN VBOOST VAN_VBOOST Voltage on Analogue HV VAN_HSx Voltage on Analogue HV VAN_LSx Voltage on pin ILS VAN_ILS, VAN_ILS2 VIO_LV Voltage on IO[7:4] and IO[2:0] REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 VS=13.5V, TA=(23 5)°C Maximum current in -200 LININ or LINOUT IO3 with internal divider -0.3 T, U, V, W outputs[8] switching transients at 36V motor drive -0.3 VBOOST+0.3 V -0.3 -0.5 VREF+0.3 V VDDA+0.3 V -0.3 VDDA+0.3 V Page 13 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Parameter Symbl Voltage on IO[3] Current on IO[7:0] Maximum latch–up free current at any pin VIO_HV IIN_DIG ILATCH Maximum latch–up free current at driver pins ESD capability of pin LIN ILATCH_driver ESDHBM_LIN ESD capability of pin LIN ESDIEC_LIN ESD capability of any other ESDHBM pin, except LIN ESD capability at any pin ESDCDM Storage temperature Tstg Junction Temperature TJ Thermal resistance MLF32 Rth Condition Limit Min -0.3 -10 according JEDEC JESD78, -100 AEC-Q100-004 @ t= 10 msec -250 Unit Max VS+0.3 10 100 V mA mA 250 mA Human body model, acc. AEC-Q100-002 [7][4] acc. IEC 61000-4-2 [6] Human body model [7] -6 +6 kV -6 -2 +6 +2 kV kV Charge Device Model, acc. ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-002 -500 +500 V -55 -40 ~ 32 150 175 °C °C K/W in free air [3] Table 7.3: Absolute maximum ratings [1] [2] [3 ] [4 ] [6 ] [7] [8] [9] ISO 7637 test pulses are applied to VS via a reverse polarity diode and >22µF/100nF blocking capacitor; ISO 7637 test pulses for 24V car battery needs to be protected by external components; ISO 7637 test pulses are applied to BUS via a coupling capacitance of 1nF (as required by German OEM) ISO 7637 test pulses for 24V car battery needs to be protected by external components; Simulated value for low conductance board (JEDEC). ESD is applied on LIN pin against shorted GND pins Equivalent to discharging a 150pF capacitor through a 330Ω resistor conform to IEC Standard 1000-4-2. Equivalent to discharging a 100pF capacitor through a 1.5kΩ resistor. In case of negative voltages applied on T, U, V, W pins, voltage can go lower than -0.3V please refer to the available application notes. 36V operation is limited to maximum 24 hours over life; 28..36V motor driving may require 100..500 Ohm resistor at Vboost pin to protect in case of pcb switching transients >45V REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 14 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet 7.5 Operating Conditions The IC can have 6 different hardware modes. The exact functionality of these modes depends on the hardware and software configuration: Reset: Triggered by hardware. When VS or VDDA or VDDD drop below a critical level, the complete chip is powered down. The analogue and digital supply regulators are disabled. No functionality is available in this mode. Normal mode. Main application running Microcontroller fully functional Analogue fully functional Power Saving Mode Application CPU halted Wake-up by interrupt. Under voltage: triggered by the hardware under voltage detection interrupt. (VS_UV) Microcontroller fully functional. Analogue functionality under software control. Reduced current capability on VDDA below VS=5.5V. Over voltage: triggered by the hardware over voltage detection interrupt. (VS_OV) Microcontroller fully functional Analogue functionality under software control. Sleep Mode: Triggered by the software. Microcontroller powered down Digital and analogue supply powered down. Sleep Mode and wake-up functionality running on help supply Vaux Parameter Symbol Conditions Limit Typ Unit Supply Voltage Range VS Min 5.5 Supply Voltage Range Low battery Ambient Temperature Junction Temperature for FLASH Program and Erase Junction Temperature for NVRAM Program and Erase VS_lb 3.5[1] Max 28 (36 [2]) 5.5 TA TJFLPR -40 0 150 85 C C TJNVPR -40 165 C V V Table 7.4: Operating Conditions [1] [2] IC will work down to 3.5V with reduced analogue characteristics, Digital part still works, Memories will keep their content. Some analogue parameter will drift out of limits, but chip function can be guaranteed. Before going down to 3.5V the VS has to be at the startup of the IC for a certain time > 5.5V to guarantee a correct reset! The VS range below 5.5V is only characterized. No production test IC will work up to 36V with reduced analogue characteristics, Digital part still works, Memories will keep their content. 36V operation is limited to maximum 24 hours over life; 28..36V motor driving may require 100..500 Ohm resistor at Vboost pin to protect in case of pcb switching transients >45V REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 15 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet 7.6 Electrical parameter specification Following characteristics are valid over the full temperature range of Tj = -40°C to +165°C and a supply range of 28V (36V for max. 24h over life time) ≥ VS=VSM > 5.5V unless otherwise noted. With 5.5V ≥ VS > 3.5 V the controller still works, Memories keep their contents, analogue parameters cannot be guaranteed. The VS has to be at the startup of the IC for a certain time > 5.5V to guarantee a correct reset! If several pins are charged with transients above VS and below VSS, the summary of all substrate currents of the influenced pins should not exceed 10mA for correct work of the device. All voltages refer to ground of IC, which is built by short of all existing ground pins, which were split to meet EMC performance and lowest possible noise influence. Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Global parameters Normal working current Inom Sleep Mode current Isleep Holding mode current Ihold Frequencies Frequency of the frc_1M trimmed RC oscillator Frequency of the PLL fpll Settling time of the PLL Frequency separate 10kHz RC oscillator for the analogue REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 tsetpll frc_10k all pins are inputs, trimmed PLL to 28 MHz; no external loads, Normal LIN communication chip in sleep mode; T ≤ 150 °C VS = 13 V, T ≤ 35 °C VS = 13 V, T > 35 °C VS = 18 V VS > 18 V all pins are inputs, chip is fully trimmed using MLX trimming parameters, chip in holding mode; only characterized; no production test, No motor, Mlx16 in halt T Wake up MLX16: 25ms ADC: 2 conversions every 25ms Drivers: ON , CP on MLX4: connected Watchdog: ON LINAA: off [9] Limit Typ Max Unit 10 30 mA 30 80 100 200 µA µA µA µA 7 mA RC oscillator is trimmed 1-5% 1 1+5% MHz System RC oscillator is trimmed RC oscillator is trimmed, PLL is switched on Value of Frc_10k will be measured on MLX test and put into the Flash; 28-5% 28 28+5% MHz 250 µs 20 kHz 5 10 Page 16 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Watchdog Temperature dependency of the 10kHz RC oscillator Tc_Frc_10k Startup time of the system after Power On tstartup_POR Startup time of the Charge pump tstartup_CP This value can be used for calculation of the final frequency of the Analogue WD. 100%*(Frc_10k(max)-10 Frc_10k@35deg)/(Frc_10k@3 5deg) 100%*(Frc_10k(min)Frc_10k@35deg)/(Frc_10k@3 5deg) CVDDA=100nF; CVDDD=100nF Time until the first Flash instruction can be executed, Not tested in production; for information only Time from CP start (DIS_DRV=0) till VBOOST =VS+ 6V for VS>12V; motor not running during startup, Cfly=100 nF, Cboost = 1 µF VDDA related parameters (external C: 47nF … 220nF) 3.3V supply voltage VDDA with trimmed VBG range External output Iddout_VDDA current capability VDDD related parameters (external C: 47nF … 220nF) 1.8V supply voltage VDDD after trimming range External output Iddout_VDDD current capability VDDA based UV RESET parameters Undervoltage reset Vuvr_hl_VDDA on Undervoltage reset Vuvr_lh_VDDA off Hysteresis for Vhyst_uvr_VDDA guaranteed by design undervoltage reset Debouncing for UVR tuvr_VDDA VDDD based UV RESET parameters Undervoltage reset Vuvr_hl_VDDD on Undervoltage reset Vuvr_lh_VDDD off REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Limit Typ 3.15 1.77 Unit Max 10 % of Frc_10k 3.3 1.85 20 ms 5 ms 3.45 V 25 mA 1.93 V 0 mA 2.7 2.85 3 V 2.85 3 3.15 V 0.1 V 1 3 10 µs 1.525 1.6 1.675 V 1.6 1.675 1.75 V Page 17 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Parameter Symbol Conditions Hysteresis for Vhyst_uvr_VDDD guaranteed by design undervoltage reset Debouncing for UVR tuvr_VDDD POR parameters (VS based; for information only) POR off Vpor_lh only for information POR on Vpor_hl only for information Hysteresis for POR Vhyst_por only for information VS – Programmable under voltage interrupt parameters (Brown out)[1] Programmable range Vuv_range PRUV[2:0]: for under voltage 000 level 001 010 011 100 101 Hysteresis for under Vhyst_uv voltage Debouncing for under tuv only for information voltage VS - Over Voltage (Load dump) interrupt related parameters Level for load dump Vld_lh PROV: interrupt on 0 1 Level for load dump interrupt off Vld_hl Hysteresis for load Vhyst_ld dump interrupt Debouncing for load tld dump interrupt ADC (10Bit) related parameters ADC full scale range fsr3 (code 0x3FF fsr2 corresponds to fsr) fsr1 fsr0 Differential nonlinearity Integral nonlinearity DNL INL Quantization steps RESADC Minimum conversion Tconv Time REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 PROV: 0 1 Min 0.05 1 Limit Typ Unit Max V 3 10 3.6 3.15 µs V V mV 60 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 0.1 4 5 6 7 8 9 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 1 V V V V V V V 10 30 60 µs 31.5 37 33 38.5 34.5 40 V V 29.5 34.5 31 36 32.5 37.5 V V 1 2 3 V 100 µs 2.55 1.53 0.765 V V V V -1 +1 LSB -3 +3 LSB only for information 50 ADC_REF[1:0]=11 ADC_REF[1:0]=10 ADC_REF[1:0]=01 ADC_REF[1:0]=00 ADC reference disabled only characterized; no production test only characterized; no production test guaranteed by design frequency = 2MHz frequency = 4MHz guaranteed by design 2.45 1.47 0.735 2.5 1.5 0.75 off 1024 LSB µs 6 3 Page 18 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Parameter Symbol Minimum sampling time Tsamp Minimum time between 2 ADC conversions Tcycl ADC error (excluding ErrADC ADC reference and INL) Conditions Min Time between channel select 3 and start of conversion (4 MHz) guaranteed by design Tcycl = Tsamp + Tconv (for 6 4MHz) w/o channel change Tcycl = Tsamp + Tconv (for 7 4MHz) with channel change guaranteed by design LV channels -1 HV channels (with predivider) -3 IO[7:0] related parameters Leakage current in Ileakio[7:0] 1/16 divider on IO3 disabled. -5 IO[7:0] Fast Digital Input; (not active in SLEEP MODE) Digital input Vinhio[7:0] threshold level L => H Digital input vinlio[7:0] threshold level H => L 1 Digital input Vinhystio[7:0] Hysteresis Digital Input for WAKE UP on IO3 (VAUX supplied) Vinlhio_wu Digital WU input Active in SLEEP MODE threshold level L => H 0.1 Digital WU input threshold level H => L Vinhlio_wu Hysteresis Vhystio_wu µs µs 1 % 3 % 5 µA 2.4 V V V V Active in SLEEP MODE 1.2 0.1 VouthIO[7:4, 2:0] Iload = 2mA Low Voltage Push-Pull Stage of IO3 (not active in SLEEP MODE) Output voltage low VoutlIO[3] Iload = 1mA, SPI_EN = 1; SPIOUT = 0 Output voltage high VouthIO[3] Iload = 1mA, SPI_EN = 1; SPIOUT = 1 IO Voltage Range for ADC measurement Input Voltage Range Vin_adc_IO[7:4, for ADC measurement 2:0] REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Unit Max 2.7 Low Voltage Push-Pull Stage of IO7..4, IO2..0 (not active in SLEEP MODE) Output voltage low VoutlIO[7:4, 2:0] Iload = 2mA Output voltage high Limit Typ For information only V 0.4 VDDA 0.4 V 0.4 VDDA 0.4 0 V V V 2.5 Page 19 of 182 V MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Parameter Symbol IO3_HV Input Voltage Vin_adc_IO3 range for ADC measurement Temperature Sensor related parameters Temperature Shutdown circuit Over temperature Tot_on shutdown interrupt Tot_off Conditions For information only Measurement of V(IO3)/16 tested by special test mode only Min 0 Limit Typ Unit Max 36 V 170 180 190 C 140 150 160 C 10 guaranteed by design Temperature Sensor (for ADC measurement) Temperature range Trange Sensor measures IC junction -40 temperature Temperature TEMP_GAIN measurement gain Accuracy Tacc Measurement error versus -10 absolute Junction temperature after calibration, guaranteed by design VSM Sensor related parameters C Tot_hyst Input range Output Capability VS_min 180 C/LSB 0.5 10 @ ADC_REF[1:0]=11 @ ADC_REF[1:0]=10 @ ADC_REF[1:0]=01 @ ADC_REF[1:0]=00 Tsettling_ADC Time to charge the ADC sampling cap, only characterized; no production test C V 5.5 VS_max C 0.3 36 24 12 off V 0.5 µs Low-Pass Filter cut-off Fvs_filter frequency (@VSM) -3dB cut=off frequency, only characterized; no production test 0.7 1.5 kHz VSM sensor filter Offset Referred to input voltage (VSM) -400 400 mV 9 V Vadc_vsm_off Motor Driver related parameters Bottom pre-driver FET Gatedrive voltage VREF Ron charge REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 R_LS_HIGH Assured output voltage when VSM ≥ 7 V 6 5.5 V < VSM < 7 V If no undervoltage detected VSM - 1 VS=VSM = 8V…36V Tested at 13V in production 10 8 V 30 60 Page 20 of 182 Ohm MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Limit Typ Max Unit Ron discharge R_LS_LOW VS=VSM = 8V…36V Tested at 13V in production 10 25 50 Ohm Top pre-driver Ron charge R_HS_HIGH VS=VSM = 8V…36V Tested at 13V in production 8 40 80 Ohm Ron discharge R_HS_LOW VS=VSM = 8V…36V Tested at 13V in production 8 40 80 Ohm Charge Pump Charge pump output voltage VBOOST VSM + 7 VSM + 8 VSM ≥ 10 V VSM + 5.5 8 ≤ VSM < 10 V VSM + 3 5.5V < VSM < 8 V (BAT54S only, Tj<=150degC) IloadVBOOST ≤ 3 mA VSM + 9.5 VSM + 9.5 VSM + 8 V V V Ohm (Charge pump diodes BAV99 or BAT54S, Tj<=150°C); production test with BAT54S CPDRV output resistance R_CPDRV_HIGH R_CPDRV_LOW CP output frequency CP_FREQ Dead Time for FET switching Dead Time T_DEAD Motor Current Sensor parameters Current sensor input V_CURR_IR range Iload=2mA Tested at 13V in production 15 40 120 10 26 60 40 50 60 Programmable with 3 bits. ANA_OUTG[4:2] 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2 Acs Current sensor reference Vcs0 V(ILS) = 0 Current sensor calibration error Vcs_err measured at the output of the -20 current sensor (ADC input) Current sensor low tcs_filter Guaranteed by design REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 µs µs µs µs µs µs µs µs Allowed input range of shunt -100 voltage (eg. 100 mOhm shunt: 1A = 100mV) For information only Current sensor Gain 9.5 100 10 0.5 mV 10.5 1.25 0.25 kHz V 20 mV 1 µs Page 21 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Parameter Symbol Conditions pass filter time Limit Typ Max Unit 260 300 330 mV 1 2 4 8 1.5 3 6 12 2 4 8 16 µs µs µs µs 1.5 2 2.5 V Typical RC is formed with R = 40kOhm and C = 5pF Overcurrent detection (via comparator) Short circuit detection Voc level Debouncing for OC Toc Digital filter based on RC clock Programmable with 2 bits. DEB_OC[1:0] 00 01 10 11 External FET monitoring Detection level Vds Filter Time Min Vds over voltage level when FET is on Tvds Time from Fet on till Vds monitoring start. Programmable with 2 bits. IO:VDS_MASKTIME[1:0] 00 01 10 11 1.6 3.2 4.8 6.4 µs µs µs µs LIN AutoConfig related parameter (TA =0°C. ... 50°C, characterized; production test @35°C) Functional range LIN auto-addressing VS TA=0°C … 50°C 9 - 15 V Bus pull-up source 1 for auto-addressing PRE-Selection Phase - IPU,AA,PRE,1 VBUS=0V … 2.5V -0.75 -0.40 -0.15 mA Bus pull-up source 2 for auto-addressing Selection Phase IPU,AA,SEL VBUS=0V … 2.5V -2.26 -2.0 -1.84 mA BUS voltage range VBUS 0 - 2.5 V PRE-Selection phase current threshold ITH_PRE 1.0 1.2 1.4 mA Selection phase current threshold ITH_SEL 1.0 1.2 1.4 mA Shunt between LIN_IN & LIN_OUT (TA < 50°C, characterized; production test @35°C) REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 22 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Parameter LIN shunt resistor Symbol Conditions Rshunt (internal) Min Limit Typ Max Unit 0.61 0.78 0.96 Ω 200 300 60 mA LIN related parameters ISO_DIS_17987-4 , SAE J2602, 8V ≤ VBAT ≤ 18V. DC Parameters Transmitter Short circuit bus current Pull up resistance bus, normal & standby mode [8] Pull up current, SLEEP MODE Input Leakage at the receiver incl. PU Bus reverse current, recessive IBUS_LIM RSLAVE ILIN_PU-Sleep IBUS_PAS_dom IBUS_PAS_rec Bus reverse current loss of battery IBUS_NO_BAT Bus current during loss of ground Transmitter dominant voltage Transmitter recessive voltage BUS input capacitance; MLX Value for LIN conformance test Receiver Receiver dominant voltage Receiver recessive voltage Centre point of receiver threshold Receiver Hysteresis IBUS_NO_GND AC Parameters Propagation delay receiver [2], [3], [6] Propagation delay receiver [2], [3], [6] REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 VBUS = VBAT = 18V, driver on VBUS = VBAT = 36V , driver on VolBUS VohBUS CBUS VBUS=0, VBAT=12V, SLEEP MODE VBUS=0, VBAT=12V VBUS=0, VBAT=24V driver off, 8V<VBAT≤27V,Tj>=150degC 27V<VBAT<36V, VBUS > VBAT VS = 0V, 0V < V BUS < 18V 18V < VBUS < 36V LIN 2.1 VS=VGND=12V, 0 < VBUS < 18V VS=VGND=24V, 0 < VBUS < 36V network load =500Ω / TxDx = 0 TxDx open 40 75 20 -100 µA -1 -2 mA 20 50 µA 23 100 µA -1 -2 0 1 2 0.2 mA 0.8 1 VS 35 pF 0.4 VS 1 25 Pulse response via 10k, VPULSE = 12V, VS open VBUSdom VBUSrec VBUS_CNT VBUS_hys trx_pdf trx_pdr 0.6 VBUS_CNT=( VBUSdom+ VBUSrec )/2 VBUS_cnt =( VBUSrec VBUSdom) CRxD =25pF falling edge CRxD =25pF rising edge kOhm 0.475 0.15 VS VS 0.5 0.525 VS 0.175 VS 6 µs 6 µs Page 23 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Parameter Symbol Conditions Prop. delay receiver symmetry [6] Receiver debounce time [7] LIN duty cycle 1 [3] [4] trx_sym trx_pdf - trx_pdr Min -2 trec_deb LIN rising & falling edge 0.5 D1 0.396 LIN duty cycle 2 [3] [4] D2 LIN duty cycle 3 [3] [4] D3 LIN duty cycle 4 [3] [4] D4 trec(max) – tdom(min) [5] trec(min) – tdom(max) [5] TxD dominant timeout [6] Δt3 20kbps operation , normal mode 20kbps operation , normal mode 10.4kbs operation , low speed mode 10.4kbs operation , low speed mode 10.4kbs operation , low speed mode 10.4kbs operation , low speed mode Normal mode, VTxD = 0V Δt4 tTxD_to Limit Typ Unit Max 2 µs 4 µs - 0.581 0.417 - 0.590 - 15.9 µs 17.28 µs 64 ms Table 7.5: Electrical parameters [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] PLL should be switched off at brown out condition. Analog parameters are not guaranteed during brown out. This parameter is tested by applying a square wave signal to the LIN. The access to internal signals RxD,TxD will be performed by test mode. The minimum slew rate for the LIN rising and falling edges is 50V/µs. See figure 1: LIN timing diagram Standard loads for duty cycle measurements are 1KΩ/1nF, 660Ω/6.8nF, 500Ω/10nF, internal termination disabled In accordance to SAE J2602 Parameter in relation to internal signal TxD Internal MLX value to suppress spikes; only proved during characterisation: not measured in production The pull-up resistance is always connected to the LIN-bus; Only when LIN Auto-addressing firmware code is included, the pull-up can be disconnected during the LIN Auto-Addressing sequence IHOLDmax increases by ~0.5mA in case LINAA is switched on. As shown in figure, both worst case duty cycles can be calculated as follows : Dwc1 = tBUS_rec(min) / 2 * tBit Dwc2 = tBUS_rec(max) / 2 * tBIT Thresholds for duty cycle calculation in accordance to LIN2.x: Baud rate 20kBaud 10.4kBaud tBit 50µs 96µs Dwc1 D1 D3 Dwc2 D2 D4 THREC(MAX) 0.744 VS_TX 0.778 VS_TX THDOM(MAX) 0.581 VS_TX 0.616 VS_TX THREC(MIN) 0.422 VS_TX 0.389 VS_TX THDOM(MIN) 0.284 VS_TX 0.251 VS_TX REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 24 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Figure 7-3: LIN timing diagram: Relation between propagation delay and duty cycle 8 MLX81325 – Typical application schematic In the following schematic example, all external components are indicated that are needed to protect the IC against EMC / ESD pulses. VBAT VSM MLX81325 VS CPDRV VBOOST GND LIN_IN LIN_OUT GNDL HSW HSV HSU HST LININ LINOUT BLDC motor connections T U V W VDDD VDDA U V W LST LSU LSV LSW ILS GNDA IO[7:0] GNDM Figure 8-1: Typical BLDC motor schematic with MLX81325 REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 25 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet The following schematic is an example for a differential shunt measurement of the external current. All external components are indicated that are needed to protect the IC against EMC / ESD pulses. VBAT VSM MLX81325 VS CPDRV VBOOST GND LIN_IN LIN_OUT GNDL LININ LINOUT VDDD VDDA GNDA IO[7:0] HSW HSV HSU HST BLDC motor connections T U V W U V W LST LSU LSV LSW ILS ILS2 GNDM Figure 8-2: Typical BLDC motor schematic with MLX81325 with bond option 1xx (differential shunt measurement) REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 26 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet 9 Functional description 9.1 Block-Diagram VDDA VDDD VS CPDRV VBOOST VSM GNDA Supply System Digital WD with separate RCO Overtemp detection Charge Pump 3.3V / 1.8V POR VDS COMP IO7 IO ports IO6 IO5 IO4 HST HSU HSV HSW Aux. Supply IO0, …, IO7 Temperature LIN Rx-Tx access Vs, Vsm LIN ACFG Mux 28:1 VREF 10-bit ADC Autosequence Idrv T U V W Vt, Vu, Vv, Vw IO3 IO2 IO1 IO ports Wake-up SPI COMP Idrv OC_DRV OPA IO0 LST LSU LSV LSW GNDM ILS ILS2 (bond option 1xx) 5x PWM timer Temp Sensor PWM control Supply Sensor PWM clock generation Auto-config HW multiplier co-processor LINOUT (bond option 0xx) OC_DRV GNDL Interrupt controller RC- osc. + PLL f main 2 Kbyte Flash SPI Common Timer Appl CPU MLX16 M M U 32 Kbyte ROM 16 Kbyte NVRAM 4x128 Bytes Melexis Integrated LIN Controller (Protocol Boot Loader) LIN- PHY RAM Digital watchdog VDS LININ 16bit bitTimer TimerUnits Units 16 withDouble Double with CaptureCompare Compare Capture Multi-CPU debugger NV Memory program interface Test Controller Figure 9-1: Functional block diagram REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 27 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet 9.2 System behavior description The following chapter describes the behaviour of the MX81325 under normal and special conditions. At first, entering and leaving RESET has to be done carefully by API. Initialization of the system as well as saving any needed data later to memory is the precondition to keep application running correctly. 9.2.1 The supply system of MLX81325 Inside MLX81325 a set of different supplies deliver voltage to various parts of the system. The following section describes how different supplies are used. IC supply voltage VS The car battery voltage VBAT is connected via the Reverse Polarity Diode to the IC Supply voltage VS. A big capacitor in range of several µF on VS is needed in case of VBAT brake down. This capacitor is important to guarantee a certain remaining charge for writing the non-volatile Memory. A small capacitor of about 100 nF is needed to stabilize VS for emission reasons, to insure a stable application in case of negative transients. Auxillary supply VAUX This internal voltage supplies those blocks of the MLX81325, which are basically used to control the main supplies (VDDA,VDDD), SLEEP MODE, reset etc. VAUX is always active as long as enough voltage on VS is available. Any blocks needed in SLEEP MODE are supplied by this voltage. Analogue Supply VDDA This voltage supplies the analogue part of the MLX81325. It is switched off during SLEEP MODE. The regulator is designed for an external capacitor in the range of 47 nF … 220 nF. Digital Supply VDDD This voltage supplies the digital part of the MLX81325. It will be switched off during SLEEP MODE. The regulator is designed for an external capacitor in the range of 47 nF … 220 nF. It is not allowed to use this voltage to supply external components (Iddout_VDDD = 0 mA). 9.2.2 Power On The following block diagram shows an overview over the different Power supplies and the reset circuits: REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 28 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet VS VDD VDD VDD Regulator VAUX OUT (2 … 3.6V) Regulator VDDD OUT (1.85V) Regulator VDDA OUT (3.3V) TRIMVDDA TRIMVDDD VDD Bandgap VBG (1.2xV) OUT VDD UV_VDDA VDD POR IN VLH:3.6V OUT VHL:3.15V IN UV_VDDD OUT VLH:3V VHL:2.85V IN OUT VLH:1.675V VHL:1.6V TRIMBGP UV_VDDD UV_VDDA POR MRB Figure 9-2: power-on block diagram After connecting power to VS pin (assuming any needed external components are applied correctly) the system will start to work. The on-chip supplies start to build the system voltages after reaching the defined minimum voltage level on VS pin. The MRB (for Master Reset, low active) is a digital signal which keeps the complete IC in reset state, as long as one of the supplies is below the specified value. MRB is active after Power On VS under the following condition as long as VS stays below the POR level (Vpor_lh) or as long as VDDA stays below its under voltage reset level (Vuvr_lh_VDDA) or as long as VDDD stays below its under voltage reset level (Vuvr_lh_VDDD). VS VDDA Vuvr_lh_VDDA VAUX Vpor_lh Vuvr_lh_VDDD VDDD t tdelay EN_REG PORB UVB_VDDD UVB_VDDA MRB t Figure 9-3: power on sequence REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 29 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet With rising edge PORB after VS ramping up, the bandgap and the undervoltage detection circuits for VDDA and VDDD are switched on. After a built in delay time of typ.150 µs the bandgap has reached the valid voltage level and the regulators for VDDA and VDDD are switched on. If VDDA and VDDD are above the undervoltage levels the Master Reset is switched off (MRB = 1) and the system starts to work. For an external capacitor of 100 nF at the pins VDDA and VDDD a typical startup time of the system is about 1ms. 9.2.3 Power Off When VDDA or VDDD are below the under voltage levels, MRB is set active which disables all functions of the chip. If VS drops below its POR level, it will disable the VDDA and VDDD regulator and set the MRB active. In case of application relevant data has been changed in the RAM area of the NVRAM and the power supply is going down, API has to start immediately saving values into NVRAM. The available time for this save operation is limited by the energy of the external capacitor at VS. Note that too short save operations can cause invalid data in the memory. Saving data in NVRAM can be triggered by the under voltage interrupt or by measuring the VS with the ADC. 9.2.4 System initialization and Trimming For correct system startup some analog registers in the IO part will be restored after every RESET or WAKE UP by writing with values taken from the nonvolatile memory. These values have been stored during Melexis chip test. The defined addresses are reserved for Melexis and it is not allowed to be changed by API. Please see also the memory map for details, what parameters are stored under what addresses. Startup steps: 1. Trimming of the bandgap 2. Trimming of the VDDA supply voltage 3. Trimming of the VDDD supply voltage 4. Trimming of the Biasing 5. Trimming of the RC Oscillator 6. Trimming of Watchdog RC Oscillator 7. Trimming of the ADC Reference voltages VRH1..3 8. Trimming of current sensor 9. Configure PLL 9.2.5 Entering SLEEP MODE (GO TO SLEEP MODE = GTSM) The SLEEP MODE of MLX81325 is enabled by a write to a special port location. This mode is used to save power by switching off any not needed function, keeping only some minimum parts alive, which will watch events or conditions for possible WAKE UP requests. To enter SLEEP MODE the following sequence has to be performed: API takes first care of saving any needed data into non-volatile memory, because SLEEP MODE will force system to switch off power supplies. Any register content of CPU, the content of volatile memories etc get lost. So API should prepare the system to store information needed after restarting by WAKE UP or next Power On. REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 30 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet The API starts the system shutdown process by stopping the communication and application CPU (M4_RB = 0, HALT = 1 and setting GTSM = 1). Note that the system shutdown cannot be canceled by any wake-up mechanism as long as the process is not completed. With rising edge of GTSM the following sequence is started: GTSM is filtered, must be 25µs…50 µs high Internal GTSM pulse is generated Bandgap (VBG), undervoltage detection circuits and regulators for VDDA and VDDD are switched off. System is in SLEEP MODE WAKE UP is possible by LIN, external pin IO3 or internal WAKE UP timer. 9.2.6 WAKE UP from SLEEP MODE Before sending SLEEP MODE request API has to ensure, that in minimum one WAKE UP source is enabled, otherwise only LIN activity or POR via VS can restart from SLEEP MODE. After WAKE UP the software starts identically as after power on. There are 3 different sources for a WAKE UP: A falling edge on the LIN bus, followed by a dominant voltage level for longer than the specified value (twu_LIN) and a subsequent rising edge will cause a wake up. If the Sleep mode was initiated by a short on the LIN (failure), and the short was removed afterwards, the LIN wakes up immediately by the next rising edge. The integrated filter prevents a WAKE UP via EMC interferences. Falling and Rising edge on digital input IO3 (with debouncing). The configurable internal WAKE UP timer. The source of the WAKE UP can be read from register 0x281E: Bit 8 - LIN wake up Bit 9 - IO3 wake-up Bit 10 - Internal wake-up timer For an external capacitor of 100 nF at the pins VDDA and VDDD a typical startup time of the system out of SLEEP MODE is about 1 ms. REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 31 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Vuvr_lh_VDDD and Vuvr_lh_VDDA VDDA VAUX VDDD VBG t WAKEUP MRB VBG_ON, UV det. on VDDA_ON VDDD_ON GTSM t Figure 9-4: wake-up Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Limits Typ Unit Max Wake up related parameters Wake up filter time pin IO[3] tWU_IO[3] SLEEP MODE, IO[3] rising & falling edge 25 50 µs Wake up filter time pin LIN tWU_LIN SLEEP MODE, LIN rising & falling edge 30 150 µs Internal WAKE UP Timer SLEEP MODE, Programmable via 2 Bits (INT_WU[2:1]); tWU_int 0.4 0.8 1.6 s Table 9.1: wake-up parameters 9.2.7 Entering HOLD MODE With the halt command instead of SLEEP with DIS_GTSM (0x28CC, bit 0) set to 1 system goes to HOLD mode – CPU is frozen, all supplies and configurations are kept, all memories keep their content, all timers, PWMs, interrupts are working in accordance to initial configuration, ADC routine ongoing, all analogue cells are working in accordance to their configuration, This mode is used for motor holding when no rotation and no control needed while DRIVERs must be active. 9.2.8 Releasing HOLD MODE REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 32 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Any interrupt will remove HALT from CPU, thus system will go back to normal operation mode. Pay attention that system is not in SLEEP MODE, thus wake up events will be ignored. 9.2.9 System behaviour in case of different undervoltage conditions The following table shows an overview, how the MLX81325 behaves, if the different voltages have the following values: VS VDDA VDDD System behaviour VS > 5.5 V > Vuvr_hl_VDDA > Vuvr_hl_VDDD Normal working range 3.5 ≤ VS < 5.5 V > Vuvr_hl_VDDA > Vuvr_hl_VDDD Under Voltage Digital part fully functional. Current consumption on VDDA should be limited by software. Analog parameters cannot be guaranteed. ≥ 3.5 V ≤ Vuvr_hl_VDDA X Reset: MRB=Low; VAUX is still on; analogue and digital parts are in reset State ≥ 3.5 V X ≤ Vuvr_hl_VDDD Reset: MRB=Low; VAUX is still on; analogue and digital parts are in reset State 2.5 ≤ VS < 3.5 V X > Vuvr_hl_VDDD reduce analog and digital current consumption as much as possible Chip function cannot be guaranteed. RAM content is kept Table 9.2: under-voltage conditions 9.3 Digital Part 9.3.1 CPU core MULAN3 – MULtiple CPU with Analog and Network support The MLX81325 is designed with the Melexis 4 Bit / 16-Bit-Risc-CPU MULAN3. For more information regarding the MULAN3 (CPU architecture, instruction set, register set, addressing modes etc.) see the references in chapter 6. The MULAN3 core has included the Mlx16x8 co-processor for fast multiplication and division of 32bit values (for further information see [6]). MULAN3 compared to MULAN2 MULAN3 is the 100% function compatible to MULAN2. The differences are in memory organization and interrupt vectors for the system level interrupts, i.e. REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 33 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet MULAN3 adds 16K byte ROM. The power up code and the SW for the LIN-CPU (MLX4) is executed from ROM. The ROM contains a boot loader supporting flash reprogramming over LIN and will be provided by Melexis in a software platform. the ROM will be located at addresses C000 to FFFF, 8K is used by MLX4 (C000 to DFFF), 8K by MLX16 (E000 to FFFF) MULAN3 will include a BIST block for testing the ROM the far page 6 (FP6) will be pointing into ROM at address FF00 MULAN3 redirects all level 0 interrupts (reset, Stack, Protection Error, Invalid Address, Program Error) into ROM (to FP6) MULAN3 changes the interrupt type of Protection error, Invalid Address Error and Program Error (= flash error) type to JUMP (instead of CALL) port bits are added to control the relocation of MLX4 code from ROM to FLASH (in CONTROL_EXT2 port) port bits are added to determine the access priority for reading the ROM from MLX4 or MLX16 (in CONTROL_EXT2 port) MULAN3 CPU Performance The system clock of the MLX81325 is based on a main clock up to 32MHz (internal RC oscillator with PLL). Except for the debouncing times for some WAKE UP sources from standby mode and the digital watchdog, all timings are derived from this system clock. The startup configuration is 28MHz to guarantee safe work under all conditions. ROM code is adapted to that 28MHz. PLL Frequency T junction 28 MHz (+/-5%) 165 C 30 MHz (+/-5%) 150 C 32 MHz (+/-5%) 100 C Table 9.3: Temperature dependency of max. PLL frequency Change PRIO MLX4/MLX16 “SEL PRIO” bit (0x2054, bit 0) can lower the priority of MLX4 for DMA and increase the priority of MLX16 in order to gain CPU power on MLX16. “SEL PRIO” bit is set by default ‘0’ giving the priority to MLX4. When set to ‘1’ the MLX16 gets priority over the MLX4 meaning the MLX16 will execute his main instructions in 4Tclk. MLX4 will execute in 3 or 4 Tclk. This bit can be set to ‘1’ before start of the main application and before start of the LIN application Identical approach had been selected for ROM access priority controlled by the bit "ROM_PRIO" in the port CONTROL_EXT2, address 0x205F, bit0. "ROM_PRIO"='0' (=reset value) gives MLX4 the priority on ROM accesses, setting it to '1' will prefer MLX16 over MLX4. MULAN3 Architecture The architecture of MULAN3 is shown on the figure below. REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 34 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet RB System Clock Custom digital and analog Test controller Mlx16 periphery Mlx4 periphery Mulan3 Interrupt controller NVRAM Mlx16-(X)8 CPUs interface Mlx4 ROM Flash Arbiter RAM arbiter ROM Flash RAM Mlx4 - Mlx16 shared resources Figure 9-5: MULAN3 architecture This architecture has been selected for the following reasons: separation of protocol load from application software load by 2 processors keeping the protocol adaptable to different revision by software solut ion protocol safety is implemented, the risk to crash the communication by a software error in the application software is minimized full CPU power of the MLX16x8 for application flash in application through LIN or SPI possible MULAN3 Address space Mlx4 and Mlx16 share a common ROM/Flash and RAM. From the 2 CPUs a unified 16 bits bus is created (Von Neumann architecture). The ROM/Flash, the RAM, the NVRAM and the Mlx16-(x)8 peripherals are hooked on this bus. Two arbiters are in charge of creating a unique memory address and corresponding access signals for ROM/Flash and RAM. Notes: The NVRAM is only accessed by the Mlx16, so it does not need an arbiter. REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 35 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Memory mapping The unified 16 bits bus is accessing devices as shown on the table below: Memory space ROM (16k Byte) E000 - FFFF C000 - DFFF 6000 - BFFF 4000 3000 2800 2000 1200 1180 1100 10FE 1080 1000 0800 0000 - 5FFF 3FFF 2FFF 27FF 1FFF 11FF 117F 10FF 10FD 107F 0FFF 07FF FLASH (32 kByte) Not Used Mlx16 User ports Mlx16 System Ports Not used NVRAM Melexis Area NVRAM / NVRAM NVRAM Melexis Data NVRAM / NVRAM NVRAM / NVRAM Not used RAM (1) 8k MLX16 8k MLX4 + MLX16 24k System Write To User Write From Size in used by Bytes MLX16 Fetch Allowed MLX16 8k MLX4 + MLX16 2k 2k MLX16 MLX16 (2) 128 128 2 126 128 2k MLX reserved MLX16 MLX reserved MLX16 MLX16 MLX4 + MLX16 (2) (1) (1): See RAM sharing for Mlx4-Mlx16 distribution and protection (2): Fetch enabled in this area for patch codes (Mlx16) Figure 9-6: memory map There are some restrictions for accessing certain areas depending on the type of access: Mlx4 can fetch anywhere from physical addresses 0x4000 to 0x5FFF (12 bits word address) Mlx16 can on fetch in: ROM/FLASH: Normal case RAM: For test purposes Mlx4 and Mlx16 can read any RAM location (limited to 256 bytes for Mlx4) Mlx4 and Mlx16 have specific rules for writing in RAM The predefined pages of the Mlx16-(x)8 are encoded as shown on the table below. Name Address in 32K Flash size Note Fp0: BF00 Last FLASH / ROM page (used by interrupt controller) Fp1: BE00 Could be used for C runtime Fp2: BD00 Could be used for C runtime Fp3: BC00 Could be used for C runtime REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 36 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Name Address in 32K Flash size Note Fp4: BB00 Could be used for C runtime Fp5: BA00 Could be used for C runtime Fp6: FF00 ROM for Level 0 interrupts Fp7: 1000 NVRAM Dp: 0000 Mlx16 private RAM Io: 2800 User Ports Ep: 1000 NVRAM (First page) Table 9.4: predefined pages MULAN3 included periphery – 15bit Timer The timing generation principle is shown on Figure 9-7. 1 MHz derived from fPLL Programmable Counter from 1 to 32768 TIMER _IT (*) ( 1µs to 32768µs) 1 15 Port TIMER (*) : Can be disabled by interrupt controller Figure 9-7: Timer A 15 bits free running counter clocked by 1MHz (refer to is available to generate TIMER_IT interrupt at a rate varying from 1µs (TIMER [14:0] = 0) to 32768µs (TIMER [14:0] = 32767). The timer is made of a down counting loadable binary counter. It is enabled by TMR_EN (bit 15) of port TIMER. Once enabled, each time it reaches 0x0000; it is reloaded by the value of port TIMER [14:0] and generates a TIMER_IT interrupt. Reading port TIMER reads the current value of the counter when TMR_EN = 1 or an unknown value when TMR_EN = 0. IO port: TIMER Address: 2806-2807h Bit[7] Bit[6] Access mode: Word, byte – Read Bit[5] Bit[4] Bit[3] Bit[2] Bit[1] Bit[0] Bit[10] Bit[9] Bit[8] TIMER[7:0] Bit[15] Bit[14] TMR_EN Bit[13] Bit[12] Bit[11] TIMER[14:8] Table 9.5: IO port TIMER The generation of long timer delays can be done in software. The timer should be disabled before being reloaded. REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 37 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet MULAN3 included periphery - Watchdog Introduction and features The MULAN3 core contains a separate watchdog (WD) running on a 250 kHz clock derived from the MULAN3 main clock. It can work in one of the following main modes: Simple timer Watchdog Window Watchdog Intelligent Watchdog The timeout delays programmable in wide range by using a clock pre-divider The WD outputs are only interrupts. Applications The Watchdog block is used in association with the MLX16. According to the selected mode the block waits for a MLX16 acknowledge between different time limits, or else a System reset interrupt is generated. A MXL16 acknowledgement resets the internal WD counter. In the Simple Timer mode: the Watchdog it is a resettable free-running up counter. The acknowledge signal should appear before the internal WD counter reaches a predefined timeout value. In Window mode: the WatchDog is a resettable free-running up counter. The acknowledge signal should appear only within a time window starting at half the predefined timeout value. In Intelligent WatchDog mode: the WatchDog can have its counter programmed with different values. When the predefined timeout value is reached, an WD attention interrupt is generated and then A new waiting sequence starts. The acknowledge signal should appear before the end of this second sequence. The WD attention interrupt and the System reset interrupt will be used by the software. Block diagram and description The functional block diagram of the Watchdog block is shown in Figure 9-8. WD_MODE WD_TO WD_DIV WD_CNT CK250K Clock prescaler 8 bits counter Reset User Mode (from CPU) WD_TG Timeout Unit - mode control - timeout generation - window checking - protection mode checking WD Reset Interrupt (SYS_WD_RST) WD Attention Interrupt (WD_ATT) Protection Error Intrrupt (SYS_PROT_ERR) WD_ERR WD_WND Figure 9-8: Functional diagram of the Watchdog block. The WatchDog mode, simple timer, window or intelligent is selected via the control bit WD_MODE. All modes use a timeout value WD_TO, what determines the watchdog timeout WD_TO. An 8 bit free-running counter WD_CNT is counting using the pre-scaled input clock until it reaches the value WD_TO. REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 38 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet The WD prescaler module supports the following ratios WD_DIV: 1/8, 1/32, 1/128, 1/512 of the 250kHz input clock frequency. And the watchdog time-out value is defined by the following equation: TimeOut 1 2 2WD _ DIV 8 WD _ TO FCK Equation 1 Where: Fck=1/Tck is the frequency of the WD input clock WD_DIV is the WD predivider value, defined in IO port WCTRL WD_TO is the time out value, defined in IO port WDT For a given time, several combinations of WD_TO and WD_DIV can be found. It is recommended to use WD_TO values as big as possible and to reduce WD_DIV. Examples of timeout values for different Tosc values are given in Table 9.6. Timeout (ms) for 250kHz input clock 1 5 10 50 100 WD_DIV WD_TO WD_DIV WD_TO WD_DIV WD_TO WD_DIV WD_TO WD_DIV WD_TO 0 31 0 156 1 78 2 98 2 195 Table 9.6: Example of WD_DIV and WD_TO setting with Fck=250kHz. The operating mode can be set only once after resetting, what usually happens in the system initialization. To change the mode, a new system reset is needed. To acknowledge the watchdog, the Time Out value WD_TO in the port WDCTRL must be written. The IO port associated to the Time Out value WD_TO is the low byte of the port WDCTRL. The IO port associated to the Tag value WD_TG is the port WTG. The IO port associated to the Control and flag bits, e.g WD_MODE, is the high byte of the port WDCTRL. Timer mode In Timer mode the watchdog reset interrupt is generated simply when reaching the timeout value. The block can be acknowledged anytime by writing a dummy value into port WDCTRL. This restarts the free-running counter. The timeout value WD_TO is fixed and can be changed only before enabling the watchdog. An attempt to change the control bit WD_MODE or WD_DIV sets the flag bit WD_ERR to 1. An interrupt PROT_ERR is generated. Window mode In Window mode the acknowledgement must happen in a “window” between the half timeout and the timeout. An acknowledgement outside this window causes a CPU watchdog reset. The timeout value WD_TO is fixed and can be changed only before enabling the watchdog. The control bit WD_WND is set to 1 while the window is valid. An attempt to change the control bit WD_MODE or WD_DIV sets the flag bit WD_ERR to 1. An interrupt PROT_ERR is generated. After the timeout programmed, WD_TO an attention interrupt WD_ATT is generated REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 39 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet The watchdog reset USER_WD_RST occurs only in case WD_TO had not been updated 1/8 of the timeout after the first interrupt WD_ATT. Intelligent mode The Intelligent mode is different from the previous ones, as it supposes the software to allocate for a given task a given amount of time and a tag. After the timeout programmed, WD_TO: An attention interrupt WD_ATT is generated, the software can verify it’s state using the tag WD_TG, The software can write a new couple of timeout value and tag. The watchdog reset USER_WD_RST occurs only in case WD_TO and WD_TG had not been updated 1/8 of the timeout after the first interrupt WD_ATT. An attempt to change the control bit WD_MODE sets the flag bit WD_ERR to 1. An interrupt PROT_ERR is generated. To write new values in the IO port, the MULAN3 user bit USER must be set to 0, i.e. ‘System mode’ must be selected. Or else the flag bit WD_ERR is set to 1 and an interrupt PROT_ERR is generated. Watchdog Control and Command ports All the IO ports involved in Watchdog programming are resumed in Table 9.7 to Table 9.9: The Tag port WTG, The Status, Control and TimeOut port WDCTRL IO port: WTG Address: 0x2804 Bit[7] Access mode: Word, Byte – Read and Write Bit[6] Bit[5] Bit[4] Bit[3] Bit[2] Bit[1] Bit[0] WD_TAG[7:0] Table 9.7: Watchdog ports – Tag value. WD_TAG[7:0]: tag value; using this port the Watchdog software can manage different owners IO port: WDCTRL (high byte) Address: 0x2803 Access mode: Word, Byte – Read and Write Bit[7] Bit[6] WD_ERR WD_WND Bit[5] Bit[4] WD_MODE[1:0] Bit[3] Bit[2] - - Bit[1] WD_DIV[1:0] Table 9.8: Watchdog ports – Status and Control port. WD_ERR: Flag for access error; depends on the Watchdog mode. Read and clear bit. 1 = WD access error detected; the interrupt PROT_ERR is generated 0 = no WD access error WD_WND: Flag to indicates the open windows; for windows mode only 1 = window is open, Watchdog acknowledge is allowed 0 = window is closed, no acknowledge allowed REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Bit[0] Page 40 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet WD_MODE[1:0]: Watchdog mode. 00 = Watchdog disabled 10 = Window Watchdog mode 01 = Timer Watchdog mode 11 = Intelligent Watchdog mode WD_DIV[1:0]: Predivider for Watchdog counter. The Watchdog counter clock frequency is divided by: 00 = division by 1*8 10 = division by 16*8 01 = division by 4*8 11 = division by 64*8 IO port: WDCTRL (low byte) Address: 0x2802 Access mode: Word, Byte – Read and Write Bit[7] Bit[6] Bit[5] Bit[4] Bit[3] Bit[2] Bit[1] Bit[0] WD_TO[7:0] Table 9.9: Watchdog ports – Time Out value. WD_TO[7:0]: Time Out value; to be compare with the internal free running counter. Interrupts connections The MULAN3 integrated watchdog is connected directly to the Watchdog attention and watchdog reset interrupts. For further detail refer to chapter “Interrupts”. The interrupts are used shared with the separate analogue watchdog, as described in chapter “Analog Watchdog (AWD)” Reset state After a Power-On-Reset or Watchdog-Reset the WD module is disabled and the IO ports are reset. MULAN3 included periphery - ADC interface Introduction and features MULAN3 comprises an ADC frontend interface supporting the following features: flexible support of an ADC with Sample and Hold (S/H) and an analog multiplexer. single conversion multiple autonomous conversions on different input channels and using different reference voltages hardware-synchronized multiple conversions ADC autosequence table must be placed in RAM memory The target of the interface is to limit the CPU support needed for this. RAM needs The ADC hardware runs autonomously through DMA (Direct Memory Access) in the CPUs RAM. It uses a channels and a results table, which need to be initialized by software before starting the first conversion. The channels table contains the data fields SIN (select ADC input channel) and SREF (select reference voltage, hardware trigger source). REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 41 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet For n channels, ( 4n + 2 ) bytes of RAM must be reserved. The base addresses for the two tables are set by the ports ADC_SBASE (SBase, for the channels table) and ADC_DBASE (DBase, for the results table). RAM ADC controller action DBase+n ADCn Write DBase+1 DBase ADC1 ADC0 Write Write SBase+n 0xFFFF Read SINn:SREFn Read SBase+1 SBase SIN1:SREF1 Read SIN0:SREF0 Read 16 bits Figure 9-9: RAM organization The channels table is organized as follows: Configuration word for one conversion, resides in RAM at addresses starting from ADC_SBASE Bit[15] ... Bit[8] SIN[7] ... SIN[0] Bit[7] ... Bit[0] SREF[7] ... SREF[0] Table 9.10: channels table SIN[7:0] Input channel selector, max 8bit = 256 channels possible SREF[7:4] Hardware trigger source selection SREF[3:0] Reference voltage selection After the last couple SINi:SREFi, a special marker (0xFFFF) is placed Examples: Below the RAM organisation for a single channel conversion and a conversion over four channels is given. REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 42 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet RAM DBase SBase+1 SBase ADC0 RAM ADC controller action DBase+3 DBase+2 DBase+1 DBase ADC3 ADC2 ADC1 ADC0 Write Write Write Write SBase+3 SBase+2 SBase+1 SBase 0xFFFF SIN3:SREF3 SIN2:SREF2 SIN1:SREF1 SIN0:SREF0 Read Read Read Read Read ADC controller action Write 0xFFFF Read SIN0:SREF0 Read 16 bits 16 bits Figure 9-10: Single channel RAM Figure 9-11: 4 Channels RAM Interface function Once the RAM has been initialized, the ADC interface can be started. The START bit in the control register has to be set, and then conversions are triggered by events. The events can be software events (SOFT_TRIG bit in the control register), or external events (pulses on the HARD_TRIG input). The choice is done with the TRIG_SRCbit in the control register. The first conversion uses SIN0 and SREF0, and automatically stores the result of the conversion in ADC0, the second conversion SIN1 and SREF1, and automatically stores the result of the conversion in ADC1, etc... Once the last conversion is done, (i.e. the next SINi:SREFi = 0xFFFF), the interface can do the following: Trigger an interrupt for the CPU and stop Trigger an interrupt and restart from SIN0:SREF0 if the loop bit is set in the control register. Examples 1) A single shot conversion triggered by the software. With a RAM organized like shown in Figure 9-10: Single channel RAM: Program the control register: START = 1, Trig_Src = 0 (to select the software trigger), loop=0 This will open the sample and hold switch. The conversion will be started upon software request: soft_trig = 1. This also close the sample and hold switch. When the conversion is completed, the result is stored in ADC0. An interrupt is generated and the interface is ready to resume. 2) A four channel conversion cycle, triggered by an external event and stopped at the fourth channel. REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 43 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet With a RAM organized like shown in Figure 9-10: Single channel RAM: Program the control register: start = 1, trig_src = 1 (to select the external trigger), loop=0. SIN and SREF are put on the ADC input multiplexers, the sample and hold switch is opened (sample position). When HARD_TRIG is set, the sample and hold switch is closed (hold position) and the conversion starts. When the conversion is completed, the result is stored in RAM, the values for the next SIN and SREF are read, and the interface waits for another trigger (note that if HARD_TRIG is still high, the next conversion will start immediately). When SIN = SREF = 0xFF (after 4 conversions), an interrupt is generated and the interface is ready to resume. 3) A four channel conversion cycle, permanently running, triggered by an external event. With a RAM organized like shown on Figure 9-10: Single channel RAM: Program the control register: start = 1, trig_src = 1 (to select the external trigger), loop = 1. SIN and SREF are put on the ADC input multiplexers, The sample and hold switch is opened (sample position). When HARD_TRIG is set, the sample and hold switch is closed (hold position) and the conversion starts. When the conversion is completed, the result is stored in RAM, the values for the next SIN and SREF are read, and the interface waits for another trigger (note that if HARD_TRIG is still high, the next conversion will start immediately). When SIN = SREF = 0xFF (after 4 conversions), an interrupt is generated. The first couple of val ues for SIN and SREF are read again and the conversions restart from the beginning. Notes By construction, DMA takes care of appropriate access to RAM, so there is no risk to read a wrong data. In permanent conversion, the interrupt latency should be shorter than a conversion time to retrieve all the conversion results of the same cycle. With the interrupt disabled, the software can check the start bit in the control register to check if the conversion is done. This bit is reset when the last conversion is done (loop bit not set). If the ADC is running in an endless loop (loop bit set), the start bit is never reset and the user can read at any time the ADC values in the RAM. The ADC values are however not necessarily consistent, i.e. all belonging to a single conversion cycle. When using the HARD_TRIG input to trigger a conversion (trig_src bit is set), the first pulse on HARD_TRIG is ignored to guarantee that the minimum conversion time is respected. REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 44 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Timing example Sofware actions Setup RAM Start START_ADC SIN0 SIN1 SIN0 SREF0 SREF1 SREF0 SOC EOC DATA DATA0 DATA1 INT Event Select first input Wait for event Save DATA0 in RAM Check for last channel Select next inputs Wait for event Save DATA1 in RAM Check for last channel Select next inputs Wait for event Figure 9-12: ADC Interface timing example In this example, two channels have been defined, with event triggered start and permanent mode. CPU is solicited every two conversions by an interrupt. In order to stop the permanent conversion process, START can be asserted low and conversion(s) will stop after the conversion of the current channel. ADC control and command ports There are 3 ports in the ADC interface: ADC_CONTROL port: control bits. ADC_SBASE: base address for SIN and SREF storage. ADC_DBASE: base address for conversion results. Each port is 16-bits wide and accessible by bytes or words. At reset, the control register is 0, SBase and DBase are X. IO port: ADC_SBASE Address: 0x2812 Bit[7] Bit[6] Bit[5] Access mode: Word, Byte – Read and Write Bit[4] Bit[3] Bit[2] Bit[1] Bit[0] Bit[10] Bit[9] Bit[8] ADC_SBASE[7:0] Bit[15] Bit[14] Bit[13] Bit[12] Bit[11] ADC_SBASE[15:8] REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 45 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet IO port: ADC_DBASE Address: 0x2814 Bit[7] Bit[6] Bit[5] Access mode: Word, Byte – Read and Write Bit[4] Bit[3] Bit[2] Bit[1] Bit[0] Bit[10] Bit[9] Bit[8] ADC_DBASE[7:0] Bit[15] Bit[14] Bit[13] Bit[12] Bit[11] ADC_DBASE[15:8] Table 9.11: ADC Interface – Base addresses for input multiplexer and results ADC_SBASE[15:0]: base address for SIN (input channel) and SREF (reference voltage) storage ADC_DBASE[15:0]: base address for conversion results IO port: ADCCTRL Address: 0x2810 Access mode: Word, Byte – Read and Write Bit[7] Bit[6] Bit[5] Bit[4] Bit[3] Bit[2] Bit[1] Bit[0] ADC_SYNC _SOC - OVFM OVF - LOOP TRIG_SRC START Bit[15] Bit[14] Bit[13] Bit[12] Bit[11] Bit[10] Bit[9] Bit[8] ADC_EOC_SYNC SOFT _TRIG Table 9.12: ADC interface ports – Control register. START Start a conversion cycle. If reset before the End Of Conversion interrupt is received, the cycle is interrupted after the current conversion (the result of the current conversion will be written in memory). Once a conversion cycle is finished, this bit is cleared, unless the loop mode is enabled TRIG_SRC Selects the source of the conversion trigger. If 0, the conversion is triggered by the SOFT_TRIG bit. If trig_src is 1, the conversion is triggered by a external hardware pulse LOOP If 0, a single cycle of conversions is done when START is set. If 1, the conversions cycle will start again with the first channel when the special marker is detected. Resulting in an endless loop of conversions cycles. This bit is never written by hardware. OVF This bit is the value of the ADC_OVF input sampled with the last ADC value. This is a read only bit. OVFM Memorized occurrence of ADC overflow of a value in memory. This bit is set when OVF is set, and has to be cleared by the software (by writing 0). SOFT_TRIG When TRIG_SRC is 0 (software trigger selected), a conversion starts when this bit is set. This bit is automatically reset after a start of conversion. ADC_EOC_SYNC Synchronized End Of Conversion signal from the ADC. This signal can be used to see if the current conversion is finished before starting a new one. (i.e. it will be set for each conversion in a conversion REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 46 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet cycle) ADC_SYNC_SOC 0b0 = Do not discard first conversion; 0b1 = Discard first conversion Interrupt connections The ADC interface is connected directly to the ADC interrupt. For further detail refer to chapter The ADC interface can cause protection error interrupts under following circumstances: the software tries to set the start bit or the soft_trig bit while the state machine is clearing it the software attempts to write in an area of the RAM protected by SHRAMH port. External Hardware trigger connection For details of the external hardware trigger routing towards the ADC interface please refer to the ADC input multiplexer description. REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 47 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet 9.3.2 Memories RAM sharing RAMSize M4 Private MLX4 and MLX16 share the RAM by a mechanism controlled by 2 ports, SHRAML and SHRAMH. The principle is shown in figure below: MLX4 private M4 Shared MLX16 private MLX16 + MLX4 shared SHRAML = M4Private + M4Shared SHRAMH = Last RAM Address - M4Private Figure 9-13: MLX4 and MLX16 RAM sharing principle Notes: Ports SHRAMH and SHRAML can only be changed when Mlx4 is in reset (e.g. M4_RB = 0). When Mlx4 is running, writing to those ports has no action (e.g. ports are unchanged) and no er ror is flagged to Mlx16. ROM / Flash sharing The MLX4 has its code in the ROM, the MLX16 has its own code in the Flash and ROM. The SW for the integrated LIN protocol is provided by Melexis and certified by external certification houses. The application SW is developed by the customer. Flash macro The 32k byte flash memory is organized in 256 pages with 32 double-words each (32 user bits per double-word). The 32 user bits are secured by a hardware ECC mechanism (ECC= Error Checking and Correcting) and additional 7 bits. By this the memory can correct single bit fail per double word, and detect double bit fail per double word. The write of a flash memory page takes typically 5ms. Flash erase takes place per 2Kbyte, Write to the Flash per 128Bytes. Further the memory supports 2 special ranges: - a latch based buffer, that is used to read or write the non-volatile memory array by page. This buffer has the size of 1 page - a configuration sector of 256bytes – this non-volatile memory part is not usable for the application, it is dedicated to store Melexis reserved parameters REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 48 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet 39 bits Mlx4 Word Address Data Bits 32 bits Mlx16 Byte Address Check Bits 7 bits BFFF 32 DW Main Page 255 32 DW Main Page 63 32 DW Main Page 1 32 DW Main Page 0 32 DW Configuration Sector Page 1 1K bits 128 Bytes 64 Words 32 DWords Configuration Sector Page 0 BF80 FFF Mlx16 Fetch/Read Area 5FFF 5F80 Mlx4 Fetch Area MAIN ARRAY 256K bits 32K Bytes 16K Words 8K DWords 40FF 4080 407F 000 4000 3FFF 3F80 Mlx16 Read Area 3F7F 3F00 CONFIGURATION SECTOR ARRAY 2K bits 256 Bytes 128 Words 64 DWords Figure 9-14: Flash organization (8Kx32) The macro uses the 1.8 and 3.3 volt power supply to perform both read and in-system programming (ISP), built-in charge pumps generate the high voltages for write and erase operations. The Flash can be programmed: Via the test pin interface using the Melexis emulator under lab conditions In the application via the pin LIN Using the LIN protocol Using the Melexis boot loader and the Melexis programming tool Temperature Warranty Max. cycles (program/erase) 1 000 85C Data Retention 25C >10 years 85C 10000h 125C 3000h 150C 1000h Table 9.13 Flash Data Data retention is still guaranteed after applying the maximum allowed number of cycles. Flash memory Program and Write can be performed at junction temperature TJFLPR= 0°C…85°C REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 49 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Loading Application Software into Flash Memory Per default, the system memory (Flash) contains a basic boot-loader, which has been programmed into each chip during final test. Customers can order to program their software at chip test, please contact Melexis for further logistic and commercial details. There are 3 mechanisms of getting the Flash programmed: A. Melexis programs it during production test B. Via the emulator at the test pin interface: only allowed under LAB conditions C. Customer programs it during EOL using the boot loader and MLX tool set. The description, how to use this bootloader will be published in a separate application note. Program it via the LIN bus at the customer is a subset of A), because there must already be a full LIN layer inside. NVRAM MLX81325 incorporates a 2 NVRAM blocks of 128 words x 16bit size (2K Bit), organized in 2 pages each. With this NVRAM it is possible to store non-volatile information of the customer’s application data. The macro uses the 1.8 and 3.3 volt power supply to perform both read and in-system programming (ISP), built-in charge pumps generate the high voltages for the nonvolatile operations The NVRAM has a built-in error detection and a single-error correction. The block has three modes of operation: SRAM mode, Nonvolatile recall mode Nonvolatile store mode. In SRAM mode, the memory operates like a static RAM with fast read and write cycles. The SRAM can be read and written for unlimited number of times, while independent nonvolatile data resides in NVRAM. The data of the NVRAM are unchanged during the SRAM mode. In the nonvolatile modes the SRAM functions are disabled, because there is a data transfer between SRAM and NVRAM. Once the recall or store cycle is initiated, further input or output are disabled until the cycle is completed. In nonvolatile store operation, all data from the SRAM are transferred in one parallel step to NVRAM. The store cycle has to be initiated by a call to a library function. The store operation takes typical < 15 ms per 64 words. The nonvolatile recall mode is used for writing back the data from NVRAM to SRAM. Internally, recall is a twostep procedure. First, the SRAM data is cleared and second, the nonvolatile data is written to the SRAM. The content of the SRAM will be overwritten. The recall operation does not affect the data in the NVRAM cells, they can be recalled for an unlimited number of times. The NVRAM can be programmed: Via the test pin interface using the Melexis emulator under lab conditions By the application and the SW itself REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 50 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet In the application via the pin LIN Using the LIN protocol Using the Melexis boot loader and the Melexis programming tool Temperature Warranty Max. cycles (program) 25C 100 000 150C 10 000 Data Retention 25C >10 years 85C 10000h 125C 3000h 150C 1000h Table 9.14 NVRAM Data Application Hints: Melexis supports Read, Write and Store with library routines The store operation is completely under Software control. It can be done at any time by software. NVRAM organization Device Page Size (words) Read Write Addressrange Usage NVRAM2 2 (upper words) 64 User Testmode highest nv address Melexis (Flash-, type specific-, 1 word nv-) trim data NVRAM2 1 (lower words) 64 User User Application Customer NVRAM1 2 (upper words) 64 User System 63 words EOL Trimming customer, 1 words nv trimming (most upper word of this page) NVRAM1 1 (lower words) 64 User User nv start address Application customer Table 9.15: NVRAM organisation Syntax: User: Write/Erase Access always possible System: Write/Erase Access possible only in system mode Testmode: Write/Erase Access possible only in test mode Each page is separately selectable for nv operation. Each nvSRAM has its own Charge pump. REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 51 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet It is not allowed for customer to change or delete the page 2 of NVRAM2 and the upper word of page 2 of NVRAM1, because there are stored all the trimming data for the IC. A changing or deleting these data may result in inaccurate or fail or even no more function of the IC. NVRAM ports IO port: NVCTRL Address: 0x2024 Bit[7] Bit[6] Bit[5] Melexis reserved testmode bits Bit[15] Bit[14] NV_SEL Bit[13] Access mode: Word, Byte – Read and Write Bit[4] Bit[3] Bit[2] NV1_MEM_ NV1_MEM_ NV_BIT_VFY ALLC SEL Bit[12] Bit[11] Melexis reserved testmode bits Bit[10] Bit[1] Bit[0] NV_ SRAMWR NV_BUSY Bit[9] Bit[8] NV2_MEM_ NV2_MEM_ ALLC SEL MLX reserved testmode bit Table 9.16: IO port NVCTRL Melexis reserved testmode bits write is ignored, read back to all=0 NV_SEL Selects NVRAM 1 or NVRAM 2 for Store/Recall operation NV1(2)_MEM_ALLC Enables write in both (0) or only one page (1) NV1(2)_MEM_SEL Selection between upper and lower block (writable in test mode and during programming only, not writable for the application software) NV_BIT_VFY Melexis reserved, write to 0 NV_CONF[1] / NV_SRAMWR Write mode = NVCONF[1:0] : - determine action of NVRAM block : x0: SRAM mode 01: Recall (NV Area -> SRAM) 11: Store (SRAM -> NV Area) Read mode = NV_SRAMWR: - reflects differences between SRAM and nonvolatile NV area ; 0: SRAM = NV Area, 1: SRAM was written, it may differ to NV area NV_CONF[0] / NV_BUSY NV_BUSY Read mode = NVRAM BUSY: - cleared when operation done REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 52 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Patch mechanism - principle In order to correct bugs in the ROM code, a specific hardware is available to replace an ROM space by a space in NVRAM code. The principle of the mechanism is explained in the image below: Figure 9-15: Patch mechanism REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 53 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Patch registers are PATCHi_I and PATCHi_A (i=0..3). At reset the patches are disabled (Bits PATCHi_EN=0). The initialization code decides if patches must be applied. If yes, patch ports are loaded. Port PATCHi_A (i = 0) must be loaded with the address where the patch should start. PATCHi_I must be loaded with the special instruction (a jump into far page) and the address into the far page. Below figure shows how to execute the patch in NVRAM. Fp7 value In chapter NVRAM1 Page 2 "63 words EOL" is correct, when patch is not used. This same NVRAM page has also the patch loaded, and it is as follows (63 words will be reduced by 10 to 53 words, or even further if more patch code is required.): 0x10EA = Patch Version (this version is checked against the ROM code version and must match; If not the patch is not loaded. 0x10EC ==> PATCH0_I 0x10EE ==> PATCH1_I 0x10F0 ==> PATCH2_I 0x10F2 ==> PATCH3_I 0x10F4 ==> PATCH0_A 0x10F6 ==> PATCH1_A 0x10F8 ==> PATCH2_A 0x10FA ==> PATCH3_A The PATCHi_I can be a single 16-bit instruction only. If more than 1x 16-bit instruction is needed for the patch, this first instruction should be a FP-Jump or FP-Call to a FP7-page, which is the NVRAM 1 block (0x1000-0x10FF). The exact address can any of the NVRAM 1 addresses modulo 8, e.g. 0x1080, 0x1088, 0x1090, ... (The addresses 0x1000, 0x1008, 0x1010, ... 0x1078 are not used, and kept free for application). In this FP7 the code-block with jump-back or RETurn is placed. REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 54 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet 9.3.3 Mlx16 interrupts Introduction This chapter explains how the interrupts are handled inside MLX81325 chip. It clarifies and gives add on information on the description of the interrupts in the MLX16x8 data book. It also gives the customer an overview of the interrupt allocation table. Interrupt sources There are a number of different interrupt sources in the chip: system interrupts like system reset, stack overflow, address error … user block interrupts like PWM interrupts, timer interrupts … custom interrupts depending on the analogue part or IO pads System interrupts The system interrupts are the interrupts at position 0 to 8. For those interrupt routines, Melexis provides an interrupt service routine to handle them correctly. These routines handle the correct start-up and power down of the chip, i.e. the MULAN core, communication between the MLX4 and MLX16x8 CPU’s, NVRAM / NVRAM write routines, invalid address errors, stack overflows, … User block interrupts The user block interrupts comprise of interrupts coming from: Timer modules PWM modules SPI modules Watchdog attention interrupt The user is supposed to write the appropriate interrupt handlers for these interrupts. Those interrupts typically share a single interrupt line of the MULAN/Mlx16 interrupt controller. They are organised in a second level interrupt controller as described below. Custom interrupts The analogue part can also generate a number of interrupts. There are up to 12 possible interrupt sources named CUSTINT12 to CUSTINT0. These interrupt sources can be used to implement e.g. IO interrupts etc. All feed into a single block of the second level interrupt controller. Interrupt management Interrupt enabling and masking Every non system interrupt can be enabled or masked. The mask bit does not disable the interrupt source. REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 55 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet All the masking bits are grouped into dedicated ports; please refer to the ports map for detail. When the MASK bit is set, the belonging interrupt is enabled. After reset the MASK ports are reset, so all interrupts are disabled. In case interrupts are: enabled with the enable flag, and disabled by priority, the interrupt sources are still active. An interrupt is memorized only once, and it will be performed when CPU runs on a priority again which enables this interrupt. Pending interrupts When an interrupt request (IRQ) occurs and it cannot be served immediately, the pending bit of this IRQ is set. All the pending bits are into dedicated ports; please refer to the ports map for detail. Even if interrupts are masked, the state of the sources can be checked by reading the pending bits. The pending bit is set only once, even when more than one IRQ occurred before being serviced. Software can clear a pending interrupt source by setting the corresponding bit in the IO port PEND / XIxPEND. Call and jump interrupts When an interrupt occurs, the interrupt controller suppresses the next instruction fetched from memory and displays another instruction to the MLX16 CPU instead. This instruction is typically a CALL to the specified interrupt vector address. (for reset and stack error a JUMP instead of CALL is issued) At the interrupt vector the priority is set and a jump to the appropriate interrupt service routine (ISR) follows. At the end of the ISR a return can be placed, and the program counter returns to where it came from before the IRQ occurred. As after a stack error or a reset a return point can not be defined, those interrupts execute a JUMP to the vector address. Interrupt priorities Every interrupt source has its own priority. The priorities are grouped into eight classes, from priority zero to priority seven; zero is the highest priority, seven the lowest. An ISR can be interrupted by any other IRQ with the same priority or higher – i.e. the same class or lower. There are some mechanisms that define the interrupt priority: The user priority defines the current working priority level of the running software. This is set by the UPR field in the MLX16 M register and is used to decide, if an interrupt request is allowed to interrupt the current code (ISR or normal routines). The software priority (or absolute priority) defines the priority of the interrupt request. It must be higher or equal than the current user priority (lower number) to allow to interrupt the current code. The software priority of the non-system interrupts can be programmed through the corresponding port. The hardware priority (or priority position) is used as conflict resolver in case 2 interrupt sources of same software priority are pending. REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 56 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet User priority During execution of every piece of code, there is a certain level of interrupt masking. The UPR bits in the M register of the MLX16x8 -see MLX16x8 data book- define the interrupt priority of an IRQ that can interrupt the currently executing code. Every IRQ with a software interrupt priority equal or higher (equal or lower number) than this value can interrupt this routine. This is true for all pieces of code, ISR as well as the main loop. If during the main loop, these UPR bits are set to 4, an IRQ of priority 5 will never be seen. It is the responsibility of the application engineer to make sure that in the main loop these UPR bits have the correct value so that all wanted interrupts can be acknowledged. In the Melexis firmware platform, this interrupt level is set to seven (lowest priority) when entering the main function. This means that every IRQ can interrupt the main function. When entering an ISR, the first instruction has to be a Push, #constant instruction that pushes this M register on the stack and sets a new value in the UPR bits (#constant parameter in this instruction, value from 0 to 7). By writing a new value in the UPR bits in the ISR, another level of interrupts can be masked. It is possible that an ISR of an IRQ with software priority 5 sets these bits to 2. By doing so, all IRQs with software priority less or equal than 2 (higher or equal number) are blocked. This means that an ISR routine of an IRQ with software priority 5 can block an IRQ with software priority 4 by changing the UPR bits in its ISR. This is called “interrupt priority inversion” can lead to situations hard to explain. The M register has to be manually restored when exiting the ISR by popping it from the stack. This has to be the very last instruction of the ISR. The Push and pop instructions to keep track of the M register and UPR bits are handled automatically in the Melexis firmware platform. Mlx16 interrupt table On Table 9.17, Column “Pos” represents the interrupt input position in the interrupt controller. Column “Abs” represents the absolute priority of the input. Column “Rel” represents the relative priority for inputs having an identical absolute priority. Column “Type” defines which instruction will be issued by the interrupt controller in case of interrupt. Description Pos Priority Abs Rel Type Note PRIO Reset + Watchdogs Reset 0 0 0 Jump 1,3,4 Stack error 1 0 1 Jump 1,3,4 Protection error 2 0 2 Jump 2,3,4 Invalid address 3 0 3 Jump 2,3,4 REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Ports MASK PEND Page 57 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Description Pos Priority Abs Rel Type Note PRIO Ports MASK PEND MASK[0] PEND[0] Program error 4 0 4 Jump 2,3,4 Exchange request 5 1 0 Call 5 Task reset 6 1 1 Call MASK[1] PEND[1] Watchdog attention 7 1 2 Call MASK[2] PEND[2] Mutex 8 2 0 Call MASK[3] PEND[3] LIN communication 9 5 0 Call MASK[4] PEND[4] Timer 10 3-6 1 Call PRIO[1:0] MASK[5] PEND[5] ADC end of conversion 11 3-6 2 Call PRIO[3:2] MASK[6] PEND[6] End of NVRAM Write/Erase 12 3-6 3 Call PRIO[5:4] MASK[7] PEND[7] External Interrupt 0 - Timer1 13 3-6 4 Call PRIO[7:6] MASK[8] PEND[8] External Interrupt 1 - Timer 2 14 3-6 5 Call PRIO[9:8] MASK[9] PEND[9] External Interrupt 2 - PWMs 15 3-6 6 Call PRIO[11:10] MASK[10] PEND[10] External Interrupt 3 - SPI 16 3-6 7 Call PRIO[13:12] MASK[11] PEND[11] External interrupt 4 – IOs, flags 17 3-6 8 Call PRIO[15:14] MASK[12] PEND[12] Software interrupt 18 7 0 Call MASK[13] PEND[13] Table 9.17 Mlx16 interrupt table Notes: 1: Abort current instruction 2: Abort current instruction ► Return is NOT possible 3: No disable possible 4: Priority 0 can only be reached in system mode 5: For conformance test Reminder: For Mlx16(x)-8, the highest priority is 0 and the lowest is 7. The absolute priority is compared to Mlx16 priority to trigger an interrupt The relative priority is used by interrupt controller to decide between identical absolute priority interrupts fired at the same time: Lowest is issued first. Note: The level 0 of priority is not reachable in user mode. When Mlx16(x)-8 sets priority to 0 in user mode, it is interpreted as priority 1 by the interrupt controller. Interrupt vectors Table 9.18 shows the interrupt vectors table as well as the type of interrupt generated (call or jump). Description Priority Type Interrupt in Fp0: Pos Abs Rel Addr Name Reset + Watchdogs Reset REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 0 0 0 Jump Fp6:68 RST_WD_IT Page 58 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Description Priority Abs Rel Type Pos Interrupt in Fp0: Addr Name Stack error 1 0 1 Jump Fp6:70 STACK_IT Protection error 2 0 2 Jump Fp6:78 PROT_ERR_IT Invalid address 3 0 3 Jump Fp6:80 INV_AD_IT Program error 4 0 4 Jump Fp6:88 PROG_ERR_IT Exchange request 5 1 0 Call Fp0:90 EXCHANGE_IT Task reset 6 1 1 Call Fp0:98 TASK_RST_IT Watchdog attention 7 1 2 Call Fp0:A0 WD_ATT_IT Mutex 8 2 0 Call Fp0:A8 M4_MUTEX_IT Signal, Handshake, Event, [Mutex] 9 5 0 Call Fp0:B0 M4_SHE_IT Timer 10 3-6 1 Call Fp0:B8 TIMER_IT ADC end of conversion 11 3-6 2 Call Fp0:C0 ADC_IT End of NVRAM Write/Erase 12 3-6 3 Call Fp0:C8 EE_IT External Interrupt 0 – Timer 1 13 3-6 4 Call Fp0:D0 EXT0_IT External Interrupt 1 - Timer 2 14 3-6 5 Call Fp0:D8 EXT1_IT External Interrupt 2 - PWMs 15 3-6 6 Call Fp0:E0 EXT2_IT External Interrupt 3 - SPI 16 3-6 7 Call Fp0:E8 EXT3_IT External interrupt 4 – Ext pin 17 3-6 8 Call Fp0:F0 EXT4_IT Software interrupt 18 7 0 Call Fp0:F8 SOFT_IT Table 9.18 Interrupt vector table External Interrupts connection The IC contains a second level interrupt controller extern from MULAN3 core, what supports up to 16 interrupt sources for each of the 5 external interrupt inputs of MULAN3. Every input of those second level controllers can be masked independently. Also separate clearing of pending interrupts is supported by the according ports. The priority is defined in the setting for the level 0 external interrupts in MULAN3 interrupt controller, as described in the previous chapter. The sources are distributed to the five second level interrupt controllers as follows: External Interrupt 1 sources Interrupt Source Description TMR1_CAPA_IT Pos Rel Priority PORT MASK PORT PEND Capture Int Ch A, Timer TMR1_INT1 1 0 1 XI0MASK[9] XI0PEND[9] TMR1_CAPB_IT Capture Int Ch B, Timer TMR1_INT5 1 1 2 XI0MASK[8] XI0PEND[8] TMR1_CMPA_IT Compare Int Ch A, Timer TMR1_INT2 2 3 XI0MASK[7] XI0PEND[7] REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Local name Inside block Page 59 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Interrupt Source Description Local name Inside block Pos Rel Priority PORT MASK PORT PEND 1 TMR1_CMPB_IT Compare Int Ch B, Timer TMR1_INT4 1 3 4 XI0MASK[6] XI0PEND[6] TMR1_OVF_IT Overfow Int Timer 1 TMR1_INT3 4 5 XI0MASK[5] XI0PEND[5] Local name Inside block Pos Rel Priority PORT MASK PORT PEND External Interrupt 2 sources Interrupt Source Description TMR2_CAPA_IT Capture Int Ch A, Timer TMR2_INT1 2 0 1 XI1MASK[9] XI1PEND[9] TMR2_CAPB_IT Capture Int Ch B, Timer TMR2_INT5 2 1 2 XI1MASK[8] XI1PEND[8] TMR2_CMPA_IT Compare Int Ch A, Timer TMR2_INT2 2 2 3 XI1MASK[7] XI1PEND[7] TMR2_CMPB_IT Compare Int Ch B, Timer TMR2_INT4 2 3 4 XI1MASK[6] XI1PEND[6] TMR2_OVF_IT Overfow Int Timer 2 4 5 XI1MASK[5] XI1PEND[5] TMR2_INT3 External Interrupt 3 sources× Interrupt Source Description Pos Rel Priority PORT MASK PORT PEND PWM1_CMPI PWM1 compare interrupt 0 1 XI2MASK[15] XI2PEND[15] PWM1_CNTI PWM1 counter interrupt 1 2 XI2MASK[14] XI2PEND[14] PWM2_CMPI PWM2 compare interrupt 2 3 XI2MASK[13] XI2PEND[13] PWM2_CNTI PWM2 counter interrupt 3 4 XI2MASK[12] XI2PEND[12] PWM3_CMPI PWM3 compare interrupt 4 5 XI2MASK[11] XI2PEND[11] PWM3_CNTI PWM3 counter interrupt 5 6 XI2MASK[10] XI2PEND[10] PWM4_CMPI PWM4 compare interrupt 6 7 XI2MASK[9] XI2PEND[9] PWM4_CNTI PWM4 counter interrupt 7 8 XI2MASK[8] XI2PEND[8] PWM5_CMPI PWM5 compare interrupt 6 7 XI2MASK[7] XI2PEND[7] PWM5_CNTI PWM5 counter interrupt 7 8 XI2MASK[6] XI2PEND[6] External Interrupt 4 sources Interrupt Source Description Pos Rel Priority PORT MASK PORT PEND SPI1_RI SPI1 receive interrupt 0 1 XI3MASK[15] XI3PEND[15] SPI1_TI SPI1 transmit interrupt 1 2 XI3MASK[14] XI3PEND[14] REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 60 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet External Interrupt 5 sources Interrupt Source Description Pos Rel Priority PORT MASK PORT PEND ANA_INA[15] OVT - overtemp event 0 1 XI4MASK[15] XI4PEND[15] ANA_INA[14] UV_VS - undervoltage event 1 2 XI4MASK[14] XI5PEND[14] ANA_INA[13] OV_VS - overvoltage event 2 3 XI4MASK[13] XI4PEND[13] ANA_INA[12] PLL INT - pll interrupt 3 4 XI4MASK[12] XI4PEND[12] ANA_INA[11] OC_DRV - over currents sense detection 4 5 XI4MASK[11] XI4PEND[11] ANA_INA[10] VDS_MON - drain source voltage monitor for extern HS driver 5 6 XI4MASK[10] XI4PEND[10] ANA_INA[9] unused1 6 7 XI4MASK[9] XI4PEND[9] ANA_INA[8] LIN_INT - LIN RX as int source 7 8 XI4MASK[8] XI4PEND[8] ANA_INA[7] IOINT[7] - IO[7] pin interrupt 8 9 XI4MASK[7] XI4PEND[7] ANA_INA[6] IOINT[6] - IO[6] pin interrupt 9 10 XI4MASK[6] XI4PEND[6] ANA_INA[5] IOINT[5] - IO[5] pin interrupt 10 11 XI4MASK[5] XI4PEND[5] ANA_INA[4] IOINT[4] - IO[4] pin interrupt 11 12 XI4MASK[4] XI4PEND[4] ANA_INA[3] IOINT[3] - IO[3] pin interrupt 12 13 XI4MASK[3] XI4PEND[3] ANA_INA[2] IOINT[2] - IO[2] pin interrupt 13 14 XI4MASK[2] XI4PEND[2] ANA_INA[1] IOINT[1] - IO[1] pin interrupt 14 15 XI4MASK[1] XI4PEND[1] ANA_INA[0] IOINT[0] - IO[0] pin interrupt 15 16 XI4MASK[0] XI4PEND[0] Table 9.19 External interrupt sources 1 ANA_INA[9] contains the LIN_RX input as static flag. It is not used as interrupt source and therefore ma rked unused REVISION 1.7 - 27. Apr 2020 Page 61 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet 9.3.4 Ports-Map For detail please refer to the block description and the detailed ports map in appendix Addres s Name 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 2000 EEPROM, CONTROL Reserved EE_ CPTEST EE_VEE2 EE_VEE1 EE_TEST EE_DMA EE_ CTL[1:0] 2002 SHRAM 2004 PRIO EXT4_IT_PRIO 2006 MASK unused EN_SOFT EN_EXT4 EN_EXT3_ EN_EXT2 EN_EXT1_I EN_EXT0_I EN_EE_IT EN_ADC_I EN_TIME EN_M4_S EN_M4_ EN_WD_ EN_TASK EN_EXCH _IT _IT IT _IT T T T R_IT HE_IT MUTEX_I ATT_IT _RST_IT ANGE_IT T 2008 PEND unused CLR_SOF CLR_EXT4 CLR_EXT3 CLR_EXT2 CLR_EXT1 CLR_EXT0_I CLR_EE_IT CLR_ADC CLR_TIME CLR_M4_ CLR_M4_ CLR_WD_ CLR_TASK CLR_EXCH T_IT _IT _IT _IT _IT T _IT R_IT SHE_IT MUTEX_I ATT_IT _RST_IT ANGE_IT T 200A M4IF 200C PATCH0_I PATCH0_I[15:8] PATCH0_I[7:0] 200E PATCH1_I PATCH1_I[15:8] PATCH1_I[7:0] 2010 PATCH2_I PATCH2_I[15:8] PATCH2_I[7:0] 2012 PATCH3_I PATCH3_I[15:8] 2014 PATCH0_A PATCH0_A[15:8] PATCH0_A[7:1] PATCH0_ EN 2016 PATCH1_A PATCH1_A[15:8] PATCH1_A[7:1] PATCH1_ EN 2018 PATCH2_A PATCH2_A[15:8] PATCH2_A[7:1] PATCH2_ EN 201A PATCH3_A PATCH3_A[15:8] PATCH3_A[7:1] PATCH3_ EN 201C ANA_OUTA 201E ANA_OUTB 2020 ANA_OUTC 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 WD_ BOOT EE_WE OUTC_ WE OUTB_ WE OUTA_ WE MUTEX_ SHE HALT M4_RB SHRAMH[7:0] EXT3_IT_PRIO SHRAML[7:0] EXT2_IT_PRIO EXT1_IT_PRIO SLVIT[15] SLVIT[14 SLVIT[13] SLVIT[12] SLVIT[11] SLVIT[10] ] TRIM_RCF REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 SLVIT[8] SLVCMD[7:6] NV_IT_PRIO ADC_IT_PRIO 0<Reserved> TIMER_IT_PRIO SLVCMD[3:0] PATCH3_I[7:0] TRIMCPHS[3] reserved TR_BG EXT_CE_SEL B SLVIT[9] EXT0_IT_PRIO TR_BIAS[5:2] TRIMCPHS[2:0] TR_BIAS[1:0] TR_RCO[6:0] TRIMCPOSC[2:0] TR_V1V8 TR_PLL[7:0] Page 62 of 182 TRIMCURS[1:0] TR_VDDA MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Addres s Name 20222026 Melexis reserved 2028 CKTRIM 202A XI0MASK XI0MASK[15:8] XI0MASK[7:0] 202C XI1MASK XI1MASK[15:8] XI1MASK[7:0] 202E XI2MASK XI2MASK[15:8] XI2MASK[7:0] 2030 XI3MASK XI3MASK[15:8] XI3MASK[7:0] 2032 XI4MASK XI4MASK[15:8] XI4MASK[7:0] 2034 XI0PEND XI0PEND[15:8] XI0PEND[7:0] 2036 XI1PEND XI1PEND[15:8] XI1PEND[7:0] 2038 XI2PEND XI2PEND[15:8] XI2PEND[7:0] 203A XI3PEND XI3PEND[15:8] XI3PEND[7:0] 203C XI4PEND XI4PEND[15:8] XI4PEND[7:0] 203E PLLCTRL FBDIV[7:0] 2040 PLLSTAT reserved 2042 LIN_XKEY LIN_XKEY[15:8] LIN_XKEY[7:0] 20442049 Melexis reserved should not be written should not be written 204A ANA_OUTD 204C ANA_OUTE 204E ANA_OUTF DIS_PMOS_EXTIO[7:0] ENABLE_EXTIO[7:0] 2050205E Melexis reserved should not be written should not be written 2800 VARIOUS reserved 2802 WDCTRL 2804 XIN, WTG 2806 TIMER 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 should not be written unused WD_ERR WD_WND PLL_CTLCK[3:0] TR_ADCREF1 unused TR_ADCREF3 EENV_DE EENV_SEC D unused REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 0 WD_DIV WKUP PHISTAT[1:0] WD_TO[7:0] WTG[7:0] TIMER[14:8] TIMER[7:0] Page 63 of 182 PLL_EN PLL_CM PLL_LOCK ED unused unused TMR_EN PLL_SELX PLL_XTAL Reserved TAL ON reserved unused WD_MODE 1 reserved, should not be written TR_ADCREF2 ADCFREQ 2 should not be written CKTRIM[5:0] unused 3 EXTMEM SCOPE_BI T SWI MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Addres s Name 15 14 13 12 11 280C MICEMRK unused 280E MICE MC_EXCHG[15:8] 2810 ADC_CTRL 2812 ADC_SBASE ADC_SBASE[15:8] ADC_SBASE[7:0] 2814 ADC_DBASE ADC_DBASE[15:8] ADC_DBASE[7:0] 281A AWD 281C ANA_INA 281E ANA_INB 2820 LIN_XCFG 28222829 Melexis reserved 282A TMR1_TCTRL 282C TMR1_TREGB TMR1_TREGB[15:8] TMR1_TREGB[7:0] 282E TMR1_TREGA TMR1_TREGA[15:8] TMR1_TREGA[7:0] 2830 TMR1_TCNT TMR1_TCNT[15:8] TMR1_TCNT[7:0] 2832 TMR2_TCTRL TMR2_TCTRL[15:8] TMR2_TCTRL[7:0] 2834 TMR2_TREGB TMR2_TREGB[15:8] TMR2_TREGB[7:0] 2836 TMR2_TREGA TMR2_TREGA[15:8] TMR2_TREGA[7:0] 2838 TMR2_TCNT TMR2_TCNT[15:8] TMR2_TCNT[7:0] 284A PWM1_PPSCL, PWM1_PCTRL PWM1_PPSCL[15:8] 284C PWM1_PPER PWM1_PPER[15:8] PWM1_PPER[7:0] 284E PWM1_PLT PWM1_PLT[15:8] PWM1_PLT[7:0] 2850 PWM1_PHT PWM1_PHT[15:8] PWM1_PHT[7:0] 2852 PWM1_PCMP PWM1_PCMP[15:8] PWM1_PCMP[7:0] ADC_EOC 10 REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 8 OV_VS PLL_INT 6 5 ADC_SYN C OC_DRV VDS_MO N INTERNAL _WU unused unused 2 1 0 ADC_ OVFM ADC_OVF unused ADC_LOO ADC_TRIG P _SRC ADC_ START AWD_TIMER unused LIN_RX IO_INT[7:0] LOCAL _WU LIN_WU unused LIN_XPHY LIN_XPRO SLEEPB_LI _ACTIVE _ACTIVE N LSM should not be written TMR1_MODE 3 MC_STAT[3:0] AWD_CKD IV unused TMR1_DIV 4 MC_EXCHG[7:0] unused UV_VS 7 unused AWD_RS AWD_AT AWD_WR unused T T ITE_FAIL OVT 9 TMR1_EN TMR1_OVR TMR1_OV CMP B RA HSM BYPASS LIN_XOUT DISTERM LIN_EN_X LIN_EN_X INV PHY PRO should not be written TMR1_DIN unused Page 64 of 182 TMR1_EDG2 TMR1_EDG1 TMR1_ST TMR1_EB ART LK PWM1_E PWM1_E PWM1_M PWM1_E PWM1_E CI PI ODE XT BLK MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Addres s Name 2854 PWM2_PPSCL, PWM2_PCTRL PWM2_PPSCL[15:8] PWM2_PCTRL[7:0] 2856 PWM2_PPER PWM2_PPER[15:8] PWM2_PPER[7:0] 2858 PWM2_PLT PWM2_PLT[15:8] PWM2_PLT[7:0] 285A PWM2_PHT PWM2_PHT[15:8] PWM2_PHT[7:0] 285C PWM2_PCMP PWM2_PCMP[15:8] PWM2_PCMP[7:0] 285E PWM3_PPSCL, PWM3_PCTRL PWM3_PPSCL[15:8] PWM3_PCTRL[7:0] 2860 PWM3_PPER PWM3_PPER[15:8] PWM3_PPER[7:0] 2862 PWM3_PLT PWM3_PLT[15:8] PWM3_PLT[7:0] 2864 PWM3_PHT PWM3_PHT[15:8] PWM3_PHT[7:0] 2866 PWM3_PCMP PWM3_PCMP[15:8] PWM3_PCMP[7:0] 2868 PWM4_PPSCL, PWM4_PCTRL PWM4_PPSCL[15:8] PWM4_PCTRL[7:0] 286A PWM4_PPER PWM4_PPER[15:8] PWM4_PPER[7:0] 286C PWM4_PLT PWM4_PLT[15:8] PWM4_PLT[7:0] 286E PWM4_PHT PWM4_PHT[15:8] PWM4_PHT[7:0] 2870 PWM4_PCMP PWM4_PCMP[15:8] PWM4_PCMP[7:0] 2872 PWM5_PPSCL, PWM5_PCTRL PWM5_PPSCL[15:8] PWM5_PCTRL[7:0] 2874 PWM5_PPER PWM5_PPER[15:8] PWM5_PPER[7:0] 2876 PWM5_PLT PWM5_PLT[15:8] PWM5_PLT[7:0] 2878 PWM5_PHT PWM5_PHT[15:8] PWM5_PHT[7:0] 287A PWM5_PCMP PWM5_PCMP[15:8] PWM5_PCMP[7:0] 289A SPI1_SPSCR, SPI1_SPCR 289C SPI1_SPIBRR 289E SPI1_SPIDR 28BE IOCFG 28C0 IODEB 15 SPI_RF REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 14 SPI_TF 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 SPI_OVRF SPI_MOD SPI_FRSS SPI_MOD SPI_MSTR SPI_ERRIE SPI_RFIE F OEN FEN ONLY 6 SPI_TFIE SPI1_SPIBRR[15:8] 4 3 SPI1_SPIDR[15:8] SPI1_SPIDR[7:0] LINRXIFRB IOIFRB[7:0] IODEB[11:8] IODEB[7:0] Page 65 of 182 2 SPI_BYTE SPI_MSTR SPI_CPOL SPI_CPHA MOD SPI1_SPIBRR[7:0] unused IODEB[15:12] 5 1 0 SPI_EN SPI_CKEN MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Addres s Name 28C2 DRVCFG_EXT 15 14 13 12 DIS_OT DIS_OC DIS_UV 11 10 unused 9 OVPM DIS_OV OVTPM DIS_SHOA 8 UVPM VDSPM OCPM DIS_DRV 28C6 DRVCFG 28C8 IOWU unused 28CA IOIN unused 28CC ANA_OUTG 28CE ANA_OUTH EN_LIN AA_DAC 28D0 ANA_OUTI SEL_UV_ VS 28D2 ANA_OUTK 28D4 ANA_OUTL 28D6 ANA_OUTM IO5_OUTCFG[1:0] IO4_OUTCFG[1:0] IO3_OUTCFG[2:0] IO2_OUTC FG[2] 28D8 ANA_OUTN IO7_OUTCFG[15:14] IO6_OUTCFG[13:12] unused SOFT_TX 28DA ANA_OUTO 28DC ANA_OUTP Tvds[1:0] unused SH3 SH2 PROV unused 5 4 unused DRV_CFG_T[7:6] DRV_CFG_W[5:4] SH1 CDEN PRUV[2:0] CDOUTEN EN_LINA A unused RST1 0 CPDRV CS_CAL DIS_VDS DRV_CFG_V[3:2] RST2 SWI_DAC VCMO_SE _OUT L_LINAA unused DRV_CFG_U[1:0] unused unused DIS_GTS M GAIN[3:0] CALSLVTRM[1:0] _DISTER _SLEEPB_ M LIN _LSM TRMISR[1:0] _HSM _BYPASS unused TMRCFG_T2_INA IO2_OUTCFG[1:0] IO1_OUTCFG[2:0] IO0_OUTCFG[2:0] SOFT_IO[7:0] TMRCFG_T1_INB LINAA_DAC_IN[9:8] TMRCFG_T1_INA LINAA_DAC_IN[7:0] Table 9.20 Ports Map Overview REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 1 T_DEAD LIN_KEY unused 2 IOWU[3] INT_WU INACTIVE_ OVT SEL_TX_OUT[2:0] TMRCFG_T2_INB 3 IO_DEB[7:0] unused SH4 6 unused DEB_OC[1:0] DIV [1:0] 7 Page 66 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet 9.3.5 PWM There are 5 programmable 16 bit PWM modules with frequencies 10…50kHz. General introduction and features The description refers to a single PWM module only. The mapping to the real PWM counts and resolution used can be found following the functional description. Characteristics of one PWM module are: PWM resolution of up to 16 bit Programmable prescaler. Programmable duty cycle: 0 – 100%. Programmable phase shift and/or output period with double buffers. Mirror mode with double buffer for symmetrical output waveform creation. Programmable interrupt output signal anywhere within the PWM period. Fix interrupt output signal when new programmable data becomes active (PWM -Counter == 0 and Master mode active) supports synchronized operation between multiple PWM modules (Master-Slave) Warning: Although the PWM signal can be set to any duty-cycle from 0% to 100%, the analog driver part connected to it is not able to follow any duty-cycle. The minimum pulse that can be seen correctly on the driver outputs (U, V, W, T) is 2us long. This means that: at 25kHz, a signal with duty-cycle outside the 5% to 95% range will not be generated properly on the driver output. at 10kHz, a signal with duty-cycle outside the 2% to 98% range will not be generated properly on the driver output. Block diagram and description The functional block diagram of one PWM module is shown in Figure below. This diagram is identical for the three implemented PWMs. REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 67 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Master control inputs SET_EXT Mirror mode = SET_OUT from MASTER CNT Update Shadow Buffers Logik SET_OUT Low threshold (PLT) SET_OUT PLT PLT shadow buffer EXT FPWMO Mirror Pulse Generation PWMO 1 0 sel CNT_EXT Comparator PLT ≤ CNT ≤ PHT = CNT from MASTER MODE PLT Period register (PPER) SET_OUT PHT PHT shadow buffer PPER shadow buffer FPWMO SET_OUT High threshold (PHT) 1 CK Prescaler Counter with Jitter add capability 0 sel Independent mode EXT JI Prescaler control register (PPSCL) CNT CNTI Counter equal to 0 CMPI Equality Comparator Compare reg (PCMP) RSTB EXT EBLK MODE EPI JI SET_OUT CNT ECI Control register (PCTRL) Interrupt generation Slave control output(s) Figure 9-16: Functional diagram of one PWM module. One PWM module is programmed by the following IO ports: PCTRL : contains control and flag bits, determines the global operating state PPER : defines the PWM period duration in number of PWM clocks PPSCL : PWM prescaler, defines the relation from system to PWM clock PLT, PHT: low and high threshold ports define the PWM output shape PCMP : compare port determines the time for the programmable PWM interrupt Each PWM module supports two main schemes to impact the shape of the generated output signal: Independent mode, see paragraph , or Mirror mode, see paragraph In mirror mode the output is a pulse centered on the middle of the output period, In independent mode the duty cycle and the phase shift of the output are controlled by software with two threshold levels. Following PWM parameters are programmable by software: PPER: periode register PLT, PHT: 2 edges within the PWM period by 2 threshold values, low and high. Those thresholds define duty cycle and phase shift in independent, or pulse length in mirror mode. PCMP :compare register, which triggers the PWM compare interrupt These three parameters PPER, PLT and PHT are double buffered and updated at the end of the current output period (CNT==0). This double buffer system prevents unexpected output waveform while modifying parameters. REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 68 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet A programmable synchronous counter defines the period of the corresponding PWM output. A programmable prescaler fixes the ratio between the clock of this counter and the input clock frequency. The PWM module can create 2 interrupts, the fix counter interrupt CNTI at counter = 0, and the programmable PWM compare interrupt CMPI. The compare interrupt triggers, when the internal counter reaches the value programmed into port PCMP. PWM frequency control The PWM frequency is programmable by the ports PPSCL and PPER. The PPER port is not reset, it needs an initial write before enabling a PWM module. The PWM counters clock selector is controlled by the port PPSCL. The value of this port is not buffered and can be updated at any time. The period length value PPER is double buffered, its update is effective when the counter value CNT is equal to 00h. The PPER value is hardware limited to FEh, even if the PPER port is written to FFh, the shadow register will be updated to FEh. The frequency Fcnt of the PWM counter is given by the following equation: Fcnt Equation 2 Where: Fck Fcnt M N Fck M 1 1 2 N : PWM input frequency; equal to the PLL clock or the oscillator clock OSC. : clock frequency of PWM internal counter : Programmed predivider between 0 and 15. Value fixed in IO port PPSCL[7:4]. : Programmed predivider between 0 and 11. Value fixed in IO port PPSCL[3:0]. And the frequency Fpwmo of the PWM output PWMO is given by the equation: Equation 3 Fpwm Fcnt PPER 1 Where: Fpwm : PWM frequency PPER : programmed period width, internal counter CNT is restarted, when this value is reached. Both equations can be combined as follows: Equation 4 Fpwm Fck 1 1 N M 1 2 PPER 1 PWM frequency parameter selection When determining the parameters for the PWM frequency it needs to be taken into consideration, that there are overlapping PWM frequency ranges: REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 69 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Fck / 2N-1 Fck / 2N Fck / 2N+1 PWM output resolution PPERmax PPERmax / 2 PWM output frequency Figure 9-17: Relation between PWM resolution and frequency (M=0) This reflects the PWM frequency formula as given below: Fpwm Fck 1 1 N M 1 2 PPER 1 Equation 5 For operating at highest possible resolution with the PWM frequency needed, the following definition scheme is recommended: Select first the minimum value for N (PPSCL[3:0]) select the maximum value for the period PPER choose the M value (PPSCL[7:4]) so that the target PWM frequency requirements are met Example: Assumptions: PWM with 24kHz at max resolution is needed, Fck=30MHz Definition steps: start with N=0, M=0 (PPER-1) = Fck/Fpwm = 32MHz / 24kHz = 1333 PPER = 1332 => Fpwm = 32MHz/1333 = 24.01 kHz max resolution possible is > 10 bit (10bit=1024, 11bit=2048) for M = 0 Synchronization of the PWM modules The PWM unit provides the synchronous operation of multiple PWM modules. Synchronization means the PWM modules are running on one PWM counter at the same frequency, but with different pulse shape. To allow this, the PWM modules are connected internally in a daisy-chain-like hierarchical scheme. PWM1 REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 PWM2 PWM3 ... PWMx Page 70 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Figure 9-18: internal daisy chain connection of PWM modules. The PWM module generating the time regime is called “master”, the block running on an external counter (or frequency resp.) is referred to as “slave”. Every PWM module can be either master or slave to the previous one. A single master following multiple slaves is also possible; all share then the time base of the master. MASTER SLAVE SLAVE MASTER EXT=0 EXT=1 EXT=1 EXT=0 Figure 9-19: sample configurations with multiple master and slave modules. This bit EXT controls if a PWM module operates as master or slave. EXT=1 means a PWM module is slave to the previous PWM module. After Reset all PWM modules act as independent masters, not taking into account the external connections. Independent mode In independent mode the duty cycle and the phase shift of the output are controlled by software with the two threshold levels PHT and PLT. The independent mode ist the default operating scheme of the PWM modules, it corresponds to the control bit MODE set to 0. Assuming The control bit MODE is low, TCK is the input clock period, TCNT is the counter clock period The low threshold value PLT is lower than the high threshold value PHT, and The high threshold value HT is lower than the period value PPER, the PWM output signal PWMO is depicted in Figure 9-20, the duty cycle is defined by the equation: DCpwm Equation 6 Thigh PHT PLT PPER 1 PPER 1 output period, PPER + 1 TCNT PWMO Thigh = PHT-PLT 1 0 CNT=0 CNT=PLT CNT=PHT CNT=PPER Figure 9-20: PWM output signal in independent mode. REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 71 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet The compare always uses the PLT and PHT values in the shadow registers only, therefore the ports can be updated at any time. The port values are transferred only after the PLT register was written, when the PWM counter CNT getting equal to 0. If the PWM module operates as slave (bit EXT=1 in PCTRL port), the external counter input CNT_EXT with the master counter is used instead of the internal counter. The write of the masters PLT register will enable the transfer of the threshold values and the period into the shadow registers for the slaves as well. Special cases: PPER=0 : PWMO is frozen to the state being active at shadow register update PHT < PLT, PHT and PLT < PPER : identical phase shift and duty cycle, inverted PWMO signal PLT < PPER < PHT : PWMO stays at always high PHT < PPER < PLT : PWMO stays at always low PLT and PHT > PPER: PWMO is frozen to the state being active at shadow register update PHT = PLT, PHT and PLT < PPER : PWMO stays at always low Mirror mode When the control bit MODE is high, the mirror mode is selected. The output waveform will be a pulse with the length specified in PLT port, centered in the PWM period (PPER+1). Assuming The control bit MODE is high, TCK is the oscillator clock period, TCNT is the counter clock period, The pulse length value PLT is lower than the period value PPER, In such mode, the PWM output signal PWMO is depicted in Figure 9-21, and the duty cycle is defined by the equation: Thigh PLT PPER 1 PPER 1 Once the value Thigh has been written in the IO port PLT_x, the low and high threshold are update as follow: The low threshold LT is computed and the resulting value is used to set LT , i.e. the previous value is discarded. If this result is lower than 0, i.e. LT > PER, PWM, data are forced to 00h and the output PWMO will be forced to 0. The high threshold HT is computed and the resulting value is use to set HT. If this result is greater than PER, i.e. LT > PER, the output PWMO will be forced to 1. The new desired pulse length value is memorized in buffer. Due to this double buffer mechanism, threshold values can be updated at any time. Equation 7 DCpwm Important: The new desired period value PER must be updated before LT. REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 72 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet output period, PPER + 1 Thigh (↔ PLT) TCNT PWMO Thigh/2 1 0 CNT=0 CNT=(PPER+1) / 2 CNT=(PPER+1)/2 – PLT/2 CNT=PPER CNT=(PPER+1)/2 + PLT/2 Figure 9-21: PWM output signal in mirror mode. In mirror mode the LT and HT values are recalculated only after the PLT port was written, when the PWM counter CNT getting equal to 0 If the PWM module operates as slave (bit EXT=1 in PCTRL port), the external counter input CNT_EXT with the master counter is used instead of the internal counter. The write of the masters PLT register will enable the write of the shadow registers for the slaves as well. Special cases: PLT = 0 : PWMO stays at always low PLT > PPER: PWMO stays at always high (also valid for PPER=0 ) PWM control and command ports Most of the ports are not reset during power up. It is recommended to set all PWM related ports to a correct value before releasing the RSTB bit in the control register PCTRL. All the IO ports involved in PWM programming are resumed in Table 9.21 to Table 9.26: IO port: PLT Bit[7] Access mode: Word – Read and Write Bit[6] Bit[5] Bit[4] Bit[3] Bit[2] Bit[1] Bit[0] Bit[11] Bit[10] Bit[9] Bit[8] PLT[7:0] Bit[15] Bit[14] Bit[13] Bit[12] PLT[15:8] Table 9.21: PWM ports – Low Threshold. (no Reset) PLT[15:0]: Low threshold level for PWM IO port: PHT Bit[7] Access mode: Word – Read and Write Bit[6] Bit[5] Bit[4] Bit[3] Bit[2] Bit[1] Bit[0] Bit[11] Bit[10] Bit[9] Bit[8] PHT[7:0] Bit[15] Bit[14] Bit[13] Bit[12] PHT[15:8] REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 73 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Table 9.22: PWM ports – High Threshold. (no Reset) PHT[15:0]: High threshold level for PWM Due to a double buffer mechanism the port values PHT and PLT can be updated at any time. Writing the PWM low threshold (PLT) enables the transfer of the port values into the double-buffer shadow registers by default. The shadow registers will be written next time the counter CNT gets equal 0. IO port: PCMP Bit[7] Access mode: Word, - Read and Write Bit[6] Bit[5] Bit[4] Bit[3] Bit[2] Bit[1] Bit[0] Bit[10] Bit[9] Bit[8] PCMP[7:0] Bit[15] Bit[14] Bit[13] Bit[12] Bit[11] PCMP[15:8] Table 9.23: PWM bits – Compare Threshold. (no Reset) PCMP[15:0]: Compare level for PWM, not RESET! The PWM comparator value PCMP is used to generate interrupt independently of the threshold values. This interrupt signal CMPI will be high active during one period of CK. An interrupt is generated when control bit PECI is high and CNT reaches the value of PCMP. IO port: PPER Bit[7] Access mode: Word – Read and Write Bit[6] Bit[5] Bit[4] Bit[3] Bit[2] Bit[1] Bit[0] Bit[10] Bit[9] Bit[8] PPER[7:0] Bit[15] Bit[14] Bit[13] Bit[12] Bit[11] PPER[15:8] Table 9.24: PWM bits – Period value. (no Reset) PPER[15:0]: Period value for PWM (read the current value, after double buffer), no RESET! IO port: PCTRL Access mode: Byte – Read and Write Bit[7] Bit[6] Bit[5] Bit[4] Bit[3] Bit[2] Bit[1] Bit[0] - - - PWM_ECI PWM_EPI PWM_MODE PWM_EXT PWM_EBLK Table 9.25: PWM ports – control bits. (Reset=00h) unused PWM_ECI: Enable control for PWM comparator interrupt PCMPI 1 = interrupt output enabled 0 = interrupt output is forced to 0 PWM_EPI: Enable control for PWM counter interrupt PCNTI 1 = interrupt output enabled 0 = interrupt output is forced to 0 Mode selector 1 = Mirror mode 0 = Independent mode PWM_MODE: PWM_EXT: External counter selector 1 = PWM in slave mode, CNT=CEXT REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 0 = PWM in master mode, CNT=CINT Page 74 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet PWM_EBLK: Enable signal 1 = PWM module enabled 0 = PWM module disabled The prescaler port PPSCL controls the bits PWM_PRDV1[3:0] and PWM_PRDV0[3:0]. The IO port update can be done at any time. IO port: PPSCL Bit[7] Access mode: Byte – Read and Write Bit[6] Bit[5] Bit[4] Bit[3] PWM_PRDV1[3:0] Bit[2] Bit[1] Bit[0] PWM_PRDV0[3:0] Table 9.26: PWM ports – Prescaler value. (Reset=00h) PWM_PRDV1[3:0]: PWM prescaler, first part; clock frequency divided by ‘PWM_PRDV1[3:0]+1’ PWM_PRDV0[3:0]: PWM prescaler, second part; clock frequency divided by ‘2 PWM_PRDV0[3:0]’ Interrupts connections The PWM interrupts are connected into MULAN3 external interrupts block. 9.3.6 Timers Introduction and Features The MLX81325 comprises a Timers block with 2 Timers modules. Each of those timers are identical, and can work in one of the following main function modes: Single 16-bits auto-reload timer Dual 16-bits timer compare Dual 16-bits timer capture 16-bits timer compare and capture Single 16-bits pulse accumulator Programmable single input debouncer High resolution 16-bits PWM (no shadow register) The Timer blocks are used in association with the MLX16x8. According to the selected mode the block generates one digital output signal and up to 5 edge sensitive interrupt signals. A programmable and resettable 16-bits synchronous counter is the principal part of a Timer block; and, except for the Pulse accumulator mode, a programmable pre-divider fixes the ratio between the clock of this counter and the input clock frequency. For each exclusive mode, different parameters are programmable by software: In Single 16-bits auto-reload timer mode: The pre-divider ratio between the CPU clock and the 16-bits timer clock In Dual 16-bits timer, compare mode: The pre-divider ratio between the CPU clock and the 16-bits timer clock The two values to be compared to the 16-bits timer value In Dual 16-bits timer capture: REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 75 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet The pre-divider ratio between the CPU clock and the 16-bits timer clock The active edge of each channel: Rising or Falling, or Rising and falling In 16-bits timer compare and capture mode: The pre-divider ratio between the CPU clock and the 16-bits timer clock The value to be compared to the 16-bits timer value The active edge of the capture channel Rising, or Falling, or Rising and falling In Single 16-bits pulse accumulator mode: The active edge Rising, or Falling, or Rising and falling In Programmable single input debouncer mode: The debounce delay In High resolution 16-bits PWM (no shadow register) mode: The period of the PWM output signal The duty cycle of the PWM output signal REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 76 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Block diagram and description The functional block diagram of one Timer block is shown in the picture below. This diagram is identical for all implemented Timers. Channel B Mode selector TIMx_MODE[2:0] 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 Function Timer Dual timer compare Dual timer capture Timer capture/compare Pulse accumulator Debouncer P.W.M. not used (U.A.R.T.) TREGB_x Channel A 16 -bit register TREGA_x (TIMx_CAPB / TIMx_CMPB) 16-bit register (TIMx_CAPA / TIMx_CMPA) Equalty comparator (EQ) Equalty comparator (Tx_EQ) Edge selector (EDGA) Edge selector (Tx_EDGA) TxREGB TxREGA DATA RESET INTERRUPT INTERRUPT Interrupts block selector Tx_INT1 Tx_INT2 Tx_INT3 Tx_INT4 Tx_INT5 INTERRUPT EN_DIV CK Pre-divider PCK DATA 16-bit up counter Tx_OUT_DEB RESET output block selector TCNT_x Control register TIMx_DIV TIMx_MODE TIMx_ENCMP TIMx_OVR TIMx_DOUT TIMx_EDGB TIMx_EDGA TIMx_START TIMx_EBLK Tx_OUT_PWM DATA RESET TCTRL_x Figure 9-22: Functional diagram of one Timer block. Note: The symbol ‘x’ should be replaced depending on the Timer. The IO port associated to the Control and flag bits, e.g. TIMx_EXT, is the port TCTRL_x. The IO port associated to the counter value TIMx_CNT is the port TCNT_x. The IO ports associated to the TIMER are the ports TREGA_x and TREGB_x. The mode in which Timer unit work is defined by the control bits TIMx_MODE[2:0]. All modes use a common set of hardware according to the selected mode: The hardware is connected or not to the input and output pins. Up to 5 interrupts signals Tx_INT[5:1] are generated. All interrupt are rising-edge sensitive and high during one period of the main clock CK The digital output Tx_OUT_DEB is only active in Debouncer mode. The digital output Tx_OUT_PWM is only active in PWM mode. Timer mode Functional block diagram This mode allows the block to generate an interrupt Tx_INT4, so called INT_TIMER, at fixed intervals. REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 77 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet EN_DIV TCNT_x CNT_CK Pre-divider 16-bit up counter CK RST TIMx_CNT 2 TIMx_OUT_GE 16 Greater or Equal comparator (TxGE) control register TX_INT1 Tx_INT2 INT_TIMER Interrupts block Tx_INT3 Tx_INT4 Tx_INT5 unused INT_TIMER unused 16 TIMx_DIV0 TIMx_DIV1 TIMx_START TIMx_CMPB TCTRL_x TREGB_x Channel B Figure 9-23: Timer block diagram. Note: The symbol ‘x’ should be replaced by 1 or 2 depending on the Timer. The IO port associated to the Compare value TIMx_CMPB is the port TREGB_x. The counter clock, CNT_CK, is the CPU clock, CK, divided by a pre-defined number, TIMx_DIV, being 1, 16 or 256. The counter is incremented on CNT_CK rising edge and a pre-defined comparator value, TIMx_CMPB, is loaded in the 16-bits IO port TREGB_x. The comparator output, TIMx_OUT_GE, is set to 1 if the counter value, TIMx_CNT, is bigger than or equal to TIMx_CMPB. And the counter will be reset to ‘0000h’ on the next CK rising edge. An interrupt, Tx_INT4=INT_TIMER, is generated if: the counter reaches the pre-defined comparator value, TIMx_CMPB, or if a new comparator value, TIMx_CMPB, bigger than the current counter value, CNT, is loaded in IO_port TREGB_X. This interrupt must be connected to a rising-edge sensitive interrupt input. Assuming TIMx_CMPB<>0x0000, and clock enabled input EN_DIV=1, the period, TINT_TIMER, of the interrupt signal INT_TIMER is given by the following equations: Equation 8 FCNT_CK Equation 9 TINT_TIMER Equation 10 FINT_TIMER REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Fck TIM x_DIV TIMx_DIV TIMx_CMPB 1 Fck 1 TINT_TIMER Fck 1 TIMx_DIV TIMx_CMPB 1 Page 78 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Or, if the comparator value TIMx_CMPB is extracted from the equation: Fck 1 TIMx_CMPB TIMx _ DIV F INT _ TIMER Equation 11 1 Where: Fck is the frequency of the CPU clock, FCNT_CK is the frequency of the 16-bits up counter, and TIMx_DIV = 1, 16, or 256. If TIMx_CMPB=0x0000 the interrupt signal, INT_TIMER is frozen to 1. Output signals The different possibilities for the output signal are summarized Table 9.27. TIMx_START 1 TIMx_CMPB INT_TIMER <> 0000h TINT_TIMER 0 1 NOTES = 0000h TINT_TIMER TIMx_DIV TIMx_CMPB 1 Fck TIMx_CMPB stay endlessly to '1' - 16-bits up counter reset to 0000h. stay endlessly to '0' - Timer mode is disabled. - 16-bits up counter reset to 0000h. 1 0 0 0 0 Table 9.27: Timer output signal. Usage and example Typical usage: Timers Example: Generating an interrupt every 11ms with an oscillator of 20 MHz. With a pre-divider TIMx_DIV = 1: TIMx_CMPB = (11E-3 * 20E6 / 1 ) - 1 = 21999910 = 35B5F8. Greater than 6553610 = FFFF8, thus not valid With a pre-divider TIMx_DIV = 16: TIMx_ CMPB = (11E-3 * 20E6 / 16) - 1 = 1374910 = 35B58 SO using a pre-divider of 16 and a compare value of 0x35BF gives an interrupt period of 11ms. Dual Timer Compare mode Functional block diagram REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 79 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Channel A TREGA_x TIMx_CMPA 16 Greater or Equal comparator (TxGE) EN_DIV CK INT_CMPA Pre-divider TIMx_CNT 16 TCNT_x Interrupts block CNT_CK 16-bit up counter RST TIMx_CNT TIMx_OUT_GE Tx_INT4 Tx_INT5 unused INT_CMPA unused INT_CMPB unused 16 Greater or Equal comparator (TxGE) control register Tx_INT1 Tx_INT2 Tx_INT3 INT_CMPB 16 TIMx_START TIMx_ENCMP TIMx_CMPB TCTRL_x Channel B TREGB_x Figure 9-24: Dual timer compare block diagram. Note: The symbol ‘x’ should be replaced by 1 or 2 depending on the Timer. The IO ports associated to the Compare values TIMx_CMPA and TIMx_CMPB are the ports TREGA_x and TREGB_x. This mode uses the 16-bits counter as a free running counter. The counter clock, CNT_CK, is the CPU clock, CK, divided by a pre-defined number, TIMx_DIV, being 1, 16 or 256. The counter is incremented on the CNT_CK rising edge. Two pre-defined comparator values, TIMx_CMPA and TIMx_CMPB, are loaded in the 16-bits IO ports TREGA_x and TREGB_x. The comparator output, TIMx_OUT_GE, is set to 1 if the counter value, TIMx_CNT, is bigger than or equal to TIMx_CMPB. And the counter will be reset to ‘0000h’ on the next CNT_CK rising edge. An interrupt, Tx_INT2=INT_CMPA, is generated when the counter value is equal to the pre-defined comparator value TIMx_CMPA. This interrupt must be connected to a rising-edge sensitive interrupt input. The programmed time for this interrupt signal, TINT_CMPA, is given by the following equation: Equation 12 TINT_CMPA TIMx_DIV TIMx_CMPA 1 Fck Where: Fck is the frequency of the CPU clock, and TIMx_DIV = 1, 16, or 256. An interrupt, Tx_INT4=INT_CMPB, is generated if: the counter reaches the pre-defined comparator value, TIMx_CMPB, or if a new comparator value, TIMx_CMPB, greater than the current counter value, TIMx_CNT, is loaded in port TREGB_x. This interrupt must be connected to a rising-edge sensitive interrupt input. The programmed time for this interrupt signal, TINT_CMPB, is given by the following equation: REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 80 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet TINT_CMPB Equation 13 TIMx_DIV TIMx_ CMPB 1 Fck The reset of the 16-bits counter is controlled with the control bits TIMx_ENCMP and TIMx_START. Assuming bit TIMx_START is high and TIMx_CMPB<>0x0000 If TIMx_ENCMP is set to 1, the 16-bits counter is reset when its value reaches the comparator value TIMx_CMPB. The programmed time for interrupts INT_CMPA and INT_CMPB is given by Equation 12 and Equation 13. Then if the bit TIMx_START is not set to 0 by CPU, the counting sequence is repeated indefinitely. And the frequency at which the interrupt signals are generated is given by Equation 14. Equation 14 FINT_CMPA FINT_CMPB FOUT 1 Fck 1 TOUT TIMx_DIV TIMx_CMPB 1 Or, if the comparator value TIMx_CMPB is extracted from the equation: Fck 1 TIMx_CMPB 1 TIMx_ DIV F OUT Equation 15 If TIMx_ENCMP is set to 0, the 16-bits counter will be reset when the maximum counting value 0xFFFF is reached. The programmed time for interrupts INT_CMPA and INT_CMPB is given by Equation 12 and Equation 13. But if the counter is running indefinitely, the frequency at which the interrupt signals are generated is given by: Fck 1 TOUT TIMx_DIV 65536 Where: Fck is the frequency of the CPU clock, and TIMx_DIV = 1, 16, or 256. FOUT Equation 16 1 Output signals The different possibilities for the output signals are summarized Table 9.28. TIMx_S TIMx_E TART NCMP 1 0 TIMx_CMPB TIMx_CMPA - INT_CMPA / INT_CMPB < TIMx_CMPB NOTES TOUT TOUT INT_CMPA TIMx_DIV 65536 Fck INT_CMPB 0 REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 TIMx_CMPA TIMx_CMPB Page 81 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet TIMx_S TIMx_E TART NCMP TIMx_CMPB TIMx_CMPA INT_CMPA / INT_CMPB > TIMx_CMPB NOTES TOUT INT_CMPA 0 INT_CMPB 0 1 1 <> 0x0000 < TIMx_CMPB TIMx_CMPA TIMx_CMPB TOUT TOUT INT_CMPA TIMx_DIV TIMx_CMPB 1 Fck INT_CMPB 0 > TIMx_CMPB 65535 TIMx_CMPA TOUT INT_CMPA 0 INT_CMPB 0 1 1 = 0x0000 TIMx_CMPA 65535 <> 0x0000 INT_CMPA 0 stay endlessly to '0' - 16-bits counter reset to 0000h. stay endlessly to '1' INT_CMPB 1 0 = 0x0000 stay endlessly to '1' INT_CMPA 1 INT_CMPB 1 stay endlessly to '1' 0 0 - - - INT_CMPA INT_CMPB 0 stay endlessly to '0' 0 stay endlessly to '0' 0 - Timer Compare mode disabled - 16-bits counter reset to 0000h. Table 9.28: Timer compare output signals. Usage and example Typical usage: Delays Example: Generating an interrupt on channel 1 in 100ms with an oscillator of 20 MHz and a pre-divider value, DIV, set to 256. Read the counter. For example, counter value TIMx_CNT is equal to 1000 10 = 03E88. Add the value DELAY = ( Tint1 * Fck / TIMx_DIV ) – 1 = (0.1 * 20E6 / 256) -1 = 7811 10 = 1E838 Load the new value, TIMx_CMPB = TIMx_CNT + DELAY = 1000 10 + 781110 = 881110 = 226B8. If the new loading value TIMx_CMPB is bigger than 6553510 (=FFFF8), take account that TIMx_CMPB values are identical modulo 216: if the calculation gives TIMx_CMPB=7553510 (=1270F8), it must be replaced by TIMx_CMPB=999910 (=270F8). Dual Timer Capture mode REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 82 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Functional block diagram Channel A INT_CAPA IN_CAPA TREGA_x Edge selector (TxEDGA) CK TIMx_CAPA TIMx_CNT OVRA 16 EN_DIV TCNT_x CNT_CK Pre-divider CK RST 16-bit up counter INT_OVF Tx_INT1 control register TIMx_EDGB1 TIMx_EDGA1 TIMx_EDGB0 TIMx_EDGA0 Interrupts block TIMx_START TCTRL_x TIMx_CNT 16 Tx_INT2 Tx_INT3 Tx_INT4 Tx_INT5 INT_CAPA OVRA INT_OVF OVRB INT_CAPB IN_CAPB Edge selector (TxEDGB) CK OVRB TIMx_CAPB TREGB_x INT_CAPB Channel B Figure 9-25: Dual timer capture block diagram. Note: The symbol ‘x’ should be replaced by 1 or 2 depending on the Timer speaking about. The IO ports associated to the Capture values TIMx_CAPA and TIMx_CAPB are the ports TREGA_x and TREGB_x. This mode uses the 16-bits counter as a free running counter. The counter clock, CNT_CK, is the CPU clock, CK, divided by a pre-defined number, TIMx_DIV, being 1, 16 or 256. The counter is incremented on the CNT_CK rising edge. The input signal, IN_CAPA, is sampled by CPU clock, CK, and when an event is detected on channel A: The content of the free-running counter TIMx_CNT is saved in the 16-bits IO port TREGA_x, An interrupt, Tx_INT1=INT_CAPA, is generated. The edge selector can be programmed with the control bits TIMx_EDGA[1:0] to detect the following events: rising, falling, or rising and falling edges. The input signal, IN_CAPB, is also sampled by CPU clock CK, and when an event is detected on channel B: The content of the free-running counter is saved in the 16-bits IO port TREGB_x, An interrupt, Tx_INT5=INT_CAPB, is generated. The edge selector can be programmed with the control bits TIMx_EDGB[1:0] to detect the following events: rising, falling, or rising and falling edges. An interrupt, Tx_INT3=INT_OVF, is generated when the counter overflows, i.e. reaches the values 65535. Using this interrupt the counter length can be extended by software. The interrupt signals, Tx_INT2=OVRA and Tx_INT4=OVRB, respectively controlled by channel A and B, are generated if two consecutive capture actions occur without CPU reading operation in between. The first value memorized in the corresponding port is not overwritten. Be aware on interrupt management (priority, clear pending operation) because up to 5 interrupt can be generated in the same time. The interrupts INT_CAPA, INT_CAPB, and INT_OVF must be connected to rising-edge sensitive interrupt inputs. The reset of the 16-bits counter is controlled with the control bit TIMx_ENCMP. REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 83 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet If TIMx_ENCMP is set to 1, the 16-bits counter is reset when an event on IN_CAPB has been detected and after the counter value had been transferred into TIMx_CAPB. If TIMx_ENCMP is set to 0, the 16-bits counter will be reset when the maximum counting value 0xFFFF is reached. Output signals The functionality of the Timer unit in Capture mode is summarized Table 9.29. TIMx_S INT_CAPA / OVRA TART 1 INT_CAPB / OVRB event detected (1) event CPU detected (1) read TIMx_CAPA updated TIMx_CAPA not updated NOTES - (1) According to the programming of the edge selector EDGA. INT_CAPA OVRA 1 - event detected (2) event CPU detected (2) read (2) According to the programming of the edge selector EDGB. INT_CAPB OVRB 0 INT_CAPA OVRA 0 stay endlessly to '0' 0 stay endlessly to '0' 0 INT_CAPB OVRB TIMx_CAPB updated TIMx_CAPB not updated 0 stay endlessly to '0' 0 stay endlessly to '0' 0 - Timer Capture mode disabled - 16-bits counter reset to 0000h. Table 9.29: Timer capture output signals. Usage and example Typical usage: Time stamping events. Timer Capture/Compare mode Functional block diagram REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 84 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Channel A TREGA_x TIMx_CMPA 16 Equality comparator (TxEQ) TIMx_CNT INT_CMPA 16 EN_DIV CNT_CK Pre-divider CK RST 16-bit up counter control register TIMx_EDGB1 TIMx_EDGB0 2 INT_OVF TCNT_x Interrupts block TIMx_START TIMx_CNT 16 TCTRL_x Tx_INT1 unused INT_CMP Tx_INT2 A Tx_INT3 INT_OVF Tx_INT4 OVRB Tx_INT5 INT_CAPB IN_CAP2 Edge selector (TxEDGB) CK OVRB TIMx_CAPB TREGB_x INT_CAPB Channel B Figure 9-26: Timer compare/capture block diagram. Note: The symbol ‘x’ should be replaced by 1 or 2 depending on the Timer speaking about. The IO port associated to the Compare value TIMx_CMPA is the port TREGA_x. The IO port associated to the Capture value TIMx_CAPB is the port TREGB_x. Compare Channel A This mode uses the 16-bits counter as a free running counter. The counter clock, CNT_CK, is the CPU clock, CK, divided by a pre-defined number, TIMx_DIV, being 1, 16 or 256. The counter is incremented on the CNT_CK rising edge. Assuming bit TIMx_START is high, the 16-bits counter is reset when its value reaches the maximum counting value 0xFFFF. An interrupt, Tx_INT1=INT_CMPA, is generated when the counter value TIMx_CNT is equal to the pre-defined comparator value TIMx_CMPA. The programmed time for this interrupt signal, T INT_CMPA, is given by the following equation: TIMx_ DIV TIMx_ CMPA 1 Fck Where: Fck is the frequency of the CPU clock, and TIMx_DIV = 1, 16, or 256. Equation 17 REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 TINT_CMPA Page 85 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet As long as the bit TIMx_START is not set to 0, the counting sequence is repeated indefinitely; and the frequency at which the interrupt signals is generated is given by Equation 18: FOUT Equation 18 Fck 1 TIMx_ DIV 65536 Capture Channel B The input signal, IN_CAPB, is sampled by CK, and when an event is detected on channel input B: The content of the free-running counter is saved into the 16-bits IO port TREGB_x, An interrupt, Tx_INT5=INT_CAPB, is generated. The edge selector can be programmed with the control bit TIMx_EDGB[1:0] to detect the following events: rising, falling, or rising and falling edges. An interrupt, Tx_INT3=INT_OVF, is activated when the counter overflows. The counter length can be extended by software using this interrupt. The interrupt signal, Tx_INT4=OVRB, is generated if two consecutive capture actions occur without CPU reading operation in between. The first value TIMx_CAPB, memorized in port TREGB_x, is not overwritten. The interrupts signals Tx_INT2=INT_CMPA, INT_CAPB, INT_OVF must be connected to rising-edge sensitive interrupt inputs. Output signals The functionality of the Timer unit in Compare/Capture mode is summarized Table 9.30. TIMx INT_CMPA STAR T 1 INT_CAPB / OVRB TINT_CMPA NOTES - FOUT INT_CMPA FOUT 0 1 TIMx_CMPA 65535 - DIV TIMx _ CMPA 1 Fck Fck 1 TIMx_ DIV 65536 TINT_CMPA event detected (2) event CPU detected (2) read TIMx_CAPB updated TIMx_CAPB not updated (2) According to the programming of the edge selector EDGB. INT_CAPB OVRB 0 INT_CAPB INT_CMPA stay endlessly to '0' 0 CMPA OVRB 0 stay endlessly to '0' 0 65535 stay endlessly to '0' - Timer Compare/Capture mode disabled - 16-bits counter reset to 0000h. 0 Table 9.30: Timer Compare/Capture output signals. Pulse accumulator mode REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 86 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Functional block diagram EN_DIV IN_ACC CK Tx_INT1 TCNT_x Edge Setector (TxEDGA) Tx_INT2 Tx_INT3 Tx_INT4 Tx_INT5 CNT_CK INT_OVF RST 16-bit up counter Interrupts block 2 control register TIMx_EDGA1 TIMx_EDGA0 unused INT_OVF unused TIMx_START TCTRL_x Figure 9-27: 16-bits pulse accumulator block diagram. Note: The symbol ‘x’ should be replaced by 1 or 2 depending on the Timer. This mode uses the 16-bits counter as an event counter. The clock of the counter CNT_CK is the CPU clock, CK, controlled by EN_DIV. The input signal, IN_ACC, is sampled by CK when input EN_DIV is high, and when an event is detected the counter is incremented by 1. The edge selector can be programmed to detect the following events on IN_ACC: rising, falling, or rising and falling edges. If the control bit TIMx_START is low the Pulse accumulator mode is disabled and output INT_OVF is frozen to 0. An interrupt, Tx_INT3=INT_OVF, is generated when the counter overflows, i.e. value 65535 is reached. Using this interrupt the counter length can be extended by software. This interrupt signal must be connected to a risingedge sensitive interrupt inputs. Output signals The input to monitor, IN_ACC, passes through an edge selector block that can be programmed to detect the following events: Rising edges Falling edges Rising and falling edges The active edge is selected with the control bits TIMx_EDGA1 and TIMx_EDGA0. TIMx_EDGA1 TIMx_EDGA0 TIMx_CNT = TIMx_CNT + 1 0 0 on no edge. 0 1 on IN_ACC falling edge. 1 0 on IN_ACC rising edge. 1 1 on IN_ACC rising and falling edge. Table 9.31: Control bit for edge selector. Usage and example Typical usage: Event counting (integrator, frequency measure, etc…) Debouncer mode Functional block diagram REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 87 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet TCNT_x EN_DIV CNT_CK Pre-divider CK RST IN_DEB Edge selector (TxEDGB) 16-bit up counter R/S Greater or Equal comparator (TxGE) TIMx_OUT_GE Tx_INT1 16 Tx_INT2 Interrupts block TIMx_CMPB control register TREGB_x TCTRL_x TIMx_START TIMx_DIN1 TIMx_DIN0 unused INT_EDGF INT_EDGR INT_EDG FREEZE 2 Tx_INT3 Tx_INT4 Tx_INT5 Output Block Tx_OUT_DEB Figure 9-28: Debouncer block diagram. Note: The symbol ‘x’ should be replaced by 1 or 2 depending on the Timer. The IO port associated to the Compare value TIMx_CMPB is the port TREGB_x. This mode uses the 16-bits counter as delay counter. The counter clock, CNT_CK, is the CPU clock, CK, divided by a pre-defined number, TIMx_DIV, being 1, 16 or 256. The counter is incremented on the CNT_CK rising edge. A pre-defined comparator value, TIMx_CMPB, is loaded in the 16-bits IO port TREGB_x and defines the debounce delay. The equality comparator output, TIMx_OUT_GE, is set to 1 when the counter reaches this value; and an R/S block manages the freeze control of the debounced output, Tx_OUT_DEB. This edge selector is programmed to detect rising and falling edges. By using the two control bits, TIMx_DIN1 and TIMx_DIN0, the debounce method can be changed. The bits TIMx_DIN select the time at which the falling and/or rising edge detection are displayed on output INT_EDGF and INT_EDGR (i.e. immediately or delayed by the debounce delay counter). So when a rising edge is detected on Tx_OUT_DEB An interrupt, Tx_INT4= INT_EDGR, can be generated immediately or after the debounce delay counter And when a falling edge is detected on Tx_OUT_DEB An interrupt,Tx_INT5 INT_EDGF, can be generated immediately or after the debounce delay counter If the control bit TIMx_START is low, the Debouncer mode is disabled and outputs INT_EDGR, INT_EDGF and Tx_OUT_DEB are frozen to 0. Note: The case where the debounce delay TIMx_CMPB=0000h is to be avoided. If TIMx_CMPB=0000h the following two cases are defined: if TIMx_DIN1 = TIMx_DIN0 = 1, then Tx_OUT_DEB is equal to IN_DEB delayed by one period of CK, and if TIMx_DIN1 = TIMx_DIN0 = 0 then Tx_OUT_DEB is equal to IN_DEB delayed by two periods of CK. Output signals The pre-divider is controlled with bits TIMx_DIV1 and TIMx_DIV0. REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 88 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Assuming the bit TIMx_START is high, the functionality of the two bits, TIMx_DIN1 and TIMx_DIN0, in the control port TCTRL_x is described Table 9.32. The input signal, IN_DEB, is sampled by CK, and when a rising or falling edge is detected the output value, Tx_OUT_DEB, is freeze to 0 or 1, until the programmed delay is reached. An interrupt signal is generated each time Tx_OUT_DEB toggle. Particular case, If the denounce delay is shorter than the bouncing period: The output signal Tx_OUT_DEB will change according to the bits TIMx_DIN and to the state of the input IN_DEB after the debounce delay counter. The rules are the same than for the standard case, see Table 9.32. TIMx_DIN1 TIMx_DIN0 0 0 IN_DEB / Tx_OUT_DEB / INT_EDGR / INT_EDGF DELAY DELAY DELAY DELAY DELAY DELAY DELAY DELAY IN_DEB Tx_OUT_DEB INT_EDGR INT_EDGF 0 1 IN_DEB Tx_OUT_DEB INT_EDGR INT_EDGF 1 0 IN_DEB Tx_OUT_DEB INT_EDGR INT_EDGF 1 1 IN_DEB Tx_OUT_DEB INT_EDGR INT_EDGF Table 9.32: Debounce method selection. Usage and example Typical usage: Switch debounce PWM mode Functional block diagram REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 89 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Be care that Timer in PWM mode differs from the PWM module itself. The Timer in PWM mode does not include all the functionalities of a PWM module (no double buffer register) and the IO ports update must follows some rules. Please read all the sub-paragraphs before any use. Channel A TREGA_x TIMx_CMPA 16 INT_PWMA Equality comparator (TxEQ) OUT_EQ Tx_INT1 EN_DIV CK INT_PWMA Pre-divider TIMx_CNT 16 TCNT_x INT_PWMB CNT_CK RST TIMx_DIN1 TIMx_DIN0 unused INT_PWMB unused OUT_GE Greater or Equal comparator (Tx_GE) TCTRL_x TIMx_START Tx_INT4 unused INT_PWMA 16 16 control register Tx_INT2 Tx_INT3 Tx_INT5 16-bit up counter TIMx_CNT TIMx_OUT_GE Interrupts block TIMx_CMPB TREGB_x Channel B INT_PWMB OUT_EQ OUT_GE TIMx_DIN1, TIMx_DIN0 Tx_OUT_PWM Output block Figure 9-29: 16-bits PWM block diagram. Note: The symbol ‘x’ should be replaced by 1 or 2 depending on the Timer. The IO ports associated to the comparator values TIMx_CMPA and TIMx_CMPB are the ports TREGA_x and TREGB_x. This mode allows creating a 16 bits high resolution PWM output. The counter clock, CNT_CK, is the CPU clock, CK, divided by a pre-defined number, TIMx_DIV, being 1, 16 or 256. The counter is incremented on the PCK rising edge. Two pre-defined comparator values, TIMx_CMPA and TIMx_CMPB are loaded in the 16-bits IO ports TREGA_x and TREGB_x. The comparator output signals, OUT_GE and OUT_EQ, associated with the two control bits TIMx_DIN1 and TIMx_DIN0, control the outputs waveform as described below: OUT_GE, is set to 1 if the counter value TIMx_CNT is greater than or equal to TIMx_CMPB. OUT_EQ, is set to 1 when the counter value TIMx_CNT is equal to TIMx_CMPA. REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 90 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet And: When OUT_GE is high, TIMx_DIN0 is put on Tx_OUT_PWM, and an interrupt is generated on the output INT_PWMB. When OUT_EQ is high, TIMx_DIN1 is put on Tx_OUT_PWM and an interrupt is generated on the output INT_PWMA. This method allows creating shapes as described in Table 9.33. The interrupt signals, INT_PWMA and INT_PWMB, are connected to MLX81325 rising-edge sensitive interrupt inputs. Warning: The IO ports values TIMx_CMPA and TIMx_CMPB are not buffered: when updated, the new values have an immediate effect on the output state. Assuming input EN_DIV input is asserted high, TIMx_CMPB > 0x0000 and TIMx_CMPA < TIMx_CMPB the PWM output period, TTx_OUT_PWM, and the duty cycle, DCTx_OUT_PWM, are given by the equations: Equation 19 TTx_OUT_PWM TIMx_DIV TIMx_CMPB 1 Fck Equation 20 FTx_OUT_PWM 1 Fck 1 TTx_OUT_PWM TIMx_ DIV TIMx_CMPB 1 Equation 21 Fck 1 TIMx_CMPB 1 TIMx_ DIV FTx _ OUT _ PWM Equation 22 DC Tx_OUT_PWM TIMx_ CMPB TIMX_ CMPA TTx_OUT_PWM TIMx_ CMPB TIMx_ CMPA Fck DC Ttx_OUT_PWM TIMx_ CMPB 1 TIMx_ DIV Equation 23 Where: Fck is the frequency of the CPU clock, and TIMx_DIV = 1, 16, or 256. Output signals The functionality of the Timer unit in PWM mode is summarized Table 9.33. TIMx_START TIMx_DIN Tx_OUT_PWM NOTES [1:0] 1 10 TTx_OUT_PWM TX_OUT_PWM TIMx_DIN0 Ttx_out_pwm TIMx_DIN1 (1) - (1) Stays high during one period of CK. INT_PWMA (1) (1) INT_PWMB 0 REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 TIMx_DIV TIMx_ CMPB 1 Fck TIMx_CMPA TIMx_CMPB - If TIMx_CMPA>TIMx_CMPB, Tx_OUT_PWM stays at TIMx_DIN0, and INT_PMWA is never raised. Page 91 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet TIMx_START TIMx_DIN Tx_OUT_PWM [1:0] NOTES - If TIMx_CMPB=0000h, INT_PWMB is never raised. 1 01 - (1) Stays high during one period of CK. TTx_OUT_PWM TX_OUT_PWM TIMx_DIN0 TIMx_DIN1 (1) INT_PWMA (1) (1) INT_PWMB 0 TIMx_CMPA - If TIMx_CMPA>TIMx_CMPB, Tx_OUT_PWM stays at TIMx_DIN0, and INT_PMWA is never raised. TIMx_CMPB - If TIMx_CMPB=0000h, INT_PWMB is never raised. 1 11 - (1) Stays high during one period of CK. TTx_OUT_PWM stay endlessly to '1' Tx_OUT_PWM TIMx_DIN0 TIMx_DIN1 (1) INT_PWMA (1) (1) INT_PWMB 0 1 TIMx_CMPA TIMx_CMPB - If TIMx_CMPB=0000h, INT_PWMB is never raised. 00 - (1) Stays high during one period of CK. TTX_OUT_PWM Tx_OUT_PWM TIMx_DIN0 (1) TIMx_DIN1 stay endlessly to '0' INT_PWMA (1) (1) INT_PWMB 0 0 -- Tx_OUT_PWM TIMx_CMPA TIMx_CMPB stay endlessly to D0 INT_PWMA stay endlessly to '0' INT_PWMB stay endlessly to '0' 0 - If TIMx_CMPA>TIMx_CMPB, Tx_OUT_PWM stays at TIMx_DIN0, and INT_PMWA is never raised. TIMx_CMPA - If TIMx_CMPA>TIMx_CMPB, Tx_OUT_PWM stays at TIMx_DIN0, and INT_PMWA is never raised. - If TIMx_CMPB=0000h, INT_PWMB is never raised. - PWM mode disabled - 16-bits counter reset to 0000h. TIMx_CMPB Table 9.33: PWM output signal. Usage and example Generating a PWM signal at 10 kHz and 25 % duty cycle with a 16 MHz oscillator (1/Tck). With a pre-divider TIMx_DIV = 1, And so IO port value TIMx_CMPB is set to The duty cycle is defined by equation So IO port TIMx_CMPA is set with REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 TTx_OUT_PWM = 16E6 / 10E3 = 1600 TIMx_CMPB = 1600 - 1 = 159910 = 063F8 DCTx_OUT_PWM = (TIMx_CMPB – TIMx_CMPA) / TTx_OUT_PWM = 0.25 TIMx_CMPA = 159910 - (160010 x 0.25) = 119910 = 04AF8 Page 92 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet TIMx_CMPA Tx_OUT_PWM TIMx_CMPB 0 TTx_OUT_PWM OSC Tosc Time Figure 9-30: Example of PWM signals. Timers IO ports The update of the IO ports must be done when the control bit TIMx_START is low. All the IO ports involved in a single timer module (TIMER_x) programming are resumed in Table 9.34 to Table 9.37: The Data ports TREGA_x and TREGB_x, The Control port TCTRL_x, and The Counter port TCNT_x. According to the selected Timer mode –see previous paragraphs-, the data saved in the port TREGA_x is refered as the compare value TIMx_CMPA, or as the capture value TIMx_CAPA. TREGB_x is refered as the compare value TIMx_CMPB, or as the capture value TIMx_CAPB. IO port: TREGA_x Bit[7] Access mode: Word – Read and Write Bit[6] Bit[5] Bit[4] Bit[3] Bit[2] Bit[1] Bit[0] Bit[10] Bit[9] Bit[8] Bit[2] Bit[1] Bit[0] Bit[10] Bit[9] Bit[8] TIMA_REGA[7:0] Bit[15] Bit[14] Bit[13] Bit[12] Bit[11] TIMA_REGA[15:8] Table 9.34: Timer_x ports – data port for channel A. TIMx_REGA[15:0]: Data for the channel A of Timer A; only accessible in Word IO port: TREGB_x Bit[7] Access mode: Word– Read and Write Bit[6] Bit[5] Bit[4] Bit[3] TIMx_REGB[7:0] Bit[15] Bit[14] Bit[13] Bit[12] Bit[11] TIMx_REGB[15:8] Table 9.35: Timer_x ports – data port for channel B. REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 93 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet TIMx_REGB[15:0]: Data for the channel B of Timer_x; only accessible in Word IO port: TCTRL_x Access mode: Word, Byte, Bit – Read and Write Bit[7] Bit[6] TIMx_DIN[1:0] Bit[15] Bit[5] Bit[4] TIMx_EDG2[1:0] Bit[14] TIMx_DIV[1:0] Bit[13] Bit[12] TIMx_MODE[2:0] Bit[3] Bit[2] TIMx_EDG1[1:0] Bit[11] Bit[10] Bit[1] Bit[0] TIMx_START TIMx_EBLK Bit[9] Bit[8] TIMx_ENCMP TIMx_OVRB TIMx_OVRA Table 9.36: Timer_x ports – control port. TIMx_DIV[1:0]: Predivider ratio between CPU clock and Timer counter clock. This selector is use in all Timer modes except in the Pulse accumulator mode. 00 = div by 1 01 = div by 16 1- = div by 256 TIMx_MODE[2:0]: Mode selector. 000 = Timer mode 100 = Pulse accumulator mode 001 = Dual timer compare 101 = Debouncer mode 010 = Dual timer capture 110 = PWM mode 011 = Timer capture/compare 111 = reserved TIMx_ENCMP: Enable comparison to reset timer value. This enable bit is use in Dual timer compare / capture modes only. 0 = counter is reset when ‘FFFFh’ is reached 1 = counter reset when the value TIMx_REGB is reached TIMx_OVRB: Overrun flag for the channel B; indicates to consecutive capture action on channel B, without CPU reading operation between. This flag is use in Dual timer capture or in capture/compare mode. 0 = a capture action set TIMx_REGB with current counter value. 1 = all future capture action masked until reading capture value TIMx_OVRA: Overrun flag for the channel A. Indicates to consecutive capture action on channel A, without CPU reading operation between. This flag is use in Dual timer capture mode. 0 = a capture action set TIMx_REGA with current counter value. 1 = all future capture action masked until reading capture value TIMx_DIN[1:0]: Control bit to fix the debounce method or the output waveform. This selector is use in Debounce and PWM. TIMx_EDG2[1:0]: Edge selector for channel B, to generate a capture event ; This selector is use in Dual capture and capture/compare mode. 00 = no capture event 11 = capture event on rising and falling edge 01 = capture event on falling edge 10 = capture event on rising edge TIMx_EDG1[1:0]: Edge selector for channel A, to generate a capture event; This selector is use in Dual capture and Pulse accumulator mode. 00 = no capture event 11 = capture event on rising and falling edge 01 = capture event on falling edge 10 = capture event on rising edge TIMx_START: Enable bit for the selected mode. 1 = mode enabled; Timer is working in the selected mode. forced to 0 REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 0 = mode disabled; output Page 94 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet TIMx_EBLK: Enable Timer block 1 = Timer module enable IO port: TCNT_x Bit[7] 0 = Timer module disabled Access mode: Word – Read only Bit[6] Bit[5] Bit[4] Bit[3] Bit[2] Bit[1] Bit[0] Bit[10] Bit[9] Bit[8] TIMx_CNT[7:0] Bit[15] Bit[14] Bit[13] Bit[12] Bit[11] TIMx_CNT[15:8] Table 9.37: Timer_x ports – counter value. TIMx_CNT[15:0]: Current counter value of Timer_x; only accessible in Word and Read. Interrupt connections The following table summarises the possible interrupt sources of one timer module in the different modes of operation. Mode Interrupt name / output Interrupt description Timer INT_TIMER / Tx_INT4 Greater than or equality compartor. (TIMx_CNT > TIMx_REGB) Dual Compare INT_CMPA / Tx_INT2 Equality comparator. (TIMx_CNT = TIMx_REGA) INT_CMPB / Tx_INT4 Greater than or equal (TIMx_CNT > TIMx_REGB). Reset TIMx_CNT if contol bit TIMx_ENCMP is high. Dual Capture INT_CAPA / Tx_INT1 Capture signal for channel A. Active edge programmed with the control bit TIMx_EDG1. INT_CAPB / Tx_NT5 Capture signal for channel B. Active edge programmed with the control bit TIMx_EDG2. INT_OVRA / Tx_INT2 Overrun on Channel A. Previous interrupt INT_CAPA not executed. INT_OVRB / Tx_INT4 Overrun on Channel B. Previous interrupt INT_CAPB not executed. INT_OVF / Tx_INT3 Counter overflow. (TIMx_CNT > FFFFh) INT_CMPA / Tx_INT2 Equality comparator. (TIMx_CNT = TIMx_REGA) INT_OVF / Tx_INT3 Counter overflow. (TIMx_CNT > FFFFh) INT_OVRB / Tx_INT4 Overrun on Channel B. Previous interrupt INT_CAPB not executed. INT_CAPB / Tx_NT5 Capture signal for channel B. Active edge programmed with TIMx_EDG2. Pulse Accumulator INT_OVF / Tx_INT3 Counter overflow. (TIMx_CNT > FFFFh) Debouncer INT_EDGF / Tx_INT4 Falling edge detected on Tx_OUT_DEB INT_EDGR / Tx_INT5 Rising edge detected on Tx_OUT_DEB INT_PWMA / Tx_INT2 Indicates when Tx_OUT_PWM is set to TIMx_DIN1. Capture Compare PWM REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 95 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Mode Interrupt name INT_PWMB / output Interrupt description / Tx_INT4 Indicates when Tx_OUT_PWM is set to TIMx_DIN0. Table 9.38: Interrupts functions. The Timer interrupts are connected into MULAN3 external interrupts block. 9.3.7 SPI Interface Features The MLX81325 comprises one Serial Peripheral Interface block, SPI, with the following characteristics: supports word or byte transmission/reception full-duplex operation double-buffered architecture for queued transmission and continuous reception master and slave mode programmable baudrate up to 4MBit/s possible (depending on PLL frequency) wide range of programmability SPI receiver and transmitter interrupt sources The SPI can work in one of the following main modes: Master mode, or Slave mode Applications The Serial Peripheral Interface block is used in association with the MLX16. The following parameters of the device are programmable by software: Enable or disable module. Master or Slave mode of the module. Period of synchro signal (in Master mode). Polarity of synchro signal (in Master and Slave mode). Phase shift of synchro signal (in Master and Slave mode). Word or Byte mode (in Master and Slave mode). Master Transmit Only (in Master mode). Interrupts masks (enable or disable Interrupts) and etc. According to the selected mode, the block manages different signals: In Master mode: the SPI generates a synchro signal to Slave(s). In Slave mode: the SPI is synchronized to the Master’s SPI synchro signal. An IO port, the Baud Rate, is used to program the period of the Master’s synchro signal. Block diagram and description REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 96 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet CPU bus 12 16 16 SPI_RR Transmit Register (SPTR) SPI_TR 16 BAUD CLOCK SPI_EN SPI_MSTR SPI_CPOL SPI_CPHA SPI_BYTEMOD SPI_MSTRONLY Shift Register (SPSHR) SPI_SR 16 Receive Register (SPRR) SHIFT_OUT Baud Rate Generator (SPBG) SHIFT_IN CK RB SHIFT 1 / Tosc SPI_TF Clock Logic (SPCL) SPI_RF SPI_OVRF SPI_MODF SPI_TI Interrupt Unit (SPIU) SPI_RI SPI_ERRIE SPI_RI_IE SPI_TI_IE MASTER SLAVE SPISIB INOUT LOGIC (SPIO) 1 / Tosc MISO MOSI SPSCK SSOB SPI_MODFEN Figure 9-31: Functional diagram of the SPI block The SPI module allows full-duplex, synchronous, serial communication between the MLX81325 and external devices. The Software can poll the SPI status flags and drive the SPI operations using specific interrupts signals. According to the control bits SPI_MSTR and SPI_MSTRONLY, The SPI can operates in Master and/or in Slave mode. In master mode the input pin SPISIB of the SPI master must be asserted low. The SPI uses the outputs MOSI (Master-Out-Slave-In) and MISO (Master-In-Slave-Out) for transferring data from Master to Slave or otherwise. The full duplex, double buffered architecture allows data streams to be transferred the same time in both directions. The SPI is designed with a system Clock enable. This enable function is done by the SPI control bit SPI_EN. A double-buffered Transmit Data register allows a data byte/word to be queued and transmitted. For an SPI configured as a master, a queued data byte/word is transmitted immediately after the previous transmission has completed. The receiver-full SPI_RF and transmitter-full SPI_TF flags handle the transfer from the Transit Data register into the Shifter, and from the Shifter into the Receive Data register. The IO port associated to the Baud Rate Generator block SPBG is the port SBRR. The IO port associated to the Transmit block SPTR and the Receive block SPRR is the port SPDR. The SPI Baud Rate port SBRR is used to initialize the SPI transmission frequency, Fspck. FSPCk is given by the following equation: REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 97 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Fspck Equation 24 Where: FCK SPI_BRR10 Fck SPI _ BRR10 1 : SPI input frequency; equal to the PLL clock or the oscillator clock OSC. : Programmed Baud Rate. Value of the SPI baud rate port SBRR and converted in decimal base. Master IC Slave IC SPI IO[0] MOSI MISO_IN IO[1] MISO SPSCK_OUT IO[2] SPSCK IO[2] IO[3] SS IO[3] MOSI_OUT Shift Register Baud Rate Generator SPI SSOB IO[0] IO[1] MOSI_IN Shift Register MISO_OUT SPSCK_IN SSIB Figure 9-32: Full-Duplex Master-Slave connections scheme. Notes about IO ports usage To enable the SPI module it is necessary to set the bit SPI_CKEN to 1, then set the other control bits to the desired value: SPI_BYTEMOD, SPI_MSTRONLY, SPI_CPOL, SPI_CPHA, SPI_MSTR, then Set the SPI module enable bit SPI_EN to 1 After this sequence, the first word/byte data can be written in the SPI Data port, SPDR. To disable the SPI module the bit SPI_CKEN should be set to 0 after the SPI module enable bit SPI_EN. A transmission starts: On the first edge of SPSCK, if the clock phase bit, SPI_CPHA, is set to 1 On the falling edge of SSIB, if SPI_CPHA is set to 0. The modification of the Baud Rate code, CODESPI_BRR, must be effected only when SPI is disabled, i.e. SPI_EN=0. The baud rate only controls the speed to the SPSCK generated by an SPI configured as a master. In case the CODESPI_BRR is less than 3, the value for baud rate generator will be 3, because the minimum SPI baud rate frequency must be a MULAN3 frequency divided by 4 for the realization of an edge detection mechanism. REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 98 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet In case the CODESPI_BRR is an even number (so system frequency division factor is odd), the duration of the high level of SPSCK signal will be longer than the duration of then low level by one. To prevent SPSCK from appearing as a clock edge, SPSCK must be in the proper idle state before the slave mode is enabled. IMPORTANT: The master SPI must always be enabled before the slaves SPI. And the slave SPI must always be disabled before the master SPI. Master mode The SPI operates in master mode when the SPI master bit SPI_MSTR is set to 1 (see IO port SPSCR). In master mode the SSIB pin of this SPI master must be asserted low. Only a master SPI module can initiate transmissions. Software begins the transmission from a master SPI module by writing to the IO port SPDR: The SPI transmitter full bit SPI_TF is automatically set to 1, and The SSOB output signal becomes low during each Master’s transmission and is high when the Master SPI is in the idling state. If the Shift Register is empty, the transmissible data immediately transfers to the shift register, resetting the SPI transmitter full bit SPI_TF. The data begins shifting out on the MOSI pin under the control of the serial clock. The transmission ends when the Receiver Full Flag, then bit SPI_RF signals the end of the transmission: Bit SPI_RF is set to 1,and the byte/word from the slave are transferred to the Receive Data port, SPDR. The bit SPI_RF is cleared automatically when software reads SPDR. The IO port SBRR controls the baud rate generator and: determines the speed of the shift register. controls the Shift Register of the slave device through the pin SPSCK As the transmissible data shifts out on the MOSI pin of the master, another data shifts in from the slave on the master's MISO pin. Interrupts allow detecting and preventing errors during the transmission sequence SPI_TI indicates the beginning of a transmission. It is generated when: If the interrupt enable bit SPI_TFIE is high, by a falling edge on the transmit full flag bit SPI_TF Slave mode The SPI operates in slave mode when bit SPI_MSTR is set to 0 (see IO port SPSCR). In slave mode, the pin SPSCK is the input for the serial clock from the master MCU. Before a data transmission occurs, and assuming the module is enabled: the input pin SSIB of the slave must be set to 0 by the master, and SSIB must remain low until the transmission is complete. See error bit SPI_MODF. In case Slave SPI will transmit data to Master SPI, this data must be written into port SPDR before the SPI module is configured as slave, i.e. in master configuration. In a slave SPI module: REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 99 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet The data inputs and outputs the Shift Register under the control of the serial clock from the master SPI module. Then after a byte/word enters the Shift Register of a slave SPI it is transferred to the Receive Data Register, And the bit SPI_RF is set. To prevent an overflow condition, slave software must read the SPI Data port before another byte/word enters the shift register. When the master SPI starts a transmission, The data in the slave Shift Register begins shifting out on the MISO pin. The slave can load its Shift Register with a new byte/word for the next transmission by writing to its Transmit Data Register. The slave must write to its Transmit Data Register at least one bus cycle before the master starts the next transmission (flag SPI_TF is set to1). The flag bit SPI_MODF is set to 1 if the input pin SSIB goes high during a transmission. Note: If the writing to the Data port is late, the SPI already transmits the data into the Shift Register from the previous transmission. Interrupts allow detecting and preventing errors during the receive sequence SPI_RI indicates the end of the transmission. It is generated when: If the interrupt enable bit SPI_RFIE is high, by a rising edge on the receive full Flag SPI_RF, if the error interrupt enable bits SPI_ERRIE and SPI_MODFEN are high, by a rising edge on the mode fault bit SPI_MODF, if the error interrupt enable bits SPI_ERRIE is high, by a rising edge on SPI_OVRF The Figure 9-33 Full duplex transfer with default setting (default clock polarity and word transmission) illustrates the data waveforms during a typical transfer. This example assumes that SPI_CPHA = 1, SPI_CPOL = 0, and SPI_FRSSOEN=1. ... SPSCK Master’s MOSI_OUT Slave’s MOSI_IN Master’s MISO_IN Slave’s MISO_OUT MSB BIT14 BIT13 ... BIT3 BIT2 BIT1 LSB MSB BIT14 BIT13 ... BIT3 BIT2 BIT1 LSB SSOB to Slave ... Capture Strobe Figure 9-33 Full duplex transfer with default setting (default clock polarity and word transmission) SPI IO ports All the IO ports involved in SPI programming are defined in the following tables: The Baud Rate port SBRR, The Status and Control ports SPSCR_L, and SPSCR_H The Data port SPDR. The IO ports involved in SPI interrupts are defined in Table 9.43 The reset state and reset command of the SPI ports are defined in Table 9.44 Control and command ports REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 100 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet IO port: SBRR Address: 0x289Ch Bit[7] Bit[6] Access mode: Word, Byte – Read and Write Bit[5] Bit[4] Bit[3] Bit[2] Bit[1] Bit[0] Bit[10] Bit[9] Bit[8] SPI_BRR[7:0] Bit[15] Bit[14] Bit[13] Bit[12] - - - - Bit[11] SPI_BRR[11:8] Table 9.39: SPI- Control and command ports SPI_BRR[15:0]: Baud Rate value. The SPI input cock frequency divided by ‘SPI_BRR[15:0]+1’ Some bits of the status and control port SPSCR are detailed hereafter: The SPI transmitter full flag, SPI_TF, indicates when the transmit data buffer is ready to accept new data. Write to the SPI Data port only when the SPI_TF bit is low. SPI work mode is depending on the bit SPI_BYTEMOD: If SPI_BYTEMOD is set to 1, i.e. byte transceiving mode selected When the firmware writes word into IO port SPDR, a transmission starts (8 bits data). When the firmware writes byte into SPI_DR[7:0], a transmission starts, a transmit starts (8 bits data). When the firmware writes byte into SPI_DR[15:0], it is a wrong access type, so no transmission will start. If SPI_BYTEMOD is set to 0, i.e. word transceiving mode selected When the firmware writes word into IO port SPDR, a transmit starts When the firmware writes byte into SPI_DR[7:0], the CPU data will be saved in SPI_DR[7:0], and a transmission starts (16 bits data). When the firmware writes byte into SPI_DR[15:8], the CPU data will be saved in SPI_DR[7:0], and a transmission starts (16 bits data). About SPI_MODF and SPI_MODFEN bits: MODF does not occur since a transmission was never begun. MODF flag does not clear the SPE bit or reset the SPI in any way SPI_MODF flag can be set to 1 only if bit SPI_MODFEN bas been previously set to 1. SPI_MODF flag is set to 0 if SPI_MODFEN bit is set to 0. A raising edge on SPI_MODF generates a receiver/error CPU interrupt request SPI_RI. The SPI_RF, SPI_MODF, and SPI_OVRF interrupts share the same CPU interrupt vector. SPI_MODF and SPI_OVRF can generate a receiver/error CPU interrupt request. The interrupt enable bit SPI_ERRIE controls the interrupt source SPI_MODF and SPI_OVRF It is not possible to enable only SPI_MODF and SPI_OVRF, but if SPI_MODFEN is low, the bit SPI_MODF is asserted low. The Software can abort the SPI transmission by toggling the enable bit SPI_EN bit of the slave. IO port: SPSCR_L (low byte of IO port SPSCR) Address: 0x289Ah Access mode: Word, Byte, Bit – Read and Write Bit[7] Bit[6] Bit[5] Bit[4] Bit[3] Bit[2] Bit[1] Bit[0] SPI_RFIE SPI_TFIE SPI_BYTEMOD SPI_MSTR SPI_CPOL SPI_CPHA SPI_EN SPI_CKEN Table 9.40: SPI ports – Status and Control bits 1 SPI_RFIE: Enable bit for the interrupt request SPI_RF. REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 101 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet SPI_RF is a source of interrupt for SPI_RI. 1 = SPI_RF interrupt enabled 0 = SPI_RF interrupt disabled SPI_TFIE: Enable bit for the interrupt rrequest SPI_TF. SPI_TF is the source of interrupt for SPI_TI. 1 = SPI_TF interrupt enabled 0 = SPI_TF interrupt disabled SPI_BYTEMOD: Frame length selector. 1 = receive/transmit an 8 bits frame SPI_MSTR: Master bit mode. 1= Master mode selected 0 = receive/transmit an 16 bits frame 0 = Slave mode selected SPI_CPOL: Clock polarity selector. Logic state of SPI clock output. 1 = SPSCK _OUT is high during transmission 0 = SPSCK _OUT is low during transmission SPI_CPHA: Clock phase selector; defines the timing relationship between output clock and output data 0 = transmission starts on falling edge of SPISIB 1 = transmission starts on first SPSCK edge SPI_EN: Enable SPI module. 1 = SPI module enabled SPI_CKEN: 0 = SPI module disabled Enable bit for SPI clock. 1 = SPI clock in normal mode IO port: SPSCR_H (high byte of IO port SPSCR) (0x289Bh) Bit[15] Bit[14] Bit[13] Bit[12] SPI_RF SPI_TF SPI_OVRF SPI_MODF 0 = SPI clock froze. Access mode: Word, Byte, Bit – Read and Write Bit[11] Bit[10] Bit[9] SPI_FRSSON SPI_MODFEN SPI_MSTRONLY Bit[8] SPI_ERRIE Table 9.41: SPI ports – Status and Control bits 2 SPI_RF: SPI_TF: Receiver Full. 1 = Receive port SPI_DR is full 0 = Receive port SPIR_DR is empty Transmit Full. 1 = Transmit port SPI_DR is full 0 = Transmit port SPIR_DR is empty SPI_OVRF: Overflow flag. SPI_OVRF is a source of interrupt for SPI_RI. 1 = Receive port full, receive data are lost 0 = data are read before next transmission SPI_MODF: Mode Fault bit; used in master mode only to detect the status of input SPISIB during a transmission. 1 = SPISIB switch high during transmission 0 = SPISIB stays at low level SPI_FRSSOEN: Frame Slave Select Output Enable Bit; used in Master mode only to drive SSOB signal is drives to the active state (to low) every time when frame is being transmitted or when Master is selected and enabled. REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 102 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet 1 = SSOB low when frame is being transmitted 0 = SSOB low when Master is configured and enabled SPI_MODFEN: Mode Fault enable bit. Should be combined with SPI_ERRIE to enable interrupt on SPI_MODF. 1 = SPI_MODF update enabled 0 = SPI_MODF forced to 0 SPI_MSTRONLY: Master transmit mode; only valid in master mode. 1 = Transmit mode selected 0 = Full-duplex mode selected SPI_ERRIE: Error Interrupt Enable Bit. 1 = SPI_MODF and SPI_OVRF interrupt enabled 0 = Interrupt disabled To enable the SPI_MODF interrupt, bit should be combined with SPI_MODFEN. The SPI Data port, SPDR, is the read/write buffer for the Receive Data register, SPRR, and the Transmit Data register, SPTR. SPRR and SPTR registers are separate buffers that can contain different values. Writing to SPDR writes data into the Transmit Data register SPTR. Reading SPDR reads data from the Receive Data register SPRR. IO port: SPDR Address: 0x289Eh Bit[7] Bit[6] Access mode: Word, Byte – Read and Write Bit[5] Bit[4] Bit[3] Bit[2] Bit[1] Bit[0] Bit[10] Bit[9] Bit[8] SPI_DR[7:0] Bit[15] Bit[14] Bit[13] Bit[12] Bit[11] SPI_DR[15:8] Table 9.42: SPI ports – Data values SPI_DR[15:0]: SPI Data port. Interrupts connections To manage the SPI interrupts, the MULAN3 includes IO ports named XI3MASK, PRIO, and XI3PEND. XI3MASK is the interrupt enable port. This IO port is defined at address 0x2030. Each interrupt can be disabled or enable independently; PRIO is the priority port. This IO port is defined at address 0x2004. The priority bits defined the software priority of the interrupt source. The software priority of each interrupt can be programmed between 3 and 6. The hardware priority is not modifiable and fixed as follow: SPI_RI is the more priority interrupts, and SPI_TI is the less priority interrupts. XI3PEND is the pending interrupt port. This IO port is defined at 0x203A. This bit is set to 1 by the interrupt source. The pending bit is cleared automatically by the interrupt controller when the corresponding interrupt is served. The software can also clear the pending bit at any time by writing in the pending interrupt IO port. Name Address Priority Notes SPI_RI XI3MASK[15] XI3PEND[15] 3-6 Receive interrupt SPI_TI XI3MASK[14] XI3PEND[14] 3-6 Transmit interrupt Table 9.43: SPI interrupts - addresses and priority table REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 103 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Reset state During a Power On Reset the SPI input RB is asserted low. After a Power On Reset the SPI module is disabled and the IO ports are reset as resumed in Table 9.44. By default the Watchdog reset interrupt does the same initialization that a Power On Reset interrupt. IO ports Name Reset commands Reset values SBRR POR 0x0000 SPSCR_L POR 0x00 SPSCR_H POR 0x00 SPI_RF is a reset after read SPDR. SPI_TF is a reset when data transferred into shifter. SPI_OVRF is a Read and Clear bit. SPI_MODF is reset, if MLX_MODFEN=0. SPDR POR 0x0000 Not reset; value needs to be set before using SPI. PEND POR 0x0000 PRIO POR 0x0000 MASK POR 0x0000 Address Notes Table 9.44: Reset table for SPI module REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 104 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet 9.4 Analogue- and Mixed Signal Part All ports and their function are described in detail in the ports map description. Below a few blocks are described more in detail, in case one or more functions are not seen clearly in the ports map. 9.4.1 Oscillator concept ADC ADC_CLK 1-4MHz Clock unit ADCFREQ[15:14] F1MHz_Reset 1MHz EXT_CE_SELB DIVIDER PLL_FBDIV[7:0] CKTRIM F1MHz DIVIDER simple 15bit timer MULAN2 internal FLASH NVRAM Digital WD Timer CKTRIM[5:0] Force Fallback to SLOWCLK; signal a CM error CTLCK[3:0] PLL_EN TR_PLL[7:0] 1MHz TR_RCO[6:0] div 4 feedback divider PLL_LOCKED FASTCLK SLOWCLK RC-OSC PLL_CM Lock Detect Clock Monitor PLL Analog to EXT4 interrupt ANA_INA[12] System Clock Selector System clock CPU Timer PWM SPI PLL_FBDIV[7:0] SLOWCLK Figure 9-34 – Oscillators and clock concept The digital part of MLX81325 can be supplied by a low speed, RC oscillator clock, or a high speed clock generated by a phase locked loop frequency multiplier (PLL). The RC oscillator clock is referred further as SLOWCLK, the PLL clock as FASTCLK. After power on or watchdog reset the chip always starts at the SLOWCLK as system clock. The selection of the system clock is fully controlled by application software, it will activate the FASTCLK and determine it’s source (RC or crystal oscillator) and the frequency (by PLL configuration). The normal working clock has to be the FASTCLK; if there is writing to an NV memory (Flash, NVRAM) planned, the FASTCLK has to be selected before; otherwise the writing takes much longer times and this can have influence to the reliability/data retention/endurance of the NV Memory. The clock system initialization runs in principle as follows: transfer trimming values for RC oscillator and PLL configure PLL frequency activate PLL REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 105 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet RC-Oscillator The main oscillator is a 1 MHz RC oscillator which is trimmed via software according to the ports map description and NVRAM allocation table. After Reset the RC oscillator is calibrated with the default reset value 7’b0000000 of the TRIMRC port which will results in the lowest frequency. In the Melexis test program the RC oscillator will be calibrated to 1 MHz +/-5%. The final calibration value will be stored in the NV memory. The initial software routine transfers this value into the TRIMRC port after start up. The RC oscillator starts with power on at VDDA. The RC oscillator is switched off in SLEEP MODE Phase locked loop (PLL) configuration The high frequency internal clock is generated by a phase locked loop (PLL) clock multiplier circuit. The PLL can be activated by the MULAN3 CPU, after the power-up sequence. The hardware itself takes care that the PLL has locked and therefore reached its final stable frequency before enabling its use. Trimming values for the PLL are written through the port PLLTRIM, software transfers the value similarly to the RC Oscillator trim-values during system initialization. The IO port associated to the Feedback Divider value (FBDIV) is PLLDIV. The IO port associated to the control and status bits is the port PLLCTRL. The frequency of the high speed clock results from multiplication of FBDIV with the RC oscillator frequency: FRC _ OSC INT FBDIV / 2 1 * 2 4 Where FCK is the PLL output clock frequency and (FRC_OSC/4) is the PLL input clock frequency. FCK Equation 25 The PLL will operate in a output frequency range of nominal 28MHz. FBDIV values resulting in lower or higher frequency will prevent the PLL from locking, the system clock will remain on SLOWCLK. Notice that the IO ports PLLCTRL and PLLDIV are writable in MULAN3 protected mode only and when running at low speed. The following sequence is recommended to run the system from PLL clock: transfer RC trimming into RCTRIM port transfer PLL trimming to PLLTRIM port define the PLL output frequency by writing FBDIV set bit PLLEN to start the PLL hardware will switch system to PLL clock after PLL has locked, clock monitor will be started the system now runs at FASTCLK Lock detection and clock monitor The lock detection unit of PLL circuitry has 2 tasks: REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 106 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet It observes the phase shift of divided PLL clock in relation to input clock coming from RC oscillator. It adds a delay time (a digital filter constant) before allowing to use the PLL clock output as system clock, assuming the PLL will enter a stable operating point before. Both filters are realized by configurable debouncing units: SLOWCLK to analog PLL FASTCLK divided by FBDIV from analog PLL UNLOCK SLOWCLK PLL_CTLCK[1:0] UNLOCK FASTCLK PLL_EN LOCK Detect VDD D CK Debounce max 32 SLOWCLK RB D CK Debounce max 10 RB PLL_CTLCK[3:2] CTLCK[1:0] SELECTOR SELECTOR PLL_LOCKED check phase shift observe locking stability Figure 9-35 – LOCK detection principle – 2 stage debounce The PLL locks after following conditions are fulfilled: Condition 1) The phase shift between the oscillator clock (SLOWCLK) and the PLL clock (FASTCLK) divided by the PLL factor (FBDIV) must be less than Tphase = 4...32 consecutive periods of the fast PLL clock. The time Tphase is configured by bit PLL_CTLCK[3:2]. Condition 2) Condition 1 must be valid for Tsample = 4..10 consecutive periods of 1MHz oscillator clock. The time Tsample is configured by bit PLL_CTLCK[1:0]. The value for Tsample changes after having locked. Reason for that is to keep the same level of severity. Possible Configurations: Control bits PLL_CTLCK[3:2] Periods of FASTCLK Remark 11 10 01 00 32 16 4 8 most relaxed setting for frequency and phase shift medium setting most strict setting for freq. and phase shift default setting after reset Table 45 – PLL Configurations part I PLL_CTLCK[1:0] 11 10 01 00 Periods of SLOWCLK for achieving LOCK 10 8 4 6 Periods of SLOWCLK for loosing LOCK 4 4 8 6 Remark most strict setting for frequency stability medium setting most relaxed setting default after reset Table 46 – PLL Configurations part II After reset Tphase= 8 periods of FASTCLK and TSample= 6 periods of SLOWCLK are configured. REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 107 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Clock Monitor When the PLL is activated, the FASTCLOCK is observed by the clock monitor. This unit ensures, that the system clock does not stuck e.g. by loss of external resonators connection or does not fail in case of too high frequency by external distortion etc. The clock monitor is started after the PLL had been locked successfully. In case of error the clock monitor will switch back the system to low clock by resetting the PLLEN bit, set the CM bit and issue the PLL interrupt. All other PLL ports keep their state. The sensitivity of the PLL locking and the clock monitor can be controlled by bits CTLCK[7:0] in the PLL control port. 1MHz and ADC Clock generation The clock system provides a 1MHz clock only depending on the system clock fCK (assumed to be the fast PLL clock) , which is used in several blocks where a constant frequency is needed. Examples are the ADC(9.4.5), the CPU integrated 15bit timer ( and watchdog ( or the NVRAM interface. After Reset this clock is created automatically from the PLL timing using the FBDIV value from port PLLCTRL. The reset frequency f1MHz_Reset can be calculated by the formula fCK 4 * ( FBDIV 4) The frequency deviation compared to the target frequency of 1MHz is up to +20% depending on the PLL feedback divider setting. For higher accuracy, a separate divider can be activated by setting the bit EXT_CE_SELB from port ANA_OUTC (bit15, refer to chapter 9.4.5). The divider is controlled by the port CKTRIM[5:0] and divides the system clock (fCK) by the value of (64-CKTRIM). Equation 26 f1MHz_Reset Equation 27 f1MHz fCK 64 - CKTRIM The boot loader software delivered by Melexis already contains the activation and trimming of the 1MHz clock. The ADC clock frequency is controlled by the ADC_FREQ[1:0] bits (ANA_OUTE[15:14]) to be between 1MHz and 4 MHz. The frequencies are not exact, they are calculated following the formulas given in Table 9.47 ADC_FREQ[1:0] EXT_CE_SELB ADC frequency / MHz exact calculation formula 00 0 1 ( from PLL) 00 1 1 ( from CKTRIM ) 01 dont care 2 f1MHz=fCK / (2* (FBDIV >> 4) ) 10 dont care 3 f1MHz=fCK / ( ((3*FBDIV) >>5 ) -1 ) 11 dont care 4 f1MHz=fCK / (FBDIV >> 4) f1MHz=fCK / (4* (FBDIV >> 4) ) f1MHz=fCK / (64 - CKTRIM) Table 9.47: ADC frequency calculation REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 108 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Firmware provided by Melexis will pre-select the 1 MHz clock derived from CKTRIM port. Clock system ports IO port: PLLSTAT Address: 0x2040h Access mode: Word – Read Bit[7] Bit[6] Bit[5] Bit[4] Bit[3] Bit[2] Bit[1] Bit[0] - - - - - - CM LOCKED Bit[15] Bit[14] Bit[13] Bit[12] Bit[11] Bit[10] Bit[9] Bit[8] - - - - - - - - Table 9.48: PLL status bits LOCKED read only status bit : PLL has locked, the system clock is at high frequency when LOCKED=1 CM read only status bit : clock monitor error bit bits [15:2] unused IO port: PLLTRIM Address: 0x201Ch Bit[7] Bit[6] Bit[5] Access mode: Word – Read and Write Bit[4] TRIMRC6 Bit[3] Bit[2] Bit[1] ... Bit[15] Bit[14] Bit[13] - - PLLTRIM5 Bit[12] Bit[11] Bit[0] TRIMRC0 Bit[10] Bit[9] ... Bit[8] PLLTRIM0 Table 9.49: RC oscillator and PLL trimming register TRIMRC [6:0] trimming info for RC oscillator, to be transferred from flash/NV memory during startup PLLTRIM [5:0] trimming info for the PLL, to be transferred from flash/NV memory during startup IO port: PLLCTRL Address: 0x203Eh Bit[7] Bit[6] Bit[5] CTLCK3 Bit[15] Bit[14] Access mode: Word – Read and Write Bit[13] Bit[4] Bit[3] Bit[2] Bit[1] Bit[0] CTLCK0 SELXTAL XTALON CMEN PLLEN Bit[12] Bit[11] Bit[10] Bit[9] Bit[8] FBDIV7 ... FBDIV0 Table 9.50: PLL control bits and feedback divider PLLEN activate PLL, hardware will be switched to fast clock after PLL has locked CMEN clock monitor error interrupt enable, if=0, the CM error does not trigger an interrupt. The SLOW clock will be activated in any case XTALON start crystal oscillator This bit is without function , when no crystal oscillator is available SELXTAL select crystal oscillator as PLL source This bit is without function , when no crystal oscillator is available CTLCK[3:0] pll unlock detection configuration, detailed configuration see FBDIV[7:0] feedback divider setting for PLL REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 109 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Interrupts connections The clock monitor interrupt is connected into MULAN3 external interrupts block. 9.4.2 Supply sensor Block Diagram Vmeas_IN Vmeas_ADC Low-Pass Filter Vmeas_LP_ADC IO:EN_Vmeas_ADC SBY Figure 9-36: block-diagram: supply sensor The supply voltage of the IC can be measured by the ADC using the supply sensor. The gain and offset of this sensor are calibrated during test in Melexis. Supply voltage sensor filter In order to avoid that this supply sensor reacts on noise on the supply voltage to measure, a first-order low-pass filter is implemented on the output of the sensor. Both signals before and after the filter can be used for ADC measurement. 9.4.3 Temperature Sensor 2 functions are implemented: Temperature measurement: Measurement of the on chip temperature with the ADC (see also “AD Converter System” paragraph) The temperature measurement can be used for watching temperature drifts in system. The gain and offset of this sensor are calibrated during test in Melexis. For temperature measurement two calibration points are used. During wafer test the values for 150 °C and 35 °C are saved into NVRAM. These values are used as reference points for the temperature sensor. From the two saved values in the Non-volatile Memory the recent temperature can be computed by linear interpolation. REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 110 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet The built-in temperature sensor is linear by construction. It is directly connected to one of the ADC input channels. On final wafer test this ADC channel is checked to be inside a given range. Please also refer to package Rth data if approximation of ambient temperature is needed. Over-Temperature detection Detection of a temperature above the defined threshold for longer than the defined filter time. In the case of thermal shutdown the Driver Part of the IC can be switched off to reduce power dissipation as much as possible to prevent a thermal overheating of the IC and to get additional security for external components (see paragraph “Drivers protection”). 9.4.4 Multi-purpose IO pins Features 8 multiple purpose bi-directional IO pins (IO[7:0]) are available in MLX81325. Following table shows the functional possibilities of the IO pins IO function VDDA tolerant IO0 IO1 IO2 IO3 IO4 IO5 IO6 IO7 x x x x x x x x VS tolerant x Wake-up function x SPI Interface (Bidirectional) x x x x Firmware controllable input: via debounce block (note that debounce can be set to 0) x x x x x x x x IRQ on debounced input (rising / falling programmable) x x x x x x x x Firmware controllable output x x x x x x x x x x 2 x2 x x Timer / PWM output x x x x Access LIN Rx signal x Drive LIN TX signal x x x x x x x x Timer capture inputs x x x x x x x x Has its own ADC channel for measurement of external voltage source x x x x x x x x x x x Test interface functionality Table 9.51: IO functions 2 IO[7:6] support timer output only REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 111 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Every IO pin has an enable signal (EN), a digital output signal (OUT) and a disable PMOS signal (DIS_PMOS). The combination of these 3 signals defines the state on the pin. Every IO pin has an input IN_EXTIO. VDD DIS_PMOS_EXTIO[7:0] IN_EXTIO[7:0] IO[7:0] ENABLE_EXTIO[7:0] OUT_EXTIO[7:0] Figure 9-37: IO port description ENABLE_EXTIO OUT_EXTIO DIS_PMOS_EXTIO OUTPUT function 0 X X Tri-state 1 0 X Pull down (NMOS active) 1 1 0 Pull up (PMOS active) 1 1 1 Tri-state Table 9.52: IO port logic function IO3 is high voltage tolerant and has and extra wake-up input. Digital IO output configuration By default external IO[7:0] functions are connected as in following table: IO functionality IO0 IO1 IO2 IO3 IO4 IO5 IO6 IO7 when used as soft-IOs from ports ( IO{3:0}_OUTCFG[2:0]=111, IO{7:4}_OUTCFG[1:0]=11 ) ENABLE_EXTIO ANA_OUTF [0] ANA_OUTF [1] ANA_OUTF [2] ANA_OUTF [3] ANA_OUTF [4] ANA_OUTF [5] ANA_OUTF [6] ANA_OUTF [7] DIS_PMOS_EXTI O ANA_OUTF [8] ANA_OUTF [9] ANA_OUTF [10] ANA_OUTF [11] ANA_OUTF [12] ANA_OUTF [13] ANA_OUTF [14] ANA_OUTF [15] OUT_EXTIO (= SOFT_IO[7:0]) ANA_OUTN [0] ANA_OUTN [1] ANA_OUTN [2] ANA_OUTN [3] ANA_OUTN [4] ANA_OUTN [5] ANA_OUTN [6] ANA_OUTN [7] IN_EXTIO IOIN[0] IOIN[1] IOIN[2] IOIN[3] IOIN[4] IOIN[5] IOIN[6] IOIN[7] IO1 IO2 IO3 Table 9.53 IO configuration IO IO0 REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 112 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet IO IO0 IO1 IO2 IO3 IO[3:0] configuration for SPI in MASTER mode (IOx_OUTCFG[2:0]=000) SPI Function MOSI _OUT MISO_IN SPSCK SSOB direction output input output output ENABLE_EXTIO 1 0 1 1 = ANA_OUTF[3:0] IO[3:0] configuration for SPI in SLAVE mode (IOx_OUTCFG[2:0]=000) SPI Function MOSI_IN MISO _OUT SPSCK_IN SSIB direction input output input input ENABLE_EXTIO 0 1 0 0 = ANA_OUTF[3:0] Table 9.54: IO[3:0] configuration for SPI Note: When using IO[3:0] in SPI mode, IO[3:0]_OUTCFG (Table 9.55) must be 0. IN_EXTIO[3:0] and OUT_EXT_IO[3:0] are not considered in SPI mode. DIS_PMOS_EXTIO can be set depending on external pull-up use. Connection of IO pin output is defined by IO_OUTCFG registers in port ANA_OUTM and ANA_OUTN. IO port: ANA_OUTM (IO_OUTCFG) ( 0x28D6- 0x28D7h ) Bit[15] Bit[14] IO5_OUTCFG[1:0] Bit[7] Bit[6] IO2_OUTCFG[1:0] Bit[13] Bit[12] Access mode: Word, Byte– Read and Write Bit[11] IO4_OUTCFG[1:0] Bit[5] Bit[4] Bit[10] Bit[9] IO3_OUTCFG[2:0] Bit[3] Bit[2] IO1_OUTCFG[2:0] Bit[8] IO2_OUTCFG[2] Bit[1] Bit[0] IO0_OUTCFG[2:0] Table 9.55: ANA_OUTM / IO output configuration port IOx_OUTCFG[2:0], x=0…3 IO output configuration: 000 - SPI output function as in pre-defined mode 001 - TIMER1_OUT 010 – TIMER2_OUT 011 – PWM2 100 – PWM3 101 – PWM4 110 – PWM1 111 - IO:SOFT_IO[x] IOy_OUTCFG[2:0], y=4, 5 IO output configuration: 00 – 0 01 - TIMER1_OUT 10 – TIMER2_OUT 11 - IO:SOFT_IO[y] IO port: ANA_OUTN(SOFT_IO) Address: 0x28D8 – 0x28D9 REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Access mode: Word, – Read and Write Page 113 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet IO port: ANA_OUTN(SOFT_IO) Address: 0x28D8 – 0x28D9 Bit[15] Bit[14] Bit[13] IO7_OUTCFG[1:0] Bit[7] Bit[12] Bit[11] Bit[10] Bit[9] Bit[8] x x x SOFT_TX[0] Bit[4] Bit[3] Bit[2] Bit[1] Bit[0] SOFT_IO[4] SOFT_IO[3] SOFT_IO[2] SOFT_IO[1] SOFT_IO[0] IO6_OUTCFG[1:0] Bit[6] Bit[5] SOFT_IO[7] SOFT_IO[6] SOFT_IO[5] Access mode: Word, – Read and Write Table 9.56 : ANA_OUTN / SOFT IO configuration port IOx_OUTCFG[1:0], x=6, 7 IO output configuration: 00 – 0 01 - TIMER1_OUT 10 – TIMER2_OUT 11 - IO:SOFT_IO[x] SOFT_TX[0] TX-pin software output SOFT_IO[7:0] Software output signal “OUT_EXTIO” for external IO[7:0] Digital IO input description IN_EXTIO[7:0] debounce Edge detector IO:IO_DEB[7:0] IO:IOINT[7:0] IRQ controller IFRB=0 => rising edge IFRB=1 => falling edge IO:DEB[15:0] IO:IFRB[7:0] Figure 9-38: debounce and interrupt connection of external IO port IO port: IODEB Address: 0x28C0- 0x28C1 Bit[15] Bit[14] Bit[13] Access mode: Word, Byte– Read and Write Bit[12] Bit[11] Bit[10] Bit[9] Bit[8] Bit[2] Bit[1] Bit[0] DEB[15:0] Bit[7] Bit[6] Bit[5] Bit[4] Bit[3] DEB[7:0] Table 9.57: IO port: External IO[5:0] debounce configuration DEB[15:14] Debounce time configuration for external IO7 DEB[13:12] Debounce time configuration for external IO6 DEB[11:10] Debounce time configuration for external IO5 REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 00 – debounce off 01 – 1 ms (IO[7:6] : 100us) 10 – 4 ms (IO[7:6] : 200us) Page 114 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet DEB[9:8] Debounce time configuration for external IO4 DEB[7:6] Debounce time configuration for external IO3 DEB[5:4] Debounce time configuration for external IO2 DEB[3:2] Debounce time configuration for external IO1 DEB[1:0] Debounce time configuration for external IO0 11 – 8 ms (IO[7:6] : 400us) IO port: ANA_INA Address: 0x281C – 0x281D Access mode: Word, Byte– Read Bit[15] Bit[14] Bit[13] Bit[12] Bit[11] Bit[10] Bit[9] Bit[8] OVT UV_VS OV_VS PLL_INT OC_DRV VDS_MON LIN_RX LIN_RX_INT Bit[7] Bit[6] Bit[5] Bit[4] Bit[3] Bit[2] Bit[1] Bit[0] IO_INT[7:0] Table 9.58: IO port: interrupt sources OVT Over temperature UV_VS Under voltage VS OV_VS Over voltage VS OC_DRV Diagnostics Over Current Driver state VDS_MON Diagnostics - drain source voltage monitor for extern HS driver LIN_RX LIN-pin state read back LIN_RX_INT LIN RX interrupt flag IO_INT[7:0] Edge detector input from external IO[7:0] IO port: IOIN ( 0x28CA ) Access mode: Word– Read Bit[15] Bit[14] Bit[13] Bit[12] Bit[11] Bit[10] Bit[9] Bit[8] - - - - - - - - Bit[7] Bit[6] Bit[5] Bit[4] Bit[3] Bit[2] Bit[1] Bit[0] IO_DEB[7:0] Table 9.59: IO port: external IO input IO_DEB[7:0] 7 bit input port from debounced external IO pins The pin IO3 can be driven with high voltage. The voltage on this pin can also be measured with the internal implemented ADC using either direct voltage measurement (for low-voltage < 2.5 V) or internal divider (for highvoltage < 24 V). The IO[5:4] pins are used to access the LIN internal signals Rx and Tx. Access to these signals allows using the IC in various LIN modes which are described in paragraph 0 Test interface description REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 115 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet The IO[7:5] can be used for emulation and test mode access, where IO[7:6]=TI[1:0], IO5=TO. It is recommended to foresee an access possibility to those IOs independent of its application function. The test mode entry is secured by a sequence to be applied immediately after power up. 9.4.5 AD converter system The MLX81325 contains a 10 bit Analogue to Digital Converter (ADC). This ADC is controlled via its registers to select desired ADC channel, starting with Start of conversion bit (SOC) and detecting conversion’s end with End of conversion bit (EOC) to read conversion result when finished. The ADC reference voltage can be selected in 3 different levels to get best possible resolution depending on the measured channel. Each time a new VRH is selected by changing the selection bits in ADC_SBASE register – the corresponding trimming value must be copied from Flash / ROM address location to trim register ADCTRIM. This operation adjusts the reference voltage of ADC system to its best possible centered value. The values stored in those flash / ROM addresses had been saved during chip test and it is recommended to copy them to the trim register. If this copy is not performed, the reference will drift by mismatches in dividers, but will still stay useable, if an additional mismatching of 5% is accepted. The AD converter uses the successive approximation principle. After changing ADC channel selection, the current AD result must be discarded, because it is invalid and not the result of conversion of the new selected channel. Sampling a channel’s selected voltage is done as long the SOC bit is not written, which causes stop sampling and start conversion for the actual addressed ADC channel. In front of the ADC an analogue multiplexer allows the selection of one of 16 possible channels for ADC conversion. The ADC runs correctly only if the PLL switched on. Architecture The architecture of the ADC interface is shown on the picture below: Channel select Channel[0] Channel[1] OUT … ADC EOC Trigger (SOC) IN Timer1_INT[3:0] Timer2_INT[3:0] ADC_EOC_SYNC Ref VS TEMP PWM1_INT[1:0] TRIG_SRC VRH3 VRH2 VRH1 Trigger select PWM3_INT[1:0] PWM4_INT[1:0] PWM5_INT[1:0] SOFT_TRIG Ref select PWM2_INT[1:0] Channel[27] IO7 to ADC Interrupt RAM RAM Config 0 Transfer0 Read Config 1 Write SIN[4:0] SREF[7:2] ADC control unit DMA request SBASE counter DBASE counter Address DMA channel ADC_SBASE[15:0] ADC_DBASE[15:0] ... ... N DMA channel Config N Sample 1 DMA request N Address Sample 0 Transfer0 fer ns a Tr ... r fe ns Write a Tr ... Read SREF[1:0] Sample N 16bits 16bits LOOP START SIN[4:0] Input channel SREF[7:2] Hardware trigger BIT[15] REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 SREF [1:0] ADC[9:0] reference voltage ADC result BIT[0] BIT[15] BIT[0] Page 116 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Figure 9-39 ADC interface architecture For each channel, the selection of the analog input is made by a 5 bits register SIN and the selection of the ADC trigger source and reference by an 8 bits register SREF. Both are regrouped in a 16 bit word in memory. A register named SBASE is used to point to memory location for SREF:SIN for each channel and a register named DBASE is used to point to memory location where ADC data will be stored. Principle The ADC hardware runs autonomously through DMA (Direct Memory Access) in the CPU memories. Before starting the conversion(s), the software must fill a specific area in memory to describe the expected operations. To start the ADC, The ADC_START bit in the control register has to be set, and then conversions are triggered by events. The events can be software events (ADC_SOFT_TRIG), or hardware events (pulses on the HARD_TRIG input). The choice is done with the ADC_TRIG_SRC bit in the control register. The first conversion uses SIN0 and SREF0, and automatically stores the result of the conversion in ADC0, the second conversion SIN1 and SREF1, and automatically stores the result of the conversion in ADC1, etc... Once the last conversion is done, (i.e. the next SINi: SREFi = 0xFFFF), the interface can do the following: Trigger an interrupt for the CPU and stop Trigger an interrupt and restart from SIN0:SREF0 if the loop bit (ADC_LOOP) is set in the control register. Examples: A) A single shot conversion triggered by the software. With a RAM organized like shown on Figure 9-41 Program the control register: ADC_START = 1, ADC_TRIG_SRC = 0 (to select the software trigger). This will open the sample and hold switch. The conversion will be started upon software request: ADC_SOFT_TRIG = 1. This also close the sample and hold switch. When the conversion is completed, the result is stored in ADC0. An interrupt is generated and the interface is ready to resume. B) A four channel conversion triggered by an external event and stopped at the fourth channel. With a RAM organized like shown on Figure 9-42: Program the control register: ADC_START = 1, ADC_TRIG_SRC = 1 (to select the external trigger). SIN and SREF are put on the ADC input multiplexers, The sample and hold switch is opened (sample position) When HARD_TRIG is set, the sample and hold switch is closed (hold position) and the conversion starts When the conversion is completed, the result is stored in RAM, the values for the next SIN and SREF are read, and the interface waits for another trigger (note that if HARD_TRIG is still high, the next conversion will start immediately). When SIN = SREF = 0xFF (after 4 conversions), an interrupt is generated and the interface is ready to resume. REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 117 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet C) A four channel conversion, permanently running, triggered by an external event. With a RAM organized like shown on Figure 9-42: Program the control register: ADC_START = 1, ADC_TRIG_SRC = 1 (to select the external trigger), ADC_LOOP = 1. SIN and SREF are put on the ADC input multiplexers, The sample and hold switch is opened (sample position) When HARD_TRIG is set, the sample and hold switch is closed (hold position) and the conve rsion starts When the conversion is completed, the result is stored in RAM, the values for the next SIN and SREF are read, and the interface waits for another trigger (note that if HARD_TRIG is still high, the next conversion will start immediately). When SIN = SREF = 0xFF (after 4 conversions), an interrupt is generated. The first couple of values for SIN and SREF are read again and the conversions restart from the beginning. ADC trigger selection ADC_SREF[7:2] ADC trigger from Description 111100 TMR2_CAPA_IT Capture Interrupt channel A 111000 TMR2_CAPB_IT Capture Interrupt channel B 110100 TMR2_CMPA_IT Compare Interrupt channel A 110000 TMR2_CMPB_IT Compare Interrupt channel B 101100 TMR1_CAPA_IT Capture Interrupt channel A 101000 TMR1_CAPB_IT Capture Interrupt channel B 100100 TMR1_CMPA_IT Compare Interrupt channel A 100000 TMR1_CMPB_IT Compare Interrupt channel B 011100 PWM4_CMPI enable PWM4 compare interrupt as ADC trigger 011000 PWM3_CMPI enable PWM3 compare interrupt as ADC trigger 010100 PWM2_CMPI enable PWM2 compare interrupt as ADC trigger 010000 PWM1_CMPI enable PWM1 compare interrupt as ADC trigger 001100 PWM4_CNTI enable PWM4 counter interrupt as ADC trigger 001000 PWM3_CNTI enable PWM3 counter interrupt as ADC trigger 000100 PWM2_CNTI enable PWM2 counter interrupt as ADC trigger 000000 PWM1_CNTI enable PWM1 counter interrupt as ADC trigger 010110 PWM5_CMPI enable PWM5 compare interrupt as ADC trigger 000110 PWM5_CNTI enable PWM5 counter interrupt as ADC trigger Table 9.60 ADC trigger selection Memory needs For n channels, (4n + 2 ) bytes of memory must be reserved. ( 2n + 2 ) bytes can be either in ROM or RAM as they are read only while 2n bytes have to be reserved in RAM. REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 118 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Note: n can be any value > 0. Memory DBase+n ADCn ADCn ADC controller action Write RAM DBase+1 ADC1 Write DBase ADC0 Write 0xFFFF Read SINn:SREFn Read SBase+n ROM or RAM SBase+1 SBase SIN1:SREF1 SIN0:SREF0 Read Read 16 bits Figure 9-40: ADC conversionmemory organisation A extra word (ADC_LAST_CHANNEL=0xFFFF) is used to mark the end of the ADC input data (Remind that only 255 channels are possible). Examples of memories: A) A single channel conversion: REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 119 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Memory DBase SBase+1 SBase ADC controller action ADC0 Write 0xFFFF Read SIN0:SREF0 Read 16 bits Figure 9-41: Single channel ADC conversion Note: Sin0:Ref0 = 0x0000 (dummy value as there is no MUX and a single ADC ref). B) A four channels conversion Memory ADC controller action ADC3 ADC2 Write Write ADC1 ADC0 Write Write 0xFFFF Read SBase+3 SIN3:SREF3 Read SBase+2 SIN2:SREF2 Read SBase+1 SBase SIN1:SREF1 SIN0:SREF0 Read Read DBase+3 DBase+2 DBase+1 DBase 16 bits Figure 9-42: Four channels ADC conversion Entries of the channel table are organized as 16 bit words: SINx:SREFx Bit 15 REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Page 120 of 182 Bit 8 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Bit 15 Name Name Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Reserved Reserved Reserved SIN[4] SIN[3] SIN[2] SIN[1] SIN[0] Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 SREF[7] SREF[6] SREF[5] SREF[4] SREF[3] SREF[2] SREF[1] SREF[0] Table 9.61 : ADC conversion table entries SIN[4:0]: ADC channel selection, see Table 9.64 SREF[7:2]: Trigger selection, see Table 9.60 SREF[1:0]: ADC reference selection, 00 – off, 01 – 0.75 V, 10 – 1.5 V, 11 – 2.5 V Timings An example of conversion timing is given on the picture below: Sofwareactions SetupRAM Start ADC_START SIN0 SIN1 SIN0 SREF0 SREF1 SREF0 S/H SOC EOC DATA DATA0 DATA1 DATA0 INT Event Event Event Select first input Save DATA0 in RAM Save DATA1 in RAM Wait for event Chech for last channel Chech for last channel Save DATA0 in RAM Chech for last channel Selectnextinputs Wait for event Selectnextinputs Wait for event Selectnextinputs Wait for event Figure 9-43 ADC conversion timing example In this example, two channels have been defined, with event triggered start and permanent mode. CPU is solicited every two conversions by an interrupt. In order to stop the permanent conversion process, ADC_START can be asserted low and conversion(s) will stop after the conversion of the last channel. The time between 2 events is minimum equal to the sum of Sampling time (Tsamp) and Conversion time (Tconv). ADC interface ports CPU drives ADC interface via three 16 bits ports: ADC_SBASE Pointer of bottom area for SIN:SREF ADC_DBASE Pointer of bottom area for ADC data ADC_CONTROL Configuration register ADC_CTRL 0x2811 Bit 15 REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Page 121 of 182 Bit 8 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet 0x2811 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Name ADC_EOC Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved ADC_SOFT _TRIG Access R-O R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0x2810 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Name ADC_SYNC _SOC Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Access R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ADC_LOOP ADC_TRIG _SRC ADC_ START Table 9.62 : ADC control port ADC_START: 0b0 = ADC Stopped, 0b1 = ADC start ADC_TRIG_SRC: 0b0 = Software trigger mode, 0b1 = Hardware trigger mode ADC_LOOP: 0b0 = Single conversion cycle, though all channels (table-entries); 0b1 = Permanent conversion ADC_SYNC_SOC: 0b0 = Do not discard first conversion; 0b1 = Discard first conversion ADC_SOFT_TRIG: 0b1 = Start next channel conversion (cleared when conversion is started) ADC_EOC: End-of-conversion. Detailed remarks: ADC_START (bit 0): Start a conversion cycle when set. If reset before the end of conversion, the cycle is interrupted after the current conversion is finished (the result of the current conversion will be written in memory). Once a conversion cycle is finished, this bit is cleared, unless the loop mode is enabled. ADC_TRIG_SRC (bit 1): Selects the source of the start of conversion. If cleared, the conversion is triggered by software (see ADC_SOFT_TRIG below). If set, the conversion is triggered by external input HARD_TRIG set for at least one OSC period ADC_LOOP (bit 2): If cleared, a single cycle of conversion is done (i.e. all channels converted one time). If set, the conversion cycle is restarted endlessly (an interrupt is generated at the end of each conversion cycle). ADC_SOFT_TRIG (bit 8): When ADC_TRIG_SRC=0, setting this bit starts a conversion. It is automatica lly cleared when the conversion is started. Only ONE conversion is done. ADC_EOC (bit 15): Flags an ongoing conversion (when set). Can be used for polling in case of software triggered conversions. All other bits have no function and are read to zero. ADC_SBASE 0x2812 Bit 15-0 Name ADC_SBASE Access R/W POR xxxx ADC_SBASE: ADC Source base (pointer); A table with channel, trigger and ADC reference. See ADC_DBASE REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 122 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet 0x2814 Bit 15-0 Name ADC_DBASE Access R/W POR xxxx ADC_DBASE: ADC Data base (pointer); Pointer to RAM to store sampled ADC channel Table 9.63 : ADC pointer ports for channel selection and result REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 123 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet ADC Channel selection The ADC can select one of the 24 channels described below with the ADC_SIN[4:0] bits: ADC_SIN[4:0] 4 3 2 1 CH HV / LV Source 0 Input voltage Remark range 0 0 0 0 0 0 HV VS 0-16*fsrx divided by 16 0 0 0 0 1 1 LV TEMP internal Internal temperature sensor 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 LV VDDD internal Digital supply voltage 0 0 0 1 1 3 LV VDDA internal Analogue supply voltage divided by 2. 0 0 1 0 0 4 HV VSM_FILT 0-16*fsrx Output of the VSM Supply Sensor (=VSM/16) after filtering 0 0 1 0 1 5 LV IO0 0-fsrx IO0 voltage 0 0 1 1 0 6 LV IO1 0-fsrx IO1 voltage 0 0 1 1 1 7 LV IO2 0-fsrx IO2 voltage 0 1 0 0 0 8 LV IO3 0-fsrx IO3 voltage 0 1 0 0 1 9 HV U 0-16*fsrx Voltage on U Driver output divided by 16 0 1 0 1 0 10 HV V 0-16*fsrx Voltage on V Driver output divided by 16 0 1 0 1 1 11 HV W 0-16*fsrx Voltage on W Driver output divided by 16 0 1 1 0 0 12 LV LINAA_OUT 0 1 1 0 1 13 LV SENSE 0-fsrx/10 Voltage on ILS mult. by 10 0 1 1 1 0 14 HV VSM 0-16*fsrx divided by 16 0 1 1 1 1 15 LV LINAA_CMO internal LIN AA input common mode HV VREF 0-16*fsrx LS driver voltage divided by 16 LIN SHUNT Current 16 1 0 0 0 1 17 1 0 0 1 0 18 reserved 1 0 0 1 1 19 reserved 1 0 1 0 0 20 reserved 1 0 1 0 1 21 LV IO4 0-fsrx IO4 voltage 1 0 1 1 0 22 LV IO5 0-fsrx IO5 voltage 23 reserved 1 1 0 0 0 24 HV IO3_DIV16 0-16*fsrx IO3 voltage divided by 16 1 1 0 0 1 25 HV T 0-16*fsrx Voltage on T Driver output divided by 16 1 1 0 1 0 26 LV IO6 0-fsrx IO6 voltage 1 1 0 1 1 27 LV IO7 0-fsrx IO7 voltage 28 to 31 reserved Table 9.64 ADC channels selection REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 124 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet 9.4.6 Watching the API by Analogue Watchdog (AWD) In the IC an Analogue Watch Dog is implemented. This watchdog it has no pin and saves so the usage of an external capacitor. The watchdog uses a completely separate 10kHz oscillator. Its nominal period tAWD_PER is measured and stored during production test. Details will be defined in a future specification revision. The watchdog starts always with maximum timeout delay immediately after releasing the Master reset, so it has the same behavior after POR or WAKE UP from SLEEP MODE. The application has no possibility to stop this watchdog. After half of the timeout (tAWD_TIMEOUT/2) the analogue watchdog generates an info signal AWD_ATT, that is connected to watchdog attention interrupt. When the timer reaches the AWD_TIMEOUT, a reset is issued. The reset feeds directly into the system reset (INT0). The watchdog delay is programmable by application through the port AWD containing 8 bits for AWD_TIME and 2 bit for the clock prescaler AWD_CKDIV (division ratios are 1-4-16-64). The delay can be updated via the AWD port at any time. A write to the AWD port resets the watchdog counter and therefore acknowledges the watchdog. The watchdog timeout can be calculated by: t AWD_TIMEOUT t AWD_PER * AWD_CKDIV* AWD_TIME Equation 28 The maximum programmable watchdog time is ~0.1ms * 64 * 256 = 1.6s typ. AWD Ports IO port: AWD () Access mode: Word – Read and Write Bit[7] Bit[6] Bit[5] Bit[4] Bit[3] Bit[2] Bit[1] Bit[0] Bit[9] Bit[8] AWD_TIME[7:0] Bit[15] Bit[14] Bit[13] Bit[12] Bit[11] Bit[10] AWD_RST AWD_ATT AWD_ WRITE_FAIL AWD_TF - - AWD_CKDIV[1:0] Table 9.65 AWD Port AWD_TIME [7:0] timeout divider register 0x00 = 0xFF = max delay, reset to 0x00 by POR or WAKE UP, write to this register restarts the internal AWD timer AWD_CKDIV[1:0] AWD clock prescaler : 00=by 64 ; 01=by 16; 10=by 4; 11=by 1 AWD_TF This flag shows, that the data transfer to the AWD_CK clock domain is still ongoing; could be used for polling before next write; read only AWD_ WRITE_FAIL this flag is set, when the data written from the CPU could not be transferred to the AWD_CK clock domain properly Read/Write , cleared by POR or WAKE UP or write with 0 REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 125 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet AWD_ATT Watchdog info flag, memorizes a watchdog attention interrupt Read/Write , cleared by POR or WAKE UP or write with 0 twice (time between the two writes must be at least two periods of AWD_CK or use flag AWD_TF) AWD_RST Watchdog reset flag, memorizes an analogue watchdog reset Cleared by POR or WAKE UP or write 0 Interrupt connections The analogue watchdog shares its 2 interrupt sources with the digital watchdog included in MULAN3. The AWD_ATT and AWD_RST flags can be read to determine, that the watchdog reset was caused from analogue watchdog. REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 126 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet 9.4.7 Output drivers Features Four pairs of push-pull output drivers are implemented for the external high- and low-side driver FETs. These drivers should be driven with PWM 10…50kHz and duty-cycle from 5% to 95%. In order to avoid EMC emission problems, resistors should be inserted between the predriver outputs of the IC and the gates of the driver FETs. To protect the driver FETs from overheating, several protections sensors are implemented (see Figure 9-44): 1. A ground based current sensor for the motor current, 2. A VDS monitor for the high-side driver FETs, 3. Overvoltage monitor from VSM and undervoltage monitor of the supply voltage VS, 4. Overtemperature protection. MLX81325 Driver NFets VSUP from digital PROT_SENSORS VSM X ILS GNDM OV_VS UV_VS OC_DRV OVT VDS MOTOR_DRV PWM DRV_CFG[1:0] OV_VS DIS_OV HSX OVPM UV_VS DIS_UV UVPM OC_DRV X DIS_OC OCPM OVT DIS_OT OVTPM LSX VDS DIS_VDS VDSPM VSM HSX X to Motor LSX DIS_DRV DIS_SHOA X = T, U, V, W ILS GNDM GND Figure 9-44: Motor driver block schematic. Driver switching The top-side pre-drivers (HSHS and HSLS, see Figure 9-45, only one phase shown) will switch on one of the topside NFET transistors (HS_DRV) and switch off another top-side NFET transistor at each change of state of the REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 127 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet motor. To switch on the high-side NFET (HS_DRV), the gate of the NFET is pulled to a voltage VBOOST, generated by the charge pump. Switching off is done by pulling the gate of the NFET to the corresponding phase voltage. The switching is done with a relatively low impedance to avoid parasitic activation of the NFET. The design of the pre-driver is made such that there can never be a current flow through the switching on transistor and the switching off transistor at the same time. Top- and bottom-side Nfets are controlled by a PWM signal with variable duty cycle. MLX81325 Driver FETs VBOOST VSUP HSHS HSx HS_DRV HSLS X to motor phase VREF LSHS LSx LS_DRV LSLS X = T, U, V, W Figure 9-45: Pre-driver circuit. Block Diagram The driver state is defined by the commands coming from the digital part (controlled by software) as well as by internal sensors which detect fault condition which could require change of drivers’ state to protect the IC. These signals are processed by digital motor control logic to generate non-overlapping clocks for the pre-drivers (see Figure 9-46, only one phase shown, the driver circuits of all phases are the same). REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 128 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Digital Control Logic MOTOR_CTRL PWM DRV_CFG[1:0] Predriver Fets Levelshifters VBOOST HSON OV_VS Lev. Shift HSHS DIS_OV OVPM UV_VS DIS_UV UVPM HSOFF Lev. Shift HSLS OC_DRV LSON Lev. Shift DIS_OT OVTPM VDS DIS_VDS VDSPM X VREF DIS_OC OCPM OVT HSX LSOFF Lev. Shift LSHS LSLS LSX X = T, U, V, W DIS_DRV Figure 9-46: Block schematic of the driver stage MOTOR_DRV. Motor control logic The motor control logic processes the commands from the PWM, the CPU and the motor protection sensors to generate the switching signals for the predriver FETs. The FET drivers are primarily controlled by the PWM and the driver configuration bits DRV_CFG. In case of motor protection events (over- or undervoltage, overcurrent, over temperature or drain-source overvoltage) the control logic can be configured to switch the motor to a safe state. The motor control logic consists of two parts, the motor protection logic MOTOR_PROT and the interlock delay control ILD_CTRL. The motor control logic computes the correct reaction to the sensor inputs. The interlock control combines the outputs of the protection logic, the PWM output. The interlock control outputs the predriver control signals to drive the external NFETs into the correct state without internal or external cross currents (see Figure 9-47). REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 129 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet ILD_CTRL PWM DRV_CFG[1:0] PWM DRV_CFG[1:0] MOTOR_PROT OV_VS DIS_OV OVPM UV_VS DIS_UV UVPM OC_DRV DIS_OC OCPM OVT DIS_OT OVTPM VDS DIS_VDS VDSPM OV_VS DIS_OV OVPM UV_VS DIS_UV OVPM OC_DRV DIS_OC OCPM OVT DIS_OT OVTPM VDS DIS_VDS VDSPM DIS_DRV DIS_DRV OFF OFF TRI TRI HSON HSON HSOFF HSOFF LSON LSON LSOFF LSOFF Figure 9-47: Block schematic of the motor control logic MOTOR_CTRL. The interlock delay control (see Figure 9-48) arbitrates between the inputs from the PWM, the driver control bits DRV_CTRL and the inputs from the motor protection logic. The motor protection overrides the inputs from the PWM and the control bits. In case of conflicting motor protection states (TRI = 1 and OFF = 1) tristate takes precedence over switching the motor phase to ground. Furthermore, the needed interlock delays are respected also in the case of motor protection events. iIDL HSON OFF eIDL PWM DRV_CFG[0] iIDL 0 iIDL HSOFF 1 DRV_CFG[1] eIDL iIDL iIDL LSON iIDL TRI LSOFF Figure 9-48: Interlock delay control ILD_CTRL. The block also defines the correct timing among the pre-driver signals HSON, HSOFF, LSON and LSOFF. The delay blocks delay the rising edges of the input by the external or internal interlock delay eIDL and iIDL respectively. The external interlock delay eIDL ensures that there is no cross current between the external high- and low side driver NFETs (HS_DRV and LS_DRV in Figure 9-45). The internal interlock delay iIDL ensures that there is cross current between the MLX81325 pre-driver FETs (between HSHS and HSLS and between LSHS and LSLS respectively). The resulting waveform is a non-overlapping clock for the pre-driver control signals (see Figure 9-49). REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 130 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet PWM eIDL eIDL iIDL iIDL HSON HSOFF LSON LSOFF iIDL iIDL Figure 9-49: Interlock delay timing. There are two possible reactions to motor protection events, switch the motor phase to ground (OFF = 1, external low-side NFET conducting) or tristate (TRI = 1, both external NFETs high-impedant) for the overcurrent, overtemperature and VDS monitor sensors. The over- and undervoltage sensors always switch the driver to tristate. Each protection sensor can be disabled. If disabled the sensor output does not influence the motor driver (interrupts can still be generated), see Figure 9-50. OV_VS DIS_OV OVPM UV_VS DIS_UV UVPM OFF OC_DRV DIS_OC OCPM OVT DIS_OT TRI OVTPM VDS DIS_VDS VDSPM DIS_DRV Figure 9-50: Motor protection logic MOTOR_PROT. REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 131 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Motor Protection Sensors The sensor inputs for the motor protection logic are derived from the external supply and phase voltages and from the voltage drop across external shunt in the motor ground line (see Figure 9-51). In addition there is an internal temperature sensor. In total five motor protection signals are observed: 1. Overvoltage monitor of the supply voltage VS, 2. Undervoltage monitor of the supply voltage VS, 3. Overtemperature protection. 4. VDS monitor for the high-side driver FETs (voltage difference between VS and phase), 5. Ground based current sensor for the motor current, VSM V_UV COMP OV_VS COMP UV_VS V_OV T COMP OVT V_OVT OPA X COMP VDS V_VDS ILS OPA GNDM COMP OC_DRV V_OC Figure 9-51: Motor protection sensors PROT_SENSORS. To verify that the external FET driver transistors are working in a safe operating range, the drain-source voltage drop of the top-side NFETs is measured and compared to a threshold voltage. When the voltage exceeds the value Vds then all motor driver transistors are switched off and an interrupt is generated. To avoid false protection events because of voltage and current spikes due switching of the driver NFETs, the over current comparator output is digitally debounced by the adjustable time Toc. The VDS output only generates protection events when the respective driver NFET is switched on and after an adjustable blank time Tvds after the switch on event has expired (see Figure 9-52). REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 132 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet PWM HSON HSOFF VDS on Tvds Figure 9-52: Blank time for VDS monitor. Output driver ports IO port: DRVCFG ( 28C6) Bit[7] Access mode: Word – Read and Write Bit[6] Bit[5] DRV_CFG_W[1:0] Bit[4] DRV_CFG_T[1:0] Bit[3] Bit[2] DRV_ CTRL _U[1:0] Bit[1] Bit[0] DRV_ CTRL _V[1:0] Bit[15] Bit[14] Bit[13] Bit[12] Bit[11] Bit[10] Bit[9] Bit[8] DIS_OVT DIS_OC DIS_UV DIS_OV OVTPM DIS_SHOA OCPM DIS_DRV Table 9.66 - DRVCFG port DRV_CFG_X[1:0]- Driver configuration for T,U,V,W phases: 0b00 = Tri-state; 0b01 = PWM; 0b10 = Low; 0b11 = High DIS_OVT - disable over temperature protection, active high, default state low. DIS_OC - disable over over current protection, active high, default state low. DIS_UV - disable over under voltage protection, active high, default state low. DIS_OV - disable over over voltage protection, active high, default state low. DIS_SHOA - disable OpAmp for ADC measurement of shunt current, default state low. OCPM - driver configuration at over-current(OC): 0 = To Ground; 1 = Tri-state DIS_DRV- set driver outputs to tristate, default state low. OVTPM: - driver configuration at over-temperature (OVT): 0 = To Ground; 1 = Tri-state IO port: DRVCFG_EXT (0x 28C2) Access mode: Word – Read and Write Bit[7] Bit[6] Bit[5] Bit[4] Bit[3] Bit[2] Bit[1] Bit[0] reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved CPDRV CS_CAL DIS_VDS Bit[15] Bit[14] Bit[13] Bit[12] Bit[11] Bit[10] Bit[9] Bit[8] reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved OVPM UVPM VDSPM Table 9.67 - DRVCFG_EXT port CPDRV - level of CPDRV if TRIMCPOSC = 3'b100 (in ANA_OUTA[4:2]) CS_CAL - if set to 1 the current sensor is in offset calibration mode (offset can be measured at ADC) REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 133 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet DIS_VDS - disable VDS monitor : 1 – VDS monitor has no effect on phase pins, 0 – VDS monitor switches phase pins to ground or tristate (depending on VDSPM bit) OVPM - driver configuration at over-voltage (OV): 0 = To Ground; 1 = Tri-state UVPM - driver configuration at under-voltage (UV): 0 = To Ground; 1 = Tri-state VDSPM - driver configuration at VDS error: 0 = To Ground; 1 = Tri-state If DIS_DRV is set to “1” analogue driver outputs T, U, V, W are in tristate and analogue driver itself is OFF to reduce current consumption. Phase to PWM alignment The phases and PWMs are aligned as follows: Phase PWM W PWM5 V PWM4 U PWM3 T PWM2 Protection signals routing to ports and interrupts The motor protection sensor outputs are used to trigger interrupts and feed into the motor control logic. All the protection signals are inputs for external interrupt 5, for the detailed positions please refer to External Interrupt 5 - Motor Protection Interrupt Inputs Interrupt Source Description PORT PEND ANA_INA[15] OVT – over temperature event XI4PEND[15] ANA_INA[14] UV_VS – under voltage event XI5PEND[14] ANA_INA[13] OV_VS – over voltage event XI4PEND[13] ANA_INA[12] PLL INT - pll interrupt XI4PEND[12] ANA_INA[11] OC_DRV - over currents sense detection XI4PEND[11] ANA_INA[10] VDS - drain source voltage monitor for extern HS driver XI4PEND[10] Table 9.68 motor protection interrupts mapping, see also to The sensor output signals OVT, UV_VS, OV_VS, OC_DRV are sampled into the ANA_INA port and feed into the interrupt detection logic for extern interrupt 5. REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 134 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet All interrupts are edge-sensitive, means the rising edge of the input signal (in ANA_INA) will trigger the interrupt (for 1 clock pulse) and set the belonging pending register (XI4PEND[xx]). The output of the pending registers are in fact the control signals used in the motor control logic (refer, i.e. the input OV_VS in Figure 9-47 or Figure 9-50n is driven from XI4PEND[13] ) The VDS differs from the other sensor inputs, as it is a decoded signal form VDS inputs form all 4 phases. A dedicated logic will select the appropriate VDS of the active driver, apply the blank times needed and provide the VDS input for the ANA_INA port and the interrupt controller (see Figure 9-52) OC from sensor from sensor D Edge Detect Q ANA_INAx clear rising edge detection Q ANA_INAx clear rising edge detection Q ANA_INAx clear rising edge detection Q ANA_INAx clear rising edge detection Q ANA_INAx clear rising edge detection OV_VS Analog filter UV_VS Analog filter Analog filter from HS driver monitors D OVT VDS[3:0] D Extern Interrupt Controller set set set D Q XIPENDx clear D Q XIPENDx clear D Q XIPENDx clear D Decode active driver D set set Q XIPENDx clear D Q XIPENDx clear MOTOR_CTRL Levelshifters VBOOST Lev. Shift HSON[3:0] HSON PWM DRV_CFG[1:0] Lev. Shift X = T, U, V, W HSOFF LSLS write ‘1’ to MULAN3 CPU core read from write ‘1’ to read from write ‘1’ to Lev. Shift Lev. Shift PWM blocks UV_VS DIS_UV UVPM OC_DRV LSHS read from DIS_OV OVPM HSOFF[3:0] HSLS VREF LSX write ‘1’ to OV_VS HSHS X read from XI4PEND port Predriver Fets HSX write ‘1’ to XIPEND ANA_INA port D uC core read from XIPEND ANALOG PART from sensor Digital debounce (DEB_OC) Boundary Scan Register from sensor Sample DIS_OC OCPM LSON[3:0] LSON OVT configu ration ports DIS_OT OVTPM LSON[3:0] LSOFF VDS DIS_VDS VDSPM DIS_DRV Figure 9-53 signal routing of motor protection signals to ports and interrupts REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 135 of 182 DIGITAL PART Filter MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet 9.4.8 Driver current sensing The current sensing is done over an external sense resistor in the ground path of the drivers, as shown in Figure 9-54. Drivers debounce COMP OC threshold OC interrupt ILS Sense resistor ADC OPA GNDM Board Vcs0 MLX81325 Figure 9-54: current sensing and overcurrent detection There are two ways to monitor the motor current 1. A comparator compares the voltage V(ILS) with a fixed threshold. Overcurrent can generate an interrupt and/or switch off the motor by the overcurrent condition. 2. An op-amp amplifies the voltage V(ILS) before passing it to the ADC. The current sense signal is averaged by a low pass filter. The voltage VADC at the ADC input is VADC = Vcs0 + V(ILS) * Acs where VCS0 is the reference voltage of the current sensor and ACS is its gain. The input of the op-amp can be shorted internally to calibrate the offset of the amplifier. The current sensor must be enabled by software. This cell can be disabled in holding mode to reduce the current consumption of the IC. REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 136 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet 9.5 LIN interface 9.5.1 Introduction The LIN protocol is implemented on a MULAN3 core on the MLX4 part. The complete MLX16 part is free for the application. With this dual core architecture the bus communication is decoupled from the application. The complete LIN driver running on the MLX4 is part of the software development system and will be supported by Melexis. The communication between both CPUs is done via an API. This API uses the common RAM area for data exchange. The application task (running on MLX16) transmits all necessary LIN configuration data via the API to the LIN task (running on MLX4) during the initialization process. Further information can be found in the document [7]. 9.5.2 LIN Physical Layer The LIN physical interface consists of two main blocks: the LIN standard interface for master-slave communication and an autoconfig block to detect the position of the slave on the bus with a special protocol. Standard interface Autoconfig block Ipu Iacfg LINOUT LININ + To ADC slope TxD transmitter RxD Rx Figure 9-55: LIN physical layer block schematic. This interface is compliant to LIN 2.0 and LIN2.1 standards. It also supports COOLING 2.3 and its updated version for autoaddressing. The autoconfig block consists of: an extra pull-up current source, a differential switched capacitor current sense amplifier with auto-zero. Melexis is providing the whole protocol + API interface for the LIN. All calibration settings for the current sources will be defined during Melexis test and saved in the flash memory. The customer only needs to communicate to the API interface. REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 137 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Documentation is available, that is valid as well and part of the SW tools and libraries. 9.5.3 Application Recommendations for the pins LIN_IN and LIN_OUT In case the slave node position detection via the bus shunt method (BSM) is not used in the application Melexis recommend making a direct electrical connection between the LIN_IN and LIN_OUT pin. This will increase the EMC performance. 9.5.4 LIN special application modes Additionally to the normal integrated LIN functionality there are 4 special application modes available. The default configuration is shown in external LIN BUS MLX81325 analog LIN LINPHY digital RX_IN Communication CPU MLX4 TX_OUT Figure 9-56 LIN routing in default configuration Special application mode 1 - external physical layer In this mode the internal protocol layer for LIN is used and the physical LIN layer is external. The mode is activated by the ports map bit LIN_EN_XPHY and by writing the value 0x5F0A to port LIN_XKEY The access to the internal layer is through the pins IO4 (RX direction) IO5 (TX direction) external MLX81325 analog RX_IN LIN LINPHY Not used in application digital TX_OUT IO4 RX LIN BUS LIN_XIN LINPHY 1 TX Communication CPU MLX4 LIN_XOUT IO5 MLX81325 IO pins REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 0 LIN_EN_XPHY =1 Page 138 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Figure 9-57 LIN routing in external physical layer mode Special application mode 2 - external protocol layer In this mode the internal physical layer of LIN is used and the protocol layer is provided externally, e.g. by an external CPU To activate by the ports map bit LIN_EN_XPRO and by writing the value 0x5F0A to port LIN_XKEY The access to the internal layer is through the pins IO4 (TX direction) IO5 (RX direction) external MLX81325 analog LIN_EN_XPRO =1 RX LIN LIN BUS digital LINPHY IO4 RX_IN 0 TX_OUT 1 TX Communication CPU MLX4 LIN_XIN TX External CPU RX LIN_XOUT IO5 MLX81325 IO pins Figure 9-58 LIN routing in extern protocol mode Special application mode 3 - direct access from application CPU In this mode the application CPU (MLX16) has full access to the LIN physical layer. The communication CPU is disconnected completely. For activation the following ports have to be set: LIN_XKEY=0x0 LIN_KEY = ANA_OUTL[15:8] = 0x43 The output direction can be configured according Table 9.69. external MLX81325 analog (LIN_KEY=0x43) =1 RX LIN LIN BUS digital LINPHY RX_IN 0 TX TX_OUT 1 RX TX Communication CPU MLX4 Application CPU MLX16 Figure 9-59 LIN routing in direct access mode The output channel can be configured by the SEL_TXOUT bits from port ANA_OUTK. REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 139 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet The input (RX_IN) is available as interrupt source in ANA_INA[8] <=> XI4PEND[8] (refer to or as static read only flag in ANA_INA[9]. The physical layer inputs DISTERM, SLEEPB_LIN, LSM, HSM and BYPASS are driven from the port ANA_OUTK[4:0]. SEL_TX_ OUT[3:0] TXOUT 0000 PWM2 0001 PWM3 0010 PWM4 0011 PWM1 0100 TIMER1_OUT 0101 TIMER2_OUT 0110 SOFT_TX(*) 0111 IO[0] 1000 IO[1] 1001 IO[2] 1010 IO[3] 1011 IO[4] 1100 IO[5] 1101 IO[6] 1110 IO[7] 1111 PWM5 Table 9.69 LIN output source configuration in direct access mode Notes: (*) SOFT_TX = ANA_OUTN[8] LIN special modes port configuration IO port: LIN_XCFG ( 0x2820) Access mode: Word – Read and Write Bit[7] Bit[6] Bit[5] Bit[4] Bit[3] Bit[2] SLEEPB_LIN LSM HSM BYPASS LIN_XOUTINV - Bit[15] Bit[14] Bit[13] Bit[12] Bit[11] Bit[10] - - - - - - Bit[1] LIN_EN_XPHY LIN_EN_XPRO Bit[9] Bit[8] LIN_XPHY_ACT LIN_XPRO_ACT Table 9.70: LIN Configuration Port 1 LIN_EN_XPRO Enable external protocol layer for LIN (if LIN_XKEY is valid) LIN_EN_XPHY Enable external physical layer for LIN (if LIN_XKEY is valid) LIN_XOUTINV Invert LIN_XOUT signal (for driving the IO5): 0: non-inverted, 1: inverted BYPASS HSM control bits used in LIN_XPRO mode for internal physical layer REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Bit[0] Page 140 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet LSM SLEEPB_LIN LIN_XPRO_ACT READ: 1: LIN external protocol layer is activated, 0: external protocol layer not activated LIN_XPHY_ACT READ: 1: LIN external physical layer is activated, 0: external physical layer not activated IO port: LIN_XKEY (0x2042) Bit[7] Bit[6] Access mode: Word – Read and Write, system bit protected Bit[5] LIN_XKEY7 Bit[15] Bit[4] Bit[3] Bit[2] Bit[1] ... Bit[14] Bit[13] LIN_XKEY15 Bit[0] LIN_XKEY0 Bit[12] Bit[11] Bit[10] Bit[9] ... Bit[8] LIN_XKEY8 Table 9.71: LIN_XKEY Configuration Port LIN_XKEY[15:0] 16 bit key to enable special LIN application modes 1 (LIN_XPHY) and 2 (LIN_XPRO) Predefined value (0x5F0A) has to be entered to enable LIN_XCFG port * LIN_XKEY[0] - to read LIN_XKEY_VALID: 1=LIN_XKEY was written correctly, 0=else IO port: ANA_OUTK (0x28D2) Access mode: Word – Read and Write Bit[7] Bit[6] Bit[5] Bit[4] Bit[3] Bit[2] Bit[1] Bit[0] - - - _DISTERM _SLEEPB_LIN _LSM _HSM _BYPASS Bit[15] Bit[14] Bit[13] Bit[12] Bit[11] Bit[10] Bit[9] Bit[8] - - - - SEL_TX_OUT3 ... SEL_TX_OUT0 Table 9.72: IO port ANA_OUTK SEL_TX_OUT[3:0] output selector for LIN direct access mode, refer to Table 9.69 _BYPASS _HSM _LSM _SLEEPB_LIN _DISTERM physical layer control bits used in LIN direct access mode IO port: ANA_OUTL (0x28D4) Access mode: Word – Read and Write Bit[7] Bit[6] Bit[5] Bit[4] Bit[3] Bit[2] Bit[1] Bit[0] - - - - - - - - Bit[15] Bit[14] Bit[13] Bit[12] Bit[11] Bit[10] Bit[9] Bit[8] LIN_KEY7 ... LIN_KEY0 Table 9.73: IO port ANA_OUTL LIN_KEY[7:0] enter predefined value ANA_OUTL[15:8] = 0x43 to enable LIN direct access mode * *LIN_XKEY and ANA_OUTL are to be used exclusively only. REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 141 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet 9.5.5 LIN Slave Node Position Detection (auto-configuration) The physical layer implemented supports LIN Slave node position detection (Auto-configuration) according to the bus shunt method 'BSM' (refer to [4]) by providing a dedicated offset-compensated instrumentation amplifier and special ADC channel. Furthermore different free-configurable pull up currents can be applied in accordance to the chosen specification. Melexis provides a software library which supports the LIN Auto-Addressing feature of the controller. The library is part of the Melexis Software Platform. Figure 9-60 – Principle architecture of a LIN-network supporting auto-configuration measurements The network consists of a master node and up to 16 slave nodes. The slave nodes supporting the autoconfiguration are wired in a kind of daisy chain via the 2 pins LIN_IN and LIN_OUT. The incoming current on pin LIN_OUT forced by the chain members behind has to be measured in order to assess the position in the network. The network can be mixed containing standard LIN-slaves as well. LIN BSM global timing The measurement procedure for the LIN auto-configuration will happen only during the initial 1st communication of the complete network to assign all slave nodes a dedicated address. In dependence of the number of slaves as well as the resolution of the implemented amplifier concept, a couple of cycles will be required in order to assign all slave-node addresses. The procedure will restart either a new slave is added to the network or a slave with already assigned address has to be substituted by a new one. Figure 9-61 – LIN frame - auto-configuration happens in the Break field REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 142 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet If the auto-configuration feature is enabled, the auto-configuration procedure happens in the Break field, were either bit phase signals or bit interrupts are needed. LIN BSM local timing The BREAK field length is minimal 13 nominal bit time low + 1 bit time high. Within this minimum time frame (defined by the maximum baud rate of 20kbaud) the following measurement phases are defined. Figure 9-62 – General timing diagram of node position measurement Step Action Start of action (TBIT) 1 Switching off all Pull-Ups and all current sources 0 (Falling edge of break field) 2 Start offset measurement (I_shunt_1) 1 3 Switching on LIN Pull up 4 4 Start the measurement 1 (I_shunt_2) 5 5 All not pre-selected (first action A) nodes switching off their pull up with the falling edge of Terr signal. All pre-selected SNPD (second action B) nodes are switching on their current source with the rising edge of TBIT signal 8 6 Start the measurement 2 (I_shunt_3) 9 7 Switching off all current sources and switching on the pull-up 13 Table 9.74 - BSM timing sequence explanation The valid specifications describing a BSM system allow the detection of one 'last' BSM-node per measurement cycle. The measurement concept used in the controller allows a detection of up to 5 BSM-nodes per cycle. As a result the number of cycles as well as the error probability (wrong address assignment) can be decreased significantly. 9.5.6 LIN auto-configuration block description REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 143 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet The LIN auto-configuration block consists of 3 major parts that needs to be controlled or calibrated: Current generator 2-stage continuous time SC-amplifier Shunt resistor between LIN_IN & LIN_OUT To make the software handling easier example code for the LIN Auto-configuration support will be provided by Melexis. If the application uses LINAA, Bit EN_LINAA should always be set to 1 (LIN auto-config block enabled) after IC is started. # control signals A D C MCU M U X 10bit DAC SAR ADC LIN AA block LIN_OUT LIN_IN Figure 9-63: LIN auto-configuration block diagram. Current generator The current generator principle is based on the re-use of the 10-bit DAC of the implemented SAR ADC. The DAC voltage can be stored in a sample & hold circuitry and represents the input value of a voltage-tocurrent converter delivering an output current of maximum 2 mA. This current is applied to the LIN_IN pin via a reverse polarity protected, high voltage current mirror with a ratio of 2. This allows LIN_IN output currents of up to 4 mA. Because of the high accuracy requirements for the LIN auto-configuration, the current generator has to be calibrated in this operating mode. The calibration data for a certain current at 2 temperatures are stored in the assigned NVM registers and can be used for the calculation of the required DAC-code. REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 144 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet During the sample & hold phase (30 µs) the access to the ADC is denied. The sampled value delivers a stable output current for maximum 500 µs referred to < 1 % current deviation over time. REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 145 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Current generator port interface Table 9.75 shows the control signals of the current generator and the assigned port bits: Signal description signal name Port name/bit remark Enable signal for DAC access EN_LIN_AA_DAC in normal mode ANA_OUTH[15] - no input signal of current generator - allows access to the DAC via ANA_OUTP[9:0] DAC input register ANA_OUTP[9:0] - no input signal of current generator Enable signal to access on DAC output SWI_DAC_OUT ANA_OUTI[5] - no input signal of current generator Applies output current via current mirror on pin LIN_IN CDOUTEN ANA_OUTH[7] - H required for LIN autoconfiguration Enables the current generator CDEN ANA_OUTH[8] - Should be set to 1 Sample & hold clocks SH1-SH4 ANA_OUTH[9:12] - see timing diagram Figure 9-64 Table 9.75: Signal overview and mapping of the current generator. The prior condition to start any current generator test activity is ADC reference already calibrated and values stored in NVRAM ADC test already done To access the current generator in application mode (as well as for calibration during a certain test mode is applied) the following signal sequence is required: Step Description Condition 1. enable the ADC-reference voltage of 2.5V (see ) ADC_REF[1:0] == 11 2. enable the access to the DAC input by the assigned registers ANA_OUTH[15] == 1 3. switch the DAC output to the current generator input ANA_OUTI[5] == 1 4. load the calculated DAC code ANA_OUTP[9:0] 5. in case using auto-configuration (current output LIN_IN) and calibration of the current ANA_OUTH[7] == 1 6. respectively to step 4. , after 10us settling time of the DAC output voltage, start the Sample & Hold sequence, see Figure 9-64 ANA_OUTH[9:12] 7. enable the current generator block (recommended after S&H to prevent output current spike) ANA_OUTH[8] == 1 Table 9.76 auto configuration current generation sequence REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 146 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet EN_LIN_AA_DAC ó ANA_OUTH[15] SWI_DAC_OUT ó ANA_OUTI[5] 24us DAC input ó ANA_OUTP[9:0] 10us SH1 ó ANA_OUTH[9] 10us 1us SH2 ó ANA_OUTH[10] 1us SH3 ó ANA_OUTH[11] 1us SH4 ó ANA_OUTH[12] 1us CDEN ó ANA_OUTH[8] Max. 500us 50us Figure 9-64: Sequence & timing to control the current generator. Following the sequence shown above, a stable current is available 50µs after applying the calculated DAC code. Current generator calibration The current generator needs to be calibrated to reach the accuracy levels required for LIN auto-configuration. The overall accuracy has to be < +/- 10 %, where the following tolerances are included supply voltage dependency (Vs=8 V..18 V) output voltage swing (V_LIN= -1 V…4 V) temperature dependency (limited to TA= 0 … 50 °C for the auto-configuration) aging effects The temperature dependency can be removed by software (linear approximation of the TC by using calibration data for at least 2 temperatures). The reserved registers in the NVRAM allow the EOL - calibration depending on pull up current value used. REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 147 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet 10 ESD and EMC In order to minimize EMC influences, the PCB has to be designed according to EMC guidelines. The MLX81325 is an ESD sensitive device and has to be handled according to the rules in IEC61340-5-2. MLX81325 will apply the requirements in the application according to the specification and to ISO7637-2, -3. Prototype samples of MLX81325 will be evaluated according AEC-Q100. The result will be published after qualification. After ESD stress single parameters may be shifted out of their limit, but IC function will still be correctly. 10.1 Automotive Qualification Test Pulses according to ISO7637-2/3 and ISO16750-2 Automotive test pulses are applied to the module in the application environment and not to the single IC. Therefore attention must be taken, that only protected pins (protection by means of the IC itself or by means of external components) are wired to a module connector. In the recommended application diagrams, the reverse polarity diode together with the capacitors on supply pins and the load dump protected IC itself will help to protect the module against the below listed automotive test pulses. The exact value of the capacitors for the application has to be figured out during design-in of the product according to the automotive requirements. For the LIN pin the specification “LIN Physical Layer Spec 2.1 (Nov. 24, 2006)” is valid. Supply Pin VS is protected via the reverse polarity diode and the supply capacitors. No damage will occur for defined test pulses. A deviation of characteristics is allowed during pulse 1 and 2; but the module will recover to the normal function after the pulse without any additional action. During test pulse 3a, 3b, 5 the module will work within characteristic limits. 10.1.1 Parameter Test Pulses on Supply Lines (directly connected to Car Battery) Symbol Min Max Dim Coupling test condition, functional status Transient test pulses according to ISO7637-2 (supply lines) , VS=13.5V, TA=(23 5)°C & (Document: “Hardware Requirements for LIN, CAN and FlexRay Interfaces in Automotive Applications”; Audi, BMW, Daimler, Porsche, VW; 2009-12-02) Test pulse #1 vpulse1 Test pulse #2 vpulse2 Test pulse #3a vpulse3a Test pulse #3b vpulse3b -100 75 -150 100 V Direct 5000 pulses, functional state C V Direct 5000 pulses, functional state A V Direct 1h,functional state A V Direct 1h,functional state A Transient test pulses in according to ISO16750-2 , VS=13.5V, TA=(23 5)°C Test pulse #5b vpulse5b REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 65 87 V Direct 1 pulse clamped to 27V (+13V (VS)), (32V (+13V (VS))for applications for north America), functional state C Page 148 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet 10.1.2 Test Pulses on LINin and LINout Lines Parameter Symbol Min Max Dim Coupling test condition, functional status Transient test pulses in accordance to ISO7637-3, VS=13.5V, TA=(23 5)°C & (Document: “Hardware Requirements for LIN, CAN and FlexRay Interfaces in Automotive Applications”; Audi, BMW, Daimler, Porsche, VW; 2009-12-02) V Test pulse ‘DCC slow –‘ Vpulse_ slow+ Test pulse ‘DCC slow +‘ Vpulse_ slow- Test pulse ‘DCC fast a’ Vpulse_ fast_a Test pulse ‘DCC fast b’ Vpulse_ fast_b -100 V 75 V -150 V 10.1.3 100 Direct capacitive coupled: 1nF 1000 pulses, functional state D Direct capacitive coupled: 1nF 1000 pulses, functional state D Direct capacitive coupled: 1nF 10 min, functional state D Direct capacitive coupled: 1nF 10 min, functional state D Test pulses on signal lines, incl. LININ, LINOUT Parameter Symbol Min Max Dim Coupling test condition, functional status Transient test pulses in accordance to ISO7637-3 (signal lines). VS=13.5V, TA=(23 5)°C -30 Test pulse ‘DCC slow –‘ Vpulse_ slow- Test pulse ‘DCC slow +‘ Vpulse_ slow+ Test pulse ‘DCC fast a’ Vpulse_ fast_a Test pulse ‘DCC fast b’ Vpulse_ fast_b +8 -60 10 REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 -8 +30 -10 40 V V V V Direct capacitive coupled: 100nF 1000 pulses, functional state C Direct capacitive coupled: 100nF 1000 pulses, functional state A Direct capacitive coupled: 100pF 10 min, functional state A Direct capacitive coupled: 100pF 10 min, functional state A Page 149 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Description of functional status A: B: C: D: All functions of the device are performed as designed during and after the disturbance occurs. All functions of the device are performed as designed during the disturbance occurs. One or more functions can violate the specified tolerances. All functions return automatically within their normal limits after the disturbance is removed. A function of a device does not perform as designed during the disturbance occurs but returns automatically to the normal operation after the disturbances is removed A function of a device does not perform as designed during the disturbance occurs and does not return automatically to the normal operation after the disturbances is removed. The device needs to be reset by a simple operation/action to return to the specified limits/function. 10.1.4 EMC Test pulse definition EMC Test Pulse shapes (ISO7637-2 (supply lines)) Test Pulse 1 Ri = 10 Ohm Test pulse 2 Ri = 2 Ohm 200 ms V 0.5...5s < 100 µs 50 µs V 12 V 0V 10% t 1 µs 90% vpulse1 vpulse2 90% 10% 12V 1 µs 2 ms 0V t 200 ms 0.5...5s Test Pulse 3a Ri = 50 Ohm Test Pulse 3b Ri = 50 Ohm 100 ns 5 ns V 90% V 12V vpulse3b 10% 0V t vpulse3b vpulse3a vpulse3a 10% 12V 0V 100 µs 10 ms 90 ms 100 µs 90% 10 ms t 90 ms 5 ns 100 ns Test Pulse 5b (Load Dump) Ri = 0.5 Ohm (clamped to 45V during test) V Pulse 5 90% Pulse 5 at device vpulse5 40V 10% 12V t tr = 0.1...10ms td = 40...400ms REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 150 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet EMC Test Pulse shapes (ISO7637-3 (non-supply lines)) Test Pulse ‘DCC slow -’ Ri = 2 Ohm Test pulse ‘DCC slow +’ Ri = 2 Ohm Test Pulse ‘Fast a, DCC’ Ri = 50 Ohm Test Pulse ‘Fast b, DCC’ Ri = 50 Ohm REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 151 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet 10.1.5 Typical Application Circuitry In order to minimize EMC influences, the external application circuitry shall be designed as followed: D12) VS C22) + Connector C11) C32) VS R12) R22) LIN LIN C41) C52) C61) Actuators Product Signalline Signal -line C71) D21) D31) GND GND optional implemented 2) mandatory implemented 1) External Circuitry on Supply Lines In order to minimize EMC influences, the external application circuitry shall be designed as followed: Name Mounting Min Recommended Max Dim Comment C1 recommended - 100 - nF Ceramic SMD: 10%, 0805, ≥50V; close to the connector D1 mandatory C2 mandatory 1 22 100 μF Tantal SMD: 10%, 7343, 35V C3 mandatory - 100 - nF Ceramic SMD: 10%, 0805, ≥50V; close to the pin REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Inverse-polarity protection diode Page 152 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet External Circuitry on LIN Lines In order to minimize EMC influences, the external application circuitry shall be designed as followed: Name D2 Mounting no Min - Recommended PESD1LIN Max Dim Comment - ESD protection Diode: SOD323 close to the connector; optional part C4 no - - - pF Ceramic SMD: 10%, 0805, ≥50V; CSlave≤ CD2+C4+C5+C6+CIC CSlave≤250pF; optional part R1 mandatory - 0 - Ω Serial resistor: 0805; or optional Ferrite C5 mandatory - 220 - pF Ceramic SMD: 10%, 0805, ≥50V; CSlave≤ CD2+C4+C5+C6+CIC CSlave≤250pF pF Ceramic SMD: 10%, 0805, ≥50V; CSlave≤ CD2+C4+C5+C6+CIC CSlave≤250pF; optional part C6 no - - - External Circuitry on Signal Lines In order to minimize EMC influences, the external application circuitry shall be designed as followed: Name Mounting Min C7 no 0.1 R2 mandatory D3 no REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Recommended Max Dim Comment 1 10 0 nF Ceramic SMD: 10%, 0805, ≥50V; optional part 0 560 10 00 Ω Serial resistor: 0805; or optional Ferrite - PESD1LIN - ESD protection Diode: SOD323 close to the connector; optional part Page 153 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet 11 Debugging Facilities Hardware and software debugging tools are available for the MULAN3 based products. The description of the available tool set is not a part of this document. 12 Assembly Information Our products are classified and qualified regarding soldering technology, solderability and moisture sensitivity level according to following test methods: Reflow Soldering SMD’s (Surface Mount Devices) IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020 Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification for Nonhermetic Solid State Surface Mount Devices (classification reflow profiles according to table 5-2) EIA/JEDEC JESD22-A113 Preconditioning of Nonhermetic Surface Mount Devices Prior to Reliability Testing (reflow profiles according to table 2) Wave Soldering SMD’s (Surface Mount Devices) and THD’s (Through Hole Devices) EN60749-20 Resistance of plastic- encapsulated SMD’s to combined effect of moisture and soldering heat EIA/JEDEC JESD22-B106 and EN60749-15 Resistance to soldering temperature for through-hole mounted devices Iron Soldering THD’s (Through Hole Devices) EN60749-15 Resistance to soldering temperature for through-hole mounted devices Solderability SMD’s (Surface Mount Devices) and THD’s (Through Hole Devices) EIA/JEDEC JESD22-B102 and EN60749-21 Solderability For all soldering technologies deviating from above mentioned standard conditions (regarding peak temperature, temperature gradient, temperature profile etc) additional classification and qualification tests have to be agreed upon with Melexis. The application of Wave Soldering for SMD’s is allowed only after consulting Melexis regarding assurance of adhesive strength between device and board. Melexis recommends reviewing on our web site the General Guidelines soldering recommendation ( as well as trim&form recommendations ( REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 154 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet Melexis is contributing to global environmental conservation by promoting lead free solutions. For more information on qualifications of RoHS compliant products (RoHS = European directive on the Restriction Of the use of certain Hazardous Substances) please visit the quality page on our website: REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 155 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet 13 Contact For the latest version of this document, go to our website at For additional information, please contact our Direct Sales team and get help for your specific needs: Europe, Africa Telephone: +32 13 67 04 95 Email : Americas Telephone: +1 603 223 2362 Email : Asia Email : 14 Disclaimer The information furnished by Melexis herein (“Information”) is believed to be correct and accurate. Melexis disclaims (i) any and all liability in connection with or arising out of the furnishing, performance or use of the technical data or use of the product(s) as described herein (“Product”) (ii) any and all liability, including without limitation, special, consequential or incidental damages, and (iii) any and all warranties, express, statutory, implied, or by description, including warranties of fitness for particular purpose, non-infringement and merchantability. No obligation or liability shall arise or flow out of Melexis’ rendering of technical or other services. The Information is provided "as is” and Melexis reserves the right to change the Information at any time and without notice. Therefore, before placing orders and/or prior to designing the Product into a system, users or any third party should obtain the latest version of the relevant information to verify that the information being relied upon is current. Users or any third party must further determine the suitability of the Product for its application, including the level of reliability required and determine whether it is fit for a particular purpose. The Information is proprietary and/or confidential information of Melexis and the use thereof or anything described by the Information does not grant, explicitly or implicitly, to any party any patent rights, licenses, or any other intellectual property rights. This document as well as the Product(s) may be subject to export control regulations. Please be aware that export might require a prior authorization from competent authorities. The Product(s) are intended for use in normal commercial applications. Unless otherwise agreed upon in writing, the Product(s) are not designed, authorized or warranted to be suitable in applications requiring extended temperature range and/or unusual environmental requirements. High reliability applications, such as medical life-support or life-sustaining equipment are specifically not recommended by Melexis. The Product(s) may not be used for the following applications subject to export control regulations: the development, production, processing, operation, maintenance, storage, recognition or proliferation of 1) chemical, biological or nuclear weapons, or for the development, production, maintenance or storage of missiles for such weapons: 2) civil firearms, including spare parts or ammunition for such arms; 3) defense related products, or other material for military use or for law enforcement; 4) any applications that, alone or in combination with other goods, substances or organisms could cause serious harm to persons or goods and that can be used as a means of violence in an armed conflict or any similar violent situation. The Products sold by Melexis are subject to the terms and conditions as specified in the Terms of Sale, which can be found at This document supersedes and replaces all prior information regarding the Product(s) and/or previous versions of this document. Melexis NV © - No part of this document may be reproduced without the prior written consent of Melexis. (2016) ISO/TS 16949 and ISO14001 Certified REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 156 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet 15 Appendix 15.1 Detailed Ports Map CONTROL 0x2000 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Name WD_BOOT EE_WE OUTC_WE OUTB_WE OUTA_WE MUTEX_SHE HALT M4_RB Access R-O R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W W-O R/W POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 1 Bit 0 M4_RB: 0b0 = Reset MLX4, 0b1 = Start MLX4 HALT: 0b0 = MLX16 active, 0b1 = MLX16 is Halted (only if M4_RB = ‘1’) or chip enters deep-sleep (only if M4_RB = ‘0’) MUTEX_SHE OUTA_WE: 0b0 = ANA_OUTA is protected against write-access, 0b1 = ANA_OUTA can be written. OUTA_WE: 0b0 = ANA_OUTB is protected against write-access, 0b1 = ANA_OUTB can be written. OUTA_WE: 0b0 = ANA_OUTC is protected against write-access, 0b1 = ANA_OUTC can be written. EE_WE: 0b0 = NVRAM is protected against write access, 0b1 = NVRAM can be written WD_BOOT: 0b0 = Chip not reset due to (Digital) Watchdog reset, 0b1 = Chip reset due to (Digital) Watchdog reset EEPROM 0x2001 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Name EE_BUSY EE_CPTEST EE_VEE1 EE_VEE0 EE_TEST EE_DMA Access R-O R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 EE_CTL R/W 0 0 EE_CTL : 0b00 = Write, 0b01 = Erase, 0b10 = Block-Write, 0b11 = Block-Erase SHRAM 0x2002 Bit 15-8 Bit 7-0 Name SHRAM_H SHRAM_L Access R/W R/W POR 0 0 SHRAM_L: MLX4 shared + MLX4 private RAM size SHRAM_H: (RAM-size – MLX4 private RAM size)/16 PRIO 0x2004 Bit 15-14 Bit 13-12 Bit 11-10 Bit 9-8 Bit 7-6 Bit 5-4 Bit 3-2 Bit 1-0 Name EXT4 EXT3 EXT2 EXT1 EXT0 EE ADC TIMER Access R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W POR xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx Bit 1 Bit 0 TIMER: IRQ priority of CoreTimer 0b00 (Prio 3) thru 0b11 (Prio 6) ADC: IRQ priority of ADC-end-of-conversion 0b00 (Prio 3) thru 0b11 (Prio 6) EE: IRQ priority of NVRAM Erase/Write finish 0b00 (Prio 3) thru 0b11 (Prio 6) EXT0-EXT4: IRQ priority of EXT0 thru EXT4 (Timer #1, Timer #2, PWM, SPI, Diagnostics and I/O) 0b00 (Prio 3) thru 0b11 (Prio 6) MASK 0x2006 Bit 7 REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Page 157 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet 0x2006 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Name EN_EE_IT EN_ADC_IT EN_TIMER _IT EN_M4_ SHE_IT EN_M4_ MUTEX_IT EN_WD_ ATT_IT EN_TASK _RST_IT EN_EXCH ANGE_IT Access R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0x2007 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Name Reserved Reserved EN_SOFT _IT EX_EXT4 _IT EN_EXT3 _IT EN_EXT2 _IT EN_EXT1 _IT EN_EXT0 _IT Access R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Each bit: If cleared, the (first level) peripheral interrupt is disabled, if set, the (first level) peripheral interrupt is enabled PEND 0x2008 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Name CLR_EE _IT CLR_ADC _IT CLR_TIMER _IT CLR_M4 _SHE_IT CLR_M4_ MUTEX_IT CLR_WD _ATT_IT CLR_TASK _RST_IT CLR_EXCH ANGE_IT Access R/W-C R/W-C R/W-C R/W-C R/W-C R/W-C R/W-C R/W-C POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0x2009 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Name Reserved Reserved CLR_SOFT _IT CLR_EXT4 _IT CLR_EXT3 _IT CLR_EXT2 _IT CLR_EXT1 _IT CLR_EXT0 _IT Access R/W-C R/W-C R/W-C R/W-C R/W-C R/W-C R/W-C R/W-C POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Each bit when set, clears the (first level) pending interrupt of the peripheral. M4IF 0x200A Bit 15-8 Bit 7-0 Name SLVIT SLVCMD Access R/W R/W POR 0x00 xx SLVCMD: SLVIT: PATCH0_I 0x200C Bit 15-0 Name PATCH0_I Access R/W POR xxxx PATCH0_I: A 16-bit instruction to be executed when PATCH0 is enabled and MLX16 address is equal to PATCH0-address specified in PATCH0_A PATCH1_I 0x200E Bit 15-0 Name PATCH1_I Access R/W POR xxxx REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 158 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet PATCH1_I: A 16-bit instruction to be executed when PATCH1 is enabled and MLX16 address is equal to PATCH1-address specified in PATCH1_A PATCH2_I 0x2010 Bit 15-0 Name PATCH2_I Access R/W POR xxxx PATCH2_I: A 16-bit instruction to be executed when PATCH2 is enabled and MLX16 address is equal to PATCH2-address specified in PATCH2_A PATCH3_I 0x2012 Bit 15-0 Name PATCH3_I Access R/W POR xxxx PATCH3_I: A 16-bit instruction to be executed when PATCH3 is enabled and MLX16 address is equal to PATCH3-address specified in PATCH3_A PATCH0_A 0x2014 Bit 15-1 Bit 0 Name PATCH0_A P0_ENA Access R/W R/W POR xxxx 0 P0_ENA: 0b0 = Patch #0 is disabled, 0b1 = Patch #0 is enabled PATCH0_A = Patch #0 (ROM) address, subtracted by (ROM) begin-address. PATCH1_A 0x2016 Bit 15-1 Bit 0 Name PATCH1_A P1_ENA Access R/W R/W POR xxxx 0 P1_ENA: 0b0 = Patch #1 is disabled, 0b1 = Patch #1 is enabled PATCH1_A = Patch #1 (ROM) address, subtracted by (ROM) begin-address. PATCH2_A 0x2018 Bit 15-1 Bit 0 Name PATCH2_A P2_ENA Access R/W R/W POR xxxx 0 0x201A Bit 15-1 Bit 0 Name PATCH3_A P3_ENA P2_ENA: 0b0 = Patch #2 is disabled, 0b1 = Patch #2 is enabled PATCH2_A = Patch #2 (ROM) address, subtracted by (ROM) begin-address. PATCH3_A REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 159 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet 0x201A Bit 15-1 Bit 0 Access R/W R/W POR xxxx 0 P3_ENA: 0b0 = Patch #3 is disabled, 0b1 = Patch #3 is enabled PATCH3_A = Patch #3 (ROM) address, subtracted by (ROM) begin-address. ANA_OUTA 0x201C Bit 7 Bit 6 Name Access Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 TRIMCPHS[2:0] R/W Bit 2 Bit 1 TRIMCPOSC[2:0] Bit 0 TRIMCURS[1:0] R/W POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0x201D Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Name TRIM_RCF Access R/W POR 0 Reserved TRIMCPHS[3] R/W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 TRIM_RCF: Trim bit for VS RC filter cut off frequency TRIMCPHS[3:0] HS charge pump trimming TRIMCURS[1:0] current sensor comparator trimming TRIMCPOSC[1:0] charge pump oscillator trimming ANA_OUTB 0x201E Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Name TR_BIAS[1:0] TR_1V8V[2:0] TR_VDDA[2:0] Access R/W R/W R/W Bit 0 POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0x201F Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 0 0 Name TR_BG[3:0] TR_BIAS[5:2] Access R/W R/W POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 ANA_OUTB: Chip initialization register. Should be written during power-on sequence with stored value from NVRAM, before PLL start-up. TR_VDDA[2:0]: Trim bits for 3.3V supply TR_V1V8[2:0]: Trim bits for 1.8V supply TR_BIAS[5:0]: Trim bits for bias TR_BG[3:0]: Trim bits for band-gap ANA_OUTC 0x2020 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Name TR_PLL[7:0] Access R/W Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0x2021 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 0 0 0 Name EXT_CE_SELB TR_RCO[6:0] Access R/W R/W POR 0 REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 0 0 0 0 Page 160 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet ANA_OUTB: Chip initialization register. Should be written during power-on sequence with stored value from NVRAM, before PLL start-up. TR_PLL[7:0]: trim bits for PLL TR_RCO[6:0]: trim bits for 1MHz RC oscillator EXT_CE_SELB: select MULAN intern clock divider for 1MHz clock (set port CKTRIM[5:0] before use!!); MUST BE SET TO ‘1’. CKTRIM 0x2029 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Name Reserved Reserved CKTRIM Access R/W R/W R/W POR x x 0 Bit 1 Bit 0 CKTRIM: Trim value for 1MHz clock (64 – fPLL[MHz]) XI0_MASK 0x202A Bit 15-10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4-0 Name Reserved EN_T1 _INT1 EN_T1 _INT5 EN_T1 _INT2 EN_T1 _INT4 EN_T1 _INT3 Reserved Access R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 EN_T1_INT1: Timer 1 Capture A interrupt EN_T1_INT2: Timer 1 Compare A interrupt EN_T1_INT3: Timer 1 Overflow interrupt EN_T1_INT4: Timer 1 Compare B interrupt EN_T1_INT5: Timer 1 Capture B interrupt XI1_MASK 0x202C Bit 15-10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4-0 Name Reserved EN_T2 _INT1 EN_T2 _INT5 EN_T2 _INT2 EN_T2 _INT4 EN_T2 _INT3 Reserved Access R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 EN_T2_INT1: Timer 2 Capture A interrupt EN_T2_INT2: Timer 2 Compare A interrupt EN_T2_INT3: Timer 2 Overflow interrupt EN_T2_INT4: Timer 2 Compare B interrupt EN_T2_INT5: Timer 2 Capture B interrupt XI2_MASK 0x202F Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Name PWM1 _CPMI PWM1 _CNTI PWM2 _CMPI PWM2 _CNTI PWM3 _CPMI PWM3 _CNTI PWM4 _CMPI PWM4 _CNTI Access R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0x202E Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Name PWM5 _CPMI PWM5 _CNTI Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Access R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PWM[1:5]_CMPI: PWMn compare interrupt mask PWM[1:5]_CNTI: PWMn counter interrupt mask REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 161 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet XI3_MASK 0x2030 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13-0 Name SPI1_RI SPI1_TI Reserved Access R/W R/W R/W POR 0 0 0 SPI1_TI: SPI 1 transmit interrupt SPI1_RI: SPI 1 receive interrupt XI4_MASK 0x2033 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Name XI4_OVT XI4_UV XI4_OV XI4_PLL_INT XI4_OC_DRV XI4_VDS_MON Reserved XI4_LIN_RX_INT Access R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0x2032 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Name XI4_IO7 XI4_IO6 XI4_IO5 XI4_IO4 XI4_IO3 XI4_IO2 XI4_IO1 XI4_IO0 Access R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 XI4_OVT: Diagnostics Over-temperature interrupt mask bit XI4_UV: Diagnostics Under-voltage interrupt mask bit XI4_OV: Diagnostics Over-voltage interrupt mask bit XI4_PLL_INT: Diagnostics PLL interrupt (Enabled PLL-clock: Change from locked to un-locked state) mask bit XI4_OC_DRV: Diagnostics Over-current driver interrupt mask bit XI4_VDS_MON: Diagnostics HS D-S-Voltage monitor interrupt mask bit XI4_LIN_RX_INT: LIN RX interrupt mask bit XI4_IO[7:0: IO[7..0] interrupt mask bit XI0_PEND 0x2034 Bit 15-10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4-0 Name Reserved CLR_T1 _INT1 CLR_T1 _INT5 CLR_T1 _INT2 CLR_T1 _INT4 CLR_T1 _INT3 Reserved Access R/W-C R/W-C R/W-C R/W-C R/W-C R/W-C R/W-C POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CLR_T1_INT1: Clear pending Timer 1 Capture A interrupt CLR_T1_INT2: Clear pending Timer 1 Compare A interrupt CLR_T1_INT3: Clear pending Timer 1 Overflow interrupt CLR_T1_INT4: Clear pending Timer 1 Compare B interrupt CLR_T1_INT5: Clear pending Timer 1 Capture B interrupt XI1_PEND 0x2036 Bit 15-10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4-0 Name Reserved CLR_T2 _INT1 CLR_T2 _INT5 CLR_T2 _INT2 CLR_T2 _INT4 CLR_T2 _INT3 Reserved Access R/W-C R/W-C R/W-C R/W-C R/W-C R/W-C R/W-C POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 162 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet CLR_T2_INT1: Clear pending Timer 2 Capture A interrupt CLR_T2_INT2: Clear pending Timer 2 Compare A interrupt CLR_T2_INT3: Clear pending Timer 2 Overflow interrupt CLR_T2_INT4: Clear pending Timer 2 Compare B interrupt CLR_T2_INT5: Clear pending Timer 2 Capture B interrupt XI2_PEND 0x2039 Name Access Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 C_PWM1 _CPMI C_PWM1 _CNTI C_PWM2 _CMPI C_PWM2 _CNTI C_PWM3 _CPMI C_PWM3 _CNTI C_PWM4 _CMPI C_PWM4 _CNTI R/W-C R/W-C R/W-C R/W-C R/W-C R/W-C R/W-C R/W-C POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0x2038 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Access Name C_PWM5 _CPMI C_PWM5 _CNTI R/W-C R/W-C R/W-C R/W-C R/W-C R/W-C R/W-C R/W-C POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C_PWM1_CMPI, C_PWM2_CMPI, C_PWM3_CMPI, C_PWM4_CMPI, C_PWM5_CMPI: Clear pending PWMn compare interrupt C_PWM1_CNTI, C_PWM2_CNTI, C_PWM3_CNTI, C_PWM4_CNTI, C_PWM5_CNTI: Clear pending PWMn counter interrupt XI3_PEND 0x203A Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13-0 Name C_SPI1_RI C_SPI1_TI Reserved Access R/W-C R/W-C R/W-C POR 0 0 0 C_SPI1_TI: Clear pending SPI 1 transmit interrupt C_SPI1_RI: Clear pending SPI 1 receive interrupt XI4_PEND 0x203D Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Name C_XI4_OVT C_XI4_UV C_XI4_OV C_XI4_PLL_INT Bit 11 Access R/W-C R/W-C R/W-C R/W-C R/W-C POR 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Reserved C_XI4_LIN_RX_INT R/W-C R/W-C R/W-C 0 0 0 C_XI4_OC_DRV C_XI4_VDS_MON 0x203C Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Name C_XI4_IO7 C_XI4_IO6 C_XI4_IO5 C_XI4_IO4 C_XI4_IO3 C_XI4_IO2 C_XI4_IO1 C_XI4_IO0 Access R/W-C R/W-C R/W-C R/W-C R/W-C R/W-C R/W-C R/W-C POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C_XI4_OVT: Clear pending Diagnostics Over-temperature interrupt C_XI4_UV: Clear pending Diagnostics Under-voltage interrupt C_XI4_OV: Clear pending Diagnostics Over-voltage interrupt C_XI4_PLL_INT: Clear pending Diagnostics PLL interrupt C_XI4_OC_DRV: Clear pending Diagnostics Over-current driver interrupt C_XI4_VDS_MON: Clear pending Diagnostics HS D-S-Voltage monitor interrupt C_XI4_LIN_RX_INT: Clear pending LIN RX interrupt C_XI4_IO[7:0: Clear pending IO[7..0] interrupt REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 163 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet PLL_CTRL 0x203F Bit 15-8 Name PLL_FBDIV Access R/W POR 00 0x203E Bit 7-4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Name PLL_CTLCK PLL_ SELXTAL PLL_ XTALON Reserved PLL_EN Access R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W POR 0 0 0 0 0 PLL_EN: Enable PLL PLL_XTALON: Start Crystal oscillator (reserved) PLL_SELXTAL: Select crystal oscillator as PLL source (reserved) PLL_CTLCK: Lock control bits, default locking 0b0000 PLL_FBDIV: PLL Feedback divider setting as: PLL-Frequency = 250kHz * (PLL_FBDIV + 1) PLL_STAT 0x2040 Bit 15-2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Name Reserved PLL_CM PLL_LOCKED R/W-C R-O 0 0 Access POR 0 PLL_LOCKED: PLL has locked at high frequency (1) PLL_CM: Clock monitor error bit. Write 1 to clear the clock monitor error flag LIN_XKEY 0x2042 Bit 15-1 Bit 0 Name LIN_XKEY LIN_XKEY _VALID Access R-O POR 0 0 LIN_XKEY_VALID: LIN_XKEY is valid (1) LIN_XKEY: Enable LIN_XCFG port (0x5F0A) ANA_OUTD 0x204A Bit 15 Name Reserved Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Access R/W R/W R/W R/W POR 0 0 0 0 0x202E Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Name Reserved Access R/W R/W R/W R/W POR 0 0 0 0 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 R/W R/W R/W R/W 0 0 0 0 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 R/W R/W R/W R/W 0 0 0 0 TR_ADCREF2 TR_ADCREF1 ANA_OUTD: Chip initialization register. Should be written during power-on sequence with stored value from NVRAM ANA_OUTE REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 164 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet 0x204C Bit 15 Name Access Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 R/W R/W R/W R/W ADCFREQ R/W Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 R/W R/W R/W Reserved POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0x202E Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Name Reserved Access R/W R/W R/W R/W TR_ADCREF3 R/W R/W R/W R/W POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 R/W R/W R/W ANA_OUTE: Chip initialization register. Should be written during power-on sequence with stored value from NVRAM ANA_OUTF 0x204F Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 R/W R/W R/W Bit 12 Name Access Bit 11 DIS _PMOS_EXTIO[7:0] R/W R/W POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0x204E Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Access R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name ENABLE_EXTIO[7:0] ENABLE_EXTIO[&:0]: Enable IO7…0 DIS_PMOS_EXTIO[7:0] : Disable PMOS of IO7 … 0 VARIOUS 0x2800 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Name Reserved Reserved WKUP PHI STAT1 PHI STAT0 EXTMEM Reserved SWI Access R-O R-O R-O R-O R-O R-O POR - - - - - - 0 0 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Reserved Reserved W-O SWI: Software interrupt request (automatically cleared) PHISTAT0: LIN physical status (bit 0) PHISTAT1: LIN physical status (bit 1) WKUP: LIN wake-up WDCTRL low byte 0x2802 Bit 7 Bit 6 Name WD_T Access W/R POR 0x00 WD_T: (Digital) Watchdog Time-out value. WDCTRL high byte 0x2803 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Name WD_ERR WD_WND WD_MODE Access R-O R-O R/W POR 0 0 00 REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 WD_DIV R/W 0 0 00 Page 165 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet WD_DIV: Watchdog (1MHz) timer divider: 0b00 = Division by 8, 0b01 = Division by 32, 0b10 = Division by 128, b0b11 = Division by 512 WD_MODE: 0b00 = Disabled, 0b01 = Timer watchdog, 0b10 = Window watchdog, 0b11 = Intelligent watchdog timer. The watchdog-mode can only be set once after power-on/reset of the chip. WD_WND: Acknowledge window is open (only in: Window watchdog mode) WD_ERR: Watchdog access error (read and clear) WTG 0x2804 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Name Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 WD_TG Access W/R POR 0x00 WD_TG: Watchdog Tag register, only valid in intelligent watchdog mode XIN 0x2805 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Name XIN Access R-O POR xx XIN: External input; Bit 0 = IO[0], Bit 1 = IO[1], Bit 2 = IO[2], etc. TIMER 0x2806 Bit 15 Bit 14-0 Name T_EN T_VAL Access R/W R/W POR 0 0 T_EN: 0b0 = Timer disabled, 0b1 = Timer enabled T_VAL = (W) Timer periodic period, based on 1MHz clock; (R) = Timer period left ADC_CTRL 0x2811 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Name ADC_EOC Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved ADC_SOFT _TRIG Access R-O R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0x2810 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Name ADC_SYNC _SOC Reserved ADC_ OVFM ADC_OVF Reserved ADC_LOOP ADC_TRIG _SRC ADC_ START Access R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 166 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet ADC_START: 0b0 = ADC Stopped, 0b1 = ADC start ADC_TRIG_SRC: 0b0 = Software trigger mode, 0b1 = Hardware trigger mode ADC_LOOP: 0b0 = Single conversion cycle, though all channels (table-entries); 0b1 = Permanent conversion ADC_OVF: ADC overflow of last converted channel ADC_OVFM: ADC overflow memorized ADC_SYNC_SOC: 0b0 = Do not discard first conversion; 0b1 = Discard first conversion ADC_SOFT_TRIG: 0b1 = Start next channel conversion (cleared when conversion is started) ADC_EOC: End-of-conversion. ADC_SBASE 0x2812 Bit 15-0 Name ADC_SBASE Access R/W POR xxxx ADC_SBASE: ADC Source base (pointer); A table with channel, trigger and ADC reference. See ADC chapter. ADC_DBASE 0x2814 Bit 15-0 Name ADC_DBASE Access R/W POR xxxx ADC_DBASE: ADC Data base (pointer); Pointer to RAM to store sampled ADC channel AWD_CTRL 0x281B Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Name AWD_RST AWD_ATT AWD_ WRITE_FAIL AWD_TF Reserved Reserved AWD_CKDIV Access R-O R/W-C R/W-C R R/W R/W R/W POR 0 0 0 0 X X 00 0x281A Bit 7-0 Name AWD_TIMER Access R/W POR 0x00 Bit 9 Bit 8 AWD_TIMER: Analogue Watchdog Timer value AWD_CKDIV: Analogue Watchdog divider: 0b00 = Div-64; 0b01 = Div-16; 0b10 = Div-4; 0b00 = Div-1 AWD_TF: This flag shows, that the data transfer to the AWD_CK clock domain is still ongoing; could be used for polling before next write; read only AWD_WRITE_FAIL: this flag is set, when the data written from the CPU could not be transferred to the AWD_CK clock domain properly Read/Write , cleared by POR or WAKE UP or write with 0 AWD_ATT: Watchdog info flag, memorizes a watchdog attention interrupt Read/Write , cleared by POR or WAKE UP or write with 0 twice (time between the two writes must be at least two periods of AWD_CK or use flag AWD_TF) AWD_RST: Watchdog reset flag, memorizes an analogue watchdog reset. Cleared by POR or WAKE UP or write 0 REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 167 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet ANA_INA 0x281D Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Name OVT UV_VS OV_VS PLL_INT OC_DRV VDS_MON LIN_RX LIN_RX_INT Access R-O R-O R-O R-O R-O R-O R-O R-O POR x x x x x x x x 0x281C Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Name IOINT7 IOINT6 IOINT_5 IOINT_4 IOINT_3 IOINT_2 IOINT_1 IOINT_0 Access R-O R-O R-O R-O R-O R-O R-O R-O POR x x x x x x x x IOINT0, IOINT1, IOINT_2, IOINT_3, IOINT_4, IOINT_5: I/O[0] … IO[5] interrupt flag (read the according XI4PEND bit for pin status) IOINT[7:6]: I/O[7:6] interrupt flag ((read the according XI4PEND bit for pin status) LIN_RX: LIN-pin state read back LIN_RX_INT : LIN RX interrupt flag VDS_MON : Diagnostics - drain source voltage monitor for extern HS driver OC_DRV: Diagnostics Over Current Driver state OV_VS: Diagnostics Over Voltage Vs state UV_VS: Diagnostics Under Voltage Vs state OVT: Diagnostics Chip Over Temperature state ANA_INB 0x281F Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Name Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Bit 11 INTERNAL _WU Bit 10 LOCAL _WU Bit 9 LIN_WU Bit 8 Access R-O R-O R-O R-O R-O R-O R-O R-O POR x x x x x x x x 0x281E Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Name Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Access R-O R-O R-O R-O R-O R-O R-O R-O POR x x x x x x x x INTERNAL_WU : wake up from internal wake up counter LOCAL_WU : wake up from IO3 LIN_WU : wake up from LIN bus activity LIN_XCFG 0x2821 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Name Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved LIN_XPHY _ACTIVE LIN_XPRO _ACTIVE Access R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R-O R-O POR x x x x x x x x 0x2820 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Name SLEEPB _LIN LSM HSM BYPASS LIN_ XOUTINV DISTERM LIN_EN _XPHY LIN_EN _XPRO Access R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W W-O W-O POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 168 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet LIN_EN_XPRO: Enable extern protocol layer for LIN LIN_EN_XPHY: Enable extern physical layer for LIN DISTERM: Disable LIN pull-up resistor (1) LIN_XOUTINV: Invert LIN output BYPASS, HSM, LSM, SLEEPB_LIN: used in XPRO mode LIN_XPRO_ACTIVE: LIN extern protocol activated (LIN_XKEY is ok) LIN_XPHY_ACTIVE: LIN extern physical layer activated (LIN_XKEY is ok) IO4 = Rx, IO5 = Tx but I’m asking, why we need to do the TMR1_CTRL 0x282B Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Name TMRx_DIV TMRx_MODE TRMx_ ENCMP TMRx_ OVRB TMRx_ OVRA Access R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W POR 00 000 0 0 0 0x282A Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 5 Bit 11 Bit 1 Bit 0 Name TMRx_DIN TMRx_EDG2 Bit 4 Bit 3 TMRx_EDG1 Bit 2 TMRx_ START TMRx_ T_EBLK Access R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W POR 00 00 00 0 0 TMRx_T_EBLK: Enable timer block/module TMRx_START: Start timer TMRx_EDG1: Edge selector for channel A: 0b00 = None; 0b01 = Falling; 0b10 = Rising; 0b11: Falling & Rising edge TMRx_EDG2: Edge selector for channel B: 0b00 = None; 0b01 = Falling; 0b10 = Rising; 0b11: Falling & Rising edge TMRx_DIN: De-bounce method TMRx_OVRA: Over-run register A TMRx_OVRB: Over-run register B TMRx_ENCMP: Enable comparison for auto-reset of timer in dual timer compare / capture modes TMRx_MODE: Timer mode: 0b000 = Timer mode; 0b001 = Dual timer compare; 0b010 = Dual timer capture; 0b011 = Timer capture/compare; 0b100 = Pulse accumulator mode; 0b101 = De-bounce mode, 0b110 = PWM-mode, 0b111 = reserved TMRx_DIV: Timer divider: 0b00 = Div-1, 0b01 = Div-16; 0b1x = Div-256 TMR1_REGB 0x282C Bit 15-0 Name TMR1_REGB Access R/W POR xxxx TMR1_REGB: Timer 1 register B TMR1_REGA 0x282E Bit 15-0 Name TMR1_REGA Access R/W POR xxxx TMR1_REGA: Timer 1 register A TMR1_CNT 0x2830 Bit 15-0 Name TMR1_CNT REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 169 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet 0x2830 Bit 15-0 Access R-O POR 0x0000 TMR1_CNT: Timer 1 counter TMR2_CTRL 0x2833 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Name TMRx_DIV TMRx_MODE TRMx_ ENCMP TMRx_ OVRB TMRx_ OVRA Access R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W POR 0x2832 0 Bit 7 000 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 0 0 0 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Name TMRx_DIN TMRx_EDG2 TMRx_EDG1 TMRx_ START TMRx_ T_EBLK Access R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W POR 00 00 00 0 0 TMRx_T_EBLK: Enable timer block/module TMRx_START: Start timer TMRx_EDG1: Edge selector for channel A: 0b00 = None; 0b01 = Falling; 0b10 = Rising; 0b11: Falling & Rising edge TMRx_EDG2: Edge selector for channel B: 0b00 = None; 0b01 = Falling; 0b10 = Rising; 0b11: Falling & Rising edge TMRx_DIN: De-bounce method TMRx_OVRA: Over-run register A TMRx_OVRB: Over-run register B TMRx_ENCMP: Enable comparison for auto-reset of timer in dual timer compare / capture modes TMRx_MODE: Timer mode: 0b000 = Timer mode; 0b001 = Dual timer compare; 0b010 = Dual timer capture; 0b011 = Timer capture/compare; 0b100 = Pulse accumulator mode; 0b101 = De-bounce mode, 0b110 = PWM-mode, 0b111 = reserved TMRx_DIV: Timer divider: 0b00 = Div-1, 0b01 = Div-16; 0b1x = Div-256 TMR2_REGB 0x2834 Bit 15-0 Name TMR2_REGB Access R/W POR xxxx TMR2_REGB: Timer 2 register B TMR2_REGA 0x2836 Bit 15-0 Name TMR2_REGA Access R/W POR xxxx TMR2_REGA: Timer 2 register A TMR2_CNT 0x2838 Bit 15-0 Name TMR2_CNT Access R-O POR 0x0000 REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 170 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet TMR2_CNT: Timer 2 counter PWM1_CTRL 0x284A Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Name Reserved Reserved Reserved Access POR 0 0 0 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 ECI EPI MODE EXT EBLK R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W 0 0 0 0 0 EBLK: Enable PWM module EXT: Select the internal (0) or external (1) counter MODE: Select the PWM mode independent (0) or mirror (1) EPI: Enable the PWM counter interrupt signal ECI: Enable the PWM comparator interrupt signal PWM1_PSCL 0x284B Bit 7-0 Name PWM1_PSCL Access R/W POR xx PWM1_PSCL: PWM channel 1 Pre-scaler register PWM1_PER 0x284C Bit 15-0 Name PWM1_PER Access R/W POR xxxx PWM1_PER: PWM channel 1 period duration PWM1_LT 0x284E Bit 15-0 Name PWM1_LT Access R/W POR xxxx PWM1_LT: PWM channel 1 low-time threshold PWM1_HT 0x2850 Bit 15-0 Name PWM1_HT Access R/W POR xxxx PWM1_HT: PWM channel 1 high-time threshold REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 171 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet PWM1_CMP 0x2852 Bit 15-0 Name PWM1_CMP Access R/W POR xxxx PWM1_CMP: PWM channel 1 compare threshold to generate interrupt PWM2_CTRL 0x2854 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Name Reserved Reserved Reserved Access POR 0 0 0 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 ECI EPI MODE EXT EBLK R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W 0 0 0 0 0 EBLK: Enable PWM module EXT: Select the internal (0) or external (1) counter MODE: Select the PWM mode independent (0) or mirror (1) EPI: Enable the PWM counter interrupt signal ECI: Enable the PWM comparator interrupt signal PWM2_PSCL 0x2855 Bit 7-0 Name PWM2_PSCL Access R/W POR xx PWM2_PSCL: PWM channel 2 Pre-scaler register PWM2_PER 0x2856 Bit 15-0 Name PWM2_PER Access R/W POR xxxx PWM2_PER: PWM channel 2 period duration PWM2_LT 0x2858 Bit 15-0 Name PWM2_LT Access R/W POR xxxx PWM2_LT: PWM channel 2 low-time threshold REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 172 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet PWM2_HT 0x285A Bit 15-0 Name PWM2_HT Access R/W POR xxxx PWM2_HT: PWM channel 2 high-time threshold PWM2_CMP 0x285C Bit 15-0 Name PWM2_CMP Access R/W POR xxxx PWM2_CMP: PWM channel 2 compare threshold to generate interrupt PWM3_CTRL 0x285E Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Name Reserved Reserved Reserved ECI EPI MODE EXT EBLK R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W 0 0 0 0 0 Access POR 0 0 0 EBLK: Enable PWM module EXT: Select the internal (0) or external (1) counter MODE: Select the PWM mode independent (0) or mirror (1) EPI: Enable the PWM counter interrupt signal ECI: Enable the PWM comparator interrupt signal PWM3_PSCL 0x285F Bit 7-0 Name PWM3_PSCL Access R/W POR xxxx PWM2_PSCL: PWM channel 3 Pre-scaler register PWM3_PER 0x2860 Bit 15-0 Name PWM3_PER Access R/W POR xxxx PWM3_PER: PWM channel 3 period duration REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 173 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet PWM3_LT 0x2862 Bit 15-0 Name PWM3_LT Access R/W POR xxxx PWM3_LT: PWM channel 3 low-time threshold PWM3_HT 0x2864 Bit 15-0 Name PWM3_HT Access R/W POR xxxx PWM3_HT: PWM channel 3 high-time threshold PWM3_CMP 0x2866 Bit 15-0 Name PWM3_CMP Access R/W POR xxxx PWM3_CMP: PWM channel 3 compare threshold to generate interrupt PWM4_CTRL 0x2868 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Name Reserved Reserved Reserved ECI EPI MODE EXT EBLK R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Access POR EBLK: Enable PWM module EXT: Select the internal (0) or external (1) counter MODE: Select the PWM mode independent (0) or mirror (1) EPI: Enable the PWM counter interrupt signal ECI: Enable the PWM comparator interrupt signal PWM4_PSCL 0x2869 Bit 7-0 Name PWM4_PSCL Access R/W POR xxxx PWM4_PSCL: PWM channel 4 Pre-scaler register REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 174 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet PWM4_PER 0x286A Bit 15-0 Name PWM4_PER Access R/W POR xxxx PWM4_PER: PWM channel 4 period duration PWM4_LT 0x286C Bit 15-0 Name PWM4_LT Access R/W POR xxxx PWM4_LT: PWM channel 4 low-time threshold PWM4_HT 0x286E Bit 15-0 Name PWM4_HT Access R/W POR xxxx PWM4_HT: PWM channel 4 high-time threshold PWM4_CMP 0x2870 Bit 15-0 Name PWM4_CMP Access R/W POR xxxx PWM4_CMP: PWM channel 4 compare threshold to generate interrupt PWM5_CTRL 0x2872 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Name Reserved Reserved Reserved ECI EPI MODE EXT EBLK R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Access POR EBLK: Enable PWM module EXT: Select the internal (0) or external (1) counter MODE: Select the PWM mode independent (0) or mirror (1) EPI: Enable the PWM counter interrupt signal ECI: Enable the PWM comparator interrupt signal PWM5_PSCL 0x2873 Bit 7-0 Name PWM5_PSCL Access R/W POR xxxx REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 175 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet PWM5_PSCL: PWM channel 5 Pre-scaler register PWM5_PER 0x2874 Bit 15-0 Name PWM5_PER Access R/W POR xxxx PWM5_PER: PWM channel 5 period duration PWM5_LT 0x2876 Bit 15-0 Name PWM5_LT Access R/W POR xxxx PWM5_LT: PWM channel 5 low-time threshold PWM5_HT 0x2878 Bit 15-0 Name PWM5_HT Access R/W POR xxxx PWM5_HT: PWM channel 5 high-time threshold PWM5_CMP 0x287A Bit 15-0 Name PWM5_CMP Access R/W POR xxxx PWM5_CMP: PWM channel 5 compare threshold to generate interrupt SPI1_PCR 0x289A Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Name SPI_RFIE SPI_TFIE SPI_BYTEMOD SPI_MSTR SPI_CPOL SPI_CPHA SPI_EN SPI_CKEN Access R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 176 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet SPI_CKEN: SPI clock enable SPI_EN: SPI module enable SPI_CPHA: Clock phase selector; 0 = transmission starts on first SPSCK edge; 1 = transmission starts on falling edge of SPISIB SPI_CPOL: Clock polarity selector, 0 = SPSCK_OUT is low during transmission 1 = SPSCK_OUT is high during transmission SPI_MSTR: Master mode; 0 = Slave mode; 1 = Master mode SPI_BYTEMOD: Frame length selector; 0 = 16-bits frames; 1 = 8-bits frames SPI_TFIE: SPI_TF interrupt SPI_RFIE: SPI_RF interrupt SPI1_PSCR 0x289B Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Name SPI_RF SPI_TF SPI_OVRF SPI_ MODF SPI_ FRSSOEN SPI_ MODFEN SPI_ MSTRONLY SPI_ERRIE Access R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SPI_ERRIE: Error interrupt enable bit SPI_MSTRONLY: Master transmit mode; 0 = full-duplex; 1 = transmit mode only SPI_MODFEN: Mode Fault enable bit SPI_FRSSOEN: Frame Slave Select Output Enable bit SPI_MODF: Mode Fault bit SPI_OVRF: Overflow flag SPI_TF: Transmit full; 0 = Transmit port SPIR_DR is empty; 1 = Transmit port SPI_DR is full SPI_RF: Receiver full; 0 = Receiver port SPIR_DR is empty; 1 = Receiver port SPI_DR is full SPI1_BRR 0x289C Bit 15-0 Name SPI1_BRR Access R/W POR xxxx SPI1_BRR: SPI Baudrate SPI1_DR 0x289E Bit 15-0 Name SPI1_DR Access R/W POR xxxx SPI1_DR: SPI Data Register IO_CFG 0x28BE Bit 15-9 Bit 8 Bit 7-0 Name Reserved LINRXIFRB IOIFRB Access R/W R/W R/W POR 0 0 0 ILNRXIFRB = LIN RX interrupt on rising edge (0) or falling edge(1) IOIFRB[7:0] = I/O interrupt on rising edge (0) or falling edge (1) REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 177 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet IO_DEB 0x28C0 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Name IO7_DEBOUNCE IO6_DEBOUNCE IO5_DEBOUNCE IO4_DEBOUNCE Access R/W R/W R/W R/W POR 00 0 00 00 0x28C0 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Name IO3_DEBOUNCE IO2_DEBOUNCE IO1_DEBOUNCE IO0_DEBOUNCE Access R/W R/W R/W R/W POR 00 00 00 00 IO0_DEBOUNCE ... IO5_DEBOUNCE: IO[0…5] de-bounce time: 0b00 = OFF, 0b01 = 1 ms; 0b10 = 4 ms; 0b11 = 8 ms IO6_DEBOUNCE & IO7_DEBOUNCE: IO[7:6] de-bounce time: 0b00 = OFF, 0b01 = 100us, 0b01 = 200us; 0b11 = 400us DRVCFG_EXT 0x28C2 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Name reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved OVPM UVPM VDSPM Access R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0x20C2 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Name reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved CPDRV CS_CAL DIS_VDS Access R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CPDRV - level of CPDRV if TRIMCPOSC = 3'b100 (in ANA_OUTA[4:2]) CS_CAL - if set to 1 the current sensor is in offset calibration mode (offset can be measured at ADC) DIS_VDS: disable VDS monitor : 0 –VDS monitor has no effect on phase pins, 1 – VDS monitor switches phase pins to ground or tristate (depending on VDSPM bit) VDSPM: In case of VDS monitor event: 0 – phase pin switched to ground, 1 – phase pin switched to tristate UVPM: In case of undervoltage event: 0 – phase pin switched to ground, 1 – phase pin switched to tristate OVPM: In case of overvoltage event: 0 – phase pin switched to ground, 1 – phase pin switched to tristate DRVCFG 0x28C6 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Name DIS_OT DIS_OC DIS_UV DIS_OV OVTPM DIS_SHOA OCPM DIS_DRV Access R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0x28C6 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Name DRV_CFG_W DRV_CFG_T DRV_CFG_U DRV_CFG_V Access R/W R/W R/W R/W POR 00 00 00 00 DRV_CFG_U: Motor Driver Phase U configuration: 0b00 = Tri-state; 0b01 = PWM; 0b10 = Low; 0b11 = High DRV_CFG_V: Motor Driver Phase V configuration: 0b00 = Tri-state; 0b01 = PWM; 0b10 = Low; 0b11 = High DRV_CFG_W: Motor Driver Phase W configuration: 0b00 = Tri-state; 0b01 = PWM; 0b10 = Low; 0b11 = High DRV_CFG_T: Motor Driver Phase T configuration: 0b00 = Tri-state; 0b01 = PWM; 0b10 = Low; 0b11 = High DIS_DRV: Motor driver: 0 = Enabled; 1 = Disabled OCPM: Driver configuration at over-current: 0 = To Ground; 1 = Tri-state DIS_SHOA: Enable (0) or Disable (1) Shunt current measurement (OpAmp for ADC measurement and overcurrent comparator) OVTPM: Driver configuration at over-temperature: 0 = Tri-state; 1 = To Ground REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 178 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet DIS_OV: Enable (0) or Disable (1) the Over Voltage motor driver hardware protection. DIS_UV: Enable (0) or Disable (1) the Under Voltage motor driver hardware protection. DIS_OC: Enable (0) or Disable (1) the Over Current motor driver hardware protection. DIS_OT: Enable (0) or Disable (1) the Over Temperature motor driver hardware protection. IO_WU 0x28C8 Bit 15-6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Name Reserved Reserved Reserved IOWU3 Reserved Reserved Reserved Access R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IOWU3: Enable wake-up on IO3-pin IO_IN 0x28CA Bit 15-8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Name Reserved IO_DEB7 IO_DEB6 IO_DEB5 IO_DEB4 IO_DEB3 IO_DEB2 IO_DEB1 IO_DEB0 x x x x x x x x x Access POR IO_DEB0 … IO_DEB7: Input de-bounced of IO-0 … IO-7 ANA_OUTG 0x28CD Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Name Tvds[1:0] DEB_OC[1:0] Reserved Access R/W R/W R/W POR 00 0x28CC Bit 7 00 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 1 Bit 0 0000 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Name INACTIVE_OVT INT_WU T_DEAD Reserved DIS_GTSM Access R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W POR 0 00 000 0 0 DIS_GTSM: 1: suppresses GOTO SLEEP mode request INACTIVE_OVT: 1: inactivates overtemperature shutdown circuitry T_DEAD[2:0]: Dead-time tDEAD = (T_DEAD + 1) * 0.4 µs DEB_OC[1:0]: Debounce time Over-current INT_WU: Internal Wake-up Timer: 0b00 = Disabled, 0b01: 0.41s, 0b10: 0.82s, 0b11: 1.64s (resp. 4k, 8k and 16k * 1/10kHz) Tvds[1:0]: Top-FET VDS-monitor mask time: tVDS_MASK = (Tvds + 1) * 1.6 µs ANA_OUTH 0x28CE Bit 15 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Name EN_LINAA_DAC Bit 14 DIV[1:0] Bit 13 SH4 SH3 SH2 SH1 CDEN Access R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W POR 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0x28CE Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Name CDOUTEN EN_LINAA RST1 RST2 GAIN[3:0] Access R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W POR 0 0 0 0 0000 REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 179 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet GAIN[3:0]: Gain of LINAA shunt measurement; 4b0000 Gain = 1, 4b0001 Gain = 2, …, 4b1111 Gain = 16 RST2: 1 – Offset calibration of LINAA shunt voltage amplifier, second stage, 0 – Normal shunt voltage measurement RST1: 1 – Offset calibration of LINAA shunt voltage amplifier, first stage, 0 – Normal shunt voltage measurement EN_LINAA: 1 – Enable LINAA shunt measurement and current source, 0 – LINAA block is switched off CDEN: 1 – Enable op-amp for LINAA current source, 0 – op-amp is switched off CDOUTEN: Connect the current DAC output to the LIN bus SH4:1: Sample&Hold signals for LINAA current source DIV[1:0]: Common mode suppression of LINAA shunt voltage amplifier, 2b00 – worst suppression, …, 2b11 – best suppression EN_LINAA_DAC: 0 – DAC is in ADC mode, 1 – Output from digital to DAC is ANA_OUTP[9:0] ANA_OUTI 0x28D0 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Name SEL_UV_VS Reserved Reserved reserved PROV Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Access R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0x28D0 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Name Reserved Reserved SWI_DAC_ OUT VCMO_SEL_ LINAA Access R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 9 Bit 8 PRUV[2:0] CALSLVTRM [1:0] TRMISR[1:0] TRMISR[1:0]: Calibration LIN Slew-rate CALSLVTRM[1:0]: Calibration LIN Slave Termination pull-up resistor VCMO_SEL_LINAA: Select VCM LINAA (default: new VCM) SWI_DAC_OUT: Switch 10-bit DAC to LIN-AA SEL_UV_VS: 0b0 = Enable UV and OV de-bounce circuitry; 0b1 = Disable UV and OV de-bounce circuitry PROV : switch OV detection between 31V (=0) and 36V (=1) PRUV[2:0] : programming the under voltage detection level ANA_OUTK 0x28D2 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Name Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Bit 11 Bit 10 SEL_TX_OUT Access R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W POR 0 0 0 0 0x28D2 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 0000 Bit 1 Bit 0 Name Reserved Reserved Reserved _DISTERM _SLEEPB _LIN _LSM _HSM _BYPASS Access R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 180 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet SEL_TX_OUT: Select source for TX_OUT: 0b0000 = PWM2; 0b0001 = PWM3; 0b0010 = PWM4; 0b0011 = PWM1; 0b0100 = Timer 1 output; 0b0101 = Timer 2 output; 0b0110 = Software (ANA_OUTN bit SOFT_TX); 0b0111 = IO0-pin ; 0b1000 = IO1-pin ; 0b1001 = IO2-pin ; 0b1010 = IO3-pin ; 0b1011 = IO4-pin ; 0b1100 = IO5-pin ; 0b1101 = IO6-pin ; 0b1110 = IO7-pin ;0b1111=PWM5 ANA_OUTL 0x28D4 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Name LIN_KEY Access R/W POR 0x00 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 0x28D4 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Name Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Access R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 1 Bit 0 LIN_KEY: LIN-key (0x43) ANA_OUTM 0x28D6 Bit 15 Name IO5_OUTCFG IO4_OUTCFG IO3_OUTCFG Access R/W R/W R/W POR 0x28D6 00 Bit 7 00 Bit 6 000 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Name IO2_OUTCFG IO1_OUTCFG IO0_OUTCFG Access R/W R/W R/W POR 000 000 000 IO[5:0]_OUTCFG: IO[5:0]-pin output configuration as below : 0b000 = SPI interface; 0b001 = Timer 1 output; 0b010 = Timer 2 output; 0b011 = PWM2 output; 0b100 = PWM3 output; 0b101 = PWM4 output; 0b110 = PWM1 output; 0b111 = Software (ANA_OUTN) ANA_OUTN 0x28D8 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Name IO7_OUTCFG IO6_OUTCFG Reserved Reserved Reserved SOFT_TX Access R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W POR 00 00 0 0 0 0 0x28D8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Name SOFT_IO7 SOFT _IO6 SOFT_IO5 SOFT_IO4 SOFT_IO3 SOFT_IO2 SOFT_IO1 SOFT_IO0 Access R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Page 181 of 182 MLX81325 Smart LIN Driver for small motors <100W Datasheet SOFT_IO0: IO0-pin software output SOFT_IO1: IO1-pin software output SOFT_IO2: IO2-pin software output SOFT_IO3: IO3-pin software output SOFT_IO4: IO4-pin software output SOFT_IO5: IO5-pin software output SOFT_IO6: IO6-pin software output SOFT_IO7: IO7-pin software output SOFT_TX: TX-pin software output IO6_OUTCFG: IO6-pin output configuration: 0b00 = Reserved; 0b01 = Timer 1 output; 0b10 = Timer 2 output; 0b11 = Software (ANA_OUTN) IO7_OUTCFG: IO7-pin output configuration: 0b00 = Reserved; 0b01 = Timer 1 output; 0b10 = Timer 2 output; 0b11 = Software (ANA_OUTN) ANA_OUTO 0x28DA Bit 15 Bit 14 Name Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 TMRCFG_T2_INB Bit 10 Bit 9 Access R/W R/W POR 0000 0000 0x28DA Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 8 TMRCFG_T2_INA Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Name TMRCFG_T1_INB TMRCFG_T1_INA Access R/W R/W POR 0000 0000 Bit 0 TMRCFG_T1_INA: Timer 1 input A: See below TMRCFG_T1_INB: Timer 1 input B: See below TMRCFG_T2_INA: Timer 2 input A: See below TMRCFG_T2_INB: Timer 2 input B: See below 0b0000 = IO0 de-bounced input; 0b0001 = IO1 de-bounced input; 0b0010 = IO2 de-bounced input; 0b0011 = IO3 de-bounced input; 0b0100 = IO4 de-bounced input; 0b0101 = IO5 de-bounced input; 0b0110 = IO6 de-bounced input; 0b0111 = IO7 de-bounced input; 0b1000 = RX input ANA_OUTP 0x28DC Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Name Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Access R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W POR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0x28DC Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Name Bit 9 Bit 1 LINAA_DACIN[7:0] Access POR LINAA_DACIN[9:0]: Set current-level for LIN-AA. REVISION 1.7 – 27. Apr 2020 Bit 8 LINAA_DACIN[9:8] Page 182 of 182 Bit 0