History Harriet Tubman Harriet Tudman, was born a slave around the year 1820. The the day she was born can not be known because back in the day, slaves were not known as people so not a lot had "birthdays". Harriet's original name was Araminta Ross, but changed her name to Harriet because it was her mother's. Then in September 17, 1849 Harriet escaped for the first but not the last. When Harriet escaped she joined the anti-slavery organization. That is where she found out her family had escaped and was in hiding in Baltimore. They needed someone to go out there and help them. Fun fact Harriet was the first woman to to go on a mission in the anti-slavery organization. Harriet went to Baltimore and back to the north 19 times and saved around 300 people. When WW1 happened she worked as a nurse, spy and even soldier. After the war she left to New York and built a retirement home were she toke care of her parents and older people who had spent much of their life as slaves. She died in 1913 at 88-98 years old, again, no one really knows her exact age. Rest in peace One of the greatest humans in history. This was written by Zen, Thank you for reading.