Modern Approaches to Human Diseases – Question 1 – Alejandro Garcia u1817199 Poor animal models have slowed the discovery of effective cures for neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease. Discuss Introduction Having a model system with a high contrast validity and predictive validity is vital for the development of new treatments and the ability to study the mechanism of neuropathology. Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease are two of the most prominent neurodegenerative diseases in the Western World. Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is characterised by neuronal loss in the sulci and gyri leading to clinical manifestations like impairment of cognition and memory. The neuropathological hallmarks of Parkinson’s Disease (PD) are the loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substania nigra pars compacta (SNc) and the formation of proteinaceous inclusions called Lewy Bodies (LBs). This leads to an involuntary “rolling-pin” motion, rigidity and a shuffling gait movement. There is a need to develop novel therapeutic strategies to alleviate the burden on society of these diseases, the use of animal models is the first step in this process. In this essay I will examine the different animal models that are currently being used for the discovery of effective cures and assess whether they have slowed down this process. Neurotoxin model for Parkinson’s Disease Figure 1. Parkinson’s affected neuron will release less dopamine compared to a normal neuron. Source: In PD the death of the dopaminergic neurons in the SNc, will lead to the clinical manifestations described. As we are killing dopaminergic neurons, the amount of extracellular dopamine will reduce, therefore the aim of any therapeutic strategy is to replenish dopamine in the brain (Figure 1). A rodent model using neurotoxin involves the use of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA), a neurotoxic synthetic compound that will selectively target nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons in rats (Ungerstedt, 1968), thereby eliciting the same effect as in patients. After accumulating in the cytosol, 6-OHDA will promote the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and quinines by auto-oxidation (Simola, Morelli and Carta, 2007), which also occurs in the Parkinsonian brain. The compound will destroy the dopaminergic neurons in the SNc in less than 24hrs (Jeon et al, 1995), therefore providing a stable and reliable model for new treatments as it reproduces many of the effects in patients. One of the issues with this model is how the neurotoxin molecule is administered. Due to it being hydrophilic, it is unable to cross the Blood-Brain-Barrier (BBB) and therefore the animal requires a direct injection. This invasive approach could lead to complications like a brain inflammatory response which may alter the results. A more suitable way to introduce this compound would by placing it in a microbubble and cause the opening of the BBB by Modern Approaches to Human Diseases – Question 1 – Alejandro Garcia u1817199 using a focused ultrasound (Figure 2) (Sheikov et al, 2004, Pardridge, 2020). This approach could improve the administration of the compound into the model, and therefore offer an alternative means of discovery of new therapeutic methods. Figure 2. Schematic representation of using a focused ultrasound drug delivery system to temporarily open the blood-brain barrier Credit: Tao Sun/Bringham and Women;s Hospital; adapted by KurzweilAI Another reason why neurotoxin models are poor to study PD in, is that the production of Lewy body-like inclusions are not seen but it does interact with a-synuclein (Lindgren et al, 2012). This suggests that eventhough the model does work in destroying dopamine neurons leading to the manifestations seen, if it doesn’t produce Lewy bodies, the model is not replicating the scenario in a Parkinsonian brain, so the results differ from reality. However, this model has been able to reproduce several key processes like the generation of ROS resulting in oxidative stress inducing cell death (Singh et al, 2010). Therefore, some may argue that it has not slowed down the development of novel treatments. Pharmacological Models - Reserpine for Parkinson’s Disease Another rodent model you can use is one with reserpine. Reserpine is a drug that will deplete storage of dopamine by inhibiting VMAT (Guldberg, 1971). The effect of L-DOPA being able to reverse the effects of reserpine pre-treatment in humans (Degkwitz et al, 1960) led to a potential way to discover the symptomatic efficacy of new drugs for PD. This demonstrates how a model actually sped up the discovery of effective cures and not slow them down. Mouse Models for Alzheimer’s Disease There are multiple mouse models that are used for AD. In order to produce a mouse model, you take the mutation of interest and put the whole gene into the mouse (transgenic mouse). For studying the effects of AD, the most used mutation is the APP695 (Amyloid precursor protein) which is overexpressed in mice, to observe whether it produces plaques, and cause the pathogenesis seen in AD patients. One of the mouse models used is the triple transgenic mouse (3xTg-AD). They have a knockin presenilin gene from a human, inserted into their genome. This mutation will affect the way presenilin processes the APP, as the way it is processed depends heavily on the possibility of an individual developing AD. By knowing where the deposition of amyloid plaques starts, we could be able to design a suitable pharmaceutical intervention to prevent the accumulation of these plaques. This mouse model was used by Oddo et al (2003) to show that these plaques are not initiating in the hippocampus but in the neocortex, which is different to humans. They did however, see that the phosphorylation of tau starts in the hippocampus and progresses to the neocortex – which is similar to humans. The reason why this is a poor model is because, eventhough plaques and tangles were formed there was no Modern Approaches to Human Diseases – Question 1 – Alejandro Garcia u1817199 degeneration of neurons, which is the best correlate to the symptoms demonstrated by AD patients. This has made the ability to produce a drug from this model very hard, as we have not been able to reproduce the disease in animal models. Transgenic rat model for Alzheimer’s Disease The lack of treatments developed on mouse models, led to the use of a wider variety of model species. In 2018, Petrasek et al, established the so-called “McGill Transgenic Rat Model” which was a success, as it was able to do what the mouse model couldn’t. There was accumulation of plaques, neuroinflammation, and the steady deterioration of cognitive functions. However, the models’ motor and social alterations require more scientific work to see if they are homologous with patients of AD. The data obtained from this, could dictate whether the model could be used in future studies. The innovation of this animal model has allowed the ability to find an effective cure, therefore the statement that animal models have slowed the process of discovery is controversial. Conclusion Eventhough the therapies which have been assayed on neurodegenerative animal models have not worked in patients with an established pathology, the therapies developed could be used in preventing disease progression towards dementia (Cuadrado-Tejedor and GarciaOsta, 2014). In some cases, these poor animal models even if they have not been able to aid in the discovery of effective cures for AD and PD, have been successful in preventing disease progression in other neurodegenerative diseases, so it is unreasonable to say these poor animal models have had no effect on the development of therapies. There is a new hope in using transgenic mice to try to find a cure for neurodegenerative diseases as we have a model which elicits homogenous effects in vivo to patients. Modern Approaches to Human Diseases – Question 1 – Alejandro Garcia u1817199 References Cuadrado-Tejedor, M. and Garcia-Osta, A. (2014). 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