IET Control Theory & Applications Research Article Switching formation strategy with the directed dynamic topology for collision avoidance of a multi-robot system in uncertain environments ISSN 1751-8644 Received on 22nd April 2020 Revised 23rd July 2020 Accepted on 25th August 2020 E-First on 16th October 2020 doi: 10.1049/iet-cta.2020.0502 Vu Phi Tran1 , Matthew A. Garratt1, Ian R. Petersen2 1School of Engineering and Information Technology, University of New South Wales, Canberra, Australia School of Electrical, Energy and Materials Engineering, The Australian National University, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia E-mail: 2Research Abstract: This paper tackles the distributed leader–follower cooperative control problem for networked heterogeneous unmanned aerial vehicle–unmanned ground vehicle (UAV-UGV) systems in unknown environments requiring formation keeping, obstacle avoidance, inter-robot collision avoidance, and reliable robot communications. To adopt various formations, we design a novel negative imaginary (NI) switching formation protocol with a directed dynamic topology. To prevent an inter-mobile robot collision, a new method to formulate the virtual propulsive force between robots is employed. To avoid unexpected obstacles, a new obstacle avoidance technique that allows the UGVs' formation to change its shape and the UGVs' roles is developed. To determine each UGV robot's order in obstacle avoidance formation, a quadrotor UAV, controlled by a strictly negative imaginary controller involving good wind resistance characteristics, tracks the center of formation shape to guarantee the maintaining visibility for multi-robot systems on the ground. The proposed control system's efficacy is investigated through a rigorously comparative study with other control techniques, namely, the performance of artificial potential field and an NI obstacle avoidance strategy using the switching formation control method without switching topology. Finally, we also conduct a stability analysis of the closed-loop control system using the NI-systems theory. 1 Introduction Cooperative control for multi-robot systems, including synchronisation and consensus [1, 2], swarming and flocking [3, 4], region-following formation control [5, 6], has attracted considerable research attention, with many works in science and engineering. The research interest has mainly arisen from the fact that networked systems under cooperative control can perform complex tasks more effectively than a group of individually operating robots, especially in surveillance, target tracking, selflocalisation and mapping, and disaster response. As a result, a large number of cooperative control strategies have been presented and analysed from various viewpoints and purposes [7, 8]. It is pointed out in [9] that there are three fundamental approaches for formation control of multi-vehicles: virtual leader, virtual structure and behaviour, and leader–follower (L–F). Due to its simplicity and effectiveness in practical applications, the L–F approach is preferred by researchers [10–14]. Based on the L–F platform, a wide variety of formation control strategies have also been developed for multi-agent systems. It is widely admitted that the consensus-based formation control has recently become a critical issue in the context of cooperative control due to its potential engineering applications. A large body of the control methods can be found in the literature, ranging from scale-variant formation patterns [15–17] to time-varying dynamic spatial shapes [7, 8, 18–20]. The main idea behind the shape control strategies is to regulate a group of robots to form and maintain a given formation throughout robot–robot interaction. Although many formation strategies were proposed and implemented successfully for multi-agent systems, almost all previous studies [7, 18, 20–22] were mainly concentrated on agents formulated by single or double integrator dynamics. Unfortunately, the position and velocity tracking loops for unmanned vehicles usually need to be represented by higher order transfer functions [23, 24]. In addition, those approaches are all based on global position measurements, making them impractical for situations where only local state measurements may be accessed. For example, GPS interference caused by urban canyon effects may occur when larger groups of coordinating robots are requested to IET Control Theory Appl., 2020, Vol. 14 Iss. 18, pp. 2948-2959 © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2020 explore a small and tiny area. As a consequence, there is a strong demand for a precise geometric formation of high-order systems based on the relative positions among robots. However, until now, only some previously published papers have reported solutions to these existing formation control problems [16, 25, 26] by making use of adaptive or negative imaginary (NI) consensus techniques. Moreover, collision avoidance in unknown environments, which is another important issue in the motion control and path planning of multi-agent systems, has not been paid sufficient attention. Obstacle and inter-robot collision avoidance has direct impact on system safety, and therefore it should hold the highest priority among all the objectives. In the obstacle avoidance scenario, a common approach is to formulate the new desired distances or bearing angles for the robots. As a result, it indirectly formalises and switches a specified formation shape to a safe one. In [27], the robots always produce a queuing formation for obstacle avoidance. However, this strategy actually wastes energy and it is overly time consuming while moving the robots into a line once a potential collision is predicted. In [11, 12, 28], a collision-free waypoint is determined based on the geometric obstacle avoidance control method (GOACM). Although the demonstrations on real robots were conducted successfully, this approach would not work with complex-shaped obstacles. Furthermore, the performance of these obstacle avoidance techniques will be impossible if the space between obstacles only fits one robot at a time. In this case, the robots should be capable of switching into a column-line formation, in which robots move one after another, while simultaneously avoiding collision with other agents. As a consequence, there is a strong demand for switching into a queuing formation with collision avoidance for networked systems. Until now, only formation control with collision avoidance as in [16] can be developed further to partially solve this problem. Nevertheless, if the centre point of this gap to one of the followers is closer to the current leader, robot trajectories produced by this strategy through a fixed-leader topology can be lengthened or may have more oscillations than those made with an appropriate L–F role switching. For collision avoidance problem between vehicles, there is a great number of suggested techniques. The work demonstrated in 2948 [29] is an example of inter-vehicle collision avoidance, where collision avoidance is formalised as the problem of avoiding a bad set of two-vehicle states using a brake and throttle velocity control function. Although real-time experiments were conducted successfully and it could be seen that a possible collision between two vehicles is prevented, this method still needs to be extended to crashes involving more than two vehicles. A potential field method was used in [16, 30] to achieve inter-unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) collision avoidance using a virtual repulsive force derived from the negative gradient of a potential function. The force calculating method may cause oscillations in the trajectory or even getting stuck due to local minima [31]. These observations have inspired us to conduct the research work presented in this paper. Based on the above arguments, we develop a novel NI formation control with a dynamic L–F approach since the NI cooperative framework has enormous potential for further development. A distributed output feedback consensus law for a network of strictly negative imaginary (SNI) systems has been firstly presented in [17]. The objective of this theory is to achieve the convergence of all SNI agent's outputs to a pre-defined constant reference. We have adapted this approach to converge to a desired formation pattern in our previous work [26, 32]. Real-time tests with this theory show a strong consensus between networked robot systems as well as a potential obstacle capability. However, the obstacle avoidance based on the switching formation strategy with a dynamic topology for a multi-robot system has not yet been considered using the NI theory. It is assumed in [33] that cooperative control problems with dynamic topologies for multirobot systems are much complicated and challenging than the fixed cases. To the best of our knowledge, very little work has focused on optimal L–F strategies for mobile robots. Despite these shortcomings, the current NI technique can be improved to address some problems of formation control with collision avoidance for networked SNI systems interacting on directed network topologies. For example, in order to switch into an obstacle avoidance formation, the relative positions in a specified formation are changed gradually based on the NI consensus-based formation tracking controller and a novel geometric method, so that oscillations/disturbances in the obstacle avoidance trajectories are avoided, which is one of the main obstacles in [16, 30]. Next, the NI formation control strategy can be easily connected to the other NI control protocols while the internal stability and synchronous characteristic of the fully distributed control structure are still naturally guaranteed. Based on this characteristic of NI control theory, an NI inter-robot collision avoidance approach can be designed. Furthermore, the methods for dealing with the fixed topology cases can be easily extended to the switching topology cases without any constraints. Consequently, shorter and smoother trajectories can be generated. Finally, using NI techniques also opens up an excellent opportunity to control the consensus between high-order systems. Compared to the previous relevant results, the contributions of this study are listed as follows: • We are the first to present a novel NI robot–robot and robot– obstacle collision avoidance strategy based on the NI formation controller and a multi-robot order switching method for networked NI L–F non-homogeneous complex multi-vehicles in a distributed way while moving in hazardous environments through the dynamic information exchange among agents. Using this new technique, mobile robots are required not only to change their orders within the L–F architecture but also to shift their positions to generate a queuing pattern. Furthermore, the proposed control approach can be perfectly combined with our previous works in [32] to generate a comprehensive collision avoidance method in any circumstances while maintaining the robots' given formation and reaching the goal. • We propose a new way of determining the magnitude and direction of the repulsive force, using the region of intersection between virtual circles surrounding the robots to escape local minima and oscillation problems, which is a drawback of the artificial potential field (APF) control theory [31, 34]. IET Control Theory Appl., 2020, Vol. 14 Iss. 18, pp. 2948-2959 © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2020 • We conduct a stability analysis of the proposed control system based on the internal stability of SNI agents and SNI consensus controllers with their communication links. • We evaluate the efficacy of the proposed NI control system, not only in the form of numerical simulations but also in real robot experiments in the absence or presence of exogenous disturbances (e.g. wind gusts). Moreover, we also provide a rigorously comparative study on the performance of our obstacle avoidance theory with respect to that of the conventional APF controller and the fixed-leader NI obstacle avoidance approach. The remainder of this paper is organised as follows. Preliminaries on NI formation architecture and graph theory are given in Section 2. Dynamics for UAVs and unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) are proposed in Section 3. The obstacle and intercollision avoidance using NI theory is analysed and designed in Section 4. The stability of the whole structure is verified in Section 5. The simulation results for the proposed approaches are illustrated in Section 6, followed by the experiment results in Section 7. Conclusions are drawn in Section 8. 2 Preliminaries on graph theory and negative imaginary formation control theory 2.1 Graph theory Graph theory can be used to mathematically describe the interagent interaction processes among the unmanned robots. Each robot is represented as a vertex. Given a directed graph G = (ϑ, ε) with N vertices and L edges (N × L matrix), such that ϑ = (ν1, ν2, …, νN ) and ε ⊆ {(νi, ν j): νi, ν j ∈ ϑ, νi ≠ ν j} representing the finite vertexes set and the ordered edges set, respectively, the robot communication matrices are given as follows. 2.1.1 Incidence matrix: Suppose that each edge of G is assigned an orientation, which is arbitrary but fixed. The vertex-edge incidence matrix of G, denoted by Qin, is an N × L matrix defined as follows: Qini j = 1 if νi is the head of edge eνi, ν j, Qin = Qini j = − 1 if νi is the tail of edge eνi, ν j, Qini j = 0 if νi is not connected to eνi, ν j . (1) It is pointed out that the incidence matrix has a column sum which equals to zero, which is assumed from the fact that every edge must have exactly one head and one tail. Extending this graph theory, given an arbitrary oriented set of the edge ε, the graph Laplacian, ℒ(G), is defined as ℒ(G)=Qin(G)Qin(G)T. For convenience in interpreting further the UAV–UGV/UGVs cooperative theory, some mathematical communication graph matrices are newly introduced. 2.1.2 Consensus matrix: Let the N×L matrix Qco represent a consensus matrix which corresponds to a graph (ϑco, εco) that has N vertexes and L edges is the number of communication orientations. This N×L matrix indicates which robot at vertex vi in ϑco will send its consensus information to the adjacent vertexes v j in εco. Qcoi j = 0 if νi is the head of eνi, ν j for consensus, Qco = Qcoi j = − 1 if νi is the tail of eνi, ν j for consensus, Qcoi j = 0 otherwise. (2) 2.1.3 Reference matrix: The reference matrix Qre ∈ ℝN × 1 introduces the node or the UAV/UGV in a collaborative group which will directly follow the reference trajectories 2949 Qrei j = 1 if νi directly follows the reference path, Qre = Qrei j = 0 if νi does not directly follow the reference path. y = diagi3N= 1P(s)u, (3) 2.2 SNI systems theory Let us first recall the definitions of SNI and NI systems. Definition 1: In the single input/single output case, a transfer function P(s) becomes SNI if all its poles have negative real parts and its Nyquist plot is contained below the real axis. According to [35], this definition can be mathematically defined as follows: P(s) ∈ SNI if j[P(jω) −P∗(jω)] > 0 for all ω > 0 [35]. Definition 2: A transfer function P(s) has NI property if its Nyquist plot for ω ⩾ 0 is contained in the lower half of the complex plane. This Nyquist plot can touch, but not cross the real axis; i.e. P(s) ∈ NI if j(P(jω) −P∗(jω)) ⩾0 [35]. Lemma 1: A positive connection between an NI system and an SNI system results in an SNI systems structure [35]. After an SNI/NI plant is found, Petersen and Lanzon [35] stated that a necessary and sufficient condition for the internal stability of a positive feedback interconnection between an SNI plant N(s) and an SNI/NI controller M(s) is provided as follows: λmax(M(0)N(0)) < 1, (4) where λmax( . ) denotes the maximum eigenvalue of transfer functions. Developed from the consensus approach of MIMO NI systems [17], an NI-systems formation implementation was successfully designed and tested for multi-UAV models in our previous work [26]. In the paper, a new reference matrix Qre, consensus matrix Qco, and the offset distance terms (X f , Y f ) between UAVs are added into the original consensus structure to solve the existing formation control problems as presented in Fig. 1. The major experimental results verify that the formation pattern generated by UAVs is maintained during their rectangular movements. The overall equation of this architecture is given as pr = 1N ⊗ r, (5) er = y + pr, (6) ȳ = (QT ⊗ Im)er = ([Qin Qre]T ⊗ Im)er, (7) e f = ȳ + p f , (8) u = (Q ⊗ Im)diagi3N= 1K(s)e f = ([Qco Qre] ⊗ Im)diagiN= 1K(s)e f , (9) (10) where N, m, and l represent the number of agents, the maximum output number of each agents, and the number of edges in the information graph. r ∈ ℝ2 × 1 denotes the reference position on the plane of the master, pr ∈ ℝ2n × 1 is the reference, and p f corresponds to the relative position between the slave UAVs and the master UAV in the configured formation. u ∈ ℝm × 1 is the velocity set point input of each UAV on the x and y axes while the output y ∈ ℝm × 1 is the current position of each UAV. u ∈ ℝlm × 1 and y ∈ ℝlm × 1 are the input and output of overall network plant. er is the error between the desired position of the master and its current position, while e f is the error between the desired relative position and the current relative position of each UAV. K(s) ∈ ℝlm × lm is the group of SNI consensus and tracking controllers for the group of UAVs, and Q, Qin, Qco, and Qro are the general communication, incidence, consensus, and reference matrix of agents, respectively. Equation (7) is similar to a distributed consensus structure for agent i ui = 3N ∑ ai jdiagi N K(s)(yi − y j), j=1 3 =1 (11) where ai j is the element of the adjacent matrix, j is the index of neighbouring vertex connecting to vertex i. It also implies that [Ps, K s] is internally stable if and only if the following condition in Lemma 2 is held. Lemma 2: Given any SNI MIMO system P(s) and NI/SNI MIMO controller K(s), a stability result for the whole structure is obtained as follows [17]: λmax(P(0))λmax(K(0)) < 1 1 = , λmax(ℒ) λmax(QQT) (12) 1 . (13) λmax(QQT) × λmax(K(0))) where λmax is the maximum eigenvalue. As can be seen from experimental results in [26], the performance of the two UAVs is satisfactory. The follower can imitate the behaviour of the master when following the rectangular trajectory. This result shows that our SNI consensus-based formation controller is able to work effectively with high-order systems such as UAV, which is in contrast to most existing algorithms analysed for single or double integrator linear dynamics [7, 18, 20]. To strengthen our argument, the convergence analysis of consensus in our former NI consensus-based formation control method [26] is validated through its direct application, called rendezvous problem. In this test, the UAV plants discussed in Section 3 are employed with the initial positions in the three axis being [54;−80;0], [75;75;0], [−18; − 90;0], [8;−96;0], λmax(P(0)) < Fig. 1 NI formation control protocol for multi-UAVs 2950 IET Control Theory Appl., 2020, Vol. 14 Iss. 18, pp. 2948-2959 © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2020 Fig. 2 Communication graph for four drones system as presented in Definition 1. The AR Drone responds to attitude commands sent from the ground station (GS) over WiFi. Meanwhile, the UGV receives the yaw rate and speed commands from the GS. During flight tests, to capture the overall dynamic behaviour of the drone, a sinusoidal wave, in which the frequency varies from 0 to 20 Hz and the maximum amplitude is at 0.5 m/s, is used as the velocity setpoints for the quadcopter along three axes. Moreover, we linearise the non-linear dynamics of our UGVs and UAV along its x, y, and z axes, and represent its behaviours in the form of transfer functions, valid within the normal operating points of the system where the linear model is still sufficiently accurate. Using the input and output data obtained from the Vicon MCS, we derived the transfer functions for the AR Drone and the UGV via parametric identification by means of several identification methods available in the System Identification Toolbox of MATLAB, e.g. autoregressive with extra input model which has the standard form as follows [36, 37]: A(z)y(k) = B(z)u(k − d) + e(k), Fig. 3 (top) 3D robust rendezvous of four SNI UAV systems via the NI consensus-based formation protocol, and (bottom) relative position errors of four UAV (14) where (u(k),y(k)) are the system input and its output response, d is the system delay, k is the present time, and e(k) is the disturbance in the system. The quality of the created model is then evaluated through the fitting percentage formula between identified model output and measured real one. The evaluating equation is given as f it% = (1 − ∥ y − y~ ∥ )100% . ∥ y − mean(y) ∥ (15) 3.1 SNI closed-loop transfer function models for a UAV Fig. 4 Nyquist plots of two velocity control loops for the UAV respectively. The relative position of each agent p f = [0; 0; 0] and the pre-defined rendezvous point pr is [−60;40;70]. All SNI consensus controllers along three directions are indicated as [(−(s + 300))/(s + 2); (−(s + 270))/(s + 2); (−(s + 11))/(s + 2)]. The communication graph is exactly the same as Fig. 2 and the reference only sends information to the drone master, which gives Qin = [1 1 1 1; − 1 0 0 0; 0 − 1 0 0; 0 0 − 1 0; 0 0 0 , − 1]T and Qre = [1; 0; 0; 0]T, Qco = [0 0 0 0; − 1 0 0 0; 0 − 1 0 0; 0 0 − 1 0; 0 0 0 . − 1]T It can be seen from Fig. 3 that robust rendezvous is then guaranteed via the NI cooperative tracking controller. Four drones with the control of our proposed strategy are driven from the initial positions to the final rendezvous point within 7 s. However, it is noted that a collision among four UAVs will really happen since all aerial vehicles fly to one rendezvous point. Thus, p f should be assigned the proper values based on a given formation. Additionally, as can be seen in Fig. 3, the position output y 3×N ∈ ℝ12 × 1 achieves consensus (∑ j = 1 yi = y j) when y → 0 ∈ ℝ12 × 1. This equation converts the output consensus problem to an equivalent internal stability one as presented in Lemma 2, which does not take into account that the communication topology is fixed or switched. Moreover, the formation switch only takes place two times, slowly changing from the current formation to the queuing one and vice versa. Two significant assumptions yield the ability to demonstrate the stability of our distributed NI consensusbased formation control approach subjected to switching interaction using Lemma 2. 3 SNI UAV/UGV dynamic models Proportional–integral–derivative controllers were applied with properly tuned values via the Ziegler-Nichols method to help our systems not only to stabilise the inner velocity control loops but also to satisfy the necessary and sufficient conditions for an SNI IET Control Theory Appl., 2020, Vol. 14 Iss. 18, pp. 2948-2959 © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2020 The transfer function of the X-axis loop is given from the system identification as follows: −0.62s3 − 866.3s2 + 3156.3s + 39427.5 x(s) = 4 , 3 2 ẋ(s) s + 31s + 53425.15s + 17296.3s + 1093.7 ~ (16) ~ where ẋ and x highlight the actual position on the x-axis and its desired velocity value. The vertical model in (16) has damping factors of ζ1, 2 = [−1 1], τ1, 2 = [−119 0.443] s, and natural frequencies of ω1, 2 = [0.00841 2.26] rad/s. The transfer function of the Y -axis loop can be elaborated as follows: −1.71s3 + 249.1s2 − 66651.5s + 68465.9 y(s) = 4 , 3 2 ẏ(s) s + 78.9s + 58525.8s + 50869.1s + 970.08 ~ (17) ~ where ẏ and y denote the actual position on the y-axis and its desired velocity value. The horizontal model in (17) gives ζ1, 2, 3, 4 = [1 1 0.161 0.161], τ1, 2, 3, 4 = [51.3 1.18 0.0256 0.0256] s, and ω1, 2, 3, 4 = [0.0195 0.851 242 242] rad/s. Overall, our transfer functions in (16) and (17) demonstrate a reasonably good accuracy of around 99% between the modelling and real-flight data, meaning that they can be used to entirely describe the dynamic behaviours of our robot systems. On the other hand, as seen in Fig. 4, all mathematical models found satisfy the criteria of SNI systems. 3.2 SNI closed-loop transfer function models for a UGV There are two control input signals for the UGV: yaw rate and speed. While the translational velocities set-point on the x and y axes drives the UGV towards target point, these inputs need to be converted into yaw rate and speed command references. We first achieve this using a yaw control loop based on an SNI controller. The desired yaw angle ψ sp is determined from the desired translational velocities as follows: ψ sp = atan2(ẏ, ẋ) . (18) 2951 k ϵix = ∑i ϵix , k k ϵiy = n ϵx = Fig. 5 Nyquist plot of the UGV velocity transfer function (left) - the Nyquist plot of the UGV yaw transfer function (right) ∑i ϵix Ai n ∑i Ai ∑i ϵiy , k (22) n , rx = ϵx + max (FOVx), ϵy = ∑i ϵiy Ai n ∑i Ai , (23) ry = ϵy + max (FOVy), (24) Fig. 6 Obstacle detection algorithm within sensor FOV where k is a specific number of simpler patterns within a recognised obstacle area. ϵi and Ai indicate the centroid location and area of each part. ri is the radius of obstacle's virtual circle. In case the sensor's FOV (e.g. laser, RGB-D camera, stereo camera etc.) is super-wide, the enormous obstacle's virtual circles may be created by the obstacle detection algorithm running in each robot. The size of vehicles occasionally cannot fit the narrow space of free travelling formed by two obstacle circles. To handle this issue, the radius of each obstacle's virtual circle should be limited. If the actual radius is larger than the predefined maximum value, another obstacle virtual circle is generated to cover the remaining parts of the obstacles. In our tests, the maximum radius is 70 cm. Based on the linear velocity on the x and y-axis, the scalar speed command V is achieved as follows: 4.2 Distributed obstacle avoidance control scheme with dynamic interactive topology switches V = ẋ2 + ẏ2 . (19) From our systems identification, we obtain the following transfer function for the translational speed and yaw angle: −0.15s3 + 112.9s2 + 4320.5s + 1847912.3 Δp(s) = 4 , (20) ~ s + 186.9s3 + 58740s2 + 1969445s + 39036.5 ṗ(s) ψ(s) 17.25s2 − 1018.48s + 65838.57 = 3 , ~ 2 ψ̇ (s) s + 1401.1s + 560049.64 s + 68857.54 (21) ~ where ψ and ψ̇ denote the actual yaw output and its yaw angular rate reference signal. Δp represents the movement distance while a ~ translational velocity ṗ is provided. Generally, the difference between mathematical modelling and experimental data is only 1 % and the UGV transfer functions can also be classified as SNI systems (see Fig. 5) via the definition of an SNI system. 4 Distributed obstacle and avoidance control protocol design inter-collision In the last section, we not only provide an fundamental review of the NI theory and the communication graph, but also prove the convergence of our proposed strategy through an identical example and the feasibility of using the NI stability criteria for the multivehicle formation control problem under switching topology. In this section, we propose three novel approaches: distributed obstacle detection, distributed inter-robot collision, and distributed obstacle avoidance, which means that algorithms are run in each agent instead of a GS, to address the existing problems of collision avoidance. Although in our previous work [26], the NI formation architecture was presented for only controlling an invariant formation, that architecture can also be applied to modify the robot's formation pattern over time. Therefore, we develop this theory for the purpose of solving the multi-obstacle avoiding problem based on the NI consensus-based formation control protocol. Firstly, we now select the general form of the first-order SNI consensus controllers K(s) given by Ki(s) = (25) where a > 0 is the viscous damping constant relative to ω > 0. δi points out the gain values of our controller. The transfer function in (25) gives the time constant τ = (a/ω2) and the DC gain k = (δ/ω2). Proof: Let ω > 0, δ > 0 and τ > 0, note that Ki(s) − KiT (s) = δ δ 2δs − = as + ω2 −as + ω2 a2s2 − ω4 (26) has no zeros on the imaginary axis except at possibly s = 0. It then follows from Definition 1 that the outer-loop model in (25) is an SNI controller.□ It should be noted that the higher the assigned value δ is, the faster response the system will give. If the gain increases to a sufficiently high threshold, the system can become unstable. τ and k must be adapted accordingly to drive the system back to equilibrium. Secondly, we recall the concept of the NI consensus-based formation control algorithm, employed in each robot. Considering the input–output model P(s), the recursive procedure for our method can be mathematically described as follows: 4.1 Obstacle detection approach ~ (t) It is evident that the real shape of an obstacle is often irregular in an uncertain environment. Therefore, it is challenging to compute the escape angle by using the obstacles' actual boundary as per what the traditional GOACM method does [11, 12]. To solve this issue, a virtual circle that surrounds the recognised obstruction range within the sensor's FOV (see Fig. 6) is generated. Its centroid is formulated by the geometric decomposition method (dividing the whole detected obstacle into a finite number of simpler figures). Its radius is determined by the distance from the centre point to the sensor's max view point ~ (t) 2952 δ δ/ω2 k = , 2 = as + ω a/ω2 s + 1 τs + 1 ẋL Krx(prx + xL) ẏL Kry(pry + yL) ~ (t) Kcx1(p f x1 + ΔxLF1) ẋF1 u= ~ (t) ẏF1 = Kcy1(p f y1 + ΔyLF1) ~ (t) ⋮ KcxN − 1(p f xN − 1 + ΔxLFN − 1) ~ (t) KcyN − 1(p f yN − 1 + ΔyLFN − 1) ⋮ ẋFN − 1 ẏFN − 1 , (27) IET Control Theory Appl., 2020, Vol. 14 Iss. 18, pp. 2948-2959 © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2020 xL(t) yL(t) xF(t1) yF(t1) y= = P(s)u, (28) ⋮ (t ) FN − 1 x yF(t)N − 1 where (prx, pry), (xL, yL) are the desired and actual position on the x and y directions while ( p f xi, p f yi), (ΔxLFi, ΔyLFi) is the desired and actual distance between L and F. (Krx,Kry), (Kcx, Kcy) are the SNI/NI consensus controllers of L and F as illustrated in Section 5. A time-varying formation can be achieved in a shorter time interval if (Krx, Kry), (Kcx, Kcy) are assigned with higher values. prx Δt(prx + xL) pry Δt(pry + yL) Krx Kry p f xi Kcxi K= Kcyi = ⋮ Kcxn − 1 Δt(p f xi + ΔxLFi p f yi , (29) Δt(p f yi + ΔyLFi p f xN − 1 Kcyn − 1 Δt(p f xN − 1 + ΔxLFN − 1 p f yN − 1 Fig. 7 Formation variation for three UGVs from a triangular pattern to a line-column one to avoid multiple obstacles using NI obstacle avoidance strategy Δt(p f yN − 1 + ΔyLFN − 1 where Δt is the desired time interval to transform a former formation pattern to the new one. When the spacing between two obstacles is less than that of two robots and larger than that of one robot, the only way for the robots to pass through the obstacles is to change their formation shape. Thus, we outline a novel network topology switching strategy, which guides all robots to autonomously re-arrange into a line formation before passing through tightly spaced obstacles. This strategy can be regarded as a process of automatically redefining the robots' role via the relative distance between the robots location and its destination as well as between L and F, and then moving to the corresponding position in a known formation. These role computations take place inside the UAV's built-in computer once a potential collision with obstacles is detected. When this task is accomplished, identification (ID) numbers that stipulate the title of each UGV in their formation are published to corresponding followers within UAV's sensor FOV. To do so, the UAV is controlled by an SNI position controller to follow the geometrical centre-point of the UGVs formation pattern. We formulate the centre-point coordinate as follows: ci = n ∑ j = 1 posi j ∀i ∈ {1..2}, n (30) where i illustrates the horizontal or vertical axis, n denotes the number of UGVs on the ground, and posi j presents the UGVs location on the x and y axes. For our application, the virtual midpoint of the connecting line m, which is linking the obstacle's centre points, is adopted to redetermine the role of each mobile robots in their formation by seeking out the smallest distance between m and robots, and to guide each robot to reach its proper position. This mode is activated while the distance from L or F to m measured in each ground vehicle is less than 1 m in front of m, and is disabled while IET Control Theory Appl., 2020, Vol. 14 Iss. 18, pp. 2948-2959 © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2020 the distance from L or F to m (Δim) is larger than 1 m behind m as illustrated in Fig. 7. Considering a multi-robot system with N agents, the queuing mode of agent i (i ∈ 1, 2, …, N) is described by quei = 1 if Δim < 1∀i ∈ {1..n}, 0 if Δim > 1∀i ∈ {1..n} . (31) When the value of que in each robot becomes 1, ID numbers are recomputed based on the distance from m to its location IDi = k if Δim < Δ jm∀i, j ∈ {1..n}&i ≠ j &k = k + 1, 0 otherwise. (32) This updated information is also known as the order reference number among followers UGV. The desired position of the rear follower UGV is always referred to the robot position in front of it with an offset distance while that of the leader on the horizontal axis is m. For example, Fig. 7 shows that there are two arrays of multiple obstacles blocking the moving path of three UGVs. Once (31) is satisfied, the UGV order adopted in the ID matrix is recomputed by comparing the distance from each robot to point m (32). In this example, they are changed from (2)-(1)-(3) into (2)-(3)-(1). As a result, all UGVs will immediately generate a new line-column formation within the desired time interval based on the NI variant formation control algorithm and the dynamic ID interaction topology. After passing obstacles' midpoint m for a distance of approximately 1 m, each UGV in this collaborative group will go back to its former position with mutual collision avoidance in their prototype formation with the original interaction topology (2)-(1)-(3). 2953 Fig. 8 Control method for distributed NI inter-vehicle collision avoidance Definition 3 [17]: The free body dynamics whose poles are at the origin and A(∞) = 0 are NI plants. The main results of Definition 3 then implies that the transfer function of the mutual collision avoidance velocity given in (40) is an NI plant containing a single integrator (having a pole at the origin). Now, an appropriate strategy must be designed to connect the three fundamental tasks: maintaining a given formation, approaching the destination, and guaranteeing collision avoidance. Based on Lemma 1, NI mutual-collision avoidance transfer functions A(s) and SNI vehicle dynamics P(s) can work and interact well together by positive connections, namely, priority weights for each task [ax; ay]. The incorporation of the two transfer functions is exactly described as 4.3 Distributed mutual collision avoidance control scheme For multi-robot formation applications, the capabilities of localisation, obstacle avoidance, inter-vehicle collision avoidance, and move-to-target action are essentially needed. Such abilities ensure that the UGVs navigate a safe path and avoid collisions with obstacles while trying to reach their goal. These fundamental functions are independently operated and not intimately connected to one another. Considering this aspect, we introduce a distributed mutual collision avoidance method between robots. In our approach, each vehicle is surrounded by a safe virtual circle, which is similar to the obstacle circle. It is assumed that a mutual collision may occur only in case one of them are executing the obstacle avoidance behaviour or in case they are generating a desired formation. While the safety margin of two robots is violated, a repulsive force Fr is created to push the robot which has a free-collision path away. This force's magnitude and direction are expressed as in Fig. 8. B1B2 = C2B1 − C2B2, (33) B1B2 = r2 − (C1C2 − C1B2), (34) B1B2 = r2 − (C1C2 − C1B2), (35) B1B2 = r2 − (C1C2 − r1), (36) Fr = krB1B2, (37) where C1 and C2 represent the two robots' virtual circles. B1, B2, C1, C2 turn out four circle intersection points between two circles centres. It is clear that the Fr decreases gradually and linearly over time when the distance B1, B2 between robots increases. Our controller for inter-robot collision avoidance can generate smooth avoiding paths without unexpected oscillations or getting stuck at some points, which was a drawback of traditional APF methods [16, 30] using the negative gradient of the repulsive potentials. According to the Newton's second law of motion, the acceleration set point for inter-vehicle collision avoidance is obtained as follows: → Fr ar = , m → ~ → ~ ar = A(s) = (38) → kr × B1B2 , m → ~ vr → B1B2 = kr , ms → → (39) (40) where m is the mass of UGV and a~ r, v~ r are the desired avoiding acceleration and velocity on the x–y planar plane. r1 and r2 are radii of robot virtual circles. kr represents the stiffness of a virtual spring used to generate the repulsive force. 2954 ~ (t) ẋL Krx[ax0, 1(prx + xL) + ax0, 2 ẋr0] ~ (t) ẏL Kry[ay0, 1(pry + yL) + ay0, 2ẏr0] ~ (t) ẋF1 ~ (t) ẏF1 Kcx1[ax1, 1ΔxLF1 + ax1, 2 ẋr1] = Kcy1[ay1, 1ΔyLF1 + ay1, 2ẏr1] ~ (t) ⋮ KcxN − 1[axN − 1, 1ΔxLFN − 1 + axN − 1, 2 ẋrN − 1] ~ (t) KcyN − 1[ayN − 1, 1ΔyLFN − 1 + ayN − 1, 2ẏrN − 1] ⋮ ẋFN − 1 ẏFN − 1 , (41) where ax0, 1, ay0, 1, …, axN − 1, 1, ayN − 1, 1 are the task priority weights, respectively. It should be pointed out that in the aforementioned works [11, 12, 16, 28, 30], only complete formation control and collision avoidance problems were considered, whereas their homogeneity and synchronisation have not fully been taken into account. By using (41), a homogeneous and synchronous consensus control protocol for all problems and an internal stability of [K(s), P(s), A(s)] are guaranteed via the NI framework. 5 Stability proof of the distributed formation control switches and inter-vehicle collision avoidance As mentioned in Sections 3 and 4.3, the stability of the distributed formation control switches and collision avoidance subjected to the communication topology can be verified through the NI internal stability criteria of [K(s), P(s), A(s)]. Since QQT and DC gain at zero frequency of P(0) have fixed values which are greater than 0, only DC gain of SNI/NI controllers K(0) at zero frequency can be tuned to achieve the stability for formation switching control. For this reason, we select the negative gain values for K(s) so that the required stability is always guaranteed. For example, regarding the UGV's velocity transfer function, their real DC gains at the zero frequency are equal to (1847912.3/39036.5) = 47.34 [1]. In addition, ℒ > 0 [2]. All SNI controllers are chosen as (−1)/(s + 1); therefore, its DC gain at the zero frequency is -1 [3]. Based on [1]–[3], the stability criteria in Lemma 2 is naturally satisfied. Additionally, a Nyquist diagram of a follower UGV along the xaxis is sketched in every sample time of our real tests. It is clear from Fig. 9 that its contour does not encircle the critical point at 1+0j, meaning that our output consensus feedback control system is globally stable via Nyquist stability criterion. The same approach can be applied to prove system stability of the other robots. 6 Computer simulations Three cases are given to illustrate the main results of our theories. The first case examines the proposed approaches in Section 6 on six boids that represent the mathematical models of six UGVs. While the second case is to present the advantages of the NI obstacle and inter-robot collision avoidance strategy based on the IET Control Theory Appl., 2020, Vol. 14 Iss. 18, pp. 2948-2959 © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2020 Fig. 9 Nyquist plots of a closed-loop UGV system showing stability under the dynamic changes in communication topology Fig. 10 Queuing behaviour of six boids via the distributed NI formation switch and inter-vehicle avoidance control with L–F switching topology formation switches with respect to APF method, the third case compares the formation tracking and obstacle avoidance performance of the proposed method with the robot switch and that with the fixed L–F structure as in [32]. 6.1 Distributed NI collision avoidance approaches Two consensus scenarios are implemented to validate the NI avoiding control response through a switching network topology and its ability to achieve and maintain a new obstacle avoidance formation, particularly a queuing one while approaching their goal point. These numerical experiments are developed in the m-file MATLAB environment containing the real UGV dynamic models and our solutions. Moreover, we use the following numerical data to implement our test: m = 1 kg, Kr = Kc = kr = −0.1, Fmaxr = 6 N, ~ V max = 2 cm/s, C1 = [−65, 50] cm, C2 = [50, −50] cm, r1 = r2 = 46 cm, rob = 35 cm, Goal = [300, 450] cm. The SNI consensus controllers are chosen as (−1)/(s + 1). The initial position and velocity of UGVs are defined by two functions: 160 (2 rand([N,2]) −1) and 0.002 (rand([N,2])−350), respectively. In Fig. 10, the simulation results for the queue behaviour of six UGVs can be seen. Throughout the first 1.98 s of the test, the distributed NI inter-robot collision avoidance approach, coupling with the NI distributed formation control protocol, is capable of self-forming a V-shaped formation without any collisions. After stabilising in 1.98 s, the obstacle avoidance strategy via the formation and communication topology switch was turned on for the remainder of the test when two arrays of obstacles ahead hinder the robots' trajectories. The formation shape of six UGVs has quickly re-arranged the robot orders. It was easily switched from a V-shaped pattern to a straight line within 2.85 s before it was successfully restored to the former shape and arrived at the destination in 5.94 s. Moreover, a hybrid method, combining the proposed NI strategy with the dynamic L–F topology and the other NI obstacle avoidance techniques, introduced in [32], is developed to generate IET Control Theory Appl., 2020, Vol. 14 Iss. 18, pp. 2948-2959 © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2020 a comprehensive and useful system for the obstacle avoidance problem in an unknown environment. As shown in Fig. 11, under the control of the hybrid method, a collaborative group of five autonomous mobile robots can safely travel to the target point [300, 450] cm within 21 s without any collisions with the eight obstacles by regulating the appropriate relative positions between mutual robots and robot-obstacle. From these results, it is evident that a better formation to overcome obstacles and evade other UGVs is achieved in a short time. More particularly, the trajectories do not have any notable oscillations, which was an unavoidable problem of some other methods. 6.2 Negative imaginary versus artificial potential field For the second case, we will demonstrate the ability of our control law to achieve and maintain different formations. These results are compared to the performance of a basic APF controller since APF is the most common method used for formation keeping and obstacle avoidance control. The values for potential functions, gains, and control law of APF are chosen to be same as the ones used in [38] while those of NI are repeated as in Simulation 1. In APF, the potential function is defined as a scalar energy field whose negative gradient is a vector field of forces. The goals are surrounded by attractive potentials, and the obstacles are endowed with repulsive potentials. The robot trajectory in the area is planned by summing the effects of the attraction force of the target and the repulsion forces of the obstacles, acting on the robot. The primary purpose behind the potential functions is to find a complete and safe path from the initial location of the robot to the final point at the same time of avoiding obstacles. Besides, to form a desired formation, some other forces were taken into account. The followers must also have a potential field and a repulsive force that keep them separated from others. Finally, friction forces are also introduced to prevent the vehicles from swinging around their goal. As can be seen in Fig. 12, although both methods are able to pass through the narrow gap between obstacles by moving into a line, the NI has considerably better performance over the APF. The vehicles controlled by APF experienced trajectory oscillations once the UGVs' formation is switched (Fig. 12a). Biswas and Kar [31] state that swings in the trajectories associated with APF have not yet been wholly cancelled out, especially in narrow passages between a cluster of obstacles. Additionally, the vehicles with APF slightly oscillate around their goal. However, the robot trajectories are smoothed out if our proposed method is applied (Fig. 12b). Furthermore, the SNI controller accomplished the formation switch within a short reaction duration of only 1.45 s, which is considerably shorter than the APF at 0.96 s. Last but not least, the NI control system also easily maintains the queuing formation whereas APF is unable to satisfactorily perform this due to its complicated computation of net force. Consequently, four positive results yield the robustness of the NI control methods and provide a suitable dynamic switching solution between various formations. 6.3 negative imaginary with the dynamic topology versus negative imaginary without the dynamic topology The parameters of the third case, such as the obstacles' radius and position, the UGV transfer functions, control gains, the goal point, are repeated as in those of the second case. Fig. 13 presents the actual trajectory outputs of the multiple UGV system, controlled by the two NI controllers along the x and y axes when crossing a thin area between the two significant obstacles and then approaching the goal point. The NI control law using the multi-robot order switches outperforms that using only the fixed-order technique since it produces less sluggish trajectories and fluctuations. This is because each robot's order is pre-determined via its relative distance to the centre point m. Consequently, the UGVs do not need to compete together to pass through the obstacles. 2955 Fig. 11 Control responses of the hybrid NI formation and obstacle avoidance controller for three different tasks: goal-reaching, formation-following and collision-avoiding implemented by five mobile robots 7 Real-time experimental tests We have conducted two indoor experiments using an AR.Drone UAV and three Pioneer UGVs to validate these results. Our indoor flight test facility included 19 VICON Motion Capture Cameras mounted on a rigid frame. Most significant parameters used in simulation were kept the same. All videos relating to the experimental tests can be viewed at the web links: https:// 7.1 Experimental apparatus Fig. 12 Performance of two comparative controllers (a) Oscillatory trajectory using APF, (b) Smoothness of the trajectory using the NI strategy with the switching topology and the collision avoidance 2956 7.1.1 Hardware/software configuration: The hardware setup used in this work consists of one UAV (AR Drone quadrotor platform), three heterogeneous UGVs (Pioneer P3-AT and P3-DX), one electrical fan and four plastic packing boxes used as obstacles. Notably, the wheels of each UGV are equipped with optical encoders to estimate the linear velocity, moving distance, and yaw angular rate. For software settings, two systems were employed for data collection and interaction protocol. All necessary data, including posture and relative position of agents and obstacles, are analysed and measured by a Vicon Motion Capture System (MCS). Discrete commands or additional data exchanges among the robots as well as those between the GS and the robots are achieved utilising the robot operating system. In order to conduct real-time experiments, it is assumed that measurement of relative positions between the leader and follower and between the robots and obstacles will be simulated using an indoor MCS. Furthermore, we simulate the relative position measuring capability of the UAV camera using our MCS to calculate relative position between the UAV and each UGV. IET Control Theory Appl., 2020, Vol. 14 Iss. 18, pp. 2948-2959 © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2020 Fig. 13 Responses of the two NI control systems (a) NI with the fixed robot orders, (b) NI with the switching topology Fig. 15 Real-time performance of the multi-vehicles control system via distributed NI time-varying formation control method and distributed L–F strategy under two different scenarios (a), (b) No wind gusts, (c) Added wind gusts 7.3 Multiple obstacles avoidance problem for multi-UGVs with UAV's assistance Fig. 14 Implementation of distributed NI inter-vehicle collision avoidance approach in two various scenarios (a) Slave 2 avoids the obstacle, Master avoid Slave2, and Slave 1 evades Master, (b) Slave 2 and Master avoid the obstacles, and Slave 1 evades Master A box fan with a maximum airflow of 5 m/s was used as a disturbance generator for all of the experiments. It is placed at a distance of 1.5 m blowing in the diagonal direction of the positive x and y axes. The fundamental parameters for these tests are as follows: m = ~ 12 kg, kr = − 0.225, V max = 12 cm/s, r1 = r2 = 90 cm, rob = 35 cm, target = [−100, 170] cm, ΔLF1 = [100,0], ΔLF2 = [−100,0]. The SNI consensus controllers are (−0.4)/(s + 1.3). 7.2 Mutual collision avoidance problem between UGVs From Fig. 14, it is apparent that our distributed solution in Section 4.3 can achieve good performance as all three UGVs can prevent inter-robot collisions in any case and safely travel to their target. IET Control Theory Appl., 2020, Vol. 14 Iss. 18, pp. 2948-2959 © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2020 Following the previous tests' success, the remaining experiments with the NI formation control method and dynamic robot network interaction were conducted without any constraints. The UAV– UGVs system is controlled to explore the two different scenarios avoiding (i) one obstacle and (ii) two blocks of multiple obstacles. As shown in Fig. 15a, there is only one obstacle obstructing the robot Slave 2's path. Applying the first strategy for the formation modification in our previous paper [32], the agents, including the three ground vehicles and one air vehicle, were able to follow a predefined trajectory and keep the desired shape of the formation since only the relative positions between the robots and the obstacles are modified. As given in Figs. 15b and c, where autonomous mobile robots must bypass a tiny space between obstacles that fit only one robot, three UGVs automatically switched their role (L or F), changed from (1) (2) (3) to (1) (2) (3) in the first figure and from (1) (2) (3) to (1) (3) (2) in the second figure, based on the relative distance from each robot to the centre point m when implementing the obstacle avoidance behaviour. Next, they moved towards their own position in a new horizontal-line formation shape before overcoming the narrow space between two arrays of obstacles and ‘The_Obstacle_2_Sphere’). (‘The_Obstacle_1_Sphere’ Additionally, Fig. 15 also introduces the use of UAV as valuable assistance for ground operators by tracking the centroid's three 2957 topology) in a pre-defined formation. As a result, UGVs are able to cross through narrow spaces between two arrays of multiple obstacles without any unexpected behaviours or physical constraints as shown in [11, 12] or any oscillations [16, 31]. Also, since the robot's formation is maintained by the relative distances between L and F as well as between robots and obstacles, instead of being achieved by global robot positions as illustrated in [7], our methods are also suitable to operate in a limited and unreliable communication environment. In future work, our SNI gains will be adapted to better cope with multiple disturbances, including both severe external and internal effects. Additionally, a leader-less control method for networked vehicles will be considered to diminish the adverse impacts of the leader loss situation. 9 [1] [2] [3] [4] Fig. 16 Trajectory tracking performance during one test in the presence of wind gusts (a) Desired and actual robot paths overtime, (b) Tracking errors UGVs formation simultaneously in the presence of wind disturbances. Although the UGVs' formation is transformed twice and the real flight test is subject to wind gust disturbance, the maximum position tracking error for all UGVs and the quadrotor UAV is ∼15 cm on all vertical and horizontal axes (see Fig. 16). This validates the robustness of NI control theory. Further, the proposed avoidance technique with the switching directed topology can perfectly combine with the strategies presented in our earlier paper [32] to improve the robots' obstacle avoiding capability in any circumstances. Overall, the trajectory responses of the SNI controller meet the goals of smoothly tracking the different formations while adapting to unknown disturbances and maintaining minimal steady-state error. Through these tests, it is noted that as long as the internal stability of [K(s), P(s), A(s)] is ensured, the NI formation control protocols using topology switches is capable of stabilising the high-order systems such as UGV or UAV, opening up a great opportunity to control the consensus of the complex dynamic models. On the other hand, many different control approaches can synchronously and effectively work together if they are designed on an NI homogeneous control architecture, such as the NI formation control and the NI collision-free solution. This strength over others is a vital contribution to the formation control with collision avoidance in future. 8 Conclusion We have demonstrated two new improvements, including an NI collision avoidance strategy and an L–F communication topology switches, to facilitate the movement of a multi-vehicle system which may face sensor constraints, obstacle and inter-robot collision, and gust disturbances in uncertain environments. Compared to the performance of conventional APF controller, we have shown that the robot trajectories generated by our SNI controller are much smoother than that of APF strategy in the same scenario. The task completion time of our SNI controller is also shorter than APF. Its superiority is achieved thanks to a quicker response and an advanced obstacle and inter-robot collision avoidance technique. 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