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“Overcome the bitterness through baked sweetness”
Kyle Alamag
Jrose Cabillo
Trina Dalde
Kirk Del Carmen
Frincese Gabriel
Nicole Gonzales
Victor Lapuz
Haydee Melosantos
Jeramy Palattao
Katherine Sazon
Background of the business
Bitter Sweet Polvoron creates and sells sweets, specifically polvoron to Jose
Rizal University students and faculty. Our polvorons are sold for 30 pesos per pack. The
pack includes 5 individually wrapped cookies and cream flavored polvorons.
Bitter Sweet Polvoron has an online page in Facebook where people can learn
about our products and order. Transaction is done through meet-ups inside the school
or through deliveries in classrooms.
Purpose of the business
Bitter Sweet Polvoron creates sweets in lined with our tag line, “Overcoming
bitterness through baked sweetness.” Our small business aims to bring joy to every
customer. We make small treats that give customers the satisfaction they want.
SWOT Analysis
People love our Special Polvoron because of the additional ingredients that we
mixed that gives a twist to the original taste of the polvoron. Our polvorons can be kept
inside the refrigerator for one week when you don’t want to eat it yet. But then, you will
see and find out that there would be no differences that will occur during that time. Our
polvoron will taste as it is because of the quality and the process on how we made
them. You can also give our polvorons to your love ones and can be shared by 2-3
person in just 1 pack.
We named our product as Bitter Sweet Polvoron because every bite of it will
surely taste good as the name itself. Also, our product will never disappoint you. We are
consistent until the end.
Our product has also a fantastic marketing strategy. We make sure that we can
sell our product with those people who ordered our product. We also made some
advertisements to purchase our product to the others.
The weakness of our business is the target market. We have limitations in our
target marget. We must sell our polvorons to JRU students and faculty only. It is hard
for us because most of us were transferee and we barely know other students even the
facilities in the campus. We also deliver our products ourselves so we have to manage
our time. But because we love what we are doing we still manage to come right in time
when we are having meet-ups and deliveries
There are opportunities for other consumer outside the JRU we can sell and
expand our product after we have completed and finished the project because many of
the orders in our Facebook page is from the outsiders so as a group, we decided to take
that opportunity to gain income. We are not just working but we are also having fun.
Other opportunities are that we can change and add more flavors to our product for
it to become more popular. Our consumer may also have the chance to pick whatever
flavors they are craving for. If our business might be successful in the future, we might
add some more items to sell for the consumer to be satisfied.
The Threats in our product is the competition between other small businesses
such as the Oreo pastillas, graham balls and bread rolls which are businesses in our
section and rice meals from other sections. All of which are also easy to sell. (We think
of ideas to create and make products which are scrumptious to everyone. We created a
kind of polvoron which cannot be forgotten by anyone even with those famous
Not all of us have a sweet- tooth so it is hard for us to convince other consumer
to buy our product. But then because of our good strategy they will still end up buying
our product.)
Marketing Strategies
Social Media
Many people around the world have and uses different social media accounts.
Teenagers and young adults use social media platforms to post updates, learn stories,
discover things and do other activities that suit their purpose. Our business mainly
utilizes Facebook, an example of a social media platform, to market our product. We
created an online page where people can learn about our product and order them. We
also post posters and videos in the page to inform our customers about our product.
Word-of-mouth Strategy
This is one of the most commonly use marketing strategy of small businesses.
We told our family and friends to like and share our page and also tell it to people they
know. We also persuaded people we know from school to patronize our product. This
proved to be one of the most important strategies because more people started to order
and avail our product after we utilized this.
The first thing we do is to cut cellophanes into equal parts. Second we put the
molded polovorons inside the fridge for about 20-30 minutes. Third, we get the
polvorons out of the fridge and then will start wrapping it individually in cellophane and
after that we will put the polvorons back to the fridge. Last step, is to put 5 pieces of
polvoron in each plastic bag with our logo and tie them with ribbons.
Each polvoron is individually wrapped in cellophane and our put inside plastic
bags that has our logo in it. The packs are tied with ribbons and our checked for any
When a customer orders in our online page in Facebook, we ask him/her when
and where he/she will get the products and deliver it on the agreed details. Bitter Sweet
Polvoron does meet-ups or deliveries inside the school premises only.
Personal Experiences
I learned that it is really hard to think of a product that you will be selling to
people, in that case you start taking risk because there is no assurance if people will
buy it. Our product is polvoron, I learned how to make it, from the very first thing to do,
the mixing of ingredients and up to the packing. At first we’ve got a little problem about
molding the polvoron because it didn’t shape well but after that we figured out that
we’ve got the wrong molding equipment.
When we make the first batch of our product we are so excited to sell it, at first
we sell it to the people we already knew but even if we already knew them we still need
to persuade them to buy our product because it about their money spending to us our
role is to make that money worth spending for. We also accept good or bad comments,
reaction or feedback of our customers, in that we are able to improve our product. I
really have a good time persuading our customers, making polvoron is really fun, while
we were having fun we didn’t notice we were also making memories, memories that I
know we will bring until we grow old, until the rest of our lives.
I also think that building a business even if it is small or big business is hard. But
they said it is all about taking risk, because if you stay in your comfort zone there will be
no progress & there will be no growth, but if you want to keep learning, to keep moving
and to keep growing then don’t be afraid to take risk. Risk going for the life you want, or
guarantee living with one you don’t want. If you’ll ask me if we succeed in our small
business? I’ll definitely say yes, because for me success is being able to do what you
love to do and learn new things while having fun. Do what you love every day, and you
will never work a day in your life.
- Kyle Alamag
In selling and creating your own product and business gives you an excitement
and accomplishment. But not with us because for me, being with your group of friends
can is much more happier,exciting and also it can be an accomplishment to you, why?
Because I know that I have a contribute with our business and it is much more happier
and exciting because I have the time with my friends. We sell our product “Bitter Sweet
In our preparation for our product,we contribute Php. 48.00 for the ingredients
and materials we needed in making a polvoron.With this amount we made a hundred of
polvorons. When we cook the ingredients of polvoron, it is hard for us because in
cooking polvoron you need to mix it again and again so that it will not get burn and to
the point that we need to change each person cooking every 20 minutes because it is
so painful in the arm. But, when the polvoron is now cook it is a relief to us. In the
preparation, it is the hardest part for me, because when you touch the polvoron in a
wrong way, the polvoron will be crashed again so that we need to be careful.Also,when
we are wrapping the polvoron in the cellpophane,it is so hard because the polvoron is
so soft that one wrong move you will repeat it again. Preparation moment is the time
when we have fun the most because sometimes we didn’t noticed that some of our
groupmates are eating the polvoron and we just laugh about it and there is a time that
when we are going home one of my groupmate take two polvorons at home without as
noticing it.Most likely, we share our page with our other friends and I’m happy that they
share it as well.we are getting feedbacks too with our customer so that we know what to
improve in our product and what to change. I learned a lot with this kind of activity, I
learned that you don’t need to be selfish for you to be happy, being contented on what
you have and enjoying what your doing is the best thing that you can do to success.
Having a business with a help of friends or even with an advice of a friend are
most likely to succeed for me because they are the one who gets feedback to the
others. Because in business you need also a good communication.Making your product
with the help of others is not that bad, but you need also to trust yourself on what you
can do. If you need help, don’t hesitate to ask with your friends or known person
because they can help you. Having a business with a help of friends or even with an
advice of a friend are most likely to succeed for me because they are the one who gets
feedback to the others. In a business, you also need a good communication.
-Julieta Rose Cabillo
I would say I am very lucky to have my members in this group. Everyone was
helping and cooperating to build this business .Although we experience hardships and
ups& downs. I am proud to say that we run this business successfully.
By making this business , We think of a product that is easy to make and
affordable to the students. The first that pops out on our mind is a dessert. We
brainstorm just to know what dessert is easy to sell to the students of Jose Rizal
University. So the final was Polvoron since the ingredients are very affordable. While
doing the Polvoron , I help Nicole and Jeramy to make the logo. We also help each
other to pack the Polvoron in order to sell the product as soon as possible.
When we are selling the Polvoron to the students, I learned how to communicate
well by answering their questions regarding to the product and receiving some feedback
from the customer. We learned how to overcome when there's some problem to out
business. Even in such a young age, we already know how to become a
businessman/woman. I know that this experience will help me in the future.
-Trina Dalde
This project was a first time experience for me. During my junior high school
years I was not able to take part in our business fairs because I was part of a quiz bee
and a national costume contest. Everything our group did, from the product making up
to the actual selling, were new to me. I learned the importance of checking the prices of
raw materials, having a systematized product making process and having different
marketing strategies.
Our group started by talking about what we should sell. Some of our ideas were
to sell t-shirts and graham balls. Both of which were not chosen because it would have
been hard to sell t-shirts and there might be groups who will sell graham balls already.
That is why we decided to sell polvorons which were easy to make and sell. I do not
have any background knowledge or skills in cooking. When we were creating the
polvorons, I was first reluctant to help in the first batch because I felt like I would ruin it
so I first observed my group mates. They mixed and filtered the ingredients. My part
came in after this, I together with some of my group mates molded the dry ingredients
inside polvoron makers and packaged them in wrappers. From this experience, I
learned that even small products require and a careful and organized process because
If not the polvorons would not stay in shape and would crumble during the packaging
process. I also realized that even these small products require a lot of effort and focus.
If you will not give your best in every detail, you will not be able to produce good quality
After the product making process, we then created our online page in Facebook
and started to market our product. This was when I fully understand why marketing is
important in a business especially to a new one. We first created digital posters to
inform the people of our product. We then messaged and told our family and friends to
like our online page and tell it to their peers. People then started to notice the page and
there was even a woman who messaged and offered a polvoron maker machine. If we
did not utilize the word-of-mouth strategy and use the art of persuasion we would not
have been able to sell a single product. I learned that if you are new in the business
world it is important to be able to reach and inform your target market of your product
before you actually sell them because people will not buy a product they do not know
anything about. Customers should always be kept informed of the products you are
selling. We posted pictures and a video of our products and future plans.
During the actual delivery and transaction, I learned small but important lessons.
Most of these revolve around being prepared. I learned that you should always have
change for big Peso bills; you should also list the number of products going out and the
revenues going in properly and that every transaction must have a receipt, a copy for
the customer and a copy for the business.
For me, the happiest part was counting the profit for each day and checking the
record of transactions. Having a copy of the receipt per transaction was really helpful in
knowing if the amount of revenues were equal to the number of products sold.
This project allowed me to have a first-hand experience in selling and marketing
products. The experience was not a smooth trip; we encountered hurdles along the
way. One of the problems we encountered was how to keep the polvorons in shape
because we did not have a polvoron maker at first. We tried freezing it and letting it sit
under normal temperature. We then searched and found out that we a polvoron maker
is really needed. Having good cooperation and a thirst for continuous improvement are
things that should always be present when making products. The mistakes we made
and the failures we encountered were the keys that led us to the doors of success.
Because of this experience, I was able to gather knowledge and learn things I know I
will be able to use and apply in future projects and activities I will do as an ABM student
in the present and as a professional in my chosen career in the future.
- Kirk Patrick F. Del Carmen
In the beginning, I expected that this group would be productive and I was not
mistaken. First is because the people in it are responsible and reliable. I like how
obedient we are every time our leader gives us a task. From the start, I am always
curious what these people can offer to our group in which I was not disappointed. Each
of us showed traits that are very helpful in making this small business a success.
The whole process was tough, the ups and downs and the difficulty of the task. I
did not expect that our polvorons would sell. First, only one of us was experienced in
making it. Then, getting our group together is also hard because of our different
schedules and some have other tasks to do. After the first batch of our products, we
gathered our customers' honest opinions and made sure that the small complaints we
had is no longer seen on the second batch that we had made.
To sum it all up, the experience I had was remarkable for me because I am glad
I am with the best group and group mates. The experience I had within the process and
the cooperation we had was great. I honestly couldn't imagine myself being on
another’s' group. It was fun and educational for me. The lessons I learned, I would
surely carry it for future purposes and the mistakes we made will be a reminder for me.
-Nicole Gonzales
Even though a piece of my contribution was only to cut the sheets of cellophane
for the wrappers and sell the actual product in the campus, but with the process
alongside of selling our product, whether the task was hard or not, the experience of
coordinating with my group mates and watching everything fall into one solid piece of
success resulting from old-fashioned hard work.
Selling the product and searching for people who are willing to buy the product
wasn’t much of a hassle since we know some people in school.
Overall, the experience gave me a fresh start on selling a product by group, like a
corporation, we are a group of people authorized to act as a single entity, united as one.
- Victor Lapuz
During the process of brainstorming about us having our own online business
was fun but not as easy as we thought it could. We are a lot, we have so much
opinions/suggestions of products that is capable of being bought by the customers and
at the same time, easy for us to make. Making a homemade delight like a Polvoron is
what we end up making then sold to our online customers. As students who are always
busy in their academics combined with being an online seller is hard.
It is very time consuming because after class, we would buy the ingredients,
prepare all the materials needed then make a delicious Polvoron. Then wait for them to
cool inside the fridge before packing them putting our own logo. And the next part is the
most tiring one, we have to wait and cope up to the costumer’s desired time of when we
can deliver our product or meet up with them. Yes, we as a group mates/sellers share
the same schedule, but our customers is way far different from ours. We have to stay
inside the school until 6:00 pm just to wait for them to finish their class and be able to
taste our Polvoron.
Hard work makes our business work. We would say that after every product being
sold, as a seller it is gives us a feeling of being satisfied. That keeps us motivated to do
more, sell more and make more money. Even though we had a hard time dealing with
our online business while staying up in school, it made us happy because we get to
experienced something we never thought we can do as a Senior High School student
and that is to sell a homemade product as a Marketing project at same time earning
money. We are looking forward to finally get our reward which will be a party thrown by
our beloved teacher, Ms. Jerlyn Sending.
From that experience, we as a team learned a lot. To being a positive thinker or
optimistic that someone will love the product we made is the key to persuade the
customers to buy a pack of Polvoron. To balance our time for studying and being
updated to our page. To manage an online business inside the campus and to market
our homemade delight that made us feel like a sales person doing a sales talk to a
student passing by, made them like our page and the most important thing is to
experience having a transaction.
- Frincese Gabriel
In this project; first, I learned how to communicate well to our consumers
because when we sold our products to them, we applied the rightful attitude for them to
know and see that we are serious about our work and that is one of the reasons why
they are coming back to buy our products. Second, I learned to make a Polvoron. With
this project I experience to cook even if it is just a simple and easy one. I really had fun
because it is a new experience to me and I’ve became proud of myself and to my
groupmates as well because of that. Third, is that I learned to cooperate with my
groupmates. I know for the fact that I am not into participating when I was in my Junior
high school stage. But because of this project I learn to share my ideas to others and
now, I know why groups make better decisions than individuals. Because of our
Teamwork we successfully finished our task as a student and a seller.
I also experience about something higher which creates a deep connection
between a us and our consumers. Instead of telling our consumers what we think they
want, Now, they are the one who tell us exactly what they want, and how, when, and
where they want to receive our product. It is a good experience for me and also for my
Groupmates because we are given a chance to prove something that we can’t do
properly in the past. For me, the main goal of this project is our experiences in selling,
team works, creativity, and the strategies that we’ll be doing in selling our product to our
consumers. This experience will serve as Guide for us in our future so that we can tell
that even in such a young age, we already experience selling like a true businessmen/
-Jeramy Palatao
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