File Edit Format MIU MAE O. MOSONES BSED 2B View PED 108 Assessment in Learning B I U PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT What is a Performance Assessment? DEFINITION Page 3 PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT WHAT IS PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT? In performance assessment, students are required to explicitly demonstrate what they know and can do through open-ended tasks such as crafting an answer, completing a project, or executing an activity as part of their educational assessment. Page 4 PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT DEFINITION Students' achievement of complex learning standards, their capacity to apply concepts acquired to solve problems, and their ability to anticipate what will happen in this presidential election can all be assessed through performance evaluation. Page 5 PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT DEFINITION Through numerous performance activities, a performance assessment entails applying and demonstrating skills and knowledge. A performance evaluation is used to promote student learning and measure the success of instructional programs. These tests assess a student's ability to apply what they've learned rather than whether or not they can recollect it. Page 6 Performance tasks must be carefully constructed so that student responses truly reflect the information and skills we are attempting to assess. Students must be able to focus on those things in order to "show what they know," therefore performance standards must be clear. CLASSROOM RULES Here are some guidelines on how to develop a performance assessment tools: Page 8 GUIDELINES IN DEVELOPING PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT TOOLS PED 108 ASSESSMENT IN LEARNING GUIDELINES Page 9 1. IDENTIFY GOALS OF THE PERFORMANCEBASED ASSESSMENT. WHAT ARE THE OUTCOMES TO BE ASSESSED? Here, will identity what are the things that he/she expects that the students could provide during and the end of the performance or task given. Page 10 2. SELECT THE APPROPRIATE COURSE STANDARDS. What are the tools that could be used that appropriately, that is applicable to the assessment? Here, the teacher will identify the appropriate course standards that could definitely help the students measure their performance during the assessment. GUIDELINES Page 11 GUIDELINES 3. REVIEW ASSESSMENTS AND IDENTIFY LEARNING GAPS. Review the previous assessments created and identify what are the lackings generated in that previous assessment. Upon identifying, create a way that those gaps will be filled during the current assessment created. Page 12 GUIDELINES 4. DESIGN THE SCENARIO. Think carefully if the task created is connected to real-life scenarios. Review all the details regarding the task to know what are the things to reconsider. IS THE TASK CONNECTED TO REAL-LIFE CONTEXT? GUIDELINES Page 13 5. CREATING A CRITERIA WHAT ARE THE CRITERIAS THAT SHOULD BE INCLUDED? Here, criterias are created by identify what are the things that should be involved and considered. This is to make sure that the criteria that was generated is connected to the performance created which could carefully assess the students' performance. Page 14 6. SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE FOUND IN CRITERIAS GUIDELINES WHAT ARE THE SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE THAT COULD BE FOUND ON EACH CRITERION? This indicates what are the abilities that could be developed and found in each criteria created. Shows how connected does performance generated to the criteria or rubrics created. File Edit Format View Thank You For Listening Do you have any questions for me? PED 108