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History mock exam on Women

Ridita Khan – History mock exam on Women
To what extent was World War II the most significant turning point in
the development of women’s rights?
Women in World War II took on a variety of roles. Some women embraced
the traditional positions of caretakers and homemakers. Others explored new
opportunities, from which women had been previously excluded. This could imply
that the Second World War was the most significant turning point in achieving
women’s rights. However, the most important turning point for women’s civil rights
was the 1960s. This is because it saw social, economic and political advancement in
their civil rights that was sustained. Earlier in the time period women had achieved
minor successes but they were not as strong as the progress made in the 1960s. This
was because of the fact the this time period saw women unite together for the first
time; which clearly had hindered their progress through the early period.
After WWII, there were changes within the family. The average of five children
per couple before 1861, had declined to three by 1920. This is because, women faced
having fewer children and looking after them better, and they also expected more of
their parents. Nonetheless, these changes were not long term. As a result, the 1960s
was clearly the most significant turning point for women’s social rights. This is
because it saw the birth and rise of new feminism. This went on to have a massive
impact on the way Americans thought. For example, during the 1960s, the pill was
introduced, which means that women were now in control of their body and their
role as a child bearer was being continually challenged. The 1973 Supreme Court
case Roe v. Wade can be seen as a significant turning point for social rights as it
legalised abortion across the USA. However, this was not as important due to the fact
that this case more so than the 1960s initiated a backlash to feminism, which
impeded women’s rights. Books such as “Power of the Positive Women” were
published in reaction to the Roe v. Wade case, which repackaged “separate spheres”
for women, hindering women’s social rights. Therefore, the 1960s was the most
important turning point for woman’s civil rights as it changed their role in society in
America forever. Women were no longer seen as child beaters by the majority of the
population, but as professional equals in control of their body. Furthermore,
women’s own attitudes had changed, many no longer wished to be servants to men,
but as just another worker, another brick in the wall, proving that WWII was not as
significant as implied.
As far as economic rights are concerned the 1960s was the most important
turning point as there was a 6% rise in female workers. Although this seems a small
rise, it was significant considering what had gone on before in the 19th century.
Economic advancement picked up for women during World War 2. America only
joined World War 1 in the closing stages so women had got a foothold in their jobs,
and not as many jobs had been available. During World War 2 America joined earlier
and so women were able to keep jobs post-1954. 75% of women who worked
towards the war effort remained in employment once the war ended. This was a
considerable turning point as it meant that women were getting closer and closer to
making up 50% of the workforce. This was limited as a turning point however,
Ridita Khan – History mock exam on Women
because women still faced severe wage discrimination, some women were even laid
off to make room for men. Also the idea of separate spheres was still prevalent in
American society. Most importantly though, unlike the 1960s, World War 2 did not
make a change in government attitudes. The G.I. Bill of Rights was only open to men,
which shows that the government still held the view that women and men occupied
two separate spheres. However, the EPA was as introduced in 1964, along with the
CRA. This ensures that women achieved equal pay for equal work. Additionally, by
the 1960s twice as many were working than in the 1940s. Also, with the introduction
of the CRA and EPA, African American women achieved de Jure equal status in the
workplace. The economic progression continued beyond the 1960s, unlike the 20s,
which proves the significance of the 1960s compared to the Importance of World
War 2 in the development of women’s rights.
At first look it appears that the 1920 19th amendment is the most important
political turning point as it gave women the vote. However, it’s significance is limited
as women tended to vote the same way as their husbands. Also, working class
women were struggling to get by and so had little time to get politically involved.
There is little evidence to suggest that the vote was used to promote significant
change for women. Furthermore, women failed to make substantial change. This
shows that the 1920s as a political turning point was not as significant. The repealing
is the 18th amendment showed women’s power as a political force. This can be
considered a turning point as it proved women’s vital presence in society. However,
the women did not campaign to advance women’s rights, instead they focused
mainly on a domestic issue, thus cementing the theory of separate spheres.
Additionally, unlike the 1960s, women continued to remain split. For that reason, the
1960s can be considered a turning point as women increased their campaigns. The
reaction of women to the limitations of Kennedy’s actions is largely what makes this
period of time so significant, where radical feminists; mostly young, educated
women, began to campaign more forcefully for women’s rights. Furthermore, many
organisations and campaigns were set up, inspired by the increasing number of
feminists books such as “The Feminine Mystique” by Betty Friedan. In 1966, Friedan
and other activists founded the pressure group “National Organisation for Women”.
They were very active in protest, using methods such as lobbying members of the US
Senate and filing lawsuits against discrimination. However, the 1960s was not a
strong turning point as despite an increase in radical feminist, women in general had
still not gained a strong position in politics, by 1969 women made up 2% of congress.
Consequently, it is fair to argue that as far as political rights are concerned there
were no clear turning points, instead, Women’s rights progressed slowly. For
example, even after the NWPC in 1971, women will only held 17% of Congress seats
in 1992. This suggests that women’s political rights never went through a sudden
change, but continually progressed between 1920 and 1992.
To conclude, women campaigned for a variety of changes throughout the
period and their most conspicuous political success was gaining the right to vote in
1920. The effects of the two world wars on women were dramatic, but many of the
Ridita Khan – History mock exam on Women
changes, both social and economic did not last. There were two significant period of
activism among women in the period. The first was the suffrage movement and it’s
allied campaigns from 1869 to 1919 and the second was the feminism movement in
the 1960s and 1970s. Both had significant achievements, although the amendment
to the constitution ratified in 1920 was not achieved by the feminists of the 1970s
and 1980a, but by the Roe v. Wade decisions, the result of a determined woman
supported by female lawyers being symbolic of a change in attitude towards women
and their rights.