g]kfn gful/s p•og k|flws/0f k|fljlws ;]jf, Po/jlb{g]z ;d"x, ;ftff}+} tx, al/i7 clws[t kbsf] gd'gf k|Zgkq kq M k|yd -j:t'ut jx'pQ/_ ;do M ! 306f #) ldg]6 ljifo M;fdfGo 1fg, af}l¢s k/LIf0f, Joj:yfkg / ;]jf ;DjGwL k"0ff{Í !)) General Knowledge (25×1) ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( !) !! g]kfnsf] /fli6«o em08fsf] tNnf] efudf x'g] ;]tf] cfsf/sf] ;"o{df slt j6f sf]0f x'G5g\ < A. * B.!) C. !@ D. !$ 8fogf]df] (Dynamo) n] s] sfd u5{ < A. tfk phf{nfO{ ljw'lto phf{df abN5 B. d]sflgsn phf{nfO{ ljw'lto phf{df abN5 C. r'Dalso ph{fnfO{ ljw'lto phf{dff abN5 D. s]ldsn phf{nfO{ ljw'lto phf{df abN5 Joj:yflksf ;+;bsf] lgjf{rgdf dtbfg ug{ slt jif{ k"/f ePsf] x'g'kb{5 < A. !^ jif{ B !* jif{ C @! jif{ D @% jif{ O/fssf] k'/fgf] gfd s] xf] < A hGhLjf/ B /f]8]l;of C sDk'lrof D d];f]k]6fldof cf]hg tx IfoLs/0f ug{ s'g Uof;sf] e"ldsf 5 < A Snf]/f]kmf]/f]sfj{g B sfj{gdgf] cS;fO8 C sfj{g8fO cS;fO8 D ds{l/s cS;fO8 lk|mSjG;L s] df gflkG5 < A PDkfo/ B xh{ B j]e D x;{kfj/ k|ltlnlk clwsf/ ;DjlGw sfo{ lhDd]jf/L s'g dGqfno cGt{ut kb{5 < A e"ld ;'wf/ tyf Joj:yf dGqfno B u[x dGqfno C lzIff dGqfno D ;+:s[lt ko{6g tyf gful/s p88\og dGqfno /fli6«o hgu0fgf @)^* cg'';f/ g]kfnsf] hg3gTj -k|lt ju{ ls=dL_ slt 5 < A !%& hgf B !*) hgf C @)! hgf D @!! hgf h'kmfn ljdfg:yn s'g lhNnfdf k5{ < A 8f]Nkf B x'Dnf C hfh/sf]6 D ?s'd Bay of Bangle initiative for Multi-sectoral Technical and Economic Co-operation ( BIMSTEC) ;lrjfno s'g b]zdf 5 < A yfONof08ssf] a}ss B ef/tsf] d'DaO{ C a+unfb]zsf] 9fsf D Dofgdf/sf] ofËu'g k[YjLgf/fo0f zfxsf] hGd slxn] ePsf] lyof] < A lj=;+= !&*) k'; @& B lj=;+= !&&( k'; @& C lj=;+= !&(( k'; @& D lj=;+= !*)! k'; @& sf] !@ !# !$ !% !^ !& !* !( @) @! @@ @# OZj/k'/ gu/kflnsf s'g lhNnfdf k5{ < A wg'iff B l;Gw'nL C ;Kt/L D ;nf{xL /fd;f/ dxf;lGw slxn] b]lv nfu" eof] < A !(&$ l8;]Dj/ @! B !(&% l8;]Dj/ @! C !(&^ l8;]Da/ @! D !(&& l8;]Da/ @! g]kfnsf] jt{dfg ;+ljwfgdf sltj6f df}lns xsx?sf] Joj:yf u/]sf] 5 < A @% j6f B @& j6f C @( j6f D #! j6f nlntk'/sf] vf]sgf b]lv af/fsf] lghu9;Ddsf] kmf:6 6«ofssf] nDafO{ slt 5 < A &% lsnf]ld6/ B &^ lsnf]ld6/ C && lsnf]ld6/ D &* lsnf]ld6/ g]kfn ;/sf/n] jfo' k|b'if0f lgoGq0f ug{ ;jf/L ;fwgdf xfn s'g cGt/f{li6«o dfkb08 nfu" u/]sf] 5 < A o'/f] ! B o'/f] @ C o'/f] # D o'/f] $ g]kfn c+u]|h lar # dfr{ !*!^ df ;DkGg ;'uf}nL ;GwLdf g]kfnsf tkm{af6 x:tfIf/ ug{] /fhf sf] lyP < A /0f axfb'/ zfx B lujf{0f o'4 ljqmd zfx C /fh]Gb| ljqmd zfx D ;'/]Gb| ljqmd zfx SAARC Tourism YEAR slxn] dgfOPsf] lyof] < A ;g\ @))% B=;g\ @))& C ;g\ @)!! D ;g\ @)!@ g]kfn ICAO sf] ;b:o slxn] b]lv ePsf] xf] < A @( h'nfO{ !(^) B @( h'nfO{ !(^% C @( h'nfO{ !(^^ D @( h'nfO{ !(&% ljqmd afaf kljq tLy{:yn s'g lhNnfdf kb{5 < A lrtjg B /f]Nkf C dxf]Q/L D ;'v]{t g]kfnsf] klxnf] k~rjlif{o of]hgfsf] s'n vr{ ug{] nIo slt lyof] < A @# s?f]8 B ## s/f]8 C #@ s/f]8 D ^) s/f]8 g]=gf=p=k|f= sd{rf/Lx?sf] ;]jfsf zt{ / ;'ljwf ;DaGwL lgodfjnL, @)%^ cg';f/ cfr/0f ;DalGw s'/f a/fa/ pn+3g u/]df s] ;hfoF x'G5 < A r]tfjgL lbg] B gl;xt lbg] C a9'jf /f]Ssf ug{] D ;]jfaf6 x6fpg] afx|f} blIf0f PlzofnL v]n -;fu @)!^, ef/t_ df g]kfnn] s'g v]ndf kbs lht]sf] lyPg < A t]SjfGbf] B km'6an C h'8f] D wg'jf0f @$ @% u|]6 lxdfnog 6«]n s] ;Fu ;DjlGwt 5 < A hl8a'6L lgof{t ug{ B /]ndfu{ C kbdfu{ D lxd /]vfsf] ;dfgfGt/ /]vf clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]usf klxnf k|d'v cfo'Qmsf] lyP < A /fwf/d0f pkfWofo B eujlt k|;fb l;+x C clg?b| k|;fb l;+x D ;'o{gfy pkfWofo Sample Questions of Aptitude Test (10×1) Verbal reasoning 1. 'Reading' is related to 'Knowledge' in the same way as' Work' is related to : A. Money B. Engagement C. Employment D. Experience 2. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. If the TABLE is coded as UACMET in a certain language, then how is CAPSULE written in that code? A. BAORUKE B. DAQTUME C. BAQRUKE D. DAOTUME 4. Choose the word which is different from the rest. A. Anger B. Anxiety C. Feeling 5. D. Joy Find out the alternative which will replace the question mark. A. E B. N C. O D. T Non-Verbal reasoning 6. Which figure should replace the question mark? ? A 7. B C D What is the total number of triangles in the below grid? A. 22 B. 23 C. 26 D. 27 8. Choose the figure which is different from the rest. A 9. C D What is missing number? E B G D C A B B O B N ? A. H 10. B B. T C. K D. E Which is the correct image from the given four images? A B C D Management (15×1) 1. Who is the founder of POSDCORB ? A. Luther Gulic C. Widro Wilson B. Petter Druck D. Max Weber 2. Who found the X,Y motivational theory ? A. Doglus MC Gragor B. Abrahm Maslow C. Widro Wilson D. Max Weber 3. ……………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………….. 15. ……………………………………………………………………….. Service related (50×1) 51 An aircraft with two engines in flight checked 42 DME fix at time 0504 UTC and checked another fix at 67 DME at time 0514 UTC. What is the groundspeed of aircraft if prevailing wind gives 10 knots of headwind? A. 140 K B. 150 K C. 160 K D. 175 K 53 How can an airplane produce the same lift in ground effect as when out of ground effect? A. Lowering the angle of attack B. making the same angle of attack C. increasing the angle of attack D. climb power to maintain VX 54 Which is the most desirable type of stability for an aircraft to possess? A. neutral static stability B. positive static stability C. neutral dynamic stability D. positive dynamic stability 55 if you are 30 miles from a VOR station and the CDI is deflected two dots from centre approximately how far are you from your detected radial ? A. 1 m B. 2 nm C. 4 nm D. 6 nnm 56 In addition to a lifting action what ate two other conditions necessary for thunderstorm formation ? A. stable condition and high moisture B. unstable condition and high moisture content C. stable condition and low atmospheric pressure D. unstable condition and low atmospheric pressure 57 58 ………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………. 100 The End g]kfn gful/s p•og k|flws/0f k|fljlws ;]jf, Po/jlb{g]z ;d"x, ;ftf}+} tx, al/i7 clws[t kbsf] gd'gf k|Zgkq kq M låtLo kq ;do M # 306f ljifo M ;]jf ;DjGwL k"0ff{Í !)) Section A 50 Marks 1 2 3 What is Vmcg? 5 ……………………………………………………………. ? 5 CFIT ( Controlled Flight Into Terrain ) natured accidents have taken place in our country in each subsequent year and is a threat for Nepalese aviation sector. What preventive measures do you suggest, necessary to be adopted by two units: i) Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal. 5 ii) Air Service operator (Airline). 5 4 Explain stall and the factors affecting stall. 10 5 What are the four components of Safety Management System? 10 6 How are clouds classified ? Which are the basic two types of clouds? Explain with short description. 10 Section B 50 Marks 7 8 What is a PAPI and explain briefly how it functions? …………………………………………………… ? 9 What are the important function of the use of lubricating oil into an engine of airplane? 10 What is spin? Explain the procedure in flight, through which a lighter airplane may be brought out of spin? 10 …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ? 10 …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ? 10 11 12 5 5 10